Duty, Honor and Service

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Dec 2, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Comments and questions are welcome at dontaskmeever@mail.com If you'd like to tip my venmo is @jack-parker-109

These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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I am starting to think this was a bad idea.

The building was quiet, too quiet, I had been in a lot of abandoned complexes in my life, and you get a sixth sense of when things were quiet and when things were too quiet.

This one was way too quiet.

If the old man turns out to be right, we are never living this one down.

We had kept Semper drugged for about a month now. More than enough time for Blake to milk him for more serum. Whatever they were feeding him kept him docile and compliant, he did what they said and let us fuck him every night...begging like his son at the top of his lungs.

We had been back on our serum for two weeks when we got a hit on one of Grant's transponders before it went offline. It looked like it was destroyed, but Semper, even drugged out of his mind, had a different idea.

"It's a trap," he said from the corner, where he sat during our briefings. He wasn't allowed to leave since he had to be kept under a special cocktail of drugs that kept him milkable, so they let him sit in and give advice if he had any.

This was his first shout out so far.

It was an abandoned canning plant in Dresden and there was an electromagnetic field coming from it that was shorting out any drones that got close. The heavy shielding of the factory made satellite flybys useless, which left boots on the ground.

Hence, trap.

It was a big place, would take too much time to cover as a team which meant splitting up.

Yeah, yeah, I watched Scooby Doo too, but what choice did we have?

We landed near noon and inserted ourselves into the buildings at three different points. I was taking the main entrance; Riley was coming up from the sewers while Brent was working his way down from the roof. We figured if anyone ran, we could herd them towards the others. It was good plan, a solid plan, so why did I feel it was too quiet?

And that Semper was right, and this was a trap?


There had been a lot of people through here recently but no one right now. I could smell gunpowder, explosives and...some kind of chemical residue...but no heartbeats, no body temperature...

I think this was a trap.

"Echo to Sprint," I said into to comms, "Lower level is clear."

Powell answered, "Roger that, am I the only one getting haunted house vibes?"

Brent answered from the roof, "No."

"Heads on a swivel, someone went through a lot of trouble to get us here, let's see what they wanted."

I shook my head, that kind of cocky shit was going to get us killed, "Roger that," I said and closed the channel, moving through the tunnel confidently, to my senses the place was as illuminated as high noon. No way someone was going to get the drop on me.


Yeah, this was some bullshit.

This had been a bad idea from day one and now it was just getting worse. Powell was better than this but he was high on the serum so there was no talking him down. The serum, though incredible, has been fucking with our minds over time and no one but me seems to have noticed.

Powell had gotten worse than cocky, he's gone full Top Gun on us. Fucking Semper had gone to his head and the serum was making it worse. They had us on it 24/7 now, not just for missions and it was a rush, but it was changing us.

I wasn't sure for the better.

Normally we wouldn't walk into a setup like this, but because Semper warned us Powell ignored it and here we are, walking into a trap. Grant wasn't here, he goes missing for months and suddenly we get a signal? This is bad, but all I can do follow orders and wait for the hammer to fall.

And hope we can get out of this.


Trap my ass, this was more like a waste of time.

The whole place was empty, and I didn't see any evidence Grant had been here. Someone was going to catch shit for sending us here on a wild goose chase I knew that. I walked through the center of the factory, looking for any sign that there was something here but all I saw was nothing with a lot more nothing on top of it.

There was an empty plot in the middle of the place, it looked like there was a machine here once, but it had been pulled out, leaving a cracked, cement base instead. I walked up onto it, wondering what used to be here when four plastic walls slid up around me in a flash. I was about to jump free when I saw a lid slam down on top of it and seal itself shut.

I slammed into the side of it with my full strength, expecting it to bend or crack...but instead it bounced me back like I hadn't even hit it. Foam was starting to fill the cube, a bluish foam that smoked when it touched the soles of my boots. It was eating them! Shit, I started to pound on the plastic as hard as I could.

I needed to get out of here!


I could hear something happening upstairs, I checked the comms but they'd gone offline.


I turned to back out when I heard a tone go off somewhere, I cocked my head trying to find its location...

And it exploded all around me, I went to my knees, helpless coving my ears as it blasted me from all around. I doubt anything other than dogs could hear it, but it was overwhelming me...I felt my head go dizzy...


