Dylans Senior Year at College

Published on Mar 21, 2019



Chapter. 37

By Donny Mumford

Wow, look at the time, it's almost noon Sunday morning and we're still in bed. Holidays are exhausting although I'm feeling pretty-freakin'-good after eleven hours sleep. I'm also ready to go back to college. Yeah, college is less tiring than holidays which sounds crazy but it's sort of true. The thing is, after graduating from college, what then will I have to return to? They'll be no turning back, no returning to anything 'cause, ready or not, it's the end of the line... it's 'get your ass off the gravy train and do something useful, boy'! So, yeah, that's what's ahead.

While that's true, there's no way I'm the only college student with concerns about the 'real world' merry-go-round after college, the 'unknown' that lasts as far into the future as you can see. Concerns like, how exactly does one do 'adult' all day, every-fucking-day? And, oh yeah, those college loans need to be paid back. Hmm, I'm in debt up to my eyeballs! What seemed like money-for-free has to be paid back with interest after graduating; lending institutions are quite insistent about that. And how much will I miss the structure college life has provided, as well as the loss of daily contact with my friends? Yep, I admit that the closer I get to graduating the more concerns I have about my so-called pursuit of happiness.

I really should think about something else except, gulp, the real world is speeding toward me... only five months away now. Well, ya know what? Robby is my rock, he's my man, and because of him, a number of concerns about my life after graduation have already been dealt with. Rob has mapped out some plans for us and he did it two years ago. When he first told me about all that, I was like... yeah, sure, Rob, whatever. Now I'm beginning to see things differently.

Glancing over at him, I get shivers thinking how lucky I am he loves me and wants me in his life for, um, forever. I'm not a passing infatuation of Rob's, no way. I mean, he's loved me for over five years and I feel his love stronger now than ever before. Yeah, and that gives me, I don't know, a security blanket, a 'safe' feeling like I'll be taken care of no matter what.

Well, that was a pathetic whine! Hell, I think I'm as competent to deal with the future as the average guy, which perhaps isn't saying much. No seriously, I can take care of myself but it is nice to have someone to lean on too, ya know? And, as a bonus, Robby happens to be super good looking and sexy too, which doesn't hurt the situation at all! Heh heh.

Staring at him as he sleeps past the eleven-hour mark, I admit to myself he looks more youthful and sexier with that haircut Danny's been giving him, and to think I didn't like it at first. I've been working on a theory though, to wit: it's a good idea to give yourself a little time before definitively making a judgment about almost anything. I say that 'cause time can change your perspective, change your opinion about almost anything if you give it a chance.

Reaching over I gently brush his bangs off his forehead with my fingertips thinking, hmm, actually he needs a haircut. Then I surprise myself by realizing I'd rather Danny do Rob's haircut than do it myself. Danny's a better barber than I am. Aw, ain't that wicked unselfish of me? I mean, to sacrifice my haircut fetish in order for my boyfriend to get a better haircut. I'm a fucking saint, that's what I am... heh, heh, not really.

Rob makes a sound in his sleep and then goes up on his side facing away from me now to cough. How considerate of him. Hmm, I have this irresistible urge to feel his body against mine so, sliding over to him I put my arm around his waist pulling us together. His body is warm and tight, and totally masculine. Oh man, it feels so good and I love him so much! Putting my face against the back of his warm neck, his hair tickles my face and, umm, he smells sexy and special and his blond hair is so soft. When I squeeze him extra tightly, he mumbles, "What are you doing now, Dylan?"

Letting go of him, I'm like, "Gawd! I'm showing my man some affection and that's what I get... 'what are you doing now, Dylan'?" He smoothly turns over to face me. Everything he does is smooth and seemingly effortless. Grinning, he goes, "Sorry, baby, I forgot how friggin' sensitive you are. You'd think I'd know that by now, wouldn't you?" I mutter, "I'm not a baby, Rob! Don't patronize me like that." He makes a cute face, saying, "Especially sensitive this morning, huh? We'll start over," and in a big macho voice, he goes, "Good morning, Dylan! What the fuck time is it? Um, if you don't mind me asking that innocuous question of your twenty-two-year-old young-adult self." I nod my head, mumbling, "Yeah, okay. Ya better go back to treating me like your baby-lover. I guess I liked that better." Grinning, he grabs me and hugs me and then rubs his face against the side of my necks doing little wet-kisses and licks that give me shivers. As I shudder as he murmurs, "You're still gonna be my baby when we're seventy-fucking-years-old... at least until then."

My arms go around him to hug him back, and then our mouths are together and our lips kiss and our tongues slide over one another. This is a sexy and pleasant activity so we continue doing it for quite some time while clinging to one another. Our penises do what they do, and when they're both hard as wood and firmly up against our bellies Rob rolls me over and, putting a hand on my buttocks for support, he reaches for the tube of Astroglide from off the nightstand. As I lie here on my stomach I'm moving my hips slightly to rub my hard boner on the mattress thinking about nothing except this moment in time, not wanting to be with anyone else anywhere but here in the known or, for that matter, the unknown universe.

Robby's finger pushes lubricant into my asshole and then I hear the, "Squish, squish, squish," sounds of him stroking lubricant onto his fat hard sex organ. There's a moment or two of Rob positioning himself and then it's a slow connection, an insertion of Rob's hard cock up my relaxed rectum. I groan at the discomfort that's barking from my stretched-beyond-reason asshole. Not for long though as it begins settling down by the time I feel Rob's body tight against my butt cheeks and all of his engorged fat boner snugly up inside my rectum. It still hurts a little but feels good too and a moan slips from my throat.

Rob lies on my back, his exhaled breath warm and moist at the back of my head as we're motionless for a few seconds. Then a quiet moan from Robby before his lips are brushing my ear as he murmurs "You're my world, Dylan, my whole world," and he licks my ear and then puts his tongue in it and, for a second. I think I'm going to cum. I don't, but that almost-orgasm, that tease of spontaneous orgasm, felt so good my body shudders with pleasure.

Robby is pretty much lying on top of me, his very hard fat boner filling me up perfectly and, ooh, it's such a dreamily submissive feeling knowing it's Robby dominating my ass. The stubble of his sparse beard against my cheek is almost scratchy now as compared to not so long ago when it was soft. He does some humps on my buttocks, slightly moving his really fat hard cock against my prostate gland and the muscles in my buttocks tighten spontaneously as I bite the pillow and moan with pleasure.

With his lips brushing against my left ear again, he whispers, "I love you," and then he smoothly moves only his hips and begins fucking me steadily. Steady but not hard enough to create the sounds of males fucking and after a while I can't tell if he's pulling his fat boner back or pushing it in... all I know is the pleasure is enormous.

Quiet moans of sexual pleasure hover all around us and that's my world right now. I can barely hear the moans that perhaps are only coming from me but probably from both of us. My asshole, in its extremely stretched condition, is sizzling with familiar itchy pleasure vibrations as Rob's hard cock moves back and forth at a tantalizingly steady speed creating sensations off my prostate so intense I'm biting my lips with my eyes tightly closed luxuriating in sexual pleasure that never ceases to amaze me. Every time we do this it seems impossible the amount of pleasure Rob's fat slippery boner creates in my mind and body.

This could go on forever as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, we could happily defy the law of gravity and float in ecstasy like this through the cosmos until the sun blows up in a supernova event... that would be a really hot time alright. Yeah, Robby and I docked together like this for eternity. Then, after ten minutes or however long it's been, I'm thinking maybe this will go on forever. In a distant tiny part of my brain, the steady thrusting and my quiet moans are like that ancient Greek invention called a metronome... Rob's thrusting synchronizes almost perfectly with my heartbeat. Spooky.

It's the steady thrusting and streaks of pleasure and then a quiet, "Oh," from me as my heartbeat goes thump... and on and on like that for a wonderfully long time until we float too close the sun and the heat becomes too hot and ignites my climax. My climax awakens and begins building quickly, reaching the tipping point at an alarming rate and it seems Robby's does too as he grunts, "Umm," and thrusts faster and harder. Quickly the first, "Slap, slap," sounds join the party. The pressure of climax grows and grows as I struggle to push my ass up at Robby's thrusting and now it's faster, "Slap, slap, slap," sounds with me going, "Ah, ahh, ahhh," and then it becomes faster yet, AND louder, "SLAPSLAPSLAP!" sounds and, "Umm, umm, umm, ooh, Rob..." and then the world explodes!

Cum rushes from my nuts and out my iron cock but there's no place for it to go as it squeezes out under my stomach. And then it does it two more times as my vision is filled with red popping balloons and no amount of me struggling can move me on the mattress with Robby's weight on me as he's pounding his load of spunk up my ass and making his familiar desperate breathy sounds. It's been thunderous and violent... and then it's calm with a scarily fast retreating of sensation, but they leave behind startling ripples of after effects too, and then they fade as well leaving me limp and weak with a goofy smile on my face as I do a contented sigh...

