Dustins Secret Lacuna

By Kyle Weaver

Published on Jun 26, 2020


Krazy Note: Erotica is not a how-to manual. This story is not an endorsement of anything. If you are curious about something, your best bet is often to ask. :)

~ Dustin's Secret Lacuna ~


First (and Probably Last) Part: The Ab Slut

"What the FUCK is that?"

Dustin clinked the handle of vodka as he poured us shots, a bottle of pills jangling in his other hand.

"HGW, MAN!" he yelled.

I cocked an eyebrow, trying to ignore the squealing noises of the animated character 'Smooth Mouse' getting webbed by a magic globe spider on the T.V.

A few bubbles swam to the silky surface of the shot glass, and then all was still.

"Horny Goat Weed," Dustin said. "It will make sure you are riled up when Jayden gets here. Gotta show him an exciting time...right, Colt?"

I grunted.

Jayden was the token faggot on our basketball team.

I don't say that imply that he was stupid or socially awkward, although he was. I say that to mean that he was a perverted bitch that wanted his ass sodomized and his face creamed by a savage fucker like me. Which was too bad, because I liked real pussy, and as much as Jayden acted like a pussy, he would never amount to more than a pathetic, wormy wannabe.

He wasn't very good at basketball, and I suspect he was kept around partly because people feel sorry for faggots these days. There aren't very many successful gay athletes--probably because they are weak, limp-wrist pansies--and the bird-brained Mrs. Baron types (campus counselor/libtard) tried to rearrange reality so that people are scared to notice the alphabet people's extensive deficiencies. But I figure--why feel sorry for people that you don't know? Some people are gonna be worse than others, so just let the chips fall where they will.

At first it had been REALLY DISGUSTING, having a faggot whose gaze lingered in the showers. I almost beat him up when I found out. He actually had the gall to pop my nose on that occasion, and I shoved his ass into Dustin's plate of waffles on another. I stole his flaming unicorn stuffed animal that day (to go along with Mrs. Baron's snowflake stress ball) and Jayden got the message not to fuck with me.

But it was more than that...

"Take your pill, dude!" Dustin said.

I popped the pill and drowned it down with the rough shot of Vodka.

I growled, fire on my breath. "Don't you think you could get better stuff, Dustin?"


"ABSOLUT-ly disgusting," I grumbled.

"Sounds like you are saying AB-SLUT," Dustin said, clapping me in the stomach.

A bit of rough-housing didn't really get under my skin. I lived in the gym, an hour and a half at sunrise AND sunset, every goddam day. My dad started bringing me when I was ten and I never looked back. No joke, Coach had told me it might benefit me to slim up a bit, even though I am at like 2 percent body fat and dead-lift as much as Orion, the strongest senior. I'm not slimming up my muscles though, so he can suck my cock.

Well, not really. I'm not really into that.

Jayden and Dustin, on the other hand...

Okay, let me confide something. We had a circle jerk once, right? I had always made a point of not participating back in high school when my buddies were being idiots. The truth is that lots of straight guys do it, if they are bored and horny and got nothing better to do, or in other words, on Saturdays. I wasn't about to touch Jayden's dick, of course, since he was gay, and I didn't want his fag-brain getting IDEAS. Eventually, he had intentionally sat on one of my hands with his faggot bubble butt. His circus tent of an ass should have been a give-away from day 1, when I heard the rumor there was a fag on the team, but Jayden's purple-haired best friend seemed even more faggoty, and it didn't occur to me to look for more than one.

So yeah, I had touched the fag's ass before, and it melted in my fist, and I'm pretty sure he has fantasized about being my bitch ever since. To make things worse, that was the first time I saw...

It still is kind of gross to articulate.


The first time I saw the fag go down on Dustin.

Repulsive, right?

It straight-up made me puke in the kitchen.

My roommate, Kai, had come to make sure I was okay. Which was a tough sell, given that I was weirded out over how gay everything was getting, and Kai had been the one jacking MY cock.

I'd left not long after that, and didn't hang out with them for a few weeks, outside of when Kai and I fell asleep on opposite sides of the room, in hazy, awkward silences...

But eventually, Jayden wanted Corny back so much, that he and Kai challenged me and Dustin to a basketball game to win the gay stuffed animal back. We completely dominated them and Jayden had to admit that he was worse than us (not just because the writing was on the wall that he isn't as good at basketball, but the bet required him to admit that his failure as a human extended well beyond that).

