Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Nov 24, 2017



Chapter 12

by Donny Mumford

In Hayden's bathroom I'm pondering, 'What the fuck is going on with Hayden and me? Clearing my head of this slightly hypnotic trance-like-state-of-mind takes me a minute. Partial trances like this one are pleasant and peaceful and sexy, but they make me lethargic and; well, a little stupid too. Hayden is wiping his face with both hands like he's washing it, exclaiming, "Jesus, that was hot, Dylan! You're, um... really something, dude! Whatever the fuck you were daydreaming about it made for one hot make-out and... so, um, sweet! Oh man, I knew you and me were alike right from the first time I met you. There was something happening between us, sparks flying or some damn thing, and we both felt it, huh?"

I hear him but from what I remember of our first meeting I though he was an odd-ball, and I didn't notice sparks or anything else flying between us, so he's totally wrong about that. It's a moot point anyway because it's the here and now that matters. Hayden goes, "Dylan, didn't you feel a significant connection when we first met?" Looking at him, I shrug, mumbling, "Not really, no. Um, I don't know, Hayden, but whatever came over me a few minutes ago was very strange. Very mysterious." He says, "You're an awesome make-out, I know that much. I felt so desired and it was just a remarkable experience." I go, "You say I'm the awesome make-out? Get serious, dude, you have some magical technique with your lips and tongue that's off the fuckin' charts." He waves his hand at me, kinda gay and loose, muttering, "You're full of compliments, but honestly there's nothing magical about how I make-out, except maybe it comes across how much I love doing it, not that I get the chance very often." He's looking at himself in the mirror, laughing and muttering, "Oh fuck, we're both a mess with all this smeared lipstick." Hayden's a very cheerful fella!

Meanwhile I'm desperate to get over this insane infatuation that's developed out of nowhere for him. Lets see, we've got more than an hour to kill before Danny gets here. Alright, I need to cool it with Hayden for at least that long. His whispery promise to fuck me if I want him to is; well, it's damn disturbing, is what it is. I mean, was I so obvious about wanting it? Glancing at him quickly I'm wondering what there is about him that's got me so hot? To say the least, this has been a very unusual day with the three-way-sex-a-thon and then too much drinking all day as well. It's enough to put me off my game. Yeah, but the drinking was an all-day event in spurts without ever really tying a load on so I can't blame everything on that. Still it might have had something to do with Hayden and me acting weirdly oversexed for a couple of minutes there, kissing and groping each other like dogs in heat. Fucking embarrassing behavior! And something I totally didn't expect and yet Hayden's seemingly blasé about it, like it didn't surprise him all that much.

Well, first things first, I need to wash off this lipstick and rub off the eyeliner. Obviously the makeup wasn't my idea, Hayden put some on my face mostly as a joke. Whew, I still can't get over that wild couple of minutes with both of us making-out like madmen... it came way out of left field, WHAM!. Damn though, my fucking nuts are still buzzing. Jeeesus, I thought I was gonna blow a load in my pants. He was so hot! No, I gotta stop thinking like this. It was just one of those weird things that happens... and then it's over.

He just said something that I didn't catch, so I'm like, "What was that, Hayden?" He bumps against my side, grinning and asking, "Why the frowning?" I shrug, and he goes, "Anyway I was just saying that us holding hands like this is so sweet, girlfriend." Looking down I see he's holding my hand. I gotta get outta this fog, and I mean right now! I start by emphatically saying, "I'm not your girlfriend!" and he goes, "Of course you're not," and he lets go of my hand.

Smelling the back of my wrist, I glance at him again and he mugs back at me, mimicking, "I'm not your girlfriend," and I snort out a laugh and then says, "Sorry I yelled at you.". He says, "Oh hell, no problem. Daniel and I yell at each other all the time." He touches my arm, "Ya know, Dylan, I kinda half-expected we'd end up making-out this afternoon." I shrug again, saying, "Ya don't say, well it surprised the hell outta me, but it was, um, pretty good." And then, trying to make up for yelling at him, I go, "I guess it's just one of those things us girlfriends do, huh?" He laughs, "That's getting in the spirit of things, Dylan!"

Fuck! He looks so, um, so huggable. Something has been bothering me, so why not ask, "Um, Hayden, this thing about Danny not being able to take a dick up his ass. Since when did he decide that?" He's like, "Whaddaya mean?" I shrug, "Well, I'm remembering a three-way with Danny, Rob, and me a few years back and he was 'bottoming' then, no problem. Hayden's like, "You had a three-way with Danny?" I go, "So long ago I can hardly remember it. Don't worry about it." He asks, "Anything else between Danny and you?" I make a circle with my thumb and forefinger, saying, "Zero, nada, nothing else at all!" He nods and I go back to my point, "So, yeah, way back then he used to 'bottom' right?" Hayden goes, "Yeah, but he always preferred to 'top'." I go, "Lots of guys prefer 'topping' for chissakes, but Danny claiming now he's physically unable to 'bottom'. Do you know why?" Hayden shrugs, "Oh, I don't remember why, um, you'll need to ask him." Hmmm, that sounds like bull-shit, but am I misremembering? No, I'm sure we had a three-way. Maybe I'll ask Danny. Kinda personal though.

Hayden has his fingers under the spigot flow waiting for the water to warm-up, saying, "Usually I use makeup-removal. You know, towelettes for taking off makeup." I don't know shit about that. Hayden adds, "But of course just when I really could use them, I'm out, but..." I grab him and pull him against me. He drops the washcloth and we embrace and get into a sexually stimulating kiss with Hayden using Ryan Wilcox's kissing technique... amazing! My fingers are in his hair pulling his face against mine and after about a minute Hayden breaks the kiss and we both gasp. I can feel his hard long cock pressing against my thigh. I've got a hard boner in my pants too; one that started when I initiated the first make-out back in his bedroom. I don't know why I did that then... or now. He just seemed so fucking hot all of a sudden. I had an urge to kiss him earlier in the day too, a couple of time. Urges I fought off as inappropriate behavior for the two of us. He's Danny's main boyfriend and even though we had three-way sex with Danny, it doesn't feel right having sex with just Hayden. Making-out with him like this seems stupidly wrong too, so why am I doing it?

We're both a little awkward now as we let go of one another. I can't even look at him, as I mumble, "That was my fault, um, again. I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm started these make-outs with you. My brain is fried or something, and..." but I can't think of anything else to say. He puts his hands on my shoulders, saying, "Dylan!" I look over and see the calm serious expression on his face and then he grins and goes, "Look at the fucking mess you've made of my hair," and he laughs his contagious laugh. Why isn't this upsetting or at least surprising to him?

I'm shocked this isn't big deal to Hayden. He's joking about me messing-up his hair during the make-out. Glancing at his hair I see it's sticking up here and there. All I can do is frown at his head like... how did that happen? The expression on my face makes him burst out laughing again, saying, "You silly girl, we aren't doing anything wrong. A gay kiss between gay friends. What's wrong with that?" He calls that a kiss for a friend? It was more like the out-of-control make-out lovers will do reuniting after a long separation. Fuck, my hearts is still thumping in my chest as I go, "Ha, yeah, I know that. I'm just fuckin' with you."

