Dylans Junior Year at College

Published on Nov 5, 2016



Chapter 14

by Donny Mumford

Almost anyone would be suspicious of what Pony's been saying. I'm wondering if he's totally blowing smoke up my ass or just playing it a little loose with the truth. Using a threatening tone, I go, "If you're fucking with me, Pony, I swear..." and he yells, "I'm not fucking with you!! Honest to God! Everything I told you is true, Dylan. Even though I'm a straight dude, I've

been fucked in the ass exactly twice in my life. It felt good both times, and that comprises my complete sexual history with both guys and girls.

I've never tried sucking a guy's cock, and no one has ever sucked mine."

Blowing out my cheeks, trying to believe him, he continues his testimony, "I'm confiding in you, Dylan, trusting you because I have this weird sense that you're nice, that you're trustworthy and experienced. I've never once before in my life asked a guy to fuck me; not even hinted at it until tonight with you." I give him a slight nod of my head because I'm beginning to believe him. I go, "Yeah, okay, but why me?" He looks me in the eyes, saying, "I don't know why you, not exactly anyway. It was the furthest thing from my mind leaving the dorm earlier tonight. Believe me, the last thing on my mind was asking some stranger to fuck me. It never entered my mind until I met you and, I don't know, I'm really comfortable with you. To me it feels like we've been friends for a lot longer then a half hour." I go, "Alright already..." and he quickly adds, in his rapid fire way of speaking, "And then I find out you've had a boyfriend for three years, which is pretty cool for a gay guy your age, so I gotta respect that. Mostly I guess I just feel safe with you. Um, is your boyfriend cute, by the way?"

Holy shit, he talks fast, but somehow I believe him now. He's either an Oscar caliber actor, or he's being truthful. In either cease he's fooling himself insisting he's straight. No wait, he admitted to be just slightly, a little bit, bisexual. Ha ha ha! Whatever, I've no intention of debating his sexuality with him. That's his business. I gotta admit though he looked cutely earnest and sincere saying all that convincing stuff a minute ago.

He's still got his pants unbuttoned, looking at me, so I'm like, "What? I said I believe you," then, to lighten things up a little, I go, "Still, I wish you were wearing those fucking glasses you had on yesterday. You're extra sexy with those glasses on." He grins, mumbling, "Oh my God, you think I'm sexy? That makes me feel funny hearing it from a gay guy." I go, "Yeah, you're a little bit sexy, Daryl. For now though why don't you button up your pants. If we're going to do anything we'll need to move into the back seat.

Hard to maneuver in these bucket seats."

He pulls his pants, muttering, "I want you to know I really appreciate this, Dylan. Most guys would blow me off like I'm some kind of slightly-bisexual weirdo, or something." I go, "Yeah, well..." and we get out our respective doors and quickly get into the back seat, "Getting cold, huh." I go, "Yes it is, but luckily this shit box car has a good heater." He mutters, "Shit box?" Then, apparently anxious to move things along, he asks, "Should I just take my pants all the way off?" I shake my head, "Nah, ya better not.

Just pull then down. You'll want to get your pants up fast if we hear voices or see headlights from one of these cars around us." He's very agreeable to any suggestion I make, and now I'm looking at those kissable red lips of his. Hmmm, since he's so agreeable, what the fuck. Grinning at him, I reach over and get a fistful of his clean, albeit unruly hair, and pull his head over, mumbling, "First, one kiss." He frowns, but doesn't resist my kiss although he doesn't kiss back. Instead, after the one-second closed-mouth kiss, he goes, "Eewww," wipes his mouth, then unbuttons his jean, lifts his ass off the seat, and pulls his pants down to his knees. Huh, he's got a nice looking penis, if a bit undersized. Given it the benefit of the doubt I'd guess maybe it might reach five inches long when boned-up. It has an unremarkable normal-sized head that's presently lying near the bottom of his ball-sack. Looks like there are a couple of nice sized nuts in there though, so he's probably a big orgasm-gusher, assuming his gonads produce jism commensurate with their size.

Pony mumbles, "As you can see I'm just a wee bit small in the penis department." I go, "Nah, not really, Pony. Most guys think their dick is small.

You've got a perfectly normal one. Wait'll you hear this though: I know a guy in Georgia with a two inch dick and yet, amazingly, he fucks really good with it." Pony sarcastically mutters, "Yeah, I'm so sure that's true."

Picking up his dick in my forefinger and thumb, I'm like, "It is true, and then there's this guy, Steve Church, who told me just the other day about seeing a two inch dick on a guy in the showers, so yeah, two inch dicks are rare, but they're out there." He just grins and shakes his head, not believing a word of it. I stroke his cut foreskin back and forth a few times, and he says, "You're the first person other than me who's ever done that. Your fingers feel good." Looking him in the eyes, I tell him, "Here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to lean over and lick your cock, then I'll slide the head into my mouth on my tongue, with my lips covering my teeth. When it's in my mouth I'm gonna suck on the head of your cock like I'm sucking on a lollypop." He nods his head, looking excited, listening to every word I say, murmuring, "Uh huh, uh huh," his eyes big and shining with anticipation.

Covering-up a laugh with a fake cough, I go down on his cock and lick the head a few times; then, lifting his nuts, I drag my tongue up from the root of his penis to the head. Daryl lifts his ass off the seat making a hissing sound by sucking air in through his clenched teeth. He croaks out, "I got chills down my spine."

Oh man, his cock must be uber sensitive. I'm grinning around his penis trying to remember how I felt when fat Carl sucked my dick for the first time. I've only had Pony's dick in my mouth for like fifteen seconds and it's already getting hard, so I'm expecting a premature ejaculation. Not that I'd mind that at all, but it'll probably embarrass him. I better not give him the full treatment. His dick isn't skinny exactly, but slightly under the average girth of cocks I'm familiar with. On the other hand, this size cock would probably feel good up my ass for a casual, longish fuck; one pretty much without any hurt . It's a nice looking penis although he can forget about it winning a ribbon at next year's Marietta Fair... heh heh. Well, what the hell, there's a competition for every other thing you can think of, so why not a penis competition? Pony smells very clean with maybe the slightest lingering scent of bath gel from his shower. Huh, I think it's Dove's 'For Men Body Wash', which I've used myself at times. I'll have to ask him later to see if I'm right about that.

