Dylans Junior Year Summer

Published on Nov 11, 2017



Chapter 10

by Donny Mumford

I wake-up Saturday morning to the sound of thunder. Turning over to look out my bedroom window I see it's pouring rain. The rain is blowing against the window and then there's a scary streak of lightning followed by another rolling thunder clap. Jesus! Wrapping the covers around me I'm thinking... luckily, I don't need to go out in that shit-storm. Yeah, but I do gotta take a wicked piss so I'm gonna need to get out of this warm cozy bed.

Thinking about that for a few seconds and then I'm stretching before getting my feet on the floor. I look at my wristwatch: nine-minutes-of-eight! Whoa, that's way too early to be up on a Saturday morning, especially with a hangover-headache from last night's drinking with Danny. In the bathroom taking a piss I'm trying to remember everything Danny told me at the bar. It was an interesting night, and today might be even more interesting. Danny's coming over for a haircut and then; well, then we'll see what comes next. Maybe some buddy-sex and there's been a dearth of that in my life recently.

After taking a wicked long piss I washing my hands and then brush my teeth thinking there is absolutely no reason in the world I shouldn't get right back in bed, so that's what I do. Snugly under the covers again and, oh man, it's so nice sleeping-in on a rainy morning! Lying here waiting for sleep to take me under again my mind wanders to a picture of Danny, Rob, and Hayden when they were fourteen or fifteen years old, near the apex of their sexual prowess, having sex together. Their young bodies so perfect and fresh with fully-formed genitals doing their sucking and fucking together... damn I'm jealous! At that age, Chubby and I very briefly experimented with sex, him mostly going along with what I wanted. Chubby always smiling and looking out for me and letting me have things my way, spoiling me. At one point in my youth I thought it'd be Chubby and me against the world forever. Our very limited experimentation with sex came to an abrupt halt with that horrid window-washer-boys' episode. It was around that time that everything was changing in our lives anyway. My last conscious thought before falling back to sleep is how impossibly unrealistic my fantasy was of continuing forever a life exclusively just Chubby and me.

This time it's an insistent buzzing that wakes me. What the hell is that? Groggily, I look around trying to discover what's making that noise and then it occurs to me... it's my cellphone vibrating on the bureau. I get out of bed glancing outside and seeing the rain has tampered off a lot. Hmm, this call is from Danny. Answering with a laugh in my voice so he'll know I'm not really angry, I yell, "Why in the hell are you calling this early, Danny? It's Saturday morning, dude." He goes, "Oh, I'm sorry, Dylan. Um, but it is ten-of-eleven so I didn't think..." I go, "Oh, jeez, ten-of-eleven? Damn, it's me who should be sorry, Danny. I didn't realize it was that late." Christ, I thought I just got back to sleep ten minutes ago. He says, "Um, I feel goofy asking, but are we still on for me getting a haircut today?" I go, "No reason to feel goofy! Um, when do you wanna do it?" He says, "You tell me," and I go, "Oh, wait. Um, can I call you back in a little while? I need to check something out with my brother." He goes, "Yeah, of course. Talk to you later." He's actually a really nice guy.

Yesterday Chub told me he wanted a haircut so, after taking three Advil for my bothersome headache, I try texting Chubby to ask when he wants me to do that. The text doesn't get delivered of course, so fuck it, I'll go up and see him. Chubby gets preferential treatment from me about anything and everything. Still wearing pajamas, I step into sneakers and then get the rain slicker out of my backpack. I put that on with the hood up and go outside. It's still raining a little but the sky seems to be brightening. That bodes well for Chub's Red Sox game today with his friend, Chris. At his front door, I pause thinking that his Mom is probably still sleeping. Friday nights are especially late ones for her, my Mom, and their fiancés. I don't want to ring the bell and possibly wake her so instead I use the emergency key in the mailbox to let myself in.

As the old saying goes; it's so quiet in here you could hear a pin drop. Dripping rain water off my slicker with every step I tip toe to Chubby's bedroom door and then go in. Huh, guess he didn't get drunk on his date last night because he's under the covers for once. It's not unusual to see him fully dressed sleeping on top of the covers. Yeah, but did he get undressed before getting under those covers? Hee hee, I pull back the covers and see he's wearing an undershirt, so that's an encouraging sign. Pulling the covers down a little further and, yes, there's boxer shorts on my brother's hot body. He got undressed for bed last night! Yeah, Chub!

Chubby opens one eye and, as if there's nothing unusual about me being in his bedroom looking at his body, he says, "Hi, Dylan." I go, "Hi Chub," and drop the covers back down over him. He asks, "How did you get wet?" I shrug, "It's raining," and he goes, "Oh well then, it's a good morning to sleep in, huh?" I nod, and he waits a few seconds before asking, "Is there something you need, bro?" I go, "No, I just wondered if you want your haircut before or after the Red Sox game?" His eyes get big as he jumps out of bed, asking, 'What time is it, bro?" I tell him and he goes, "Oh good, I'm supposed to pick Chris up at eleven-thirty. You say it's raining?" I go, "Yeah, but it's letting up and the sky's getting brighter so they'll probably get the game in." Chubby goes, "Positive thinking! I like that." I ask, "Where's Chris live?" Chubby's navigating his way to the bathroom through the various clothing items and whatnot on the floor, saying, "He lives in Natick. I have time for a shower and still get to his house by quarter-of-twelve," which is an early arrival for Chub when he needs to be some place at eleven-thirty. I go, "Okay, do you want the haircut after the game then." He's pissing in the toilet looking over his shoulder at me, saying, "Can we make it tomorrow? Chris and I will probably have a few beers at Fenway and then stop in a bar on Lansdowne Street for a few more. Ya know, to let the traffic clear out." I go, "Sure, Chub. Oh, it's kinda your turn so I was wondering if you'd be able to buy the stuff for Sunday's brunch during your travels today?" He goes, "Definitely, Dylan," which means he and I will do the shopping for brunch together tomorrow morning. I say, "Enjoy the game, Chub. See you tomorrow," and he goes, "Love you, bro! Thanks for getting me up!"

Heh heh, yeah it's a good thing I woke him or Chris would be sitting at home staring at those primo tickets for who knows how long. Back in my bedroom I call Danny and we agree that I'll drive over in his Camaro to pick him up around twelve-thirty. That gives me time to have breakfast. I make scrambled eggs and bacon to eat with my coffee. as I eat I'm thinking about the possibility of a three-way with Hayden and Danny. It's been ages since I've participated in a three-way. It's kinda exciting and a little daunting after not doing it for so long. Plus, there's the fact that I don't know either of them very well.

After cleaning up the kitchen I call Robby to say 'Hi' and he asks, "When you coming over, babe. I'm going stir crazy." I go, "Stir crazy? Are you restlessly anxious and feeling trapped?" He goes, "Yes!" and I say, "Yep, that's stir crazy alright. Um, I've got Danny haircut to do and then we'll both be over to see you. Can I bring you anything?" He says, "Yes, boyfriend, would you please bring me a large cheesesteak from Sal's?" I go, "You got it, boyfriend," and we snicker at our 'boyfriend' creepiness. He asks, "Did you and Danny go drinking when you left here last night?" I tell him, "Yeah we did, but it wasn't a late night at all."

He doesn't say anything and I'm guessing he's wondering if we did anything besides have a few beers, so I repeat, "Just a couple of beers and then we called it a night." I wouldn't think of squealing on Danny for getting hammered and talking about his early sexy days with Robby and Hayden, or mentioning Danny got so drunk I needed to drive him home. Danny can tell Rob that stuff himself if he wants to, not that there's any need to do that as far as I'm concerned. Robby goes, "Danny's a good guy, don't ya think?" I shrug, not that he can see me do it, and say, "Yeah, I've always liked Danny. But you knew that," and he says, "It makes me feel good that you two are friends; that the three of us are friends." I go, "Me too, Rob. Um, we'll probably be there by one-thirty with your lunch." He goes, "I love you!" and I say, "I love you too, see ya soon." Huh, it is nice we're all friends, although only two of us are lovers. That's what makes it alright. Rob and I screw around a little on the side but our hearts belong only to each other.

