Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on Aug 17, 2018



Chapter 6

by Donny Mumford

Rob and I both finished the last summer jobs we'll ever have. Yeah, we'll be looking for full-time employment after our senior year at college. Thinking about entering into the 'real world' can be intimidating so occasionally I'll entertain passing thoughts of putting the real world on-hold for two years by continuing my education studying for a master's degree. This is a real possibility too because our future step-dads have offered to pay for Chubby's and my tuition if we elect to pursue that course.

Actually, I'm thinking about that right now as Robby and I finish packing the clothes we're taking with us to college. Complicating the master's degree situation however is the fact Merrimack doesn't offer master's degrees. That's why it's called Merrimack College and not Merrimack University. Anyway, I'm almost positive Chubby's going to accept the twin's generous offer, and I most likely will not, which could mean Chub will be away from me for the better part of two years. I desperately don't want to be separated from my brother for two years but as I glance over at Robby I know I don't want to be separated from him either.

Life is full of hard choices and sometimes they're worse than hard, they're ball-busting choices that suck either way you decide. None of us know what the next nine months has in store for us though, so consequently, I still pretend something will work out and with a hope and a prayer I won't need to be separated from either Chubby or Rob. My brain gets scrambled thinking about shit like that though, so I try not to think about it too much.

We're in our bedroom at a little after five o'clock Monday afternoon and, like I said, Rob and I are packing for college. There have been some deep thoughts by me about how pleased I am about my situation living with the Dickers and I feel very lucky to have experienced this family life environment too. I like that Rob feels comfortable being a little bossy because one of us needs to be conscientious about things. This is getting very near to being my life and I need to embrace it because I've come to the conclusion there isn't anyone or anything I want more than what I'm involved with now. I'm on board with the direction I'm heading with Rob, with everything.

The last ten minutes there hasn't been a lot of talking as we finish this annoying packing chore. Rob got frustrated and had a little snit-fit with me earlier but he apologized and we're good. The silence is finally broken when his Mom calls upstairs telling us she's going grocery shopping and asking if we need anything at the store. Rob glances at me with a smirking grin on his handsome face and then he yells down, "No thanks, Mom, we're good!" We can read each other's expressions by now so I know by his 'look' he has sex on his mind.

It's actually rare that Rob and I are alone in the house, not that we need to be alone to have sex. We've had sex a hundred times with both of Rob's parents home. Still, why pass up the opportunity for me to squeal as loud as I want and Rob doesn't want to pass up the opportunity either. That's confirmed when we hear his Mom go out the back door just as Rob finishes neatly folding and then placing one of his sweatshirts in a satchel. He looks up and asks, "You wanna go for it, babe?" Before he even finishes asking I'm nodding my head like a bobblehead doll. He laughs and goes, "Okay then, drop your pants and, oh... no wait! First get the Astroglide. It's in the bathroom."

The word 'Astroglide' conjures up the word 'lubricant' and that word activates my brain's temporal lobe where memories come from and I relive in a half second our sex Friday afternoon without lubricant. Shuddering at that memory I'm more than happy to get the lube!

I suppose I'm spoiled from using lube for a couple of years now. It's hard to fathom all the screwing we did without it during our early days together. It takes me a mere minute to retrieve the Astroglide from the cabinet under the sink and then carry it back to the bedroom where I see Rob has taken his pants off completely and is pulling his shirt over his head, saying, "Forget about just dropping your pants, Dylan. I wanna feel that awesome naked body of yours against mine."

Sounds like a good idea to me. Also, I'm glad to see Rob smiling and sounding excited. Like I said, Rob was getting stressed about his own packing because it's tedious work, and then on top of that he was annoyed at me for just stuffing things in my satchel. Whatever, this invitation for extemporaneous casual afternoon sex means we're totally copacetic. We hardly ever argue and we never fight, and when we do argue, it's over quickly.

Actually, like I was thinking earlier, I don't mind when he gets a little 'bossy' because he is the boss, someone's gotta be... and things need to get done, so ya know. And what the hell, I've been realizing lately how important Rob is to me and how much I depend on him and need him in my life. Consequently, if there's occasional bossiness coming from him in my direction, well so what? To me, it shows he cares about us and our relationship. It's not good to let little things fester and get worse and he just let it out, I get over it and he's almost always right anyway.

Getting naked is certainly no problem at all for me because I like being naked, especially when there's another hot naked guy in the vicinity. When both of us are as naked as it's possible to be, Rob goes, "Squeeze some of that Astroglide on my fingers," and when I do that he starts spreading it on his fat, flaccid penis, mumbling, "Go ahead, lube your cute ass up really good, babe." I squeeze lube on my fingers and reach back to push some of this slippery goo up my ass and around the lips of my anus. It feels good and I get a shiver thinking about that fat cock of Rob's going oh-so-tightly up inside me and then Rob pumping my ass until BOOM! Gawd, I love when Rob fucks me! Love it!

He gets behind me with his chest against my back and his left arm resting on my shoulder against the side of my neck. As he swivels his hips moving his dick against my butt cheeks he moves his forearm up under my chin and pulls my head back against his shoulder. Huh, he did that kind of rough too. I felt his hard bicep muscle squishing my almost invisible Adam's apple as it moved up my neck getting under my chin. Putting his lips against my ear, he murmurs, "Ya know what my plan is for you and me this year, Dylan?" I grunt, "Um, what?" He bites my ear twice, little bites that give me chills, and then he murmurs, "I'm going to keep you so sexually satisfied you won't need it from anyone else." Hmmm, good plan except it's not always about need. Why complicate a good plan with a bunch of facts and details though.

He has my head pulled back so tight against his shoulder I can't nod in agreement so instead, I mutter, "That sounds, um, like a really good plan," and he adds, "Seriously, don't you think you've made progress reducing random side-sex this summer?" I murmur, "Yeah, I do actually," and he says, "My ultimate goal is for us to have a totally monogamous relationship before we get married. That's what we need to be shooting for, right?" I mutter a less than enthusiastic, "Of course," and he licks my ear and then bites it again giving me chills again with my shoulders shuddering a little. Oh man, I lean back against him limply, hopefully indicating to him that I'm surrendering to his dominance. Yeah, I like how he was a bit dominant pulling my head back like that and then telling me what he's going to do. It would have been hotter of course if he hadn't asked for me to agree with him. Just saying...

Funny too that just the other day I was wondering what Rob's thoughts were regarding buddy sex. I mean as we move forward in our love affair. Naturally, I'm curious about how long he thinks buddy-sex on the side is an acceptable part of our relationship although I don't necessarily want to think about it too closely right now, but eventually...

He's right too that my side-sex and buddy-sex have both been way down from a year ago. And I mean starting way back before the second half of junior year, and then definitely most of this summer. And it became especially noticeable after moving in with the Dickers. So yeah, I've definitely been experiencing a drastic decrease in extracurricular sex but it's hard to say which circumstance was more significant in that regard; less frequent opportunities or moving in with Robby. It's like one of those conundrums: which came first, the chicken or the egg.

As he's talking Robby's stroking his foreskin back and forth on that fat penis of his. Even though I can't see him do that I know he is because his knuckles are rubbing against my buttocks as he does it. Continuing to stroke himself Rob kisses the side of my face, then asks, "You're totally with me on this, right baby?" God, I'm feeling very aroused right now! If I get any hotter for him I might be inclined to agree with anything he suggests, but in the interest of keeping things real, I manage to grunt out, "Yeah, we both are working on that, right Robby?"

I included him because why should it be about just me? My voice though when I said that sounded like I'm already in one of my gooey trances. Yeah, I may actually be in a little bitty one because of the way Robby's taking 'charge' here. Hee hee, it'd be okay, and appropriate actually if he were to give my ass a bit of a spanking right now to drive home his point and further emphasize who's the boss.

