Dwayne Steps Out

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 5, 2023


Dwayne had to admit: Dave was a good driver, and his "baby" seemed to be in really good hands. Usually quiet and reactive, rather than an active conversationalist, Dwayne was even more quiet than usual as they drove, and Dave kept the conversation going. As they were parking, Dwayne had to admit that Dave was a good talker, and he had easily gotten information out of Dwayne that might have otherwise been difficult to get. Maybe it was Dwayne's set of nerves, maybe it was the fact that he had never gone home with such an attractive man, but he just bubbled up. He told Dave about his plans to have the comic book store and, unlike most adults, Dave didn't laugh. Instead, he asked questions about actual real estate and rent rates. When Dwayne told him that he did want a storefront, but not a big one, and most of the selling would be done on line, Dave smiled.

"You know, I have to know these ridiculous computer programs to do my job. ALL BLOODY DAY. I just can't imagine having to learn it for commerce." Dwayne's laugh was a little like a snort, as he answered "Yeah, college didn't prep me for it, for sure. I learned at the bookstore: we do a lot of internet sales. No one wants to come into the store anymore."

Since he was driving his date's car, Dave didn't want to take his eyes off the road and alarm Dwayne, but he caught glimpses every now and then. "This boy is cute," he thought, and then he told himself "Don't fuck this one up the way you fucked up the thing with Nicky," thinking about his last relationship. He didn't know Dwayne very well at all, but from what he could tell, Dwayne was as different from Nicky as a man could be, but Dave took the blame for that relationship ending. Nicky was still around, and he hoped he wouldn't cause any trouble at the church.

"Ok, co-pilot, this is where we land," Dave parked the car, patted Dwayne on his thigh, and smiled. "You ok? You look nauseous?" Dwayne shook his head no. "Just nervous. Just nervous." "Well, that makes two of us. How about we grab your bag and go upstairs? Once we get settled in, we can decide what to do with ourselves. " Dave's apartment was about 900 square feet with a bedroom and an adequate kitchen. There was art on the wall, and Dwayne was admiring what appeared to be an icon of a woman. "Oh, yes. HER. I'm not sure who she is, or what IT is, but I saw it at a Flea Market and I liked it. Had it cleaned. Can you read the Cyrilic?" Dwayne looked at it carefully and he laughed. "That's not a woman. That's St Cyril. Dave began to laugh. "GEEZ. I hope I'm better at telling men from women in real life. " He bent to take Dwayne's bag. "If it's ok with you, I'm going to bring this into the bedroom, maybe unpack it. There's a two liter diet Coke in the fridge if you need a drink." Dwayne looked at him. "How did you know I drink Diet coke?" Dave smiled. "I asked the refreshments guy at social hour. Either Diet coke or earl gray tea. Both are in there. And half and half because the refreshment people don't carry it." Dwayne was sort of stunned and Dave smiled. "I'm known at work for getting the details. Get your soda if you want."

