Dylans Junior Year at College

Published on Apr 21, 2017



Chapter 39

by Donny Mumford

Sitting in the Jeep on campus with the engine running I'm thinking how disturbing that scene was in Ryan's and Steve's dorm room. I never thought I'd say this but thank God Ryan's transferred out of Merrimack. Somehow he managed to get Steve under his control even though Steve's been a very straight guy with the same girlfriend since high school. From first-hand experience I know how persuasive Ryan can be and he's a bulldog about it too. He doesn't give up. Getting Steve to submit to that ridiculous haircut is evidence enough that Steve was under his spell. It hurts to admit that Ryan kind of had me under his spell at times during the past couple of years and again last summer. He gets you brainwashed into somehow believing it's all okay.

Thinking back to how he manipulated me isn't pleasant.

That whole scene in their dorm put me off my game so much I was gonna skip meeting John Smith for lunch and a 'smoke'. Then I get this text from him saying he's leaving work and for me to meet him. He has a favor to ask of me and that's intriguing because what kind of a favor do you ask someone you barely know? Anyway if I don't go I'll spend the time moping around the apartment wondering how I ever let Ryan get the upper hand with me during the past couple of years. He exploited my haircut fetish and a willingness to be submissive during sex by gradually extending both tendencies in a trial and error manner until he knew exactly which buttons to push. It was all sugar-coated with compliments and talk of loving me, but it was manipulation pure and simple. I'm totally over him now.

Yeah, but the question I need to ask myself is, am I over my weaknesses? No, I'm not over them but they've lost a some of their allure. Running my fingers through my hair and knowing I'm staying with this longer hair style is a pretty good indicator of a weakening haircut fetish. I should Google 'fetishes' and see what's written about outgrowing a fetish or if maybe they sometimes just peter-out on their own. I still like being submissive during sex, but I no longer see the attraction of a dominant individual after sex. Certainly not like Willie and Ryan tried doing with me. Huh, this self-analysis is a good thing. Yeah, I should have tried it long ago or maybe I needed to go through everything I've been through before seeing the light.

Heh heh, I still like Rob being a little bossy though, assuming I'm in the mood for it. And I liked John Smith's subtle sub/dom sex even if he doesn't know he's doing it. So perhaps moderation in all things is what I've come to prefer. It seems logical and pretty fuckin' obvious in hindsight. Yeah, moderation... that's the ticket.

Putting the Jeep in gear I drive off campus feeling better about things in general. Grinning, I'm thinking: damn, that was a good talk I just had with myself! I'm not going to let that disturbing visit with Ryan and Steve fuck with my mind. It was an ugly reminder that I need to make a concerted effort to be more in control of things. Here's my latest motto again: 'everything in moderation'. Okay, so what the fuck I'll buy some condoms and see what John Smith's favor is all about. It'd be stupid to allow Ryan's behavior to unduly influence what I want to do. He officially has become, like I surmised earlier this semester only somebody that I used to know.

No big deal buying condoms. Not now when you can buy them at Stop & Shop where there's self-check-out. Inside the store, after looking through the various condoms available, I settle on the Trojan brand. A 'Lubricated Pleasure Pac' of three to be exact. It cost $2.94 plus tax. By self-checking-out I avoid any potential stereotypical embarrassing condom moments. Back outside I drive to Butch's Sports Bar and Eats parking next to John Smith's pickup. Well actually it's the Toyota dealership's pickup, but he's using it.

Inside I see John in the same seat he's always in. Today he has a big smile for me and then a fist bump, saying, "Hey, Dylan, you're looking good as usual." Sitting next to him, I go, "Jeez, thanks, John. What's up with the favor you mentioned in your text?" He goes, "Holy shit, you get right to it,


Before I can say anything else Judy, the bartender, asks, "What can I get you boys." We ask for the same thing we had yesterday: a draft of Miller Light and a Coors. As she's getting them, John says, "Okay, here's the favor, be my date tomorrow night?" and he gives me a blushing grin. I go, "You're asking me out?" He goes, "Fuck yeah, and I just about peed my pants doing it." The beers are set in front of us on little napkins along with lunch menus. John mutters, "Thanks, Jude." Wow, he asked me out on a date. I don't think anyone has ever done that before. Not really. Robby and I never officially asked one another out on a date. Over the years we just agreed to do this or that. Yeah, but Willie must have asked me out a couple of times, although mostly he just said he was coming over to pick me up. Willie was never one to take 'no' for an answer. Yeah, good ol' Willie. I wonder what he's been up to lately? John's looking at me, so I go, "Sure, I'll go out with you Friday night, but I do have a boyfriend who I'm in love with, so..." and I shrug, adding, "Just so you know." He goes, "Oh yeah, I know about the boyfriend. You told me he gave you this hickey," and he reaches over to rub it. Today there are no grease smudges on John's face and he's shaved too. His hands look cleaner although they're not as clean as mine, but then I'm not an automobile mechanic. I say, "My boyfriend, Rob, will be going home to start Christmas break Friday afternoon, so I can go with you Friday night. I'll get a ride home with my brother who isn't going home until Saturday afternoon. Um, is this too much information for you?" He chuckles, "You're cute; ya know that?" I ask, "Where are we going on our friendship date?" He grins again, muttering, "Friendship date, huh?" Nodding my head, happy about his 'cute' comment.

Looking at him I'm trying hard to see some cuteness in his face. According to my theory there should be something cute there somewhere. I've always claimed there a cuteness factor in every boy's face. Something's gotta be cute even if it's only the way he grins. That should be true even if overall the guy isn't presently and possibly never was cute, per se. I might need to rephrase that to include the word 'teenager'. There's at least one cute aspect in every teenage boy's face, but when guys get past the teens years some quickly grow into their adult looks leaving all traces of cuteness in the dust. I'm sticking with John's eyes as being his cuteness factor. His eyes and his shiny white teeth and pink gums in his too-wide mouth.

Picking up his menu, John goes, "Lets order lunch and then I'll tell you about our friendship date." The waitress comes over and I order the BLT platter that includes fries and a paper-cup of cole slaw. John chuckles when I order that because it's the platter he shared with me yesterday, then he orders the same thing himself, saying, "Love me some of my aunt's cole slaw."

The waitress, who's an older sister of John's, goes off to place our orders. He takes a deep breath, then says, "Okay. Um, here's the thing about Friday night. I'm a member of the Worcester chapter of LGBT although I usually only attend their holiday party. It's something a friend of mine got me involved with after graduating high school and I've made a few new friends there. We hook-up three or four times a year. I've never taken a date to the holiday party and if you'll go with me it'll really impress the guys." Oh fuck! I go, "Jeez, and I was hoping you were taking me out to dinner and a movie. Then we'd make out in the backseat of your car as you try getting in my pants." He does a really good laugh, then goes, "I don't do making-out, but we can do most of what you said. There a buffet dinner and they show a movie about how the organization is growing. That's when me and my friends usually chill-out at the bar. And getting in your pants is a foregone conclusion."

