Dylans Junior Year at College

Published on Sep 8, 2016



Chapter 5

By Donny Mumford

Walking up the short hall from the bathroom I hear the guys on the balcony

laughing, then my eyes focus on the after-dinner mess in the kitchen. Huh, I'll clean-up in there before rejoining the guys and maybe while doing some mindless cleaning I can make some sense out of what's up with Ryan. We were on the best of terms when I left Georgia, and we texted regularly since then, but from the minute he arrived at Merrimack there's been some kind of miscommunication between us. I sensed something was off when I was with him this afternoon and it continued during dinner and right up until he left a few minutes ago. We're not on the same wavelength. Plus, we had some minor arguing with him claiming I'm flirting with him, and me claiming if I'm doing that it's totally unintentional. Here's my best guess: Ryan became so used to my deferential manner in Marietta that he expected more of the same from me here at Merrimack. In other words, we're experiencing an adjustment period. He was completely in-charge during my nine weeks in Georgia and I was completely compliant with just about any and everything he said, but that's changed now that we're fellow students and friends. Anyway, that's basically what I think we need to communicate about. It's kind of paradoxical that he expected more of the same deferential treatment here from me while I'm surprised I still feel as much of it as I do two months after the

fact. The prime example of how in-charge Ryan was in Georgia happened on my very last day there. He expected me to follow his rigid routine right up to the end, even insisting it was my normal haircut day. He gave me the haircut mere hours before we left for the airport on my way home. Weirdly, I hardly complained about how stupid and unnecessary it was to do that. So that's how compliant I'd become by then. I remember watching him walk away at the airport and me immediately feeling a little lost. I missed him being there making decisions. I definitely formed a kind of admiration for him over those nine weeks so it's no small thing we're dealing with now. I wasn't 'in love' with him, but I felt a love for him much like the way I feel love for a couple of other close friends. I'm not implying he was some kind of tyrant or a benevolent dictator, um, or maybe benevolent dictator isn't such a terrible description of him in Marietta. But he was more subtle than the word 'dictator' implies. In his defense, he thought he was helping me mature even though I didn't feel I needed his help. No harm in it though; he had good intentions. I told him before I left the only reason for me not continuing our Marietta relationship here at college is my devotion and love for Robby. That's all that separated me from a possible life with Ryan as my better half. That shows how much I approved of the way he handled being in-charge. Of course, when I say 'that's all that separated me from a life with Ryan', in actuality Robby is a monumental obstacle for Ryan to overcome. An insurmountable one actually. I was just being nice softening the fact he and I have zero chance as long as Robby and I are in love, and I don't see that ever changing. I do admire the way Ryan's changed from the way he was when I first met him. He's grown and matured in positive ways that I've come to respect and, like I said, he's basically a nice person. Most of the credit for his transformation has to go to him, although I helped rehabilitate his image in Marietta. The thing is, I know what true love is with Robby so I knew my feelings for Ryan were nothing like true love. Actually I feel bad that Ryan continues to have this 'thing' for me. It sounds stupid, but I wish he would stop thinking he loves me. That would make everything a great deal less complicated, and we could be best buddies. Anyway, the feelings I have for him and Robby are so different it's not even funny, and yet in some ways those two seem to be getting more alike all the time. Not their appearance obviously; Robby is much better looking with a superior body so there's no realistic grounds for a comparison in that regard. What I meant is they seemingly are becoming more alike in the way they interact with me, and maybe somehow I'm partially responsible for that. I think they're both good bosses. As for myself, I've never wanted to be bossy or in-charge of anyone; it's not my nature. That doesn't mean I'm wimpy or weak the way macho types might assume. I've never been afraid to accept responsibility, which I've done a lot of in my early life. It's relief from responsibility I seek. And I'm not implying, 'Oh, poor me, poor Dylan!' because I don't now, and never have, felt sorry for myself; quite the contrary as I think I've led a lucky life so far. That doesn't change the simple fact that Chubby and I have had an extraordinary amount of responsibility on our shoulders since we were very young, so now I'd like to take a break from that, which is why I favor guys who take charge. Chubby, on the other hand, has always happily been in-charge and has always been a leader. Even in social situations, or any situation he chooses, he takes charge with his big smile and a personality that's just as big. That comes naturally to him, so our experiences of growing-up mostly on our own were more or less right in his wheelhouse, so to speak. And what the fuck does all this mean anyway? I really don't know. It might mean nothing because nothing is going to make me change how I feel about Robby. I can't control how Ryan feels about me or, apparently, how I feel about him; not yet I can't. Bottom line, here's what I'm thinking, or hoping: as time passes without Ryan being in-charge of anything having to do with me he'll become more accepting of that fact. Following the same logic, with time I'll lose the flickers of leftover feelings I have about him being dominant. So, maybe it's as simple as letting time go by. I didn't think about it when it happened but I've already taken the first step in moving away from his in-charge status by bulking at his 'order' earlier tonight. He wanted me to deceive Robby by saying I needed the Mini tomorrow. Ryan's plan was for me to ride over with him to his dorm, have sex, and then I'd drive the Mini back to my place. I said, 'NO' I wouldn't do something as devious as that to Robby. So, the more times I say 'no' to Ryan the better off we'll both be. At the same time I don't want to be cruel or mean-spirited about it. I love Ryan as a friend, plus he's never done anything to me that deserves cruel or mean-spirited treatment from me. Ryan aside, my future plans primarily consist of being the best boyfriend I can be for Robby. That's my number one priority as far as relationships are concerned. I say that even though Robby and Danny Monday may very well be having some recreational side-sex again. If they are, so what? I may have some with Ryan, or someone else. Being the best boyfriend for Robby doesn't prohibit some side sex. Not as long as Robby wants to leave the option open for himself. The bottom line of all these musings is I'm still not sure what to do about Ryan, but I do know what to do about Robby... he and I are on that long, long road of life together forever. I'm emptying the dishwasher while considering all these crazy meandering ideas, then I jump a foot off the floor when Danny Monday asks, "Can I get a couple of beers, Dylan?" I go, "Oh, shit! Ha ha, you startled the hell out

