Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Oct 6, 2017



Chapter 5

by Donny Mumford

I get to sleep-in an extra half-hour Tuesday morning knowing I'm taking the later bus. The seven-thirty bus gets me to work forty-five minutes before the eight-thirty starting time... there's no need for that. After my regular bathroom routine, I'm dressed in pressed khakis with a light-blue dress-shirt... no tie, but with loafers on my feet as a nod to professionalism.

Feeling a lot less nervous this morning I'm able to eat a bowl of Froot Loops. A nutritious breakfast is, after all, the most important meal of the day. I made my lunch last night cutting the meat off left over spare ribs from last night's dinner. Basically two barbecued pulled-pork sandwiches on Kaiser rolls. I can go with cold sandwiches or more likely I'll heat them in a microwave at work and have hot pulled-pork sandwiches. Either way.

Chub told me a joke last night: There's this young teen having a smoke while hanging-out waiting for his buddy. Along comes a man who says, 'Excuse me, Son, could you tell me how to get to the Post Office?" The teenager exhales some smoke-rings and then gives the guy directions. The man nods his head and says, 'Thank you. By the way, I'm the new Pastor in town and if you'll come to church on Sunday I'll tell you how to get to Heaven." The teen snorts out a laugh, and says, 'You're bullshitting me, right Padre? I mean, you don't even know how to get to the fuckin' Post Office.' Yeah, okay, it's a little lame but good jokes are getting harder and harder to come by lately.

Putting on my backpack I saunter down to the bus stop and, after lighting a cigarette, it's like Groundhog Day all over again. Right on schedule here comes mustache-man with a newspaper under his arm. Like yesterday he sits on the bench opening his newspaper and then gives me a nasty look because I'm smoking. I look defiantly right back at him while exhaling smoke.

Actually I was trying for a couple smoke rings like the kid in the joke but that didn't materialize. The man makes a huffy sound and goes back to reading his paper.

Okay, before the bus gets here I've gotta decide if I should sit next to the cute kid or across from him. That's if he's even on the bus again this morning. Oh jeeezus, here comes that fat-ass lady. I can't remember what mustache-man call her yesterday. She sashays up to the bus stop bench and says, "G'morning, Ernie. Nice day, ain't it?" Ernie lets out a long exasperated breath and says, loud enough for me to hear, "I'll tell you what, Alice, it'd be a helluva lot nicer day if I wasn't inhaling second-hand smoke." Hey fuck-head, I'm standing at least fifteen-feet from the fucking bus stop!

Turning my back to those two I put on my awesome Oakley sunglasses. With these sunglasses, I can get a good gawk at the kid on the bus without him being aware of it. You can't see my eyes behind these dark glasses. And, from the angle of my head it'll appear I'm looking away from the kid, but my eyes will be over to the side checking him out. Good to plan this kind of thing out ahead of time. Looking at my watch I see it's eight o'clock. Huh, tomorrow I'm not going to get here this early. Best to avoid standing around the bus stop getting dirty looks from certain people.

The bus pulls up two-minutes early and I wait for the mustache-man and the shrill-talking fat-ass lady to get on first. I'm two steps behind, um, what's-her-name, trying not to look at that bouncing big ass of hers. She says, "G'morning, Gus," to the bus driver and gets the same grunt from him she got yesterday. As I'm dropping the correct change in the machine I'm already looking for the kid. Ha! He's in the same seat he was in yesterday.

That's no surprise as others I remember from yesterday are in their same seats too. It was like that at school. Even without assigned-seating we all sat in the same seats all semester.

Slowing walking down toward the fourth row of seats where the kid's sitting, I'm openly staring at him. Hell, I don't even need the sunglasses because his head is down looking at his cellphone. And yes, he has the exact haircut-style I have, only his hair is longer. I can't decide if this hairstyle looks better longer like his, or shorter like mine. He's cute though, or at least what I can see of his face with his head down like that. Oh fuck! Someone's sitting across the aisle from him. A little panicked I walk right past him not having the balls to blatantly sit next to him. No way is the bus crowded enough to do that and, oh shit, to make matters worse someone's in my seat behind the kid! Goddammit there's always one asshole who doesn't get the memo. I sit two seats behind the kid planning on getting up in time to stand directly behind him when we're getting off at our stop. Yeah, yeah, I know this is all a bit childish and silly of me but I'm entertaining myself and making the bus ride kind of interesting. That's better than sitting here like a bump on a log like most off these numb-nuts.

A tall Ichabod-Crane-looking man sits next to me at the third stop, dammit! Well, it's my own damn fault for not putting my backpack on that seat.

The man says, "Nice day, isn't it?" Everyone's favorite small-talk topic is always the weather. I give him a quick smile because that's my first reaction to almost anything, and then mumble, "Yes, it is," and immediately get my cellphone out and start tapping on it to avoid any further conversation. I don't see the kid during the ride to our stop but, on the plus side, I do get another nice boner from the bus's motion and from fantasizing giving the bus-kid his next haircut.

When my stop is coming up I partially stand, mumbling, "Excuse me." Ichabod goes, "Oh sure," and he gets up and steps out into the aisle to let me out. Nice move, Ichabod! He sits back down and I pretend to be looking for something in my backpack, just standing here. Obviously I'm waiting for the kid to get up and then there he goes with me right behind him. He's not as tall as I thought he was and not my size either. He has a smallish frame and

he's only like five-foot-eight-inches tall. Nice thick dark-brown hair but I think he uses a hair product. It's either that or he needs to wash his hair. Hell, I'd shampoo it for him before the haircut... ha ha! I might be getting a little ahead of myself with that though.

As I follow him up the aisle I consider trying my clumsy routine. The one where I bump into him with my hands checking out his body while I apologize profusely for my clumsiness. That's always a conversation starter right there, or once in a while it leads to a fist fight. Hmmm, maybe I'll use my old trick of asking, 'Hey, is your brother, so-and-so?' Something like that.

The bus stops and the kid and I follow two women off the bus. I know the kid is going to walk in the opposite direction I'll be going, so I step right in right front of him and he steps on my heel. I'm like, "What the...?" as I turn around, and oh my, up this close I clearly see a cute face with a tough-guy expression on it. He snarls. "Watch where you're going!" I go, "Yeah, my bad. Hey, aren't you Buddy Ryan's brother?" He goes, "Yeah, where do you know Buddy from?" That catches me off-guard so I snort a laugh, going, "Really? I just made that up." He goes, "No shit," and walks off.

