Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Jun 1, 2018



Chapter 39

by Donny Mumford

My mind is going a mile-a-minute trying to wrap my head around the fact that Robby just now seemingly appeared out of thin air. I didn't have an inkling he was coming, not a clue. I never gave it a moment's thought. It never entered my mind for a second and how many different ways can I say the same thing? And yet here he is! Damn though, 'How'd he get away from work?' and 'How'd he get here... a seven-hour drive by himself?'

These questions and others are colliding in my brain as I'm noticing that no one else is the least bit surprised Rob's here. Everyone has a great-big smile on their face as Rob and I do a tight hug, leaving our more meaningful greeting for later. Everyone's saying 'Hi' to him, of course, with the Moms waiting for Rob and I to separate so they can do their hugging and their kiss-on-the-cheek-routine with Rob. Tom and Tim settle for a pat on Rob's shoulder while Chubby and Rob do a normal one-arm hug. Whatever... I can't recall anything taking me by surprise like this.

They're all asking a version of the 'How was your trip?' with Rob smiling and giving the expected generic answers. Tom finally says, "Well, we're glad you made it safely, Rob, and um, Dylan, why don't you help your friend get his suitcase or whatever out of the car and you guys can get set-up in the guest bedroom." Well that just settled the sleeping arrangements with almost zero awkwardness for Rob and me. Nice going Tom! I quickly mutter, "Sure, I'm glad to help. Let's go Rob," and he's like, "Okay, thank you." Jesus, we're both acting goofily formal with each other, but whaddaya expect? Two minutes ago I had no idea...

Mom gives Rob another quick hug, saying, "We're all so glad you're here, Robby! That's quite a trip from Framingham." He goes, "Um, yeah, it was okay. Kinda hectic a little bit I guess, but here I am. Thank you for inviting me." Who invited him, and when, and why didn't I know about it?

Everyone starts moving around now as Tim's saying, "We'll, the rest of us better get our asses in gear. We need to be on our way to the restaurant if we want to validate our reservation. You guys," motioning at Rob and me, "can meet us there whenever you're ready." Rob stops halfway through the sliding glass doors from the deck, asking, "Do you think it'd be alright if I take the time for a quick shower? I've been on the road..." and Tom's like, "Absolutely! When you get to the restaurant, and Dylan knows how to get there, text one of us. We'll probably still be in the bar waiting to be seated but if not, we'll give the guy at the desk a heads-up that you two will be joining us." Rob nods his head, "Cool, thanks." I'm still standing here stupefied while Rob's seemingly feeling more comfortable, saying to me, "C'mon, babe, we'll get my stuff from the car," and he nudges me into the family room.

Chub follows us into the house, saying, "We were starting to worry, Rob," and Rob says, "Sorry I couldn't answer your texts, Jeff, but I was driving. Um, the damn plane was late taking off from Logan and then the guy at Avis in Atlantic City didn't have my reservation and...." Oh yeah, I forgot about the Atlantic City Airport.

Everyone's following us into the house now as Rob and I start down the steps to the basement. I hear mumblings about maybe calling the restaurant to say they're running-late. Rob and I continue down to the back door and when we step outside we get into a big hug, this time kissing and rubbing our hands on each other's back. I'm still basically overwhelmed by Rob appearing like a mirage, but our very sweet kiss is definitely not a mirage.

Our lips make a wet smacking sound as they part and, out of breath, I'm like, "Um, Rob, I, um... who arranged this?" He's grinning, "Jeff called me. Hey, how'd you know it was me when I covered your eyes from behind?" Shrugging, I mumble, "I don't know. You being here, um, I never expected it." Keeping his arms around me he grins again and excitedly says, "I've never seen you look so surprised about anything. It was awesome! The look on your cute faces was sooooo priceless!"

He lets go of my waist with one arm to opens the rental car's back door as I ask a dumb question, "This your rental car?" He says, "Duh, yeah. I flew into Atlantic City and rented this car at Avis. Ya know, the: 'We Try Harder' company'. No wait, they have a new slogan, 'It's Your Space' or some such shit like that." I'm still flabbergasted. "Jesus, in the middle of a work day you drove from work to Logan and flew to Atlantic City and rented a car to drive here?" He laughs, "Well yeah, except from work I went home first, and then drove to Logan. Hey, babe, why does that amaze you?" Shrugging, I mumble, "I don't know..."

Letting go of me entirely now he's getting a suitcase and a half-dozen shirts on hangers from the back seat, muttering, "I had no fucking idea what to bring so I probably have twice as many clothes as I'll need. Here, babe, can you take these things on hangers?" Holding my hand out like a zombie I take the hangers. This whole thing seems so unlikely!

Rob's muttering, " Goddammit! Did I forget to bring... where the fuck's my... oh, there's my toiletry kit on the floor." I'm like, "Um, how long of a drive is it from Atlantic City? And how'd you find this place? Chub and I had trouble finding it..." Holding a soft-sided suitcase in one hand and his toiletry?? kit in the other he bumps the car door closed with his hip, chuckling, "Did ya ever hear of a GPS... ha ha." I go, "Yeah, but this is a new address that wasn't on our GPS..." He nods his head toward the house trying to get me moving, saying, "Your GPS must be out-of-date. That's a new one in the rental car."

Nodding my head, still just standing here, Rob laughs and says, "It's been a blast surprising you like this. Um, shouldn't we go back in now though?" I start walking toward the door, asking, "Um, how long did it take you to get here?" As I open the door, he mumbles, "I don't know, um, the drive was only like forty-five minutes from Atlantic City. Getting to Logan though was the usual huge pain-in-the-ass. The Mass Pike is under construction again," and he harangues about that for a minute, finishing with, "And I was stressing about missing the plane, driving like a mad man cutting in and out of traffic and royally pissing people off. Then the plane was late taking off, so..." and he shrugs, mumbling, "A little bit stressful, but everything turned-out okay." I'm like, "I'll say!"

We carry his stuff to the back door which I open and, looking back at Rob I can't help smiling at him because he looks so cool and now that's he's feeling more comfortable he's acting blasé about everything, like it's no big deal. Holding the door open, I ask, "How'd you know to fly into Atlantic City?" Another dumb question! It's just that it's only been like five-minutes since he arrived, and him being here is so, um, so totally unlike him.

