Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 1, 2023


Disclaimer: This story concerns homosexual men and includes their sexual activities.

This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental.

If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at AuthorPaul@mail.com When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on answering you. Thanks, Paul.

The original story of Dukes of Windsor ended at 38 chapters. These twelve new chapters follow chapter 37 one year later. Chapter 38 would still be the last chapter of the story.

I gratefully thank David, Jesse and Tim for their editing help of these chapters. I am forever thankful for their assistance and support.

Paul Daventon, authorpaul@mail.com


With great sadness, I dedicate this portion of Dukes of Windsor to the memory of my best friend and life long love who passed away on December 19, 2005. He was the inspiration and guiding hand for my story and for a major part of my life.

Requiescat in Pace, Jack.

Moose and Mike stared at their naked friends. The brothers had seen them naked before in the Ridgway pool, but not having sex like they were doing, had just finished..

Greg didn't want them to stop. "Moose, Mike, it's okay. Your Dad let us use the Jacuzzi because we are thinking of getting one." He was terribly embarrassed, but still wanted to be polite to the Monahans, their friends. "We'd never been in a Jacuzzi before." He grinned.

Will also stood erect, his sagging dick still big and red, and dripping. "Guys, come on in, we are going to get a shower and get dressed." He reddened, "I'm sorry, we took the opportunity .... uh ... but ... we just couldn't help ourselves."

Greg and Will lost most of their blush and slowly got out of the Jacuzzi, Greg helping Will to the shower in the corner. They were sure that Moose and Mike were staring at their backs and butts as they did their three-legged walk and hop. They giggled to each other, got into the shower and adjusted the water. Even though Moose and Mike were watching them, Greg washed Mike while he held onto his shoulder, scrubbing every bit of him, hidden or not.

The Goodings washed and rinsed off carefully, shut off the water and walked their usual hop-skip-jump back to their clothes. "Hey, Mike," Will called, "do you want me to pick you up in the morning?"

"Yes, Will, that would be great. See you at 8, okay?"

"That's fine, Mike. See you then." Will was pleased that Mike would ride with him, he liked Mike, enjoyed being with him. They hadn't gotten to talk much, just getting to school and back. Though since Will was working a couple days a week with the gymnastic guys, Mike would get home with his brother, Moose, on those days.

Just then Moose spoke up, "We don't care what you were doing." He smiled slowly, "It has happened before a few times in this Jacuzzi. You were okay." He and Mike hugged.

"Bye, guys, see you tomorrow." They left the room, heading for the living room where they found Hamish, almost asleep.

"Hey, Hamish, wake up." Greg laughed, "Come on, Sleepy Head, your boys are having a ball in the Jacuzzi, why don't you get in there."

Hamish opened his eyes, "Oh, hi Greg, did you like the Jacuzzi?"

Greg smiled at Will, "I guess we'll have to buy one. Will wants one, so that's that."

"I know you will enjoy it," he grinned with devious eyes, "we sure do." He scampered toward the hot tub room to join Moose and Mike, tearing off his clothes as he ran.

On the first day of the next week, Greg called the dealer and asked to have the Jacuzzi delivered and installed. He suggested they might come to the house earlier to see where they could put it. He didn't ask how much the whole outfit would cost, he just knew that Will deserved it and he, himself, would love it too.

A week later, in Lieutenant Reardon's office Matt and Hardy sat in front of Les's desk, and waited until he spoke. "Guys, the autopsy showed that besides being pregnant, she was also HIV positive. However, she didn't kill herself. We have no idea if she knew she was HIV positive, but it would seem she did. We checked Clinics in Windsor, Bryan, Toledo, Defiance, Bowling Green or Findlay without finding that she had been to any of them. None of them would tell us whether she had been there or hadn't. They aren't supposed to anyway."

Matt pushed himself to ask, "So, Les, what do you have about her?"

Les was pissed that Matt was crowding him. He started to tell him off, but thought better of it, Matt had been a good friend.

"Matt, we are not certain as yet, but it would seem that she was smothered, the eyes were hemorrhaged, petechial, symptomatic to that type of assault. The pathologist is still working on the autopsy and will let me know of any discoveries ... probably whenever he gets around to it."

Matt and Hardy left after thanking him. They were hoping the college could avoid the sensationalism of this crime in the newspapers. The Windsor Star has always tended to downplay those news articles which would be prone to lurid prose and dramatic pictures that follow the story of a crime. The editor is usually open to requests for cautious reporting on those stories which could damage the reputation of certain institutions in the area.

They hadn't previously met the editor, Jerry Follery, a young journalism graduate, recently hired by the paper. He was about 27, tall and good-looking with a hunky body they noticed as they appraised his person. After discussing their concerns connected to the college, he agree with their interest in the reporting of sensitive events and would refer caution to their reporters and writers. But, he reminded them of the rights of the citizens to know of important happenings.

"Gentlemen, there is a fine line between people's rights and overblowing the story to cater to undesirable interests. I hope we can always follow that dividing point, and will certainly do that when the college is concerned. We are proud of the college and will do everything we can to support it." He smiled, showing a mouthful of brilliant white perfect teeth, along with those smile lines and a couple of the cutest dimples in his cheeks. Matt and Hardy both felt a small twinge of activity in their crotches reacting to the editor's physical appeal and blushed.

After shaking hands with him, shaking his strong, dry hand a little longer than usual, sending a few more twinges between their legs.

Matt spoke as they were leaving, "Mr. Follery, do you have family with you here in Windsor?"

Jerry colored just a little, "No, gentlemen, I'm single and recently moved here from Columbus after I graduated from Ohio State. Just me for now. And please call me Jerry."

Matt looked at Hardy, raising his eyebrows, "Hardy, when is our next party?" Hardy just shrugged in his ignorance.

"Okay, Jerry, I'm Matt Ridgway and my partner is Hardy Wolfe. We live together with some others at the old Anthony farm a little south of the city on Route 15. We would like to invite you to a family get together this Friday night - oh about 7 pm, if you could. We have an indoor swimming pool in the house and you should bring a swim suit, or not as you feel."

Jerry repeated their names, "Matt and ... ah .. Hardy, I'd be very happy to do that. I have not met many people as yet."

"Well," Matt continued, "you will meet at least ten to fifteen people who will be there. Some of our students and also some instructors at the college."

"What can I bring?" Jerry seemed very eager to please. He hadn't shown any reaction when Matt mentioned his 'partner'. 'Maybe he is a little slow 'gaywise', he thought.

