Duncan Is Straight

By Rob

Published on Jun 6, 2022


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Duncan Is Straight Chapter Two

Duncan Is Straight-ish

I think I might have created a monster.

A fucking awesome monster who is hung like a rhino; but still a monster.

I thought I could get Duncan to change his ways. Not too drastically, mind you. I just thought it would be easier for both of us if he could admit that he liked to fuck a dude's furry ass now and then. I mean if you fuck a friend and unload a torrent of cum inside of him, then thirty minutes later repeat the process; there's a pretty good chance that you've found something you enjoy. No need for guilt or regret. If two days later, you pretend you were tricked into it and you vow it will never happen again; maybe you're not being honest with yourself. Especially if you end up balls deep again, inside that same buddy, ready to unleash your first load of the night, mere minutes after you register your protest.

I'd just grown tired of begging him twice a week. Pretending I was the only one who wanted it. Trying to placate his macho mentality so he'd feel better about whitewashing the inside of my rectum. I fucking loved having him claim my ass. If I thought he was just doing me a favor, it wouldn't have been nearly as hot. I had no problem being his cumdump. I just wanted him to admit he wanted it to happen as badly as I did. For every ten minutes I save by not begging on my knees, there are plenty of other things I can do with that ten minutes while I'm down there. Things we'll both enjoy.

And you know what? It worked. After I stayed away for a few weeks, he started to re-evaluate things. The sexy, giant bastard started to look at it from my perspective. This is where it gets tricky. The first time he fucked me, and then all those weeks that followed; it was basically a Dom and sub dynamic. He used demeaning language. He tied me up. Blindfolded me. Used my holes anyway he wanted. Left me gaping and overflowing.

None of that was the problem. I loved every fucking minute.

When his balls were totally drained, when he was done with me and our pants were back on; in that split second, we were back to being equals. Buddies. It was like nothing had happened.

That wasn't a problem either.

I wasn't looking to be his bitch 24/7. Had he wanted that, I would have bailed long before the first 24 was up. I fucking love some raunchy sex; but when the sex is over, quite honestly, I have a life to get on with. It's all about balance. Dunk was happily married to Joanie. It just turns out that he discovered he likes to dick down a dude now and then. He didn't need to woo me. We both just wanted some no-strings sex. Rope sex, maybe? Just no strings.

So that next Tuesday night back in Duncan's shop, I was glad to get back on the horse, so to speak. He'd heard me pull up and had a cold beer opened and ready for me. He gave me an eager bro-hug when I came in and slapped me on the ass.

"Looking good, Robby. I've missed ya, bud."

"Damn, Dunk! I'm so fucking glad to see ya! I'm even happier to feel that big, old hand on my ass. I guess I don't need to beg tonight, huh?"

"You fucker! I told you I was sorry about all that. I've done a hell of a lot of thinking. Have a seat. Let's go over the rules, Rob."

I was surprised when he directed me over to a couple of oversized chairs it looked like he was still working on. Just like the canoes he built; they were solid and sleek; works of art.

"You're making furniture now? Canoe sales a little slow?"

"Smart ass! Joanie wanted to spend a fortune on some new teak chairs for the patio. I told her I could build 'em for double the price. They're turning out pretty good though. Don't ya think?"

"They are amazing, Dunk. Comfortable as fuck, too. You're a talented guy."

"I missed ya, Rob. I really missed that ass of yours. So tell me, where do we stand? You want this to be a little more equal? Buds experimenting with buds."

Before I answer him, I stand up and push his shoulders back so he's comfortable. Then I get down on the floor between his knees. As I start to tell him what I'd rehearsed, I lean in and grab at his crotch through his jeans.

"Dunk, I've been running this over and over in my head since you called. Jesus stud, you are already boned up!"

"I don't mind telling you my dick has been hard for the last hour, just thinking about you coming over here, buddy. I just don't want to cross a line again. I don't want to risk making you feel bad."

I start to unzip his jeans. Over the next few minutes, I intend to get this big fucker unwrapped and get reacquainted with his legendary cock.

