Dylans Junior Year at College

Published on Jun 9, 2017



Chapter 46

by Donny Mumford

The text message is from Willie and I've got a smile on my face reading it because I was thinking maybe I'd see him during Christmas break. His texts: 'Dylan, baby, I'm on my way to pick you up. Don't bother getting dressed-up.' Ha ha! Willie Worthington is unlike anyone I've ever met. He was my first real boyfriend and will probably always have a warm spot in my heart. He loves me to the extent he can love anyone I suppose. I've come to believe over the years he confuses loving me with wanted me to be one of his possessions to show off like his cars and stupidly expensive watches.

I met Willie at one of fat Carl's parties and subsequently he got me free of Carl. There was some middle ground initially where Willie and I were both under fat Carl's and his psycho cousin's control as submissive bottoms. Finally, a fist fight ended any connection between us and the sicko cousins. Willie and I have had any number of unusual experiences together with a few of them ending in near disaster. In hindsight I'd have to say we've had a bit of a topsy-turvy relationship but Willie's always had best intentions towards me and I'm glad I know him.

It's typical of Willie to announce he's coming to pick me up without giving a thought that I might have something else to do, and it's uncanny how often he chooses times when I actually don't have anything else I need to do. I don't know where he's coming from so he could be here any minute or an hour from now. Guess I'll clean-up a little. In the bathroom I wash my hands and face, then brush my teeth. I give a thought to changing clothes but decide not to. Who knows what he has in mind? It only takes three seconds to comb my hair now after Rob cut it this short and it's probably a good thing I no longer have the long hair. if I did Willie most likely would immediately take me to his latest hair stylist and tell him what kind of haircut to give me... ha ha ha. Yeah, I have a difficult time saying 'no' to him and his boundless energy.

Then I remember to put on the David Yurman necklace Willie gave me. It cost something like $1200, but I didn't know that at the time. I'd never heard of David Yurman and thought the necklace probably cost like maybe $50. It was the first of many presents he's given me. I used to be very uncomfortable accepting them but finally realized he loved doing it, plus it's not like it's his money. It's not actually his father's money either, nor his grandfather's. Someone a lot of generations ago made a fortune and the Worthington men have been managing it and living off of it ever since. Born rich sounds enticing although many rich people manage to fuck-up their lives something terrible. Fools. I wouldn't mind giving it a try though.

There's the doorbell. Huh, what Willie do I expect when I open the door? I've seen Willie with thousands of dollars worth of clothes on and I've also

seen him on a dog leash with hardly any clothes on being led around the Wildwood Boardwalk on all fours. Opening the door, I see a very good version of Willie. Even though the temperature is below freezing he's not wearing a coat. He has on a three-piece dark blue suit, white shirt and a dark tie. Looks like he's all ready for a funeral... ha ha. Crazy Willie. On his feet, and I only know this because he told me some time ago, his shoes are probably Stefano Bemer and cost around $2000 a pair. It's absurd of course, but there it is. Also, I'm not surprising in the least to see that his light-brown hair has been recently cut in that stupid style where the sides and back are almost shaved and there's a big pile of hair on top of his head.

I go, "Hi, Willie, Merry Christmas!" He looks startled, saying, "Christmas? Oh yeah, you too, Dylan. May I come in? It's fucking freezing out here."

I laugh, "Of course, c'mon in. Sorry, um, you're all dressed up..." He goes, "Oh, yeah. My suit you mean?" and he looks at himself like he's surprised he's wearing a suit. Inside he asks, "Um, may I have a kiss from my dearest friend ever?" I lean over, murmuring, "Sure," and we do a two second kiss. No firecrackers go off or anything like that, but it's a nice kiss and a couple of levels up from say a brotherly kiss. I ask, "Would you like a beer?" He says, "Hmmm, I gave up drinking alcoholic beverages since like last summer, but can't recall why so, yes, I'd like a beer. Is it imported?" I go, "Why yes it is, Willie. It imported from Latrobe, Pennsylvania," as I snap the cap on two bottles of Rolling Rock beer." Willie goes, "Oh, Rolling Rock, huh? That brewery was bought by Anheuser-Busch in 2006 so it's now imported from some place in New Jersey, not Pennsylvania," and he lets a third of the bottle roll down his throat. I'm frowning, "How the hell would you know that?" He shrugs, "I don't know, I read it some place."

He takes a box of Marlboro cigarettes from his pocket, asking, "Do you mind?" I go, "Yeah, I do. Um, sorry but no smoking in the house." He goes, "Seriously?" like it's unusual. Shrugging, I mutter, "Oh hell, I guess we could have one in the basement." Willie says, "Okay," and we go downstairs where I open the door to the garage so the smoke can drift out there. Willie lights a cigarette and offers it to me. I take it and as he lights another one for himself, he says, "You're the one who got me started smoking and it's a bitch of a habit to break." I nod, "Sorry about that. Um, what ups, Willie. Why'd you come over? I mean I'm really happy to see you and all, but to what do I owe the pleasure of your company? That sort of thing." He smiles and goddamn he has the cutest smile with the bridge of his nose wrinkling a little. He still has a few fading freckles just across the bridge of his nose too. His smile almost conveys shyness although I know he's not. Willie

has always had what I consider a pretty face and even though his face has matured he's very good looking. To my question, he says, "I've come to take you to New York."

Oh, not Bermuda or the South of France? I go, "New York City? Why do you want us to go to New York and why are you wearing a suit?" He stares at me as he drags off his cigarette. He's holds the cigarette backwards so when he takes a drag the palm of his hand is facing me. Ignoring my questions Willie slowly shakes his head, mumbling, "I can't get over how young you look. You haven't aged at all." I go, "Yeah, I have. I've got a mustache and if you're willing to come back in a week you can see it. I just recently shaved." He smiles and squeezes the back of my neck asking, "What hack of a barber gave you this haircut?" I go, "That would be my boyfriend, Rob, and it's a good haircut." He goes, "Oh, yes, now that I look closer it is a nice haircut. I was an ass for saying that." I mumble, "I don't want to go to New York, Willie. Sorry."

Willie frowns at me while makes a popping sound with his lips, then he says, "Okay, where do you wanna go?" I shrug, "How about out to dinner?" He hugs my shoulders, "Out to dinner, huh?" This close to him I take the opportunity to run my fingers through the long hair on top of his head and say, "Speaking of haircuts," and he blushes a little, mumbling, "Yeah, this silly fucking haircut. Ralph said it's currently the 'in' haircut. It's pretty goofy-looking though, don'cha think?" I nod, "Yes, but it looks okay on you. You're looking very handsome. I remember how cute you were as a seventeen-year-old-boy so I'm not surprised you turned-out looking good as a young man." He says, "Thanks," then finishes his bottle of beer and asks, "Do you think I could have another one of these?" Nodding, I'm like, "Certainly. Ya say you haven't had a drink since the beginning of last summer, huh?" He shrugs, "Or maybe it was since last Easter. I forget." I chuckle and then say,

"Ya know, I'm really am very happy to see you." He nods, "Thanks, Dylan. That goes double for me." This isn't the effervescent-personality-Willie I'm used to. He's usually bouncing off the walls and talking a blue streak.

