Duncan Is Straight

By Rob

Published on May 27, 2022


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Duncan Is Straight

I almost didn't answer.

He never calls me; I call him. Well, I used to anyway.

Maybe that's the reason my dick got so fucking hard when I saw his face flash across my phone. Duncan is reaching out to me?

I used to call him twice a week like clockwork. What he didn't know is that I wanted to call him more often. Ah fuck. Who am I kidding? Of course he knew. He knew how much I wanted his cock up my ass. Even though he knew, he still always made me beg him for it. Talk him into it. He was straight, after all.

When I called him before, it was always the same. Innocent. Chummy. "Hey Dunk, mind if I stop by for a few minutes on my way home from work?" I knew when to call. Joanie taught classes on Tuesday and Thursday evening. When he got home from work on those days, he would head straight for his workshop behind the house, without even changing clothes. She wouldn't be home until well past nine. Plenty of time.

I haven't called Duncan, even though my hole is itching for him, for over a month. There was a reason for the first part of that gap. He and Joanie were riding to Sturgis, then swinging down to visit the kids in Colorado on the way back. So I had a reason not to call that first week. I had a reason for the weeks that followed, too; but I hadn't bothered to tell him.

I hadn't been fucked much before I met Duncan. He was turning wrenches alongside the two mechanics he employed at his small auto repair business. He hired me to come in a couple days a week to try and bring his office into this century. I was working ten-hour days Monday through Thursday at my IT job. After I got a handle on what he needed, I found him a good software package and convinced him to make an investment in a new computer. Then it was basically a matter of getting everything transferred and cleaned up.

I looked up to Duncan. He was a natural. He could fix anything. We made a unlikely team He was twenty years older than me and a good eight inches taller. At five foot eleven, I don't think of myself as short; but he towered over me.

Another reason to look up to him. He got nicknamed Dunk years ago playing basketball in high school. By the time I met him he had bulked up. He was a beefy, intimidating giant of a man. There wasn't that much hair left on his scalp, so he made up for it with an epic red beard. When I say he was intimidating, that was just the visual image; the proverbial dude you don't want to meet in a dark alley. Personality-wise though, he was a teddy bear. Or I should say he was a teddy bear until he got me on my knees or bent over the workbench in his home wood shop. An enormous, fur-covered, horse-hung, hulk of a teddy bear.

One time after he had just fucked me within an inch of my life and we were catching our breath before round two, he told me that his impressive endowment was a carbon copy of his dad's. He was quick to point out that he had never seen his father erect. My mind hadn't even been going there. Until he said it. Then I couldn't get the image out of my head. They had been on a camping trip, swimming naked in the lake. He said his dad told him, "I don't know why you turned out so goddamned tall; but we both have your Scottish grandfather to thank for our red pelts and the knobs that hang halfway to our knees". It was an inheritance to be proud of.

I guess I'm getting ahead of myself. I met Dunk when I took my beat up old Chevy truck to his shop for some much delayed repair work. I'm not mechanically inclined. I was always worried about car guys sensing that and taking advantage of it; but Dunk had been referred to me as an honest and reasonable guy. I was surprised when he invited me to come back in the shop and chat while he checked out my old truck. He was so affable and chatty that he immediately put me at ease. I admit I was secretly checking him out as he worked. He was a handsome hulk. A bear of a man. The bulge down his right thigh was hard to miss, even under his coveralls. I was hard as a rock, even though at that early stage it was just fantasy on my part.

He talked about his wife and kids; but he also seemed genuinely interested in my story. When I told him I spent a lot of my free time setting up and repairing computers for friends, he confessed that, although he could fix anything on wheels, he was in serious need of some help bringing his office up to date. I'd already told him I'd put off getting my ride repaired because I was worried it was going to cost a fortune. When he finished evaluating the problems, he suggested we might be able to help each other out.

Of course I knew what he meant. He was willing to swap his expertise for mine; trading truck repair costs for IT help. But in my head, all I could think about were the ways I could help him with that huge fucking bulge. When we went back up front to the office, he became even more friendly. He got physically touchy, in a guys-will-be-guys, roughhousing way. I was afraid he'd see how hard I was; but he didn't let on then. I sure as hell saw his bulge increase in size.

