Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 16, 2023


Disclaimer: This story concerns homosexual men and includes their sexual activities. This tale is entirely fictional. Any similarities to actual people, places or events are purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor, Copyright 2004,2005 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at authorpaul at mail.com. When you write, please put "Dukes" or Dukes of Windsor in the Subject line so I can concentrate of answering mail for the story. Thanks, Paul

The original story of The Dukes of Windsor ended at 38 chapters. These twelve new chapters follow Chapter 37 but one year later. Chapter 38 would still be the end of the story.

Also, I wish to give my grateful thanks to David, Jesse and Tim for assisting me by editing all or part of these chapters. I'll be forever thankful of your help.


With great sadness, I dedicate this portion of Dukes of Windsor to the memory of my best friend and life long love who passed away on December 19, 2005. He was the inspiration and guiding hand for my story and for a major part of my life.

Requiescat in Pace, Jack.

Chapter 4

On the short drive, Greg explained how he had met Hardy Wolfe. "When I was in high school in Columbus, Hardy was a freshman in the same school where I was a senior. We didn't meet until I was set upon by some other seniors. I was small at that time, not athletic or muscular. Those guys decided I was gay and beat me up. I didn't even know I was gay at the time. I was a very late bloomer."

The Pathfinder was moving smoothly on the state road, Rt 15, going directly north to Windsor. "Anyway, Will, Hardy found me behind the gym where they had beat me. I was half unconscious, moaning and crying." Greg was affected by his misfortune just retelling some of it. "It was night and I'd had a band rehearsal that had just let out. I'd left my bicycle behind the gym so I could hop on and pedal home. Hardy at that time had reached his peak of physical development, an Adonis he was, and big."

Will handed Greg a tissue to blow his nose.

"Thanks, Will." He smiled at his 'little man'. "Anyway, he picked me up and carried me to his car. He also decided that I needed to visit the Emergency Room at the nearby hospital. He explained to the doctor what had happened and hoped nothing was terribly wrong."

"I was examined and the bruises and scrapes were bandaged. I didn't have a concussion or worse. But I ached everywhere."

The doctor told us he would have to report this, it was a hate crime.

"We, me and Hardy, decided to do it, but we really should not have. Those seniors who had done it, made my life hell after they got out of Attention Center. They just had their hands patted and were told not to do it again."

"That was when my father and I moved to Bryan. He got me to the YMCA for me to build up my body by exercise. And, my growth spurt finally happened. I went from 6' 0" to 6'2" in one year, and 150 pounds to 180 along with it. Also, I developed a lot of hard muscles. I wanted to go find the guys who beat me up, but my Dad talked me out of it."

Greg was quiet for a moment, "Hardy and I have been friends ever since. He would come to Bryan to see me, and I'd visit him in Columbus. We go camping together and had great times. I never told him I was really gay, but I think he knew it."

"Oh, damn, I missed the driveway. I can turn around at the next farmhouse."

Greg got the Pathfinder around, headed back to the beautiful home Will had noticed.

"Wow, Greg, that's some farm house. Looks like a mansion."

Greg drove up the long driveway with a canopy of oak trees overhead, a cool, dimly lit path, parking beside the house.

Greg got Will out of the SUV and they walked to the wide porch where they rang the bell. The bell this time played part of the Windsor Castle Overture by Haydn.

They could hear someone running toward the door, laughing and talking to someone else back in the house.

"Greg, great to see you. Come on in."

Greg and Hardy shook hands as Greg introduced Will. Will shook but was unable to speak. Hardy was dressed only in a speedo suit and Will was staring at the Adonis like body facing him, muscles everywhere, not huge bulging ones, but clearly defined ones all over, and handsome to boot.

"Hi, Will, glad to meet you and Greg I'm happy you brought him ALL that way." Hardy smiled, "Matt and I are in the pool playing around. So you must come in too. " He put his arm on Will's back and his eyes widened in disbelief. He looked at Greg who knew what Hardy had just discovered.

They walked into the pool room, huge and beautiful, blue sparkling water disturbed by waves from Matt swimming from one end to the other.

"Ah, Hardy, we didn't bring any suits."

"We usually go naked but our two little boys are around somewhere and so is their grandmother, so we are wearing suits. We can easily find suits for you."

Will looked worried about swimming and Greg realized his concern.

"Ah .. Hardy ... Will is wearing a prosthesis on his left leg."

"Hey, that's no problem. Come here, Will."

Will walked to Hardy who suddenly swooped Will up in his arms, carrying him to a lounge, setting him on it.

"Will, Matt is really Dr. Matthew Ridgway, Head of the Music Department," he giggled and whispered, "And my lover."

Matt appeared next to them with a handful of bathing suits.

"Hey, Greg," Matt hollered, "Here are some suits you can try. Don't be bashful, just get some on."

Matt shook hands with Will, sitting on the lounge. He watched as Hardy took Will's clothes off. Will was mesmerized by this man, stunned by his beauty and his fantastic, superhuman body.

After Hardy got the jeans and his shorts off, he took the prosthesis off as if he did it every day. He put his arms under Will's and lifted him without effort to stand on his remaining leg.

Greg had picked out some long, loose shorts which he handed to Hardy.

Hardy looked into Will's eyes, "I'll lift you, Will, don't worry. Lift your good leg and Matt will get the suit on you."

Will couldn't believe what was happening. Two men he'd never met before were handling his naked body, putting a suit on him. Hardy put Will's arm around his shoulder and half carried him to the shallow end where they stepped into the warm water.

They slowly sank into it, Hardy still holding Will.

Will was in a state of an erotic trance, so energized he was by the two men. His Greg was a super body too but not quite like Hardy, yet neither was Matt. Hardy floated farther out in the pool with Will at his side. Will was getting more and more embarrassed because he had a rock hard cock in his shorts. He didn't know quite what to do.

"Hardy," he whispered in Hardy's ear, "I'm sorry but I've got a hard on." He looked frantic.

Hardy pulled Will against him, front to front. He grabbed Will's buttocks to pull his hips against himself. At that point Will felt Hardy's hard cock against his leg. Hardy looked into Will's eyes, "See, Will, I have one too, and it is all right, my friend, it's okay." He gave Will a little kiss on his cheek. "Personally, Will, I think you are gorgeous, probably the hottest one here."

"Will, I'd like to help you adjust to swimming with only one foot. It can be done. I once worked for a physical therapy outfit and learned some of this. Okay?"

Will would have said 'okay' even if Hardy had said he wanted to even up Will's legs, to cut off the good one. He was in such a state of exultation with Hardy and Matt, too. He knew that Greg was telling Matt all about their vacation, meeting each other, Will hurting his good foot and their return to Bryan.

Hardy gripped Will's buttocks, his fingers reaching between them too far. Will cried out from the pain when he did.

