Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Feb 17, 2018



Chapter 24

by Donny Mumford

Hayden and I step outside the pool house to verify the rain completely stopped. Yep, it sure has but darkness has settled in while the rain clouds have dissipated and we can see the big moon and the stars that appear to sparkle in the sky. That was a bitch of a summer storm leaving everything dripping-wet although the humidity is low now and the air feels fresh. The breeze feels odd against my head after the very short haircut from Rob. Fuck it though, I'll probably get used to it in a few days. Robby actually did an amazingly professional job of barbering, I've gotta give him props for that. Basically, this haircut isn't much different from the haircuts Ryan insisted on giving me weekly while I was living with him last summer. Ironically me refusing to continue those haircuts at Merrimack is the primary reason Albert a/k/a Ryan and I drifting totally apart last year. It's weird how my opinion of this latest fad-haircut-style is changing from me mocking it to now kinda liking it.

Normally my fucked-up haircut fetish would have caused me to shoot-off in my pants during a haircut like this one, but tonight I barely had a 'stuffy' in my shorts; not even a boner! Very unusual for me and I know why: it's because a half-hour before the haircut Danny and I had sex in my condo and he got me 'off' really good! That was over an hour ago now though so I expect normal bodily functions are probably recalibrating and getting operational again by now.

Anyway, after a hard rain everything looks clean and new even though I know it's not. Hayden and I screw around checking out the pool, doing a little grab-ass, and then some gawking in the window at Rob cutting Danny's hair. I turn away from the window to say something and Hayden pulls my head down and lays one of his sexy indescribable kisses on me, and just like that I spring a boner. He's done unexpected hot kisses before with me and he can do them again if he wants. They're really something. This one got me boning-up right after I was just thinking how I'm usually ready to 'go' again pretty quickly. I knew my libido would get its act together. Actually, I'm glad it held off until after the haircut. Boners are awesome things though!

Yeah, Hayden, of all the guys can get me hot and bothered fairly easily, as strange as that seems even to moi. Oh, and I'm sorta 'crushing' on Hayden's boyfriend, Danny, too. Ha ha, yeah, it's a goofy situation presently and probably short-lived. I've been aware of Danny since freshman year, of course, and I'd acknowledged to myself he's nice looking and does great sex but only in the most casual way because he's the long-time side-sex buddy of Rob's. Now that I've gotten to know Danny as a friend though my casual appraisal of his sexiness has become reality. Where before I 'thought he'd probably be sexy hot, and now I 'know' he is. He's also a very positive thinker and, like I said, a very nice guy to boot. I'm harmlessly 'crushing' on him a little bit for fun; it's no big deal. He isn't aware of it either although Robby is and he's jokes with me about it once-or-twice. Like I said, it's harmless.

Getting back to Hayden, and I hate mentioning Ryan Wilcox again but I will because he's the only other person besides Hayden who has that sexy magical kiss. Both those guys do something with their tongues while sort of sucking my mouth into theirs and, well I don't know what the fuck else they do actually, but they've both discovered the secret of passionate-sexually-arousing-kissing. I'm working on an hypothesis that they're fraternal twins somehow separated at birth? They're both on the smaller side but with ginormous penises and they both have that same magical tongue and that secret knowledge I mentioned. Fraternal twins don't need to look that much alike so, ya know. Anyway, it's just a hypothesis at this point.

I'd be interested in comparing notes with Danny about Hayden's magical kiss but I can't because that would give away Hayden's and my super-secret-sexual-play together. He's adamant that Danny not find out about us even though I've told him Danny said it was okay for me to have buddy-sex with his boyfriend, meaning Hayden. I'm not positive, but I'm almost positive, Danny doesn't have another 'boyfriend' besides Hayden. Maybe Hayden doesn't want to believe Danny would say it's okay for me to have sex with him. It's my opinion Danny pretty much had to give his consent considering he's fucking all of us in our little close-knit gay group. Unfortunately, he doesn't have nearly the sex drive of Rob or me and consequently buddy-sex coming from Danny is, um, sporadic. Sometimes he even needs to be reminded. Yeah, but it's only been like three weeks that our foursome has really kinda taken-off, so who knows what could develop later in the summer. I mean, Danny's intending to step up his 'game'. That's what he told me anyway.

Okay, so it's stopped raining but everything is still dripping wet and not an ideal place for hanging-out. Anything you touch or bump causes water from trees or bushes or the arbor over the gate to leaks raindrops on us; rain drops are dripping off every-fucking-thing. I go, "C'mon Hayden, let's go inside. My head's getting wet and if we're actually doing shinny dipping tonight, let's get skinny... so to speak."

He follows me inside where we start taking our clothes off. I do it slowly so I can watch some of Danny's haircut. Rob's doing it exactly like mine and it's sexy watching the clippers shearing off Danny's brown hair in bunches. That gets my dick buzzing now, so better late than never. Huh, if I was getting my haircut now I definitely would have had a spontaneous orgasm. Jesus, look at that pile of Danny's shiny clean brown hair on the barber's cape at his lap, not that Danny notices. He's reading a Sports Illustrated magazine, apparently totally unaffected and uninterested in the haircut. Ya know what, I think that's the Sports Illustrated I bought for Rob when he was convalescing.

Hayden says, "We'll see you guys in the pool," and both of then glance over at us. Rob mutters, "Whoa, good to see you boys naked as jaybirds. We'll be out to join you in fifteen-minutes-or-so." Danny's grinning as usual, saying, "Dylan, you stay clear of my naked boyfriend!" I go, "Me? Tell him to stay away from me!" Hayden frowns hard at me, so I mutter, "Oh lighten the fuck up, Hayden. This is called joking around!"

We walk our naked bodies out of the pool house with Hayden asking, "What's a jaybird and why are they naked?" I put my arm across his slim bare shoulders, glancing down at the big slab of meat swinging between his legs, and say, "Well, Hayden, I wouldn't know this except my brother is always coming up odd factoids. It seems back in the twenties and thirties in America, probably down south, when convicted men got off the bus at the jail they got naked for a shower, and then they had to walk naked from one end of the jail to the other. They were called naked jailbirds and that got bastardized to jaybirds and has stuck as a figure of speech ever since." Hayden asks, "Why'd they make them walk naked from one end of the prison to the other?" I go, "I don't know! Chubby didn't have that as part of his factoid." Hayden goes, "Sounds like a bullshit story you made up." I go, "I didn't make it up. My brother did," and I give his shoulders another squeeze. What I'd really like to do is hug the shit out of him because he's so huggable. I let that urge fade away on its own.

The lights in the back yard and around the pool came on automatically now that its night so there's plenty of light. We're both tentatively checking things out in the back yard, walking carefully so as not to disturb anything and have cold raindrops falling on us. Looking at the pool now, we're contemplating jumping in as we casually pull on our dicks a little trying to work up the balls to do this. The pool water looks cold. I finally mutter, "Well, are we gonna jump in or not?" He nods, "Yeah, let's do it, but I hope it's not as cold as it looks." We nod our heads at each other and, without agreeing to do it before hand, we both take a few running steps and do cannonballs into the pool... yeah, cannonballs, what else!

Both of us go under, hit the bottom and then come up wiping water from our faces, as Hayden exclaims, "It's warm!" I go, "Yeah, that's right. I forgot it's a heated pool." We swim around for like fifteen minutes racing each other from one end of the pool to the other. It's really nice being in a pool again and doubly nice because we're naked. It's such a neat feeling being naked in a lot of water like this. Swimming tires you out pretty fast though so we stop racing and just tread water for a bit. Hayden dives under and comes up with my dick in his fist... what else!

I'm like, "Don't fuck around, Hayden! We're not twelve-years-old!" Grinning like a twelve-year-old he tows me, pulling on my dick, and I'm like, "That hurts my noodle, ya sick psycho!" Two of his fingers go around my nuts as he grins, saying, "I'm gonna squeeze the shit out of your balls if you don't float on your back right now," and he squeezes a little with me yelling, "Ow, you little pervert." Without much choice at the moment, I kick my legs until I'm up floating on my back. He steadies me with his other hand while re-gripping his whole fist around my nuts. "I've got ya now, Dylan," and with his fist holding my scrotum he kicks his feet pulling me in the water laughing so hard I snort out a laugh myself.

I'm hoping he squeezes my nuts again but he stops when we're in the middle of the pool. The water's six-feet deep here so Hayden needs to keeps his legs kicking to stay in place next to my floating body. I glance down in the pool watching the hair floating around his calves. The little fucker has sexy hairy-calves. Pulling me against him, using his grip on my nuts, he leans over and takes my cock in his mouth and in a minute, with me helplessly squirming on the water, trying not to go under, he sucks a stiffy on my dick. I'm like, "Ahh, ahh," but then we hear the pool house door slam shut so he spits out my dick, and goes, "You're lucky this time, Dylan, or we'd both watch your jism shooting straight up and then float on top of the water for all to see." Letting go of me now, Hayden swims to the side of the pool. Still floating, I'm like, "C'mon, finish what you started." He stage whispers, "Shhh, Dylan, they're coming." I snicker and kick my feet trying to float near him but he pushes me away, whispering, "Don't mess around! Danny will see us." Heh heh!