We worked out a plan for me to bring my truck in the following Friday. He said they'd start on my truck while I figured out a plan for his books. It was while I was going through his computer that first Friday that I started to uncover all the porn.

I noticed right away that there were always two guys; but with a woman between them. Guys sharing their wife or girlfriend with a bro. The videos always progressed to both guys taking turns fucking the woman; eventually with them both raw-dogging her ass. Inevitably, one guy would be dipping his hard cock into the creampie the other had deposited.

There also seemed to be a recurring theme of lots of verbal "straight dude" appreciation. "That's a huge dick, buddy!" "You're gonna stretch her out good!" "Can't believe the size of the load you shot, stud. I can feel it oozing out around my balls!"

But then it went even deeper. The next few videos I found took place after the woman had left the room. In all of them, the more assertive of the two dudes convinced his buddy to blow him or roll over to get fucked. Holy shit! I was so fucking hard. I was so flustered by lunchtime that I considered going into the wash room to rub one out. Instead I walked down the block to grab some lunch while Dunk and his boys closed the shop from 12-1 to eat the sandwiches they brought from home.

When I got back from the diner, the porn was open on his desk monitor again. I know I had closed it before I left. Just then, Duncan came out of the restroom drying his hands on his coveralls. His crotch was bulging and there was a huge wet blotch on his thigh where the bulge ended. He'd been beating off. I tried to look away but I wasn't fast enough. He locked eyes with me; then smirked as he nodded his head. Unspoken was the "Yeah, I thought so".

The rest of that day was uneventful. I made a list of things he'd need to buy. He and his "boys" stayed busy in the shop. It wasn't until I was ready to leave for the day that he came in the office and sat down to chat. He said I ought to stop by and see his woodshop sometime. He had photos hanging in the office of the hand-built canoes and oars he made in his free time. They really were impressive; not just functional, but works of art. He had told me it was his therapy. Horny thoughts aside, I was honestly happy for the invite. He told me his wife taught evening classes on Tuesday, so we agreed I'd stop over the next Tuesday after I got off work.

His home shop was a lot like his auto shop; the tools looked old and well maintained, and everything was spotless. He got me a beer out of the mini fridge and plopped down on a tall stool in front of his workbench. He'd left his coveralls at work; just in his worn jeans and work boots now. He sat on the stool with his legs spread wide as he leaned back nursing on his beer. Whether by design or not, he had directed me to a shorter stool in front of him. The difference in our heights, plus the seating set-up put me at eye level with the packed crotch of his old jeans.

I was trying not to get distracted. Surely this was all in my head. But a couple minutes into our chat, he locked eyes with me and rested his hand on the denim covered bulge along his thigh. For the life of me, I couldn't look away.

"Sorry about leaving that porn video up on my computer the other day. I was unwinding after I finished my lunch. I was going to close it after I....cleaned up my mess; but you got back sooner than I expected."

"No worries. We're both guys. We both watch porn. It's no big deal."

"That's not the kind of porn you watch, though. Is it?"

"I didn't pay much attention, really. Like I said, it's no biggie."

"Bullshit! I've seen the way you look at me, son. Hell, that day I was checking out your truck, your little college-boy pecker was hard as a spike. I'm pretty good at reading folks. Maybe it's because I've got a man-sized cock that I couldn't hide if I wanted to. I've dealt with it most of my life. Guys like you checking me out. Wondering what it's like to be packin' like I am. Only natural, I suppose. You can tell me; you ever jerked off thinking about my cock? Thinking about what you'd do if you ever got your hands on it?"

Bear in mind, he had never spoken to me like that. He had always been so friendly and kind to me. I can't tell you what his change in tone was doing to me. I was turned on, but more scared than anything. This wasn't what I had been expecting.

"Dunk, I'm so sorry. You've got it all wrong. I don't want to cause any trouble. I like working with you; but if I've made you uncomfortable, I'll just pay for the repairs on my truck. There are plenty of guys who could help you with your books."