I found a small puddle of water as I descended into the top floor of the building.

It stood out since there wasn't any source I could find. I walked over to it, kneeling down to see if it was water or something else. My fingers touched it I fell back as the puddle exploded around me, encircling me in a globe! I swung in all directions, but I was being held in the middle and couldn't find any purchase. I held my breath as long as I could, but I soon felt my lungs burn and my vision start to blur.

I knew this was a fucking trap.


The foam engulfed me, and I could see nothing!

My uniform was melted off, but it didn't seem to harm my skin. I tingled, but that was about it. I was buck naked in the middle of a cube, not sure if I was running out of air or not. The more time that passed though I felt myself growing weaker...and tired. The foam...the foam had something in it...

I fell to the ground, my body refusing to move. The walls slid back down, and I felt cold water fall over me as the foam was sprayed away. I saw five men in Nocturne uniforms spraying me down. I tried to move again but I was paralyzed!

They looked down at me smiling, they weren't enhanced, they were just normal soldiers. I could have wiped the floor with them easily...if I could move.

"So, this is an American super solider?" the commander asked, "I am not impressed."

Another one got closer, "He is pretty though," he moved a hand over my ass, I tried to growl but nothing came out, "Smooth like a girl."

"I wonder what else about him is like a girl?" a third asked and I felt my stomach tense up.

The commander put his gun down, "Let us find out."


When I came to my uniform was off and my hands were bound behind me.

There were four Nocturne soldiers going through my gear like they had all the time in the world. I tried the bonds, but my body was sluggish...they saw me move and looked over and watched me like I was an animal doing a trick.

"They are quite unbreakable," one of them said, "But feel free to tire yourself out on them."

I tried to smile, "Come y'all, you got me, no need to make it nasty."

One of them dropped my uniform, "Oh but we like it nasty," he said, undoing his uniform top as he walked towards me.



I woke up naked and strapped down.

My arms and legs were stretched out and I could feel cuffs around them. I had a group of Nocturne's men looking down at me like I was a Thanksgiving Turkey. I tested the bonds, but they didn't budge, even with my serum.

Yeah, I was screwed.

"You are a big one," one of them said kneeling down, running a hand over my pecs, "I bet you scream nice."

"Fuck you," I slurred, my mouth not working correctly, shit I was drugged too.

His hand moved down and grabbed my soft cock, "No, we will be fucking you."

I knew this was a bad idea.


The men molested me openly, running their hands over my body knowing I couldn't do a thing about it. I snarled at them, but I couldn't do much more, they laughed as they tweaked my nipples and played with my flaccid cock.

"He doesn't seem to be having fun," the commander said, seeing I was not going to react, "Let me see the toy."

One of them handed him a small container which he opened and pulled out what looked like a metal band aid. He smiled and knelt down between my legs, "So you enjoy all of the serum's gifts," he said as I felt him spread my legs, "But do you enjoy its drawbacks as well?"

I had no idea what he was talking about, and I winced as I felt him attach the band aid to my taint. There was a slight pinch as it attached itself to my skin and he stood back up. "You will love this."

I was terrified, but I refused to show it, instead I spat at him, "Fuck off."

He held up a remote, "Soon, you will be asking us to fuck you."

I was about to keep trash talking when he pushed a button and my whole body shook.

"FUCK!" I screamed as my hips jumped off the floor and my cock began to harden immediately. Waves and waves of pure pleasure moved through my body as muffled whimpers escaped my throat. They all stood over me and laughed as I writhed around on the floor like a fucking drunk whore.

"Oh, someone does like this!" the commander said, nudging my hard cock with his boot, "Where are your tough words now American?"

I couldn't talk, I was biting my bottom lip to keep from moaning out loud. It was insane, my whole body felt like it was vibrating, every single movement a tiny orgasm into itself. I wanted to cum so bad it was killing me, even surrounded by a pack of goons laughing, I was still desperate to blow my load.

"Hold this," the commander said, passing the remote to one of his men, "I will get him ready..."

He began to strip his uniform off and I felt dread pass through my mind...even as my cock throbbed for release...



"C'mon y'all..." I tried to joke, "I don't swing like that..."

