Easier Then He Thought

Published on Mar 18, 2011



"Enjoying the smell?" Travis stood at the doorway smiling.

Clay blushed. He had a jockstrap in his hand and was inhaling the aroma that he hoped would stimulate him.

"Just uh checking to see if it's clean" he stammered.

"Right" Travis said "Want to see if mine's clean too?"

Clay didn't know what to say seeing Travis pull his shorts down. The jockstrap pouch bulged.

"That one is too big for you, who's is it?" Travis pulled his shorts off and walked into Clay's bedroom, closing the door behind him and pushing the bolt.

"Uh oh yea, I guess I took it by mistake from gym" Clay didn't know what was happening. He often inhaled jocks he found to stimulate himself more then usual.

"Shit guy it's ok, gets me goin too" Travis peeled his shirt off. His defined chest offset the gold bars that rested in each nipple.

"When did you do that?" Clay asked reaching to touch one of the metal bars.

"Last summer. You only saw them now? Hell what have you been looking at in the locker room?"

"I uh, just didn't notice. Did it hurt?"

"Yea got me hard as hell too. The guy just laughed at me and tugged on my boner"

"He did that?"

Travis cupped his jockstrap pouch. "Yea made me cum too"

"Shit" Clay could see his friend's pouch was growing.

"I uh get hard in the locker room" He confessed "don't know why"

"Yea I know, everyone knows" Travis let Clay finger his pierced nipple. It felt good and added to his hardening penis.

"Everyone? Crap"

"Hell man everyone gets em, especially there. All that exercise, aromas, guys running around bareass, dicks, butts, hell man, don't you see the boners around you?"

Travis stepped close and cupped Clay's crotch.

Clay jumped. He and Travis had shared masturbations before, but never touching each other.

"Yea I guess, more embarrassed about my own I guess" Clay closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of Travis hand on his expanding crotch.

"You gotta relax, let it happen" he rubbed Clay's cloth covered cock "You never know what can happen that way."

Clay moved his hand to Travis jock and felt the boy's hardness. "Shit you're hard as hell"

"So are you I think" Travis unzipped Clay's fly and jammed his hand inside to retrieve his friends bone hard dick. "Yea thought so"

He began to stroke it. "Go ahead" he urged

Clay lifted the elastic pouch and held his friends cock. It sent a thrill through him that nearly made him cum at first touch.

"So whose jock is that anyway" Travis had rested his head on Clay's shoulder as he stroked and got stroked.

"Mavis" Clay admitted "Huge"

"Yea, I know. And he knows how to use it" Travis chuckled "took me a week to recover. You like him too?"

Clay amidst the pre orgasmic trance admitted more then he dared to even to Travis "Yea, he's hot"

"Hell next time just hang out till everyone's gone and go into the back of the equipment room. You'll get more then you bargain for"

Clay heard but didn't respond. He was breathing deep and hard. "Oh shit" he said just before his body spit out the load that his inhaling and Travis' hand caused.

"Shit kid all over me" Travis said "my turn better move..." he didn't finish the statement as his body bucked and hips thrust the air as his own jism spilled out onto the floor and Clay's legs.

"Wow" Clay said "you got allot more this time"

"Better then doing it ourselves huh?" Travis said pulling his jockstrap off completely. "Shower?"

Clay unbuckled his shorts and let them drop. "Yea we can do it again there"

The hot spray chased each boy's spilled sperm away as their soapy hands resumed exploring each other. Travis finger moved inside Clay's butt as he stroked him.

"Wait wait" Clay said but Travis ignored him taking his friend to another peak of pleasure.

"Your turn" Clay imitated Travis until the boy's body spilled his second load of cum.

"God we should have done this years ago instead of just you know laying there" Travis said as the two sat on Clay's bed.

"That was fun though" Clay said moving his bare thigh against Travis as he had done many times during their youthful jack off sessions. "So what did you and Mavis do?"

"Fucked me" Travis said casually.

"You mean like...fags?" Clay was surprised to hear his friend admit this.

"Like horny guys" Travis said "and based on how you reacted, I know you'd like it too, especially Mavis. His cock is long"

"Fucked you?" Clay asked again

"Yes, took his time, made me cum too. My ass was raw for a week. Strange how you feel it even afterwards. I guess it stretched you know inside" Travis "Want me to show you?" He touched Clay's hardening cock.

"Maybe, I guess we can see if it uh you know works" Clay said thinking about Mavis's long dick swinging back and forth as he walked naked in the locker room.

