Dutch Treat

By sacred cowboy

Published on Apr 5, 2020



Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended. The characters and situations belong to another author. I mean no disrespect with this fan-fiction, only to elaborate on a novel I thoroughly enjoyed.

I am not one for writing about other characters, but recently, I came across a horror story with a good twist of romance in it. While stuck in quarantine,' I downloaded a book from Amazon Kindle titled: "Mr. Sticks" by T. James Harris and Steven B. Rahn. The characters were so much fun, and the thought of them finally getting together' was quite the enticement. Danny is 5'7", while Dutch is 6'5"... Dan is Gay, but Dutch is a little more fluid in his sexuality. Anyway, I hope that you like this.

As always, please contribute handsomely to Nifty, so they can keep the lights on, and the good fun flowing.

Dutch Treat -Jess Du'Prix

The cab ride back to our little apartment was somehow swifter than I had anticipated. I sat in the middle of the back seat, wondering exactly how I had gotten lipstick all over my chest, and casually contemplating where all the buttons of my shirt had gone. Sonja sat at my left, clearly the lipstick had come from her, but I couldn't recall any kind of mouth calisthenics we had done. She was still in the micro dress of royal purple, and her sling back heels dangled absently from her fingertips. To my right, Dutch. The big, bold Viking. Wearing just the leather kilt, with the split up the sides. Held together by two links of silver chain. When he moved, you could get just a glimpse of his rather impressive set of `goods.' His leather and steel harness, gone. His new boots, gone. He was just barely dressed, which was what he liked in the first place. My room mate had a rather profound distaste for clothing, in general. I had seen him naked, almost as much as I had seen him clothed. If he could get away with it, he'd chuck his closest out the window, and parade through life buck-naked. I would not have minded it in the least. He had a superhero build, and could have easily passed for Thor's little brother.

What was going to happen once we got back to the apartment? I wasn't exactly sure. Dutch never brought anyone home. Though, in college, he was a pretty renowned chick magnet. But, in the two years we had lived together, I had only seen him go on a handful of dates. Honestly, I was glad that nothing seemed to pan out with him and some babe. He didn't know, but I had a crush on him since the moment he stood naked before me, in my University Art Class. He went on to save me from a couple of campus jocks who were hell-bent on shaming me into a possible suicide. Since then, I just adored him, but from a distance. He called me `little brother' and treated me like I was his favorite person in the world. He was from a well to do family, and had more money then he could spend in four lifetimes. I, on the other hand, had come from poor farmers in Iowa. An orphan, with only a single relation that shared my genetic makeup. He, was the closest thing I had to family.

I felt a familiar touch to my thigh.

"You okay, little dude?" He leaned over and whispered into my ear, while resting his huge hand on my thigh.

"I'm sorry about the shirt. The buttons are gone, and I don't know what happened to them." He just gave me a sweet smile, and patted my thigh.

"Bro, it's only a shirt. I wanted you to have the time of your life tonight. That's why I bought you the club gear." He said. The light from a passing street lamp reminded me that he was still pretty sweaty from the dancing. His blue henna face tattoo seemed in tact, but it was starting to loose it's integrity. Sonja just put her arm around me, and whispered into my other ear,

"I'm glad you had a good time. Popping your `club' cherry at Anubis is quite the achievement." She said. I knew that she could easily be a regular there. But my first time had been filled with crazy drinking, dancing, and a little encounter with Absinthe. An evening spent in the VIP lounge, courtesy of Dutch, would go down in my life book as being one of the best nights of my life.

When we got back to our place, Dutch whispered something to Sonja as we were walking though the front door. She laughed a moment and then nodded. He then unhooked the kilt, and stepped out of it, and dropped it in the entry way. Naked, again. I just chuckled.

Chit-Chat, a bit of foot message from my roomie, and a heart to heart with Sonja. I knew Dutch would be hooking up with her, because... well, they had some serious chemistry between them.Electricity seemed to crackle off of them every time they looked at each other. You could have set a dead battery beside them, and in five minutes time, it would have been good as new. I decided that I would take the glasses that we had used, into the kitchen, so that I wouldn't have to watch them go into his room together. I didn't begrudge him the encounter. I just... I just don't think my nerves could have handled it. He was amazing, and deserved every bit of stolen pleasure he could squeeze out of this life.

I hand washed the glasses, wiped them down, and put them away. I also neatened up the counter. After a few more minutes, my heart was in my throat. I really didn't want to be in the apartment. I mean, the walls were as thick as a playing card. And though I had heard Dutch give his piece a good wank from time to time, I didn't want to hear their lovemaking. When I poked my head out of the kitchen, the living room was empty, and Dutch's door was closed.

