Earning a killers trust

By moc.liamg@1000tlohretep

Published on Aug 3, 2023



Earning a killers Trust

The story of a killer and two boys from Brighton.

Jake smiled at Peter and handed him the 400 pounds. Peter thanked him and turned to open the door of the hotel suite.

"See you soon again maybe?" asked Peter

"Yes , soon" said Jack.

The boy turned left and made his way to the elevators.

Jack had fucked the boy for the last three hours. It was good sex. They both got what they wanted. It was the second time Jack had met up with Peter. The first time Jack had seen him waiting tables in a Brighton restaurant. They had got talking and by chance they saw each other again later that evening in the gay bar.

Like most students Peter was hard pressed to make ends meet. With 9K a year university fees, books and lodging his grant was not enough and working at tables made far too little. Peter did some casual escorting now and again when the chance came by. He was gay and he thought if he fancied the guy then why not. Jack was 40 but built like a brick shit house. Peter was only 19 but it was clear they had a connection. Peter liked being dominated and Jack liked dominating.

This was the second time only 4 weeks after the first and Peter had readily agreed when Jack rang. On both occasions Jack had pummelled the boy's young arse. Peter was extremely pretty with blue eyes and blond hair. He did weights, swam and ran so he was in good shape.

Jack on the other hand was muscled even for 40. He was ex army and a killer. He had several tours of Afghanistan, Syria and a dozen unsavoury places around the world. He had gained many scars for his troubles and Peter was shocked by the damage to his body. Probably the worst damage was the scars left by whipping during interrogation.

Jack went into the army when he was 18. It followed the tragic death of his parents in a car accident, His father was a multi millionaire property agent and a future was guaranteed for Jack. However he was angry at the world and joined the army to work out some aggression. He turned out to be very good and aged 20 he was part of special operations sent all over the world. Within a couple of years he was team leader and could claim over 150 kills in the good name of his country. On one occasion he even got himself captured on purpose to be brought into the Taliban camp. From there he could overcome his captives and work outwards. He justified that it was much easier to work like a trojan horse.

The Generals began to worry about the image of the unit and that they were getting too bloody thirsty. Killing for the sake of killing. Jake was moved to black ops. This was a smaller unit of dedicated killers. Nothing of their success ever made the media. Additionally nothing of their failings did either. When men went into war and put their lives on the line, stress played a big part. During these times some soldiers turned to rape as a way of sexual relief. Jake was no different but he favoured young men and rarely girls. He found a technique of holding the jugular vein to make his boy faint and then within a few seconds enter the boy from the rear. Jack was so stressed and came so quickly that the whole thing lasted no more than a minute. He usually twisted the boy's neck causing death and then shot him in the rear of the head. It was brutal.

He tried to make himself more human and visited large towns to buy young prostitutes for an hour. These he did not kill. He never considered entering into any sort of relationship.

Now at the age of 40 and with many battle scars he had left the black ops unit and become a one man problem solver. He existed not on any file and although paid by the MOD he appeared on no tax forms. He was truly black ops. He was known as the problem solver to just four men who could call upon him from Whitehall.

And so it was this night that Jack sought sexual relief and for the first time ever he used the same boy twice. The boy was very pretty, did as Jack needed and was funny. It was win-win. Jack smiled, turned to the bedroom and walked into the shower to remove the smell of cum and sex.

20 minutes later he was in bed flicking through the TV channels. He was asleep 30 minutes later.

Jack had a newly built ranch in the foothills of the South Downs overlooking Brighton. He also kept a flat to himself as a safe house in one of his properties on the Sea front, However when he needed gratification and anonymity he rented a hotel room for the night and paid cash.

The next morning Jack checked out and returned to his ranch to see what the day would bring.

His task was as a problem solver for the British government. Most of this time this meant extermination on British soil. These were the cases in which a quick solution was needed but there could be no hint of an extermination. The most suitable result was that the victim just disappeared. It was easy to kill. To make sure the body never re-appeared required more planning.

Come Monday Jack found in his Inbox papers regarding two Pakistani men who had just got off a high court case of the murder and sexual misuse of two 14 year old girls. Jack read the dossier. It said "disappear". The two men lived in Bradford and so he would have to journey North for a few days.