Being forced to admit that he was trash might turn the average guy into a rebel, but it had the opposite effect on a fag like Jayden. He ended up so hot and bothered that he sucked Dustin off again that day.

That was when things got really weird.

Because Jayden didn't stop there. Dustin had the idea that Jayden should lick me clean, starting with my armpits, and ending with my balls.

It didn't feel like gay sex. It just felt like an extension of the bet--we were putting him in his place, cause he lost, you know? He lost. But--whatever humiliation Jayden felt was drowned out by lust, because he dove down on my cock and started sucking it like his life depended on it.

And you know what?

I let him.

I couldn't stop him from being a fag. So...why not just play it to my advantage? That was when we agreed to work out a bit of a deal...

Us straight alphas stop getting tricked into hating gay people. You fags stop getting tricked into babbling about equality. Feed into the submissive, malleable soul you harbor. Let loose our dominant, sculptor cocks to drop anchor.

Jayden had been sucking my cock ever since. Sure, he did Kai and Dustin as well, but it was ME he got riled up for. We did have a few ground rules: Kai said to treat Jayden respect, Dustin said to only use Jayden when he was around to watch, and I said no fucking the fag up the ass. Over a span of time, the rules eroded bit by bit. And we did have some extra time on our hands.

Even though all of us were technically on the school basketball team, we were redshirts, which meant that we weren't allowed to play this year, preserving an extra year of eligibility for a potential super-senior year (fifth year). So when the 'real' players were at their away games, we were left to our own devices. And when I say 'our own' I really mean Dustin's.

Dustin designed a stupid game named Fagball that degraded our arrangement beyond recognition. Jayden scored points for kissing our feet, our balls, our biceps, and our butt cheeks. Because he is obsessed with me, he targeted me, unbalancing the game. Eventually, he 'won' this way.

This meant my last, best rule was scrapped.

According to the dumb rules of the game, someone needed to dick Jayden down.

"Oh fuck you," I had said to Dustin.

"Not me. Him. Did you know that gay boys like taking it up the butt? That's why they are so weird about butts."

"I've had just about enough of your manipulative ass."

"Technically, you haven't had any of my manipulative ass."

So that was why our fag was coming over today. He just had to clean himself up, and not wear that pink fuzzy fag-thong Dustin had given him. Wear something special for me. I figured, if we were going to do this, he needed to be able to devote his mind to me, and that started with his whole fuckin' body.

And that's why Dustin had given us each a pill of 'HGW'. Horny Goat Weed.

To make sure we were well and hyped for what was gonna happen.

"You are gonna get some redshirt ass tonight," Dustin said, clappin' me on the back.

I don't know how Dustin did it: arrow-straight Colt Lang, yours truly, who wouldn't even touch a circle jerk back in high school, on the cusp of making a faggot's dreams come true.

What was there left to do?

Redshirt ass...

"Where the hell is he?" I asked, smacking the bong against the coffee table. "Shouldn't he be here by now?"

"He is a bit late," Dustin said thoughtfully. "Maybe..we should get Kai to bug him?"

Just as Dustin had watched over me to make sure I didn't get cold feet, Kai was supposed to be around, opposite the hall from Jayden, cheering for his outfit like a sorority girl before the big date. Our room was across the hall from Jayden's in the athletics dorm.

"Do it," I said. I took another shot of vodka, regretting it absolutly.

"I don't know if Kai sees my message yet," Dustin muttered.

"I'm not really feeling Smooth Mouse and Bumpy Cat," I said, adjusting my shorts.

Dustin finished whatever follow-up he was sending Kai, then grabbed the remote and flicked off the T.V. "Just as well. We could--you know--make sure you are ready before Jayden gets here."

"Assuming Jayden gets here, and doesn't have an orgasm on the way because his bike-seat gets swallowed up his ass."

"Does that happen a lot?" Dustin asked.


"C'mon. Let's go to my room."

I followed Dustin, his pert ass stretching his shorts as he walked. I'd seen him naked in the showers and during Fagball, and his ass had a bit of a gravity-defying shelf to it, a bit too high in the air, adding to his aura of cockiness, and enhancing my sense that he should be knocked down a peg at some point or another.