My head is spinning as Hayden picks up the now saturated washcloth. He turns off the water and wrings out most of the water, cheerfully saying, "Sure, just a kiss between friends although maybe it was a little bit special too." I go, "Yeah well, you're obviously at the 'master-level' for kissing, so yeah, it was a little more than a kiss between gay friends. Actually, to tell you the truth, I felt like a fifth grader kissing for the first time compared to your hot kisses." He goes, "Oh poo! You're an incredibly sexy kisser yourself. Close your eyes," and I get irritable again, saying, "I can wash my own face, for chrissakes." He gives me a 'look' holding the washcloth up, so I shrug and exaggeratedly close my eyes. He chuckles as he washes my face removing the eyeliner and lipstick. "All done," he says and ruffles my hair, mumbling, "Just getting even with you for messing-up my hair," and then he uses the same washcloth to wash the smeared lipstick off his face. Lipstick that was transferred there from my lips. I stand here like a stooge as he dries my face with a hand towel that smells good.

Taking my hand again Hayden pulls me back to the bedroom with me complaining, "No fucking hand-holding, Hayden!" and he goes, "That's where you're wrong, we are holding hands." I try pulling my hand from his but he giggles holding mine with both of his, laughing again, and then saying, "This is even more fun than a night with Ruby and Darleen." I stop pulling on my hand and look at him with all intentions of acting irritated, but I can't pull it off and do a short laugh. Man, I haven't been effected like this since freshman year with Ryan. Back then we had the hots for each other, the hots that reached otherworldly proportions; nuclear heat! For a period of freshman year we were wildly out-of-control and I do not want a repeat of that, and why in the name of all that's holy do I feel this heat for Hayden in the first place... him of all people? Damn!

He puts a kinda cute mischievous expression on his face, asking, "Shall we?" Of course I know what he's talking about, the aforementioned sex. When I was in another one of my dumb-ass trances he offered to fuck me naked in his bed. And now, like a fool, to his question of, Shall we? I look over at his bed instead of saying an emphatic, 'NO!' He saw me look at the bed and asks, "You want to do it in my bed? That's no problem for me except Mom changes the sheets on Monday, so..." and he shrugs.

Fuck, I can't catch my breath! I wanna say something but I shake my head instead. He looks at me with a questioning expression on his face, his eyebrows up, asking me, "Um, are you saying you don't care if the sheets aren't fresh, or are you saying you don't want me to fuck you in my bed? I'm not sure what shaking your head meant." I mutter, "I don't care about the sheets." Fuck! I was gonna say, I don't want to do this! He grins, saying in good humor, "Good, I didn't think you'd care that I've slept on the sheets, I mean we shared the same fork at dinner. I like that about you!" I take a deep breath and gasp out, "I'm feeling funny, Hayden. Too much to drink today I guess." He's unbuttoning my shirt, saying, "This will make you feel better and I know I'll feel better," and he lifts up on his toes to kiss my lips and we're into another mad embrace. Fuck it! I like the feel of his super slim body.

We kiss with my hands on his ass holding him tightly against me, Hayden staying up on his toes. Our heads are moving, smearing our saliva on each other's face and rubbing our noses together and then, with his arms around my neck, he wraps his legs around me and I'm holding him off the floor as we kiss crazily. It goes on for like ninety-seconds with the smell and taste of him totally in my head. Needing oxygen we abruptly stop and he puts the side of his head against the side of my chin. We take some deep breaths as I feel his heart hammering fast against my chest and I suppose he feels mine too. His lips near my ear, he asks, "What's happening, Dylan?" Another deep breath as I loosen my hold around him and he drops his feet to the floor. I murmur, "I don't fucking know, but don't jump on me like that again, okay? That's something a girl might do with her boyfriend or a child would do to a parent." I can see he's trying to look serious but then he breaks out laughing again and I chuckle along with him, asking, "Too creepy an explanation?" He just nods his head slowing and winds-down his laughter.

We sit on the edge of his bed together. Ya know what? Hayden reminds me of another Ryan, my bus-buddy Ryan. I mean they have the same body type and complexion. I take a chance and glance at him and see his face is flushed and his sexy lips are parted. He looks up at me and makes a goofy face and we both bust out laughing. I look away because I had another urge to get into our third or fourth hot make-out. Smelling the back of my hand I'm trying to think. Trying to clear my head but all I can taste and smell is Hayden. He reaches over gently and pulls my hand over and then puts his nose on the back of my hand like I was doing. I mumble, "It's a silly habit of mine. I picked it up from some boy, although I don't know why, so don't bother asking me." Then I add, "Fact is I don't know the 'why' about a lot of things, Hayden." He says, "I'll bet that boy didn't smell as good as you do." Pulling my hand back, I say, "I wasn't smelling his hand, I picked-up the.... oh never mind!"

Again I'm trying to get my thoughts together and be sensible and mature about this, I say, "I know I've instigated most of these insane making-out episodes, but I'm over all that now. I'm sorry, but this isn't right. I mean us doing this behind Rob and Danny's backs." Hayden laughs out loud again, leaning forward laughing so hard he gets the hiccups. He laughs at anything! Oh fuck, I can't help it, I'm chuckling along with him because he has the most contagious laugh ever. I finally ask, "What's so fucking funny?" He says, "You, that's what! You said, doing it behind their backs. What do you think they're doing behind our backs?" Yeah, I guess that's was stupid logic.

Hell, I fuck behind Rob's back a couple of times a week, or more if I can find someone I like enough to do it with. I go, "Yeah, you're right. I meant you and me specifically... us." He's like, "I don't understand why you'd think we're exempt from having what Daniel calls side-sex." I mutter, "That's what he calls it, huh?" I invented that fucking term! That's not the point though, obviously. I go, "When you put it that way, I can't think why I said that. Yeah, why not you and me?" He goes, "Exactly! Like I've told you any number of times, you and me are very much alike. I told you that the first time we met." I go, "Well, no offense, but I'm getting kinda sick of hearing that misconception of yours so I'm gonna have to strongly disagree with you there. We're not at all alike, Hayden. In fact we're quite different. And I'm not inferring one is better than the other, but we're very different."

He says, "You don't understand what I mean. Hey, do you want one of those horrible beers we had this afternoon?" Not really wanting one, but it gets us off this bed, so I mumble, "I'll share one with you, I guess." We get up and go downstairs with Hayden saying, "I love that we share things." Sitting at his kitchen table we pass the bottle of terrible beer back and forth as Hayden explains. "Girlfriend, listen up! I didn't mean we're alike in looks or mannerisms, or the way we dress or anything like that. I mean we're both deeply into gay sex, and I mean more so than the average gay person. Most of all though, you and I love guys! I saw it in your eyes when we were sitting together on the bench before the movie last week. You know, when you were undressing me with those big blue eyes of yours." I chuckle, "Now you're getting ahead of yourself, girlfriend! I didn't think you were even slightly interesting when we first met, never mind undressing you with my eyes." He takes a swallow of beer grinning at me confidently, muttering, "Liar. You were interested or at least intrigued by me. It was something like that 'cause your eyes don't lie." I can't help but snort out a laugh, it's contagious, and then say, "Okay, maybe you're a little bit right about that, mind-reader."

He shakes his head, saying, "Your eyes give you away. Hasn't anybody told you that in your twenty-one years of being sexy?" I go, "No, and I'm not sure it's even true. You just guessed right for once." That's a big lie by me. I mean the part about no one telling me my eyes give me away. A number of guys have told me that. He goes, "Anyway, your eyes tell me you're hot for me and that makes me sooooo happy I can't begin to tell you. It also tells me you're an open-minded guy who is willing to overlook what you obviously find distasteful. I'm referring to my gay mannerisms and my choice of vocabulary involving the word 'girl', as well as, derivatives of that word when addressing you."