Rob walks past me through the open door as the Moms, Chub, and the twins are now coming downstairs. Rob and I step to the side and everyone pats Rob and me on the shoulders as they go by, muttering things like, 'It's so nice you're here, Rob' and, 'We'll see you guys at the restaurant,' and then from Chub, with a big grin and a shoulder-hug for me, "I'll finally have my own fucking room," and all I can do is goofily chuckle and nod my head. My brain hasn't defrosted yet from the shock. Just for the record though, Chub and I have never wanted our 'own' rooms...

Doors slam on Tom's Mercedes as my Mom calls out the window, "Don't feel you need to rush, and please drive carefully," and Chub yells, "See ya at Bay Shore, boys," and then the crunching sound of the car's tires on gravel as Tom drives the five of them down the alley leading to the main road, Ocean Drive. 'Bay Shore' is the name of the restaurant.

Standing here it's eerily silent now with just Rob and me looking out at the picturesque view with the huge sun quickly fading into night. The sun is large just hanging over the Atlantic Ocean way the fuck out there and getting ready to drop out of sight.

Rob murmurs wistfully, "They're really nice people. Your family, Dylan, really nice." Shifting my feet, I go, "Thanks, um, when did you decide...?" and he goes, "C'mon, upstairs. I need to shower real fast. Actually, Dylan, I'm almost as surprised to be here as you are." I follow him upstairs as he adds, "This was a totally an ad hoc deal all the way around. And well, we need to catch-up on some reunion-sex too... heh heh, right?" I grin, hurrying to go past him and up the steps, saying over my shoulder, "I'll say we do! Jesus, Robby, I'm so happy you're here."

We walk through the kitchen and Rob follows me upstairs to the second floor and down the hall to the bedroom on the end, furthest from the others. It's the better of the two guest bedrooms, which is why on Monday Chub and I left it vacant. We didn't know if Tim and Tom had other guests coming. And then that 'guest' ends up being Robby.

Rob tells me Chubby called a half-hour after I called him this afternoon and said it'd be awesome if Rob could get his ass here for my birthday. Chub mentioned this vacation hasn't met my expectations so far, but if Rob could survive a couple of days without working it'd probably turn things around in that regard. Robby goes, "Heh heh, fucking Jeff made it seem like I'd be an asshole for not coming," and he laughs, adding, "When I thought about I was like... yeah, he's right! I mean, I'm missing a mere two-and-a-half-days at work! Big fucking deal!" I go, "Chubby's can be persuasive." Rob bumps my side, "He said it would cheer you up if I came and I felt good about being able to do that."

Still finding it hard to believe Robby would leave work like that, I ask, "So just today he called, and it was right after our phone call this afternoon?" Robby goes, "Yeah, like I just told you, it was just earlier today. Um, like seven-hours ago and I know it's very unlike me to just drop everything and do something on the spur of the moment, but that's what I did. When you're involved, heh heh, I'm likely to do crazy things, baby." Actually, it's not all that's crazy for most people, but for Rob it's like unheard of...

I say seriously, "Just so ya know, I love that you did this, Robby. I really love it!" He grins, "Yeah, impetuous me, huh? Ya know, at first I thought the idea was crazy!" He puts his suitcase on the bed, opens it and begins neatly folding his clothes into the bureau drawers, adding, "So I told Jeff I'd need to get back to him and he said, "Make it fast... ha ha. That fucking brother of yours, huh?" I go, 'So what'd you do?" He shrugs, "I don't know. I guess I was trying to process the crazy idea. Finally I thought about him saying you weren't, um, yourself I guess. He was kinda abrupt, ya know? Anyway, I thought, fuck it and I called Dad. His reaction was, 'Is this a joke, Rob? I'm busy, son.' Ha ha, Dad was like pissed at first. I told him it was no fucking joke and that I'm gonna do it! Just like that!"

I'm nodding my head as Rob holds up a shirt, muttering, "This Goddamn shirt should have been on a hanger. I told Mom... oh, never mind." I take the shirt from him, as he says, "So anyway, yeah, I told Dad I need a few days off and after a little pause, like two-seconds of dead silence, he said he thought I did too. I'd just caught him off guard at first, like Jeff caught me off guard, ya know?" I nod again and he goes, 'So Dad says, 'Yes, have yourself some fun, son.' So here I am, and oh yeah, Dad told me to say 'hi' to you for him."

I'm still holding the clothes on hangers in one hand and now the shirt he just gave me in the other, as I mumble, "Really? Your Dad said to say 'hi' to me?" Rob takes the hangers off my fingers and begins hanging each item in the closet separately, a space between each hanger, saying, "Yes, why wouldn't he say 'hi'?" Shrugging, I mutter, "I just, I don't know..." and Rob says, "So, after talking with Dad I swept everything that was on top of my desk into my top drawer and called Maggie March." I'm like, "Uh huh, Maggie March. Um, who's Maggie March?" He looks startled, "She's the company's travel coordinator! Anyway, she got me reservations for the Atlantic City flight, which was pure luck. I mean it was lucky there even was a flight that worked for me time-wise, and while driving home I started getting really fucking excited about the whole idea. Especially surprising the shit out of my cute boyfriend," and he gives me a hug."

Hugging him back, I'm asking, "What'd you do when you got home? What'd your Mom say?" He lets go of me and shrugs, "What'd Mom say? Um, I forget, but she started ironing some clothes for me real fast as I packed a suitcase. You know cargo shorts, shirts, whatever..." I'm like, "Your Mom helped you get ready?" He chuckles, "Well yeah, why wouldn't she? I forget what she said exactly because I was running around and all, but Mom thought it was a great idea! I was going bananas decided what clothes to bring but Mom was all for me having a little vacation from work." I'm like, "Oh, that's nice," and he goes back in his suitcase and gets a small box wrapped in balloon-decorated-paper, saying, "Speaking of Mom, she bought you a birthday present."

I'm like, "Your Mom?" as I reach for the box, but Rob drops the box on the bed next to his suitcase and takes a sweatshirt out to re-fold it before putting it in a drawer, as he's saying, "Yeah, my Mom. Your Mom's been down here with you all week," and he laughs, "Why the hell would your Mom give me a present to give to you? Ya nut!" He's taking underwear from the suitcase to neatly put in another bureau drawer, mumbling, "She bought you a wallet; my Mom did, not yours. It was last Monday when she was shopping for some fall clothes on sale. I think it was Monday, or it may have been Tuesday... Um, I forget now." Who cares what day it was?