I crept into my bedroom, and put my club gear away. Cinder-Fella had left the ball. It was now time to resume my unimpressive way of life. Back to a medical office, and a financial plan to make ends meet. I quickly dressed in some comfortable clothing, and was about to slip out of the flat, and into the dark city's waiting arms. I wasn't sure where I would go, just that it needed to be away from this place. Wandering, was what I often did, when I couldn't sleep. Or when my heart was troubled. I wasn't jealous. Just... I guess, envious that Sonja would be getting the attention, I had always dreamed of getting from that incredible man. I had never been with anyone before, at least, not consensually, and a part of me made a wish that the first person I would ever touch, would be Dutch.

I opened my bedroom door, and was surprised to find a very naked Sonja, standing there. She just gave me a smile, and took my hand.

"What?" I started to ask, but I was surprised to see Dutch was in his doorway. His enormous member was at full attention. I had to stop for a moment. Sonja started to strip off my shirt. I hesitated a moment, until Dutch stepped up, and started undoing my shorts.

"This is your guys evening, not mine!" I protested. But they were insistent. When I was as naked as they were, Dutch took hold of my cock, and led me into his bedroom.

Dutch and I had shared a bed, many many times, over the years. I had felt his hard-on, up against me, as we slept. But there had never been any sexual activity between us. We had been intimate, emotionally, with one another. But nothing like this...

The three of us got onto his rather sizable bed. Just like the cab, I was in the middle. Sonja planted a lip lock on me, that really did feel a little odd to me. I mean, I had never really been attracted to women. But, the girl could kiss. I felt a huge hand on my thigh, and then felt a slightly whiskered chin on my shoulder. Dutch had his tongue in my ear! The hand on my thigh moved up, and I could not believe how hard I already was. I could feel his incredible monster against my thigh as well, and it was hot, thick and throbbing. Slowly, his hand traveled up to my own aching cock, and he encircled it with his strong hand.

"Nice chubby you got here, little bro." He whispered into my ear. With his thumb, he moved it around my frenulum, which sent an electric jolt right through my entire being. He did that about three more times, and I howled out an orgasm into Sonja, as my dick exploded all over the place.

"Nice!" Dutch said, continuing to jack my cock in his hand. When Sonja let me up for air, I saw that the head of my dick, was touching Dutch's massive member, and I almost came again.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" I started to say, but Sonja only had a kind smile on her face.

"I'd forgotten what it was like, being a virgin." She said, and kissed me again. But this time, it was more a friendly kiss. When she pulled back, Dutch took her place, and planted one on my lips. I pushed forward into his hand, but my cock was spent at the moment.

"Easy, Quick-Draw. We have all night." He said. I just ran my hands over his chest... and then touched his nipples. He sighed, and pushed his cock against my thigh, a little more firmly. "Now, if you don't mind, I think our guest needs a little attention." He said to me. He climbed over me, and I took his spot. The next thing I saw, was Sonja's legs around his hips. I just scooted back, and watched as he entered her. He had covered her mouth with his, and slowly began to rock into her. She made the appropriate sounds. I just watched his perfect ass, as he clenched it and pushed forward. I kind of hunkered down, so I could get a glimpse of his balls, as they banged away against her ass. She squealed after a few more moments. He must have been getting all the right angles in her, because she was clearly having a good time. Dutch changed up his rhythm giving her short strokes, and then longer ones. He would press himself up to the hilt in her, and she cried out. He took hold of her, and spun her around until she was on top, they still shared the kiss, and this time, he pumped upwards into her. My view of his shaft got that much better! I could see all 10 inches of his thick cock, sliding into her body. And though I was not at all interested in joining in, I was enjoying the view.

His fingers went around her hips, and he continued to drive upwards. She broke away from his lips, and shuddered. I put my hands on his thighs, and he instinctively spread them wide. I then pulled back. I didn't want to ruin their cadence. I just wanted... to touch him a bit more. Even if I wasn't the focus of his desire. Sonja threw back her head after a moment, and I watched her convulse around his prick. She was having her own orgasm, and I could not fault her for that. She had the most beautiful man I had ever seen, inside her. I could not help but feel envy. I heard him chuckle, as he slid out of her flesh.

"Come here." He said to her. "I want to taste a little of that nectar." His voice was lascivious, and it thrilled me. Though she was not quite finished with her run of pleasure, she quickly straddled Dutch's face, and I saw that his tongue was going to work where his cock had been...