Oh fuck, his voice is bringing that hypnotic trance on me again. I wish I could describe what there is about his voice that's doing this to me, but I can't. Feeling like I'm drifting, I shrug and murmur, "Are you hypnotizing me, Hayden?" He goes, "If I am, good! C'mon back to my bedroom," and he holds his hand out to me. I get up and, against all my inclinations to the contrary, I take his hand and we go upstairs with him staring at me until I ask, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He says, "I knew we were kindred spirits, but to be honest I didn't really think you'd want to do it with me this soon in our relationship." I'm like, "Relationship? Are you kidding me?" Feeling frustrated, mostly at myself, I emphatically say, " We don't have a relationship, Hayden! I reluctantly admit I've got the hots for you. I don't know why, but I do. That, however is not a relationship!" He smiles that calm patient nice smile of his, murmuring, "Thanks for explaining that to me, Dylan," and he squeezes my hand. It occurs to me that heis holding my hand, which is very different from me holding his. It is!

Holding my hand he pulls me through the bedroom to his bathroom, saying, "We share everything so I hope you won't mind sharing my toothbrush. Fresh breath is nicer, especially after than awful beer." I don't mind sharing his toothbrush. I'm glad he doesn't mind letting me use it 'cause I'm always up for brushing my teeth. After brushing, we gargle with red cinnamon-flavored mouthwash. Ugh! I rinse out the mouthwash with water and then he goes, "Good idea," and he does it too making me laugh, although I'm not sure why. It's getting to be a habit around him.

I'm out of my trance, mostly because he's not talking much now. Back in the bedroom I finish the job Hayden started by unbuttoning the last three button of my shirt and then take it off. He says, "You have a very hot body, Dylan." I go, "Ha, you say that when a few hours ago, I saw your boyfriend's body." He grins, "I didn't say it was a hot as his, but I like yours very much and you smell ridiculously good." I mutter, "Yeah, I know," and he laughs making me chuckle along with him again.

It takes less than a minute for us to get naked. I look at his long cock, it's impossible not to. He's pointing at the bed, inviting me to get in it. I'm staring back at him wanting to suck his cock but not wanting to admit that. He asks, "What's wrong?" and I go, "Nothing," and pull the covers back. Sliding into his double-bed, I ask, "Which side do you sleep on?" He smiles, "Both sides," and he gets in and wraps his arms around me." He held my hand and now he wraps his arms around me indicating Hayden feels he's the aggressor, the 'top' and therefore the one in-charge. Or as some misguided guys think: he's the male figure and I'm the other.

I take a deep breath as he puts a leg in between mine, and against my firm cock. He's lying partially on top of me, murmuring, "You're getting hard already." Oh man, I don't get this. Why am I captivated by Hayden? I nod my head, "Yes, you get me hot. I already told you that mysterious fact." He pulls his chest up on top of mine and his face comes to mine and we kiss with my arms going around him to hug him tightly. I love his body. It's a small body compared to mine, so by rights I should feel like the dominant one, but I don't.

We make-out hot and heavy with him sliding almost entirely on top of me, only for a minute or so though. We're both breathing raggedly, fully boned-up that quickly. He says, "Get on your stomach now," and I hesitate for a second, wanting to see him as he fucks me, but he says, "Go ahead, Dylan. Turn over." I nod, feeling a yummy submissive trance sneaking up on me again making my boner throb deliciously. He slides off me and gets up on his knees watching me do what I'm told. I turn over onto my stomach and then automatically push my ass up. There's still lubricant in my rectum from earlier, although more would be helpful considering the size of his dick. First though, on his knees next to me, he spanks my ass hard for a long minute until my buttocks are red, hot, and stinging with me grunting, "Ow, ooh, ow." He says nothing about the spanking as he gets between my legs now and then spreads them, quietly saying, "Get your spanked pussy up higher." I slide fully into one of my dreamy submissive trances feeling wonderful and not thinking about anything except Hayden's long boner and how much I love getting fucked up my smacked ass.

He pushes the head of his boner against the lips of my asshole and then forces it in past my sphincter muscle with a grunt from him and a quiet, "Ahhh," from me as I push my ass up a little more. Hayden leans forward and his big cock plows its way into my rectum at a steady pace with me gritting my teeth against the initial pain. It's only been a little over three hours since both Danny and Hayden fucked me hard so my rectum is still kind of opened-up for Hayden's boner and it goes in easier than it did earlier. Still there's some pain but not enough for me to concern myself with. Hayden leans against my ass, fully impaling me now, murmuring, "Good girl," which I find easy to ignore by now as the sexual pleasure overrides the pain and I squirm on the bed feeling... oh so good. Three fucks in a day doesn't happen very often since Ryan and I parted ways. The crazy making-out aside, and I haven't figured that out yet, this here is buddy-sex for the sheer pleasure of it and much different than lover's sex where emotions play a big part.

Hayden says, "Your pussy feels like it's ready for my big cock now so I'm gonna start slow and work my way up to harder and faster thrusting. Fasten your seatbelt." Then he smacks my ass again and says, "Oh man, my big cock inside your ass feels so fucking good! Well actually it feels like it was made for your hot ass," and he pulls his big boner back making me do a "Ssssshh," sound sucking in air between my closed teeth. My shoulders do a little shudder as he pushes it all the way back up my ass, murmuring, "Awesome," and pulls it back again with my body shaking as the pleasure off my prostate goes a little crazy. Ten-thick-inches-of-hard-cock constantly stimulating that pleasure gland has it ringing like a bell. Hayden's cock feels better than even Ryan's, but if memory isn't playing tricks on me, Ray's eight-inch cock with that huge mushroom head might still be the hottest cock I've ever felt up my ass.

Hayden does four steady thrusts and withdrawals that have me closing my eyes and swooning at the pleasure. So perfect and then it's a full-out, balls-to-the-walls hard fast fucking with the, 'Slapslapslapslap," sounds lighting my fire and BAM! off we go! Tremendous explosion of sensations bursting in my rectum, an avalanche of sexual pleasure with Hayden grunting and breathing noisily, sounds that join my constant moans of pleasure. My moans of sexual pleasure grow louder and now constant until it's another embarrassing display but I can't believe how good this feels. Four then five minutes of ecstasy as I shake with the pleasure of it all, and then my climax takes over everything. It comes on me fast too. I feel it coming on and then it's bombs away immediately with me doing a wild hump back at Hayden thrust and then my hips hump forward with me squealing into the pillow and cum pumping out of my boner. The streak of cum goes, "Splat" on his bed sheet followed by another stream of cum pouring out and, trembling now, I drop my ass and flop flat on the bed quivering as my own cum squishes on my body. Hayden's still pumping away. My eyes are tightly closed as sensations circle wildly around my groin, incredible after effects of that hot orgasm. I'm still quivering as I feel Hayden pulling at my hips trying to get my ass up but I dizzily and limply continuing lying in my own cum.

He goes, "Push your pussy up, Dylan," and that makes me grin to myself. I don't have a pussy so how can I push it up. He gets a hand on the bed at either side of my chest now, thrusting his cock back and forth for another minute. It still feels good as I smell him on his pillow and then there's a gasp from Hayden and some flopping against my back as he humps against my buttocks apparently climaxing although I don't feel a hard stream hit my bowels. He humps some more and then lies on my back breathing deeply. Yeah, that was a really good fuck!