Exhaling smoke he goes, "You know I've loved you forever, right?" I mutters, "Ah, Willie, let's not..." and he looks down, muttering, "I almost didn't text you because of that horrible, um, experience in Wildwood you saved me from and..." I go, "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm gonna get us both another beer." Before I do that though we both look around, not sure what to do with our cigarette butts. I finally take his and go in the half-bath to flush both butts down the toilet. Upstairs I get us two more beers even though I'm only half finished the first one. We sit at the kitchen bar and Willie says, "How about dinner at my house? Chef Roman is back cooking for us. You remember him, right?" I nod, "Yeah, I do but he had, ah, quit I believe when I was last at your house." He says, "Well he's been back for a while now. We could just low-key it and spend the night at my place. Nothing fancy, you'd just spend the night with me. Ya know, we'll get drunk, have sex, and reminisce. Would you do that? I mean since you don't want to go to New York." To avoid the 'sleeping over' part I concentrate on the reason I can't go to New York City by explaining that I'm working and how it's already Saturday afternoon so there's no fucking time to go back and forth to New York. Not when I need to be at work Monday morning. He goes, "Oh, you work?" I go, "Yes, I need to work, Willie," and to change that subject too, I ask, "How are things at Colgate?" He shrugs, "Splendid. You know I had a thing with my roommate for a year or so and then our relationship just petered-out. Ya know, we both admitted it wasn't really working. Other than that I like the university fine. It's a little boring, but fine."

There's something wrong. He doesn't seem like his normal kinda nutty self at all. I go, "Not to pry, Willie, but you seem, um, weary, or sad, or something." He goes, "Huh, I do? Maybe that's because I just came from my grandfather's funeral." I go, "Oh, I'm so sorry," and he murmurs, "Thank you. Ya know, he was always my number one supporter. Grandfather was. Um, he always seemed to love me even when I fucked-up, like I'm always doing. Ya know, he loved me when others didn't and..." and he turns away, murmuring, "I'm feeling really sad he died and I wanted to be with someone who cares about me, so naturally I thought of you my dearest and oldest friend." I put my arm around him and hug him as he rambles on, "I said in my text not to get dressed-up because you'd see me in my suit. I know I didn't make that very clear." Turning his face to me I see he has tears coming down his cheeks as he asks, "You loved me, didn't you, Dylan?" Oh fuck! I go, "I'm very sorry for your loss, Willie, I really am. And, yes of course I loved you, and I still do." Not romantic love obviously but why go into all that now? I add, "I'm honored you thought of me and I'm glad you texted me and came over."

He takes a deep breath that sounded suspiciously like a sob. Then he tells me his Grandfather was only seventy and in apparent good health, but he had a massive heart attack and died in his sleep. He was discovered by the housekeeper the next morning. His grandparents have separate bedrooms I guess. He mumbles, "Tomorrow is never promised to anyone, is it?" I murmur, "Sadly no, but ironically your grandfather's unexpected passing may help you appreciate life more." He mumbles, "I don't know. The funeral was done nicely though. I thought so anyhow. Granddad had a lot of friends and he was very philanthropic. I only found out about that from some of the eulogies. Father and Mother were their usual stoic selves while I cried and got stern looks from them." I say, "I wish I would have known. I'd have gone with you, Willie." He nods his head, "I thought of calling you but I wasn't holding it together very well. I'm mostly cried out now though and just wanted to be with you." Oh man, what should I say to console him?

We're at the kitchen bar, my arm around Willie with him sitting stiffly, maybe trying to keep from crying again. Some people are so good at knowing the right thing to say and do, and I mean in any situation. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. Finally, Willie says, "I have some clothes of yours at my house." I go, "You mean that suit you bought me?" He nods, "Yeah, and the other stuff we bought that day. It got mixed with my stuff going to the cleaners. I thought about calling you to remind you your stuff was at my house about twenty times. I didn't want to bother you though. Thought I'd wait for you to call me." Oh, now I feel just great! Why don't I ever call him? He lives twenty-minutes away... I say, "I should have called but college and working..." I don't think he's even listening as he goes, "Ha, I tried your suit on to wear to the funeral but it didn't fit." I mumble, "You're taller than me." He nods his head, "Yeah, but I really wanted to wear your suit like you were with me." I go, "You're killing me here, Willie. I'm so sorry but I don't know what I should do or say to help you through this." He leans against me, saying, "You're doing awesome, baby." Huh, Willie is the only guy except Rob who calls me that and it sounds okay coming from him. Actually Willie was the first to call me 'babe' and 'baby'. I used to complain about it. I'd complain about that and about him walking with his arm around my waist or holding hands with me or whatever. I'd complain and he'd grin and hold my hand tighter, saying, 'What do we care what strangers think, Dylan?' and keep on doing it.

Finally I say, "I'll go to New York with you if you really want to go." With a wry smile, he says, "Nah, you've got work and you're right we wouldn't have enough time. If you'd spend tonight with me though I'd really love that. You make me feel good, Dylan. You've always made me feel good." I nod, "Oh, um, of course, I'd be glad to spend the night with you." He looks me in the eyes, "Oh, you really will? I thought maybe, um, ya know 'he' might object." I go, "By 'he' you mean Rob?" He mumbles, "Yeah, of course," and I tell him, "Rob's away on business until Monday morning." Willie nods his head and looks at me, "Oh, well then good, you can come with me." I smile, "It's the least I can do. Um, by the way, are your parent, ya know, would they object if you have company tonight considering your grandfather just...?" He says, "My parents are staying in Boston tonight to spend more time with relatives and to be with my Grandmother. I left halfway through the luncheon. Fuck, I only went to the luncheon in the first place because Father's insisted. It was like a big fucking party with people drinking and laughing," and he breaks down again, muttering, "Oh fuck, I'm all messed up."

This is stressing me out so by now I've finished my first beer and my second. I pat his shoulder, asking, "You want another beer?" Wiping his eyes with the heels of both hands, he goes, "Yeah, thanks. It tastes good. I almost had a drink at the luncheon but didn't. I'd been thinking about you since it happened. Finally, I just left and drove here because you've never let me down even once in my life." I mumble, "Oh well, um, I don't know about that, Willie." Getting up I take the four empty bottle and put them in the closet where the empty case is for recycling. Handing him a new Rolling Rock, I go, "I must say you sure look beautiful in that suit, Willie. Let me guess; those shoes are Stefano Bemer's." He looks at his shoes, "Oh, yeah, they are. How'd you know?" "Just a guess," and I reach over and loosen his tie wondering how much it cost. The tie I mean; it probably cost as much as the suit I bought at Macy's and it's a mystery how I remembered the name of those shoes. Ha, and I can remember most people's name a minute after being introduced to them. Weird!

