Dylans Junior Year at College

Published on Jun 2, 2017



Chapter 45

by Donny Mumford

After the movie Rob, Chubby, and I decide to have a beer at one of the Mall bars. Okay, I vowed to abstain from alcohol all week but I was in a weakened condition when I made that vow so it doesn't count. In the bar it's the same old shit with the ID's. The lady bartender doesn't believe any of us are twenty-one. Chubby charms her though and she finally believes our ID.

We all order Bud drafts and then talk about what we still need to do for Christmas shopping. I need to do everything. I'm not worried about that though or anything else right now because I'm presently enjoying the glow of being with my two favorite people in the world.

Looking at Chubby and Rob talking I'm marveling at how they don't look anything alike, yet they're both very cutely handsome. They both have developing-beards with Rob's development ahead of Chub's. Actually there's not a lot of beard growth on either of them so far. What they have though looks cool. Chubby shaves only sporadically whereas Rob shaves every morning he has work whether he needs to or not. At college Rob will let it go a few days and his soft curly whiskers are a turn-on for me. There's noticeable growth on his upper lip, some at the point of his chin and along his jaw. I think it makes him handsomer and sexier, if that's even possible.

After we finish a second beer Rob wants to call it a night because of work tomorrow. He gives me a 'look' that maybe I need to do the same. Chubby won't hear of it though insisting on buying one last round. He's very persuasive and Rob quickly relents so we all have a third beer. Chubby says to me, "Oh, I meant to tell you, I got a part-time job." I ask where, and he says, "At Kohl's. I'm stocking shelves. Yeah, Chris told me they had an opening so I went over with him and got hired on the spot. A job will help keep me from getting in trouble during the day and the extra pocket money is a very good thing too." I nod, "How long will they need part-time help?" Chub goes, "Not long. I start tomorrow and work until a couple of days after Christmas. That's when everyone will be returning the presents they got the day before." I pat his shoulder, "Good deal, Chub!" He's always looking for work so I know this job makes him happy. The summer before last he worked two jobs: the lawn cutting crew and then at night he worked for Mary Jo's father who's an accountant, or some such thing.

After the third beer Rob drops Chub and me off at the condos, saying to me, "Same time tomorrow morning, Dylan." As he drives off it occurs to me that tonight Rob never once used one of his terms of endearment for me, like, 'babe' or 'baby'. He's slightly leery around Chub because there have been a couple of instances where Chubby has questioned Rob directly about his interaction with me. My brother has a way of saying something conversationally that leaves one with the feeling there's an implied threat in there somewhere. Just about every kid who went to school with us is generally aware that Chub can get a little reckless at times. He and I had more than our share of fights together against perceived adversaries. As I've mentioned before we've never subscribed to the notion fighting should be fair. An opponent being bigger and stronger than us was equalized by us fighting dirty, like sneaking up behind the guy and hitting him over the head or the side of a knee with something. Of course this was mostly during our younger years but it leaves the sense in many that Chub can be wildly unpredictable. It's something that guys see in Chub's eyes I think. I see only good things in Chubby's eyes. Anyway, whenever Rob and I are doing something with my brother, Rob's a bit deferential to Chubby. Hell, almost everyone is and I'm not sure Chubby even notices it. It's very subtle but obvious to me.

During work Tuesday at Dickers and Son, Inc. everything goes very much like it did Monday and then after work I have dinner with Chubby. Later Rob comes over joining me, Chub, Chris Johnson, and another of Chub's friends, Matt Barnes. Matt's a lanky light-skinned African American who's a friend of Chub's and Chris' from high school. He's mostly a quiet guy and everyone gets along with him okay. After graduating high school Matt went to work for his father's car dealership instead of going to college. Anyway the five of us are sitting around the kitchen table playing poker with a fifty-cent limit on bets. Matt jokes with Chub and Chris about those two going on dates Friday night with old high school flames. He says, "Jeff, what's that black chick, Jasmine, see in you, dude? She's too hot for you" Chris answers instead of Chubby, "It's like this, Matt. Sonya has been dying to get in my pants again so she talked Jasmine into going out with the snow-flake here,"

pointing at Chub. Chub goes, "Ooooh man, what a crock of shit that is! Jasmine asked me out and then Chris and Sonya were like, 'Oh, what the fuck, let's try it again'. Chris laughs, "Yeah, it might have gone something like that I guess." Rob and I grin at each other because we don't need to deal with silly dating rituals.

Everyone except me is drinking bottles of beer from the case of Rolling Rock that Chris brought with him. I stick with Coke and Rob switches to Cokes after two beers. Most of the fun in playing poker with guys you know is the subtle ball-breaking that goes on nonstop. We play for a couple of hours and let me tell ya, anytime you want time to fly... get your ass in a card game. Tonight I'm in bed before eleven and then Wednesday at work Rob sets me up at a table outside his office and I work there all day. After work I eat with the Dickers family again and spend the night there. Rob and I stay up until his parents go to bed. When they're settled in bed we go upstairs and do our business in the hall bathroom, then get naked before sliding under the covers in Rob's double bed. We get into an intense lover's make-out that's wonderfully sexy and hot even though at the back of my mind the thought that his folks are only two doors away never completely goes away.

We have slow lover's sex with me on my back, my knees up and spread while Robby's doing steady thrusting that's not fast or hard enough to generate the sounds of males fucking. It goes on for almost ten minutes with both of us making quiet whining sounds of sexual pleasure and desire. The methodical humping of Rob's hips sends his fat boner back and forth in my rectum and setting off so many sexy pleasure sensations I'm squirming on the mattress staring at Rob as he hovers over me puffing shorts burst of air in my face. His breath smells like peppermint. My hands lightly hold onto his hips as they move to and fro causing electric sizzling around my anus and inside my rectum. It's exquisite pleasure and as much as I'd like it to go on forever, it obviously can't. Finally, Rob recognizes the look in my eyes as my body gets stiff with a million sensitive nerve endings inundating my brain's pleasure center all at the same time creating in me a great need to climax. With orgasmic climax imminent Rob puts his hand over my mouth and does ten or twelve faster, harder thrusts creating fifteen seconds of, 'Slapslapslapslap," sounds in the bedroom. Then with me struggling and humping my hips cum erupts from my boner shooting straight up in the air. I'm almost convulsing from the rush of incredible pent-up pleasure all being released in a split second. I imagine it's very similar to the big-bang at the inception of the universe.