Hayden had to do all the work of course so his heart is hammering against my back and I smell cinnamon, faintly, from the deep breaths he's taking. The top of his head reaches my left ear. His damp hair against my cheek. His chest expands and relaxes on my back as he continues his deep breathing. One last deep breath and he does a push-up getting off my back and then flops over on his back next to me which pulls his long dick from my ass. It drags over the back of my left thigh all wet and sticky with cum. His head is turned towards me and we smirk at one another. There's no hugs and kisses so I'm encouraged by that. Hayden simply says, "I don't get to do that very often even though I love being the 'top'." I say, "I thought you were fucking your roommate all year at Duke." He shrugs and scrunches over a little closer so his side is against mine, and tells me, "I lied. Not about having sex. We had sex a lot but my roommate couldn't handle my big cock, so it was exclusively him fucking me. I liked that too, don't get me wrong. "Topping' is my preference though." I mutter, "I like the 'bottom' myself." He nods and grins, saying, "In can see that. My big penis is a curse, Dylan. Hardly anyone will let me fuck them, not that I know a shit-load of gay guys to begin with. The ones I do know are a no-go as far as me 'topping'." His voice gets me in a hypnotic trance again as I grin and put my arm over his back.

We're quiet for a minute as my trance fades away and then I mumble, "Huh, I always thought a big dick like yours would be an advantage." He shakes his head, "Not so far, not in my experience, but maybe with you...." I grin, saying, "But now you found me, huh?" He nods his head grinning, "Uh huh, now I found you. Lucky me! It's obvious you like my big dick." I go, "It's okay I guess." He smiles and lifts up on his side knocking my arm off his back and putting his right arm over my back, saying, "And you liked that spanking I gave you too, didn't you? Admit it!" I hesitate but then nod, feeling an odd sensation. I guess I'm embarrassed admitting that to him... someone I barely know, but I wanted to tell him for some reason.

Experience tells me I need to control myself though. I can't allow Hayden to get into a really dominant frame of mind. I've let other guys do that, even encouraging it sometimes, but I'm not doing that with Hayden. We're gonna be sex-buddies though and I'm almost positive about that. Maybe he reads my mind again, as he says, "It will be a thrill for me to keep fucking you all summer but we need to be very discrete about it, Dylan. The three-way with Daniel was one thing, but your instinct was right that it's not the same as regular run-of-the-mill buddy-sex between us two. The four of us are friends and it's like us girls have ganged-up behind our men's back." I mutter, "Except we're not girls." He asks, "Why does that bother you so much? I know we're not girls, jeeezus!"

Letting that go for a second, I ask seriously, "Do you wish you were a girl? You know, like those transgendered people who feel their sex organs are in error." He takes his hand from across my back and pinches my nose, saying, "Nooo! That's a big fat NO! I love being a guy, I just wish I had a small penis like yours. Um, I'm not sure how I got started with that girl referencing stuff. Maybe I like doing it because it ruffles some guys feathers. It's a habit, like you smelling the back of your hand." Again, his voice gets me partially hypnotized so I just nod as if I understand, although I don't think it's the same kind of habit at all and my penis isn't small. It's not worth arguing about though. I'm dealing with the urge to have him kiss me the way he does it like Ryan Wilcox does it. This isn't even close to love though; not even in the ballpark. My urges are totally sexual urges. There is some kissing and making out as foreplay between some sex buddies, but not very many. Sex-buddies usually just want to maybe get their dick sucked and then fuck. This thing I'm doing with Hayden is an anomaly.

We look at each other for a minute and it occurs to me that I'd like to spend the night with him, which is so far out of the question as to be absurd. That was an insane thought. I check my wristwatch: it's quarter-to-eight. I tell him the time and he asks, "Can I fuck you again before Danny gets here?" My shoulders shudder a little making him laugh as he gets tighter against me, murmuring, "Do you think we'll fall in love, Dylan?" I frown, mumbling, "Do not fall in love with me, please! Don't even utter the word. We're, um, what you said, fuck-buddies." He grins, "I never said that. I said we're doing side-sex." To change the subject, I say, "I like your haircut," and he runs his fingers through his hair laughing and saying, "Nice change of subject. Hey, I forgot about my haircut. Can you believe that?" I go, "Yeah, that's weird, but as to fucking again, realistically we can't do it again tonight; not enough time. Tomorrow though, that's another thing all together."

I turn over onto my back taking a deep breath and then sighing. Hayden asks, "Well then, when are we going to get together tomorrow? I might not have the use of my Mom's car." I say, "Well steal a car, fool!" He laughs and get up to sit on my stomach, a knee on either side of me, as he says, "Ooou, I love that you're so anxious for me to do you again that you want me to steal a car and come to you." I mutter, "Whatever," as I'm feeling his big sticky, placid cock on my ribs. He says, "Call me tomorrow when I get back from brunch with my parents." He shimmies up my body to my chest, dragging his sticky cock with him, and asks, "Are you glad we got together like this tonight?" I nod, and he leans over to put his finger in my mouth grinning, "Suck on my finger and be submissive to me." His big sticky cock head is now lying against the side of my neck. Every outrageous thing he's doing puts me in another pleasant trance as I just lie here looking at his face.

Adjusting his position on my chest, he says, "If you were born in Ancient Greece around the time of Alexander the Great you'd have been a perfect candidate, I mean when you were ten-or-eleven-year-old, to be gelded and sold as a slave eunuch, and I'd buy you." I'm like, "What in the fuck are you talking about now?" He says, "I'm reading a book called, The Persian Boy, by Mary Renault. It's about a boy who at ten years of age was captured and became a slave. That kind of thing happened in those day all the time. One tribe conquers another and takes the women and children to sell as slaves. This boy's name in the book is, Bagoas, and it's true historically that he was trained to be a pleasure giver to men and he finally ended up as Alexander's slave/lover. Well, Alexander didn't treat him like a slave at all. Bagoas was beautiful with long blond hair. When I met you I thought you'd be the perfect Bagoas from the book if you let your pretty hair grow out like mine was before you cut it."

He takes his saliva saturated finger from my mouth as I'm fighting off another hypnotic trance brought on by Hayden's actions and him talking this crazy-shit in his hypnotic voice. I manage to quietly mumble, "I'd prefer keeping my balls if it's all the same to you." He laughs moving his finger across my lips, saying, "Bagoas never had a beard and the gelding kept his voice youthful. Your voice is very youthful-sounding and, while you still have your nuts, you don't have a beard. I'm going to make you my Bagoas, ha ha!" I mutter, "I'm working on the beard." He grins and says, "I'm calling you Bagoas from now on." I go, "Please don't fucking do that, and would you get off of me so we can get cleaned-up. Danny could be here before eight-thirty, ya know." He slides off me and we both get off the bed. I point to the bed, saying, "There's cum on that bed so you might want to change the sheets." He goes, "Nope, I'm happy to sleep in your cum."

We go into the bathroom again and Hayden uses the same washcloth he used for the makeup cleaning my neck, stomach, chest, ass, and the back of my legs with it. He mutters, "It wasn't a huge orgasm I shot up your ass, but being the third one in something like four hours. I didn't really expect it would be a big one. How'd it feel?" There ya go... bingo... the 'top' hinting for compliments! I'm washing my face and hands, saying, "Hayden, you fuck spectacularly and those dumb-asses at Dude don't know what they're missing." He goes, "You're so nice with your compliments; compliments that you give so freely. I love that!" Back in his bedroom getting dressed, I'm like, "Hey, what the fuck are we gonna tell Daniel, um, Danny? What should we tell him we did these past four or five hours?" He goes, "Oh fuck, yeah. I don't know, let me think. Well, obviously we'll tell him the truth, minus the making-out and sex." I go, obviously," and he goes, "Okay, you gave me this awesome haircut, we had dinner together after a few beers, and... what else can we make-up that we did?" I shrug as his cellphone rings.