He sprawled out on the bed, threading his black drawstring bag that housed some of the most important Fagball equipment: each of our iconic artifacts, such as my MAGA hat, Dustin's orange shoes, Kai's holy grail jockstrap, and Jayden's stuffed unicorn Corny; as well as a horn-dildo 'Horny', Mrs. Baron's stress ball, the black lipstick, and Kai's aloe vera. He had poured them out all over the bed.

I squished them over to him to make room to lie down. "What are you up to?" I asked.

"Just gonna make sure Jayden doesn't forget his sacred duty to Fagball," Dustin said, angling his phone to get a good photo of the junk.

"Nah, Nah, you got it all wrong!" Colt said. "You got a pair of scissors?"

"Top drawer of the desk," Dustin said.

I rifled through the drawer, making my way back with the pair of scissors, opening them slightly, then sliding them around Corny's neck like he was on the chopping block at the slaughter house.

All it would take was one little snip! And then Corny's pretty little head would fall off his pretty little body.

"TAKE A PICTURE OF THAT!" I said, grinning.

"Okay boss," Dustin said. He snapped another photo with his phone.

"Forward it to me."

Dustin sent me the photo, and I sent it to Jayden, followed by a couple of messages.

<Get over here, bitch.>

I smirked at Dustin, tossing my phone onto the bed. "That should get his attention."

We sprawled out on the bed, each taking another hit from the bong. Dustin started to play-act with Corny, having him jump off the bong like a big diving board, into the pool of Fagball garbage.

"Weeee!" Dustin warbled.

"Is this why we came in here?" I mused. "So you could act like a five-year old?"

"Ready for something more adult?" Dustin asked. He flipped on his T.V., and moments later we were watching his favorite porno series, Balls to the Hole. We were on Part 13: UnFucky 2Nite.

"Luck was a lady tonight," Dick Johnson said.

"Really?" Cherry Foofoo said. "Thinking hard at the casino...would we call that good head?"

"I think HARD about the supportive boost your word-lips give, lady. Maybe I should rename you LUCKY Foofoo."

"What a lucky sucky fucky duck I would be."

"No reason we can't tease ourselves till Jayden gets here," Dustin said. "Make sure you are rearin' to go."

He wasn't quite as cavalier as usual when he said it. I sensed he was a touch nervous that Jayden was taking so long. But I didn't feel like grilling him for it just yet. Sometimes it takes me a minute to really get mad, and I wasn't at that point. Yet.

Dustin pulled off his shirt, tossing it to the side. His shorts came down a moment later.

Out popped his hardening dick, which he started jacking, staring with an open-mouthed, glazed expression at Cherry Foofoo licking Dick Johnson's ass.

Dustin had a bit of muscle on him, but he wasn't ripped like me. In truth, for a jock, he was a bit of a goofball. But at least he wasn't a fag like Jayden, who, as far as anyone could tell, only worked out his ass and thighs.

Dustin's chest tightened and he bit his tongue, jacking a bit harder.

"C'mon dude," Dustin said. "It will get you pumped for when Jayden gets here."

I wasn't so sure. Dustin could play all the tricks he wanted, with the straight porn and the masculine atmosphere, but in the end, Jayden was such a fag that he always threw off my groove. I didn't need to get pumped, I needed to get this over with.

I sighed, pulling off my shirt and tossing it to the side. I shoved my shorts down, pulled out my cock, and gave it a little rub. I wasn't quite as horned-to-go as Dustin, but I did get the sense that the HGW was flouncing around somewhere under the surface...

I jacked my cock twice, but then a shoe rolled over toward me and hit me in the hip. "Dustin, can you please clean all this crap off the bed?"

"Sorry bro," Dustin said. He gathered up the Fagball trash and stashed it back in the bag, tossing the scissors in to boot. The only thing he left out was the aloe vera, which he handed me, raising his eyebrow, and the snowflake stressball, which he was squeezing in his other fist.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the aloe vera and lubing up my cock.

He nodded in approval, one fist gripping the stressball, the other clenching his fire-hose of a dick.

We edged close, cycling to the cusp of orgasm and then falling away.

Finally, Dustin's phone buzzed. "It's Kai!" he said, reassurance in his voice. But his expression fell as he read the message. "Um...Kai says Jayden's not in his room...won't answer...maybe he's on the way?"

"CALL JAYDEN!" I said, glaring at Dustin. He was such an idiot sometimes, with his sloppily-laid plans. Maybe the reason Dustin was so obsessed with shoes was because it was a miracle his chaos-brain ever learned to tie them. I bet it was a really big accomplishment for him!