Immediately Hardy knew that Greg had fucked Will that morning, or more likely, the previously evening. His eyes glanced at Greg. Greg had heard Will's cry, deducing his asshole still hurt. He smiled with guilt at Hardy, admitting that he had made love to Will. He lift one hand with his forefinger raised.

"I'm sorry, Will, I'll watch where I put my hands."

Will smiled craftily, "Hardy, you can touch me anywhere you want. And I mean it."

Hardy laughed, "You are some tempter, Will."

"Yes, that's what Greg calls be sometimes. What can I say. I'm always horny." He giggled a bit, and grabbed Hardy's body to accent his feelings.

Hardy smiled, but started moving Will around, pushing him onto the surface and holding him there with one hand under his chest and one under his crotch. He had Will move his arms and legs, trying to swim.

"Will, you won't get much power from your left leg, but try to use it to coordinate with your right for some thrust."

Will was having a great time in the pool. Occasionally Hardy would let go so he could swim on his own. And it was working. However, Will was happier with Hardy's hand on his chest and on his crotch. He got his arms around Hardy's neck, pulling their heads together so he could feel Hardy's face against his.

"Hey, Greg, come here, see what Hardy has taught me!" He smiled at Greg, moving his head to get him going.

The four men played in the pool for an hour or so, then lay on lounges at pool side.

"Will, would you tell me about your accident, please? We'll let Greg and Matt get more acquainted." He faced Will, "Did Greg tell you about my finding him all beat up."

"Yes, Hardy, and my thanks go out to you. Greg and I were having sex in our hotel room when my parents burst in. They finally told me I had no more home with them, I was kicked out."

Hardy sat on Will's lounge with him, holding him close to comfort him. They talked together for another hour. Will admitted to Hardy that he and Greg had anal sex the previous night.

"I was so great, Hardy, my first time. But in the morning it really was sore. Greg gave me a tube of stuff which did help a lot. I'll put some on again later."

"Hey, Greg, I hear you messed up your little friend last night."

"Don't you believe it, Hardy. I wanted to quit but he wouldn't let me. I fixed him up."

"Well, he needs your fix again."

"Will and Greg, when you got here I called some people whom you haven't met and we're going to have a cookout this afternoon whenever they get here. They are part of the Dukes ...."

"Wow, Hardy, they are so great, I was at Sylvania High School when you played there." He blushed, "Of course, Hardy, you were the hottest one there." The rest laughed while Hardy reddened all over.

"Gee, thanks, Will, I really needed that." He affected an angry scowl which Will didn't believe because Hardy's cock was still hard as a rock and big as a ball bat.

"The people coming will want to swim so we'll just stay in our outfits. And, I want everyone to get a look at Will and his gymnastics body, best one I've ever seen, Will." Hardy hugged Will, running his hands up and down Will's chest. "Man, Matt, just look at all these muscles, so fine on a smaller man." He kissed Will's cheek as they heard the yells and shouting from a number of young people.

"Where's the party, huh? Hardy, where are you, we're here to party." Suddenly three young men and a young woman appeared at the pool room door. "Hey, we got company. That's great!"

Will looked at the woman, gorgeous, slim and curved in all the right places. Girls didn't actually excite Will, but he could appreciate beauty when he saw it. He then noticed a huge young man, he looked like a moose. He wasn't surprised when he found out that his name was Moose. Another young man, about his own age, was introduced as Mike, Moose's brother and partner.

Will didn't want to stand up because his cock was still hard and big. Of course his amputated leg allowed him the privilege of staying seated. Chris, the Duchess of The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, sat beside Will, talking a mile a minute about their performance at Sylvania the previous year. She told Will that she had been married the previous June in England and her title was Lady Ballard of Ballard House. She said the Queen of England was a guest at her wedding. Will could only gasp.

"Will, would you mind terribly if I touched your leg?" She was all sympathy, but really cared, too.

"No, Chris, that's fine." He almost said 'touch anything you want to', but he knew she'd seen his erection even in the baggy shorts. She softly caressed Will's stump, making it feel so good, the best since he hurt it.

The third man in the part was Rick Adams, a shorter young man like himself and cute as a bear. He apologized because his partner had to work today, he was down south pickin' cotton. The whole place roared with laughter.

Rick whispered to Will, "I was kidding, Will, you see, my partner is a black man and I have to tease him sometimes. He's really visiting his parents in Windsor. Maybe he will come later." He smiled, "He's gorgeous, Will, wait til you see."

The party was continuing as more and more people arrived to celebrate whatever they were celebrating. Hardy stayed by Will, introducing the others as they came. He also talked to Will about the possible course work he could get at Windsor. His major would be Physical Therapy with a minor of pediatric psychology, anatomy and physiology.

"Man, Hardy, that sounds great, just what I want. Thanks you so much. I can't wait to start."

"Will, I'm pretty sure that a man will be coming who is the Dean of the Arts and Sciences at Windsor. He is the foster father of two you met earlier, Moose and little Matt. We say that for Matt Monahan to keep track of him with Matt Ridgway."

Dean McAllister walked in just then, and headed for Hardy and Will. He looked eager, anxious to meet Will.

"I'm Dean McAllister, normally called Hamish, and you must be Will Gooding." They shook hands. "I'm very pleased to meet you and hear that you will be coming to Windsor. I was told you know Greg Gooding well, and he is your cousin. Great."

"I'm pleased to meet you, Dean, thanks for coming to see me." Will was very grateful, well worth the trip.

"I don't know how much Hardy told you, but I think we should be able to provide you with the education you need. He said you wanted to be trained to help other people with amputations, especially young people. Right?" The Dean was right on with what Will desired in an education.

"Exactly, Dean, that's just what I want. My high school grades were the highest in my class, I received a state trophy for Floor Exercise in Gymnastics, and President of the band. It was after graduation that this happened." Will indicated with his hand that he meant his loss of a leg. Hamish couldn't help the sympathetic look on his face, the tragedy of this gymnast's career ended.

"I think, Will, that we also may be able to offer courses in psychology which would be helpful with amputees. I'm sure you would have a terrific insight into those problems." He smiled warmly, patted Will's shoulder, "I'm hoping we can be friends." He leaned over Will and planted a light kiss on his forehead. He then realized he shouldn't have done that, Will looked as if he were going to cry.

"Hey, Moose and Matt, get over here. Will, I want you to really meet my foster sons, and are they a handful." He laughed, "These guys aren't really my sons, Will, I adopted them when their parents threw them out of the house after they learned they were gay and in love with each other." He smiled tenderly, "I love them as if they were mine." There were tears in his eyes as he watch the boys work their way through the crowd of partiers.