The incomprehensible explosion of erotic sensations were hearts pounding and chests heaving events... then a silent moment followed by a long sigh from Rob as he slides off my back pulling his sloppy cock from my ass. We lie here for thirty seconds calming down before he rolls up against me with an arm over my chest and then we lie like this for a minute with Rob's arm riding up and down on my chest as I suck in oxygen. My head is still swimming with dizziness as I take a deep breath and then lean hard against Robby, and mumble, "You know it's your job to take care of me when I need you to, right?" He runs his fingers back through my hair, quietly saying, "Of course, that's if you ever need to be taken care of although I doubt you will. Still, sometimes I like pretending I'm doing that anyway." I go, "Keep pretending, that's all I'm saying. I'll decide if you're actually doing it or not." He chuckles and quietly murmurs, "Okay, baby, whatever you say." Fuck, this is soooo good!

We lie together touching but not saying anything until we hear a quiet tap on the bedroom door and Rob's mom saying, "Boys, Dad and I are going over to the club for lunch. Don't you dare leave without saying goodbye." Robby yells, "Thanks a lot for waking us the hell up, Mom! We were out late last night!" I hit him on the arm and give him a dirty look. Rob snickers and then says sweetly, "Sorry for yelling, Mom. We'll stop in at the club a little later. You can buy us lunch." She says, "That'll be wonderful, dear. See you guys over there." Robby pinches my nose, asking, "How'd I do?" I go, "You're too rude to your mom."

He gets his arms around me and hugs me too tightly, grunting, "This is a perfect development though! We're gonna take a shower together as soon as they leave," and he gets both his arms around me squeezing tightly again. Omigod, how wonderful it is to be loved...

Robby lets go of me and smoothly gets a hand on the mattress on either side of my chest looking down at me, asking, "Are you feeling the urge to get back to Merrimack like I am?" I nod my head, "Yeah, I was thinking that same thing." He goes, "It's weird, isn't it?" I nod again and say, "You need a haircut. Did your dad say anything about that at work yesterday?" He makes a face, sputtering, "Fuck, whaddaya think? I'm twenty-two-fucking-years-old, for chrissakes." I grin, "Yeah, I know how old you are, but did your dad say anything about you needing a haircut?" He snickers and goes, "Yeah, he did, haha! You asshole!" and he messes my hair and then lays on me again.

His body is awesomely sexy and I squirm under him trying to feel all of him against me. We kiss a few times and then, abruptly, he hops off me and in one motion is standing next to the bed with his hand taking mine to pull on me, saying, "Come on, you. We're taking a shower now." I go, "Yes, Sir," and let him slide me off the mattress.

In the bathroom, I turn on the water in the tub and hit the lever to get it coming out the shower head. While the water comes up to the desired temperature we brush our teeth and then take a piss standing next to each other with Robby mumbling, "This is a goofy question, but did you ever have a problem getting a piss started when another guy is pissing near you? I know some guys on the team who have that problem." I go, 'What?" and then chuckle, saying, "Well, yeah, actually I did. Years ago though, before I knew I was gay. After that, I became comfortable with my body. Now I can piss with people taking pictures of my dick and looking at it with a magnifying glass." Robby laughs out loud and then goes, "Tell me about how you learned you're gay." I go, "No. Let's take our shower now."

We bathe each other slowly looking at one another with, admittedly, smug expressions. Yeah, we don't think anybody else could be as cool together or as happy as we are. When we've been in the shower bathing each other for fifteen minutes, or maybe longer, and we're as clean as we're probably ever going to get, we hug and kiss under the flow of the water until our cocks are steel pipes again and then Robby fucks me hard and fast with wet, "Slapslapslap," sounds right from the start. There's plenty of Astroglide still in my ass, plus some of Rob's cum from earlier that hasn't drooled out yet, plus my asshole never did completely close up. It's a premium, maximum quality recreational fuck that leaves me once again seriously dizzy after my wickedly strong climax. The climax was so strong I feel weak and without Robby holding me up I believe I'd sit on the bottom of the tub. Seriously! A metaphor perhaps for the rest of my life with Robby.

Holding me up with his hands under my arms, he's like, "You okay, babe?" Another deep breath and I stand on my own, mumbling, "Yep, never been better, Rob." he goes, "I'll say! Heh heh, I can't imagine how you could possibly be any better." Getting out of the tub/shower, I go, "Thank you! We were referring to different kinds of 'better' but thanks for the endorsement. In that regard, you couldn't be any better either." Rob tosses me a towel and as we dry ourselves, he asks, "So, should we go over to my Dad's club for lunch, or text our apologies?" I shrug, "I'm hungry so let's go for lunch and then I want us to stop in and spend some time with my mom."

Dressed and ready to go, we dump the clothes and other items we brought from college in the pickup's back seat. Then, leaning against the pickup's back door, I text Mom to find out if she's home. She could still be at Tom's. She's home and I tell her we're stopping over to see her after lunch. And, after our lunch with Rob's parents at the clubhouse, that's what we do. We have a nice visit with Mom and Tris at Mom's condo. Rob is comfortable, gregarious, and talkative with my mom and Tris... and that's another thing I love that about him!

It's four-thirty before we're finally driving down Route 9 heading for Route 128. It's a quiet drive back to college with both of us feeling relaxed and, well, we're both feeling pretty fucking good actually. There are a few grins exchanged between us during the hour's drive, but mostly we just listen to music on the radio. When we're almost back to college I get a sweet smile and a pat on my leg from Robby though... it's all good!

At the apartment, Rob parks in a convenient spot for unloading the stuff we took home. We need to get back in a college frame of mind pretty quickly because we've got classes tomorrow. After getting a big wash load chugging along in the basement, we check out the class work we did before we left for home five days ago and then get our backpacks ready for tomorrow morning. Comfortable we're ready to face college again, we have a smoke on the balcony. It's cold and, of course, dark by now so, wearing only our sweatshirts we hunch our shoulders and make quick work of our cigarettes. While getting our quick nicotine 'fix' we decide what to do about dinner. We decide to eat at Bertucci's restaurant.

Inside again, we flip a coin to see which one of us will go to the basement to move the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer. After I do that and I'm on my way back upstairs, Chubby calls asking what we're doing for dinner. I tell him and he says he'll meet us at Bertucci's in an hour. He doesn't want to eat at the dining hall because he claims they aren't up to full staff after the break and they're offering more like a lunch rather than dinner. Oh, and John Beverly has the flu and is already in bed for the night, so he won't be joining us. That's a shame.

It's a typical meal at Bertucci's, meaning slow service but tasty food. We all order a beer although I don't think any of us really wants one. It's what you do though... have a drink while waiting for our meals. Chub's hungover from a party he was at last night in Haverhill with some girl. That's the reason he came back to Merrimack yesterday. Even with the hangover Chubby still had Rob and me laughing our balls off telling us about the party. He tells us funny shit in a monotone voice. Describing outlandish people and their outlandish behavior seems even funnier when he describes it as if there isn't anything outlandish about it.

So, with full stomachs, Rob and I are still chuckling as we drive back to the apartment. On our way out of the restaurant, Chubby ran into two guys who had dinner in another section of the restaurant. Both guys have obviously had a lot more to drink than the one beer we had before dinner. They're from Chub's dormitory and they talk him into joining them for a few 'nightcaps' at Rolf's Bar, so good luck to them.

Rob and I are patting ourselves on the back and talking ourselves into believing that we have too much common sense to go drinking the night before classes are starting up again. A part of me wants to do just that though. Instead, we get to bed early and have some lover's sex similar to this morning's so all-in-all, I'd rather do that than get drunk with the boys. Or, doing both things would be the other possibility.

Well, Rob and I said we were sort of looking forward to getting back to college, but Monday morning I'm already dreading the thought of going to class. Now I can't remember what it was I was looking forward to. We've only missed one day of classes when ya get right down to it. We had abbreviated classes on Wednesday and then missed Thursday's classes, and we don't have classes on Fridays anyway. Thanksgiving isn't much of a break. It's short too, but it was kinda hectic with lots of drinking and socializing so I guess we needed a break from that.

We're right back in the routine though, and by the end of the second class it doesn't seem like we had a break at all. This week's classes will be all about finalizing the course studies for this semester. Starting next week it's going to be lots of reviewing for the final exams coming up in three weeks. The reviewing and studying will happen both in class and at the apartment 'cause Rob and I do not leave preparation for exams to chance, or to the last minute. We do not subscribe to the classic all-night cramming sessions that some students rely exclusively on for exams.

Walking out of our last class Monday, Robby goes, "Dylan, don't be mad, but I haven't been at the ballpark for a week and I'd like to spend some time there. Do you mind?" Well, what am I gonna say... yes, I mind? I shrug, "Nah, I don't mind, Rob. Do you want a ride to the ballpark?" He hands me the new pickup's keys, saying, "If you'll take my backpack, I'd just as soon walk." I take his backpack, mumbling, "No problem. Shoot me a text when you're ready to go and I'll come to get you."