He doesn't do that though. Instead, he moves his head behind mine, I suppose so he can look down while guiding the head of his pecker to my asshole. Oooh, I feel it there now and he's pushing the firm, but not yet fully hard head against my asshole, murmuring, "Yeah, of course, both of us, babe. We're in this together," and then I go, "Aaaaah," as my anus stretches open, and then it stretches even wider with me holding my breath. Rob grunts as the head slides tightly in past my spinster muscle about an inch or so. God, I don't know whether to scream out at the pain or blow my load at how sexy that felt.

It's probably an unconscious reaction on Rob's part that he further tightens his arm around my neck. A reaction perhaps caused by his hardening cock head that's tightly encased in my ass sending pleasure vibrating to his brain. That can get anyone extra engaged. With Rob's arm more tightly around the front of my neck, he moans, "Mmmm..." and then he pulls back on his arm forcing my chin up further. Meanwhile, I'm feeling the head of his cock growing harder and larger inside me. Oh man, like I've said many times there's a dominant aspect inherent in being a 'top'. What's more sexually dominant than forcing your hard cock up some lad's ass. That's dominant whether they think it is or not. And I always try latching onto that concept to help me sense submissiveness which usually allows me to slide into a gooey submissive frame of mind. And Rob's doing okay so far with this partial dominant start; not bad at all.

That's cool of him, and sexually hot too! Then I reach down to stroke my quivering penis and realize it's already harder than Rob's. I knew it was feeling good but I didn't realize it'd grown into a throbbing boner. Okay, apparently my brain has reevaluated downward what's required, dominance-wise, in order for my submissive nature to take hold during a sexual act.

I assume my brain, relying on the lack of truly dominant sex during these past many months is now requiring far less indication from my 'top' that he's the dominant type. Far less certainly than when I was younger. A few years ago, it was necessary for someone basically to break a few laws before getting me truly feeling submissive to them, like that New York character, John, who had to totally incapacitate me in the back of his van, basically kidnapping me, before I'd interpret that as being totally dominated. Nowadays all Robby needs to do is have his arm under my chin pulling my head back and, Omigod it's dominant sex!

Heh heh, whatever works I guess. I've known for quite some time that most of my submissive tendencies are manufactured in my head anyway. I let it happen because it becomes sexually hotter for me. What can I say, I really like being the submissive 'bottom'! I like it best although all gay sex is awesome. And contrary to what many people think I'm not the only one who likes the submissive 'bottom' role. Sexual snobs who think their idea of sex is the only legitimate one can't abide someone getting 'off' acting submissive during sex, but then those people are another topic altogether,

Anyway, for whatever reason, Robby's approach this late afternoon has me feeling submissive towards him and therefore my pecker got surprisingly hard really fast, and like I said... whatever works. My dick feels awesomely good when it's hard like this and I feel it getting ready to pull away from my body to stick straight out as hard as an iron rail.

As if reading my mind Robby casually reaches around with his right arm and takes my hard six-inch boner in his fist, and as he strokes the foreskin to and fro, he's murmuring, "God, I love how easily I can get you sexually aroused." A couple of seconds later he thrust his hips forcing that fat boner of his two more inches up inside me. That didn't hurt too much though because my asshole has already been stretched wide open and the extra friction was negligible. In fact, it felt good and I squirm in Rob's grasp as he bumps his forehead against the back of my head and thrust his hips again making my back arch for a second... fuck, that felt awesome!

My stretched anus primarily is the cause of the initial pain but I'm not noticing that so much now as I'm noticing the pleasant sensations coming from my prostate gland. As everyone knows, the walls of the rectum don't especially react to pain or pleasure although for me the sensation of being filled-up back there is very noticeable, and I really like that. Yep, I like taking it up the ass and I can't understand why more people don't, but to each their own I always say. I'm no sexual snob.

My prostate began thumping with pleasure right from the start and, as I mentioned, that mostly negates the lingering pain from my overly stretched anus. Actually, it's all getting more and more wonderful for me by the second. The pain is fading, and it wasn't that bad in the first place, plus there's the feel of Rob's hot body against mine and his scent... Jesus, I love this!

I hear a loud exhale from Rob and feel his breath on the back of my neck as he does one last thrust even though he was already fully inside me and tight against my buttocks. He shudders against my back and that makes my shoulders shudder too, as Robby gasps, "Fuck, this feels good."

Another breathy exhale from Robby as he pulls his arm firmer up under my chin causing the back of my head to move further back on his shoulder. Rob snuggles his face against the side of my neck, his long hair against my right cheek as he licks and kisses my neck near my jaw. I feel his entire cock growing fatter and harder inside me the more and more aroused Rob becomes. Wow, that's amazingly sexy sensation to experience! It's almost surreal feeling his penis growing inside my ass like that. Truly, there's hardly anything I like better than just being filled up with Rob's cock but still, I need to grunt out, "Um, Rob, can you let up a little? My neck...," and he loosens his arm under my chin, murmuring, "Sorry, but lately I like overpowering you, babe." I can't nod my head like I do too often anyway, so I murmur, "It's okay then. You can keep it tight if you want."

What the fuck, he takes my word for that and tighten his arm again pulling up so hard under my chin I need to go up on my fucking toes now and totally lean back against him for support. Rob keeps me up on my toes as he gives me another kiss on the side on my face and, then whispers, "It took me a long time to realize that me being rough heightens the sexual heat for you, and now for me too. You like it and I've grown to like it as well... it's hot, really hot, isn't it?" and he pulls back some more under my chin. Is he fucking serious? I'm almost gagging as I manage to gasp, "Yeah, it is..." but he loosens his arm, chuckling and then saying quietly, "It's hot but you need to be honest and tell me when it's too uncomfortable." Dammit, just like that some of that dreamy submissive sense that was building so nicely just floats away. Rob's too considerate to pull off the dominant shit for long.

He pulls his boner back and then humps it right back up my ass and this time I see fireworks from the incredible sensations coming off the millions of nerve endings around my asshole and especially from my fantastic prostate gland! Rob's still stroking my boner straight out and my cock is now so hard it must feel like a wooden rod to him. Another pullback of his hips and then a thrust that moves his fat boner quickly back up my ass igniting another million pleasure sparks that swarm around my brain like fireflies and then it's steady, 'SLAPSLAPSLAPSLAP," sounds in my ears for two or three minutes and I'm totally immersed and unaware of anything except the exquisite throes of sexual ecstasy. It's like I've been transported to another dimension, one that's all about sexual pleasure and nothing else... except for an overriding feeling of how much I love my man Robby.

As usual with any fast and hard sex, my orgasm begins building quickly and is seriously continuing to expand at an alarming rate. Rob's boner fucks my ass for only another breathless exquisite minute before my climax is right on the edge of exploding. Omigod, that's a scary-good feeling. The muscles in my body tighten as orgasm sensations continue to grow to the fabulous tipping point. Almost there I'm picturing in my head Rob's thrusting boner all hard, fat and shiny as it pulls out of my ass and then it's humped right back up my ass and then it pulls out again, and... well, it's a miracle of pleasure.

I'm making a whining sound now feeling helpless but fantastic and then my back arches and I can't catch my breath for a few seconds... and then with a squeal my hips hump on their own with cum shooting straight out from my granite-hard boner as Rob continues tightly stroking it and another shot of cum fires out with my brain becoming overloaded with thrilling pleasure sensations that fade too soon making me shudder and moan. I'm weak now and sort of slumping, almost lying fully back against Rob as I sigh at the after effects of climax that are sizzling with spiking pleasures that zip around my groin before fading out... aaaaaah!