The guy just grinned and I felt his hand slid under my ass, there was a slight pinch and I felt something attach to the underside of my balls.

"Whoa there," I said nervously, "We ain't that..."

And then something exploded moved inside of me and I let out a low moan.

"Ohhh...shit..." I said, feeling nothing but pure sex move through my body. Someone cut the ties on my hands, and I fell forward onto my hands and knees. My cock was rock hard and oh my lord...what the hell was happening?

"You Americans and your obsession with no body hair," he said, his hand moving over my ass, making my shiver, "You all look like women to us...pretty, smooth women..."

I was shaking, my cock was pulsing, and his touch was making me hot. Holy crap what was this? His hand moved between my cheeks, and I wanted to scream at him to stop touching me, but his finger slipped between my crack, and I felt his fingertip move over my hole...

"Fffuucck....." I hissed, feeling my hips want to push back into it.

"You moan like women too," he said kneeling behind me, "Horny, slutty women..."

I felt his hands pry my cheeks apart and I closed my eyes as I felt my body react...


"I'm married asshole," I said to the guy touching my dick, "You're wasting your time."

"Am I?" he asked, pushing my thighs apart.

"Get off me," I growled, trying not to sound as drugged as I felt.

He pressed something to my ass, and I felt a small pinch and he pulled his hand back. He had attached something...I could feel...

"JESUS!" I cried, my hips bucking up as I watched my cock grow hard! Fuck, they were stimulating my prostate with something...oh shit....nononono...fuck I was already leaking as I bucked aimlessly upward. My body was on automatic, just trying to fuck as best it can.

"Oh ho!" the solider laughed, "Am I still wasting my time?" he asked, grabbing my now hard cock.

"Shit..." I whimpered, feeling myself push up into his grip.

"Yes, show me how straight you are American boy..." he said holding his hand completely still as I fucked myself on his fist, "Prove to me your manliness."

I just moaned as my back arched and I pushed up into his hand, I couldn't stop myself. My body was going into overdrive and there was no pulling me back.


He rolled me over onto my stomach, my cock pressing against the dirt as he opened my legs. I felt his hands open my cheeks and was about to beg him to stop when I felt his tongue push into my hole.

"OOOOHHHHH!" I screamed as I felt a man's tongue enter me for the first time. I wanted to scream, but it felt insane! My toes curled as my back arched and I pushed back into his face, silently begging him to eat me out.

I could hear the old soldiers laugh and cheer as they watched me debase myself on this man's face. My god how long was his tongue? It was so deep in me...touching me in places...oh fuck...

He went deeper and I felt my whole body respond, I was pounding my fist on the ground, slowly losing my mind to a fucking tongue.

"You like that hero?" one of the men asked, kneeling down to my face, "You like your pussy being eaten out?"

He had his phone out and was filming me, I closed my eyes, trying to hide my face but every time this asshole's tongue touched something I would moan and jerk like I was a drunk coed at a frat party. He just kept filming my reaction as I slowly desired more and more pleasure...

I was losing my mind.


I felt some lube and then a finger push up into me.

A grunt slipped out as he began to push up into me, I winced as I tried not clench my ass shut but they had given me something and the vibrations moving through my body was making it hard to concentrate. So far all he was doing was bugging me, but I could tell...

"YES!" I screamed as he touched something inside my ass and my cock almost dropped my load instantly. It was like fireworks going off in my head as he slowly moved his finger over the spot again and again...making me cry in pleasure each time.

I was whining like a dog as I pushed back onto his hand, oh fuck what was he doing to me? No, no...I can't...fuck I can't be doing this...

"Yes, show us American, show us how straight you are...show us..."

I closed my eyes as I kept pushing back into hand, working his finger over that spot. Fuck I wasn't a fag but it felt so good...so damn good...

He slipped my finger out and I felt my body push back, trying to keep it in when he added a second and pushed it in.

"OH GAWD!" I cried as I felt two fingers press against my spot and felt my mind fuzz up. All I knew was pleasure and I was losing the will to fight it.

One of the other soldiers moved in front of me and undid his zipper, fishing out a hardening cock, "Suck my dick American..."

I moved my mouth away, refusing to give in.

And the guy pulled his fingers free.