I turn over and swim to the other side of the pool and then pull myself up and out of the pool to sit on the ledge with my legs in the water and my dick going soft. The air feels very cool now that I'm out of the warm pool water. Danny and Rob come around the corner of the pool house naked as, um, jaybirds. Robby's got some towels in his arms that have the words 'Dickers Pool' imprinted across one end in blue script. He tosses me a towel, saying, "Another new addition to the pool house. Mom found a site online that'll print whatever you want on towels and she ordered two dozen pool towels." I mutter, "Cool," and pull the towel over my shoulders, draping it down my back and holding in front at my neck. It's chilly.

Robby plops the rest of the towels on a table, the bottom towel soaking up the standing rain water. Danny walks over to show his boyfriend his new haircut, which is exactly like mine. No, not exactly though because I can see a transition line between the bare clippers area on the side that hasn't been completely faded into the quarter-inch hair. Transitions lines are more obvious with darker hair, like Danny's brown hair. Those lines aren't as noticeable with my blond hair. Still, Danny's haircut is another very commendable barbering job by Rob. Hayden rubs his fingers up the back of Danny's head, muttering, "It feels like sandpaper in some places," and Danny says something but the only word I can make out is, 'asshole'.

Rob's sort of adjusting his junk as I get up standing next to him, bumping against his side, saying, "Okay, Robby, what's up with this haircut of mine? For one, you don't say anything to me. the client, before you started the haircut and then afterward you never even ask me if I liked it." He goes, "It's like this, babe. I went to the downtown Framingham Barbershop for haircuts before I met you and never once after like fifty haircuts did a barber ask me how I liked it." I go, "Were you having sex with that barber?" He laughs and goes, "That would be an emphatic 'NO!' and, yeah, I see what you mean. Okay, how do you like the haircut, Dylan?" I grin and lie, "I love it, Robby! I can hardly believe the level of skill you've achieved from merely watching haircut tutorials." He smiles, saying, "Thank you, Dylan. I had confidence from the start I could do it and, as you know even better than me, this is the latest haircut-fad that all the cool guys are rocking." I nod in agreement although that's not totally true, not all the cools guys get this extreme haircut, and it's also an inaccurate statement because while the sides and back mimic the latest fad haircut, Rob cutting the hair very short on top is the opposite of the current fad. There's long hair up top which keeps the professional version from falling into the extreme haircut class. Am I going to nitpick these facts though? Absolutely not because Rob looks so proud of himself I wouldn't burst his bubble for anything.

Taking the pool towel off my shoulder and dropping it on the table, I'm like, "Let's go in the pool." We both dive in at the seven-foot end and do a few laps before huddling near the shallow end for a nice kiss. Hayden and Danny are wrestling and giggling trying to dunk each other in the middle of the pool. Robby, with his arm casually across my shoulders, says, "Stay with me again tonight, babe, please." I go, "Oh fuck, you know I'd like to, rob, but it'd be too embarrassing coming out of your bedroom and seeing your parents a second mornings in a row." He goes, "I can't believe that bothers you. They totally wouldn't mind." Robby's one of those people who believes fervently what he wants to believe whether it actually is true or not.

For the hell of it, I'm pushing water towards Rob making little waves that collides with his nuts. After doing it two or three times he chuckles and goes, "What the fuck...? and we both laugh. All four of us are naked of course, which is hard not to notice, so I ask, "Um, where'd you say your parents are, Rob? And more importantly, how can you be sure they won't be home until midnight?" Rob says, "They're at a black-tie charity event in Boston. Feeding the homeless or something. It's cocktails from seven-thirty to eight-thirty and then dinner. The speeches and award winners for something-or-other don't start until after dinner. Mom and Dad have never been home as early as midnight from any of these events."

Nodding my head and thinking about that, I go, "Yeah, but how do you know the schedule of events for this affair? Maybe they're different somehow for this specific event." He makes a cute 'face' and says, "I read the invitation while going through stuff on Dad's desk." I'm like, "I never knew you were the devious snooper type," and he says, "I'm not, Dylan! Dad asked me to get a report from his desk top and I had to go through his stuff to find it. The invitation was right there in plain sight." I go, "Oh, good! I wouldn't want my high opinion of you tarnished by discovering you're snooping around in other people's personal stuff." He rubs my shorn head, saying, "How 'bout if I tarnish you," and he pushes me back so I end-up flailing my arms before going under three-feet of water and almost sitting on the floor of the swimming pool.

Robby's swimming toward the other end laughing with me swimming after him and then floating the last four-feet colliding into him in the corner at the deep end. Our arms go around one another for a little hugging and rubbing our slippery-wet bodies together. Jesus, he has a taut sexy body! Feeling our boners beginning to awaken we take a break from our groping and body-rubbing. With our elbows on the ledge of the pool holding us up, we're side by side kicking our legs lazily in the water with Rob saying, "C'mon, say you'll stay with me tonight." I'm like, "I don't have anything to wear tomorrow for work, and then there's Friday's baseball practice, and...." When it gets down to working out the details, like what would I wear tomorrow? Well, the battle's already been won by Rob, and I know it.

First, he gives me a 'look' like... seriously? And then says, "You'll wear one of my suits of course. I've got a couple that'll fit you perfectly. You'll wear all my stuff for that matter and use my toiletry items too. We've used the same toothbrush before." Defeated, I still feel obligated to whine, "Yeah, but what will you tell your parents? That I just decided to move in?" He gets his feet entangled with mine grinning at me, knowing he's won, saying, "I'll leave a note saying we've been drinking a little too much beer and didn't think it wise to drive. We'll actually get complimented for making a good decision." I shrug, "Okay, I gotta admit that's a good one, Rob! I'll text my Mom that same lie." Rob says, "After work we'll go to your house so you can change clothes and have dinner. I'll pick you up at six-thirty for baseball practice."

Nodding my head I'm trying not to smile, but I do anyway and he rubs my head again, murmuring, "You wanted to stay anyway, didn't you?" Well yes, and obviously I didn't put up much of a fight because I think I'm addicted to Rob. He smirks at me and says, "C'mon, let's swim some more." Oh man, I'm sleeping with Rob again tonight! I don't know, but Rob seems extra hot, extra desirable to me lately. Fuck, I've had this thought earlier this summer about not overdoing my affectionate love for him or I'll come off looking like a needy dork. Actually, though it's more a case of him being out of commission two-fucking-weeks and I need to catch up and get my Robby-fix like a junky needs his junk!

Hayden and Danny swim up to us, and Danny goes, "Hayden and I need to take off. First though, let's have a group hug." I immediately think of the group hugs during the three-way with Hayden and Danny. A group hug seemed a little creepy to me at first but once we started I liked doing it almost right from the beginning. That shouldn't have surprised me because what's not to like about guys' youthful and taut naked bodies rubbing together, our penises floating in the water trying to get to each other? Rob goes, "Really, a group hug? You boys do realize we're all old enough to drink legally, right? We're not thirteen, experimenting with our bodies anymore. " Ignoring him, Danny's already got his arms across Hayden's and my shoulders as we're getting tightly together. Danny says, "Get over here, Dickers." Rob rolls his eyes but wades over and gets between me and Hayden, telling Hayden, "Don't try anything, you!" Hayden goes, "Not with Danny here I won't, Rob," and he accentuates the 'Rob', but in spite of themselves they're getting to like one another. Rob puts his arms around the back of Hayden and me and we do Danny's group hug, our bodies rubbing and our faces close together and we all laugh trying to kiss each other like, um, the thirteen-year-olds Rob mentioned.

That last five-seconds and Robby can't help but grin, muttering to Danny, "Okay, this doesn't suck, but why do you two guys need to leave so soon?" Danny goes, "Because I've gotta be up at like five-fucking-thirty tomorrow morning. I'm on special detail at the dry cleaners. Gotta go through like a thousand plastic covered dry-cleaning orders to make sure they're on the racks in order of the computer receipt numbers, and then I need to pull out the ones over thirty-days-old. It's a hot sweaty, pain-in-the-ass job but it pays good." I ask, "How often do you need to do that?" He goes, "Every month. The rest of the time I work the register, um, twenty hours a week. It's just a part-time job."

We still have our arms around one another as Rob says, "And you don't have a summer job, right, Hayden." He goes, "Yes I do. It's part-time like Danny's," and he grins, adding, "So there, Rooober, um, Raaa, um, Rob." Danny says, "That act's getting a little tired, Hayden," but he squeezes his arm that's across Hayden's shoulder to show a little affection, and then we just loosely break apart with Rob and I swimming around as Danny says to Rob and me, "See you guys at practice tomorrow night, and then we'll grab a couple of beers with the team at the bar up the next block."