After setting up the barber stuff in the basement I smoke a cigarette on the balcony thinking again about Robby, Danny, and Hayden as naked fourteen-year-old boys with their youthful hot bodies and fully developed dicks having gay sex together. Oh man, I really missed out on that! Hell, I didn't even know I was gay at that age. Some guys, like those three, have the balls to acknowledge their sexual leanings at an early age and then they do something about it. Of course, they needed to make an acquaintance or two with gay guys who had similar leanings. If not they'd be shit out of luck, and yes, luck plays a big part in all our lives. That's what usually what stops the process in its tracks; the bad luck of not knowing someone to experiment sexually with.

My Mom comes out of her bedroom dressed for the day. She's carrying an overnight bag that she drops on a bar stool to give me a hug, saying, "G'morning, Dylan. Oh my, Honey, those pajamas you're wearing were a Christmas present when you were ten or eleven years old. They're much too small for you." I go, "Hi Mom. Um," and I look at my pajamas and see the legs only reach my ankles and the sleeves don't make it to my wrists. I'm like, "Yeah, but they're so fuc..., um, so awesomely comfortable. What's the overnight bag for?" She makes a cup of coffee, saying, "Last night Tris and the boys talked me into an overnight trip to the Foxwoods Resort in Connecticut. Make the most of the one Saturday a month I don't have work." I go, "That's cool," and she says, "Tris' boyfriend, well her fiancé, got us tickets for the Rascal Flatts performance tonight and then we'll have dinner and then play some slot machines or whatever. It does sound like fun." I go, "Awesome, Mom," and she goes on to tell me about the club they were at in Boston last night. I'm thinking, 'Rascal Flatts? What the fuck is that?'

I talk with Mom for a while and then it's time to get Danny. Mom kisses me on the cheek and I tell her to have a great time. In my bedroom I get dressed in jeans, a too-large button-up-the-front old faded blue shirt and sneakers. The rain stopped so as I'm skipping down the steps in front of our condo I'm feeling pretty fuckin' good about everything. The Advil did its job. Do your job! That's the New England Patriots' motto, and it's a good one too. The Camaro starts up but only after giving me a scare by grinding a little before the engine turned-over. This car's a piece of shit maybe, but Danny has his own car at least. Maybe Chub and I can keep the Jeep and buy a second car with a car loan like he said. That'd be awesome!

I find my way to Danny's house and idle at the curb giving the horn a couple of toots. He comes right out so I slide over to the passenger seat to let him drive his car. We bump fists with Danny smiling and saying, "Hey, Dylan, let's do this!" Like me, he's in a good mood too, saying, "My Mom is thrilled I'm getting a haircut. She doesn't care for Golden's haircutting even though I told her it's the latest style." I mumble, "I have to agree with your Mom. I don't like it either," and he goes, "You haven't got a lot of room to talk considering some of the outrageous haircuts you've had in the past. No offense intended." I go, "Ya got me there, Danny." He's right of course thanks to Ryan and before him, Willie, being in control of my haircuts. Rob's my barber now though so there will be consistent run-of-the-mill haircuts for me in the foreseeable future, and I'm okay with that.

It's a ten-minute ride back to my place during which Danny does most of the talking, saying, "Do me a favor and don't tell Rob I got so drunk last night you had to drive us home. It's a thing we rag on each other about; driving drunk. He's done it in his pickup and I've done it in my Camaro, but I'm trying not to." I go, "You didn't last night; it was your idea I drive." He nods, "Yeah, I'm not too proud to admit when someone else is in better shape than me to drive. You didn't even seem drunk." Well, I can hold my booze better than him and Robby at least. As he's parking at the curb below the condos he asks the question I expected, "What kind of haircut should I get, Dylan? You're the expert." I go, "I don't know about the expert part but your hair has grown out on the sides and back enough that I can probably do almost any haircut you want." He says, "Yeah? Well I like Rob's haircut, but then I like yours too."

We get out and, on the way up the steps, he goes, "I don't want to hurt either of your feelings. If I get a haircut like yours, the one Rob cut for you, then you might be offended because I didn't choose the haircut you did for him. Do you see what I mean?" I let us in the condo and see Mom's already left. I say, "My word of honor, Danny, I won't be offended." That's a better choice of word than my first thought which was 'I don't give a shit.' He says, "Okay then, I'll go with your haircut style, um, the one Rob did for you." I ask, "Why didn't you ask Rob to cut it for you?" He says, "Yeah, why didn't Rob or I think of that earlier? Well, there are three reasons I can think of right off the top of my head: one, like I said, he only mentioned me getting a haircut last night and two, if he had mentioned it earlier he doesn't have barber clippers, and three, he's recuperating from that operation and he's weak as a kitten." I say, "I don't know about the kitten part, but yeah, okay I get it. Next time though Rob can borrow my clippers and do it for you."

In the basement Danny says, "Or, I might feel safer having you be my barber," and he pats my shoulder, adding, "No offense to Rob, but the haircut you gave him looks more professional than the one he gave you." I tell him, "Whatever, but before I start I want you to know the haircut I have is a short one," pointing at my head. He shrugs like, 'duh', and I add, "Rob's isn't as short so are you sure you want to jump from this seven-inch-long mop of hair on top of your head all the way down to basically an inch of hair on top?" He goes, "Whatever yours is, yeah. Jesus, Dylan I've had buzz cuts and other short haircuts most of my life! Short haircuts are nothing new to me, I'm a jock!"

His remark about Rob's hair looking more professional than mine makes me want to check out my hair again in a mirror. Ha ha, no, it's okay. I know it's not perfect. Robby will get better with experience. Danny sits on the barbering stool now and as I put the cape around him, he mumbles, "It's kind of sexy having a friend cut my hair," and I go, "Yeah, I've always thought so too." Damn, Danny shaved this morning which disappoints me. He had a sexy little beard going for him last night. Rob's beard is coming out nicely now too. That's because it's been three days without shaving, which he understandably doesn't want to bother with considering his current condition. Normally he shaves every day for work.

Danny says, "And remember that ridiculously short burr haircut you gave me sophomore year?" I go, "Yes I do, but that's what Rob and you said you wanted." He shrugs, "Yeah, I'm not complaining. Ya know, that's the only time a friend's ever given me a haircut." Not especially interested in that, I mutter, "Ya don't say." Combing through Danny's light brown hair it's obvious he shampooed it this morning; probably in the shower. Very considerate of him. Damn, that reminds me that I should have taken a shower this morning myself, especially considering we might have some sex and maybe even a three-way. Fuck it though, I'm clean enough for these boys.

Without explaining what I'm doing, I start with a quarter inch guide on the clipper for around his ears and the lower part of the hair at the back and then taper up to the longest hairs that are only a tad over a half-inch long. His hair hasn't grown out as fast as I expected after Golden's last butcher job of a haircut. My hair grows a lot faster than his. I use the trimming clippers outlining around and behind his ears, saying, "Danny, don't panic when you see how much hair from on top of your head is soon dropping in your lap. Okay?" He goes, "Don't worry about it, Dylan. You already warned me it's a short haircut and, anyway, that's what I want, dude."

Huh, my haircut fetish gets buzzing as I cut lots of hair off his head making the scissor's sound, "Scrunch, scrunch, scrunch," for a good five-minutes until it's reduced to the proper length. I do not buzz the hairs at the crown like Rob did to my hair because all the hairs should lie down and forward on top with the slightly longer bangs combed up and then patted forward a little. The bangs shouldn't stick up straight like with a flattop. Hmmm, Danny doesn't have a great hairline with the partial window's peak in front, but it still looks pretty good.