Dwayne's back was turned, looking at the art again, when Dave came up from behind. He put a hand on Dwayne's elbow and he felt Dwayne tense up. "You know, you can turn around and go back and that's fine. I'd rather you didn't, but... if you're staying.... you have to say 'A' before you say 'B'. "I know....." Dwayne trailed off. I'm just not very good at this." By now he had turned around and was looking down at Dave: he couldn't help it, he was so tall. "Well, I think I AM good at this, so... " Dave put his hand behind Dwayne's head, and then got up to kiss him. Their lips contacted and then again, and then Dave found no resistance when he opened Dwayne's mouth and began running his tongue around the front of his mouth. "mmmmmmmmm" he heard from Dwayne, who wasn't going to let go of Dave's tongue right away. He had been told a lot of bad things about himself by other dates, but he was always told he was a good kisser. He wanted to prove it with this man. He seemed to be. He felt Dave push against his crotch, and then Dave took Dwayne's hand and put it on his own. "See what you're doing to me, sexy boy? See." "It's mutual" Dwayne answered. "Well, then, I think." Dave didn't finish. He took Dwayne's hand. "Come on. We got time before we do anything else." He had Dwayne sit on the bed next to him and the necking began At first it was slow, but as things moved along, Dwayne realized how "hungry" he was for this kind of thing. He sucked on Dave's tongue so hard, that Dave stopped, pulled out his tongue and smiled at Dwayne, as he ran his hand through Dwayne's hair. "There's plenty more of it. It's not going away." "I'm sorry. Am I..." Dwayne didn't finish. Dave's tongue was back in his mouth and.. little by little, Dwayne found himself on his back, underneath Dave, who was sliding his hands all over Dwayne's body as he kissed him. He paused, and took Dwayne's glasses off him. "You can see me well enough at this distance. And I want to see your beautiful eyes. And I want to kiss them." Dave was saying ALL the right things, and he felt SO good on top of Dwayne. SO GOOD. Dave's mouth was on Dwayne's ear now, nibbling, licking, and Dwayne began to writhe. It felt so good. When Dave whispered "can I open your shirt?" Dwayne just shook his head yes. "What a hairy boy you are Dwayne. Just a forest. Just a forest where I can get lost. With a little lake right here..." He put his finger in Dwayne's navel, and Dwayne yelped. "NO! Don't do that. Don't.. oh...... " Dave was ignoring him and circling the navel. "Look at this... Just a finger around your navel, and I've got this big tall handsome boy helpless and at my mercy." Dwayne gasped out. "You've got me right where you want me." and Dave laughed. "Not.. quite." Then he took Dwayne's wrists and pushed them up to the corners of the bed. He used his feet to force Dwayne's legs open. "NOW I've got you where I want you. hahahahahahahaha. Just like one of your comic book characters. Captured by a wicked old Dom." How Dave had put together the comic thing, was something Dwayne would figure out later. For now, though, the remarks just got Dwayne more excited. He shoved his hips up, and tried to writhe more. "LET ME GO. YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS.." Then he felt Dave's lips back on his. And he knew... he would. "How are your sucking skills Dwayne? Cause this monster cock needs tending to." "I'll try Sir." Straddling Dwayne, Dave opened his jeans, and his cock popped out. He aimed it for Dwayne's mouth. He knew how Dwayne felt about anal sex: he'd have to get over that eventually, but for now... this would do, if he did well. He did. Dwayne used some of the techniques that made him a superb kisser in giving blow jobs. He had given a few in his life, because that was as far as he would go with sex. He was NOT a virgin, but he hadn't liked getting fucked the two times it had happened, and the time HE tried to top, well... if there were a humor comic. He made a lot of noise, which seemed to get Dave more riled up. "C'MON HANDSOME. YEAH. OH YEAH. GOD YOU'RE GOOD. NICE LONG THROAT. TAKING IT ALL ARENT YOU PRETTY BOY?" Dwayne shook his head as best as he could. Dave learned right then that Dwayne did have "dead nipples," but he knew that his ears were sensitive, and he began playing with an earlobe. "I just can't fucking believe I've got you in my bed Dwayne. I .... OH SHIT... LET ME PULL OUT SO YOU DON'T SWALLOW." But Dwayne WANTED to swallow. He kept the suction and... when Dave began to cum, he just kept on pulling. "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT YOU FUCKER..." Dave looked at him when he was done. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you do that." Dwayne cuddled into Dave. "You had no choice. I wanted to." Dave smiled. "You're cute, but without your glasses, you're fucking hot. Why don't you use contacts. "UGH. Sticking fingers in my eyes. No thank you." Dave smiled. "That's ok, I guess. If I'm the only one who knows how hot you are without them... you can't get away from me." He rolled back on top of Dwayne. "So, we have to make some plans to do something besides stay in bed all day." "Why?" Dwayne asked. "I spend all day in bed a lot." Dave smacked him. "You are NOT going to read comics in my bed all day, no matter HOW cute you are. But..." He put his mouth around Dwayne's chin and nibbled it: and found a hot spot almost as sensitive as Dwayne's navel. "You need release, don't you?" "Only if you say it's ok Sir." "I say it's ok. I wanna see you cum. I wanna hear that deep voice moan in release, and then... Hmmm. we'll see about 'and then.' "Ok Sir." Dwayne opened his corduroys, and slid them down. He didn't see Dwayne smile when he saw Dwayne's cock: he liked a bottom with a good sized dick. Dwayne wet his left hand and dropped it down to his crotch and when he did, Dave grabbed his right wrist and pinned it down to the bed. "YEAH," groaned Dwayne as he began stroking. Dave covered Dwayne's left ear with his mouth and began whispering. "That's right stud. Get that cock hard, and shoot it. Shoot it now, because after that, it's MINE. That's right MINE. You cum when I say you can. And I'm not gonna say it a lot, because that's what happens when you're captured: you become a SLAVE bitch. And I'm gonna do whatever I want to you. You're gonna be so sore in a few days, that. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH' Dave was right: Dwayne's yell was a deep, rich bass, of the sort you heard when Russian men sang. And he shot big time: it was a good thing his shirt was opened, otherwise, they'd have to wash it. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Dwayne seemed to be overwhelmed. Dave looked at him. "What's wrong? Did you hurt yourself? Did I hurt you?" "No Sir. Nothing like that. Just the opposite. It just.. when you called me bitch.. OH SHIT. " Dave patted Dwayne's stomach and stroked it. "Just take it easy. Just take it easy sexy boy. Lots more to come. I want you to have a good time." They were silent, and then Dwayne asked "Can I have that coke now?" Dave laughed and told him to help himself. Dwayne looked a little embarrassed as he adjusted his pants, but left his shirt opened and went to the kitchen. While he was getting his drink, Dave pulled out the handcuffs and the gags that he'd plan to use. Later that day. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dwayne was very non committal on how he wanted to spend Saturday (it was something that Dave would learn was not a result of the first date. Dwayne was just a passive person. In everything). Dave went on-line and found that there was a cartoon exhibit at one of the smaller museums downtown. "Want to see that?" He called Dwayne over to see the web page, moving out of the chair so he could sit. When he did, Dave put his hand on Dwayne's shoulder, the way he did the first night they met. This time, Dwayne lifted his hand, covered Dave's, and squeezed it.

