Dustins World

By Jeff Wilson

Published on Aug 12, 2005


Dustin's World

by Jeff Wilson

Prelude - Greetings! I wanted to give you, dear reader, a little background on the story before we begin this adventure again. This story is based on characters from my first story, W.A.R.. If you like, you can find it in the highschool section of nifty.org (June 16). It's not necessary to have read WAR to enjoy this story. It can stand alone on its own. But it will give you an insight into the characters you'll meet in Dustin's World. Dustin was a lot of people's favorite characters in WAR, and I wanted to give him a proper story to call his own. Enjoy!

Chapter One -- Relationships Suck

If there was ever a workhorse of a river, it is the Monongahela. The river that leads to nowhere. If you follow it long enough upstream, you will find yourself in the mountains of West Virginia. Follow it long enough downstream and you will find yourself in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. And in between? The Mon Valley.

The river is the life blood of the area. As you travel up and down its waters, you would find town after town connected to its muddy banks. Some of the towns are quiet little villages. There is a booming city or two along its path. But mostly, you'll find the remains of a once thriving region.

First the coal ran out. Then the steel ran out. Then, the people ran out. At least the people who wanted to make something out of their lives. There along the banks you will see the cold lifeless remains of the steel industry. The Valley built the steel that built the nation, but now, all that remains is the river that was once so mighty.

If you stop along the way on the river you will find life. Like light trapped by a black hole, there are residents that remain in those towns. In a large cluster, you'll find many towns lumped together into the Mid-Mon Valley region. There is Monessen, where you wouldn't want to walk alone at night. There is Charleroi, a town dying a slow painful death. There is Donora, which is most famous for people dying a very quick death during the boom period when a toxic cloud killed a bunch of people. And there is Belle Vernon, the last glimmering hope of the area.

All of the towns are connected by the river. But they are also divided by it. Go over a hill or across the river and you're in a different world. The beauty of the Valley is undeniable. The mighty Mon winds its way past town after town on its journey to the Steel City. Beckoning... Alluring... The murky brown or green waters urge those who will listen to follow. Away from the Valley... Away from the middle of nowhere...

There is a man who knows all too well the power of the Valley. He watched as his friends followed the river. He stayed behind as his closest companions escaped the black hole and found life in other towns. Though they would come back to visit, their stay was now only temporary. They had found their life outside of the Valley, and they would never return. But for Dustin Smith, the dream of ever escaping the valley had been destroyed and he had been awakened with a violent cruelty that he could never forgive, nor forget.

There was only one thing that made Dustin feel even remotely happy, if even for a short time. And he was enjoying it on the day when his life changed forever and he didn't even know it. The beginning of Dustin's journey, a journey that would test the very essence of his humanity, had come.

"Yeah, Dustin! Fuck me harder, kid!"

It is appropriate that our first glimpse of Dustin finds him with his dick buried deep into the body of Mike Evans. Ever since Dustin was thirteen, the situation he was in on this day was one that he had been in on more occasions than he could remember. The two had formed a bond early. Dustin was desperate for love and found it from this man who was ten years his senior. The relationship turned so quickly into sex that neither was prepared. But any inhibitions that they had had earlier had faded away. Ten years doesn't seem so big when the younger partner is a twenty-one year old.

"You like having my big dick in your ass, huh Mike?" Dustin asked.

Dustin felt himself getting happier with each thrust of his hips. Life didn't seem so bad when he was doing this. He was in complete control. As his brain sent wave after wave of good feelings through his body, Dustin smiled slightly. His dark auburn pubes mashed repeatedly into Mike's overstretched hole. Not many guys could handle what Dustin was giving Mike. Eight and a half inches doesn't seem like much until it starts invading your body.

"Oh my god, Dustin... Give it to me!"

Dustin's smile widened. As the sweat poured down his brow, he pushed Mike's legs toward his chest. Dustin began pulling his dick out all the way and then thrusting himself all the way back in, so that his balls bounced hard against Mike's ass. Dustin liked having sex this way the best. He loved to feel his whole dick sliding all the way in and out of the guy he was fucking. Mike moaned with pleasure as Dustin invaded him harder and faster. Mike's cock exploded as he covered himself with semen. Dustin thrust himself hard into Mike's asshole.

