Duncans Lesson in Life

By ua.moc.oohay@00023791atep

Published on Oct 2, 2004


CHAPTER 3: Realisations

The days dragged on, Karen and I spoke very little over the next week, I had arranged with work via an email to take my long service leave and had arranged for the next 12 months off. Karen had taken me shopping and efficiently and silently bought me underwear, including bras that fit (boy they felt good), sexy nightwear, dresses, jeans, shoes, these included several pairs of high heels, I had no idea how to walk in these, but in Karen's current mood I could not get coaching to achieve this. Finally one day Karen came in with a suite bag, "Ok, my unwilling husband, I want your dick in me one day, so we are going to try and turn you into a woman, so put this on and we are going out on the town. Now that thought put me in the horrors, going out as a woman, someone will know I am a man, but I am a woman now, god I was so confused, deep down I was a man, but externally I was all woman.

I did as I was told, putting on a slinky black dress with black pantyhose, and suspender belt, before I put these on Karen gave me a chilling order "No panties, you will wear the suspender belt and stockings but no panties, I want free access to your pussy", I did as I was told, not understanding her new attitude. Finally she did my makeup, which was a bit darker than the other day; she explained this as something to do with night time makeup. I had no idea what she was on about, all I know is I still looked hot. Next she took my earrings out and put a pair of pearl studs in, and attached a pearl necklace around my neck. Then she brushed my hair out in a simple side part flowing over both shoulders.

Then a spot of perfume and into the car we went, the first stop was a classy restaurant were we had a quiet meal, then onto a up market nightclub, I had never had any luck getting in here as a bloke before I met Karen, but on this occasion the bouncers let us in without delay with the polite comment "ladies", ladies! Damn that was taking some getting used to, we got some drinks and sat down, Karen gave me a kick when she saw that I was sitting with my legs apart showing my bare pussy, I quickly crossed them like a `lady', and decided to get as drunk as possible to fog the reality of the situation. Before long we had guys hitting on us every five minutes, I was getting sick of telling them to rack off, when two guys in suites came up carrying a couple of drinks for us, I nearly fell off my chair when Karen said "My name is Karen and this is my sister Peta, grab a seat" The guys introduced themselves has Mike and Stephen, they were both in their thirties, both very good looking, tanned, good teeth, clean cut well dressed and very affluent looking. I found myself staring at Stephen, he saw me staring "so what do you do for a living Peta", I stumbled for words, "I, I, I'm a computer analyst for the government" Kind of a lie, at least I worked for the government. "Wow that sounds really interesting", "What do you do Stephen?", "Mike and I own our own advertising business, we do a lot of international stuff, the pay is good, but the hours suck" Karen, Mike, Stephen and I talked and got very drunk for most of the night, the before I knew it we were all dancing, I was so drunk I couldn't let go of Stephen for fear of falling over. Finally we left the club and the guys offered us a lift home, Karen was no were near as drunk as I was, and I suspected she intended on getting me drunk, she walked next to mike but was not touching him, Stephen held onto me tightly to stop me falling. We got to their car and Stephen slid me like a sack of potatoes onto the back seat, I sat on my hair and have swished it over my shoulder, I thought it was very seductive, I felt like a goose. We have then begun driving home; Stephen was sitting very close to me, his arm around my shoulder, and hand on my lap, very close to my crotch.

I knew I should be hitting his hand away, but I was so drunk I didn't care. We have stopped by a beach and Karen and Mike went for a walk, leaving Stephen and I sitting in the backseat, I went quiet, I knew this was not supposed to happen, but the alcohol haze was all for it. Stephen leaned over and kissed me, damn that was the first time I have kissed a guy, yuck! But I have reacted by kissing him back passionately, my pussy was dripping, with no panties to stop the tide I could my juices dripping down between my legs and over my anus. I have then sat on Stephens lap and while kissing him undid his pants, I pulled his very large penis out and it sprang to life, it was a good eight inches and very thick, what the fuck was I doing, I'm not gay! I couldn't control myself, like when I played with Karen the other day, I felt as though I had no control. Stephen pulled away "Wait, are you sure you want to do this, I mean we only just met" What was this guy on, a hot chick throwing herself at him and he wanted to question it "Yes yes, of course just stop talking and kiss me" Oh god I had lost it. He then started fumbling around for his wallet and pulled out the faithful condom. I snatched it off him and ripped open the packet, sliding it over his huge member. Then without pausing for a breath I entered a new world, I sat up and slowly impaled myself on him, I knew it should hurt, but I think the alcohol dulled the pain, I could feel him inside me, I was shocked, awed and totally controlled by lust. I sank down until he was fully inside me, I could feel him in my stomach, I didn't care what I was doing I just wanted this cock in me. I pumped his member for what seemed an eternity, until we both climaxed at the same time; I fell forward on him, putting my arms around his neck leaving his slowly shrinking penis inside me. "Wow, Peta, I don't know what to say, thanks" I sat up, his penis twitching inside me, "that's all you can say `thanks'" I couldn't believe it, I have just fulfilled a guys fantasy of being with a super hot girl and all he could say was thanks, that ungrateful pig.

