Duty, Honor and Service

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Oct 19, 2021


Thank you for reading my stories. Comments and questions are welcome at dontaskmeever@mail.com If you'd like to tip my venmo is @jack-parker-109

These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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Quell the Storm, and Ride the Thunder Part One


The voice is deep and sounds like it can command a god as it echos across the staging platform for A.R.T.: the American Response Team. The personal that had gathered was silent as Semper paced the area.

"Someone answer me! Where is he?"

Major Jefferies took a step up, "Commander Barnett, I need you to calm down."

"Calm down?" he roared taking a few steps towards the man, "My son has been missing for two months and you just tell me now and you want me to calm down?"

To the major's credit, he didn't take a step back and held his ground, "With all due respect sir, your son was a member of an elite military unit and is a grown adult who knew the risks..."

"Is." Semper interrupted the man.

Jefferies paused, "What?"

"My son is a member of a bullshit military unit I said no to a million times so you blew smoke up his ass until he said yes and now he is missing so the next words that come out of your mouth better be more effective than telling me to calm down."

The major wisely stopped talking.

"Sir," Powell said in the silence, "Your son is a friend of mine and we've been looking nonstop for him."

Semper looked Powell up and down and then looked back to Jefferies, "I want answers now."

The major nodded, "Of course, we're more than willing to share our info."

Semper walked off the concourse, leaving the rest of the team stunned.

Riley walked over to Powell, "No way he is going to help us with the serum."

Powell watched the hero walk away, "Not willingly, no. But remember, if Grant got his itchy pussy from his dad this should be a breeze."

Riley nodded, watching the superhero walk away with hungry eyes.


It was times exactly like this why I left the military.

As this jackass went on and on about all of the failed sorties he sent his team of idiots on and how they found literally nothing over and over again. Of course they didn't, they are still under the impression Grant was taken by other government team to unlock the secret of the serum in his veins, but I knew better.

This was Nocturne, he had my son and these people have wasted months.

"What about his trackers?" I asked interrupting the debriefing, "He had at least one subdermal implant."

"He had two, we installed one when he joined us but they were both false leads. Whoever has him took them out."

I growled and began to pace the room. "Goddammit, I knew he should have never joined."

"Semper," the major said, "We will find him."

I gave him a look so withering he actually got pale.

"I'll find him," I said, going to walk out, "Since no one else can."

"My team can help."

Not the words I wanted to hear.

"You mean the team that was made using my son's DNA? How did you do that? Blood draws? Gene splicing? I mean your people have been trying to get me to give every bodily fluid I possess for years, what did you take from Grant?"

"Your son volunteered to help our project and he did great work..."

"Your team is a waste of time and keep them out of my way," I raged, "I will take care of this."

I stormed out, more sure than ever that this had been a huge mistake.

The other guys in Grant's unit were waiting for me in some kind of uniform, looking like damn fools if you ask me. A bunch of guys playing dress up, I was going to walk past them but one of them stepped in front of me.

"Sir, my name is Riley and I'm on the team with you son, and I am sorry we failed him. But please sir, we want to help, desperately want to."

His southern drawl made his words sound so heartfelt I paused, "Son, just let me do my job, I'll find him."

"But we can help sir," a big boy, high and tight, obvious jarhead said, "Just give us a chance."

They were all Grant's age, maybe a little older, and they seemed sincere. I'd served with boys like this all my life, I couldn't blame them for the idiotic things their superior officers had made them do. Sighing I nodded, "I appreciate the help son, but you boys would only slow us down."

"Can you at least have a drink with us?" the one who talked to me out on the tarmac asked, Powell I think was his name, "Let us tell you the kind of guy your son was to us?"

"Fine, but you aren't changing my mind about coming."

Powell smiled, "Maybe we can change your mind about it then."

I looked at him confused but went with them, the sooner I got this over with the quicker I could get to finding Grant.


He followed us back to the barracks where the drinks we had prepared were.

We had run out of serum weeks ago, burning it up chasing lost leads looking for Grant. We had been scraping the bottom of the barrel but the cupboard was dry, had been for awhile. We had gone to Doc Grant who told us we needed a new source of serum and since Grant was gone, that left only one source. He had brought up if he could swing getting Semper on base, it would be on us to deal with the man.

We needed our powers back badly.

