Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Dec 29, 2017



Chapter 17

by Donny Mumford

It's so nice lying here in bed on this Saturday morning knowing there isn't a single thing that I absolutely need to do today. You know what? I'm thinking that working a job is better than college life. This is only a temporary state of mind of course. It happens every summer. My fickle mind will do a complete reversal during the summer and college life will again seem a more attractive alternative to working. I'm only a couple of weeks away from college so I tend to dwell on the negatives of college life like studying for an upcoming exam, or the paper that's due on 'Permitting Corporal Punishment' or some such idiotic topic, or the two-hour boring lecture class where I'll be dying a slow painful death. Memories of all that negative shit will fade as the summer moves along and be replaced by the negativity I'll begin feeling towards the tedious aspects of my job, and then I'll begin focusing on the fun and carefree aspects of college life and once again look forward to being a carefree college student. Funny how the mind works.

What I do not want to think too much about is what happens after senior year when everything changes permanently. They'll be no more looking forward to going back to a carefree-boozing college life and laughing at the crazy shit we get into using as our excuse... hey, we're college students, what do you expect? No, none of that after senior year. Then, for most of us, there's nothing ahead but a life-time of working, hopefully, at a job we don't hate. We're all getting closer and closer to facing that reality. Yeah, and facing it with a boat-load of college loan debt on our backs too. That reality ain't here yet though so I'll concentrate on what is here, and what is here is pretty damn good. Yes, my philosophy is live in the moment and the rest can wait its turn...

More relevant this morning is my horniness and the reality of the choices I made last night. In hindsight, as much as I would have enjoyed getting fucked by Ray, I wouldn't have liked myself this morning. On the other hand, I misplayed my 'date' with Marty. I should have agreed to friendly buddy-sex with him. He did nothing wrong and I feel bad for holding out on him like some cunt on a first date, especially considering my lack of buddy-sex lately. I can see now that we both would have been better off engaging in some harmless buddy-sex like he urged me to do. And I don't know how I forgot about Marty's big dick. The one I'm pretty sure he was purposely showing-off in the Men's Room the first time we met. Him standing back from the urinal while pissing and talking to me. I only got a quick glance at it but I'd estimate the shaft to be five-and-a-half-inches-long and at least as fat as Rob's but with an even larger head and a freakishly wide piss slit. I gauged that from the width and volume of his piss stream. Lots of cum could flood outta that opening. Like I said, I only got a quick glance at it so I could be off a hair with my estimates. Whatever, it's an impressive penis even though it's circumcised.

And now I'm kinda feeling sorry that Marty won't be having lunch with me for at least a few weeks. He's gonna be working on a lawn cutting crew somewhere. So, yeah, I missed an opportunity with him for sure. Ironically, I'm thinking the reason I missed that opportunity was because I'm not accustomed to being this horny. That caused some crazy paranoid thought-patterns in my brain. If Marty contacts me next week I'll definitely join him for a couple of beers and then see what happens. And I actually kinda liked some of his 'moves' last night. He's a take-charge guy while being sort of humble about it. That sounds contradictory but I think it's accurate.

As of two-hours ago I've been celibate for three-full-days! My last sexual experience was Wednesday morning with Dodger. Yeah, being this horny makes me feel kinda numb all over. This must be what it's like for addicts going off heroin cold-turkey. I'm as horny as I can be, but I'm thinking more clearly this morning too so I'm not panicking about my situation. After all, this afternoon I'll be visiting Rob and hooking-up with Danny. Rob insisted Danny and I engage in buddy-sex, so it's almost like our duty to do it. Okay, maybe it wasn't that he 'insisted', that's too strong a word. He threw it out there as more of a suggestion.

Checking my wristwatch; hmmm, quarter-to-nine and I'm still not ready to get out of bed. The word 'bed' makes me think of Dodger. Pulling the pillow from under my head I turn it over to see if any of Dodger's scent remains. You know, as an experiment of sorts. Huh, it mostly smells like Downy Fabric Softener. Getting the pillow under my head again I'm thinking that Dodger probably spent his first night in his apartment last night. It'd be nice if he'd invite me over to get fucked. Oh for chrissakes, I meant to say, invited me over to see his new apartment. That'd be awesome!

What's been happening is my horny condition is making me paranoid and I'm starting to think everyone is taking me for granted, Marty included. My mind conjured-up a goofy premise that guys were assuming they could fuck me whenever they wanted to, which is simply crazy. Nobody thinks like that. Another thing that occurs to me in my present clearer-thinking frame of mind is that there's no reason I can't be the one to reach out for buddy-sex. Why do I assume it's everyone else's duty to reach out to me? I'm not more special than anyone else! Well, that's probably too big of a generalization. I'll refine that thought to: I'm not more special than almost anyone I know. I mean, there's probably losers out there that I have no knowledge of that I'm more special than. Whatever, there isn't any reason I shouldn't text Dodger, for example, or Marty, or anyone I feel like to suggest we get together for a quick round of buddy-sex. Lots of gay guys do that.

And, oh boy, it was so hot with Dodger. Jesus, that forty-eight hours with him Monday and Tuesday nights and then Wednesday morning. Off the fucking charts! Whoa! Ha ha... I lost count of our sucks and fucks in that condensed time frame. It was actually a lot for me to handle in a forty-eight-hour period, especially lately. I'm sure there are unusual couples who screw that many times in a single night. Personally I don't know that I could have five or six orgasms in a night. Heh heh, I'd like to test that theory one time though. Yeah, but my rectum was sore after doing it with Dodger however many times we did it, so there's the soreness thing to consider too.

What I need to do is forget about this past week of abstinence and decide on a plan for the future, starting with what to do about it today. Hmmm, I need to initiate some action rather than wait for something to happen on its own. Getting out of bed I grab my cellphone and then jump right back in bed pulling the covers over me. I text Dodger: 'Dude, did you spend last night in your apartment?' I don't need to sign the text 'cause he'll see it's from me. Oh shit, I hope he doesn't think that text is me hinting we should have sex again. I mean, that's the idea behind it, but was it too obvious? The text is 'delivered' so I stare at the phone for a minute but don't see an indication it was 'read'. Well fuck, he probably isn't awake yet. Hmmm, Dodger said he'd 'see me around', which doesn't sound like an invitation now that I think about it. Maybe I shouldn't have sent the text; the last thing I want is to be a nag. Dodger's always been a bit of a loner anyway; no one knows where he is or what he's doing most of the time. He just shows up and... BANG!

Actually, it's Danny Monday I should be thinking about. We'll both be at Rob's and we both know what we want. Hell, he's probably as horny as me. I mean what with Hayden in California. Which reminds me, I didn't get even one damn text from Hayden all week! That would piss me off except I didn't send him one either. Life just gets on top of me and probably him too. We should have texted though. Okay, I'll send Hayden a text: 'Hey there debating-genius, how's it going out there?' Again I stare at the phone until I realize... oh shit, it's quarter-of-six on the west coast. Oh well, Hayden will eventually see I texted and, omigod, I just felt a tremor going through my dick thinking about him. He's is so fucking hot. Actually I fully expected my heat for him to fade, but apparently it hasn't yet. Wow, I wish I hadn't insisted on 'topping' Hayden the last time we did it. That was my latest mistake up till then, and then of course there have been other mistakes since then too. I can be honest with myself, even if I can't be with him: Hayden is currently my number one choice for buddy sex, as temporary as that may turn-out to be.

How'd I get off the topic of Danny? He's the most available buddy-sex possibility. And oh fuck here's another thing to consider... the Jeep. Chubby will have the Jeep all day with that Jay-somebody and their dates. They'll be in Boston all day. Hmmm, that fact presents a very logical reason for me to call Danny. I need a ride to Rob's, and I just thought of something else: I want to ask Danny what happened to his ass. Ya know, during our casual conversation on our way to Rob's I'll bring it up: 'hey, what's with your ass, Danny?' I didn't give it a thought during our three-way with Hayden, but I positively know there was a time Danny's rectum was fine for anal sex. Now he says nothing bigger than a finger can fit up there, so what's up with that? When I get right down to it though, why do I care? I want him to 'top'! And oh man, Danny just might have a hotter body than Rob's, and that's saying something!