I got off him, pulled some tissues from my purse and dried myself off, "Peta what did I say, what else do you want me to say, god, you women are so weird". Karen and Mike returned about ten minutes later while Stephen and I sat as far away from each other as we could. The drive home was quiet, I had the shits. When I got home I stormed inside not even saying goodbye to my first male sex partner. Karen followed me in "what's up with you? Did you do it with him" she was smiling, I couldn't believe it, "he was so hot Duncan, I hope you did it with him!" I smiled, "yes it was fantastic, I couldn't believe it, but now I am gay" Karen laughed loud and hard, "GAY, you're a woman you idiot, you did it with a guy, that means you are still very hetro" "But now that I am sobering up I feel as though I am still a guy inside, I still can't explain why I felt betrayed when after having sex he said `thanks', what a pig!" "Duncan I think you are becoming more of a woman than you realise, maybe I'll have you back sooner than we think, you did use a condom didn't you?" "Yes, although if he didn't pull one out I would have had a pussy full of his you know what"

Karen walked away talking to herself "I can't believe my husband had sex with a guy, wow, this is so weird"

I sat down and slowly undressed, I was still shaking my head, I was no longer a female virgin, I had a penis in me, I felt my pussy, it felt numb and stretched. I walked into the bathroom and scrubbed my makeup off and quietly locked the door, I looked at my pussy, it still looked the same, but felt very different, somehow I felt more like a woman, but I was still fighting it. I shook my head, and went to bed naked, Karen curled up next to me a short time later, also naked, pressing her breast against my back and inserting a finger into my pussy, I went to sleep with my wife slowly bringing me to a gentle orgasm.

CHAPTER 4: Time to get serious

After my night of wild sex with a man, I decided it was time to embrace being a woman, I don't know if I liked the sex as much as I first thought, all I wanted to be was a man again, I strangely I had to embrace being a woman to do this.

I found Karen outside sunbathing, "Karen could we go down to the mall and do a bit of shopping?" Karen looked at me "sure dear, we'll make a day of it and get makeovers as well" I inwardly cringed, but smiled and said "Great, I was thinking about getting my navel pierced as well, what do you think?" Karen smiled broadly, "sounds great, I have been thinking about getting my clit pierced for years, but you being the man you were always scared me off from it, this'll be great!" She jumped up and ran inside, god what was I doing.

An hour later we were walking into a very white clean looking piercing shop, a very normal looking girl came up to us "What can I do for you girls!" I couldn't talk, I was so nervous, men don't do this. "Yes, my sister and I want to get some piercing's, I want my clit done and Peta here wants her navel done"

The girl has then very efficiently showed us various jewellery and then I followed Karen in as she showed her vagina to the world, she had recently waxed it unbeknownst to me, I was getting hot just looking at it, well it was good to know I still had some maleness running around inside me. The girl has then clamped Karen's clit, Karen gasped, I could see her juices running down her pussy and onto the bed. Then before she could gasp again there was a large needle through her clit quickly followed by a nice simple gold bar with a ball on either end. She was given various care instructions, then it was my turn. My stomach was churning, my navel was also clamped and I was told to breathe out, then a sharp prick and next minute I was sporting a gold ring through my navel, it looked great, I was already coming up with different ideas for jewellery. Then Karen said "why don't you get your pussy done as well, I mean we are already here, may as well both get it done" I looked at her with visible fury, before I knew it I was also sporting a neat bar through my clit.

We both walked out of there a bit tenderly, next stop was a salon, I had my hair trimmed to a more manageable length, about mid back, Karen had her hair dyed to a similar shade as mine, then we gingerly made our way home. It took a few weeks for the peircings to feel natural, then the feeling of a bar through my clit kept me aroused most of the time, finally forcing both Karen and I to succumb to a healthy lesbian relationship, we bought a number of toys over the internet, ranging from strap on dildo's vibrators, and huge dildos, we explored various sexual acts, getting to the point were both my vagina and arse were always sore. We took tones of sexual pics for when I was a man again (old times sake), and lived as lovers for about three months.

I steadily got used to doing my own makeup picking out my own jewellery, I loved wearing earrings and wore various charms from my navel, I learned how to style my hair and began to buy my own accessories, I even got used to the mood swings I experienced once a month when I had my period. I was now fully embracing my womanhood, to the point I just wanted to be a woman for the rest of my life.