"Just sit back for now, Dunk. I don't want you to go easy on me. You know I love it when you make me your bitch. Let me amuse myself while I try and explain. First of all, the only problem I had was starting at square one every time I got you behind closed doors. Every session started with me putting myself down, in order to lift up your fat-ass, macho ego. You never wanted to admit how badly you wanted me to help you blow your load. I'd drive over here so damn eager to treat you like a king, only to get here and have you start out by saying we couldn't fuck around anymore."

"I know. I know. But you knew I didn't mean it. You knew that once I felt that tight hole squeezing down on me, I was going to lay down a good fuck, right?"

"Of course I did. I just wanted you to be honest with yourself, stud. Rather than get easier each week, your attacks started to get more personal. It was like you were out to intentionally insult me to try and drive me away. Do you remember what you said to me before you let your guard down, last time I was here? Let me refresh your memory, Dunk. You flat out told me, 'Maybe you should go find another sissy like yourself to fag it up with; instead of trying to break up a real man's marriage". Does that sound familiar?"

"I didn't say that, did I. If that's what I said, I didn't mean it to sound like that, bud."

"I know, champ. I tried to put it out of my mind. Almost succeeded once you shoved that big, piece of meat up my ass. But on the way home, I wondered if you really thought I'd ever want to come between you and Joanie. Or if you really see me as a sissy. I'm telling you, Dunk; the reason this is so hard to explain is because it's all about semantics. Some of your words make me hard as a rock; others bug me. Maybe it was the implication that I was a sissy and I should only have sex with another sissy? Take it from me, Dunk; I think it takes a pretty tough dude to handle a fuck like you throw at me. I don't mind being submissive to you. Hell, I fucking love it. Maybe it's my fault; my insecurities. All those years I worried about others being able to spot me as being different."

"How about this, buddy? How about you get this cock down your throat and we'll talk in a few minutes. That way, you'll have your mouth full and I'll be careful what I say for the next little while. I'm dying to see the way you look up at me while you nurse on the end of this big cock. The way you lock those big brown eyes on me while you worship me, that's what I missed the most. You had it right, buddy; you do make me feel like a fucking king!"

It's only been a few weeks. Of course I remember how big his goddamn cock is. But when I first open wide to take the head in my mouth, it still bones me up. For the most part, Dunk doesn't give a damn about my dick. But I'm pretty sure he likes to see the effect his has on me. How just allowing me to serve him is a fucking turn for me. I know it has to boost his ego.

I already have the buttons popped open on his Levi's exposing his fiery red bush; hell, it's more like a forest. He used to always wear plain cotton boxers underneath; but he knew I loved to see that massive dick hanging free without them. As we've been talking, I've been stroking him and occasionally nursing on his long foreskin. I open wide and start to take him to the back of my throat. He lets me take it at my pace for a few minutes before he gets impatient and grabs a handful of my hair, forcing as much dick into my throat as he can. He's told me many times how excited he gets when he hears me choke. I don't have much of a gag reflex when I'm working a normal, human-sized cock. Dunk's cock is just too long and too fat for me to take all the way. He keeps pushing down on my head until my eyes are watering and snot is running down my face. His mammoth rod is covered in slimy saliva and phlegm; just how he likes it before he shoves it up my willing ass.

But he isn't ready for the blow job to stop just yet. He pushes my head back and grips a handful of my hair, holding me at arms length. With the other hand he squeezes his cock, right in the middle at its thickest, and pushes forward until his foreskin is hanging loose past his cock head. I look up at him, pleading with my eyes. I want my mouth back on that juicy, dripping fucker. He smirks when he sees how hungry I am.

"Tongue out, buddy."

I extend my tongue and he eases me toward him. The second I make contact, I spear my tongue inside his bunched up skin. I elicit a deep growl from him. In the mere seconds that he has had his hood past the end of his cock, precum is already pooled up inside. He laughs when I start to frantically swirl my tongue around his head to harvest all that slime. It's the consistency of warm honey and tastes tangy and sharp. It tastes like fuckin' heaven.

"I love that you are such a goddamn pig. Yeah, get that tongue in there, buddy. For fucks sake, you can't get enough of me, can you?"

I can't argue with any of that; but I'm not really in a position to respond. He pulls me an inch closer, allowing me to get the end of his fat prick in my mouth. I do my best to suck him clean; all while trying to keep my eyes locked on his. He's told me before he wants me to look at him whenever I'm blowing him. To him, it's a way he can exert his dominance over me. Personally, I love to see his reactions to my attempts to please him.

