Dylans Junior Year at College

Published on Aug 21, 2016



Chapter 2

by Donny Mumford

Sitting on the sofa next to Robby I'm feeling a giddy relief that it was only a dream. Oh man though, I've never had a dream to compare with that one; it seemed so real. It probably seemed authentic because I've been there and done that earlier this summer. Maybe my subconscious was giving me a warning to beware of Ryan. He used haircuts as a reminder to me that he was the one in-charge. Ryan being the 'boss' was mostly my own ill-conceived idea. I don't know what I was thinking; it was a stupid idea to start with and complicated further by my idiotic haircut fetish. Or maybe the dream was a metaphor for my entire powerless time in Georgia. A reminder that the phony Marietta Albert and Danny were replaced some time ago by the real life Ryan and Dylan. It's back to reality, in other words. That's what I'm going to take from the dream, although nobody really knows what dreams mean.

Robby's lazily rubbing my shoulder as we sit here. Happily for me the intensity of the dream is fading so fast it seems silly to me now. Two minutes ago Robby asked if I wanted to mess around sexily with him and of course I do. Now he asks, "Are you quiet because you're thinking about your dream?"

I'd be embarrassed admitting the dream to Robby, so I mumble, "The dream?

Um no, I'm just enjoying being here with you, Rob. Everything seems so much better when you're with me." He grins, hugs my shoulders and looks me in the eyes, murmuring, "You're sweet to say that, but how about my idea we have a little recreational sexy fun." Nodding my head and grinning back at him, I go, "You remembered the name for our afternoon sex," and he's like, "Yep, you call it recreational sex for the fun of it." I'm like, "Good.

You're memorizing the names of our various sex acts."

He looks so cute with that grin of his, and I can still see some of the 'boy' in Robby's face. I murmur, "I'm so fucking lucky you're my boyfriend,"

and we do a sexy open-mouth sloppy kiss. His lips are perfect for kissing.

I've thought at times that no one can kiss as sexily as Ryan, but Robby's a

close second and then of course we happen to be in love, so it's Robby's kisses that give me the most goosebumps and delicious shivers. I feel his love and devotion in every kiss. He not only kisses with his lips and tongue, but with his heart and soul as well. It can take my breath away at times, and it always makes my dick get hard.

Robby licks up the front of my nose leaving some of his odorless saliva behind, then says, "Why don't you lay back on the sofa, babe, and leave the rest to me." I nod my head as my cock throbs pleasantly. He pulls the small blanket off me, then holds it gawking at my lap. Following his eyes I see he's looking at the wet precum stain on my basketball shorts. He goes, "That didn't happen from our forty-five second kiss, so it must have been caused by your dream, right?" I shrug, "I guess." Robby's grinning again, asking, "Was the dream about me?" In a serious voice, I ask, "Would it be alright if I don't tell you what that dream was about?" He drapes the blanket over the back of the sofa, "Of course it'd be alright. I have crazy dreams myself sometimes. So crazy I wouldn't want to try describing them." I go, "Oh yeah, like what? Give me an example," and he laughs. "You won't tell me your dream, but you want me to tell you mine." I snort out a chuckle, "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" and he wrestles me onto my back, my head at one end of the sofa and my feet hanging over the arm at the other end.

He drops his shorts and underwear as I lie on by back looking up at his fat flaccid cock. Happily my hangover has faded quite a bit, and sex with Robby will eliminate any lingering traces of it completely. He bends over and pulls my shorts down with me helping by lifting my ass off the cushion. As Robby's dropping my shorts on top of his I'm thinking how it would have been extremely embarrassing if he woke me a mere thirty seconds later. By then I would have stroked my boner to orgasm with my fetish roaring in the dream. Thirty seconds was the difference between a precum spot and a cum-dripping pair of shorts. Robby says, "Let's take our shirts off too." We pull our

shirts over our heads at the same time. I hand mine to him as I glance at his naked body; a body that's always impressed me. Robby's body, like mine, is pretty much hairless. When we were younger we'd sometimes be mistaken for brothers because of the similarities in our bodies, and we both have the same eyes and hair color. That first summer we worked together on the grass cutting crew we both had flattop haircuts and the college guys on the crew called us the Bobbsey Twins. Since then Robby's become more mature looking, although he still retains a certain cuteness that adds to his handsomeness. So, now he looks older than me and he acts older most of the time as well. We're not the Bobbsey Twins anymore I guess, but so what!

This afternoon Robby's in a playful sexy mood. Playful as opposed to his extra horny sexy mood, or my favorite: his sexy lover's mood. They're all very fine sexy moods. Standing naked next the sofa, he lifts a leg over my stomach and gets his knee between my side and the back of the sofa, then gets his other knee on the outside of the cushion. Up on his knees he's looking down on me with a smirk, saying, "I'm going to dominate your ass the way you like it." I go, "Ooouu, do it, Rob, leave nothing but my bones."

Chuckling, he sits on my stomach, then leans forward and pins my arms above my head. We kiss with his perfect tongue going in my mouth. Robby has the pinkest tongue I've ever seen, and with his very white teeth his mouth always looks super clean.

Kissing Robby and inhaling his sexy personal scent gets me aroused and so does the fact it's obvious how much he loves making-out with me. He gives me everything he has during our foreplay. Being desired the way he desires me is a precious thing and makes me feel good about myself. I must be okay to be loved the way Robby loves me; loves me while forgiving me my transgressions. His love trivializes my buddy-sex on the side, and that mostly frees me from guilt. So that's another precious gift he gives me, and it's just one more reason I love him more every day. What a clever young man he is to not be concerned with trivial matters. He knows what's important and he does what it takes to get it. And over these last six or seven months the more he wants it, the more I want it too. The 'it' I'm referring to is the two

of us married and living our lives together.