I drink some beer, then say, "Worcester's a long way to go for a buffet dinner. Then there's the drive back afterwards. I mean, since you're driving you couldn't drink very much." John puts his hand on my shoulder, saying, "Brace yourself, and please don't immediately say 'no', but we'd stay overnight and drive back Saturday morning." I go, "Ooooh. Wow, oh man, I don't know about that." He says, "Please, Dylan." Shit, I hardly know him. I go, "Let me think about it, okay?" He goes, "Good! That's at least better than an immediate 'no'. I promise you it's a good party, good food and lots of booze if you want it. And I'm paying for everything, obviously." I go, "Do I get a corsage?" He says, "Sorry, no flowers. I'll buy you a box of candy though. Do you like Junior Mints?" I chuckle at that as his sister serves us our lunch platters. I like John and I like the way he was obviously uncomfortable asking me out. If he wasn't uncomfortable I'd be leery as hell.

As we eat, I ask, "Why do you want to take a date to this party if you mostly want to see your friends?" He swallows, then looks at me, saying, "They both live in the Worcester area and always bring a date. Neither of them has ever had a date like you though. Nooooo way!" I mutter, "Huh, I guess you've already picked-up on the fact that flattery is very effective with me." He chuckles and says no more about the date through the rest of lunch. As usual there's not a lot of conversation coming from John Smith so mostly I'm leading the conversation by comparing my musical taste with his. He seems very knowledgeable about rap music. I fake interest in a few of his favorites although I don't believe I've ever heard them. Ya know, it's very suspicious if a person my age disses rap music. It's like I'm a traitor to the music of my generation. On the other hand, it's considered cool if you're into retro music which leave me out too 'cause I mostly only like the old standards, like U 2, Counting Crows, Coldplay and groups like that.

Finished lunch, John pats my shoulder saying, "C'mon, we'll have a smoke."

On our way back to the storage room he casually grips the back of my neck guiding me like he did yesterday. I get a little buzz in my balls pretending he's roughly taking me back to fuck me against my will. In the storage room we have a cigarette as he asks, "When do you think you'll know if you're gonna do me the big solid of going with me Friday night?" I say, "I'll text you tomorrow," and while exhaling smoke, he says, "Ah, damn, that sounds like you don't want to let me down in person, so you'll text me a big fat 'NO!'." I shake my head, "No, it's just that my boyfriend will be coming back tomorrow for his last final exam. That'll be around lunchtime so I won't be able to come here for lunch." He looks down mumbling, "Okay," and I go, "I'm almost sure I'll go with you, John. I just want to give it some thought. It's the end of the semester and I need to find out when my brother is leaving for home. I need a ride, and then Saturday I need to get a haircut too." He goes, "If your brother leaves before noon on Saturday then I'll drive you to Framingham. It's what, an hour's drive?" I nod, "I'll think about it and instead of texting you tomorrow, I'll text you tonight. How's that? And I'll probably go because I've always been into new adventures." He grins, "Yeah? Okay then, thanks!"

We step on our cigarettes and John unbuttons my pants and pulls my jeans and underpants down to my knees. He brazenly strokes my cock a few times then pulls his pants down. Reaching over he cups behind my head, mumbling, "Let's do this," muttering, "Christ, I've only been thinking about us doing it all morning," and he laughs. After I push my pants to my feet I drop to my knees to do a righteous cock-sucking on John's nice looking cock. It's also easier taking his cock in my throat this way. His fingers go in my hair as he says, "I'm glad to hear you're getting a haircut. How do you stand all this hair?" and he pulls up my bangs to see how long my hair is, then runs his fingers back through it again. I'm holding his dick in my fingers, saying, "I had really short hair for most of my life, John. This longish hair is new to me and I'm liking the novelty of it for now." He takes his hand away, saying, "I get a haircut three times a year. Same old barber I've been going to since I was a kid. He doesn't ask, just gives me a military-style tight burr haircut." I go, "Huh," and he laughs, mumbling, "Which is why I only need three haircuts a year." Licking the head of his cock a few times tasting urine remnant, I ask, "How close are you to your next haircut?"

He chuckles, "I'm way past due past, why?" I say, "I'll give you a haircut for free and I'll do a better job than your old barber." He goes, "Really?" I mutter, "Really," and put his cock in my mouth.

In addition to giving the back of my neck a squeeze while we walked to the storage John's also unbuttoned and pulled my pants down and then took the liberty of stoking my cock. So there's three things he did that were slightly dominant. I can work with that and I enjoy sucking his cock. Hell, as I suck his cock mine gets hard alone with his. In less than a minute he's holding my head between his hands pulling it down a little, then his boner goes tightly down my throat a few times as he moans, "Aaaah, that feels so good." He gets his hips moving smoothly deep throating me for a minute or so as he makes hissing sounds. He grunts, "Aaaah," as precum drools from his cock. His hands move to the hair on top of my head yanking on my hair as his cock is sliding back and forth in my throat. I'm gagging and struggling for air until he pulls his cock from my throat and mouth. Inhaling noisily, I see a strand of saliva and precum attaches to the head of his cock and my lips for a second before breaking free and drifting down across my chin. I wipe at it with the back of my hand, I'm breaching deeply for a few seconds as John mumbles, "I almost shot off in your mouth. Deep throating you really fucking turns me on. Wow, it's so new and awesome." As my breathing normalizes my tongues's tongue's moving around tasting his precum. John pushes at the back of my head saying, "I guess you can get on all fours now." I say, "You know what? You get off on deep throating so much if you want I'll suck you off to climax." He looks surprised as he nods his head energetically and immediately slides his cock back in my mouth and then down my throat. He moves his hips forward while gripping my shoulders grunting and moaning as the swollen head of his hard cock leads the way down my throat. It's gagging me again, the head at least three inches down my throat feeling like ten-inches. My Adam's apple protrudes as he leaves his boner in my throat humping his crotch against my face and pulling my hair. His pubic hairs tickle my face with my nose squished against his belly. Pulling his boner back makes me gag again and then the drooling head is lying on my tongue. I gasp in as much oxygen as I can get before John slides it tightly down my throat again and his hips get into that smooth rhythm he does that moves his rock-hard penis to and fro in my throat. From the way he moves his hips I'll bet he's a good dancer.