Then, because he'd probably like to know, but won't ask, I tell him, "I guess I'll go back to the apartment. I don't know, maybe I'll lay around reading my latest book." He goes, "What are you reading now?" I'm like, "Do you remember those boys caught in a cave in Thailand?" He nods, and I go, "That's the book I'm reading. I guess there is more than one book about that rescue. The one I've got is titled, 'The Boys in the Cave' by some ABC news correspondent who was there from start to finish." Robby asks, "Is the book any good?" I'm like, "It's interesting because the entire operation was so much more complicated than you'd think. With books describing an incident like this one though, the author needs to have 'filler' information about people ya don't care about to stretch out the number of pages. I skip over that. The interesting part was how the rescue was actually an impossible task, and from what I've read so far, the most experienced cave diver in the world said if they can get one of the eleven boys out alive it'll be considered a successful operation." Rob goes, "They saved all of them, plus the coach!" I go, "No shit, but before they attempted this ridiculously impossible rescue, that's what they thought. They thought it would take a miracle... you need to read the book to understand why."

Patting my shoulder, he says, "I'd like to read it when you're done. Anyway, I'll text you when I've checked out anything new happening with the team, and thanks for understanding, babe." We walk off in opposite directions. Rob's jogging down toward the dormitories and the ballpark that's on the other side of the dormitories, and I'm taking my time walking to the parking lot wearing my backpack and carrying Rob's.

In the pickup, I turn the engine over and then sit here a second. Hmm, what I told Rob is exactly what I intended doing when I said it except now I'm wondering if Danny cut his last class today? He hates the professor in that class and the lady never takes attendance so he's cut the class a number of times already. Very few professors take attendance at college. Well, except when they get a bug up their ass because hardly any students are showing up. The professor's ego gets fucked or something and they break out an unexpected attendance roll call. Annoying, sure, but Rob and I are almost always in class so we don't especially care if they take attendance or not.

Hmmm, I'd text my buddy Pony 'cause I kinda miss him, except he always makes his Monday afternoon classes. So, what to do? Ah, what the heck, I text Danny and he texts back that, yeah, he cut his last class and now he's at the ballpark. Fucking baseball players!

I leave it at that because how can I compete with baseball? Anyway, I'm far from horny! While driving off campus I decide it's not a matter of me being horny or not. I'd just like to goof around with Danny. We didn't spend much time together during the break; not just the two of us, and I guess I sort of miss him. Okay, I admit I still have this 'thing' for Danny and that takes nothing away from how awesome Robby's been 'cause he's been fantastic sex-wise and every-other-wise. My feelings for Danny are so different from how I feel about Robby... they're two completely different worlds, totally different. I happen to enjoy both of them, that's all. No conflict, or anything like that.

As I'm pulling into the apartment complex my cell phone pings. Huh? I pull over on the gravel and fumble my cell phone from my pocket. It's a text from Danny: `I'm on my way to my dorm right now. Specks is still at home. He's sick with a bad case of the flu so meet me in my room.' What? Just like that he expects me to drop everything and come running to his dorm? Speaking of egos! And what happened to his stay at the ballpark? Maybe he did whatever it was he went there to do. I should have followed up his last text.

It takes me five minutes to drive back on campus and after parking at the lot closest to dormitory row, I wander down past a few dormitories feeling a little giddy. This crush I have on Danny is so stupid, but it's lots of fun too. He's very unique with his combination of goofiness and sexiness... and friendliness. He's very friendly... haha. And, ya know, I still like a little variety in my sex life. Robby's totally aware of this little quirk of mine, and still putting up with it, so...

It's funny how Danny's similar to Rob in many ways, and then very different in other ways. Christ, I find Danny kinda irresistible actually. And I'm referring to him strictly in a 'buddy-sex-friend'... Rob's my lover. Danny's and my friendship is kind of a weird happenstance when considering the years we were around each other without a spark to light a fire under either of us. That is until last summer when BANG! just like that, I got a crush on him... a crush that simply won't let go.

Going into his dormitory I see one guy in the hall. That's odd because usually there are guys acting like middle school kids lighting farts and what have you, although I suppose most guys are in class now. This one guy though is right inside the door sitting on a stool he obviously pulled out from the recreation room... the first room on the left. It's where Danny stole his barber stool many weeks ago. The guy is doing something with his cell phone. Huh, he's not a bad looking young guy except he has one major flaw; he has those hideous earlobe extenders, or whatever the fuck they're called. I hate those things! He's friendly though. He looks up at me and smiles, mumbling, "Hey, dude... wassup?" I nod, muttering, "Not much," and keep walking. He probably recognizes me from other times I've been here.

Danny's room is up three steps to what's technically the first floor. The recreation room is partially underground. Yeah, that's weird, I know. Second door on the left is Danny's and Specks' dorm room. Tapping the back of my knuckles on the door, Danny opens it immediately. I'm slightly startled when he grabs the front of my leather jacket and pulls me inside, kicking the door shut behind us. I'm like, "What the...?" and Danny asks, "Was anyone out there?" I mumble, "Yeah, one guy with extenders in his ears... why?" He goes, "Oh, uh huh, I just wondered. That's Bart Roy. He's a hockey player. "

Shrugging at that bit of useless information, I'm staring at the barber chair that's replaced the barber stool I just had a thought about. The last time I laid eyes on this barber chair was in Danny's garage. Pointing at it, I go, "How did that...?" and Danny says, "Mom's boyfriend... um, I mean her friend drove me back here in his van. We brought the chair with us. Pretty neat, huh?" I ask, "What's Speck gonna say?" Danny sits in the barber chair, muttering, "What can he say? It doesn't take up much more space than the stool." I'm like, "Yes, it does."

Well, the chair isn't especially big I guess, certainly not like old time barber chairs... they're big. This chair is made of chrome rods and fake leather, but it looks heavy because of the square base that contains some mechanism for cranking the chair up or down depending on how tall the guy getting a haircut is. I go, "Do you have a bench that fits over the arms for when little kids are getting a haircut?" He frowns, "What little kids?" Taking off my jacket, I mumble, "I was joking. Don't you remember being a little kid and the barber had this kiddie seat for you to sit on so your head was higher than the back of the...?"

I stop talking because Danny's not interested in what I'm saying and I can tell he's not listening. When he doesn't hear words coming out of my mouth, he smiles, saying, "You missed me, didn't ya?" I give him an annoyed expression and he points at me, saying, "Yes, you did! Texting me as soon as Rob went to the ballpark. Christ two minutes after Rob and I said hello I got your text." Sitting in his desk chair, I'm like, "Yeah? Um, did you say anything to him? About the text, I mean." Shaking his head, he goes, "No! Why would I? Well, not about your text. We said, 'hi' and talked a little about not seeing much of each other during the break. That's about it though. He got called by Coach Davis and that's when I texted you... when I was leaving."

Taking out my cell phone, I'm like, "I'm texting Rob that I ran into you. You know, in case he should mention it to you." Danny nods and then asks, "Whaddaya wanna do?" I'm still texting, so he adds, "Haha, you know what I wanna do, but it's up to you." Putting my phone in my pocket I glance at him thinking that he looks cool! I swear it takes an effort not to drop my pants for him.

Standing up, I'm like, "I don't know what I feel like doing. I was gonna read this book I started back home. Um, I sent you that text 'cause, well I guess you're right... I missed you." He grins, "I missed you too. Come over here and sit on my lap." I'd like to do that but instead, I act annoyed, muttering, "Get real! Let's get something to drink at the Quad. Ya know, we can see who's there, or whatever..." Danny gets up from the barber chair, saying, "Yeah, I could go for a cup of coffee or one of those little bottles of 5-hour energy drinks, ya know?" I mutter, "I've never tried one. Seems a lot of money, like five bucks. Coffee is cheaper..." Danny's behind me now and he gets both arms around the front of my neck pulling me back against him.

What I should do is pull away, but instead I lean against him docilely. He murmurs, "Nice of you to admit you missed me," and he leans his head forward to rub the side of his face against mine, murmuring in my ear, "I love you, baby. Pull your pants down, please," and he begins walking me toward his bed, adding with a whisper, "We'll both be able to think more clearly when we get our hormones under control." My dick feels firm and heavy in my pants. I wish I knew why Danny has this effect on me, I really do!

At the bed he lets go of me and gives the back of my head a gentle push, quietly saying, "I'm so fucking horny for you. Look at me, I'm shaking," and, since I'm not 'pulling down my pants' as he said, Danny reaches around my waist to undo the button of my pants and then pulls them down to my knees. He gives my ass a big smack, "SMACK!" saying, "I'll get my lube," and then smacks my ass twice more, "SMACK! SMACK!"

I'm still just standing here at the side of his unmade bed, my pants around my knees, my jockey shorts still on my ass that's stinging. I'm sort of frozen here. My cock is already kinda hard 'cause I really like the way Danny takes over completely like this, and the spanking he did was just right too, not too little or too much. My left butt cheek is quivering and feeling warm and stinging. Then Danny smacks my ass again, but I like that. I also think it's uber sexy how casually he does it, and without him feeling the need to explain himself. Still, it stings and I'm rubbing my ass looking back at him to see if he's going to do it again.

It doesn't appear that he is because he's got the lube and with a hand going in past the waistband at the back of my underpants his finger spreads some KY jelly around, and then a finger goes into my asshole. I jump slightly and he chuckles, asking, "Did that feel cold?" He rubs all around the inside of my asshole and then over my prostate until I'm bending forward going, "Umm, umm, Danny..." He puts a hand firmly on my back and rubs my prostate a few more times and then lets out a long exhale before murmuring, "Doing this turns me on. I'll probably cum in twenty seconds, baby. Hey, bend over more..."