My initial cum shot peaks at four-feet and then comes down in a streak to splatter next to me as three more little shots fired out of my throbbing cock. Oh what exquisite pleasure, but now I'm spent and limp and momentarily exhausted although incredibly satisfied. I lie here as Rob's climax nears it boiling point and there's another, "Slapslapslap," few seconds of fast thrusting before he's against my ass humping his load into my bowels. He shakes and gasps before collapsing forward onto me breathing raggedly, his heart pounding against his ribs. I'm hugging his shaking body as I think: Yes, that right... there was premium high-octane sex right there folks, basically off the charts.

We cuddle and whisper words of love for ten minutes or so and then just fade into the mysterious world of sleep. In the morning it's almost as awkward as I envisioned it being with his parents. Most of the awkwardness is probably in my head as they seem casually unperturbed that their son fucked me beautifully last night. I interpret every glance at me from his mom as an accusation. Rob's cheery as can be though. He's chatty while having coffee and scrambled eggs. Mrs. Dickers is cooking at the stove while I'm keeping as low a profile as I can manage, mumbling, "Oh, no thank you," when offered breakfast.

Actually I can see where someone might assume I'm acting guilty about something but I can't seem to relax. Mr. Dickers has no problem relaxing as he sits there reading the paper and drinking coffee without saying much. Then he gets up with a big friendly smile, saying, "You gentlemen ready to kick some ass at work again today?" Mrs. Dickers goes, "Robert!" Ignoring that, he points at me, saying, "I'm hearing good things about you, Dylan, and not just from Rob. I'd expect to hear good things about you from him." I mutter, "Thank you, sir." He smiles at me, kisses his wife and takes off for work. Rob and I go upstairs to brush our teeth and finish dressing. I'm feeling stupidly good about the compliment from Mr. Dickers. Downstairs we get the lunches Rob's mother put together for us, Rob kisses his mom's cheek, and off we go.

It's Thursday already! This week is moving along very nicely. Rob has me working a tedious project involving columns of numbers on the computer screen that get me crossed-eyes after a while, but when I get bored or frustrated I think of Rob in the office behind where I'm working and the twenty-dollars an hour I'm being paid. Both factors are motivating. Like yesterday I'm working on a table in front of Rob's office. Oh, and there's another thing I'm feeling okay about. It's things Rob told me last night about the company that surprised the hell out of me. I had no idea there were three Dickers and Son, Inc. snow removal crews that go anywhere on the east coast when there's a heavy snow storm or nor'easter, and there are crews using heavy equipment demolishing and dispensing with a quarter-mile of old mills somewhere in the western part of the state. Those and other projects are going on while I only knew about the landscaping and design part of the business.

Anyway, I'm feeling better about the last two years of expansion knowing there are unseen operations going on year round. I guess the company is a much bigger operation than I realized, but I still can't imagine what all these people in the office do.

Rob comes out to see me every hour or so giving me pats on the back and encouraging comments about what a great job I'm doing. He's mature in the office until he and I are alone and then he's my boyfriend again openly showing me love and affection and friendship. It gives me a gooey wonderful feeling. I think he looks sexy in his shirt and tie. I like to stop working for a minute and listen to him in the office behind me when he's interacting with other employees. He's friendly enough but then he'll bark out some curse words too, even at older men and he can really get pissed-off at times.

Not with me, but with other men and women. It doesn't appear he's friends with anyone here and I think that's why he's so eager to have me working with him. With me he has someone to have coffee breaks with and eat lunch with.

When I'm not here I think the job his father assigned him prevents Rob from being a popular fellow the way he was all through high school and is at college. His father's nice to me but I think he's a bastard to Rob. He probably thinks tough love is the way to teach Rob the business.

During the ride home after work I can tell Rob has something he needs to tell me but is hesitant about doing so. I finally say, "C'mon out with it, Rob." He laughs and blushes a little, saying, "You're a mind reader, Dylan."

I go, "No, I'm a Rob reader. Your body language and your pained expression tell me there's something you want to say." He nods his head, "Yep, you're correct my friend. Um, I might as well come right out and tell you I need to spend three nights with dad in Westborough at the site of the big project. Dad, the CFO, Mike Byers, and two other vice presidents are going with us. It'll be tomorrow night through Sunday night. After tomorrow I won't see you again until Monday at work." I go, "Oh, really?" and then I don't say anything for a minute thinking how we'll miss the whole weekend together.

Rob mumbles, "You can take my pickup home with you after work tomorrow." I nod my head, "Thanks," and he says, "You'll be working with Dottie on Monday."

As he's parking at the curb below the condos, I ask, "Um, not to be a nag, but why can't I come with you? You could find things for me to do in Westborough." He says, "Yeah, I suggested that exact thing to Dad. He agrees I need someone to help me accumulating the punch-list of details they'll ferret-out during the two-day meeting. This weekend I'm basically the secretary logging everything that's discussed. We're meeting with three other companies we need to coordinate with." I'm like, "So who's gonna be your assistant if not me?" He shakes his head, "Oh man, Dad's assigned Todd Neufield, a part-time college intern, to assist me. This guy, Todd, took a semester off college to get some practical business experience before completing his degree. He's finishing up his internship this month."

Rob's looking out the windshield while I'm looking at him silently feeling very pissed-off at his father. Finally, keeping my voice neutral, I ask, "So you're saying your Dad doesn't think I could do whatever this asshole, Todd, is going to be doing?" Rob makes a 'face' and looks at me, saying, "Of course you could do it! Dad knows you're the one I'd want helping me." I go, "So why not me?" Rob's like, "Oh fuck, Dad had this very fatherly talk with me giving me advice saying it's bad business to mix pleasure with business. It diminishes both the pleasure and the business because you can't do justice to both at the same time and blah, blah, blah." I go, "But I've been working here all week!" He mumbles, "I know, but it's the over-night aspect that he's referring to and I think it's all a bunch of bull-shit."