"Not inside me, Dustin." Mike asked.

"Too late!" Dustin exclaimed, as he buried himself as deep as he could and felt himself empty into Mike.

"Aw shit Dustin! You know I don't like it when you do that." Mike said agitatedly.

As Dustin pulled out of Mike's body, he felt that high he had been on draining faster than his dick had drained into Mike. By the time he had separated himself from Mike, he was already going limp and the smile that had been so full and radiant on his face had faded into Dustin's normal look of indifference.

"It feels better when I come inside you." Dustin explained.

"I know, but if you're going to do that you better put a condom on."

Dustin scowled. "I don't have anything, Mike."

"When was the last time you checked?" Mike replied.

"Fuck off." Dustin replied.

"Dustin, don't get snippy."

"I got tested last month. I'm clean, okay." Dustin said. "Okay?"

"What about your therapy? Are you still going to..." Mike asked.

"I told you. If Dr. Reilly's not doing it then I'm not doing it! I'm not going to go to some idiot who doesn't know what happened to me and have to explain that shit all over again."

Dustin rolled out of the bed and sat on the side. He scratched his chest and figured it was about time to shave again. Mike sat beside him and gently ran his fingers through Dustin's dark red hair.

"Dustin, you can't handle everything on your own. You know that you need help. There's nothing wrong with it."

"Fuck off, Mike. You're not in charge of me, okay?"

"I'm just trying to help." Mike replied.

"I don't want your fucking help." Dustin said angrily. "You're half the reason I have to go to god damn therapy in the first place."

"Alright... You don't know how sorry I am that I never told." Mike replied.

Dustin knew it wasn't Mike's fault, the stuff that happened to him. But Dustin knew that Mike felt bad about it, and he would use it whenever he wanted to win an argument. He found his underpants and slipped them on. He didn't like to stay at Mike's house for very long after fucking him. Mike always wanted to talk about stuff like that. Dustin just wanted to go home. As Dustin pulled his shirt on, Mike laid back down on the bed.

"You don't have to run out of here all the time, you know." Mike said.

"Why, you want to suck my dick again or something?" Dustin asked.

"No. But you don't have to go running back to that hole you call an apartment."

"Hey, it's mine, okay. Sure beats living with mom."

"I mean you can stay here, Dustin."

Dustin scowled. "Don't start that shit again. Jesus, Mike, we're not fucking boyfriends. I'm not a fag. I just fuck guys because they don't want all that relationship crap and they like letting me fuck them. I don't do the whole "love" thing. I like doing whatever I want. I like going wherever I want. And I like fucking whoever I want. Relationships are for dopes like Billy and Brett."

"Dustin... I'm tired of the scene, you know... I'm thirty-one. The whole random meaningless sex thing just isn't working for me anymore."

"Well I don't want that shit, Mike. I like you. I like being your friend. I like fucking you more than anybody else. I don't want things to change between us."

"Dustin, I can't do this anymore. I need somebody to love me."

"No you don't, Mike!" Dustin replied. "Jesus, don't go and get soft on me. You love getting fucked. You love sucking dick. But you don't love other people. You use them to get what you need. Love is a joke. It doesn't exist. Forget about it!"

"I'm sorry, Dustin. But I need more than that. I need to love somebody and be loved."

"Okay, fine. Go and find your 'soul mate.' Go off and live happily ever after like fucking Brett and Billy, only having one guy to fuck. I'm going to have fun. You hear me?"

"I hear you." Mike replied.

"Good. No more stupid talk. I'm going to head home. When do you want to get together again?"

"I don't."

Dustin smiled slightly. "What do you mean you don't? Of course you do."

Mike slipped on his shorts. "No, I told you, I can't do this anymore. I need something more stable than this, Dustin."

The smile on Dustin's face turned into a fierce scowl. "Okay, fine! Be that way. You want to dump me, go right ahead. I don't care."

"How can I dump you? We're not in a relationship."

"Shut up!"

"I'll still help you out and everything. I want to be friends with you, I just don't think we should have sex anymore."

"Fuck you." Dustin snapped. "If we're not going to fuck then we really don't have any reason to be friends anymore. Good riddance. I don't need you and I don't want your help."