Bobbing my head, sliding my lips up and down the full five inches of his hard cock, my warm wet tongue along for the ride, gets a long moan from Pony, "Aaaah, ummmmmm." He's not touching me; instead he has a hand flat on the seat on either side of him, lifting his ass up every few seconds, letting out moans of growing arousal. In less then a minute his cock is as hard as a diamond. Taking it out, holding the saliva dripping thing in my fingers, I look up at him, asking, "How'd that feel?" His face is bright red as he nods his head, then grunts, "I'm going to cum." I quickly put it back in my mouth and suck on the head and immediately taste a drool of precum. He gasps, lifts his ass off the seat again and humps his hips making a painful-sounding moan, like someone just slid a razor across the pad of his thumb, and he climaxes. Cum gushes into my mouth coating my tongue. I swallow it, then lick the shaft as he groans, gripping my head with both hands, his body shuddering as more cum streaks into my mouth. His second shot is a long creamy string of cum hitting the back of my throat. Experience has taught me to cough quietly, keeping his spunk out of my sinuses. I don't want to snort that gooey substance up the back of my throat and out my nose. Huh, I think his cum tastes faintly of beer.

My head gets pushed away by Pony as he slides forward on the seat gasping and grabbing his still firm cock. A couple of fingers and his thumb strokes his cock tightly a half dozen times getting drools of cum rolling slowly down the outside of his fingers. He does a breathy exhale, squeezes his cock even tighter, then lets go of it and relaxes with a deep sigh. Slowly sitting back on the seat, he takes another deep breath, then mutters, "Holy fuck... oooh, man." Another deep breath from Pony as I sit back next to him watching a vein pulse in his forehead. As I sit here I'm pushing at the boner in my pants, still tasting Pony's spunk. Quick blow job, but the lad seemed to enjoy it. Cheap thrills. Turning his head, he goes, "Shit, I climaxed way too fast, but Jesus Christ that felt good! Oh man, that was way better than jerking off; nothing like jerking off at all. Wow, woo-wee that felt good!" I'm smelling the back of my hand now, grinning to myself, then I ask, "Do you jerk off a lot?" He nods his head, grinning as he mutters, "What do you consider a lot? Personally I try not to do it more then four times a day." We both snort a short laugh at that.

Whoa, that was interesting, but he's still sitting here with his pants around his knees. Is he expecting another blow job, right now? Glancing over at him, and for something to say, I go, "Um, in case you don't know it, you got yourself a nice cock there, Pony. Tasty fucker too." He laughs, asking, "Seriously? My dick tastes good?" I say, "Yeah, sort of. You have a pleasant body scent and your dick was very clean, so somehow that registered in my head as tasting good... for a cock, I mean. It doesn't taste good like chocolate ice cream taste good; don't get me wrong." He chuckles, "I have no idea what you mean, but I'm glad you're pleased. I know I'm way more than pleased! Uh, will you let me try sucking your dick now?" Jesus! After checking his expression to be sure he's serious, I'm like, "Whoa, chill, bro! Anyway, I need to do something before we do anything else, so why

don't you pull your pants up." He goes, "Whaddaya gotta do?" and I tell him, "First of all, I need to leave a note on my boyfriend's pickup telling him I got a ride home. Then we'll drive someplace that's a lot more private then here. See those guys walking this way?" He looks out the window, mumbling, "Yeah," and I go, "Their car could be parked right next to yours.

Plus, I see cars pulling out onto the gravel road near the entrance. People are

beginning to leave and I'm thinking there's too much activity in this parking lot." He's looking at exit where cars are lined up on the frat house driveway waiting to make the right turn onto the back-road leading to route 114. He nods his head, mumbling, "Yeah, I see what you mean," and, as he pulls his pants up, I ask, "Ya think there's anything to write on in this car?" He shrugs, mumbling, "Maybe in the glove compartment."

We get into the front bucket seats and I open the glove box and, conveniently, there's a small tablet and a ballpoint pen along with car manuals, and all of the car's yearly inspection printouts. Good to have writing materials in a car in case of an accident... you can record the other driver's information, and whatnot. I say, "This is a very neat and well equipped glove compartment." Pony says, "Whatever, all I'm thinking about is the amazing rush I felt when I spunked in your mouth. I'm trying to think if it was as hot as the two times I climaxed getting fucked. That was so long ago it's hard to compare, but I know this climax was different." I'm writing Robby a short note, mumbling to Pony, "If you ask me, a hard cock up my ass creates the hottest orgasms any of us humans can experience." He asks, "Does your boyfriend always, um, do you?" I nod, "Yeah, mostly, but on rare occasions we'll switch around. He's awesome like that." Pony says, "You never said if your boyfriend was cute or not. You know, when I asked you before."

Finished my short note to Robby, I write one for Chubby, then rip out the two pages and put the tablet and pen back in the glove box. Looking at Pony, I go, "Is my boyfriend, cute? Let me put it this way, he's way better looking than me, so you decide." Pony says, "I very much doubt he's cuter than you, Dylan. Just saying..." I'm like, "Well, thank you, Daryl! You're kinda cute yourself." He smirks, saying, "Everyone tells me that." I mutter, "Hey! Don't

steal my compliment comeback-line!" Then I ask, "Well, are you gonna walk over with me to drop these notes off, or not?" He goes, "Yeah, sure.