Dustin punched in Jayden's number. "Straight to voicemail," he said softly.


Dustin called him again, then again, gulping.

"UNBELIEVABLE! Is this your stupid plan? Prove you can get straight-arrow me to be willing to do something so...dirty, only to throw it in my face and HUMILIATE ME? FUCK YOU!"

"NO. It's not like that Colt. He's supposed to come. I was sure he would..."

"WELL LOOKS LIKE YOU WERE WRONG, ASSHOLE. Getting me all twisted and tilted for fucking NOTHING."

"Well, we could...we could find a different fag. Have you heard of grindr? Hot studs like us, probably it would be like ordering door dash."

"I'm not using some faggot tindr. What the FUCK dude! This can NEVER get out!"

"There gotta be some guys on the down low."

"I don't see WHY. Jayden's quite gay enough--can you imagine the rainbow clown unicorn faggots that would show their face on something like that? If I'm gonna be with a guy, I'd rather it be a GUY and not some weird uncanny valley shemale."

"Nah, man, don't knock what you haven't tried..."


Dustin's phone made a funny high-pitched noise.

"The hell was that?"

"Just give me a sec..."

"NO FUCKIN WAY? Are you on FAGR right now?"


We started jostling and wrestling for Dustin's phone. As established, he had some muscle, but he was no match for me. We rolled around till I was on top, him facedown on the bed. I wrenched the phone from his grasp and tossed it out of his grasp.


"Fine!" he yelled, his voice muffled.

My legs were on top of his, pinning his thighs, through his half-pulled down shorts. I also had his elbows, shoving them into the bed.

The only thing that was free was that pert, shelf of an ass, glinting at me.

I snarled in disgust, climbing off of him.

He rolled back to his back. "Let's...let's just rub one out, okay?" he said, trying to find his voice.

"I'd rather just go home," I said.

And then I did.

That was all that happened.

The End.

Okay. That ISN'T all that happened, okay? I don't like talking about it.

"C'mon, let's just rub one out," he pressed.

I knew what he was up to. If I got off, all went back to normal. All was forgiven. He didn't want things to get WEIRD. But things were weird.

"How about you rub mine out, bitch?" I said, my eyes flashing.

I expected him to fight it, but I guess he felt bad about everything that happened, because he shook his head, reached over, and started jacking my cock in one hand, and his dick in the other.

"Just me," I said.

He released his dick, using his newly freed hand, with somewhat impressive dexterity, to set up the bong for another hit. After he took a drag, he passed it to me and I breathed deep.

Hello Colt. It's me. And you.

Together at long last.

I don't have much time here, but I thought I'd crack a joke.

Do you know how I know you are gonna top Dustin?


Because he has a dick, and you have a cock.


Do you know how long I've been setting up that joke?


Since 2012.

I gasped for air.

"You okay?" Dustin asked.

"Put the bong away," I said softly.

Dustin lay flat on his stomach, his pert ass gleaming, as he shoved his bong under the bed.

He started to move to get up, but I pushed him back down.

"Wha--" he started to say.

But then I climbed on top of him again.

He struggled a bit, but he was caught too off guard, too unsure of himself to really have any impact on the situation.

"What are you doing?" he finished.

"Do you know how I know you are gonna bottom for me, Dustin?"


"Because I have a cock, and you have a dick."

"That's the weirdest joke I've ever heard....very funny, bro."

"Ha ha. HA," I breathed.

"You gonna...you gonna let me go, man? This is getting weird..."

I leaned close to his ear, whispering, "You are gonna bottom for me, Dustin."

He tried to worm out from under me, but I flexed my whole body, and it was crystal clear who was in control.

"Colt! You can't be serious!"


"Because...well because...I don't do that!" Dustin said. "Let me get my phone, I'll find you a nice boy on grindr, I swear..."

"We've been over this. I don't want one of those fags. If I'm gonna do this, I'd much rather fuck an actual guy. And Jayden's not here. You said I would be fucking redshirt ass tonight. You promised..."

"Colt, please..." Dustin said, trembling.

"Please what?"

"Please...I'm straight."

I pushed his face into his pillow and breathed into his ear. "Looks like I'm getting some redshirt ass, yeah?" I reached down and squeezed his butt cheeks, one after the other.

"Colt, please..." Dustin said. "Please dude, I'm straight. I've never even sucked a dick, let alone..."