I turned around in panic and he just smiled at me, "You want?"

I hated that I nodded.

He gestured towards the other guy's dick.

I closed my eyes and sighed, and he pushed his fingers in again and pushed my spot, making me gasp and then pulled them out. God...it felt so fucking good...I needed it...

I looked back at the dick and knew; I had no choice.

I licked the tip of his dick and the three fingers returned now, I moaned as I took the whole head in my mouth and began to suck...

Oh god what was I doing?


Fuck I was losing it.

Whatever they were using was stimulating my prostate like a fucking boss, making my body just spam my brain with lust, sex, and the desire to get off. The problem was that I had already been conditioned to this. When me and my wife were trying to have a baby, they used prostate stimulation and I nearly became addicted to it.

It had been years since I touched my ass and now it was like the flood gates were bursting and every single perverted desire, I had dreamed of was coming back tenfold.

"Such a fine bull," one of them said, sliding a finger into my ass making me moan, "Wel will ride you all night."

He penetrated me quickly and within seconds his finger was pushing places inside of me that he shouldn't have, and I was instantly grinding against his hand. They all laughed but I couldn't stop myself, the pleasure that this thing was shooting through my body was making me lose my mind and dignity.

"Yes, come American, push back, fuck yourself on my finger..."

"Fuck..." I moaned, doing exactly that, I looked up and saw one of the guys was filming with his phone, but I couldn't stop, I needed to get off.

One of them grabbed my hair and shoved his cock in my mouth, the guy added another finger and I found myself slathering his cock with my tongue...fuck I needed to stop!

But I knew I wouldn't.


He removed his mouth, and I was panting, my ass begging for more.

I felt his cock press against my wet hole, and I froze, oh god no...

"Come on little boy," he said with a sneer, "Back up onto the superior cock..."

His head was pushing my hole open and though normally that would have me screaming in terror, but the pulses moving through my body were making me crave more and I felt myself slowly push back, impaling myself on his cock. He groaned as he felt me willingly fuck myself on his cock with my virgin hole, the pain of the intrusion being translated into pleasure but this fucking thing on my taint.

"Oh yes...such a straight hero, aren't you?" he taunted as I felt his pubes bump up against my ass, "You like this cock?"

He pushed into me, and I gasp and let out a low moan in response.

"Answer me bitch," he said sliding out, "DO YOU LIKE THIS COCK?" he slams into me and I see lights in my eyes.

"FUCK I DO! FUCK ME!" I scream, the amount of pleasure coursing through me off the charts as I just begin to lose it.

The men laughed louder as he began to really slam into me, I was mortified to find myself pushing back, meeting each thrust with one of my own. His cock was touching something in me that was breaking me from inside, each time he hit it I felt all reason and logic fade, leaving only a mad lust.

That was growing with each second.

One of the men stood in front of me and waved his hard cock in my face, "Suck or we stop fucking you."

I wanted to tell him to fuck off but each time that cock slammed into me I lost myself and just stopped caring.

"SUCK HIM!" the one fucking me ordered and I moved forward and started sucking his cock...to the roarious laughter of the other soldiers and my eternal shame.


I sucked the cock to the best of my ability while the other man fingered me to a higher state of lust.

Finally, the fingers we removed, and the man sat back and gestured to his cock, "Sit."

I didn't want to, the thought was horrifying...but the ache in my ass, the emptiness...

I scrambled onto his lap and lowered myself onto his cock, praying for forgiveness the entire time. He entered me and my head fell back as I moaned, my hands wrapped around his shoulders and began to fuck myself on him.

They were all cheering me on as I slammed myself on the man's cock, losing all sense of self, all morals...I needed cock...I wanted cock...

Oh god I wanted it all!


They began to fuck me, and I lost it.

Their cocks hitting my prostate hard, making me squeal with pleasure. I was crying inside but it felt so good. As soldier after soldier took my ass, I forgot everything else. The device made the sex transcendent and as they all took me, I felt myself not caring about anything else...

They spread me out, made me suck them, double fucked, after awhile they dragged me out where the other guys were being used too. They made us fuck each other, debase ourselves with every one of them...

And by the end we were begging for more...

They had broken us.

Next: Chapter 7: Duty Honor and Service II 3

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