Danny wades over to me, leans his head slightly towards me and without thinking about it I lean towards him and he does his quick-as-a-wink kiss on my lips and then the same for Rob." Rob says, "It's supposed to rain again tomorrow," but no one pays attention. I mumble, "See you guys tomorrow." Hayden and Danny go up the steps at the shallow end of the pool. Danny calls over his shoulder, "Fuck the rain. Show up for practice rain or shine. We gotta be there when Coach takes attendance. Especially you, Dylan." They don't bother dressing other than pulling on T-shirts and stepping into their sneakers. Carrying their shorts they give us a wave on the way to Danny's car.

Three-minutes later we hear Danny's Volkswagen start up. Rob gets his arms around me from behind. Then, holding me around my waist he pulls my back against his chest, saying, "I'm gonna tell you a secret, Dylan." I turn my head a little, asking, "What is it?" I feel Robby's cock against my right butt cheek and it's kinda firm." He says, "You know all the talking you've done over the years about that submissive and dominant nonsense?" I nod, "Uh huh, but it's not nonsense. What about it?" he goes, "Well, giving you a haircut tonight I think I felt kinda dominant and it was a very cool feeling. I felt it, and you seemed submissive just sitting there doing what I said you need to do." I mutter, "A person getting a haircut doesn't have a lot of options other than do what the barber says." Robby ignores that, and says, "Get this. You're not going to believe it, but I got a hard-on when I was using the bare clippers on the lower-half of your head, you know, around the sides and back. I knew you'd think it was way too short but I was feeling dominant and so I did it anyway." He tightens his hold around my waist, asking, "Whaddaya think about that?" I go, "Huh, let me think."

He doesn't have a haircut fetish, I'm positive of that. Yeah, so I'm not sure what caused his boner. I shrug, "Fuck, I don't know what to think about that. Did you feel the same way when doing Danny's haircut?" He goes, "Nope, not even close. He was reading me stuff from the Sports Illustrated magazine, the one you bought for me and I'd already read it. Danny couldn't have cared less about his haircut." I'm like, "Well, like I've always say, a barber is sort of dominant in the first place. I mean, what can the guy getting his haircut do except sit there and hope for the best."

Rob squeezes around my waist again and I start getting a boner. I ask, "Don't you get a dominant sense when you're my 'top' during sex?" He says, "No, I never think about that! I'm mostly concentrating on how good it feels and how much I love doing it with you." Thinking back about what he said about the bare clippers, I ask, "Hey, what the fuck? If you knew I wouldn't like the bare clippers around my ears, eliminating my sideburns for one thing, why'd you do it?" He kisses my cheek and says, "Because I think it looks cool on you, and because I could. What were you gonna do about it," and he chuckles and squeezes me a third time.

My hands have been holding onto his forearms and now I push my head back on his shoulder, muttering, "Yeah, well, that was dominant of you alright, but since when did you decide white-sidewalls looked good on me?" He goes, "What's that... white-sidewalls?" I go, "Ha! So much for your haircut tutorials. White-sidewalls is a military haircut where the sides are taken off down to the skin, and I mean even more radically than you did mine." he says, "I still don't get the white side-walls." I mumble, "It's not important. It refers back to like fifty-years-ago when automobile tires had white sidewalls." He goes, "Oh yeah, I've seen car tires like that in the movies. Looks dumb."

Now Robby exaggerates examining both side of my head and then goes, "Yep, this haircut looks really good on you, especially the white-sidewall part." I can't help but laugh at that and then say, "This is the most you've ever talked about haircuts, Rob." He says, "Well after watching haircut videos and taking notes for hours, just to please you by the way, it's on my mind a little more than usual. I must say though, I really do like this haircut on you." I shrug in his arms saying, "I already fuckin' told you I love the haircut." He goes, "You lied. Don't you know I can tell when you lie? But you've been known to spend a great deal of time in front of a mirror so I expect you'll be used to this haircut by, say, tomorrow afternoon." I laugh my ass off before pretending to be pissed, saying, "Hey! That's just so wrong! I don't look at myself in the mirror any more than anyone else." He grins, "Yes, you do. You're always looking at yourself." I try not to, but laugh again anyway, saying, "You're hurting my feelings, you know that, right?" Rob takes a hand off my waist, rubs my head, and goes, "Youwill like this haircut!"

After swimming around for a while, Rob does a big yawn, making me yawn too. He goes, "Fuck though, I'm really tired, aren't you?" I nod, "Yeah, my ass is dragging, but then we only got five-hours sleep last night." He's like, "Yeah, that's right, I forgot. Of man, I've had enough of the pool, how 'bout you?" I nod, muttering, "Yeah, I guess," and he says, "Even though I'm tired, I'm even more horny for you!" I fight off another yawn, and then say, "That's good to hear, boyfriend." Rob goes, "Let's take a shower, have sex, and get to sleep early tonight." I nod my head, muttering, "Good ideas, all three of them." He grins, "I'm never too tired for doing sex with you. If we were alone I would have fucked you right after your haircut and climaxed in thirty-seconds." I go, "Well, there's always next time...." and he laughs.

We get out of the pool and grab some pool towels to dry off before going into the pool house to straighten-up. We collect the empty beer cans, empty the ashtray, pick-up our clothes and then turn-out the lights and lock up. Inside the house I'm like, "This feels freaky, walking in your house naked." Rob smacks my ass, "SMACK!" chuckles, saying, "No time for talking. Just get that naked cute-ass of yours upstairs and into the bathroom. We're having shower sex 'cause I can't wait until after the shower. I've gotta feel myself inside you, I just do!"

Oh man, I liked hearing that! Robby and I are a super-sexy-couple. And there's nobody on earth I'd rather have sex with than him. On the stairs he smacks my ass again, "SMACK!" saying, "Faster, baby!" Carrying my clothes I scamper up the stairs, drop off my clothes on his desk chair, and then hurry down the hall to the bathroom. Not because Rob smacked my ass, but because I've gotta take a piss bad! Robby just got to his bedroom as I'm taking an awesome long beer piss, "Aaaah." See, I don't piss in swimming pool likes most guys. Rob comes in the bathroom smiling and holding up the tube of lube. He doesn't need to pee so that tells me where he took his last piss.

He goes, "Get the water running, babe," and another, "SMACK!" on my ass and I'm like, "Ow! What the fuck, Rob?" He grins, "I'm being dominant." I give him a 'look', and mumble, "Oooh, so that's what you're being." With the water pouring down from the shower head I can't wait to get this chlorine smell off me so I get right under the water-flow with Rob right behind me still holding the tube of lubricant. After a minute-or-so rinsing off, Rob puts a hand on my back, saying, "Get up against the tile wall and let me see you stick out that adorable ass of yours, it needs to be fucked hard." I do that with quickly growing anticipation as I stroke my dick a few times... feels good! Looking back, I see Rob squeeze a gob of lube on his forefinger and then it's pushed into my ass with Robby saying, "Oh man, I am so ready to do this, Dylan." He rubs over my prostate a few times as I sort of squirm with my body tightening. Rob squeezes more lube in the palm of his right hand and twists his fist around his firm cock spreading the lubricant.

I watch him circling his cock with his fist, instead of stroking it like I do with mine. The palm of Rob's hand extends from the root of his cock to the head and, as he continues moving his hand around his cock, the head comes out of his foreskin sheath. His cock gets really hard and very fat as well as a little longer and now only half-the-head is covered by foreskin. I can picture the foreskin pulling back completely off the head when he's thrusting his boner up my ass and then the foreskin being pulled back over half-the-head when Rob pulls his cock almost out of my ass before immediately thrusting it back up my ass. Oh fuck, let's get started!

Sucking on my lips I watch Rob take his hand away from his penis leaving behind a stubby, very fat boner sticking straight out from his groin. It's so fat and heavy-looking I can't believe it doesn't droop from its own weight. It doesn't though, it's a stone-hard boner with a vein that looks angry in its swollen state. Robby gasps and them puts his hands on my shoulders pushing me against the tile wall again, saying, "Push your ass out more, baby." Fascinated by his quick trip to boner-land I'd let myself sag against the wall. My own pecker boned-up while I watched Rob's get fatter and harder. I prefer getting his cock hard in my mouth, but it was a turn-on watching him turn himself on. I'm like, "Oh, sorry," as I push my ass way out, my asshole quivering with anticipation. Rob humps against my asshole poking the engorged head inside me as my back arches a little and I grunt, "Ooof, that hurt."

He rubs my shoulders but doesn't say anything. He's taking quick panting breaths of arousal, and then a hard hump pushes his fat boner inside me the remainder of the four-inches with pain flaring in my head momentarily. After some addition pressure, he's flat against my buttocks exhaling and getting his arms around my belly pulling me back against him and getting another quarter-inch inside me by flattening my buttocks a little. His fat cock throbs inside me as I continue holding my breath against the pain. Not for long though as my rectum adjust within fifteen-seconds having recognized Robby's cock and knowing what it's there for, perhaps even mistaking it for Dodger's. Either way I let out a sigh, "Ooooh, mmm," as the pain fades. Robby doesn't do the immediate two-or-three hard thrusts like Dodger, which always brought back the pain in my rectum. Instead Rob leaves my ass full, and lets it totally adjust as he does little kisses and a few licks on my cheek and the side of my neck giving me pleasant shivers.