"Whoa! Nobody said I don't want you around. But you are a fag, right? Sorry. That didn't come out like I meant. So you are gay? I don't mind. I actually kind of like the attention. Like it's a compliment, ya know? I know a lot of gay guys like the look of a big, bull of a man. Maybe I'm what they wish they could be. That sounds like I'm on an ego trip; but I'm just being honest."

"Yes sir, I am gay. And yes, you are a good looking guy; but I respect that you're straight. I totally get that. It's probably not something we need to talk about. I'll just do the job we agreed on."

I hoped that might be the end of it. Of course I'd jerked off thinking about him. I've been mostly closeted since college. Hell, I'd jerked off to a lot of guys who didn't have a clue. But he wasn't ready to put it to rest.

"So what kind of gay stuff do you do? Do you just suck guys off? Do you take it in the ass? Just curious, is all; since I don't have any experience with that kind of thing. But I'm pretty sure you don't take the "man's role" or however you guys put it. I bet you do the stuff a woman would do, right? You know what I'm trying to say? I imagine you service the other dude"

"Maybe it'd be better if we just leave it at that. I don't know that I'm that comfortable talking about that private stuff. I mean gay gays don't really think of it in terms of men's roles and women's roles. Besides, being straight it probably creeps you out thinking about two dudes together."

Really I was thinking about the recurring theme in his porn selection. The scene that he left up on his computer the other day had been paused with one guy on top of his buddy; pinning him down while he unloaded in his ass. Was he trying to justify his fantasies? Let me know he wouldn't be the one getting pinned down and bred? He would be the one doing the breeding.

I started to plan my exit. I looked around the shop, wondering if I should ask about his hobby? Or just make up an excuse to get out.

"Calm down, son. Nobody said anything about being creeped out. Just curious is all. Since all this is outside my experience. Don't be ashamed. If you like getting railed by a stronger guy, seems like that's a role one of ya has to take on. It takes two, am I right?"

"I don't really have that much experience, Dunk. It's not something I usually talk to people about. Honestly, I've only fucked a couple dozen times. Sometimes I was on the top and sometimes on the bottom."

"See, that wasn't so hard, was it? No harm talking about things. I mean, I can tell you about straight stuff, if ya want. If you're curious. In fact, I've got a video on my phone of me and the wife. You want to see it?"

"No, man. That's okay. I've watched straight porn before. I don't want to cross a line. I'm sure you don't want me seeing you and your wife naked."

"See, there's the difference between straights and gays. I don't mind you seeing us fucking, or I never would've brought it up. Hell, I showed it to the boys at the shop. Now Reed asks to take my phone to the restroom with him sometimes. Only one reason for that. My Joanie is still an attractive woman!"

Before I can process his jumbled logic, he's holding his phone so we can both see. It starts with a blurred fingerprint over the camera. Then, suddenly in focus against a pale white butt; I see the biggest cock I've ever seen, outside of porn. Okay, I guess this is technically porn. You know what I mean. Easily twelve inches and thick. Protruding out of a bush of fiery red hair. Uncut. Veiny. Translucent. The shock of seeing it while it's straight owner is standing right next to me is overshadowed by a feeling of dread. It's too fucking big. Big might be good, up to a point. This is just too fucking big. Maybe if I had more experience? Maybe if I'd already progressed to where I could take a fist? That last thought put things in perspective. It's surely not as big as a fist.

In the video, you could tell they had already been fucking. She looked red and swollen; there was a sheen of lube over everything. I held my breath when he rubbed a greasy finger over her asshole; it looked so tiny. Surely that freakishly big prick would not fit in there. But he was just teasing her, playing with her. I would find out later that he had never talked her into that; not even on his birthday. It was on his bucket list.

The video was over in thirty seconds. There wasn't a cumshot; just some teasing and then a few seconds of penetration. When the video stopped, he laid his phone back on the workbench. I didn't have a fucking clue what to say. I couldn't look him in the eye; or even look at him, for that matter. If he hadn't spewed out all that homophobic crap earlier, I might have been turned on. I might have tried to seduce him. It's just that his whole demeanor had changed so quickly. He went from abusive to apologetic to egomaniac in a few minutes. I knew I should make my escape. There was no way this could end well.