The men had decided to get out of the reach of the media and rented an outhouse of a farm using a local renting website. Getting them out of the city made it much easier for Jake to do his job. He preferred not to shoot or use knives since this could leave blood for DNA analysis. He preferred to immobilise them and then break their necks. After this he used their own car to drive 5km into the hills and bury them on the moor. A suitable hole could be dug within an hour's hard work. He would deliver the car back and then trek away to the 10 miles to his own car across the moor.

For this work of 7 days he was paid 100,0000 plus expenses. He did not really need the money. Two weeks later the media reported "Bradford two missing". The police did not try too hard to find them! The case was quickly closed.

Jake went back to working on his ranch. He was putting in additional fences all the way round which amounted to 2 miles of fencing in all.

A week went by and it was Friday afternoon. He fancied a break and his mind went to seeing Peter once more. He sent an SMS.

"Are you free Saturday evening?"

The response came quickly.

"Sure thing. We will be on the beach all afternoon. Beach volley with the boys. "

Jack booked the hotel for Saturday evening.

On Saturday Jack checked in at 2pm and was down by the beach by 3pm. He found 8 young bronzed pretty trimmed shirtless boys playing beach volleyball. Peter spotted Jack sitting at the cafe on the beach and ran over to greet him.

"Come and join us?" said Peter.

"No thanks" said Jack. "I have some shopping to do. See you at the club at 7pm?"

"Sure thing" said Peter.

Peter turned back to the game wiggling his backside as he jogged. He knew Jack was watching.

Jack did his shopping and having showed and had some food arrived at the club at 6.45. He was punctual. He put himself with a good view of all exists. Just a habit from his army days. 7pm came and went. At 7.30 Jack ordered a second beer and made light conversation with some of the boys. One of them was obviously looking for an easy way to make some cash and another was selling drugs. By 7.45 he was seriously thinking of going. He was disappointed at Peter. Jack thought he was reliable. Just at that moment Peter walked in through the entrance. At a second glance Jack saw that it was not Peter but a very close copy of him. Jack then recognized him as one of the boys on the beach playing volleyball.

"Jack?" asked the boy.

"Yes" said Jack looking the boy up and done. The boy was almost a clone of Peter. Same hair, eyes, build high cheekbones giving him a majestic look.

"I am afraid Peter won't be able to make it. He is very sorry"

"That's a shame" said Jack.

"He asked me to suggest that if you wanted to then I could take his place"

Jack looked up into the boys eyes

"That's if you like me?" said the boy.

The boy looked down in embarrassment. Jack could see tears running down his cheeks.

Jack took one hand and lifted the boys chin up

"What's wrong? Whats happened?" said Jack

The boy was silent.

"Well he is in hospital for a while. He is very sorry. It wasn't his fault."

"What happened?" insisted Jack.

The boy tears ran even more down his cheeks and eventually he said "he got beaten up by some thugs"

"Come and sit down," said Jack.


"They are just the town thugs. They go after a lot of students trying to get us to buy and sell drugs. This time they wanted Peter do do some pimping for some of their clients but he refused."

"How bad is he?" said Jack.

"Punctured lung and three broken ribs"

"Pretty bad then" said Jack. "Are his parents coming?" Have the police been called?"

"His parents are dead and so are mine. The police have been there but they do nothing and if he presses charges it will only get worse in a few weeks time"

"Let's go so him," said Jack.

Jack got up, took the boy's arm and marched him out of the pub. They hailed a taxi and took the short ride to Brighton hospital. On the way Jack asked the boy's name which was Adam. He was one of the boys on the beach this afternoon.

Adam led the way to the intensive ward. Peter was awake and sedated but not totally out of it. He recognised Jack and Peter.

"I am sorry Jack" he said

"Don't be silly" said Jack "Not your fault"

Jack took his hand. Peter said "Adam will take my place tonight if you like"

"Don't worry about that" said Jack.

The doctor came and they were asked to leave. Peter would have to undergo an operation to fix the internal damage.

They sat in the waiting room.

"Tell me about this," demanded Jack.

"Well there are three of them in town. East European I think. They run drugs, protection, girls and boys. We just refused to have anything to do with it. It is the second time Peter has been attacked and this time it's really bad."

They fell silent for a while. Jack was thinking. The first thing was to ensure Peter's safety. There was no police presence and the thugs could come back at any time to make sure he would not talk.

Jack could not quite work out why he was concerned. After all he had met this boy twice before and he was a simple hooker.