In a monotone Willie's telling me stories of him and his grandfather from when he was little. There are other grandchildren but Willie was the first one and has always been his grandfather's favorite. His Grandfather would confide in Willie that he, Willie's Grandfather, got in almost as much trouble as Willie while he was growing up. Willie goes on telling stories and I don't even think he's telling them to me as much as he's remembering the stories himself. It becomes hard to focus after a while but I keep eye contact as long as he does and nod my head or smile or chuckle along with him. What else can I do? He cries a little looking away and wiping at his eyes, but finally he stands and says, "Enough of my morbid memories, Dylan. Thank you for listening. I'm going to follow your ironic advice and take a positive out of this tragedy by appreciating my life more. No more taking each day for granted." I mutter, "That's wise of you, Willie." He says that now, like maybe most of us would, but it won't be long before he, like most, will be back taking things for granted again. Human nature I guess.

I'm like, "Well, I guess I should pack some stuff for overnight." He says, "No, don't bother. Let's just go. You can use all my stuff. I can't begin to tell you how much this means to me," and he hugs me as we stand next to the kitchen stools. I go, "After all the things you've done for me I'm glad to do something for you." He says, "Yeah, well get your coat then and we'll go. You sure you don't mind eating at my house? We could eat at any restaurant you want." I go, "Chef Diez at the Worthington Manner is as classy as it gets. That'll be fine for me, and better than I deserve if truth be told."

I text Chubby and Mom I'll be at Willie's tonight and tell them why. Putting my sweatshirt's hood up, I put on a winter jacket and we go down the steps to Willie's car that he parked at the curb. It's a BMW Z4 Roadster this year and when inside it still has that awesome new-car smell. Willie starts the engine and says, "I'm sorry for being such a drag, Dylan. You've made me feel a lot better and I am gonna try your idea of appreciating my life more beginning right now." I'm nodding, "Good idea." During the twenty-minute drive to his house he tells me about a girl at college he liked and dated a few times. "But, Dylan, no matter how much I wanted to be sexually active with her I couldn't get aroused. I finally admitted to her I was gay but was trying for bisexual but it just wasn't happening. And I really liked this girl too. Her name's, Tina Rose. Cool name, huh?" I go, "Yeah, cool. Was she beautiful or cute?" He shrugs, "She was average looking I guess, but I didn't think about that too much because she was fun to be with. She was feminine and, yeah, kinda cute I guess. She had small tits which I thought was considerate of her." I go, "Considerate, how?" He just shrugs.

Strangely it doesn't surprise me that Willie was dating a girl and that's because nothing he did would surprise me. I go, "I'm not bi either but I've known I wasn't right from the start. Here's a weird thing; when I came 'out' to my Mom after my freshman year she didn't appear shocked or surprised. Do I act gay in some way I'm not aware of? I mean, I don't particularly care if I do but I'd like to know what it is just the same. I'm curious." He shakes his head, "No, I don't think there's anything gay about you and I wouldn't know you were gay. I mean if I didn't already know Carl was fucking you like beating a drum, so that was a clue right there. Of course I know a number of guys who are obviously gay from the way they dress, talk and act but they're good guys too. Actually I believe there are many guys who don't act gay in any way and who get married and have kids, but are still primarily gay. So I don't know what category they fall into." I go, "Well that's like the definition of a bisexual. They're lucky that they can go either way." He's like, "Do you ever wish you were straight?" Shaking my head, "Um, I never really thought about it. More likely I wish I was two or three inches, um, taller." He goes, "I thought you were going to say something else. You're a good size for a guy. I'm almost six-feet and you're what, an inch shorter?" I go, "Ha, you're five-foot-eleven and I'm five-ten." He goes, "I prefer to say I'm almost six-feet-tall, which five-eleven is." I mutter, "Fine..."

As Willie turns onto the long driveway to his house I marvel again at the size of it. I do a lot of surfing online, mostly about science, but I surf other things too. I always click on any list of things, which there are a lot of online. The list of most expensive places to live in Massachusetts is headed by the town of Weston, where the Worthington mansion is located. Average cost of a house is 1.6 million in Weston, but the Worthington mansion would be much more expensive than that. Then the island of Nantucket, home of the world's best limerick, has the next most expensive average cost of a home at 1.4 million. After Nantucket it's Wellesley, then Boston, and the fifth most expensive town in the state is Dover with an average home selling for 1.1 million. The town of Framingham doesn't even make it on the list.

It's five o'clock and already dark when Willie parks in front of the third-bay of the unattached four-car garage. We get out and, reverting to form, Willie puts his arm around the back of my waist walking us towards the huge patio at the back of the house. I'd much rather he didn't do that but now isn't the time to make an issue of it. He tells me, "We'll go in the back because the front door is always locked and I don't carry a key with me. Paul would need to answer the bell and I hate making him seem like a butler or something." I'm like, "I remember him. He's your Dad's secretary, right?" Willie shrugs, "I don't believe that term is used for anyone nowadays. Paul sort of takes care of everything and anything to do with the house and he drives for Mother and Father sometimes too. His wife, Martha, is the housekeeper and they both live here. They've always been nice to me."

We go inside and immediately run into Martha who hugs Willie, saying, "I'm so sorry, William. I know how much you loved your Grandfather." He nods, "Thank you, Martha. How long did the luncheon go on?" She says, "I don't know, dear, Paul and I left at two o'clock and most everyone was still there." Willie mumbles, "I left way before two o'clock and came here to mope around and then I texted my friend, Dylan. I needed to be with someone who is important to me." She goes, "Oh, Dylan dear, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you at first. How are you?" She remembers me? I go, "I'm good, thank you." She rubs Willie's back, smiling and saying to me, "I'm so glad Willie reached out to you and it's wonderful of you to help console my boy here," and she rubs his back again, then calls out, Paul, come see who's visiting William." Ah jeez...

Mr. Windell comes out of his office wearing a suit with his tie loosened. Looking at me, he goes, "Well it's Dylan, isn't it?" I nod with half a smile as we shake hands, then I mutter, "Nice to see you again, sir." Willie says, "Dylan and I are staying in tonight so do you think Chef could prepare a dinner for us, um, much later?" Martha says, "Why of course, dear. When you decide what you'd like for dinner I'll tell him. It's smart of you to stay in tonight." The Windell couple appear to be in their early sixties and they're kind of classy-looking, especially considering they're sort of a housekeeper and a butler/chauffeur. They seem very dignified. Willie goes, "We'll be in my room," and he takes my hand leading me towards the back stairs. I wish he wouldn't hold hands with me because that's something reserved for Rob, um, unless I'm drunk with John Smith I guess. Willie's been 'out' to the world from an early age so neither of the Windells gasps at Willie holding my hand.