Before Mike could say anything else, Dustin stormed out of his apartment and slammed the door. He stomped angrily down the stairs and out onto the early evening. The Belle Vernon street was abuzz with the activity of little kids playing games. Dustin squinted to adjust his steel blue eyes to the light. He sat down on his motorcycle and revved it up extra loud before zipping down the road at a high rate of speed. He rode around for a little while, not really wanting to go home. He convinced himself that his eyes burned only because of the wind in his face.

He made it back to his Charleroi apartment as the sun was going down. He locked up his bike and sat down on the steps leading to his apartment.

"I need a cigarette." He said to no one.

Dustin lit up a cigarette and sat for a while on the steps and just watched the world go by. There wasn't a lot happening in the street that evening. There was just an occasional car going by and every once in a while a kid on his way home.

"How ya doing Dustin?" One boy said as he walked past.

"Terrific." Dustin said sarcastically.

The kid sat down on the steps next to him. He was about thirteen or so and had made friends with Dustin just by walking past and talking to him sometimes.

"School starts again tomorrow." The boy said.

"Yeah, for me too." Dustin replied.

"You go to Cal, right?"


"What do you study?" He asked.

"Computer Science." Dustin replied, taking a long drag on his cigarette.

"You shouldn't smoke. It's not good for you."

"I do a lot of things that aren't good for me, Zack." Dustin said, throwing the butt on the ground and stepping on it. "You better get home before your mom starts to wonder where you are."

"Okay. See you later." Zack walked a few houses down the street and disappeared into one of the houses.

Dustin walked into the apartment building and up the stairs to his little place in the world. He fired up his computer and logged on to the internet. Dustin's place wasn't much, but he liked living on his own. Nobody could tell him when to be home or tell him what to do. He had lived there since he turned nineteen. He couldn't stand living in his mom's house anymore, so he decided to move out one day. Dustin often made decisions like that. He would have an idea and then do it.

He found his favorite chat room and pulled off his shirt. He thought about shaving while he chatted, but he saw a name that caught his attention. He clicked on the name and instant messaged the person.

"Hello CalUBoy." He typed.

After a minute or so, he got a reply. "Hey, BigRed05."

"You go to California?"

"Yeah. You?"



"So, you what are you looking for in a place like this?" Dustin typed. It was an old line he always used when visiting the "M4M-PA" room.

"Looking for some fun, same as you." CalUBoy responded.

"How old are you?"

"21, you?"

"Same here. I live in Charleroi, you?"

"Coal Center"

"Not far." Dustin replied. He smiled slightly. "You want to hook up?"

"You have a place?" CalUBoy asked.

"Yeah. You have a car?"


"I only top, is that cool?"

"That's cool. I love to get fucked."

Dustin smiled even more. This was great! Not only was this guy close, but he was willing and able!

"I'm almost nine inches. Is that okay?"

"Wow. I want to see that!"

"Come get it." Dustin replied. Dustin gave him directions and CalUBoy said he would be on his way. Dustin decided to take a shower and put some clothes on. He didn't know whether the guy would come or not. Sometimes they did, sometimes they chickened out. He played on the computer a little more and then heard a car stop outside. Dustin went to his window and saw a guy who looked about his age getting out of a green Ford Escort and walking toward the building. Dustin opened his door and waited. Before too long, the guy walked up the stairs.

"BigRed?" The guy asked.

"CalUBoy?" Dustin replied.

"Nice to meet you." The guy extended his hand for Dustin to shake. Dustin took the opportunity to check him out. He looked younger than twenty-one. Dustin bet that he got carded a lot when he went out. "I'm Nate. Nate Stevens."

"Dustin Smith. Come on inside."

Nate walked into the apartment and Dustin closed the door behind him. Nate looked around the place.

"Nice apartment."


"This is much better than the place I used to live. My boyfriend's got a lot of money though."

Dustin's smile faded a little as he lit a cigarette. "Boyfriend, huh?"

Nate laughed. "Yeah. He doesn't know what I'm doing tonight. He's at work. I guess you weren't lying when you called yourself "BigRed." What are you, six feet tall?"