We're at the curb below my condo in the idling pickup not saying anything until I mumble, "I don't see the difference, especially considering I slept over your house last night. It's preposterous!" and Rob agrees. "Yeah, but Dad probably thinks he's making some long-range point to me about mixing business with pleasure. He says it's impossible to excel at business and pleasure at the same time because..." I say emphatically, "Yeah, yeah, you already told me that!!" Rob goes, "I'm flustered, Dylan! I don't get it either." Huh, and I thought Mr. Dickers liked me. He told me he'd heard good things about me just this morning. I ask, "Was he angry with you for wanting me to go with you?" Rob shakes his head, "Nah, I think he thought it was a good teaching moment or some such shit like that, and I could almost see his point except you and I have worked together before without letting our relationship interfere with the job." I shrug, resigned that it's a final decision, mumbling, "Damn, I'm gonna miss you, Rob." I look at him and sort of chuckle, "I'm almost embarrassed to admit how attached I've become to you this past week. It's like I feel lost without you." He quietly says, "That's very sweet of you to say and I feel exactly the same way about you. We're a good team, um, as well as being awesome lovers. I won't let us be separated very often in the future." Then I go, "Jesus, we're talking about two measly days! I feel stupid making a fuss about it." Rob takes a deep breath and says, "Yeah, you're right but it's still not fair. You could do the job better than Todd."

Hmmm, Todd? I ask, "What's Todd like? I don't recall seeing him around the office." Rob says, "He works on the first floor with the designers.

Actually he's a big fat slob with a loud voice although I'm told he an agreeable enough guy. Haven't heard anything negative about him but I've only said ten words to him myself in the five months he's been here. And now I'm forced to work closely with him. He's two years older than us and one semester from graduating." I nod, not caring about that. Rob mutters, "And then he'll probably resent taking orders from me. Don't they all? Tough shit though."

I nod, "Doesn't sound like much fun. Whaddaya wanna do tonight?" Rob says, "I'll give you a call after dinner." I nod, we bump fists, and I get out.

Going up the steps to my condo I'm not worried too much about a certain twenty-three-year-old fat slob working with Rob."

After a shower I text Chubby who says he put our dinner in the oven a half hour ago. Getting dressed I go up to his place, asking, "What smells good?" He gives me a hug and says, "Baby back ribs on top of sweet and spicy baked beans. Will you make a salad while I take a shower?" After his shower Chub tells me about his first day on the job at Kohl's, "They don't know what the fuck they're doing basically. Everyone's bumping into each other trying to restock shelves without anyone seemingly in charge. Chris and I kept busy doing what we thought might need doing but we aren't even sure who our boss is. We know who hired us but she wasn't there. Lots of Spanish being spoken so we're not sure what's what, but we punched in our hours and I'm pretty sure we'll get paid." I chuckle, mumbling, "Oh wow, sounds like a very stressful job," and he laughs, "Yeah, and so was the hour-and-a-half lunch break we took at Rolf's pounding down three or four beers. Very stressful indeed. Hee hee."

After dinner Chub's texting with someone and says, "A couple of guys are coming over to watch NFL Thursday Night Football here. Why don'cha watch it with us? Give Rob a call." I do that and Rob comes over and we watch the game along with the guys we played poker with. They're drinking beers and mostly talking about high school memories. No one is paying too much attention to the game except for keeping tabs on the players they have on their Fantasy Football teams. Rob and I are on one end of the couch minding our own business. I don't know what we're doing to draw his attention but Matt, who's sitting in a chair opposite the couch finally says to Rob and I, "Are you

two guys gay?" He didn't say it accusatory or smart-ass... he was curious.

I go, "Yeah, we are," and Chubby says, "Yo Matt, my brother's been gay for

years. You didn't know that?" He shakes his head, "No, I had no idea that either of them were gay. Holy shit! I think you two are the only gay guys I know." Rob says, "That's unlikely." And that's all there was to it. It was as casual a conversation as if he asked, 'Hey, did you guys go to prep school? I don't remember seeing you at Framingham High'. Like that. Sure, I know life was more problematic for gays in the past and that we're lucky to be living now.

During the third quarter everyone gets bored with the football game, plus all of us except Matt have work tomorrow so we call it a night. Rob and I sneak unobserved into my condo and get naked, giggling about being horny all the time. Our intentions are to get in bed but we never make it that far.

Rob's got me from behind pinning my arms to my sides as he humps against my ass and sucks on the hickey that's almost healed. I like feeling submissive to Rob at times like this so I struggle a little to enhance the sense of being dominated. He's holding me tightly though. Ha, I grin to myself and act docile leaning my head over to the side giving him room to do his licking, sucking, and kissing a single spot on my neck. That, plus his gently humping against my ass gives us both hardening dicks that soon become roaring boners. Penises are awesome! I've got shivers all over my body feeling wonderfully dominated and thinking how this is so much better than it ever was with Ryan and his dominant sex. I begin fidgeting when the hickey starts stinging but Rob tightens his arms around me so I grin to myself again as my cock gets hard enough now to stick straight out. That's something Rob is causing my boner to do on an almost regular basis of late; sticking out straight from my body and really hard. To me Rob's become so sexually-hot it's almost too much. I'm shaking and groaning until he murmurs, "Okay, baby," and he guides the head of his cock to my anus and pushes his fat bad-boy cock slowly up my ass hurting a little but I'm so aroused I hardly notice it. Holding me now with an arm around my chest and one around my belly Rob moves only his hips for a fast hard fucking creating the sound, those sounds right from the start. It's, "Slapslapslap," sounds in our ears for maybe five minutes with me docile in his arms clenching my teeth at how good it feels. My boner barely moves in its hardness as Rob pounds his cock back and forth in my ass with him grunti ng at each thrust. His face is against the side of mine with perspiration forming in between our foreheads and cheeks while his scent swirls around in my head. His body against mine is becoming sweaty too, mostly between his chest and my back increasing the heat of our sex.

