Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Sep 23, 2017



Chapter 3

by Donny Mumford

Saturday morning I wake up with Robby sleeping next to me. Nothing new about that except we're not in our college apartment. We're on summer break but yet... here we are in my bed together. Sweet! I don't expect this to be a routine occurrence during the summer but doing it the second night we're home bodes well for sleep-overs. The only drawback is we're not real comfortable encountering one another's family in the morning. We'll persevere so that hopefully someday we eventually will feel comfortable with that.

Rob's lying on his back and I'm on my side so all I can see is the left side of his face, his profile, and wow he's a good looking young man. 'You're a lucky guy, Dylan!' Staring at him for a few-seconds gets my dick tingling. That's what happens when your lover looks this good and you know you're almost certainly gonna have sex with him any minute now. I think back to when I first met Rob and grin remembering how shy we both were. Rob had longish blond hair with some curl at the ends back then. With that blond hair and his striking blue eyes, plus an athletic body to go with his good looks made me think of the term 'All American Boy'. I thought we were both naive about almost everything when we first met, but I later found out that applied to me more so than Robby because he'd been screwing his brother for a couple of years already. Whatever, somehow we've made it this far leaving any innocence we had far behind. And we're not shy anymore either. Well, most of the time we're not.

Just as I'm about to shake him to wake him, Rob wakes-up on his own and with his eyes still closed he stretches, grunting, "Aaaah." I lie flat on my back and my leg bumps against his making his eyes pop open. He looks startled for a second as I murmur, "G'morning, Robby?" He smiles his awesome smile, and says, "Can you believe I thought I was in my own bed? What a treat to discover I'm sleeping with you. I was dreaming about you and now here you are in person." I go, "It's fucking magical, Robby." Flopping around on the bed getting up on his side, facing me, he asks, "How long have you been awake, babe?" I go, "Just a couple of minutes. I'm nursing a little hangover-headache. How's your head?" He falls over partially on top of me and then, with a hand on each of my bare shoulders for support, he lifts up, his face a foot above mine, and says, "I've got a little headache too, but nothing major. Hey, how 'bout last night... it turned-out okay, huh?" I nod, "Yeah, it was better than just okay though." He drops his head to kiss my lips and then lies on his stomach next to me putting his arm over my chest, grinning and muttering, "Small bed, huh?" We're fully grown normal-sized guys so this twin bed of mine makes for close quarters. I go, "I should get a bigger one, huh?" He presses his body against mine, murmuring, "Not on my account."

Goddamn, I like feeling his naked body against mine. I sort of shivers, and say, "I'm gonna fuck you again this morning. So prepare yourself for that.." He grins, "Maybe you better prepare your-own-self." I go, "One of us better, I'm pretty sure of that." He smirks a cute smirk, mumbling, "I'm still curious about something." I'm like, "Oh yeah, what's that?" He shrugs, "It's, um, well I don't get why you think Parks is a pretty good guy?" I make a face, "Parks? Is that a person?" He says, "Yeah, Hayden. His last name is Parks." I glance at my wristwatch happy to see it's only nine-thirty, and then shrug, "Hayden Parks, huh?" Rob goes, "Yes, that's how Danny introduced him to you." I shrug, "I'm not great with names. Anyway, it's not that I thought Hayden was some great guy. It's more like I didn't think he was so awful. Why don't you like him?" Rob goes, "I used to like him okay I guess. Him, Danny, and I thought we were pretty cool kids back in the day, You know, being young and secretly and actively gay. I didn't see very much of him though. He boarded at a prep school; St. John's I think it was. Occasionally I'd see him with Danny on weekends and then occasionally during the summer at the pool after freshman and sophomore years." I nod, saying, "And obviously you knew Danny from the baseball teams, freshman on through senior years." Rob nods his yeah, "Yeah, but what a shock it was seeing him at Merrimack's baseball try-outs freshmen year. I mean, the summer after high school junior year I was mostly with you. I hadn't seen Danny at all so I didn't know he was going to Merrimack. That was our summer; yours and mine, remember?" I go, "You bet your cute ass I remember." I don't believe him that he didn't see Danny that summer though. I was with Willie quite a bit that summer so Rob had time on his hands when I wasn't around.

Avoiding an argument about minor details I'm playing with Robby's hair, twirling some shots hair with a finger, mumbling, "You still haven't told me why you don't like Hayden." He shrugs, "I guess he's too girlie for my taste and he's a terrible gossip as well. You found that out last night, and he talks behind people's backs." I ask, "Was he girlie-acting when you did like him?" He goes, "Nope, not really. When he came 'out' that summer after graduating prep school is when he started the gay/girlie shit. Not that I saw much of him after graduating and I mean right up until last night."

Nodding my head I'm like, "Huh," and then, "Well I'd still like to know why I never met him or even heard his name. I mean he's been Danny's main squeeze for a long time. And why did Hayden tell me I need to ask you why I've never met him. What's up with that?" He pulls me against him, saying, "I thought I was supposed to be preparing myself to get fucked." I go, "In a minute, after you tell me what I want to know." Rob shrugs, "Jesus, there's nothing much to tell. I met him freshman year of high school and then saw him sporadically with Danny like I told you. There's really nothing else to tell."