Turns out there had been an addictive element with them as well, we had all fallen off the wagon and were jonesing bad. So we were ready to do about just anything. Foster had explained he had done a lot of research on the serum in the time he had been studying Grant, learning thee strengths and weaknesses of the serum and how they affected the body. The general belief was that it made the user immune to most poisons and toxins, making it impossible to drug anyone with it.

Foster had learned different.

He had come up with a compound that actually acted like super alcohol to people with the serum, Semper and Grant would be fucked up with just a few sips of the beer we had while we would be completely unaffected. We all knew where we had to get the serum from and watching Semper's perfect ass walk in front of me...I knew how I was going to be making it.

We spent an hour or so talking with him, trading stories about Grant while drinking the spiked drinks the whole time. I watched the war hero the whole time, almost giddy at the prospect of being able to fuck America's superhero. He was so much hotter than Grant, where Grant had that young, jock look that was hot, Semper here had the same features but on a man, a real man. He was so much better looking than any actor or model, there was a gravitas in his voice and stature that just made him seem like the complete alpha man.

If I wasn't so desperate for the serum I might feel bad of what I was about to do.

After an hour and three beers his eyes were glassy, his hand trembled a bit and I could see him staring off in the middle of a story. I looked over at Riley and winked, he smiled back.

"One more sir?" I asked, taking the half done beer from his hand.

"Nah...." he slurred, "That's a good brew..." he said looking down at his hand, wondering where his bottle went.

"You ok sir? The heat in here is always turned up too high..."

He nodded and pulled at his uniform, "I'm ok...not so..."

I reached over and undid the top button of his uniform and opened it, "See? Isn't that better?"

He nodded, pulling at this collar.

"It's all good sir," I said undoing my uniform top, "We're off duty here."

He saw me strip my top off and he slowly pulled his own off revealing the tight wife beater underneath. His arms were fucking insane, he tossed the top onto the ground and I could see the flush in his face. Powell walked over and locked the barracks door as I moved closer to him.

"Hey Commander," he looked at me with crossed eyes, "You want some help with these boots?" I pulled at the right one and he just let me unlace and pull it off. He wore black compression socks and as I pulled it off I was looking at the bare foot of fucking Semper. I wasn't into feet or shit but I was looking at one of the most vulnerable places on the country's best solider. I took the other one off in a rush.

"Better sir?' I asked and he smiled and nodded.

"We got a bunk for you sir," Riley said, standing next to Grant's old bunk, "Come take a load off."

"Nah I'm fine..." he said, stumbling on his feet. We lead him over to the bunk all the same and he fell back onto it. His eyes were closed as he laid there, that perfect fucking chest exposed under the thin white shirt...

"Remember," Powell said to me, "He isn't conditioned like Grant, we need to warm him up first..."

I nodded, never taking my eyes off of that body, "I got it."

"Here sir," I said, pulling the bottom of his shirt up, "Let's get you comfortable."

I peeled it of off him and was just blown away by his abs. I mean they were so cut, so deep, so...just fucking perfect...I mean it was like a Greek statue on steroids just lying there...all for me. He raised his tree trunk arms and I pulled it off, the metal tinkle of his dog tags resting between the swollen valley of his pecs was the only sound in the room.

We were all stunned by his perfection.

"Are we really gonna do this?" Riley asked from behind me.

I nodded and got closer, "How you feeling sir?" I asked, running my hands over his smooth chest, just appreciating the dense muscle that made up his pecs, "All good?"

He nodded and tried vaguely to brush my hands off of him but he never opened his eyes...he was still way out of it.

"So...Grant told us you were a pretty reserved guy, not one for getting off..." my fingers grazed the quarter sized nipples and they instantly hardened as he gasped, "That's no fun..."

His chest pushed up, like he was silently begging me to tweak them harder, he let out a small moan as I twisted them lightly, we could all see the monster in his pants start to swell.

"Yeah I see where Grant got his sensitive titties huh..." I said, watching a living legend writhe under my touch, "You like that huh?"

"Sttoo..." he slurred, his head moving slowly side to side as he tried to fight the sensations his body was sending him.

I traced over his abs with my fingertips and he shivered, "Shhh...just go with it stud...just let it feel good..."

You could see the concern on his face, as if he was having a nightmare but his body was slowly betraying him. The drugs with his heightened senses was turning him on more and more and you could see the fucking beast of a cock bulging through his uniform pants. I slowly moved my hand over it and rubbed it, the affect was instant.

His eyes flew open as his hips came off the bunk, "NO!"

I don't even think he knew where he was, he was just looking up as I rubbed what felt like over ten inches of fucking meat through his pants. I needed more.