Rob's still got his arm under my chin as he continues thrusting but now he takes his hand off my softening penis and wraps his arm around my stomach keeping me tightly in position for his fast-moving, hard, fat boner. It's only another thirty seconds though before he's tight against my ass humping his load of cum up inside me. Another hard hump with Robby making his normal wheezy, breathy sounds and then he shakes, his whole body seems to shake against me. Gasping out a long exhale of air, Rob puts his chin on my shoulder and lets his arm fall free allowing my chin to drop to its normal position. Rob's heart pounds against my back as he takes some gulping deep breaths and then thrust his cock a few times in my cum-sloppy rectum before pulling it out and stepping back until bumping against, and then sitting on the edge of our bed.

Another deep breath from Rob as he's smiling brightly, and then saying, "Holy shit! Omigod, that was a ginormous climax I just blew up your ass," and he reaches over to take my hand pulling me to him, saying, "Sit with me, Dylan." I look around for a second before grabbing a handful of Kleenex. Putting a bunch of tissues under me I sit next to Rob and he puts his arm across my shoulders pulling me against his side, asking quietly, "Wasn't I a big, bad-ass dominant 'top', babe?" I shrug and grin before saying, "Not really, but I made believe you were." He hugs me with both arms, chuckling and muttering, "Ah, C'mon, I was pretty dominant."

Ya know, that reminds me of Danny saying something about Robby telling him how I like rough sex and I wondered then how much these two guys discuss what I like during sex. And now I'm wondering about that all over again, but do I want to interrogate Rob about it right after our really good albeit quick sex together? Probably not because Rob's feeling really good about that fast casual sex we just had and I enjoyed it greatly myself so, for now, that's good enough. There will be a time though that I've gotta satisfy my curiosity about what those two talk about regarding moi and sex. For me personally Robby's way ahead of anyone else as far as sex goes, but I guess Danny's become my second favorite sex partner. I still can't shake what I call my 'crush' on him, not that I've tried really hard to do that.

Robby hugs me for a bit and then says, "Did I tell you I was sorry for being grumpy earlier? You know, when I was giving you shit about getting sports coats for us." I mumble, "You said some kind of half-ass apology, yeah. It's okay though." He gives me a squeeze and then hops up off the bed, saying, "Okay then!" Grinning, he goes, "Damn, that sex was good sexy fun. You're awesome, Dylan!"

We're a little sticky so we head for the bathroom with Robby actually holding my hand the way Danny does sometimes. I like holding hands with a guy. I grin sat Rob and he goes, "What?" In the bathroom, after cleaning ourselves, Rob's drying his hands and then he wets a washcloth and gives it to me, mumbling, "Wipe up your goo in the bedroom, please." Back in our bedroom, we both look at my cum-shot and Rob goes, "Wow! I wasn't the only one who had a monster climax. Good for you, babe..." I mutter, "You get the credit for that, not me..."

As I'm wiping up my, um, mess I'm asking, "What do you wanna do after dinner?" Rob's getting dressed, saying, "Um, I hope you'll come with me to the Mall so I can get a few things for college, but before dinner, I guess I need to ask you for a haircut. If I don't get one we'll both hear a bunch of shit about it from Mom and Dad." I go, "Yeah, okay," and he looks at me, adding, "I held out as long as I could without getting a haircut, and yeah it was partially for spite too. I mean, they kept bugging me about it so I got stubborn. I'm not their little boy anymore, ya know?"

We're getting dressed so I merely give a little nod of my head, noncommittal-like because I try not to get in the middle of the Dickers' family squabbles. Rob's quickly dressed and looking at himself in the mirror, mumbling, "What the fuck, I'm getting tired of this long hair anyway. It's a pain in the ass to take care of actually." I concur, mumbling, "Yeah, I thought my long hair was a nuisance after a while too. The short hair we've had for years is basically carefree."

Turning around Rob's like, "You look great with long or short hair." I chuckle, "Yeah, ain't that the truth!" He laughs and says, "Seriously though, if the baseball team co-captains have their way we'll all be rocking buzz cuts throughout the senior year anyway." I go, "Yeah, you dorks will get to relive your days of middle school all over again." Robby shrugs, muttering, "I guess that is kind of a lame idea like you said, but the team needs to do something different this year."

As for me, obviously giving Robby a haircut is something I enjoy doing and something I did routinely for three years or more. That came to a halt junior year when Golden Summers became the baseball team's barber, and I'm not even sure how that happened. For me, haircutting is more than just a lark, which it was for Rob this summer. Now he's been there and done that so he's not interested in doing haircutting anymore. For me though, I've had a 'thing' about haircutting since puberty and it was like years after I first noticed I was sensing something sexual that I assumed everyone got a boner when getting their haircut. Haha, what a dumb-ass I was. Yeah, I thought all guys got a boner when getting a short haircut. Normal like I took for granted a million other things like the way it doesn't hurt to cut hair or it snows in winter... a million things in our lives just are like they are.

I never thought to even mention my haircut boners and was shocked to my socks and confused when I discovered no one I knew had the same reaction. It's called a 'fetish' although I didn't know that until a couple of years ago. That's around the same time I realized 'giving' certain guys haircuts also gave me a boner. So it's a fetish I'm stuck with, one I have to this very day although I still have no explanation for it. Not that I hate it; quite the contrary 'cause I feel anything that brings on a boner is a good thing, although it can be awkward at times. So the bottom line is, I'm glad to be Rob's barber again. Well at least until we see what develops with the baseball team nitwits.

After wiping my cum off the floor I go back to the bathroom to dump the washcloth in the hamper and hear Robby clumping loudly down the stairs. His heavy feet on the stairs makes me grin to myself because when everything's said and done... I love me some Rob Dickers, clumping and all! I follow him downstairs and then into the kitchen where Robby, without asking if I want one, opens two bottles of beer and passes me one, asking, "Do you feel like doing my haircut now, Dylan? I'd like to get it over with." Shrugging, I fake being blasé about it, and mutter, "Yeah, okay," and we walk outside to the pool house carrying our bottles of beer.

The pool house is where my professional barber tools have resided for most of the summer. My other barber equipment, the drugstore home-barbering set, was at my condo until I packed them to go with me to college. When Robby became the barber for our tight little gay group consisting of me, Rob, Danny, and Hayden a few months ago I sort of donated my professional clippers to the cause. I don't want to create a hassle reneging on that now, so maybe Danny will want to move the barbering things to his cluttered garage where he'll set up shop. Somehow, it's become accepted that the clippers and everything that goes with them is for all of our mutual use now. Danny might decide everything belongs in his garage now for all I know. I'm fine with that, I guess...

Coincidentally Rob is apparently thinking about Danny being the number-one barber now too as he sort of shrugs, muttering, "I suppose Danny will be pissed-off at me for not letting him do my haircut. I mean since I was cutting his hair and all that, plus it was me who sort of helped him learn how to cut hair; me and of course the instructional videos I told him to watch." Yeah well, Rob's probably right but tough-titty for Danny. I wanna be Rob's barber.

And then inside the pool house, it's like Robby's rationalizing it's okay that he's bypassing Danny's, as he whines, "But, ya know Dylan, I don't want that goofy new haircut that Danny does, and I don't know how good he'd be with other kinds of haircuts." Encouraging Robby to stick to his guns about me being his personal barber, I'm like, "Take my word for it; he can't do the goofy new haircut very well either." Rob chuckles, mumbling, "Well I did my best to teach him, now that's your problem, baby." I sarcastically mutter, "Thanks a lot..." Truth is though if Danny can do that new goofy style it wouldn't take much for him to be proficient at doing other styles too. That's actually a tricky haircut, the new goofy one I mean.

Robby pulls the barber stool over until it's off the throw rug and then he sits on it taking a long swig from his bottle of beer. I'm looking around for a few seconds, and he goes, "What's the problem?" Well, there's no the barber tools for one thing, so I ask, "Where the hell did you put everything?" Getting up off the stool, Robby mumbles, "Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot that I kinda replaced the toiletry kit you stored all that stuff in," and he walks around behind the bar and brings out the neatly folder barber's cape. First time I've seen it folded. Laying that on the bar, he then brings out a small satchel. Opening the satchel, he shows me inside where he has everything neatly and individually contained in small plastic baggies. All my barbering things: the clippers, scissors, guides, oil and the little brush for the clippers, combs... everything has been cleaned and stored in its own baggie.