Lifting his head, our wet lips part with a subtle smacking sound, as Robby goes, "Ummm, you taste good boyfriend; like cinnamon." I mumble, "A mouthwash mistake." He chuckles again, pinches my nose, and says, "You're so fucking cute! And yeah, I guess minty breath is better than cinnamon breath.

Your natural taste, sans mouthwash, is my favorite though," then he leans down to put his tongue in my mouth again. After another sloppy sexy kiss he sits up and slides forward on my body until his dick bumps my chin. His penis is extra chubby and a tad firm when I pick it up in my fingers and lick the head, "Nice urine taste, Rob." He grins, yelling, "That's a lie!" then adds, "I took a shower and haven't pissed since then." Shrugging, I lick the head like an ice cream cone for a few seconds, then mutter, "My mistake.

Um, do you need to pee now?" He goes, "I could squeeze some out, yeah," and I'm like, "Well, go ahead." He calls my bluff, "Put it back in your mouth and see if I don't." I squint my eyes at him, and he's like, "Go ahead, I'll piss in your mouth... that's how fucking dominant I am." I snort out a chuckle, "I dare you," and put his cock in my mouth. Robby lets a trickle of urine roll around on my tongue as I nod my head like 'no problem'. He relaxes and a stream of pee pours into my mouth, enough that I need to swallow quickly with some still drizzling out at the corners of my lips.

He's laughing, pulling his cock from my mouth, saying, "See, be careful what you ask for." Hopping off me he goes in the kitchen to wet a paper towel at the sink. I'm swishing my tongue around in my mouth tasting his piss.

With the wet paper towel Robby wipes the urine drools off my mouth and then down to my neck, asking, "What'd it taste like?" I go, "Nothing. It didn't smell or taste like anything." He says, "Yeah? That's probably because, except for a cup of coffee this morning, I've only had water to drink today.

The only thing I've eaten all day was three scrambled eggs five or six hours ago." I'm like, "Urine is sterile, did you know that?" He nods, "Yes, you told me that a couple of times and, not that I doubted you, but I Googled it myself to be positive. I wouldn't have peed in your mouth if I thought it would hurt you." I go, "You can pee in my mouth anytime, Rob." He drops the paper towel on the coffee table, asking, "Did that turn you on?" I shake my head, "Nah, not at all, but now it's one more thing we can do together." That makes him do one of his easy laughs.

After getting back on the sofa, again with a knee on either side of me, Robby walks up my prone body on his knees, then sits at the top of my chest and holds out his fat penis. Taking it in my fingers again I lick the head, then mutter, "Urine taste," and Robby laughs again. As I adjust the position of his balls on my Adam's apple, I say, "If my beard scratches your scrotum we can put a tissue under those big boys of yours." He goes, "Your beard

is amazingly smooth; as smooth as your pink cheeks." Putting his limp penis back in my mouth I swirl my tongue around the head while using my thumb and forefinger to stroke his foreskin back and forth. Robby squirms, his buttocks on my collar bones as my lips suck on the neck, just under the head of his cock, while my tongue twirls around the hardening head a few more times. Robby's squirming again, almost sitting on my shoulders now with the lips of his asshole dragging on the top of my sternum. As he grunts and squirms the palms of his hands go to my forehead with his fingers ruffling my hair. It's nice having hair for his fingers to ruffle. Robby's cock gets stiff quickly and then becomes a hard fat boner. Man, that's so sexy; a hard cock to suck on.

My eyes are fixed on his as I push most of his boner's hard shaft into my mouth, then bath it with warm saliva. I'm spreading my saliva all around and up and down his hard cock when he lifts up a little, leans over me moaning, "Ooooh," and drops his hips pushing the head of his boner into my throat with his pubic bush surrounding my mouth, chin, and nose. I can't breathe or smell his scent as I'm working my throat muscles. Robby grunts as his hips begin thrusting slightly on their own. His eyes close as he leans way down to rest his forehead on the arm of the sofa above my head. He's gently humping his hips while making a strange whining sound, and I assume the sensation from his throbbing boner have become intense by now. Abruptly he sits up and leans back pulling his cock from my throat and mouth. There's the usual precum and saliva string connecting my mouth with his hard shiny cock, but only for a second before the wet slimy string drifts down across my chin.

Gasping a little, Robby grunts, "I almost shot my load..." Then a deep gasping breath, then he excitedly exclaims, "Goddamn, that felt good!" I'm tasting his precum, trying to think if it's similar to anything else I've tasted. Smacking my lips, I say, "Hey, feel free to cum in my mouth, and I mean anytime you feel like it, Rob. In fact, anything coming from your penis is okay with me." Robby sits up on the arm of the sofa, his feet on the seat

cushion, and says, "I'm going to fuck now; so, if you'd be so kind as to pull your legs back I'll get on with it." I pull my legs back, saying, "Happy to accommodate; this is a really good way to do it." Robby slides off the arm and gets on his knees where my legs used to be. I've got an arm around the back of each knee, my legs pulled back and my feet dangling in the air. A cool draft slides over my asshole as Robby puts his forearm against the back of my thighs pushing my legs towards me more, which lifts my asshole. He sucks on his finger for a second, then plugs it up my ass. I make a grunting noise looking at Robby between my legs. He says, "Your pretty ass is mine now." I go, "Oh no, don't spank me!" He chuckles and fingers my asshole pushing his middle finger all the way in three of four times. That feels good, then it gets feeling better when he uses the pad of his finger to rub, rub, rub right on my prostate gland. Damn, I'm quickly on the brink of climaxing so I start squirming on the sofa, saying, "Umm, no, Rob, I'll cum." He grins and keeps rubbing. I struggle some more, grunting as my stomach muscles clench and my hips hump out a spurt of precum across my stomach.