As I slide out of Rob's arm and then out of bed, I say, "Don't you move, Mister, I not through with this interrogation. Right now though I gotta take a piss." Rob slides out the other side of the bed, mumbling, "I do too." In the bathroom, standing together pissing, I'm like, "Do you have any idea why the hell Hayden made it seem like there's some deep dark secret as to why he and I never met?" Rob goes, "Not really except he's a bit of a trouble-maker. He gets his rocks off stirring the pot and playing both sides against each other. Other than that I don't have any idea." Looking in his eyes, I'm like, "And you hardly ever saw Hayden in all that time?" Rob shrugs, "Whaddaya mean, all that time? The summers after junior and senior years it was you and me working together on the lawn cutting crew and too busy falling in love to hang-out with anyone else. Danny and I lost touch until the Merrimack baseball try-outs." No, that's not accurate. Like I said, I spent more of my free time with Willie that first summer than with Robby. Robby and I were together at times after work, but not all the time.

At the sink we wash our hands and face and then, after brushing our teeth, I tell Rob, "Hayden knows personal stuff about us, so you must be telling Danny about you and me and he tells Hayden." Robby's annoyed now, "What stuff does he know?" I tell him about Hayden using the term 'in-charge' and how he talked about my long-hair haircut when Rob using the thinning shears too much. Rob frowns, "That's it?" I go, "That's all I can remember off the top of my head, no pun intended." Rob goes, "See! And he gossips." I make a face, saying, "Okay, but how do you account for him knowing that other stuff about us?" He says, "I told you, it was probably casual conversation between Danny and me." I go, "Huh! I guess I can buy that. Possibly I've been wrong to doubt you but we'll wait for all the facts to come in before anything as significant as a mumbled, 'Sorry, Rob,' can be considered." He laughs and asks, "Ya wanna take a shower together?" I go, "Yes, but later. Let's get back in bed and talk this Hayden thing out." Rob goes, "We've talked the fuck out of it already." I go, "Don't be so sure of yourself."

As we walk back to the bed Rob's chuckling and saying, "I'm pretty sure of myself that there's nothing more to talk out." In bed I ask, "How'd he know about that haircut and about me wanting you to be in-charge?" Rob goes, "I can't fucking believe you're serious about this." I go, "Well I am! I was surprised and shocked to discover that you tell Danny every fucking thing we do together." Rob emphatically says, "I don't do that! Goddammit, now I'm getting pissed!" I go, "How'd Hayden know all that shit?" Rob does an exasperated exhale and says, "How many times do I need to tell you? During casual conversation with Danny I probably mentioned the haircut and that I'm gonna be your barber. And, Jesus, you've been hounding me about the in-charge shit like forever. Um, until you changed your mind a week or so ago that is. Did he mention that?" I go, "No. So you're saying during pillow-talk you mentioned me and a few incidences and then Danny passed that private information on to Hayden?" He snorts a laugh, "I don't know how private it was and there's no pillow-talk going on with anyone but you!! Danny and I don't do pillow-talk. You and me do pillow-talk and this pillow-talk that we're having right now is making a mountain out of a fucking mole hill." Huh, I thought I had a scoop here and now I'm beginning to think it's a big pile of nothing. It makes sense Rob would mention some things about him and me to Danny. Why wouldn't he? It's looking like one of those things where: There's nothing to see here folks, go on about your business...'

Goddamn though, I thought I'd get some insight into the Robby/Danny world and all I got from Hayden is a big fat ball of misinformation. Rob's a little bit fuzzy on the details of our summer after junior year, but I'll give him a pass on that. But I did learn something about Danny: he's a big-mouth telling Hayden things about Rob and me. It's possible and even likely that the few things Hayden mentioned to me last night is his total knowledge of Rob and me. Am I disappointed that there isn't a mystery to unravel or am I glad there isn't one? Ya never know with me.

Leaning over I kiss Rob's lips and say, "Hope you enjoyed the third degree I gave you about Hayden." He laughs and then says, "Oh yeah, it's fun when you basically challenge my truthfulness. Especially on the word of a girlie/gossip you barely know." I go, "Hey, he made it seem like there were some deep dark secrets." Rob goes, "See what I mean about little Miss-gossipy-Hayden?" I go, "I still kinda liked him though. I mean he's interesting in a weird way. He wears dresses, ya know." Rob looks startled, "Get the fuck outta here!" I go, "Yeah, that's what he told me." Rob's shaking his head and snickering and now I wish I hadn't told him. I go, "Hey, do me a favor and don't tell Danny that. It'll cause trouble for Hayden and then I'll be the gossipy-girl." Rob chuckles, "Girl?" and I go, "That's what Hayden says he and I are; yours and Danny's something-or-other--girls. I forget how he phrased it." Damn, I gotta stop talking about Hayden! Everything I say could get him in trouble if Rob tells Danny and then I may never get more information from Hayden. That's assuming I ever see him again, and assuming there is something more to tell. Hell, I'm curious about the three of them in the early going. Yeah, there's some interesting tidbits there I'll bet! Robby mumbles, "Don't worry, I won't tell Danny about Hayden wearing a dress although it's pretty funny."

Okay, now I want to get off that subject, so I go, "What should we do today, Rob?" He gets up on his elbow looking down at me, and says, "Let's start with this," and he kisses me and then puts his tongue in my mouth to lick my tongue and then he lick across my teeth and finally my lips. Yum! We slurp on each other's mouths for a while and then Robby wrestles me over on my back and sits on my belly. He knocks the covers off his shoulders and I kick them to the bottom of the bed. He's reaching for the lube I left on the night stand last night. Taking the top off the lubricant container, he asks, "Does this remind you of anything, Dylan?" I go, "Yes, last night, only you have our positions mixed-up. I'm supposed to be on top." He goes, "Tough titty."

