Dustins World

By Jeff Wilson

Published on Oct 28, 2005


Dustin's World

Chapter Six -- Not Another One Night Stand

by Jeff Wilson

As the weeks passed, Dustin was beginning to feel like his life was getting back on track. He hadn't seen his dad since that night, and that made Dustin feel very happy. He was reading the newspaper for the first time in his life, checking the obituaries and crime pages in the hopes that he'd see his dad's name listed there. He'd gotten together with Sarah a few more times, and he while she bored the heck out of him, they were usually doing each other within five minutes of getting together. And that was a good thing.

He was still getting a regular supply of guys, too. He hadn't checked the chatrooms for a while, since the guys were coming to him at the diner now. He'd taken a few to the bathroom, and he'd taken a few home with him. He hadn't seen Mike since that night, and while he missed him as a friend, he didn't miss the sex, which really surprised him. He was starting to feel really good about his life for the first time in a long time.

Working at the diner not only brought him a steady supply of sex, but also a nice raise and some decent money. Janet had told him that she'd never had so many guys at her diner since Dustin started working there. And while she knew he was having sex with the customers from time to time, they always left the place with a smile on their face, and they always came back for more.

He'd given up on trying to get Luke, since he knew more about him than that he was just amazingly hot. Sure, he was an awesome blond stud, but he was also Nate's boyfriend. Somebody having a boyfriend, or girlfriend for that matter, usually didn't stop Dustin from nailing somebody. But there was something that was keeping him from pursuing Lucas any further than having discussions after class. Luke didn't even know that Dustin knew he was gay.

One night at the diner, Dustin had just finished his shift, and he was ready to get out of there when Nate Stevens walked into the diner.

"Oh shit." Dustin thought.

"Dustin..." Nate said quietly. "Are you busy?"

"What is it Nate?" Dustin asked.

Nate looked around at the various customers sitting at their tables. "Is there some place we can talk?"

Dustin walked over to the booth where he'd sat with Sarah and stretched out on the bench seat. His feet dangled off the side. "Have a seat." Dustin said, pointing to the other bench. Nate looked around nervously and then reluctantly sat down across from Dustin.

"Do you want anything to eat? Charlie's the waiter tonight."

"Yeah, I've seen Charlie in here before." Nate said.

"Oh? So you've been sniffing around here before, huh?"

"I wasn't 'sniffing around,' I was hungry."

"And what were you hungry for?" Dustin smirked.

"God, you're cocky."

"You would know, wouldn't you?"

Nate sighed. "Okay... I didn't come here to... I mean..."

"What did you come here for, huh?" Dustin turned from relaxing on the bench to sitting and facing Nate.

"Well, I... I mean... You... Oh, I don't know. Shoot."

"Luke mad at you again or something?" Dustin asked.

"No, he's not mad. He's just... weird."


"He... I mean ever since we... uh... got together."

"Since I gave you the best fucking of your life." Dustin said in a normal speaking voice.

"Shhh!!!" Nate said, looking around to see if anyone had heard. "Come on, man..."



"Why? Who cares. Everybody knows what I do."

"But still..."

"Hey Jan!" Dustin called across the diner. "I fucked this guy a few months ago."

"That's nice." Janet replied. "He's cute." Then she went back to working as if Dustin had told her that he'd filled up his gas tank.

Nate had managed to slide down in the bench so low that Dustin could barely see his head.

"Oh stop it." Dustin laughed.

"I can't believe you." Nate said.

"Nate, let me tell you something. I've got this friend who is totally gay. I mean, he's not like, you know, a weird kind of gay. He's just totally not into girls. And he had a boyfriend who he was fucking like crazy for three years, but he never told anybody except for me, not even his parents. And when his mom found out it just really made things hard for him for a long time. I don't want to be like that. I don't care if people know who I like to fuck. I'm not going to be scared like he was for all that time. I've been down that road, and it sucks."

"Yeah, but..."

"Secrets only get people hurt, you know."

"I know. That's why I told Luke that I had sex with you."

"You what? When?"

"No no... I didn't tell him that it was you. I told him what I did though."

"Oh. Okay. That's cool."

"How is it cool?"

"Well, you put the ball in his court. Hell, you could have told him it was me for all I care. In fact, if you'd have told him earlier, he would have probably punched me in the face and it would have been over."