Jack made a phone call. An hour later another guy turned up. Jack and Dave talked for a couple of minutes and went over to see the nursing staff.

"Dave is going to stay here whilst we are gone to look after Peter" said Jack.

"Is he still in danger?" said Adam

"Maybe" replied Jack

Dave and Jack shook hands. Dave said "don't hurry back. I get in touch with a couple of the other guys until you get things sorted"

Jack thanked him and they left the hospital.

"Where are we going?" said Adam

"Well we need to pick up some of Peter's clothes, he might be here for a few days.

They took a taxi to the address Adam gave. The door was open. Walking in they could see the place was trashed. Nothing was stolen it seemed. There was not much to steal.

That did it for Jack.

Pack a bag for Peter and a bag for yourself. You cannot stay here tonight. You are coming with me. No point in going back to the hospital now. We need some rest. Peter is being guarded and I need to do some research.

They took the taxi to the hotel and went quickly up to the room.

Adam said in a chair began to shake and cry without control.

Jack stood him up and held him tight.

"It will be ok" he said.

Jack poured the boy a large whisky. It hit the back of the throat and he managed to regain control.

"Now get into the shower and after that let's get some rest."

"Do you want me tonight?" asked Adam

"Well you are very pretty but I don't think you are quite in the mood tonight. Lets get this sorted first"

Adam got into the shower and then dumped into the bed. Jack got onto his laptop and started making some emails.

"Request information on East european drugs, protection and prostitution in Brighton and the south coast in general"

Jack had a shower and got into bed beside Adam.

Adam rolled over and put his arm over Jack. Adam was asleep.

Jack smiled. For the first time he was in bed with a boy who was actually asleep. More than that it could be said he was cuddling with the boy. "That's a first," he thought.

Morning came and Jack was awake at 6am. He made coffee and opened the laptop. The wheels of power had been turning during the night and he was amazed at the message. They had sent 10 profiles. 3 in Brighton, 4 in Portsmouth and 3 in Southampton. All major student towns.

Even more surprised he was "Disappear" on the three in Brighton and Southampton and "Terminate with extreme prejudice" on the ones in Portsmouth. His bosses obviously wanted a very public execution of the ring leaders so it stopped there.

Jack said back the chair. Getting rid of one or two was easy enough but 10 was another matter. The last message said "1 million fee."

Jack needed a plan.

Now Jack has a reason to help these boys.

Adam woke and they ate breakfast together.

"Are you and Peter a pair?" said Jack.

"Actually yes" said Adam "but only fairly recently. We have known each other for some time."

"And he was willing that you should spend the night with me?" said Jack.

"Peter said you were special and anyway we need the money. You know how it is with students. I am doing building construction and Peter is doing building administration. We have planned to start our own business"

"Good plan" said Jack.

"Now hear here" said Jack. "You cannot go home. It's not safe"

"But I have nowhere else to go" replied Adam

"Look, I have a place you can stay just on the beachfront". It was his safe house.

"I cannot afford it" said Adam.

"Don't worry about that" said Jack. "Its free of charge for now. II will find some way you can pay me back.

Adam blushed.

They finished breakfast and took the taxi round to the hospital. Dave had been replaced by another guy. Jack and him shook hands. They spoke for a few minutes.

Peter gave the nursing staff Peters clothes. Peter was fully situated and there was nothing to be done.

"Let's go" said Jack to Adam.

"Where" said Adam

"My place" said Jack.

Once more they hopped into a taxi and asked it to stop in the middle of town. Jack and Adam walked the last 400m to the flat.

"Just being careful," said Jack.

They went in and Jack said "home sweet home"

It was a fully furnished but rather spartan two bedroom flat with a view of the water. It would cost a fortune to rent but Jack kept it empty for himself.

Jack once again wondered why he was helping these boys. Was he going soft on them?.

Jack showed Adam around and pointed to the second bedroom where he could dump his bag.

Jack looked at Adam to make him concentrate

"It is very important you do not go out nor look over the balcony. Stay indoors. Anything you need I will fetch. Is that clear?"

"Yes," said Adam. He was beginning to realise the danger he was in.

I will go out now and fetch a load of food for the next few days. Be back in a 30 minutes. Don't tell any of your friends where you are. Just get stuck into some studying or watch some TV"

Jack walked towards the door "I mean it" said Jack.