You're still gonna fuck me later on though, right?" We get out of the car, as I mumble, "If you want to do it, sure. I'll do it right after you suck a boner on my weenie." He sort of smiles, mumbling, "It looked like you had a boner in your pants from sucking me off. Did you?" I go, "Yep, I usually spring

a nice boner during oral sex. It's intimately arousing for me, and I enjoy it a lot." We walk around an SUV as he goes, "Damn, I wish I was your boyfriend." I give his shoulders a hug, "That's awfully nice of you to say, Pony Boy." He snorts out a chuckle, "You're making fun of me again." I go, "No I'm not, seriously."

I put my notes under the windshield wiper of both cars, then we head back to the shit box Oldsmobile. My note to Robby says: 'I took the opportunity to get an early ride to the apartment because I couldn't find you. Dylan.' The wording kinda puts the onus on him for me leaving early. Like, I couldn't find him, so I was forced to leave early. It also tells him not to worry about me getting a ride back. Plus it was a tad snippy because of him making-out with Frankie, which I need to give a lot more thought to later. So now, with me out of the way, Rob and Golden can make-out with the girls in the pickup all fucking night for all I care. We'll definitely need to have a talk though. Chubby's note was more cordial: 'I hooked up an early ride back, bro. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Love Dylan.' On the way back to the car, Pony asks, "Where do you think we should go now?" I give it a thought, then say, "To my apartment," and he's like, "Cool." I rethink that right away though because who knows when Robby might come in, so I change my mind. "Um, no, not in my apartment. I meant my apartment's parking lot." I'm guessing that this time of night there's not gonna be much coming and going there.

Pony drives very competently considering the beers he's had. Actually I have no idea how many beers he had, so I ask, "How much beer did you drink tonight?" and he goes, "At the most three cups, and I didn't finish any of them. Poured the beer out when it got warm. I don't really like the taste of beer." I'm like, "Join the club. Do you prefer hard liquor?" He shakes his head, "I'm not a big drinker of any kind of booze. I'd rather smoke a joint whenever I can get some pot. That's a better time if you ask me." I'm not going into my poor history with pot, so I just mutter, "Yeah, I hear ya."

No problem during the ride to the apartment complex, then I direct him to a parking lot three over from ours; a lot on the end without much lighting.

We park near the back and, as the car idles, we both look around. "How's this spot, Dylan?" I go, "Choice! It'll do fine, but turn off the engine and the lights." I'm taking the top off the overhead light and loosening the bulb so it won't come on when we get in the back seat. Actually, I've lost most of my interest in this endeavor by now. I'm tired and I have Robby and Frankie on my mind. Those two making out... it's like I just don't get what either of them expects will come of it. Pony asks, "Should we get in the backseat now?" Glancing at him, he's seems so earnest and, um, clueless. He's only a year younger then me, but seems awfully immature. Maybe I've over exaggerated my concerns about my own maturity. Compared to Daryl I'm boringly mature. But that's not fair either. He's inexperienced with sex and I'm not, so naturally he expects me to lead the way. He's a really good guy actually. I say, "Yes, Pony, let's get in the backseat and have some buddy sex for our mutual enjoyment." Why should I screw it up for him just because I'm concerned about what Robby's up to with... her.

In the back seat Pony immediately pulls his jeans and jockey shorts down to his knees, then looks at me with this bright eager expression on his face. Glancing at his exposed package, I go, "You do realize it's my dick that's getting sucked this time, right?" He goes, "Absolutely," and I'm like, "Jesus, you're really up for this, aren't you?" He says, "Damn right I am! How many opportunities like this do you think I get? My heart's still fluttering from asking you to fuck me, and by the way, I shocked the hell out of myself by doing that. I can't believe I had the nads to ask you. But, like I said before, you seemed like the perfect person for me to ask." Wow, he talks fast! I go, "And you didn't have any idea I was gay until I told you?"

He nods his head, "That's right. How the fuck would I know you're gay, and no matter how nice I thought you were I wouldn't have asked if you were straight." I shrug, mumbling, "Yeah, well why would you?" He says, "I wouldn't." I chuckle, then say, "You can tell when some guys are gay though, can't you?" He says, "Sometimes I can, yeah."

I'm purposely dragging things out to tease him, asking, "And you say your heart is still pounding from asking me to fuck you, huh?" He nods his head, "Yeah, I left myself open to all kinds of nasty shit; you know, if you didn't want to do it. You could have embarrassed the shit out of me." I think I'm getting used to how fast he talks. His brain must work through things quickly. I say, "Well, to me you seemed so calm, almost blasé about asking me." He chuckles, "Maybe on the outside it appeared like that, but not inside. I was wicked nervous and more than a little bit afraid of being mocked.

Let's face it,; it was an asshole move on my part, for sure!" I go, "A unique move on your part; that's what I'd call it. Um, do you want to see how well you can suck my cock, or what?" He nods, "Yeah, if you're ever going to let me see it?" We both chuckle as I try getting myself in the mood for this. I always tell myself to make it as good as I can for inexperienced gay guys, and that's what I'm going to try doing for Pony. He claims he's not gay of course, but he more than likely knows he is, and will eventually admit it to himself.

Standing on the floor of the back seat, bending my head, I get my pants down to my knees. I sit down with my privates exposed and sort of smirk at Pony, who's not looking at me. He's staring at my lap, like he's never seen a guy's penis before. Tentatively he reaches over and picks it up, mumbling, "You've got a pretty dick. The skin color is paler than mine and I like the shape of the head." I burst out laughing and he chuckles, muttering, "Oh fuck it! I'm not saying another goddamn word. I keep making a dork of myself." He gets his fist around my soft organ holding it up with the head just protruding over his thumb and forefinger. Looking up at me, he asks, "I should lick it first, right?" I shrug, "Sure, that's a good way to start."