Well, if it'll only take twenty seconds, what's the harm in helping out a friend? I bend all the way over, putting both hands on the bed for support as Danny pulls my underpants down, but just below my buttocks. Another hard smack on my bare ass so the "SMACK!" sound is much louder and it has my left butt cheek quivering again and really stinging now. Danny spreads my butt cheeks apart too far and keeps them spread as the head of his cock touches my asshole. With a gasp from him, he pushes it in and then goes, "Ooooh, fuck," as he's pushing on the back of my head, mumbling, "Lay your chest on the bed, baby. You know how I like it. C'mon... work with me here." I lean forward with my face and chest on the bed, my feet still on the floor while keeping my ass held up as high as I can. He murmurs, "There ya go... that's nice teamwork."

When I bent forward though, the head of his cock pulled completely out of my ass. I make an unintentional whiny sound that makes Danny snicker and say "Oops..." Damn, I hate myself for whining like that! It's just that my anus felt just the right amount of stretched-hurt from the head of his boner. Danny's cock is the perfect size for my ass... it creates a perfect hurt, not too much or too little. He has everything down just right.

Danny pulls on my hips, saying, "Keep your ass up for me, please," and I push my ass up a tiny bit more, which is all I can manage because he's kicking my legs apart. Then he moves them further apart until they're feeling achy at the inside of my crotch. He murmurs, "Okay, that's good like that," and his cock goes inside me again with my back arching, but it feels so fucking good too!

Grabbing my hips, Danny grunts and pushes his boner in another four inches. I hear him gasp and then he pats my ass, quietly saying again, "Keep your ass up, please..." but he sounded a little annoyed this time so I strain to push my ass up more but, as I said, it's not so easy with my legs spread like this. I know it's weird of me but I like the way Danny always has me in almost a state of uncomfortableness; it emphasizes that he's the boss. The last of his boner goes in now and he presses hard against my buttocks, murmuring, "Ooooh, mmmm, this feels so good. I've been dreaming about this the entire break." Hey, how'd he get his boner so hard, so fast?

That's the last random thought I have as Danny starts right in fucking my ass hard! My boner quickly gets so stiff it's sticking out straight with the head bumping the side of the mattress with every hard thrust of Danny's hips. The slap sound of Danny smacking into my buttocks is subtle, "Slap, slap, slap," sounds because he pulled his jeans down below his nuts but his boner is sticking out the slit in his boxer shorts and the material of his boxers deadens the sound. Omigod though, he's fucking me really hard and it's such a different feel, the entire sex act is so different with Danny than with anyone else. I moan, "Oooh, ummm... Danny, ahhh..." No response from him except quiet grunting and maybe harder and faster thrusting as his hands are gripping my hips tightly. When Danny's aroused, as he apparently is, he's a dominant 'top'. One of the best even though he doesn't know he's being dominant.

He's doing his usual full six-inch thrusting and seemingly in the same motion pulling it back so fast I swear it'll pull right out of my ass... but it never does. It pulls the lips of my anus outward for a microsecond before he's plunging his hard cock back in electrifying my asshole and prostate each time... it's like the extreme pleasure of the first thrust continues exactly the same every fucking time.

As sexual pleasure rolls over me I'm visualizing Danny's hard straight-as-a-poker, pale-pinkish-white boner disappearing quickly inch by inch up my ass. It's moving so quickly it doesn't seem possible that it's already gone in again... a piston of hard human flesh engorged with seminal fluids creating sexual pleasure for him and me. The sexy itchy-vibrations around my anus combine with just the right amount of stretched 'hurt' to have my asshole sort of vibrating and then his awesome boner swiftly presses against my prostate sliding by steadily creating shuddering pleasure as the head moves along spreading open my insides tightly and then everything happens in reverse so quickly it's beyond belief and it feels almost too good to be believed.

There are waves of sexual pleasure all around my pelvic region and then sensations begin spreading down the inside of my stretched thighs feeling so good I wouldn't know how to begin explaining or describing it. Danny's in his own world now experiencing the kind of pleasure that evolution had in mind for the male penis. Danny continues grunting quietly as his boner pounds steadily, fast and hard up my ass and always the full six-inches of exquisiteness. It goes on longer than the twenty-seconds he said, but not a helluva lot longer.

Who knows exactly, but I'm guessing that it's maybe around the ninety seconds point that Danny's thrusting gets even wilder and I'm scrunching up my face because the sensations in my ass are almost too much to deal with and now they've lit my orgasmic button. A climax is now roaring up on me and my anticipation of it is off the fucking charts. I'm stiff as a board, every muscle in my body ready to help this latest climax explode from my nuts. I'm in this paralyzing state of readiness when I hear Danny gasp alarmingly and then I feel his hard stream of cum warming my rectum, I go to squeal but Danny's hand slaps across my mouth and muffles my squeal as cum rockets from my straight-out hard boner splattering cum against the fitted sheet at the side of the mattress, and then again. Incredible sensations flood over me making my whole body shudder. I'm too involved in the sensations to even moan. A last big shudder and I'm finally able to moan, "Ooooh," as I slump on the bed dropping my ass as Danny's cock pulls out.

He staggers back a few steps bumping into the desk chair as I moan at the last delicious after-effect vibrations zipping around my groin before simmering down and I'm able to relax completely into a puddle of limpness. Omigod that was fast and incredibly awesome! One of those climaxes that reach an unbelievable level of intense pleasure for just a fraction of a second before spreading out like fireworks into a fast and otherworldly orgasm. It really leaves a person shaky, which is how I feel... shaky. My shoulders do a delayed shudder as Danny's mumbling, "Wow, that was worth the wait."

Still feeling weak after that mountain of pleasure, my head turns so I can see Danny. He's vigorously cleaning his dick with a Wet Ones antibacterial wipe. Dropping the disposable wipe in the desk's little trash can he pulls out a second wipe from the container and wipes his dick again and then drops that one in the trash too, although it misses and drifts down to the floor. Danny takes a deep breath and goes, "You never disappoint, baby. That ass of yours should be cast in gold." He's lazily drying his dick with three or four Kleenex tissues now. Obviously, he's not thinking about going for 'seconds', or he wouldn't be sterilizing his sex organ.

Handing me tissues, Danny asks, "You okay?" I nod my head, still in a bit of a trance as he exclaims, "Holy shit, that was, um, awesome! Don't ya think?" Taking a deep breath I slowly push myself up off the bed and, trying to be cool and blasé about it, I put the tissues under my asshole and sit on the edge of the mattress, mumbling, "Yeah, good climax. Fast though... you were right about it being quick." He's got an arm around me pulling me up off the bed. Some of the tissues stick to my ass but I'm kinda still in a fog, still shivering a little from pleasurable memories. The tissues sticking to my ass aren't a big concern to me at the moment. I really love the way Danny fucks... seriously!

He's got his left arm around my waist, his other hand is around to my backside peeling off the sticking tissues and using fresh tissues to wipe up more of his cum drooling out of my ass as he exclaims, "Holy shit, baby, I shot a pint of cum up your precious ass." I go, "A pint? Really?" He's like, "Well, whaddya expect since I haven't had any sexual relief since the last time you and I fucked." He picks up a towel off the floor and swipes it across my butt cheeks. Dropping the towel almost exactly on the floor where it's been laying for God only knows how log, he mutters, "Just stay like this a second," and he smacks my ass hard, twice... "SMACK! SMACK!" and then he says, "You probably should put something in your jockey shorts 'cause there's a lot of my spunk still up there," and another, "SMACK!" I go, "Ow!" and he lets go of me.

Chuckling, he says, "There's something so, I don't know, so satisfying about spanking you. I think it's that you let me do it. That gets me aroused like you're saying it's okay for me to do it because..." and he stops. I go, "Because of what?" Shrugging, Danny's like, "Well, jeez, anything I say will probably sound wrong, sound like I think I'm superior in our relationship when I don't mean it that way. I'm the boss of us but I don't feel superior at all... that's all I'm saying."

Huh, that's interesting. He didn't want to say he's dominant but he's the boss of us... haha. I'm like, "No, why don't you say what you're thinking Danny." He shakes his head, mumbling, "No, it'll come out wrong, Dylan! You're trying to trick me into saying something like... um. No, ya know what... it's simple. I'm the 'top'... let's just leave it at that. A 'top' has every right to spank his 'bottom' boy, and you gotta admit you are my bottom boy, who I love by the way." I'm snickering and he laughs, "See, you're trying to fuck up my head. I know what I mean but I can't put it in the right words... and it's nothing bad either." What he's saying is, he's the dominant one and I'm the submissive one. Those words aren't in his vocabulary, or maybe the words are but the concept isn't.

Danny shakes his head a little while he buttons his jeans, obviously wanting to get onto another topic. Enthusiastically, he says, "Good God, I needed that hot ass of yours! Ya know, since my love affair with you, I've eliminated random sex so I'm not having sex nearly as often as I used to... but you're worth it," and he sees I'm fumbling with the button on my pants so he pushes my hand away, mumbling, "Let me help you with that. I like taking care of you, baby." My hands are still a little shaky anyway so I let him get the button through the slot.