When I raised my head again, I had a clearer picture of where he thought this might end. Still on his stool, he had unzipped his fly. I could see his white cotton boxers. His hand was inside the boxers; but not for long. Like a magician producing his surprise from an impossibly small place, he lifted out his half-hard cock and let it hang down. The video had been deceiving. Even soft it was well over a foot long. His foreskin hung thick and loose past the head; giving me the impression that his cock was going to be much longer as it hardened and the head started to emerge.

I felt fucking hypnotized. I didn't dare look up at his face. As I watched, he grabbed hold of it and slowly started to stroke. Even with his huge hands, his fingers didn't meet around it's girth. As the bright red head emerged, there was a pronounced bead of precum at the end. I felt like I was hypnotized or dreaming. It was like I was losing control; unable to rein in my cock lust. I lost the battle without even thinking. I slowly slipped off my stool and went to my knees. He was still two feet away. I made no effort to bridge the gap. When I summoned up the courage to look him in the face; I was met with a smirk. He slowly shook his head from side to side.

"I guess that just proves my point. Fags like a big dick. You're on your fucking knees, for christ's sake. You're willing to humiliate yourself because I'm bigger? More powerful? More of a man? Which is it?"

"But...why? Why did you pull it out? Why are you yanking on it in front of me? Why would you do that if you didn't want me to suck it?"

"Oh, I don't want your mouth; or need it. I have a wife. Maybe you missed the point of what I said. I think you want it. Is that true? Do you want to suck it? I'm perfectly happy going the rest of my life without having a guy blow me. Let's be clear about that. I want you to admit that this would be me doing a favor for you. Not the other way around. If I let you take the end of my cock in your mouth; you'd be the one rewarded, not me."

"But I saw the porn you like. They might start out with a woman; but eventually she disappears and it's just two guys sucking and fucking. I guess I thought that's what you were curious about. Exerting control over a guy; using him to get off."

"You're overthinking this, son. I'm gonna fuck my wife when she gets home tonight. What are you gonna do? Go home and jerk off your little dick? Or are you going to beg me for this fat fucker? I know for a fact you've never seen one like it."

"No, Sir. Not even close."

He had raised his hands behind his head as he leaned back, all that meat hanging over the edge of his stool. The minute I said the word Sir, his cock started to lengthen again. I resigned myself to play this out on his terms. A minute ago I had been ready to run. But I'd already let it go this far. At least I know one of his triggers now; and damn if I wasn't going to use it.

"Sir? Please?"

Hearing the word Sir again, his cock jumped. Without touching himself, the head of his cock started to push its way out of his foreskin. From my position on the floor, I raised my head and looked up at him.

"Sir. I know you don't need me to get you off. Anyone would be lucky to get the chance to worship a cock like that. I do want it, Sir. I want to treat you like you deserve. Your terms, Sir. Please, just think about it. Just let me know when and where. I'll do whatever you want."

I'd made a big enough fool of myself for one day. For the record, I knew this was all horse shit. If he couldn't admit the truth to himself, I'd play his game. For a brief second, I wondered how many times he's played this out with other guys. I had to push that out of my mind. If he goes through with this, I already know I'm going to hate myself tomorrow. I also know, if I let this chance slip by, now that I'm this close; I'll regret that too.

"My terms, huh? Stay right where you are."

He got up from his stool and reached into a drawer on his workbench. He pulled out a short length of cotton rope. I was still on my knees. He brought my hands behind me and tied my wrists together. Then like it was an afterthought, he helped me stand up. He unbuttoned my chinos and pushed them, along with my boxers, down to my ankles. Then he pushed down on my shoulders until I was on my knees again. He was standing behind me. I didn't dare turn my head. Then I felt one of his baseball-mitt hands gently cup my ass cheek. Then he just stood there. Was he having second thoughts? Trying to work out the next step? I just stayed on my knees looking straight ahead. I heard him roll the stool I'd been sitting on out of the way.

When he came around in front of me again, he was drinking from my beer bottle. He moved his stool closer and perched on the edge. His cock was back to that semi-chub stage. The foreskin hanging off the front of his stool. With my hands restrained, he brought the beer down to my lips, positioned it, then tipped it up so I could drink. So far he was being surprisingly gentle, even though I was helpless. After giving me a couple of sips, he raised it to his own mouth and downed the lot. He sat the empty bottle behind him on the bench.