With my cock in his fist, his head comes down, but instead of licking the head, he scoots his ass over on the seat a little closer to me and, without looking up, he murmurs, "This is already a wicked turn-on for me." Lowering his head further, his pink tongue comes out and he lick over the head. Ooh, I love the feel of a soft, moist warm tongue licking my dick. Looking up at me, Pony's grinning, repeating what I said about his cock, "It tastes good." I shake my head like, get real, and he licks the head again and this time it's a full tongue lick using most of his unusually long tongue. I'd like to have his tongue in my mouth if truth be told.

Pushing my shirt up my belly a little, Pony puts my dick in his mouth and it becomes immediately obvious he's never done this before. It goes in on his lips that are just barely covering his teeth, but when he's pulling my cock back out it pulls his bottom lip forward and his teeth scrape along the entire underside of the shaft. Then, he puts my cock into his mouth again, but this time without touching any part of his mouth. It's like my cock is in a wide open moist hole. I'm looking down at his clean hair, that's comically sticking up all over his head. It's the same length, like a three inches halo around his head, and it's tickling my belly. He's obviously never bothered to train it to lie over when it was growing out the ten months since his Easter buzz cut. I grab a fistful of it and pull on it, quietly saying, "Your tongue needs to join the party, Pony. Um, and please be careful of those sharp little teeth of yours." He holds my still limp cock away from his mouth, saying, "Sucking cock is harder and more complicated than it looks," and this time he does slide the head in his mouth on his tongue, but he's gripping the shaft too tightly. When he gets a couple of inches of shaft in there he starts lapping his tongue on it, my cock is lying on his sharp bottom teeth. Running my fingers through his hair now, I force myself to refrain from complaining because he's a newbie and he's doing the best he can. It takes at least two minutes of constant tongue movement before my cock finally begins firming up in spite of his sharp little incisors scraping the underside of the shaft. When it's almost hard, I go, "Nice job, Pony! That's good! Okay, now try taking it out carefully. Heh heh, the sharp little incisor teeth of yours are really something." When it's safely out, he says, "Okay, that wasn't as exciting as I expected it to be. My tongue got sore near the end there. No offense, but do you always have such a hard time getting a boner? I mean, I got mine really fast." I snort out a laugh, mumbling, "Um, yeah, you did get hard fast. Now, how 'bout that condom..."

He reaches down to his pants, bunched around his knees, goes in a back pocket and takes out his wallet, then holds up the well -worn condom packet that he's had in there for God only knows how long. Assuming he's telling me the truth about loving his first two fucks, both of them borderline rapes, I'm thinking he might have a one of those special rectums. A freak of nature rectum, like some guys have called mine. I'm no rectum-ologist, but I know there are people, male and female, who can't take a cock up their ass even when they'd like to. While, on the other hand, there are people like me, and possibly Daryl, who find it the most pleasurable experience imaginable. From what he's told me, it sure seems that may be the case. If so, he's going to have a disappointing sexual life trying to live a strictly heterosexual existence, ignoring that rectum of his.

He passes me the condom and as I'm ripping open the packet, I'm like, "I assume you were standing during both your previous fucks." He's watching me roll the condom onto my semi-boner, then looks up at my face, saying, "I've got chills all over me, I'm so excited." I go, "Good for you, but what position were you in when those two dudes fucked you?" He goes, "Oh, um, I was like standing with the guys behind me. Let's see, the eleventh grade kid made me lean over and hold onto the rim of Renny's bathroom sink. Ron Renny was the kid throwing the party, but he wasn't the kid in the bathroom with me. It was a Fourth of July cookout, I think." I go, "Uh huh, and was that it? He just bent you over the sink. And how 'bout the older guy?" He shrugs, "The older guy pushed be up against a lavatory stall door, so I was standing straight up for that one; not bent over." I ask, "And, in both cases, how did the, um, topic of anal intercourse come up? Did you ask either one of them to fuck you?" As I'm asking those questions, I'm noticing the condom feels tight on my cock and my dick is getting harder because of it. This fucking condom feels good. Maybe Robby and I should use one once in a while.

Pony shrugs, "No, I didn't ask either one of them to fuck me. Like I told you before, you're the only person I've ever asked. Um, lets see... the high school kid followed me in the bathroom and started out with typical bullying shit. His hands all over me calling me faggot, smacking my face, hitting my balls with the back of his hand. He didn't really think I was a faggot though. Not until, you know, we did it and I didn't complain. But before we did it he was wiping his hand on my face, goosing my ass and shit like that. I didn't put up any kind of a fight, and I don't remember exactly, but somehow his jostling me around became more like us hugging with him dry humping me and doing a low moan. I wasn't saying or doing much in the way of resisting his bullying, then I was sort of leaned against him with a stiffy which was poking his leg, and he got this look in his eyes and stopped the rough stuff. He pulled my pants down, told me to hold onto the sink, and we

just did it without talking. I didn't even know him except to see in the halls at school. I fantasized about asking him if he wanted to do it again, but every time I saw him ay school he looked the other way." I go, "Huh. He

wore a condom though, right?" Pony nods, "Yeah, it was the gooiest condom too, and his cock went up my ass nice and easy. It was the best thing I'd ever felt. Almost fainted when I climaxed."

Quite a sensuous tale. I ask, "And the older man at the seashore?" Pony goes, "That was a little scary at first. He didn't say much either. He saw me glance at him in the lavatory, then he was all over me, his hands grabbing me here and there, and his body leaning against me with his big boner poking me. I didn't get a boner from his bodily contact like I did with the high school kid. The man must have noticed I wasn't screaming for help or anything, so he smacked the back of my head and told me to get the fuck in the toilet stall. When I hesitated he dragged me into the stall, strong motherfucker! He unzipped his fly and pulled out his big hard cock. He twisted my ear, and that hurt like a bitch, then handed me a condom packet and said, "Put it on me!" I did and he yanked my pants down and fucked me until I shot my load on the back of the door. When he pulled the condom off there was a golf ball size load of spunk at the bottom. He dropped it in the toilet and spanked the shit out of my bare ass calling me a dirty boy. I almost got another boner from the spanking" Damn, hearing that really pisses me off! I say, "I'm sorry to hear that, Pony." He shrugs, "It wasn't so bad. Great climax." What pisses me off almost as much at that pervert raping Pony, is the fact that I need to admit to myself that I'd like to hear more details of both Daryl's two first fucks. Rough sex is hot! Pony's experiences sort of makes fat Carl seem gentle with me, although he wasn't. The most surprising aspect of Pony's two ordeals is he doesn't appear to be traumatized in the least by either experience.