"Moose, and Mike, I know you have shaken hands with Will, but you need to really meet him. He will be going to Windsor this fall and we'll invite him to our home frequently." Moose reached down, slid his hands under Will's buttocks and picked him up to hold him in his arms. "I get tired bending over so much, Will. Is this okay for you?" Will nodded okay, he liked the feel of Moose's hands under his butt. At least he wasn't hurting his butt. Maybe he'd been warned.

Will sat straight, smiling, looking closely at Moose. "Why are you named Moose, Moose?"

Moose turned suddenly to his brother, Mike, "It's all his fault. When he was a little kid, he started calling me Moose, and everybody else did too." He blushed, "Actually, I used it too."

Mike spoke up, "Will, we heard you were kicked out too, just as we were. And now you have a cousin who is taking care of you. Moose and I took care of ourselves, but we are way much better off now with Dad McAllister. He bent down to whisper into Will's ear, "He lets us do what we want, and he even bought me a car!"

"Hey, that's the greatest, Mike. I'm going to have to work on Greg for a car. Oh, heck, I forgot to ask your father if I could get a scholarship or two."

"Hey, Dad," Mike yelled, "Are you going to get Will a free college ride like me? You should, you know, poor little crippled boy, no one to love him or take him on walks in his little red wagon."

"Yeah, I've heard of your Little Red Wagings." The dean started roaring as did Will and the rest of the crowd. They started applauding Matt and Will. Will took no offense at Matt's description of him. He loved it and might work it on Greg some day.

Matt was talking to Greg, "We are happy to have you here, Greg, we'd love to have you stay overnight, we have a spare bed room for you and Will. Please say you will. We are planning to party quite a while tonight as the crowd thins, and we can feed you too. You won't be able to meet Gramma or our two little boys tonight, they are in Columbus. The boys are watching Gramma beat a lot of old farts playing golf at her golf club there."

"I'll ask Will, Matt, I know he will want to. But we didn't bring anything with us."

"Greg, we have plenty of new toothbrushes, soap and towels and shaving equipment. I'm sure you could wear my clothes and Will could go naked as far as I'm concerned." Matt laughed, "And I'm not kidding, Greg. How did he ever get that body? When did he start gymnastics?"

"Freshman year in high school." Greg sighed, "Matt, I don't know how he has done it, his gymnastics career in ruins, his life under a terrible strain with his parents, and he still can be a delight to me. Some day I'll tell you how we met. Quite a coincidence. But we do love each other, more every day. I guess we are another Moose and Mike."

Matt nodding, "They are a pair too. Young people amaze me all the time, Greg, what they can accomplish is wonderful." He stood, "Is that a yes, Greg?"

Greg nodded yes and hugged Matt, who hugged back and even kissed Greg's cheek.

The evening in Windsor at the Dukes Ranch with Hardy and Matt had been a pleasure and pure enjoyment. They stayed in their bathing suits all the time, actually saving the clothes they'd worn up. So they wouldn't have to borrow clothes. Hardy told them they were staying in Brian and Ted's room. He suggested that Will take a pair of Ted's boxers while Greg could have a pair of Brian's. He whispered to them that Brian had half a billion dollars of his own. 'He can afford it.'

Both of them enjoyed the wonderful bathroom and huge shower in that room.

"Greg, isn't this super, what a way to live." He blushed, "Not that I don't love your place, Greg, it's super, and it is ours."

Hardy had brought them a plastic chair so Will could sit in the shower and Greg wouldn't have to hold him all the time."

They had found shorts for bed that fit them just fine.

"Will, please drop your shorts, I want to medicate you asshole again. I noticed it was bothering you tonight."

Will did as he asked and lay on his stomach on the bed. "Hardy didn't know and hurt in once, and then later Moose, just a little."

Will reached back with both hands to pull his cheeks apart so Greg could see his sore place.

"Will, you do look better, but I think another dose of medication will help a lot." He squeezed an inch of it on his finger, spread it on and inside his anus. It also went around the aureola, a deep red then, still a bit swollen. He squeezed another inch and forced open the lips to slide it into the opening, extending through the sphincter to coat the inner wall.

Greg finished and wiped his fingers. "Now, Willie, that should hold your love hole."

After sliding under the sheets, Greg and Will cuddled and held each other.

"Isn't it wonderful," Will gushed, "how those men are gay and yet they manage very well." He paused, "Oh, I'm glad we got to see Rick's lover, Jamal. What a beautiful black man!"

"Yes, wasn't he hot? Do you suppose he has a foot long cock like they say."

Will smirked, "I ask Rick about that. He said no, but it is uncut, not circumcised, the first one he'd seen."

"That is no longer a rarity, love, really doesn't need to be done."

Will grabbed Greg soft cock, "Well, I like us the way we are. And, I want to suck you tonight, sweets, and then we won't mess up the bed sheets, I'll just eat it." He grinned happily, lustful and eager.

While cuddling, the two hungry men took each other's soft cock and work them into real hot rods, straight. A lot straighter than they were, hot and steaming and oozing precum, sliding that slick juice over the cock heads. Will was trying to suck all Greg's precum from his cock, squeezing it from base to head again and again. He was smoothing the slippery juice around his head with his little finger, when his little finger slid right into Greg's piss slit, all the way up to his first knuckle.

"Whoa, little man, what are you trying to do? I don't put anything into my urethra," he sighed, "but, damn that feels good to me, little Will, keep going."

Will kept trying to stick his whole finger inside Greg's cock, it felt so sexy to him, too. Will's little finger was thin and slender, but he couldn't get it past the second knuckle. The sensual feeling on his finger made him so hot he wanted to come.

Greg put his hand on Will's head, brushing his hair back, "Will, maybe you better pull it out before we do an injury."

Will didn't want to take it out, but did what Greg said.

"Oh, Greg, that felt so wild, I felt my finger was into part of your inner self. Never thought of that, but certainly didn't want to hurt you, babe. You are mine and I wouldn't want you damaged, especially anything to do with your big cock there which I love beyond reckoning." He went on eagerly, "And all the time we've been here we could hold hands, kiss and hug without being in trouble. The ones like the Dean and Chris who aren't gay, sure take it well." He gave a smile, "Of course, they were far out numbered."

Will turned around on the bed to put his head at Greg's cock and Greg did the same to Will's. They used their tongues to excite the cock head and inside the urethra, licking up the precum. Will had been so excited sexually all day and evening that he was ready to cum as soon as Greg took him into his mouth. His tongue circled the head and shaft. As soon as Greg tried to stick his tongue into Will's urethra, Will yelled.

"Oh god, GG, that's too much, I'm cuming, I'm cuming." Will raised his hips off the bed, tight and tense, shaking and breathing heavily when his clots of cum filled Greg's mouth. Greg kept it in his mouth, only swallowing when he had to. He ran the slippery fluid around his tongue, loving the taste of his lover's juice. Will fell back to the bed, but Greg followed him down, keeping the melting cock in his mouth where his tongue still swiped.