Finished in about twelve-minutes I hand him the mirror, saying, "Sir, I hope you approve. That'll be sixty-five dollars." He laughs and looks at his new haircut, muttering, "Oh good! It looks great... better than yours actually." I ignore that and take the cape off him with a large pile of hair hitting the floor. Danny's checking himself out again in mirror over the sink as I sweep-up the barber area. He comes out of the half-bath, saying, "Perfect, Dylan. Can I pay you the sixty-five dollars next time? I'm good for it." I go, "Instead of that how about if you buy Rob's cheesesteak," and I tell him about Rob's request for lunch. Danny drives us to Sal's Sub Shop and we order two cheesesteaks. The second one is for Danny and me to split. We both had a late breakfast so half a sub is all we want. I pay for one cheesesteak and Danny pays for the other. In his Camaro, I say, "Wait a second. Ya know what? I don't want a beer with this sub. Let me run back in Sal's and get some Cokes." Danny goes to give me money but I say, "My treat."

At Rob's house, we carry the subs and Cokes to the back door and ring the bell. Rob opens the door looking better than he did last night. He goes, "Hey, guys! C'mon in," and inside he enthusiastically goes, "Oh man, Danny, I like that haircut, dude!" They do a quick one-arm hug and then Rob and I do the same. Rob says, "I smell those cheesesteaks and I'm starving." We eat at the kitchen table with Rob telling us his parents are grocery shopping. Odd that it takes two of them to do that. We're done eating and, in Rob's bedroom now, we're finishing our sodas playing the computer game Danny gave Robby last night. We hear his parents in the kitchen as we're doing our normal ball-busting about playing the computer game badly, just joking around having fun. I think this is the first time I've ever felt like a real friend of Danny's. He's always been friendly to me and even deferential at times, but this just feels different.

By three-thirty Rob's obviously beginning to drag and when Danny suggests maybe Rob should rest he doesn't object, saying, "Yeah, you're probably right. I've still got some healing to do. Are you guys doing anything tonight?" Danny and I shrug, mumbling, "No plans yet," and I say, "Maybe a movie." Rob goes, "I'm gonna crash now but if you don't have anything going on tonight I'd love to see you after dinner. Ya know, if you don't go to the movies or whatever." We tell him we'll be back tonight and go downstairs to deal with Mr. and Mrs. Dickers. Mrs. D. gives Danny a hug, saying, "Danny, you finally got a normal haircut and it looks so good on you, hon!" He mutters, "Thanks," blushing slightly. She calls him, hon? She lets go of Danny, saying, "Hi Dylan, you look very nice too." I mutter, "Thanks," and she tell Danny, "Rob had that same silly haircut you had until Dylan gave him a good haircut." Danny goes, "Well, Mrs. D. I went to Rob's barber this time!" Mr. Dickers, who was going through mail that just got dropped through the mail slot, looks up and says, "Dylan, could I talk to you a second."

Leaving Danny and Mrs. Dickers to hug some more, or whatever, I go with Mr. Dickers to the study. Picking something up off his desk he shows me the benefits brochure, saying, "This brochure came in the mail yesterday. Did all the employees get one?" We talk about the brochure and, yes, everyone got one. He obviously totally delegated the new benefit package conversion because he's asking me about the wording on the brochure as if I had anything to do with it. He apparently doesn't know the limited extent of my involvement. When I tell him, Dottie changed Carl's wording to the current wording, he brightens-up and goes, "Oh, well, you worked with Dottie on this. I didn't know that. Nice job, son."

He's giving me more credit than I deserve but mostly he feels satisfied that if Dottie was involved, it must be right. That's all he needed to hear and now Mr. D. does his usual polite but unmistakable 'get lost' comment by saying, "That's all I needed to hear; that you worked with Dottie on this. Thank you, Dylan." How else could anyone interpret that other than, 'go now'. I was happy to go now.

Back in the kitchen I find Danny laughing about something with Mrs. Dickers. It soon becomes apparent she doesn't have a 'get lost' move because we're stuck talking with her in the kitchen for like twenty-minutes. Eventually she gets around to talking about having a cookout when Dodger gets home, "He'll be home early next week, but what do you think, Dylan, should we wait for the weekend?" I say, "I think Rob is working next weekend in the Westborough office. Overnight I believe." She makes a noise with her tongue somehow, like she's irritated, and says, "Yes, your right, and Robert will be there too. I suppose we'll need to work something out though." Jeez, don't get overly excited your youngest son is coming home! Finally, in desperation, I take that as her 'get lost' line, and say, "We should probably stop bothering Mrs. Dickers and hit the road, Danny." He nods his head and we say our goodbyes, surprisingly without Danny and Mrs. Dickers hugging again.

As we're walking out the door, Danny asks, "What do you wanna do now, Dylan?" I ask, "Is Hayden home?" Danny gets a big smile on his face, saying, "I'll bet he is! Plus his parents both work Saturdays." I ask, "How do you know that?" He says, "They own a picture-framing shop on Route 9 and its open late Saturdays." I go, "Ya don't say?" Getting in his car Danny's like, "Oh man, I'm excited about this, but I should call Hayden to be sure he's there before driving to his house." He calls and Hayden is home, but there's someone with him. I hear Danny say, "How long is she gonna be there?" He listens and then says, "Well, Dylan and I were thinking we might stop in and play around in your basement," and then he laughs, and after listening again, he goes, "Okay, babe, you do that." Putting his cellphone away, Danny tells me, "Mrs. Parks has a cleaning service two Saturdays a month and the cleaning lady is there now." I'm thinking, 'Who the fuck is Mrs. Parks?' and then remembered that's Hayden's last name. Danny finishes with, "Hayden says the cleaning lady will be done in about an hour. I'll call back in an hour to be sure, and then we can go over."

Danny's driving away as I ask, "Um, what did you mean we'll mess around in his basement?" He glances at me grinning, "We can have some playful buddy-sex in his basement so we don't leave a mess in the house. You know, we'll do what we talked about last night, unless you..." I go, "No, that's cool... although, um, now that it's sort of set-up I'm feeling a little funny about it." He goes, "How so?" and I shrug, "I don't know. I guess I feel like the outsider considering how long you and Hayden have been, um, sex buddies." He says, "You're not the outsider, Dylan, you're more like the star attraction actually. You can play Rob's part if that'll make you feel more welcome." I go, "You mean you guys are having three-way-sex together?" He snorts out a chuckle, "Yeah, like five or six years ago." I'm like, "Well, what's Rob's part? What's that mean?" Danny says, "He liked certain things like having his hands tied but you don't need to if you don't want to." I ask, "Did you have a set program back then, um, a set order of who does what to who?" He shakes his head, "Nope. We'd all get naked and huddle together getting comfortable being naked with each other and then do whatever we felt like. You know, things we agreed we'd try. We sucked and fucked, you know. I mean, there's only so much variety available, if you know what I mean." I go, "Any sex toys involved?" He goes, "Like what?" and I say, "Dildo or, I don't know, butt plugs." Danny makes a 'face', saying, "Um, no, afraid not. We weren't that sophisticated although we had a hand vibrator, oh and we did some spanking if that counts," and he laughs, muttering, "Butt plugs? Holy shit..." He doesn't know what he's missing, but the vibrator sounds interesting. I'm not sure what a 'hand vibrator' is though.