Willie's bedroom is actually a suite. There's a sitting area consisting of a sofa, two high-tech looking chairs, a flat screen TV on the wall, a half-refrigerator, Xbox, PlayStation, and a table for playing chess. We walk through that room into his actual bedroom where there's a couple of upholstered club chairs and his king-size bed that's always been made-up anytime I've been here. Lots of expensive looking bureaus and shelving all gleaming with polish. Willie pulls be over and we both flop unto his bedspread, so obviously he doesn't care if he wrinkles his three-piece suit. He hugs me, saying, "It's like the most awesome thing ever that you're here with me, Dylan," and he gives my cheek a kiss and murmurs, "I've never smelled anyone as deliciously sexy-smelling as you, mmmm!"

Letting go of me, he asks, "Do you think we could have sex? Would that be okay?" I say, "I guess. You mean right now? Um, with you mourning your Grandfather's passing, um, I didn't know if..." He says, "My Grandfather would be angry with me if I deprived myself of something that means as much to me as you do. I've never been in love with anyone but you. I've never pretended to myself that I ever was in love with anybody else; just you." I go, "You love me and I love you, but it's a special kind of love, Willie. Not, you know, the marrying kind of love." He says, "I know you're in that kind of love with 'him', but I'm in that kind of love with you. I'm resigned to it being unrequited love of course, but I'm in love with you nonetheless." I murmur, "You're making me feel bad, Willie." He says, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to."

To change the subject I ask, "What color are the sheets we're sleeping on tonight?" He goes, "Let's look," and he pulls the bedspread off one pillow, saying, "Dark blue, why?" I shrug, "The first time I slept with you we had black silk sheets." He goes, "Black, huh? I don't remember that, but do you remembered what was playing from my surround-sound speakers?" I go, "Yep, it was different versions of Lenard Cohen's song 'Hallelujah'." He smiles, "You remembered!" I say, "How could I forget. We were having sex and the music was giving me chills on top of the ones you were giving me." He goes, "Oooh, that's so fucking sweet of you to say, Dylan."

He goes up on an elbow and leans over to rubs noses with me, murmuring, "How about if we both take our clothes off now and jump in the Jacuzzi?" I go, "If you want to. I'm in my comforting mode for you, just so you know." I was just joking around saying that but he sort of fills-up, squinting his eyes, saying, "I'm not going to mope around feeling sorry for myself about Granddad dying. He'd tell me not to if he were here. I'm going to celebrate life with you." Then he sniffles and rubs the back of his wrist against his nose and I see the dark onyx cufflinks in gold affixed in his French cuffs. He forces a grin, asking, "Don't you feel lucky I choose you to celebrate life with? Not!" and he does a little laugh; his first chuckle since seeing him today. I mumble, "I'm honored you choose me." He wipes his wet eyes and we get up and begin peeling off our clothes. When naked he takes my hand again and says, "Still shaving your pubic hair, huh? I got you started on that ya know." I'm like, "Did you? You sure?" He says, "I've got some Nair left over from when Arnold used it on my ass. I'll spread it around your groin area and dissolve the stubble." Resisting the urge to pull my hand away from his, I go, "Oh, that's okay, I'm good." He says, "No, I'd be happy to help," and we walk into his ridiculous bathroom hand in hand. I say ridiculous bathroom because it's much bigger than my bedroom, never mind my bathroom. Big shower stall with three shower heads. There's a shower head where one should be, then one opposite that one, and for overkill there's a third shower head on the side opposite the door. The bathroom also includes an over-size tub and the Jacuzzi that's big enough for four, and enclosed toilet room and a huge sink with fancy fixtures like you see in hospital scenes on TV. I've been in the Jacuzzi before and it's

quite a trip when he gets all the jets going.

Willie says, "We'll shower first of course," and pulls me into the shower stall where, still holding my hand, he turns on the water. Somehow the water comes out hot right from the start and he needs to adjust it to a lower more pleasant temperature. My shower at home take a minute or two before the water comes out hot. Obviously the water in the pipes from the hot water heater to my shower are filled with water that's cooled-off so I don't know why Willie's pipes aren't the same. There's no sense asking Willie because I'm sure he doesn't know, or care either. And he has the best damn soap and bath gel and shampoo. Best ever! It's French I think. He told me what it's called a long time ago, but I couldn't pronounce it even if I remembered the name.

We bath ourselves as Willie smiles at me every now and then, but without his normal energy behind his smiles. He almost always has a high motor, energy-wise. It's understandable that his motor is powered-down some considering the circumstances. Sneaking glancing at his long cock brings back very pleasant memories, and some not so pleasant too, but mostly good ones. It's a long penis but as far as I know he's never measured it. His flaccid penis isn't as fat as Rob's although it's about twice as long. It's about the same circumference as mine but looks thinner because it's a couple of inches longer than mine. It's disconcerting that Willie lacks his normal bravado that oozes with confidence. He's normally the ultimate take-charge guy, but in a sweet way. Ryan has a bit of a mean streak in his take-charge manner at times. I never feel a vindictiveness coming from Willie that I sometimes felt from Ryan. They're very different in many ways while similar in some at the same time. Both have experienced being extremely submissive to aggressively dominant individuals, while both prefer being the take-charge dominant person in their relationships with me, and I suppose with others too. I don't know what to expect from Willie today when we have sex, which we almost certainly will have at some point. I mean he asked if we could.

Willie has almost zero body hair but wonderful light-brown hair on his head. Too bad it's cut like it is. He's another guy with a great athletic body too. I suppose some of the credit goes to genes and Nature, but some is a result of training for sports. Willie's proficient at swimming, tennis, and basketball. His parents built a swimming pool, plus tennis and basketball courts in the back yard and they hired personal trainers for him during summers from age ten to, I suppose, through all of prep school both middle and high school. Anything to keep him busy during the summer so he wouldn't be pestering them. That's the assumption I'm making from hearing things Willie's said about his childhood. Not that he's said a lot because he doesn't talk much about his life before we met.

We're both squeaky clean when he turns off the shower. Without drying we walk over to the Jacuzzi dripping water off our bodies as we go. He says, "I turned on the Jacuzzi's heater when I turned the lights on in here, so we can step right in." When we do, I go, "OH!" because it's very hot but you get used to it pretty fast. He turns on a couple of jets and the water starts churning. Willie slides over right next to me and puts his arms around me, saying, "I hope my affectionate behavior isn't making you uncomfortable, but I simply can't resist you, Dylan. You make me feel really good. Do you mind?" I shake my head, murmuring, "I'm glad I can make you feel good, Willie," and I relax against him. It's not like him being affectionate is a major burden to me considering his body is sexy and hot and familiar too. We've had a lot of sex together and I've fallen into awesomely sexy trances with him. Willie and I have experimented with all kinds of kinky sex using toys, being tied up, dildos and whatever Willie could think of. As a result, I've had a lot of sexually pleasant moments acting submissive with him. It feels so good to float along without a care in the world letting Willie lead every inch of the way. The longest experience of me being submissive to him lasted almost two days in Key west. It was going along fine and then, BANG! I'd had enough. Just like that I didn't want to do it any longer. Huh, and that makes me think: do I really want a life of Rob leading the way forever? What an unexpected place to have what might be an epiphany. I'll need to think about that, but not in a Jacuzzi with Willie. I need to revisit that thought at another time. For now, I need to go with the flow of the here-and-now.