Oh man, that worked-out great! It might not seem so on the surface but now we have something to talk about tomorrow morning. And there's always the long-shot he's gay or bisexual. Nothing ventured nothing gained, that's what I always say. Damn, I haven't tried anything like that in ages. It's kinda fun. I don't normally suggest sex but I don't mind being the instigator for meeting someone who I think is interesting; meaning cute or sexy, or better yet... both.

I do a leisurely jog to the office because now I know where to go when I get there. Also, there's no need to hurry as nobody seems to be religiously punching-the-clock at exactly eight-thirty; not in Human Resources anyway.

Walking through the door I go past the receptionist, continue past the Human Resources room to stick my head in Carl's room. Of course, he's not here yet so I go to the meeting room to drop off my backpack and turn on tutorial video #4. Leaving it running I go back to Human Resources and put my lunch in the refrigerator. The thirty-something-year-old lady who asked if I was lost yesterday morning, says, "Good morning, Dylan." Jesus! How do people remember names like that? Obviously, I have no idea what her name is even though I heard it just yesterday. I give her a damn good smile though, and mutter, "G'morning," and then get a Styrofoam cup, stick a K-cup in the machine and, as it's brewing, I check-out the donuts. Huh, all glazed donuts this morning. Not my favorite but beggars can't be choosy so I put one on a napkin and take a bite.

A youngish-looking girl with blond hair, who couldn't be much older than me, walks right up to stand too close, saying, "So, you're gonna chip-in with us on the weekly donut-kitty, huh?" I take a subtle half-step away from her, and mutter, "Kitty? That manager guy said I should feel free to get coffee and donuts in here anytime." She goes, "Oh, is Mr. Baxter going to chip-in your share of the donut kitty, is that it? Seems like an unlikely scenario to me." I do a fake cough and shrug. She holds out her hand and says, "The normal contribution to the donut-kitty is three-dollars a week." The other women are looking at me now and I can feel my face getting hot and red. I mumble, "Nobody told me," as I awkwardly get my wallet out, balancing the donut in my other hand. Struggling with one hand I get a five-dollar-bill out and when I hand it to her everyone laughs their nuts off, if they had nuts, and blondie pats my shoulder giggling and saying, "Just kidding, Dylan," and she hands back my five-dollars. Fucking cunt! She says, "You can have all the donuts you want as far as I'm concerned," and she squeezes my bicep, adding, "Ooou, and your strong too." One of the women says, "You're embarrassing him, Eileen." Eileen leans too close to me again, asking, "Do you have a girlfriend, Dylan?" I say, 'No, ya cunt, I'm queer!' Nah, I don't say that. I say, "Not presently," and she goes, "Oh, you're single." The door opens before I can say anything else and in comes an older woman looking flustered. She says, "Let's get to work ladies. That Goddamn construction traffic held me up again this morning." I assume she's the supervisor working under that manager guy, whatever his name was. She probably has a fancier title than supervisor but that's basically what her position is. Taking advantage of her appearance on the scene I leave with my coffee and what's left of my donut.

Back in the safety of the meeting room I glance at the picture on the screen. It's a picture of form number 'BP-7', and I hear a woman's voice from the video in mid-sentence saying, "...spread of mutual funds composed of stocks, bonds, and money market..." Huh, ya don't say. After turning the sound down a little more, I take my John Sandford book out of the backpack and begin reading. I prepared for when my supervisor pops in by moving the big monitor in front of me so it'll blocks his view and I can slide the book under the benefit folder.

He doesn't check on me until ten-of-nine which is probably shortly after he arrived. He knocks twice, light taps on the door, and then opens it to say, "How ya doing this morning, Dylan?" I go, "Great, Carl. I'm into the 401k portion of the tutorial." He mumbles, "Oh man, that's great. Hang in there, heh, heh, heh." I give him a quizzical look wondering what's so funny.

He says, "Ah, I'll be at my desk if you need me for anything." I wave a hand, muttering, "Thanks," and off he goes. I had his name, 'CARL' written in big letters on the folder in front of me. I think I'll remember it now, but just to be sure I repeat, 'Carl, Carl, Carl,' in my head.

A little after noon Rob texts me about lunch and, after retrieving my bagged-lunch, I meet him in the cafeteria. Surprisingly his office mate, Max Renoldie, is with him. Max has one of those BIG voices that some people have.

Even during regular conversation it's loud and booming. It reminds me of the leather-lung assholes who always seems to be at any sporting event I'm at. The guy who yells something out that every one of the 36,000 fans at Fenway Park, for example, can hear. My yelling-voice gets lost in normal crowd noise. Max seems nice enough though and he's kinda funny in a dry-humor sort of way. After lunch Rob gets me aside, saying, "I couldn't very well tell Max 'no' when he asked to join us for lunch." I shrug, "No problem, Rob.

Hey, can I get a ride home with you after work?" Rob says, "Of course, but I can't get out of here until after-five and maybe later than that." I go, "I'll wait for you. What the hell, I'd have to wait for the bus anyway." He nods, "Come to my office after you finish up for the day." The afternoon drags on with the droning voice of the woman on the video lulling me nearly to sleep. Around three o'clock Carl comes in the meeting room. I got tired of reading an hour ago, and I'm kind of in a fog almost hypnotized by that droning voice so it startles the hell out of me when he says, "I've gotta leave early today, Dylan." My body jerks and then I act overly-alert now, saying too loudly, "Leaving early, you say?" He's a little startled now himself as he hands me a CD, his Adam apple bobbing as he exclaims, "Whoa, you've got plenty of energy this afternoon." I go, "Yeah, I'm really getting into this shi... um, material." He hands me a CD container, saying, "That's great, Dylan! This CD is the test that you take online." He puts a page of number and letters in front of me, "Here are the answers to the test. Um, you should probably get a couple wrong on purpose. After you take the test pack-up all this video stuff and just leave it here. Somebody will be along to pick it up." I nod, "Okay, sure thing." He grins, "It's been a long two days for you, I imagine." I shrug, muttering, "Not really," and he says, "After the test please put the test CD on my desk and the answer sheet in my top drawer. After that you can take off early and I'll see you first thing in the morning." Which for him is around nine o'clock. He adds, "We'll go over the real material you'll be covering with the employees tomorrow." I'm like, "I'll be there," and he pats my shoulder, "Good luck with the test." I snicker a little as he does his, "Heh, heh, heh," laugh.

After he leaves I glance at the answer sheet.