Maybe a minute later he murmurs in my ear, "I'm so ready for this I can't catch my fucking breath." Then he makes a noisy exhale and shudders a little. Hell, I'm so aroused by now myself I hardly heard him as I push my flattened-buttocks back against his body feeling that fat cock move on my prostate a little and I can't help but moan, "Mmmm, oooh, mmmm." Robby murmurs, "Oh fuck, babe, I hope your rectum's good 'cause I need to do this right now and it's gonna be hard and fast. I gotta get off quick I'm so fucking horny for you... it's fucking scary at times," and he starts wildly pounding his boner back and forth in my ass, roughly bumping me against the tile wall with each thrust. It's a world of, "Slapslapslap," sounds with shower water bouncing off our bodies and an ocean of sexual pleasure coming outta my ass and off my boner. "Slapslapslap," with desperate grunts and groans from Rob, his fingers digging into the skin on my hips.

Almost immediately my boner's hard as a rock up tightly against my belly with the head swollen and the pee slip gapping open and closing like a goldfish going after the tiny fish food in a fish tank. Rob's extra fat boner puts tons of pressure on my prostate gland getting it highly agitated in a wonderful manner. So many sensations of sexual pleasure and then they add up so quickly, accumulating in layers of pleasure so that it's impossible to acknowledge all of them. Longer boners on some guys aren't normally as fat as the shorter ones but they slide along the prostate twice as much going in and coming out so it's almost impossible to pick the fat short boners over the long thinner ones, or the other way around because they're both perfect in their own way

Robby's grunting and moaning holding my hips as his hips are flying driving his hard sex organ fast, hard and steadily in my ass. This is what I call a thrill-ride-fuck, one of my favorites and it gets so intense I forget I'm in Rob's hall bath where his parents, for any number of reasons, could have come home early and are outside the bathroom with their ears against the door listening to our sounds of anal fucking. In less than two-minutes Robby's humping against my buttocks. He's groaning and breathing loudly while shooting a long streak of cum up inside me creating a warm then sloppy feeling for a few seconds. I'm on the verge of blowing my load too but Rob's climax came on him too fast in his extra horny state of mind. My orgasm couldn't get passed the tipping point. If Danny hadn't fucked a big orgasm out of me a couple of hours ago I probably would have climaxed when I felt Rob's load hit inside my bowels, but this time I don't. And all this water pouring down on us didn't help matter much either, but I'm okay with it.

Rob's gasping for oxygen, his cock still filling me up albeit immobile at the moment. He drops his forehead to my shoulder, exclaiming, "Omigod that felt fantastic! Oh, Jesus did I ever need that!" I say nothing as I contemplate stroking myself off and then reject that idea. "Rob gasps and says, "And I'm sorry, Dylan, but, Jesus, I was so fucking aroused! I couldn't, um, I don't know what brought that on," and he hugs me, "I love you so much, Dylan!" My boner's still throbbing but the throbbing is diminishing by the second. Not reaching climax is what I deserve actually. It's the payment I need to pay for fucking with Danny earlier. I can be magnanimous about it now because I know Robby has a lover's fuck in him that I'll be experiencing later.

Yeah, this was just one of those things that happens to guys like Rob and me. The urgent need for sex came on him hot-and-heavy and it's partially because of his unique reaction to giving me a haircut, plus our intimate play in the swimming pool and, I'm guessing Rob hasn't had sex, 'topping', since we did it almost a day ago. Last night to be exact. Yeah, and us sleeping together was a recent sexy memory for him too; so all those things played a part in Robby's extreme horniness. Omigod, it's totally understandable! I'm just glad it was me he was horny for. Plus our side sex buddy, Danny, fucked me so I know damn well he didn't do either of his other sex-buddies. Danny simply needs to step up his game like he told me he was intending to do. Of course, intending and doing are very different things.

Hell, I've been in the kind of horny condition Robby was in so many times I can't count them all. I know from experience it was a major relief for Rob and felt unimaginably good when that much-needed climax happened, especially doing the sex act with his true love... moi. Robby's chest is expanding against my back as he takes one last deep breath soaking in the incredible height of pleasure his orgasm provided for him. He steps back pulling his softening member from my ass leaving it gaping open. I turn around and he shakes his head slowly, saying, "Sorry, baby, but that was a 'needs' fuck. You like to name our anal sex acts, so I'm naming this one... need." I go, "I'm glad I could be the one who you used to fulfill your need." He frowns, "No, I didn't use you! It wasn't like you make it sound," and his arms go around me. I know, it's not nice of me to make him feel bad about not getting me off, so I go, "No, I wasn't inferring anything. I was serious about wanting to be the one you turn to every single time you have a desperate need." He goes, "You know you always will be, Dylan." Being able to provide something Rob needs make me feel at least as good as he felt climaxing. Well, let's not get carried away! I may have overstated that a bit, but I was here for him in his hour of need. And, Christ, I went three days myself without sex while Rob was recuperating, so I know what sexual 'need' feels like.

The water's still raining down on us of course and maybe that's what reminds Rob why we're in the shower and he's now pouring shampoo on my head, saying, "Let's bathe each other like we did last night," and that's what we do. Rob is so mellow now and so full of smiles and tender caresses I can't help but smile along with him. By the time we've bathed each other and we're out of the shower drying ourselves he seems totally his normal under-control-self again. There was a desperation about everything he did once he got the lube up my ass. I could feel his desperation in the air, but now he's calm. The poor guy went two-weeks without sex except for a few times taking it up the ass; his incision preventing him from doing the 'topping' with me. The great sex last night wasn't enough to catch up, so he needed it again and now he's okay.

Out of the shower he says jokingly, "No doubt about it, babe, now I like giving haircuts as much as you do." I very much doubt that, but I mumble, "Most people tend to enjoy doing the things they're exceptionally talented at." He stops towel-drying his hair, and goes, "That was a really nice thing to say to me, Dylan. You're very generous with compliments which is one of the ten-million reasons everybody loves you." I mutter, "Everybody doesn't love me! Lots of guys think, or thought in times gone by, that I'm stuck-up. I almost got in a fight the other night with a guy who said that to me at the Dairy Queen." Robby gets that look in his eyes, "Who said that? What'd he say exactly?" I go, "Calm down, it was harmless bantering. I was more to blame than him. I'm just saying there are people out there who don't fucking like me, they're total assholes of course, but it is what it is."

We're walking down the hall to his bedroom with my ears sharply attuned to detect any suspicious sound that might indicate his parents have arrived home earlier than expected. Rob's saying, "Yeah? Well I'd like you to point out the next person, or one off the earlier guys that gave you any shit at all about being stuck-up. And I mean whether you think it was your fault or not. You're the least stuck-up guy I know." I don't like when he gets like this. It's unhealthy and frankly stupid to go around punching guys out randomly. Obviously I'm not pointing anyone out to Rob, and not because I'm worried about what happens to the someone I'd point out, I'm more worried that Rob will get in trouble beating the living bejesus out of someone for no reason.

In the bedroom he's muttering nefarious things under his breath about guys having the fucking nerve... etc. etc. so to get him onto other matters, I ask, "What am I wearing tomorrow, Robby, my boyfriend, my best friend and my fabulous lover?" He grins and gets his arms around me, saying, "The same terms of endearment right back at you, boyfriend." He hugs me roughly knocking us both back onto the bed where we make-out for a couple of minutes; our clean, dry, naked bodies sliding against one another sexily. With him partially laying on me, and me on my back, he says, "You make me feel good just looking at your beautiful face and knowing you're my best friend, lover and the other things you said. And, even if I do say so myself, accomplishing almost the impossible I've made you even sexier and better looking, although younger-looking even then... um," I laugh, "You couldn't finish that compound sentence, Rob. It got so convoluted you forgot why you started it."

He mimes thinking hard trying to remember what he was going to say, a goofy grin on his face, and he finally goes, "I think what I was getting at is, even though you're the best looking and cutest guy on the planet, I made you even more so by giving you this fantastic haircut." I go, "Ooh man! You've really got this fucking haircut on your brain, haven't you?" He asks, "Yeah, well I'm proud of it. Do you think you could do a haircut like the one I just did for you?" I shrug, "After watching twenty-hours of tutorials like someone told me you did, yes probably." He goes, "Who told you that?" I mumble, "I forget." He sits up, muttering, "You forget? Was it Danny?" and I ask, "How about what I'm going to wear tomorrow?" He hops up off the bed, yawns, and says, "Let's look in my closet."

I get off the bed too and, still naked as a jaybird, stand next to Rob as he pulls out a suit, still in its plastic dry cleaner bag, and holds it up against me, saying, "You'd look eatable in this tropical pale-tan suit. You've got some sunburn on your cute nose and this suit with a light-blue shirt and the right tie will be dynamite on you!" Nodding my head, I go, "Sold!" and he hangs the suit on a clothes thing, I think it's called a 'horse'. It's a frame where clothes on hangers can be hung. Willie has a couple of those 'horse' things in his bedroom made from mahogany that probably cost what Rob's entire bedroom furniture cost. So it'd be five-times as much as mine cost.