Pony's waiting, so I go, "Well then, lets forget about past history and try a little doggy style fucking." Then looking at the back seat, I add, "I'm not sure this seat's wide enough for that, but see if you can get up there on your hands and knees." No hesitation, he swings his legs over and gets up on his hands and knees, his bare ass sticking out with his limp cock and sack of nuts hanging between his legs looking on the smaller side of average, more so than I first thought. Nature sure goes in for variety when passing out genitals. Pony has dark pubic hair, but not a lot of them, and then only a few random hairs around his asshole. From what I can tell about his body, with clothes covering most of him, he appears to be toned and tight. I'd expect a guy on the swim team to have a hot body. We're almost the same height and have very similar bodies, except his shoulders are more developed. I'm up on my knees behind him, holding my slippery condom-covered fairly-firm boner in my fingers. While guiding it to Pony's cute rosebud-shaped anus I use my other hand to squeeze his really tight buttocks. Pony arches his back pushing his ass back at me a little. Awesome ass on this kid.

Okay, I force the picture of his two previous sexual encounters out of my head and gently push on my cock. When only half the head has disappeared between the spreading lips of his asshole, Pony shudders, moaning, "Mmmm, that feels so fucking good." Apparently no pain, so I hump the entire head in past his sphincter muscle, and it's a tight fit. His anus squeezes tightly around the neck of my cock with sort of a pulsing sensation. His ass muscles seem to tighten then relax, tighten and relax and that feels awesome! I don't think he's doing it intentionally though, but to be sure, I ask, "How you doing, Daryl?" He goes, "Oooh man, this feels so good I can't even tell ya." More pulsing sensations inside his rectum, "Um, I'm wondering if you're doing that on purpose?" He looks back at me, asking, "Doing what?" I mumbling, "Never mind," and I hump three inches of cock up his ass. He goes, "Oooh, mmmm, I'm gonna cum..." What the fuck? He climaxed a half hour ago! I'm like, "Relax, Pony. Let's drag this out a little, okay? And, dude, nice ass!" He nods his head, murmuring, "Thanks. This feels so good, Dylan."

I give it ten seconds, then push another inch of boner in and, oh my God, what a great feeling to have every fraction of an inch of my ever-hardening boner tightly surrounded by his smooth rectum. The inside of his rectum is tight: it feels like a really firm gel caressing my boner. I'm aroused as I hear myself noisily exhaling a breath, one I didn't realize I'd held in. I cup both his shoulders and pull him back onto the rest of my boner until he's snug up against my crotch. I don't know how unusual this is because I haven't 'topped' a lot, but no previous experience has felt quite this good for me, and I mean right from the first second my cock entered his body.

Wheeeew! Pulling my cock back I see goosebumps magically appear on his buttock as he moans arching his back again. Another moan of sexual pleasure from Pony that, if I didn't know better, I'd assume he's purposely exaggerating.

With this guy though, I think he really is in ecstasy. I grab his hips now and do four full thrusts and almost cum myself. Then my right knee slips off the seat. This isn't gonna work, so I pull my cock out, and Pony goes, "Noooo!" I tell him, "We'll need to stand, Pony. Don't hit your head on the roof, but stand facing the rear window." He obligingly drops his feet to the floor, saying, "Could you fuck me faster, Dylan. And, oh man, I can't begin to tell you how wonderful your cock feels inside me, especially when it's moving... I can't even describe it." I go, "Yeah, yeah, I'll do my best, Daryl." He leans forward, supporting himself with both his hands on the back of the seat. I'm standing tightly right behind him now, saying, "Tell me the second anything doesn't feel right to you, okay?" He nods his head as I feel-up his awesome butt cheeks, then slide my hand under his shirt feeling his taut stomach muscles and taut chest. Then quickly pull my hands away the second I remember the old pervert fondling Pony in a lavatory. I'm not that guy, but Daryl's got a primo body.

Anxious to get on with it myself now, I fumble with my cock a second or so

before getting the head at his asshole again, then one big thrust and it's

almost all the way in again. We both go, "Aaaah, oooh." One long thrust and my hard boner went five inches up his ass. His rectum is tight too, but the lube off the condom gets most of the credit for the easy entrance.

Pushing in the rest feels gooood! Then, leaving it all the way in, I hump against his butt cheeks as the thought slides across my mind again that Pony and I have similar freaks-of-nature rectums, freaky in a good way. Guys have definitely mentioned to me about my ass being different; like it grips their cocks or something, and that's what it seems Pony's rectum is doing. My good intentions to do my best for Pony is sincere, except at this moment I'm having trouble thinking about anything other than how good this feels to me. I start hammering my boner back and forth inside him and his moans of ecstasy encourage me on, and it's, "SLAPSLAPSLAPSLAP", his body shuddering with Pony actively thrusting back at my thrusts. We soon reach sexual tornado status. My jaws and eyes are tightly closed, my arm goes around his belly now, pulling him back into my fast hard thrusts, and the constant unabated moans of sexual pleasure from both of us adds to our arousal. It's like we're sharing this sexual experienced, while at the same time we're in our individual worlds of pleasure.