8 hours later Jack got a phone call.

"Peter is awake, we can go and see him."

They walked the 400m to the taxi rank and were soon at the hospital. Adam almost ran to Peter and took his hand gently.

"Did it go well last night" said Peter grinning

"Er yes" said Adam

"What do you mean? Did you get fucked or not?" said Peter

"Not" said Adam

Jack finished talking with the nurse and came over to see Peter

"I am sorry jack. I had hoped you would like Adam"

"Oh I do like him" said Jack but last night was not the right time.

"I understand," said Peter "I hope the right time comes soon. I have told him a little about you and it turns us both on"

"Naughty boy" said Jack "Just get better, you won't be doing any of that for a while to come"

After an hour Jack and Adam left. Peter needed to sleep. They went back to the flat. Jack need to plan for 10 murders as soon as possible.

At the flat Jack showed Adam the pictures of the three in Portsmouth. "

Is that them?" he asked.

"Yes" said Adam

"They are Albanian. Nasty characters. But I am making sure they will not hurt you again or others this town"

"What are you going to do?" asked Adam

"Never you mind" said Jack. "the less you know the better. Get you head down in some of those books"

"Yes Daddy" replied Adam cheekily.

The three men were renting a remote property out of town. It seemed these types liked their privacy but it made it much easier for him to dispose of their bodies. Their record showed some time in the army but they were ordinary infantry who were thrown out for bad conduct. Now they were giving the people of Brighton trouble. He thought "bloody EU, thanks for nothing"

He found maps of the area. He noted public cameras but routes and places of work. He kept watch over the place for three days and whilst the men were out planned cameras. They generally came back before 9pm and got drunk or did drugs. On the fourth night he hiked the three miles over the hills to the back of the property. He heard the TV raging and he entered the house with ease. The camera showed them drinking beer and watching football. He burst into the room and quickly put a bullet into each of them before they could stand up. They were dead almost immediately and there was very little loss of blood.

Jack bundled them in their own car and drove without light 3 miles away on back roads to the forest. Here he spent 90 minutes digging a large hole. He carefully recreated the same topsoil appearance covered with undergrowth. He had used gloves at all times so his DNA was not at the scene. Even if they were discovered some time in the future the police would not care about finding the killer. They would simply assume a gang war.

He drove the car back and then set off in the other direction on foot to his cycle and then the edge of Brighton. No camera ever spotted him.

He arrived back at 3pm and dumped into bed.

Adam was awake and came into Jacks bedroom

"Can I get in beside you?"

Jack simply lited the bedside clothes and Adam got in

Jack kissed the boy on the lips and said "Problem over"

"Sleep now," said Jack.

At 8am they both woke and were horny.

Adam had his arm over Jack and was hugging him. Jack was stroking his hair.

"Do want me?" said Adam

Now Jack was no saint. He had just killed three men and he heeded to release the tension.

"Yes," said Jack. "You are so sexy and pretty"

With that Adam moved his hand to Jack's cock which was already rock hard.

WIthin a few seconds Adam went down on Jack. Jack did not want to cum this way. Jack flipped Adam over to his stomach. Jack put a cushion under the boy's stomach and parted the boy's cheeks. He moved his tongue to explore the boy's anus. The boy was moaning in pleasure . He was really enjoying it. A few minutes Adam said

"Fuck me please Daddy"

Jack got the lube out of the bedside draw and rubbed it over the waiting hole.

Jack put his huge cock at the entrance

"Please be a little gentle" said Adam "It will be better for both of us that way"

Jack pushed gently until the head went in 1 cm, He stopped for second to let the boy adjust to the large object now inside him. Jack pushed in further and he could hear the boy gasping for air. Jack stopped once more.

After a minute the boy pushed back and Jack knew it was ok to push forward. He implailed the boy all the way. His 16cm long cock was fully in this pretty boy's hole.

"Thankyou Daddy"

Jack began to move in and out in a gentle rhythm. The boy's breathing was also getting heavy. Jack wanted this to last more than just a few minutes.

He turned the boy on his back and got his legs in the air. Once more Jack pushed in and the boy's eyes nearly popped out. Jack pushed the boy's legs further until they were on the bed beside his ears., The boy was totally pinned down by the strength of Jack.