Wow, that was a fast hard fuck and it just about blew my socks off. And I can't pinpoint why that is exactly, but then extra hot climaxes just happen sometimes for reasons unknown.

Danny, of course, is mostly into himself and so unaware I'm almost comatose after the orgasm I just had. He's now wiping my cum off the side of his bed, saying, "I'm ready for that coffee at the Quad now." Turning to look at me, he grins and goes off in another direction, asking, "Hey, how come you guys didn't text me Friday night?" Trying to get my mind to think about that, I pretty much fade completely out of my trance, as I go, "What? When didn't we text you?" He goes, "After the football games last Friday. You guys didn't go to the bar like you said, and then you never texted me." I go, "Well, why didn't you text me? Why the fuck do I always need to be the one who texts?"

See, this is good! That was definitely buddy sex we just had, and now Danny's acknowledging that without realizing it. As I always say, when buddy sex is over you move on to talk about, or argue about... whatever. Good, there was none of Danny's lover's sex this time... oh man though, that climax was super hot! That's where variety comes in for me... guys do basically the same thing, I mean it is basically the same thing no matter who you're doing it with, but there are some different aspects to it at the same time. That's what I mean about variety during the sex act. And, I guess it's good for one's self-image too, knowing there's more than one person on the planet who wants to share some sex with me.

Putting on an old high school 'letter' jacket, Danny goes, "It's getting cold, huh?" I shrug, "Yeah, I guess," and then I can't help staring at him for a second. He chuckles and asks, "What? Why are you staring?" Scrambling for something to say, I mutter, "Um, I was just admiring your haircut. Who's your barber?" He smirks and walks the few steps over to me and then putting his hands on the sides of my face and murmurs, "I see that look in your eyes, baby, and I love when you look at me that way." He slowly brings his face to mine and rubs his nose against mine and then does one of his ridiculously awesome kisses while I stand here without moving a muscle. No, the penis is not a muscle.

It's the twenty-second version of his unique kiss this time as opposed to the full-blown minute version. When his lips come away from mine there's a subtle wet sound and then he kisses my lips really fast, and says, "After we get some energy from the caffeine we'll come back and get in bed naked so I can show you how much I love you." I'm back in a mini-trance just standing here tasting his lips.

I want to tell him many things about his remark about loving me, but I don't know where to start so I don't say anything for a second. He pats my cheek and mutters, "C'mon, let's go," and he starts walking to the door. I go, "Wait! Um, Danny, when we're screwing around doing hot buddy sex, um, like we just did, you've got to stop talking about love because it makes me feel bad like I'm being a phony by misrepresenting my intentions. Be honest... you know damn well I'm going to be with Robby, probably marrying him after college and it's him I'm in love with! So please!" He shrugs and goes, "I know that, but it's not happening now, is it? We haven't graduated from college and you haven't married anybody. I admire the way you're dealing with this, um, polyamory situation. Don't worry about it, it's all good. You just continue being you, baby, I'll take care of the rest. I'll make it all work, don't worry... you'll see. Now c'mon," and he takes my hand. I pull my hand away, mumbling, "I can't talk to you. You don't listen..."

Ignoring that, he's got the door open and he does one of those exaggerated arm-waves like... after you. I'm doing my cheeks puffed-out routine and then exhaling noisily, feeling frustration but not knowing what to do about it except mumble, "We're buddies, Danny." He just smiles, so I walk out of the room while asking him, "Since when do you know the word 'polyamory'?"

We leave the building and while going down the few steps to the sidewalk, Danny's like, "Whaddaya mean? I couldn't use 'polygamy' because that refers to seriously involved multiple sex partners of the male and female variety. Is that what you meant?" I go, "You're a closet logophile, ain't ya? As well as a closeted..." He goes, "What's that logo-thingie?" I go, "It means a lover of words, a wordsmith, a vocabulary freak," and he's like, "Wordsmith, huh. Is that anything like a blacksmith?"

We leave the pickup in the parking lot and walk to the Quad as Danny's saying, "And, when you said 'closeted' I know you were alluding to me not 'coming out' to my mom. No offense intended, Dylan, but I don't wanna have the closeted-gay discussion with you again. I'm sorry, I know you mean well but I've decided that me coming 'out' might screw up my teaching gig. Ya know, the one my aunt already arranged for me when I graduate. Can't you see that?" I'm like, "I guess I can see your point, Danny. Anyway, I've already decided it's none of my business. You do what you feel comfortable doing." He puts his arm across my shoulders and pulls me against his side, saying, "Baby, everything about me is your business. We're going to be together for the rest of our lives.

Omigod, can I believe this? I go, "Danny for God sakes, you... um, you... oh, shit! Look, I hope we're friends forever, but we're not going to be 'together' like you mean... and you know that." He goes, "No, I don't," and then he abruptly pulls his arm from my shoulders and races up to jump on some guy's back, yelling, "Snyder, where's my fucking glove?"

Snyder wrestles Danny off his back and they talk for a second in a friendly way before a smiling Danny jogs back to me, saying, "He's such a hot shit, that Darby Snyder guy. Do you know him?" I shake my head and Danny says, "Christ baby, I lent him an old baseball glove of mine last year and I was going through my stuff at home over the break and remembered that bastard never..." I interrupt, saying, "I don't care about that, Danny. Listen to me for once, please! I beg of you... stop referring to me as 'baby'... please!" Danny goes, "Oh, okay, sure... no problem. Jeez, no more lectures, alright? Anyway, I hardly ever call you 'baby'." I start to say, "Yes, you..." but he goes, "Oh, fuck! There's Mark Tremble! Wait here a second, I'll be right back..." and off he goes again.

The Quad is only a half a block away so I continue walking and go up the steps and then inside. While Danny's greeting everybody at Merrimack I'll get us a couple of coffees. He's got more energy than Chubby, and that's saying something! Yeah, and Danny knows more guys on this campus than I've known from everywhere I've lived during my entire life. That's what it seems like anyhow.

Getting in line for coffee, I look around at maybe a hundred guys and girls in here and see three guys I know. They were in the same class I had freshman and sophomore years but I don't really 'know' them. We say 'hello' and I've talked to them any number of times, but we're not friends. I wouldn't feel comfortable jumping on their backs like Danny did to that guy. Yeah, although that one guy over there, George Michels, has a sexy mouth and a skinny body that I thought was hot. He always sort of looked me in the eyes a second too long and I wonder what would have happened if I made the first move... I never did though.

I see slices of cake; white cake with vanilla frosting! That's my favorite kind of cake, so I grab a tray because I'm going to buy a slice for me and Danny to go with the coffees. I get two slices of cake and two coffees and carry the tray to a table for four that's all the way over at the side of the room. Antisocial, you say? Haha.

It's like five minutes later that Danny finds me. He's carrying two cardboard cups of coffee and chuckles as he sits down, saying, "We both had the same idea." He reaches for one of the paper cups of coffee I bought, saying, "The coffees I bought are still too hot. Um, is that other piece of cake for me, baby?" My mouth is filled with cake so I just nod my head grinning at him. He's already reneged on his promise not to call me 'baby'. Danny pulls the paper plate with the cake over to him and reaches for the plastic fork that was next to it, asking, "Why are you grinning at me like that?" Swallowing, I go, "You just told me five minutes ago you wouldn't call me that."

Forking a big piece of cake into his mouth, he goes, "Call you what?" and two burly guys come over. One of them has a small ring through his right nostril. He musses Danny hair, asking obnoxiously, "Where'd go get this faggy haircut, Monday?" Both burly guys have the three-day full beard 'look' but their beards are as stiff-looking as wire. They brazenly sit down and the one without the ring in his nose pulls over one of the coffees Danny bought, saying, "Hey, thanks for the coffee, Dan." Ring-nose gets the other cup as Danny asks, "Why weren't you girls in our Marketing class this morning?" Ring-nose says, "Nicky and I were too fucking hungover. Hey, we wanna ask you something. Do you wanna play poker tonight?" Danny goes, "Poker?" and tiny pieces of cake flies from his mouth as he says it.

Ring-nosed bats at the tiny cake particles, saying, "Yeah, Pinky and Dawson are playing and Richards too, and guess what... no surprise actually, but Richard's got some primo pot." Danny eats another big piece of cake and then goes, "Oh yeah, how much does he have?" The other guy, the one without the ring in his nose, says, "He's got enough. Ya wanna play or not?" Danny says, "Where?" and ring-nosed swallows some coffee, and says, "Dawson's, where else. His apartment." Danny says, "Sure, I'll be there." The other guy goes, "You mean like you were there last time?" and Danny goes, "Hey, I got sick that time, asshole. I'll be there. What time ya playing?" The guy says, "Seven o'clock or thereabouts. We'll do some shots and beers, then deal the cards. Come on, Danny... show up for once, dude. You're always punking us by not showing up..."