His cock. It was now out and open. It bobbed above his navel like a thing alive. I was already partially positioned between his knees, so I continued to get a good look at his Johnson. How it had a slight curve to it. How it seemed to pulse with each heart beat. I rested my palms on the top of his thighs, and he he thrust upward. I was thrilled! I had wanted to touch it, so badly, when I felt it against my back on those nights when we had cuddled up together. He was naked, I was in my pj's. He would wrap me in his strong arms, spooning me, and making me feel safer than I ever had been in my life. But usually an hour into our sleep, I felt that beast against the cleft of my ass. I ached to reach out, and touch it then. Now, I had a green light! Now, it would be allowed! I ran my hands up his legs, until I was just inches away from his throbbing flesh. I was at a loss. Did I want to pop that thing into my mouth? Did I want to stroke him, like he had done me? I had jacked off a thousand times, and knew my own cock backwards and forwards. His, was an undiscovered land! I noted the veins as they stuck out along the shaft, the crown of his gland. The little line from his taint to his ass hole. I finally swallowed hard, and took him, in both hands. I heard him sigh from under Sonja. She was also making sounds that were telling me that she was enjoying this as much as I was. I felt the heat of that thick cock. I circled it with my small hands, and realized that my fingers did not touch. He was porn-star huge! I skinned it back, and forth, gently. I ran the foreskin up and down, over the gland, and then all the way down the shaft. He had ahold of Sonja's thighs, while he continued to tongue her, but he ground up into my hands. Could I get him to cum this way? Could I give him back what he gave me? I pulled back on the shaft, and regarded the slit. I perfect clear pearl was starting to form. I stuck my tongue out, and licked that little jewel off his cock head. He thrust gently, until I found the first three inches of him was well into my mouth. It startled me a bit, but I continued on. One hand on his shaft, the other on his balls, and my lips gently around the head. I continued to bob up and down on him, until I heard a familiar sound: Sonja was cumming again. I felt Dutch's hand on my head, and I thought he was trying to disengage me, while Sonja continued to thrash around on his face. But he held me there, and pushed gently into me. I wanted to take him all the way to the balls. I wanted to do to him, what I had seen in some grainy old movies. To feel that monster in my throat. But because of our guest, I slowly pulled my lips off that beautiful beast.

Dutch sat up, wiping the heel of his hand over his mouth, with a smile on his face that told me he was the cat that ate the canary, or something like that. I got a look at Sonja, who had the most perplexed look on her face. She was breathless, her chest was rising and falling like she had run a marathon. I saw that her breasts were absolutely perfect. Her skin was flawless. She was about as beautiful as any woman could ever hope to be... and I had no sexual desire for her, At. All. She just ran her hand over my face.

"Baby, I don't know what you were doing, but I hope you had as much fun as I did!" She said, breathlessly. "Sorry boys, but I need to take a break for a bit." She fell backwards onto the bed. Dutch just tugged on his erection a bit.

"You haven't cum yet." I said to him. He just shook his head.

"Nope. I had a little Thai girlfriend who taught me a couple of techniques to keep me... in the saddle for longer." He gave me a wink, and laid down beside her. When I didn't move, he just patted the mattress next to him. I had to lay almost on top of him, to keep from falling off. I had my leg up, and was trying to figure out how I was going to position myself. "Dans, just relax. Okay. You've touched me a thousand times. Don't get all pee-pee shy on me, now." He teased. I just rested my head on his chest, and my left hand on his incredible abs. When my cheek touched his chest, he kissed the top of my head. "Don't stress out about tonight, okay, little dude. This is just fun and games, and not something you need to get all twisted about." He said, and his fingertips traced my spine, causing me to shudder a bit. I was dangerously close to his nipple, so, I decided to lick it. He reacted with a small jolt, and I thought that he didn't like it. How wrong I was. I just glanced at his huge cock, and my fingers traveled lower, until I had ahold of him. He just let out a little grunt. I glanced over at our guest, and realized that she had already dropped into sleep. She had a lot to drink tonight, and a couple of shattering orgasms, would knock just about anyone into the land of nod. But as I lay there, with Dutch's hot cock in my fist, I realized that I wanted to continue. And he seemed okay with that decision. I tried to scoot down the bed, but started to fall off. Dutch grabbed my arm, and chuckled softly.