"Come on sir," I said undoing his belt buckle, "Let's get you ready for bed..."

His hands grabbed mine and I saw a flicker of clarity in his eyes and I froze, fuck was he coming around?

Powell moved quick and clamped his mouth over the stud's left nipple and Semper let out a throaty moan and laid back down as I undid the belt. Riley moved next and began to nibble on his neck, Semper threw his head back, letting the man full access his vulnerability.

A whore just like his son.

I opened his pants and slipped them off, revealing a black jock that was straining against a cock that would have looked at home on a fucking horse. It wasn't easy pulling the pants off his thick thighs, his legs were just fucking made of marble, his calves bulged like they had their own little biceps, it was just unfair how hot this man was.

I looked down at my work, he was naked save his black socks and jockstrap, his head was craned back so Riley could leave hickey after hickey on his neck while his nipples were red and swollen from Powell's mouth moving back and forth on them. It was like a work of art just for me.

You could see him trying to fight it, like a man drowning he would gasp and try to stop them, a low moan of no would slip out before the next wave of pleasure would hit his perfect body and he'd fall back onto the bed, his cock throbbing even harder than before. As they worked him over you could see these moments occur less and less...he was losing his will to fight...giving in to the same craving we had taught his son over the last year.

"How we doing sir?" I asked, kneeling down in front of his jock, "You wanna lift your ass up some?"

I pulled at the straps and waited...and then, like a man in a dream, his hips moved up, allowing me space to slip his jock off. I had never been so turned on in my life. His cock caught on the thin fabric but once free slapped up against his fucking eight pack, a heavy thud as it slapped near his belly button. Oh my fucking god...how did he walk around with this piece of meat between his legs?

I tossed the jock aside and reached out to the base of his dick, my fingers couldn't even touch as I held it. This, this was a man's cock, a fucking alpha cock! I mean it was ten inches easy and the head looked like a small peach! Again, I'm not gay but over the last year I have become more respective to the male body, using Grant as my own personal whore had shown me what a perfect man looks like and this...this was a perfect man.

I slowly moved my hand up the bottom half of his cock, feeling the mass, the weight of his shaft, watching his foreskin move over his dripping head...the way his bull sized balls moved with the motion. After three strokes a drop of precum formed in his slit and I felt my hunger scream.

I moved my mouth over the head and heard America's hero gasp as I began to suck his cock.

The moment the drop absorbed onto my tongue I could feel it. My body quivered as I felt the serum move through me, it had to be my imagination but I swear I felt stronger instantly. My tongue rolled around his head and he moved under me, a half hearted no while his hips pushed up, shoving more of his meat into my mouth. My jaw was already sore he was so big but I wanted more, needed more nut juice. I fondled one of his fucking orange sized testies in my hand, another moan and I could see he was slowly coming to terms he couldn't stop this.

His legs spread wider, completely by instinct, as I worked the top half of his cock with my mouth and the bottom with my hand. His hips were gyrating up now, he was trying his best to hold on but his body wanted this...craved it...was hungry for it.

One of the many things Grant had told us while being fucked was how his father had stopped having sex a long time ago. He had told us that Semper's cock was too big and that the hero had come to the thinking that sexual energy was better used for combat. Meaning that this magnificent cock hadn't been touched like this in a long time. So as I slathered my spit over his ten inches of American pride I knew his body was thanking me drop by drop of that fucking serum.

I was stronger now, I could feel it. Where before I was holding on for dear life as he facefucked me I was holding him down now. Once he was wild with lust, his hips fighting me to get off I stopped, leaving his cock exposed, covered in my spit.

"Oh that's the shit," I said wiping my mouth, "Just as tasty as your son...who wants this?"

Powell moved off one of the nipples and began sucking the horse cock, causing Semper's eyes to roll back as he let out a small whimper.

I grabbed his legs and spread them and began to lightly nibble at the inside of his thighs, each bite causing him to jump and move as I moved closer upwards.

"Fuck...no...." he intoned...sounding like he was drunk as hell. There was still a mind at work in there, a straight mind who knew where my mouth was heading to. But as Powell sucked his cock and played with his balls, his body became more and more accepting to the pleasure it was feeling. It had been too long, he had deprived it of what it needed and now it was enacting it's revenge.

No matter how straight he was, no matter how much this was horrifying to him, he was still pushing his cock into a man's mouth as he felt another man lick the inside of his thighs as it headed to his virgin ass. And with every second...he was getting more and more into it.