I must have a shocked expression on my face because Rob looks almost guilty, saying, "I thought, you know, everything would be more accessible if I put the things away individually." I go, "No, no problem, Rob," and take the clippers out of its baggie to look at it closely. The damn thing is so clean it almost looks new, the teeth shiny with oil and the long cord rolled up. Jeez, when I had all this stuff in the toiletry kit it was a tight fit and every time I'd take one of the clippers out the loose cord would drag three or four guides out with it, and maybe a pair of scissors. Everything dropping on the floor with me muttering a few f-bombs.

Actually the orderly way Rob has everything leaves me speechless for a second before managing to say, "This is great, Rob, um ah..." and he actually blushes a little, mumbling, "I guess I overdid it, but when I was organizing everything I thought I'd be the one using this stuff." I sort of shrug, and he adds, "But, ya know I kinda lost interest in haircutting like overnight or something." I say, "Oh dude, it's very, ah..." and he mumbles, "Now Danny or you, or Golden Summers, or whoever does haircutting has all these things, um, cleaned and accessible."

Shrugging, I go, "Hell of a good job with this, Rob. Yeah sure, um, well let's see if the clippers work any better after being taken care of so conscientiously by you." He sits back down on the stool, mumbling, "They should," and I put the barber cape around him. As I do that I'm thinking about all the years I insisted guys take their shirts off for a haircut. Huh! That was so cool but times change, things change...

After laying out the clippers Rob bought plus my old ones with the guides and the trimming clippers, I go back to the satchel and take out both the regular and thinning scissors and then, well just about everything Rob put in individual Baggies. There's a pile of empty Baggies on the satchel now. Am I gonna put everything back in those things? Hmmm.

Ready to go I plug in the clippers, and ask, "Okay, what kind of haircut do you want?" Rob goes, "I don't care. Just a regular haircut, I guess." See, that's what many guys say and how the hell am I supposed to know what they think a regular haircut is? Everyone has a different opinion of that. Local barbers, who are mostly women nowadays it seems, apparently have different ideas about what a 'regular haircut' is. That's if I can go by what I've seen from guys walking around with a recent haircut. The haircuts are similar enough to qualify as 'regular haircuts' but also different in length and style. Like, some have tapered in the back and some squared off in back and... well, I don't want to go into the differences because it wouldn't mean a damn thing to most guys who don't understand the nuances of haircutting.

And another thought just occurred to me: not only has the last nine months or so been a time of greatly reduced side-sex for me, it's also been void of almost all the haircuts I used to do for guys regularly. Well, what the fuck is that all about? Those have been two of my very favorite pastimes and I've been merely watching them fade drastically away as I get older. That simply blows! Another thought is this: everything sexually for me changed last January, or even before that when Ryan Wilcox dumped me, or we dumped each other. He was my dominant sex partner for two years, and then, of course, I'd have other random side-sex opportunities in addition to Ryan, but he was most of it so that's a big explanation for the disappearing of the side-sex I'm always bitching about.

The haircut situation, as I said, has almost evaporated entirely for me too. Hmmm, yeah that's because lately it's been Golden Summers at college and then Rob's interest in giving haircuts this summer. Well fuck yeah, there are two major factors right there. Plus another big factor is me not seeing the posse boys hardly at all and they were all my customers that one summer and then a little bit the next summer too, except it kept petering out little by little. Yeah, I can figure out the reasons for my two favorite pastimes disappearing if I wanna take the time to analyze everything. The hell with it though.

I go, "Okay Robert, can you describe for me your version of a regular haircut?" He mumbles, "Robert?" and I go, "Concentrate please." He chuckles and mutters, "Well to be honest with you, I really don't care a hell of a lot what haircut you give me. Just do something that's neat. I've had my fun experimenting with longer hair and now you can get rid of it for me." I'm like, "Why'd you want longer hair in the first place?" He shrugs, "I don't know, I had long hair when we met, remember? And maybe I wanted to try it again because you tried longer hair back in May, I think it was May... or June." I go, "Oh yes, and as I recall you didn't let me go on with it very long." He chuckles, "I was just getting into my major haircutting phase at the time, my experimental phase." I'm like, "Oh so that's what that was, huh?"

I'm combing through Rob's slightly tangled, poker-straight hair. When my hair got longer it was wavy, almost curly on the ends. Weird. I mumble, "Yeah, you sure got carried away with those evil thinning shears." He laughs, "Oh yeah, I liked using those bad boy scissors with the funny teeth." I glance over at the bar and see the thinning shears thinking it'll be fun using them on Rob for a change. He goes, "Seriously my good man, a businessman's haircut if you please." I mutter, "Oh brother, was that supposed to be an English accent?" He says, "Yes, and it was perfect too."

Heh heh, let me tell ya: that hot sex we had ten minutes ago can put you in a good mood like Robby's and mine. And wow, that was some good fast, hard and hot sex we had! I say, "Well, what I've decided to do for you is what I've labeled in the past as a short preppy haircut. You can call it a businessman's haircut if you prefer." And that's exactly what I do.

Lots of Rob's long blond hair gets cut off his head and accumulates on the cape at his lap with some on his shoulders and some on the cape behind his head too. Rob seems totally unconcerned about the amount I'm cutting and instead gives me a steady list of pointers about what the coaches will be looking for at the baseball tryouts. He tells me there's usually hidden talent among the recently graduated high school baseball players, the ones who scouts weren't impressed with enough to offer a scholarship or even an invitation to fall practice. Rob says, "There are as many as ten open spots on this year's team. Those spots will be filled by walk-ons. Danny and I are determined you'll be one of them."

Sweet that they want me to be on the team with them, but they're both dreamers. I'm only half listening to Rob's pointers; mostly I'm paying attention to my barbering because it's been a while since I've given guys haircuts. Also, I'm really taking my time because I enjoy the hell out of doing this. Finally, when I've dragged it out as long as I can, Rob uses his ridiculously bad English accent to say, "Enough already my good man! Kindly allow me to view myself using that fantastically-clean handheld mirror." I snort out a laugh, muttering, "Good God! Was that supposed to be an Englishman with a Chinese accent?" Robby snorts out a laugh, muttering, "You asshole..."

When I pick up the mirror and actually look at it I see Rob's right. It is fantastically clean. He must have used Windex or some cleaner on the mirror because it's very clean and smudge-free. It's the cleanest this mirror has been as far back as I can remember. It wasn't this shiny clean when I bought it new.

Anyway, I pass the mirror to Robby and he looks at his haircut which is short, but long enough that it still requires combing. There are no bristly hairs sticking up at the crown of his head, unlike there were on my head after he did my long hair to short haircut back in May or June, or whenever it was. There's a natural part on the left side of Rob's head with the hair on top about two inches long. Yeah, I guess I'd call this a regular haircut, and a preppy one too. They might be the same for all I know. I've rarely had my hair cut in a barbershop. Maybe a total of three or four times in my entire life, and always at Willie's insistence and with him telling the barber how he, Willie, wanted my hair cut.

Yeah, that's been my total personal barbershop experience and the fact that Willie would tell the barber how to cut my hair is an example of how he could get me acting submissive to him even after our sex. Things like that were fun for me when I was young. Willie fascinated me and I wanted to please him even though I usually bitched like crazy about things he made me do. Of course, he totally ignores my bitching even more than Danny ignores wwhenever I say something, he doesn't want to hear. I find that hilarious of Danny.