After the visit to the gallery, they were having a snack at a pastry shop (Dave was to learn that Dwayne had a very big sweet tooth and, if he had his choice, he'd eat six desserts a day, drink nothing but diet coke, and eat nothing but sweets). "So tell me more about the superhero fantasy. I like roleplay. I'm not gonna put on a costume, but... I'm pretty creative." Dwayne smiled awkwardly because he remembered some of the things that guys at the church social hour had said. He was fairly embarrassed about the fantasies, and now that there was someone who was, apparently, ready to try to make them real, he was more embarrassed. "Well, there used to be this thing 'hero in trouble,' where someone like robin, or a cop, or ... oh, I don't know, maybe a pilot, would find himself bound, and gagged and..." "And?" Dave asked. "Well, and nothing. I shouldn't have said that. Sometimes they got stripped, sometimes their bondage was changed, but... there was no sex. " "Uh, Dwayne, I need to make something clear at the start. If we date, we're gonna have sex. We're gonna have a lot of sex." "Well, yeah, but..." Dave cut him off. "Dave, some of that sex is going to push your limits. I know it is. But I'm not going to chain you to the bed and keep you a prisoner in my apartment, and sexually abuse you constantly." Dwayne looked down. He spoke with his head lowered "Even if I want that?" "Hahahahahahahahaha. No, even if you want that. You gotta save the money to get the shop." Dave signaled the server for the check. "Let's motor. We're gonna push some of those limits when we get back to my place." Dwayne gulped. "NO. I'm not going inside you... yet." He smiled. "That was a truly awesome blow job by the way, and technically, I WAS inside of you." "COULD YOU LOWER YOUR VOICE.... SIR?" Dwayne was blushing and whispering hoarsely. Dave started to laugh. "Of course. But only because you said Sir." "I let you keep your hand in my back pocket through the whole museum. I was mortified!" Dwayne continued. Dave shrugged his shoulders. "I like your ass. Didn't my hand feel good." "well,uh, yeah, it did. BUT NOT IN PUBLIC!" "DWAYNE, you gotta learn: part of the fun here is breaking rules. Did anyone give you a dirty look?" "Well, one woman smiled at me, but... no." "They're jealous stud." "Of me?" "Of us. Now come on. You're gonna like this."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx They took a subway home. On the way, Dave said to Dwayne "Ok. What I want you to do is think of three numbers, and then write them down on a piece of paper. Put them somewhere in the apartment. Leave the rest to me." Dwayne felt his cock stir. It was the first time his cock had stirred twice in a day, in a long time. When they got back to Dave's place, Dwayne wrote down the numbers, and he put them in the tea box. Dave had gone to the bathroom and, when Dwayne saw him again, he was shirtless, and in leather pants. "I'm in trouble," Dwayne thought. "SIT" Dave pointed to a chair. "GET YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." Dwayne got into the game by trying to run away. Dave grabbed him and dragged him back. "Nice try Dwayne, nice try. But I worked too long to figure out who had the information I need." He was a little rough, which pinged Dwayne's cock again, as he handcuffed him. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH. OPEN YOUR MOUTH OR..." Dave shoved a leather penis gag into Dwayne's mouth. Dwayne had gagged himself before, but never with something like this. "Now, you're gonna tell me what those numbers are, aren't you, sweetcakes?" Dwayne shook his head no. "You REALLY don't want me to have to force them out of you do you?" Dwayne didn't react. He felt Dave put two fingers on his neck. He tried to twist away from them, but no luck. Dave took a handful of his hair with his free hand, pushed Dwayne's head to the side today, and whispered "I didn't shave today. Gonna be a good thing." He rested his chin on Dwayne's neck. "Numbers?" Dwayne shook his head no, and Dave drew his beard stubble across Dwayne's neck very, VERY slowly. When Dwayne began to moan, he spoke. "I can dig a LOT deeper than that Dwaynebow. And there's another side of your neck to work on , too. " "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Dave was right. He WAS pushing Dwayne's limits. No one had ever done this to Dwayne, and he was getting into it. He felt the little kisses going up his neck to his ear. He felt the pointed end of Dave's tongue go into his ear. "Talk." All Dwayne could do was moan. "Something tells me that someone has a stiffy. That right?