Robby's finger pulls out and he goes, "I could have milked your balls dry in another thirty seconds, babe, but I decided not to." I mutter, "More like another five seconds." Robby goes, "I'm just messing with your ass, and I might add, enjoying myself quite a bit." I go, "Oh I get it, I'm your sex toy now." He goes, "Exactly," and he smacks my ass really hard three times, "SMACK!SMACK!SMACK!" Then he stops to look at me with a smirk on his face. I grimace for a second as the stinging fades, then say, "You're doing a very good job of dominating my ass so far."

I like his playfulness this afternoon and can imagine us twenty years from now still playing sexy. Did I say twenty years? I meant two years from now when we're married. I don't want to even think about twenty years from now. Robby's squeezing my butt cheeks and inching closer to me, as I mutter, "I'm getting sweaty between my arms and the back of my legs." He's got his hard cock in his fingers, "Stop with the complaining, or you'll get another spanking," then I feel the wet head of his cock poking at my asshole. A hump of his hips and it's inside me, "Aaaah, ooh, jeezus, that's nice, Rob.

Feels real good." He goes, "Yeah, it does," and he humps two more inches of hard fat cock up my ass spreading the walls of my rectum and making me moan, "Ummmm, mmmm." Another hump as he sort of hops forward off the sofa and now his full four-plus inches of really fat bone-hard cock fills my ass.

I'm sucking on my lips, pulling my legs back further, and waiting for the pain to stop throbbing. I don't need to wait long.

Robby asks, "Feel good, Dylan?" Nodding my head a little, I mumble, "Uh huh, it feels awesome, Robby," and let out a wheezy breath, adding, "Nothing feels as good as having my man's boner up my ass." Robby mutters, "I'll pretend that's all true." I go, "It is true!" He's on his knees but they're spread apart so his crotch is level with my rectum. With a smack on my right butt cheek he begins fucking my ass fast and hard, smoothly moving only his hips and the familiar sounds of his crotch slapping into my buttocks ensues, "Slap, slap, slap," as sensations from my rectum quickly have me moaning with pleasure. "Slap,slap,slap,slap," sounds continue as sizzling sensations from the very stretched lips of my anus join thumping intense pleasure from my prostate and I start up a mantra of, "Ooh, ooh,ooh," with each fast penetration. Robby's fat smooth boner slides tightly back and forth in my rectum until my erogenous zones are sparkling with sexual pleasure. My penis is a hard boner now and up tight against my belly moving slightly with every thrust of Robby's hard cock inside me. The sensitive nerve endings in my rectum are glowing with sexual pleasure; sexual pleasure that's getting brighter and brighter and hotter and hotter until it ignites the beginnings of climax, and then that sensation grows and intensifies, and oh god it's all so fucking fantastic.

It's two, then three minutes of, "Slap,slap,slap," sounds in my ears along with Robby's and my moans of sexual pleasure. Sensations of an intense sexual nature build and build in both of us. Robby's eyes close and I see perspiration on his forehead as his hips continue driving his magic pleasure wand inside me until I struggle, stiffen and squeal with creamy warm cum pumping out and streaking up my stomach; then, with me deeply into the exquisite sexual pleasure of orgasm, another streak of cum shoots out leaving me dizzy. Savoring my orgasm I feel a warm wetness inside my bowels as Robby's grunting and humping against my buttocks climaxing his creamy semen inside me. Taking gasping breaths, shaking slightly, his sweaty face red, he does a few more desperate humps. I let go of my legs and Robby falls forward between them, his cock pulling from my ass. He lays in my cooling cum, spreading it on both our stomachs and chests. For half a minute we're doing the normal deep breathing after climax, the sides of our faces together as I feel his moist exhales on my ear. Breathing returns to normal and the same for the two thumping hearts beating against each other's chest... and it's oh so nice. I hug around his back with both arms and rock us on the sofa, then we lay limply together still coming down off our orgasmic highs.

Lifting his head, Robby grins, mumbling, "That was really good, don'cha think?" I'm like, "I'll say, but we're sticky, yucky, and messy." Robby goes,; "Icky!" and we chuckle as he slides off me. We both sit up and lean back on the sofa's cushions, sighing. Feeling a damp cum spot on the cushion next to me, I say, "We might want to invest in a slip cover for this sofa, Rob, or we're sure to fuck it up so badly by last semester they won't give us our security deposit back." He rubs his nose, asking, "Is my deposit of jism drooling out on the cushion?" I nod, "Yeah, I believe it is." He shrugs, "After it dries you can clean it with upholstery cleaner." I'm like, "Oh, I'm the one who needs to clean it?" and he grins, "Yep, I'm the head of the household, so what's that make you?" I go, "The cleaning lady?" He says, "Well basically yeah, but let's think up a better title than that."

I pinch his nipple making him yelp, as I go, "Head of households are inherently fair, or if not they should be. We'll clean it together." He goes, "Okay," then, "Isn't this great? We can sit here naked without a care in the world. Nobody's coming in here unless we let them; our front door locks on its own." I say, "Yeah, this is how it'll be when we move into your condo." He gets his arm around the back of my neck pulling my head over, saying, "It's our condo, not mine." I go, "Okay, and you're right, it is very cool being naked in the living room. Ya wanna walk out on the deck naked?" He mutters, "No, of course not," then he looks at me, and says, "Seriously, I think your brother's awesome, but isn't it great having a place with just the two of us?" I'm like, "It is pretty special. We can do whatever we want,"

and Robby gives me a smirk, adding, "Whatever we want, within reason."