It's impossible not to feel submissive taking a guy's hard cock down your throat so I'm savoring every second of the experience even though it's very uncomfortable. He yanks on my hair as he's getting very aroused and I assume his orgasm is percolating near the point of no return. More thrusting and it's moving smoothly again, but not for long. John's head goes back and he does the scrunched-up freckled-face look I saw last time he had an orgasm and I know what's coming... pun intended. His hips thrust one more time and he groans as a long stream of cum shoots out from his boner just as he pulls it out of my throat. Creamy cum fills my mouth with some going out the sides and drooling down my chin. I choke and sputter trying not to inhale it up my sinuses, but then his cock's in my throat again and I can't even breathe. John's humping against my face and breathing nosily. His pubic hairs surround my mouth, nose, and chin with him humping against my face again and almost lying his full weight against me as he shudders shooting more cum down my throat. Whoa, that was one hell of a climax! Pulling his now flaccid cock out of my throat and mouth he steps back holding it in his fist, sputtering, "That's the first time for me. No one's ever let me do that before." There's a squirt of cum or precum on the cement floor between his legs that I didn't realize happened. I'm boned-up hard and basically shocked I didn't have a full climax before John. He takes a deep breath, then says, "Come here," and when I get up and step over to him he takes my cock in his fist, murmuring, "Awesome boner, Dylan," and he starts jerking me off. We're face to face so his hand tends to pulls my boner sideways as he strokes it. Then he lets go of my cock and grins a cute grin.

Hey! There's something cute! John's saying, "I'll jerk you off like me and Freddy Donovan used to do it when we were twelve or thirteen." He gets behind me reaching around to stroke my cock like I'd do it. That's if I had the inclination to jerk myself off which I haven't had for quite some time.

Anyway, someone else jerking me off is far superior to me doing it myself! John's behind me with his cock and balls against the top of my buttocks and his left arm around the front of my waist holding my back against his chest. His right fist is around my hard cock and he tightly strokes the full six inches of my hard cock. I watch the foreskin going back and forth on and off the head of my swollen boner. It gets even harder and a little longer and now the foreskin no longer covers the head. Stroke, stroke, stroke with me leaning back against him while doing soft grunts at the soaring sensations coming from the millions of nerve endings in my hard penis. The side of John Smith's chin is against my ear as he jerks me off and it's pretty fuckin' hot. His body is thin but taut, his arms are strong and there's that auto shop smell coming off his mechanic's outfit that's swirling in my head. It smells like the automobile tire section of Sears when I was in there a year ago with Chubby. It's not an unpleasant smell at all. John's arms have mine pinned to my sides and I begin squirmy against him as my orgasm builds and John picks up the pace of his stroking.

Then, "Oooh," it's on me now and I'm bumping back into him and shuffling my feet going, "Ooh, ooh, aaah, aaah, aaah, Eeeeeiii!" with cum shooting from my hard cock in a big arc. John jiggles my boner and the string of cum gets wiggly like water from a garden hose when you move the nozzle up and down a little. Then another streak of cum and this time I hold my breath as the sizzling from my cock buzzes all around my groin making my hips hump out a third good stream of cum. John's left hand drops down to massage my balls as he says with his lips moving against the side of my forehead, "This is the way Freddie and I would milk each other's nuts when we were kids."

Finally, he drags his tight fist down and over the head letting go of my cock.

After one last squeeze making me yelp, "Ow!" he lets go of my balls.

Stepping back, he wipes the cum off his hand on a cardboard box, then pulls up his pants, mumbling, "That was cool." Everything is matter-of-fact with John Smith.

I shudder as the last thrill of orgasm flitters away. "Whoa! That was a good jerk-off, John. Donovan was a lucky kid!" John nods, grinning and mumbling, "After we got used to each other I started fucking him. He'd only do it with us lying on our sides. We'd spread this old sleeping bag out on his basement floor. He'd lie on his side and wrap his arms around his knees pulling then to his chest. It was like fucking a human ball." Pulling my pants up, I ask, "How'd you manage to buy condoms when you were thirteen?" He shrugs, "We didn't. Neither of us had sex before so we knew it'd be safe doing it without condoms. I'd wipe Vaseline on my pecker stroke it to a boner and I must have fucked him like fifty times two summers in a row. He'd moan and complain it hurt but I never stopped and he'd shoot off before me most of the time."

We're walking out of the supply room with John casually asking me, "Your ass sore, or something?" I go, "No, not at all." He's like "Oh, I wondered if it was since you were fine with sucking me off." I shrug, "I like sucking

cock, John, and your's is a good one for sucking because I can take your boner in my throat easier than some." He goes, "Well it was super-hot! Really appreciate it too." I shrug again, and he says, "Hey, you said you're a barber, right?" I nod and he says, "How about if I come to your apartment later today and you give me a haircut and then I'll fuck you to make up for the fuck we missed this afternoon?" Hmmm, I don't feel right telling John I'll get back to him about this because I already said that about Worcester.

I'm smelling my wrist as we walk into the bar, then I say, "Yeah, sure.

That'd be awesome, John." He goes, "I was afraid you'd say you need to think about it," and he chuckles, patting my back.

At our seats I see a check for my lunch. John picks it ups before I can grab it, and says, "Lunch is on me," and he puts fifteen dollars on the bar.

They don't charge him for his lunch I guess. I'm like, "Hey!" and he grins, saying, "Consider it a bribe, ha ha," then he goes, "I gotta get back to work, Dylan. What time should I be at your apartment and how do I get there?" I'm like, "Thanks for lunch, John," then I give him directions to the apartment as we walk out to the parking lot together. He asks, "Is seven o'clock okay?" I nod, "Yeah, sure." He pats my shoulder, "See ya then," and he gets in his truck, backs out of his parking spot and takes off. We get our rocks off and away he goes. That's buddy-sex.

I gotta hand it to John for taking it to new heights of casualness.

Actually it's almost perfect. In the Jeep I get the engine running, then get the heat going while thinking that now I have something to do tonight. Yeah, but what about Daryl? Damn, it's either feast or famine lately. Daryl did say he's studying all day for tomorrow's final so I probably wouldn't see him tonight anyway. Hmmm, and Rob's going back to work right after his final exam tomorrow morning so Daryl and I can have our last fuck of the semester after that. Yeah, that'll work! That's taking care of two things I needed to work out before committing to John's Worcester trip. I also need to find out what Chubby's plans are for going home and I gotta get my haircut on Saturday. I'll make sure we get back from Worcester early enough to do that.