Danny drives away from Rob's house as I ask, "Hey, where we going now?" Danny says, "McFarlin's Tap. A couple of beers might relax both of us." I go, "You need relaxing?" He shrugs, "Yeah, I haven't been involved in a threesome for quite a while and sometimes, um, you make me nervous, no offense intended at all." I'm puzzled, "Imake you nervous? How?" Danny shrugs again, "I don't know why exactly, but yeah sometimes you do. You're awfully sexy and kind of perfect and you're Rob's boyfriend and, I guess I don't really know what I mean." He looks at me, "I'm pretty excited about this though. That I do know." Huh, I can't think of anything to say to that except, "I'm nervous too. The beers are a good idea. Maybe a shot of whiskey too."

At the bar, after getting carded again, we order draft beers but then pussy-out on shots of whiskey. I ask, "So we'll get naked and, um, hug? Is that what you said?" Danny chuckles, "That's what we did back then but we don't need to do that now if you don't want to. I was talking about when we were kids." When they were kids, huh? They had the same equipment now that they had back then and, except for growing a little taller, they look just about the same too. Yeah, except their brains have stored-up another five-or-six-years of experiences. Actually, I'm disappointed in myself for being a little uncomfortable about this proposed sex play. I guess if I knew Danny, and especially Hayden, better I wouldn't be unsure of myself. Still, I've had sex with guys I didn't even know as long as I've known Hayden. Yeah, but not recently and not often.

We have three beers but don't talk about the sex we'll be doing. We talked about professional sports; the Pats and Red Sox mostly, although Danny's into hockey too, so a little about the Bruins. I guess we both feel the same about the proposed sex in that we want to do it, and we will, but he doesn't know me very well and I don't know those two very well. This is only the third or fourth time Danny and I have done anything together without other guys with us. That's all true, but I do feel less odd about the whole thing after three beers. With our third beers almost done in front of us, I ask Danny, "Do you think you should call Hayden now?" Danny says, "Yeah, good idea," and as he's getting his cellphone out he goes, "Hey, Dylan, let's enjoy the hell out of this, okay?" I nod and mutter, "Definitely."

He calls and Hayden tells Danny the cleaning lady is packing up her cleaning stuff getting ready to leave. Danny tells him, "Tell her to get her ass in gear, babe!" We leave a buck each for the bartender's tip and walk out with me asking, "Is Hayden all girlie/gay/acting around his parents?" Danny goes, "Not as much, no. He mostly puts that shit on for the general public, but his parents surely know he's gay. He's never hidden it from anyone." I ask, "So they know you're gay too, right?" He shrugs, "I don't know. I guess so but I've only met them once or twice a couple of years ago, and that was mostly before Hayden got all swishy." Huh. I guess I admire Hayden for having the balls to be himself. I'm myself too but it doesn't count because I've always been a straight-acting gay. Not on purpose; it's just the way I am. Robby and Danny too, as well as many other gay guys I assume.

Pulling up in front of a house, Danny mumbles, "That's Hayden's house," and I ask, "Do you know when his parents will be home?" As he parks, he tells me, "Like I said, they work at the store until ten o'clock Saturday nights. Their store is in that McDonald's strip mall on Route 9." Huh, ten o'clock. Yeah, that's good and I'm feeling okay about things now as we walk up to the door. Danny rings the doorbell and Hayden opens the door two seconds later, exclaiming, "I'm so nervous!" and he giggles before adding, "But so excited too. Jesus, I'm afraid I'm gonna pee my panties." He puts on a dramatic expression when saying, "Dylan, sweetheart, you look beautiful, and Daniel, your hair!" Danny touches his hair, asking, "Do you like it?" Hayden says, "Darling, it's awesome!"

He's blocking the door for a second before saying, "Oh, come in, please," as he steps back. We walk in with Danny asking, "Do you really like it, Hayden? My haircut?" and Hayden says, "It's a cute haircut and so are you." They do a wet smacking kiss on the lips as I close the door behind me. It's a nice foyer and the living room looks very nice too. It looks kind of expensive somehow, although the house is probably like Danny's: three bedrooms with two and a half baths. Danny points at me, "Dylan was my barber." Hayden puts one hand on his hip and says to me, "Sweetheart, don't you get any ideas about this head of hair on my head," and his fingers dramatically go through his long curly brown hair. It's almost to his shoulders, parted in the middle. Looks like shit...

Danny gets a fist full of Hayden's curly hair, saying, "It should be cut off at least to here," and as they argue about that I glance at what Hayden's wearing. He has on the kind of skinny jeans that are made from a stretch material that basically fits tightly against his shapely legs; literally like they're painted on. His bulging genitals leaves nothing to the imagination. His pants are like the tights men in ballet wear showing off their junk... for each other probably. The jeans are a bright blue color and his over-sized T-shirt is pale pink with gray lettering on the front that reads: 'I can only please one person each day. Today is not your day. Oh, tomorrow isn't looking too good for you either.' His sneakers are retro high-top Converse, a lavender color with the same color laces. He has black stud earrings in both ears that I can see now that Danny's got Hayden's hair pulled back. Around his neck is a black leather studded dog-collard-type-necklace and he's wearing five rings, one of them on his thumb. He's actually nice looking with good facial features and he's clean shaven although I can see the faint shadow of a well-developed beard. Hayden is olive-complexted with a beauty mark on his cheek, whether real or artificial I can't tell. When he smiles, or grins he has cute dimples and there's little spaces between all his top brilliantly-white smaller-than-normal teeth. He's sexy and I find him interesting. I probably wouldn't if he lisped when talking, but he doesn't, although he does do some stereotypical gay affectations with his arms and hands and in the way he moves, and everything is exaggerated with Hayden.

He says to me, "Darling, what do you think about my hair?" I say, "It looks like a curly middle-aged women's hairdo," and he frowns squeezing his lips together before saying, "Oh yoooou! Well what would make it a guy's hairdo, mister hair stylist?" I mutter, "Don't get me involved in your argument with Danny, okay?" He says, "Of course I will, you pretty boy. At Duke I wear it in a ponytail, like this," and he takes a pocket comb and combs out the part in the middle and then pulls all his hair back, exposing his ears and holds it in a ponytail, and then does a pirouette daintily. I go, "Yeah, that's closer to a guy's style for long hair I guess." Hayden takes an elastic band out of his pocket and Danny helps him get it around that big batch of curly hair in back. Hayden asks me, "Better?" and I nod, "Yeah, it is."

As Danny's adjusting the elastic band up higher at the back of Hayden's head, he says, bragging on Hayden, "Dylan, get this. Hayden camped-out in a tent with his roommate for a week in Krzyzewski-ville in order to get tickets for the big Tobacco Road basketball showdown between Duke and UNC last February." I go, "Hey, I read about that Krzyewski-ville tradition in Sports Illustrated. Cool move Hayden. I actually root for Duke myself. I catch a lot of their games on TV." He does something with his shoulders, and says, "Basketball is a sport I can get into. You know, all those boys wearing only shorts and t-shirts." Even with all his girlie moves he's still apparently athletic enough to try out for the summer baseball team with Danny. Joking around, I go, "I'll bet you can't spell the head coach's last name?" Hayden spells "K-r-z-y-z-e-w-s-k-i," and says, "There are eight consonants and only two vowels." I don't know if it's correct or not but Danny's looking at me like I do, so I go, "What?" He asks, "Is he right?" I shrug, "I don't know. Hell, I can't even pronounce his name, never mind spell it."

Hayden says, "I spelled it correctly. When are we going downstairs?" Danny goes, "Now would be good." We walk through the living room to the kitchen and then downstairs to the basement. Huh, this isn't a finished basement. The walls are cinder block and the ceiling is exposed rafters with exposed wires and pipes. There's what looks like an indoor/outdoor carpet covering most of the cement floor and a couple of old armchairs that were probably once in their family room. There's magazines and fast food wrappers on the chairs with towels and undershirts that are so thread-bare they may be here to use as rags. On the arm of the red armchair is a tube which I'm guessing contains lubricant and an old-looking electric device of some kind, probably the aforementioned hand vibrator. I touch it and Hayden says, "Would you plug that in please, Dylan." I'm like, "What is it?" and Danny goes, "Holy shit, Hayden. Way to go! You still have the hand vibrator." I plug it in as Hayden mumbles, "Um, yeah, Daniel, and I've been known to use it on myself when you ignore me for too long." Danny gives him a 'look' muttering, "Drama queen."