He gets a glob of lubricant on his finger and then reaches back between my legs. His thumb moves my cock and balls out of the way so he can push lube up my ass and then around the lips of my asshole. My cock is firming up already as Rob grins, saying, "I felt something long and firm back there," and he strokes my cock with some lube still on his hand. In twenty-seconds I have a roaring hard boner with the head just touching Rob's left butt cheek. Hey, maybe I can turn the tables on him except now I want him to fuck me. I purposely get docile. He flicks my boner with a finger, murmuring, "That's taken care of," and he goes back to finger-fucking my ass. I just lie here absorbing pleasure sensations from my rectum and hard cock. Rob casually rubs my prostate gland a few times making me think I'm gonna cum. Pulling his finger out he wipes it on the sheet, muttering, "I'm wiping my finger on your sheet because you can wash it along with the bedspread." I murmur, "Uh huh." My rectum feels gooey and nice. It's totally ready for a good hard fucking.

Rob and I both get sexually aroused at the drop of a hat so his fat cock is fairly firm too. With a knee on either side of me Rob shimmies up my stomach holding his pecker and balls up so he doesn't squish then underneath him. He slides up until he's sitting on my chest. Dropping his sack of balls on my neck Rob rubs the head of his firm fat cock across my lips. Grinning, he says, "Open up, baby." I open my mouth and he puts the head of his cock on my tongue. I lick it, and then suck on it with my lips closed and my eyes wide open looking back into Rob's shiny blue eyes. Still making eye contact he moves his hips slightly, sliding his cock to and fro on my tongue. Then he leans over me, his neck a couple of feet above my face, pushing all of his now rock-hard cock in my mouth and sliding the whole thing on my tongue. I've got my tongue sticking-out for him. Slightly harder thrusts now so the head is hitting the back of my throat with each thrust. My dick tightens-up even more as I take turns grunting and gagging at each thrust of his hips. Rob's pubic hairs tickle my nose and his scent arouses me further turning my cock into a wicked hard boner that's lifting up off my belly. Rob's expression is a mixture of seriousness and desperation. He says nothing...

Going up on his knees a little more he gets a hand under the back of my neck and with his other hand pushes down on my forehead so I have no options except moving my head back, stretching my neck so Rob can now hump his hard cock's head into my throat with each thrust. His crotch smacks against my face as his hips move faster, dominantly fucking my mouth, throat, and face. I feel pre-cum drooling down the shaft of my cock while Rob's cock is drooling pre-cum in my mouth and throat. When his cock head is pulled from my throat and dragged back over my tongue it leaving a trail of clear pre-cum in its wake. I catch the head of his boner between my lips and suck pre-cum from his gaping piss slit. Only for a split-second though because he's thrusting it back over my tongue and into my throat again; he does it over and over. Rob's copious pre-cum drools on my tongue helping it slide easily past the gag reflect area into my throat and then the pre-cum drools down my throat. Tears are running down my face but not from pain or suffering; my eyes are just watering. I'm reaching behind Rob with my right hand to stroke my boned-up cock with a climax building rapidly. No talking from me obviously and only grunts and moans from Rob.

He looks so serious, almost scared as he continues sliding his cock back and forth on my tongue and in and out of my throat. Now he moans, "Oooooh, aaaah," with his eyes closed and I sense he's past the point of no return; he's going to fuck my throat till climax and leaving my ass filled with unused lube. That fat cock of his is relentlessly moving back and forth in my mouth and throat bringing on an awesome submissive sense in my head. I continue being totally docile, completely dominated by that fat thrusting boner. Everything about me is limp except my roaring hard cock that's still sticking straight up towards the ceiling, so tight it aches with pleasure. An oxymoron perhaps, but true nonetheless. There's no question about it now... Rob is definitely going to climax in my throat although I know he didn't initially intend on doing that. He's caught by the power of orgasm now and there's no controlling that urge... he has to climax!

His thrusting gets faster and harder as he gasps and moans and with each thrust of his hard fat boner down my throat his belly smacks against my face until I hear, "Oooh, oooh, ooooh, aaaahhhhh," and then, humping against my face cum gushes in my mouth and then down my throat as Rob's body is stiff as a board with him gasping, his crotch tightly against my face. Then, with a moan, Rob pulls his cock back a bit with the head on my tongue as he squeezes out some last drools of cum. I assume he done but then he gasps and humps another stream of cum into my mouth.

His body jerks around with his boner poking my tongue and then the inside of my cheek a few times. He lifts up so hard his boner comes out of my mouth completely and a spurts of cum hits my chin before he uses his fingers to push his cock back into my warm wet mouth. His entire orgasm took maybe eight seconds with me right on the edge of climaxing every second. When Rob sighs pushing his cock into my throat again and basically lying on my face my body tightens and I hump my hips trying to squeal as cum shoots up from my stone-hard-boner straight up in the air. I struggle under Rob's weight as I watch my cum stream reaching above and behind Rob's head before dropping down to splat on my left hip. Rob pulls his cock from my throat and mouth and drops face-down in the pillow next to my head as another contraction of my stomach muscles sends another stream of cum into the air and it comes down and goes, "Splat," on my belly. Rob lays fully stretched out on the bed next to me as I'm gasping and stroking my cock getting drools of cum running over the fingers of my fist.