I'm back in the apartment by two o'clock with nothing I need to do the rest of the day except a phone call and a few texts. Gives me plenty of time to think some more about Worcester. Hmmm? Okay, first thing I do is give Chubby a call. He answers from his dorm saying he's studying for the final exam he has at four o'clock this afternoon. Then his last one is tomorrow, Friday, at three o'clock. He'll cram for that exam tonight. He tells me, "Then I'm done for this semester, bro, but John Beverly and I have dates with the twins tomorrow night. Some kind of sorority Christmas party so I should be hungover like, um, usual Saturday morning." I say, "I need a ride home with you Saturday, Chub. Rob's home working right now. He'll be back for his last final tomorrow around noon, then after the exam he's heading right back to work." Chub's like, "Jesus! That blows for him, huh?" I go, "Yeah, it does," and he says, "You'll probably need to drive Saturday because I'm gonna be righteously celebrating the end of this semester so, like I said, I'll probably be hungover to shreds." I go, "No problem, Chub. Do you need the Jeep before Saturday?" He says, "Oh, that's right you have the Jeep. Heh heh, I forgot all about that. I won't need it for anything until we're going home." I'm like, "Um, I probably shouldn't call you Saturday until early afternoon to let you sleep in." He goes, "You are one awesome brother, Dylan!" I chuckle, "Yeah, now you get back to hitting the books." He sighs, "This is the fucked-up part of college!" I'm like, "Yeah, the academic part of college puts a hurting on what would otherwise be a four-year-party." He laughs, "Later, Dylan. I love you, bro."

Gee, I always feel good after talking with Chubby about, well about anything. Just knowing he's there, ya know? I text Rob, 'How's it going, Rob?' I don't get a response, not that I expected one because he's working.

Whenever he sees my text though he'll know I was thinking about him. Next order of business is texting Golden about what time on Saturday he's doing haircuts. He texts back that it needs to between ten in the morning and two in the afternoon so I gotta keep that in mind. Then I text Daryl and he texts right back, 'Dylan, I'm studying now. When am I gonna see you?' I text that we can hook-up Friday afternoon and he agrees to text me then. Okay, I think I

got all my ducks in a row now. And... um, what does that mean, all my duck in a row? I Google it and, huh. It's an idiom meaning to get things organized, but other than speculation that ducklings walk in a row, no one knows where the phrase originated. Everyone knows what it infers, and I do too, but there's no logic to it. Well, Googling that was a fuckin' waste of time.

For the next hour or so I read my latest John Sandford book and eventually feel my eyes closing and the book sliding out of my hands so I let myself drift off and fall into a nice nap. Damn, naps are awesome! I should do more of them. This nap is a long one and when my eyes pop open from a dreamless sleep I see it's five o'clock already. Feeling groggy I take a shower thinking about John Smith again. Primarily about his proposed trip to Worcester for a holiday party with me as his date. I'd be without options if something didn't seem right and I wanted to get out of there. That's a huge negative. Yeah, but I've got the Jeep so if I drive us to Worcester I won't be at anyone's mercy. Me driving seals the deal for me. Yeah, why not go as long as I'm in charge of the transportation? No reason not to go. I'm beginning to become fond of John even though he's different from other side-sex buddies I've had. He ain't cute for one thing, but hey, I'm not shallow, right? I'm not going to reject a guy simply because he isn't cute. Looks aren't everything. Hell, everyone can't be attractive. Everybody knows that...

After drying myself and putting on some casual clothes, I text John Smith.

'Yes, I'm up for a party in Worcester. Since you're generous enough to cover the cost of that I insist on treating you to a dinner at my apartment tonight. Whaddaya say?" I get a text right back saying he just got home from work and he'll be over after he showers. Hmmm, now what should I serve for dinner? I drive to Stop and Shop and wander down the meat aisle looking for inspiration. The butcher's special today is bone-in rib-roasts. Prime rib-of-beef is normally way too much meat for two people and far too expensive anyway. That's true except t's on sale and there's a three-and-a-half pound, two-rib cut. The two ribs and the fat alone make up a pound of that total so I buy it for $25.50 on sale. The normal price is $38.67. I certainly wouldn't buy it at that price and I'm being a bit of a spend-thrift buying it at the sale price. John bought me one-and-a-half lunches and he's paying for the Worcester trip, so...

To go with the rib-roast I'll make scalloped potatoes from scratch. I've tried the boxed scalloped potatoes and... fuck no! Meat and potatoes with a salad should be enough. Back in the apartment I start putting together the scalloped potatoes. After peeling Yukon Gold potatoes, I use a mandoline cutting one-quarter-inch slices. After making a roux of equal parts butter and flour I slowly add a cup of cream using a wire whip to blend it smoothly. Into this mixture goes some dry garlic, salt and pepper, and a dash of nutmeg. Yes, nutmeg. Then I thinly slice half a sweet onion using the mandoline again and layer the potato slices and onion in a greased oven-tempered glass casserole dish. The roast gets a sprinkling of garlic powder and salt and pepper. Both items go into a 350 oven. I'll take the meat out in about an hour and let it sit for twenty minutes before carving so the juices reabsorb into the meat. After removing the lid, the potatoes will stay in the oven to lightly brown the top. Sometimes I spread shredded cheese on the top but maybe John doesn't like cheese so I'll omit that step. Simple salad of cucumbers, plum tomatoes and iceberg lettuce with Ken's Italian dressing, but do not add the dressing until the salad is served. And that's that! John Smith calls me ten minutes after I've put everything is in the oven to tell me he's lost. He's in the Royal Crest complex but all the buildings look the same. Using Merrimack's chapel as a landmark I direct him to the correct building and two minutes later I'm on the balcony watching him pull into the parking lot driving a fifteen-year-old Chevy. It's not just John who gets lost in here, everyone has trouble finding the right building. When he's at the back door I buzz him in and I'm in the hall holding the door to my apartment open when he appears on the second floor. Seeing him it hits me again that I barely know this person. He barely knows me too but you'd never know it from his greeting. He has his nice smile going for him and those blue eyes of his are shining, as he goes, "Hey, Dylan, good to see you again." then he laughs because we were just together four or five hours ago. We bump fists and then he does a quick one-arm hug thing that everyone does although it's the first time were doing it. There was a little extra gusto to his hug. Nice. During the hug I again notice that he's thin as a rail but solid. I'm like, "C'mon in John," and inside he goes, "Jesus, you didn't clean-up the place just for my visit did you?" I shake my head, "Nope, it's usually this neat. My boyfriend's a neat-nick." He goes over to look out the sliding glass door, saying, "Helluva view," and I mutter, "Of the parking lot."

As I'm hanging his coat in the closet, he asks, "Where's this boyfriend of your's?" I tell him he's working and then pick-up the picture of Rob and me taken in front of his swimming pool last August. Pointing at Rob, I go, "That's him, Rob Dickers." He goes, "Jeeezus! You two look like models or rock starts or something. Ooh, Dylan dude, you got a hot body going for you too!" and he pats my shoulder. I mutter, "Yeah, I know. Everyone tells me that." He laughs, then mumbles, "And they're right." I ask, "Want a beer, or something?" He says, "I'll have a bottle of water if you have one or right from the tape is fine too." Taking a bottle of water from the refrigerator and passing it to him, I grab a can of Coke. He chugs half the water, then says, "Oh man, that hit the spot." Funny that I'm not feeling awkward with John Smith. I say, "Well, should we do your haircut first? The dinner won't be ready for almost an hour. Hope you like prime rib-roast." He opens his eyes wide, "Well, yeah, I like it! Who doesn't?" I shrug, "Vegetarians for one," and he says, "Vegans for two, but who else?"