He takes a light-blue dress shirt out of a plastic-covered group of shirts just back from the cleaners, muttering a non-sequitur, "I use the dry cleaners Danny works at." He hangs the shirt with the suit and then together we pick out a tie and lay that across the shoulder of the shirt and lastly Rob hangs a shiny brown leather belt there too, saying, "I'll get you underwear and socks in the morning and you'll be all set for work." I go, "What'll I wear to bed?" He holds my pecker in his hand, saying, "You're wearing it." It's only nine-thirty but we're definitely ready for bed.

Crawling under the covers, still naked, we cuddle together talking quietly about how sweet it's been sleeping together again and we promise each other to do it all summer at least once a week. In between yawns that we both try unsuccessfully to stifle, we kiss and caress one another's body with me yearning for lover's sex...

The next thing I'm aware of is Robby up on his elbow looking down at me, his face close to mine, whispering, "Dylan, wake-up, baby. We fell asleep last night without doing our lover's sex and we can't pass up this opportunity." He lifts my arm looking at my wristwatch, murmuring, "It's twenty-minutes-after-five. Whaddaya say?" Hmmm, that means we got eight-hours sleep! Or close enough so I rustled around getting an arm around the back of his neck, murmuring, "We'd be fools not to, babe." He grins, "Hey, that's my term of endearment for you. Get your own for me, if you must." I look serious, saying, "Danny calls me that too," and Rob makes a 'face' like... 'get serious', and says, "Danny's just imitating me. He doesn't say it with the affection and love I put behind it." I grin, "Yeah, I know."

Robby grins back at me, saying, "You are so cute," and he gets a hand on either side of my head slowly lowering my head back on the pillow as he lifts his right leg over my legs and supports himself on an elbow, hovering over me kissing my lips and murmuring, "I love the thought of me taking care of you, Dylan. You know, when we're married, and even before then like now when you stay with me overnight." He kisses me on the side of my neck and then under my chin giving me delicious shivers. He whispers, "I like fussing over you and watching you get all put-out that I straighten your tie in the morning, or re-comb your hair, or tell you to shave. I love whatever we do together," and he gently rubs the pads of his fingertips across my cheek and over my chin, stopping and grinning again, "Oooh, baby, your chin hairs are getting stiff," and he rubs across my top lip, murmuring, "I can't feel your mustache yet but you're gonna need to shave your chin this morning when I shave." Oh God, I love when he gets like this and I'm the only thing he's thinking about in the whole universe, just me.

His expression gets serious as he murmurs, "I love you so much," and he does a long soft sweet kiss on my lips with the tip of his tongue sliding along my front teeth under my top lip and then just against the front of my tongue. I'm on my back with Robby just over me, one of his legs between mine. He takes his lips away, lifting his head a little looking into my eyes with unmistakable desire and then softly kissing my lips again and then under my cheek on my neck as I move my head a little so he can do little kisses across my neck and then little licks that make me shudder with arousal, my cock getting so hard it aches in the best possible way. Rob moves his body fully on top of me, supporting himself slightly with an elbow, his fat swollen cock bumps mine making my boner feel skinny and inconsequential next to his. It gives me a sexy submissive sense as I whine, "Ooh, Robby," with him licking across my lips and then with both our lips shiny with his saliva he does a long luscious lover's kiss that make me squirm under him and moan with my hips humping slightly on their own.

I can't catch my breath as Rob rubs noses with me and murmurs, "You're my baby, Dylan, and my lover and I'm going too to treat you all your life like you deserve to be treated with love and deep affection and I'll make a life for us that you'll be proud of," and then more kisses on my face and under my jaw that gets me shivering with pleasure as pre-cum runs down my hard stone-boner and I moan again, "Mmmm, oooh, Robby." There's nothing I love more than when he's in this kind of amorous mood and playing his head-of-the-household role. It makes me quiver with sexual heat and love for him and I know deep in my soul Rob's someone I can depend on totally all my life.

Robby lifts away from my face and then sits up. His fat boner so hard and tight it sticking straight out again without moving a bit as he gets between my legs reaching over for the lubricant. All those years we did it without lubricant because we were too young and too horny to bother... we were idiots! We're looking into each other's eyes; four almost identical blue eyes wide and shining, looking back into their twin-set of blue eyes. Rob's like my God at times like this as he's the only person on the planet who can create the sexual pleasure in me to the deep extent he does. At times like this with him it's almost a religious experience. I'm doing short panting-breathes, my mouth slightly open in high anticipation that we'll soon be making true love together. Without taking his eyes away from mine he pushes lube up my ass making my shoulders shudder.

He smiles as he encircles his fat boner with his fist rubbing lube on it and then, along with his smile, he raises his eyebrows nodding at my legs. I pull them back and he shimmies closer to my ass and gets an arm around both my thighs pulling up, he hesitates and without needing to touch it, he slowly presses the engorged head of his fat hard cock against my asshole. The lips are spreading, spreading, spreading as Robby exerts small amounts of pressure pushing the head little by little inside me. My anus stretches until I grunt, but the pain or ache is so close to pleasure it's hard to tell the difference. With his arms around my thighs he pulls me onto his boner head and it slips inside with both of us closing our eyes and going, "Mmmnm, ooh!"

The lips of my asshole tighten to grip the slightly thinner neck under that big head and we both take a deep breath as I murmur, "Feels so good, Robby." He nods, smiling and does four-or-five minor thrusts pushing his boner further and further up my ass with both of us making quiet sounds of pleasure and for me a little pain because it is a very fat boner. Fully inside me now with minimal pain, Rob lets go of my legs and, sitting up straight, his knees spread apart, he pushes his crotch against my ass until his pubic hairs flatten against my buttock surrounding my very stretched asshole. I gasp for a moment and then as the pleasure sours over me from my prostate I shudder closing my eyes moaning quietly, "Oooh, oooh, mmmm, oooh yeah." Robby leans over me now, his hard fat boner pulling up on my asshole as he leans in for a kiss on my mouth. I'm so aroused and wanting to share everything with him my tongue's pushes my saliva onto his tongue and into his mouth, saliva wets all around both our mouths and it's running down our chins. Then a slow sloppy lover's kiss with sexual arousal very high.

With his fat engorged boner tightly up inside me still, Robby humps against my buttocks and does deliberate licks on my face, himself deeply aroused and after licking up the front of my nose he pulls back his boner, and then as both of us open our eyes wide he shoves it steadily all the way back in and snuggles against my butt cheeks again. My arms reach up and he lowers his head so I can hug around the back of his neck pulling his head down and holding the side of his face against the side of mine as his hips begin a steady thrusting. Not thrusting hard or fast enough to create the sounds of males fucking, but it's a deeply satisfying lovers fuck of mutual pleasure with our bodies as much together as it's humanly possible to be. Thrust, thrust, thrust and, "Oooh, oooh, ooooh Robby!" His quiet moans never stop either, a quiet dreamy sounding mantra of, "Mmm, mmm, mmm," with each steady thrust until I'm floating with him somewhere, my eyes closed to concentrate on the sexual pleasure from my rectum and my hard throbbing penis that squashed between our bellies surrounded partial by his soft pubic hairs.

It's eight-or-ten minutes of ecstasy with me feeling Robby against me and inside me, his scent filling my mind with exquisite pleasure drifting all over me. It's simply way too delicious to describe. It's beyond description but so special to me I can think of nothing else except Robby and me doing this forever. I feel my orgasm building but I try to ignore it wanting to feel this intense loving pleasure much longer. Robby starts making whining sounds though, again of desperation, so I know he's feeling intense orgasmic sensations and he can't help but starts humping faster and faster with his whines of need increasing and soon there's the familiar, "Slapslapslap," sounds in my ears with me rocking on the bed still gripping around Rob's neck like my life depends on it.

"Slapslapslap," his crotch slapping against my buttocks, his fat boner slamming up my ass tightly and awesomely with sensations igniting all over my body. Our heads together, now sweaty and hot as our moans increase with me going, "Aaah, aah, aaah," and Robby's tight against my buttocks now grunting and humping there as I squeal, "Eeeeii, aaah," with cum pumping out of my stone-boner but with barely anyplace to go with our bodies tightly together as they are. Robby lifted up some, slipping from my arms as he pumps hard against my buttocks, his face scrunched from the extreme pleasure he's sensing from his impending climax. My cum stream hits his stomach, splashing against it less than a foot away. One last hump and he holds his crotch there moaning, his eyes fluttering as a long hard stream of cum plows into my bowels at the exact moment my second shot of cum shoots up, followed by a third and I'm in la-la land with so many explosions of pleasure-sensations bombarding my brain I can't even think where I am for a few seconds.

