Dustins World

By Jeff Wilson

Published on Aug 27, 2005


Dustin's World

Chapter Three -- Family Reunion

by Jeff Wilson

A few weeks after Dustin had seen Sarah at the diner, he was sitting in class waiting for Dr. Thompson to wrap up a lecture so he could go home. He was kind of tired and looking forward to a nice nap after class since he had the night off from work. He stared absent-mindedly at his blond-headed neighbor, and wondered what he might do to get him naked.

But what he was most looking forward to was seeing if the guy he'd been writing back and forth with on the bathroom wall was going to show up. He'd seen someone leave a message asking if anybody wanted a blow job and Dustin had written 'sure' under it. They'd agreed to meet that afternoon after class. Dustin wondered if it was one of his classmates, or his teacher.

"Well, I can see that I'm enlightening all of you so much. Do any of you have any idea what I've spent the last half hour talking about?"

Nobody volunteered.

"Have a nice weekend, class dismissed." Dr. Thompson said.

Dustin quietly gathered up his books and notes and headed out the door. He stopped at the restroom along the way and went to one of the stalls. After a minute or so, he heard the door open and another guy came into the restroom and sat in the stall next to him. Dustin slid his foot under the divide, and the person in the next stall tapped him.

"Come on over." Dustin whispered. Dustin heard the other stall open and then he unlocked the door to his stall. One of the guys from his class entered.

"You?" The guy asked.

"Yeah." Dustin unzipped his pants and pulled them down to his ankles.

"You're Dustin. Right?" The guy asked.

"And you're Andrew. I thought you might be game."

"Well, I've never really done anything in a bathroom before." Andrew admitted. "I was a little scared when you wrote under that sign I made. I was afraid it would be somebody who would beat me up."

"The only thing that's going to beat you up is this." Dustin said, pulling his underwear down. "You ready to suck it?"

"Wow, that's a long dick." Andrew gasped.

"Well, get on your knees and see what you can do with it. I don't have all day."

Andrew got on his knees and began licking up and down the shaft of Dustin's dick. Dustin ran his fingers through Andrew's dark brown hair while Andrew tried as hard as he could to take Dustin's eight inches. He gagged a few times and couldn't get him all the way, so Dustin asked him to just lick his head. Andrew happily gave up on trying to swallow all of Dustin's meat and slurped away on his dickhead. Dustin started thrusting into Andrew's mouth a little more forcefully and Andrew grabbed two handfuls of Dustin's ass and began breathing heavier and heavier. Dustin was starting to lose himself and become more and more instinctual. His lips curled upward into a smile as his eyes closed. Then, with a hard jerk Dustin's cum spewed into Andrew's mouth. Dustin could only grunt as his body rewarded his willingness to let another man enjoy his cock. Andrew moaned appreciatively as his mouth filled up. With a hard gulp, he swallowed Dustin's load.

"Mmmm... That was great. Thanks Dustin." Andrew said, standing up and wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand.

"Yeah..." Dustin said, trying desperately to remember his name.

"Want to do it again sometime? In a little more private place?"

"Uh... Sure. I guess." Dustin said, still trying to regain his composure.

Andrew smiled. He wrote down his phone number and handed it to Dustin. "Here. Better than writing on the bathroom wall." Then he picked up his bookbag and left. Dustin sat down on the toilet and rested for a minute. He sighed heavily. He looked down at his dick, which had been shrinking, but began to throb when it knew it was getting noticed.

"Jeez, don't you ever get tired?" Dustin said to his dick, which only replied by throbbing its way back up to full power.

"You just got the cum sucked out of you and you're ready to go again?" Dustin ran his fingers up and down the underside of his dick. He squeezed the head and then scooped up the droplet that had formed in the opening. He sucked the droplet off his finger and sighed again.

"What am I going to do with you?" He asked.

As Dustin left the building, he wasn't surprised to see Luke sitting on the bench outside by the doorway. He'd seen him there after almost every class. What surprised him was that sitting next to him was the guy he'd had sex with at his house a few weeks before.