This is mind-boggling. Rob looks at me grinning as he says, "Yeah, she told me we'd have a belated birthday dinner for you when you got home from your trip. Well, first she asked me what she could get you for your birthday and I said 'how the hell would I know'. I was hurrying to eat breakfast, so yeah it was Monday. Anyway, I finally remembered you and Jeff were saving for a new car so I mentioned that and somehow, she figured a 'wallet' would be perfect. Ha ha, Moms! Ya know?" and he laughs again. I'm stunned, "She bought me a present last Monday?" He nods, "Yeah, so instead of waiting until you got home she wanted me to bring it with me and give it to you on your birthday." " He taps my cheek, adding, "Since I was gonna be here anyway."

As Rob's finishing putting his clothes in the bureau drawers, I'm gawking at the present lying on the bed; a small box his Mom wrapped in this birthday-balloons-paper. Sure, the paper is more appropriate for a seven-year-old, but still... she wrapped it. Rob closes his suitcase, and asks, "Would you put that shirt you're holding on a hanger for me please?" I forgot I was still holding it as mutter, "Uh huh," and then step over to the closet to do that.

Dropping his toiletry kit on the top of the bureau he looks around, apparently satisfied his stuff is where it should be, and goes, "Okay, good!" and as he puts the empty suitcase on the floor of the closet, he asks, "Ya want me to help you bring your stuff to this room?" I nod, "Sure thanks, um, in a minute though." Picking up the box I unwrap his Mom's present and sure enough it's a nice wallet. Last year I got a really nice one too and I still like it a lot. Opening this new wallet, I see a hundred-dollar-bill inside. Taking it out I show it to Rob, who mutters, "Sweet! Way to go, Mom." I nod, "That's so nice of her," and then I read out-loud the little birthday card. It has, 'Happy Birthday' on the front and then nothing inside except her handwritten, 'Wish I was 22 again! Be happy forever, Dylan. Love, Mrs. D.'

Gee, that's so, um, touching. Especially the 'love' word. Rob comes over and says, "I got you a birthday card too," and he brings his hand out from behind him and hands it to me. I look at him grinning as I put the wallet from his Mom on the bed and then rip open the envelope. On the front of the card is a stick drawing of two guys standing next to each other; stick figures with dots on their faces signifying the trend for three-day-beards... and, I suppose to imply the drawings are actually young men and not kids. Below the cute drawings, it reads, 'We're better together' and inside Rob wrote in his almost calligraphy-style handwriting, 'Yes, we are better together, Dylan. You and me together against the world, babe. I'll love you until the stars fall from the sky.' Wow, for Rob that qualifies as poetic. Looking up, I go, "Me too, Robby," and he smiles, saying, "You're what love means to me, Dylan." I grin, mumbling, "Let me read that book of corn-ball-sayings when you're done memorizing it, okay?" He laughs out loud and then mutters, "It's all straight from my corn-ball heart, baby." Inside the card there's a check for five-hundred dollars. Wow!

I'm touched on a couple of levels. His sentiment is corny but I'm a sucker for that, and he knows I am. So even though I teased him about the sentiments I've got a tear in my eye. Damn, and this generous gift, and this is his money after he already spent the thousand-dollars Dodger gave him. Jeez, the only other thing I can think to say is that lame thing the twins didn't want me to say earlier. Holding up the check, I mutter, "You didn't have to, Robby..." but he gets my head between his hands giving my lips a sloppy kiss which gets my overly-emotional eyes a little wetter. What better emotion is there than love?

My arms go around him and we slowly fall back onto the bed and on top of my new wallet from his Mom. Rob's on top of me and I'm on my back reaching under me to pull out the wallet.

It's special beyond words to be deeply in love with someone who returns his love for you. Rob and I have been in love with each other in one form or another, and sharing our bodies sexually, for a few years now but the hunger for one another just seems to grow. Where love and need intersect, like it has for us, that's where you'll find true love and happiness and fulfillment in your life.

While most well-adjusted humans want to be 'needed', relationships that are primarily based on the 'need' for a sex partner often become clingy and ultimately unhealthy. When there is love and 'need' together though you've got a healthy love affair. Rob and I experienced puppy-love as teenagers and that grew over the years into true love while, at the same time, we were consciously and unconsciously fulfilling a 'need' in each other.

And no, it's not just a sexual need, although that's important. Most humans need to feel connected with another human who understands them as they experience growth. We all have a need to just, um, belong. Be a part of a lasting, positive, and significant personal relationship.

There's actually something called the 'belongingness hypothesis'. I know, it's a weird name but there is such a thing. It states that humans have a basis psychological need to feel connected to others. To have a caring, affectionate bond through a close relationship... it's a major part of human behavior. In a general sense that applies to 'belonging' to groups or organizations as well as belonging to a group of friends, but also belonging to a loving relationship with one special person. So, when 'need' and 'love' intersect and complement each other it's very special.

I once belonged to a very exclusive group, and for a very long time too. The exclusive group was Chubby and me. That's until the unavoidable vagaries of life caused that exclusive group to separate from what we'd been for seventeen years, but as they say... when one door closes it sometimes opens another one. Robby was in the other 'door' and we are now members of my new exclusive group. My first exclusive group also included the essentials of 'need' and 'love' although a different form of love than I'm experiencing in my current group-of-two. Nonetheless the first group of two will always be number one in my heart and mind. It's just that for sane people like my brother and me the reality of this world, the state of things so to speak, can't be denied and therefore must override fantasy and idealistic ideas of our childhood. I'll leave the fighting of reality to the insane and/or mislead among us... the Don Quixote's of the world.

Most of us have sexual 'needs' and that's definitely so for Rob and me, although there's a lot more to our love affair than sex. We've been apart for a week though and consequently we're strongly feeling the need for sex with one another at this moment. For many people a week's separation is probably insignificant, but not for Rob and me because of our overly active libidos and because we've been regularly accommodating those libidos for a long time now and, consequently, a week's separation is a big deal to us. No one fulfills my need in that regard as well as Robby, and he claims the same about me, so here we go...

And sure, this would be a perfect time to engage in lover's sex except for the previously mentioned week's separation, plus our time constraints this evening. At the moment our libidos require a hot quick sexual experience with each other, and that's exactly what we're all about right now. With the aura of our love always hovering all around us we're quite capable and more than willing to fulfill this immediate need with some rough and fast recreational sex. Later tonight we'll engage in slow delicious lover's sex which is the best sex of all. There's no question about that, but when you're horny and impatient for sex it's best to wait for a better time to engage in slow lover's sex in order to do that special sex justice.