After they had rested, Will told Greg,"Now I'll get your cum in my mouth. Roll over."

Greg turned over to reveal a very soft and deflated cock.

"Greg, what happened? Where did it go?"

Smiling, Greg rolled over on top of Will. "Willie, I'm sorry, but when you shot in my mouth, I shot on the bed. I know, I've made a mess. Maybe we can fix it. I've heard that this bed has more action than a hundred room whore house."

Greg looked in both closet, finding fresh, clean sheets, ready for the bed. He had Will stand holding on to the headboard and changed their wet sheet for a new one. Both were eager to get back in bed, nestle and go to sleep.

In the morning Greg and Will got up pretty early. Will woke first, looked at Greg's face and couldn't resist kissing his soft, shiny lips, running his tongue between them. He caressed Greg's pecs, lightly haired and licked both nipples. His hands traveled down Greg's chest, arriving in his crotch soothing Greg's cock and balls. By the time he had Greg's cock plumped up and stretched and his balls warmed and pampered, keeping those little fellas in good shape, Greg was awake and watching Will with a adoring smile on his face.

"Mornin', love, I've enjoyed your crawl down my body, but I need a shower and you do too." He smiled and flipped his cock up and down, "He'll be all right, Willie, just give him time."

"Hey, G-G, would you please take a look at my ass, okay?"

Since Will was lying on his stomach, Greg leaned over his ass and caressed it, beautiful, sexy and perfect. "It's still the best ass in the state, or maybe the country."

"G-G, I appreciate your admiration, but I wanted you to check my anus, see if it is recovered." He did look serious, not joking, he really wanted to know.

Greg parted Will's buttocks, stared at Will's anus and surrounding tissue. He realized that it was much less bruised and lighter in color. He could see why Will felt much better, and he assumed that Will would like to be loved again by Greg's cock..

Greg kissed those so handsome cheeks, all over, loving the smooth texture of them and Will's male aromas, the scent of his most loved one. Then his tongue reached inside the crevice with his face behind, to locate the wrinkled lips there.

"Oh, god, G-G, that's killing me, man, you are shaking my feelings with such erotic sensations. Hon, please, let's shower and you will put your cock inside me."

"Will, my love, I would do anything you wanted, except that. Hon, you need to recover more, babe, you would hurt a lot more that the first time. I think we should shower, dress and get out of here. These people should have work to go to and ...... "

Greg broke off as someone rapped at their door, "Yes?"

"Greg, it's Hardy. We're waiting for you. Breakfast is almost ready. So as soon as ... "

Greg stopped Hardy. "Would you come in, please. I need some advice."

The door opened to reveal Hardy on the other side.

Will started to complain that he was naked.

"That's the idea, Will. Come here, Hardy, though you might close the door first."

The door shut, Hardy walked over to the bed. "What's the problem."

"Will won't like this, but I need to tell you what we've done." He leaved over to kiss Will on his butt. "The thing is, Hardy, that Will and I made love last night, in fact Will lost his virginity. This morning he was hurting pretty bad, and though I did put some salve on his anus, he still hurts a litte bit and ....."

"Greg, geez, is this the confessional?" Will was joking, yet a little twisted by his revelations.

"Calm down, Will, it will be fine, I just want Hardy to take a look and see how your rear end is doing."

Greg moved down to hold Will's buttocks, spreading them so Hardy could see in the dark recessive trench. Hardy poked around a little with his finger, caressing to determine the recovery. Then, he even surprised Greg when he leaned over and ran his tongue over the anus and surrounding tissue, using taste and feel on his tongue. He sat up, let the cheeks return to their normal shape, using both hands to stroke those globes of youthful flesh with skin so soft and smooth, no hair at all, even inside the trench.

"Greg, would you let Will sit up to come beside me?" With both of them moving Will around, Hardy soon had the boy solidly fix firmly on his lap. He did note that Will's cock was fully erected, long and thick, even oozing precum.

"This is just like in the pool last night, Will, your cock was hard and you found out my cock was hard too. I am totally affected by you, your looks, your body and cowboy parts, and your muscularity, just as Greg is, right?" Greg nodded. "We can all be affected by what we consider a sexual being near us. You are very young, relatively, and you need to take things slowly and gradually. From what you've said, you loved it when Greg made love to you in a new and monumental way. Right?"

Will grinned broadly, still a little embarrassed. "Hardy, it was the most wonderful night of my life. Even better than winning the state championship, or my first cum." He thought, "Well, maybe my first cum was a little .... no, better than that."

"Will, the rest of your life with Greg, having your body loved like that will only get better and better. It will be easier on you physically and more deeply emotional and increase your love together." Hardy hugged Will in his arms, "And you are a person whom others will love in their hearts, even if you never actually meet."

Hardy kissed Will on his lips with all the sexuality at his command, "That said, be sure you stay with Greg, he is the man for you. I know it. You will never go wrong. But you must love him with all your heart and soul, keeping his trust and his love."

Hardy then requested, "Will, one thing I desire from you now, would you stand up and let me just look at you all over. Can do?" Will nodded.

Will tried to get off Hardy's lap and did with Hardy's help. Greg also rose to hold Will steady on his single foot.

Will felt a little silly, but would do anything Hardy wanted him to do. Hardy avidly looked and felt the young man's body, the brilliant muscularity, the smooth creamy skin, his red conspicuous nipples, so peaked and perfect. Very lightly, Hardy ran one hand down Will's stump, just sensing the limb which used to be there. He followed his eyes to the rear where he caressed Will's buttocks.

"Greg, this sensational backside is very familiar to me, a certain statue of a certain friend of mind is a perfect copy. When you come up next time, Greg, I want to compare Will and the statue together. " He started for the door, "I've probably made you late for breakfast, but there will be plenty because I haven't eaten yet. See you downstairs." He waved and shut the door.

On Monday when Greg reached his workplace, he wasn't met at the door. The others in the crew were working on the vehicles, checking equipment outside, and equipment inside the patient bay making sure all the medical supplies were as they should be. The three EMT trucks were lined up outside the big door in the sun where the washing had taken place. Greg decided his first job would be to check on the work being done.

Ben Barnheiser was working on Unit #2 cleaning all of the outside, detailing, too. He noticed Greg was coming to inspect. Ben realized that he was still on probation and would be for three more months, and he also knew that Greg was the one to decide whether he passed.

"Looking good, there, Ben, keep it up. Would you also check all the interior and exterior lights to be sure they worked? Especially the dash lights which we need so badly."

"Right, boss, will do. Anything else?"

"I think that's it for now."

"How's you cousin working out?" He emphasized the word 'cousin' sarcastically, as if he didn't believe Will really was a cousin.

Greg gave Ben a strange look, then, "My cousin, Will, is working out just fine. Why?"