And now I'm a rag doll of limpness with millions of buzzing sensations sparkling for a last moment in time and then quickly fading out as Robby lazily thrust in his cum pulling some out of my ass with each withdrawal but only for a few last thrusts before he collapses forward on me, his cock pulling from my ass. We get our arms around each other hugging, gently at first but as my strength returns I hug him wildly, even tuning us over to almost fall off the bed with me on top.

It's a quick wild hug-fest and then we just lay together breathing deeply with Rob rubbing his hands up and down my back as I squirm on top of him, both our cocks sloppy with cum. Then we stop moving completely to finish our deep breathing and let our bodies get back to functioning normally. After absorbing the last of the intense reaction to climaxing and then it's a quiet sigh from Robby with me kissing his lips and then seriously murmuring, "I'll love you forever, Rob. I pray I never disappoint you." He's breathing normally, nodding his head and then murmuring, "That'd be impossible, babe. You could never disappoint me. Whatever you do I'll know it's the right thing." We hug again but only for another minute, but even so we've managed to spread our cum on our bodies in too many places. Bringing us completely back to reality, Robby goes, "That was something I'll remember forever, Dylan. You and me, babe, but let's take a quick shower. We've got the time," and that's what we do.

It's a five-minute shower with us taking care of our own bathing this time. When we're pretty much dry and have towels around our waist we take turns with Rob's electric toothbrush, not saying anything but sharing a couple of smirking grins, happy and maybe a little cocky about being us. Rob gets his shaving cream spread around his face. Yes, even though he shaved yesterday morning I still felt some slight whisker-scraping on my cheeks when making out and I thought it was sexy. I did look but couldn't see his whiskers because they'd hardly grown out at all, plus they're light blonde. Still saying nothing, Rob passes the can of shaving cream and I put some on my chin and wait for him to finish with the razor and then do three swipes on my chin and rinse my face. We look at each other in the mirror and Rob says, "You look ten years younger after shaving, Dylan." We both laugh at how absurd that is now and was when he said it yesterday morning. I ask, "Are you going to say that insane comment every time we shave together?" He nods, "Yes, I believe I will."

In his bedroom getting dressed in Rob's clothes I, for the first time this morning, begin thinking how awkward it'll be meeting Mr. and Mrs. Dickers in the kitchen. It makes me cringe a little just thinking about it. Fuck! I really, really wish I could get over this. With that in mind I'm putting on Rob's boxer shorts, and then his dark blue over-the-calf-socks, and then a regular white T-shirt. Rob passes me his light-blue dress shirt and I put that on and then the pants to Rob's tropical pale-tan khaki summer-weight suit. As I'm pushing the belt through the belt loops, I say, "The material of this suit doesn't feel like any khakis I'm familiar with." He goes, "I don't know, it's probably a blend, but that's a Brooks Brothers suit I think," and he looks at the label in the suit jacket, mumbling, "Yeah, it is. Dad was getting a couple of suits and had the tailor fit this one for me and the same suit for Dodger. It was the summer after my high school sophomore year and we were going someplace for vacation that year where we needed suits for some fancy restaurants. Dodger and I were not pleased to be dressed alike although our parents felt otherwise."

The material feels more like cotton except the pants have a severe crease and the material has, I don't know, more body to it than cotton. The pant's waist-size and length are both a perfect fit although the pants are kinda baggy being too wide. Styles change and now pants are narrower, not that I'm mentioning that to Rob. Tucking in the shirt I then adjust the belt that fits perfectly too. After getting the tie under the collar and buttoning the button-down collar I put on the suit jacket and man, this fits me like a glove. Robby's pulling on suit pants to a light gray suit with a pale pin-striping, saying, "Jesus, that suit fits you perfectly, babe. I haven't been able to wear it for a couple of years now. It's too small."

That comment doesn't register immediately. I'm busy tying the tie and thinking how fucking sharp I look in this outfit. Brooks Brothers, huh? Ha ha, this fucking suit rocks and then I'm like, "You say this suit doesn't fit you? We're the same size, Rob." He's looking in the mirror over the bureau tying his tie, saying, "We used to be, yeah, and we still are in height and waist so you can still wear most of my clothes. For a suit jackets though, they're tailored for a certain upper body-size, like that suit jacket you're wearing was tailored for when I was a sophomore in high school. It's too tight for me now." He looks at me, saying, "My shoulders filled out, and my chest too, mostly from the lifting I've done the last three-years-or-so and I take a bigger sport coat or suit coat size now. I look doubtful, and he goes, "Here, let me put your jacket on. I'll show you what I mean."

I take the suit jacket off frowning because we look the same as we always did... I thought. He puts it on and it's obviously too small for him. His shoulders pull up the sleeves to his wrist and it's too tight on his chest when he tries to button it. He takes it off and hands it back, saying, "You've still got your boyish frame to go with your boyish looks, and I love that about you." I go, "Um, I think somehow that's insulting," as I put the suit jacket back on. Robby goes, "No! It wasn't meant to be at all. We're the same size for most things, same height but I weight fifteen pounds more than you." This is a revelation! I never knew that. Looking at myself in the mirror, this suit fits me perfectly but it was definitely too small on Rob.

He's finished dressing and now he's looking at me making a 'face', but with a grin too. I'm like, "What now?" He comes over and, like yesterday morning, he tightens the knot on my tie and pushes it up tighter around my neck, saying, "Just a slight adjustment, babe." I make a gagging sound and he laughs and then says, "I don't dare touch your hair!" I look in the mirror, mumbling, "And what's wrong with my fucking hair now?" He goes, "Okay, since you asked," and he snorts out a chuckle, adding, "No, don't get mad! Please, just stand here for one second," and he holds my arm and gets a brush off the bureau. First he brushes the hair on top back a couple of times and then forward so it looks fuller now. Then the bangs he brushes up and pats them down a little to the front and to the side slightly," saying, "This is the way all the hair stylist do it on the videos." It does looks better so I shrug, muttering, "Are you through?" He kisses my forehead, "Yep, you're absolutely perfect now!"

On the way downstairs, he goes, "By the way, you might as well just keep that suit. I'd rather you have it than give it to Goodwill where I don't know who will end up with it." I go "You can't give away a suit your parents bought for you. If you bought it, that's another matter." He glances at me, "Are you serious. First off, I don't think I wore that suit six times in my whole life, and I didn't wear it at all the last couple of years because it's too small. It's been in the dry cleaner's plastic bag for at least two years. Secondly it never looked as good on me as it does on you. Keep the fucking thing, please!" I don't say anything because we're at the bottom of the steps and I hear Mr. and Mrs. Dickers in the kitchen talking about the weather. Oh fuck, it's drizzling again.

Reluctantly, and holding my breath, not sure what to expect follow Rob into the kitchen. Mr. Dickers turns around, saying, "There they are now, the Dickers' boys," and Rob's Mom goes, "Robert! You'll embarrass, Dylan," and then she goes, "Good morning, boys. I've made pancakes this morning." Yes, plus I smell breakfast link sausages too. I mumble, "Good morning. I'm sorry for taking advantage of your hospitality, but last night..." and Mr. Dickers, putting on his suit jacket, says, "Last night you two showed good judgement. I wish you'd be more careful with your drinking, although I never was at your age. I hope, when you've had too much to drink you do what you did last night, and do it every time. Don't drink and drive ever. Take a cab or call me if you're away from home." Rob goes, "You've told me that often enough, Dad." Mr. Dickers ignores that and says to Mrs. Dickers, "I'm late, Hon," kisses her lightly on the lips, and then says to Rob and me, "See you two junior executives at the office," and he takes his soft-sided attaché case and is out the door.

Mrs. Dickers is holding her iPhone up, saying, "Rob, darling, don't get annoyed but your Aunt Rose has been nagging me for a picture of you two." Rob goes, "We don't have time for that nonsense this morning. Gawd!" She ignores him, saying, "Dylan, stand next to Rob." Rob lets out an exasperated breath, muttering, "Just take it and get it over with, Mom." Totally astonished and not knowing what to do, I nervously smirk at Rob, saying, "You better check my tie, Rob," and then feel like a complete asshole for saying that. It was supposed to be a joke. Rob looks at me seriously though, mumbling, "What, Dylan?" but he turns to me reaching over and touches the knot. His Mom goes, "Awww," and the flask of her iPhone goes off." She grins, "That was cute. Now stand next to each other." Rob makes a 'face' but stands next to me with his arm across my shoulders." "Smile," says his Mom. I smile and, 'Flash', another picture. "You didn't smile, Robert. Now c'mon!" Another exasperated exhale from Rob, but he looks at me this time and smiles. Flash! "That was perfect boys!"

Rob tries acting grumpy but we both grin at each other as he says, "Sit down, babe, and I'll get our coffees. Sorry to put you through that." Mrs. Dickers is scrolling through the three pictures, murmuring, "You two are very good looking young men. Wait'll Rose sees these!" Rob crosses his eyes at me and I want to kiss him on the mouth so bad it's pathetic, plus I'm speechless that his Mom is sending her sister, I guess that would be Rob's aunt on his Mom's side, pictures of Robby and his boyfriend. Beyond belief!