We goof around on the sofa maintaining close bodily contact, laughing at the outrageous things we claim we can do naked in our apartment within reason, until Robby says, "Lets clean up, babe." In the bathroom he uses a wet washcloth wiping his cum off my ass and the back of my legs while I'm wiping my chest and stomach, then we switch, and lastly I clean his limp fat cock, saying, "I wish you'd let me shave your pubes again." He goes, "Nah, that

created too many wise-ass remarks in the showers after baseball practice last year, which reminds me. There's a meeting tomorrow for players returning from last year's team. Some very good players graduated last spring so sophomore and junior players need to step up and fill the void." I say, "Encourage Ryan to try out for the team as a walk-on." Robby's drying the back of my legs, mumbling, "That's the second time you mentioned Ryan trying out for the team. Let him decide for himself." I go, "That's not real friendly of you. He could use some encouragement." Shrugging, Robby says, "It's just that I don't think he'll make the team, Dylan, and then it'll be fucking awkward for him being the equipment manager. The guys teased him enough last year about being their flunky. Ball players can be heartless pricks sometimes and I can just imagine what they'd say if Ryan tries out for the team, doesn't make it and then goes back to his old equipment manager's position."

We wander back into the living room where Robby's says, "Put your shorts on and we'll grab a couple of Cokes and have a smoke on the deck." As I'm stepping into my baggy shorts I realize Robby was thinking in a mature, more realistic view of Ryan about trying out for the team. I didn't think about what would happen if he doesn't make the team's roster, but then I didn't know the players treated the equipment manager so cruelly. I just joked about it, but apparently it's worse than I thought. Ryan's new self-image is no longer that of an inferior flunky who deserves to be shit on, so I say to Robby, "You know best, Rob, but how about this: Ryan decides he'll either try out for the team or be the equipment manager... one or the other, not both. I vote for him trying out for the team." Robby has two cans of Coke, passing me one, "I think you're absolutely right, Dylan. We'll bring up the subject during dinner."

It's still warm weather this second week of September, and with a little breeze blowing it's very nice on the balcony. I say, "Nice view, huh Rob?"

He goes, "Yeah, if you're into parking lots." We smoke leaning against the railing drinking our Cokes without talking for a minute, then I say, "We need to buy some cheap outdoor furniture." He rubs my arm, looking at me, saying, "This is going to be the best year of our lives, Dylan." Nodding, I mumble, "Best year so far, but there'll be even better ones to come when we're married." He hugs my shoulders now, "Hearing you say that is music to my ears, babe. Ya know, there were times I wondered if I'd never hear you say that with such conviction." Looking at him, I go, "Well, I gotta thank you for helping me see that your vision is the best one for our future." He rubs his nose, partially hiding a grin, saying, "Well, to be accurate, let's say it's my vision with some serious revisions by you." Hmmm, maybe I adjusted a few minor parts of Robby's original vision, but that just proves he's a good compromiser.

After our smokes we go back inside where Robby says, "We've got an hour before Ryan's arrival. Do you wanna lay on the bed with me?" As I'm taking off my shorts, I go, "A splendid idea, Rob." In the bedroom Robby pulls the covers back, saying, "Thanks for making up the bed." I get in mumbling, "I slept here last night, remember?" He chuckles, "Oh yeah, that's right. I hope you were alone." He lies on the bed, muttering, "Nice pillows." Robby's left arm goes behind my neck pulling me against his side as I complain, "You doubted I slept alone last night?" He goes, "No, not really. I was kidding you," and we snuggle together getting comfortable. The side of my face rests on his shoulder as I murmur, "Eight months of being with you like this, Rob... it's going to be so perfect." His thumb is lazily rubbing against my chin as he quietly says, "It's important we're honest with each other, Dylan. You know, if something becomes bothersome we need to discuss it before it becomes a problem. Okay?" I nod, "Yeah, but nothing about you bothers me."

He goes, "Well if something develops, tell me." I go, "You too."

It's always been a fantasy of mine to stay in bed an entire weekend with Robby, and I'll bet we do that sometime this year. I love feeling him next to me. His body has always excited me as does his scent and his face; my favorite face in the world. Well, it's a tie; Robby's and Chubby's faces are my runaway favorites.

We're quiet for a while, then I murmur, "Rob, um, do you mind if I depend on you to always, I don't know exactly how to say this without sounding pathetic, but will you take care of me when I need you to?" He turns his head, "Take care of you how?" I shrug, "Yeah, that was weak, but um, I like thinking of you that way. Someone to look out for me, especially when we're married and you're head of the household." Oh balls,; I can't explain what I mean, so how can I expect Robby to know what I mean? I mutter, "What the fuck? You need to take care of me, alright?" He says, "I think I know what you're saying, I really do. You and Jeff have been basically on your own since early childhood and you've always hoped your boyfriend would be someone who you can depend on the way you depended on your brother. Frankly, I don't think you need taking care of, but I'll do whatever you think I need to."

I'm frowning, "Yeah, I guess, but I never thought of it in those exact terms. I mean comparing you and me with the connection Chubby and I have. Let me tell you though, I can remember worrying a lot about stuff when I was much, much younger. Worrying and fretting that Chubby and I wouldn't be able to do what needed to be done, although we always managed somehow. There was usually doubt and nervousness on my part that I wouldn't be up to the task, whatever the tasks were back then. I don't even remember now." Robby asks, "Do you think Jeff feels the same way you do?" I snort out a chuckle, "Hell no! Nothing could be further from the truth. Chubby has leadership qualities and a confidence I couldn't dream of having. He definitely does not feel he needs anyone taking care of him. We'll be in each other's lives forever though. Chubby and I feel an intense closeness that formed from early in our lives, starting with a couple of seven year old boys trying to act like adults." He goes, "You can depend on me, Dylan... never doubt that."