Orgasms are intense pleasure like nothing else known to man but they're fleeting, and then as a bonus there's often a few seconds of after effects for me before a weak feeling and my pounding heart take over along with some deep breathing for maybe thirty-seconds. I go, "Ooooh, fucccck. Omigod..." and stop stroking my softening cock. My balls relax too and settle down lower in my scrotum as the eruption fades away completely. Rob goes, "Ooooh, man, I didn't mean to do that, baby. Holy shit...." He pushes himself up on both elbows, asking, "You okay?" I nod and take another deep breath, then say, "Sure, of course I'm okay, Rob. Guess I won't need breakfast though. I feel kinda full." He chuckles lying down again with his arm across my chest, mumbling, "That was one monster of an outrageous fucking climax I had there. Damn, that was hot." I go, "You owe me," and he ruffles my hair, muttering, "I know I do," and then he goes, "But damn, I should do that more often." I go, "No, you shouldn't! I think I have a sore throat now. And you wasted lube too... my ass is all gooey for no reason." He kind of hugs me with the arm over my chest, snickering and mumbling, "Sorry about that. Felt good though. Really different." I slide a hand under his chest and pinch his nipple until he yelps, "Ow," and I go, "Can you believe I climaxed like a moose from you fucking my throat?" He goes, "Seriously, that's some strange shit, babe. You're a sexy sex-pot, boyfriend." I go, "Yeah, that's me alright."

Between last night and this morning there's wet and dry cum on our bodies and the bed. I'm like, "Do you wanna use the shower first?" He asks, "Can't we do it together?" I shrug, "I'd like to, Robby, but it's after ten o'clock and while it's highly unlikely, Mom has been known to get up this early." He goes, "In that case I'll go first," and he tries to be cool rolling out of bed but ends-up on his ass on the floor. We both chuckle with me muttering, "Spastic," and then watch him walk naked into the bathroom. Well, that was really an unexpected something or other. Good climax though!

After finding an area on the sheet that's dry I pull the covers up and snuggle under them feeling good and hoping for a little more sleep. Sleep comes easily and I have a dream about a dessert island where I'm naked on the sand with someone walking towards me. I can't tell who it is because when I look at the person I'm looking right into the sun's glare. I'm not sure how I feel about this person and then realize someone is next to me. It scares me and then I hear one of these two individuals calling my name. Opening my eyes I see it's Rob who's calling, "Dylan, Dylan are you awake?" I go, "Um, I guess so," and he asks, "Can I borrow some clean clothes?" He's got a towel around his waist and he looks really clean. Bath gel is all I can smell.

Still groggy I'm like, "What?" as I think about the dream. My dreams are mostly forgotten when I wake-up, but I was awakened while dreaming this one so I remember it. I don't know what it means though, or who was in the dream with me, or why I was scared. I go, "Clothes? Sure, Rob. That's if I have any clean underwear. I need to do a couple of wash loads today." He asks, "Which drawer should I look in for underwear?" Pointing to the middle drawer, left side, of my bureau, I mumble, "Um, I think I've got one or two clean jockey shorts in there." He looks and then holds up a striped boxer shorts and whitie-tightie jockey-style underpants, asking, "Which one do you want to wear?" I slide out of bed, saying, "You're my guest so you get to choose." He takes the towel from around his waist and drapes it over the desk chair and then steps into the boxer shorts, mumbling, 'Thanks, babe." On my knees I go through all the drawers looking for a clean t-shirt and come up with a solid blue one that has, TIME TO MAKE THE DONUTS on the front in white letters. I hand it to him, saying, "I don't know what that is supposed to mean. I think it's one of Chub's t-shirts."

Rob shrugs and pulls the t-shirt over his head, saying, "It's big. It must be an XXX Large." Huh, I can't ever remember wearing it or seeing Chub wear it. Rob goes, "How about some jeans or sweatpants?" I toss him a pair of sweat socks, saying, "I'll find something for you," and look through more drawers coming up with nothing so I start going through my closet and bring out a brand new, never worn pair of overalls. Jesus, Willie bought these for me when I was seventeen or eighteen. He wanted me to wear them to one of the gay block parties we used to go to in Cambridge. I refused of course and they've been in my closet ever since. The label reads: Dickie's Men's Denim Stone-Washed Bib Overalls. I hold them up and Robby laughs and then mutters, "Oh shit, let me wear it." I'm grinning watching him pull on the bib overalls." I say, "Well farmer Brown, don't you look like the cat's ass!"

He looks at himself in the full-length mirror on the back of the closet door, mumbling, "That's right, I'm a cool motherfucker." Actually in a weird way they are kinda cool. I say, "I'm taking a shower now. Would you mind stripping the bed. I'll finally get a washer load going after my shower." He nods, muttering, "No problem," and pulls the bedspread off the bed as I go into the bathroom. It's steamy in here so I leave the door open. Oh look, Robby hung the washcloth he used over the shower-curtain-rod. I use the same washcloth for my shower and purposely make it a quick shower so I don't use up all the hot water for when Mom wants to take her shower.

Drying myself in the bedroom I see Rob's doing something with my laptop. He turns his head, saying, "Get this, Dylan. My fucked-up brother now tells me he won't be home until a week from Tuesday. He and a friend are stopping off in Las Vegas for a week. It depends, he says, 'If their money holds out'. It's so like him to blow all the money he's saved the last two years. What an idiot!" I don't say anything because I don't think Dodger's an idiot at all, but I don't want to get into an argument about it. As I'm pulling on the pair of jockey shorts that Rob rejected, I ask, "Ya wanna help me make breakfast?" Rob stands, and says, "Better yet, let me make our breakfast." I go, "Sure, be my guest." Rob was cooking with me at the apartment the last couple of months. It was his idea to learn some things from me about cooking and food shopping... he's doing great with it too.