'We'll provide everything, Jerry, maybe later you can help, at another party. Okay?"

"Sure, thanks a lot. I appreciate it and I'll see you Friday at seven."

"Take care, Jerry, see you then." The hand shaking ritual was repeated.

Jerry Follery watched them walking to the door and out into the street. His 'gaydar' was pinging around in his head, caroming from one side of his skull to the other. His mind was working at double speed, 'Man, they are hot, and he said they were partners.'

He left his office, went into the large editorial office looking for the assistant editor who had been in Windsor for many years.

"Hey, Jake, do you know the two guys who were just in my office?"

"Sure." His question was answered, but nothing more.

Jerry asked again, "Who are they, what do they do?"

"The tall one is Head of the Music Department of Windsor College." Jake wasn't much for talking, didn't say more than he had to.

"How about the shorter one?"

"He's the director of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor at the college."

"Jake, come on, give me a break, what else do you know."

Jake gave Jerry a slow, irritated look. "Well, they are great guys, respected by almost everyone in the college and city. They are gay and are partners, but no one cares about that. Do you?"

"Of course not, Jake. I'm wondering because they have invited me to a party at their house and I was interested. Any more?"

"Man, you are lucky. My grandson, Rick, is in the Dukes and Duchess and spends plenty of time at their house. Those parties, I understand, are great. He told me some about them, but I'll bet he didn't tell me all. He is gay, too, but I love him anyway. I met his partner once, a tall young black man, actually very light, named Jamal. Great guy, too." He looked at Jerry again, "I hope you will tell me all after you've been there." Jake went right back to his job, editing a story by their newest reporter who probably had flunked all of his English classes, if he even had gone to school.

Returning to his office, Jerry sat behind his desk, thinking about Matt and Hardy. He decided he want to see a lot more of them, maybe in the swimming pool. Hardy looked like a body-builder, muscles everywhere and in perfect proportions too. He realized that his shorts were filling as an important piece of his anatomy seemed to be swelling and growing. Jerry was about six feet tall, slender but shapely, dark blond hair and fair features. His face was narrow and sharp, nose and chin, but he'd never tried to grow any beard. His beard was lighter than the hair on his head. It was so light it hardly showed whenever he'd tried.

Jerry wasn't sure he could wait until Friday night to visit the farm house. 'Man'. He cupped his genitals with his hand, squeezing just a little, feeling the individual balls and cock moving around.

When the Dukes finished their rehearsal on Friday, they all knew about the party at Ridgways' house and planned to be there. Grace had, of course, been invited too. Matt and Hardy had prepared for that. They invited Marty Stuart though they didn't know if she would come, she was actually a permanent family member. They'd decided, though she loved them, she wasn't always comfortable with all the gay men fooling around, though her brother was gay. Sometimes Hardy's mother, Anne, also lived at the farm helping Todd with the care of the children, Jacob and Joshua, sons of Marty's brother's partner, Steve, brother of Matt, brother-in- law of Hardy. Confusing? Well, the problem cleared up after the new people met and reacted with the others.

Rick had been given the job of talking to Grace Kelly, explaining about the majority of the men being gay, some also partners in the group.

When the rehearsal was finished, Rick asked Grace to wait afterward, so he could talk to her for just a bit.

Rick sat next to Grace on their rehearsal chairs when both had cleaned and put their horns away.

"Grace, let me explain about our parties at the Ridgway farm house. They are primarily for the Dukes and Duchess and their friends." He smiled, hoping she would relax with him. "Most of us are gay men and some of us are partners. Do you have any particular thoughts about gay men?"

Grace smiled sweetly, just lightly blushing. "Rick, I have one brother whom I love dearly, and he is gay. He doesn't have a partner, in fact he hasn't met many other gays. He had one good friend in high school who did have sex with him. My brother, Max, and his friend, Chad Morgan, loved to tell me every detail of their sex lives. I'll admit I was embarrassed by a lot of it, but I do know a couple of gay men, very well," she emphasized, "and I love them both.

"Max was terribly hurt and depressed after Chad decided to enroll at UCLA for college; he had always wanted to major in the direction and production of movies. I really wouldn't be surprised to find Chad Morgan's name either acting in a movie, or behind the scenes. He is a very handsome man, and was excellent in some high school plays. He was a year ahead of Max so he's had a lonely year."

"I just had a great idea, Grace, would Max come to the party if he was invited? We'd love to have him. How old is he?"

Grace counted in her head and said, "Max is a senior in high school and is 18 I believe. Yes, I'm sure."

"Do you know Will Gooding, Grace."

She grinned, "Do I know him? Sure do. He's the purdiest hunk in college." Her accent was pure country. She suddenly looked sad, "I suppose he's gay too, right?" She had been hoping to hook up with him.

Rick felt chagrined to answer, "I'm sorry, Grace, but his partner is Mark Wellington, one of the Dukes roadies, anyway, they are both just out of high school." He considered, "I don't know everyone who will be there, but maybe a man on the loose could happen in."

They both laughed at that possibility. Grace spoke first, "I guess that could happen, but who knows. I have wanted to help Max find someone."

"Okay, Grace, do you think I should call him? Maybe after you tell him about it. Okay?"

She nodded her head, "Yes, I'll try to talk him into it, he's not the most forward of men, but I'm trying to build him up."

Rick gave Grace his cell phone number, "I'm not always in our room, but I'll always have my cell phone with me. So just ask Max if he'd like to go and explain who I am. Okay?" Rick was a little anxious to see Max, thinking if he'd had a very handsome partner for a while, he must be hot.

Grace picked up her horn case, "If I don't call, Rick, he will be coming. I'll only call if he is being stubborn as he often is. See ya."

Rick stared after Grace, watching her rear end twitch with her sexy gait. 'Damn, he thought, 'sometimes I wish I were straight', but he them remembered Jamal's hot body, 'no, I wouldn't want that. My man is hotter. I love him too much'.

Matt was watching the front door of the farm house, waiting to see who would enter next, hoping that Jerry Follery would be interested enough to make the short trip. He seemed to be well in the closet, but this might be a good opening prelude in gay Windsor for him.