It's nice lying quietly on the bed together, but after a few minutes Robby's very still. I glance over and see his eyes close. Heh heh, I pick up a tiny goose down feather from the pillow and use it to just barely touch his nose. Without opening his eyes Robby's hand comes up to rub his nose.

Grinning, I wait thirty seconds and barely touch his nose with the little feather again. Same hand swipes at his nose. The third time I do it his eyes open and he looks at me, "Are you doing that?" I'm like, "Doing what?" and he goes, "Ahh, I don't know, my nose tickles." He rustles around on the bed flopping over on his stomach, his arm across my chest. Then he sighs and mutters, "A little nap before dinner sounds nice, huh?" I go, "Uh huh," and tickle his ear with the feather. He sits up swiping at his ear as I hold the little feather up grinning at him. Grinning back at me, he goes, "Why you..."

and we start wrestling on the bed. Of course we end up in each other's arms kissing and hugging. I can't get enough of him.

After four or five minutes of groping each other, pretending to wrestle, Robby's boner is again sliding up my ass and I feel gooey and wonderful all over. He does a slow fucking on my ass with me on my stomach and him basically lying on my back rubbing the side of his face against mine. Oh man, his fat cock continues sliding back and forth in my ass creating the best pure pleasure I know of. As we do quiet murmurs of sexual pleasure, I'm picturing in my head his cock moving inside my rectum... his hips pull back and that fat cock of his reappears only to disappear again up my ass. Feeling soooo good too. I can almost hear the subtle sound of precum moistened skin against skin as it slides tightly to and fro inside me. Then, with Robby's hair tickling the side of my face, he starts sucking and licking the hickey he made a couple of days ago. The hickey's high on my neck under my jaw in plain sight. It feels raw after a while, but the stinging gets lost in the awesome sensation of anal intercourse. I'm moaning and groaning and feeling so wonderful it's like we're floating together in a sea of pleasure. We finally climax almost at the same time, shuddering and moaning. After a minute or so of savoring our orgasms, Robby pulls me over on top of him and we hug and move against each other's naked body until I can barely catch my breath at how perfect the past couple of hours have been. The thought that this is only the first of a couple hundred days like this is almost too fantastic to believe.

It's after seven o'clock before we finally let go of each other. Another deep breath, and Robby says, "Dylan, I never thought you could or would ever love me so completely." I mumble, "You're not giving enough credit to one of us if you really feel that way. And knowing you, you probably haven't given yourself enough credit. I feel blessed to be your boyfriend and lover, Robby. You're so good for me I pinch myself sometimes to make sure I'm not daydreaming a fantasy." He murmurs, "Oh my gawd, you make me feel so good when you say stuff like that," and we kiss a couple of times before Robby says, "Whaddaya say we take a quick shower. Ryan's apparently been held up."

We shower together, managing to do it without screwing. When we turn the shower off I hear my cellphone chirping. Grabbing a towel I run into the bedroom, but miss the call. It was from Ryan, so I yell to Robby, "It was Ryan, should I call him back?" He says, "Let's dry off and get dressed. He's not going anywhere." As we do that I'm dealing with a nagging concern. For one thing I know Ryan/Albert still resonates in my head to a degree, and I won't know what that degree is, minor degree or a problematic one, until I'm with him here. He had an almost perfect manner of being in charge of our every activity, so it was a very relaxing time for me. With him making all our decisions my only responsibility was doing what I'm told. Obviously whatever we did in Georgia shouldn't have much to do with what we do here at college because the circumstances are very different. Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill because I'm spooked by that damn dream. Basically I'm saying I'm not at all sure how I'll react when seeing Ryan tonight.

None of that concern has any effect on my deep loving feelings for Robby though. I have distinctly different sets of emotions; one for Robby and a different set for Ryan. And I'm still puzzled by Ryan's something that I can't name; a mysterious something that I'm sometimes attracted to like a moth to a flame. His knowledge of sub/dom behavior is far superior to mine and while I find the allure of that intriguing sexual game weakening, it still lingers in me to some degree, and there's a certain danger in that. Maybe it's that subtle danger I'm attracted to. I really don't know, but I do know I feel some concern about meeting him tonight and I'm glad Robby's going to be with us. I don't want my disturbing afternoon dream to somehow become a reality.

After our shower, as we dress, Robby asks, "What's your brother doing for dinner tonight?" I tell him, "Chub and John Beverly are taking a couple of girls out to dinner. I don't know where." He asks, "How's John Beverly doing?" I shrug, mumbling, "Okay, I guess. He's a pretty good guy." With some trepidation I call Ryan and just hearing his voice a buzzing starts up around my nuts, but only for a second or two. I tell him we'll pick him up in a few minutes. He seemed okay if maybe a little tired. Robby's combing his hair, asking, "Where do you want to go for dinner?" I shrug again, "I don't have any special restaurant in mind. No alcoholic beverages for me tonight though, so any restaurant's okay with me. Why don't we see if Ryan has a preference." Ha ha, when I shrugged that second time I had to smile to myself thinking about my Wildwood buddy, shrugging-Charlie. He shrugged about a hundred times a day. When Robby's ready, he goes, "C'mon, babe, let's get going, I'm starving."

Going down the steps to the parking lot, he's like, "Hey, do we even know how to get to Ryan's dormitory?" I nod, "Yeah, I saw it yesterday when I helped Chubby carry his stuff to his dorm room. Coincidentally Ryan's in the same dormitory as Chubby, except he's on the second floor." During the five minute ride, Robby laughs, then says, "Of fuck, I just remembered something." I go, "What...?" and he glances at me, "Guess who won the best employee of the summer award?" I go, "It should be me, but they probably gave me demerits for only working half the summer, so was it you?" He shakes his head, "Nope, take another guess" I shrug, "Chubby?" he goes, "No, it was Bull.