As far as I was concerned everything is as it should be, this was a far cry from how betrayed and humiliated I felt when I first underwent my change, although most people would class me as a lesbian now, I still deep down believe that I am heterosexual, the thought having another sexual experience with a man disgusts me.

Then one day the balance was about to be thrown off again. The weather was still very warm, although we were starting to lead into autumn. I had woke early that morning in order to help Karen around the house, I tied my hair back in a simple pony tail, put some nice cut off denim shorts on, a tight bad girl' t-shirt (really set off my breasts), and sandals, I quickly assessed myself in the mirror, and despite being dressed for chores I still looked hot. Then as an afterthought while walking outside I put my original diamond studs in each ear. Karen was already in the garden, pulling weeds out, "Duncan, could I get you to start on that garden over there?" She pointed to the largest garden bed with the most weeds, I hated gardening! I gave her a quick kiss and replied with the automatic "yes dear". As I was about to get started I heard a car coming up the driveway. It was Chantelle; strangely I didn't feel like breaking her neck. She stopped her car and got out, "Hi girls, beautiful day for gardening!" Karen smiled, stood up and walked over to me. I said "what brings you here?" Chantelle walked over "Well Duncan, I was wondering how you were coping as one of us?" I cautiously responded "Just fine thanks", "Really! That's wonderful, I really picked you for fighting it every step of the way", "So did I, but a few months ago I decided that I should make the most of it seeing as though there was no changing back in the near future" Chantelle smiled "Well Duncan, I decided that I had been a bit harsh on you and would like to give you the option of returning to your normal self, but the test still stands, I will scan your mind and determine whether or not you understand FULLY' the female psyche" I was shocked, she never mentioned anything about scanning my mind "Hang on Chantelle, I thought you were only going to ask me questions?" Chantelle's eye's bore into my soul "No Duncan, if I was to do that you could give me the answers I want but not mean what you are saying, this way I know what you are hiding", damn, I may not be ready for this, although the thought of staying a woman for a little longer was not all that repulsive. "Fine, just get it over and done with" Chantelle put her fingers to my temples, I felt a sense of warmth flood over my body, after about ten seconds she pulled her hands away from my head "Well Duncan, you have come a long way, I see you have had sex with a man, but not experienced a relationship, and hence still held onto your manhood. Maintaining your sexual life with Karen is admirable, but it is not going to allow you to return to your former self. I am impressed with your development, and you look great, but I think a bit longer as a women may be needed for you to fully appreciate the difficulties we experience on a daily basis" "A RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN!!! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING, I WILL NOT DO IT!!!" "Duncan, do not yell at me, remember I hold your life in my hand, if you want to be yourself again this is what you must do" With that she has turned on her heel and walked back to her car, damn bitch, this was not part of my plan. Karen chased after her and as Chantelle was getting into her car she had a earnest conversation with her, Chantelle closed her door and drove away, leaving Karen sobbing with her face in her hands. I ran up to her and put my arms around her shoulders "what did she say?" Through sobs Karen replied "She told me that if you can't do this you will be a woman for the rest of your life, she also told me that we can't remain lovers until you achieve this" I stood there shocked, fear washed over me, was this the beginning of the end of my marriage?

"Karen I was beginning to enjoy our life, at least it has been a real change, but I don't want to lose you, and if that means I have to do what that witch wants then we may have to bite the bullet and go through with it" Karen put her arms around my neck and sobbed into my shoulder, I stroked her hair and tried to calm her down, this was horrible, I now had to completely let my male self go and find a boyfriend. I would have to become fully a woman, inside and out, I was having fun, but now this was totally against everything I stood for, at that point I vowed that as soon as I was restored I would find the deepest hole I could and throw Chantelle into it.

Over the following week Karen and I have discussed how we would go about this, it was finally decided we would live as house mates with no sexual involvement, but would go out as sisters on the town and find me a man. Man that sounded weird.

I tried to think more as a woman, I put away all of my car magazines and began to by cosmopolitan, Cleo, Playgirl, Women's weekly and other women related magazines. I have continued to style my own hair, although have become more creative, with intricate updo's, and other styles. I began wearing dresses on a daily basis and avoided talking about anything manly with Karen. Within about four weeks I started looking at men in a different way, commenting to Karen about how hot a man's arse was, or his arms or legs, I could tell Karen was worried, but she kept it in. Finally came our first big night out on the prowl. I dolled myself up beautifully that night, sweeping my hair up in a lovely updo, attaching large hoop earrings to my lobes, and donning a attractive low cut short black dress, with matching 4 inch pumps and black leather hand bag, then came the makeup, once I was finished I looked a million bucks. Karen walked in looking equally hot, she did appear sad, "Duncan, or should I say Peta, I don't know how long this is going to last, but I want you to know that I love you and when this is over I hope we can get on with our life, remember although you are basically a woman now, you are still married to me and you final loyalty is with me" God I love this woman, we embraced and silently headed to the nearest nightclub for the final step of my transition.