Neither of these guys are paying any more attention to me than they are to this table we're sitting at, and to that I say... good! They're both jocks, obviously. The two guys get up, leaving the coffees they barely drank. Ring-nosed points at Danny and says, "See ya there, Monday!" Danny gives him a noncommittal grin and when the guys are five feet away I hear them yelling at someone else in their loud obnoxious manner, "Pokey man, wait a damn second!" Glancing over I see them jogging toward some tall geeky-looking guy who is almost out the door. I roll my eyes thinking, I'm glad I don't know them!

Danny finishes his cake and burps. I look over at him as he snickers and nods his head in the direction of the two dolts, saying, "A couple of dudes from last year... mostly last year. I hung out smoking pot with that crew, ya know, occasionally. They're alright I guess. I mean for certain things, and believe it or not, they're both brains." I'm like, "Are you gonna play cards?" He snorts, "No! No way. I don't gamble very often and especially not with them. Their game is like a dollar ante with a ten-dollar max bet, and then three chances to raise the bet. Guys lose or win a hundred bucks an hour. Fuck that!"

I've never played cards for that much money myself. Finished my cake, I ask, "How many guys would you guess you know at Merrimack?" He shrugs and points at the two cups of coffee he bought, "Those assholes drank one swallow each out of the two coffees I bought. What the fuck is that?" He has white frosting on his chin and a little piece of cake crumb on his lip. He's a cute fucker and he looks like he's seventeen. I go, "You're cute and young looking too." He nods his head and goes, "Yeah, I know. Back in high school, I thought you were easily the cutest, best-looking guy... hands down. Everyone agrees with that. But then I thought Mickey Jones was the next cutest guy in our class. Ya know, that kid on the soccer team who won some kind of an award, and then it was either me or Rob as the next best looking. What do you think? Was Rob cuter, or was I?" He's serious so I gotta laugh out loud. He goes, "What?"

As we're leaving the Quad, Danny asks, "Can I bum a smoke, baby?" We light cigarettes while we walk around and in between guys and girls loitering near the Quad. The benches are occupied so we walk slowly across the quad proper. The quad is actually the area in front of the building we just came out of, but everyone refers to the building as the Quad. It's actually named Deegan Hall, although I've never heard anyone call it that.

Naturally, it's not long before Danny's arm goes across my shoulders, as he's saying, "Ya know, when I'm with you Dylan I'm always happy. It's so strange that you and I took so long to finally connect. Why was that?" Before I can answer, he answers his own question, "I think it's because you and Robby were boyfriends so I didn't think I had a chance with you, although I always thought you were, and are, the perfect guy to be boyfriends with. Do you remember freshman year when I fucked you a new asshole?" I go, "Yeah but I needed a new one at the time." He laughs out loud hugging me against his side. Danny has a nice laugh... somehow it just seems to go with his youthful appearance. He goes, "Oh fuck, baby, that's funny. But yeah, I always thought you would make the most perfect boyfriend. You know for a gay guy like myself, I mean. And then you finally got a crush on me and here we are... tight boyfriends, boyfriends with a future together!"

Holy shit, did I somehow get him thinking he's in love? Yeah, in a way I did. And, obviously, I should be shrugging Danny's arm off my shoulders except I like it there. Yeah, this thing Danny has in his head about us being in a relationship is partly my fault... obviously.

Sighing, because I don't want to go into this again, but I should, so I say, "Danny, I've mentioned this before and I don't mean to beat a dead horse, as they say. Um, first of all, I'm wicked fond of you. Let me make that crystal clear. I've been unfair though because I must be leading you on and I don't mean to do it. I'm apparently giving you the wrong signals. It's just that I can't help liking us, um, together. No, that came out wrong. What I meant is, I don't want to, but it might be coming off as me being too eager to please you, or something."

I'm trying to think of how to say this the right way... for once, but Danny goes, "Hey, baby, relax. I got it covered. Hell, I know what you mean. It's okay." Nodding my head, I go, "Thank God. Haha, jeez, you've gotta admit I've been upfront that Robby and I are in love. I tell you that and then I go and have hot sex with you, ya know, it'd be understandable that you might get the wrong idea. You know we're buddies doing buddy sex, right? It's not a love affair haha. Christ! I just worry you'll think..." He goes, "Shhh. Please stop talking. I know you're in love with Robby and not me... not me yet. I kinda think you will be in love with me, ya know, in the future. Probably sooner than later and, sure, I feel kinda bad for stealing you from Rob, but in love and war it's every man for himself, or is it... anything goes? Um, how's that phrase go?" I'm like, "I don't know, but..." and he interrupts, saying, "No buts! I understand how you feel and you understand how I feel. We're on the same page, baby, so let's leave it at that... fair enough?"

I mutter, "Um, really?" Huh, it doesn't seem like we're on the same page but what else can I say? I came right out and told him it's me and Rob riding into the sunset together, and I've told him the same thing four or five times recently, so... Hey, he's not ignoring me, is he? I know he does that, but he just sort of summarized our situation pretty good. I think...

We finish our smokes silently while walking, um, sort as if we are actually boyfriends. I mean, Danny's arm is still across my shoulders. That makes me ask, "You being in the closet and all, um, I was wondering why you aren't concerned guys will think we're gay walking like this, um, so close and with your arm hugging me. Ya know what I mean" He looks at me with a puzzled expression and then says, "Whaddaya talking about? Friends have an arm on a friend's shoulder all the fucking time. Christ, us jocks are always hugging each other and patting one another on the ass, rubbing each other's head... you name it and jocks are doing it... affectionate stuff I mean."

Yeah, I guess. Then I realize Danny's walking us back to his dorm, and I go, "Oh, no. Um, Robby will be texting me any minute now and I'll need to...." He mutters, "Oh, shit. I forgot about that." And as if on cue my cell phone rings. I'm kind of relieved actually. I go, "I better get that," and pull my cell phone from my pocket. I go, "Yeah, it's Robby," and then I say, "Hi, Rob, ready to go?" Rob says, "Fuck, I wish I was! No, unfortunately, Coach Davis wants to take me and three other mentors out for a beer. It's the last thing I wanna do but I sort of have to go." Glancing at Danny, I realize I'm kind of glad and I feel like kicking myself in the ass for feeling that way. I say to Rob, "Oh, damn, um, Danny and I just left the Quad. We're walking toward the ballpark right now. That's where I parked the pickup." Robby sounds just a tad irritated, saying, "I said I was sorry! It's not like I want to do this, but I gotta."

Robby must have misinterpreted my frustration at myself as me being pissed that Rob is going drinking so I'm like, "I know and it's not that I'm upset, I'm feeling bad for you, Robby." Sounding nicer he goes, "Thanks, babe. Jeez, and we still need to do that worksheet and that fucking eight paragraph paper for Wednesday's class. And Carl texted asking about joining us for the study group. Look, I didn't mean to sound like I'm taking this out on you, but I can't tell Coach Davis to stick his beer..." I tell him not to worry about it and to call me when he wants a ride from the bar. He tells he'll get a ride to the apartment from one of the guys. What can I say except, "I understand, Rob. We'll get everything done. Enjoy yourself if you can. Bye, baby," and he chuckles because I called him that. He says, "Bye, babe." Okay, that went okay.

Danny's looking at me like, 'what's up?' I shrug, "Well, um, Rob and some mentors are going to Rolf's Bar. The Coach wants to buy them a beer or something." He asks, "Coach Davis?" As if it matters which coach it is. I nod, "Yeah, I think that's what Rob said." Danny goes, "Huh," and then gets us walking again and up ahead I see some guy walking with red hair like Carl's and from nowhere and for no reason I think about Carl and his 'cherry' situation. Well, I guess Rob mentioning Carl and our study group and now seeing the redheaded guy and... Oh, we're crossing the street and walking up dormitory row. I wasn't paying attention. Dammit, what am I supposed to say to Danny... no thanks, I'd rather not get in bed naked with you...

Well, fuck, we just had that 'talk' and there's the small matter of me having little to no willpower when it comes to Danny so I may as well just admit it... I suck 'cause I've got no willpower to resist him. I just finished telling him we don't have a relationship. I mean I just told him we're NOT in a love affair. Not the kind he wants and he said he understands. Basically, that's what he said, so on that basis why not a little more buddy sex? As if Danny would take 'no' for an answer anyway. Who am I kidding?

Turning up the short sidewalk to his dormitory, Danny takes his arm off my shoulders and says very softly, "Hey, remember... we decided to get naked before we hop in bed...just a friendly reminder." He decided we'd do that, not we. What's it matter though, so I go, "Yeah, okay," and we walk up a couple of steps and through the front door of his dormitory.

Danny stops inside the front door to talk with a couple of guys as I stand here trying to convince myself that I'm not feeling desire for him. Well, that's not computing so I'm shaking my head slowly and wondering about myself. I simply can't be normal! I don't know anyone who has as much sex as I do. Yeah, that's a brilliant statement alright. I mean, how many people do I know and why would I assume to know how much sex they're having? Christ, I've read online about guys during psychological studies who have sex six or eight times a day. Are they lying about that? I'm fine...