Mrs. Dickers is back to the stove flipping pancakes, looking over at us, saying, "I'd forgotten about that suit Dylan's wearing, Rob. It looks wonderful on him and it's too small for you. Why don'cha tell your boyfriend to keep it. Better than putting it in one of those dumpsters and not knowing who will end up with it." Rob goes, "Aren't you gonna heat the maple syrup, mom?" as he holds up a little pitcher that apparently contains maple syrup." She says, "Hold your horses. I'll do that in a second." Jesus, the fucking microwave is right there. Why doesn't Rob do it? I don't do it because I'm not doing anything unless I'm told to. His Mom is transferring pancakes to our dishes, saying, "What grade were you in, Rob, when Dad bought those suits for you and Dodger?" He goes, "I don't know and I already told Dylan to keep the fuc, ah, damn suit." Boyfriend? She said, 'your boyfriend'? again, meaning me and she's sending pictures of us to their relatives. I'm, I don't know what I am, or what the fuck's going on. I can't believe it!

Mrs. Dickers brings over two plates with three link sausages and two large fluffy-looking pancakes with butter melting over the top one. I say, "Thank you very much," as Rob goes, "Heat the maple syrup, Mom. Jeez, we're gonna be late!" He's already poured both of us cups of hot coffee, and now he's getting the light cream, asking me, "Do you want some OJ, babe?" I shake my head way too fast, making him chuckle, "Okay, no OJ." The microwave beeps and Mrs. Dickers puts the small pitcher of steaming maple syrup between Rob and me, asking, "Can I get either of you anything else?" My eyes go to Rob who ignores his Mom completely as he's eating a big wedge of pancake. He slurps it down and says, "Really excellent pancakes, Mom. These kick the shit out of the Pancake House's pancakes. She goes, "Language, Rob!"

She starts cleaning the pans in the sink, saying, "I can't wait to get back to bed. We didn't get home until after one o'clock last night although it was an excellent affair. It raised almost seventy-five-thousand-dollars for that homeless kitchen on Tremont Street." Rob finishes his pancakes and sausages, asking, "Any more pancakes, Mom?" She goes "Oh, Rob, I asked if I could get you anything else two minutes ago. I've just cleaned the griddle," and I go, "Here, Rob, and slide my second, untouched pancake, onto Rob's dish. He goes, "Are you sure?" I nod my head way to fast, saying, "Oh yeah, they're delicious pancakes but they fill me up!" He shrugs and his Mom says, "That was very nice of you, Dylan. Rob, try to be more like your friends Danny and Dylan." Rob goes, "Don't ya like the sausages, Dylan?" I say, "I love 'em, but I'm getting full," and pass the last one to him. He eats it in one bite, swallows the last of his coffee and, as he stands, "Let's go, babe."

Rob's up and over to his Mom, "Delicious breakfast, Emily, thank you," and he kisses her cheek leaving a maple syrup smudge this morning instead of a strawberry jam smudge like yesterday morning. She's giggling, saying, "Oh, Rob," because he called her by her first name. I'm gulping down my coffee and, yes, it's still as good as Dunkin' Donut's coffee. I mean when you get a cup at one of their restaurants, not their K-cups. K-cups of Dunkin' Donuts don't taste anything like their restaurant coffee. Leaving his plate, cup, everything on the table, Rob's heading for the door and I barely have time to says, "Thank you for everything, Mrs. Dickers." Rob has my hand pulling me with him, telling me as we go out the door, "Dylan, I got this brain storm yesterday when driving back from your place, ya know, after I dropped you off. It just hit me that there's a better way to reconfigure a report I did yesterday at work. I thought it was good the way I did it, but a better way to format it just popped into my head and I want to get it done this morning before my early meeting with Sy." Whoever Sy is.

Driving to work Rob gives me an overview of his idea although he might as well have tried describing how the pyramids were built. He drives onto the back parking lot with me saying, "You're always thinking about work, huh?" He looks at me grinning, "Mostly I think about you, and then you and me, us two together? When I get a chance, yeah, I think about work next. Baseball is the distant third thing I think about now that I'm working." I say, "So I'm first, and then you and me?" He nods, "Most definitely, yes, and the most recent thing I've been thinking about, like two seconds ago, is I can't give you that suit with the damn trousers like they are. Your suit pants need an upgrade. They're way to baggy for today's styles. After work, when I drop you off at your house, give me the trousers and I'll drop them off at the tailors to have the legs taken-in to today's style. Not like skinny jeans but the legs need to be narrower by half. I'll see what the tailor thinks." I don't have the energy to argue, and don't want to anyhow because I agree with him. I lean my head over, but stop before kissing him remembering where we are, so I just say, "Thank you, Robby, you're so nice I can't even think of the proper words to tell you." He grins, "Seeing you wanted to kiss me is all the thanks I need."

Before I get out at the back parking lot, Rob goes, "It's fucking drizzling again. Jesus! Enough with this rain already! Um, there's a golf umbrella on the floor in the back. Take it with you. I can park ten feet from a side door of my building, but you've got a thirty-yard walk to the back door." Looking over the back of the seat, I say, "Thanks, but where'd you get a golf umbrella?" He chuckles, "One of the last frat parties we went to last semester. It was near the end of the night when you were off somewhere and I gave some freshman a ride back to the campus and the next day I found that umbrella in back. One of them probably stole it from the frat house." I go, "One of them? How many were there?" He laughs, "Oh fuck. This adorably cute freshman, looking so cutely forlorn, ask me for a ride back to campus. How could I say no? But I was punked 'cause as soon as I said okay four of his drunk freshman friends climbed in with him. He was the lure I guess." I'm like, "I didn't know you rode around picking up forlorn cute freshman!" He laughs, "Get the umbrella, my cutely forlorn boyfriend, and get out. I've got that report to redo."

As I'm straining my arm reaching over to the floor of the back seat, I go, "Your Mom called me your boyfriend twice this morning." He nods, "Yeah, so what?" and I go, "She referred to me as your boyfriend. Isn't that a significant, I don't know, a significant something?" He shrugs, "Not really, Dylan. Or maybe I'm not getting what you mean. You and I came 'out' together as boyfriends over two years ago, why wouldn't Mom refer to you as my boyfriend? I'm your boyfriend, and you're mine," he's smiling, but he obviously confused why I'm surprised his Mom referred to me that way. I nod, "Right, yeah you're right of course. Um, I guess I didn't realize it was openly acknowledged among your, um, parents, ah because..." He goes, "Well it is, babe, and why wouldn't it be. We can talk more about it if you want to, although I don't get exactly why you'd be surprised. Right now though, Dylan, I gotta run. We'll talk later, okay?" I nod getting out of the pickup, saying, "I love you," he says, "Me too, babe," and then he's backing up, turning around and on his way to restructure a report, or something, before the work day begins.

As for me, I put the umbrella up deciding I'm having a smoke before going inside. Looking at my watch I'm like, Christ, it's barely seven-thirty! It's a little tricky lighting a cigarette while keeping the umbrella under control and holding onto my backpack, but once I've got the cigarette going I'm good. I'm holding my backpack by its straps not wanting to wrinkle the suit jacket. This is a big multi-colored umbrella that can probably be seen from the moon, but it's keeping my new suit dry. I just can't get over it or I guess I'm basically shocked to discover, Mr. and Mrs. Dickers have progressively accepted that Rob and I are a gay couple without me being aware of it. And my Moms, and even Chubby, have never brought the subject up since the day I came 'out' to them. I would have thought it'd be the other way around. And then, of course I thought Mrs. Dickers preferred Danny over me but she seems fine with me being Rob's boyfriend. And she probably doesn't even know Danny's gay.

In a bit of a confused fog I find I've walked, without thinking about it, to the picnic table by the dumpster and, what the fuck? Is that Marty West getting out of that car in the parking lot. Yes, that's his fucking car. This coincidence is weirding me out! Coming to 'our' picnic table and there he is wearing the lawn-cutting uniform I wore last summer. Huh, it's funny that I haven't given Marty a thought more than a few times since our 'date' two weeks ago, but now I find I'm happy to see him. As I walk toward the parking lot, I yell, "Yo, Marty!" He looks startled checking around to see who called him. When he sees me he breaks out in a big smile, yelling back, "When's your Tee-time?" referring to me playing golf today with my golf umbrella. I do a little chuckle as we come together for an awkward hug. Awkward because I've got the umbrella and backpack, plus half a cigarette. Marty takes the cigarette from my fingers and steps on it, saying, "That's the only thing in the world I don't like about you, Dylan." I go, "Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot you don't care for smokers."

He's wearing the Company's lawn-cutting baseball cap and apparently unaffected by the drizzling rain. I hold the umbrella over to cover him and he says, "See how fucking nice you are, Dylan! Forget the umbrella though I'm gonna be cutting grass in the rain all day." I go, "So what are you doing here?" He holds up a form, "Turning in my weekly management training report card. I got another 'A"." I go, "Brown-noser!" and we both chuckle as we start walking toward the back entrance. He grips the back of my neck and shakes me a little, saying, "You look awesome in that suit, dude! So cool, but what's up with your latest haircut? I like it even more than your last one. Like I said, dude you're too fucking cool for school." I go, "Gee, I was in school the last time I heard that idiom; middle school actually."