We start with a hungry kiss; a teeth-scraping wet kiss with our faces moving back and forth rubbing noses and acting slightly out of control while inhaling each other's familiar scent. It's so wonderful experiencing the familiar feel, taste and touch of him as our mouths come together again with tongues licking and both of us making grunting and moaning sounds of sexual heat, our hands in each other's hair and then rubbing our hands over shoulders and backs and asses as we squirm together on the bed humping our sex organs while exchanging and spreading mixed saliva around our mouths.

In short order sweat pops out on our foreheads as sexual heat rises and we're into an almost wrestling-match-make-out while pressing our slim, hard bodies together. Hips humping and hungry mouths sucking and then licking each other's lips until Robby gasps and collapses fully on me breathing deeply. I pull the side of his face against mine hugging around the back of his neck. His body feeling strong and fit.

Deep breathing and then Rob murmurs, "Oh man, my cock is so hard it hurts and my freakin' underpants are wet with pre-cum and I'm afraid I'm gonna shoot-off in my pants." I gasp, "Me too, Robby." Hmmm, it appears Rob and I have had a similar lack of sexual relief this past week. He lifts his head, kisses my lips quickly, and says, " Get your pants off, babe. I'll get the KY Jelly from my toiletry kit."

Sitting up, Rob takes a deep breath and then chuckles, muttering, "Look at that," pointing at his cargo shorts where his stubby, fat boner is 'tenting' out his fly with a wet ring of pre-cum at the end of the tent pole. Grinning, he adds, "We're a couple of animals in heat, boyfriend. Ain't it awesome?" My heart is pounding like a drum and I feel like I'm going to cum myself as I'm struggling to unfasten my recently ironed cargo shorts.

My face is hot and red but I'm feeling love for Robby and for the pleasure he gives me. I watch him standing at the bureau going through his toiletry kit... his shorts around his ankles and the bottom of his Polo-shirt just touching where his pubic hairs begin. Rob's aroused but seems more composed than me so maybe Danny's libido caught up with him and he helped my boyfriend bridge the gap of our week apart. Nothing like that happened with Danny for me during the weeks before coming to Wildwood and the last time Hayden and I did 'it' was the Fourth of July, over a month ago. Well fuck, my side-sex has been almost nonexistent for quite a while now, so nothing new there.

Still watching Robby, I see him absently kick off his shorts and then he follows his boner back to the bed grinning and carrying the lubricant as I sit-up on the bed and begin kicking my shorts and my pre-cum-wet boxers off my feet, as Rob says, "This is like the best thing in the world. You and me, Dylan." He gets a glob of lubricant on his fingers and spreads it on his very fat, hard boner that's sticking straight out from his pubic hairs, the head swollen with almost all the foreskin pulled off it. I'd like to suck that super cock but Rob's rubbing a lot of slippery lubricant up and down it now. He goes, "Mmmmm." Yeah, I'll bet that feels good and then with another grin he reaches over and strokes my hard cock, the lube slippery and smooth inside his fist as it goes up and down my boner.

Oh God, that feels good! I lie back on the bed pulling my legs up, spreading and bending them at the knees giving Rob full access to my privates. One, two, three strokes up and down my boner before my hand pushes Rob's fist away, "No, Rob, I'll cum!" He smiles and slides his fist up and down on my boner again. "Ooooh," my back arches off the bed and I moan again, "Mmmm, oooh..."

Letting go of my boner Rob cups my thighs pulling me towards him until my asshole is just over the edge. After a hard, SMACK!" on my ass he pushes back on my legs with my back curving now and my ass coming up slightly. Still holding my legs back, and not even needing to guide his hard-as-a-bone boner to my asshole he merely moves his hips closer and the hard, slippery wet head of his cock presses between the lips of my asshole spreading, spreading, spreading them until his cock's head forces its way past my sphincter muscle and buries itself halfway inside me, "Ooooh!"

Pain flows into my head from my over-stretched asshole as Rob takes a deep breath, and then says, "Oh Jesus, I feel like I'm gonna cum right now. Just a second, babe." I'm staring at his face as he closes his eyes and takes two more deep breaths while being perfectly still. The pain gets to the mere throbbing stage quickly and I'd love to stroke my boner but don't dare or I'd shoot cum straight up in the air. My heart's going thump, thump, thump and I'm taking quick gasping breaths. I'm so aroused I can't think of anything except wanting Robby's cock pumping my ass.

Nodding his head like he's got it under control Robby open his eyes and does a strong hip thrust pushing his boner two inches up inside me and I groan, "Ahhhhh," because that really hurt! It hurt but it hurt so fucking good it confused me for a second. Robby blows a long exhale out through lips that formed an 'O' and it gets me further aroused witnessing Rob's deep arousal. A quiet gasp from him and he humps the rest of his boner up inside me getting his crotch tight against my buttocks as he's shuffling his feet closer to the bed and then leaning in against my ass. The pain blinds me for maybe ten-seconds before a glow in my rectum begins forming and a warm sensation spreads out from my rectum. Some guys might mistake it as pain, but not me. I think of it as the forerunner of pleasure, yeah... pleasure like no other.

Rob's still leaning forward with a hand pushing behind each of my legs. With his crotch tight against my buttocks he pants a little and then murmurs, "I don't wanna cum yet, babe, so I'll wait a little bit. Feels so fucking good though...ooooh, mmm." Huh, maybe Danny didn't help Rob out after all.

With his shoulders doing a little shudder Robby takes his hands off my legs and rests then on the bed or either side of my belly letting my ass drops down level with the mattress as his boner pulls out halfway. That movement gets sensations soaring off my prostate and I makes a "Ssssssh," sound sucking air in between my teeth as pre-cum drools down the shaft of my throbbing boner. God that felt good!

Breathing more normally now Robby smiles at me, mumbling, "Jesus, you'd think this is the first time I ever did this." Now I see his body relaxing as I grin back at him, asking, "Do you know what to do next?" He smiles and smacks my ass again, "SMACK!" muttering, "I'll think of something." Leaning over to kiss my mouths, his hard boner pulls up on my anus and I moan and squirm under him.