I wonder if I think about guys too much? Maybe, but what's the big deal if I do? I mean, I don't have a stamp collection or anything like that to think about. It's just that some guys are so fucking hot, so sexy and cute it boggles my mind. Unfortunately there are fewer and fewer guys around my age that qualify as cute, sexy and hot. All three of those qualities are much more prevalent in teenager boys. That usually changes for the worse as we age, especially the 'cute' part. Unfortunately for me the reality of the situation is that the majority of teens are too young for me now anyway. And why am I even thinking about that? I'm back thinking about Danny and how he's my most likely answer for eliminating my horniness. And Danny isn't some second-tier option either. He's choice, top-shelf buddy-sex material. Recently I've come to the conclusion that Rob's got himself an awesome side-sex-buddy in Danny. I don't begrudge Rob that at all; nope, I'm happy for him. I don't know who else Rob has on the side but I can't imagine they're in Danny's league.

Hmmm, I'd call Danny right now except I've already been too early with the two texts I sent. Why in the hell I woke-up this early myself I haven't a clue. It's too simple an explanation to blame it on my horniness I suppose. What makes it worse for me is how incredibly hot the sex over the weekend with Hayden was, and then the same applies earlier in the week with Dodger. If I'd had simple run-of-the-mill side-sex instead of some of the hottest sex ever perhaps the extent of my horniness wouldn't be so, um, devastating. No, not devastating but, um, well I can't put a word to it. All I know is going from great sex to falling off a cliff with zero sex is not a pleasant situation, that's the fact of the matter.

Sure, many guys in my condition of horniness fall back to the old stand-by of 'fisting the mister', 'manual override',' polishing the banister', 'yanking the crank', or whatever they choose to call jerking off while I resist that urge. In my younger years I frequently resorted to masturbating to the tune of five or six times a day, but then fat Carl schooled me on a better way. So I'm fighting through this masturbation urge expecting the reward to be worth the suffering. Hmmm, I'm doing too much thinking. Better to take action! I'll call Danny now, he might be awake. But wait: even if he's up my Mom doesn't leave for work until around four o'clock so there's nowhere we could have sex. This is crazy!

Unable to stay in bed any longer I get up and take a piss and then a long shower. By the time I've dried off and brushed my teeth it's ten-thirty. Getting dressed in baggy shorts, a sleeveless T-shirt, socks and sneakers I make myself breakfast. As I fry some eggs I'm wondering if I chose this sleeveless t-shirt because Ray looked so sexy wearing his sleeveless t-shirt last night. There's no way to know the subconscious mind of course, but that doesn't change the fact that Ray did look especially hot. I can do without his bullying though, and I say that even though I find it kinda sexy when he's doing it to me; bullying me I mean. There's a magnetism about Ray that I need to stay clear of.

After a glass of orange juice, two cups of coffee and two fried egg sandwiches I'm on the balcony smoking a cigarette and looking at my cellphone. Nothing from Dodger or Hayden, the only two guys I texted this morning. Fuck it, I call Danny and he answers after the second ring. 'Hey, Dylan! Dude, I was just thinking about you." Oh, really! He goes, "Um, I forgot I've got a baseball game this afternoon so I'm wondering if you wanna visit Rob right now?" For a second there I thought he was thinking what I was thinking, but instead he wanted to tell me he's busy this afternoon! Damn! Ya know what? I'd really like to know why he's not as horny as I am? Nah, I'm not uncouth enough to ask him. I say, "Sure, Danny, can you pick me up, please? My brother's using the Jeep today." He goes, "Of course, are you ready now?" We arrange that I'll be at the curb in fifteen-minutes.

Combing my hair I feel like yelling, FUCK! You know, letting off steam because nothing much has worked out for me lately. Some of it's my fault and some of it is just bad timing, like Hayden's debating competition. Walking down the outside steps to wait for Danny at the curb I get a phone call. Caller ID reads, Hayden Parks. As soon as I hear his voice I remember how hypnotic it is. I say, "Hi Hayden, ya winning any debates?" He says, "Some, but we're losing more than we're winning. We don't think the judges like us." I go, "Maybe your debating partner isn't any good," and he asks, "Do you remember his name? I told you his name a couple of times." I'm like, "What is this, some tricky debating question?" He says, "His name's Tom Davis," and he laughs, "You're terrible with names, Dylan. You wouldn't be a good debater." I go, "Neither are you if you're losing more than you're winning." He goes, "I just told you... it's the fucking judges!" I ask, "Is Tom Mavis gay? Maybe you're spending too much time in bed." He laughs, "Ha ha, it not Mavis it's, Davis, and no he's not gay. He knows I am though and we share a hotel room so that's a little bit awkward 'cause he's hot!"

I'm crossing the street to stand at the curb on the other side. As I'm looking down the street for Danny's car, Hayden tells me esoteric stuff about the competition. It's all over my head so I mumble, "You sound smart, Hayden, but maybe you guys need more practice." He says, "There's no way to practice debating except to review the twelve basic rules," and he lists a couple of rules before I butt in with, "I'm sorry, buddy, but what you're describing is Greek to me. I admire that you can do it though. What I'd like to know is when you're coming home?" He says, "If we lose this afternoon we won't make the, um, playoff. I'll call them the playoff so you can relate." Grinning I go, "Oh good, bring it on down to my level." He changes his tone of voice, murmuring," I like that you texted me, Dylan. You were thinking about me, huh?" I go, "Um, yeah, I was," and all of a sudden I'm feeling all squirrelly inside and I need to adjust my junk. He goes, "That makes me feel good. You haven't said anything to Daniel about us, have you?" I sputter, "Are you out of your fuc... ah, why the hell would I do that?" He says, "Okay, good! Have you seen him?" I'm like, "Yeah, we both visited Rob and as a matter of fact I'm waiting right now for your boyfriend to pick me up to go see Rob." Hayden goes, "Well, Dylan, I hope that's all you two do. I mean unless I'm there for a three-way. Promise?" What the fuck? I go, "Don't worry about it!" He goes, "Okay, I trust you. I'll call you when I get home. It'll probably be Monday some time. I gotta go now."

After saying 'goodbye', I'm shaking my head slowly, shocked that he threw in that thing about Danny and me. He apparently doesn't ascribe to the concept of buddy-sex when it involves his boyfriend although it's find for him and me to do it behind Danny's back! Oh man though, I've got this weird sense I don't want to mess-up things between Hayden and me. I want to experience that intense sexual heat with him as long as it lasts this summer. This puts me in a bind though. What if Danny asks me to do it? What can I say for an excuse not to? Well this just blows! I should never have texted Hayden and he wouldn't have called and this would have never come up.

And here comes Danny now. I'm on the correct side of Center street today. Pulling to the curb, Danny looks at me grinning, so how should I play this? Getting in I do my automatic smile, we bump fists saying g'morning and Danny adds, "Damn, you look good this morning, Dylan." I mumble, "You too, Danny. Have you heard from Hayden?" He shakes his head, looks back at the cars coming up behind him and then pulls into the flow of traffic. Danny's not at all talkative this morning, so I go, "Oh, there's something I wanted to asks you, Danny," he glances at me, "Sure, Dylan, " and I come right out with, "Do you remember the three-way, not the one we just had, but way back when you, me, and Rob got it on?" He goes, "Ha, do you think I'd forget that? Yeah, I remember it." I go, "I was wondered if you did because you told Hayden that you and I only had sex once." He goes, "Yeah, because it's none of his business," and he looks at me, adding, "No offense, Dylan, but I don't feel all that comfortable talking about the sex I'm lucky enough to have. It doesn't happen all that often and I consider it kinda personal, ya know?"