Holding his cock in one hand, he put his other hand on the top of my head and nudged me toward him. Stroking his cock slowly, he kept pressure on my head until the prize was at my lips. When I agreed to go through with this, I thought he was going to be brutal. As long as he was setting this pace though, I followed his lead. I stretched out my tongue and licked the precum that had collected on the end of his cock. Controlling how much I could take in my mouth, he maintained his hold on my scalp; just letting me close my lips around his head. When I slipped the end of my tongue under his foreskin, his whole body shuddered.

I was flying high, now. He tasted like a working man: sweaty, natural and a little like piss. This was a man who started or ended the day with a shower, but worked his ass off through the day. When I managed to slip my tongue under his foreskin, his shudders gave way to moans.

"Christ, boy! You really do want that, don't you? Don't know why you were holding back at first. You need to man up and say what you want. Not wait till it's handed to you, like a pussy. A man like me gets boned up knowing a submissive cunt of any gender can't live without getting the chance to serve an alpha dude. Fuck, I could smell it on ya that first day. I knew you were a hungry cocksucker."

At this point, I don't think he needed me to say anything. I was determined to show him how hungry I was. He gradually eased up on the hand that was keeping me at bay, slowly letting me take more of him into my mouth. I got better at taking him at later hookups. For now though, you've got to understand just how big around this mammoth cock was. It didn't help that I was unable to use my hands. He still controlled the pace, as well as just how much he would feed me. After several minutes, he pushed my head back until his cock was just out of reach. I'm sure I looked pathetic stretching out my tongue to make contact.

"Hungry isn't the word for it, son. You're proving my point; you need this. A guy like you isn't complete with a man like me to serve."

He moved his cock to one side and shoved my nose up into his sweaty, ginger bush. As I huffed in his smell, I felt his hairy belly shake as he laughed. Then holding his cock up against his abdomen, he nudged me down to breath in and start to lick at his furry nuts. He slowly jacked on his dick as I tried to get a ball into my mouth. His testicles were big; but not as oversized as his cock. I managed to get one inside my mouth. No way would they both fit at once.

He seemed to get impatient with my attempts. Still holding my head, he fed me the first few inches of his drooling cock again. He was leaking precum like a spigot. I felt him shift his weight on the stool so he could reach over me. I felt him slowly slide his huge hand down my back until he reached my butt. He gave me a firm swat on one ass cheek. Not hard. Not like he was trying to cause pain. More like he was staking ownership. A fat finger traveled down my crack, stopping at my hole. He rubbed it in circles before starting to tap his finger on my pucker. He wouldn't be able to see it from above; but he could probably feel my hole twitch and try to open for him.

"I have no intention of hurting you, son. It's just that I've been trying to see what it would feel like to get my huge, fucking cock up someone's ass since I started dating in high school. Hell, most of the gals wouldn't even consider letting me in their cunt with this beast. I knew my Joanie was a keeper when she was eager to let me try. Her cunt, I mean. No matter how much time I spend eating her pink asshole and working in a finger, she's made it clear it's not gonna happen. That angel even bought me one of those fake rubber asses to fuck. I split the hole open the first night we played with it."

Even hearing that, I wasn't deterred. I knew my hole would stretch. At this point, I was hoping to hear something about working up to it over a few weeks. He'd shown he could be gentle. I was pretty sure he understood the damage he could do without some preparation. I tried to think of a way to let my concerns be known while still letting him know he was in control. He knew he had me where he wanted me. I worried I'd weakened my position to negotiate. Still, I felt like I had to try.

"I want to do right by you, Dunk. I'd be willing to buy a couple different sizes of dildos. You know, work up to getting myself ready for you. I don't want it to be uncomfortable for you. You've wanted to do this for so long. I don't think you'll enjoy it if I'm too tight."

"Tell ya what, son. That was a piss poor attempt to make it sound like that would be for my benefit instead of yours. I'll tell you the next time I want you to say anything. We've come this far; this is going to happen. Already told you I wasn't out to hurt you. You already let me tie you up with your panties around your ankles. Guess you're gonna have to trust me."