I'm like, "John, how'd the hair on top of your head get so choppy and it's only half as long as the hairs that have grown over your ears." He blushes a little, rubbing his head, "I tried to cut it myself a couple of weeks ago with scissors. It got too long to stick up." He has very light red hair although it's a little bit too red to qualify as strawberry blond. It's shiny-clean so he obviously shampooed the hell out of it knowing I was going to be cutting it. He says, "Let me ask you something: should I trust you to do this haircut?" I go, "Yes, you can trust me. I'm better than most local butchers calling themselves barbers. Maybe it used to be a craft that barbers were proud of although pictures of old-time haircuts during the fifties, for example, wouldn't bear that out. Actually there are very good hair stylist out there nowadays and I've watched them on YouTube. Not so with most local barbers though and the women cutting hair at Supercuts are trained mostly to do woman's hair." He goes, "You sure know a lot about haircutting."

I almost tell him I have a fetish for it except it might freak him out. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about my fetish waning. My reply is, "Yeah, well I started cutting my brother's hair when we were very young and I liked doing it, so later I was doing haircuts for our friends too."

He finishes his bottle of water, and is apparently satisfied with my haircut credentials as he moves on to another topic, asking, "So you're definitely gonna be my date tomorrow night?" I nod, "Yep, but I insist on driving."

He grins, "Oh, did you see my junker when I drove into the parking lot? Is that why you want to drive?" I go, "No! I just figured you're taking care of everything else, like the Junior Mints, so the least I can do is provide the transportation." He laughs, muttering, "Junior Mints," then shrugs, "Great! That'll be awesome." That's settled. John's pretty easy to get along with. He says, "I'm ready when you are. For the haircut, I mean."

It takes three minutes to set up the barber stuff and move the table. "If you'll just pull that kitchen bar stool over, John, you can sit on that." I now have a barber's cape. It's the one that guy, Reilly Joyce, gave me the second time I gave him and his friend, what's-his-name, haircuts. I'd kinda like to see just how skinny John Smith is though, so I say, "I'm really sorry, John, but I don't have a barber's cape thingie to put over you. Um, you should probably take your shirt off so hair clippings don't get stuck to it." He says, "No problem," and unbuttons his shirt and takes it off. Holy shit! He's very slim but with a nice torso. Smallish, but everything's in proportion and he looks kind of hot. No hair on his chest, just some orange/red hairs under his arms and not much of that. He has very pale creamy-colored skin. His fingernails and hands are clean tonight too. Huh, some date! He sits on the stool with his thin shoulders a bit slumped, and says, "Do you remember the haircut I told you I always get from my old barber?" I nod, "A military haircut, right?" He goes, "Yep, bare clippers on the sides and about three-eighth of an inch left on top. It's a military burr haircut.

Anyway that what Joe calls it." I mumble, "Joe being the old barber, huh?"

He nods, "He's like seventy now." I'm like, "Well, why do you want a haircut that short? You've got light red hair and, well... it'll look like you're bald." He nods his head again, "Yeah, actually it does, almost." So I'm like, "Then, why the fuck, ya know?" He laughs, "Shit, I don't know. It's what I always get like three times a year." I ask, "Do you like it?" He goes, "I don't even think about it." I'm not doing that to him so I mumble, "I don't wanna do that to you. How about trying a regular burr haircut?" He says, "Sure, whatever you think." Huh, that was easy. I say, tongue-in-cheek, "It's just that I'd be self-conscious if my date was bald at this fancy holiday party." He goes, "I don't blame ya, I would too."

The difference between a burr haircut and a buzz cut is with a buzz cut all the hairs on the guy's head are the exact same length, usually a half-inch. With a burr haircut the sides are shorter than the hair on the top of the head but no normal neighborhood barber would use bare clippers on the sides the way old-Joe-the-barber does it. Jesus, that's a gung-ho Marine haircut! The way I do a burr haircut is cut the sides and back of the head to a quarter-inch then slowly begin tapering the hairs a little longer beginning where his head begins rounding and then blending it with the half-inch hair on top. It takes some skill. Then some tapering at the neck-line and lastly the trimmer clippers around and behind his ears. John says nothing as I'm doing all that and when it's done he looks at himself in the mirror over the sofa, saying, "Dude, that's awesome! Thank you, seriously!" Well shit, yeah it's a damn good haircut.

John helps me sweep up the hair clippings and then we put the table back in its place. Done that, I'm putting the clippers in the toiletry kit as he asks, "Do we have time for some quickie sex before dinner?" I go, "Absolutely." The haircut only took nine or ten-minutes and I'm pleased with it because it does look good on him. He goes, "Um, did you forget to buy condoms again." I go, "Nope," and get the Trojan pack from the bedroom. He smiles, muttering, "Trojans! Good choice."

Huh, he has a nice smile even with all those freckles of his and his pale complexion. And now with this fresh haircut he looks young. And fuck, he looked young to start with so that's a good thing. It's like he's almost nice-looking in an unusual kind of way. Not cute, but sort of a healthy okay-looking guy about an inch taller than me and probably fifteen pounds lighter.

Fifteen pounds lighter than me and I'm slim myself so he's, um, slimmer.

Forcing myself not to stare at his bare torso, I'm like, "There's no need for us to hurry, John. But what am I saying, ha ha, it doesn't take you long to fuck an orgasm out of me." He laughs, "Yeah, but it's a super-fine three

or four minutes for me. Have I mentioned that's an award-winning rear-end you got there," and he smacks my ass, then gooses it.

He pulls me around in front of him and begins unbuttoning my black skinny khaki pants as I admire the haircut I just gave him. I stand here and let him pulls my pants down, then my jockey shorts come down as he's asking, "No boxers today, huh?" That makes me grin to myself because he has buddy-sex down pat with his matter-of-fact way of going about everything. Plus, there's starting to be an inkling of dominance as familiarity grows between us.

It's noticeable in the way he just went ahead and pulled my pants down while his are still up. I'm interpreting that as dominance for my own purposes.