I decided not to drink any alcohol that night; I could muddle my mind hoping that if I can't remember anything it didn't happen. When we arrived at the club we again were ushered in promptly by horny bouncers, I smiled affectionately at them and they almost melted, I may even enjoy this evening.

Karen ordered a lemon squash for both of us and we settled down scoping out the `male' talent present in the club. I was surprised a short time later when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned and saw Stephen and Mike standing behind me, this might be easier than I thought, "Hi Stephen, Mike, how are you, sit down". Stephen smiled back "Don't mind if we do", they both sat opposite us, "Peta, I just wanted to apologise for being insensitive that night we were together, I would like a chance to make it up to you" I leaned forward and took his hand "Stephen that would be great, but you should know that I am looking for a relationship, not just sex" He looked a bit stunned, but his smile quickly returned "let's take it one step at a time then", he kissed my hand and continued talking to me, although I zoned out as I was trying to listen to what Karen and Mike were talking about, Karen was slowly talking to Mike "...I am still getting over losing my husband, I don't know if I am ready for a relationship" Mike sounded very understanding "Karen, how about we are just friends and if anything develops it will be a bonus" "...what do you think Peta...Peta are you listening to me?" "Stephen, sorry, what was that?" "I said how about we take a walk somewhere a bit quieter, what do you think?" "I'd love to"

With that Stephen grabbed my hand and we escaped the noise and smoke of the nightclub. I looked behind and Karen and Mike remained behind.

Stephen and I walked and talked for about an hour, we held each others hands and as the night went on we had our arms around each other. I was debating with myself what would a girl do at this point, sex was out of the question, and at that I was stumped, so I asked Stephen to drive me home. He walked me to the front door, I gave him my phone number, we kissed and he left. I felt wonderful, I was buzzing all over, this should not be happening, but maybe my conditioning was working, if I could make this work for at least a month, I may be back to my normal self by the end of the year.

I was still on a high when Stephen rang the following day, "Hi Peta, I was wondering if you wanted to have some pizza tonight and watch some DVD's", I quickly swallowed "Yep, that sounds great, my place, 7.00pm. You bring the DVD's I'll get the pizzas" "Cool, see you then". That sounded pretty innocent, next Karen called, "Hi Peta, I can't make it home until late tonight, maybe about midnight or later, sorry, see you when I get home" She had taken to calling me Peta, sounded weird for the first couple of days, but at least I was starting to answer to my new temporary name. Well this threw a bit of a curly one in the works, Stephen and I were going to be alone, I still don't know if I wanted to progress to a sexual thing with another guy, but I did kind of want my old life back, and if this is what I had to do well, so be it.

I have then spent the day pampering myself; I wanted Stephen to want me. I ran a nice bath and laced it with some soothing oils, while that was happening I tied my hair up on top of my head with a clip, stripped off my clothes and envied the woman I had become in the mirror, I was really quite beautiful. Even my mannerisms had become decidedly more feminine, I had long since left the male swagger behind, replacing it with a sensual swing of my hips, I made a conscious effort to pull my shoulders back and stand up straight, this in turn pushed my bust out, accentuating the curves of my breasts, I took them in my hands and breathed heavily. I still couldn't get used to the feelings that washed over me when I played with my breasts, time to get in the bath.

Slowly I slipped into the water, a little hot at first but once in it was divine. Then as I continued to massage my breasts I let one hand slip slowly under the water, quickly finding my hungry pussy, (I was loving this part of womanhood) I have then tenderly inserted one, then two then three fingers inside myself and began to pump them in and out, I moved my other hand under the water as well, massaging my clit until I was groaning in pleasure, then climax, I screamed (a little involuntarily!), my whole body felt like it was floating as my head swam in the ecstasy of my female orgasm. Laughing to myself I put my head back and shut my eyes, I definitely would miss this part of being a woman!

Before long I was my skin was starting to prune, so reluctantly I dragged myself out of the warm water and dried myself off.

I have then studied myself in the mirror again, what look I should have tonight, (the greatest part of being a women I found was, being able to change your look on a daily basis and only be admired for it, as a man you would get ridiculed and laughed at). I finally settled for a casual and comfortable ensemble. I started by brushing my hair out in long slow strokes, admiring my tresses in the process, leaving it parted down the side with one side tucked neatly behind an ear. Then I applied a very light smattering of makeup, attached some small thick gold hoop earrings, and just in case I have changed my navel piercing to a sexy looking bar with a couple of charms hanging from it. Next came the underwear, again just in case, I have put on the sexiest I could find, a light blue sheer bras and panties set, it looked hot, I could clearly see my nipples and pussy through them, very provocative!