Ben stuttered, "I ... I ... I was just wondering, boss, that's all."

"He's doing well, Ben, you seem to think about him doubtfully." Greg stressed his next statement, "He is my cousin, Ben, no matter what you think." He hesitated, almost taking it to a higher level with this smart ass. He decide not to do so, and calmly said, "I think you better get back to work." The voice was cold as ice, not something Ben liked to hear.

'Oh, shit,' Ben was thinking, 'I'd better be careful.'

And Greg was thinking, 'One more remark like that and he's out, I mean out.'

That next time occurred sooner than either would have thought. Ben was stupid, but unlucky too. He was talking to Ross Horton in the lav where each had gone to take a pee. They were talking about the work, their emergency calls the previous day.

For some crazy reason, Ben asked Ross, "Hey Ross, what to do you think Greg and Will get up to at night? Maybe more than cousins would do. Maybe screwing around?" Ben had a lustful smile on his face, a slyly nasty one.

Ross didn't answer right away. "Ben, I knew you were stupid, but not that dumb. Greg is a fine man no matter what and wouldn't do anything he shouldn't. You are a certifiable shithead, hope you can find another job."

He put himself back in his pants, zipped up and left the room.

Ben finished and did the same, shutting the door.

Two minutes later in that same room, a toilet flushed, a fly was zipped and belt buckled. The door of the cubicle opened, revealing Greg Gooding inside. Greg's face was a study in anger and disgust, his eyes filled with hate and distaste. He was thinking, 'I can't kill him, but I can get rid of him. He's not going to be able to do anything right in the next three months. I'll see to that.'

Greg, back in his office, asked Eddie to come in and shut the door.

"Eddie, I just heard something in the john that has me shook." He told Eddie exactly what he heard and who said it. "Ed, my friend, I don't think I can stand that man in my outfit. Could we move him out, transfer him somewhere?"

Eddie felt sorry for his friend and boss, Ben was a stupid idiot with no class at all. But, he didn't know how they could get rid of him without a battle before his probation was up.

"Greg, I don't know who would take him, maybe the City Trash Department. I tell you, I sure wouldn't want him doing anything to help me medically, even if I were dying." He furrowed his forehead and frowned, "Tell you what, I'll do some thinking and will be checking the regs. Must be something we can do. Try not to worry about it, Greg, I'll take care of it. Okay?"

Greg reached out and put his hand on Eddie's shoulder. He smiled, "Well, Big Guy, I'll do that and put another star in your crown. Thanks."

They stood, Greg's arm around Eddie's shoulders, "Man, I don't know what I'd do without, you know? I know all that you do and appreciate every bit of it. Wish I could give you a pay raise. But ..... "He shrugged, "I will when I can, old man. You sure save my ass all the time."

"Hey, wait a minute. Will was going to the park and do some painting or drawing or whatever he does. I can't believe his talent. He's the greatest." He seemed a little worried, "I don't know when he was going back home, I'd appreciate it if you would go to the house now and wait for him. I'd like to take him out for dinner when I go, then I'll get him home again. He should get home in about an hour so would you wait for him, get him dressed up and bring him back here. Okay, pal?"

"Sure, boss," he immediately said, "hey, could I get a shower at your house, it's so much better than in the station?"

"That's fine, Eddie, take your time. Loads of hot water." He grinned, "Though by the time you clean that whole, huge body, it might be gone." He slapped Eddie on the back, "Have a good time, man."

As Eddie left for Greg's house, a 5 minute drive, Will was leaving the park, carrying his big paper folder and his box of pastel chalk. His mind was on the paintings he accomplished, he was pleased with them. He was also pleased that no one bothered him in the park, only a few men and women jogged through without noticing him.

Will opened the outside door of their house, walked toward the bathroom, when he was shocked to see the bathroom door open. 'No one should be in here. Is it Greg?' Within five seconds Eddie walked out of the bathroom, stark naked, with his huge, hard cock leading the way.

"Oh." Will choked down a yell, but put his hands over his mouth. "Oh, Eddie," then he turned to go back to the living room. He hollered, "I'm sorry, Eddie, I didn't know you would be here. Please forgive me."

Eddie walked into the living room, just as he was, still erect. He smiled at Will, "Well, you wondered if I was big all over, now you know." Will shyly raised his head, opened his eyes, and grinned.

"My god, Eddie, you ARE big all over." He looked into Eddie's eyes, "And, I thank you for letting me see, even though you almost shocked the shit out of me, man."

Will was still amazed at the long, thick cock still aroused, just twitching with his pulse.

"My god, Eddie, how long is it?"

"Geez, Will, I've never measured it, never thought I needed to."

Will shot up to the desk across the room, picked out a ruler. "This is a foot long ruler, will that be long enough, Ed?" He was grinning smartly, proud of his joke.

"Well, come on, if you are going to, Will, Ed Junior won't stay full up much longer."

Will laid the ruler along the underside of Eddie's mammoth cock, then took a reading of the length. "My god, Eddie, your cock is 9 inches long. I can't believe it. I've never seen one that long." Then he giggled, "I've only seen mine, Greg's, and one friend in high school."

Eddie wondered hopefully, "And I'm bigger than them all? Right?"

Will stood up in front of Eddie, "Oh, yes, Eddie, that's the truth." Boldly, he reached out and bounced Eddie's huge cock on his fingers.

Immediately, Eddie removed Will's hand from his cock, he looked fierce at Will, "That is not for you to do, Will, I'm sorry, but you are Greg's and that's the way it is." He finally smiled at Will, "Sorry, but you are too young for me anyway."

Will slowly looked at Eddie's eyes, "I'm sorry too, Eddie, I knew I shouldn't have done that, but the devil got me." He smiled a little, "Eddie, you do like me?' Will frowned a little.

"Of course I like you Will, I'd be completely senseless if I didn't." Eddie was serious.

Will, still smiling, "Maybe you love me, Eddie, like I love you." He almost simpered.

Eddie didn't answer right away. He turned to look into Will's face, his own face a paradox of love and concern, "I do love you, Will, I couldn't help myself, but please don't tell Greg, let it be our secret." Eddie was really worried, he'd never want to hurt Greg.

Will looked strangely at Eddie, "It might help things if you maybe got dressed, Eddie." He smiled at his new friend, still staring at Eddie's penis, now drooping.

Eddie looked down at himself in surprise. "Oh, god, Will, I'm so sorry. I'll get dressed."

"Don't hurry on my account," Will blushed, "I rather liked seeing you." He grinned shamelessly, "Can I come and watch you dress, Eddie?"

"Sure, little man, you have to get dressed too, we're going out to eat with Greg."