"You wouldn't care if Luke punched you in the face?" Nate asked.

"It's not like I haven't been punched before, Nate. And if I fucked somebody's boyfriend and they found out and hit me then I'd deserve it, wouldn't I?"

"You're something else." Nate said.

"No, I'm just honest. I used to be a real good liar. I lied so much that I started to believe my own lies. All that did was make me miserable. So I don't like to lie anymore. If you want to live like that, well, I wish you luck. But it'll tear you up."

"I wish I'd have lied to Luke. I can tell he's always thinking about what I did. I mean, it's so hard to be what he wants me to be."

"What does he want you to be?"

"Well, he thinks that I shouldn't notice other guys or pay attention to other guys. Heck, if he found out that I was talking to you he'd be mad. He always has to know where I am and what I'm doing. And that was before. Now he's even worse. I think he wants to put one of those tracking things in my car or something. He's just... I think he's gone crazy."

"Does he still fuck you?"

"Is that all you ever think about?" Nate asked.

"Well does he?"

"I think we've done it twice since then. And it was horrible both times. He just did it like... Oh, how do I describe it... Well, you know how when we did it, we were like, it was so awesome. And you were like totally into me and... It was the best I've ever had."

"I get that a lot." Dustin said.

"Well, with him, it's like, a chore. I can't wait for it to end so I can get dressed. With you, I wanted you to keep going forever."

"So he's a dead fish now? Maybe you should fuck him instead."

Nate laughed. "Me? Top him? Wow, he'd never do that."

"Well, I guess I wouldn't either. It was just a suggestion."

"So why don't you ever bottom?"

"Why don't you mind your own goddamn business?" Dustin snapped back.

"Oh... Sorry..."

"Let's just say I tried it and I didn't like it, okay."

"Okay." Nate said. He fidgeted a little. "So... You ever do anybody more than once?"

Dustin laughed. "Why? You hoping for another go?"

"Oh no, no... I mean... I just wanted to know a little more about you."

"Oh, I see. Yeah. I do guys I've been with before. It's usually better the second time. They know what they're getting into."

"I see."

"You want to do it again, don't you?" Dustin asked.

"No no... I mean... Luke takes care of me and..."

Dustin laughed. "You're funny, Nate. Guys are meant to fuck you know. It's why we have dicks. I liked fucking you. You liked it too. And you're wishing that you could do it again because you're a guy who likes to fuck. The problem is that you're trying to please Luke instead of yourself. All I know is that we had a good time and now you feel bad about it. And you shouldn't because you didn't do anything wrong."

"But I cheated on Luke."

"So what?"

"So what? Dustin... I can't believe you."

"What? Are you married to the guy?"

"Well no, but he's a good guy, Dustin. He loves me and he wouldn't cheat on me the way I did. He's committed to our relationship. And I let him down."

"And once again, you're trying to please Luke instead of yourself."

"Don't you ever think of anybody but yourself?"

"Why should I care about anybody but me? All people ever do is let you down."

"You're wrong. If you've never been in love with somebody then you really don't know what you're talking about."

Dustin scowled. "Save it for somebody who gives a shit. You don't know shit about me. I've been through more shit than you could possibly imagine. Well I'm not going to be a victim ever again, you hear me! Never!"

"So you're afraid of love. You're afraid somebody's going to hurt you again."

"I'm not afraid of anything."

"Well something made you try to kill yourself."

Dustin's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you..."

Nate pointed to his wrist. "It's kind of obvious."


"So what happened?"

"I cut my wrists open and figured I'd die. That's all."

"That's all, huh?" Nate asked.

"Yeah." Dustin said.

"Funny." Nate said.

"What do you mean, funny?" Dustin asked angrily. "I almost fucking died."

"How old were you?" Nate asked.

"Sixteen." Dustin snapped.

"Me too." Nate replied.

"What?" Dustin asked in surprise.

"Only I washed down three bottles of pills with a bottle of wine and woke up in the hospital."

"You tried to kill yourself?"

"I thought nobody would ever love me again. My dad beat the crap out of me hoping to beat the gay out of me. And when he couldn't he threw me out, buck naked in the street."

"Why would he..."

"He caught me having sex in his office."