"Slapslapslap," sounds continue and it's like we're one person until my orgasm gets rolling and builds and builds. The closer it gets to bursting from my cock the more my body stiffens and I begin struggling for real now and humping back into his thrusts while murmuring Rob's name and wanting to climax so badly there are tears in my eyes. It's so exquisitely sexy! So arousing to be doing this with Rob that I can't hold back a second longer and, Boom! I squeal as cum pours out in a straight line from my boner. It shoots

straight out five feet in a level line of milky-white cum and then another

two streaks of cum follow as flashbulbs go off in my head and somewhere in

my brain I acknowledge Rob shooting his load of cum up my ass and it's a brilliant thrilling ten seconds before everything reduces significantly leaving a sizzling buzzing in my ass and at the head of my softening penis. All

sensations fade then fade faster until a sigh comes from my mouth. Rob's doing his breathy deep breathing and why shouldn't he, he's the one who provided all the energy.

He backs up pulling out his cock and only now do we flop on the bed. Me on my stomach aware of Rob's spunk drooling out of my ass. Rob on his back so he doesn't wipe his sloppy cock on the bedspread. We do it without actually thinking about being considerate of the bedspread. We've fucked so often together we avoid spreading our cum without thinking about it. We breathe deeply together for a half minute and then our bodies readjust back to normal, leaving behind the glow of our really good orgasms. We never turned the light on, just came in my bedroom and got undressed without talking and it seemingly happened on its own after that. Rob says in the dark, "Maybe I can drive back from Westborough tomorrow night and meet you here." I go, "I'd love it, Rob, but don't do it. It's over an hour's drive each way and if somehow your Dad found out he'd be extremely disappointed in you. Anyway I'll have your pickup truck."

Rob rolls over to me with his wet cock flapping against my thigh, saying, "Yeah, you're right I guess," and he lays the side of his face on my shoulder, saying, "You smell so perfect, Dylan. No one else has the subtle scent you have on your skin. It's not soap or anything else, just pure you." I go, "I know. That's why I'm in the habit of smelling the back of my wrist or hand." He chuckles quietly, "The things you admit to so easily. Most guys wouldn't say they like smelling their hand." I go, "Most guys don't smell as good as me. You smell sexy good yourself so I should probably teach you this habit I've had for a couple of years now." He chuckles, "Um, no that's okay, I'm good."

He rolls over on top of my back, "I love you, Dylan. Have I mentioned that lately?" I murmur, "Yes, but never stop telling me, Robby." He goes, "Awww, you called me 'Robby' again. You were the first and only person calling me that in high school. Everybody called me 'Rob' except you." I go, "You were 'Robby' to me then, but you're a 'Rob' to me now. You're my main man, dude!" He chuckles and then slides off me, "Unfortunately I gotta go now.

I'll see you tomorrow morning." I get up and turn on the lights. He goes, "Oooh, look at that hot body on my boyfriend!" I mumble, "Your's is twice as hot," then, "Hey, aren't you gonna help me clean your cum off my ass?" We go in the bathroom and Rob basically washes from my buttocks to my ankles and then dries me, saying, "I ought to powder your ass and put a diaper on you so you remember whose baby you are." I go, "I never forget that, Rob." He smacks my bare ass, saying, "Well, I'm pretty sure you'll forget it for a couple of minutes one or two times when I'm away, but try not to enjoy it too much and be ready to be my, um, baby again when I get back."

It's not until we do a quick hug goodnight and I watch him pull away in the pickup that I give what he said some thought and realize he basically said he knows I'll have a couple of side-sex episodes during the three nights he's away but to be ready to forget all about that when he gets back. Damn, that's confidence right there! That's a confident young man knowing that I'm seriously into him and he's not worried about any ally-catting I may do. He knows it won't mean anything. Jeez, I admire the hell out of that! Rob picks me up Friday morning and I gawk for a second at the suitcase and

some clothes on hangers in back, then on the way to work he tells me, "It looks like I'm leaving before lunch today so I'll give you the keys to the pickup when we get to work." I ask, "Will you be around to say goodbye at least?" He looks at me and smiles, "What do you think, Dylan?" I go, "Yeah, you'll be around to say goodbye." Rob reaches over and pats my leg, "You know it." At work I help him carry his satchel and clothes in to his office.

As it turns out, a change in plans. Today and Monday I'll be working for Dottie Scouser, not just Monday. I guess Mr. Dickers wants me supervised. Or maybe I'm being paranoid about what he thinks of me. In any case Dottie's a fun person and easy to work for, except like the other time I worked for her, the work assignment sucks. It's a take-off-the-tie and roll-my-sleeves-up kind of job. Actually I should be wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I'm in the old building again, this time cleaning-out two walk-in closets that were part of Dottie's and Mr. Dickers' office space before moving into the new building. Dottie say these closets have been accumulating assorted useless items for years. It's shitty work and I almost do shit when three mice come racing out of a box I pick up. Dottie likes me and she kids around quite a bit but apparently doesn't knows the whole story about Rob and me. I say that because she hasn't even hinted at Rob and I being boyfriends and she's

a big kidder so if she knew we were more than just friends she'd somehow make a funny reference to it.

Every so often she'll use the excuse of bringing me a can of soda or a coffee to check on how I'm doing. Then Robby comes over at eleven-thirty to tell me, "Like I thought, Dylan, we're eating lunch out and then heading up to Westborough to check-in at the hotel. And get this: I need to share a room with Todd. Plus, he and I have already had a minor confrontation." I go, "Oh, that doesn't sound like a good time." He nods, "No, I don't expect it will be. He came to my office to tell me he's driving and that I needed to be ready to leave in twenty-five minutes." I say, "Well, I do have your pickup, Rob, so..." and he goes, "Yes you do, but I told Todd in no uncertain terms that's he's not driving. It pissed me off he brazenly thinks he can tell me what he's going to do. I'd already arranged for him to ride with the guy he works for, Ted Nudgent. I'm driving there with Dad." I shrug, and say with a grin, "How'd Todd take the news?" Rob snickers, "I don't think I'll be on his Christmas card list this year. His face got red and he started to say something but I held up my hand and said something like: we don't know each other but my dad, the president and owner of the company, has given me strict instructions about how we're going to do things this weekend, so don't get all pissed-off at me." I'm grinning and thinking Rob has big balls the way he tells people older than him what they're going to do. Rob goes, "Todd nodded his head and then said, 'okay'. That was it. I gotta get on top of these guys fast because let's face it I look like I'm a teenager and I'm the boss's son so people don't always take me seriously at first. I know what I'm doing though and I'm determine to do it right, so they need to understand that pretty quickly."