The regulars were already at the party, Roger and Todd who lived in the farm house, Greg and Will, Moose and Mike, Rich and Jamal, Mark and Jackie along with Alden Johns, the tuba in the Dukes and supposedly straight. Marty Stuart had arrived and was talking to Anne, Hardy's mother, he thought she was trying to get into the mood. Her brother, Gary Stuart, was talking with them, along with his partner, Steve Ridgway. Matt was still watching the front door while his partner, Hardy Wolfe, was serving drinks in the pool room. The outdoor weather had turned quite cool, about right for late September, but the pool room was plenty warm. Already there were guests in the pool, although still wearing bathing suits of some sort. Later, those might disappear into the cupboards put there for that purpose.

Matt didn't hear the front door open and was startled when Grace and a very handsome young man came up to him. Grace's brother, Max, was tall, about six feet, slender with a movie star face, also slender and chiseled features, dark hair pulled back. He looked much like his sister, though very masculine. They were followed immediately by Jerry Follery, editor of the Windsor Herald newspaper.

Matt introduced Jerry to Grace and Max, then asked them to follow him. "Since all three of you are new and unknown except to a few, I want to introduce you to our 'gang', most all in the music department of Windsor College. Jerry, most are not much younger than you. I found my partner who is five years younger than me in a class I was teaching. Someday I'll tell you all about it."

Taking them to the few steps leading into the pool room, he bellowed, "Hey, everybody. I want you to meet some new people at our party tonight. First, I'll introduce you to Grace Kelly, no relation, she is the new Duchess of Windsor and beside her is her brother, a senior at Windsor High, and he's single." Max immediately blushed deep red, but Matt hugged him, "It's okay, Max, you will fit right in," he smiled kindly at Max.

Jerry Follery had walked in behind Max, his eyes staring at the young man.

"Also, folks, beside me here is Jerry Follery who is the new editor of the Windsor Herald. He's also single, " he put his hand over his mouth, "Sorry, Jerry, if I outed you just a little. Hope it won't ruin your chances." That was an aside to Jerry, who smiled gently, but his eyes were staring at Max. 'Oh ho, Matt thought to himself, 'he's found a target already.'

The crowd applauded the three new one, appreciating Grace's beauty, but much more her brother and Jerry. "I hope you will welcome our guests and keep them coming back." He faced the new arrivals, "I hope you did bring a suit. If not, we have plenty of varied sizes over in the bathhouse in the corner."

To Grace he said, "I'd like you to meet my mother-in-law, who is Hardy's mother and to meet Gary's sister, Marty Stuart. Come on for a bit."

Grace nodded and followed Matt to Anne's livingroom where she met the two women. They invited Grace to sit and talk a while. Soon they asked her about her brother and she explained that he was gay, but had no partner. "He was sort of hoping to meet someone here at the farm." Anne and Marty smiled, both thinking if he didn't find one here, he'd have trouble when in the college next year.

Back in the pool room, Matt again sought the attention of all the guests. "But first, Hardy is coming around with Grace, Max and Jerry to meet you, so don't start harassing them until later. Right?"

Rick called back, "Right, boss, see you later."

Matt watched them go from small group to another gang. He happened to notice that Jerry had his eyes mostly on Max all the time. When the introductions were finished, Jerry commandeered Max to sit near the cousins refreshment table. They chose a can of pop and a few small sandwiches. Matt left the pool area to the kitchen to replenish the refreshments. As he came back, he again noticed that Jerry and Max were still talking. He walked to their table.

"How ya doing guys, why not try the pool, the water is warm and still refreshing."

Both Jerry and Max said, "Sure, great." Both men began to take off their clothing to hang on racks around the room.

Matt laughed as he saw everyone in the room watch the two men strip to a suit, boxer type on Max and a tiny bikini on Jerry. They both had similar bodies, though Jerry was a little taller, finely muscular but not a body builder. Narrow waists and hips set off by fantastic bubble butts.

Jerry grabbed Max's hand, pulled him to the water's edge and into the pool. Most of the guests had gotten out to gather some refreshments, so Jerry and Max were free to compete while swimming laps. And they were good. Not much difference in speed or style between them.

Matt was pleased with Jerry taking charge of Max, hoping it wasn't a momentary thing. 'Yes', he thought, 'there are probably 10 years difference in age, but that might work out. Max needs someone right now.'

The party continued another hour or so, then some began leaving, Grace drove herself home when she realized that Max was having a great time with Jerry. Some members of the Dukes began to be more liberated and freed themselves of their suits to go naked. Matt noticed that Jerry was talking quietly with Max, surely to support him as he removed his boxers, as Jerry removed his bikini. Max had developed an all over blush which soon went away.

At that point the Dukes expanded into horseplay of a mild sort. Erections happened and faded away. Playing the water felt so good to them, feeling the fluids washing through their legs and dicks and balls and over their cheeks. Jerry began to help Max with his breast stroke, looking for excuses to touch his body wherever excusable. Max was enjoying his attentions, so much that his cock began to raise and falter, jump long, then relax.

About 11 pm, Hardy and Matt began to suggest the party would be over soon, urging each one to come back again. The old hands like Rick and Jamal helped the others find clothes and help them change. But no one helped Jerry and Max, the former was well aware of the veterans' reason for helping, these new people were exceptionally attractive

Matt had gone back to the pool room, finding Max and Jerry again at their table. He sat with them, asking how they are doing so far.

"Matt," Jerry replied, "I want to thank you for inviting me." He blushed, "And particularly for inviting Max, here." He nodded toward the younger man, smiling suspiciously, lovingly.

"I'd say," Matt glanced back and forth from Jerry to Max, "you two have made a new friend, right?"

Max and Jerry smiled while blushing just a bit, "Yeah," Max spoke, "we just seemed to click from the beginning." He turned to look at Jerry, "Didn't we?"

"Sure, Maxie, you got it." Jerry seemed drunk, but Matt knew he didn't drink. Finally Matt decided he was desperate in love with Max.

Matt's matchmaking really worked that time. He was congratulating himself when Max interrupted his thoughts.

"Matt, I have a problem. I will have to tell my parents about Jerry, but I have no idea what they would say." He mused, "The first thing would no doubt be 'he's too old for you'."

Matt smiled, "I'd say that wouldn't be bad, if they said 'you mean you love a man' you might be in trouble."

"No, Matt, they know I'm gay, my former partner from high school went to California to enroll at UCLA to be in the movies. But I have been getting desperate, having a man of my own was becoming crucial." He seemed exhilarated by his apparent luck to be with Jerry.

"Max, I'm not sure what I can do. Can't your sister intercede for you?"