Haha, yeah but Willie loved me or thought he did, and he was always positive he was doing the right things for me. Actually, he didn't think I knew what I wanted about anything, not just haircuts... so he decided for me. Truth is when I was seventeen or eighteen he was mostly right too. In retrospect, I loved all of it! I'm too old for any of that now obviously, but back then nobody could get me as sexually aroused or as docilely submissive as Willie Worthington could, and he'd get me like that regularly. Glory days, huh?

Robby's moving the handheld mirror here and there doing a quick appraisal of his haircut, and then he says, "Perfect, Dylan! Thank you." I love that he approves so I hug him around his neck getting hair clippings on my shirt. I feel so close to Robby after cutting his hair short. Giving a haircut to your friend can be an intimate endeavor as it usually is for me, the extent of the intimacy depending on the so-called friend of course. Plus it usually gets my aforementioned fetish shining brightly. It's sexual in nature although I don't have a clue how that works, or why.

My innocent hug leads to a few kisses on Rob's cheek and then on his mouth and, um, well we get into a hot make-out rubbing our hands on each other and groping one another's privates, our teeth scraping together and then a drop of blood when one of us cuts the other's lip accidentally, and it's a little crazy until, taking a deep breath, Rob goes, "Oh, so that wasn't enough for you earlier, eh?"

He gets off the stool yanking the barber cape off his neck and we stand here in the pool house with our arms around one another making out like wild things, our hands in each other's hair pulling it and groaning. Omigod, so fucking hot! Rob finally gets my pants down to my knees and turns me around as he's pulling his fly down, muttering, "There better be enough left-over lube in your ass, or..." and I feel his cock poking and then pushing inside me past my sphincter muscle again. My boner is sticking straight out again and, jezuuuus, it feels good!

He's roughly pushing behind my head bending it forward this time so I get the message and bend over grabbing hold of the barber stool. Looking down I see all Rob's cut hairs that fell off the cape when he yanked it off and I'm thinking how I just cut that hair off Rob's head which gets my fetish flaring again. Robby fucks me really hard and fast with the stool making scraping noises as it moves forward on the tile floor every time that hard cock is thrust up my ass, "Slapslapslapslap!" ringing out in the pool house replacing the buzzing sound of the barber clippers. What a turn on! This goes on for a few minutes until we both frantically climax at the same time.

Holy shit, our climaxes actually happened in less time than makes any sense considering we just did this a short while ago. We both were making a lot of groans and moans as we fucked hard and now after our smallish orgasms we're both breathing deeply with me holding myself up with both hands on the stool while concentrating on the after-orgasm vibrations; all those awesome sensations around my groin until they too quickly begin flickering away.

Robby's lying against my back and then lifts up, mumbling, "That was unexpected randomness right there. Holy shit, why not give me another haircut right now and let's see if that happens again," and we both start chuckling and then laughing out loud as I straighten-up. We're both maybe feeling a little foolish at how out of control we were there for five or six minutes. Oversexed much, huh?

We're wiping the cum off ourselves using most of a box of Kleenex Mrs. D. supplies the pool house. I'm wiping Rob's cum off my ass and Rob wiping his dick. I mutter, "I must say you're off to a helluva start with that 'plan' of yours about this semester." Rob snorts out another laugh, and goes, "Jesus, was that sick, or what?" Meaning the opposite obviously. I go, "Can't wait to see what you have in mind once we get to bed tonight."

He's shaking his head slowly at my last remark, as he mutters, "Abandon all hope for something sexual tonight, babe. I gotta get myself under control here, but hey, nice fuckin' haircut!" and we both snort out another laugh as I pull my pants up. Rob zippers his fly and then grabs a comb and combs the front of his hair, asking, "Hey, babe, how do I do that pompadour thing you combed on Danny's and my hair that time?" I go, "Oh yeah that, um, sorry but your hair in front, your bangs aren't long enough for that. Just comb it over." He drops the comb, yelling, "I liked that fucking nerdy pompadour!" I snicker, yelling back, "I fucking asked you how you wanted your hair cut before I started, didn't I?" We're just joking around, breaking balls.

He shrugs, muttering, "Temperamental hair stylist." I start to put the clippers back in the sandwich baggy, and Rob holds his hands out like 'stop', as he goes, "Oh, ah... aren't you going to use the little brush to clean the clipper blades first?" Haha, making a 'face' at him, I grab the little brush and clean the hair clippings from the little blades as he watches closely and then says, "Now if you add a drop of the clipper oil to the blades they'll cut better next time." Looking up at him I give him a blank stare, and he mumbles, "Ya know, I read-up about clippers maintenance, um, online. That's what the pros say to do, use the, um, drop of oil." I keep staring at him and he goes, "Or don't fucking use it, I don't care." Grinning, I use a dab of the oil and he snickers, muttering, "Take some fucking pride in what you do, for chrissakes." Heh heh, asshole!

While Rob sweeps up his cut hairs I try to outdo Rob's neatness by overdoing the cleaning of the clippers and then rolling up the cords just the right way, brushing off the clipper guides and scissors before putting everything back in its little plastic baggie. Actually the next time I need this stuff I'll be glad that I took the time now to get everything ready to go.

We finish a second beer each while smoking and talking about things we've forgotten to pack. Little things like playing cards and a bottle opener, a wine corkscrew, and toilet paper, stuff like that...

Then, not really wanting another smoke or beer we go inside the house and say 'Hi' to his Mom, who's making dinner. Without looking up, she says, "Is that you, Rob? Did you know your Father snuck out of work early today to play nine-holes of golf with Mr. Dwight at the club? That's rare, huh?" Robby mutters, "Yeah, so what?" and I poke his side. He's so rude! She ignores his rudeness, saying, "Well, they were at the nineteenth hole having a cocktail or two but your Dad is on his way home now, so we'll be eating in twenty minutes." Rob's looking in the refrigerator not paying attention or even bothering to respond to what his Mom is saying. Gawd, it makes me want to smack him.

She looks up, adding, "So don't go anywhere..." and then she sees Rob, exclaiming, "Oh thank God you got a haircut, Rob! Did you do that for him, Dylan?" Rob goes, "What a brilliant deduction, Mother!" and she says, "Well it looks wonderful. You're so talented, Dylan." Rob goes, "Hey, how about the haircuts I did for Dylan and Danny this summer." His Mom makes a 'face', saying, "Oh, I didn't care for those haircuts at all, Rob. You made those boys look like clansmen, those skinheads, whatever they're called!" Rob goes, "If you're referring to the Ku Klux Klan, you gotta be shitting me!" She waves her hand at him, yelling, "Language, Robert!"

Going back to her food preparation Mrs. D. turns her back to us as Rob makes a 'face' at me mouths silently, with a grin, 'She didn't like the haircuts I did for you assholes Ku Klux Klan guys' and we both giggle as we're going down the hall to the stairs. Yeah, we're both in really good moods... a little on the childish side maybe, but really good moods just the same. Like I alluded to before, hot sex will do that for you.

In our bedroom Rob goes online again with me standing behind him, my hand on his shoulder. He makes me so happy and I really like living here. Nothing negative about my Mom at all! She did everything a person could possibly do to keep us afloat and finally buy our condo and everything extra she could possibly manage, but the fact was I never really had a childhood with a parent; not really. Not unless I count Chubby as a parent, ha-ha. So for me, this has been a nice summer with the Dickers, and Robby's been almost perfect in every way, minus his rudeness to his Mom. Leaning down I kiss the side of his neck, and he goes, "Don't you start up again!" and we both snicker.

None of the other co-captains are on-line so Rob signs-off and we finish packing the odds and ends we thought of in the pool house, and then close the satchels and duffle bags. They're all bulging because we aren't really good at leaving very much at home. Rob's also got lots of our things on hangers so it's a shit-load of stuff we're taking to college this year. You never know what you might need, ya know? Chubby will have maybe two grocery bags he's stuffed clothes in; that'll be his packing for college.