Just like his slut son had.

I licked under his balls and he let out a moan that was as much an admission of being into it as anything else. His legs spread again as I gnawed on the tender skin, I know no one had ever dared to lick his taint before and just like that this old man was learning new things about his body.

The problem was his thighs were huge, like fucking tree trunks. There was no way I was going to get to his fucking hole on his back, time to adjust.

I sat up, "Let's flip him," I said and Powell came off the cock, his frame visibility larger.

"Ok old man," Powell said grabbing Semper's waist, "On your knees."

He flipped him around like he weighed nothing. Semper made a surprised sound as he was flipped onto his stomach, Powell raised his hips and got him to his hands and knees as the living legend shook his head, trying to get his composure back.

"Don't....please..." he pleaded...his voice uneven and slurring.

"What's wrong sir?" I asked, spreading the two mounds of muscle that made up his asscheeks, "Starting to like it?"

"You can't...can't do this..." he panted as I laid eyes on his beautiful, pink hole.

"Now that is America's ass," I said and shoved my tongue into him.

He let out an aborted squeak as I dug into his untouched hole...touching him where no man had ever even thought of before. He began to call out, frantic cries of stop and ohhhs filling the barracks room as I pushed further and further in.

"Powell shut him up, Riley, get under here and grab a taste..."

Riley crawled under Semper while Powell moved in front of the hero, hard cock in hand.

"Open up sir," Powell said, pushing his cock against the hero's closed mouth.

It looked like he was going to resist until Riley grabbed the man's donkey cock and began to suck on it, causing his to gasp and in shock, allowing Powell to force his meat into his open mouth. We all held our breath as we watched Semper, American's superhero, living legend and all around stud...began to suck his first cock.

Riley worked the man's cock over like a champ, making the man moan as Powell slowly slid his raging cock in and out of the hero's mouth. I heard as soft, "Cover your teeth," and then a satisfied sigh as I went back to eating him out.

God I wish I had set up cameras so I could look back and watch Semper on all fours, getting eaten out while sucking a cock. God I would jerk off about his for years to come...having this stud servicing us...letting us use his holes...my god we were actually doing this!

His ass was like an over it was to hot, Blake had said the drinks would work like a muscle relaxant on him so even though he was trying to fight it...I was pushing further and further into him. Powell was slowly fucking his face as Riley worked his bull shaft with his mouth and hands...he was so overwhelmed by all this his hips were pushing back onto my face. He couldn't stop himself, his body had been pushed over the edge and he couldn't stop his own instincts from betraying him at this point.

We rocked him back and forth for several minutes, Powell was deep dicking him now, pulling almost all of his cock out of his mouth before shoving it back in. Riley was moaning beneath him, lapping the precum that was leaking from his cock as we molested his perfect body. Once Riley's powers of observation came back he was able to see the micro expressions Semper was showing and began to do exactly what was needed to push the man even further into ecstasy. A finger here, a push there and Semper was writhing in place, low moans coming from this throat around Powell's cock.

He was ready.

I slowly withdrew my tongue and looked down at the world's most perfect man suck my partner's cock like a fucking whore. He wasn't being forced anymore, Powell wasn't pushing his head down or anything, Semper was so caught up in his lust he sucked for all he was worth because Riley kept driving him crazy with his powers...

Now it was my turn.

I pressed my head against his hole and paused, he shook his head, spitting out Powell's cock and looked back at me, "Don't do this son...please..."

I just smiled, "I ain't your son...and your son loved this..."

I pushed forward and though he tried to force his hole tight, the drugs made it impossible and I pushed into him, both of us groaning in response. Oh god I thought Grant ass was perfect but this...besides I was fucking a living legend, besides I was fucking one of the, if not the, best looking man in the world, besides I was the first cock up this perfect ass...it as the tightest, hottest hole I had ever touched. Women would weep if their cunts was this tight, this warm...this fucking perfect.

Like his son his healing factor made everything a thousand times more pleasurable to him. His pain tolerance was off the charts and any damage done by my cock was healed instantly, making even his first time feel like he was used to it. I slid all the way in, burying my nine inches in his untouched hole in one stroke. If he was like Grant his clit was aching to be touched and my throbbing head was just the tool for the job.

Sure enough he was crying no as I pushed in and just as my weeping cock scraped against his prostate, breaking his will in once thrust.