I let that go for a minute and then say, "This isn't exactly about sex directly, or maybe it is. What I'm getting at is this: you didn't have a problem as a 'bottom' that time with Rob and me, but now you can't do it. I was wondering what's up with that, if you don't mind me asking." He makes a 'face' mumbling, "I kinda do mind you asking. That's getting very personal again." Now he sounds like he's pissed-off, so I mutter, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." We drive in silence for a couple of minutes and then he says, "Oh hell, it was when I finally gave in to Hayden and let him fuck me for a change. It was not too long after that time you mentioned about the threesome we had with Rob. Hayden's big boner ripped some lining in my rectum and it was a hugely embarrassing time for me at the hospital. Totally humiliating and ever since then I've been afraid to repeat that experience. That's all there is to it. Long forgotten and I really don't like that I needed to remember it again." I mumble another apology, something I've been doing too often lately. He's blushing now and I really do feel bad that I caused him embarrassment. Why didn't I ask Hayden? I'm not doing much right lately.

Parking in front of Rob's place, Danny says, "Well, I'm sorry for remembering that time, Dylan, but I overreacted. It was, um, a most humiliating experience as I already said but I apologize to you for being so sensitive about it. We can share embarrassing things because we're friends." He holds his fist out, asking, "We good?" I nod and bump fists with him again, "No need for an apology. I'll never mention it again." He grins and pats my shoulder, but doesn't say anything more. We get out and go around to the back door where I knock on the door and Robby opens it, saying a bright, "Hi guys! C'mon in... thanks for coming over." He says to me, "I guess Danny told you about him playing a practice baseball game this afternoon. Thank you for joining Danny on this morning's mercy visit." He closes the door as I look at my watch, mumbling, "It's almost noon so it'll be an afternoon mercy visit in a couple of minutes."

We go to the family room as Danny's asking, "Where are your folks, Rob?" He goes, "Dad's at work; where else? Mom's getting her hair and nails done in town." Huh, finally something goes right for me. I never feel real comfortable with Rob's parents. It's like I have the distinct impression they blame me for Rob being gay. Rob was watching Sports Center on the TV and he leaves it on as we all sit down. Danny and I naturally ask how Rob's feeling. He tells us he's coming along but this is a really slow recovery. Then we discuss the Red Sox for a while. Finally Rob goes, "Hey, what would you guys think about ordering a pizza for lunch?" Danny and I nod, muttering, "Yeah, pizza's good." We decide we need a large pizza with pepperoni and a small one with extra cheese. A large pizza wouldn't be enough for the three of us but two large pizzas we probably wouldn't finish. We talk about things the three of us have in common, minus sex, until the pizza delivery guy is at the front door. Rob says, "I'll get it," and Danny and I exchange 'looks' because we both are aware of Rob being a bit tight with a buck.

Drinking sodas we're eating the pizza and talking in the family room when Mrs. Dickers comes in to say 'Hi'. Danny holds up the pizza box offering her a slice. She dressed-up like she's on her way to a swanky party as she carefully takes a bite of the pizza. Danny says, "You look really nice, Mrs. D.!" She smiles at Danny, "Thank you, Danny. Neither of these two," indicating Rob and me, "Are nearly the gentleman you are." She takes her slice of pizza with her as she goes on her way to the kitchen. Rob says, "Do much brown-nosing, do you, Danny?" Danny smirks, saying, "Just staying in good with a possible future in-law, Rob." Robby glowers at him and Danny blushes. Sure, I got the implication but none of us says anything about it. The comment deserves a follow-up when I'm alone with Rob though. If I'm ever alone with him again that is. At two o'clock Danny needs to leave for his game and, noticing the time, he goes, "Oh man, Dylan, I'm sorry but you're gonna need to come to the game with me. I'll be late if I drop you off at your place." Another arrow in my gut! Things just aren't working out well for me.

Rob looks at me like he feels bad, and says, "You can borrow my pickup, babe. Do you wanna do that?" I glance toward the kitchen, and ask, "Do you think your Mom would get bent outta shape?" Rob goes, "Nooo! Whaddaya mean?" I shrug, "I don't know. Yes, I'd love to borrow your pickup, thanks!" Danny says, "Oh, dude, thanks, Rob. I lost track of the time. Um, I'll be taking off then." The three of us walk through the kitchen as Danny says, "Maybe I'll get back over later this afternoon, Rob. Um, will you be here later, Dylan?" I shrug, "Maybe." Rob tells his Mom he'll be right back in as we walk outside. She calls after us, "Nice of you boys to visit your friend." Danny goes, "Our pleasure, Mrs. D." None of us mentions brown-nosing or in-laws.

At his car Danny does the quick peck of a kiss on Rob's lips again. I'm purposely standing back looking to see if Rob's Mom is gawking out the window. Danny waves his hand at me, "Hope to see you later, Dylan." I've been feeling more and more uncomfortable with Danny's kisses 'hello' and 'goodbye'. Yeah, except I like them too. Another conundrum for me to figure out.

Then Danny grins and takes the two steps over to me and, with me leaning back, he grabs my shoulder to peck me on the lips too. He grins, saying, "I gotcha, Dylan. We're the three-gay-kissing-musketeers, dude." I smirk at him, muttering, "Whoopee." I shouldn't have agreed to the kissing 'goodnight' with Danny the other night. Then, as we watch Danny drive away Rob's like, "Can you stay longer, babe?" I nod, "Sure, Rob," and we go back inside and up to his bedroom because he needs to lie down. He mutters, "I've been up and around since seven-thirty this morning. That's my best effort since the operation." I say, "Well then, congratulations!" He sighs as he gets under the covers and I ask, "So, how did the dinner with Dodger turn out the other night?"

Rob's smiling, "Jeez, it went really well. Mom had the prime rib dinner like she made when you came for dinner that time." I go, "Yeah, that dinner rocked, but what about Dodger?" He goes, "Ha ha, don't you know?" I shrug, "Don't I know what?" Rob goes, "He hit a hundred-and-fifty-thousand-dollar-fucking-jackpot at a casino in Las Vegas!" I go, "You're shitting me!" He laughs, "You knew!" I go, "Yeah, I did but it's Dodger's news to tell, not mine." Rob says, "Hey, did you notice when we walked through the dining room there was a big bunch of flowers on the table?" Shaking my head, 'no', he says, "Dodger had that beautiful bouquet delivered for Mom from Winston's in Boston, plus he had two bottles of Dom Perignon champagne for Dad. We drank both bottles and everyone was in a damn good mood after that."

Nodding my head and then I go, "What'd he give you?" Rob smirks pointing at the top of his bureau, saying, "That wallet from the Coach store at the mall." The only way I know Coach leather products are expensive is from knowing Willie, so I go, "Wow, sweet!" Rob goes, "What's even sweeter are the ten one-hundred-dollar-bills inside the wallet. Dodger told me to keep that to myself. He didn't mean keep it from you of course, he meant our parents." I go, "Awesome," wondering why Dodger didn't get anything for me. Rob says, "As soon as I'm up and around I'm taking you out to dinner at a nice restaurant in Boston." Now I understand why Rob was so blasé about paying for the pizzas and, now that I think about it, Dodger did give me something; he took me out to dinner at Ken's.

I gotta give Dodger props for his strategy of buying his way back into every one's good graces. I go, "So there was no problem with Dodger getting his own apartment?" Rob goes, "No problem at all." I go, "And you're Dad was on board with everything?" He shrugs, "Not enthusiastically, no, but he wasn't a wet blanket either. He snuck-in a few jabs like saying a hundred-thousand doesn't go as far as it used to, obviously inferring Dodger still needs to think about a job." I ask, "Did your Dad say anything about Dodger working with you guys." Shaking his head, Rob goes, "No, Dad doesn't trust Dodger after that stunt he pulled screwing-up the first week of my first supervisory job." Hold a grudge long, do ya? I don't say that though. Instead I spread my arms, and go, "So everything is awesome between you, your folks, and Dodger, right?" He shrugs, "I wouldn't say awesome, but good enough to satisfy all of us. It is what it is." I say, "Well then it's good enough for me too. I'm happy it's as good as it is." Rob says, "It's like this, Mom's always said my Dad and I are alike; two peas in a pod. She says Dodger's just like her brother, our Uncle Rick, who lives in Alaska working at an oil field. She's always said that, kinda bragging actually. She says Uncle Rick is too wild to live anywhere except Alaska. That's what Mom always says." I go, "Quite the endorsement for Dodger, huh?" That goes over his head...