"Oh crap! It's him..." Dustin said to himself.

"Dustin!" Luke shouted. "Come here!"

Dustin had been trying to sneak away without being noticed, but now had no choice but to walk over to the bench. What's-his-name wasn't paying any attention as he seemed lost in a book. He glanced up to see who Luke was talking to, and then did a double take when he realized who was walking toward him.

"Hey Dustin!" Luke said when Dustin had walked up to him. "Was that the most boring lecture ever or what?"

"Dr. Thompson is usually more interesting than that." Dustin said.

Dustin could see the fear in What's-his-name's eyes. He wondered how much Luke knew. He decided to pretend he'd never met the guy.

"I don't think I've ever been interested in anything Dr. Thompson's said." Luke continued, unaware of the connection his boyfriend and his classmate had made. "Oh, I'm sorry. Dustin, this is my roommate, Nate."

Dustin offered Nate his hand and Nate shook it. "Roommate, huh?" Dustin said. It occurred to Dustin that Luke had never told him that he was gay.

"Yeah." Luke replied.

"Dustin..." Nate said. "It's nice to meet you. Luke's told me about you."

"Oh?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah, he says you're pretty good with computers."

"He's a freaking genius." Luke said.

"I wouldn't go that far." Dustin said.

"I'll bet you could teach Dr. Thompson a thing or two."

"Yeah..." Dustin laughed as he thought about what he really had taught Dr. Thompson, and Nate.

"You didn't tell me he was a red head." Nate said.

"That's because I know how you are about red heads." Luke replied.

Dustin laughed. "Right. Well, I have to get going. It was nice to meet you Nathaniel. See you later Luke." Dustin walked quickly toward the parking lot, breathing a little easier that Luke hadn't noticed how awkward that whole conversation had been.

"He seems like a nice guy." Nate said, watching Dustin disappear from sight.

"I wonder how he knew what your name was..." Luke said.

"Huh?" Nate asked.

"Yeah. He called you Nathaniel. I've never mentioned it around him before."

"You said he's smart. Maybe he heard of me before."

"It's just odd. Why not Nathan? It's not like Nathaniel is that common of a name."

"Sure, Luke. You caught us. He's the guy I fucked a few weeks ago and by coincidence he just happens to be your lab partner."

Luke looked at Nate in surprise. Sure he'd thought of that, but hearing the way Nate put it made it sound rather silly. "You're right. Sorry. I guess I've been kind of paranoid since..."

"Luke, forget about it, okay. I have. It meant nothing. It was just a stupid mistake. Even if the guy walked right up to us, I wouldn't care. It was a one-time mistake. All right?"

"Okay." Luke replied, still eying Nate suspiciously.

As Dustin unlocked his apartment door, he could hear his phone ringing.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Dustin said as he scrambled to get the key into the slot.

"Another victim on the line, Red?" Mr. Johnston asked as Dustin struggled to get his door open.

"How the fuck should I know?" Dustin asked. "You fucking cum dumpster." He said under his breath.

"I heard that!" Mr. Johnston said as Dustin opened his door and ran inside. "One of these days you're gonna fuck with the wrong person and then you'll be sorry, Red!"

Dustin ignored Mr. Johnston and ran to the phone.

"Hello?" He said, out of breath. But it was too late, and all he heard was the dial tone. "Fuck!" He shouted.

"They do have *69 you know!" Mr. Johnston shouted through the wall.

"Shut up you old fuck! God you are such an asshole." Dustin fumed at the wall. Dustin moved to the other side of his apartment, even though it always smelled like pot because of his other neighbor, Craig. He just didn't want Mr. Johnston to know that he was taking his advice. He dialed the number and found that it was his mother that had called him.

"Great..." Dustin said. He quickly dialed his old phone number and waited.

"Hello?" He heard his mother say.

"Hey mom. Sorry I missed you." Dustin said, wrapping the phone cord around his finger.

"How's my Dusty?" She asked.

"I'm fine mom. Everything's great."