Taking out the CD that's playing I put it with the others in the plastic five-pack container. Next, in goes the test CD and I start clicking off answers from the cheat-sheet before even reading the questions. All multiple choice questions and if I didn't have the answers, surprisingly enough, I'd probably still get half of these questions correct. I must have absorbed some information unconsciously. Obviously, that'd only be a fifty-percent score which would be a flunking grade. With the answers in front of me I'm pretty fucking sure I'll easily score a 96 on the test. That's genius, my friend! I finish at three-twenty, which is more than an hour before normal quitting time. Texting Rob I tell him why I'll be catching an early bus home and that I hope he'll come to my place after work. He doesn't text right back because he's probably working. Rob's conscientious like that.

After putting the test CD on Carl's desk and the answer sheet in his top drawer I walk out feeling very relieved that all the tutorial shit is behind me. I feel like lifting my arms in victory and shouting for joy. Instead of doing that I smile to myself and light a cigarette. Even though I need to

wait for the bus, I feel good! The bus is on time and I get off it at my stop at exactly four-ten. Unfortunately, now I'm starting to feel less good and more guilty. I should have taken the tutorials more seriously. I mean, the company is paying me a hundred-dollars a day and I didn't really earn it. Well, that's a downer, Dylan! You did what your boss told you to do, so get over it! Inside my place, I grab a cold can of Pepsi and drink it on the deck smoking a cigarette while appreciating the fairly nice weather on this Tuesday, the third-week of May. My first two days at work dragged-on unmercifully so maybe I did earn the money after all. It only takes a little rationalizing on my part to get past the guilty-phase. Someone had to endure that torture so they figure who better than the temporary summer guy. If every day was

going to be like the first two though, I'll quit.

Okay, I'm thinking more positively now that things are looking up. After spending some time in the morning with geeky Carl I'll be on my own doing the interviews. Carl said he and I are the entire transition team and he's too busy to help, so I'm it. I assume there will be a list of employees that I'm to interview day to day, going from department to department throughout the company. And that'll be for both here in the Farmington office and then the Westborough office, plus the four grass-cutting crews and probably other employees I don't even know exist. Three-hundred in all. Huh, I wonder what will happen if I get through all of them by, say the middle of August. Will there still be other work for me to do the rest of the summer? Leave it to me to find something to worry about.

After my smoke, I change into sweatpants and sweatshirt. It's not warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt yet. Checking my cellphone, I see two texts from Pony, heh heh. He's funny. A text from Dodger too! He says he lost three-hundred dollars the first day in Vegas. Jesus, he just got there this afternoon! I text back he should leave immediately because I'm anxious to see him and very few leave Las Vegas with more money than they had when they got there. Obvious advice. Nothing back from Dodger though. What a free-spirit that kid is! His twentieth birthday is coming up. Pony's twenty-first birthday is coming up too, and then John Smith and I will be twenty-two on the same day in August. Holy shit... twenty-two! Chubby texts me asking what I feel like having for dinner? I check the freezer and see frozen Cornish hens, which are little chickens, and text back that I'll defrost a couple of Cornish Hens and we'll stuff them with Chub's special stuffing. Chub texts, 'Awesome, bro!' So that's settled and then five-minutes later my cellphone buzzes again and its Rob calling, "Hi, babe. Sorry but I can't come over until after dinner. Dad called an emergency meeting about cost-overages and he's pissed!" I assume Robby is too. They have way too many meetings! A little pissed-off myself, I say, "Excuse me Rob, but what do you have to do with cost-whatever-you-said?" Rob energetically goes, "Not a fucking thing! Dad says attending these meetings is good background training for me.'' His father needs to get a fucking clue. I'm disappointed but why take it out on Rob. I go, "Well, I'll see you after dinner then." We leave it at that, but now I don't know what to do with myself.

I hate doing it but I get cleaning stuff out and start cleaning my bathroom. A clean bathroom is kind of important because Rob and I have been known to shower together and I'm be embarrassed if it was dirty. I've got 'The 1975' rock group on the CD player and halfway through bathroom cleaning my cellphone rings. Caller ID reads: Charles A. McCarty. I almost let it go to voice mail but then think, 'Wait a second. McCarty? Isn't that Devon and Sonny's last name,' so I take a chance and go, "Hello?" and hear, "How long have you been home, Dylan?" I recognize orange-haired Sonny's voice immediately. He's one those rare guys who still has a cute-sounding youthful voice. I go, "Sonny! Hey, what's with the Charles A. McCarty. Who's Charles?" He goes, "Charles is my name for one thing, but you're obviously referring to the caller ID, Charles A., which is my old man's name. I'm on his AT&T cellphone plan." I go, "Your first name is Charles, huh?" He goes, "Yeah, I just told you that. I have a different middle name though so I'm not Charles Junior." I go, "If you were you'd be called Junior instead of Sonny, huh?" He shouts, "God forbid!" Huh, I don't think I ever knew his real first name until now.

I mumble, "Okay, yeah I get it already. Just so ya know though, most guys have their own name on the caller ID. I mean, you'd be Sonny Mc Carty so people know who the fuck's calling." He drops that topic and goes, "Why didn't you text me that you were home from college?" I go, "I just got home a couple of days ago." And why in the hell would he think I'd text him as soon as I got home? Then I ask, "Hey, how'd you know I was home?" He says, "Oh, Devon saw you at the mall the other day, but he lost you in the crowd." Oh yeah, when I went with Rob on Saturday. Hmmm, as I recall, and I'm pretty sure of this, Devon was on the fence thinking maybe he'd like to experiment with some gay sex. Huh, I always sort of had the hots for him.

I go, "How's your brother?" He's like, "Good. He just finished his Freshman year at Penn State." I ask, "Did he get molested by any of the football coaches there?" Sonny goes, "Whaddaya mean?" and I mutter, "Never mind. Is Devon still going with that girl, what's-her-name?" Sonny says, "Pattie Smith?" I'm like, "Yeah, I think that's the one," and he goes, "No, she broke-up with him. I'm not sure why." I go, "What about you? What are you up to?" He goes, "Well, fuck, whaddaya think? I've still got a month of my senior year at high school to struggle though. Remember?" I go, "Remember what?" and he goes, " I missed a year recovering from the automobile accident that almost killed me. I had to do fourth grade over so now I'm a freaky nineteen-years-old, almost twenty, and still in high school." I go, "Oh yeah, sorry to hear that." I recall hearing something about that from Ray. I think it was Ray.