With my pants around my ankles John rubs his fingers around my cock and balls, muttering, "I really like the shaved pubes but I don't have the guts to do it myself." His face is three inches from mine as he looks at my privates and rubs his finger seductively around my groin while holding my dick up with his other hand. I'd like to taste a kiss. His breath is very fresh and his teeth are so white they seem to shine contrasting with his tongue that's as pink as bubble gum. I ask, "Have you ever made-out with another guy?" He grins, "No, ha ha. Hey, let's get naked? Having sex in a secure place like your apartment is very cool. It' awesome that we can do anything we like and take our time doing it." I go, "Naked is good," and he pulls my sweatshirt up so I lift my arms and he takes it over my head, then leans over to drop it on the sofa.

He says, "You can take your pants the rest of the way off. Your shoes and socks too." I do that and stand here naked with John fully dressed telling me, "Goddamn, but you've got a hot body." Looking me in the eyes and grinning John reaches around and gives my ass a slap, "Smack!" saying, "I really like your ass and spanking it seems like a natural next step." Ignoring that, I ask, "Have you ever held hands with a guy?" He chuckles, "No! Of course not. The only thing I've done is fuck a few guys, you being the best ever. Why, do you make-out and hold hands with your boyfriend?" I nod, "Uh huh.

We're lovers." He starts pushing his jeans down telling me, "I don't think I could fall in love with a guy and do the things you and your boyfriend do. In my brain I see myself falling in love with a girl and doing all that mushy stuff with her. And then having kids and all the other middle America stuff."

He kicks off his Top Siders then takes off his jeans, as I ask, "You're bisexual then?" He shrugs, "I don't really know, Dylan, but I hope so. I've never done it with a girl or ever had a girlfriend, but then I've never had a boyfriend either." We're both totally naked now. John's all smiles, saying, "This is new to me. Being naked with another guy and without a worry that we'll be discovered. Nobody is going to walk in on us and that is a great

feeling." Huh, I guess I'm so used to Rob and me having sex in our own place that I take it for granted. John goes, "I don't know exactly how to put this. Um, it's just that I've never meant anyone who's so agreeable to going along with whatever I want to do." I shrug, "Maybe it's simply that what you want to do I like doing too." He goes, "You're a committed 'bottom boy'

right?" I shake my head, "No, not always, but you said you only 'top' so being a 'bottom' for you is fine with me."

John does a nervous laugh, saying, "I feel self-conscious with us standing naked in the middle of your living room." I'm like, "Well, what do you want to do about it?" He says, "Um, would you get on your knees and suck my cock like you did earlier today That was amazing!" I go, "Sure," and drop to my knees and take his cock in my fingers. It is about five inches long as I

originally thought, but it definitely grows when he's fully boned-up inside my ass. It gets fatter too. Great cock for fucking because it goes in fairly easily and then grows longer and fatter to give me a really good fucking. John Smith is an excellent side-sex partner for me. Not perfect though because he's probably too nice to do anything really dominant even though he shows little dabs of it now and then. After stroking his cock a few times, I lick the head tasting urine, but only for the first two licks. He's smelling very clean again tonight. Looking up, I ask, "You want me to go all the way again?" He nods, "Uh huh, if it's okay with you. Deep throating is new to me but watching you take it in your throat gets me super aroused. You look so helpless while at the same time you seem to really get into it. And I had an enormous climax so yeah, let's do that again."

Nodding my head, I begin sucking on the head of his cut-cock and stroking it a little too. His hands go to my head and his fingers run through my hair as a quiet grunt slips from his throat. When it's firm enough I take the head and about two-inches of shaft inside my mouth and feel it quickly tighten-up further. John starts shuffling his feet, moaning, 'Ummmm, uummm."

My eyes close as my cock gets hard along with John's. I hear the slurping mouth-sounds I'm making and that's arousing to me. It's like I can't imagine these sounds coming from anything except someone sucking someone's cock.

John grunts and he abruptly gets a fistful of my hair pulling my head down and thrusting his hips pushing his fairly hard cock into my throat. I relax my throat muscles as much as I can while he pulls my face against his groin.

The red/orange crinkly pubic hairs surround my face. He keeps my nose tight against his belly and moves his hips smoothly like he did this afternoon, fucking my throat. The harder and faster he fucks my throat the firmer his fistful of my hair keeps my nose pressed against him. My cock gets brittle-hard as a strong submissive trance completely covers my brain. I can't breathe but I'm calm as his boner sides back and forth in my throat with me imagining I can hear it siding back and forth along with John's groaning and moaning. Time has no meaning as this time my climax soars up on me. There's no sound of release from me, no squeal, because his boner's in my throat.

Unlike this afternoon overwhelming sensations are bombarding my brain as my hips hump forward with cum streaming from my boner that's so hard it's sticking straight out as another long stream of cum flies between John's legs.

He's breathing noisily as I feel his cum coating my throat and then my mouth when he pulls his cock back with the swollen head lying on my tongue.

Shaking from the sensations of climaxing, I hear myself gasping for air in my dizzy state of mind and then all the sounds of reality come roaring back into my head. Blinking my eyes fast I see John pull his cock from my mouth and bend over, his face red as he gasps out, "What a climax! Oh my God, that was otherworldly. Holy shit..." Then, "Are you okay, Dylan? Shit, I've never climaxed so fast or so violently in my life." I'm dazed as I sit back on my ankles realizing that I had a really good submissive feeling this time. Wow! That helped me have this awesome orgasm. It didn't happen this afternoon and I'm not sure why. John reaches over to pat my shoulder, asking, "You're alright, aren't you?" I nod, coming out of my trance as he drops to his knees in front of me. He smiles, "Say something, Dylan," and I go, "Wow." John's all smiles, excitedly saying, "I feel like giving you a hug. You are such a good guy! You weren't struggling or anything and I've never felt anything like this before. It was this weird feeling of power seeing your throat swell with my cock sliding tightly inch by inch down your throat.

Holy shit that was so hot! It was twice as good as this afternoon. Could you breath with my boner in your throat?" He has a hand on each of my shoulders, excitedly saying, "Oh fuck this was awesome!" Shaking my head to clear it, I mutter, "How long did we do that?" He says, "Maybe a minute. It was the fastest I've ever cum. It's like the best, most awesome feeling having my dick in your throat. Dude, you rock so much and you are so fucking hot!"

Now I'm nodding my head, "Huh, thanks. Only a minute, huh?"

He's getting up pulling on my arm to get me up, "Yeah, a minute or maybe a few seconds longer. Seriously, can you breathe when I'm deep throating you? You looked so helpless it gave me this funny feeling. Sexy funny, I mean and it added to my incredible climax." He's not normally talkative like this. We're standing as I shrug, muttering, "No, I can't breathe when your cock's all the way in but I felt this calming submissive trance or something.