"Come on. She's conked out. Let's go to the couch for a little one on one, okay?" He asked. I just hopped off the bed, and stood by the door. He moved quickly, and when he passed by, I could not help but reach out, and touch that gorgeous ass of his. He let me fondle him, for just a moment, before he indicated with a nod, that I should follow him.

He stretched out on our sofa but instead of putting his feet on the coffee table, he just pushed it away and spread his legs apart. I came over, and settled down between them. I put my hands on his thighs, and ran them up and down.

"Did I nip you with my teeth?" I asked, tentatively. He just shook his head. I took his cock in my hands again, and stoked it. "So fucking huge..." I whispered, and ran my tongue up to the little crown. His legs trembled. I guess I did something right. I continued to do that to him, and then I put him back in my mouth. I was a little eager, trying to push that thing into my throat, when I felt his thumb on my forehead.

"Easy, babe. You have to take it, nice and slow. Otherwise, it just doesn't feel as good." He coached. Babe was an endearment he constantly used on me. It was affectionate, but until this point, not romantic. I just nodded, and continued. I kept the suction light, and I moved my tongue around on the underside of his shaft. "That's it Just like that." His voice was wet with desire. I continued for another couple of minutes, and I could tell that he was getting close to orgasm. Would he come in my mouth? God, I hoped so. I would happily drink every drop of him.

"You are entirely too good at that, little dude." He said to me, in a dark whisper that went straight into my cock. The next thing I knew, he was pulling me off his prize. When I was standing up, he put both hands on my hips, and pulled me back into his lap. I felt that wet, dripping monster between my ass cheeks as I sat down on top of him. His fingers moved around my waist, and locked behind my back. He stared at me with a set of crystal blue eyes that went right into my soul. Dutch and I often sat like this, having one of our heart-to-hearts. But this was the first time we had done this when we were naked. "How ya doing, babe?" He asked me. I must have turned about four shades of red. I don't know why the blush started, but it seemed to creep up my back, and took over my face. He was amused.

"There's so much I want to do. To try. I just don't know what to do next. But you haven't popped yet." I said, and I couldn't help myself, but rub against his hard prick. He just leaned forward, and kissed me again. My mouth parted a little more, and he gave me his tongue. If Sonja was a good kisser, than Dutch could have taught a master-class! I was tentative, at first. But when I felt his hands slide up and down my back, a fire started in me, and I could not seem to kiss him, hard enough. The flutter started in my stomach, and went all the way up to my mouth. I had wanted this for so long! Ached for something I needed, but did not understand. He pulled back slightly, and nipped my shoulder, and then licking my ear. His hands began to pull me forward. I felt one of his fingers start to circle my butt-hole, and a new jolt of pleasure began to rise up in me. I continued to suck on his face, and his cock grew just a bit harder against my ass. It was a familiar feeling, but now that there wasn't a layer of cloth between us, the sensation was even more pronounced. I slid back and forth on him, and he pushed up against me. I felt a sharp little sting, and realized that he had a finger inside of me. I raised up, just a bit, in surprise, but it didn't hurt for more than a second. Somehow, knowing that the digit belonged to Dutch, made it that much more enjoyable. He moved it around inside of me, gently, as if he was looking for something. He continued to press his lips against mine, and then he would slip his huge tongue into my mouth.

Bam! He found something. Something that made me shudder. Something that made my cock twitch. I kind of convulsed a bit in his lap.

"That's a secret little spot inside ya, that makes ass play fun." He said. "I know that some guys like it. Some don't." I felt him touch that spot again, and my cock expanded a bit more. I also kind of sat down on his finger again. He started to chuckle a bit. "Seems like you like it." He said.

"Do you like when a guy does that to you?" I asked, breathlessly. He just shook his head.

"Short of a couple of circle jerks at the frat house, I've never had sex with another dude." He answered. When I gave him a questioning look, he shrugged again. "I just pay attention." He said. And with that, he inserted another finger into me.

Maybe five minutes later, I realized that I was really ready for the next step. I had decided that I wanted this man to take my cherry. That if ever I was going to be fucked, he was the one to do it.

"Do you... think... you can put your... cock... inside me?" I asked, afraid of him actually doing it, but more afraid he would say no.

"Are you sure you're ready for that, dude?" He asked. I just looked into his beautiful face. "I mean, I haven't cum yet, so I could get a little rough." He said.