"I wanted to get caught. I wanted to throw it in his face. So he threw me out that night and I've never gone back. A few months later I was living on the street selling the only thing I had worth selling to have enough money to eat. I made some decent money but I hated myself. I still hate myself for doing what I did. I figured I'd show everybody. So I took the pills and figured that would be it for me. But I woke up in the hospital."

"Wow..." Dustin replied. "So you went through that, but then you still went looking for sex."

"Well... I like sex. It wasn't the sex that was the problem. It was just that I was selling myself. I wasn't in control of myself. I enjoyed the sex, but not the way I felt afterward when they were handing me the money. Does that make sense?"

"And Luke doesn't like the fact that you like sex so much, huh?"

"Well he thinks that I'm always going out and cheating on him. He won't let me forget about what I used to do. And he gets mad at me for stuff I did years ago. He expects me to only want sex when he wants sex. I love him but he drives me crazy."

"What would you do if your dad walked through that door right now?"

Nate thought for a second. "I think I'd get on the table and have sex with you right in front of him."

"You wouldn't punch him in the face?" Dustin asked.

"It wouldn't hurt him enough."

"What would you do if Luke walked through the door?"

"Oh, I'd be in for it then..."

Dustin sighed. "Yeah, I guess you would."

"I love him." Nate said, as if trying to convince himself.

"If you'd have given the same answer as before, I'd have taken you home with me."


"Yeah." Dustin replied.

"Then I'd get on the table and have sex with you right in front of him." Nate said quickly.

"Ha ha! Too late, relationship boy." Dustin laughed. "Go home to your boss."

"He's not my boss!" Nate insisted.

"Okay, okay." Dustin said. "But seriously though, go home and work things out. If you love him so much then he must be worth it."

Nate smiled weakly. He scooted out of his seat and stood up. "You're something else, Dustin Smith."

Dustin smiled. "Yeah, I know I am."

Nate walked to the door, looking back before he walked outside. Dustin sat there for a minute before getting up and walking to the counter.

"I'll see you later, Jan." Dustin said.

"Going to have some fun with that boy again?" Janet asked.

"Nah. He's off the table." Dustin said, and then chuckled at the irony to himself.

"He's a real cutie." Janet said. "He's that preacher's boy isn't he?"

"Not anymore." Dustin replied.

When Dustin got home, he sat and stared at his computer screen for a while. He was supposed to be working on a project, but he couldn't concentrate on it. He kept thinking back to his conversation with Nate. It was so easy to talk to him. He'd been cautious, but Nate drew more out of him than he'd planned. He'd surprised Dustin when he asked him about his suicide attempt. And the fact that Nate had also tried to kill himself... It gave Dustin a lot to think about.

Just as he was about to head to bed, a name popped up on the messenger that he'd talked with online a time or two. He talked for a little bit and after a bit of teasing and such ended up arranging a meeting for later that night. That wasn't too unusual for Dustin, as it was how he met a lot of his hook-ups. Before too long, Dustin was on his bike and on his way to Uniontown.

Dustin found the house that the guy had given directions for. He knocked and a man opened the door. He was in his late forties, and he was a lot fatter and balder than the picture he'd shown Dustin on the internet. Dustin thought about telling him that he'd made a mistake and was at the wrong house.

"Come on in Big Red." The man said. So much for Dustin telling him he was at the wrong house. He cursed his red headedness. "I'm Scott."

"Dustin." He replied, giving Scott his hand to shake.

"Come on upstairs." Scott said. He led Dustin up the stairs and into his bedroom. Immediately upon entering the room, Scott began kissing Dustin and groping his crotch. That caught him off guard since he was used to making the first move.

"Mmmm... What do we have here?" Scott asked.

Scott dropped to his knees and unbuckled Dustin's belt and pants. He yanked them down along with his underwear and began sucking on Dustin's dick. Dustin watched as Scott slurped and sucked away on him. Dustin tried to ignore the fact that he was totally turned off by Scott's obesity and focused on the fact that he was getting one of the better blow jobs of his life. Scott may not have been very attractive, but he knew what he was doing to Dustin's now fully armed weapon of mass reproduction.

"Oh dude." Scott said. "This is an awesome cock."

"Thanks." Dustin replied. He was never quite sure how to respond when people complimented him on his penis. Sure, he knew it was impressive, but hearing it from other guys, while awkward, never got old.