I mean, you were dominant yanking my hair and everything so it was very cool." We're standing as he gives my shoulders a one arm hug, grinning at me, saying, "So, would you want me to keep deep throating you instead of fucking you?" I'm like, "No! It was very different though and I mean different even from when you did it after lunch today. It was like you totally could have fucked my throat until I died from lack of oxygen." He goes, "I'd never do that! I felt my load coming on me fast. Jeeezus I could feel it flying up on me." Still a little woozy, I sit on the sofa as John goes, "This afternoon it was so awesome when you asked to suck me off until climax and so I thought you'd like it again and...." I interrupt, "No, it's fine, John! That was sexually hotter than the hubs of hell but let's do fucking next time." He nods, "Absolutely! After we eat, okay?" Nodding, I let out a snorting short laugh, saying, "Jesus, that was something though! Holy shit."

Then I look over and point at the streak of wetness across the throw rug, "Look at my orgasm. It's shot out like four feet." His eyes open and he looks surprised, asking, "You climaxed? How...?" I'm like, "Yeah, didn't you know that?" He shakes his head, "No way. I was pretty much occupied with shooting my load down your throat. Oh man, I feel better now that I know you got 'off' too." Getting up I grab my underwear and step into it, saying, "Yeah, I told you I like sucking cock." He says, "You're way more gay than me." I mutter, "I'm probably way more gay than everybody as far as sucking cock is concerned." Getting a spray bottle of Simply Green all-purpose cleaner I wipe at the cum streak on the throw rug as John's pulling on his underpants, saying, "Let me help you."

We eat dinner wearing only our underwear and shirts. His shirt is a button-up-the-front shirt and mine is a sweatshirt. John's very complimentary about the dinner and eats a lot more than I do and I'm a pretty good eater myself. He goes, "Dude, this prime-rib is delicious! Cooked perfectly medium rare and it's so tender and those fucking potatoes were awesome too. I've never had potatoes like these before." I grin, "Okay, thanks, but now you've done your duty complimenting the food so thank you. And I'm so sure you've never eaten scalloped potatoes before."He says, "Seriously, my mom is a hamburger-helper kind of cook. This cooking is way out of my mom's class."

He's been very talkative tonight. We continue eating for a minute, then I go, "How do you like the salad?" and we both burst out with a laugh. He says, "Don't break my balls! I was serious about this being an awesome meal."

We both clean-up after dinner and I go, "How about we go to Friendly's for dessert?" He's like, "Holy shit, I couldn't eat another thing now. Maybe later. Um, could we have sex in your bed?" I shake my head, "No, sorry. I only have sex in that bed with Rob," as I'm pointing down the hall at the bedroom. He nods his head, "Yeah, okay, I understand. I've never slept with another guy or with anybody for that matter. So of course I've never had sex in a bed. Maybe in Worcester we can do it although our room has two double beds." I go, "Sure, that'll be awesome." He makes a face, saying, "Would you think I'm a sex fiend if I ask if we can fuck now?" I ask, "Is there someplace you need to be?" He shakes his head, "No, I'm not in a hurry, I just like doing it with you and thought if we do it now maybe we could do it again later as well, like after getting dessert at Friendly's." Jesus! I grin, "What was that you said about me being way more gay than you?" He laughs, "I meant about your cock sucking and the way you get-off from me deep throating you. Stuff like that, and the handing holding and making out with your

boyfriend too. For me it's pretty much just anal intercourse. Fucking a guy up the ass, that's my main thing and oh, now it's deep throating too I guess," and he laughs again, adding, "No one ever let me do that before."

I pull my jockey shorts down, then step out of them, "Go to it, stud." He walks over to me, grinning, "You're awesome, Dylan," and he reaches around smacking my ass, "SMACK!" asking, "Would it be okay with you if I spanked you? Um, do you like being spanked?" I shrug, "It's kinda sexy, yeah," and he says, "Well bend over then and I'll spank you before fucking you. I'm thinking I could really get into giving a guy a hard spanking." Well that's pretty dominant except he asked if it was okay. I'm surprised by his matter-of-fact way of bringing up 'spanking' so I hesitate for a second not sure if he's serious, and he says, "Go ahead, bend over and hold onto the arm of the sofa." Guess he's serious. That's encouraging.

I bend over with my hands on the arm of the sofa and he gets next to me facing my ass. His left arm goes over my back and around my stomach holding me tightly against his side. Then he spanks my ass for a minute getting both butt cheeks hot and stinging. He stops just before I was going to tell him to stop. The bodily contact and the way he wailed away at my ass gave me half a boner. That was definitely kinda dominant. Letting go of me he straightens-up, takes a deep breath, and says, "No one ever let me do that before either but I've fantasized about it. Look, I got half a boner." I'm straightening up now rubbing my smacked ass with both hands. I go, "Yeah, me too." He starts to says, "You're," and I said it with him, "awesome." He laughs, "Well, you are!" and he smacks my ass again, saying, "This is so hot!"

Huh, maybe he has some for-real 'dom' in him after all.

"Where'd we put the condoms, Dylan?" I point to the end tables, saying, "Right there but you can fuck me without one if you want. We've got lube." He shakes his head, "No disrespect to you, but I haven't done it bareback since my days with the Donovan kid. I've always used a condom after that."

Good to know. He breaks opens the three-pack of condoms and opens an individual one, saying, "You'll need to suck my cock again but you like doing that anyway, but I won't deep throat you because I can't trust myself to stop." I drop to my knees and pull his boxer shorts down, then take his semi-firm cock in my mouth to slurp on it noisily enjoying the wet sexy sounds my mouth is making from lapping and sucking his cock. He has a very nice cock although it'd be even better if it weren't circumcised. He pulls my hair again,

saying, "You'd look good with the haircut you gave me. I could probably cut it for you if you gave me a couple of instructions. It'd be fun." Good grief, I'm sucking his cock and he's so casual saying that it's borderline disturbing.

Taking his hard sloppy-with-saliva boner from my mouth, I stroke it a few times, saying, "No thanks, John. Cutting hair is way harder than it looks and especially doing a burr haircut like yours. I'm afraid you'd fuck mine up something terrible, plus I'm kinda liking long hair." He chuckles, mumbling, "Don't hold back, Dylan, tell me exactly what you think." A few extra strokes gets his cock boned-up enough so I stand, telling him, "No, seriously. You giving me a haircut wouldn't turn out well for me at all. I mean, remember what you did to your own hair a couple of weeks ago?" He nods, muttering, "Oh yeah, okay. You're right," and he grabs a fistful of my hair adding, "But your hair's so long!" I give him a 'look' and he tugs on it again before letting go, mumbling, "Sorry, but I like pulling your hair," and I go, "Well, I don't like it so don't do it." I'm hoping he'll ignore that, but we'll see. He goes, "Um, okay, but it's a good way to get us both aroused. Especially me. Heh heh." I say, "Huh," and he points at the arm of the sofa, saying, "I want you leaning over the arm of the sofa for your fucking, but first let's take our shirts off again. Fucking naked is something I never get a chance to do." I pull my sweatshirt over my head and drop it over the arm of the sofa so when I cum it'll be on the shirt and not the sofa.