We look at each other guiltily for a second, and then we both fumble our cellphones from our pants. It's Hayden's phone and he turns his back to me answering it. "Wassup, Darleen?" He listens and says, "Oh nothing much," and then, "Hey, yeah I'd like to see that movie, um, but can you do me a favor first?" and he arranges that this girl, Darleen, will pick us up and drive me home before they go to the movies. Awesome! I go, "Hey, you know what? We never told Danny to pick me up here anyway. He'll go to my place." Hayden frowns, "Oh fuck, you're right," and he laughs, adding, "It's not eight o'clock yet so we've got time to get you home before he gets there, and then we won't need to make up other stuff we did. We had a couple of beers, you cut my hair and then we went to dinner after which I dropped you off. Can you remember that?" I go, "Duh, could you run through that one more time?" He laughs and gives me a hug, muttering, "My dumb-ass, Bagoas."

Letting go of me, he says, "Darleen will be here in like five-minutes." We go downstairs with Hayden taking my hand again and me pulling it away. He laughs, "No, Dylan! You need to do what I want because I'm the 'top' and you're my submissive 'bottom'; my eunuch slave, Bagoas. Now give me your hand," but he laughs, kidding about the 'Now give me your hand', remark, but I don't know how much of the rest he believes. I'm determined to strictly stay in a buddy-sex mode with Hayden; nothing more than that and we're definitely doing away with the heavy make-outs. Those uncontrollable make-outs need to stop! And we gotta stop the staring into each other's eyes too, plus all of the other boyfriend things like holding hands, and hugging, and whatever else. Nothing like that is necessary to do buddy-sex.

Hayden says, "Well Bagoas, how are we going to work out getting together tomorrow?" I say, "We're not if you keep that Bagoas shit up." He comes over pretending to try holding hands again, chuckling and saying, "C'mon Bagoas, be good," and then some how we're hugging again with our mouths and tongues almost as one. He does his sexy kiss getting my dick to start firming up again and it feels so good. We hear a horn toot twice, and breaking away, both of us looking startled, I finally say, "Stop doing that!" and then I use a finger to move strands of his hair off his cheek. He takes my hand, saying, "I thought you started it." Looking down at his hand holding mine, I go, "Me? I was sure..." and the horn honks again. Hayden nods his head toward the door and I open it and then we go outside with Hayden chuckling and trying to hold hands again. I end up laughing with him and we hold hands walking to Darleen's fairly new Chevy Nova.

Still grinning Hayden lets go of my hand, saying to me, "Get in the back." As I'm getting in the backseat Hayden and the heavy-set, Darleen, who has purple hair and a stud in one side of her nose, do a brother/sister quick kiss with her explaining, "Oh, Hayden, I love your new haircut, but now I won't be able to do the pigtails for you," and she laughs. He introduces me and Darleen says, "Hiya, Dylan" and then to Hayden, "My, my, is this your new boyfriend, Hayden? He's even cuter than Daniel." Hayden says, "Yes, Dylan and I are boyfriends now. Aren't we, Dylan?" I go, "No, we not, but we are a deep secret, Darleen. Don't mention anything to Hayden's boyfriend or he might beat me up." Hayden goes, "Yes, Dylan and I are a very deep, deep secret."

Darleen pulls away from the curb, cheerfully saying, "Ooh, if Daniel ever finds out, Hayden, you adorable thing you, you'll get the spanking of your life! Can I watch?" He goes, "He isn't going to find out. I'm making Dylan my summer boyfriend and I'm calling him Bagoas." She looks at me in the rearview mirror, saying, "Oh fuck yes, he looks just like Bagoas probably looked." and then she asks, "Where am I going, Hayden?" He looks back at me and I give her directions to my place. Hayden tells her I was his barber and she compliments my haircutting skill and then says, "By the way, Dylan, if you're wondering who the fuck I am and what I'd doing with this queer boy here, I'm Hayden's fag-hag, me and Ruby Tinsdale. We just loooove our Hayden to death." He mutters, "I'm glad someone does."

She looks at me in the rearview mirror again and I want to yell, Keep your fat fucking eyes on the road! as she's asking me, "Are you a friend of Hayden's from college, or more like he's robbing the cradle." Hayden yells, "He's my age! I pretend he's as young as he looks so he can be my Bagoas. When Daniel first introduced me to him I thought he's exactly as I pictured Bagoas in the book," and she's obviously reading the same book because they talk about the story all the way to my place. From what I gather from what they say, the book was written in 1972 and the author died before we were born, but the book is like a Bible to these two. It's historical fiction but it's true that back in ancient times young boys did get gelded, which is having your nuts cut off in case ya didn't know that already.

I see the condos coming up on the right, and mumble, "Just pull over here, Darleen. My place is right up those steps." She pulls to the curb and I thank her for the ride and then Hayden turns in his seat to face me, saying, "Dylan, please get that book from the library and read it so we can talk about that fantastic story. Oh, and call me tomorrow but not until about two o'clock. I go to church at eleven with my parents and then we get a late brunch, but call me, okay? We'll work something out and... mums the word for Daniel." There you go, his voice again sort of hypnotizes me a little. Not just his voice but the slight bossiness in the way he said everything. I'm doing my slight head nod like, 'Yes Sir, at each thing he said and that made my dick buzz. I go, "Hey, what about the baseball league tryouts?" Hayden shrugs, "Ah, they're pushed-back till Monday."

He leans over the back of his seat, saying, "Kiss-kiss," and with Darleen looking at us I lean to him and we kiss on the lips. The 'kiss-kiss' thing brought on my hypnotic trance full-force again because who says something like that, and then me kiss-kissing him like a fool! Darleen says, "You two are the cutest fucking gay boys everrrrr!" Oh good, Darleen saying that snaps me out of my hypnotic trance, and I mumble to Hayden, "Church you say. Are you Catholic, Hayden?" He goes, "No, we go to a nondenominational church. You believe in God, don't you?" I tell him, "I'm not sure about the God thing," and he goes, "Well, I'll need to work on you about that, won't I?" I go, "Okay, but I went to a Baptist Church two times a week for the first half of last summer so it's not like I've never been to a church." He says, "You already agreed to go to church with me some Sunday. We won't need to sit with my parents though, if you'd rather not." I ask, "Do I have to wear a suit?" He goes, "Of course not!" Nodding, I go, "Okay, maybe I'll go with you sometime."

I get out feeling odd and a little embarrassed at the way I acted, but let's face it... what's new about that? So I feel odd, but strangely pretty good too. He waves at me in a gay way as they drive off. Going up the steps I figure Hayden acts real gay with his fag hag the same way he does with Danny. He doesn't with me though; not very much anyway. Inside the house I'm thinking I should be more pissed-off at myself for getting carried away with Hayden than I am. I had a good time with him and I still feel attracted to him. Damn!