He slipped his ass off his stool and helped me to my feet. Before he bent me over his workbench, he took a shop towel and twirled it before placing it over my eyes and tying it in back. I heard a drawer open and felt something cool being applied to my hole. He held my thighs as he squatted down behind me. When I felt the first finger, it was greasy and slick. He groaned as he pushed it in and rotated it. Over the next few minutes, he used a lot more grease as he slowly stretched me wider. By the time he added another finger, I could feel his beard against my cheek. He started to nip at my cheeks with his teeth as he explored my hole.

In Dunk's defense, he must've spent over half an hour packing my hole with grease and working it open. At one point he was using something other than his fingers. A tool handle, maybe. It was wide and ridged; and I'm not going to lie, it felt fucking amazing. I couldn't help moaning. He chuckled. Then for the first time he reached between my legs and gripped my leaking cock and my balls in one big hand. His palm was greasy and he squeezed as he continued working my hole with the other hand. I wasn't dreading getting fucked by his big rod now. I was still nervous; but he'd shown me he understood the responsibility that comes with an endowment like his.

I still tensed up when I felt him stand up. Still behind me, he reached around and slid both hands up under my polo shirt. He held me like that for several minutes, pressing tight against me with his cock humping along my crack. When he let me go, I heard him slide his tall stool on the concrete floor. He positioned it in front of me and effortlessly hoisted me up to sit on it. Then he pushed my chest back down onto the worktop and pulled my hips back until my ass was hanging off the back of the stool, giving him easy access to the hole he'd spent so much time getting ready.

He put one outspread hand on my back between my shoulder blades. I could hear the squishing sound of him stroking his greased up weapon; then I felt the head at my hole. Even with all the preparation, he didn't try to force it in. He teased my hungry hole, rubbing his cock head around it; then dipping in slightly and pulling back. He kept that up until I was wishing he would just go for it, for hell sake. Finally, even though my movement was limited, I managed to scoot back on the stool and push back to meet his cock.

"Fucking hungry whore. I know what you want, son. I hope you trust me now. I've waited fuckin' years for this. Last thing I want is to have to drive you to the emergency room before I get my nut. Push back, boy; but take your time. I'm going to let you swallow me up for these first few inches."

All I could think about was how bad it hurt the first time I let a dude fuck me. As I recall, he wasn't tiny; but he wasn't half as big as Dunk. Fuck, he probably wasn't even a third this size. So I'm remembering how bad that first fuck hurt, while being amazed at how little pain I'm feeling now. I'm being stretched wider than ever and it does fucking sting. It also feels fucking amazing. So far he hasn't started thrusting. He's just letting me impale myself.

With his prick halfway in me, Dunk pulls on the rope around my wrists and lets it fall to the floor. He pushes up on my shirt and wiggles it off over my head. Then he lays his hairy chest on my bare back and bites at my neck as he starts to slowly roll his hips.

"So fucking tight, boy. Don't panic; but I'm going to blast my first load up your cunt any minute. I reckon then that you'll be wet and slick and ready when the real fucking starts. This first nut is just gonna be the appetizer. You've got me so fucking horned up, I should be good for at least two more."

I would come to learn that the first fuck wasn't enough to satisfy Dunk. It was always followed by a second. As for a third, that only happened a few times when I still hard and he knew I wanted to cum. He knew I always came harder when he was buried in my ass.

True to his word, after a few more minutes of rocking his hips back and forth, he grabbed me so tight I couldn't breathe. It started with a low guttural growl, followed by a sharp grunt accompanying every spurt. There were at least ten grunts that first time. When the pulses stopped, he relaxed his hold on me some; only to grip me tight a couple times when there was an aftershock. He never did pull out.

"Holy fuck, son. You might've just got the biggest nut these balls have ever churned out. I've waited so many years to plant my DNA inside a dude, it was even better than I hoped."

This wasn't the moment to point out his choice of words. He'd already admitted his obsession with ass fucking. Now he says he's been itching to ass fuck a dude. I'm not going to be the one to call him out, not after the fuck he just threw into me. And earlier in the evening I would have told you were full of shit if you thought I was going to take this huge fucker for a second round; one after the other. Truth is, I hadn't had enough yet. I felt open and wet and ready for a second act.