"Yeah, Matt, I'm planning on that, but who knows." Max took Jerry's hand in his own, "Jerry will soon have to come to our house so he can meet my parents. That should do it."

"Sounds good to me. Is Jerry going to take you home? That might be a good time."

"No, no Matt, it's too late, my folks have been in bed for a couple hours."

Jerry spoke up then, "Matt, I've asked Max to stay over at my house, so that he doesn't have to wake his parents." Jerry had the plan all figured out. He smiled gently toward Matt.

"Well, that solves the problem, doesn't it?" He gave Jerry and Max a conspiratorial smile, "You guys take off and have a great evening." He whispered, "We are all very pleased that you two have found each other. If there is any way we can help you, let us know. And, we'll let you know when the next party will be, probably no more than a couple weeks away. Goodnight."

The three shook hands as Jerry and Max headed for the front door.

Previously, that afternoon, Greg and Will had been resting in their bed, only wearing their underwear, having come home from school.

"Remember, Will, we'll be going to the Ridgways this evening. Good, huh?"

"Hey, great, we get to see everybody naked again, right?" Greg nodded with a grin.

Greg was rubbing away at Will's leg, putting cream on the end, tenderly massaging that part, while Will held Greg's tight body trying to relax his muscles. They had been talking desultorily, in fits and starts, nothing serious. While Greg was holding Will's leg, he had an idea for Will.

"Now don't take this wrong, Will, I've just been wondering something. Have you ever talked to Doug Baker since the accident?"

Will stopped rubbing Greg and gave Greg a steely look. "Why would I talk to Doug?" His lips were tight, pursed. "I don't think I want to go there."

"Weren't you two good friends? Weren't you close for a good while?"

Will looked down at the bed, staring at nothing, his eyes completely blank. He finally answered Greg, "After what he did, I don't think we are friends. No, I've never spoken to him. He came to the hospital to see me once, but I wouldn't let my parents bring him in. I couldn't even think of him without feeling terribly nauseous, hating him as viciously as possible."

"Will, just think. It is now almost six months later. How do you think he feels?"

"I couldn't care less, he butchered me and made me a cripple. Why would I care?"

Greg wondered if he should quit, but down deep felt the Will would feel better if he faced Doug, and most important, forgave him. "Please don't answer this quickly, think about it. Please. You are a wonderful person, I love you and you love me. Don't you have it in your heart and feelings to forgive him now? Yes, he made some horrible mistakes, but certainly he has paid his debt. I'm sure he feels terrible and you could help him get on with his life. I think that you would be better off if you did. What do you think?"

Will looked at Greg's eyes, his own still hard, "I'll think about it, Greg, maybe I should but I really don't think I could do it now." He shut his eyes, seeing his leg as it appeared right after the wreck, going in three different directions at once. "I don't know if I can do it at all." He again looked at Greg but with soft, caring eyes, "I know I should forgive the person who has hurt me, and maybe I will sometime." Greg could tell he wasn't convinced that contacting Doug would help either of them.

"Well, my love, I hope you will think about it, please. Hate in your heart doesn't help your living and loving. I won't speak of it again, but hope you could."

"Please hold me, Greg, I need you desperately, I need your arms around me. Please."

Soon their underwear was flung into a corner of the room. Their naked bodies merged into a loving, handsome couple of men whose appendages searched the other beautiful body. Each found relief in the other person, but in different way and for different reasons.

Greg knew he would bring up the subject again as subtly as possible as he could. He was sincere in his belief that Will could bring some closure to his tragic loss.

After leaving the Ridgway farm house, Jerry drove home with Max in the car. They were quiet during the ride, but each felt the vivid presence of the man beside them on the seat. Max was ecstatic inside, becoming more hopeful, more sexy by the minute. He had a grin on his face but didn't know it.

Jerry had seen the grin, also hopeful that they would enjoy and take to each other. He knew they were years apart, but didn't think, at that moment, that seven years was too much. He had been so excited when Matt and Hardy had invited him. But when he saw Max, how handsome he looked, with such a hot body, he was aroused immediately, wishing for great things between them, like love and sex and companionship, maybe even a partnership.

Jerry had rented the bottom half of a two story house, enjoying living there. It was convenient for shopping, restaurants, the library and church. He'd only been in Windsor about six months, but delighted in his work, even with the cantankerous Jake, especially since he had helped Jerry constantly since he arrived.

The two men left the car when Jerry pulled up in front of his house. Jerry unlocked the door, turning lights on before having Max step in.

"Nice place, Jerry, looks good."

Jerry gave Max a quick tour around the place; kitchen, dining area, and bedroom.

Jerry was embarrassed, "Max, everything came with the house. One of these days I'll be able to improve on the furnishings. I don't have a whole lot of money, so more money is slow. But come in, I'll take your jacket. Don't be worried, I'll give it back. I'm not that broke."

He laughed and Max joined him and the ice was broken.

"Hey, Jerry, shall we hit the bedroom?" He grinned salaciously, determined to get the main part on the road, he wanted to test this man. Max had been deprived of sex for so long, he needed his passion reactivated.

Jerry smiled, but asked Max to sit on the couch. He sat next to Max, seriously.

"Max, I know there is a considerable difference in our ages, I'm a good bit older."

Max broke in, "Oh, I like older men. Last year, as a junior, I was very hot with a senior man, lovely, but he went to California. Age didn't matter." He grinned again after his joking.

"Well, Max, I think we're a little farther apart than that." He blushed, "I like you very much, Max, and sure want to be close to you, but I don't know how ready I am for us to have sex."

"Jerry, if you don't shut up and get those clothes off fast, I'll go crazy." While saying that, Max had stood to begin getting naked. He gave a serious look at Jerry, "Well, let's get naked, partner."

Jerry was a little abashed at Max's pushiness.

"Ah, Max, I need to make a confession, I've never had sex with a man, or with a woman for that matter, actually." He blushed again, "I'm sorry, Max, but you will have to teach me everything about man to man sex."

By that time Max was completely undressed. His underwear was off, revealing a fairly large cock, hard and dripping. He sat on Jerry's lap to remove the older man's shirt. He then knelt on the floor, opening Jerry's belt, snap and then pulled down the zipper.

"Stand up, man, so I can get your pants off. Come on." Max was very eager, anxious, hot.

Max helped Jerry to stand, pulled his pants and underpants down to his feet. His face was just in the right place to be slapped by Jerry's mammoth cock as it flipped from the shorts.