Then I have put on a nice tight plain white t-shirt and three quarter track pants. I have quickly checked my nails, they were perfect.

It was about 6.00pm and I had thought of nothing else but what I looked like for the past few hours, I could not explain why I was doing this it seemed to be some primal desire to look my best for a man. I was amazed at my train of thought, my stomach was doing little summersaults, and I felt .... `Giddy', I felt like a school girl on a first date. A school girl! My god what was I becoming. Shaking my head I have wandered out of the bathroom and quickly cleaned up the house before Stephen's arrival, I have then ordered some home deliver Pizza's.

Before long 7.00pm rolled around and right on time Stephen drove up the driveway. Not wanting to look desperate I ran out the back and waited for the doorbell. Then slowly I have made my way to the front door after about the third ring. Stephen was there looking equally as casual as myself, I opened the door and he smiled at me, holding up two DVD's and a bottle or Red wine. I smiled back and quickly said "Don't just stand there looking goofy, come inside!" he laughed and stepped inside, I closed the door behind him and we walked into the living room, "So what DVD's did you get boy!" "Well nothing for you, lots of action for me so there ... girl" I inwardly thanked him for that, I hated girly movies and had been starved for a bit of manly bonding for some time, I hope this wasn't going to set me back. No sooner had we turned the TV on and opened up the DVD player did the door bell ring again, as I went to answer it I said "Stephen, could you open that wine and get a couple of glasses out, these will be the pizza's".

I have opened the door and sure enough the pizzas were there, I paid the deliver girl and carried them back to the living room. "seeing as though we are watching boy movies we may as well eat directly out of the box, what do you think you piece of man candy" Stephen laughed again and pinched my backside, "whatever makes you happy you sexy thing". I sat down with a big dumb grin on my face and we pressed play on the first movie `Black hawk down', and quickly tucked into the pizza. Before long we had polished two large pizzas off and two bottles of wine. I we well and truly pissed and we had only just finished watching the first movie.

The next movie was clumsily placed into the DVD player by Stephen who was also looking pretty pissed. He pressed play, next minute I know we are watching a porno, with lots of very poor acting, women getting drilled up the arse and doing the same to the men with strap ons. Initially I was quite shocked, what was he thinking. Then he placed a box on the table that I didn't even see him bring into the house. I looked at him questioningly. "Go on you hot chick, open it", I reached over and picked up the box, placing it on my lap. Then slowly I have revealed what the box contained, again I was stunned, this guy was starting to get a bit strange. At the same time it was turning me on. The box contained a number of sex toys, including a strap on for me, lots of lube, a very large dildo (pity he wasted his money, I could have got mine out!), handcuffs, a vibrating egg, and soft rope. "Stephen, this looks kinky, what did you have in mind?" "Well, I didn't know how you would take it, so I'll leave it up to you; I was just trying to spice things up a bit". I must admit I was getting very hot under the collar, this was turning me on big time, I looked up at the TV and saw a Tran gendered woman who was pretty hot herself (I had never seen a TG girl before) having her penis sucked by a guy. It normally should have horrified me, but I was so aroused and drunk that it only turned me on more. I looked back at Stephen who was looking a little embarrassed. I then took the plunge, leaning into him I said "I don't know what you want, but be prepared to get the works honey", with that I kissed him long and hard, intertwining my tongue with his. I have then undone his pants and reached in, taking hold of his warm and very large and hard penis, slowly rubbing it, as I would have my own, when I was a man. He has then pushed me back on the couch and pulled off his t-shirt, displaying a very fit and muscular torso, we kept kissing as I stroked his member and his hands explored my breasts. I pulled off my t- shirt showing my most sexy bras. His eyes lit up and he slowly kissed and licked my neck, breasts and navel. I pushed him off me and stood up, "time for me to take control of you" I breathed. I pulled off my track pants and then my panties, displaying my pussy in all her glory, juices dribbling down my legs. "What did you have in mind girl?" I looked at him and reached into the box, pulling out a very large strap on dildo, then have secured it to me, looking down I felt almost relieved to see penis between my legs even if it was fake, Stephen looked at me with a bit of shock on his face "Ah Peta, that was meant for me to put in you" "What do you mean you silly boy, this is a strap on for women, so take your pants off and turn over bitch!" I felt a bit funny talking like that, but was interested to see how far this guy would go for me. To my surprise he did turn over, bearing a very smooth and clean anus, "You shave your butt!" then putting my hand between his legs I have taken hold of his testicles, they too were smooth. I think this guy was a bit feminine as well! Well not as much as me, I mean I am a pretty hard case to beat!! I have then slowly massaged his testicles and penis until some pre cum was dribbling from the smooth circumcised head. Then I have quickly smeared KY on the shaft protruding from between my legs, boy it was going to hurt him. While holding his penis I have slowly pressed the dildo head against his anus, he grunted as the hole resisted my attempts at entry, then as soon as the head went in his sweet man pussy opened up, I have slowly pushed the full shaft into him, while constantly stroking his pulsing penis. I whispered in his ear "How does it feel to take it like a girl, sissy boy!" I kissed his ear as his man pussy fully swallowed my dildo, he let out a bit of a girly scream. This was making me hot as hell, I withdrew my strap on and took hold of the much larger dildo, I have inserted this into his stretched hole and turned him over so he was sitting on it. His face was beet red, and he was breathing heavily, as his struggled to say "Well woman, that was a surprise, now it's my turn" He started to withdraw the dildo, but I put my hand on his to stop him "No dear, that stays where it is if you want your way with me", he stopped then reached into the box, taking hold of the vibrating egg, he lift my legs over each of his shoulders, fully displaying my dripping pussy and tight anus. I was very aroused but also very scared; this by far was my biggest step in womanhood, basically letting a `man' do what ever he wanted to me. He has coated the egg in KY and pressed it to my anus, it surprisingly popped inside me with ease, then he turned it on. It felt very weird and initially I had no idea how it was supposed to stimulate me while up my arse. Then he turned it to Max and without warning pushed his member fully into my pussy, I gasped, he didn't have a condom on, I wanted to stop him but my willpower left me as soon as my pussy accepted his penis. He stroked it in and out of me while I shut my eyes, and rolled my head back, the combination of vibrations coming from my colon coupled with his large throbbing penis fully immersed in my pussy nearly made me cum straight away, he sped up his strokes until he was pounding me like a man possessed, finally I felt a rush of warm fluid inside me, which has sent me over the top, I screamed loudly as my orgasm racked my body, with the vibration in my arse prolonging the orgasm and increasing its intensity, I nearly fainted, and lost track of several minutes. When I finally got control of myself, Stephen was lying on top of my panting with his member slowly shrinking from inside me.