We're tightly together not talking, just lulling in the churning water with me feeling more and more relaxed by the minute. Willie's slowly rubbing his hand over my head or running his fingers back through my hair. The side of his cheek is against the side of my forehead as I think good thoughts about him and me. He's had a weird life being too rich but without any real guidance or love from his parents. They traveled a lot while he was growing-up, often separately. I think their relationship with their son has improved over the last couple of years, but before then there hardly had a relationship at all. Willie was raised in prep schools and some by the Windells when he was home from prep school. Mostly though he raised himself often getting things wrong or misinterpreting signals from others. I think he has a gentle kind heart though and would do anything for me, or for any friend although I never got the impression he made many friends. Not friends per se although he's always had like ten times more acquaintances than anyone I know. Lots of people he's on a casual first-name basis with... but I think I'm his only real close friend.

Willie murmurs, "I should have put some music on. You know what I've been listening to lately?" I shake my head, "No, what?" and he goes, "That old group that isn't in existence now. 'Hootie and the Blowfish'." I go, "Oh, 'I only Wanna Be With You'," and he goes, "Yes, that CD. Ha, I don't even know if they made another CD after that one, but they must have." I nod, not much interested in the group. He reaches over to a series of drawers and takes out a stainless steel tube with a two-inch-thick needle-like end. Next he pulls out a tub of something with a label that reads: 'Boy Butter... Desensitizing Cream'. Pulling both items over to him he takes the top off the tube and holds up the stainless steel tube, saying, "This is simply called a grease gun. See the plunger attached to the top. I fill the gun with this Boy Butter, and let me tell ya, this shit cost forty bucks for eight ounces but it's worth it. It contains coconut oil, organic silicone, and as much Benzocaine as is legal. It's a smooth awesome lubricant for your rectum. See, I scoop out the Boy Butter and fill the tube like this." Using his index and middle fingers he pushes a couple of gobs of lube into the tube, saying, "It holds two ounces and with this grease gun I can lube all up inside you evenly for a smooth entry and an awesome fuck. You'll see. My ex-roommate turned me on to this stuff."

He fiddles around getting the plunger lined-up and then he twists the top on. "It's like a hypodermic needle only the opening at the end is a quarter-inch diameter." He reaches his hand down and strokes his cock with the Boy Butter on his fingers, saying, "Lift your ass up, Dylan. Just get it out of the water and I'll shoot this lube inside your ass." Just like that... no discussion or foreplay, just 'Get your ass out of the water and I'll shoot this shit up your ass'. One second he's talking about 'Hootie and the Blowfish' and the next he's shooting lube up my ass. There's a little touch of the old Willie that I know so well. Good! My last sex was Thursday night so I need an anal massage pretty badly. I stand and he says, "Um, lean over on the edging around the Jacuzzi." I lean forward and he goes, "Um, rest your chest on it," and he guides me down with a hand on the back of my neck as he pulls a towel off a rack, "Rest the side of your cute face on this towel." I lay mostly on the towel with my ass out of the water and my crotch a few inches away from the Jacuzzi's inside wall. Willie stands behind me and pushes the narrow end of the tube in past my sphincter and plunges a good gob of goo out and with a little more pressure my anus spreads so the fatter part of the tube slides inside me too. Willie asks, "Is it a little tight, Dylan?" I go, "A little," and I feel the cool lubricant called 'Boy Butter' sliding up my ass as Willie pushes the


When I feel totally filled-up with 'Boy Butter', Willie says, "I want to get the Boy Butter up further so my long boner is in it all the way up your chute," and he pushes the tube maybe four-inches inside me with the needle end another inch-and-a-half further up. More lube gets plunged-out. Willie pulls the tube back a few inches and then pushes it back in, explaining, "I'm spreading it all around in there evenly, baby, so my cock will slide beautifully. Arnold fucked me with this Boy Butter maybe fifty times and I know how good it feels." He's pushing and pulling that tube inside me, fucking me with the tube basically. The fat part of the tube is about the same circumference as Bean's cock. It has me grunting and squirming on the edging of the Jacuzzi with sensations sparkling off my prostate and around the lips of my anus. I'm like, "Ummm, Willie, I think I'm gonna cum." He goes, "Feels better than a dildo, doesn't it.? Don't cum though," and he pulls the thing out entirely. Dropping the grease gun, he puts his finger up my ass and rubs my prostate as I go, "No, oooh, aaaah." Willie takes his finger out and wipes it on the towel I'm lying on, saying, "The tube opens you up a little too so entrance will be a breeze. We're both gonna love this."

Standing behind me, the water halfway up his thighs, Willie strokes his cock, murmuring, "I got half a hard-on fucking you with that tube. Just a few more strokes and..." I hear the slick sound of his hand stroking his long cock and then the head of his long boner is at my asshole and like he said it slides in tightly but with very little resistance. His boner his wider around than the tube though so it feels really good. "I'll go right up your ass, baby, so it'll be kinda tight at first," and I feel my insides spreading as his boner is sliding steadily up my ass. It slides easily but my spreading rectum still hurts. As his boner goes up my ass, he says, "The anesthetic in the Butter reduces the sensitivity to pain, or that's what it should do but in my experience it doesn't help a hell of a lot. It helps a little

though, don't you think?" I shrug, "It's kinda hurting, Willie. Would you go slower?" He rubs both hands on my back, murmuring, "Sure, I'm sorry." He's just about all the way in already though, and then he is all the way in. His crotch is tight against my buttocks with Willie humping against my ass, saying, "Boy oh boy, your ass is magical, Dylan, like always. Wow, this feels so fucking good!"

His boner is beginning to feel fucking good too so I sigh, "Oooooh, yeah, Willie. Really nice." It's definitely different and very noticeable to feel at least eight-inches of boner up my ass. My cock is like a steel rod already. Willie's being more like his old self now that we're having sex. I've always liked how he fucks me. There's something about his manner, um, like he's entitled to do this. It's his right to be doing the fucking. I've fucked him once, or twice but this is better. Maybe him being spoiled all his life with material things makes him feel entitled to have sex too. And I'm not complaining; I like it because with Willie it always feels like a form of dominance. It's just the way he goes about everything.