"FUCK!" he cried as I heard Riley under him gag, no doubt swallowing a whole glob of precum as Semper's cock reacted to having his cunt tickled for the first time. His body froze, his ass clamped down on my cock as his mind tried to rationalize what he was feeling. I slid my cock out slightly and then pushed forward, cause him to jerk forward again.

"Yeah...you feel that?" I asked, doing it again.

"GOD!" he screamed, his head up, "Please..."

I rocked his spot three more times before his head fell and he let out a mournful moan as he pushed back into my cock. I stayed completely still and watched him drag himself forward...and then slowly push back...

"Ooohhhh...." he whimpered as he did it again and again...

"Like father, like son," I said and slammed into him hard.

"FUCK!" he screamed and we went to town.

I held on to his hips and thrust into him like the fucking cheap whore he was going to become, his body bent under me, his back arching, his head thrown back, his ass meeting every inch I was giving him. Watching him just submit, just crumble under my cock was like a whole other drug, he was moaning as I fucked him, no doubt screaming art himself in his head as Powell shoved his cock back into the hero's waiting mouth. There was no use, according to Blake his prostate was over ten times more sensitive than a normal one, meaning he wasn't just getting fucked well he was being fucked ten times more than he should be. His willpower, his resistance, his masculinity was just under attack by my cock and he had no defense for it.

The very strength that he relied on to protect him was actively working agonist him now, his nerve endings were pumping ten times more pleasure into his system, making his pussy not just purr but sing in response to my cock. Within minutes he wasn't just loving it but was obsessed with it, his body was covered in sweat as he pushed back as hard as he could. I just smiled as I watched America's greatest warrior rut back on my dick like my fucking prom date.

"Oh he's into this," I said to Powell who gave me an evil grin, "Flip him."

I pulled my cock out and Riley moved out from under him. We laid him out on his back and I grabbed his ankles with my hands. He looked up at me in shock and I spread his legs like the fucking willing whore I had made him.

"Look at you..." I said looking down at him, his eyes wide as he stared up, "Your son liked it this way too."

I pushed in and his eyes closed as he moaned in response, his body reacting in ways his mind was not ready for. I began to plow into him and watching his head thrash back and forth as I fucked him was just perfect. That mighty cock, that fucking woman killer was smearing precum all over his perfect 8 pack, coating his torso with his precum as I smashed his slit over and over again...

His no's began to fade and slowly morph into ohhhs...as I let go of his legs and leaned in they turned to yesss....I felt his legs wrap around my waist and pulled me in, Our eyes locked and I could see it in his expression, he was lost now, he was gone. I fucked him like a wild animal and he met me thrust for thrust, his cock kept burping precum as my dick punished his fucking clit harder and harder, drawing more whimpers and moans from him with each time.

"You look just like him," I grunted as I fucked him, "Just like your faggot son...taking my cock...you like that bitch? You like being fucked?"

He refused to talk but his hips pushed up to meet my thrusts, I adjusted my angle and slammed right into his fucking jock clit, making him mine just like his son.

"ANSWER ME! You like getting fucked?"

"No...no....no..." he panted, the last dregs of his sanity holding on for dear life...

I forced up into his bitch spot five more times and his eyes closed as his lips trembled...he was feeling so much pleasure...so deep in lust...he fought and fought...but he wasn't going to win.

"Come on Semper, show me how much you love being fucked...say it..."

He shook his head and bit his bottom lip to stop from screaming, but it was a lost cause.

Riley reached over and began to pluck at his nipples, "Maybe she just wants his titties played with,...that what you want girl? You want more...huh baby you want more?"

"No...." he wailed as he thrust his perfect pecs upward...

"Just say it...:" I said, fucking him so hard I picked his hips off the bunk, "SAY IT!!"

For a moment he was held up by my cock, my whole unit crushing his prostate and he lost it.


I felt my cock throb as I heard him break, and lifted him up so he was riding my cock. His arms wrapped around my shoulders as he slid down my dick, the hunger on his face was just palpable.

"Yeah ride that cock cunt, ride my fucking cock..."

"Fuck me..fuck me..." he chanted, pushing down onto my cock as he rode me.

"You're gonna let us all fuck you, we all need some serum...you gonna be our milking cow like your son? Huh?"

He just nodded, only hearing he was going to keep getting fucked as he moaned around my length. Watching this man degrade himself, begging to be fucked...

God it made me proud to be an American.

Next: Chapter 6: Duty Honor and Service II 2

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