Scott untied Dustin's shoes and pulled his pants and underwear off. Dustin slipped his shirt off so that he was completely naked. Scott grabbed Dustin's butt and Dustin began fucking Scott's mouth. Scott finished sucking Dustin and stood up. He kissed him on the lips again and Dustin could smell what he knew was whiskey on his breath. Dustin wished he wasn't naked anymore when he smelled that.

Scott continued rubbing Dustin's behind while kissing him, and Dustin tried to pretend that he couldn't smell the alcohol that was making him sick. Scott stopped kissing Dustin and squeezed his butt harder. "Dude, you have the nicest ass I've ever seen." Scott removed his clothes and invited Dustin to the bed.

"Do you shave your chest?" Scott asked.

"Yeah. Dustin said, laying down on the bed and noticing Scott's much hairier body than he'd seen in the picture.

"You're so smooth, I didn't know if you shaved it or if it was natural." Scott said as he rubbed Dustin's chest. "You work out?"

"Not as much as I used to." Dustin replied.

"You're a stud, dude. Are you Irish?"

"Yeah. Mostly." Dustin said.

"I can tell. It's not even the hair, it's your face. You have Irish eyes Irish cheek bones."

"All you need to worry about now is my Irish dick." Dustin said, trying to take back control of the situation. Scott smiled and positioned himself between Dustin's legs and went back to giving Dustin a world-class blow job. Dustin put his hands behind his head, lay spread eagle and looked up at the ceiling. He briefly pretended that it was Nate who was working on him, but that dream ended quickly when Scott stopped sucking on him and repositioned himself so that he was on top of Dustin. Dustin grudgingly put Scott's dick in his mouth and now instead of the ceiling he was watching a set of hairy balls getting closer and closer to his face. Dustin briefly wondered how he'd ended up in this position until he r ealized that he'd volunteered for it.

Scott stopped sucking and lifted his big body off of Dustin, but he kept his dick in Dustin's mouth. Now all Dustin could see was a big white pasty butt in his face.

"Yeah dude. Suck that cock." Scott groaned. Dustin wondered just when he'd lost control of this situation. Scott lifted himself up enough to free his dick from Dustin's mouth, but then he lowered his butt onto Dustin's face.

"Eat me out, dude. Lick my asshole." Scott said. Dustin, with his face trapped in Scott's ass, was left with little choice. He began licking at Scott's hole, and thanked god that Scott had cleaned himself pretty well before they'd started. Dustin hoped that if he did a good enough job that he'd be done with this before too long and would get to put his now shrinking dick to work. There was only one part of his body that he was particularly interested in putting between the pasty white cheeks in his face. And it wasn't his tongue.

Then it happened.

Scott leaned forward. He grabbed Dustin's legs by the knees and pulled them back toward him. Dustin knew that he was totally exposed, and he didn't like that at all. Scott leaned further forward, and when he did he lifted his butt off of Dustin's nose and allowed him to breath again. But while his nose was free, his mouth and his body were still trapped under Scott's weight. And Scott's face was between Dustin's legs.

"No, please don't do that." Dustin thought, but couldn't say since he was still trapped. But it was too late. He felt a warm wetness in a place that he'd always protected. All sense of where he was had gone. In its place, he was back in his old bedroom. He was scared. He knew his she wasn't home. He knew he was drinking. He could hear him stumble up the stairs. He could hear him walking to the door. He prayed that he'd give up when he found out that the door was locked. He prayed that he would think he was sleeping and wouldn't come in.

But God never listened to Dustin.

The door broke open and his blankets were yanked from his body. He was yanked to the floor, and he felt the hard boots on his ribs. He was lifted up off the floor and slapped as hard as he'd ever been hit in his life. The smell of stale beer overpowered everything. He was ordered to stop crying, but he couldn't.

He felt the fists pummel his body over and over. He was pushed face down on his bed and told to shut the fuck up. He felt his pajama bottoms get pulled all the way off his body and then the two pairs of underwear he'd foolishly hoped would stop what was about to happen. He squeezed his legs together, only to have his bare bottom slapped so violently that he would have a bruise for almost a week afterward. His cries were ignored as he felt his legs violently pulled apart. Try as he may, there was no way to prepare himself for the pain that was about to be inflicted on him.

"I'm gonna be sick!" Dustin yelled, tossing Scott off of him so hard that he almost rolled right off the bed.

"Whoa dude!" Scott cried.