He was a little afraid of what was to come. Jack saw this and said "don't worry little one, you are going to like this"

Jack held him tight and moved in and out, Each time it felt like a ship was entering and leaving his arse. His prostate was at maximum pressure. The boy's breathing was getting faster and Jack knew the signs of an ejaculation. An ejaculation without touching the penis was rare and only achieved by highly sexed young people. Obviously Adam was one of the,

Both Jack and Adam could last no more than a minute longer. Jack's cock grew longer and thicker.

"Come for me" said Jack to his lover

With that both of them shot their load. Jack came deeply into Adam and Adam shot all over his stomach and over Jack.

Jack held still and a minute later released Adam's legs. Both of them lay exhausted on the bed but Adam rolled over and hugged Jack.

"Thanks Daddy. I hope that was what you needed"

Jack kissed him on the lips and said "it was great and you are hot"

They stayed like that for 15 minutes but eventually Jake said "A shower I think and then breakfast"

They got in the shower together and Jake washed the boy all over.

"Why was he being so loving? '' thought Jack. This was not like him. However he did enjoy spending this time with the boy. There was something more than just sex. He genually liked the boy and not just as a fuck hole. In fact thinking about it he like both Peter and Adam. They could have been brothers in many ways.

Over breakfast Adam got the courage to ask

"What happened last night.. You were home very late and said problem solved?"

"Its better you don't know" said Jack "But you won't be hearing from those men again"

Adam knew better not to ask further. Adam had seen the scars on Jack's body and knew this man was not to argue with.

Two weeks went by. Jack was away for a couple of days at a time and came back quite agitated. Each time Adam and Jack had sex. Jack was very dominant but never hurt Adam. Adam was trying to get Jack to be more trusting. It was obvious Jack did not want to get fucked in any way. Additionally Jack would not allow his cock to be sucked although he would happily such Adam and swallow it all.

Adam could not know it but in his war years Jack was afraid his cock would be bitten off if he put it into a place of danger.

A week later Jack had been away for two nights and came back at 5am and dumped into bed. He did not want sex.

During the morning the radio went on about a gang murder in Portsmouth. Adam was not silly. He could out two and two together.

"That was you, wasn't it?"

Jack just smiled and said "the least you know the better"

It was Saturday. Jack said "ring your friends and go and play some of the beach volley."

"You can join in" said Adam.

"Na -. An older man playing with a group of young blondes. That would look weird. I will just come and watch."

"No more danger then?"

"No" said Jack.

During the morning Jack and Adam went round to the hospital. After the first set of killings Jack had called off the guards and paid them a handsome fee. Peter was doing well and was due out the same day. They arranged for Jack to take him down to the beach to watch the volleyball match.

At 4pm Jack and Peter sat at the table in the caffe and watched the youngsters play.

Peter said "have you been having a good time with Adam?"

"He is great . but don't worry I am not trying to break you two up."

"Thanks," said Peter, "Maybe we can find you another guy?"

Jack just smiled back.

6pm came and Jack and Peter hobbled back to the flat.. Adam turned up and was followed by one of the other guys named "Glen". Glen was a little older at 25. He was a farmer and still lived with his sick mother on a farm which he looked after. He had no boyfriend.

Jack turned round to Peter and said "have you set me up?"

"Actually no but it is not a bad idea. Glen needs somebody to look after him and he likes a good fuck now and again"

Jack laughed.

Peter settled into the chair whilst Adam and Glen prepared some enormous steaks. It was a homecoming party. They refused to let Jack help with anything.

"Just like having my own little family" he thought. He liked the idea.

They ate and drank like nothing else. Peter was at last out of hospital.

Peter was tired and fell asleep. Jack carried him into the bedroom and Adam went to lie down beside him to look after him.

That left Jack and Glen alone. They talked long into the night. Jack asked lots of questions but Jack told almost nothing of himself. It was still difficult to trust.

They sat on the same coach and somehow their hands met. Within a few seconds their lips met and Jack was invading Glen's mouth with his tongue.

"Gently" said Glen.

Glen went to undo Jacks shorts but Jack stopped him,

"Trust" said Glen

Jack's resolve was weakened by this sexy boy and the beer. He let Glen open his shorts and the massive cock sprung out. Glen went down on him and gently took the cock fully in his mouth. Jack could easily cum there and then but he wanted this boy's arse.

Glen had other ideas.