"Yeah?" I asked. I kept squeezing his ass and breathing in his ear. He wormed around a bit, but I was unyielding. Besides, like a good stoner, I had the high ground.

"But you PROMISED, Dustin. You promised me ASS. You aren't going to welch, are you?"

"But this is my ass," Dustin said.

"Not after tonight it's not."

"I'm straight!" Dustin said. "I'm straight, I'm straight, I'm straight."

"Call yourself whatever the fuck you want," I said, squirting aloe on his crack. "But your straight ass is getting smashed. You brought this upon yourself."

I spread his ass cheeks and worked in the aloe, rubbing it against his little star.

"Oh, damn," Dustin said, squirming around a bit. "Damn man...I'm not...I'm not...I'm not..."

"Not straight?" I whispered.

"I am!" Dustin breathed. "Listen-"

"NO YOU LISTEN!" I took Mrs. Baron's stress ball and shoved it in his mouth. He stared at me, wide-eyed.

"This is happening."

The reality seemed to dawn on him, his baby blue eyes finally losing a bit of their luster.

I spread his ass cheeks in my palms.

"Nod for me, bitch. Let me know you understand."

Slowly and slightly, Dustin nodded.

I smirked, and then, I jammed my cock inside.

He lurched forward, biting down on Mrs. Baron's stress ball, his eyes jumping out.

"Yeah, you like that bitch?"

I shoved my cock in a bit deeper, testing the boundaries. The only thing I could think of was to stretch him out fast. The sooner he opened, the sooner I could let loose.

I pushed deeper, feeling the walls crashing in around me like a mine caving in. Unperturbed, I tunneled further still.

Dustin squirmed, whimpering, chewing on the stress ball and trying to catch my eyes with his desperate baby-blues.

I ran my hand through his hair, feeling my arms bulging to the max. I gripped his hair, finally giving him the eye-contact he was searching for.

I don't know if he liked what he saw, because his face seemed to fall even further.

I chuckled, nibbling his ear, repeating Mrs. Baron's retarded mantra.

"Breathe in love...Breathe out pain."

I pulled out and walloped back inside. Dustin squirmed, biting down hard on the stress ball.

Laughing, I used my cock as a bludgeon, savoring the pain my thrusts inflicted.

Dustin whimpered each time I plowed him, but that didn't stop me; if anything, it egged me on.

"Take it, bitch," I growled. I kept thrusting; I didn't care that he was too tight; it just made it more of a challenge.

I would open his ass like a gaping whore. There was nothing he could do.

He was my ab-slut. Asolutly.

His ass glinted at me; I pulled on his cheeks, daring him to bloom. It wasn't coming too easy though. He was out of his element.

Oh well.

As far as I was concerned, resistance just meant I had to go harder.

And harder. And harder.

I nibbled on Dustin's neck, before going for his ear. "I'm gonna break through, bitch. You'll see."

Dustin started shaking, his eyes bugging out.

I slammed in as deep as I could go, burying my cock to the balls.

Dustin let out a pathetic whine, collapsing like he was dead.

"Gotcha fag."

Dustin lay lifelessly as I cycled in and out, his resistance ebbing away bit by bit, until it felt like he had no presence at all. His ass took on the exact shape I gave it.

And I had so much to give.

Whoever said I wasn't generous?


Then, something interesting happened. I felt his asshole tremble around my cock.

"What was that?" I asked softly.

I pulled the stress ball out of Dustin's mouth and he gasped for air, over and over, holding my gaze.

"What was that?" I repeated, my lip grazing his ear.

Dustin moaned softly, and his asshole winked open and closed around my cock. He looked a bit sheepish, but there was no denying what happened.

"Well? What is it, Dustin?"

"I--I dunno, man," Dustin said, his ass giving him away.

Slowly, I pushed my cock in to the root again.

Dustin nibbled the protruding, chewed out stress ball, moaning. "Ffuck man. That feels...fuck man."

As slowly as I could, I pulled out, before making my cock crawl back in, every damn inch, bit by bit.

"Oh. Ohhhh-uuhhh---oohh." Dustin crooned.

"Yeah? You like that, pussyboy?"

"Unnf," he whispered.

I cycled in and out again, but this time, the resistance was different. Dustin's body wasn't trying to stop me from entering...the resistance followed my cock, sealing it in place instead. This time, when I buried my cock to the hilt, I felt Dustin's ass flexing around my cock, pumping me like a little heart drumming up life.