The image of the boy's wet Speedos, his cock lying across his belly encouraged his growing dick. "Shit" he thought.

"OK I've wanted to fuck your ass since we were kids" Travis began stroking his cock.

"Want me to help?" Clay moved to his knees.

Travis was surprised to see his naked friend in front of him, mouth open and tongue outstretched.

"Didn't know you were into that" Travis felt Clay's warm lips surround his cock. All those teenage years of jacking off with him seemed tame now.

They were in college now; still feeling as young as they were in high school, even hornier if that was possible.

"OK you got me hard get up here" Travis' chest was heaving. He was anxious to do what he fantasized about doing for sometime.

"It's gonna take time, I've cum twice already"

"Go for it bitch, fuck my ass" Clay said in a gravely voice.

The cock didn't just slowly enter him, it moved in like it was used to being there, deep and seeking the ultimate destination.

Clay yelped.

Travis didn't respond but began to fuck the boy as soon as his hairy crotch felt the boy's taint.

"Shit shit shit" Clay said enduring the pain of his sphincter being suddenly stretched. Travis continued until he heard Clay's exclamations change to "yea fuck me fuck me man"

And then he turned his friend to his side and lifted a leg.

Clay liked being handled, moved around and didn't mind showing his enjoyment of his first fuck. He trusted Travis, more then that he loved his best friend.

They had learned about life together, complained, and shared confidences, moods and discoveries. They watched each other orgasm many times, wrestled naked and hard, learn how to play ball and looked through nude magazines side by side.

"Fuck me harder man" Clay heard himself say. It was as if somewhere inside him, a different person knew what he needed.

Travis moved again, supporting his friend's legs on his chest. He looked down at the naked boy as he pushed his cock in his anal cavity. He moved his chest to rub one pierced nipple against the boy's leg. It sent pangs of pleasure through him as he fucked the kid.

"You're gonna hurt forever" he threatened not holding back from each hard thrust. "What do you want?" Mavis looked up from where he was sitting.

"Dunno" Travis said "Maybe some of that"

Mavis held his long cock in his hand. There weren't any sounds in the room. Everyone had left except him. As usually Mavis moved to the rear gate that went into the equipment room. Guys went there to jack off. It was something he learned when only a freshman.

Sometimes they'd be alone, sometimes there would be another guy to help you and sometimes the dick play got creative with several naked guys.

"Suck it" Mavis said "if you want or I can fuck that cute ass"

Travis knelt. He knew what his body needed. Licking the long cock he was getting more and more excited. He had thought about what he wanted for sometime. He had used items he found to jam into him while jacking off. He even chanced the approach of an older man, a stranger and felt his ass implanted that first time in the man's car.

"Fuck me" he said moving his head back from the cock that had ridden in and out of the tight grasp his lips offered.

"Fine by me" Travis lay across a pile of shoulder supports from the football team. He felt Mavis' hands pull his shorts down and spread his buttocks.

"This is gonna hurt" Mavis said

There was a pang of pain but it didn't last. The long flesh tube thrilled him as it moved through his bowels.

"God fuck me man" Travis said reaching under him to grasp his cock.

"You cum?" Clay asked looking down at Travis cock which pulled out of him.

"Yea" Travis panted.

"Put it back in" Clay pleaded his cock bouncing "wanna do it"

Travis obliged shoving his cock back inside Clay's dilated asshole before it softened completely. He grabbed Clay's cock and jacked. Clay threw his head back as his third and explosive orgasm made him scream.

"Shit kid you like being fucked too" Travis said.

Clay couldn't speak. He was exhausted and surprised at his own body's reaction to Travis cock. Maybe it was because it was Travis.

"I can't wait till Mavis gets in you, you're gonna go nuts, even more" Travis said "I need a shower"

"Shit man, you came while I fucked your hot ass" Mavis proclaimed "never saw a guy do that before"

"Yea do it all the time" Travis admitted "been fucked before"

"I could tell, want to get a shower?"

"We better" Travis said walking naked with Mavis.

He patted Travis butt as they walked. "You know I'd love to fuck your friend, Clay. He's got a cute ass too."

"Can I watch?" Travis asked.

"Hell I can fuck you both"

"Sounds hot, but I'll have to find a way to convince him. Clay's a bit uh naive."

"I've seen the way he looks at me, I don't think it will be as difficult as you think" Mavis turned on the hot spray.

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