This mysterious attraction for him is pretty strong, like I haven't felt in a long time. What the hell, I like it though because it gets my juices flowing hot. That being said, I don't fucking understand it at all. I haven't felt anything like this for any of my most recent side-sex buddies, not for John Smith, Sonny, or even Pony. I love Pony as a friend and sex-buddy but I'm not seriously attracted to him like I feel for Hayden. Damn, maybe Hayden's my latest mistake... he's definitely my latest mystery! I mean, Hayden's such an unlikely candidate for me to get me all hot and bothered over. Very strange! Strange, but like I said, I do like the feelings I get being around him. It's powerful but, omigod, why is that?

Texting Danny I find out he won't be able to pick me up until quarter-to-nine. That gives me a half-hour. I get undressed and take a shower thinking Danny might smell Hayden all over me if I don't shower. In the shower I realize I've got a sore rectum which I didn't notice until now. I'm not surprised I'm sore though, not when considering the three fucks up my ass I had today, and especially that last one from Hayden. It was a hard, but awesome one.

I dress in lightweight sweatpants and sweatshirt with socks and sneakers. All the time I'm getting dressed I'm thinking about having side-sex with Hayden all summer and then, I think: how the hell are we going keep it a secret? I don't think I feel guilty as far as Rob goes because we have an agreement, but should I feel guilty about sneaking behind Danny's back? We've just recently become friends where before we were basically acquaintances, so I don't know what to think about that.

I'm looking out the living room window and see Danny pull up at the curb below the condos. I go out waving at him to stay in the car and skip down the steps. When I get in the car Danny gives me a big smile as we bump fists. He says, "Sorry for making it this late but I texted Rob and he doesn't care that it's getting late, he still wants us to stop in." Damn, I should have texted or called him sometime today myself. Well, we did take him lunch earlier today so it's not like I'm neglecting him. Danny goes, "I got him a bag of Jelly Belly Licorice Confections. That's what they're called. Ha ha, who knew?" I mumble, "Yeah, he loves those super sweet licorice candies."

Fuck, why didn't I think to get him something? I go, "Can we stop someplace so I can buy him something?" Danny goes, "Um, it's getting kind of late. What'd you want to buy him?" I shrug, "A magazine maybe." Danny's a good guy so he stops at a convenience store where I buy the latest Sports Illustrated magazine. Back in the car I complain, "Can you believe this cost $5.99?" Danny shakes his head, "Yeah? Fuck, I don't buy magazines but I read them in doctors and dentist offices." I mumble, "Five-fucking-ninety-nine for a magazine."

At Robby's house he answers the door in his pajamas. Danny goes in ahead of me and Rob says, "Hey, guys! Thanks for coming over," and then he kisses Danny a fast kiss on the lips and the same for me, but I grin at him feeling love in my heart; okay, it's a little bit of guilty love in my heart. Pulling his head back for a five-second kiss while Danny pretends he's reading the ingredients on the bag of candy. Rob gives me the nicest smile as he rubs my shoulder, murmuring, "Thanks for that, babe." Danny holds up the candy bag and Rob grabs it, "Whoa, thanks, Danny!" He rips the bag open and offers the open bag to Danny and me. We're all eating the sweetish liquorish licorice in the world and then I go back for some more while holding up the magazine, saying, "I got this to help you pass the time, Robby. And you know, get well quick and all that kinda shit." He laughs and goes, "Thanks again, babe!"

Rob apologizes that he needs to get in bed so we all go upstairs as Danny asks, "Where are your folks, Rob?" He says, "At the neighbors across the street playing Gin Rummy and drinking. Oh, do you guys want a drink?" I go, "None for me, thanks," but Danny says, "I think I'll run down and grab a beer from the refrigerator. You want one, Rob?" He goes, "Yeah, I'll have one." Danny leaves and I go over to Robby's side of the bed, asking, "How ya healing, boyfriend?" He shrugs, "It's getting there I guess. Pain in the ass basically. What'd you do today?" Oh boy. I don't know what Danny told him. Hmmm, Danny said he texted though, not called, so he couldn't have gotten into any kind of details about anything in a text. And anyway we all agreed to keep that threesome to ourselves. Damn, it's best to lie.

I run my fingers through his hair, mumbling, "What'd I do today, huh? Um, jeez, nothing special. Hey, are you going to work Monday?" He shakes his head, "No. I don't know when exactly I'll be okayed to go back although I probably won't be in Westborough this weekend, unfortunately." I'm trying to comb his disheveled hair with my fingers, saying, "How about if I bring my barber stuff over tomorrow. You could use a haircut." He goes, "Nah, not here, but I'm hoping by next Thursday or Friday I'll be able to drive over to your house. I want to look good for when I get my chance at the other office." He raises his voice, exclaiming, "And what I do not want to hear is dear old Dad telling me to get a haircut. I'm almost twenty-two-fucking-years-old now!"

Danny comes in the bedroom carrying two beers, asking, "What are you yelling about, Rob?" He tells him and Danny says, "Well now, we've got our own personal barber and he's very reasonably priced so haircuts should be the least of our problems this summer." Thinking about the haircut I gave Hayden today, I'm trying to remember if that's supposed to be a surprise for Danny. Hmmm, I decide to get off the haircut topic by asking. "Yo, Danny, how's your part-time job working out for you?" He tells us some of his experiences at the 'cleaners' he works at and then we talk about the Red Sox and then about the summer league team having its first real workout on Monday. Actually it's try-outs, not a workout. Danny and Hayden will be at the try-outs tomorrow at seven o'clock and blab, blab, blab. I'm not real interested in that except how it might affect Hayden's and my side-sex. Aside from that I'm enjoying looking at Robby... Danny too. It's nice having good-looking guys as friends.

At ten-thirty Rob's starting to yawn, and Danny goes, "We can take a hint, Rob." Robby goes, "No, no, don't leave," and so we stay until eleven-fifteen. Getting ready to leave we're doing little shoulder hugs and a quick kiss with Rob, first Danny and then me. We promise to come back tomorrow and then Danny and I are going down stairs, still with no sightings of Mr. or Mrs. Dickers... so that worked out okay. This quick kissing when saying 'hello' and 'goodbye' makes me wonder if this is normal operating procedure for those two, or is it just because Rob's recovering from a minor operation?

Outside Danny pats my shoulder and asks, "How about we get a couple of beers?" I really don't want to, but to further our friendship and because Danny's been so good about driving me to and from Rob's, I says, "Sure, let's do that." We stop at the first bar we see as neither Danny nor I are familiar with bars in this area. The place is called, "Chrtisty's' and when we go inside it's quickly apparent it's more of a neighborhood bar where everybody knows your name, except nobody knows ours. Very loud and lively place with guys yelling back and forth at each other up and down the bar and laughing at nothing. These are older guys like in their thirties and up. There's a pool table, four or five flat TV's on the walls, and a long bar plus a back room for I don't know what although I hear loud voices from the back too. Danny frowns at me, unsure if we should stay or not. See, he's deferential to me so I gotta decide. I go, "At the end, Danny, there's some empty stools." As we walk the length of the bar one of these assholes says, "Did the school bus just pull up," followed by laughter. Danny and I exchange glances and then sit at the bar stools I pointed at.