During the past few seconds everything in my rectum has changed totally so that now my rectum is on full-time pleasure mode and the very stretched lips around my anus have become more elastic and are beginning to sparkle-out sizzling electric pleasure sparks from the thousands of nerve ending that earlier were being bad and sending out the other kind of signals. I knew those nerve endings would get it right because they always do!

The two-inches Rob's boner pulled from my ass goes back tightly inside me as he straightens up and moves his hips towards me. Both of us lets out a quiet, "Oooh." Rob murmurs, "I'm good to go now," and he withdraws his cock and then pushes it right back up my ass. My back arches and I moan, "Ooooh," again. There simply is nothing else that feels this good... nothing!

Pulling back again and then it's the hard thrust back in that moves me an inch backward on the mattress followed by steady, "Slap, slap, slap," sounds of our flesh smacking together as his thrusting gets both of us moaning with pleasure. The thrusting gets faster almost immediately, and harder too. Each fast hard-thrust pushes me a little bit further back on the mattress so that after thirty-seconds he does a hard hump up my ass and then, almost in an angry manner, grabs the front of my legs that I'm still holding up, spread, and bent at the knees. With a grunt he pulls my body towards him so my ass is again off the mattress. With a satisfied grin his thrusting becomes frantic, "Slapslapslapslap," with me moaning, "Oh, ooh, oooh, ooooh!" as a wave of sexual pleasure drifts from my rectum and surround my pelvic area. "Slapslapslap," as pleasure sensations begins spreading up into my stomach, my rectum glowing with increasing sexual pleasure until I'm aware of nothing in the world but Rob and the pleasure. Such pleasure! My eyes close as I continue the involuntary moans at each hard, fast thrust.

Somewhere in my brain I know this ecstasy can't last very long and then it's here already, my climax comes roaring up on me and while I shouldn't be, I'm still surprised it happened this quickly, and moan, "No..." It's a weak begging, 'no' as the roaring orgasm overwhelms every sense in my mind and body with my hips humping out a long, creamy stream of cum that shoots straight up in the air followed by another so quickly I can't do my squeal; just a wimpy-airy-sound. Deliciously thrilling sensations shake my world in the most perfect way. I can't catch my breath, never mind squeal. It's a total pleasure explosion and I want to fully appreciate every little second of it as my world completely stops for ten-seconds of magnificently blindingly-brilliance pleasure! Yep, that's my sexual climax whenever I'm doing it with Robby... after a week without it.

Inhaling nosily now I feel wet splats here and there on me and on the bed too, "Splat, splat, splat," as my streaks of cum return to earth overtaken by the grips of gravity. That brings me back to this plane of existence with the after-effect of climax making me shake and shudder as sensations quickly begin fading and then I'm fixated on the shocking expression of ecstasy on Rob's face as simultaneously I feel his stream of cum flooding my bowels. He's humping against my butt cheeks gasping and moaning, 'Yes, yes, yes," during his incredible ten-seconds in another world called sexual climax. I'm now weak and loose and his humping jostles me on the mattress until too quickly Rob becomes weak and loose too. It's as if there are no bones in his body as he falls forward on top of me again taking gasping deep breaths.

His heart pounds against my chest as I rub his body from his ass up his back and finally hug his head. He lies on me, his hot moist breath against the side of my neck and the head of his still-firm cock inside me. Less than a minute of that before Rob pushes himself up off me and then thrust his cock in my ass for another minute. It feels good as I stare at his face, wet with perspiration, his longish blond bangs stuck in the sweat on his forehead. He's so fucking good looking!

Pulling his cock out Rob looks dazed as he stands up straight, still breathing hard, and then motions at the bed with his hand, muttering, "I tried not to get lubricant and cum on that expensive-looking bedspread." I go, Oh," and my arm flops to my side landing on some of my cum on the bedspread... oops. I try wiping the wet spots of my cum with arm, murmuring, "That was wonderful, Rob. I missed you so much." He reaches his hand down for me to take hold of it and when I do he helps pull me up, as he says, "Me too, Dylan. Omigod, I needed that, babe," and he rubs my head, "I love you, Dylan."

I get up feeling really good! Grinning I say, "Damn, that was so goooood," and we hug still wearing our shirts, but that's all we have on at the moment. Unfortunately, my dress-up shirt took some incoming cum-shots from my orgasm. There's spots of cum all over the front and some splattering spots on Rob's shirt from when he was lying on me after his climax. Neither of us mentions it though. One last exhale and now we're mostly back to practical matters as Rob looks around, asking, "Where's the bathroom we're supposed to use?" I point to a door and he goes, "Ha, I thought that was a closet. We have our own bathroom? Sweet!"

After pulling off our shirts Rob grabs his toiletry kit and we check-out the bathroom. It's just like the one off Chub's and my bedroom. Even though I had a shower a couple hours ago I'm taking another one with Rob. We're a little rushed though because we don't want to hold up everyone's dinner much longer. From the first kiss of our make-out until our climaxes it was like a total of eight-to-ten-minutes. We took care of each other's immediate sexual need and now we're all set for more meaningful sex, lover's sex, later tonight or tomorrow morning depending on how smashed we get tonight.

Hot, recreational sex like we just had is nothing new between us and we both mumble compliments for each other's part in it. After relieving our horniness we're back on an even keel, so to speak. While we quickly shampoo our hair, Rob's asking, "Is this Bay Shore Restaurant pretty much a seafood place?" Using the handheld shower-head rinsing shampoo from my hair, I go, "Well yeah, we're at the shore and the restaurant is on the bay with the ocean close by, so sea food is king here. I've had beef there too though. Angus aged-beef that's excellent. Oh wait! Last year the Wednesday special was standing rib roast. That's my favorite so if it's on the menu that's what I'll get." Rob goes, "Yeah, me too."

As we do a fast bathing I'm looking at his hair, asking, "Jesus, Rob, how the hell long are you gonna let your hair grow? You're not thinking 'ponytail' I hope." He goes, "Nooo! Fuck ponytails. I'm merely being a little different, bucking the latest trend with normal longer hair instead of being like everyone else who got sucked into that goofy latest fad haircut that you have," and he chuckles, adding, "Heh heh, that fad-haircut I've been giving you guys."