of me." He looks startled himself as I chuckle, saying, "Not your fault. I was in a trance. You need beers? Sure thing" and I move aside so he can get by me to the refrigerator. To make conversation, I ask, "What courses are you taking this year?" He pulls two cans of beer out of the refrigerator, saying, "I've got that Investment Principles course with you and Rob on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but that's the only one we have together." Huh, I guess that surprises me. Changing the subject, Danny asks, "Um, what do you think about Golden, Rob's freshman?" I shrug, "He's a good barber," and Danny grins, asking, "Any chance he's gay, do ya think?" I shake my head, "I'm guessing no, but he has twin brothers and one of the twins is supposedly gay. At least that's what Rob told me." Danny pops the tab on one of the cans of beer and drinks some, burps, then says, "Well, my freshman is a macho loud-mouth asshole. He thinks he's a hot shit because he was first team All State where he lives. Delaware I think he said. Anyway, Rob lucked out with Golden, compared to my freshman anyway." He slides by me in our tiny kitchen, saying, "Why don't you c'mon out and join us..." I go, "Yeah, I'll be out in a second." Finished unloading the dishwasher I consider getting a beer myself except I don't really want one. Screw peer pressure, instead of a beer I walk out on the balcony with a Snapple, and Chubby asks, "Where ya been, bro?" He comes over to give my shoulders a squeeze. Golden follows him over to me like

Chubby's puppy dog. All five of us soon get into a discussion about professors and how we can gain some insight into them during tomorrow's all day orientation classes. Robby says, "Dylan and I are going to all three orientations we have together, and I'll go to my fourth one too." Chubby says, "That's a waste of time, Rob. You'll find out what the professors are like during the first class for each course. Orientations are helpful during freshman year only," and he looks at Golden, "You need to go to all of yours." Golden smirks at him, saying, "I'm here on a scholarship to play baseball, but I'm not stupid. I know damn well I'm never going to make it to the next level, to the pros, so of course I'll be at every orientation." Chubby mutters, "Brown-noser," then grins, saying, "But after freshman year orientations are a waste of time." Danny says, "I don't think they are. If you only pick up one helpful clue from the professor it's worth twenty minutes of your time." Everyone's comparing their schedules now, and arguing about who chose the worst courses. It's all based on scuttlebutt as to which professors to stay clear of and which ones to sign up for. Talk peters-out eventually and Robby says, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to call it a night." Everyone agrees and Robby goes, "Um, Danny, would you give Golden a ride back to campus?" Chubby says, "I'll take him, Rob. His dormitory is one over from John Beverly's and mine." Everyone thanks me for dinner, then John Beverly suggests I make this a weekly thing. I say, "Watch for your invitation via text message Johnny. If you don't get one, don't come." Golden says, "What if it's an anonymous text?" which gets a laugh. John Beverly tells me, "Don't call me Johnny, pal." I say, "Don't call me pal, Johnny." As they're all leaving, Chubby goes, "Jesus, I think that routine's was big in the fifties..." I don't hear the rest of what he said because they're all pounding down the steps to the parking lot. Robby went down with the guys to open his pickup so Golden can get the barbering tools. That reminds me, I need to ask Ryan to return my good barber clippers; the ones I left with him in Georgia. Then it's just Robby and me in a quiet apartment. He rubs my back, saying, "Everything went pretty well tonight, don't you think, Dylan?" Avoiding the Ryan conundrum, I nod, "Yep,