Willie mumbles, "It should be okay inside there by now," and he does a half-dozen deliberate hard and full eight-inch thrusts. The deliberate "Slap... Slap... Slap...Slap...Slap...Slap," sounds rings out in the bathroom and each hard thrust pushes me against the side of the Jacuzzi. My hard cock gets pushed up between my belly and the side of the Jacuzzi. "Feel good, Dylan?" He's sounding much better now with a ring of happiness in his voice. Well good for him. I'm feeling kinda happy myself. I'm looking forward to a good hard fucking and I probably won't need to wait long. After those first six deliberate thrusts he gets into fast hard thrusting, like he almost always does, and the sounds of males fucking is constant as that long boner of his is sliding nicely now. It feels like a long trip up my ass and everything is alive and excited up and down my rectum. Prostate sensations are constant and so tantalizing I can't stay still. I'm moving against the rim of the Jacuzzi constantly making pleasure moans, "Oooh, ooh, ooh, mmmm, Willie, aaah!" Willie goes, "Feeling good, baby," and cups my shoulders with both hands to begin pulling me back into his hard thrusts with a 'Slap', sound as our bodies collide and water slushes around us, "Slapslapslapslap," and, "Ooh, ooh, ooh!" Goddamn it feels so good! I've got two fistfuls of towel gritting my teeth at the incredible pleasure inside me. It's radiating out to all parts of my body. Water has slushed up wetting the towel that my chest and head are lying on as Willie keeps up fast hard trusting of his long hard boner. I turn my head looking back and see glee on Willie's face as he humps his hips hard, each one still knocking me against the wet side of the Jacuzzi as his long boner slides tightly and smoothly up my ass. Sensations off my prostate and around the lips of my asshole merge as one super-pleasure trip and join the throbbing sensations coming off my steel boner. From necessity I've pushed my ass back to keep the head of my cock, that's now sticking straight out from my groin, from hitting the inside wall of the Jacuzzi. Hot water splashing around us while

Willie's hot boner makes the long journey up my ass and back. It's a fast and consistent stimulation to every nerve ending inside me. Willie's hips move very smoothly and rhythmically driving his piston-like long tool back and forth until I could scream with pleasure. Then my orgasm takes over my brain and like a runaway train my climax hits as I squeal, "Willie!" as I'm humping my hips with cum shooting out against the inside wall of the Jacuzzi and then again with black dots swarming around in front of my eyes now... and then a calmness as I limply moan at the fleeting pleasure that for nine-or-ten-seconds was my whole world. I sigh and try to keep my ass up for Willie to pound his boner in. He doesn't let up for another minute or so and then it's desperate humping against my buttocks as he moans like he's in pain and I feel a sharp stream of his creamy cum break through the Boy Butter and hit the walls of my bowels. Another hump against my buttocks with gasping sounds from Willie as I assume more cum is poured inside me. It's warm and slippery-sloppy in there now as his boner sloshes back and forth a few more times before Willie groan and sighs, backs-up and sitting down in the churning water of the Jacuzzi. I slide off the towel and sit on the bottom of the Jacuzzi too, watching some of Willie's cum float in the water before disappearing down a chute as the water goes through a filter. Willie's head is back with his eyes lightly closed as he sighs again and takes a few deep breaths. Opening his eyes, he gives me a little smile, murmuring, "Spectacular, baby. What great sex! Only with you is it like this." I smile back at him, "I give you all the credit, Willie. You and your wonderful penis." He chuckles, muttering, "Wonderful penis... ha ha. Thanks." He slides over to me and hugs me with both arm, saying, "Sincerely, Dylan, thank you. It's been like six weeks since my last sex, and that wasn't all that good. Oh man, did I ever need this with only you. Especially today. It was really nice not thinking about my Grandfather for ten minutes." I nod, not feeling I deserve this much credit but if I protest it'll seem like maybe I want to hear more. We've had sex a hundred times but if he wants to think today's sex is helping him deal with his grief a little, I'm glad. We sit side by side with just his one arm across my shoulders now. Water is shooting all around and over us. Jacuzzis are awesome! I mean private ones like Willie's that's clean and, um, private. Not public ones at hotels and swimming pools with hairy men and fat ladies getting in it with me, ugh! During a few minutes of silence, I'm thinking how good that sex felt. Willie goes, "Isn't it funny how someone can be fantastically attracted to another, like I am to you, and yet the next guy doesn't do it for me at all. I mean obviously you're the best looking person I've ever seen, but it's so much more than that. It can almost be a curse to be attracted to someone to such a degree, ya know?" He looks at me, asking, "How does that happen?" I shrug, "You're very flattering. Um, I always thought pheromones were involved with people being attracted to each other." He goes, "The way a person smells?" I go, "Yeah, but there's much more that I don't understand either." He nods and says, "I mean why doesn't every guy you meet feel the same way about you that I do? Why is one person, um, the one! Ya know?" Shaking my head, "I don't know." I'm not bringing Rob into the conversation but what Willie said he feels about me makes me wonder why exactly I have this intense attraction to Rob, but not Willie? It is mysterious, and how many times have I seen married couples and wondered to myself how in the fuck did she, or he, fall in love with that person? It's not that I'm so conceited I take Willie's love for me like, 'ho-hum'. It's just that I've heard it on and off for over four years now but have never really felt the love he speaks of. Not the way I feel it from Rob. I've never felt it from anyone the way i feel it from Rob, so I join Willie in his confusion about why or how any of us chooses a person as the one! What I mostly try to do is steer away from conversations like this for the simple reason I don't understand it myself. Willie gives my shoulders a squeeze and then says, "Let's dry off, Dylan, okay?" I nod, "Sure." We stand and climb out of the Jacuzzi grabbing big hotel-type fluffy towels to dry ourselves. Back in his bedroom, Willie says, "Please lie down with me under the covers. I need a nap. Today took a lot out of me. And, um, I know I've said it too much already but you can't imagine how much you've helped me. I was getting real shaky there for a while and needed being with you, so thank you!" I murmur, "You're welcome, and a nap sounds awesome." He turns off the overhead bedroom light but there's a lamp left on in the sitting area so it's not pitch black. We get under the covers and Willie goes, "I know I'm acting like a dork but would you hold me until I fall asleep? I'd never be comfortable enough with anyone else in the world asking that; only with you." I go, "Sure," and get him in my arms. He rustles around a little then settles in against me with a sigh. In maybe two minutes I can tell he's sleeping. He must have been exhausted. Apparently I dozed off too because when I open my eyes I don't know where I am for a second. Willie's head is next to mine on the pillow though, so it all comes back to me in a flash. Managing to get my left arm out from under him I see by my wristwatch it's ten-after-seven. Huh, we got here around five o'clock so Willie's been sleeping for an-hour-and-a-half now. I don't wake him though. I'm enjoying the feel and scent of his body against mine and I'm enjoying this awesome fucking bed of his too. Then I think how lonely a room this size could make you feel. That's a weird thought I guess, but I feel small in this bed. The long hairs on the top of Willie's head tickle the side of my face so I move my head slightly. He has my favorite colored hair for a guy. Very light brown and dense; it almost gets blond in the sun, but not quite. I've only given Willie one haircut which is odd considering how many times we've been together and how much I like doing haircuts for guys. I guess it hasn't happened but once because he's always, today excluded, always so over the top in- charge he decides what we'll be doing and it never enters his mind to have me give him a haircut. Ha, I wonder what it'd be like if I got friendly with another hot guy who had a haircut fetish like mine. Ha ha, we'd be giving each other haircuts every three-days. By eight o'clock I'm ready to get out of bed and I'm getting hungry too so I nudge Willie, quietly saying, "It's eight o'clock, Willie." He nods his head and opens his eyes, then smiles, "Hi, Dylan! It's not a dream." I go, "Nope, I'm real. Are you getting hungry?" He makes a face, "Um, not really, but what would you like for dinner?" I say, "Whatever the chef makes will be fine with me." He yawns and rolls over to pick-up a phone on the bedside table. No dialing or anything. He waits fifteen seconds and then says, "Hi, Martha. I..." and listens before saying, "We've been sleeping...." he waits, then, "Yes, it was extremely emotional and tiring. Anyway would you tell Chef that Dylan and I would like dinner around eight-thirty. He chooses the menu, and... huh?" Then, "That'd be great. Thanks." He hangs up and rolls over to me, saying, "Martha thinks it'll be a rack of lamb." I go, "Yum," and he grins, asking, "Do you wanna do it again?" I'm like, "Okay." We've been naked since coming in the bedroom over three hours ago, and I like that. I have this fantasy of being a member of a nudist colony or part of a crowded nude beach where in both cases only guys twenty-three and younger are allowed. Oh boy! I tell Willie about my fantasy and he excitedly says, "Let's go!" Ha ha! He gets his arms around me and murmurs, "Hey, ya wanna get in that tight ball and I'll fuck you like that?" I frown, "Willie, I get claustrophobia when you get your arms around me in that position." He goes, "Yeah you get a little wild, but then you just get docile and in a trance, right? That's what you said." I go, "I don't remember saying that. How do you remember? I mean it was a couple of years ago." He says, "C'mon, let's do that." I let out a big exhale, mumbling, "Well I am trying to be comforting to you and all, so okay." He's excited, "Oh good! I'll get the Boy Butter and grease gun." He hops out of bed, his long cock swinging between his legs as he jogs into the bathroom and comes back with the lubricant apparatus. I gotta admit that is one damn good lube, that Boy Butter shit. He loads the grease gun and then wipes his fingers on the side of the mattress. I wonder what the housekeeper will think it is? He says, "Get your ass around facing me, baby." Something about the way he said that gave my balls a shiver. I lift up onto my hands and knees and face away from Willie. He's up on his knees as the 'needle' end with its quarter-inch opening goes in my ass first. Willie plunges a good deal of the Boy Butter lube and then