I'm still grinning because Rob gets wound-up about his job. To say somet hing totally off topic, I go, "I'm still really liking the haircut you gave me." He laughs out loud and rubs my head, asking, "Did I give you too much information about Todd?" I go, "Jeez boss, not really. Mostly I'm glad you don't come down on me like you did with hot Todd." He shrugs, "I didn't come down hard on him, and Todd's about as hot as a stuffed sausage. Anyway I never need to come down on you because you do things before I get a chance to tell you to do them." I go, "That's 'cause I admire you and want to impress you." He chuckles, "Well you're doing one hell of a job of that." Then he quietly adds, "Yeah, but I'm gonna miss you." A pat on my shoulder and he's gone. He's jogging down the corridor probably having spent more time saying goodbye to me than he expected and his father's waiting for him in the


Around twelve-thirty Dottie comes over to the old building where I'm working to tell me to save my bag lunch because she's taking me out to lunch today. She says, "Um, that is after you clean-up really well in the lavatory."

I wipe the sweat off my forehead, saying, "I'm just a common laborer, ma'am. I don't get out to lunch much." She says, "Yeah, well hump that big-ass bag of trash you've accumulated to the dumpster and see what you can do about cleaning the dirt smudges off your cute face, then meet me at my desk."

I go, "Yes, ma'am!" She grins shaking her head, saying, "Are you sure your Rob Junior's boyfriend?" Oh, so she does know! "I go, "Yes, ma'am, that's the truth of the matter, uh huh." She laughs, "Put a lid on that corn-ball laborer's stick and the ma'am bull-crap please," and she goes off chuckling.

Skinny little woman but with a lot of spunk.

We have lunch at the Framingham Country Club where she's a member. I'm the only person in the dining room with a tie on. I left my sport jacket back at the office hanging on a, um, hanger... what else. I carry it to work every day but never put it on and I've been taking my tie off on a regular basis. Dottie says, "Loosen your tie, Dylan, or they may not serve us here."

That's unlikely as she knows everyone and she's apparently a very good golfer from what I hear people say. A number of men and women come over for a word and a laugh. Dottie introduces me as her latest boyfriend and leaves it at that for the most part. She has me laughing as we eat what's listed on the menu as, 'open-steak-sandwich'. It comes with fries and a salad. The food's okay, but just barely. We both have iced tea while everyone else in the dining room appears to be pounding down alcoholic beverages. Don't these fucking people have jobs? Dottie doesn't quiz me about much, just a few questions regarding college and my family. The lunch takes an hour and a half by the time she's talked to half the people here. Well, the cat's away so the mice will play.

I thank her for lunch a couple of times and then the rest of the day goes quickly. Before I know it I'm in Rob's pickup feeling funny because he's not here. At home I shower and then feel a little lost without Rob to connect with. I know Chubby's got a date with that Jasmine chick, double-dating with Chris and his ex-girlfriend tonight. Damn, what am I gonna do? Well I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, but I'm sure what I'm not gonna do and that's call around to guys and see if they want to play. Play being a euphuism for sex. I'm not doing that because I rarely initiate sex although I admit I rarely turn it down when someone else initiates it. Good to be honest with myself.

Hell, Rob almost expects me to have side-sex while he's away. I guess he's rationalized I'm committed to him, especially now that he sees me fawning over him like a love sick teen having his first bout of puppy love, or his first crush. Oh my God, that first time we had sex together was something else though. Wow! Powerful like only the very young have the energy and stupidity to pull off. Damn, that was an amazing time of discovery for me and what a fantastic ride it's been since then! Whoa! You can only have one first-time with anything though, so it's all about making the times that follows as close to amazing as that first time was. I'm thinking Rob and I are doing a swell job of that.

With my self-imposed ban on texting I've no prospects for this evening. I still need supper though and I've got Rob's pickup so I drive to Sal's Sub Shop and order a cheesesteak with fried onions. After paying I take a seat to wait for them to get around to making my sub. There are other orders ahead of mine so as I wait I'll surely see someone I know. I mean I grew up in this friggin' town my whole life so I gotta run into someone. Plus, Bean said he'd be texting me. Huh, I can't get over how tall he is and how mature looking he's become. And then I do see some people I know. Coming up to the front door are Annie Smith and Maryanne, whose last name I can't remember. Maryanne was Ray's girlfriend when I was his boyfriend, as embarrassing as it is to admit that. Annie was Devon's girlfriend back then. As they come in I get up and they give me a big greeting with hugs and kisses on my cheeks. We do a 'How ya been?' routine for two minutes but they're picking up a pizza so they gotta go. Huh, two girls won't do me much good anyway.

My cheesesteak is ready so I take it back to the condo and eat it watching ESPN. I'm not paying a whole lot of attention to the show though as I'm mostly missing Rob and feeling a little sorry for myself. Then he's sends me a text. 'Hey Dylan. I'm at a boring business dinner missing you!' I grin texting back, 'Me too, I'm eating alone. Miss U 2.' Well that makes me feel better. Around eight o'clock I'm so antsy I drive to the Dairy Queen thinking it might be open, but it's closed for the winter. Yeah, I knew that. Then I get a fantastic idea: Christmas shopping! At the Mall it's impossible to find an open parking space. All I can do is drive around the two-level parking garage waiting to get lucky with so meone pulling out of a spot as I'm driving up. No luck for almost fifteen minutes then there's a great spot on the end. I'm not comfortable driving this big-ass pickup but a big parking spot was vacated two seconds ago by a big-ass SUV. Parked safely I fight my way inside to Macy's. During the first half-hour I buy something for both moms and their fiancés, Bud and Rider.