On Tuesday Greg and Eddie had a call to a house that Greg knew was just a couple houses away from Ted's father's place. He didn't want to go near that area, but they had to go. At the house where the call was made, they walked up the sidewalk to the front door. It was a house similar to Ted's father's. Before they could get there, the large front door opened to reveal an old woman looking desolate and frightened.

"Oh, I'm glad you came so quickly. It's my husband in the living room. He has emphysema, but hasn't been breathing very well."

"I'm Greg and this is Ed, we'll be glad to try to help your husband. May we come in?"

She looked a little dazed herself, but finally, "Oh, sorry, please come in."

The little old lady led them into the living room where her husband lay on the couch, looking quite pale, not very responsive.

"Your husband has been using the oxygen for a long while, is that right?"

"Yes, a few years, and it usually helps him a lot." He turned to Eddie, "You check his airway, Ed, and I'll take blood pressure." Within five minutes they decided that he was not in too bad shape, but he wasn't getting the oxygen. Eddie started to check the tube from the oxygen source to see if it was all right.

"How long has be been like this? Quite a while?"

She shook her head, "No, it has just been this morning." She still looked worried.

"I found it, Greg, the oxygen tube was kinked coming from the bottle, and hardly any air could have gotten through. Look, his face is pinking up quickly."

The old man was conscious and talking intelligently. "Thank you so much" When they told him what had happened, "We will watch that in the future, thanks."

Greg and Eddie returned to their unit, completed the report and Greg started them back to the station. Suddenly his eye spotted Ted driving into his father's driveway. Greg slammed on his brakes, stopping right at the end of that driveway. He got out quickly and was beside Ted's car door before he could get out.

"Roll down your window, Ted." Greg was trying to be very calm. "I'm not going to beat you up, Ted, just talk to me."

Slowly the window came down but not all the way. "What do you want, Greg?"

"You knew that Will was my cousin, you heard him with the librarian. What were you trying to do, seduce him or something?" Greg's face was now fierce, his eyes angry and furious.

"Shit, Greg, I wouldn't do that. He's just a kid. I figured he had a prosthesis on his leg and just wanted to see it. Then he yelled for Miss Trenchant, little fart."

"Ted, that was good when you helped him down the stairs outside, but why were you pulling him to your car? So hard that he fell down?" Greg was getting angrier.

"Greg, I was going to give him a ride home."

"Didn't anything about his actions tell you he didn't want to go with you? He looked like he was holding back with all his strength and was just pulled off his foot." Greg took a deep breathe. "Ted, I'm not going to get into a battle with you, just understand I don't want to see you again, at my home or anywhere. I want you to stay away from Will from now on. I'll do my best to see that he never needs your help, so don't offer."

"Okay, Greg, if that's the way you want it. I still wonder how you got a cousin so quick when you never had one before."

"I will explain that to you if only to keep you from trying gossip about something that isn't so. My father has a brother who lives in Sylvania with his family. I didn't even know I had a cousin, my Dad never said anything about one. Will lost most of his left leg in a car accident last May in Sylvania. After that his attitude turned very sour, his parents couldn't handle him. So I was asked to take him in to see what I could do. We had never met, I mean never, didn't know the other existed. So, that's what happened." Greg had cooled off a little, "How's you Dad doing Ted, any more heart attacks?"

"No, he's recovering well and since I'm being so good, he has no fits any more."

"Ted, I'm still recovering from your decision to stay with him, but should mend soon. Having Will to care for will help." He decided to end this conversation. "Good-bye, Ted, good-bye for good."

Greg walked back to his Unit and left with Eddie. He knew that Ted was watching him, he hoped that Ted won't cause trouble. And hoping he wouldn't have to see him again. Between Ben and Ted, Greg was concerned about the future for him in Bryan, he would hate to have to leave. A job would not be a problem, though, since good EMTs are in short supply. He was tempted to check if Windsor might possibly need some.

The Emergency Medical Technicians of Bryan Fire Department had decided to have a party for their groups with wives and/or significant others behind the station where a grove of trees surrounded a pleasant lawn area. The picnic place had a large brick grill and long tables and benches for serving and eating, plus a basketball backboard and horseshoe stakes.

Greg and Eddie were in charge of the event, purchasing the food, arranging for drinks for all, nothing harder than beer. All five crews were invited, though the on-call crew had to be ready for a run if necessary. They were dressed appropriately, their unit ready to go. Of course they weren't allowed to have beer, just pop. Not everyone came, but most did. Five crews would be 25 men with five crew bosses plus all the guests. For the most part they were compatible, if not close friends.

The day of the picnic came when Greg's crew would be off so they had free time to set everything up. Greg and Will woke up early fortunately because Will wanted to play before they had to dress and get ready to go. The picnic wouldn't start until noon but Greg and crew needed to be at the station as early as possible.

"Aw, Greg, it's only six o'clock now, we'll have plenty of time if we leave by seven. Right?"

Will had stretched himself on top of Greg's naked body, holding on tight while he made his pelvis push against his cousin's crotch and cock in a repetitive movement so their cocks slid in their pre-cum together, bringing their excitement to a high pitch.

"Will, you know we are bossing the whole thing and need to be there first. Believe me," Greg kissed Will's lips tenderly, sliding his tongue along his partner's lips, "I promise I will take good care of you when we get home this evening. Promise!" Greg gripped Will's buttocks with both hands, squeezing them erotically as his fingers trailed between them.

"Oh, Greg, I'll never get my dick to come down to get in my pants." He whined, "What will I do."

Holding his lover tightly, Greg decided they had time for him to relieve Will of his load, which he did quickly and lovingly.

By noon everything for the picnic was ready and waiting for the guests. Captain Whisler was a whiz at grilling steaks done just the way you want them, so he had been doing that for a half hour, greeting people as they arrived. Greg was also playing host, welcoming their crews and their friends. He was also introducing Will at the same time, or letting him introduce himself, especially to the wives of the crew members he knew.

When he saw Randy Bobbitt, one of Greg's crew members, with a lovely woman, he limped over their way.

"Hi, Randy, would you introduce me." He tilted his head at Randy's wife, hinting.

"Sure, Will," he turned to his wife, "Nadine, this is Greg's cousin, Will Gooding, who is living with him until he starts college this fall. Will, this is Nadine, my wife." Randy smiled at both of them as they shook hands and said 'how do' back and forth.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Nadine, I've enjoyed being around Greg's crew and watching them work. They are so professional and caring." He looked into her beautiful, "My only question is 'how did Randy ever entice you to marry him. He's so quiet most of the time."

Nadine also smiled sweetly, "Actually, Will, I asked him because I was afraid he'd never get around to asking me. He is a little bashful, don't you think? But cute!"

Randy immediately turned red in his face and from the neck down, shown by his strong arms. Will didn't check his legs below his shorts, but would have bet they'd be red, too.