it was a good christening for our apartment." Robby glances at the kitchen, and goes, "Wow, you cleaned up and put everything away. Thanks, babe!" I grin, happy I pleased him, then ask, "You ready for bed?" and he says, "I sure am, and as head of the household I'm insisting on some loving with my significant other." I go, "That term, 'significant other', blows!" He puts his arms around me, swaying us a little, murmuring, "Yes, it does. I meant to say, my lover and the light of my life." I lean in against him, mumbling, "I like that better." While there are still confusing mixed-messages in my head about Ryan, there are none about Robby. Being in his arms I experience a calm wonderful feeling like I'm in a warm safe place and... well, it's hard to describe. I only feel this way when I'm in Robby's arms; it's like that corny sentiment that claims anyplace Robby is, is home for me. He murmurs, "This is nice, just the two of us. I love the way you meld against me, Dylan... it's sweet. You are the most lovable person ever! It's like I feel loved simply by loving you." I murmur, "Thank you for telling me that, Robby." We sway ever so slightly with him whispering, "Somehow you radiate your contentedness being in my arms. How do you do that, babe?" I shrug, and he murmurs, "Well, It's makes me feel special." Still swaying together, my chin resting on his left shoulder, and the sides of our faces touching, it's like we're slow dancing to a tune unheard. I murmur, "I don't do anything, it's you, Rob. It's you who are special, with or without me," and I hug around his waist tightly, then move my head face to face with his so I can kiss his lips, "I love you, Robby, and I have for longer then I even realized. You've always been more than a very special loving boyfriend to me. More than I deserve, that's for sure." He goes, "Hey, you're supposed to be the emotional one in our love affair, but you'll have me weeping if you keep this up." Looking him in the eyes I smile, quietly saying, "Well, we can't have that, can we? I mean, you're the strong clear-thinking head of our household, Rob. You're my man." Grinning he says, "Yeah, I am, and I'll never let you down, Dylan." I go, "You never have." He shakes his head slightly, mumbling, "Yeah, I have. There've been times best left unspoken, but I'm trying as hard as I can not to let you down from now on." He tugs on my arm a little and gets me walking with him to the bedroom. Without undressing we fall on the bed, Robby's chest on mine. We get into a slow sensuous make-out, gently rubbing our hands on one another. I like running my fingers through his hair and do it until I find myself grinning in the middle of a kiss. Robby lifts his head, asking, "What, babe? Why'd you smile just now?" I ruffle his hair, murmuring, "Oh, I was running my fingers through your hair when a dumb ass thought came to mind. It's me acting childishly jealous when you asked that country-bumpkin to give you a haircut. I'd hoped to do some maturing this summer, but then I acted like a baby because you let someone else cut your hair. So I grinned at what an ass I am." Robby slides off my chest and pulls me against his side, saying, "Here's a true confession, babe. I felt the same way when Ryan took over your haircuts." I go, "You did? How come you never said anything?" He grins, "Because I'm not a big baby like you." I pull his hair, chuckling, "I never should have admitted my feelings." He goes, "Ha, you don't need to verbalize them. You wear them on your sleeve; well, actually your face and especially your eyes. You're an amazing open book that I love reading, Dylan. An open book that's given me so much joy and pleasure these last three years it's almost impossible to believe." It's my turn to rustle around on the bed until I'm laying partially on his chest now, the side of my forehead touching his cheek, my lips kissing his neck. He says, "You smell nice," and I murmur, "I know. That's why I have this dumb habit of smelling the back of my hand or wrist." He chuckles, "The things you admit to, jeezus! You're one of a kind." We lie together as Rob's quietly talking, then he goes, "HEY! Are you giving my neck a hickey?" I snort out a laugh, mumbling, "I sort of did, yeah, but not intentionally." He says, "Let's get undressed and you can worship your man's body." He said 'your man's' as a joke because I call him that. Sitting up quickly I pop a button getting my shirt off as I mumble, "You are my man, Rob." Robby stands to get undressed, muttering, "I'm your man, huh?" Lifting my ass off the edge of the mattress I'm pulling my underwear off, then glance at my cock as it bobs up and down one time in its semi-boner state. I stroke it a few times, then Robby bends over grabbing my ankles and pulls my legs around on the bed again so I'm lying flat on my back. He climbs on the bed and lies next to me putting his hands behind his head, saying, "Start worshipping your man's body, Dylan." I lean over for a kiss on his sexy lips, then suck on his right nipple before licking down the middle of his chest continuing down his stomach and across his belly button, then take his cock in my mouth. Looking up I see the glistening path my saliva left behind and grin around his cock that's in my mouth, slurping on most of his four inch penis. When it's firmed up pretty good I take it out and hold it in my fingers, licking all around the head. Robby grunts moving his ass on the mattress, then he humps his ass off the mattress rubbing his fingers all around his groin. He's boned-up tightly already as we're both very sexual guys; me even more so than Robby. I can get a boner from a few of his kisses, or even just laying with him and savoring the feel of him next to me and the subtle sexy scent of him. Only with Robby do I reach this intense level of arousal, and that's mostly because I'm in love with him. I know he likes me sucking his cock, and I love doing it, so I'm going to suck a climax out of his nuts again tonight. And I'm not worried that we won't have anal sex later; he recovers quickly. A lover's fuck will probably be our sexual encore. On my knees between his legs I'm intently sucking on the head of his cock again getting that fat sex organ of his even harder, and I continue sucking on it until I taste precum and Robby's squirming on the mattress grunting and moaning, his fingers in my hair. Swallowing precum I take his boner out of my mouth and hold his slippery cock in my fist and stroke it as I push his legs back. His asshole lifts off the mattress nicely and, still holding his boner in my fist, I suck on his balls, then under his scrotum and along the short trip from