Still playing the game, he jerks my head back again. I'm torn now between maintaining eye contact and staring at his foreskin as he slides it off the end again. He knows how much he's tormenting me. I'm sure he also has a good idea how quickly he's filling up his snout with another batch of his special sauce. Then, just because he can, he releases his grip on my hair; but indicates with a stern look that I had better not move. It's not lost on me that it's the same look you might give a dog to get him to stay. He lets his free hand slip down and cup my cheek, before pulling back ever so slightly and then smacking me with his open palm.

It is not the first time he's slapped me. He knows how hard it gets me. A few seconds after I whimper my reaction, he pulls back and hits me harder the second time. He was hesitant to strike me in earlier hookups, even though I'd assured him I liked it, within limits. He had no interest in hurting me; but he did enjoy the way it showed his control over me. As in past encounters, the harder slap is followed by his palm on my reddened face. Almost, but not quite, a caress. Then, he grips my scalp again and growls a two word command.

"Mouth closed."

He brings his still hooded cock up near my nose, careful to make sure I can see it. The he slowly skins it back as a tablespoon of cocksnot rolls out onto my face. Using the end of his prick, he then smears it all over my nose and lips. I can feel it in my nostrils. I will be smelling him long after I leave his shop tonight.

"Get up! Lose the pants!"

He gets up from his chair. With one hand on my hip, he pulls me close to him as he bends his knees to make up for our height difference. He usually doesn't play with my cock much; but I quickly figured out he wants to dock my cock inside his. When I bring my hand down to assist, he slaps it away. I am so fucking hard at this point, my cock is sticking straight out like a spike. He touches the end of his cock to mine, slowly rolling his foreskin over me. Then gripping us where we're connected, he strokes back and forth; masturbating us in tandem. Just as I'm ready to let him know I'm gonna blow, he releases his hold and steps back.

"I saw that in a porno. You like that? Not something I could try with the wife, is it? See what you made me do by staying away? I had to resort to gay porn to watch furry asses taking big dicks. Didn't see too many dudes taking one my size though."

"Jesus Christ, Dunk. You know I liked it. You could tell I was ready to nut when you stopped, you bastard."

"Gotta keep my cunt boy hungry! Or is that too far? You still going to answer to 'cunt boy'?"

I respond to his smirk with one of my own, before bending over and swabbing off the end of his dick again before his precum drips on the shop floor. Then to show him how eager I am, something he already knows; I walk over to his workbench and open the drawer where I'd seen him retrieve the small container of vaseline so many times in the past. I smile when I see it has been replaced with a new, much larger tub. Showing him what a slut I am for him, I stick a couple fingers in the jar as I walk back to the chair he'd been sitting in. Placing the jar on the arm of the chair, I get on my knees facing the back of the chair, reach behind me, and sink both fingers in my ass.

"Does that answer your question, Dunk? Was that the behavior you expect from a cunt boy? Or is the cunt boy allowed to select a position? You sure as fuck are sure of yourself, stud. Is that the biggest tub of grease they had?"

"Fuck, I've missed you, Robby. I think that position will do for starters. As it matter of fact, that was the biggest jar on the shelf. I've bought half a dozen of those smaller ones since you started coming over here. And I'm glad you're still okay with the 'cunt boy' label. I'm so fucking proud that you let me in there, son. I know I have an attitude; but I'm going to do right by ya."

I turn my head to see him scoop up some more vaseline and smear it over my hole. I've been tempted several times to bring over a bottle of actual lube; but honestly, the idea appeals to me, this 'straight' married hulk going at my ass with whatever seems to me available. I didn't ever stop to think how much we had gone through up to now. It's kind of sweet that he's been keeping stocked up for my visits.

I can't help but groan when I feel him rub his over-greased cock along my crack. WIth just the tip inside my ass, before he starts to sink all the way in; he lays his weight on my back and brings one massive arm up around my neck to hold me in place. I know he'll be choking me with that fucking arm before long; but now it feels like almost like a hug. Then I feel him start to kiss the back of my neck as he slowly drives all the way in. Goddamn. Why the fuck did I stay away? I feel his hairy, barrel chest on my back. I feel his lips on my neck. And oh Christ, do I feel that massive cock of his as it stretches me wide.