The ramifications of what had just happened then finally dawned on me, "Um, Stephen, why didn't you put a condom on?" He sat up looking at me blankly, then realisation hit him as well "Shit, sorry I was totally wrapped up in what we were doing I forgot, can't you get a morning after pill?" I thought about this and couldn't see why it wouldn't work, I mean I would have suggested the same thing when I was a guy "I suppose that would do the trick" Feeling a bit of relief I said "Ok big guy get off me, time to sissy you up" "What, you've got to be kidding, we've had sex" "So what, you also forgot to put a rubber on, so I get to do what I want to you" I somehow knew he wanted this, so I slowly pushed the dildo back into his man pussy after it tried to escape. He grunted and lay down on his stomach; I have then run off and come back with a large needle and a set of my original diamond earrings care of Chantelle. Stephen had no idea what I was doing, he had his eyes shut and was breathing heavily, I took hold of the protruding end of the dildo in his pussy and slowly pulled it out, revealing his stretched large, man pussy. I quickly pushed it back in hard, getting a nice little whimper out of him. Then while leaning on it, pushing it as far as it would go into him, I have quickly and without warning shoved a needle through his right ear lobe, and he let out a squeal, but again did not move. Quickly a diamond stud was filling the hole in his lobe; I repeated this with the other one. I knew I could find a use for these earrings! I turned him over and he opened his eyes, "why did you do that Peta?" The earrings glinted in the light, "I thought you might like them". "I suppose, but ..." "Now shut up girl and let me turn you into the woman you have always wanted to be" I felt a bit guilty, I was in his position several months ago and wanted to kill the woman that did it to me, but I suppose she didn't give me sex! I stood up and looked at him as he closed his eyes again, his penis was slowly growing again, a strange urge came over me, as I knelt on the floor next to his member and looked at it from only centimetres away. I took hold of it with one hand, he gasped, then I have run my tongue up the shaft, again he gasped and arched his back. It tasted salty but not offensive, then nature took over as I placed the head in my mouth and rolled my tongue around its surface. I was hungry, the longer his penis was in my mouth the more of it I wanted, I took more into my mouth. I almost gagged as the head touched the back of my throat; I had barely taken a third into me. Then as if it was a challenge I forced the whole thing down my throat, Stephen groaned loudly and I was amazed as how easy it filled my throat without gagging me. I was possessed at this point and fucked his member with my throat and mouth until I felt warm liquid flow down the back of my throat, I pulled back and sucked him dry savouring every last drop of cum, it was sticky, salty and slimy, but I loved it. I pulled Stephen's new dildo friend from his arse and crawled up his body, kissing him deeply and passing him some of his own semen. When we finally stopped kissing I said "did you like the taste?" he mumbled "I suppose", he sat up and we held each other, we had been at it for a few hours, I looked at the clock and it read 11.50pm, "damn" I jumped up, Stephen also jumped up "What?" "Karen will be home soon, she'll go nuts if she sees all this". Getting the sense of urgency I had, Stephen quickly got dressed and helped me clean up. When I was satisfied, he embraced me and whispered in my ear "That was great, I think I might be falling in love with you", oh shit, I didn't want this, I kissed him and ushered him to the front door, with his box of toys "You've got to go, I'll ring you", I kissed him quickly again and shut the door. I stood there with my back to the door for some time thinking about what he just said, I didn't want to fall in love with a guy, and I don't think I had, but I just realised I was using this guy for purely selfish reasons. I swore I would put an end to it next time I saw him. This was totally out of hand.