There's no one within four stools of us so we should be alright. I always feel better when Chubby's with me in places like this. Not Robby though 'cause he's liable to lose his mind and kill somebody while Chubby merely charms the shit out of people. The bartender's an older guy, like fifty, with a toothpick between his lips, asking, "You boys lost?" That's what that cunt asked me my first day at work. I snarl, "Why, do we look lost to you?" Danny sort of look over at me quickly, like 'Why'd you say that?'. I pull out my license and hand it to the guy, who says, "Good picture, son," and then takes Danny's license, asking, "What'll it be, boys?" What else, we get drafts of Bud and the guy takes my ten-dollar bill to make change. I tell Danny, "At Burton in North Andover the bartender would ask me where's the other dollar for two beers in that place." This place the beers are fairly priced at $2.50 each, and I get five one-dollar-bills back in change. So okay!

We take a swallow and Danny goes, "How about that three-way this afternoon, Dylan?" I nod, "Very hot, Danny. You boys are extremely sexy." He goes, "We had a premium third party to operate with. You made it hot, Dylan." I shrug, mumbling, "Not really," and ask him, "Did you say anything to Rob about it?" He makes a 'face', asking, "Are you serious? No, of course not." I nod, "Good," and he asks, "Did you get home okay?" I go, "After a while I did, but Hayden and I hung-out together for a few hours." He swallows some more beer and then waves at the bartender who looks at Danny with raised eyebrows like, 'Yeah?'. Danny asks, "Um, I was wondering if you have some pretzels or peanuts we could buy? Something like that to snack on." The bartender comes down to us real fast like he's pissed-off about something, but then reaches under the bar and then plops two small bags of pretzels on the bar, saying, "On the house, sport." Danny says, "Thank you," and rips a bag open offering some to me. They're those really small pretzels with hardly any salt like you get on an airplane. I take some and Danny asks, "What'd you guys do?"

When done chewing a couple of pretzels, I say, "We had a few beers, played a few pinball games, and then Hayden mentioned he's eats alone, or with one of those girl-friends of his most Saturday nights." Danny says, "Oh yeah. His parents work late at their framing shop. Picture framing." I nod, "Yeah, well I was going to eat alone too so we had dinner together at the Olive Garden." Danny nods, "Uh huh, Hayden likes that place. So, um, he dropped you off after dinner?" I nod and then grab his arm, saying, "Oh no, I forgot to tell you something super-major that we did before dinner. Something epic, but I don't think I'm supposed to tell you. I think Hayden wants to surprise you." He goes, "Really, what was it?" I shrug, "Shit, if I tell you, you'll still need to act surprised when you see him." Danny goes, "You're shitting me. He let you give him a haircut?" I go, "Yeah, but how the fuck did you guess that?" He goes, "Elementary my dear fellow. You're a barber and Hayden knows you just gave me a haircut, so if it's good enough for me he figures it's good enough for him." I go, "Get the hell outta here. He hasn't had a haircut since, um, since ever. You think just because I gave you one he'd get the first haircut ever in his life from me?" Danny chuckles and says, "That, plus I know he's been talking about getting a haircut for months. His parents bitch about his hair daily." I go, "Huh."

Danny talks about Hayden and him frequenting gay clubs in Boston and Quincy. Just last week they were in one, and earlier this year during Easter break too, and then during spring break they were in two other clubs. He relates some funny experiences with Hayden cracking Danny up by acting like the gayest swisher in the club. He goes, "He makes me laugh with that shit. I like that he acts gay; it makes it more fun fucking him. Plus, you, me, and Rob are so naturally straight-acting I forget we're gay sometimes. Not with Hayden though. I really like hanging out with that guy." I'm like, "Not to get too personal, Danny, but I'm going to anyway. Are you two like, in love?" He shakes his head, "Not really in love, no, but I think we do love each other as friends. He's my best friend and he has been for years." I ask, "What do your parents think of him?" He shrugs, "My mom has never been crazy about Hayden so I don't bring him around to the house much." I'm like, "Here's another personal question for you: when did you come out to your parents?" He shrugs, "That's not too personal. I never came out to both of them, but when Dad moved out I told Mom. She's less than thrilled about it so we just don't mention it. She blames my gayness on Hayden and we had some heated arguments about it at first, but like I said, we don't talk about it anymore." Jeez, must be awkward!

After a few beers Danny says, "You're so easy to get along with, Dylan. I feel stupid for all the times I've felt intimidated by you." I'm like, "What? Intimidated by me? Jesus, that's a new one. Never heard that before from anyone." He goes, "I've mentioned it to you before." I don't fucking remember that, but Danny goes on to say, "I don't know if I used the right word saying, 'intimidated'. After you and I, um, did it that time I thought we'd be buds but I was waiting for you to, I don't know, let me know it was okay or something. Everyone always treats you like you're special, and you are, so I didn't think I was worthy. I guess that's what I'm saying," and he does a nervous chuckle. I go, "Are you sure you're thinking about me and not someone else? Nothing you said remotely resembles me, plus have you forgotten that threesome you had with me and Rob?"" He goes, "Yeah, I remember but what I'm saying, as far as you personally, I guess I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. It's like that old saying: 'You can't tell a book by its cover', or it goes something like that." This is bizarre! Plus, who are these people who he thought were always treating me special? I can't think of one person, besides Rob, that Danny and I know in common. Now Hayden too of course, but Danny's talking about since freshman year. We've never even had the same courses in high school or college; not once, so who do we know in common?

To change that awkward subject, awkward for both of us I'd assume, I go, "Mrs. Dickers seems to like you a lot," and he goes, "Yeah, hell, she's known me since ninth grade. That's what, um, seven years now at least. She's always been nice to me plus Rob and I were pretty close until he met you, ha ha." I go, "You've known Rob prior to ninth grade though, right?" He makes a face, "No, I don't think so. I met him trying out for the high school freshman baseball team. That's what we had in common until we found out we had something else way-bigger than baseball that we also had in common. Maybe you're thinking of Hayden because I've known him since seventh grade. He's from the neighborhood." I nod and Danny grins, saying, "I like his size and, no, I don't mean that. I mean I like his body. Hot little body on that boy, don'cha think?" I go, "Yeah, he's a hottie alright."

I'm thinking we better get off this topic too, so I ask, "What's your summer league baseball team look like?" He goes, "I won't know until Monday," but that gets him off and running talking about all things baseball related, just like Rob does. I'm a good listener though and we have four beers before I finally suggest we hit the road. We leave two-bucks each for the bartender and as we're leaving he yells out, "Thanks, fellows! Don't be strangers." Everybody still doesn't know our name, but the bartender likes us now.

During the ride home, Danny goes, "Um, it's still not real late. Is, um, anybody home at your place?" I shake my head, "Nope, Mom had last Saturday off work so she's working tonight. She'll be home pretty late though; well, more like early this morning. Her and her best friend go out after work with their boyfriends." Danny say, "Oh yeah?" Like he didn't already know that. He goes, "I don't suppose ya wanna hang out at your place awhile and, you know?" I say, "I really would like to do that, Danny, but not tonight. I'm beat, man." He says, "Sure, okay, me too actually. Um, some other time though. You know Rob sort of suggested we, you know, if you want to I mean." I pat his shoulder, "Yeah, I want to, Danny. We'll work it out." He says, "I'll call you sometime tomorrow's maybe..." I go, "My Mom's usually home on Sundays though." He nods, "Yeah, mine too. Next week then. What time do you get off work?" I say, "I get home usually around four-thirty." He says, "You'll need a ride to visit Rob, right?" I go, "No, actually I've got my brother's and my Jeep next week. We take turns... sort of." He says, "Well I'll call you next week or see you at Rob's at least."