While we're carrying everything downstairs Rob's Dad is coming in the back door. We hear him asking Mrs. D. "Do I have time for a quick cocktail before dinner, Em," and she says, "How many cocktails did you have at the club?" and he sternly says, "That's neither here nor there, dear! Do I have time to have one before dinner?" Rob and I stand at the bottom of the steps with our arms full of things we're taking to college. After hearing that exchange we give each other a 'look' and veer off to drop everything in the hall and then go into the family room.

We flop on the couch together and Rob uses the remote control to turn the TV on and as he's scrolling through the channels his Dad comes in carrying a dark-looking cocktail that might be a Manhattan. He says, "Your Mom tells me you got a haircut, Rob," and then he sees Rob's head, "That's my boy! Nice job, Dylan! Did you need to tie him down?" He's in a slightly alcohol-induced good mood tonight.

After dinner, Danny comes over and we just hang out the bedroom. Danny's telling us that Hayden's helping his Mom tonight. They're getting food ready for tomorrow's Labor Day cookout. Then, of course, there's lots of discussion between Rob and Danny about the online emailing in regards to Coach Davis' postings on the team's site. Frequently Danny will look at Rob's head, seemingly less than thrilled with the haircut I did for Rob although he doesn't say anything. I know he will eventually though because he can't keep his feeling to himself about anything.

Finally, as I expected, Danny's unable to keep his displeasure inside any longer and says right out, "Ya know, if I was the sensitive type, Rob, I might be hurt that you switched barbers on me without saying anything or giving me a chance." Rob feels a little guilty probably and, as I roll my eyes, he gets defensive saying, "Oh, for chrissakes, can I believe this? Seriously? You're gonna get pissed off about a haircut?" Danny looks startled at that so Rob says in a quieter voice, "Be honest, bro, you don't have any experience doing this type haircut. So, ya know, don't give me any shit about barbering." Danny mutters the well-worn retort that means nothing and everything at the same time, "Well fuck you too then, Rob," and Rob adds, "Hey, maybe you still will be my barber, you know, if the team decides on Golden's idiotic buzz cut suggestion." Clever of Rob to more or less change the subject, and it works. Danny frowns, muttering, "Idiotic? I thought you were in favor of that suggestion." Rob mumbles, "I don't know, it's..." and I guess he can't think how to finish that thought as it just peters out.

I can't figure something out; it's that at times it seems to me that Danny's the alpha dog between those two and other times it seems like Rob is. Like I said, I don't really get their relationship all that much. Danny just shrugs at Rob's last comment, but still looks 'hurt', and then he asks me, "Do you agree with Rob? Don't you like the haircut I gave you, Dylan?" I go, "I like it fine, Danny. You're getting, um, better," and then I give a poke in the side to Rob, adding, "Don't fucking start trouble, you!"

Rob mutters something about maybe Danny can do his haircut next time so now I'm frowning and Danny's muttering, "I'd hope so since I am our group's barber now." Fuck, haha, and I started all this haircutting stuff four years ago. Well hell, I started it with Chubby like ten years ago. Never thought it would turn into a contentious matter though.

It doesn't take long before we're past that nonsense and we go outside to shoot some hoops. We do that until it gets too dark to see the basket so then we goof around in the pool house shooting darts. Finally, and I knew this would happen but I wasn't sure it'd be tonight, Danny goes, "Well, Rob blew me off this time but I know you won't, Dylan. I should probably give you your haircut now. Do we have time for that?" Oh no, not more of this! Rob glances at me and can tell I don't wanna do that so he goes, "Nah, we don't have time for that. Do you guys wanna come with me to do some shopping at the Mall. I need to buy some clothes for college. I always like at least a few new things, ya know?" Yeah! Way to go Robby!

After a brief discussion, Danny's pissed off again but the three of us are on our way to the Mall. As he's driving, Robby tells us, "When Dodger and I were growing up it was like a ritual every weekend before Labor Day. Mom and Dad and us guys would go to the Mall and spend the afternoon buying our back-to-school clothes. Then we'd eat dinner at Applebee's... haha, quite the tradition." Danny goes, "Yawn! Any more boring stories of childhood, Rob?" He's mad because Rob wouldn't let Danny and me stay behind so Danny could fuck up my hair. Rob's parents have a rule that his friends aren't allowed in the pool house unless Rob or his brother is there too. I'm sure that rule is outdated by now but it served me well tonight.

When Danny said his rude 'Yawn' comment, Rob goes, "Up yours, Danny. That was part of my childhood. Dylan's interested, right babe?" I go, "What? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," and Danny snickers and puts his arm around my shoulders for a squeeze. It was getting to be too much ganging up on Danny and I felt bad for him. Robby chooses to ignore that and continues with his childhood story, "Anyway, at the Mall every year I'd get new clothes and Dodger would get to try on my hand-me-down clothes." I go, "I can't believe your parents would do that to Dodger!" Rob laughs, "Nah, he got new stuff too, but he also got some of my old stuff."

I'm sitting in the middle of the front seat because Danny made a big deal about sitting near the window. Danny isn't much for pouting and he's apparently moving on from missing out on Rob's haircut as he squeezes my arm, asking me, "You've got your baseball gear packed for the baseball tryouts, right? And don't forget to bring the batting glove I gave you?" I nod, "Yeah, that's a great batting glove, bro, and we've got everything in the back of this truck so we're all set." Rob says, "I made sure he has what he'll need, Danny, and now you and I will need to coach the hell out of Dylan during the tryouts." Danny goes, "Well yeah, no shit. I planned on doing just that!" Oh, I guess he's not totally over the haircut disappointment because he was kinda forceful saying that to Rob.

I sit here not saying anything to further exacerbate the haircutting situation and I've given in about me trying out for the baseball team as a walk-on. So what if I make an ass of myself although I for one know the difference between trying out for a friggin' summer league team and trying out for a college team, even if these two numb-nuts don't.

Yeah, my earlier braggadocio comments about not going to the senior orientation and not trying out for the baseball team was a lot of crap. I should know by now that Danny and Robby are too bullheaded about what they 'think' I should do. Especially Danny who rarely takes 'no' for an answer to anything. I'm surprised he gave in when Rob said we didn't have time for my so-called, back-to-school haircut. Well, he did say the hell with going to the Mall but it's Rob's pool house so what could Danny do? I don't actually really need a haircut right now anyway!

In the Natick Mall, Danny and I mostly stand back and watch Rob handle every piece of clothing his size in the entire men's department of Macy's. We're leaning up against a counter with Levy jeans piled high behind us as Danny casually asks me, "I cannot fucking believe you're going to the Wednesday morning orientation with Rob." Shrugging, I mutter, "I've decided it's not worth arguing about." He goes, "A senior orientation is a total waste of your time. You know that, don'cha?" I go, "Yeah, you're preaching to the choir. I agree with you, but I'm going anyway like I believe I just mentioned to you two seconds ago." He looks over and rubs my shoulder, murmuring, "Don't take it out on me, babe." I shrug, saying, "Sorry, I only meant since I'm going back to college with Robby Wednesday morning, what choice do I have?" He nods, "Yeah, and he's your boss too, so..." I don't even want to get into the nuances of that with him.

After seemingly taking forever Robby finally settles on buying a couple of Polo type shirts, a sweatshirt, two pairs of skinny khaki jeans, and a pair of hightop sneakers. He mumbles, "I wanna save some of my buying for the campus bookstore. Get some stuff with the Merrimack logo on it." Danny and I both go, "Uh huh."