There's too much stimulation for this to last much longer. The nerve ending along my hard cock are sizzling with sexual pleasure, the head pulsates with even more intense pleasure than the shaft. It's an orgy of sexual pleasure, my boner's throbbing and my quickly building orgasm is about to go, BOOM! My testicles tighten and move close to my body so I know it's almost here. Faster "SLAPSLAPSLAPSLAP," sounds now with me grunting from the effort to reach climax. My urinary tract shuts down, my cock's pulsating, and there's throbbing pleasure all around my pelvic region. It's becoming almost too intense to bear. My mind goes blank and I can't even do my squeal as spontaneously all my muscles spasm and my climax erupts, seemingly starting at the base of my spine. An incredible climax, and finally my squeal as cum shoots out filling the knob of the condom, then again as I shudder through another streak of cum rolling up and tantalizing a million nerve endings inside my cock before shooting out into the condom. It's like the world stops spinning for a second in time, then reality comes flooding back into my brain and I'm gasping and taking deep breaths, my heart thumping like a drum.

Dizzily I glance at Pony, who looks limp, his hands down on the seat now.

There's a big wet cum spot on the back of the seat that's drooling down towards the seat. Oh! Obviously Pony climaxed sometime during my climax, or maybe before it. I was only aware of what was going on in my own world of sexual pleasure. I'm thinking this must be what it's like for most 'tops'. I hope I didn't let Pony down.

Even now my cock feels good inside his perfect rectum, so I'm reluctant to pull it out. He moans quietly, "That was, um, unbelievable." I nod my head, not that he can see me do it as he's still facing away from me, his head hanging between his arms. I've got to do it eventually though, so I pull my cock from his ass. Pony shudders again, then lets out another long gasping breath as he's looking back at me. Coming to my senses, I grin, "Like I said earlier, Daryl, nice ass." Stepping sideways from behind him, I'm pulling off the condom, asking, "Did you get off good?" Then immediately realize I just did what I accuse all tops of doing: subtly seeking compliments about their fucking prowess from their 'bottom'. Pony turns around, pulls up his pants and sits on the seat, being careful not to lean back against the cum drooling down the back of it. He's slowing nodding his head, quietly murmuring, "Oh man, yeah, it was perfect, Dylan. No, it was better than perfect. Best climax I've ever had. How about you?" I crack the door and toss the condom, hearing a subtle, 'Splat' sound when it lands on the blacktop. With my pants pulled up, I sit next to him and, as I'm snapping my skinny khakis closed and pulling up the zipper, I'm like, "Pony, I told you a couple of times already, you have an awesome rectum, so yeah, I had an other-worldly climax." He grins, takes another deep breath, then says, "I feel fantastic! I'm super psyched that I asked you to fuck me, and I'm so fucking glad you said yes. What a fucking awesome night this has been." I mumble, "Ha, use the F-bomb much?" Then, "I'm glad I said yes too."

I'm tired and pretty well drained of energy by now, plus I'm still a little bit mystified. I mean, now that it's over I'm not sure why it felt so good. I'm forced to go back to my theory that Pony Boy here, and moi, do in fact have freaky rectums. Freaky good for sex. So maybe now I know a little better what guys mean when they say my ass is somehow special. As with most amazing things however, it's impossible to articulate what exactly it is that's different about, in this case, Pony's rectum, or mine. So all I've really learned is, his ass is different from others I've known, even though I've had limited experience with 'topping'. And the other thing I learned tonight is, Pony's the only other person I know who seems to enjoy getting fucked up the ass as much as I do. Lucky us! Giving Pony a pat on his shoulders, I tell him, "That was a damn good idea

you had there, Daryl. I call that good buddy sex we just had together, but lets get the hell out of this parking lot before our luck runs out." Back in the front seats, Pony drives across three parking lots to the one for my apartment, I go, "This is it, Pony." He stops at the back door to my place, and I'm like, "Don't be a stranger, Daryl" and he goes, "Does that mean we can do this again?" I shrug, "Yeah, probably. If you want to." He goes, "Awesome! Hey, are we still on for me getting a haircut tomorrow?" I forgot all about that, but mumble, "Oh yeah, sure thing. Text me in the afternoon." Holding out my fist, he bumps it with his and I hop out of the car.

Looking as tired as I feel, Pony gives a little wave and drives off. That's buddy sex for ya; afterwards it's 'see you around campus, dude'.

While going up the back steps I'm thinking about sex with Pony and how randomly weird our time together was from beginning to end. I mean, I felt there was some kind of connection between us the first time I spotted him in the stands, but never imagined this much of a connection. Hell, when I locked eyes with him in the bleachers it was a ten to one shot he was even gay.

Well, he's still maintaining he's not gay, but get serious; he's too much into cocks and asses to be straight. Terrible at oral sex, but that just backs up his claim of being almost totally inexperienced. Still, it's odd he came right out and asked me to fuck him. On second thought, it's not a whole lot different than me, in my early days, nagging fat Carl to fuck me.

Whatever, it was kinda cool 'topping' for once. That was very different from sex with Robby or Ryan though, or anyone I can think of off the top of my head. Different for different reasons in Robby and Ryan's cases. Well, to start with, obviously it's different since I'm the bottom for those two. Plus, with Robby's and my sex there's our true love hovering above everything, which takes the experience to impossible heights of sexual pleasure. Then, of course, with Ryan it's a sub/dom situation that I still find very enticing even though it doesn't have the grip on me it had in days of old.

Knowing myself, it's only going to get harder to resist giving in to Ryan because I already miss the sex, but I'm exerting my willpower this time. I can't let Chubby down after our talk. He knows I won't let him down, which is most likely the reason he had the talk with me in the first place.

I let myself in the apartment and obviously Robby's still out doing who knows what. Because of that I can't help focusing on that make-out scene involving him and Frankie. It was so startling, I guess mostly because I would have said it was an impossible scenario before seeing it myself. For now I'm chalking it up to Robby's curiosity, and I'm very intrigued to see if he'll talk about it with me. If he doesn't mention it after say, a few days, I'll bring it up casually myself because I need to hear what has to say about it. Oh man, I'm too tired to take a shower, so I do only the basic bathroom necessities. While doing that, it hits me that I got out of being Beth's date tonight. As soon as we got to the frat house she hooked-up with Golden. With everything else that happened tonight with Danny Monday and Daryl, I forgot about that part of my good fortune tonight. Guess Beth wasn't sure Golden was going to be there. Whatever, it surely worked out well for me, heh heh. Hell, it probably worked out well for them too.