I put on the same clothes I wore last night and then pick-up the overflowing hamper, saying, "Rob, would you get the pile of bedding and bring it to the basement with me?" He grabs the bedding and we go to the basement where I get a full load of my clothes in the washing machine, including the clothes Rob had on last night. The second load will be the bedding. Back upstairs we take two Advil with a glass of orange juice and then make mugs of coffee. Sipping my coffee I'm sitting on a kitchen stool at the bar watching Rob get ready to make our breakfast.

He's looking in the refrigerator, saying, "Ya got the stuff for cheese omelets, there's an unopened package of Canadian bacon, and English muffins. How's that sound?" I mutter, "My mouth is watering." As I'm saying that my Mom comes out of her bedroom wearing a bathrobe over silk pajama that her boyfriend, Tom Rider, gave her for her last birthday. Mom goes, "Oh my goodness. Look at you two! Good morning, boys! What a special treat seeing you this morning." Mom kisses my cheek and then says, "Robby you look wonderful in those overalls. Oh my, ha ha." I go, "He's starting a fashion trend called... Mississippi Casual." Rob blushes, "These overalls are Dylan's, Mrs. Newman." She goes, "You look good in them, Robby. Don't let Dylan tease you," and then she asks him, "When's your brother expected home?" He tells her and Mom goes. "Las Vegas, huh?" To get off that topic, I say, "Rob's making breakfast. Would you like some, Mom?" Rob tells her what he's cooking and she says, "Oh my goodness that sounds delicious," and then she adds, "As good as that sounds, I'll just have coffee and toast. Us girls need to be careful of our waistlines." Rob and I both tell her that her waistline if perfect, but she sticks to her guns.

As Mom eats dry toast and drinks her coffee black she tells us about a customer at the restaurant last night who left a five-hundred dollar tip for Mag, whoever Mag is. It was the biggest tip anyone at the restaurant had ever received and the customer, who ate alone, wrote on the check, 'Your smile and friendly manner brightened an otherwise bad day for me. Thank you.' Mom says, "He was almost at my station and Tris said he should have been except Ronald took the man to Mag's station by mistake. This big-tipper was supposed to go to me." Rob and I commiserate about what bad luck that was and how stupid Ronald was, although we have no idea who he is. Mom goes, "Oh, Ronnie's not stupid exactly. He made a mistake occasionally though." I go, "A five-hundred-dollar mistake." Then we talk about who leaves a five-hundred-dollar tip for dinner? Mom finally says, "Oh no, look at the time! I'm sorry, as much as I'd love to chat with you boys some more, I need to get ready for shopping with Tris. It's wonderful seeing you, Robby, and I hope you won't be a stranger this summer. Say hello to your Mom for me." She hurries off as Rob says, "Gee, that wasn't awkward at all." I go, "Are you being factious?" He goes, "No, I'm serious. I felt comfortable with your Mom this time." I nod, "That's good, Rob. I did too," and he chuckles.

The breakfast is excellent because Rob did the omelets the way I taught him to do them, which is to say he cooked them over low heat to avoid scorching and browning the eggs. I like bright yellow omelets with no browning unlike what you get at restaurants where the chef is in a hurry to get to the next customer. That's why I don't order omelets at a restaurant. Sometimes they brown scrambled eggs too so ya gotta watch out for that as well. The Pancake House is pretty good about their eggs. I gotta admit that.

After breakfast Rob and I clean up the kitchen and then we have a smoke on the balcony. "What do you feel like doing today, Dylan?" I go, "First off I wanna hang around here until that washer load finishes so I can get the clothes in the dryer and then load the washing machine with the bedding stuff. After that I'll do whatever you want." He goes, "Well, if it isn't too boring I'd like to get a few things at the Mall. Ties and dress-shirts for work to be exact, but if I see something else that catches my eye I'll buy that too." I go, "You're what's known as a clothes-horse, Rob. You've got more clothes than anyone I know." He goes, "No I don't." No sense discussing that because how would either of us prove we're right." I go, "Anyway, sure, I'll go with you. Um, will I need to wear a coat and tie for work Monday?" He shrugs, "Good question. I don't know what the dress code is for the Human Resources Department. I have no interactions with that department but I do see lots of employees in the cafeteria wearing what's called work-casual, meaning no jeans or sneakers but good casual clothes, ya know? And, no tie required." I'm hoping for that! He says, "You might want to wear a tie to work Monday though, to be safe, and let whoever is your boss tell you the appropriate dress for working there." I mutter, "Exactly what I was going to do, Daddy." He shrugs, "Don't be sensitive. You asked me."

After transferring the washed clothes to the dryer I load the washing machine again with linen, the blanket and bedspread from my bed. With that done we go upstairs and put on light jackets and then walk down to where Rob's pickup is parked. During the drive to the mall I contemplate bringing up the Danny/Robby/Hayden topic again but realize I don't feel like talking about it. Anyway I think Rob was mostly honest about his description of the situation. If I get the chance though I just might take Hayden out to lunch, get him drunk, and see if Rob's version matches Hayden's when he's drunk. Yeah, drunk he's likely to be more truthful. Maybe I'll at least get a better feel for Danny's and Rob's current relationship. They'd be interesting. And for the hell of it I'd be interested in what Hayden knows about Danny's other side-sex buddies. I got the feeling from Hayden there are others, but then Hayden may not be a reliable source of information about any of this. And lastly does Hayden know some guy named, Greg Peters?