"Oh, my god, Jerry, I'll never get that monster up my ass." He was looking at an nine inch hardon, thick with an enormous head, swollen and bright red. Max held the erection in his hand, seemingly weighing it, thoroughly amazed and somewhat appalled at the length and heaviness, but he did bend over to give it a sweet kiss.

"Jerry, my former partner, Chad, had an average dick and so do I, but where did you get that thing? I'll tell you that I will be having the time of my life getting it down my throat and up my ass." He grabbed hold of Jerry's huge poker, pulling him toward his bedroom. Jerry seemed to be resisting a little, but Max's energy and sexiness pulled him along. He eagerly followed Max, zoned in on his beautiful, bubble butt that flexed up and down with the meaty globes.

Finally in the bedroom and on the bed, Max became gentle and loving. "Jerry, we won't have any problem with this sex stuff. I know all about it, ha-ha, and all you have to do is to follow my lead." They lay on their sides, facing each other, Max, faced with Jerry's huge dong, toyed with it for a while. Changing his position on the bed, Max licked Jerry's oozing glans, loving the taste of his pre-cum, and the feeling of its swollen, spongy, soft surface. Before he allowed it to invade his mouth, Max held the shaft so Jerry, if he had a spastic fit, couldn't shove it down his throat. Max was sure he would have to practice. He could deep-throat his previous lover's average cock, but this was another flavor of organ, to be sure.

Max turned to hug Jerry, pressing himself against the taller, but lighter man, one hand caressing Jerry's prominent buttocks, trailing his fingers into the cleft.

"Jerry, I do have to get to school in the morning, but I can call Grace to pick me up. However, I didn't bring any other clothes. Maybe if you have a tee shirt that won't completely fall off my body, I'd be all right."

"Maxie, I will be able to do that. And I have unused bathroom morning stuff for you, tooth brush and so on. And I can feed you well enough." He broke off, still amazed with this young man, "And, I think I love you, Max, I expect we can have the greatest sex if we put our minds to it, but are you usually this hyper?"

Max gave Jerry a serious kiss on the lips, pushing his tongue into the older man's mouth, having a trip searching everywhere inside. "Jerry, Grace always says I'm too shy and retiring, but tonight I'm just so excited and needy for sex, I'm sorry if I've come on too strong."

"You are fine, my dear, I love you and I'm ready."

"Okay, my Jerry, just follow my lead, I think we'll start with a sixty-nine and we'll be all right." Max arranged their bodies, on their sides, each facing the other's crotch. He began to suck on Jerry's bludgeon, but it was a few minutes before Max felt Jerry suck on his dick.

Jerry shook and shivered with his first blow job, forgetting about Max's cock. So Max kept going and finally drew from Jerry's baton the biggest load he'd had in his mouth. Jerry had been groaning all though the younger man's work and really yelled when he came. Max hoped the upstairs neighbors didn't hear all that noise.

When Jerry was recovered, Max asked, "Jerry, you do know how to jack off, right?"

"Sure, but I've already cum."

"Hey, Jerry, I haven't. I know you may not want to give a blow job yet, but just jack me, okay?"

Jerry was pleased to do that, something he knew how to do from about 15 years of practice. He grabbed Max's sturdy prick, hard and about six inches. He worked at it so well Max had cum very quickly.

"Oh, Jerry, that was great. We'll try the blow job later."

Early the next morning, Max woke to realize his cock was in Jerry's mouth. And, he was doing a good job, but Max would have to talk about watching his teeth, his dick was getting just a bit sore. Max came in Jerry's mouth and down his throat. Lots of cum, but not much more than his usual amount.

Max pulled Jerry up beside him, kissed his thin lips, tasting his own cum, realizing that it tasted as good as ever.

"Hey, man, that was great. Thank you, Jerry. For a first time, you did a good job"

Jerry wasn't sure he liked sucking, but he surely loved being sucked. Max could do that any time he wanted. It was a wonder that they hadn't overslept but he needed to finish his bathroom duties to get their breakfast. He watch Max get out of bed, head for the bathroom and start to pee. He was a dream walking, pissing and shaking his ass. Jerry had another erection which he couldn't take care of until later. But he did get a naked hug and kiss from his young lover.

A bit later they heard Grace beep her horn to take Max to class.

They hugged at the door, with the door open, whispering `I love you' to each other, taking a sweet kiss from their other..

Of course Grace saw them and smiled widely, pleased that Max had found someone to love, she hoped.

"Hey, ballerina, what was that?" Will was calling to Junior Hawkins who had just performed a most ungraceful dismount from the rings. Junior looked at Will across the gym, shrugged and smiled guiltily. `He looks so cute', Will thought to himself, and smiled, too.

"Junior, we need to work on that. Where is Dexter, he's supposed to be with you, isn't he?" Will was concerned about his other gymnastics student, Dexter Seaman.

Junior put his arm around Will as he drew close, examining his teacher from one end to the other. Junior was a most likeable young man, Will thought, not the most talented, but a friend to everyone. As he thought that, Dexter came running across the gym floor to the other two.

"Dexter had to make up a test after class, one he missed when he was sick." Junior spoke well, but seemed a little worried.

"Hi, Will," Dexter greeted him. "How's my buddy coming along?" Dexter seemed full of life and agitated to a fault, yet he was brightly smiling and eager to start his routines.

"Do you mean this ballerina?" Will nodded toward Junior.

"Now what did he do?"

"Hey, quit picking on me." His nose lifted in the air. "I deserve better than that." Both he and Dexter started snickering, enjoying their banter with each other and especially with Will.

"Oh, come on, Junior. Dexter, he came crashing off the rings, but landed on his toes. That's why I called him a ballerina." Will was pleased to be joking around with these boys. I've been wondering it any of them were broken. Junior?"

"No, man, they are strong. I took a couple years of ballet dancing lessons, in my youth. They thought I was cute, and who could deny it, but after not making much headway in two years, I decided that gymnastics would be a better plan."

"Enough, enough, guys. Let's get to work." Will could have kept up the give-and-take with his `boys', but knew that the season was coming at a rapid pace.

For the next hour, Will worked the boys steadily and arduously at their routines. After the change in gymnastics rules, each tried to specialize in one event, though still working some on all of them. Will watched the sexy bodies being whirled into many difficult position and what look like torturous postures on the rings. He was totally unable to keep his eyes just on their routine, since he was mesmerized by their butts and crotches, the changing shapes of those parts of their anatomy hypnotized him with their sexuality.