"Yeah, that's the redshirt ASS I signed up for!" I said, slapping Dustin's tight cheeks.

Dustin moaned, conflict streaming in his eyes, but at this point, we knew what would win out.

A meandering gust of wind can't stop a train crunching down the tracks...

"Fuck, fuck, funnsh..." Dustin whimpered.

At this point, my slamming motions were making the bed squeak, as we both bounced upon impact.

Just as well. When Dustin's ass bounced up, that gave me a bullseye to punch.

"Could you....could you...dial it down a bit?" Dustin asked weakly.

"Shut the fuck up," I said.

We found a bit of rhythm, his ass ricocheting up from my last thrust, only to be slammed down harder each time. His perky cheeks started to bruise red from the beating, but hey...not my problem.

"It's like you said...I'm fucking faggot ass tonight...I'll learn to love it...one way or another...."

"Unnnhh, umnph!"

Even though his hole was squeezin', he still wasn't quite BROKEN. And that was where he needed to be. I was sure.

I sucked on his neck, nibbling again. "Dustin...you need to give up already, man. The sooner, the better. Just FUCKING GIVE UP."

"Maybe...if you slowed down...unnf....or softened up."

"I'm not going to SLOW DOWN. I'm not going to SOFTEN UP. So why don't you fuckin' get with the program, PUSSY?"

"Colt..." he whimpered.




But he didn't have to say. I could feel it in his ass, opening of its own volition, making more than enough space for me to hammer him balls-deep.

"FFFUCK!" he whimpered, his voice curling from low to high. "FFFUCK!"

His ass was opening and closing fast now, clenching my cock for dear life. Oh, he was done for, wasn't he? Fuck, this was EASY.

I gripped his hips and pounded his ass like there was more tomorrow. He buried his face in his pillow, moaning, turning his head from side to side, trying and failing to jut his ass up like a little bitch. But his ass wouldn't stay up, because I was slamming too hard, and he was seriously outgunned by a stronger man.

Assuming he even counted after this.

"Fuck," he whispered. "Ffuck, dude..."

I didn't slow down. I wouldn't. I couldn't.

You don't stop hammering a birdhouse with one nail left to go, and I wasn't about to let this job go unfinished.

I'm the kinda guy that likes getting stimulated from head to toe, every thread of every muscle in my body. And that's a lot of threads.

I dug under Dustin's chest, squeezing his torso like I was juicing him in my arms, holding my new bitch tightly in my iron-strong, sweaty grip.

"I'm almost there, FAGGOT," I whispered, chewing his ear.

"Fuck me," Dustin whispered, craning his neck, turning his head to the side.

"That's the idea," I growled, ravaging his ass.

"Fuck me, fuck me..."

I swiveled my head, chewing on his lips, silencing him, except the moans escaping past the edges.

He pushed his tongue over mine, and moments later...

I planted my cock balls-deep inside his hole, shooting wave after wave of cum deep into his faggot guts.

It took me a minute to catch my breath.

I wrenched my face from his, disgusted that in the heat of things I let a man kiss me, even for a second. GROSS. I made a mental note to never let that happen again.

"No one can know what happened," Dustin whispered.

"NO SHIT," I thundered.

"I--I'll go get us a towel," Dustin said, his voice low, worming his way free of my slimy cock, my heart racing along.

We were done, and yet, I could still hear it in the back of my head, thumping, thumping, thumping...

"You--you seduced me!" I hissed.

"What are you talking about? I--I don't want to be some guy's cum dump, man! You are the one who--YOU are the one--you know what--you should just get the FUCK out of here, man."


"FINE!" He was close to tears as he yelled at me, retreating from his own bedroom. Who knows where he planned to go.

"Faggot," I sneered. "FAGGOT!"

So I left.

Yep. That's what actually happened.

I don't regret how I talked to him, just what we did.

A straight arrow like me, corrupted by life at UC Bonkles. Perhaps it's time to start attending Church again.

But anyway, don't tell a soul.


I wouldn't have even written it down, if I wasn't trying to puzzle out what the fuck happened.

I'm still not sure.


In fact, if you find this note, burn it.

--- Krazy Note 2: Shhh.... Don't tell anyone about this story. It's a secret. Probably will be a one-and-done...unless people request more of this kind of thing. You know where to find me. krazytop@gmail.com krazytop.tumblr.com ---

Next: Chapter 2

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