We talk about Rob's healing progress after a full week; both of us surprised he isn't healing faster. It's basic torture seeing Rob's hot sexy self and not being able to even give him a good hug without hurting his incision. Damn, I'd like to get undressed and let Rob fuck me all over this bedroom... three times!

There's a lull in the conversation so I slip in, "What the hell did Danny mean by that 'in-law' comment?" Rob flaps his hand, "Who the fuck knows? He's been on this kick lately that we're all one big happy family; you, me, Hayden and him. It's because you and I double dated and did things with him and Hayden recently." I go, "So who's he inferring he's an in-law with... me?" Rob goes, "I don't know, babe, ask him." I shrug and Rob adds, "Danny's no Einstein, ya know. He needs to avoid 'real' courses at college. I don't think he got many acceptance letters from the colleges he applied to." I go, "Oh, I didn't know that. You're saying he's dumb?" Rob goes, "Not dumb exactly, no. He's, um, average or a little below average but not stupid-dumb, no. You wouldn't believe his college electives though." I'm curious now, asking, "What's he majoring in?" He shrugs, "Sports Management with a minor in teaching. His dream is to be a physical education teacher, but his real objective is being either a middle or high school baseball coach. To do that he'll need to be a Phys. Ed. teacher too." I go, "Well I'll be dammed. That's cool. I guess money isn't a motivator for Danny, huh?" Rob shrugs, "Guess not, but it is for me."

We talk until almost three o'clock when Rob can barely keep his eyes open. I leave him to his nap. Downstairs I see Mrs. Dickers ironing clothes so I stop to say, "Um, Mrs. D., Rob's letting me borrow his pick-up for the afternoon. Um, if you don't mind, he said you knew where he keeps his keys." She nods, "Sure, Dylan. They're in the bowl near the back door." She points, "There at the left of the door." I thank her and gets the keys and I'm out the door. Gee, she was very nice about that. She can be nice at times and then other times she's seems annoyed... at what I'm not sure. Probably at me and I know that sounds paranoid but there it is. She can also go overboard about fairly simple matters; she can go overboard and be too-too much about the smallest things and then blasé or uninterested about important things.

Unlocking the pickup I'm like, 'Huh, Danny saying 'potential in-law' he obviously meant Mrs. Dickers, no matter what Rob thinks,' Oh man though, I love this fucking truck! So many memories. Rob was supposed to get a new one over a year ago, but I like this one. I think that huge outlay of borrowed money for the big project started making his father nervous so he put off the new cars and trucks for all three of them. Dodger's pickup, Rob's old one, was sold long ago.

During the drive to my house my cellphone starts ringing but it's in my pocket and the seat belt prevents me from getting it out. Balls! It stops ringing before I can stop at a red light so I drive straight home. After parking at the Center Street curb I get my phone out and, as I'm going up the steps I see I missed a call from Dodger. Oh good, he called! I call him back and he answers the second ring. "Hi, Dylan. Thanks for getting back to me, buddy. Do you have your Jeep?" I tell him I borrowed Rob's pickup and I'm at my house now. He says, "Ya wanna come over and see my apartment?" I go, "You bet! I'd like that," and he goes, "Could you pick up Vinnie on the way? I can't leave because I've gotta be here for deliveries." Vinnie? Balls!

Dodger tells me how to get to Vinnie's house. I go, "And Vinnie knows how to get to your apartment?" Dodger says, "Um, no. He's hasn't been here yet. This is the first day I've been in the damn place. So far only my kitchen table and chairs, plus the bar stools, my TV and bedroom-set have arrived and I still need to put the fucking bed together." I chuckle and say, "That's not rocket science, Dodger. I'll help you." He laughs, "Oh, I thought it was rocket science. That's why I wanted you to pick up Vinnie." He gives me general directions to the apartment complex and says, "It's basically a construction site. I'm in the first finished building along with maybe six other tenants."

The plan is for me to get Vinnie and drive to the general area of Dodger's complex and then call him for specific directions to his apartment. A person can only remember so many directions in his head at one time. I'd be a lot more excited about this visit if Vinnie wasn't involved; a LOT more. Seems like my shitty luck will continue, along with my horniness which is approaching historical territory being it's the longest in between sexual episodes I can remember. Oh well, I'm sure I'm not the only guy in Massachusetts who has gone this long between fucks. It feels good being one of the masses in that regard... actually, no it doesn't!

Before leaving I wash my face and hands and then brush my teeth just in case my luck changes. Combing my hair I notice my embarrassingly pathetic so-called beard needs some attention. I can't in good conscience call it a beard though. Whatever it's called it needs removing so I shave using shaving cream. That takes two-minutes and then I don't use the kind of after shave lotion that stings. I use Nivea Men's Balm for sensitive skin. It soothes and smells good too. After considering a change of clothes I decide to just go with the baggy shorts and the sleeveless Tee I'm wearing, The t-shirt shows off my guns and my tasteful tattoos, one on each bicep near my shoulders.

I get lost driving to Vinnie and call him for better directions. Dodger's directions sucked! Vinnie doesn't seem thrilled to hear from me but I don't take offense 'cause that's just Vinnie. He gives me directions and four minutes later I toot the horn outside his house. He lives near a golf course, The Framingham Country Club, in a neighborhood of larger homes. Seeing the golf course reinvigorates my determination to do some golfing this summer. Ryan's family got me started with golf lessons and I was doing pretty good too. Then coming home where there's no one I know who plays golf and so I haven't followed up on the lessons. Bummer, but all I could do was store the clubs in the basement storage area. Nice set of clubs too. Ryan old ones, that aren't very old at all. Gee, I wonder how Ryan's doing? Any bad feelings I had for him have gone blowing in the wind by now. I need to reach out to him. That's my newest philosophy: be the one who reaches out. I'm nothing special, I can be the guy who offers an olive branch although why a fucking olive branch is necessary I have no idea.

Oh, here comes Vinnie sauntering down his brick sidewalk like he's got all day. No problem, Vinnie, I'll sit here and wait for you; no need to hurry! He gets in the passenger seat, saying, "Hi, Dylan," and holds his hand out. What am I supposed to do with that? Guys don't shake hands anymore, or hardly ever. I slap his hand, asking cheerily, "How ya been, Brainiac?" He puts on his seatbelt, asking, 'Whadaya mean?" That makes me laugh as I drive away from his place, saying, "It's just something people say when meeting." He nods as if that answer was satisfactory, and he goes, "Thanks for picking me up. Have you seen his apartment yet?" I go, "Nope, this is the grand unveiling, so to speak." I ask, "Um, are you and Dodger done buying stuff for the apartment?" He says, "I don't know," and I go, "Was it fun buying any-and-everything you guys saw that you liked?" Vinnie goes, "Yes." Hmmm, one or two word responses to questions does not make for good conversation.