The first night he fucked me, he spent so much time making sure I was open and ready. This burly fucker likes to be in charge; but he has always made sure he was going at a pace I could live with. It's gotten progressively easier for me to accommodate his size. It's not something we've verbalised; he just watches for my cues. It's sort of like the slapping, the spanking, the restraint and the choking; I have signaled my acceptance every step of the way. In many instances, it has been a matter of me encouraging him to go a little harder, a little deeper and a little darker. Very seldom have any of those things been discussed. There's no doubt he's in charge; but he follows my prompts and he inherently learns from my growls, moans and purrs. It never fails that he does right by me. It's the most incredible sex I've ever had in my life.

Once he is balls deep, one arm still around my neck; he starts to work my nipples with his other hand. The nip play is another one of those things I've encouraged with my moans. He was aggressive from the start; but now I usually go home with them feeling tender and bruised. I know that tomorrow I'll be reminded of our fuck every time my shirt brushes against my chest. With the attention he's paying to my tits, I feel my hole opening up even wider for him. So this time, rather than make him read my signals. I decide to flat out tell him where I stand. This is a new development. I guess if he doesn't like it, he can always tell me to shut up.

"Oh fuck, Dunk! It used to take me forever to get used to the size of that battering ram of a cock. But now you've got your cunt boy stretched the fuck out. Don't hold back, stud. Hurt me, Dunk! Use my fucking hole."

His response is an immediate slap to my ass that stings like a motherfucker. Then he puts a hand on each shoulder; and holding tight, proceeds to fuck the shit out of me. When my knees start to slide on the smooth chair surface, he rears back on his feet, pulling me with him. With his cock still lodged in my ass, he pushes the chair aside and forces me to my knees. Straddling my hips, he drives straight down until his balls slap against mine. He positions his hands in the small of my back, rests his full weight on me, and fucks up and down like a piston. I feel my knees getting roughed up by the concrete floor. I have my arms locked at the elbow, struggling to hold his weight. The angle of his penetration feels like he is forging a new channel as he continues to pound me. It's like he's using my prostate like a punching bag. I'm almost relieved when I hear him growl.

Usually that would tell me he is unloading in my ass. Today, it must mean something else because he stops thrusting long enough to drop his chest down onto my back; then pull me with him as he rolls onto his side on the hard floor. Still connected, he makes short strokes and keeps rolling until he is on his back and I am lying on his chest. Both hands move back to my nips and he gives me my orders.

"Stroke your cock, son. I'm not giving you this first nut until you start coming and milk it out of me."

What can I say? Am I the cunt boy, or aren't I? I was so fucking ready. I blew a huge, huge load. It went off like a volcano! Before I could finish shooting, I could feel his stomach muscles under me spasming as he bred me for the first time in over a month. He kept pulsing and growling until his balls were surely empty. In the past, he very often stayed inside me after his orgasm. Within minutes, he was usually launching into round two. The fuck had been so intense, though. And it was fucking uncomfortable on the the concrete floor.

He rolls me off of him; his cock pulling free like a cork. We wordlessly get up. He drops back into his chair. We both look down at his deflating, but still huge cock, covered in cum. It is matted in his ginger pubes. It looks like he's dipped his entire cock into a bowl of cake frosting. Fresh jizz is still oozing from his foreskin. He looks up at me and notices I am having trouble taking my eyes off his dick. He puts one hand on the back of my neck and starts to pull me down. My knees are sore; but I get between his legs and start to lick him clean. So much fucking cum.

"Oh fuck, buddy. That feels so good. Get it all now. I'm too fucking old for this. If every fuck is going to be like this from now on, I'm going to have to move a sofa out here; or a futon; or something."

He looks back down at me. He knows I'll have my eyes locked on him; just like my lips are locked around his cock. I gently nurse on my prize. He touches my cheek and gives me a quizzical look. I'm not sure what he has in mind until I feel it start as a trickle into my mouth. He stops after the first spurt and watches me to gauge my reaction. I gulp and stay in place. In case there's any question, I give him a little wink. Then he lets it start to flow.

Hey! I saw you jerking off just now! Wipe down your electronic device and send me an email. It'll only take 3 minutes and it'll motivate me to write something else. Talk dirty to me! Rob83401@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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