the back of his nuts to his asshole. His anus is really clean, like it always is. Robby squirms and moans some more, then pulls his legs back further so I can more easily rim his asshole. Licking over it and all around it for about a minute has Robby's gasping and pulling my hair. Slurping on his anus, then I get a little of my tongue inside him. His anus tightens around my tongue as I push a little more tongue inside. When I get his asshole slippery and loose I get even more of my tongue up there with Robby lifting his ass off the bed, humping his hips gasping and breathing noisily. My tongue comes out and I stick my middle finger all the way up his ass. He lifts his hips again as I'm rubbing his prostate getting precum drooling out of his cock and rolling down the fingers of my fist. I tighten my hold on his throbbing boner licking over his quivering asshole a few more times and, letting go of his cock, I take it in my mouth again. His cock is now as hard as a cock can get, straining against the stretched foreskin that's pulled back tightly. Feeling extremely aroused now, I stroke my hard boner a few times, then grin a little when I glance up at Robby and see his lips clenched as he makes grunting, gulping sounds in his throat, extremely aroused and on the edge of climax. More precum drips out of the gaping piss slit as he gets closer and closer to blowing his load. Sliding his stiff boner back and forth on my warm moist tongue, then I suck on it before moving my head forward pushing my face against his groin with his pubic hairs surround my nose, mouth, and chin. That move forced the head of his hard cock past my gag reflex area and into my throat. Bobbing on it a half dozen time makes Robby gasps as his body gets tight and his hips hump with cum shooting from his cock and coating my throat with his creamy jism. Pulling my head back a little the next stream of cum coats my tongue. I pull his cock out just as a last spurt of cum flies out splattering on my chin. My climax is ready to explode as I scrunch my face at the intense pleasure of impending orgasm, then two tight strokes on my hard boner and I'm squealing as a long stream of cum fires up from my nuts and out the super sensitized head of my rock-hard boner to splash against Robby's buttocks. Oooh gawd! I pop my boner inside his ass and the next stream of creamy cum coats his bowels. Thrusting my cock back and forth in his ass gets my body shaking as another eruption of orgasmic sensations reach an unbelievably high pleasure peak as another scintillating stream of cum shoots from my cock inside Robby. Oh my God, that's the height of pleasure and nothing else can approach it. It's primal pleasure so intense the world stops for an instance and then from the apex of sexual pleasure the sensations retreat to roll all over my body and I gasp then lay back on the bed pulling my cock from his ass. Swishing my tongue around, tasting Robby's spunk for a second, then I let out a deep sigh of contentment feeling the last of buzzing climax sensations fading as my shoulders shuddering one last time, followed by another breathy sigh from me. Robby drops his legs flat on the mattress and does a little chuckling before muttering, "Oh man, that was really hot sex. Jezzus, you do that oral sex awesomely, Dylan. Wow, and your cock felt so good up my ass." I'm still taking deep breaths nodding my head and swiping at his cum on my chin while wondering how many guys besides myself have orgasms from sucking cock. Robby goes, "Oooh, sorry about my spunk on your chin," then he moves his ass back and forth on the sheet, making a face, asking, "Did some of your load hit my buttocks?" I go, "Yep, and some of it is up your ass too. Sticky, huh?" He nods, and we lay here another minute or two savoring our sex together, then Robby mutters, "Guess we need to clean ourselves up a little, huh?" I go up on my knees, sitting back on my ankles looking down at Robby and grin. He sits up and leans over for a kiss, then, "C'mon, babe, help me get your spunk off my ass." Following him into the bathroom I use a washcloth to wipe my creamy goo off Robby ass, then push some of the washcloth inside him. He mutters, "That's good, babe." After washing his cum off my chin with the same washcloth that's all the cleaning-up we need to do since I swallowed the majority of his load. Back in the bedroom, Robby goes, "Let's change the bedding," so that's what we do, then pull on sweatpants and share a Coke on the balcony as we smoke a cigarette. I'm thinking about Chubby's plan for giving up cigarettes, then smile because I think this is only the fourth cigarette I've had today; far from the fifteen he says we're allowed to have. Robby asks, "What's with Ryan and you tonight? What where you arguing about?" I go, "Oh, it's too stupid to go into, Rob. We're in an adjustment period I think. Lack of communication or something." He exhales smoke, asking, "How so?" Jeez, I don't want to get into this, but he asked, so I say, "When I lived with him, Ryan was my boss at work as well as being in-charge when we weren't working." Robby grins, "Oh, so you made him a temporary head of the household, huh?" I shrug, "I guess you could say that, although I never thought of it in that way exactly. Anyway I think, oh I don't know for sure, but maybe Ryan's expecting me to be as deferential to him at college as I was in Georgia." Robby smokes for thirty seconds, maybe thinking about that, then asks, "Ya think so, huh? Just how deferential were you anyway?" I go, "Well, he was the only person I knew in Georgia and I was living under his roof with his odd parents, so I depended on him a lot, and I was pretty fucking deferential I guess you could say." Robby goes, "And that asshole took advantage of the situation, right?" I shake my head, "No, he was very nice the whole time, pretty much." Robby mutters, "I guess you were at his disposal anytime he felt like having sex," and I say, "It wasn't like that, Rob. Our sex was totally consensual one-hundred-percent of the time." He says, "Shit, I don't know why I'm torturing myself, but was there frequent consensual sex?" I say, "Yes," and he goes, "Well, you're honest to a fault, aren't you, Dylan? Couldn't you lie once in a while?" I say, "No, not to you." Nodding his head, he flicks his cigarette butt over the balcony railing and off the trunk of an old Volkswagen below, and goes, "Like you said, you had nobody else but him and I know you're a very sexual person, so it's pretty much what I expected." In my defense, I mumble, "But I came home earlier then planned." He mutters, "Yeah, there's that." I half expect some kind of confession