Rinsing off quickly, I'm frowning and mumbling, "Yeah, but didn't you claim it looks cool on me?" He goes, "Yes, but then everything looks cool on you." Poking him in the ribs, I go, "Ain't it the truth though." He grins and I add, "Oh, I met this private-school dufus-snob on the boardwalk who had the private-school long hairdo that it looks like your headed for. Yeah, he needs to use lots of hair product so the long stupid hairs on the sides stay combed back and then it all meets in back and it looks like shit!" Rob chuckles again, "Thanks for the heads-up. Obviously, I'll avoid that hairstyle! Wouldn't want to listen to you negatively critiquing my hair every day." I mutter, "I'm just warning you of potential long-hair problems that'll make you look like a jackass, that's all I'm saying." He gets his arms around me and I hug back, muttering, "So don't give me any shit about my haircut, okay?"

He reaches behind me and smacks my ass, saying, "Be good," and I smack his ass, "SMACK!" grinning and asking, "What was that you say, babe?" He chuckles as we get out of the shower stall and dry off with towels brought from home. In the bedroom getting dressed, I go, "My nicely ironed shirt that I especially picked-out for tonight has cum on it now and it's pretty much your fault." Rob goes, "Well hell, my Mom ironed six shirts for my trip and I'm only here for three nights. Take one of the ones hanging in the closet." Hee hee, I was hoping he'd offer. I don't feel like ironing another one of mine.

Quickly dressed and ready to go, we're going downstairs as Rob smiles and says excitedly, "I'm so happy to be here, babe!" and he squeezes my shoulder, adding, "Did I say, 'Happy Birthday' yet?" I go, "No, and I'm seriously hurt that you haven't!" We both stop at the bottom of the stairs to hug. He gives me a kiss and says, "Happy Birthday, Dylan!"

Even though I know how to get there and the Jeep is available, Rob wants to drive us to the restaurant so we get in his rented four-door, black Chevrolet Cruze, a car that looks like every other car on the road and Rob drives to the end of the alley and then asks, "Which way?" I point to the left and off we go. His rental car is fairly new and still has a faint new-car smell.

Rob goes, "Hey! Did I tell you I might be getting a new company car to replace my pickup? Probably this September. Dad's been talking about new cars and trucks again. I mean now that business is booming." I go, "Good to hear," as I think back on my past concerns that his father had expanded his company beyond his capabilities. He sure proved me wrong about that. I don't have much of a feel for business obviously, but fuck that, I love Rob's pickup and hate to see him turn it in. Jesus, the memories of fucking in that truck will be with me forever.

The restaurant is a fifteen-minute drive from the house and when we get there the parking lot is full. That's a good sign, right? We park across the street in the auxiliary lot and while walking across the street, Rob saying, "I'm starving!" and I'm like, "Omigod, look at Chubby."

Sitting on a bench in front of the restaurant entrance is Chubby. He's smoking a cigarette and talking to a very old man who, from his appearance may have just stepped off a raft. Big 'Hello' greeting from Chubby as he jumps up. Rob and I bump fist with him as Chub gestures at the old derelict, saying, "This hale and hearty fellow is seventy-nine years old. Meet Ralph Moore," and the old fellow gives us both a dirty look before looking away without saying anything. Robby mumbles, "Hi."

Chubby goes, "Believe it or not, my man Ralph still fishes every fucking day, six-days a week on his fifty-year-old, fifty-foot fishing boat. You weren't hull-shitting me, right Ralph?" Ralph coughs some phlegm up and spits it on the ground near my foot. Rob goes, "Oh wow, whaddaya catch, Mr. Moore?" The old guy, who's smoking a cigar that smells like an old rope, goes, "Fish, whaddaya think I catch!" I look at Chubby, mumbling, "Do you think we should go inside now, Chub?" He's chuckling and nodding his head, "Yeah, sure, good idea, bro." Giving the fisherman a pat on his shoulder, Chub says, "Keep it in your pants, Ralph," and we go inside.

I'm like, "Why do you talk to odd-ball strangers like that derelict, Chub? That guy smelled like maybe he forgot a fish in his back pocket from last week." Chubby laughs and goes, "Ralph probably forgot to do his weekly change of clothes. He told me he's waiting for his girlfriend and I was kinda hoping she'd show up, ya know?" I make a 'face' muttering, "Gawd..."

As we walk into an overcrowded foyer, Chub says, "We got seated a couple minutes ago and your Mom asked me to wait outside for you. Our table is on the patio which is on the opposite end of the restaurant and she was afraid the woman at the front desk wasn't paying attention about you and Rob joining us. This place is a huge madhouse, bro!" It is loud and smells distinctly like fish and, um, garlic.

As we make our way around tables of people eating and talking loudly, Chub goes, "We've got a primo table outside with a cool view of the bay and docked boats. A very Jersey Shore atmosphere, ya know?" I nod while avoiding a super-cute busboy with a gigantic tray on his shoulder that's loaded with dirty dishes. Glancing at him he grins at me and I get the old vibe back thinking how hot that cute fucker is. Jesus, I'm hoping he's our bus boy! See, it's like somehow Rob being here has freed me up to be more my old self. Hot shit!

Rob and I follow my always cheery and upbeat brother through one room of the restaurant and then another before seeing the wall of glass with sliding doors leading out to this large patio on the bay. It's loud on the patio too with background music and big voices and laughter, which is a good atmosphere! What's not so good is the round of applause from the Moms and the twins as we approach. Rob blushes because the hand clapping naturally draws attention to us from many gawkers at surrounding tables. Chubby takes a bow before sitting down.

As we're sitting Rob says, "Sorry to keep everyone waiting." The Moms assure him they just sat down a few minutes ago themselves and then Tom's motioning to a waiter who comes scurrying over. Tom tells the waiter, "Our birthday boy has arrived. You can bring on the champagne now." That waiter and another one are back in twenty-seconds with wine buckets of ice, a bottle of champagne in each one and they set the buckets on little round tables especially for that purpose.

The waiters each open a bottle with loud, almost simultaneous, POP! sound when the corks come out. Expertly the two waiters, neither the least bit interesting to look at, pour champagne in our glasses without the sparkling foam overflowing and when done that the half-full bottles go back in the buckets with a white little towel around each one. Classy!

One of the below-average-looking-waiters, the guy with a nose the size of Delaware, says in a strange high voice, "Enjoy! I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders." Jesus, just my luck to get a goof for a waiter, one who sounds like he recently had his nuts cut off. And where's that busboy?