The only other furniture is an old sagging over-sized chaise lounge with a rumpled comforter on it. I wouldn't think this is a place you'd come to hang out at, but maybe it is for Hayden considering the fast food wrappers and magazines. Hayden says, "I turned on the space heater right after you called, lover boy." Danny hugs him around the back of his neck, saying, "You did good, girlfriend," as Hayden sort of leans into Danny. There's a big space heater glowing red and I gotta say that thing has certainly done its job because it's fucking hot down here, so I say, "Maybe you should turn off the heater now," and Hayden goes, "Should I, Daniel?" He says, "No, we want to sweat in our nakedness. Let's get undressed."

Hayden kicks off his sneakers, pulls off white socks, and then peels off his stretch jeans. While unbuttoning my shirt, I glance over to watch Hayden drop what appeared to be girl's panties and then, yep, his penis is indeed bigger than Danny's, who's cock is bigger than mine but not by a lot. Hayden shaves his pubic hairs like I do. Man, that's a big slab of circumcised penis between that boy's legs. It's longer than Ray's and as fat as Robby's. He has normal size nuts that look undersized compared to his dick. Hayden's whole body is on the skinny-side. He's small boned with narrow shoulders and hips, and then there's that incongruous big penis proving once again that Mother Nature has a sense of humor. Hayden pulls his T-shirt over his head and reveals a well-proportioned smallish torso with no body hair. Hayden's body would make my bus-buddy, Ryan Gagnon's, body look almost normal size. Hayden's about five-foot-eight-inches tall, which isn't especially short and so further emphasizing how thin he is.

When I take my jockey shorts off Hayden goes, "Hey, honey, you're a good girl for shaving your pubes! You do that for your man like I do it for mine." Yeah, Hayden will often say annoying shit like that. Danny goes, "I didn't know you were still doing that, Dylan." I mutter, "How would you?" Danny shrugs as I think, 'You wouldn't, not unless Rob told you, which he apparently didn't'. That's a good sign. Danny, when naked, makes Hayden and I look like the 'before' pictures to Danny's 'after' picture in body-building magazines. And I have a damn good body if I do say so myself. So that's how extra hot Danny's body is. I go, "You been working out, huh Danny?" He goes, "Yeah, regularly, but I gotta watch that I don't get musclebound or it'll screw me up for baseball."

Hayden says, "Let's hug it out like we used to do as kids." Danny smiles and holds his arm out wiggling his fingers in a 'come to me' motion. Hayden and I walk into Danny's arms for a group hug with me feeling silly at first. All of us wrap our arms around the backs of one another. Oooh, surprise! It's nice feeling their naked bodies against mine and Danny gets us even tighter together so now our dicks are squished together and mine right away starts getting hard. Just mine, and that's embarrassing! Hayden mumbles, "Group kiss now," and we try getting three sets of lips together but mine are mostly on Danny's and he gives me a hot sloppy kiss. Hayden goes, "Hey, my turn," and he strains his neck up and puts his tongue in my mouth doing a kiss almost like Ryan Wilcox would do back in the day. My cock gets really hard now as I grunt feeling embarrassed. Hayden murmurs, "Ooh, you are so sexy, Dylan." I stifle a moan but a, "Mmm," sound comes out anyway.

We hold this position for long enough that I feel perspiration forming on our bodies and then we rub together. It seemed goofy to me at first but now we're all real comfortable being tightly together like this getting slippery with perspiration. Yeah, it might be a little weird, but it's sexy too. I wouldn't mind feeling their bodies for a while longer because now I can feel both of their cocks firming up which makes it sexier for me. Embarrassingly I make a gulping sound trying to swallow and those two chuckle. Our sweaty foreheads are touching as we breathe into each other's faces and omigod, I'm afraid I might cum if we do this much longer.

Danny finally says, "I think I know who, but let's see who has the hardest boner." We step apart and Hayden points at my boner, saying, "You've definitely won the bottom-boy position, Dylan." Both their big cocks are firm-looking, hanging a little to the side while mine is tightly up against my belly, hard as wood. Danny says, "No, Hayden! Dylan doesn't know the game. I didn't tell him the object of the group hug." Glancing at Hayden's big cock and then Danny's, I mumble, "That's okay. I don't mind being the bottom or whatever Hayden said." Hayden reaches over to grab my cock and my natural instinct is to pull my hips back, which I do. He says, "We're all gonna be touching cocks, sweetheart. Now stand still for me."

Danny goes, "Just a second, Hayden!" and then he asks me, "Do you know what docking is, Dylan?" I mumble, "I'll assume you're not referring to what boats and ships do, so yes, I know what docking means between guys." He picks up the tube of lubricant from the armchairs, saying, "You and me are uncut but Hayden's obviously been circumcised so he'll dock with you first." He picks up the hand vibrator in his other hand, saying, "We use a hand vibrator to add to the sensation. Um, do you think you'd be okay with that?" I nod, saying, "Sure, I'm good with docking and the vibrator." I watch a drop of sweat run down Danny face as Hayden takes the lubricant from him and, getting some on his finger, he explains to me, "I'm just going to put some on the heads of your dick, sweetie, nothing to fear." I swat his head lightly, saying, "Call me Dylan, okay?" I'm grinning at him as I say that so his feelings don't get hurt. He wiggles his body somehow while making a face as he says, "I'll try really hard, Dylan." "

Glad I made my point I watch as he pulls my boner away from my belly and swirls lube around the foreskin that's covering the head and then he gets his finger inside my foreskin and rubs it around on the bare head and I go, "Aaaah," going up on my toes. Hayden looks up at me and rubs his slippery fingers all around the head of my cock again, saying, "Easy there, girl. Settle back down off your toes." Frowning at the 'girl' word again, I get down flat-footed as Hayden says to Danny, "She's gonna blow almost immediately." I swat his head again, saying, 'Stop the girl references." Danny says, "Don't be so touchy, Dylan, and stop hitting him." Two against one huh? I mutter, "Sorry Hayden," and he grins at the support Danny's giving him, but says nothing as he lubes his cock now. Long strokes that smears the lube up and down the long shaft of his slightly firm penis and then over the bulbous head, his hand twisting on it as my boner twitches in his other hand. Hayden gives me a cute grin and squeezes the head of my boner making me go, "Uuuh." He murmurs, "That's a good girl." I guess I lost that battle.

Handing the lube back to Danny, Hayden takes the vibrator and straps it to the back of his hand. As I'm wiping the sweat from my forehead I glance at Danny who nods his head at me encouragingly, saying, "You're doing good, Dylan. I'm gonna be next and I'm expecting to get kinda turned-on watching you two." Hayden tells me, "What we're doing here is milking our nuts to start-out so the fucking last longer when Danny and I are fucking your pussy." That gets a little submissive sense to slide over me and I nod my head and continue watching him.

Still holding my boner away from my belly, Hayden lines up his cock head with mine and pulls my foreskin over the fat head of his cock, stretching it and then getting our piss slits kissing tightly together as my shoulders shudder and I shuffle my feet. Hayden covers the docking with the fist the vibrator is on. He flicks on the vibrator and it makes a humming sound with a thousand pulses seemingly coming off Hayden's hand. Then, distracting me for a second, I feel Danny spreading lubricant around my anus and when his finger goes in my asshole I go up on my toes again for a second with Hayden uses an authoritative voice saying, "Stand still, you!" My nuts buzz and all around my groin I feels the same buzzing making me do a little gasp and then gulp again while swallowing. Hayden looks up at that sounds and I squeak out, "Sorry." He smiles and tightens his fist on our cocks' heads.