We drive in silence and then Vinnie hits my shoulder and asks a bizarre question, "Do you think I look old for my age?" Well, yes you do, plus you've lost the cuteness I used to see in you. No, I don't say that obviously, and anyway he's okay looking. I say, "You look exactly as old as you are, Vinnie, to the very day." He shrugs, "I don't think so. Um, what do you do to remain agerasia?" I go, "I can't really tell you that Vinnie, and I don't mean because it's a secret. I mean because I don't know what the fuck the word you said means." He goes, "It's means you look younger than your age. I prefer using one word instead of four or five." I go, "Well actually you used the one word and then you needed to use half a dozen more words explaining what the one word means." Surprising me, Vinnie laughs out loud and then goes, "Yes, I see what you mean. How do you do it though, stay agerasia?" I say, "I'll bet you know the answer," and he says, "Is it simply your genes and you don't need to do anything to help your genes along. You haven't discovered Ponce de Leon's fountain of youth, have you? The fountain of youth first written about by Herodotus in the fifth century BC?" I go, "Was that a question or a history lesson?" He says, "It was a question." I snort out a chuckle and say, "Um, I think the answer to your question is... no, but I'm not positive. I'll stick with that as my final answer though." He says, "You smell good, Dylan. Hope I'm not getting too personal." I go, "It's my after shave that smells good," and he says, "It doesn't smell as good as you smelled when I fucked you after my haircut, which by the way I liked a lot. Um, the haircut and the fuck." I say, "Well hey, thanks, Vinnie!" Vinnie doesn't give out a lot of compliments. He's a hoot though. Clueless genius.

I'm on Route 30 in the vicinity of the new apartment complex so I give Vinnie my cellphone and ask him to call Dodger for final directions. He gets directions and we find the new road off Route 30 past the firehouse. A half-mile down that road, called Sterns Hill Road, we come to a huge construction site and see Dodger's apartment building is the first and only one completed. I wonder how Dickers & Son missed-out on this project? Big machinery plowing away a hill with construction guys swarming all over the skeleton structure of two other framed-out apartment buildings. Noisy place with dust raising. Jesus!

Dodger's building is the only one finished so we park in a partially dirt-covered blacktop parking lot near it. These are garden apartments meaning each one has its own front entrance. You don't go in a main door and walk down a hall to get to your apartment like our college apartment. These are all two-floor apartments too, sometimes call townhouses and they're very nice looking except for the construction going on all around his building.

Dodger opens the front door all smiles and hugs as he goes, "Welcome! You guys are my first visitors. Look, my couch came," and we look at a dark-brown leather couch that's against the side wall with two windows over it. The front door leads directly into the living room without a foyer. I'd guess the living room is like thirteen-feet square. To the left of the front door, in the corner, is a gas fireplace with a screen and to the right in the opposite corner is a coat closet and then steps leading upstairs. There's a big flat-screen TV on the wall next to the front door. I ask, "Did you hang the TV, Dodger?" He shakes his head, "Get serious! The delivery men took care of that. I paid a little extra for the delivery and installation." He's smiling a big smile, obviously thrilled with his apartment, saying, "Would you like a tour?"

As soon as I walked in I smelled the faint scent of fresh paint and new wall-to-wall carpeting. Smells nice! I go, "Of course we'd like a tour." Dodger points to the partial wall opposite the front door, saying, "That's where my Barcalounger will go with an end table and lamp next to it. The deliver is supposed to be today." We walk past the leather couch where a doorway leads to a door on our left. He says, "That's the power room," and he opens the door to a small room with a sink and a toilet. Three more steps down the hall is the kitchen which isn't very big either. It's as long as the living room but only about six-feet deep. There's a small table-for-two plus a short bar against the wall with two stools. Over the bar is a window looking out on a dirt hill that someday will be grass I assume. Dodger says, "The delivery guy for the kitchen stuff was waiting for me when I got here first thing this morning." I go, "Sweet set-up, dude!" Vinnie frowns, mumbling, "Your kitchen's awfully small." Dodger flashes me a smirking glance and pats Vinnie's shoulder, muttering, "Thanks for noticing, Vinnie." The kitchen has all the expected appliances and they're all regular size appliances. There's about ten-feet of counter space with cabinets above the counter, and then a sink of course. Everything looks modern and expensive; maybe just because it's brand new.

Back in the living room we're about to go upstairs when the front doorbell chimes and Dodger goes, "That'll be the Barcalounger," and he answers the door. Vinnie and I stand to the side as two guys carry it in and then take off the plastic wrapping. Dodger signs something and when then leave he sits on his new chair grinning. It's the kind of chair that when you put a little pressure on the back a foot rest lifts up. You can adjust the back too, so basically a person could sleep on it, and definitely fall asleep drunk on it.

We go up carpeted stairs and at the top to the left down a short hallway is a full size bathroom next to a linen closet. Across from the stairway is a small room about eight-foot square that Dodger says could be a second bedroom but he'll set-up his desk and computer in here. Then to the right is his bedroom that's about the same size as the living room. Dodger's apartment is on the end of eight apartments so it has windows along the one side which is much preferable to only having windows in the front and back. We go downstairs and continue down the basement stairs to the small basement that has a washer dryer and hot water heater but very little room for anything else. A door leads to a garage; one-car garage. Pushing a button opens the garage door leading out to an alley. Dodger says, "My back yard is small and just dirt now. It's on the other side of the black-topped alley. You can see the stakes at each corner of the yard. All dirt now but it'll be landscaped. He points up and a little to our left, saying, "There's the closest building to mine," and I see a partially framed building being built where they've leveled out a section of the big hill in front of us.

Nodding my head at the hill, I ask, "Isn't the reservoir on the other side of that hill?" Dodger nods, "Yep, it's hard to believe someone saw this tree-filled hill, hell it's almost a mountain, and thought, "Hmmm, good place for an apartment complex." I just nod my head trying to visualize what this area will look like when they're done. Going back up to the living room, Dodger, says, "It's a smallish apartment but for one person I think it's awesome." I go, "I'll say, Dodger! It's looks high-end with those ceiling moldings and the nice hardware on the doors and drawers. I think it's awesome, dude!" He goes, "First years it's $1900 a month but that's because of all the construct around it. The rent jumps to $2200 a month for small apartments like mine when they're done construction and everything's been landscaped. And then the price goes up for two and three bedroom apartments."

Vinnie says, "You want some help putting that bed in your bedroom together?" Dodger goes, "Well, the tour's over and I was hoping you'd offer to help, Vinnie." Back upstairs we go into his bedroom. There's a queen-size mattress against one wall and against another wall is a long bureau with a smallish upholstered armchair next to it. There are a number of shopping bags full of stuff piled on the chair. Dodger's disassembled cool-looking four-poster bed is made of dark shiny wood leaning against the far wall. Dodger goes, "I've decided I need some help with that mother," pointing at the bed. I say, "Your bedroom-set looks expensive," and he goes, "It wasn't as expensive as it looks. It's made with veneer over plywood or compressed wood, something like that. It's heavy as a mother-fucker though; I know that much. I attempted to get it put together myself but it's not a one-man job; the pieces are wicked heavy."

I mumble, "Well, we're here so let's put it together," and that's what we do. With me holding the headboard up and Vinnie holding the lower foot-board up, Dodger struggles getting the side boards hooked properly to the top and bottom pieces for one side, and then the other. Then there are little boards that go across the side boards. Next we wrestle the box-screen mattress onto the little boards and lastly the mattress goes on top of the box screen. With the three of us it was no problem and took no more than five-minutes. One person could probably figure out a way to do it alone, but why do it alone if you have a couple of friends?

Looking around I'm slowly shaking my head, saying, "Wow, Dodger, I love your apartment, congratulations again, man!" We high five as Vinnie says, "Do you mind if I christen your toilet, Dodger, and is there any toilet paper in there?" We chuckle as Vinnie heads down the hall with us yelling after him, "Don't forget to wash your hands." Vinnie only takes a piss though, and without closing the door. The toilet paper comment was Vinnie's idea of subtle humor. You know, being the first one to take a shit in someone's spanking new toilet. Often though Vinnie's humor is so subtle everyone misses it completely. We hear the water running in the sink and Vinnie yelling, "There's no hand soap." Dodger mumbles, "Little details still need attention," and then he rubs my head and ask, "Ya wanna fuck?" I'm like, "What? Now...?" He flops on the mattress, saying, "Yeah, now. Well, if Vinnie feels like it." I ask, "Does he ever not feel like it?" and Dodger snorts out a laugh and then says, "No, not so far in the seven-years I've known him."