I'm still wondering why Sonny called me. I try waiting him out, assuming he'll eventually get around to it. He doesn't say anything though, and that's awkward for me, so I go, "Um, I believe there's something else freaky about you and your age. Weren't you born like a mere ten months after Devon and so you're both the same age for two months every year?" He snickers, "Yeah, my parents were freakishly horny back then apparently. Like me, heh heh." I mutter, "Yeah, well thanks for calling, Sonny. We gotta get together sometime." He says, "How about right now. I need a haircut wicked-bad." Oh good! And, jeez, that gets my nuts sizzling a little. I've got something to do now and, damn he's a hot sexy boy alright...

He asks, "Well, can I come over?" I go, "Sure, I'll give you a haircut but I'm now charging ten-bucks a haircut." He says, "More likely you'd give ten-buck to anyone who will let you cut their hair." I laugh 'cause he knows about my haircut fetish. He says, "Have your ten-buck ready and I'll ride my motorbike over in half-an-hour or so." I mutter, "Okay," and he asks, "Oh, um, you gonna do the shampoo like you were doing the summer before last?" I mutter, "If you want me to, sure." He ends the call without saying 'goodbye'. Ha, Sonny's the closest facsimile of Dodger out of all the guys I've ever met. Not his appearance though; I'm referring to his personality and confidence. I lay on the sofa remembering the first sex Sonny and I ever had together. Omigod, and those forced haircuts he'd give me against my will. Well why'd I say 'against my will?' If it's a forced haircut of course it's against my will. But the balls on that kid!!! And always with his cute smile and him laughing. Everything's happy-time for Sonny and I've always had a hard time getting mad at him even when I should be royally pissed-off.

As I finish cleaning the bathroom I remember the first sex I had with him was his first gay sex ever. I'm not positive of this, but it was probably his first sex of any kind with another person. I mean I'm pretty sure he's never had straight sex with a girl. He was a world class jerk-off fiend though, and that's according to him. He told me he was jerking off five or six times a day. Anyway, there was this day two summers ago, when Sonny was over my place for a haircut and he started nagging and pleading for me to have sex with him. He'd been watching hundreds of sub/dom sex video as well as master/slave and spanking videos and that's how he thought sex happened.

Sonny simply didn't know any better. With some trepidation because he wasn't quite eighteen yet and I didn't want to get in trouble with his brother I gave in and what a night that was.

After putting away the cleaning stuff I'm back on the sofa thinking about what happened two years ago, although I've changed my way of thinking quite a bit since then. Sonny's in for a surprise if he expects to pull that shit off again. Two years is a long time in some ways, and not so long in others. Sonny was also one of only a few guys who liked the shampoo before his haircut, and I mean right from the start. Most guys felt initially self-conscious having a guy shampooing their hair. During that first shampoo is when Sonny told me he was bisexual and asked for my help. I wasn't sure at first if he was lying his balls off, but in case he really was bisexual, I told him, "If you really are bisexual, Sonny, you're gonna make some boy or girl, or both, very happy." Sonny's very attractive even with his orange hair.

I'll never forget we were downstairs in the half-bathroom. Sonny had his t-shirt off which left him wearing only flimsy basketball-type shorts and sneakers. I started by massaging his shoulders, neck and scalp and he got a boner. It was obvious as his hard dick made a hill at the lap of his flimsy shorts. That's when he told me he'd been thinking lately he was probably more gay than bi. Lots of guys claim to be bisexual who are actually gay.

I kinda felt bad for him too. He appeared to be carefree, full of quips and attitude, but inside he'd been keeping this secret of his sexuality for years. He never mentioned it until Ray came 'out' as bisexual. I remember asking Sonny if he considered having a heart-to-heart talk about this with his brother and he told me he tried to, but Devon poo-pooed the idea insisting Sonny was mistaken. So Sonny asked for my help. I was kinda flattered actually.

Yeah, back then Sonny was very youthful looking for seventeen, soon to be eighteen, and he most likely is still youthful looking at nineteen soon to be twenty. He'll surely have the same puffy lips and cute chin his brother has. Sonny's nose is a good one too although it's different than Devon's.

No freckles or blemishes and when he grins, which is almost all the time, he has dimples and then there's his awesome green eyes shining. He lucked-out with really good genes in the looks-department, that's for sure. Perfect teeth and pink gums and tongue that, along with his creamy complexion, gave the impression he's new and spotlessly clean, although that wasn't always the case. No one's perfect though and Sonny's imperfection was his ears stick out. They're nicely sized and shaped, they just stick out. It's a cute feature for him I think. I haven't seen Sonny hardly at all after that nutty summer when I lost my mind thinking Ray was the man, when he most definitely wasn't, so I'm looking forward to seeing Sonny today.

Anyway, the first time we did it together came from his nagging. In the back of my mind I thought about how good it felt to help that sweet boy, Pedro, in Key West by breaking his cherry, so to speak. Sonny, on the other hand, was more smart-ass than 'sweet', and back then I didn't want to deal with Ray if he found out I had sex with Sonny, which is why I tried to put Sonny off at first. He got a little emotional with a few sniffles of frustration because no one took his claim of being gay seriously and yet he said he had constant yearnings to have sex with another guy. He wanted to validate his gayness I guess. He was horny too I suppose.

Finally, almost done his haircut, I told him I'd help him, but he couldn't tell anyone. I assumed it'd be like the time I did it with Connor for his first gay sex. I thought I'd fuck him and he'd have a premature ejaculation in less than a minute like Connor did. But no, as soon as I said okay Sonny wanted to be the 'top' in a sub/dom sex act and incongruously the first thing he wanted to experience was kissing another guy. That's very unusual because most beginners don't want to kiss even a little bit. We did that and then he wanted me to suck his dick. Not that I minded doing that, it's just not the normal progression for a first timer. And then Sonny got self-conscious about whipping out his cock. Ya know, I gave him a 'look' and he sheepishly dropped his pants. His reluctance I assumed was due to him having a small dick, but no. His dick looks pretty much like mine.. a really nice

creamy-pale-colored, six-inch uncut penis. Actually, it's a little heftier

than mine and his balls are definitely bigger than mine. His pubic hairs are a brighter orange than the hairs on his head. I coulda used a pair of sunglasses.