CHAPTER 5 -- The morning after

Karen got home about an hour after Stephen left, and thankfully I don't think she even realised he had been over. I went to bed, and the following morning woke up feeling refreshed and a little sore. I kept thinking about what Stephen said to me, the `love' word was very big and pretty well dominated my thinking for the rest of the day. I went to bed early that night not thinking of anything else, and primarily forgetting the most crucial aspect of last nights sex.

I purposely avoided Stephen for the next couple of weeks, then while out shopping with Karen, I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked around and saw Stephen, still sporting the earrings I had given him. "Hi Peta, did you forget my phone number?" Karen looked over questioningly, making a remark about Stephen's pierced ears "Nice earrings Stephen, they look familiar" I knew where this was going and have quickly ushered Stephen away by the arm "what are you doing?" I quietly said "She'll know that they're my earrings and might realise what has happened between us", "So what, by the way, how did it go at the doctor?" "Doctor?" "You know for the morning after pill" Oh no! I totally forgot, shit! Stephen looked me in the eyes and seriously said "Peta, you have to do something about this I'm not ready to be a dad, actually the other night made me think that I'm not being myself, so I can't be doing this with you" I looked at him a bit apprehensively, and strangely I was inwardly dreading what he would say next "I'm not ready for a relationship, I want to end this before we get too serious, I need to explore who I am" What a load of horse shit, he was sounding more like a girl than I was. "Fine Stephen, I think you are either gay or want to be a girl, either way I don't think a relationship would work with you if you don't know which side to bat for" He started to look annoyed "No that's not what I'm saying, I just need time to think" I moved close to him and whispered in his ear, "Honey, you took a huge dildo up your arse with hardly a protest, then you let me pierce your ears again with no protest, you shave your arse and testicles, so either you are gay or a girl, choose one and live with it" He was getting embarrassed and I could almost see steam coming from his ears, with that he turned on his heel and walked away. That was the last time I heard from or saw Stephen, I did hear on the grape vine some time later that he had explored his feminine side and began hormone therapy, and from there I don't know what happened to him.

Anyway back to me, I was still a bit shaken as to my forgetting about the pill, so before catching up with Karen I ran down the aisles looking for a pregnancy tester and eventually located one, then quickly payed for it and waited outside the shop for Karen. She was a bit angry with me for, as she put it "slacking off", but I had more important things to think about. As soon as we got home I ran to the toilet, and quickly tested myself. Hiding for what seemed an eternity in there, to my dismay it read positive, I was pregnant.

I nearly fell over, I couldn't allow this to happen, this was against all rules of nature, I could not have a baby I was a guy. I couldn't tell Karen, so for the next month I thought about what I was going to do, Karen was steadily growing more distant to me and I was steadily getting used to being a girl. Being a man now was a distant memory, I behaved as a girl 24/7, and now I was showing a small pregnant belly. I couldn't let this happen, so as the days steadily got colder and I steadily found it harder to hide my pregnancy from Karen, I have made my way down to Chantelle to ask for leniency.