Standing behind me Danny rubs my prostate and then gets two fingers up my ass and rubs some more as Hayden puts his left hand behind my head pulling it down, mumbling, "Stay put, sweetheart," and then pulls my head down further and I feel more submissiveness swarming over me. I shudder at how good everything feels. I can't bend forward much or it would pull my dick out of the docking. My whole body seems to be vibrating now and it feels awesome but I'm gonna cum any second now. I can't help moaning, "Oooh, ummm!' I'm still squirming so Danny puts his left arm around me tightly. His firm cock is lengthwise against my left butt cheek. Danny's fingers are still in my ass but he's stopped rubbing my prostate. Just the pressure on it though is enough to make me squirm again getting Hayden to pull my head down harder and give me a sharp look.

Okay, I'm feeling submissive and therefore try to obey by standing still. Hayden lets go of my head now that I'm being still for them. He moves his vibrating hand off the docking over to cup my nuts with his other hand squeezing the docking now. The buzzing on my nuts gets my boner tightening up more as I hold my breath trying not to move. The side of Danny's face is against the side of my head as he murmurs in my ear, "Good. Stay still and concentrate on the sensations down there," as his finger begins rubbing my prostate again. The vibrating on my nuts gets my cock almost unimaginably hard and it grows a little longer which stretches the foreskin but Hayden has his little fist tight around the two docked cock heads. My head, the one on my shoulders now free of Hayden hand goes back against Danny's shoulder as I moan, "Oooh, fuuuuck!" but don't move, mostly because Danny's holding me so tightly.

Increasing sensations are achingly just this side of the pleasure zone, but close to the torture zone too. Danny takes his fingers out of my ass and the head of his boner is at my asshole now. He forces it way up inside me with one hard thrust as Hayden moves his vibrating hand back to our docked boners and it's sexual-sensations-overload times-ten. I only last maybe ten-or-twelve-seconds more before struggling mightily and grunting, "Ooh, ooooh, oooooh," my back arching, as I squeal, "Eeeeiii!" and climax with creamy cum squishing out of the docking past my stretched foreskin and in between Hayden's fingers. The vibrating continues and I'm up on my toes leaning back into Danny's strong body; the only thing that keeps me from pulling away from the docking. Danny pumps his boner up my ass a few times and I can't even breath now that the sensations have overwhelmed my brain. Looking up at my scrunched face with a grin on his face, Hayden strokes my boner with his vibrating hand and another stream of cum goes nowhere except to circle around the big head of Hayden's cock and then squeezes out under my foreskin and drool through his fingers and my cum drip drip, drip, drips on the carpet plop, plop, plop, plop.

I'm ready to faint at the incredible sensations as he leaves the vibrator going making my stomach muscles contract again getting drools of cum out and then I slump, moaning, "Oooooh..." Hayden says, "I think he's milked-out, Danny. Should I let go?" Danny must have nodded his head because Hayden takes his hand away and steps back with my milky cum drooling off the heads of both our cocks. Danny pulls his boner out, holding me up as I stagger back a couple of steps. He goes, "That was spectacular! Good job, Hayden. And nice climax, Dylan."

I'm still dizzy but the afterglow of that orgasm is wonderful. There's sizzling sensations still running around my dick and groin and asshole, feeling ridiculously good. I go, "Holy shit! How long was that." Hayden says, "How long, Danny?" He's stroking his cock and looking at the second hand on his wristwatch, "Fifty-three seconds. That might be a record." I ask, "For longest or shortest time to climax?" Hayden says, "Damn, you sweet girl you. That was the longest ever, if I'm remembering correctly." Danny goes, "Oh yeah, you're right, Hayden. None of us lasted thirty-seconds back in the day, but we were pretty young and it was all so new back then." I take a deep breath feeling wonderful, like I always do after climaxing. With my cock and balls still vibrating slightly, I go, "Okay, what's next?" Danny says, "I'm what's next," and he steps in front of Hayden, and then looking back at me, he goes, "You do my part, okay, Dylan?" I go, "Yeah, sure." Hayden says, "Just so you know, Dylan, this is all just a warm up. Our threesomes used to go on for a couple go hours." Danny mumbles, "No need to exaggerate, girlfriend."

Checking him out, I see Danny's cock is still firmed-up noticeably. Hayden grabs an old t-shirt and wipes ass juices off Danny cock before lining-up their penis piss-slits. As he slides Danny's foreskin over the head of his own cock's head, that's still shinny with my cum, Danny makes a "Shsssss," sound as his body gets stiff and Hayden tells me, "I almost climaxed myself, Dylan. You held off so long I thought I was going to blow my load before you." As he said that he's casually moving Danny's foreskin back and forth on his cock's head smearing my cum on the inside of Danny's foreskin. I'm staring at their docked cocks feeling some stirring start up in my balls again.

Hayden stops moving his hand to look at me, saying, "Sweetheart, you're supposed to at least finger fuck him while I'm do this." Danny goes, "I can't take your cock in my ass though. Okay, Dylan?" I say, "Don't worry, I can't get another boner this fast; not after the climax I just had." Hayden tries being nice, saying, "That's okay, neither of us could either. Give his ass a good finger fucking though." The vibrator's buzzing sound has been running constantly and it's making my shoulders shudder remembering how it felt buzzing on my balls and boner. Jesus, that was special! I get the tube off the red armchair and rub lube around Danny's asshole and then plug my finger in his ass feeling around for his prostate. At the same time I wrap my free arm around him. Sweat is in my eyes so I wipe my face against the back of Danny's head getting some of the perspiration to rub off in his hair. It must be ninety-degrees in here. Sweat is running off Hayden's face, not that it seems to be bothering him. He's very intent about what he's doing. Maybe even feeling in-charge...

I notice a faint pleasant scent coming off Danny's body. His body is hard, even his buttocks, and his body is sexy in a macho way. Danny goes, "Awwww," as Hayden cups his nuts in his vibrating hand. Danny leans back against me hard as I rub his prostate and hold him tightly around the waist with my left arm. He told me to be still but he's jerking around like crazy. Hayden shouts, "Danny, you're gonna break the docking if you don't stop moving around," and he grips behind Danny's head the way he did with mine. I hold Danny tighter but when the vibrator hand begins stroking up and down his now seven-hard-inches-of-boner Danny's up on his toes leaning back against me, going, "Aaaaaahhh," with cum gushing out between Hayden's fingers and then their cocks come apart so the second shot of Danny's orgasm shoots straight at Hayden hitting him in the belly button. Danny's wildly stroking his boner so I let go of him as Hayden bends over laughing like mad. Danny's still stroking his dick hopping around, mumbling, "I don't remember it feeling like that. Holy shit!" I'm wiping the finger I had up Danny's ass on what looks like a towel hanging over the red armchair.

Calming down finally, Danny starts chuckling himself as Hayden and I laugh. I'm mostly laughing at Hayden laughing. He has a contagious laugh. Oh fuck, I wipe my arm across my forehead getting my arm dripping with sweat and I'm like, "Can't we turn that fucking heater off?" Hayden looks questioning at Danny, who says, "No, the heater stays on." Not wanting to get into a confrontation since I'm the guest here, I ask, "Well, um, how about Hayden? How do his balls get milked?" Hayden says, "Well, sweetheart, since you asked, you can do it for me." Danny goes, "Get the hand vibrator on your right hand, Dylan, and stand behind him." Hayden helps get the vibrator on the back of my right hand as Danny continues instructing, "You rub his prostate while jerking him off with the vibrator running. Let's see how long you last, girlfriend." Hayden says, "I'm just about ready to cum anyway. Oh, and I lubed my big dick before milking your pussy dry, sweetie, so your hand will slide back and forth on my dick nicely." I give him a look, mumbling, "Pussy?" and he goes, "Sorry," not sounding like he meant it, but adding, "I'll try harder not to say girlie things." Danny goes, "I told you to ignore that stuff like I do, Dylan." I say, "Okay, I'm quite happy to milk the little girl's balls if she's gonna be that way." Hayden laughs, "Yes, that's the stuff, honey. You go, girl!" Oh brother!