Wanting to do the oral sex properly for Sonny's first time, I got on my knees and Sonny tentatively held his dick out. I took it in my fingers and pulled back the foreskin and there was his nice pink helmet-shaped penis head; like I said, a very nice looking cock on this kid. Letting the foreskin re-cover the head I did a few six-inch laps with my tongue sticking way out and going up the underside of his cock and noticing a pleasant sexy scent coming off Sonny. One more lick up the shaft and I pulled back the foreskin again and put the helmet head in my mouth to suck and lick on it. As usual my cock started getting hard along with his. Sonny's cock got longer and fatter the more I sucked it Shortly he started grunting and moving his feet, moaning, "Mmmmm." Saliva was drooling down my chin and my own cock was so hard it was up against my belly. More of Sonny's shaft got sucked into my mouth and then some more until the head was pressing the gag-reflex area of my throat. I moved my head forward to push his cock's helmet head into my throat and kept moving my head towards his belly until my mouth, chin and nose were surrounded by curly soft-orange pubic hairs. Jesus, I'm getting a boner just thinking about it. Flipping over on the sofa I rub my dick a few times remembering how I worked my throat muscles on his boner while continuing to lick and suck on the wicked hard shaft with Sonny whining that his legs were weak and he was going to cum and he needed to sit down.

He more or less collapsed onto the desk chair with his boner pulling out of my mouth. It was extremely hard and wet, sticking straight up. Sonny took some fast quick breaths and then I reached over to stroke his wet boner a few times as he squirmed on the chair moaning, his fingers pulling my hair. His body shook a little as he moaned, "Oooooh, fuuuuuck." After a half dozen strokes on his boner I leaned forward and sucked his cock back in my mouth with Sonny's legs spreading and head going back and him letting out another long moan. That was good oral sex right there. When I tasted pre-cum

I took his cock out of my month and held it up against his orange pubic hairs and licked his nuts while enjoying Sonny's sexy smell. His cock by now was a seven-inch beauty of a boner with the head hard and swollen. As I licked his nuts I felt them getting harder and harder and moving up in his scrotum so I put his cock back in my mouth to taste his cum. I licked the head twice and his hips thrust with him doing a squeal almost like mine as cum poured into my mouth. Swallowing just in time for a second stream of cum, Sonny going, "Ahhhh, oooh, ooh my god, ooh." He climaxed too quickly though and I never had a chance to climax myself.

He was wiped-out after that big orgasm and it was getting to be dinner time anyway so I took him to dinner at a sub shop. When we got back to my condo he was ready to try fucking but he wanted to do it like he saw on his 'master'-'slave' videos and he wanted to be the 'master'. Heh heh, I was into that sort of thing back then much more so than now. Obviously, he couldn't have chosen a sex buddy to do it with better than me. Of course, I thought it's be a basically nothing big deal since Sonny never fucked before in his life. Still, I made him nag and plead a little before giving in.

In my bedroom, we got naked and Sonny asked "Do you have any sex toys?" I go, "Nope, sorry," and he goes, "Well, we can improvise some. To make a long story short he went through my desk and a junk box I had in my closet coming up with KY jelly, a thick rubber band, a shoelace, a dowel, a bungee cord and paper fasteners. I sat naked on my desk chair watching and thinking it was cute. Satisfied he had what he needed he said, "This rubber band is almost a quarter-inch wide. I'll put it tightly around the base of your cock. Your's Yours's will be the first penis other than my own I've ever touched." He tentatively took my penis with his thumb and forefinger to stroke it until I had a pretty good boner. Watching him do it, looking at his short burr haircut that I cut for him earlier, helped me get a boner. When my cock was nice and tight Sonny looked at me, and said, "What do you know, it feels just like mine." He doubled over the rubber band, saying, "You'll need to help me get this on, Dylan." He didn't give a thought that I might object but then there are no objections in the porn videos he watches. He figured this was perfectly normal. Back then I had experience with this sort of thing, mostly from Ryan dominating me but some with Willie too. It's not nearly as appealing to me now as it was two years ago though. Back then I was still experimenting myself, finding out what I liked and what I didn't like. Anyway he stretched the rubber band as much as he could, which wasn't much, and with me holding my hard dick out straight Sonny got the rubber band tight against the very base of my dick and then let it go. I immediately bent over it pain. It was wicked tight.

Sonny snickered a little and then rubbed my shoulders parroting something he'd undoubtedly heard on his porn videos, "Deal with it, ya pussy." I almost laughed out loud but instead held my breath against the pain. The rubber band was cutting into the base of my cock. Luckily the pain quickly got to the dull-throbbing stage. My cock was throbbing, extremely tight, and sticking straight out. He goes, "Okay, now for the shoestring." He sits in the desk chair I recently vacated and says, "Get over here." I liked the bossy tone of his voice so I embraced my submissive role hoping for something hot to come from this unexpected turn of events. Sonny's cock was in its natural flaccid state so obviously he wasn't getting turned-on.

Standing in front of Sonny I stretch out my scrotum and he tied a string tightly around it up against my body and then loops the string again and again and again; ten twist of string each one a little further forward on my scrotum until the string formed a collar at the base, and now my scrotum stuck straight out like my cock. My balls were hanging down tightly at a ninety degree angle where the string stopped. Sonny looks at his handiwork, mumbling, "I think this is right. It looks cool anyway" I whined, "It's too tight, Sonny, and it hurts." He looked at me like... no shit, it's supposed to hurt. He patted me on cheek, saying, "Don't be such a cunt, Dylan. This is fun and in case ya don't know, you're supposed to be real submissive and not say anything unless I say it's okay." He stands up and hugs me, saying, "You're the best guy out of everybody I know." The shoestring collar extends at least an inch away from where my scrotum meets my groin. My balls at the bottom of the scrotum felt heavy and my cock was ridiculously hard with the head swollen larger than I can ever remember seeing it.

During this time, Sonny was switching between imitating a stern 'master' and a laughing seventeen-year-old gay boy having the time of his life. He used the bungee cord to secure my hands together in front. By now I'd let myself get into a submissive frame of mind because I like sensing that during sex, especially back then; it's like a hypnotic trance. But I could still whine complaints which I did, "That's too tight too, Sonny." Even as I said that I'd realized Sonny had completely taken over and he didn't care if it's too tight or not.

Sonny was following a fantasy he's made-up in his head from watching sub/dom and master/slave videos. Next he held up the dowel and told me, "This will do. It's rounded at the end and very smooth." He rubbed his fist up and down the dowel, muttering, "It's not as fat as I'd like, but...." I stare at him, not getting the obvious, and he looks up, saying, "Dildo. This will be our dildo to excite you with, until I'm ready to fuck you for my first time ever. Jesus, I'm so fucking excited about all this! Okay, what else?" and he remembered the paper fasteners and painfully clips one on each of my

nipples, muttering, "We're really improvising here, aren't we? How's that feel?" I told him, "It fucking hurts, that's how it feels," but he's wasn't paying attention as he takes the container of KY jelly, pulls a Kleenex from the square box on my desk and got a glob of lube on the tissue to grease the dildo, saying, "Lean forward, Dylan, we're finally ready to start." He's holding the greased peg as I lean forward, and he puts his hand on my back, muttering, "Oh man, this is so fucking sexy-hot," and he pushed the peg three inches up my ass as pain spreads out from my anus. "How's that feel? It's narrower than my dick, but the best I could come up with." I start to say it hurts, but what's the use, he pays no attention.