rotates the end spreading the lube. I mutter, "There's already a lot of 'Boy Butter' in my ass, Willie." He goes, "I know what I'm doing, baby. Just stay still." Now the tube part that holds the lube is sliding in and Willie

plunges lube, then moves the tube another inch up my ass and plunges some more lube, as he says, "This Boy Butter feels really good on my boner, babe, so it's for both of us." I shrug and look back watching him until the entire grease gun is in my ass and just the round plunger top is visible. Willie looks up grinning and saying, "I'm getting-off using this fucking grease

gun," and he pulls some of it out of my ass and then pushes it back in as my back arches and I grunt, then mutter, "You're using it like a dildo." He nods his head, "Yeah, I know. How's it feel?" I shrug, "Um, okay, but I'd rather feel your boner up there."

Pulling out the grease gun, Willie says, "Yeah, me too." It feels really gooey inside my rectum now and you know what? I'm gonna buy that grease gun and the Boy Butter lube for Rob's Valentine Day present. I ask, "You wash that gun after using it, right?" He drops the slippery gun on the night stand, saying, "I will now. This is the first time I've ever used it. We used my roommates but he never washed it because he was only fucking me." I go, "Well he should have still washed it! What the fuck's wrong with him?" Willie mutters, "Too late now. We've split-up." I go, "Well I gotta admit I'm a fan of that lubricant; it's worth forty-dollars or whatever you said it cost." He goes, "The Boy Butter is forty-dollars, right. The gun was forty-eight dollars, but I bought them as a package for $79.99." He sticks a finger up my ass and moves it around in the lubricant and then pulls it out and goes to wipe the head of his cock, but stops. "Hey, would you suck my dick and get it hard?" I thought he'd never ask. I'm like, "Oh, okay. Jesus, the things I do for you." He chuckles, mumbling, "You love sucking dick; don't bull shit me," and he hold his cock out. It's a little firm already from his play with the grease gun up my ass.

I scoot over and sit back on my ankles taking his cock from his fingers. After licking the head a few times, I go, "Your penis got really clean in the Jacuzzi. There's no Boy Butter on it at all." He mutters, "Yeah, I know. I was gonna lube my pecker up but then remembered you like sucking my bad boy." Sarcastically, I go, "Oh, thank you so much!" He says, "Well, you do like sucking my dick, don't ya?" I frown, then chuckle, saying, "Yeah, I do," and suck the head into my mouth to twirl my tongue around it. Willie hunches over a little closer to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. He's up on his knees so I only need to lean my head forward a little to get at his cock. Willie has a good scent coming off him too so that's nice and sexy. I'm slurping and sucking away with saliva all over my chin as his cock starts getting hard. I could deep throat this cock easily but Willie pulls it out, muttering, "That's good," and then he grins rubbing the head of his boner all around my mouth smearing my spit. Then some gets sucked up my nose and I sneeze and chuckle at the same time. Sex is so much fun!

Willie rustles around getting behind me, saying, "Wrap your arms around your knees and pull your knees to your chest." I do that and he goes, "C'mon, do it tighter like before." I go, "Before was two years ago," and he's like, "I know, but go ahead." I do that and he give me a nudge behind my head and I roll forward so my face is on the mattress. Willie lines his boner to my asshole and it slides tightly up my ass not hurting much. Well he did get me opened-up a couple hours ago. When he's tight against my buttocks and I'm moaning, "Ummmm, oooh, mmm. Oooh it's tight but it feels good. Feels like a long fat cucumber up there." It always feels bigger than it is. Fully impaling me Willie wraps his long arms around me and hugs tightly. Now I basically can't move.