Vinnie's back drying his hands on his shorts, Dodger goes, "Sorry, Vinnie, I should have mentioned I bought some towels and bath gel. They're in that little linen closet." Vinnie looks at the closet and asks, "Were you guys talking about messing around?" Dodger goes, "How'd you guess, ya little hottie," and he hops off the bed and hugs Vinnie and then gives him a kiss on his cheek. Vinnie's face get red. Dodger steps back and Vinnie goes, "Goddamn, I missed you, Dodger." Dodger goes, "Me too Vin. Let's drop our shorts and do a quick train-style fuck. It'll have to be a quickie because I've still gotta do some shopping at the Mall. Linens for the bed, more bathroom stuff and all kinds of shit for the kitchen." Vinnie already has his pants down and he's pulling on his big dick, asking, "Can Dylan and I come shopping with you?" Dodger drops his shorts to his ankles, saying, "I was kinda hoping you'd drive, Dylan. I can't carry much on the motorcycle." I go, "Yeah, sure," and drop my shorts too. Dodger looks at Vinnie and Vinnie goes, "What?" Dodger's like, "Would you be so kind as to initiate boners on Dylan and me?" Vinnie goes, "Okay, if Dylan does the same for me." As my dick does a somersault, I go, "It'll be my pleasure, Vinnie," and Dodger mumbles, "Well, there it is then."

This is a very unexpected but welcome suggestion by Dodger. Those two don't think twice about dropping their shorts on the spur of the moment like this because they're really familiar with each other. I feel a little odd about it but I'm so horny I'd probably have dropped my shorts if Dodger suggested we do it in his dirt back yard. My heart's beating and I'm short of breath but I'm trying to be as casual as they appear to be. There's a very real chance I'm going to embarrass myself by having a premature ejaculation the second either of them touches my dick. Just looking at those two naked guys from the waist down makes my cock feel heavy.

Vinnie sits his bare ass on the side of the mattress. Dodger stands in front of him and man-oh-man does Vinnie suck some cock. I need to look away or I'll climax just standing here watching them go at it. I know I'm going to cum in Vinnie's mouth when it's my turn. Forcing pictures of naked old women fondling my body, trying to block out all Vinnie's slurping on Dodger's cock, his saliva dripping off it, I manage to keep my cock from boning-up. A fast glance at them and I see Vinnie stroking Dodger's cock while sucking, licking, and lightly scrapping his smallish teeth on the shaft. My cock starts getting hard and I mutter, "I need to use the bathroom," and they both look over at me. Dodger asks, "Are you okay, Dylan?" I nod my head, "Yeah, ha, just... um, I'll be right back."

In the bathroom, closing the door behind me, I get cold water in my hand and then wrap my hand around my dick three times until it gets limp. My boner doesn't like cold water. Oh shit, Dodger said the towels are in the linen closet so I step out of the bathroom and get a towel as Vinnie says, "C'mon, Dylan! You're turn." Drying my hand and turning my back to dry my dick." Taking a deep breath I walk over to Vinnie who's still sitting on the edge of the mattress. Being careful not to look at Dodger and his boner, I stand in front of Vinnie feeling my dick firming up again. Vinnie bend over a little and strokes my cock a few times before putting it on his tongue. My mind is picturing an ice-cold waterfall with me putting my dick under the flow. Vinnie licks up the shaft and then says, "Your penis is cold, Dylan." I go, "Uh huh," telling my brain that there's ice in the waterfall and I'm fully under the waterfall freezing my ass off.

Vinnie works up a lot of warm spit and moves it around on my cock with his talented tongue and my cock bones-up just like that... never mind the waterfall. Vinnie goes, "Holy shit! That was fast." I mutter, "I'm horny." He lets go of my dick and it pops up-tightly against my stomach, slippery with Vinnie's spit. I didn't even enjoy the blow-job being so conscious of not shooting off in his mouth. Dodger was looking out the window when Vinnie said, "Holy shit!" and he asks, "What was that? A ten-second blow-job?" Vinnie goes, "Dylan's not used to my magic tongue." Dodger mutters, "Apparently not," and he goes over for seconds, saying, "Let me feel that magic tongue again, Vinnie." I'm looking out the window now myself, not daring to watch them. I hear Dodger complimenting Vinnie on everything; his haircut, his cock sucking, his brains, his body, Vinnie's great cock; it's one sweet compliment after another until Dodger goes, "Stop, I'm gonna cum."

I'm still visualizing being under a cold waterfall while looking out the window at all the dirt. Dodger goes, "Earth to Dylan, you need to suck a boner on Vinnie now. If I did it I'm afraid I'd blow my load after that great cock sucking from my favorite boyfriend." I turn around and see both guys smiling and as relaxed at they can be. Vinnie has spit all around his mouth plus a shiny streak of Dodger's pre-cum at the corner of his lips. With him still sitting on the side of the bed, I look away as I'm walking over to him trying to be as casual as those two are.

Instead of getting on my knees I merely bend over and take Vinnie's big cock in my mouth, but mostly I stroke it while getting under the waterfall in my mind again and there's ice and snow coming over with the water too. I'm picturing lots of snow on the banks of the waterfall and the water almost frozen and I'm naked under it all. Vinnie's big dick mercifully gets hard very quickly. I straighten up as Vinnie mumbles, "You need some lessons on how to suck cock, Dylan." I'm looking away as Dodger says, "What are you talking about? Dylan sucks cock awesomely and he got you hard in thirty seconds." I suspect Vinnie was getting partially hard from sucking Dodger and me off.

Dodger says, "Off the bed now, Vinnie. Dylan's gonna stick his cock up your ass and do a few thrusts to be sure he's in there good. Then I'll stick my fat boy up Dylan's ass and we'll see how long it takes before he splatters your rectum with some of his special creamy cum." That won't take long because just hearing him describe that caused a spurt of pre-cum plopping out of my hard dick and then drooling down the shaft to my nuts. I shudder and get under the waterfall again.

Getting behind Vinnie's I bend my knees some so my cock is level with his asshole. Then, just for the hell of it, and to delay matters a little, I whack, SMACK!" his plump left butt cheek and he yells, "HEY!" so I whack his other butt cheek, "SMACK!" Dodger's laughing as Vinnie grumbles, "Just do what Dodger told you, Dylan." To delay a little longer, I'm like, "It'll be a tight entrance. Don't you have any lubricant, Dodger?" He goes, "Yeah, I've got some but Vinnie and I think lube is for pussies." I go, "That's me alright. A pussy. Let me have the lube." Vinnie mumbles, "If it's just a quickie we're doing here, lube makes a lot of sense." Dodger laughs, "Awesome rationalization, Vinnie," and he goes over to one of the shopping bags on the floor and comes up with a new tube of lube.

I mumble to Vinnie, "I'm overly excited, Vinnie. I don't get to do this with you hardly ever." He turns around, saying, "How about how I fucked you after my haircut. That was awesome, huh?" In an off-handed manner, I mumble, "Yeah, you really know how to fuck." He goes, "Hey, I could interpret that as you being condescending, but I know you're being serious." I go, "So why'd you even mention condescending?" He chuckles and mutters, "You're smarter than I thought." I go, "Whatever. Um, I just might cum almost immediately, so don't be surprised if I do." I'm worried I'll climax when spreading the gel around, never mind sticking my boner up his ass. I don't know why I care except it will be embarrassing as hell and I'll never hear the end of it if I shoot off while lubing Vinnie's asshole.

We all rub lubricant up and down our boners. I do it by barely touching my dick as Dodger's saying, "After Dylan's boner explodes, Vinnie, you get in the middle to fuck Dylan and I'll be the caboose fucking you until we both get off." Oh my God, how am I going to survive this for even a minute? I should be having a great time with these two except I'm too horny to enjoy it. Fuck! If I can last two-minutes that'll be a major accomplishment. That's my goal and I'd be ecstatic if I can hold out that long. I almost climaxed when Vinnie was sucking my dick and then again when I was rubbing lubricant on my boner. I'm gonna climax fast but maybe after my first fast climax and I'm in the front of the train as the engine Vinnie will then be fucking me and maybe I'll have a second climax. Yeah, maybe but for now I'm back to trying not to climax wiping lube on my throbbing boner.