"Another night" Jack. Tonight I want you.

Glen moved back to the big cock and two minutes later he shot the load right up in Glens willing mouth, This was the first time he ever let a guy blow him and the first time he had ever cum in a guy's mouth. He sat back in the deepest pleasure. Glen swallowed the load and moved back to kiss Jack on the lips.

"Now Jack, I have to get up early and get the farm going. Here is my mobile number. I hope to see you another time"

Within two minutes Glen was out of the door. He kissed Jack on the lips and said "thanks for this evening"

The next morning Jake was up and running when Adam and Peter appeared from the bedroom.

"Well how did it go?" said Peter "Where is Glen?"

"He did not stay the night" said Jake.

"But you did do it?" asked Adam

"No" came the reply.

Adam asked no further.

After breakfast Jake began to gather some things and said he had some things to take care of. He would come back later with some more groceries and check on them.

Jake looked at the two boys.

"Peter you need rest. It's summer holiday and your college starts again in few weeks time. Give yourself the chance to get better. "

Both Peter and Adam walked over to Jake and gave him a big hug.

"Thanks for everything" they said. "We love you" said Adam

Nobody had ever said that to Jake and tears began to run down his cheeks.

"I do believe we have touched his heart" said Peter and they held tighter onto Jake.

A couple of minutes later Jake was out the door.

Why was he doing all this he thought. He did not owe them anything. He could pick up any little rentboy anywhere. But he realised he was very fond of these two. He was never going to have any sons and he liked the thought of these two proxy sons.

Jake was indeed back by 6pm with a load of food. He had a cup of tea and chatted a little about Peter's injuries and how he had to get rest.

At 7pm he got up and said "I will be on my way then"

"Are you not staying?" asked Adam

"No, I think it's best I give you two some space and anyway I have things to do"

"Be careful," said Adam. He knew what sort of things Jake got up too.

Jake nodded and was out the door.

Jake came back every day for the first week. He stayed for a cup of tea and left within the hour. The second week he came every other day but rang both Peter and Adam on the days he did not visit.

On the Friday Jake felt the tension in the two boys.

"What's up?" said Jake

Peter had the courage to answer.

"Well we were wondering how this going to work out. I mean we obviously cannot afford this flat and it does not seem like you want to sleep with us anymore. Should we find another flat or a job?"

Jake looked over to them lovingly and took them both by one hand over the top of the small table.

"Adam Peter. It's not that I don't want to sleep with you anymore. It's just I don't want to get in between what I see as a beautiful relationships you two have"

"But we want to have sex with you" said Adam

Peter added "and you had sex with Adam for all the time I was in hospital so you owe me a lot of catching up"

They all laughed.

Jake said "Well let's talk about that later and definitely when Peter is fully better."

"But" said Jake "You can stay here rent free for now. I don't need the money and to be truthful I like coming to see you. I feel as though I am doing some good for the first time in my life."

"We really have touched his heart" said Adam

"Look boys" said Jake "I have to go away for a few days, maybe a week. I may be out of reach but I will try and ring when I can"

Jake handed them an envelope stuffed with cash.

"That's for your food and other things. Just promise me you wont blow it all on silly things. And one more thing - no more escorting. I have other plans for you"

"Yes Daddy" said Adam with a smile

Peter looked over at Adam and repeated "yes Daddy"

Jake continued "If you really get into any problem then ring this number. It is my lawyer. He has been instructed to help you"

Jake got up to leave and two boys hugged him tight

"We love you" said Peter

Jake left with a tear in his eye. This latest job was more dangerous. He had to go up against at least 6 more professional drugs dealers in Blackpool. They were ex soldiers so he had to be careful.

The very next day both Adam and Peter got an email from their college.

"We acknowledge receipt of payment for your years university of 9K"

"This must be Jake" said Adam

Peter nodded "could not be anybody else. Maybe he does not expect to come back?"

Jake arrived at the rundown address by bicycle to avoid suspicion. He rode by only twice. The men left the building at 10am and he used the chance to lay some bugs. He wanted to learn their routine. He found out that they spent their time at a warehouse from where they distributed the drugs. He could not take 6 professional killers so he had to take them one at a time. The best way would be as they entered the warehouse one by one in the morning.