He wants a haircut like mine and takes off his hat, asking, "Is my hair long enough yet?" When I first met Marty he had a recent buzz cut but that was weeks ago. I shrug, "Jeez, maybe for a haircut like I have now. Yeah, it is long enough." He goes, 'Okay then! When can you give me the free haircut you promised?" I go, "I don't remember promising, but, um, I can't do a haircut like the one I have." His eyebrows shoot up as he looks startled. Then he goes, "Seth said you were the best barber he ever had." I shrug again, "Seth's nice, but this is the latest and..." He interrupts, 'Well, where'd you go to get your haircut then? I'll go there." This is pissing me off a little! I go, "Um, my boyfriend, er, Rob Dickers gave me this haircut yesterday." He goes, "Oooh! So it's a boyfriend haircut and I don't suppose you'd ask him, as a favor to your lunch buddy, to give me one like it." I say, "Oh fuck, I guess. I mean, sure I will." He pats my back and we start walking again, as he goes, "Your aces, dude. Thanks." Aces? Too cool for school? Is this guy transplanted from the sixties, I wonder. I go, "How 'bout that Elvis, huh?" He frowns, "What?" and I mutter, "Oh, nothing."

Marty says, "So, what's the story? Why you wearing a suit today?" I tell him about my boss wanting me to wear a suit so I'll look more professional, and he goes, "It's because you look like you're a fucking teenager." I shake my head and change the subject, "Have you been to the Natick basketball courts lately?" He says, "I'm going tonight if the rain stops. You wanna come?" I say, "I'm trying out for the town's summer league baseball team. Practice tonight."

At the backdoor we stop and Marty takes a deep breath, and says, "Okay, here goes, Dylan," and he puts his hand on my shoulder, saying, "Dylan, would you please go out with me on a second date, um, this coming Tuesday night? Um, that would be next Tuesday night, please!" I can't help but grin at how formal he said that and how he's actually blushing a little. I hit his shoulder, "I never expected to see a macho guy like you blush, Marty." He says, "It's you! I get goofy around you. Seth suggested I should ask you out, well he said to do it in a formal manner, and he told me you're in love with your boyfriend so I know this date is what he calls a side-sex date. I know all about that." He's jumping to conclusions about the 'sex' part again.

There's so many easy ways I could break his balls about this! Omigod, asking me out on a date, but I won't break his balls about it because Marty's nice, but more importantly he's following my friend, Seth's, advice. So I go, "Oh yeah? What's happening Tuesday night that we should go on a date together?" He goes, "Well, it's special. I'll take you out to a ritzy Beef and Alehouse I know about and treat you to an expensive dinner, although if you want you could leave the tip. Then I thought we'd go to your place and pick-up where we left off in my car on our first date." I nod my head, muttering, "Huh, that's an almost impossible offer to turn down, Marty, although I'll expect you leave the tip too, so thank you for asking me out," and we both snort out a laugh.

He goes, "Um, was that a yes?" I go, "Yes it was, but why didn't you call me before this?" He goes, "Oh fuck, I don't have the balls to call you. Are you out of your mind? What if you said no? In person it's harder for you to reject me after I made that awesome date proposal." I go, "Yeah, no way I could say 'no' to that. So, will you pick me up Tuesday at say seven o'clock?" He goes, "I was thinking it would be more like six or six-thirty. I'm kinda anxious I guess you could say." I go, "I see. So you want to be in charge of everything, huh?" He nods, "Yep, I wannabe in charge all the way to the moon."

That confident remark gave my dick a twitch. Marty in-charge, but then I knew he would be even though he's anything but in-charge now. I think he actually needs to be into a date before he takes over. I say, "You got yourself a date, Marty." He grins, "Oh fuck, you're easy. I was going to up the dinner part of the date to dinner at the new Hilton Hotel if necessary." We laugh again as we both go inside. He holds up a form, saying, "I gotta drop this off and get back over to the landscaping blacktop line-up with the troops for inspection. They'll make fun of me if the lawn cutting guys knew I was over here among the management muckety-mucks." I go, "I won't tell. See ya, Marty, and thanks for asking me out. Tuesday at six or six-thirty!" He turns and chuckles and then with a wave turns a corner. Okay, that was wicked cool, but now what am I gonna do for the next forty-five minutes until work begins?

I get a coffee in the Accounting Department with no one there yet, and then go to my small meeting room, I mean my office. Sitting here thinking about a date with Marty and drinking my coffee I'm thinking him asking me on a date was funny and fun, but I'm discovering that's how Marty is. Self-deprecating like crazy, but also confident; a really good combination. I was thinking about him not too long ago but I can't remember in what context. Why was I thinking of him? Oh boy though, I'm actually kind of excited about my second date with Marty West, the pee on the fingers guy with the big dick and the hot body. Funny how I initially thought he looked bulky, body-wise. That's until I felt that bulky body against me in his car with his tongue in my mouth and his hand rubbing my junk. It wasn't bulky then; it was hot. Yeah, I was thinking about our make-out in his car just recently, but when exactly and why? Nodding my head to myself, I'm definitely interested in Marty and it's odd that at first I had zero interest in him; less than zero. Funny how that works sometimes. Well it's been happening more lately to me now that I think about it. My first impressions haven't proven very accurate of late,

Of course, after that near perfect lover's sex with Robby less than an hour ago, why the fuck would I be the least bit interested in a date with Marty West. Well because one has absolutely nothing to do with the other. One is maybe a part of the most important development that I'll ever be involved in my life; my life with Robby. And we'll probably get married, and in the end probably follow through with every detail Robby described to me two years... probably, but it's not a certainty which is the difference between now and two-years-ago. And then there's this date with someone I barely know that I'm kind of excited about it. I'm excited about it the way I'm kind of excited about getting a root beer float. I'm looking forward to it but it's the toy department of life; that's what side-sex is. You don't hurt anyone or unnecessarily lead anyone on. You both understand it's a sexy few minutes for the sexy fun of it. Hell, Marty even mentioned he knows I'm in love with Rob, although that's not a concern to him because Marty's not the least bit interested in love. Love is the last fucking thing he wants to deal with. This is buddy-sex and that's all it is. If it's even that. Something could short circuit it before it happens. Not usually, but it could and neither of us would be all that upset, if upset at all. It's buddy-sex!

My thoughts, or musings, are interrupted my Carl, my boss. He goes, "How's my star employee doing this rainy Friday morning?" I hand him the report for yesterday's interviews, saying, "Everything is always better on a Friday, boss, even a rainy one." he nods, "I think so too. Um, so you're waiting till the end of the day to do the month-end report?" A cold chill runs through me. Oh fuck, he's referring to the ad hoc report I did while killing time last week. Now it's required. I knew it would be and I forgot all about it. I go, "Yes, Sir. I was planning on doing it after my last interview so the report will be right up to date to the very last interview in June." He grins, "I knew from the first day I met you that I had an excellent partner for this project, Dylan. Could you have the report for me by three-thirty though. I've got an, um, doctor's appointment and need to leave early today." I go, "You bet, Carl!"

Ha! Doctor's appointment wouldn't be on the Cape would it? And what happened to the report right up to the last interview if he's leaving an hour early? Well, the report took me about forty-five minutes to do last week so that mean my last interview of this week, and for this month, will take place no later than two o'clock. Then I'll do the report without doing squat after that for the rest of the day. Carl and me have a three-thirty end of the week ahead of us. No problem!

The interviews are no problem this morning either. I can't believe I ever worried about making these presentations. Rob and I have a lunch in the cafeteria but the disappointing thing for me is the Jamaican cash register lady doesn't work on Fridays. Damn, I wanted to see if her act changed from day to day. The register clerk today is all business with no funny shit.

I get the special for Friday, fried chicken and French Fries and cole slaw... $9.99. It didn't take me long to say to Rob, "Do you think I can get my money back? This fried chicken was frozen and cooked in the microwave." He bites into his hamburger Royal, that was cooked to order, the Russian dressing and juice from the ripe tomato slices drooling out the sides, and says, "I don't think they give you money back.? I go, "They don't offer, 'Get your money back at the door' like the Counting Crows' song." He snorts out a laugh, "Love the Counting Crows, but no money back at the door here." I go, "Oh fuck. Um, let me have a bite of that hamburger Royal, boyfriend." We share the hamburger along with my fries. The cole slaw, well neither of us have big enough balls to even try it.

Afternoon interviews go smoothly and I finish the last one I'll be doing today at five-minutes-after-two. I do Carl's report, that he'll turn in as his own. At three-thirty-five I'm twiddling my thumbs beginning to worry about miracles not turning up for me at baseball practice tonight. Damn, it's always something!

to be continued... thinkat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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