Like I said, once he got all of his jumbo dick in me, he didn't pull out. Thankfully they encore didn't turn into a marathon. We stayed in the same position. In the absence of a bed or a sling, this was probably our best bet; given our height difference. After a brief rest, he started moving his hips again. He alternated between laying his fuzzy chest on my back, which I loved; and standing up behind me. With my ass still hanging off the stool, he would get a firm grip on my shoulders and really drive that monster dick home. After about fifteen minutes, the urgency of his thrusts increased; and I started to hear that low, rumbling growl begin.

"Tell me you want this, son! I'm about ready to blow your fucking head off. Before I do, I want you to tell me it's not going to be the last time. Do you want it, boy. Want another dose of sperm up your guts. If you take this load, I fucking own this ass. Otherwise, I pull out and it's all going on the goddamn floor."

"Fucking breed me, Dunk! I want it! I need your fucking cum!"

I didn't count the volleys he shot that second time. For someone who'd blasted a few minutes earlier, it was still an epic load. I'd like to think it was intensified by my hole clenching his fat cock as I sprayed my own jizz all over the floor and the workbench. Again, he didn't pull out right away. He laid on my back until his breathing was back to normal.

The shop rag he had used to blindfold me had sagged but still blocked my view. He untied the knot and held it below my ass as he slowly pulled out. I looked behind me to see the rag puddled with cum. I was trying to hold it in to contain the mess, but that's not what he wanted.

"Show me. Push it out, boy. I've always shot big; but I've never come like that twice in a row."

I did as I was told, all the while hoping I wasn't going to shit in his hand. He grabbed another towel from the stack on the bench and quickly wiped it up my crack. He held up the first rag to show me. The sheer volume was unbelievable.

I don't remember anything else we said after that. Once we both had our pants pulled up, it was a little awkward. Did he still want me to come to work on his office setup Friday? Did he realize that in the heat of the moment, he said he wanted to fuck me again? I wanted to tell him it was the best fuck of my life. However, now with loads spent and pants up, all the sex talk and innuendo was done.

I do remember that as I was heading for the door, he called out my name. He didn't say son or boy, he used my name for the first time tonight.

"Hey Rob! I never got a chance to show you the canoe I'm working on. Joanie's not around on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you decide you want to check it out, give me a call some night after work."

That was it. He couldn't even say 'come back Thursday'. Just 'Give me a call some night' It's like we were back at the beginning.

So Thursday as I was gearing up to leave the office, I rang his number. He almost sounded surprised, like he hadn't expected me to call. Maybe I did want this more than he did. After the usual, hello/how are ya's, there was a lull. Then he said,

"What can I do for ya, Rob?"

"I keep thinking about Tuesday night, Dunk."

"Yeah, about that; that was a mistake. I should've known that once you saw what I was packing, you'd be wanting it all the time."

"But, I thought....well you said you-"

"Come on, Rob. I've got a wife. I'm straight for fucks sake!"

"Okay. Message received. Do you still want me to come into the shop Friday, Dunk?"

"Of course I do. You're just getting started, bud. Why wouldn't I want you to come in. Nothing's changed. In fact, I still wanted to show you my shop. I'd planned to glue up some oar blanks tonight. Why don't you come check it out?"

What the fuck have I got myself into? Is he serious? Unable to think of an excuse after I'd already asked to come over for dick, I told him I was on my way.

And that's been the pattern for months now. Within ten minutes of walking into his shop; halfway through our first beer, Dunk's hand is on that bulge on his thigh again. Then in a matter of minutes I'm on my knees; begging for what I know he wants to give me. Demeaning myself. Pleading for him to just fuck me one more time. Once the fucking starts, we're in it together. Jesus, even after he nuts the first time; it's clear we're still not done. Once his balls are drained, though; I'm just a fag who begged his straight buddy to load up his ass. He's the hetero dude who gave in to his animal urges. Let down his guard just long enough to be seduced. I know how pathetic I sound; but hear me out. Whatever game he was playing in his head, in the end, I knew we wanted the same thing. Sometimes when I'd get mad at myself for putting up with his shit; I'd actually end up feeling sorry for him because he couldn't admit the truth.