"Six foot, one." Dustin corrected.

"I'm only 5'9". And I guess the 'red' part of the name is self-explanatory. I was hoping you were a redhead. I love red hair."

"Oh the hair... Yeah. Five-nine isn't short, you know. I've got a friend who's five-eleven."

"You ever fuck him?" Nate asked.

"No. He's married."

"Oh." Nate said, sitting down in Dustin's favorite chair. Dustin sat on his rolling computer chair. "So what is he, all straight and shit?"

"No, he married his boyfriend." Dustin explained.

"Two guys? And they actually stick to it?"

"They're pretty tight with each other." Dustin said. "I guess you and your boyfriend are loose about this kind of shit?"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Luke takes care of me and stuff, but I need a change of scenery sometimes. I've lived on my own since I was fifteen. My parents are real assholes and kicked me out."

"Why? Did they find out you're gay?"

Nate laughed. "Let's just say that me and an altar boy had a little too much fun in church one Sunday."

"Wow. And your parents found out?"

"My mom walked in on me sucking his dick. That was the start of it. They tried that therapy and healing and all that shit, but when they found out that they couldn't change their nasty little spawn into a good little church kid they kicked me out. They said I was 'ruining their reputation.' All they did for me was fuck me up for a long time. So I lived with a cousin for a while and then on my own until I met Luke. He took me in to live at his place."

"Is he older?"

"Only by two years. He's real nice, but he can get stupid about stuff. He's had more guys than me, but he doesn't think I should be able to have fun on the side, so I have to sneak around."

"Does he fuck other guys?"

"Not anymore. Hell, he hardly fucks me. Which brings us back to why I came here in the first place. You ready to have some fun?"

Dustin smiled. He liked this guy already. "Well, let's get comfortable."

Nate pulled his shirt off and unbuckled his pants. Dustin did the same and then led Nate to his bed. Dustin sat on the corner of his bed and Nate immediately began licking Dustin's dick up and down the shaft.

"You weren't kidding. Your dick's fucking huge." Nate said. He began trying to take as much of Dustin as he could handle into his mouth. Dustin was long, but he wasn't too fat, so he was actually easier to handle than you would expect from an eight incher. Dustin ran his fingers through Nate's dark brown hair for a while, and then leaned back and rested on his elbows. It wasn't until Nate looked up at him that Dustin noticed.

"You have green eyes." He said.

"Sometimes." Nate replied. "Sometimes they're blue."

"That's cool." Dustin replied. "The guy I told you about earlier had green eyes too."

"Neat." Nate said. "Want to sixty-nine?"

"Okay." Dustin said. Dustin really liked this guy, now!

Nate moved his body onto the bed and laid along Dustin's side. Dustin quickly began working on Nate's dick. He was about six inches or so, circumcised, and already leaking. Dustin wasn't really a big fan of sucking dick, but he'd done it so often that he'd gotten used to it. Dustin figured it was part of the bargain if he wanted to get laid. Nate at least kept his hair trimmed and his balls shaved, which is the way Dustin kept his pubes.

"You're better than my boyfriend." Nate said between slurps on Dustin's throbbing dick. He reached to hold Dustin's butt with his hand. Dustin felt him and didn't care at first, but then Nate started to run his hand up and down Dustin's crack. Then he slipped his fingers between Dustin's cheeks and over his hole.

"STOP!" Dustin shouted and jumped right out of bed. "Don't you ever do that again, you hear me!"

Nate lay there not sure what he'd done or what to say.

"You hear me?" Dustin repeated angrily.

"What did I do?" Nate asked.

"Stay the fuck away from my asshole, you dumb fuck!" Dustin snapped.

"Okay. Wow, you don't have to get mad at me. I didn't know."

Dustin tried to smile, but he could only manage a weak grin. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wig out on you."

"It's okay. Some guys like their asshole to be played with."

"Well, I don't."

"It's cool. Can you fuck me now?"

"If you're ready."

"Yeah. I've wanted that thing in my ass since we first chatted. You don't want to use protection, do you?"

"If you want me to. I'm clean." Dustin replied.

"I don't care." Nate said. "It feels better without it."