John Inman, the gymnastics coach, walked over to Will after releasing the rest of his team to shower and go home. He knew a few of them didn't shower until they reached home, but that was their problem. He was generally pleased with their performances. Looking at Will and Junior and Dexter, he was feeling that their presence gave the rest extra enthusiasm and eagerness for their practice. He was so fortunate to have Will, a star and expert in the system, who was giving him so much assistance. John couldn't think of all of Will's unfortunate catastrophes.

"Hi, guys, you finished for the day? I saw some pretty good moves over here, Will, they are coming along very well."

"If it wasn't for Junior trying to reproduce his ballet training, he'll be fine." He smiled kindly at Junior, who understood that he was just teasing. "No, John, I'm really pleased with their progress. How we'll do in competition, I don't know, but I'm sure they will give it all they have."

Both young men lowered their faces toward the wooden floor, slightly embarrassed, but loving Will for his help, kindness and just being himself. Will had decided when he started that these two men needed their assurance and confidence rebuilt. He was hoping for his own strength to be enough to influence theirs.

"Okay, guys, I'll run you home, my usual passenger, Mike, is already home. When you are changed, we'll take off." Will was eager to talk to them alone. He felt his words or opinions would affect their training and eagerness, even though he was a few years younger than them.

Ten minutes later, the three were in Mike's SUV on the way to their students' home. On the way he was asking for the circumstances which led to them living together. "I'd really like to feel closer to you both, hoping we can be very good friends while we are working out."

Silence. Neither said anything, or even seemed about to. Will was concerned, wondering why they wouldn't talk to him.

"Guys, I'm not going to say anything to anyone, ever. Whatever you tell me, will stay with me forever."

By that time the SUV had reached the boy's home, he stopped outside in the road.

Will looked back at them, watching them looking into each other's eyes, faces slightly reddened, eyes full of unshed tears.

Finally, Dexter spoke. "Would you come in with us, Will, I think we'll feel better talking there, at home."

"Sure. I'll be happy to come in."

Will looked around the house as he walked in, when they showed him the downstairs rooms. "Hey, Mom, you home?" Dexter hollered in the quiet of the almost empty rooms. He mumbled, "She must be out. Come on, Will, sit with us on the couch in the living room."

Will, after looking around the house, couldn't believe that a woman lived in the house. No kind of woman he ever knew. It just didn't look like a woman was taking care of it. Maybe Dexter was trying to suggest his mother lived there, but Will was sure she wasn't.

"Sure." The two boys sat on either sides of Will, close but not too close. "Okay, talk to me." He smiled encouraging at both of them.

"Here it is, Will. Junior was thrown out of his house by his parents because they found out he was gay. Actually, they also found out about me, too, since I was with Junior at the time." He seemed determined to get it all out. "My parents were told by Junior's parents that I was gay, too. They did not kick me out." He paused for the kicker. "My Mom and Dad left me."

"Oh, no." Will couldn't believe this. Of course he could say the same had happened to him, but he had plenty of money so wasn't starving.

"Yep, that's the truth. That's why there is hardly any furniture here. My folks owned our house completely, so they just left. They had been purchasing a house in Connecticut and had just decided to leave this house to me, but they didn't want to ever see me again."

Junior and Dexter were sad, tears close to falling down their faces. Will was sure telling him about their difficulties was very hard, but they did it. He was proud of them.

"How on earth are you getting along? How do you pay the utilities, food, your own needs like clothing, shoes, school? Do you get a scholarship?"

Junior spoke up, "Will, we both worked last summer on a road crew and made a good bit of money, we are almost 19 so could be hired." He smiled wryly. "However, the money is going out more rapidly than we hoped."

"What about scholarships?"

"We tried but with no parents, there was no one to vouch for us. We couldn't get anything that looked like a scholarship." The boys were discouraged, overwhelmed, knowing nothing else they could do.

Dexter suggested that they take Will upstairs to see the second floor. "Okay, Will?"

"Sure, guys, we can sit and talk up there."

The boys' bedroom held a king size bed, a chest of drawers and night tables, with a warm fuzzy carpet on the floor. Each of the three men sat on one side of the bed, close together because dip in the weak mattress forced them what way. At that point Will determined that he would buy them a new mattress, a good one. And he would find out their biggest bill still due to be paid, and pay it himself.

Dexter explained, "This room was my parents bedroom, the master. Mine was in the back, not nearly as warm, but it was mine. When Junior was kicked out, he came to live here with us. That only lasted for a week until Junior's parents revealed our secret, that we were gay; and were in love. One week after that, my parents were gone."

Will felt so badly for them, having to live and deal with parents like that. To force their own children out of their own home, or leave them for good, was the depths of irresponsible parental conduct. He thought about contacting their parents, but the boys are adults. No money.

Will was at a crossroads where if he disclosed what he must, these boys could turn his life upside down, and Greg's, too. But he felt he must help these boys, discarded by their parents who should be strung up by their balls or tits, as the case may be. He made the decision, he would tell them.

"What I'm going to tell you can't ever be told anywhere but within us three. Can you do that, never tell to anyone or anyplace? I have to know you will keep my confidence. As long as you do, I will be able to get you scholarships at Windsor College. No shit!

"First, I'm gay and have a partner here at Windsor."

The two boys started laughing, lightly punching each other along with their giggles.

"Will, baby, we know that already. Everyone knows you are gay. But it doesn't matter, we all love you and appreciate your talents and your abilities. Don't worry, we won't tell."

"By everyone knowing, who is everyone?"

"Oh, the bands, the music department, most of the jocks, and most of the good people on campus. Don't worry, Will, you are one of our heroes, and I do mean hero. You inspire everyone who knows you, with your courage and grit, your friendliness and wonderful smile, just everyone, Will. Believe it!" Dexter didn't mince words, he said what he thought and knew .

He continued, "And everything thinks the same of Greg, your cousin."

"Oh god, what have I done?"

Junior told him, "You have corralled a huge proportion of the student body, and leaders on your side. If you want to run for student body president, you would be a shoo-in candidate. What more could you want?"

Dexter reached around Will, wrapped his arm around his shoulders, holding him close. "Will, we are your friends and so is everyone else. Don't you know that? We particularly love you. You are our champion, the one we look up to on campus. Listen, man, this is fact!"

He moved closer to Will, pressed his lips on Will's, stealing a quick kiss. On the other side, Junior did the same when Dexter moved out of the way.