At the curb below the condos Danny puts the car in park, and asks, "Are we kissing friends yet, do you think?" I chuckle, "Yeah, sure, why not," and he chuckles nervously, saying, "Okay, I admit that I have this thing for you, but don't tell Rob." I grin, mumbling, "Okay," and he goes, "Or Hayden either," and he leans over putting his hand behind my head and we have a very nice thirty-second kiss. I go, "Wow, that was nice, Danny." He grins, "Right back at you, babe." Oh man!

It's a little awkward now. I do a fake cough and say, "Thanks for chauffeuring me around the last couple of days." He goes, "I'm glad to do it." We bump fist and I get out of the car. Watching him drive away, sucking on my lips, I'm thinking... nice kiss. Not in Hayden's class of course, but a real good kiss. Danny's hot and I'm starting to really like him. Going up the steps I'm thinking: Hell, the only reason I fought-off liking him before was jealously of his time with Robby.

Inside I sigh and stretch, grinning to myself. What a day! New side-sex buddies, Danny and Hayden, and they're both hellbent that I don't tell the other. Damn though, it'd be better if I thought one of them was a prick so there was no guilt involved. Danny always been hot, but it's Hayden who has somehow got me a little goofy for him. More than a little actually. I can't wait to see him tomorrow although my world renowned willpower will allow me to wait for him to call me. That gives me a little leverage in keeping under wraps just how attracted I am to him. Gee though, that poor kid has it kinda tough with the mocking from his fellow students at prep school and then, even though he loves to 'top', no one will let him. No one until now that is, but I can't let on how much I want it from him.

Sunday morning I'm a little fuzzy from all the beers I drank yesterday. The drinking was spread-out over many hours though and with none of the instances getting excessive, so I'll be okay after a couple of Advil. I wait until ten o'clock before calling Chubby and a miracle happens, he answers his cellphone. "Dylan my brother, who I love like life itself, hi! Um, I forgot to get the stuff for brunch yesterday. I know you're shocked to hear that, but would you be so kind as to come with me to the supermarket? We can plan brunch during the drive." I go, "Awesome idea my brother. I'll meet you outside."

During the drive to Stop & Shop Chubby tells me how he almost caught a foul ball at the Red Sox game yesterday except this tall guy behind his seat caught the ball just over Chubby's outstretched arms. "The dork was mugging for the cameras, holding the ball up like he made some miraculous catch but the thing is, there's a TV monitor in our section and no camera man was filming this idiot. Some guy way back in the seats yelled... 'Sit down. You're not on camera!' And he left out the implied 'asshole' at the end."

We buy ingredients for blueberry pancakes, home fries, scrambled eggs, fresh squeezed orange juice, bacon and a fruit salad of watermelon, blackberries, banana, and honeydew melon. It cost $37.95 for everything. We got some of the stuff on sale. The Mom's fiancés are joining us so that six adults for brunch and we'll need to use everything we bought. That comes to a little over $6.00 per person for quite a good brunch. Back at my condo we flip to see who gets stuck with juicing a eighteen oranges. I call 'heads' and it comes up 'heads' and Chub jumps up and goes, "Yes. heads! I wanted to juice the oranges." Liar! While he does that, I begin mixing the batter for the pancakes and off we go.

Tom and Tim, the twin fiancés, arrive before the Moms show-up and they jump right in and help us with the food prep. While doing that they tell us they're taking us all out for next Sunday's brunch to a place in Boston. My Mom comes out of the bedroom looking like she's going to a party and gets a kiss from all us guys. Tris comes down two minutes later and the kissing continues... jeeezus! Mom and Tris are almost always on the same schedule after all these years so them appearing within two minutes of each other surprises no one. It's a fun brunch with Tom telling some funny stories of his business trip to Montana where he saw Tom Brady and his wife, Gisele, at a restaurant." Chub's like, "Montana? What's Brady doing there?" I go, "I think they own a place there. Big Sky country, dude!"

The Moms insist on cleaning-up the dishes and all the mess we left on the stove-top while Chub and I grab a smoke on the balcony. Huh, I'm not sure when we all decided to stop pretending we don't smoke, but we did. Chubby ask, 'Ya wanna play a pick-up b-ball game this afternoon at the high school?" I'd like to, yeah, except I'd like even more getting together again with Hayden. Not wanting to use that as an excuse, I make up another one, "Sounds good, Chub, but I'm gonna be visiting Rob again this afternoon. I might get over to the high school later though." And I am gonna visit Rob! I add, "Rob's going stir crazy spending so much time in his bedroom. I'll probably watch some of the Red Sox game with him. That reminds me, um, can I use the Jeep today." Chub does a pretend exasperated exhale, saying, "Swell, when do I get a chance to use it?" We snicker and I go, "And I'm using it all next week too." He hugs me, "You're so selfish, bro." Damn, I get shivers when Chub hugs me... nice shivers. For some reason I think way back to when we were little kids and I was always skinning my knee playing ball or us just running around. Chubby would be so serious washing my shinned knee carefully, putting mercurochrome on it, and then a BandAid. Him fussing over me like that was worth the pain of another skinned knee. I love him.

Someone picks Chub up around one-thirty and by now I'm getting fidgety waiting for Hayden to call. Danny texts to double check that I've got transportation to Rob's and then asks when I'm going to see him. I tell him I'm not sure because my Mom has company and I should hang around here a while. I'll text him when I'm leaving for Rob's later this afternoon. That was about the fourth lie I've told this morning. Well no, it wasn't a total lie because it had some truth in it, but I guess it does qualifies as a little-white-lie of omission. Those kinds of lies I lost count of a year or so ago. South of three thousand in my life... at least. Goddammit, when's Hayden gonna call?

Killing time until he calls and begs me for sex I have another cigarette thinking it's a damn nice day and I probably should have played basketball with Chubby. Then, fuck it, I take out my cellphone and call Hayden even though I was planning on waiting for him to call me. He answers, "Hi Bagoas, whassup?" I go, "Nothing much," and then I remember he told me not to call until after two o'clock because he had church and then a brunch at a restaurant with his parents. Looking at my watch I see it's five-minutes-of-two. He goes, "You're pretty anxious, aren't you? I just fucking walked in my house two minutes ago."

Oh man, this is the opposite of how I wanted things to go. I stammer, "Oh, um, I swear to God I didn't know what time it was and anyway I forgot about your church and all that." He laughs, "You forgot about it but yet you just mentioned it. That's convoluted." I'm pissed, so I angrily say, "Whatever, I just called to say I'm playing basketball and then I'm going to visit Rob. I won't be bothering you any further today. This was just a, um, courtesy call." He says, "Oh well then, would you please pick me up? I'd like to play some b-ball too." Hmmm, this might work out after all. I go, "Sure. What time?" He says, "I'll change and be ready to go in five minutes." I nod, not that he can see me do it, so I mutter, "I'm leaving now." He says, "Thanks, Dylan. See you soon."

I'm such an idiot at times. Going inside I see Tom and Tim reading the Sunday Globe as Mom says, "That was an awesome brunch, sweetheart. The guys and us gals are going to see an afternoon movie and Rider says we'll eat dinner out tonight. You and your brother are encouraged to join us. I'll text you when we know our exact plans." I go, "Sure, Mom. That sounds good. I'm gonna pick up a friend and probably play some basketball at the high school with Chubby." She kisses my cheek and says, "Have fun, Honey." I nod and head for the door while patting my pocket to be sure I have the keys to the Jeep. Hmmm, so the condo is available this afternoon if Hayden suggests an encore performance of last night. He'll need to suggest it of course...

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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