Sonny played with the improvised dildo for a minute or so, twisting it further and further up my ass with me grunting as sweat breaks out on my forehead. I warned him, "Be careful doing that, Sonny." Giving it a final push, he says, "It's up your ass about nine inches so it should be feeling really good by now." He twists it a couple of more times, then withdraws it a few inches and pokes it back in as I groan, "Uuum, aaaaah, oooh God!" He snickered, then stops, and says, "Ooops, I forgot. You need a spanking." Using one of my leather-soled slipper and "SMACK!" on my ass, right next to the peg. Wow, that stung like a mother-fucker! Sonny spanked my ass with the slipper until sweat breaks out on his forehead from the exertion. I've got tears in my eyes and I was shouting "OW! Stop! Please!" I'm still bent over and couldn't straighten-up because that dowel was up my ass. Kind of a helpless


He finally stopped and then smacked my right butt cheek with his hand, saying, "Look at that. I can see my hand-print on your ass in white. Huh, just like in the video. God, I'm turned on!" I remember looking back and was surprised to see he'd sprung a boner during the spanking, so he was finally turned-on like he said. His cock was so hard and long the foreskin was completely off the helmet head that was shining with precum. He said" I masturbate sometimes watching spanking videos, but whippings are the hottest. Oh my God, this is so sexy." It's like he didn't know what to do next, and then he goes, "Oh yeah. Turn

around and suck my hard penis, ya pussy," and he smacks my ass again, muttering, "Another hand print." For the first time in a while my cock felt sexily good enough and I was aroused in my submissiveness enough for a drop of pre-cum to pop out and shine at the pee slit. I turn around and get my mouth on his cock feeling seriously submissive by then. Slurping noisily on his boner as Sonny was rubbing the palms of both hands on my back, mumbling, "This is so much better in real life then on video. Suck my hard cock, bitch!" Every once in a while, he'd repeat things he remembered from those videos. I wondered just how much porn is this kid watching? When his cock's drooling pre-cum, Sonny turns around, bends over and reached back with both hands to spread his butt checks and I lick at his asshole. My own asshole was feeling awesome by then enjoying that peg nine inches inside me. The anus lips of Sonny's rosebud-shaped-asshole quivers under my tongue while the lips of my anus quiver around the wood peg. By then everything was feeling good and I was over the concept of Sonny being an amateur at this because what difference did it make if he is or isn't at that point? He's dominated me almost into age regression and everything from my mind to my cock and asshole felt fantastic. All kinds of pleasure sensations were building and building. Things were coming together beautifully, my nipples were hard and buzzing, my balls hummed tightly at the bottom of my scrotum while producing spunk that somehow would be forced out my cock's piss slit. Yes, my buttocks were still stinging from the spanking, but my hogtied condition felt just right in my submissive frame of mind and my body was tingling with pleasurable sexy sensations.

Sonny could only take the rimming for a minute before stepping away, yelling, "Holy shit, I almost had an orgasm!" He was very aroused rubbing his nipples and licking his lips, then with sleepy eyes, he goes, "I've never felt like this before, Dylan. Ooooh, jeezus, all around my belly feels so good." He stroked his long boner gasping, then moaning, "Oooh, man, dominating you has my cock pulsating, actually pulsating and I've felt like I'm going to cum for the last five minutes." Yeah well, the first time can be overwhelming. Omigod, I remember my first time with fat Carl. Wow, that orgasm I had was scary good.

At that point though all I could do was moan at how aroused I was, "Mmmmm, oooh, aaaaaaah," and I wanted Sonny to fuck me so badly, I whined, "Fuck me, Sonny, fuck me hard." Still liking his dominant role he said something like, "Hold your horses, I'll fuck you soon enough. God, I almost spunked again just looking at how docile and submissive you are to me. Oh man, it's like I don't know how much more of this I can handle before spurting my creamy cum all over the room." He pulls out the dowel, swissssh, and I go, "Ooooh!" The next thing I knew his hard boner is going up, up, up my rectum with lightning bolts of pain going off in my head. I groan, "Oooh, God, that hurts." Sonny smacks my ass cheek again, saying, "Shhhh, let me enjoy this, but it's so damn tight! It's like my boner's too big for your hole." One last hump and his orange pubic hairs were surrounding my buttocks. He groans, "Fuck, nothing could feel this good... it's impossible!" Everything he said was with an explanation point at the end. He's having the time of his life.

It wasn't the time of my life, but it was pretty good. I can't imagine doing it like that now, but back then it was sort of my thing.

Sonny pulls all the way out of my rectum leaving the lips of my anus and seven inches of my rectum quivering. "Where'd I put that lubricant?" Then, "Ah, there it is," as he rips another tissue from the box and puts jelly on it to rub on his boner, with a big glob on the head." He mutters, "It's tight so a little more lube might help." Then more jelly on the tissue and he tries pushes the lubricated tissue up my ass, yelling, "Oh no! My finger poked through the Kleenex and touched inside your ass. Dammit!" Pulling out the tissue and dropping it on the floor he grabbed more tissues frantically wiping his finger.

Satisfied his finger was okay, he lined up his boner again and pushed against my anus hard... his cock goes four inches up my ass fast as Sonny went, "Aaaaaah, um, um, oooh fuccck. Oh, my God I'm gonna cum." He holds his breath for a while, then, "I'm okay now. Wow, that felt fantastic!" Then to me, "I think I shot precum up your ass, Dylan," and he pushes his cock all the way in and leans on my back, muttering, "Aaaaah, oooooh, shit, oh fuck, mmmm, oh my gawd." After a dozen hard fast drives up my ass Sonny got frantic and out of control as his climax was probably at the brink of exploding. With a leg on either side of me he's driving his big long boner in my ass with my prostate gland glowing with sexual pleasure even as his swiftly moving hard cock was tantalizing a million nerve endings around my anus. Sonny fucked me, his first anal sex ever, as hard and as fast as I've ever been fucked but it didn't last long. He'd pull completely out of my ass every once in a while in his exuberance, but plug it right back in and get it going again. If he hadn't cum two-hours ago he would have blown his load already, and I would have blown mine too if my cock and balls weren't tied so tightly. There's a constant trickle of a watery solution making its way up my boner and out my piss slit as the sensations from my ass and my submissive mind have me dizzy with sexual stimulation.