Rob and I are giving this sofa quite a sexual workout and already there are some spots we can't get out of the cushions.

Lying over the sofa's arm I rest my forehead on my arms that's are on the seat. And even though I said I didn't like it, John gives me another hard spanking. Yes, he's showing some take-charge attitude now. My buttocks is tender from the first one and I'm like, "OW! OW! NO!" putting my hand back to ward-off the smacks. John pulls my arm away and, "SMACK!SMACK!SMACK!"

saying, "Keep your hand away, Dylan." Oh fuck, my cock was pretty hard from sucking his and now it's boned-up very tightly. That was a legitimate dominant move on John's part. My ass is stinging uncomfortably as I look back and watch him rolling the condom on his really hard boner. Then the head of his boner is quickly at my asshole putting pressure there, then he humps it in and goes, "Ooooh, fuck, that feels good..." He gets both hands under my hips and pulls me back a couple of inches, then pushes the last four-inches of cock up my ass and grinds his hips making his hissing sound by drawing air in between closed lips.

There was minor pain for ten seconds and then only a really good sense of being filled up inside. It's a wonderful feeling that is quickly joined by sensations pulsing off my prostate. The stretched lips of my asshole are sizzling nicely too. John's cock isn't nearly as hefty as Robby's but it's a good size and it's got my full attention. John leans over me and puts a hand on the back of my head pushing my face on the cushion and begins pounding his boner up my ass, "Slapslapslapslap." Constant fast hard thrusting for three, then four minutes with brilliant sexual sensations blooming in my rectum tantalizing my throbbing cock and I'm like, "Eeeeeee!" as cum pumps out of my boner. It's a surprisingly long stream considering I climaxed an hour and a half ago. The first stream of spunk is followed by three quick short spurts as my shoulders shudder at the sensations spreading out from my ass with ripples of pleasure all around my cock and balls plus almost an achy feeling at the inside my thighs near my groin. Ooooh man, a really good climax! John's humping so hard against my butt cheeks he's moving my crotch forward so that now it's up against the top of the arm squishing my cock underneath me. Then a long breathy sigh from John and he lies against my ass filling the condom as my heart pounding and I gasp for air.

It's all happening too fast but it's extremely hot sex with really hot climaxes. John lifts off me and backs up with his cock flopping out of my ass.

He takes a deep breath, then says, "Oh my God, that was so good!" Then, "Just a little more," and he smacks my ass before his cock slides back up inside me for another minute of hard fast thrusting, "Slapslapslap," until I feel my dick firming up under me again, but he stops. Then, chuckling, he mumbles, "My dick's sore," and he backs up pulling it out of my ass a second time. Well hell, my ass is a little sore too. I get off the arm of the sofa and check on my sweatshirt. There's a splatter of wetness that should be bigger considering how good my climax was. We always think we're shooting more cum than we actually do. Who cares, it felt great. I mutter, "You fuck me good, John Smith." He nods, "I could get used to this. Hey, how come you made such a fuss about me spanking you this time?" I go, "Dude, I told you I don't like it and you'd already spanked the shit out of my ass before. My

butt cheeks were tender and stinging." He goes, "Sorry, but it got me super aroused when you started whining and looking helpless over the arm of the sofa. I get so fucking hard spanking you." Huh. I say, "Well, you gotta stop when I say so. That's how it works, and I wasn't whining. I don't whine!" He nods, "Yeah, okay. Damn, this is so good though. Don'cha think?" I nod, "Well yeah, it is really good. I like doing sex with you." He goes, "Then I'm gonna keep spanking you until I want to stop. Why fuck-up a good thing. Okay?" I shrug, "Yeah, I guess."

He asks, "Can I wash-up?" We go through the bedroom to the bathroom where he flushes the condom then washes his hands. I wipe as much of the lube from the condom off my ass as I can. John doesn't offer to help, but that's okay. As we're doing that, he asks, "Tomorrow afternoon will you be driving that Jeep you had earlier?" I nod, "Yeah, it's my brother's and mine. We split the cost of it the summer before our senior year of high school. Now we're saving to upgrade." He says, "I bought that old Chevy of mine for nine hundred buck and it's a damn good thing I'm a mechanic because something is always going wrong with it. It's a lemon." There you go... when John's done fucking it's on to another topic. Walking back to the living room, he asks, "Is Friendly's far from here? I could go for some dessert after that great fuck on your perfect ass." I mumble, "Me too, and no it's not far.

Friendly's is about two-miles from here."

We get dressed and as we're putting our coats on, I ask, "You say you never made-out with a guy, right?" He looks at me, "That's right, I never have but I'm getting a feeling though that you want to make-out with me." I frown at him, so he says, "Am I giving myself too much credit, or am I right?"

I go, "Yeah you're right, I'd like to, but only if you want to." Going down

the stairs to the parking lot, he says, "No offense but no thanks." Going down the steps to the parking lot, he's like, "Where'd you get that coat? It's cool." Guess he's finished with the making-out discussion. His mouth is so clean looking though and I'm beginning to feel a real fondness for him.

I'd like tasting his mouth for a couple of minutes. No serious make-out, just a buddy make-out. I just gave him that haircut too and I always feel a little bit closer to most guys I give haircuts to. I consider giving haircuts as a kind of intimate thing to do with guys I know and like. John looks kinda cool with his new burr haircut so I rub my fingers up the back of his head feeling his quarter inch hair there, saying, "I bought this coat at Macy's on sale." He pulls his head away, "Hey, no touching, okay? That's too gay." Huh! No wonder he reserved a room with double beds in Worcester.

Heh heh, it'd be cool seeing his reaction if we were forced to sleep together though. John obviously likes sex with another guy but basically only 'topping' or deep throating and spanking. Well they are certainly good parts of sex alright, but there are other aspects to it as well. He's one of those guys who only admits to being gay to the degree they do the so-called male parts of sex. Bottoms who go in for the so-called romantic or mushy things like kissing and hugging are doing the female parts of sex. The exception to that is John did suck cock for thirty-seconds that first time, but he's only did it once to sort go 'prime-the-pump' so to speak to get me going.

Still, he does the closest to sub/dom sex I currently have available to me and I like him.

As we get in the Jeep, I say, "My fucking butt cheeks are still stinging, John." He mumbles, "I'm sorry, but spanking you gets me so hard I'm gonna be doing more of it." Yeah, see that... he's developing a dominance the more familiar are relationship becomes. Then, as I'm pulling into the Friendly's parking lot, he asks, "Do you think we can do it again after our dessert?" And he's a sex fiend too. I just might keep him.

to be continued... Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com



Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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