from Robby now, although I don't need to hear one especially. Then he does confess, sort of, mumbling, "I wasn't exactly a choir boy last summer myself, until you came home that is. Then I devoted all my sexual urges towards you. Um, when I wasn't working that is, which happened too many nights I know, but I'll make up for lost time now that we're living together." I say, "I told you already that you're doing an awesome job of that. Totally awesome." He grins, "Thanks, it's my pleasure to make you squeal, which happens

to be my favorite sound." Taking a chance, I go, "Um, just so we're on the same page, Rob, we're still leaving the option open should some recreational meaningless side-sex present itself under such ideal conditions that it'd be awkward to reject, and it might even hurt someone's feelings, or their self-image, should we reject their proposal?" He laughs out loud, then grinning, asks, "Was that a question?" I go, "Yeah, with a few qualifiers thrown in to soften the premise." He says, "Yes, my frisky boyfriend, we're still able to sow some wild oats occasionally. The key word in your elaborate description of side-sex was the word 'meaningless'." I nod, "Uh huh, it's all meaningless compared to sex with you, Rob, but occasionally, ya know, stuff happens." He says, "Yeah, well it's unlikely that stuff happens to me as often as it probably does for you, but yeah... stuff sometimes does happens. Often with adult beverages involved." I nod my head, pleased to have that reconfirmed. As an afterthought, Robby mumbles, "Although it would be nice to go through our senior year as monogamist lovers, don't ya think? To get in practice for when we're married?" I go, "Whatever you say is what I'll do. Seriously, I mean that." He gets his arms around me again and I snuggle in against him feeling really good, like I always do in his arms. He whispers in my ear, "I love