You're partner from Murphy's crew the week before last." I chuckle, "Oh, fuck, really? It wasn't a personality contest, was it?" and he laughs, "No!

Ha ha, personality didn't figure into it."

Outside Ryan's dormitory, Robby mumbles, "Well I can't park in front of the dorm. How about texting him that we're here." I do that, but Ryan doesn't reply back. We're both looking at the front door seeing guys coming and going, but none of them is Ryan. Robby shakes his head, muttering, "What the fuck is up with that asshole?" I go, "Asshole? You mean, Ryan?" Robby looks pissed-off, saying, "Run up and get him, babe. I'll stay with the car." A memory flashes through my head of another time Robby waited in his pickup while I went up to get Ryan. It was two years ago at Ryan's house. That was the day Ryan fucked me in the foyer right inside the front door. That's the crazy kind of shit we did back then when we had extreme sexual 'heat' for each other. To be accurate it was mostly me who had the unbelievable hots for Ryan. How insane was fucking in the foyer while Robby's waiting in the pickup and Ryan's parents were home? That's a definition of insanity.

Jeezus!! I still get a creepy feeling imagining one of his parents walking by the foyer. What dumb asses we were back then, but at that point I was pretty much at the very highest point of my submissive sexual urges, and Ryan was at his most dominant point ever. Looking back at my behavior in those days as compared to the present, it'd be like comparing apples and oranges.

Going up the steps, then through the front door of the dormitory I'm telling myself how idiotic it is of me to be apprehensive about seeing Ryan.

We're friends who have had some hot buddy sex together over the years, but we've also established conclusively that romantic love isn't ever going to happen, so it's a buddy sex thing. Hey, being friends is nothing to sniff at.

Friends are awesome! Lovers like Robby and me are on an entirely different emotional level of course. We're friends and lovers. That's the bottom line, and I've gotta stop making a bigger deal out of this than it is. Sure, we're meeting for the first time in two months after an admittedly very unusual arrangement this summer... but that was then and this is now.

Stalling, I try Chubby's door first, just to say 'Hi'. Turning the knob and, fuck it's locked and I don't hear voices inside. Up I go to the second floor and down to Ryan's room. His door is locked too; so, taking a deep breath and putting a smile on my face I knock twice. The door open immediately and there's Ryan looking nothing like he did in my dream. He looks mostly like he did the last time I saw him, except he's badly in needs of a haircut. He's smiling too, "Dylan! Great to see you!" and he hugs me trapping my arms at my sides, then kissing me quickly on the side of my mouth. It's a two second hug, then, "Come in, I'm almost ready." I walk in as he rants and raves, "The fucking lavatory on this floor has weak water pressure. The shower sucks!" He's buttoning a short sleeve shirt, asking, "How ya been? You look terrific!" and he pats my cheek, then pats his pocket, saying, "Yep, I got my wallet, let's go." All of that in like twenty seconds. On the way back out of his room, I finally think of something clever to say, and go, "Oh, I'm doing great, how you doing?" He's closing the door behind him, "Good, I'm doing good. Tired as hell from the drive today, but other than that it's all good. Great to see you," and he pats my shoulder, adding, "I'm in dire need of an alcoholic beverage after that trip." Going down the steps, I'm like, "I texted you a couple of minutes ago," and he goes, "Oh, sorry, but my cell phone's in the Mini. I'm a bit disorganized having been here less then an hour and I haven't unpacked a single box yet."

Gee, what an anticlimactic reunion greeting this turned out to be, and after almost two months of me wondering what it would be like. He didn't even mention my hair. His hair, by the way, hasn't been cut since the last time I did it for him and it looks shaggier than mine. And to think he had the fucking balls to call me a 'ragamuffin' in my dream.

At the pickup Ryan gets in the front seat, mumbling, "Rob Dickers, good to see you, dude." Robby hold his hand out and Ryan slaps his palm, as Robby unenthusiastically says, "Likewise. How was the drive up?" Ryan goes, "Not a lot of fun, but I'm glad to be here." Not wanting to have us squeezed three across the front seat, I'm pushing the back of Ryan's seat so I can get in the little backseat. He gives me a puzzled expression, assuming I suppose I'd get in next to him. Robby asks Ryan, "Where do you want to go for dinner? Dylan and I are up for whatever you'd like." Ryan goes, "I really don't care as long as the restaurant is close by and serves alcohol. I'm friggin' starving and I need a stiff drink. That eleven hour drive today was a bitch!" Robby's like, "Oh yeah, I can imagine. Um, anyone object to Bertucci's? It three minutes from here." Ryan says, "Perfect," and I mumble, "Yeah, sure," and that's where we go. During the short ride Ryan and Robby talk about this year's baseball team; mostly about team members who graduated last spring. They're being oddly polite to each other, which doesn't seem natural, but maybe I'm missing something. I still can't get over that generic greeting after not seeing one another for two months. Hell, Robby and Ryan haven't laid eyes on each other for four months. We all greeted each other like we've been apart for a weekend.