Then in bed I start to relive the extraordinary sensations I experienced screwing Pony, but once again that scene of Robby's make-out with Frankie forces everything else out of my head. How long their make-out went on would be interesting to know. Beth and Golden, I almost forgot, were there making-out a few cars over from Robby and the slut. Oh, that's not fair of me.

She might not be a slut; that hasn't been determined... yet. And I liked her okay prior to their make-out. Wait a minute! Maybe she thinks Robby's bisexual, and if so, where did she get that idea? Hmmm? Holy shit, maybe he is bisexual and never got around to mentioning it to me. That's inconceivable, but even so he'd still prefer me over her, wouldn't he? I mean after all his protestations of being in love with me before he even met me. That's always been a suspect statement to say the least, but it's an example of how long I've been on his mind. My last thought before succumbing to the mysteries of sleep is: funny how it's always something unexpected...

Sunday morning I wake up to the sound of water running in our bathroom.

Huh, I was obviously sound asleep when Robby got in bed last night. Checking my wristwatch: it's five minutes before noon. Good night's sleep for me! Robby getting up first is unexpected because he should be horribly hungover, which would serve him right of course. Checking myself out I'm happy to discover I don't feel bad at all. No noticeable hangover, so I'd be good to go except for that image that keeps bouncing around in my head of Robby making-out with Frankie. With some concerted effort on my part, thoughts of me fucking Daryl take over my brain momentarily. Then I remember he's coming to the apartment for a haircut later today. That makes me grin to myself.

He's an okay guy, but an excellent piece of ass. 'Dude,' I tell myself, 'that's so crude of you!' Daryl is more than an excellent piece of ass.

Oh, another nice thought: Steve Church wants a haircut today too. Good! I like giving haircuts to guys I like. Unfortunately, by thinking of Steve it makes me think of Ryan, and that's an uncomfortable situation for me. I know he won't text me, and I'm determined not to text him, so we've got ourselves a standoff. I'm not going to ask him, but maybe Steve will mention something about his roommate. I'm curious what Ryan's been up to, and how he's doing. Jeez, could Chubby be wrong? Could it be best for Ryan and me if I reached out to him? Our sub/dom sex is so hot, and I could help Ryan with some of his social interaction problems. Goddammit though, I thought of our sub/dom sex first, and then about helping Ryan get over himself. Sex first, and then our relationship second, just like Chubby said. Okay, I've gotta take my brother's advice; I trust him even though it hurts to exclude Ryan.

No, and that's not even accurate because I'm not excluding Ryan nearly as much as he's excluding himself. Is that rationalizing, or fact? That last thought fades when Robby comes out of the bathroom wearing only the jockey shorts he put on before going out last night. He has an awesome body! And there's that fabulous smile he does especially for me. Huh, he's holding a three ounce bathroom plastic cup with about two ounces of mouthwash in it. I gotta smile back at him because I know what being served morning mouthwash in bed means. Our eyes lock together as Robby sits on the edge of the bed, and says a smiling, "Good morning, sexy." He passes me the bathroom plastic cup of mouthwash and I swish the mouthwash around in my mouth a few times, then spit it back in the cup. As I hand the cup back to him, I murmur, "G'morning yourself, mister head of the household." A sweet grin from Robby as he puts the cup on the nightstand, and says, "Move over a little, babe." He slides under the covers looking so cutely handsome my dick wakes up and stretches. He's next to me, under the covers, with his bare legs against mine... I love that! Running his fingers through my hair, he goes up on an elbow and looks down at me for a second, then lowers his head and our lips meet for a g'morning kiss. Lips like candy... sugar kisses. It gives me a dreamy feeling that's almost trance-like, as I let Robby dictate our every move.

The sugar kisses are followed my open-mouth deep luscious sexy make-out kisses with his mouth tasting of peppermint toothpaste. There's only a quick fleeting thought of his mouth kissing Frankie. That quick vision is swept away by the intensity of my love for Robby and his unmistakable returning of that emotion to me. He rolls on top of me with his hard boner poking out through the slit in the front of his boxer shorts. It's sticky against my leg. He grabs a fistful on my hair, pushing my head back as his mouth and tongue devour me. Kisses on my mouth, the side of my neck, under my chin; many sucking kisses that are so sexually arousing precum wets my underpants and I moan his name. Four, five, six minutes of our bodies grinding together, our mouths together, noses bumping, and both of us gasping for air. He gets between my legs now, pushing them up. I get my arms around the back of my knees pulling my legs back as Robby squeezes my butt cheeks, then gives me a short sexy hot spanking, "SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!" Only three smacks, but they sting and I squirm on the bed extremely aroused at Robby's dominant approach this morning. He mutters, "Bad boy," and smiles at me as he guides the head of his cock to my asshole, then humps it in past my sphincter muscle and we both sigh, "Aaaah."

Robby looks me in my eyes, murmuring, "I love you," and then slowly pushes his hard fat cock up my ass. My eyes open wide at the surprise he has for me this morning, and I murmur, "Lube?" and he says, "Yes, I should use it all the time; don'cha think?" I nod my head, "Uh huh, definitely. I liked the way you slid your boner all the way up inside my body. It felt really good," and it did too. I squirm on the bed some more feeling delicious sensations in my rectum and a tingling all the way up my spine. It makes me shudder. Robby starts moving his hips and in my mind's eye I picture his fat boner disappearing up my ass and then reappearing as his hips move back, and then in it goes again. My shoulders shudder visualizing his hard slippery boner disappearing up my ass, over and over. I'm shuddering with pleasure, moaning and thinking about nothing except Robby, his boner, and the pleasure oozing all over me. His scent and his awesome face thrill me as he leans down and we kiss, my arms around the back of his neck holding our faces together with his hips steadily fucking my ass. Oh what ecstasy; sex with him like this renders all other sex child's play. This is the real thing and I don't think I could live a happy life without it... without him.