you," and I smile because I know he does. It bodes well for me that he says he loves me this soon after my uncomfortable description of my sex life in Georgia... further proof that his love is real, and understanding, and forgiving. All the things that make for a true-love relationship. I mean seriously, no reasonable person expects perfection in their lover, do they? I suppose that also depends on one's definition of perfection. Rob and I are the way we are, and if we're happily contented with the way we are then everyone else can take a flying shit as far as we're concerned, and yes I can speak for Robby in this regard. He feels the same way I do. We've been boyfriends and lovers for a long time now and we've both noticed that it's just gets better all the time. We do a little kissing and hugging on the balcony before Robby says, "Ya know, we need to get a chaise lounge out here; one we can lie on and snuggle before the weather turns nasty." I go, "And maybe a deck chair or two." A couple more of our long sloppy kisses; then, without asking if I want to, he takes my hand and I follow him inside. He says, "Turn off the lights, babe, and we'll get ready for bed." Sometimes I feel I can read his mind, like now. I'd bet all the money I have in my checking account his 'get ready for bed' comment means we're having lover's sex in bed. It's just the way he said it. I don't say anything as we take a piss, wash our face and hands, then brush our teeth. I hold my breath hoping he doesn't shave his curly sparse beard, but apparently he never gives it a thought. We drop our sweatpants and get in bed naked. Robby immediately wraps his arms around me and we kiss again. He says, "Nice minty-fresh breath, boyfriend." I say, "Yeah, that's because I used your mouthwash, boyfriend." I can just make out his face in the ambient light coming from the moon and stars. He looks handsomely cute with his beginners-mustache and some whiskers on his chin. So cute I could eat him with a spoon. We kiss and squirm our bodies together rolling around in the bed, my fingers are in his hair again and his whiskers against my face are as soft as his hair. We begin murmuring sighs of pleasure and soft words of love as we squirm together with Robby mostly on top of me. Our faces move against one another at times without kissing, just loving the feel of our lover's face, and then our lips meet and our tongues slide together. We suck, kiss, and lick each

other's mouth until we're both very, very aroused. Foreplay with Robby is so special it's almost as good as actual sex. Our latest boners rub together and I whine his name and he gasps, then murmurs, "Okay, babe," and gets on his knees between my legs, then grabs his pillow and gets it under my butt, lifting my asshole. Robby's sucking on a finger, then he pushes it up inside me as my head goes back and I moan, "Mmmm, Robby." Pressing his finger against my prostate, then he rubs it for a few seconds and I feel the urge to cum making me squirm on the mattress and moan with pleasure. His finger comes out, he moves forward a little, and I pull my legs back giving him easier access to my asshole. Robby's grinning down at me as he rubs my buttocks with both hands until my butt cheeks are warm, then he guides the head of his boner to my asshole and leans forward. The head's wet with precum as it spreads, spreads, spreads the lips of my anus setting off nerve ending that sizzle and sparkle making my shoulders shudders as I'm moaning again, "Aaaah, ooh." The head of his cock spreads my asshole further, and then slides tightly past my sphincter and inside my rectum with only a twinge of pain that lasts