After Robby parks at Bertucci's, Ryan walks next to him, asking, "I was wondering, Rob, do you have any advice about me trying out for the team this year? You know during the walk-on try-outs later this month." Robby goes, "Dylan and I were talking about that exact subject earlier today." Ryan glances back at me, as I try to catch up with them. He tells Robby, "Dylan's the one who suggested I try out. We had a summer-league team in town and he thought maybe I could make the Merrimack team this year. Didn't you, Dylan?" I nod, "Yeah, you were good." Ryan's curly sparse beard or beginnings of a beard anyway, looks cool. He looks as sexy as ever to me, although I'm not sure if my opinion about his sexiness or his cuteness would be the consensus opinion of random gay guys our age. Ryan's short, about three inches shorter than me, and slim although he's well-built and stronger than a person his size has a right to be. I think he's cute in way that maybe most others wouldn't. Ha ha, I do kinda miss those little round glasses he used to wear. And, huh, he's not paying much attention to me tonight...

Inside the restaurant we need to wait for two other parties in front of us to be seated. Robby and Ryan are talking, but I'm kinda standing behind them and don't hear a lot of what they're saying. I can't very well stand next to them or I'd be blocking the aisle between the greeters' desk and the take-out window opposite it. Stupid fucking layout here in Bertucci's if you ask me. I hear Robby saying, "After having said all that, Ryan, my advice is you should choose between trying out for the team or keeping your job as equipment manager. One or the other! If you don't make the team the guys would tease you unmercifully, but you know that better than me." Ryan mumbles, "Yeah, I know what you mean, Rob." Huh, I didn't hear what was said before Robby gave his advice, but there's the small matter of that being my advice for Ryan, not Robby's. Not that it matters I suppose.

The woman at the desk ask Robby, "Table for two?" and Ryan looks back at me grinning, so I shrug, not sure what he's grinning about. Robby says, "No,

there's three of us," and we follow the woman to the upper section of the restaurant. Ryan drops back next to me and leans close, saying, "That's quite a hickey you got there, Danny," and he laughs, saying, "Danny," again, as if I didn't get it. Yeah, but him mentioning the hickey does make my face get red and my fingers touch the hickey for a second. The lady sets the menus down on the table in a booth, saying, "Enjoy your meal, boys." Robby slides in on one side and before I can, Ryan slides in next to him. I sit opposite them thinking Robby should be sitting next to me, not that it matters all that much. Looking across at those two there's no comparison who's the best looking, but yet when Ryan makes eye contact with me, a little grin on his lips, I get a tightening around my groin. He tells me, "Rob thinks I

need to decide between trying out for the team or being the equipment manager again this year. What do you think, Dylan?" Robby says, "It was his idea actually. I just repeated it, and Dylan thinks you should choose trying out for the team." Yeah, but it would have been nice to let me say what I think. What's with these two guys tonight?

A youngish looking, albeit unattractive waiter, comes over and says, "Hey guys, I'll be your server tonight. My name's, Rick. Can I get you something to drink?" Ryan says, "I'll have a gin and tonic," and Robby goes, "I'll try that too." Rick looks at me and I go, "Iced tea." Then of course Rick says to Ryan and Robby, "I'm gonna need to see some ID, guys." As they show their driver's license I'm smirking to myself, thinking, 'Ryan considers a gin and tonic a stiff drink?! Ha, fer chrissakes, try a martini if you want a stiff drink!' Rick looks at the licenses closely, then says, "Yeah, okay, thanks. I'll be only a minute with those drinks." Well that's a crock of shit right there! Bertucci's is notorious for slow service; they never do anything in only a minute. Ryan asks me, "No booze for you tonight, Dylan?" I go, "Nah, I got crazy drunk last night." He rubs his nose looking me in the eyes, then does one of his cute mischievous grins, mumbling, "You drink too much, don'cha?" I go, "No, I don't! Get the fuck outta here with that. Getting drunk is rare for me. Anyway, you should talk!" Robby goes, "No fighting, girls." I feel my face get red so I do a fake cough, then ask Ryan, "So, what do you think you're going to do about the baseball team?" He goes, "What do you think I should do?" I shrug, "What I told you in, um, Georgia, and Rob just repeated," and I glance quickly at Robby, who raises his eyebrows at the word 'Georgia'. Ryan goes, "Yeah, that's what I'll do.

I'll try out for an outfield position and if I don't make the team, that'll be that. No equipment manager's job for me. That's a thankless job anyway."

About seven or eight minutes later the drinks arrive. A unattractive busboy is behind the unattractive, Rick, carrying a tray with a big bowl of salad for us to share, three salad plates, a basket of rolls and a dish with olive oil, red pepper flakes, parmesan cheese, and garlic. You're supposed to dip the rolls in that concoction instead of buttering them. Since they don't serve butter you don't have much choice. Robby and Ryan both have two drinks each before dinner and then another one with dinner. Who the fuck has a gin and tonic with dinner. Wine makes sense, that's if you must have a drink with dinner; but gin and tonic?! Jeezus! The conversation is mostly about the baseball team. Ryan and Robby are naming names of players returning

this year, as well as ones who graduated last year. Names I'm not familiar with, except for Danny Monday. When Robby mentions Danny, Ryan makes a face at Robby, and Robby give him a pissed-off look, then Ryan sneaks a glance

at me, which I pretend I don't notice. He knows about Danny and Robby; I may have mentioned it to him.

Except for me saying the word 'Georgia' that one time, that state nor the town of Marietta are never mentioned, and neither is the lawn cutting crew.