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Dwayne struggled against the cuffs, as Dave first gently dug his fist into Dwayne's crotch, then came around and sat on his lap . The chair was sturdy, and it held both of them. "How'd you like to lose your virginity, handsome? Over three lousy numbers? " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Dwayne's roleplaying was great. He was getting Dave hotter and hotter. "You want me to start finding out where you're ticklish Dwayne? How about your pits?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Dwayne was shaking his head no. "So you ARE gonna tell me the numbers." Dave thought he saw the air go out of Dwayne as he shook his head yes. He took the gag out. "You better be telling the truth. Where are they?" "The... the teabox Sir. They're in the teabox." "Do I need to gag you again when I check, or are you going to behave?" "Ill behave Sir. I promise. " Dave disappeared and came back. He had the numbers. "Well, well, well. I guess the thought of being tickled convinced you. And told me something very, VERY useful ha ha ha. " He went behind Dwayne and started unlocking the cuffs. "You're gonna get naked. EVERYTHING. GONE." Dwayne felt Dave's hand squeeze the back of his neck. It wasn't gentle. "YES SIR! YES. I WILL." When he had stripped, Dwayne modestly covered his crotch with his hands. "GET THOSE BEHIND YOU. LIKE THE CAPTIVE YOU ARE." Dwayne gulped. His hard on jutted out. "LOOK AT THAT. I COULD HANG MY WASH ON THAT." Dwayne blushed. "I want you on the bed, on your belly. Ass in the air. " "But." "DO WHAT YOU WERE TOLD " "yes sir." Dwayne walked away, thinking "I guess I'm gonna get spread, sooner than I thought." He heard Dave come in. "My my. Look at that sweet, sweet ass. Like the creamfruit melon Joyce wrote about. And I'm gonna do to it, what his character did. And maybe just a little more." Dwayne figured Dave was talking about 'Ulysses,' which he hadn't read. Didn't he remember somewhere, though, that the hero would jerk off on his wife's ass? If that was what Dave thought to do, he was doing something else. Dwayne felt the tip of Dave's cock at his ass. He wasn't pushing: he was just holding it there. Dave's voice wasn't a whisper, but it was low. And strong. And confident. "I'm gonna have that ass, Dwayne. Not right now, but before you leave on Sunday, I'm gonna have it. For now... get used to how my cockhead feels. " Dave ran the head of his cock back and forth over Dwayne's ass crack. He felt Dave's hands spreading those cheeks. "MAN. That looks so good. SO FUCKING TASTY." Then, for the first time in his life, Dwayne had a tongue in his ass. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH GOD. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH GOD." "You like that bottom? You like being eaten? " "OH GOD YES SIR. " Dave didn't wait for an answer. He just dug in deeper and deeper. "Thing is, Dwaynebow, you're gonna have to kiss me now. But first." He shoved Dwayne back on the bed face down. He shoved his legs apart. "Who's my bitch boy? Who's my new fucking bottom bitch?" "Me Sir. Me." "That's right." Dwayne felt a slap to his ass, one cheek and then the other. He could hear the squeaky sound of Dave sliding his hand back and forth on his own cock. "I am just thinking about how good it's gonna feel.... to make you my seeded bitch. Tonight, or tomorrow. It's gonna happen. Just like... OH SHIT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Dwayne felt the semen hitting his back and his ass. He realized he was lying in a pool of it too: his own. Dave began to laugh. "Scared the shit outta ya, didn't I , Dwayne?" Dwayne was breathing hard. "Well, not the shit Sir, but..." He rolled back to show the jizz. "Ha ha. You're freakier than you wanna admit boy. Dwaynebow. Like a Rainbow. I like the nickname. " He smiled. "You wanna kiss me, knowing where my mouth was?" Dwayne blushed. "Uh, if you want me to Sir." "After I brush my teeth." He looked at the clock. "We gotta get cleaned up. I figured we should get a good meal for our first date so I made a reservation. We got time." He lay down next to Dwayne. "I really like this boy, but he's so damn shy. I have to try to get him out of his shell. I think an aggressive approach is better. Do you agree?" Dwayne's big brown eyes stared at Dave as he said "Yes sir."

Next: Chapter 3

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