for two seconds. As he leans further forward his hard cock slides in another two inches and I try lifting my ass to take more of it... oh gawd, it feels so good! Robby gets his fist around my hard cock and strokes it as he thrusts his hips pushing the rest of his boner up my ass, then he grinds his hips with his crotch tightly against my shaved pubic area. "Oooh, Rob, ummm, oooh, yeaaaah." My boner grows tighter until the foreskin barely reaches the neck of my cock, just under the swollen head. Robby's on his knees spreading them until his cock is level with my asshole. Then, holding onto my boner, he begins doing slow steady thrusting moving his fat cock back and forth in my rectum. His moving hard cock in my ass while stroking my boner at the same time creates an enormous amount of pleasure sensations making me moan constantly, moving my head side to side on my pillow, biting my bottom lip. Oh, the sexual pleasure! No matter how hard I try there's simply no way to describe or do justice to how good this feels. More steady thrusting from Robby and when he lets go of my boner it's so hard it sticks straight up. Another minute of thrusting, then Robby pushes his boner in tightly and leaves it there, leaning over me between my legs. My knees are back, my feet in the air on either side of him and when his chest is almost touching mine he's pushed my boner forward between our bellies until it's almost painful with the foreskin stretched this tightly. Our lips meet and we kiss with Robby holding my head between his hands. A tear run down each side of my face from the feelings of ecstasy that deliciously overwhelms me. The thrill of sex with this boy who I've loved longer then I knew I did is as intense as it gets. We kiss, then he licks my face, then licks up the front of my nose three times until I'm sucking in his saliva when I inhale. Looking into my eyes Robby's lips form the words, 'I love you, Dylan,' then he sits up and begins fucking me faster. I don't know how long this singular pleasure continues, but it never lasts as long as I wish it would. Inevitably I feel my orgasm churning in my nuts and this latest climax builds and builds with the promise of the ultimate pleasure and it has me desperately squirming and moaning as Robby's thrusting is faster and faster now. He too is groaning and moaning quietly, his handsome face leaning over mine, pinkish and damp with his hands gripping my shoulders as he humps his boner inside my ass. Quiet moans of pleasure are now joined by the sounds of harder thrusting and the, "Slap, slap, slap, slap," sounds of our bodies slapping together and with his face scrunched up and him humping desperately against my buttocks, he cums first with breathy gasps, then I'm humping up against him with three little steaks of cum shooting from my cock up and across Robby's chest as he leans over me. I'm dizzily absorbing the indescribable sensations associated with climax as Robby gives my ass a few more hard full thrusts with his boned-up cock. It's now very slippery in my sloppy rectum, his cock sliding easily in his own cum and then he lays forward completely, his slippery cock pulling out of my ass and squishing wetly against my belly. I'm hugging his head, kissing the top of it, then rubbing my nose in his hair smelling my favorite smell, Robby's. We do our deep breathing with his chest against mine squishing my creamy cum between us, then we rustle around a little until he's on his stomach next to me, his arm over my chest. My head is turned to his and we smile at each other, then I strain my neck over for a kiss. "I love you, Rob," and he says, "We love each other, Dylan. It's my perfect dream come true." Staring at him, feeling sillily happy, I grin, saying "Not only a perfect love affair, but now thanks to Golden, we have the same haircuts for the first time since we were little seventeen year old boys with matching flattops." He laughs, "Yes, we do, don't we? Seventeen seems like a lifetime ago." We lie together without talking now, just smiling at each other for like five minutes, then I see his eyes flutter. I stare at him closely as his eyelids close. Watching him for two more minutes half expecting his eyes to open, but his eyelids are down for the count. He's asleep. Huh, that the first time in my life I witnessed the exact second someone fell asleep. Robby has the most serenely contended expression on his face and that makes me feel good all over. Serenely contented may very well be redundant, but I don't care because that's what his expression says to me. Obviously I fall asleep too, although I couldn't witness that. Robby's still sleeping when I open my eyes Tuesday morning and check my wristwatch, and yes, I wear it in bed. It's a little after eight o'clock in the morning. I'm not sure what time it was when I fell asleep, but I feel r ested. I feel really good as a matter of fact. It's awesome to be sleeping with Robby again. Last summer after our sophomore year I slept a lot with Ryan. And I've slept with Willie quite a few times too, and then back when we were young Chubby and I would sleep together, and we did it even when we got to be teenagers, which might have raised eyebrows on some, not that we'd give a shit. As we got older sleeping together was mostly my idea, but Chubby has always had a really hard time saying 'no' to me. Chub and I slacked off sleeping together in our later teen years, but sleeping with him is probably the genesis of why I like sleeping with another guy. Obviously, now Robby's my first choice, and there really isn't a second choice anymore; not compared to sleeping with Robby. I'm happy, and it's so good to be able to say that and really mean it. Obviously Robby has a lot to do with me being happy, but going to college with Chubby makes me happy too. The fact that my mom is in love with a great guy