When he first told me that he and Joanie were planning on riding their bikes to Sturgis, I told myself that might be a good time to try and break the cycle. I'd finished my work getting his office automated. We were only seeing each other those two nights a week. Honestly, I was bummed that I wouldn't be getting the regular poundings I'd grown accustomed to; and I knew I was never going to find another cock that size. But I figured it was as good a time as any to get out there and meet someone new. Ideally, someone who was comfortable in their own skin. And even though the sex had been through the roof with Duncan, it would be nice to kiss someone again. That was a line he never would cross.

So I went out that first Tuesday night that Dunk and Joanie were gone; and I actually met someone. It seemed so easy. We saw each other a couple nights later, too. I don't mean I fell in love; but by the second date we were naked and kissing and actually taking turns fucking each other. We both realized we were just having fun and a new FWB was born. My self esteem went back to normal. I decided it was in my best interest not to call Dunk; at least, not for now. The next weekend, I went out with friends and actually ended up going home with a guy from the bar that I'd flirted with for months. Deep down, I knew if I wasn't getting laid now and then, my horniness would drive me back to Duncan. Maybe if he could be honest about his desires? Maybe if he could admit that he liked and desired me? The last thing I wanted was to mess up things between he and Joanie. God knows I didn't want to deal with his crap full time.

So that's it. We're back at the beginning of the story. I'm trying to move on with my life. If I'm being honest, you know damn well I still jerk off thinking about having that sexy, oversized ginger bear inside me. I've been thinking about buying a dildo his size; but it wouldn't be the same, would it?

So when my phone rings and I see his face and number, the first thought that crosses my mind is that he has never called me before. I almost let it go to voicemail while I'm trying to decide how I'm going to respond. Can I put on the act again? Or did I get out at the right time. If only that sexy, goddamn man could face reality. I decide it's now or never.

"Hey Dunk! I'm glad to hear from you!"

"Hi Rob. Thanks for picking up. I thought you might not answer."

"C'mon Dunk. You're my bud. How was the vacation?"

"It was really good, thanks. Listen, I've got some stuff I wanted to say.....Uhm...Fuck it! I think I know why you haven't called. I'm such a jerk, dude! I've been thinking about all the awful shit I said to you. The names I called you."

"It's okay, Dunk."

"No, it really fucking isn't okay. I don't blame you if you're mad, Rob. Just listen. Let me say this: I miss our two nights a week, dude. I miss fucking that fat, hairy ass of yours. I'm sorry I made it all so one-sided. I'm sorry I didn't say how bad I wanted you. I'm so fucking sorry for all those times I made you beg. I made you beg, even when I wanted it so fucking bad."

"Dunk, you fucker. The sex was absolutely the best I've ever had; but your right, I was starting to worry about keeping my self-esteem in check, ya know?"

"God I've missed you buddy. Here's the honest truth, I was jerking off in my shop the other night thinking about the way you looked at me when we fucked. You were an open book, dude. I thought of how you looked at me. Then I thought about all those times I wanted to kiss you while my dick was in you. I'm such a chicken shit. I wanted to try it more than anything. I was pretty sure you'd agree; but still I couldn't man-up and tell you how I felt."

"Dunk, you straight son of a bitch. You hit the nail on the head. Those are all the reasons why I haven't called. So what are you doing next Tuesday night?"

"Guess we're gonna have to rethink that 'straight' part, huh? When you think about how eager I am to get inside you again. I'm hoping that Tuesday night I'm going to be balls deep in my buddy. I'm thinking I might want to try kissing him while I'm at it. What else can I do to make it up to you, bud? You want me to shower before you come over?"

"You better not, fuckhead. I love the way you smell, Dunk."

"So we're on for Tuesday? I'm still the top, by the way. Don't get any ideas!"

"Tuesday it is. I'll give you a call when I'm on my way."

Hey! I saw you jerking off just now! Wipe down your electronic device and send me an email. It'll only take 3 minutes and it'll motivate me to write something else. Talk dirty to me! Rob83401@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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