"Are you eating enough. I saw you at the diner last week and you looked a little thin."

"I've always been thin mom. I just haven't been working out lately."

"I heard that you and Sarah Taylor were talking the other day."

Dustin sighed. "I can't do anything without you finding out, can I?"

"Well, she'd be a nice girl to settle down with, wouldn't she?"

"Why? Because she has just as much sex as me?" Dustin asked.

"Can you show just a little modesty, Dustin?"

"What's fun about being modest, mom? You should be proud of me. I found something that I'm good at."

"Doing what you do is hardly something to be proud of. Any way... Forget about all that for a while. I want you to come over tonight."

"Why?" Dustin asked. "This is my only night off this week."

"And that's why I'd like you to come over. I would like to see my son from time to time you know. You haven't been here in almost six months. I didn't raise you all those years so you could run off and never come back."

"Mom, I'm tired." Dustin whined.

"Well if you don't want to see the woman who gave birth to you and was in labor for fourteen hours and..."

"Oh, not the labor story again!"

"They had to cut you out of me eventually, you know."

"Argh... Oh alright, fine. I'll come over. We'll have a mother-son bonding moment."

"Wonderful! Oh, I hear a car pulling up. I'll let you go. Come on over."

"I'll be there around eight I guess. See you later." Dustin said, hanging up the phone. He walked to his room to lay down for a while. Then he showered and worked on a project for a class for a while before heading over to his mom's house. Anytime he came back to his parents' house, he felt a little uneasy. There was a lot of history at this old house. He parked his bike in the driveway and walked up the sidewalk and the rickety old steps. The porch had needed a paint job for about ten years. He didn't bother knocking, he just opened the door and walked in.

"Hello, son."

Dustin froze. The last thing he expected or ever wanted to hear was that voice.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Dustin growled.

"Dustin..." His mom began.

"Why didn't you tell me he'd be here?" Dustin asked angrily.

"Dustin, listen."

"No!!" Dustin shouted.

"Come on. Shut up boy!" Mr. Smith said. "Come sit down and have a talk with your old man like you should have before you sent me up the river."

Dustin scowled. "Why would I do anything you want me to?"

"You think because you're older now that you don't have to listen to me?"

"No, I don't have to listen to you because you're piece of shit!"

"Is that any way to talk about your old man?"

"That's the way I talk about people who molest kids." Dustin snarled.

"I didn't molest anybody, you stupid idiot! That's what I want to talk to you about." Mr. Smith replied.

"Well what the fuck would you call it?"

"You listened to that bitch Reilly and her little bastard too much... That's why you testified against me. You know I would never hurt you, boy."

Dustin snarled. "You put me in the fucking hospital!"

Dustin's mom, Carol, interrupted. "Dustin. Frank... Please! Calm down."

"Calm down?!!?" Dustin exclaimed. "I can't believe you even let him in the door, mom!!"

"She let me in the door because this is still my house and this is still my family!"

Dustin felt like he was about to throw up. "You don't know the first thing about family! How did you get out of prison in the first place?"

"I served my time. Believe me, I served my time. You have no idea what it's like to get betrayed by your own son."

"You're about to find out what it's like to get your fucking neck broken by your own son!"

"Dustin, no!" Mrs. Smith ordered.

Dustin moved toward his father, intending to grab him by the throat. He could see the fear in his father's eyes, and he liked it. He wanted him to be scared. But he wanted him to be dead even more. Dustin never even realized what hit him until he was on his butt on the floor. His mother had stopped him from attacking his father by pushing him so hard in the chest that he fell down onto the floor. Dustin angrily stood back up and glared ferociously at his mother.

"What the fuck? How can you defend him?" Dustin asked.

"Dustin, I'm not defending what he did to you. That was unforgivable. I'll never forget that he almost killed you. I'll never forgive him for what he did to you. But we do need to discuss..."

"The only thing I want to discuss is when we'll be celebrating his funeral." Dustin interrupted.