and she's now happier than I can ever remember her being is another reason I'm happy. As I'm musing about being happy, Robby opens his eyes and stretches, then gives me a grin. I tell him, "I'm happy, Rob," and he goes, "Me too," and he gets me in his arms pulling me over to share his pillow, as he murmurs, "We're both happy and right now we're happily going back to sleep." His scent always makes me smile, and I get a thrill from the feel of his tight body. We're naked still so there's the bonus of his cock and mine getting together to exchange experiences, or whatever penises do when they're not being used. Penises have it pretty easy when you think about it. Of course mine is on duty more than most due to the frequency of boners I get during the day for any number of reasons. I can get one just thinking about sex, or just looking at Robby. Yeah, but I get boners around Ryan too if I'm honest about it. And I still don't know what I'm going to do about him. I want him in my life but not like we were in Georgia. Robby's got the in-charge responsibilities now, not Ryan, although I guess I could give in to him a little in that regard for harmony's sake. I'll think about it later. As I'm thinking about all that, Robby falls back to sleep, then so do I. We get out of bed about an hour later and take separate showers. Our first orientation, a twenty minute one, is at ten-thirty and Robby's stoked about the orientations today, telling me, "We need to get off to a good start. Last year we barely made the 3.0 GPA, Dylan, and I want us to do better this year so we're gonna need to be even more conscientious about everything, especially taking notes and our study group. Are you with me, babe?" I go, "Yep! You can count on me." Then I make scrambled eggs with toast and strawberry jam to go with our mugs of coffee for breakfast. As we eat Robby's reviewing our schedule today, saying, "Hmmm, we have all three short orientation classes before lunch, then the fourth one is only twenty minutes long but we're not in that one together. Danny Monday is in our third course with us. The fourth one for me is at two o'clock, and yours at four." I go, "Uh huh," and he says, "After my last orientation I'm going to check in at the baseball complex to see what's shaking there. Do you want to come with me to kill time until your four o'clock class?" I say, "I don't know yet. I just might go back to the apartment after lunch." What I don't add is I've no intention of going to that last orientation." Robby asks, "Do you wanna use the pickup." I shake my head, "No thanks, it's only a ten to fifteen minute walk. Robby drives us to our first orientation and when we're in the classroom he insists we sit in front. There are maybe thirty students spread around the room which is more than I expected would show up considering we're juniors and know the score. The professor is a short woman with a huge ass and a clear speaking voice. She tells us to take notes during class because everything on the final will be covered by her in class, and she'll even mention when it will probably be on the final. Robby writes in his notebook: Take notes. She talks for twenty minutes then ask for questions. There are always dip-shits with a question specific to him or her. We listen to a few of them, then I nudge Robby's arm nodding that we should leave. We get up and walk from the front of the room to the door at the back. I feel like everyone is watching us and, I don't say this, but I'm thinking if we sat further back it wouldn't be so obvious when we leave early. We grab a smoke in between orientations and Robby talks baseball with a couple of teammates. One of them says 'Hi, Dylan,' to me, remembering my name from last year. I wish I could remember his. It's awkward, saying, "Hey, dude, good to see ya." That's a dead giveaway that I don't know his name. I hate that. The second orientation also has a woman professor. She's older with gray hair in a bun and she's the no-nonsense type. She talks fast with some kind of an accent. Middle Eastern maybe, but whatever it is you really need to concentrate to follow what she's saying. This might be a course that needs changing. I'd change this course right away, but when I mention it to Robby afterwards he doesn't want to change. So, what the fuck...? Third orientation is a Business course titled Investment Principles, the one Danny Monday has with Rob and me. We meet him outside the building and do a fist-bump greeting. I don't notice anything special happening between Robby and Danny although Danny's very friendly. For this course we have a very young looking professor. He's a very good looking young man too. The first thing he tells us is he's aware of his youthful appearance, but he's actually twenty-nine years old and this is his fourth year teaching this course at Merrimack. He seems too good to be true telling us we'll have only one paper due per semester, and it'll count one half of our grade. The other half is the grade we get on the final exam. After class Robby says, "That's a class we need to take copious notes." Danny asks, "Why?" and Robby goes on to tell him... I'm not paying any attention to their discussion though because I'm considering reconsidering not going to the last orientation. It's the only class I have with Ryan and if I don't go he might misinterpret that as a snub. He hasn't texted me since last night about this class, or about anything else. So, what to do? Well, I'll text him. As I'm taking out my cellphone, Robby says, "Let's eat lunch in the quad, Dylan. Its right here and I've got that two o'clock orientation in a little over an hour." Whatever, although the food usually sucks pretty badly in the quad. It's all wrapped sandwiches that were probably made last night. In the cafeteria section it smells like tomato soup as we get trays and stand in line. I text Ryan: 'Hey Ryan, r u going to orientation?' Huh, no immediate response. I choose a turkey sandwich, a packet of mayonnaise, a bag of Cape Cod potato chips, slice of chocolate cake and a bottle of lemonade. Shockingly the turkey is sliced thinly and is chilled and taste very fresh. It's very good, and the potato chips are crunchy, the lemonade taste like real lemonade and the cake is moist and delicious. I'm like, "I think I'll get another piece of cake," and Robby says, "Get one for me too if you don't mind," and he hands me two dollars. Friends of Danny's from his dormitory join us and while they're telling lies about getting laid last night, Ryan texts me back: 'I wasn't going to go, but if u r I may go too'. Hmmm, I wouldn't ordinarily go to an orientation unless Robby insisted, but Ryan and I need to sort out our communication problem, so I text: 'Yeah I'm going' and leave it at that. No reply though, so I'll see if he shows up. That'll tell me something right there. Damn, this lunch was good.

To be continued...

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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