Sonny's and my chorus of pleasure moans filled the room along with the wet, "Slap, slap, slap," sound of our sweaty bodies slapping together. He finally did another squeal, sounding almost like mine, as a sharp stream of cum hit hard into my bowels... and that set me off. I tried squealing but nothing except a wheezy sound came from my mouth as my whole body shook at the hard, thin stream of spunk firing from my cock and it kept coming for the longest time with my head moving and my shoulder shuddering out of control.

A great sense of relief and pleasure swarmed over me from the relief of climaxing. There were goose bumps all over me and I couldn't stop shaking.

Sonny did his squeal when he climaxed, but then he just laid limply against me, his cock still in my ass. He was apparently overwhelmed by his ferocious orgasm. I concentrated on the additional thin streams of cum, more weakly than before, still drooling from my boner. It all sort of hit me back then and started my whole body shaking so hard Sonny slid off me to the floor, his cock pulling out of my ass as he fell. The after effects of my climax buzzed around my balls with my anus lips gulping at air and my cock still drooling cum.

I looked down at Sonny as he gazed back at me looking like he was drunk.

He mutters, "This never happens to 'masters' in the videos." I chuckled because he'd been so serious and he looked so young and so surprised to find himself sitting on the floor. There was lots of Sonny's cum dripping out of my ass so he must have had a massive orgasm. Cum was drooling down both butt cheeks and down the insides of both my legs. I close my eyes and tried recalling how it felt the instant I climaxed and my shoulders shuddered again.

It all came on me so fast in the end that a lot of the sensations were lost in space because I couldn't take them all in at once. That was a memorable climax though, right up there with the best of the ones I had at the time.

Still, all I wanted then was to get untied. So, after a couple of minutes I stagger around with cum still drooling out of my unbelievable tight boner and me totally out of my submissiveness after climaxing.

I mumbled something like, "That was pretty good, Sonny, but get this shit off me now. Untie me." He groans, "Pretty good? That was a trip around the world." He gets up, "I'll never be able to thank you enough, Dylan. You're such a good sport to humor me like you did, but I didn't do as good job of being your master as I wanted. I forgot some of the ways they do all kinds of nasty dominant stuff in the porn videos." I was like, "Yeah, yeah...

undo my hands." He undid the bungee cords and my hands hung useless. They'll be like that until blood circulation revives them. Sonny untied my scrotum okay but couldn't get the tight rubber band off from around the base of my cock. As his fingers dug into the skin around my cock, he was muttering, "This damn thing won't cooperate. The rubber band is embedded in your dick." Going over to his shorts that he'd thrown on the floor when undressing, Sonny got something from one of the pockets and comes back opening a small blade on his miniature version of a Swiss Army knife.

Gawking at the knife, I was like, "What the fuck are you gonna do with that?" I can't move my hands although I tried to as he grabbed my still hard cock and held onto it. He looked scared, but very serious too, saying, "I've got to do this, Dylan. I can't get the rubber band off so for your sake I need to do a penectomy right away to save your penis. I'll drive you to the emergency room and they'll attempt sewing it back on. I'm really sorry about this but I need to act quickly. It won't hurt much,; this blade is sharp as a razor." I knew somewhere in my brain he wasn't going to do that, but the knife was right there so I struggled as his shaky hand brings the blade down with me yelling, "No, please, Sonny, don't!" Of course, he sliced through the top strand of the doubled-over rubber band and then peeled it from my cock, giggling. My cock went flaccid immediately. I muttered, "Very fucking funny. I knew you weren't going to do it!" He's laughing bending over again. Finally getting the laughter under control he pointed at me, "Omigod, the look on your face when you thought I was gonna cut your dick off and you screaming for mercy. That was priceless." I say, "How'd I know what crazy shit you might pull after you dominated my ass for the last twenty minutes." He goes, "Oh, don't be a pussy, but I'll tell ya the truth, Dylan, I don't believe I'll ever have another orgasm to equal my first one dominantly fucking you. This night is one I'll never forget." I was like, "That's nice, but help me clean your cum off me." Man, there was still a lot of cum leaking out of my ass.

In the bathroom, Sonny did a really nice job of cleaning my ass and the back of my legs, then the inside of my thighs using a wet washcloth. I mutter,

"Thanks, Sonny." He sits on the toilet seat lid with a grin, saying, "Now you clean me up. We're boyfriends now, aren't we?" He seems so earnest saying that, but I did a little shake of my head giving him a 'look' like, get fucking serious! He goes, "C'mon! You told me during dinner you're submissive to Ray, doing what he tells you to do." Oh man, that summer with Ray haunts me to this very day, but I did tell Sonny about Ray being 'the man'.

I remember Sonny grinning as he said, "What could be more submissive than sucking my sloppy dick after it's been up your ass? You're submissive with Rob and Ray, and you were with me too, so...." What the hell? Is he on the high school debating team? I was feeling a little squirmy again at his brazenness. Frankly I never expected Sonny would be capable of pulling this shit off, so I had to give him his due. As I got on my knees between his legs he said something like, "Suck that cock clean, boy." I had to lean my head down to get his cock in my mouth. Oh man, it had all that damn jelly on it, but within a minute I was enjoying myself again because I like sucking a cute boy's cock, plus Sonny smelled so freakin' sexy. He rubbed his fingers through my hair, saying, "That's a good submissive boy." Oh brother, but when his dick was hard enough I took his long snake in my throat again, my nose plastered to his belly with his orange pubic hairs surrounding my face and between my lips, and up my nose just like earlier that day. I sucked on his hard, now clean penis, from the root of the shaft until the helmet head pulled up and out of my throat. With the fat, hard head of his cock on my tongue Sonny's moving and grunting on the toilet seat lid pulling my hair and moaning. Taking his now rock-hard cock out of my mouth I licked up the shaft and then licked his balls with Sonny sliding his ass forward on the seat until his asshole is over the edge. He muttered something like, "Rim my asshole, bitch. Take care of your master like the submissive pussy you are." I'd sprung another boner now myself and it tightened further as I licked at his ass and then slipped back into one of my trances, my tongue way up inside his rectum until Sonny yelled, "Stop!" and he stood up pulling his asshole off my tongue. I blinked my eyes looking at the saliva-shining lips of his twitching asshole.