We're both making moans of intense sexual arousal as we kiss and fuck,; his hips continuing to smoothly drive his hard organ back and forth in my ass creating pleasure sensation from the uncountable nerve ending that are all announcing a quickly arriving orgasm. Then Robby's orgasm must be building too as he begins humping faster now and we stop kissing, but hold the sides of our faces together, ""Slapslapslap," sounds quicken as Robby makes a whiney desperate sound, then leaves his boner fully impaling me as he humps against my butt cheeks shooting streams of cum inside me that splatter off the walls of my bowels, then my squeal with me humping against Robby's crotch as cum shoots from my impossibly hard cock. The first long stream splatters across Robby's chest, then the fast following spurts of cum leave my quivering boner to splatter on my chest, then my stomach and finally drools of cum roll creamily down the shaft of my still boned-up cock.

For a few seconds there it was like we both were getting electrocuted; our bodies shaking together during our climaxes, and sizzling after-effects buzz around my pelvic region making my shoulders shudder. Ooooh, and now we're weakly limp in each other's arms. Robby's laying on me as his sloppy cock pulls from my ass and flops against my left butt cheek. Normal deep breathing along with two thundering hearts beating like a marching band's drums.

Then all is calm and we both sigh. We lie together like this, Robby on top of me, until it gets too sticky between us and my cum cools. Another sigh as Robby rolls off of me and lays lies on his back next to me. He gets his arm under the back of my neck and pulls the side of my head, then the side of my face against his shoulder and murmurs, "Dylan, baby, I love you so much I can hardly believe it myself some times," and he gives the side of my forehead a long wet kiss. I'm trying to comprehend how amazingly fantastic this morning's sex was with Robby, and how it couldn't ever be this good with anyone else. How can Robby's sex with me be so obviously superior to sex I have with others? Love has a lot to do with it of course, but what else? Or maybe that's it in a nutshell. I feel Robby's love, and I've become head over heels in love with him to a degree I wouldn't have thought possible, except the reality of it is unmistakable. It's like I'm at a point now where no matter what Robby does I'll need to forgive him because I honestly can't imagine life without him being my lover.

Robby does another deep sigh, then turns his head to look at me, saying, "A penny for your thoughts, babe." I shrug, "Just thinking how much I love you and how important you are in my life." He murmurs, "Thank you for saying that, Dylan. When you say things like that to me I get shivers and my eyes sting. You make me so happy." We snuggle together and after a minute or so, he goes, "You might get a kick out of this. Last night I had like a five minute make-out with a girl." I turn my head to look at him, asking, "A girl? You mean Francesca?" He chuckles, "Yes, who else?" I ask, "Did you start it?" and he snorts out a laugh, sputtering, "Me? Start it? What do you think?" I go, "You didn't start it." He goes, "Of course I didn't. Golden and Beth were dry humping each other, making out like wild things and the next thing I know Frankie's mouth is all over mine." I go up on my elbow, looking down at him, "How was it?" He goes, "Let me put it this way: I had to pictured you in my mind, pretended it was you kissing me, but on one of your off days. That's how I survived the experience." I'm like, "When have I ever

had an off day kissing you?" He chuckles, "I pretended you were having an off day because she can't kiss for shit compared to you." I mutter, "That's what I thought you meant." He grins, "She was goosing my ass and balls, if you can believe that." I nod my head, "Huh! Um, did you get a boner?" He laughs, "Not a one, but I thought it an interesting experience. I mean, I like Frankie and it was my first time making out with a girl. I'm glad it happened." I'm like, "Why's that?" and he goes, "I don't know, um, it's something I've never done before, and now I have, and I know what it's like. Baby, I'm not missing a thing being gay."

I'm satisfied with that explanation, so I'll leave it at that for now. Robby goes on to tell me about the rest of what he did last night. The four of them, meaning Golden, Beth, him and Frankie, played beer pong for half an hour. Then he tells me Frankie was teaching him to dance, which pisses me off a little because I've spent some time doing the same thing with Robby, yet he claims he's made a lot of progress from Frankie's tutoring. Crock of shit if you ask me. She probably told him he was dancing awesomely when in fact he was dancing like he always does. I'm truthful with him, not filling his head with some bull shit lies about him being a good dancer. Hmmm, but maybe I should lie to him and say he dances awesomely. Heh heh, maybe I'll ask Frankie to teach Chubby to dance. He'd be in her pants before the end of the first lesson. Fuckin' teaching my boyfriend to dance, my ass! We get out of bed eventually and take a shower together. While Robby's shampooing my awesome hair, I ask, "How come you don't have a massive hangover headache, Rob? I mean, after taking those shots of tequila, shouldn't you be hungover like a motherfucker." He says, "Fuckin' Frankie was buying all of us shots. Golden spit his out, which gave me the idea. I wasn't blatant about it like Golden, but after pretending to gulp the shots down, I'd hold it in my mouth until Frankie was in line buying more shots; then I'd spit it out discretely. Guys and girls I didn't know saw me spit it out, but not Golden, Beth, or Frankie. She spent over thirty dollars on shots. Those girls have a generous allowance." I'm like, "Uh huh." Then later we fucked again in the shower. A hard fast fuck that left both of us totally exhausted but contented. After getting dressed, Robby kept his arm around my waist the whole time he watched me making brunch for us. I did pancakes, scrambled eggs, and home fries with onion and peppers. I felt Robby's love throughout everything we did this morning. So everything is cool, and what a perfect Sunday morning we had together. Then my cellphone starts ringing...

be continued... Donny Mumford: thinat20@yahoo.com



Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are usually around ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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Next: Chapter 15

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