Hayden's body is small but felt sexy during the group hug. Actually I'm looking forward to fucking him later although I'm positive I won't get to fuck Danny. Hayden said something about a two-hour-sex-a-thon though, so who knows, maybe Danny will find he can take my cock up his ass. It's pretty much a guaranteed I'll get their big dicks up my ass before the two hours are up.

Picking up the tube of lubricant again I get some more on my finger to grease Hayden's asshole, but he reaches back and gets his arms around my neck. Pulling my head down his full lips are on mine and, like I said, he has the sexy kissing technique I thought only Ryan Wilcox knew how to do. It's basically a thirty-second make-out that gets my flaccid dick tightening up again. Not a boner but it tightened enough to feel good. Hayden gasps and mutters, "Fuck, you taste good, girlfriend." I guess I better do like Danny said and ignore that 'girlfriend' shit from Hayden because he apparently can't control it.

Danny goes, "You guys got me all hot and bothered just watching you kiss. Damn!" I lube Hayden's ass and poke my finger in. Wow, it's surprisingly loose so a real easy entry. Hopefully I'll manage a boner so I can fuck him until he cums, but it's a long shot. Ooh, his prostate is very smooth and when I reach around him with my other arm his ponytail feels soft and silky between his back and the front of my shoulder. It smells of shampoo. Hayden, generally speaking, has a clean fresh scent to him too. Both guys have faintly pleasant scents even with all the sweating we're doing. Glancing at Danny I see he has some chest hairs that are dripping wet and sticking flat to his body. Hayden is hairless but his chest shines with perspiration. I rub his sweaty belly and chest and then slide my vibrating hand down his smoothly shaved groin and squeeze his nuts kinda hard, and he murmurs, "Do that again, girl, but harder." Giving his nuts a tight squeeze gets Hayden pushing his ass against my cock that's hanging down, splitting his butt cheeks length-wise, filling his ass crack. A plump chubby butt cheek on each side of my cock making me quietly moan, "Mmmm." For a skinny guy he has a nice ass.

Grabbing his long fat cock in my fist I stroke it tightly and the buzzing vibrator gets his attention immediately. Rubbing his prostate while stroking that very hard over-nine-inches of cock gets it bone-hard in fifteen-seconds. A big cock like that getting hard so fast surprises the hell out of me. I don't believe I've ever stroked a longer cock, or one this long for that matter. It's a different feeling as my fist strokes down, down, down the length. Long strokes back and forth on his big slab of hard meat with my buzzing hand. It's getting me very aroused and I feel my dick start firming up. Hayden's making whiney sounding moans as his feet do a little tap dance and after a few more tight strokes he moans louder. My finger comes out of his ass so I can wrap an arm around him trying to keep him in place. I hear Danny's heavy breathing as he watches us, but I'm mostly looking over Hayden's narrow shoulder watching my fist move up and down that amazing cock. In about thirty-seconds Hayden's back arches and his body gets hard as a board. He goes, "Arggggg, aaaah," with a stream of cum shooting straight out... way out, and then with his hips humping another stream follows. It's kinda disappointing that it's over so quickly. I stroke until I'm sure there's no more spunk to milk out and then let go of him. He grabs his cock bending over groaning and squeezing it tightly.

Bent over gasping, his ponytail hanging below his face, he goes, "Ooooh, that felt good!" Danny's pulling on his pud too, grinning and saying, "That was so fucking hot, Dylan!" He puts his arm across my shoulders to gives me a hug and our bodies slide in our mutual sweat. Hayden's standing now smiling and saying, "Nice fucking warm-up, huh?" Our cocks, recently hard as stone, now hang flaccidly between our legs at varying lengths. I ask, "If you won't turn off that heater, is there at least someplace we can wash up? I'm sweating like a hog and I've got lube from my fingers smeared on me everywhere I touched myself." I don't mention it but Danny and I have also had a finger up someone's ass. Hayden nods at a door. I open it and there's a full bathroom. "Why do you have a full bath in an unfinished basement?" Hayden shrugs, "It was here when my parents bought the house. We assumed they intended to finish the basement but sold the house first. The previous owners divorced or something like that."

I go in the bathroom followed by Hayden and we both take a piss standing together in front of the toilet. Danny comes in and goes to the sink washing his hands and then dumps handfuls of cold water over his head. Hayden says to me, "It'll probably surprise you to learn I envy you having that little penis. This big thing gets bunched in my underpants and I'm always a little uncomfortable." I go, "I don't have a little penis. It's above the average size, actually." I half expect Danny to say something about Robby's four-inch penis but he doesn't. Instead he asks, "Ya got any beer in the house, Hayden? I could go for a cold brew right about now."

Finished our piss, Hayden and I are at the sink soaping and washing our hands. He says, "Yeah, but my parents favor boutique brewery beers so I don't know if you're going to like the brand they're drinking now." He bumps the side of his bubble-butt ass against the side of my ass, asking, "Are we still gonna have our girl's night out, or at least a liquid lunch out together sometime?" I go, "You know I don't appreciate those girl references, Hayden." Danny hugs me from behind, saying, "Hey, we've been over this already, babe. Chill out!" He's calling me 'babe' now? Danny takes an arm from around me to yank on Hayden's ponytail, saying, "He talks that shit but he doesn't mean anything by it, do you, Hayden?" Hayden's drying his hands, "No, of course not, but that's what you call me sometimes, Danny. You call me your girlfriend." I make a face and Danny lets go of me, saying defensively, "Yeah, but only because that's how you refer to yourself. I didn't start it." Hayden mumbles, "Let's not have a cat-fight over it. I'll try not to use the word 'girl' again." I go, "No, it's alright. Forget I mentioned it! Jesus!"

Hayden's a little huffy going upstairs for the beers. It's kinda hot that the three of us have been naked all this time without giving it too much thought. It makes me think again of my fantasy for a nude beach where only guys twenty-three-years-old and younger are allowed on it. The girls' nude beach, and the one for older guys, would be a half-mile away... ha ha.

Danny and I leave the bathroom with him saying, "Sit with me on the chaise lounge." I ask, "Can't we please turn off the heater?" He goes, "No, I like it hot." Hopping up on the chaise lounge he spreads out the comforter and gets under it, saying. "C'mon, Dylan, join me." After doing an exasperating exhale, I get under the comforter next to him with sweat running down my face. Danny snuggles in closely asking in almost a whisper, "Do you think you can handle Hayden's cock? Rob had trouble taking it, but we were very inexperienced back then." I don't mind snuggling with him, as I mumble, "I don't know, Danny, can you handle it?" He shakes his head, "I can't handle anything bigger than a finger, I'm sorry to say. I'd like to be filled-up back there but the pain's excruciating. Something's amiss with my rectum I guess." Yeah, some guys simply can't take anything up their ass and then there are other who can, but won't.