Now Danny and I are each holding shopping bags with Rob's stuff in them as we watch him try on every jacket in the store. Danny goes, "Ya know what, Dylan? Even if it's late we should do our haircuts tonight because tomorrow is the cookout and since you're going to that dopey orientation you'll be leaving early Wednesday." I shrug noncommittally, and he goes, "Yeah, definitely tonight. I'll do your haircut and I guess since Rob's not doing my haircuts any longer, you're my barber again." Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Good deal! Cutting Danny's hair is sexy. I've only done it a couple of times but nice hair on that kid. And I do have a 'crush' on him after all so I mumble, "Whatever, Danny. I mean, if it were up to me, ya know, no problem. Although let's see what Rob wants to do. He's driving" Like he often does, Danny ignores what he doesn't want to hear and he says, "Hey, wait a second, babe. If not tonight I can still come over tomorrow before the cookout for the haircuts, but whatever... we are going to get them done before we hit the campus sometime Wednesday. I promise you that." Jeez, yeah, I forgot I get to give Danny a haircut too. How'd I forget that?

Yeah but even so I don't really need a haircut. Danny pats my shoulder, saying, "Hey, no need to worry, babe, we're gonna take care of this together. Rob's bailed-out on us with the haircuts, but I'll take over for him. It's all good..." I don't say anything because all of a sudden, I simply don't want to hear another fucking word about it!

And the thing is I sincerely don't care if Danny's my barber. I've had guys dictate my haircuts like forever so it's business as usual as far as I'm concerned. And I'm not even sure how that started... no, that's not right. It was Willie, of course, who started deciding what kind of haircut I needed! And then Robby did it freshman year with Ryan and me, and then a couple of other situations I don't remember right now happened before Rob was insisting we go to Golden Summers for our haircuts and then Robby was interested in haircutting for a couple of months this summer and now Danny. I rarely have any say about it, and like I said, by now I really don't care that much... I just don't! Still, what the fuck is it with my hair that everyone seems to feel I need help with?

Danny hasn't said anything for a minute or two and I'm feeling like maybe his feelings are hurt. Glancing at him, he looks so cute and sexy, I give his shoulder a hug like he's always doing to me, and mumble, "No problem, you're awesome, Danny." He goes, "No shit, babe. You can depend on me..." Haha, we're always referring to different things.

Finally, we're walking out of the Mall and on our way to the Dairy Queen. As he drives, Rob's saying, "Yeah, one last trip to the Dairy Queen this summer, huh boys?" Danny's like, "Great idea, Rob, glad I suggested it." And he did too. Contrary to all Danny's talk about doing 'back-to-school-, haircuts he insisted we go to the Dairy Queen. I don't even try figuring him out anymore. I guess this was a situation when Danny dictated what we're going to do because Robby wanted to go back to call it a night. I know he wanted to fuck around with his new purchases. Try the stuff on and all. Clothes are sort of Rob's girlie side I suppose. Danny said 'NO!' though and we're on our way to the Natick Dairy Queen. I assume Danny's little brain forgot about the haircuts and good! It's just that this time Rob gave in to Danny... so who is the alpha dog? I sure as hell don't know, other than being sure it's not me.

There aren't a lot of cars in the Dairy Queen parking lot; not anything like during the middle of the summer. We all get vanilla cones and then Danny and Rob strike up a conversation with old high school teammates who called them over to a picnic table. Three guys with their girlfriend and all the guys acting like jock-assholes hugging like they're long lost, best friends for life. Teammates form a special bond I suppose.

I don't have anything to say to these bozos, and none of them are attractive, so I've got zero interest. Still, I need to bump fist with the guys as Rob introduces me as, "My boyfriend, Dylan Newman," gesturing at me. One of the guys looks startled at the word 'boyfriend' but that gets passed over when one of the other two, an overweight kid who is, of course, rocking the latest goofy hairstyle, goes, "Yeah, I know you, Newman." If you say so, fatty.

As they talk boisterously at one another, and at the same time, I'm glancing around looking for the rare cute guy that might be here tonight. Surprisingly there are two who actually qualify as 'cute' pretty much but they're both high school students. None of the older guys are worth looking at twice. And it makes me smile seeing all of the young guys, the two cute ones, and the not so cute ones, all working hard at appearing confidently bad-ass and tough and angry. Haha, what a waste of energy.

Yeah, they're cute boys alright but guys that young are in my golden past. Mostly I'm being careful that none of the high schoolers catch me looking at them and then gratefully Rob and Danny are ready to go after like half an hour. When we're back in the pickup, I go, "Christ, you two acted like typical jocks with those dip-shits." Danny goes, "It's a jock culture, babe. Don't fret, Rob and I are hoping to get you involved in our jock world. Right, Rob?" Robby goes, "Dylan's right. Those guys are assholes," and Danny mumbles, "Yeah, pretty much..."

We get back to Rob's house too late for Danny's and my haircuts and Danny, as usual, needs to leave kinda early anyway. He says he'll call in the morning and then he informs us the cookout starts around noon. Rob and I do a quick hug and kiss with Danny, all minor disagreements were forgotten, and then he takes off.

We decide we don't feel like doing much now either. Rob wants to take a shower before bed because random hair clippings are itching and driving him crazy. In our bedroom, Rob examines every piece of clothing he bought tonight, cutting off labels and searching for pins, and asks my opinion twice about each one. I lie on the bed saying the appropriate positive responses and he's finally satisfied. As we're getting undressed, he goes, "Take a shower with me, Dylan. It'll get us to bed quicker and I am tired. I was up at six this morning, ya know." He was too. It was his last day of the summer job whereas I slept late this morning. No hesitation on my part, as I mutter, "Yeah, okay I'll shower with you." I didn't hesitate because showering with Rob is no big deal now. When I first moved in here I thought it was an insane idea to shower together with his parents downstairs but Rob's helped me get over that by not pushing things too quickly and now I'm almost as comfortable here as I was back home in the condo.

No sex during the shower but we rub each other's bodies and make-out a little. No sex in bed either although we cuddle while going to sleep because we like the feel of each other's body. What wakes us up Tuesday morning is Robby's cell phone ringing at seven o'clock. We both open our eyes and look at one another until Rob mutter, "Fuck that," and we cuddle again before going back to sleep. Getting out of bed a little after nine o'clock we're both feeling frisky and good. Only two beers all day yesterday and then ten hours sleep... well, that'll normally do the trick. It was Danny calling at seven o'clock but he never called back.

Mrs. D. fixes us a great breakfast and we're just finishing up when Rob's Dad comes out of his office for a second cup of coffee. We tell Rob's folks our plans for today and they tell us they'll be at the club most of the day. They're playing golf in a foursome with the next-door neighbors, which is why Mr. D. played nine holes yesterday. He needed the practice because he hasn't played much golf this summer. After that, there's a Labor Day cookout at the club. So we're all set.

Yeah, dammit, I wanted to get Robby out on the golf course this summer. It never happened though. I wanted to show off my golf game, all the stuff I learned in Georgia. I still have Ryan's almost new clubs too. Maybe after we graduate Rob and I will take up golf, which is, after all, a businessman's game.

Danny calls at eleven to say he had to help his Mom with something all morning and he guesses it's too late now to do the haircuts. I wasn't in the mood for that anyway, so hallelujah! Some things do work out for me once in a great while. I'm resigned to Danny being my barber. Actually, I'm more than resigned, I'm okay with it but not today before the cookout because I'd have hair clipping driving me crazy all day; they're unavoidable even with the barber's cape.

Rob and I hunt up some last minute things we want to take with us to college and then squeeze those items into the duffle bags we left in the hall yesterday. He mutters, "I hate packing," and then, "Well, is there anything else you can think of we should take with us?" I shake my head and we make three trips humping everything out to the pickup. Rob neatly piles the satchels and duffle bags in the bed of the pickup along with the things I put in there from my condo yesterday. There's also a lot of things Robby felt needs to on hangers and that stuff goes in the back seat. We then struggle to put a tonneau cover over the bed of the pickup with Robby telling me, "I've used this cover maybe three times in all the years I've had this fucking truck. It's a pain in the ass getting it on and off, but it's supposed to rain tonight so we need the cover."