It's okay for a few seconds and then when I try moving an arm and can't do it, then try moving anything and can't, panic sets in. It's called claustrophobia and I have it. The panic gives me extra strength so I struggle mightily shouting, "Let me go!" That gets Willie to hold me tighter and for a full minute I'm totally panicked struggling again the stronger Willie with both of us starting to sweat. Tears in my eyes and I'm about ready to scream at the top of my lungs, although in this huge house it's doubtful anyone except Willie would hear me. I don't need to scream though because just like that Willie's dominance kicks-in and submissiveness slides over my brain which over-rides my claustrophobia and I get docile just like Willie remembered from last time. Now I'm floating having given up my free-will to Willie. He coos, "Oh, this so nice. Stay in a ball for me," and he lets go of me. As he moves his eight-inch boner slides almost all the way out, but just in time he humps it back up my ass and begins hammering that long hard penis in my ass. Millions of sensations pour out of my rectum making me shudder with pleasure and in my trance I wrap my arms around my legs tighter. It's a dreamy submissive trance with sexual pleasure that's off the charts. Willie fuck good anyhow and he has an excellent piece of equipment too, but the pleasure is enhanced for me because in my head I'm being submissive to my 'top'. On rare occasions an almost total stranger has brought on a submissive trance in me, but mostly I need to know the 'top' in order for me to slip into submissiveness like this. Willie and Ryan being the main two in that regard, but Rob's managed it in small doses and even John Smith when he was drunk managed a little dominance during sex. I can't explain it and I've given up trying to.

I hear the rapid, "Slapslapslap," sounds of Willie's body smacking against my ass and I hear his grunts but in submissive trances I'm a quieter moaner than normal. Moans of sexual pleasure are mostly involuntary anyway. I couldn't not do them and why would I try not to anyway? I mean it feels otherworldly good and it's natural to vocalize that pleasure a little. There are so many awesome sensations happening in my rectum as his long rock-hard boner moves tightly back and forth it's impossible not to get into a mantra of, "Ooh, ooh, ooh," at each scintillating thrust. I lose track of time but I'm guessing at around the five-minute-mark Willie gasps and stops humping his hips to lay over on my curved back. He's sweating and breathing hard. "Need a break," he gasps, then, "You okay?" As soon as I say, "I'm feeling awesome," my trance mysteriously disappears. Huh! Without sensing the trance, I mutter, "I need to straighten out now." Willie goes, "Sure, okay, but try to keep my boner in your ass. No quick moves."

I let go of my knees and slowly stretch my legs out behind me feeling his cock moving in my ass. When I'm lying flat on my stomach he spreads his knees and starts rapid thrusting again and everything comes alive immediately making me shake and shimmer with sexual pleasure. He's driving his cock in my ass with a more downward motion now where before it was more straight in. His hard long boner puts pressure on different parts of my rectum making my shoulders shudder and igniting my latest orgasm. The fire burns brightly as I push my ass up at Willie's thrusting and he begins breathing noisily, moaning, "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum," and he does humping against my buttocks although I don't feel his load pumping up my ass this time. He gets a hand on each of my hips lifting and humping and then without warming my climax strikes and I do a muffled squeal humping my hips with four fast moving streaks of cum shooting out onto the sheets. Willie lets go of my hips and falls backwards on the bed pulling his cock out of my ass. I roll over away from my wet cum and breath fast and hard for a few seconds as I shudder a little from the after effect of my climax that zip around my groin. Lying apart from Willie, my small load of jism between us, I feel so fucking good. This sex wasn't quite as good as the first one earlier even though it lasted longer, but I hadn't had an orgasm for like two days before our earlier sex. That being said I loved both times we did it. It was a treat getting fucked by Willie again and again it brings back great memories. Granted he's not himself, but he was pretty damn good anyway. That was a nice, albeit abbreviated, trance and I wish I could have climaxed while experiencing it. Willie asks, "What are you thinking about, Dylan?" I roll over on my side looking at him, "I was thinking you're a great sex partner and I was remembering old times for you and me going way back to the beginning." Then we reminisce about some of our more outrageous times together like the time we ended up in hammocks at that sex club. The hammocks had holes in the bottom where older men paid good money intending to fuck us up through the holes. We hopped out of those hammocks when we finally understood what was going to happen and ran our asses off. Another time Willie took us to this barbershop to get flattop haircuts not realizing the shop was outside an Army base and we got scalped. The shortest haircut of our lives, even worse than the ones Ryan was giving me. Another time everything Willie tried to do turned into a disaster. A flat tire he was rolling to a garage rolled over dog shit and that got all over his hand and every fucking thing you could think of went wrong that night.

He remembers stories I'd forgotten and we get to laughing together at the dumb things we did. The time he took me to star in a skin flick and many other bizarre experiences that we always escaped from in the nick of time. Laughing he rolls over to where I am and then yells, "Fuck! I just rolled in your spunk and it's cold and sticky." We're sweaty and sticky anyway so we decide another quick shower is in order, but first he calls Martha and she tells him our dinner could be ready in a half hour. He tells her to hold it up for another half-hour. We'll eat around nine-thirty. I'm friggin' starving.

In the shower we bath ourselves quickly with Willie saying, "After those beers at your place I need a couple of cocktails before dinner. How 'bout you, babe?" I nod, "Yeah, sure. What kind of cocktail are you thinking about?" His head's under the shower rinsing out shampoo so I wait for him to finish. He says, "Um, something with whiskey like a Manhattan." Huh that what Rob and I had the other night. Then I wonder what Rob's doing right now? Whatever it is I'll bet it isn't half the fun I'm having. At this time, he's probably in his hotel room with the fat slob. Nah, more likely they're all at the hotel bar talking business.

We get out of the shower and dry ourselves as Willie says, "Being at Grandfather's funeral this morning I couldn't imagine in my wildest dreams that I'd be this happy nine-hours later, or however long it's been. I know I've said this a dozen times, but thank you for being there for me, Dylan," and he hugs me and kisses my lips quickly. That's the first kiss on the lips we've done since our kiss 'hello' at my condo. I appreciate him avoiding that. He knows Rob's my romantic lover and the kissing Willie and I always did when we were younger doesn't feel appropriate now. Sure I've kissed and even made out with other guys but either under the influence of booze or it's been random and short-lived for the most part. The trouble is I really like making-out with guys. Huh, I like it almost as much as I like sucking their dicks. You could say I'm deeply into guys. There's only one special guy though and it's, Rob, but that doesn't mean on my own I'm not attracted to other guys.

Willie chooses clothes for me to wear. Some kind of light fabric the fits me loosely top and bottom. The top I pull over my head and the bottom has elastic around the waist. Comfortable doesn't do these clothes justice. These are more like pajamas than anything else I can compare it to, although more comfortable if that's possible. No underwear, just the top and bottom and on my feet the softest leather slippers I've ever worn. Willie dresses exactly the same only his, um, pajamas are blue and mine are gray. Willie says, "I bought these to wear on the beach when I had sunburn. The material is so light." I go, "Very comfortable but will the Chef be offended were eating in what amounts to pajamas?" He looks startled, "Offended? Of course not. They're used to me, Dylan. I could wear scuba gear for dinner and they wouldn't raise an eyebrow."

As we're going down the front winding steps he puts his arm around the back of my waist and gives me a hug pulling me against him, asking, "Do you wanna try some dildo play after dinner? I have an electric one I've used on myself and it's really something..."

to be continued... Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com



Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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Next: Chapter 47

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