Dustin ran as fast as he could to Scott's little bathroom next to his room and made it to the toilet just in time. He violently lost the contents of his stomach, and it wasn't enough. He threw up over and over until there was nothing left to vomit. And then he heaved for another minute afterward. Dustin hugged the toilet bowl and rested his head on the seat.

"Oh my God..." Dustin whispered. Tears streaked his face and he felt like he was dying. He felt his stomach continue to roll inside him.

After a minute or so, Scott walked into the bathroom, wearing a bathrobe. He looked at the pathetic, naked creature kneeling on the floor and began running water in his sink. He took a wash cloth and wiped down Dustin's face.

"Are you going to be alright?" Scott asked.

"Just let me die..." Dustin moaned, still hugging the toilet.

"You'll be alright, dude." Scott said. He flushed the toilet and Dustin watched his dinner swirl around and around and then disappear.

Dustin released his grip on the toilet and rested on the floor next to the bathtub.

"I feel like shit." Dustin said.

"Can I get you anything?" Scott asked.

"Can I have some water please?" Dustin asked.

"Of course." Scott replied. He filled a little Dixie cup for Dustin and handed it to him. Dustin drank it and felt a little better.

"I haven't thrown up like that in four years." Dustin said weakly.

"Was it something you ate?" Scott asked.

"Must have been." Dustin said, trying to shake the thoughts he'd been thinking out of his head. He felt uncomfortable being naked while Scott was in his robe.

"Well, I guess I'll get your clothes for you." Scott said.

"Who said we were finished?" Dustin asked. He pulled Scott's robe open, and then threw it out the door of the bathroom. Then he pushed Scott onto his hands and knees on the bathroom floor. Dustin lined himself up behind Scott and plowed his dick into his ass.

"Oh my fucking god, dude!" Scott shouted. Dustin didn't care though. He was already lost into what he was doing. He plowed away into the ass that had been suffocating him just moments before. Dustin got up on his haunches and began fucking Scott as hard and fast as he could. The sounds of Dustin's tight hips slamming Scott's full ass sounded like Dustin was spanking him rapidly.

"Oh fuck dude!" Scott wailed.

"My name's Dustin, god damn it! Quit calling me dude and just enjoy the ride!" Dustin said crossly. He long-dicked Scott hard and fast and then slammed his dick so hard into him that Scott's knees gave way and he ended up flat on his belly while Dustin ejaculated deep into his ass. He gave Scott's ass a few more hard thrusts as the last throes of his orgasm subsided. Dustin withdrew his dick from Scott's body and then sat on the floor by the bathtub where he'd sat earlier.

Scott rolled over and Dustin saw cum all over his belly and on the floor. "Holy shit, dude... I mean Dustin. I've never been fucked like that before."

"That's nice." Dustin said. "Can you hand me that wash cloth?"

"Sure, dude." Scott said, handing Dustin the cloth to wipe his dick off. As soon as that was done, Dustin walked back out to the bedroom to gather his clothes. He was already in everything but his shoes when Scott reemerged from the bathroom in his robe.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay dude? You were really barfing something awful in there."

"I'm fine." Dustin said. He'd feel even better when he was back on his bike on the way home.

"Hey, I think you'd be a big hit at this." Scott said, handing Dustin a piece of paper.

"What's this?"

"Directions to a party next week."

"Listen mister, I'm not a big party guy, okay. I don't drink and I don't do drugs."

"You like to fuck?" Scott asked.

"Well yeah, but..."

"Then you'll like this party. There'll be people your age there, don't worry."

"What is it, a fucking orgy or something?"

"If that's what we feel like doing. It's up to you. Fuck. Suck. Get fucked if you feel like it. With a body like you've got and a dick like that... You'll be pretty popular. You'd have just about as much ass as you could want."

"I'll think about it." Dustin said.

"It's up to you." Scott said. "I'm just telling you that you'd enjoy it."

"Okay. See ya." Dustin said. He slipped the paper into his pocket and headed out to his bike. He had no intention of ever seeing Scott again.

When he got to his apartment door, he waited to see if Mr. Johnston would come out to razz him. He was actually disappointed that he didn't. He walked into his apartment and threw his jacket on his computer chair. He could smell Craig's smoke seeping into the room and lit his own cigarette to cancel it out. It had been a more eventful evening than he had planned, that was for sure.

Next: Chapter 7

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