Walking back inside the house, I ask, "Do you know when you're getting your new company car?" He goes, "I don't want to talk about that!" I mutter, "Excuse me for living," and he goes, "I'm sorry if I jumped down your throat but that's a sore subject between Dad and me." I pat his shoulder, muttering, "Sorry I mentioned it." My cell phone rings and it's Sonny asking if I can do his haircut today. Holy shit, I'd love to do that. All Danny's haircut conversation got my fetish cranked up a little bit I need to explain I'm going to a cookout now and then leaving early tomorrow for college. He jokes around about seeing me first thing during the college Thanksgiving break and that I'll have a lot more of his orange hair to deal with by then. I get a good laugh out of that even as my dick moves a little in my pants thinking about cutting his hair. Sonny's my last posse boy haircut customer.

Gee, I really would have liked doing Sonny's haircut and especially what comes after the haircut, but life is like that at times; breaks your balls a little. Of course, I could have called him anytime this past month to see how he was doing and I know he would have asked for a haircut. I didn't though, and I didn't reach out to call anyone else either. Gosh, maybe that has something to do with my diminishing side-sex opportunities; me refusing to call anyone. Why do I feel everyone needs to call me? Another personality defect of mine perhaps and perhaps I should see a good therapist about that, but I probably won't.

Rob and I get to the cookout a little after one o'clock and we're both hungry again by then. There are twenty-some people in Hayden's backyard so this is way different than his next door neighbor's Fourth of July cookout when there were like a hundred people at that affair. And his next door neighbors aren't even here. They go to their relatives for a Labor Day cookout. Lots of families do that; alternate holiday celebrations. Huh, that makes me realize I don't have enough of a family for that. There's only Chubby and the Moms. We have no aunts or uncles or nephews or nieces, or grandparents either. Well, we had grandparents obviously but they all died before we could say hello.

It turns out to be a pretty good time at the cookout and the food is very good. None of us gets smashed though because some of us idiots are going to an early senior orientation in the morning. So we're not smashed but we all have a pleasant buzz from five or six beers. Surprisingly, I kinda missed seeing Hayden's buddy from next door, Terrence, and his hot-shit little brother, what's-his-name.

When Rob and I are getting ready to leave and he's saying goodbye to Danny, Hayden corners me in the kitchen and I don't know, somehow we get into a hot make-out which leaves me with a roaringly-hard boner. I probably subconsciously wanted to sample Hayden's excellent make-out capabilities one more time before heading back to college. Breathing hard, his huge hard boner pressing against my leg, Hayden promises not to blow an opportunity to share sex during our first college break. I hope he doesn't forget and I think Duke, where Hayden attends college, and Merrimack have the same Thanksgiving holiday schedule. During our hot sexy make out I had my fist in Haden long curly hair and almost laughed thinking that Danny should have concentrated his efforts on giving Hayden the haircut and never mind about Rob's minor head of hair.

And then a few minutes later, Danny and I get into an overly exuberant goodbye hug and kiss with me participating fully and then giving him my word he can give me a haircut tomorrow after the baseball tryouts. He says, "No problem, babe, I told you I'd take care of that for you." I don't bother clarifying he's not doing me any favors.

Danny runs his fingers through my hair, muttering, "I haven't decided definitely yet, but I'm thinking I'll do your haircut like the one you gave Rob. Don't hold me to that yet though, I'm still considering it. In the back of my crazy mind, I'm also thinking you'd look good with a flattop." I have to grin at Danny's cluelessness... flattop?... and then we do another kiss, a really sexy one and I need to deal with another boner in my shorts. Danny gropes my crotch and goes, "Okay, that's enough, Dylan. You'll have us screwing right here if I let you." Oh fuck, haha, he's so, um, in his own world I guess. Plus, I admit I'm such as ass around him so no wonder he gets these wrong ideas. He goes, "I'll see you at the orientation tomorrow morning." What was that?

As Rob and I are walking to his pickup I'm thinking of my goofily hot 'goodbyes' with both Hayden and Danny and it makes me snort out a laugh realizing I must be drunker than I thought. Rob seems fine though and then I remember, oh yeah, I had those three shots of bourbon with Hayden not too long after Rob and I got there. Why'd I do that? I don't know, but I did.

Rob's saying something I didn't catch, so as we get in the pickup, I go, "Sorry, what was that?" and Rob goes, "Danny decided to go with us to the orientation tomorrow." I nod my head, mumbling, "That's nice," as I buckle my seatbelt. Jesus, after all the dumping on us he did about the orientation, Danny all of a sudden says, sure he'll go with us. Look up 'enigma' in the dictionary if you wanna see a picture of Danny Monday; it's right next to the definition. Yeah, but he's cute... and sexy too.

After we take separate showers Robby suggests we get in bed, and it's only nine o'clock. Hmmm? I shrug, saying a tentative, 'Sure, okay." We've had zero sex today but then, oh man, we make up for that tonight by having the longest and best lover's sex I can remember having... ever. Damn, and I needed that too after Danny and Hayden got me all horned-up. Robby and I have this really long, sweet and sexy hot lover's fuck; the true lover's kind with lots of sucking and fucking... but doing everything slowly, like we have all the time in the world. It puts you in a dreamy other-worldly state of mind and nothing is as good. After quietly talking in each other's arms for an hour, talking about how special we think our love is, we do it all over again. It's all been so special lately, it's enough to bring a tear to my eyes.

After our extended lover's sex, we're peacefully going to sleep as I'm thinking how nothing is perfect, but I'd be an incorrigible ingrate if I didn't appreciate all the positives and near perfect aspects of my life. I'm making a promise to myself right now to stop my complaining, period! No more bitching about small, unimportant irritants. I'm gonna be consistently grateful for all my blessings. Hell, I might even start going to Church again. Jesus, I went to church and Bible School every week in Georgia and it was good. I've led a lucky life so far and I need to appreciate it more and do a lot more positive thinking.

Next morning I'm a little hungover, well more than a little and last night's awesome lover's sex was, well it was last night and now it's this morning that I'm dealing with. It was those Goddamn shots of bourbon that screwed me up... again! When will I ever learn?

And, Omigod, is he serious? Rob's pulling on my arm to get me up at seven-fifteen! Common sense requires me to bitch about that, "Why in the name of all that's holy do you need to be so fucking conscientious, Rob? Nobody is even going to be at that stupid-ass orientation meeting and we need to unload everything at the apartment first and, well for chrissakes we'll be fighting rush-hour traffic if we leave before nine-thirty." He's out of bed getting dressed, saying calmly, "Just get up and get dressed and please shut up while you're doing it." Well so much for last night's lover's sex!

And why does this kind of shit always happen to me? As I get out of bed I'm muttering, "Not one college senior out of twenty will be at that dumb-ass orientation!" Holding my head, sulking as I go into the bathroom I realize my toothbrush is packed in a satchel and I don't know which one, my whole fucking toiletry kit is packed away, and when I'm just about to scream Robby goes, 'What's wrong with you? We only had a few beers last night and, here... use my toothbrush, or better yet you can use one of those cheap ones my dentist passes out when I get my teeth cleaned. Gawd, Dylan!" Huh, why am I upset? How about we don't even have our first class until tomorrow at three o'clock and we're up at the crack of dawn, and a day early! How about that!

Downstairs Mrs. D. is full of fake cheerfulness all through making us a wonderful breakfast and then as we're ready to leave she breaks out in tears, as she says, "I'll miss you boys so much," and we do a group hug with Mrs. D. kissing us both on the cheeks. Robby's rolling his eyes at me, like... 'Moms! Whaddaya gonna do?'

As we get in the pickup I'm thinking, 'Damn, just my bad luck to have this fucking hangover-headache with all the shit I need to deal with today!' I ask Rob, "Did I take Advil before we left?" and Rob, who's a little grumpy himself, says, "How the hell would I know that?" And we're finally off to begin our senior year at college...

to be continued....

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumforf@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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