Lugging the shopping bag with me and fighting the crowds I buy Chubby three gifts: two cool shirts and his big present is an Apple iPad Mini 2 with 16 GB on sale for $219. Feeling really good about that because he doesn't have a tablet and he's wanted one. Now for Rob. After settling on a dress shirt and a cashmere scarf for winter weather, his big gift is a John Hardy, Bali-inspired sterling silver and leather guy's bracelet on sale for $289. Oh my God, tonight I've spent over $900.00 but I feel wonderful about it. That's a hundred dollars more than I made this week, but I've got next week's paycheck to cover the other hundred dollars I just spent, plus that'll leave plenty to cover the cost of the three-night trip Rob and I are going on after Christmas. Wait a fucking minute! Last Sunday I spent $600 on clothes. Oh my God, the trip after Christmas better be an inexpensive one. Yeah but I still feel so good about being able to do all these things and it's all thanks to Rob for getting me this two-week over-paid job with his company.

On the way home I stop in at Stop and Shop and buy wrapping paper, stick-on Christmas bows, and cards for the presents. Drinking a couple of beers and listening to CDs I wrap all the presents and put them in my closet. Holy shit, last night I hadn't done any Christmas shopping and now I've done it all! Yippee! Checking my cellphone for any texts messages, then feel neglected when I don't see any, I go to bed.

After a decent night's sleep, I'm up at eight o'clock. Putting on a bathrobe I settle in drinking coffee at the kitchen bar thinking that I'll hook-up with Chubby whenever he gets up and do, um, whatever. Rob and I have been so tight lately it's really noticeable when he's not around. It's something I took for granted until he's not here. Starting in March he'll be busy with the baseball team too. I need to find something worthwhile to occupy my time when he's doing that. Hey, I wonder if there's some job associated with the team I could do? That's something I need to follow-up on. Okay, hmmm, what the hell, I'll make myself breakfast.

When I'm done with that and I've cleaned-up the kitchen Mom is up and out of her bedroom wearing a nightgown and bathrobe. We do the hug and kiss thing we always do and then she drinks coffee while we talk for over an hour catching-up on our lives. Tris comes down wearing jeans, a sexy top, high boots and a winter coat that I recognize as an old one of Chubby's. She's always been like a second mom to me and we have a nice greeting. It's not as energetic a greeting as last weekend when we hadn't seen each other for like a month, but all greetings with the Moms feel special.

Tris has coffee and mom gets another cup, then the three of us talk for a while until my cellphone beeps signaling a text. I excuse myself and go in my bedroom to look at the text and get dressed. It's from Daryl who texts, 'Can I visit you... like you fuckin' promised?' Ha! That pony boy! I text back basically explaining I'm working full time so I'm sorry but we won't be able to get together. He texts back what I often exclaim, 'Balls!' And I tell him I'm sorry again so he finally texts, 'I forgive you but you'll need to make it up to me, and don't forget my fucking Christmas present.' Ha ha, I really like that sophomore! Sex with him is hot except he's getting carried away with wanting spankings. Back in the kitchen I tell the moms I'm going up to see what Chubby's up to." Tris tells me he was still sleeping twenty-minutes ago.

He's up by the time I let myself in with their hidden key they keep where no one would think to look for it: in their mailbox. It's there mostly because Chubby loses his key or forgets it half the time he goes out. He's surprisingly bright and cheerful for this early in the morning. We do a hug and a quick kiss. He drinks a Snapple in between telling me about his date last night, "She's a fun date although I only got to third base with her so far. Still, Dylan, that's not bad for a first date. All four of us are going Christmas shopping this afternoon so she's obviously interested in little ol' me." I'm like, "Oh, I was hoping to hook-up with you today," and Chubby's like, "Come with us. We're shopping and grabbing lunch and a few beers someplace." I shake my head, "Um, no thanks, I'd feel like a fifth wheel." He

nags me for a few minutes and then we make our way into his bedroom sidestepping the rubble on the floor. I plop on his unmade bed and he shaves for the first time in about a week. He never closes the bathroom door for anything so I watch him from the bed as he tells me about the Christmas party he might need to go to with Jasmine, "It's a church Christmas party, so ya know... Anyway she's sorta into her religion although I sort of forget which one it is. Maybe Baptist."

As he's talking I get another text and true to his word it's Bean who is pretty emphatic about wanting a haircut, and I know what else he wants too.

Anyway giving Bean a haircut is a step-up from me being a fifth wheel. When I get a chance to jump into Chubby's monologue I explain about the haircut and he asks, "Bean? Is that one of your boys from a couple summers ago?"

I nod, "Yeah I became friends with a lot of those guys." Chubby goes, "Yeah, but don't you need to do Christmas shopping? It's only nine days away and it'd be cool doing it with you. Plus, I'd like to show you off to Jasmine." I tell him about last night and all the shopping I did. He goes, "What'd you get me?" I tell him, "A can of shaving cream," and he goes, "Oh man! That's exactly what I wanted!" We joke around about what we're buying each other for Christmas and then I leave when he takes a shower.

Sitting at my desk in the bedroom I text Bean 'Sure, c'mon over,' and he says he'll be here around two o'clock. He's got to do some things for his mother first. That gives me a couple of hours to kill. I can tell Mom is in her bathroom because I can hear her shower running. Anyway she told me before I left they're going to do what everybody else is doing... Christmas shopping. Good luck! This is one of the three Saturdays per month they'll be working so they only have a few hours to shop before getting ready for work.

Those poor ladies work too hard. I hope when they're married they cut way back on their hours at the restaurant and there's no reason they shouldn't considering they're marrying kinda rich twins.

I've got the time so I drive to Stop & Shop to buy stuff for lunch and for Chub's and my dinner tonight. When I get back Jameson Doyle, one of the ex-posse boys, is sitting in his car at the curb. I pull in front of him and get out with my two plastic bags of groceries. He gets out too, saying, "Hi, Dylan. Bean told me you were back in town. Giving free haircuts I hope."

He's still preppy and still wearing glasses. When I walk up to him smiling I shift both bags in my left hand, saying, "Hey, Jameson, nice to see you, dude. Sure, free haircuts for life for the ex-posse boys." He chuckles and we do the one-arm hug and fist bump as best I can while holding the groceries. Up close James' startling green eyes are as amazing as ever and seemingly extra-large being magnified by his spectacles. He's a big wide-shouldered kid, clean shaven but I can see a fairly full beard pattern. I go, "C'mon and we'll catch each other up with our lives."