Everyone at the table except Rob and me have had one or two cocktails here at the restaurant bar to go with the drinks they all had at the house before leaving for the restaurant. Rob and I have had nada. Tom holds up his glass and says, "To Dylan's twenty-second birthday. Happy birthday, Dylan and many, many more!" As we're clicking glasses together, I mumble, "Thank you, Tom, and thanks to all of you for not singing." Chub goes, "The 'Happy Birthday' song is for the waiters to sing after dinner when they bring out the cake, bro." Oh shit, yeah I remember that from last year. Again I think how I should have had a few cocktails already... my mistake!

We all taste the champagne and the Moms claim it's delicious with Tim saying, "Yeah, it is surprisingly good, isn't it?" Chub, Robby, and I glance at one another with little frowns because 'surprisingly good' isn't how we'd describe the taste, but we don't say anything. Champagne must be an acquired taste, like beer was for us. I only know about one champagne, and it's expensive... Dom Perignon. Whichever one of the twins ordered this champagne he had the sense not to order that. Glancing at the bottle in the bucket right next to me I see this is something called Ballinger Champagne. I'm curious how much it cost per bottle but obviously I don't ask.

Gulping down some more of the overly-effervescent bubbly champagne, I say, "This is great! Thank you, Tim and Tom, for making my birthday special, and Tris, and Mom and Chub and Robby... all of you. Thank you! Um, just being with you guys is special." Mom says, "Aww, that's sweet, Dylan," and Tom says, "You're very welcome, Dylan." I go, "And thanks for inviting Robby, too," and I look at him, so I guess that makes him feel obligated to say something, so he mumbles, "Yes, thanks again." Tris says, "Thank you for coming, Rob!" Yeah, it's that kind of overly-polite-type thing right now, but a few more drinks and everyone will loosen-up.

There's some additional awkward chatter with Chubby staying out of it. He knows how awkward it is for me being the center of attention and he doesn't want to add to it. Chubby has a sixth sense about stuff like that. As a further demonstration of Chub's sixth-sense he picks up the over-sized menu in front of him and gets further attention off me by saying, "What's everyone gonna have for dinner tonight?" And now all of us begin looking at the menu in front of us. The Moms right away discuss the appetizer choices and the conversation becomes all about what to order for dinner, and not about my birthday, or Rob being here.

Taking a deep but quiet breath Rob and I exchange grins as Chubby squeezes my hand under the table giving me a smile and mouthing silently, 'Happy Birthday, bro'. He's on one side of me and Rob's on the other, so what could be better? I'm relaxing now and feeling good that the birthday greetings and good wishes are over with. Now it's merely a dinner at a restaurant like we've all been a part of many times.

Sure, I wish I was able to handle simple social situations like a birthday dinner better, but I still get very self-conscious. Actually I was better at this when I was a lot younger and didn't know any better. And maybe I don't feel I deserve being treated so well, which is a disturbing now that I give its second thought; one that needs to be thought-out more. Ah fuck, I don't know why I am like I am, but then who the fuck does? Know why they are like they are, I mean.

Whatever, now everyone is talking and I'm it's all good as Chubby exclaims, "Hey, Dylan, it's prime rib night!" I've been looking at my menu but not really reading it. Now I see the insert announcing the Wednesday night special, and say, "Great, just like last year! That's what I'm ordering... medium rare and I'm feeling the 'king' cut; the sixteen-ounces version tonight." It makes me think back to Mrs. Dickers fixing a prime rib dinner that Rob says she was doing because she heard me say that prime rib roast is my favorite. Again I get that weird thought, wondering if I'm Dodger's replacement, I mean in her mind. Maybe subconsciously, ya know? There's that fucking 'subconscious' mind again.

Chub, Rob, and I get the prime rib while everyone else orders sea food or fish of one kind or another. I'm not against certain kinds of sea food and in the spirit of being on the bay and near the ocean I order a shrimp cocktail as my appetizer. Well, I usually order that at a restaurant in Boston or Framingham too.

It becomes a very pleasant dinner because the twins and our Moms are very easy-going pleasant people who like to laugh and easily overlook minor details like an occasional faux pas from one of us guys. Yeah, and waiter's screw-ups are overlooked too, like Tim being served a whole lobster instead of the baked stuffed lobster he ordered. He says to the flustered waiter, "Ya know what, Ronald? I think this is what I should have ordered in the first place. Where's my bib?" See, that could have been very disruptive if Timmy insisted on his original order because then we'd all be eating while he waited for his food to be prepared, and then when it came... well, it would have definitely fucked up the good karma.

Excerpt for that screw-up, the dinner is a big success food-wise and relaxation-wise. And then I survive the birthday cake and the waiters and waitresses singing Happy Birthday while pointing at me while other dinners again turn in their chairs gawking at me. I kept a smile on my face the whole time. I learned that from Chubby last year when they were singing to him. He told me afterward that through the entire singing of the song he was thinking about 'doing' MJ in the back of the Jeep.

While we're all eating birthday cake Tim and Tommy give Chubby and me the extravagant birthday presents of a five-thousand-dollar check each. The birthday cards containing the checks are signed by the twins and our Moms. It's for our upgraded car. The twins presented us our gifts with a short speech saying that they all, the Moms especially, couldn't be prouder of Chub and I for the way we basically raised ourselves and how very few kids could have done it as well, if at all. So true... ha ha.

They go on to say how proud they are that we never got in any trouble, never a call from school asking to see our parents, never a problem of any kind. They heap so much praise on Chub and I that we're speechless. Not an unknown condition for me, but one Chubby's unfamiliar with. Yeah, all kidding aside, it was really special. The twins and the Moms made it seem as though we deserved the money and much more, plus their gratitude, so yeah it was... really something.

Obviously Chub and I couldn't thank them enough and the Moms had tears in their eyes from Tom's and Tim's speech, as did Chub and I... a little bit anyway. To be praised like that and know it's not really warranted, not all of it anyway, gives one conflicting emotions. We also have enough sense to know that it would serve no good purpose telling them about all the shit Chub and I got ourselves into over the years. Getting ourselves out of the shit was sort of our secret redeeming quality.

I'd known about the gifts earlier of course but it was still a shock to actually be holding a certified check for five-thousand dollars in my fingers. It was a special ten-minutes and ended with hugs all the way around which is awkward too. Ya know, everyone getting up and moving to hug the person across from you at the table. This received more gawking-stares from the other dinners but who the fuck can blame these people for gawking at this latest hug-fest? I grabbed Rob to include him in the hugging for fear he'd feel left out.