Dodger's got his finger and a gob of lubricant up Vinnie's ass as Vinnie does likewise to my asshole and I go up on my toes gasping. He asks, "What's wrong?" and I go, "Nothing. I got a cramp, um, in my..." and I drop down flat-footed and bend over grabbing my knees taking deep breaths as in my head snow is packed around my cock and someone is pouring ice water on it. That what I try visualizing. The danger of me shooting off being finger fucked in my condition is a very real one. My muscles tighten up on their own and I feel like I'm going to cum so I step away, muttering, "That's enough lube, Vinnie.". He was rubbing all around inside my rectum with his whole finger up there and right on my prostate, rub, rub, rub. I mutter, "Mmmm, oh fuck." His finger came out when I stepped away so he gives my ass two monster whacks, "SMACK! SMACK!" and mutters, "Tic for tat, Dylan." Dodger chuckles and then says, "C'mon, I'm anxious, guys."

Our boners and assholes are now awesomely lubricated so I back up to Dodger as I'm pulling my boner away from my stomach. Vinnie's looking back over his shoulder as I get the head humped in past Vinnie's sphincter muscle. It goes in fairly easy with the lube. Vinnie shudders a little as he mutters, "Ooh." His anus isn't all that tight so Dodger's probably been plowing it frequently of late. I hump three inches of boner upside Vinnie and then hold my breath trying not to cum. Vinnie goes, "Oooh, nice!" Yeah, so far so good. Turning my head, I ask Dodger, "Did Vinnie spend a couple of nights in your hotel room?" He nods, "Yeah, he should be nicely broken in," and he grins and mouths silently, 'Can you stay tonight?' as he nods his head at the bed we're standing next to. Omigod, I don't want to have that in my head right now, but I nod as my shoulders do a little shuddering. My luck is changing, but my goal is to somehow last two-minutes before blasting off.

As the rest of my boner is sliding a little tighter now up Vinnie's ass I close my eyes and feel goose bumps popping out seemingly all over my body. My dick feels so good, then a nice chill runs sexily up my back. I've been missing this. I love connecting with another guy for some friendly mutually-enjoyable buddy-sex but this particular time I'm still under the icy waterfall in my mind while feeling all gooey and scary inside. I put my arms around Vinnie's body and squeeze as I hump against his plump, firm buttocks. Mmmm, it feels so good and I haven't climaxed yet so this is gonna work. Dodger gives my ass one hard smack. I tentatively pull my cock back and thrust it up Vinnie's ass again slowly as my shoulders do crazy shuddering. Vinnie does a quiet, "Mmmm."

Not daring to chance another thrust up his ass, I mutter, "We're good, Dodger." I'm holding Vinnie's back tightly against my chest, fully impaling him and I can feel him shudder a little and push his ass back against me as my climax feels oddly right on the verge of blowing although I don't think it will. I got this far and I think I'm going to let myself enjoy the rest and climax whenever my brain says to do it. No more waterfall bull-shit.

Dodger, as he tends to do, thrusts the fat head right in past my sphincter muscle and I grunt at the pain. Oh yes, the pain is what I forgot about. It'll help me make the two-minute mark. Dodger grips my hips and thrust once and then twice with both me and Vinnie rocking forward and back as Dodger groans, Ooooh," and I hold my breath with stars colliding in my head and then, Poof! I see only the color red for a bit as the pain soars in my mind pushing back thoughts of climaxing. My body's stiffly fighting the urge to curse the pain, not even thinking about an early orgasm now. Our three bodies are tightly docked together as the pain's fading quickly.

Dodger rubs my shoulder leaning his head next to mine, murmuring, "You okay, Dylan?" and then more shoulder rubbing. My cock gets my attention doing some noticeable throbbing inside Vinnie's ass as he's tightening his stomach and buttocks muscles. Taking a deep breathe I mutter, "Yeah, it's getting better fast, Dodger." Nice of him to be concerned and, oh man, my rectum is beginning to feel so good now. Dodger says, "Good. Now you and I need to get a rhythm going, a four-inch rhythm cause, heh heh, that's all I've got is four inches. I'm not like you guys with giant dicks." Neither Rob nor Dodger have ever seem the least bit self-conscious of their four-inch penises, and there's no reason they should either, but lots of guys worry that they have a small penis. Fools!

We both move our hips back slowly while I keep my arms tightly around Vinnie and Dodger keeps his arms around both Vinnie and me. Omigod, the sensations buzzing out from my ass and all around my groin making me gasp, "Aaaah, oooh, fuuuuck." One second I think my rectum is definitely sending stronger sexual sensations than my cock but the next second maybe it's the other way around. Oh fuck, it's a surreal stimulation and my whole body shudders with the pleasure of it all. Dodger and Vinnie both feels me shuddering. Vinnie snickers and murmurs, "You won't last a minute, Dylan." I probably won't, but now I don't care because everything feels fantastically awesome.

I'm following Dodger's lead and now he's pushing his cock up my ass a little faster then he pulled it back, so I do the same pushing my boner up Vinnie's ass and then we do it all over again and a third time too which gets all of us moaning together, "Oooh!" and then we snort out a laugh and Dodger goes, "This really rocks. Faster now Dylan." We pull our boners back and I see Vinnie's body do another little shudder as I thrust my cock up his ass and immediately shake as Dodger's fat boner is slamming up my ass. Retracting my cock I get a strong sense once again that I'm going to cum and it's getting stronger. All my brazenness leaves me as I whimper at the incredible dual sensations coming from off my granite-hard throbbing boner tightly surrounded by Vinnie's rectum, every inch of my hard cock encases in stimulating warm rectum and then my filled-up ass packed with a fat human penis has my prostate pulsating and all those scintillating itchy sexy sensations from all the nerve endings around my asshole... it's all fighting for my brain's attention.

Aware of the unmistakable beginnings of an enormous climax I'm trying not to whimper dropping my forehead against Vinnie's shoulder with sensations streaking around my body now in overwhelming amounts. Leaving my throbbing cock up Vinnie's ass I concentrate on Dodger's fat cock plowing my ass a couple of times. The hard thrust up inside me and the faster withdrawal followed by another hard thrust that pushes Vinnie and me forward a step. My shoulder shudder violently as I groan and tighten the muscles in my body knowing my orgasm is going to blow. My forehead still against Vinnie as I tentatively withdraw my cock just as Dodger is thrusting his up inside me and my climax explodes but instead of squealing I bite Vinnie's shoulder with cum strangely pouring from my cock. In a frantic moment I screw everything up completely by doing a couple of fast and hard wild thrusts trying to experience the fabulous feeling of climax which causes Dodger's cock to pull out of my ass just as another glob of spunk sorts of flops from my cock and I moaning stupidly, "Aaaah, oooh, fuuuuck, mmmm!"

Dodger's laughing and asking, "When did you have your last climax, Dylan?" My odd climax is mostly finished now, but I'm humping Vinnie's cum situated ass in a frenzy as he tries moving away from me, yelling, "Hey, hey." My cock pulls out and I feel sick. That was so intense a climax sensation and it was so very weird it's left me feeling very odd. The strangest least-satisfying climax I can ever remember having. No it felt good, oh I don't know what it felt like. I'm shaking my head aware those two are gawking at me like I'm from outer space. I'm still feeling streaking vibrations all around my groin and off my prostate as I hop around, my shorts at my ankles, pulling on my dick. Vinnie says to Dodger, "Dylan, ruined the train-fuck." Now I snort out a laugh as the sensations subside and I'm able to say, "It's been days and days since my last orgasm, and meanwhile you two have been fucking like minks around the fucking clock, so don't give me any shit." Oh man, now I'm realizing that my orgasm felt more like relief than a hot climax. Weird feeling with cum flowing out, lots of cum, but it was more like drooling from my cock than shooting out in streams like a normally climax. Too much cum had built-up.