Mom's shopping so Jameson and me are alone. I put the groceries away as Jameson tells me he saw Ray a few days ago and Ray's still telling anyone who will listen that he's bisexual and currently has a boyfriend and a girlfriend who he often takes on dates together. I look at Jameson with a doubtful expression on my face, asking, "Really?" Jameson shrugs and says, "They were both with him when I met him at Sal's Sub Shop. The boyfriend and girlfriend were sitting at a table watching Ray while he put their order in at the counter." I ask, "And you saw him go sit with them?" Jameson laughs, "Yeah, I did and Ray showed-off by kissing each one on the lips with me standing there." I'm shaking my head in amazement, so he asks, "You still feel a little something for Ray, do ya?" I go, "Um, no! Nothing at all, but it was a trip-and-a-half that summer." In the basement he goes, "I hope you're still doing the shampoos." I wasn't going to but since he asked I pull a chair into the half-bath and do it for him.

Jameson is an average looking guy, larger than most but not fat. I always felt he was aloof and more on the periphery of the boys but he reminisces as I shampoo his hair and it's like those were the best days of his life.

He has nothing negative to say about Ray and in fact he sounds like he still looks up to him and admires him. Those guys have treated Ray as their leader since they were ten years old so I guess old habits die hard.

After the shampoo and I've dried his hair he asks for a regular haircut like most guys do. He'd taken his glasses off for the shampoo and is still holding them as he sits on the stool asking, "No barber cape, Dylan?" I go, "No, not here. I actually do have one now but it's at the apartment in North Andover." He takes his shirt off and puts it and his glasses on top of the clothes dryer, muttering, "Just like old times, huh?" His torso is unremarkable except he has more chest hair than I like on a guy, but it's not disgusting. Somehow though a hairy chest just doesn't compute with Jameson's preppy self. I cut his hair in a short preppy style... what else? As I'm doing that he goes on about how I made that summer the best ever and reminds me of things I'd totally forgotten. There's zero innuendo from him about his sexuality or mine. I know him to be straight though and I'm glad he is. I like him although I have zero interest in him sexually.

When I've dragged the haircut out as long as I can, I thank him for the trip down memory lane. We do sort of the posse-boy goodbye; a normal one-arm hug bumping fists and then he leaves. I'm not sweeping the hair off the floor because Bean is getting a haircut too. Sitting on I the barber stool I try understanding why I dragged-out Jameson's haircut. He did most of the talking and I guess I enjoyed hearing his version of that summer. He certainly had many good things to say about me. Huh, you just never know. I thought he was above most of the dumb things the posse-boys did, especially the part about Ray running the show when all along Jameson was apparently having the time of his life. Ya just can't read some people I guess.

I make myself a ham and cheese sandwich and eat it along with half a bag of Lay's potato chips and a large Coke. Bean comes early and I've barely put the lunch meat away when he knocks on the door. I saw him outside the movie complex so I not as shocked seeing how much he's grown the last two years. It's quite rare to grow a couple of inches after turning eighteen. I go, "Well if it isn't Theodore Tesdaverty the Third!" He hugs me lifting me off my feet, saying, "You're the only person who ever remembers my name." Well yeah, that is amazing considering I can be introduced to someone and can't remember their name two-minutes later. Bean takes off his coat and drops it over the arm of the sofa asking, "Ya got a Coke or something?" I give him a can of Coke and we go downstairs with him telling me, "I shampooed my hair an hour ago so you don't need to do that. I never felt comfortable with the shampoo thing." I go, "Whatever you want, Bean. Jameson was here earlier and he asked for the shampoo." Bean says, "Yeah, I saw him yesterday and told him you were back in town."

Bean's another guy with a scraggily beard here and there on his face, one that hasn't been shaved for four or five days. His hair is very long too, so I ask, "When was your last fucking haircut, dude?" He shrugs, "I can't recall. Maybe it was the last time you cut it." I'm like, "Jesus, that was like eighteen-months ago." Another shrug as Bean says, "Whatever, I'm loyal to my barber." I chuckle, then say, "Yeah, well I still don't have a barber cape so take your shirt off." He does that exposing another nondescript body with hair on his chest but only between his pecs. Bean has narrow shoulders and I'd guess he weights around a hundred-and-fifty pounds. He's very slim and more so now that he's even taller so he definitely still deserves the nickname Bean, as in string-bean.

He sits on the stool, saying, "If you wouldn't mind doing me a favor, you really need to give Ray a call. I'd appreciate it. I saw him last night and he's too proud to call you, but you guys need to mend fences. You were such a hot couple." Goddamn, that pisses me off! I stay cool though, mumbling, "It's probably best to leave it as it is, Bean," and I pat his shoulder, asking, "Um, what would you like me to do with all this hair of yours?" He runs his fingers through it, saying, "How about the haircut you did for Jameson." I ask, "You saw his haircut?" Shaking his head, he goes, "No, but it was probably a short and preppy haircut and that sounds about right for what I want." I go, "Really? You're going for preppy?" He nods, "Yeah, Ray's been rocking a preppy look himself recently." That really pisses me off too! I can't believe both Jameson and Bean continuing being flunkies for Ray, but I hold my tongue not wanting to encouraging any further mention of Ray.

The clippers still have the half-inch guide from Jameson haircut so I comb up the long hairs at Bean's neck line and run the clippers halfway up the back of his head cutting a huge clump of hair that falls away with some of the hairs six or seven-inches-long. Wow, that gives my fetish a buzz.

Bean's accommodating me by leaning his head forward as I run the clippers up the back of his head again. This is so cool. Bean says, "I'm not suggesting you and Ray immediately get back together like that summer when you were his super-submissive boyfriend. I mean now he's had the same boyfriend, Matty, for the last nine months and that kid adores Ray. You'll need to wait until Ray dumps Mattie. The kid's only eighteen-years-old though so Ray's always correcting Matty's immaturity, but he loves him just the same." I say nothing as I do another run with the clippers and another big glob of hair falls to the floor. Bean didn't lie, he did recently shampoo his hair and it's very clean and smells like shampoo. He goes on, "Ray's a super bisexual.