Eventually of course it comes to an end, thankfully, and now we're all outside the restaurant. Us guys and the Moms are thanking the twins again for an excellent time and a wonderful dinner and then Chub makes a little sincere speech about how lucky he and I feel we are to have Timmy and Tommy as our perspective Step-Dads. This gets some awkwardness from the twins, for once, and then Chub, holding up his birthday card, adds, "We felt this way long before we had any knowledge about these birthday cards and what's in them." Shockingly, for once Chub didn't make a joke of it and we both got more hugs, man-hugs from the twins.

Finally it's time to decide what to do now and we decide to have a night-cap together at the new Hilton that has a bar overlooking the ocean. It's kind of a ritzy place for the shore, but when we get there almost everyone in the place is wearing shorts so we fit right in. When we're served our after dinner drinks at the Hilton bar, Chubby mutters, "I'm hoping Friday's dinner for my birthday will be a more mellow affair. Maybe pizza at Mack and Manco's." The twins chuckle as Tris, says, "No, sweetheart, your dinner will be just as special as your brother's. Right, Timmy?" Tim goes, "Jeez, Trisha, do Tom and I need to do the gifts again too?" The way he said that, like he was serious, made us laugh.

The twins and Moms are heading for the Radisson Hotel, of all places, after we have these after dinner drinks. There's an orchestra playing music from the forties, or some such time in the distant past. They want to do what's called 'ball-room dancing', and I'm guessing that means hanging-out with much older people. Obviously nobody here was even born in the forties, or whatever, but they're going anyway. Chub, Rob, and I politely decline the invitation to join them.

Instead we're going to the Boardwalk because Rob's never been on a boardwalk. His early family summer vacations were usually at the Cape or the Islands, Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket. The past seven-or-eight years they haven't gone on a summer vacation because of growing their business. So, it's off to the Boardwalk for us guys with me driving Rob's rental car.

I'm driving the rental car because Rob can't hold his booze very well and Chubby had many more drinks than I did. I only had a glass of champagne and a glass of wine; neither was enjoyable but to be sociable I said I liked them both very much. Then there was the after dinner drink which was a 'stinger'. A 'stinger', I discovered, is made with about one-third white creme de menthe and two-thirds Cognac on ice. It wasn't bad at all. While drinking the stinger cocktail I bragged about Robby's birthday gift and he got more accolades than the twins got for giving Chub and me ten-thousand-dollars.

It'll take a few days for all my good fortune of tonight to sink in, but I'm already aware tonight's good fortune makes my bad fortune earlier pale by comparison. Actually, this summer vacations has risen from the ashes of 'worst' to now be one of the best. And sure, it's the money but also, I've felt the special love and caring from my family, both my life-long family but also my future family of a Step-Dad and of course, Robby when we get married. If there are going to be better summer vacations in that regard than this one I can't imagine how that might come to be.

When we get on the Boardwalk Rob is both fascinated and a little horrified. Mixed emotions are understandable for someone who wasn't raised with the plusses and minuses of this rather bizarre entertainment venue. I mean the size of it and the sheer number of people alone is probably shocking to him, and then there are some bizarre Boardwalk-people. Not the majority by a long shot but they stand out. The ones whose idea of 'class' is not smacking their kids in the face in public and only saying 'fuck' in every other sentence. And that's the women!

Also, too many adult men walking the 'boards' with way too much hairy skin showing wearing those wife-beater t-shirts and too-short shorts as well as being very overweight. Too many tattoos and big beer bellies; yes, on the men and women. Plus there are obnoxious teens who get their kicks walking right at senior citizens forcing the old timers to move or get run over. Bully behavior which I've always abhorred and then there are the tacky shops selling cheap shit like three T-shirts for ten-dollars. Not a bargain though as the colors will 'run' the first time they're washed... one T-shirt can ruin an entire wash load, plus shrink to fit a toddler.

So, nothing's perfect and certainly not the Boardwalk, but there are awesome aspects of it too, like more thrill rides than at Disney World and energy and excitement that's captivating. Plus plenty of normal neighborhood people walking the 'boards' that far outnumber the trailer-trash crowd. Lots of folks bring their children to the Boardwalk for excitement and fun like you can't experience anywhere else. There are other Boardwalks I suppose, but it's hard to imagine any of them are quite the experience of the Wildwood Boardwalk.

Rob's been to carnivals of course so he isn't especially freaked-out by the carnival aspect of the amusement piers. And even at twenty-two-years-old the thrill rides are still way-cool. Ya need to be a lot older than twenty-two not to get a 'rush' riding some of these amusement rides. Hell, just look at the ages of the people waiting in line. Plus, the amusement pier that extends out from the Boardwalk toward the ocean adds greatly to the unique atmosphere and adventure. Ya know, as the roller coaster is picking-up speed heading downhill to top-out at a hundred-miles-an-hour it appears to be heading for a watery climax in the Atlantic Ocean, but then it doesn't of course although your brain struggles with that realization when you're careening down in a small open container, people all around you screaming bloody murder, and you're thinking maybe this time it'll derail and actually hit the water.

We go on many rides and even try some of the games of chance just to make fun of our chances. Robby notices various aspects of the Boardwalk that Chub and I hardly notice anymore after coming here for fifteen years, but it's fun seeing Robby so enthusiastic about everything. And Rob and Chubby are seemingly becoming 'tighter' as future brothers-in-law too, which makes me very happy. Of course, Chubby spends an inordinate amount of time talking to girls he doesn't know, but would like to get in their pants just the same. It frees Rob and I to mostly do the scary rides together pretending we're cool as we're holding onto the sides of the car so tightly our fingers are white. Why do humans subject ourselves to frightening situations I wonder?

After an hour on the Boardwalk even Rob's sobered-up and everything is shutting down for the night anyway. It's around twelve o'clock and we're ready to shut it down for the night ourselves. None of us is interested in drinking anything alcoholic by now. I parked the car at the house so we're walking back there as I'm listening to Chubby and Robby laughing about tonight's activities, making fun of themselves for acting like kids. And I don't know, I just feel so contented being with them. Glancing at them I count my blessings of which there are many!

And, yes, I admit I'm also looking forward to the cherry-on-top for tonight, meaning Rob and I in bed sober, both feeling very good about mostly every-fucking-thing we could possibly think of in our lives. Yes, dreamy lover's sex that some people can only fantasize about. If only life could always be like this first night of my twenty-second year...

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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