Robby says, "How about having dinner at my house tonight, Dylan?" I go, "Um, I'd rather not. You and I could eat out together if you want." He says, "You and I had dinner out with our 'rents Thursday night. My Mom's cooking a prime rib roast especially for me tonight. You like prime rib, I know you do. Please have dinner with my family." Fuck, he's still on the family kick! I go, "Okay, if it means that much to you." He says, "Thanks. I sort of told Mom you'd be there." I go, "What'd she say when you told her that?" He shrugs, "She said it'd be nice seeing you, and as a special treat she's making Yorkshire Pudding. That goes with old time rib-roast meals." Looking at him, I'm like, "Old time Yorkshire Pudding? Is that a dessert?" He says, "No, it's sort of bread or a roll the way Mom makes it. There's pan drippings from the roast in the dough. It's really delicious. A special treat because you'll be there." Jeez, it's nice of his Mom to go to the extra trouble but a greasy roll doesn't sound very enticing to me. I go, "Well okay then. I'll be there." Oh God, now Rob looks so pleased, or proud, or something. It's so easy to make him happy.

I text Chub that I'm having dinner at Rob's tonight and the message gets delivered but not read. Ha ha, that damn Chubby and his cellphone! He either doesn't know where it is and he borrows a cellphone from whoever he's with if he needs one, or he has his phone with him but it isn't charged. To be fair that's only maybe fifty-percent of the time.

Obviously, on Saturdays the mall is a very busy place, but then I've been here during the week and it's busy then too. People like to shop. As I walk through Macy's with Rob I see lots of cool things I'd like to have but don't really need. I use my world-renowned willpower and resist the urge to buy anything. Robby appears to shop in a different mind set. He came to the mall for a couple of ties and dress-shirts but he's also buying other things he likes whether he needs them or not. Of course he is in a different financial situation than my own.

To be honest, even though Rob buys what he wants he's not remotely in Willie's class for over-spending just for the pure fun and pleasure of doing it without regard to if he needs something or not. Willie sees something he likes and buys it. Robby buys things he doesn't need, but only if the price is right. A highly discounted leather jacket, for example, is something he doesn't needs at all but he couldn't pass-up the 70% off the regular price, so he buys it. It's not something he can even use until next fall at the earliest, but he buys it anyhow. Then he buys two sweaters at half price and a discounted wallet. The wallet he took his debit card from looked new to me. He couldn't decide on two ties out of the four he narrowed it down to, but since they were buy-one-and-get-a-second-tie-at-half-price he bought all four. Then two striped dress-shirts, both of which I thought were really cool looking, so I'm with him there.

Now, with him carrying two shopping bags and me carrying the bag with the leather jacket I'm following him from one section of Macy's to another. I've definitely decided I'll pass-up the next time Rob wants to pick up 'a couple of things' at the mall. He looks at everything! He picked-up and examined two-hundred different things. Probably the trait of a good shopper, but he's been at it for at least two-hours unaffected by all the stares people give him because of the stone-washed bid overalls he's wearing. Finally Rob stops and goes, "Jesus, this is getting tedious." No shit! It was way past being tedious and hour ago and now it's slipped into the intolerable zone.

While Rob was examining every piece of men's clothing and accessories in Macy's I did some boy-watching. I did it to keep from screaming out as loud, 'Let's get the fuck outta here!', but I found myself almost screaming at the lack of worthwhile guys to look at. Where have all the cute guys gone? Problem is, the ones I used to ogle and daydream about I now consider too young. It's astonishing how young-looking the children in middle school are, for example. They look too young to be at the mall by themselves! And the lower grades of high school, those kids aren't much older-looking and they're the groups of boys who used to produce the majority of hot sexy cute boys I enjoyed staring at on the boardwalk. Now I'd feel like a pervert ogling them so I'm stuck with guys my own age, some of whom look like they could be thirty-one as easily as twenty-one. That's why I'm so complimentary of guys like Chubby, Robby, and even Danny. It's because they've managed to retain some youthfulness in their appearance; a glimpse of their teenage cuteness. Retaining some youthfulness as you get older is strictly a gene-thing of course, as most everything about all of us is.

Anyway, when Rob said the shopping was getting tedious, I said, "Really? You haven't checked every single item that Polo has to offer yet." He laughs, "Polo is too expensive and rarely puts things on sale. C'mon, I'll buy you something to drink." We go to the food court and get strawberry smoothies at the Orange Julius stand, which is a subsidiary of Dairy Queen I believe. It's important to avoid a popsicle headache which you'll get from inhaling smoothies too quickly. After drinking these sweet icy concoction we're both still thirsty so we shared a medium fountain-style Coke from the Burger King food court counter. Rob sounds happy, saying, "Well, I got what I needed, babe, so let's get out of this mall." I nod thinking, 'Thank you Lord' and we find our way back to the pickup. It's ten-after-twelve but neither of us are hungry so we put lunch off until later and drive to Rob's house.