On the fifth morning he was in place by 7am. They lived in three different flats and arrived by three cars at slightly different times normally. He hoped he had a couple of minutes to deal with each car of maximum two as they arrived. He chose to use a rifle at a range of 20m to ensure he would be accurate and deadly.

The first car arrived. The men entered the main door and stepped in within three seconds he put a bullet in their heads. Jake rushed over to conceal the bodies before the next car arrived.

The next car arrived within 60 seconds and he put a bullet in each man's head.

The last car arrived and men did not get out. They suspected something was wrong. One man went to the front of the building and one to the back. Jake was put on top alert. He moved his position to have his back to to a wall and able to see both doors. The first man entered the door and he got a shot in the shoulder. The second man lunged at him. Jack fired and missed. The man put a knife into Jacks' left shoulder just as Jake put a knife deep into his stomach. Quickly Jake went over to the other man and slit his throat. Blood was everywhere.

Now he had to get out of there without fainting. The blade had not hit any organs but he knew he needed treatment. He had to make it to an Army hospital. The job was done "Execution with extreme brutality"

It would look like a warning to the drug dealers in the country. Just as the government wanted and no messy court cases. The police closed the case within a few weeks.

During the fours days Jake had not dared to ring the boys. He did not want his phone to be traced to the locality. He wanted to call them but he needed his wound seeing to first.

Only one day later when he had calmed down a little but he texted Peter and Adam.

"Am ok - back in a couple of days"

The boys had been getting worried. Adam had told Peter of his suspicions that Jake was a killer.

"Do you mean we have been getting fucked by Rambo?`" said Peter

"Something like that" said Adam

Three days later Jake arrived back at the flat. The boys were ecstatic to see him and held him closely and asked about the sling over his shoulder.

"Have you been to Blackpool?" asked Adam

"Yes" said Jake

The boys felt silent for a few seconds in fright at the abilities of the man in front of them.

Peter took Jake by his good arm and told him to sit down. He could fetch some tea and a few chocolate biscuits.

Jake said nothing of his last job.

"We were getting worried" said Peter "we nearly called that number"

Jake smiled at them and looked serious

"Boys - it's time for a change" said Jake

Peter butted in "Was it you who paid for our university fees?"

"Yes" said Jake

Peter and Jake listened intently whilst they were in tears.

"Well as you know I own this building. Actually I own quite a few. I don't need the money from my line of work. I am getting a little old and slow anyway - so I am going to quit."

"Boys - I would like to help you, as you know I have paid you education fees for next year. You can live here and I will give you some living expenses. Honestly I won't even see the dip in my account and I would be happy to help two lovely lads like yourselves. I have begun to think of you as my boys, my children.

"Why us?" said Peter

"It's difficult to say" said Jake "I just feel you two are good for each other and for me. You have made me human. I like the feeling.

Peter and Adam held Jake for more than a few minutes.

Adam and Peter held hands and looked at Jake.

Adam said "We have been talking. We like to have sex with you. We like having a dominant Daddy in our lives and we want to have sex with you whenever you like. It will be ok as long as we are both present at the same time. Peter wants to get fucked first since we have a few to catch up on"

"That not really necessary boys but if you insist how can I refuse you"

They all burst out in laughter.

Jake looked up again "There is one job I want you to take on. You are both something to do with buildings. I am not sure the building administrator is pulling a fast one on me. The admin fees and repairs look a bit pricey so I need you to look at the buildings themselves and expenses involved. That is my fee for you living here. I will also pay you each 1000 per month. Just promise me never to do escorting of waiting on tables again!"

"Yes Daddy" they both said

Jake was sat on the sofa and Petrer and Adam were on either side. Peter reached over and kissed Jake on the lips.

"Is that ok" said Peter

Without waiting for an answer Peter kissed him again.

At the same time Jake could feel his zipper being undone. Within a few seconds Adam had got his dick out and was sucking on it. Jake was hard in no time. Adam moved off and Peter quickly removed his shorts and sat on the big cock. Jake had no time to say no even if he wanted to. At the same time Jake was tugging on Peter's cock.

Adam stuck his cock in Jake's mouth and Peter rode up and down on Jake's cock. Jake was tense and he came within a couple of minutes. Adam came in Jake's mouth at the same time and Peter came in Jake's hand.

"Well that's quite a homecoming" said Jake

Peter said "yes and we want lots more"

An hour later Jake was getting ready to go.