Chantelle welcomed me with a big smile, and a kiss on each cheek. "Hi Peta dear, how are you?" "A little pregnant actually" I whispered. Chantelle's eyes widened, "Well I didn't expect that, do you plan on carrying it to full term? What does Karen think?" "Karen doesn't know, and no, I want to get rid of it, that is where I need your help" She has taken hold of my arm and guided me to her office, closing the door behind us. "How are you hiding this from her?" "Well I couldn't let her know what I did with this guy, and this is a direct result, so yeah, I've been wearing baggy clothes a bit lately". Chantelle looked at me, thinking, finally she took a deep breath "There is one thing I can do, I can reverse your situation so that you begin your change back to manhood, the initial change will be the reappearance of your penis, after that your physical changes will come back over a period of time, but again they only move as fast as your body and mind wants them to, it may take several weeks for them to occur in your case. The catch though is as soon as you have your penis, you must have sex with Karen, this will transfer the foetus to her, magically of course, and she will bare the babe until term, will this do?" I really didn't want this, I was kind of enjoying being a girl and now a pregnant girl, I wanted the babe, but my conscience would not allow it, so I said "Fine do it" Chantelle told me to sit in her office chair and from behind she has placed her hands on my temples, "now Peta, you will soon be Duncan again, but before I begin the change I still need to see if you understand the lesson I have been trying to teach you" then a warm energy passed into my head and engulfed my body, distantly I heard Chantelle say "My, my, you truly are a girl, I can't find anything left of the male you, well time to learn all about being a man again my dear girl". It was then I passed out, I was woken by Chantelle leaning over me, "well dear, you now have your manhood back" I quickly ran to a mirror in her office, and saw no change, I was still an incredibly sexy looking woman, I have then put my hands between my legs and found a hairless but never the less `my' penis and testicles. I was overcome with happiness and also sadness, I had lost my vagina, something that I was becoming very attached to, but I had to do this for my child's sake. "Chantelle, thankyou" I hugged her and kissed her several times, she laughed and ushered me to the door "Go home and get your wife pregnant Duncan!"

I virtually skipped out of the salon and quickly drove home, while waiting for Karen to arrive home I prepared a romantic dinner, dressed in a sexy mini skirt and left my panties in the drawer, I put on a silky bras and made sure I had heaps of cleavage showing, then I put on a nice see through halter neck top, did my make up, put some nice pearl drop earrings in, and put my hair up in an intricate formal updo.

I have then lit some candles and waited for my wife'. About 9.30pm I heard the car come up the driveway, I ran out to meet her. She got out of the car and walked into the house, totally ignoring me. I followed her into the house "What's the problem Karen?" "Well for a start Peta' I haven't had sex with a man for nearly a year, secondly my husband is gone and in his place is a woman that looks better than me, and finally your pregnant" I went numb, how did she know? "Ah honey, I can explain" I then started to lie my arse off "Chantelle told me the only way I could get me life back is if I knew what all facets of womanhood are like, that meant pregnancy, secondly I did not intend to get pregnant, and it was more of an oversight on my part, finally I just want you back, please...Call me Duncan again, I just want to kiss you and hold you like we used to" "How can I, look at you, I thought I could deal with being a lesbian, but I can't I need a man" I took her hand and lifted my skirt, placing it on my newly restored penis. She looked at me with tears in her eyes "Oh Duncan, you did it, she changed you back, but why do you still look like that?" "She said that it would take some time for the changes to fully take effect, but this is a start, and if I don't want to carry this babe anymore we are going to have to consummate our marriage again" She embraced me and slowly pulled away when she touched my pregnant belly, "does this mean the babe dies?" lifting my top and placing her hand on my bare swollen belly. "No, this means you will be carrying it to term" She sobbed loudly and hugged me hard, "Oh Duncan, this is a wonderful gift, I get you back and we get a family in the process, I love you" I began tearing up as well, "I love you too". With that we left the dinner to get cold and have slowly and with tender love passed my seed to her, after about three hours we lay on our bed holding each other, rejoicing in our re-established love and lovingly looking at Karen's now swollen belly. I couldn't wait to be a father, I had done the right thing, and I had experienced life as a woman and learned a lesson never to be forgotten.

I later quit my job when the changes were not happening as I expected, Karen and I shared each other's clothes quite a bit and I kept my female routine up. I started an online advice column for men, which made me enough money to support my new family. My features did not return to normal, and everybody I met still referred to me as miss or ma'am, I did not regain my height nor did I fully lose my breasts. They did shrink, but only to a C cup, my curves became less prominent, but were still there, my body had stopped changing and still appeared as a very pretty girl, but with a penis. Karen surprisingly did not stress too much about it as we could still maintain a healthy husband/wife relationship. I was happy, my body felt lovely, I could still wear my dresses, Karen took possession of my bras, as her breasts had swollen with the pregnancy, and I took hers which fit snugly on my smaller breasts.

When the babe arrived the hospital staff looked at us with raised eyebrows, but were too professional to make any comments, the babe was a boy and appeared to surprisingly carry features of both Karen and I, with no resemblance to Stephen at all. I stored that one in my bank of questions for Chantelle the next time I had my hair done. I was happy, I had everything I wanted and more, I had finally learnt a valuable lesson and identified the real me, I have always had the soul of a girl and now the body to match, with a little something to keep Karen Happy.


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