After bumping fist with the two guys, Danny says to me, "C'mon, Dylan, I'll get that paper I did last year for Accounting 2. You can copy it." I'm a little dense, asking, "What paper?" and he pats my back to get me moving, mumbling, "Don't you want it?" By the time we're inside his room, I get 'it'. Grinning, I'm like, "What grade did you get on that paper? It better not be your normal 'C-' because I'm a straight 'C' student."

Danny ignored that joking around and I'm like, "Hmm, okay, you wanna jump in bed right now? I mean we probably have a couple of hours." He goes, "Have you ever played Fortnite?" I shake my head, "No, Robby and I aren't gamers. We never got into it and I'm not sure why that is." He says, "Well, I'll show you," and he pulls Speck's desk chair over to his desk. We sit in front of his computer as he powers it up, saying, "I downloaded this for free. Specks and I play it online with other guys. It's so fucking cool and wicked easy for newcomers. Not like most games." It's a survival game and we play it for a half hour but while it's easy for newcomers, it's not easy to stay alive. Okay, it's fun but I can't see doing it for hours on end like other guys seem to. Hey, to each their own though.

It becomes apparent to me that Danny would stay on this game for the rest of eternity, so I go, "Well, I just died again. Um, ya know, maybe we should in bed naked like you said." He laughs out loud and jumps up out of his chair. As he's taking his shirt off and dropping it on the floor, he goes, "Get undressed, baby." Well, okay! He says, "This is your idea," and I go, "No, it was your idea and I just reminded you."

I undress watching him get undressed, and as I'm doing that I begin feeling the beginning of one of my dreamy states of mind take hold. I think it's the way Danny is so sure of himself about, well, about everything. It's kinda has a hypnotizing effect on me but I could dispel this early dreamy state if I wanted to. My problem is, I don't want to. I like it; it's one of the things I like most about being with Danny. I mean, how easy it is to slip into these dreamily sexy states of mind.

We're both naked at the same time and as we drop our last sock on the floor, Danny goes, "Hey, that's cool, baby. We finished at the same time." His naked body is very special and his penis is perfect. I'm feeling kind of goofily sexy now as I mutter, "You've got a hot body, Danny-boy." He puts his arms around the back of my waist, squeezes me against his stomach, our dicks bumping together as he goes, "Well, right back at you! Actually, I always thought you had the sexiest body I've ever seen in my life; it's obviously boyish but very sexy. Not what anyone would consider macho maybe, but it is way sexy!"

I don't know how I feel about that backhanded compliment, but I want to stay in this goofy dreamy state of mind so I don't say anything. Smiling at me, his arms stay around me as he walks us to the bed, me walking backward. He stops when the back of my legs hit the edge of the mattress. Leaving one of his arms around my waist, he turns sideways to me and takes my dick in his hand and squeezes as he's looking me in the eyes like he dares me to protest. I bite my bottom lip, moaning, "Ummm," he begins casually stroking my pecker. If I hadn't already slipped into a dreamy trance, this would do it for me.

Stroke, stroke, stroke goes his hand on my dick as Danny continues looking into my eyes. I stare back until he murmurs, "This will probably sound terrible of me, Dylan, but I gotta ask you something. Pretty please, um, would you suck my dick for me? I cleaned it really well after fucking you earlier and I absolutely love when my pecker is in your mouth and my fingers are in your super cool flattop haircut and I can look down and see that cute face of yours."

I don't know why his wide shoulders make my knees feel weak, but they do. And he smells nice too and his arm feels good around my waist and the palm of his hand feel awesome stroking my cock. He drops his hand off my waist to cup my right butt cheek and then, squeezing it almost too hard, he asks, "Will ya do that for me, baby? Suck me off until I cream in your mouth. Ya know, I dreamed you did that, in an actual dream It was two nights ago and I almost shot off in my sleep... it woke me up."

My eyelids feel heavy as I stare back at him. He's stroking my cock from the root to the head, back and forth, and the palm of his hand is kinda hard, or is that my cock? Omigod, he smells sexy and his brown eyes are beautiful with just the right length curved eyelashes! Not girlie eyelashes but long guy's eyelashes and his eyes sparkle.

Plus. sucking his cock is fun so I've got no problem with doing it, none at all. I slowly drop to my knees, my dick pulling out of his hand. It's very hard as Danny murmurs, "Oh man, I love you. Thanks, baby." Leaning my forehead against his belly, I pick up his dick and lick all around the head and then lick down the shaft that's slightly firm already. I'm inhaling his scent in between laps of my tongue, licking from the root to the head of his cock over and over. Danny's rubbing my head and tightening his stomach muscles spastically, quietly grunting, "Um, um, ahh."

Pulling my head back and holding his cock in front of me, I look at it. Yeah, I'm noticing a weird taste coming off his penis. Oh, it has to be the antibacterial stuff from the Wet Ones he used earlier to clean his pecker. Then I'm thinking... damn, it was nice of him to clean his penis after it was in my ass. I get back to licking that pretty-looking penis of Danny's and with every lap up and down the shaft, the funny taste fades and his dick firms up more as well. Danny has both hands on my head moving his fingers back and forth in my hair as his hips begin humping slightly. I'm hearing a wet hissing sound as Danny's sucking air in and out between his teeth at the sensations that have gotta be soaring off his hard nerve-ending filled penis.

In less than a minute his dick is a roaringly-hard boner that I now hold in my fist and suck on the head making a slurping sound. Danny begins grunting, "Umm, umm, umm" and shuffling his feet a little as he continues to rub his fingers through my hair but now he's pressing down harder on my scalp. His cock tastes good now that all the nasty antibacterial fluid or whatever it was is gone. Slurp, slurp, slurp... my own spit running down my chin.

The head of his cock is very pink, almost a rosy color and its shaped just like the head on my dick. First of all, some penises I've seen are not the most intuitively configured appendages, um, not the best result of evolution certainly, but Danny's and my dicks are super nice-looking with a smooth rounded head that's wider than the shaft. The shaft is six inches, or I guess a little more for Danny's, plus about four inches around which isn't as big around as that sounds. In other words, they're perfectly sized and excellent looking penises. That's certainly true as far as we're concerned... as far as I'm concerned, I guess I should say.

Danny's and my cocks are equally hard because Danny stroked a boner on my cock and then I get aroused mightily from sucking a young guy's dick. My hand is still around the shaft so the licking and sucking I'm doing now is on the head exclusively and it is definitely swollen to the max. Danny pushes my fist off his boner that's so hard it sticks straight out from his soft pubic hairs. Man oh man, that's a nice looking boner. Holy shit.

Without licking or sucking it, I put the head of his boner on my bottom lip that's covering my bottom teeth, sort of teasing Danny and he roughly rubs his fingers back through my hair grunting quietly and then he says in a strained voice, "Go ahead, baby, suck my cock. Make it feel fantastic! " My tongue moves around the head as Danny grunts and then says, "Oh, and I meant to tell you," he ruffles my hair as he continues, "I have a new idea for your next haircut but, um, oooh, ummm, that feels good. Um, I'll tell you about it later." I suck on the head with lots of warm saliva now. The spit runs around the hard head of his cock and then out of my mouth and down my chin to join my earlier droolings. I'm using so much saliva it's dripping off the end of my chin.

Taking a big inhale, Danny starts moving his hips pushing and pulling his boner on my tongue. He's no longer rubbing his fingers back through my short hair though... now he's gripping my head with a hand on each side of it holding my head in place. His hips are gently pushing his boner further back on my tongue with each thrust as he groans and makes 'faces' at the sensations coming from the nerve endings in his penis. I'm preparing myself for his boner to go down my throat because he did that not too long ago. It can be very uncomfortable for me but I really get 'off' on it too. The dominant way Danny does it gets me extremely aroused.

I've been feeling docile and submissive and I know submissive boys do not touch themselves without an okay from their dominant 'top', which is what I've convinced myself Danny is. Plus, I'd cum in ten-seconds if I touched myself anyway, and I don't wanna do that yet. My hard cock is feeling very good up against my stomach and some pre-cum just drooled out.

A few more thrusts of his boner on my tongue and then Danny moves my head back and goes up on his toes to thrust his cock past the gag reflex area of my throat and down it goes. Even though I expected it, I gag a long gag but Danny's past any concerns about my gagging 'cause the sensations obviously are feeling too good coming off his cock and he can't stop now. The first thrust pushed the swollen smooth head just into my throat, the second thrust shoved an inch of shaft along with the head and with the third hump of his hips almost all six-plus inches of his hard boner goes down my throat with Danny standing on his toes groaning, "Oooh, oooh, ummm," before pulling it out.

My eyes are at the top of their sockets watching Danny shudders for a second or two and then down goes his entire cock again, him up on his toes leaning against my face, his pubic hairs all around my nose, mouth, and chin. He humps against my face, my nose squished against his belly and pubic hairs. I can't breathe obviously, but unlike last time we did this I don't panic. I have faith Danny will pull it back up any second now, and he does although it seemed he kept his boner down there a few more seconds than I expected.

We're both taking some deep breaths, the heavy head of his cock near the back of my throat drooling pre-cum that I'm afraid will make me cough if it runs down my throat. Three inches of the heavy shaft is on my tongue as I strain my eyes up to see Danny's shoulders shudder again and then mine do the same and then his eyes look down and he sees me looking up, so he says, "I'm waiting a second, baby. I almost blew my load. Be patient, okay?" Okay...