As Rob pulls into his driveway I see only one car here so his Dad's must be at the office. Where else? We go in the door off the back yard, the only door I've ever used coming or going to Rob's house in the four years I've known him. The house has a very nice front door with pillars and everything, but as far as I know it's never been used. When we walk in his Mom is just hanging up the phone. She certainly looks happy to see us, smiling pleasantly and saying, "Well the prodigal son returns. Nice to see you too, Dylan," and then, "Oh my God, Rob. Where'd you get the adorable bib overalls?" Rob points to me and I go, "They were a gag-gift some years ago and never been worn." Rob goes, "They're cool, huh?" His Moms smiles, saying, "If you say so, Honey," and then pats my shoulder, "I hope you'll join us for dinner tonight, Dylan." I nod my head saying, "Thank you for the invitation."

Rob says, "Dylan thought Yorkshire Pudding was a dessert." His Mom mumbles, "That's perfectly understandable," and then to Rob, "You've been shopping I see." He leans over and kisses his Mom's cheek and then tells her, "Yes, some things for work this summer." She says, "Did you get short-sleeve dress-shirts?" He puts the bags on a kitchen chair, mumbling, "No. I did not get short-sleeve dress-shirts, Mom. I got long sleeve dress-shirts because men who wear short-sleeve dress-shirts aren't taken seriously, especially when working in air-conditioned environments." She goes, "Poppycock! My Father, your dear Grandfather, wore short-sleeved dress-shirts to work every day for forty-five years." Rob goes, "He lived in Florida, Mom. When he retired he and Grandma moved to Vermont which is the complete opposite of what everyone else does. Plus, Granddad worked in a pharmacy; not a business office."

My head is pounding, thump, thump, thump as I try being invisible. His Mom is wiping down a perfectly clean and shiny counter top, asking me, "How's your Mom?" I go, "Mom is very well thank you, and she wanted me to say, 'Hi' to you for her." Rob says, "His Mom looks so fucken.., er, freaking young, Mom." His Mom goes, "As compared to your poor old, Mom, huh?" Rob laughs, "Well, yeah," and she hits him with a dish towel, giggling and saying, "Oh you..." He goes, "Just teasing. Actually you look young for your advanced age too." She says, "As do you two. You both look like teenagers." I say, "Robby cooked us breakfast this morning. Awesome cheese omelets." She goes, "When did you learn to cook, Rob?" He shrugs, "My roommate taught me." Mrs. Dickers says, "Oh yes, I remember Dylan's mom telling me about how Dylan and his brother were cooking their own suppers at twelve-years old." Actually we were eight years old when we started doing that. Rob goes, "When did she tell you that?" His Mom goes, "During one of the pool parties last summer. Wait, no, it might have been the summer before last. She was with that sweet friend of her, Tris. I never forget a name."

Rob goes, "Well it's been swell, Mom, but after dropping these clothes off in my bedroom Dylan and I will be on our way." His Mom says, "Just leave the new things here and I'll cut the tags off and take out the pins or whatever. I'll include the new clothes in the wash load of your clothes I was about to do now anyway. It's always best to wash new clothes before wearing them. Gets the folded creases out from the way they're packaged." He goes, "You're the best, thanks, Mom."

When we walk out the back door, I ask Rob, "Don't you want to change out of those overalls?" He goes, "Nope, I want to get people freaking out like they did at the mall." Before we can get in the pickup, his Mom sticks her head out the door, asking, "Wait. Can I fix you boys lunch?" I'm thinking, oh please say no, and Rob asks me, "You hungry yet," and I go, "Not at all." "No thanks, Mom. We had a big breakfast." She says, "Dinner at seven tonight. Your Dad's working late again." Rob and I both wave as we get in the pickup. "What should we do now, Dylan?" I'm like, "Let's go back to my place and see what Chub's up to. I texted him, but I think his cellphone needs charging."

Back at the condos Rob parks at the curb and we go up the steps past my condo and on up to Chubby's. I ring the bell and then knock, but nobody's home so I say, "Let's check out the high school and see if there's a pickup basketball game we can get into. I'm feeling like some exercise." Then Chub opens the door, saying, "Dylan! What's up?" and then, "Hey, Rob." I say, "We rang the bell and knocked, so..." and Chub says, "I was on the can, bro. Bad timing. C'mon in." Chubby's barefoot and wearing sweatpants without a shirt. He says, "I just finished breakfast. What are you guys up to?" I see an open pizza box on the kitchen table, and ask, "You had pizza for breakfast?" He nods, "Yeah, cold pizza. It's left over from last night. I guess mom had it for dinner or a late night snack perhaps." I go, "Where's your cellphone?" He feels his pockets, "Um, in the Jeep, I think. Oh no, it's probably somewhere in my bedroom. Why?" I shrug and Rob says, "Dylan wants to see if there's a pick up b-ball game at the high school." Chub nods, "Yeah, some three-on-three, half-court basketball. Yeah, let me put a shirt and some sneakers on and we'll go see." Then he gets me in a head lock messing my hair, saying, "Awesome idea, bro!" He lets go of me and I try fixing my hair.

Chub goes in his bedroom and Rob picks up a pizza crust, grinning at me, asking, "Ya want some, Dylan?" Frowning at him, I go, "Put that down," then ask, "How's my hair look?" Rod runs his fingers from my forehead back, saying, "It looks like a hundred-dollar haircut. That's how it looks," and then he takes out his pocket comb and re-combs the hair on top forward and the bangs up a little. I mutter, "Thanks."

During the drive to the high school I tell Chub, "I tried texting you to say I'm having dinner at Rob's tonight." Chub goes, "No problem, bro. Matt Barnes set me up with a blind date tonight. We're picking the girls up at seven so I'll get something to eat at the bar or club we're going to. Someplace in Boston that Matt says rocks."