"Where are you going?" said peter

"I have a ranch up the back of Brighton and I have some things to get on with."

"Are we going to see it soon?" said Peter

"Yes " said Jake

With that he left. He rang them every day but they did not see him for a week.

Friday morning he rang them "Can you come to my place tomorrow?"

"Sure" they said

"I will send a taxi at 6pm"

With that he rang off. The boys looked at each other a little surprised.

"Short and sweet," said Adam. "I wonder if this is work or play?"

At 6pm the following day the taxi arrived and the boys got in.

It wound its way up the slopes of the hill behind Brighton. The taxi driver rang the buzzer on the gates and they opened. The taxi wound its way over a kilometre to the range type house.

Jake met them as they left the car with a large hug to them both. The car left.

"In you go" he said

He did not show them the whole house but they could see its extent. They went to the veranda. The boys could see a hot jacuzzi and in it was lying no less than Glen.

"You have been busy," laughed Peter.

"Like I said some things its better you don't know" said Jake.

Jake continued "And boys this is a sex party. Anything goes"

"Anything" said Peter

"Yes anything" said Jake

"Then I want to be the first to fuck your arse" said Peter

"Sorry" said Glen "I have already been there"

They all cracked up laughing.

The boys quickly got their clothes off and got into the tub. Jake has a glass of champagne ready for them. After a few minutes Glen and Jake faced the two boys. They had something planned. Jakes took Peter by the hips and lifted him to the edge of the tub. Glen did the same to Adam.

At the same time both boys found their cocks engulfed by the older men. They were careful not to make the boys cum.

After a couple of minutes Jakes said "bedroom"

They got out without drying themselves. Jakes said "on you stomach"

Both boys lie face down and held hands expecting the worst and the best. Jake and Glen mounted them from behind and proceed to put a cushion under their stomachs and feed greedily with their tounges on the boys anuses. For a full 10 minutes the men's tounges probed the pink willing holes. Jake reached over the bedside and took the waiting lube. Plenty of lube was spread over the pink round entrances and Jakes and Glen placed their cocks at the entrance. At the same time each man pushed forward just a cm and stopped. Both boys gasped with first pain and then pleasure. 30 seconds later each boy had the full length of cock deeply inside them Jack and Glen were not gentle nor were they brutal. Ten minutes later they pulled out not wanting to come yet.

"Our turn" said Peter

Jake knew what was coming.

Jakes found himself on all fours. Peter's cock was in his arse, Glen was sucking Jakes cock and Adam was fucking Jakes mouth. Jake for the first time really gave his trust to his family.

A further 10 minutes passed as the groaning got louder. From then within a minute they all came together in a huge 4 way mountain of cum.

"It's good to keep it in the family"said Glen

They got into the shower and then went down to make some really good steaks and watch some football.

Needless to say only a couple of hours later they were at it again.

This time Jake wanted to get back in charge. The boys were put on their backs and Jake and Glen had pinned to the boys legs over their heads and were burying the full length of the cocks deeply into the boys backsides. The boys were close enough to be able to kiss at the same time. The boys knew they were going to be pinned and did not try to move. They trusted their Daddies. Jack and Glen pushed in at the same time and each time the boys' mouths opened like goldfish as though the cocks were being pushed up the arse and up into their mouths. The boys loved every single thrust. Jack counted down 10,9 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.

Jack and Glen came with a tremendous explosion of cum simultaneously.

Peter kissed Adam and said "I think they have cum. Now it's our turn"

The boys got up and sat on the men's chests. They put their cocks straight into the mens mouths and fucked. Peter also made his countdown and the boys came at the same time. The men swallowed the cum as nectar. They loved every second.

A year later saw a very special ceremony. Jake and Glen got married and Jake officially adopted Peter and Adam. Peter and Adam bought Jake and Glen the book of gay Karma Sutra.

"Just to keep it interesting" said Peter and "I do like position 214".

Jake quickly turned to 214. It was of a boy upside down in a sling being fucked and spanked.

Jake gave him a little smack on the backside. "Harder Daddy" said Peter

"You are a little nymph" said Jake

"Yes I know" said Peter "but I know you like it"

Peter and Adam graduated from college and took over the administration of the properties. Glen's mother had died and he sold his farm. Jack and Glen ran an outdoor training school and led the outdoor life.

They always reserved Friday evening as "party night"

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