"Will, she just beat me by a few hours. I was planning to ask her that night when we went out to dinner at a fancy place." When he looked at Nadine, there was no question that they were so in love. He turned to Will, "Could I tell her about you, just a bit?"

"Sure, Randy, go ahead."

Randy proceeded to tell Nadine about Will's gymnastic career and his accident and loss of his leg. He also explained that because of the accident and such, Greg had been asked to care for him until he got to college.

"Will, I'm sorry you have had to go through all that, but you seem to be holding up okay."

Will smiled brightly at her, enjoying her beauty, "Thanks, Nadine, but I've recovered a lot since Greg has been taking care of me. He's the greatest." He still wondered how plain-looking Randy ever won the fair lady, a real puzzle. He grinned to himself, 'maybe, just maybe he's got a huge love tool'.

"Well, I know that his crew thinks the world of him, and therefore of you, too." She turned to Randy, "Isn't that right, honey?"

Randy had been staring at Will, admiring his beauty, too, "What, oh yes, we all think he's the greatest. He's Greatest Greg to us." There was just the slightest bit of irony in his remark. He hugged his wife as if he needed to apologize for staring at Will. He thought, 'that kid has the hottest ass I've seen. Would that have attracted Greg?' He had heard a little about Greg maybe being gay but nothing specific.

Will went to the barrels of pop sitting in ice water, searched for a ginger ale, his favorite. His right hand was almost numb by the time he fished the pop out. He hadn't noticed Ben Barnheiser appear next to him.

"Hi, Will," he whispered, looking around to see who was close. "You got a really hot ass, Willie, and if you ever rent it out, I'd like a taste." He gave a sinister and lustful glance at the subject of his remark.

Will seethed, trying to think of a good retort, "Yes, Ben, but you couldn't afford me even if you were the last man on earth." Will looked around and saw Eddie by the grill, "Maybe you'd like to ask Eddie if he'd rent his out. I don't think he'd do much but KILL you. Here, I'll call him over for you. Hey, Eddie, come here would you?" Will wasn't surprised that Ben slithered away before Eddie got there.

"What's up, Will." Eddie was in a good mood and Will hated to bring him down but he had to.

"Well, ol' Ben there made a proposition for me. He said he thought my ass was really hot and asked if I rent it out. He'd like some." As he watched, Eddie turned ten shades of red.

"Wait, Eddie, don't do anything now, please. We'll get him later, please?" He tried to restrain Eddie from moving to Ben. Actually Eddie only stopped because he decided Will was right.

Eddie nodded his head, "Yes, Willie, you are right. We'll wait and plan something good for Mr. Barnheiser." He thought a moment, "And, Will, we need to tell Greg, he should know."

"You're right."

Greg was furious with Ben Barnheiser when he heard what he'd done. Fortunately, Eddie and Will didn't tell him until the party was over about 7 pm. He calmed down by the time they had gotten home, but Will knew he was plotting and planning to do something about Ben.

A few days later, Greg was working with his crew at the station, checking equipment and washing and polishing, too. The men worked well together except for Ben. He was lazy and avoided work as much as he could with a panoply of excuses from a hangnail to a rupture or that his balls ached.

Greg, himself, was trying to decide who he wanted on his crew to replace Ben, even though he hadn't work out how he would get rid of him. He was also working on time sheets so they agreed with the men's records. Suddenly the P.A. blared, "Crew C on deck, Crew C on deck."

Greg jumped up, yelled for Eddie and headed for their unit. Soon Greg heard that Eddie was on another run and he should take Randy Bobbitt. Randy ran to the truck, jumped in, started the truck and waited for the address on their speaker. "Crew C, proceed to West Maple, number 821, just beyond crossing road, Merritt Drive. Man may be having heart attack."

Greg answered, repeating the address, then, "Thanks, on our way."

Greg and Randy looked at each other, frowning with hard set mouths. Neither said anything, Greg knew that it was the address of Ted Pierce's father, his big house in the neighborhood of big old houses.

Greg though viciously, 'Oh shit, I don't want to get near the man, damn it, I hate him, but I guess I must'. He looked at Randy, "Randy this guy has been nasty to me ever since I've known him, calling me vile names, the shithead. You will probably have to take care of him. I'll go in with you and then we'll see."

"Oh, sure, Greg, I'll do my best."

The men arrived at the address within 10 minutes, coming to a sudden stop in front of the house which showed no lights that they could see. Grabbing their bags of equipment and medications, they hurried from the drive to the front porch.

Greg banged on the front door, and yelled for Mr. Pierce to open it. No one responded. He again battered the door, listening carefully, but heard nothing. Then he knew what he had to do. Reaching to the mailbox, he pushed it to one side and found the hiding place for the house key Of course Greg would remember where that was, many times having come with Ted who almost always forgot his key.

Randy stared at Greg, wondering how he knew the key was there. He figured it out that Greg would have been at the house before. "Go ahead, Greg, if it gets us inside, we'll be that much farther ahead with this call." He followed Greg inside after he had opened the door with the hidden key.

They had no trouble finding Mr. Jacob Pierce, since he was lying, motionless, though his eyes searched for whoever entered his house. He finally found the EMTs standing over him, then saw one of them was Greg Gooding.

He whispered, "You! You get out of here." Jacob Pierce fought the fatigue from his heart attack, "You fuckin' shit, get out of this house." His face was white as chalk.

Greg motioned to Randy, "You heard that, right? I'll leave and get the stretcher. You are going to have to handle this, Randy, I'll wait for you on the porch." Greg turned, "Just as you ask, Mr. Pierce, I'm leaving. Have a good day!" He nodded to Randy, "Holler if he is unconscious and I'll help."

Randy nodded and started his routine. After a few minutes he called for Greg, "He's obviously had a heart attack and I think we should transport him right away."

From the porch, Greg slid the stretcher into the foyer. Randy awkwardly worked Mr. Pierce onto it and dragged it to the porch. At that point Greg grabbed one end and they hurried him to the truck, heading for the hospital as soon as possible, leaving the man in their care.

Before going back at the station Greg and Randy drove to the Pierce home again to be sure it was secure. Once they got to the door, Greg took the hidden key and again opened the door.

"Randy, I'd like to look around and you can help to make sure there's nothing dangerous in the place which could damage it. Maybe we can get an idea of the cause of the heart attack if there was a reason outside his body."

They separated to look over the whole house. Greg entered what looked like an office on the main floor, checking it out. He first saw a lot of financial papers spread out across the desk top.

"Here it is, Randy, look at this statement from the bank. According to this report all of Pierce's savings have been depleted save for a small amount in each one. And the withdrawals were made within the last two weeks. Unless he has money in other places, he's practically broke."