"I trust you." I answered. He just nodded his head. I moved up, with my own legs pretty far apart. If I was going to sit down on that beast, I could always stand up, should the ride get to be a little more than I could take. He just positioned his hands on my hips, and when I started to go down, he guided me a bit. He did reach around me, and stopped me for a few beats. He ran the head of his dick over my hole, and continued to tease me this way. I just let him do what he needed to do. I felt him put the head against my opening, and then with a slight bit of pressure, he pushed down on my shoulder. I felt the gland's hot kiss against my tenderest flesh. There was a searing pain at first, and he stopped.

"No-no. Keep going. I can take it." I said, breathlessly. He just gave me a few shushes, and I let him continue at his own pace. The second attempt, and the head went in, smoothly. I had felt more of his shaft take over my opening, and again, felt that crazy hard pinch. He pulled me off of his cock again. "Oh, you're teasing me to madness, Dutch." I said. He just grinned.

"Watch this." He said. And then he pushed me back into his lap. When I felt his nuts against my ass, I felt something deep inside me that I had never felt before. It was a fitting sensation. One that made me feel full, and complete. He moved his hips a little, and this weird wave of something amazing started to flow over me.

"Oh my God!" I swore. He put his hands back around my waist, and he moved forward just a few inches. That weird little place inside my body, was being stimulated by him over and over again. Each time he moved, it was like an earthquake somewhere deep inside me. It radiated upwards, going through my dick, and my nipples, and my rectum. I could not believe how amazing this felt. I ran my hands over his chest, and his heart rate was increasing. I put my feet on the floor, so I could raise up a bit, and then I moved forward so that I could put my knees on either side of his thighs. I could feel him thrusting forward into my body, and little bursts of light started exploding in my field of vision.

He did get a little more insistent. I heard him grunt a few times, and it was a new sound to my ears. I had heard him shoot his wad plenty of times, as our bedrooms shared a wall. But this sound, was more intense. He dug his fingers into my hips, and really started to go at me. I soaked it up. It was from him. I was giving him this kind of pleasure. Something I had wanted to do since we had met. I wanted that dick so deep in me, that nothing else mattered. The fluttering in my insides became more insistent. More pronounced. I just pulled him into my lips, and began kissing him for all I was worth. He forced himself up, lifting me off the couch... and he came! So deep inside me... I could feel his cock, pulsing. It was a long orgasm. Longer than usual for him, for sure. I took hold of my own aching dick, and stroked it a handful of times, before I leaned back. He had ahold of me, and when I started to ejaculate, he was still in the throws of his orgasm. We'd cum together many times before... but we always had a wall between us...

He pulled me into his arms, and feeling that bellows of his chest, rise and fall against my own, thrilled me. His prick did not deflate, but remained semi hard, even when his breathing came back under control. When he smiled at me, I realized that I had hit him in the cheek with my own seed.

"Impressive, little bro." He said, wiping it off with an index finger. He regarded it, then popped it into his mouth. "Salty. We need to feed you some pineapple juice." He said with a chuckle. "Come on, Stinky Bunny. Let's hit the shower." He said. But instead of pulling out of me, he collected me in his arms, and I, taking his cue, hooked my ankles around his waist. He picked me up with his dick still inside me. I just held on for dear life.

Somehow, he managed to get us into the bathroom, without knocking anything over. Still wearing me like an apron, he turned on the water. While it was warming up, he put me up on the counter.

"You okay, Smile?" He asked. He used that nickname on me from time to time. I just kept my legs locked around him, and nodded. He pushed into me a couple more times, and I'll be Deviled, if his cock wasn't hard again.

By the time the water was hot, and he got us into the shower stall, he was already fucking me for a second time. He had me up against the wall, my feet still off the ground. He was doing all the work, and I was just letting him. I had wanted this, so much in the last couple of years, that if he wanted me on my head, I would have assumed that position. Instead, he would kiss me, and look deep into my eyes, as he ground his hips against me. Shocked, I started to feel that strange sensation again. No wonder Sonja had conked out after her second orgasm! He continued to rock into my body, changing tempo, changing angles. I clung to his shoulders, and he regarded me as if I weighed nothing at all. But, he never took his eyes off of me. When he started getting a little more insistent, I realized he was getting ready for a second pop. I just nodded at him. Staring into my eyes, he came again. Just as forcefully. Just as much joy as before. After he finished with his shuddering, he kissed me. Not like Sonja's final kiss, not at all. This one was full of promise. This one told me that we had only scratched the surface of what we could experience.

Slowly, he withdrew his spent prick from my body, and I'll be damned if there still wasn't some chubbiness to it. I started to move out of the shower stall, and he stopped me.

"Stay." He asked. I was only too happy to do so.