We spend the afternoon playing basketball against a number of three-man teams. It's winners keep the court, challenged by the next three man team. Chubby's making his usual baseline three-point-shots consistently. He doesn't play much defense against the taller players and occasionally smokes a cigarette as we're playing. Robby and I are breaking our balls guarding the other guys. Then when we have the ball we pass it around a couple of time and then get it to Chub, who nobody thinks is worth guarding because he's way over there at the end of the baseline with a cigarette between his lips, and swish, swish, swish goes the ball through the net with Chubby smirking his ass off until our opponents are cursing, "You lucky little fuck!" and are now charging over to cover Chub while Rob or I take a pass back from Chub for lay ups. Fun!

We play for two hours only losing once when some young punk seniors from last year's high school basketball team beat us. We were basically too tired by then to put up much of a fight. A tall kid with acne goes, "You college guys just got schooled by high schoolers." Chub goes, "Who the fuck uses the words, 'high schoolers'?" The kid says, "It's a word!" We walk to where Rob parked the pickup and drive to Sal's Pizza Shop and share a large pizza. Back at the condos the three of us hang around my place just shooting the breeze. Mom's getting ready for work in her bedroom while we half-watch an afternoon Red Sox game in between talking and laughing at dumb shit different guys said playing basketball.

Sometime after Mom leaves for work Chubby leaves too. Rob's drinking a Coke on the sofa as I go to the basement and fold the clothes from the dryer, including the ones Robby wore yesterday. I brings the clean folded clothes upstairs and Rob asks, "Need any help, babe?" I go, "Nope," and take everything in my bedroom, putting everything either in the closet or bureau. Rob comes in and helps me make the bed with clean sheets and blanket. Then, as I take a leak Rob goes back to the living room sofa. Done my piss, and after washing my hands, I jump Rob on the sofa and we gets amorous until I go, "We're all grungy from playing basketball, Rob."

On our way to my bathroom to wash up but only make it to my bedroom before getting into another hot make-out. Rob's hand at the back of my head, my hands on his hips, our tongues sliding together and then we do open-mouth kissing trying to eat each other's mouth until Rob uses his other hand to unbuttons the bib of his overall and then drops the pants of the overalls below his knees and pulls down the boxer shorts he borrowed from me. Our mouths separate as Rob's pulling down my khakis and jockey shorts. He gasps, "Do we need lube?" I go, "No, there's still some up my ass even though I showered." There's no more talking, just some heavy breathing and red faces from the make-out.

Rob's fat hard cock gets humped up my ass and, with me groaning and Rob grunting, it's a fast hard fucking. The, "Slapslsapslapslapslap," sounds fill the room and a little later moans of, "Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh," at every thrust. I'm bent over the desk now, "Slapslapslap," "Ooh,ooh,ooh," for maybe three hot sexy minutes and then "Eeeeeiiiii," with cum spurting out of my cock and Robby almost laying on my back humping against my ass filling me up with his second creamy load of the day; one down my throat and one up my ass. Thirty seconds of loud breathing before he backs off me. Holding his cock he's gasping, "Oh man.... jeeeszus! What the hell, Dylan? I'm getting out of fucking control here..." I'm shaking my head, "No, no. That was premium hot rough extemporaneous sex, dude. Go for that anytime you want."

Some more deep breathing as I plop on the desk chair and take Kleenex out of a box to wipe my cum off the front of the desk. Some of it got in the top drawer so I need to open it and wipe inside. Meanwhile Rob's cum is running out my ass so I get up and get more Kleenex to wipe the chair muttering, "Fuckin' messy." Rob goes, "Let's take another shower only this time do it together," and that's what we do. No sex in the shower though and afterwards Rob gets dressed in his now washed clothes from yesterday. I put on clean jeans and long sleeve Polo pull-over.

We have dinner with Rob's parents but only after consuming two of his Dad's Manhattans, straight up. His Mom over-cooks the prime rib slightly upsetting his Dad although Rob and I claimed it was cooked perfectly. It was still very good even if his Dad was right. The oddly named Yorkshire Pudding was really good too. Everything was good.

After dinner Rob and I nostalgically visit a few of our favorite high school spots running into some acquaintances from back then, and everybody swaps lies for a while about college life. Later, not feeling like drinking tonight, we have a hot fuck in the pickup for old time sake. Rob spanks the shit out of my buttocks and fucks me hard. We have amazing climaxes but my ass is definitely sore on the way home. Rob drops me off a little after eleven o'clock.

Chub and I do Sunday brunch for the Moms and then we hang around the house all day. Rob was doing mandatory relative visiting with his parents most of the day. They do too many boring family things together but after all these years Robby's use to it I suppose. Chub and I have Sunday dinner with our Moms and future Father-in-laws at Bud's condo. Rider, also called, Tom, was the chef and Bud, also called, Tim, was the bartender. Both those guys treat Chub and me golden.

Sunday night I lay out the clothes I'll wear to my first day of work tomorrow. Sure, I'm a little nervous about it. Anybody would be for their first day of something that's brand new. I probably won't even see Rob so no security blanket there AND I need to take the bus to work for the first time ever. I got the bus schedule from their online site so I hope it's accurate. That'll be a new experience too and I could kick myself in the ass for not riding the bus Friday morning as a trial run. Oh well, I'll see how it goes tomorrow morning... I can handle it. So far so good during the first three days of this, my last ever, so-called summer break...

to be continued... Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com



Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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