"Then let's fuck." Dustin said. He grabbed the lube from his desk and used it on his dick and Nate's ass. Then he pulled Nate to the end of his bed. Nate looked into Dustin's eyes with anticipation. Dustin looked at the small hole and wondered how it would look after he was done with it. He held his dick in his hand and lined it up to Nate's entrance. He pressed forward and watched his dickhead slip into Nate's body. He continued the pressure and began slowly sliding into him. Nate moaned with every advance of Dustin's meat into his body. Dustin watched as his dick disappeared into his second ass of the day. The smile that had been trying to reappear on his face since he'd first found out that Nate wanted to fuck finally emerged fully. One of the rare times when Dustin smiled was when he had his dick inside another man's body. It was one of the few things that could make him feel good.

Nate's toes curled as Dustin's balls made contact with the crack of his ass. Nate closed his eyes as he tried to adjust to what he'd just allowed to happen to him. He'd never felt anything feel so huge inside him. And now it was beginning to recede, only to fill him again. With every thrust, Nate let out an involuntary groan as the feeling began to feel less and less like pain and more and more like the best thing that had ever happened to him. Dustin grabbed Nate's ankles and pulled his legs apart. He loved looking at his latest fuck enjoying what he was giving him. Nate looked up at Dustin and gave him a look that Dustin had seen so many times before. It was a look of complete surrender. He was giving his body's most private region to Dustin, and Dustin was taking it with savage pleasure. Nate moaned louder and louder with each thrust of Dustin's hips.

The rational and reasonable parts of Dustin's brain closed down, and now only instinct guided his thoughts and actions. Dustin's mind was filled with only one thought, to fuck this person and fuck him and fuck him until he was done with him. He didn't dare try to say his name, for he had forgotten what it was. It didn't matter anyway. He had what he wanted from him. He'd found another willing ass to sink his big dick into. Who needed Mike, anyway? His body filled with wave after wave of warmth and good feeling. Dustin lived for moments like this one, where his body felt like this, when he could separate himself from reality if only for a few brief moments of human pleasure.

Dustin thrust himself so hard and deep into Nate that the hard sound of flesh slapping flesh echoed through the room. Dustin groaned loudly "Ohhhh fuck!" and he felt his dick unload into the body of another man again that day. "Fuck..." Dustin said again, as if it was the only word his brain could process at the moment. He didn't even notice the pools of cum forming on Nate's belly as he filled his asshole. Dustin withdrew his dick from the warmth of Nate's body and rolled off to the side to relish the feelings of euphoria still bouncing around in his head.

"God... What a great fuck." Dustin said to himself.

"Yeah." Nate replied.

Dustin looked over at him. "Oh... Yeah." He said awkwardly. "Anyway... You want a wash cloth or anything?" He asked.

"Can I use your toilet?" Nate asked.

"Sure." Dustin said.

By the time Nate emerged from the bathroom, Dustin was already back in his clothes and on the computer. "All done?" He asked.

"Yeah. I guess I'll go ahead and go." Nate said.

"Okay." Dustin replied. He stopped working on the computer and walked to the door with Nate. "It was nice to meet you, Nathan."

"Just Nate will do. My full name is Nathaniel. I hate it."

"Oh. Okay Nate."

"If you ever want to meet again sometime, just let me know. Don't come right out and say it though, because Luke gets on the computer and I don't want him to find out."

"Sure." Dustin replied. Dustin opened the door and let Nate out. Dustin stood there in the hall for a minute to make sure he was gone.

"Another victim, Red?" Came a voice from behind him. Dustin was startled, but turned around to see an elderly grey-haired man with a cane standing in his doorway.

"Shut up, Mr. Johnston." Dustin replied.

"If you boys get any louder the whole damn building's going to know what you're doing in there. It's bad enough your bedroom's right next to my kitchen. I would like to eat without knowing you've got your dick up some guy's ass."

"Sorry." Dustin said unapologetically. He walked back into his apartment and closed the door. Through the wall he could hear Mr. Johnston's muffled voice.

"You oughta try pussy sometime, kid."

"Shut up, you old fuck." Dustin muttered under his breath.

My address - jkwsquirrel@yahoo.com

My group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/squirrelwriter/

Next: Chapter 2

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