He scrubbed by body, and allowed me to scrub his as well. For me, he started at my forehead, and worked his way down, not shying away from any of my parts. I turned around, and he parted my cheeks, and inspected where he had been. He made a couple of soft sounds, and slid a slick finger inside me again. It felt amazing. But, he didn't continue. Instead, he handed me his scratchy sponge ball, and his Dead Sea salt scrub. I worked him over as well as he did me.

When I got to his perfect ass, I stopped. I ran my fingers over his cheeks, and he didn't seem to mind. I had just finished cleaning up his hole, when I knelt down to my knees. A little push, and he was against the wall as well. I didn't really have any desire to fuck him, but I wanted to try something I never did before. I parted his cheeks, and looked at the cute little rosebud of his. I got a little nearer, and then just went for broke. I started licking around him, and I heard him sigh. When I had a little more confidence, I invaded him with my tongue. I had no idea what I was doing, but I just let go, and started enjoying myself. I had gotten my tongue pretty deep in him, when I reached through his spread legs, to pull at his balls. I then realized that he was hard again.

After eating his ass for awhile, I gave his hip a touch, and he turned around. Now, that monster was looking back at me, and I wanted to try sucking on him again. I got him into my mouth, and this time, I took it slowly. I wasn't so despite for him to face fuck me. I wanted this to be easy, and slow, and loving. He was just so patient with me.

We'd been in the shower, long enough for the hot water to run out, so we shut off the spray, and as hard as it was to disconnect myself from Dutch's cock, I let him go. When we were drying off, I was a little surprised to see him kneeling before me.

"You had some fun with my butt hole, now it's time for me have a bit with yours..." he got a sheepish look on his face. "Well, what I mean, is a little MORE fun." He said. He spun me around, and had me bend at the waist. When I did, he parted my cheeks, and dove straight in.

Now, I understood why Sonja had come so hard! That boy's tongue should have come with it's own identification! I swear, it was a living little monster that resided in his mouth. Dutch knew how to kiss. But eating ass was way up there as well. That bit of hot, wet flesh went into me as quick as lightning, and he did things with it that I didn't know could be done! What was worse, is that he had reached around me, and was man-handling my cock as well. I had to steady myself on the bathroom counter, just to keep from falling over. How could a tongue feel so fucking amazing inside me like that? I was at a complete loss for words. But with his huge hands around my crank, he was pulling from me more pleasure than I realized I had. When I was close to cumming again, he suddenly stopped, and made me straighten up. He turned me around, and then he did what I never expected a straight guy to do, he put my cock in his mouth. That evil tongue started working magic on my shaft as well! How could he know how to do this, without doing it before? He was either lying, or just a natural at this. I put my hands on his shoulders, to steady myself, and I felt him slide a finger into my ass again. When I glanced down, he was stroking that monster of his, just as hard. He did not let up from my cock. Again, flashes of exploding stars went off in my field of vision. I threw back my head, and fired into his gullet as another familiar wave of pleasure crested over my body. The next thing I felt, was blast after blast, hitting my nuts, and ass as he shot all over me.

Slowly, I pulled out of his lips, and my knees almost buckled. He grabbed a damp towel, and started wiping up his seed off of my lower half.

"Sticky Bunny. We're gonna have to take another shower here as soon as the water heats up." He said.

I wouldn't be able to cum again tonight. Although, I wanted to. I wanted his cock back up inside me. I wanted him looking into my eyes as we both shot our wads. But a glance at the living room window told me that the sun had started to come up. Granted, I had nothing to do on Saturday. But, there was a woman in Dutch's bed. He would join her. And maybe, she could talk him into another go-round. Dutch was pretty sexual. He had some kind of strange and special techniques in his sexual repertoire. I'm sure he would be eager for another round. I would love to be on the receiving end of them, but then, that would be greedy. And with a man like Dutch, there was no telling what he would feel like when the sun came up. I knew he would still care for me. I would always be little bro' to him. But, he had tasted my cum, and I had a couple of his loads deep inside me. Would that change anything? Would he avoid any kind of physical contact with me, or would our cuddle' nights move into some kind of naked-sweaty fun? I had no answers at this moment.

I kissed him when we were standing naked in the hall. I started to head into my room, when I felt him take me by the elbow.

"Now way, Smile. You are sleeping with me now." He said, with an arm wrapped around my waist. "I might get a little... hungry before we get up." I just put my head against his chest, and let him lead me back into his bedroom.

The story continued on...

Jess Du'Prix


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