Dexter whispered to Will, "Are you okay, buddy, are we good?"

Will's mind was awhirl, he was stunned, these guys loved him and so did everyone else. He couldn't believe it.

Dexter smiled at Will. "You could put your arms around us, you know. We wouldn't mind. We'd love it." He paused, "And don't worry about Greg, I know he would say the same as we did."

Will looked at both boys, searching them out, "Guys, I need to thank you. I had no idea. I do have friends beside Greg whom I love. And, yes, I do love you two. You are the greatest."

"By other friends do you mean Moose and Mike, Matt and Hardy, Rick and Jamal, Jacob and Joshua, Roger and Todd, among other kinds of friends?" Dexter had one hand on Will's left thigh, holding on. Another hand came from Junior's side to find Will's right thigh. One of Will's hands found its way on top of the boys' hands. "Thank you for giving me confidence and a new spirit about Windsor College." He went on, "I know Dean MacAllister personally and am going to hit him up for scholarships for you two. Would that be all right?"

Both nodded, agreeing with Will's plan.

"When I lost my leg, I sued the person responsible for a lot of money, a lot. Dean MacAllister was going to give me a couple of scholarships, but since I have plenty of money, I withdrew from that program. That's why I feel I can do it for you guys. And I'll get you a new mattress." The others squeezed him again.

"Thank you so much, Will, that will sure help us out, keep our heads above water."

When Will checked the time, "Sorry, guys, I have to get home to make dinner for Greg." He grinned, "It's my night to cook. I've enjoyed talking with you and I hope we can do this again soon. Maybe when I have news for you about scholarships from Dean MacAllister. And, I hope I can invite you to our house sometime. Take care and hang on. Oh, give me that property tax bill before I go, please, I'll handle it for you."

"Oh, Will, we can't thank you enough. You are saving our lives." Both young men were obviously relieved that the taxes will be paid for them. At the front door Will was hugged strongly between two young hunks with all the muscle for necessary for gymnasts.

"I'll see you at practice, day after tomorrow." Will eased out from between Junior and Dexter, but not before he felt their cocks pushing at him from both directions. He knew he'd better disappear quickly or he would be sorely tempted to stay.

At their farm house Matt and Hardy were resting in the den after a hard day at the Music Building. No big calamity for either one, just a general busyness, mostly listening to the extraneous, insignificant, stupid questions, complaints and whining from supposedly intelligent students bothering them during the working day.

Both men tried valiantly to be kind, sympathetic and all-knowing teachers who were interested in their students. That was primarily why they were tired, worn out as if they had been digging ditches for eight hours. Actually, either of them could stand that work much more easily than what they had done.

"How's the Dukes coming along, can you tell yet, Hardy?" He wasn't finding fault with his lover, just checking on his progress with the brass quintet..

"Okay, love, Grace is working in perfectly with the guys. She is very quick, musically sound and can ad lib with the best of them. Will is also excellent in band. He is hiding his abilities well, too. I do think that he is having difficulties dumbing down on his tooter."

"You know, Hardy, I was afraid of that." He pondered the question, "I think I know what he needs. Have you talked to his teacher in Toledo yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Well, I think he should make a CD, that would give him plenty of performing and should be all right with him if it doesn't `out' him as a superstar. They could produce it without a name on the CD. Maybe if you talk to him, that could appeal as an adjunct of the band."

Hardy rushed over to Matt, squeezing him and pressing a sloppy kiss on his lips. "You surprise me all the time, Matt, I don't why I didn't think of that."

Matt kissed back, also juicy. "He still may not want to do it. He wanted to get through college before he was `outed' to the world. His parents just might treat him more humanely. No, wait, if they figured he was a star they would figure he would be able to give them lots of money. I certainly know the type."

Matt was remembering his own mother who tried to have him killed a few times to get his money. His father wasn't quite the same, but still had been unable to stop his wife. That gave Matt a depressing feeling, though he did know she was dead, most likely killed by his father.

"You know, Matt, I was talking with our inimitable Dean who told me that Will had stopped in his office to recommend his two gymnastic students for scholarships. The one had been kicked out of his house after being caught with the other boy. They were gay. The other's parents left him and moved elsewhere but leaving him the house but practically no money. They are living together in the house the one owned. Will admitted that he had paid the boys' property tax which had been due immediately. So, maybe, we have a couple more gay boys to attend to. Will said they both will be excellent gymnasts. Let's look into it, okay?"

"Sure, Hardy, we might be able to help them like we did Mike and Moose."

While they were speaking, they had been massaging the others' pricks, still hidden in their sweat pants, the usual lounging apparel. Soon neither prick was hidden, very evident.

"Hardy, I'm loving this, but everyone will be gathering for dinner soon. We better head up to our bedroom."

Hardy grabbed Matt's erection, full size, and began to pull him up the stairs to their room. Still on the stairs, they heard knocking on the front door. No one else was in the house, one of them had to answer. Hardy got his erection somewhat hidden again and opened the door.

Lieutenant Les Reardon stood in the doorway, looking as if he had been arguing with himself, he didn't appeared to be happy, or even content.

He spoke out, "Well, it seems to me you guys were just about to go up to your playroom. Must be nice to be able to play around in the afternoon.

Dean MacAllister remained at his office where he was checking on Junior Hawkins and Dexter Seaman. They both were registered as students with the college, and both had better than average grades. He felt better knowing those facts, and finding out they would be good gymnasts, so Will said. And he should know.

As Hamish searched the computer for possible scholarships, he was dismayed to find that all scholarships had been given. What could he do? Even all the sports scholarships were used. That gave him an idea. Why couldn't he give enough money for a couple of boys, especially if they were HOT! And Will had said they were super hunks. Well, actually that shouldn't affect his proposal, but he did like the good-looking ones. He had the decency to blush.

He would make the gift anonymous, a check had been sent to him without any information. Yes, he thought, that would do. Then he'll have to get the accounting office to issue some checks quickly. He didn't want to have those boys feeling deprived or without friends. And he didn't think he could adopt two more young men, cute as they are.

Hamish wrote the check, hurried to the accounting office and gave the orders as to what they should do. He wanted those checks in the students' hands by the next day. They would have to report to the office to sign for them, if they can still write clearly enough without shaking, Junior Hawkins and Dexter Seaman will be on good ground again.

Matt and Hardy returned to the main floor to see what Les wanted. They paid no mind to his weighty reference to their slightly swollen dicks, leading their way to the policeman. He didn't make any pretense of doing anything but watching their crotches. They refused to take any notice.