Danny's arm against mine is very warm and damp but I like the feel of it anyway. I'm a fan of the young male form, ya might say. I mutter, "Well, Hayden's cock is the biggest one I can recall seeing but I'm wondering if maybe it just seems the biggest because he's on the smallish side himself." Danny gets his arm under my neck pulling my head over to his, asking, "Is this okay?" and when I go, "Yeah," he hugs me against his side, telling me, "No, it's not because he's small. We've measured his cock and it's almost ten inches." My eyes get big and then he asks, "Are you okay being our primary 'bottom'?" I go, "Sure, I guess," and he says, "Well, what we'll do after taking a beer break is I get to fuck you up the ass while you're sucking Hayden off, and when anyone of us climaxes he and I will switch places and continue on until we've all had an orgasm. We'll rest then and discuss what we'll do next." I can feel my cock tightening-up again as I try saying, 'sure', but it comes out as a wheezy, "Sssshhh-are," making Danny laugh out loud and hug me almost on top of him. What a sexy macho body he has. Chuckling now myself, I mumble, "See how confident I am about Hayden's cock up my ass," and we both laugh and then Danny tries imitating me saying, 'sure' with lots of 'S's and H's.

I'm like, "Oh fuck, that was embarrassing." Danny goes, "No, seriously, you'll be fine. You just got a little flustered when I mentioned Hayden and I switching, meaning you'd be sucking my cock after it's been up your ass. Can you handle that?" Is he kidding? He goes, "I don't know if you've ever done that before, which is why I'm asking if you can handle it." I go, "Yeah, I can handle it," and we both chuckle again thinking about the size of Hayden's cock and how I couldn't say the word 'sure'. But I like that Danny doesn't know what I can handle because that means Rob's not sharing information about his and my sex life.

Hayden, carrying three bottle of beer, asks, "What's so funny?" Danny says, "You had to be here. What kind go beer is that?" Hayden gives us each a bottle and then insinuates himself on the chaise lounge with Danny and I scooting over a little. He says, "It's called Valley Malt beer. It's a Massachusetts craft beer made by a local artisan maltster using fresh ingredients. That's what the label says." We all taste the beer. Balls, it has an intense beer flavor that I can't imagine you'd be able to drink all afternoon, like with Bud or Miller Lite. Danny goes, "Oh, that tastes terrible. Strong malt flavor." and I go, "No, it's just different from what we're used to." Hayden says, "No, I think Danny's right, it's terrible." Nonetheless we all, in our partial lying position on the chaise lounge sweating like crazy, drink the whole bottle and then Hayden slides off the couch and gets out a Salem 100 and lights it, asking, "Anyone want a Salem?" Danny passes his empty bottle to me and I pass both to Hayden as Danny says, "Get me a Marlboro from my pants, Hayden. And one for Dylan too."

Hayden does that and gets back on the chaise lounge. With the comforter over the three of us again, the temperature feels like it's at least a hundred-degrees. Adding to the heat I'm feeling from the room, I'm now in the middle getting the 98.6 degrees from these two. I've got a soap dish on my lap that we're using as an ash tray. What could be more cozy in this sauna than lying on a chaise lounge smoking together? Long stray hairs are sticking to the side of Hayden's sweaty face. I try brushing them to the side for him as I ask, "Is this normal, smoking down here or is it just because your parents are out?" He says, "I'm not supposed to smoke at all, and they don't think I do. So, no, it's not normal. Let's just say I smoke down here every time I'm in a threesome-sex-orgy," and he laughs hardily which makes Danny and me chuckle 'cause, like I said, Hayden has a contagious laugh. Finished our smokes I pass Hayden the soap dish and he slides it under the chaise lounge and asks me, "How fast to you recover? I mean how fast is your body ready for another erection and your nuts have worked up new spunk?" I go, "It depends. Probably pretty quickly considering I haven't had sex since Rob's operation." Danny goes, "Two whole days, huh?" and I go, "It's been over three days actually." Then I remember Vinnie. That was the day after Rob's operation, but that's still, what, two days, isn't it?

Danny says, "Hayden and I go three days without fucking all the time, don't we Hayden?" Hayden's like, "Not because of me, and who knows who else you're fucking in between fucking me." Danny, realizing Hayden's referring to Rob, says, "Shut-up, Hayden. I don't fuck around." Hayden must have realized the same thing Danny did and tries to recover by saying, "Okay, Danny, I'll say one name and then leave it at that. Greg Peters, and now my lips are sealed." Greg Peters! I casually asks, "Who's Greg Peters?" Danny says, "Nobody! Hayden button your lip!"

No sense pressing the point. Danny doesn't want to say who Greg Peters is, but now I know that they know him, and I know I saw his name on Rob's cellphone caller ID once so there's a story there and I'll eventually find out what it is. I guess to find that out I'm back in the business of a girl's liquid luncheon with Hayden. Ya know what? I'm now getting into this sweating thingie under the covers with two naked guys, one on either side of me. My right hands moves over to rub Danny's stomach and up through his sparse wet chest hairs to his nipples while my left hand does the same on Hayden's body. Quite a contrast but I find both bodies desirable. Hayden scrunches in a little tighter to my side and slips his hand over between my legs so I slide my hand down to get a fist around his significant penis. Nobody is talking but I hear Hayden take a noisy deep breath. Danny's hand slides from my chest to my crotch where he feels Hayden's hand around my dick so Danny grabs my nuts and I slide my hand down to grip Danny's nuts.

Still no one says anything until I go, "A stalemate, huh?" and Danny goes, "Checkmate," and Hayden says, "It's the ol' Mexican standoff." I go, "Easy now, boys. Ease off the nads, Danny," and when he does I let go of his nuts and say to Hayden, "Stroke away if you want to." He laughs and turns partially over to lie on my shoulder with his leg between mine. I go, "Danny what should I do? Your girlfriend is getting on top of me." Danny reaches over under the covers and a muffled, "SMACK" sound is heard as he smacks Hayden's ass. We start wrestling around with the sole purpose of feeling our body rubbing against the other two bodies. Oh, so hot and sweaty! Danny and I do a hot sexy kiss and then Hayden and Danny make mouth sounds kissing and sucking on each other's mouths with their heads right over me before both collapse on me. Three naked sweaty guys. I struggle out from under them to get off the chaise lounge. Even though it's wicked hot in this basement it feels cool for a second compared to being under the covers with our hot bodies building up the heat factor.

I get another cigarette and the guys ask me to get one for them. After putting the ashtray-soap-dish on the chaise lounge again we all smoke with them still lying on the couch and me sitting on the edge of it. We talk about moving on with the three-way and Hayden basically tells me the same procedure Danny told me fifteen minutes ago. I'm glad Danny's fucking me first because he'll partially get my rectum ready for the challenge coming from Hayden's cock. We're all set until Hayden asks, "Should we use condoms? I've got some in my bedroom." Now Danny wants to know why in the fuck would Hayden have condoms. Is he fucking someone Danny doesn't know about. That turns into a dog and pony act with Hayden not saying if he is or isn't fucking someone and Danny saying, "Okay, babe, is it someone I know?" Back and forth like that for ten tedious minutes.

I go upstairs without asking if it's okay and with each step up the stairs the temperature drops five degrees. In the kitchen it feels like a meat locker compared to the basement. I get a cold orange soda from their refrigerator and while drinking it I'm thinking, 'Oh fuck! What if one of his parents happens to come home for whatever reason and the find me, a total stranger, standing naked in their kitchen drinking one of their sodas?' That gets me to leave the kitchen, and it feels like a winter day in here compared to downstairs, but down I go into the furnace anyway where I find Hayden and Danny flopping around on the top of the comforter making-out. I watch Hayden's ponytail flailing around and he looks like a little kid, his body I mean when compared to Danny's body. They get into a really hot make-out though! I drink the cold beverage and watch until they separate breathing hard, both lads with hard boners. I'm jealous. Catching his second wind, Danny goes, "Oh man, that looks good, Dylan." He and Hayden go upstairs for sodas of their own. This has been fun, but I'm getting anxious for the actual threesome...

to be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumforf@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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Next: Chapter 11

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