Dodger has a bemused expression on his face, saying, "Yeah, but didn't you and I have a few fucks just a couple of days ago, Dylan." I'm a little embarrassed and mutter, "It was more than a couple of days! Leave me alone for a second, will ya!" Vinnie goes, "Can we continue now, Dodger?" He asks me, "Are you okay to continue?" I frown, snapping back, "Of course I am." I'll now be in front of Vinnie's as our train's engine. An engine that has nothing to do basically. The relief of climaxing is finally drifting over me and it makes me take a deep breath and then bend over, squeezing my dick. I'm acting nuts but that climax was too weird for words. Between trying not to cum, and wanting to at the same time, and then finding myself with my dick up Vinnie's ass and Dodger's up mine, well it was too much for a person in my horny condition to handle. A simple fuck with one guy is what I needed, not this train three-way. I hear Dodger say, "Dylan!" and I straighten up, muttering, "Well, let's go then." Damn that was something. I don't recall ever having a sloppy climax like that one before. It was like cum just slushed-out of my dick. Like I said, it was weird.

Vinnie's anxious, but I'm not sure if he's anxious to fuck me or have Dodger fuck him. He's behind me with his hands on my hips, saying, "Ready, Dodger?" Looking back I see Dodger grinning and saying, in a manner you hear Army guys barking out stuff, "Yes, Sir, Sergeant Major!" He gets behind Vinnie and two seconds later Vinnie's leaning against me moaning, "Aaaah, ooooh," as Dodger murmurs, "My fat boner is all in, little buddy." Vinnie squirms, murmuring, "Ooooh, feels good too," and then he thrust his long boner up my ass, maybe four-inches of the eight goes up my ass and that feels good too. Those two are just having buddy-sex for fun while I'm just getting over a rather troubling horny experience. Feeling better now though, better by the second. Dodger had me opened up back there but the walls of my rectum will close down around Vinnie's boner and already my prostate is chirping pleasantly. This is more like it.

Vinnie goes, "Oomph," and the rest of his big boner get driven up my ass making me bend forward a little and go, "Oooh!" And then Vinnie doesn't even try to keep in rhythm with Dodger's thrusting. I'm convinced Vinnie only fucks one way and it's hard and fast. Right from the start we hear the sounds of males fucking, 'Slapslapslapslap," as Vinnie's body slams against my ass with awesome sensations blooming in my rectum and all around the lips of my asshole. Well alright! It's like the desperate need in me was taking care of a few minutes ago and now it's the pure exquisite pleasure of having a big hard cock fucking my ass. Oooh man this feels so good, my head goes back as I moan with pleasure. Vinnie's gasping to Dodger, "This is how I fuck Dylan. I fucked him a new asshole a week or so ago. Didn't I Dylan?" I go, "Mmmm, yeaaaah," as I listen to the music of Vinnie smacking into my buttocks; the subtle, "Slapslapslap," sounds that I'm quite familiar with but haven't heard for too long now. Everything is back to normal.

All I'm thinking about is the pleasure in my ass with my boner so hard again it's lifting away from my stomach and moving down to stick straight out. My bodily systems are back to normal and there's a chorus of moaning and grunting and heavy breathing behind me but it's barely making an impression on me as I squirm and concentrate on my steel cock and vibrating rectum. Interrupting my pleasure palace, Vinnie goes, "Ahh, ahh, ahhhh!" and leans hard against me humping against my ass cheeks as I feel a hard stream of his creamy warm cum splatter against the wall of my bowels. He's stopped thrusting, just humping against any ass without pulling his cock back at all, finishing his orgasm. I'm gasping as a good stream of cum shoots from my cock and as I gasp the sensations fade and I hump my ass back at Vinnie who's lying against my back limply with his right arm over my shoulder holding himself up.

Dodger goes, "Vinnie! Don't quit now," and Vinnie says, "That orgasm was fantastic times zenzizenzizenzic." Dodger goes, "Is that a number?" Vinnie moans, "Yeah, I had a major, major climax." Dodger goes, "Well yeah, I guess so since we haven't had a three-some like forever, and there's nothing like being an inside car during a train-fuck." He pulls Vinnie back with Vinnie's long cock pulling out of my ass making me moan, "Aaaah, mmm." Dodger pulls out of Vinnie's ass and forces his fat cock up my ass and adjust himself a little, mumbling, "I shot off in Vinnie's ass a couple of minutes ago but let's you and me see if we can go for seconds." I nod my head fully willing and able now.

Dodger gets both arms around my chest and it's, "Slapslapslap," hard fast fucking for I don't know how long, but what a great train ride! As my third orgasm builds I'm squirming so much Dodger has trouble holding me still enough to keep that fire-plug shaped boner moving in my ass. Finally an orgasm is on me again and every pore in my body sparkles. It's amazing and fantastic as my cock quivers and then, "Eeeeiii," with a sharp but short stream of cum shooting straight out to splat on the floor and a second later Dodger goes, "Hello!" and humps twice against my ass, squeezing me around my stomach so hard it hurts me as he climaxes.

We're both sweating and when his fat cock pulls out of my ass I get shivers all over me; shivers of pleasure and satisfaction. It was awesome and that short climax was a much better one than the first sloppy one with globs of cum flopping out. Too much volume to shoot out in a stream. I go, "Oh, holy shit, awesome, awesome, awesome and I mean both of you! That felt primo good." Vinnie mutters, "Jeez, you're welcome, Dylan," like he doesn't understand what the big deal was. For me the second climax put me back in working order and then the third; that's what the big deal was! I keep it to myself though because it was very nerdy of me to be so horny after only three days without sex. It's something I let build-up in my head until it got all out of proportion. A learning experience.

Dodger's still breathing hard and then he gasps, "Did I hear the doorbell?" We're all using tissues from a box on the window sill wiping cum off our asses and dicks. Feeling so much better now, I shrug and brightly say, "I didn't hear anything." Dodger pulls up his shorts grinning at Vinnie and me, "That was fun, huh?" He goes down the steps and we hear mumbled words and some rustling around and then the door slam. Dodger comes back upstairs, announcing, "The end table and a lamp just got delivered." He looks at us and asks, "You guys wanna take a shower. We've got some towels and bath gel, although that's all I've got for the bathroom so far." Vinnie says, "We got the shower curtain too, Dodger." He goes, "Oh yeah, the one you bought for me. Thanks, Vinnie "

We go in the bathroom and suffer the hassle of getting the hooks in the shower curtain and then hanging it on the bar. Shower curtains aren't classy. Sliding glass doors are, so that's the first thing I could be critical about Dodger's apartment, although I keep it to myself. Dodger goes, "We're making progress, boys," and then he gets his arm around Vinnie's neck pulling him against his side, saying to me, "I've got a twelve pack of Bud in the refrigerator. It's all I've got in the refrigerator so while Vinnie and I take a shower first, Dylan, why don't you grab a beer and we'll be done in like ten-minutes." I nod, "Sure, okay," and as I'm going downstairs I hear Vinnie say, "No, Goddammit, Dodger, I want to wash myself."

Oh boy, do I feel relaxed and pleasantly satisfied, and I mean all over me. Sure, a shower will be good too, but it's such a great feeling being sexually satisfied. Omigod, the second and third orgasms! Well, after the first weird one the second normal one seemed all the more spectacular and then Dodger fucking a third one out of me. It just felt so fucking good! What the hell, I'll celebrate with a beer. I get a bottle of Bud and sit in Dodger's Barcalounger and get the foot rest up. Wow, this leather is so soft! Nice fucking chair. I don't see the TV remote and wouldn't fuck with it if I did see it. TV's nowadays can be complicated if you hit the wrong button and get off the right channel or something. I get up chugging some beer and walk over to the gas fireplace. There's a button so I take a chance and push it. A fire appears among fake logs and looks like a real fire... almost. Jeez, and I'm spending the night here too. Things are looking up...

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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