"Enough of this. I didn't do anything wrong! That Reilly bitch twisted your mind and turned you against me. I am still your father and I'm not going to be disrespected."

"You're not my dad. Mr. Roberts was more of a father to me than you ever were." Dustin sniped. "If I'd have known you were going to be here I'd have brought a gun."

"Dustin, stop it. This isn't solving anything." Dustin's mom said, sounding very tired. For the first time, Dustin noticed that her red hair was beginning to grey a bit. She also had begun to put the weight back on that she had lost after her husband had been thrown in jail for molesting Dustin.

Mr. Smith sat down and spoke. "What's this shit I'm hearing about you becoming a goddamn faggot?"

Dustin felt his blood flush his face. He knew that he had to be turning red. "I don't give a fuck what you're hearing. It's my life. I can do what I want."

"So what, is it true? Are you a fucking queer now?"

"You can believe what ever the fuck you want, asshole."

Mrs. Smith replied. "I told you Frank. I blame you for what you turned him into."

"Oh come on, Carol. Look at what his fucking friends turned into. That Roberts kid turned out to be the biggest queer in town after him. And that Reilly bitch's brat..."

"You leave them alone, you dick!" Dustin shouted. "They saved my life! They saved me from you!"

"And they taught you how to be a god damn faggot." Mr. Smith replied.

"That's it!! I'm gonna fucking kill you!!" Dustin snapped. He lunged toward his father, this time with fists flying. But Mr. Smith was faster than Dustin expected and caught Dustin with a quick right to the nose. Dustin began bleeding, which wasn't too unusual when his dad had enough of him. Dustin put his hand to his upper lip and then pulled it back to look at his blood. Then he looked viciously at his father.

"Frank, enough!!" Carol cried.

"That's for five years of torment I went through because of you telling that fucking jury that I raped you."

Dustin spit at his dad and it hit him on the cheek. "I want you to die. You can't go to hell soon enough for me. You ruined my life! You were my dad, and you..." Dustin's voice cracked. He didn't want to let his emotions get in the way of what he'd waited five years to say, but he couldn't help it. "You didn't even care about what it would do to me. You didn't care. I hate you! Why can't you just die already? If I were you, I'd have shot myself and done the world a favor by now."

"Oh yeah... That reminds me. I heard you tried to kill yourself. Cut your wrists? Shit. What are you, a fucking pussy? You couldn't even kill yourself without fucking it up. You're no son of mine." Frank said.

Dustin couldn't respond to that. His dad had said what Dustin had often asked himself. He hadn't been able to kill himself. All he'd done was scar himself and send himself to therapy for years. Of all the things his dad had done to him in his life, one of the cruelest things he'd ever done was said at that moment. He could not have hit Dustin hard enough to hurt him as much as he did when he said that.

"Frank, you disgust me." Carol replied. "You hideous monster!"

"Oh shut up, you fat fuck." Frank said cruelly. "For five years I rotted in prison because of you ungrateful assholes. Amanda knew how to shut up. My daughter didn't rat me out like an ungrateful slut. But my fat fucking cunt and my dumb ass son turn my ass over. And because of that fucking bitch Reilly and her little bastard my son turned into a faggot. And now I come here and you fucking assholes insult me? After everything I did for you?"

"Everything you did that was good you destroyed when you molested our son, Frank."

"Well, maybe if you hadn't blown up like a goddamn blimp."

"Don't you dare blame what you did on me!"

Dustin slipped out the front door and to his motorcycle so quietly that his parents didn't even notice that he'd gone. It was just like old times. The two of them would start yelling and screaming and Dustin would slip quietly out of the house. But this time he had no intention of ever going back. He sat on his bike for a minute, looking at his house, still hearing the muffled shouting from within, and wondering if they'd noticed that he'd already left. He started his bike and slipped quietly into the night, trying to see the road through his blurry eyesight. He had no idea where he was going, but he knew that he would never go back to that house again.

My address - jkwsquirrel@yahoo.com

My group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/squirrelwriter/

Next: Chapter 4

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