Greg continued, "Look here, this statement was mailed just two days ago, so he would have gotten it yesterday or today. I know this man's son, Ted Pierce, and he might have been one who withdrew the money. If it was Ted, I'm sure he's long gone. If he had been withdrawing systematically, Mr Pierce knew he was broke. That could do it, too."

While they were there, Randy decided to look around more carefully. He found a TV facing the huge desk with a VCR on top. He turned the TV on and pressed Play on the VCR.

Greg heard the sound and looked up. The rhythmic music and groans and grunts told him some sort of explicit sex was on the tape. After the opening credits and warnings, the first scene showed a bedroom with two men on the bed. Both were naked, both were good looking and physically attractive with long and very hard penises. One man was on his hands and knees while the other was attempting to shove his hard cock into the other's asshole. It didn't take him long to succeed in his aim, pressing his pelvis against the other's buttocks.

Randy and Greg looked at each other with questions in their eyes. Greg had to arrange his equipment so the erection wouldn't show. He never noticed that Randy had to do the same thing, but with his back to Greg.

"Shut it off, Randy, if you will." He down on the desk again, thinking all sorts of scenarios that would fit the situation. "Maybe it's Ted's, or the old man's. Who knew but maybe ..... what could it be?"

Randy had an idea, "Maybe Ted had been watching in this room and forgot to take out the cassette. Maybe his father never even saw it, rarely using the VCR?"

"Or, maybe Ted put it in there so his father would see it expecting to see one of his own tapes." Randy had a good idea, Greg thought, Ted could be liable to do something like that. "I think, Randy, we'd better take it with us, no need making the scene worse than it is. And who would see it anyway, just the police who wouldn't give a damn."

Randy considered, "Well, Greg, I guess that would be all right with me, but I give you leave to be the one to take it." He smiled lasciviously, "I won't need anything like that." He was of course thinking of his beautiful wife at home, waiting for him, even though he'd gotten hot.

"You're right, Randy, I can do it," he grinned with bright eyes.

They finished checking around, locked it and replaced the key behind the mail box.

A week passed and Greg had heard nothing about Mr. Pierce or his son, Ted. He continued his regular work with the EMS of Bryan city, not paying much attention to external events. He and Will felt comfortable in their home, enjoying their being together, especially their times in bed. Since Will was 18, Greg knew he was an adult and they could share their bodies, their emotions and their love freely.

One morning before Greg left for work, Will told Greg he'd gotten a catalog from Windsor College and had been looking at the course work which he would need for his desired major. He thought it looked good, not too much higher math which was not his strongest suit, though he could do it when he tried hard.

"Will, sort of pick out what you think your course work would be and we'll go over it. If we have questions we can always call Hardy Ridgway."

Will interrupted, "I thought he was Hardy Wolfe. No?"

Greg smiled, "Yes, hon, that's what I thought but I had an email from Hardy telling me that Matt had proposed and they were married by a substitute pastor. Hardy decided to change his name to Matt's, ergo, the two Ridgways, Matt and Hardy. Of course the marriage means nothing legally, because there were two grooms, but it makes them feel better and closer."

When Greg's cell phone buzzed in his pocket, he answered to hear Captain Whistler;s voice talking. "Greg, when you get in today, would you come to my office first? Something I've to talk to you about. Okay?"

"Sure, boss. See you."

Greg had been sitting on a kitchen chair.

Will sat on Greg's legs and lap, facing his lover. "What's up?" He smiled and gave Greg a tender kiss on the lips, his arms around the bigger man.

Greg was a little worried, but pulled Will to him, embracing his body tightly, "Wants to see me for something. Don't know why, buddy." He rested their heads together, ear to ear. "I guess I'm a little worried, because he's never done this before."

Will put one hand behind Greg's head, feeling his short hair on his palm, pulling his head to himself, forcing his tongue between Greg's lips, wetting them then biting them with his own lips. "I guess you better get to work to find out. I'll get to work on the catalog, there's only two weeks before school starts."

Greg stood up, picking Will up with him, still kissing him. His hands held Will up by his buttocks, close to him, rejoicing in the love they had that, no matter what, they would never give up.

Setting him down, Greg gave his boy a whack on the butt and left the house, leaving Will standing there, surprised at Greg's serious hand smack. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'I know he's feeling something in the wind that he might not be prepared for.'

"Come in, Greg, have a seat, I'll be right with you." He left the room and quickly returned with two cups of coffee. "Here you go, I know you need it in the morning."

"Thanks, what's up?"

"Greg, I had a call from a Mr. Jacob Pierce from the hospital. That call you had last week with Randy, heart attack to the hospital."

"Yes, I remember it well."

"He accuses you of neglecting him when he needed help in his house. Can you explain why he should do that?"

Greg relaxed, there was no question about it. "Boss, Randy and I went there, got in the house because I knew where the front door key was hidden. His son Ted was a friend of mine for quite a while."

He sipped from the coffee cup, "We found Mr. Pierce right away, lying on the foyer carpeting. Before we could say or do anything, he looked up at me and yelled, pointing at me, 'You fuckin' shit, get out of this house.' He'd said stuff like that before when I was with Ted at his father's house. And I knew he meant it. He'd been serious the other times."

"Knowing I had to leave, I asked Randy to get him ready and I'd bring the stretcher to the porch." He took a deep breath, wondering if this was going to go bad. "I helped carry the stretcher with Mr. Pierce on it to the unit and we took him to the emergency room as usual."

"What was your relationship with his son, Ted Pierce?"

Greg look at his boss suspiciously, "Are you getting into my personal life? I don't think that is pertinent to the case." Greg was resenting the direction his boss's remarks were taking.

"Greg, this was a serious charge from one of our clients, I have to delve into it."

"Captain Whisler, I've been working here for over five years and have never had a serious charge or any charge leveled against me. And I resent that you are taking this man's charge seriously without having investigated. I've told exactly what happened and Randy Bobbitt can confirm that, he was there. I can't see that I was remiss in my duty."

Captain Whisler looked down at his desk, "I'm sorry, Greg, but I'm doing this as I feel I need to, I will get at the bottom of the accusation, but first I must relieve you as crew chief immediately, to uphold the standards of the Emergency Medical Service."

Greg was stunned, couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"Sir, I would like to ask one question, can you write a fair and unequivocal recommendation for me concerning my work here, without mentioning an unproved charge from an old man who had a vendetta toward me for years. I'm not going to go into why now, but I hope I can get an answer?"

Captain Whisler looked depressed, but rallied. "Yes, Greg, I can write that. I'm sorry you won't stay with us."

"I can not be demoted like this for the reason you give. If you will prepare the recommendation and let me take it with me, I'll clear out my locker and leave. Mail my final check to my home. Good-bye."

Greg rose and soon left, no hand shake, no look at the captain at all.

THANK YOU, I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David, Tim and Jess or editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

Next: Chapter 43: Dukes of Windsor II 5

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