Sonny took a few deep breaths before saying, his voice raspy, "Get up and grab the toilet seat with your ass up." I get up, very aroused again, and very much into getting fucked up the ass again. Nothing like being young and springing boner after boner, orgasm after orgasm. Those were the good old days for sure. My hands gripped the rim of the toilet seat lid, my legs spread, I pushed my ass up and Sonny smacked it hard and then quickly had his cock at my hole and with one grunt and a big hip thrust his latest boner was inside me again moving all the way up my opened-up rectum sliding easily in the remains of his cum and what's left of the jelly. He fucked me in a rapid rabbit-fuck grunting with the effort. Every hard thrust pushed me forward with the top of my head hitting the toilet tank and me moaning, "Oh!" I was soon moaning in intense sexual pleasure again. Sonny's hips on auto-pilot firing his cock back and forth in my rectum for maybe five minutes of

bliss reducing me to one long whine of pleasure as I'd hump my hips forward trying to climax with a million sexual-pleasure-sensations reverberating in my ass. My cock felt awesome and the inside of my thighs near my hard nuts ached pleasurably with a constant buzzing until I squealed with my head back and a spurt of cum plopped out of my boner feeling like five ounces of spunk shooting out. My shoulders shuddered as Sonny squeals and climaxed but jerked his cock completely out of my ass and shot a little stream of cum on my left ass cheek before getting his cock back up my ass. He only pumped my ass for about fifteen seconds more though, and then he staggered back up against the front of the sink stroking his cock, gasping, "Oh my God, that came on me fast. Holy shit, that was awesome." I lifted up and turned around facing him while savoring the wonderful after effects of orgasm. Only a spurt of cum was involved but it felt like a waterfall.

Sonny was like, "Whoa, I didn't expect to fuck you again so soon. Two fucks and multiple oral sex can make a guy feel sexually satisfied for the first

time ever." I was a little weary by then myself and definitely over this little orgy and anxious to see Sonny go on his way, so I grabbed his clothes and sort of tossed them to him. He apparently was done with his dominant act by then, saying, "Thanks, Dylan. You're awesome." It's funny, as in curious, how I've noticed guys start out being tentatively-dominant until they see I'll put up with them ordering me around and then they up the ante.

I'm unwittingly encouraging them I suppose. Yeah, but it's fun and very sexy to me.

The entire deal with Sonny that day and night a couple of years ago was really good sub/dom buddy-sex fun, nothing more or less. Ryan and I used to do a lot of it too. And who would have thought Sonny could pull it off so well? It shocked me! It made me consider Sonny as a better replacement for Ryan than Ray. That all happened after Ryan transferred to Georgia a long time ago and I let myself fall under Ray's spell. I got over Ray some weeks after that. Surprisingly Sonny and I only had a few additional buddy sex times together after that first one.

Anyway, he got dressed and joined me in the bedroom putting his arm across my shoulders, saying, "You've been perfect, Dylan. I've already thanked you a couple dozen times, but I'm thanking you again." And then like most 'tops' he wanted compliments, asking, "Um, did I do the dominant sex okay? Did you get submissive like you do with Ray?" I looked at his eager face, and told him, "Yeah, you did it good, Sonny, and I did feel submissive, a lot actually. You should be proud of yourself." He confidently said, "I am 'cause I know I did a hell of a good job dominating you. I told you I'm an inexperienced-expert! And yes, I know that's an oxymoron, but I'm an expert because of all the time I spent watching those videos and jerking off." He left shortly after that and, back to reality, a mere minute after I finish reliving that cherry-busting time with Sonny the front doorbell rings and when I open the door there stands a grinning Sonny with a shaggy head of red/orange hair. Unexpectedly there's a guy standing next to him who I've never seen before. They're both holding expensive-looking motorcycle helmets and wearing extra large t-shirts and baggy shorts that extend below their knees. I must look a little startled because Sonny says, "Dylan! What's wrong?" I shrug muttering, "Um, nothing. Good to see you, Sonny and..." as I glance at the other guy Sonny does too, saying, "Oh yeah, hope you don't mind I brought my main man, Thomas Bright, with me. We rode our bikes over here and as you can see Thomas needs a haircut as much as I do." I'm like, "Huh, hi, Thomas," and he gives a little head nod, and then I mutter, "C'mon in." Both guys have smatterings of beginner's beard growth that's curly, soft-looking, and kinda sexy. Sonny's early sparse beard is pale-red. No, not pink! Stepping back I let Sonny and Thomas come inside where Sonny hugs me, asking, "How ya been?" I'm glancing at his friend who's looking around the condo appearing to be a bit uncomfortable. Sonny's not uncomfortable though as he goes on with his chatter, "Thomas and I shaved each other's heads last Halloween, heh heh. That was both our last haircut. Couple of assholes I guess you could say." Thomas has a head of shaggy light-brown hair that, sure enough, looks likes Sonny's hairdo. Thomas is sort of stocky and an inch shorter than Sonny, who's an inch shorter than me. Sonny's as slender as ever though and looking good enough to eat. I wouldn't call Thomas cute, but he's okay looking, if a bit of a grump.

To make conversation, I go, "You're both graduating this year, right?" Thomas looks at me like I'm speaking Chinese, but doesn't say anything.

Sonny's heading for the refrigerator, asking, "Ya got any beer in here, Dylan?" I frown and he says, "Oh yeah, we're both graduating the first week of June." He's got the refrigerator open and holding up two bottles of Miller Lite, looking at me, asking, "Do you mind?" I shake my head and he twists the caps off the bottles, asking, "Do you want one, Dylan?" Somehow Sonny can be cute and innocent while being pushy and rude at the same time. I go, "Um, not right now." Jeez, after my ten minute trip down memory lane about Sonny's first sex I kinda thought he'd be thinking along the same lines... sex after the haircut. Not necessarily sub/dom sex but I was hoping for a good hard fucking from his pretty dick. He brought his friend with him though so Sonny apparently didn't have the same thing in the back of his mind that I had. I say, "Let's go on downstairs and I'll do your haircut, Sonny." As we go down I ask Sonny's friend, "You want a haircut too, Tom?" He nods his head and says, "Yeah, why else would I be here?" Then he taps my shoulder with a finger, adding, "I go by, Thomas, if you don't mind." Oh, one of those guys! To be friendly, I ask, "Um, isn't it a bit chilly to be wearing shorts and t-shirts?" Sonny goes, "No, not for us. It's supposed to hit sixty-degrees sometime today." New Englanders are like that. On a rare day in December it might be fifty degrees and you see shorts and flip-flops on people at the supermarket. More to the point though, I frankly I don't know what to expect from these two...

to be continued... Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com



Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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