His current girlfriend, Tina-Fey, is a waitress at Burtons. That's where she met him." I'm still not commenting so he turns his head to look at me, saying, "Ray's been a part-time busboy there for two years and you wouldn't believe how lucrative a job that is what with him sharing the tips plus his hourly wage."

Oh brother! Enough about Ray Reeves already! I say, "How about your girlfriend, Bean, you still going with the same girl?" Bean goes, "Nah, she dumped me long ago. I'm fucking some redhead currently. She's in my Social Media

class. I call her Marbles because of her last name." I'm like "Marbles? What's her last name?" He goes, "She pronounces it, Malbles." As I begin cutting seven-inch- long hair off the side of his head, I ask, "How's it spelled?" Bean's like, "M.A.L.B.L.E. S" I go, "Um, she'd pronouncing it correctly, Bean. There's an 'R' in marbles." He waves his hand, "Are you sure?"

Getting off that topic, I ask, "Do you keep in touch with any of the other guys?" He says, "Not much. Sonny's hardly ever around. He's got lots of tattoos on his arms and he hangs out with guys from a motorbike club. Hardly ever see him and he doesn't have much to say when I do see him. I think he's on drugs." That's too bad if it's true, but I'd sort of need verification from another neutral observer of the situation before I scratch Sonny off as a loser. He's much too intelligent to go down that path.

By now the hair halfway up the back and right side of his head have been cut down to a half-inch and I'm working on the left side. I'd be having a damn good time if Bean would shut the fuck up. He goes, "Yeah, me and Ray double-dated last week... no, it was the week before last." As if I give a shit when it was. He goes, "Well, he had both his boyfriend and girlfriend with him but I still think it's called double-dating. Get this, Dylan, when Ray fucks one of them in the backseat of his car he has the other one sit in the front seat." I have absolutely nothing to say to that. Now I'm using a comb to get hairs above the half-inch ones combed-up so I can slide the bare clippers across the comb with tons of hair joining their fellow casualties on the floor. This is one of the two or three longest heads of hair I've ever cut down to a short preppy haircut. It will be a dramatic change in his appearance and it should be a rush for my fetish except Bean keeps talking.

He asks, "Hey Dylan, remember that summer Ray made us all get those military type burr haircuts?" I go, "Vaguely," and he says excitedly, "Maybe Ray can get the guys together and we can all rock that haircut this summer." I say, "No!" and he goes, "Why not?" Oh man, I've had it with this adulation of Ray. I say, "Um, no offense, but," and I was going to say it's childishly stupid, but instead say, "Um, we're older now, don't ya think?" He nods his head making me cut a big bunch of hair too far up. I can fix that though, no problem.

I finish the haircut by using the thinning scissors, or thinning shears as they're call by barbers, for the hair on top of Bean's head. It's not really necessary, but it might be fun. Bean's hair is almost twice as long as mine was when Rob used these scissors but with Bean's longer hair the cut-hairs clog-up the blades of the comb and scissor after one cut so I go back to combing up the hair and running the clippers along the comb. Done the haircut except for using the trimming clippers outlining around the ears, I say, "I'm just finishing up, Bean. You look quite different." Then I'm like, "That's it! The new preppy Bean." He gets up muttering, "Let me see," and goes in the half-bath to yell out, "Perfect, Dylan! It even looks better than Ray's." Jesus! Everything is connected to Ray with this kid. I exhale a lot of air but keep my negative thoughts to myself.

He comes out of the bathroom unbuttoning his pants and then pulls them down to his knees and there's his skinny seven-inch cock that can gives anyone's ass a good fucking with hardly any pain. He sits on the stool again, saying, "Suck it good, Dylan. You know, like you did all those times two years ago. Believe it or not you were the last guy I did this with. Ray was drunk one night last summer and tried to get me to let him fuck me, but no way that huge cock would fit up my ass. I gotta admire you for being able to take it on a regular basis. Ray's told me how you loved it and couldn't get enough of him fucking you. You really should call him." I go, "Pull your pants up, Bean. I'm not in the mood and frankly you've talked me out of it with all your conversation about Ray. He's over and done with as far as I'm concerned."

Bean looks startled, "You mean I get a free haircut and you don't need me to fuck you? I thought that was part and parcel of the free haircut." Can anyone be this fucking clueless? I say, "There you go with revisionist history, Bean." He frowns, "What's that?" I go, "It's when you either purposely or unintentionally misremember something. In this case you're forgetting that it was you who nagged me to let you fuck me. It was never at my request." He goes, "Huh! You know what? I do think I remember that, but how 'bout I nag you again because my cock feels really good up that ass of yours.

Seriously good." I go, "No thanks, I wouldn't want Marbles to find out about this and dump your skinny ass. You stick with her." He's reluctant to pull his pants up so I give him false hope. "I'm not saying we'll never do it again, Bean. Just not today."

Now he slides off the stool pulling his pants up while saying, "Well alright then. I'll text you, okay?" I nod my head and pat his back guiding him to the stairs, saying, "Yeah, text me." In the living room he's putting on his coat, asking, "You gonna call, Ray?" I go, "Probably, not." Zippering his coat, he asks, "Do you want me to tell him anything for you?" I say, "No, I wouldn't be able to think of something nice to say. Anyway Ray and I have said everything there is to say to one another." He asks, "Whaddaya mean by that." I go, "Ask Ray. Okay?" He nods looking confused, then grins, "Thanks for the free haircut. It's better than Ray's." With my hand on his shoulder I guide him to the front door where he does a version of the posse-boy goodbye: a one-arm hug and bumped fists which is basically what any guy our age does. "Great seeing you, Bean," and he's gone. Holy shit! I couldn't even enjoy doing the haircut with all his insane babbling about Ray. Is it possible Bean could be getting dumber going to college?

I didn't even want his help cleaning up the hair on the basement floor. I do that myself and then wash my face and hands. Drying my hands, I hear my cellphone beep. Hmmmm, wonder who that might be?

to be continued... Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com



Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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Next: Chapter 46

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