Ryan seems very comfortable with Robby and I guess there's no real reason any of us shouldn't be comfortable. Oh, except maybe a touch of uncomfortableness because of our rather bizarre sexual history together. Yeah, that might be grounds for a little awkwardness. It began with Ryan having a world class crush on Robby early in our freshman year, and Robby eventually fucking Ryan frequently until Ryan started fucking me frequently; then those two lost interest in each other. Then there's Robby's thing with Danny Monday and his plans for Danny to work on the grass cutting crew last summer and live with Robby. That's when I accepted Ryan's offer to work for him in Georgia, living with him and his family. Considering Robby's and my agreement on the side-sex issue, Robby knows very well Ryan was fucking me regularly in Georgia. Then there's Ryan's and my agreement that he'd be in-charge in his so-called 'dom' role to my so-called 'sub' role during the weeks I was living with him. And I must say Ryan fulfilled his role conscientiously and consistently. So, bottom line: considering all that, I can't think of any reason those two should be so chummy tonight. That's all I'm fucking saying on that topic. Frankly, I sorta thought I'd be the referee communicating back and forth between those two, when in reality I feel like the third wheel. And I guess that's partly because they're drinking and I'm not.

After dinner we split the bill three ways, which is fine except I had one iced tea for $2.00 and they had six gin and tonics between them for $48.00.

Far be it from me to say anything, but one of them should have. I can't mention it though because that's what I see girls do in restaurants. 'Let's see. Who had the tuna? Did you get a soda, Bev?" No way am I doing that!

They want to stop at the local town bar called, Rolf's, for a night cap. I almost ask to be dropped off first but that might seem petulant of me considering I've obviously been on the periphery of the conversation all night, so I ride along with them. In the bar, after the mandatory ID check, we run a tab with them sticking with gin and tonics while I get a draft beer.

Finally the conversation turns to this year's course selections and we discuss that. Oh goodie, I get to be part of the conversation. Later Robby asks Ryan if he'll join our study group again this year. He doesn't need to ask me because he assumes I'm in it. Assumes I want to be in a study group that he leads, and I guess it's okay for him to make that assumption since he is the head of our household and appears to be embracing that role. Ryan hedges about being part of the study group without ever saying yes or no. Then they talk about having a weight lifting program again this year, especially considering we already have the weights and all. If we do Ryan would be in charge of that like he was last year, although if a conclusion was made to do the weight lifting or not, I missed it.

They order more drinks while I continue nursing my warm beer. It's apparent to me from their conversation that they're both drunk. Their banter back and forth is boring, plus they laugh at things that aren't funny, and recall incidences together that never actually occurred, plus they're beginning to repeat themselves. Robby's sitting in the middle of Ryan and me at the bar so mostly I'm looking at the back of his head as he talks too loudly with Ryan. Okay, to be fair both Ryan and Robby asked me a few times why I'm so quiet tonight, plus they asked my opinion about a few things. I told them it's because of my lingering hangover, although I haven't noticed it at all it since Robby's and my sex play earlier. Mostly I've been quiet because their esoteric baseball team 'talk' got them off and running, and then they got into the booze and since I'm not drinking their conversation seemed banal at times. It's really no big deal although I'd dearly like to get to bed and end this evening. And I gotta admit this first get together with Ryan has been nothing like any scenario I conjured up in my head.

I finally say, "Sorry to be the turd in the punchbowl, but can we get outta here?" Robby turns and puts his arm across my shoulder, slurring, "Oh, you've been ignoring you." He obviously meant to say, 'We've been ignoring you', and he pulls me to him for an awkward hug on bar stools. He almost slips off his stool completely, snorting out a laugh, then gives me a kiss on the side of my forehead, while Ryan mumbles, "Yeah, let's call it a night.

I'll text you tomorrow, Rob, about a workout at the baseball complex." Now that they're drunk, they both leave too much money on the bar, and I don't even go through the motions of paying for my beer.

Robby gives me the keys and I drive the pickup. It's got an automatic transmission unlike the pickup Bull wanted me to drive that time I worked for him. Checking my watch I see that somehow it's gotten to be twelve o'clock.

I drop Ryan off at his dorm with a wave and him slurring, "I'll text", that

sounded suspiciously like, 'I'll tests''. Then he stumbles over the curb and he and Robby laugh about that. Oh brother! I'm driving us to our apartment as Robby mumbles, "I don't feel too good." I just shake my head without commenting on the obvious, which is of course: Robby can't drink for shit. Naturally I can't find a parking spot on our lot, but find one near the back of the parking lot, one lot over from ours. Robby bitches about where I parked as we're walking back to our building, but I ignore him. You can't talk logic to a drunk.

Inside we don't do much talking while getting ready for bed. We do our bathroom stuff, then Robby takes three Advil, muttering, "At least I didn't throw up," as if he should be congratulated. In bed he hugs me and says a slurring 'goodnight', then a boozy kiss, missing my lips and hitting my chin.

He falls asleep quickly and I lie here thinking about tonight. Ryan and Robby were faking being buddy-buddy tonight with all that phony commiserating between them. They both wanted to prove they aren't jealous that I'm having sex with them both; Ryan the first half of the summer and Robby the second half. That makes me sound conceited I know, but I believe that's the dynamic that played out tonight. Those two definitely weren't being the Robby and Ryan I know. It was partly the booze, but mostly a show. The three of us got along pretty well sophomore year, but then Ryan was dealing with that Marty ass-wipe much of the year, and if I remember correctly last year started awkwardly too. The truth is Robby and Ryan have never been what you'd call friends.

Yeah, I'm certain it's this summer's activities that both guys were hell-bent on proving to each other they're cool with it, they're 'good', no problem with it at all. My prediction is there'll be no workout at the baseball complex, no study group with Ryan, and no weight lifting program either.

It's not that I feel good about the situation, because I don't. Considering everything though, why the hell should any of us be surprised there's some friction considering this past summer's odd living arrangements. And I still haven't had a reunion with Ryan; that wasn't it. It'll be when it's just Ryan and me. I couldn't read Ryan's reaction to me at all; consequently I still have no idea what to expect. Maybe my dream will become reality.

Heaven help me!

to be continued... Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com



Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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