Then, with one last deep breath Danny shoves his entire cock down my throat again and then twice more before he goes, "Ooooh," pulling back, his face scrunched up and when the head pops out of my throat it shoots a long stream of creamy cum that hits the back of my mouth. Danny makes a gasping sound leaning back and letting go of my head. His cock fires out another blast of cum partially on my tongue but when the head pulls out of my mouth the last part of the ejaculation splatters against my chin. Danny grabs his cock and tightly squeezes out a long drool of cum, his face is red as he closes his eyes tightly, moaning, "Ooooh, mmm... fuuuuuck."

With his eyes still closed he moans again stepping back and bumping into the back of the desk chair. He roughly pulls it around and sits on it with his legs stretched out, his cock still in his fist. My tongue moves outside my mouth to swipe at the cum off my chin. Moving my tongue all around in my mouth, I swallow saliva and cum. There's still no taste to his cum; not that I can describe. A little different than just swallowing saliva but I can't describe how it's different, other than it's thicker than just saliva.

As I said, Danny's still got his pecker in his hand, and now he says, "Oh, God, oooh, jesssuz," as he pulls on his cock again. Then he stands, leans forward putting both hands under my arms helping me up off my knees, mumbling, "C'mon, baby, get in bed with me," and he adds almost like a whine, "Omigod, what a fucking hot climax that was." I didn't climax like I did last time we did this.

After wrestling with the covers a little, we get under them with Danny hugging me and kissing my face. His lips find mine and his tongue goes in my mouth but if he's looking for a taste of his own cum, he's too late... I swallowed all of it. His lips make a smacking wet sound coming off mine. It's a good kiss but still, I'm kinda pissed I didn't get my rocks off. I think it's because Danny climaxed too fast. He rubs my head again, asking, "Was that okay, Dylan? Did you like how I did that?" Haha, now he wants compliments for deep-throating me? And I didn't even cum... holy shit, the ego!

I snort out a snicker and then say, "That was the most awesome experience of my life!" He grins and mumbles, "It probably wasn't for you but thank you for doing it. It was fantastic for me," and he hugs me and rocks us on the bed a little. Settling down, but still lightly hugging me, Danny gets serious, saying "You're the world's most perfect boyfriend. That's the truth! How could anyone be better than you, ya know?" I sort of make a 'face' and he adds, "You're an awesome perfect boyfriend, but I'm not. I'm not a perfect boyfriend because I'm too selfish. I want my pleasure first. I'm awful." I haven't heard fishing for compliments like that since, well... ever. I don't care though; it's kinda cute of him, so I go, "No, Danny, you're awesome too!" He chuckles, mumbling, "Liar! Thanks for lying. See you're the perfect boyfriend and I gonna make you mine, you'll see."

We're lying together like this for a few more seconds and then I sort of force my way off part of Danny's body and onto the mattress right next to him. He doesn't resist too much, but he does keep his left arm under the back of my neck. It's nice that he likes touching me. He pulls my head to his so he can do a ten-second wet sloppy kiss on the side of my forehead. Letting my head drop onto the pillow right next to his, he murmurs, "You have no idea, baby. You don't know how awesome it is for me when I'm with you like this. You probably have guys kissing your ass and loving you to death left and right. I don't have that, and I never have actually. Well, maybe one guy. Anyway, I have only you because I don't want to have sex with anyone but you. It's not your fault, and I'm not looking for sympathy... just telling you how it is so you'll have a tiny idea how much you mean to me."

Oh balls, I can't, um, I mean I shouldn't let that go without saying something. Should I? We've been over this so often, but I reluctantly say, "You are lots of fun to do buddy sex with, Danny. I love you for that but please keep the love fantasy to yourself. I know that sounds mean of me and I'm sorry, but if I don't say anything it's like I'm agreeing with you. Do you know what I mean?"

He's not upset. He calmly says, "I kinda know what you mean, sure I do. Um, that is, except there isn't anything for you to agree or disagree with. I'm just telling you how I feel. I'm not projecting anything onto you. How many times do I need to tell you that I know you're not feeling about me the way I am about you?" I go, "Okay, sorry. I misunderstood," and he says quietly, "Well, what I said doesn't change how I feel though, ya know?" I'm nodding my head and then, looking at him, I go, "Yes, I know... I get it. Sorry if I seem, I don't know, like I'm ungrateful or something. As I've told you before, it's flattering beyond words that you say these wonderful things about me. I'll always love you in some special buddy-way because of how you express your feelings so freely and openly. And I won't remind you again of what, as you just said you already know. Okay?"

He goes, "Whew, I'm glad we got that straightened out." He's grinning as he rolls up on his side, saying, 'Wait'll you see the way I'm gonna make love to you now. Well, I mean as soon as I'm able, which won't be very long from now because I've got some serious desire built up from the past week. No, it's been longer... like ten days!" I go, "Oh, okay. Um, if you're keeping score, though. Um, just for the record, I didn't quite reach orgasm before your creamy Niagara Falls hit my mouth. So I'm ready whenever you are."

I don't think he even heard that because he's rubbing his fingers in my hair, saying, "Don't get mad, but as I said a little while ago, I was thinking of a new haircut for you." I go, "Oh, no," and he snickers and then says, "Yeah, um, I thought of you while I was watching college basketball during the break. This kid on the Louisville team, ya know, the Louisville Cardinals. Anyway, he had, um, he was a rare white guy on a top twenty-five college basketball team, ya know," and he laughs.

I'm waiting for him to finish, but he doesn't. After a couple of seconds, I'm like, "Ah, what about him? The white kid on the basketball team. How did he make you think of me?" Danny goes, "Yeah, no... maybe I should tell you another time." I go, "You can't start something... and then say forget it. That's not fair." He ruffles through my hair again and then shrugs, saying, "Well, I'm thinking of giving you a haircut like that guy had. Ya know, next time." Raising my eyebrows, I'm like, "Yeah, and...?" He goes, "It looked so cool on him and he has dense hair like you do. Not blond, his was brown hair but, haha, anyway it got me looking at tutorials online again, ya know, after seeing him." I'm like, "Yeah, so, what's the haircut?" Danny nods his head like he's thinking and then says, "It's nothing exotic. Don't worry about that. Um, there are various names but the basic one for his haircut seems to be, um, a burr haircut. Yeah, you'd look good with that, so..."

Lying back, I go, "I've had burr haircuts before! They're almost like buzz cuts. Why did that haircut get your attention? It's so common." He goes, "It's not common! Buzz cuts are common, or they were a few years back. This is different." I go, "Jesus, that summer I was in Georgia with my old friend, Ryan Wilcox, he gave me that haircut every Saturday. Oh, and then one time the summer after freshman year at Merrimack I had to get a burr haircut for a sort of club I was sort of a member of... kinda." Danny goes, "Well, I didn't see you with that haircut, but good, I glad you liked it! Then you won't give me a hard time about it, right?" I go, "I never said I liked it; I said I've had that haircut before. Maybe I wouldn't mind if it's a summer haircut." He says, "Well, I was thinking it'll be your haircut next Sunday..." and we talk about nonsensical haircut stuff for a while.

I've never known anyone in my whole life who was into haircutting like Danny is... and he doesn't even have a haircut fetish! Previously, I was the person I knew in my whole life who was into haircuts and haircutting the most, but Danny makes me look like someone with a casual interest in the subject. Seriously, it's the most unexpected thing I can think of... Danny and his interest in giving different haircuts.

After the haircut talk, we talk about our Thanksgiving dinners and I hear how Danny's Mom's boyfriend cooked Thanksgiving dinner for them along with ten other people and how bored poor Danny was because he was the only participant under the age of forty. After we beat that topic to death I come out with, "Hey, Danny, I can't figure this out. Um, are you and Rob still friends?" He goes, "What'd Rob say?" I go, "He doesn't say anything and you don't either." He shrugs, "Oh, we're still friends then, but we don't do any buddy sex, I mean if that's what's behind your question." I say, "It wasn't!" Then I ask about Hayden and if they're texting or emailing?

I guess I'm wondering if maybe somehow unintentionally I've come between Danny being friends with Hayden and Robby. As I said, it certainly wasn't my intention but it seems awfully coincidental that the closer I got to Hayden the further it seemed he and his previous best friend Danny were, and the same with me getting tighter with Danny and how Robby doesn't seem to have much time for him anymore. Danny talks a little bit about that, and it seems he's making sense in a roundabout way except when he's done explaining himself I don't know any more than I did before we started talking about it.

Danny's had his arm behind my neck and now he pulls my head up and says, "Ya know what, baby?" I go, "What?" and he grins, murmuring, "I'm ready to show you how much I love you." I go, "Oh, could you show me as my favorite buddy sex buddy?" He doesn't want to hear that, so he goes, "This time I want you on your stomach so I can..." and my cell phone rings. We both look at my pants on the floor. That's where the ringing is coming from.

to be continued...

Donny Mumford. thinat20@yahoo.com. donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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