"What is it now, Les? Since you've bothered us at a special critical time, spit it out." Matt wasn't nasty, just a little bit miffed. He had been counting on lots of passion with Hardy.

"Now don't get testy, Matt, I'll only be a few minutes and then you guys can get back to whatever you do in bed. I sure don't want to know." He did color a bit, since he had a good idea.

Hardy couldn't help himself, "I'll tell you all about what we do in bed, if you don't hurry up and spill your guts."

"Oh, gack, uck, puke." He made a few faces, "Here goes. We think we have evidence that will put your college president behind bars, old Dr. Bishop."

"You've got to be kidding, Les, he's an old man, I wouldn't think he could even get it up anymore." Matt was shocked, and stunned. He had a hard time believing it.

"We've had a hard time with that, too, Matt, but there is evidence of relationship between Ann Broder and him. What I'd like to ask you to do, is to see if any of your students know of that connection between him and the teacher. We do need some actual testimony that an affair had occurred. The evidence we have is not strong enough by itself, too anecdotal."

Matt and Hardy looked at each other, not sure whether they should do that. "We don't want to have any student in trouble or called as a witness for the prosecution. They don't deserve that. How about we talk to them privately then give you the gist of what they are saying? Would that do?"

"That would be great. You just keep it in house, so to speak, and I won't raid any of your parties in the pool room. You know, the word has it that strange activity occurs here, just around the corner from where I'm standing." Les was giving them a hard time, he would never raid their home no matter what.

Matt knew that, so reacted, "I can't imagine anything like that, Les, our parties are very well chaperoned, plenty of adults at the exercise classes we have, you know, swimming and stuff like that. Okay?"

"Yeah, right." The sarcastic phrase from Les's mouth brought smiles from each of them, including himself. "Okay, guys, I'll let you handle the troops and get back to me soon."

"Sure, Les. Now will you go, I think I've noticed that my desire has been drooping ever since you walked in, unannounced to be frank. See you, Les."

Hardy practically pushed Les out of the house, scampered back to Matt and moved behind Matt to push him up the stairs, his hands massaging the tight butt.. Just at that moment, Anne from the kitchen called that dinner was ready. "Come and get it while it's still hot!"

The two lovers searched each other's face, finally deciding to go eat dinner first and eat other stuff later.

That night Junior and Dexter had an early supper. They started studying by reading their texts, both taking advanced physics classes. Sitting across the room from each other, Junior would glance at Dexter every few minutes, only to find Dexter looking back at him. Those looks lasted almost a half hour before Dexter threw his book on the floor, jumped over it on the way to Junior. He knelt between Junior's legs and ripped open Junior's jeans, wide. Reaching into his boxers, he pulled out a mostly hard dick, not long, but thicker than normal. Though, when Dexter thought about it, he asked himself, what is normal? He didn't care, but stretched his mouth wide to slide down Junior's cock, about five inches with a huge cap.

Junior was running his hands over Dexter's short hair, sticking up all over his head. The hair felt sexy on his hands which helped his cock to swell even more, hard as a rock. Junior leaned over to kiss the top of Dexter's head, feeling the short bristles there, caressing his head.

Both men had been sexually aroused ever since Will had been there. They had talked about their friend who had enough money to pay their property tax bill.

"Isn't he the greatest, Dex? He is so hot, his body probably better than either of ours, yet it's so hard think of him having a false leg. I feel so sorry for him, don't you, Dex?"

"Mmmm." Dexter agreed, but couldn't talk with his mouth full. He could hear his mother telling him not to talk with ...... Dexter couldn't stay on Junior's cock, he had to laugh and laugh, making Junior wonder what was the matter with Dex.

Before Dex put his mouth over the cock again, he explained what he'd thought to Junior. He saw the ironic part of Dex's thoughts and also laughed silly.

Since Junior's cock was slowly sagging between his legs when Dex quit sucking, he suggested that they lock up, get the lights and go up to their bedroom. The other agreed and they performed their usual duties to make the house safe from intruders.

Having stripped, the two young men lay on the bed, so happy to be together, lovers aching to have sex. Dexter asked Junior, "Didn't you think Will was so sexy, really `hot'."

Giving Dex a kiss on his lips, "Yeah, man, he's the hottest on campus. You know, it's funny that he didn't know he was loved all over campus. And, you know what, Dex, I've heard Will practicing on his trumpet in their house. I'll tell you, man, I've never heard anyone better, on any CD or on the radio. He has a fantastic talent for that horn. Wonder why he isn't playing first chair in the band. I'm glad we live just behind their house so we can hear him."

Dexter thought about it. "Well, Junie, remember he is a freshman and probably needs to work his way up. Rick Adams had been there three years already. Right?" He thought of something, "You know that Jackie is so good, too, we heard him in band.

Junior agreed and pulled Dex's naked body against his own, "I love you so much, Dex, I don't think I could love anyone more than you ... I was so scared when my parents found us in the garage in the old car. I was sure I'd get kicked out, and I was, but you were there to take care of me. All that week I'd cry myself to sleep, so worried about what they'd do to me. I was afraid my dad would beat me to a ... actually that he'd kill me." Junior was shaking, his limbs jerking almost as in a fit, but he knew he was okay, and finally calmed down.

Dexter kissed Junie on his eyelids, "Babe, I wouldn't have let him do that. I was all ready to jump him. I know neither of us is big, but you know we are very strong. We could have taken him any day." He then noticed that Junie had tears running down his face. He wiped them from his cheeks with his thumb, "Love, you don't have to worry any more, and since we have such a good friend in Will, I'm sure he will be on our side. He said he'd get us scholarships and I'll bet he will, too."

After that, the conversation in the master bedroom of their house died. Sucking and smacking sounds were prevalent as they made love. They sucked and licked, massaging each other's muscles, but they did nothing anal. Before living together, their activities had to be so quiet and secretive, they never thought of their asses. They knew about ass fucking, but the opportunity never arose. Even with their present freedom, they still didn't accept it as an activity they wanted to try.

Before long, satisfaction calmed them and they fell asleep, setting the alarm clock to get to school on time. Both had a good bicycle which was used to get to the college. The distance was a little too far to walk. A big problem came when they had to ride through rain and snow. Each wished they could afford a car. No money and no way to get that much.

Next: Chapter 49: Dukes of Windsor II 11

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