Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 10, 2023



Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at authorpaul@mail.com When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on answering you. Thanks, Paul.


With great sadness, I dedicate this portion of Dukes of Windsor to the memory of my best friend and life long love who passed away on December 19, 2005. He was the inspiration and guiding hand for my story and for a major part of my life.

Requiescat in Pace, Jack.

Chapter 3

Greg and Eddie rode quietly until they passed a small park, "Hey, Greg, pull in here, would you? Just a few minutes." The park was beautiful, many adult trees and shrubs, but well taken care of.


Greg parked. Eddie got out, then asked Greg to get out. He led him to a picnic table where they sat, far from any of the people in the park.

"Greg, we've been friends a long time. Right?" Greg nodded, wondering what was going on with Eddie.

"Would you get mad at me if I talk about something very personal to you?" Greg shook his head `no'.

Eddie said, "You're sure?"

"Sure, go ahead already." Greg was smiling at his friend, waiting patiently.

"I assume you are no longer with Ted Pierce." That statement brought Greg erect on the wooden seat.

He stared at Eddie, they had never talked about his friendship with Ted. Never even mentioned.

"What?" Greg exploded, not believing Eddie had said what he had.

"Greg, now hold it. Our crew knows about you and Ted. We have not spied on you, good god, Greg, everyone on this crew loves you. If you don't know that by now ..... We don't gossip about it at all. We don't think anyone else at the department knows, either. Don't panic!"

Greg inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself. "Okay, suppose I say that you are right, Ted and I a re not together any more. That's the way it is." His face remained neutral, waiting.

"Is Will your new partner?" Eddie knew from the look on Greg's face that he better go gently. "Greg, the looks you two give each other could only mean one thing. You're in love with each other." His eyes examined Greg's face. "Greg, I would never, ever say anything to anyone, believe me." Eddie took one of Greg's hands and held it tightly. "I'm sure Will is much more that a cousin to you." Greg hadn't pulled his hand away, but looked far into the distance. His eyes moistened, he blinked them and he tightened his grip of Eddie's hand.

Greg cleared his throat, swallowing with difficulty. "Eddie, you are my oldest and best friend. I treasure your friendship and your good will. Obviously you know I'm gay, I have been since I was 13." Greg sank deeply into Eddie's eyes, "Will you still be my best friend?"

Eddie answered quickly, "Greg, I want to be your best friend forever," he grinned, "but, the first time you try to kiss me, all bets are off." He laughed and slapped Greg on his shoulder, then held it and squeezed it with his strong fingers. "Greg, I love you," he whispered, "but if you tell anyone I said that, I'll dig a well and put you at the bottom." He smiled gently, "Got it?"

Greg took Eddie's other with his and gripped both, "Eddie, you have made me a very happy man. Now, let's go home and tell Will. He'll be worried." The two men stood, wrapped an arm around each other and made their way back to the car.

When Eddie and Greg returned to Greg's house, they saw Will sitting in a lawn chair near the front door. His anxious face was a clear indication that the men had been gone too long.

"I was getting worried, Greg, you've been gone longer than you said. Remember, I get scared a lot when I'm alone. I still can't move very well or fast."

Greg and Eddie helped Will in the front door then followed. Greg hugged Will to him.

Greg turned his face to Will. "Will, Eddie and I had a lot to talk about. I've told you that he is my best friend, and he wondered about some things I've done. And I needed to answer him." He walked to the sofa, indicating to Eddie that he should sit in the chair near the fireplace. "Now come here, Will, baby, and sit on my lap. I'm sorry we were so long in returning."

Will's eyes gaped at his lover. 'What will Eddie think,' he thought. But, he decided to do what Greg asked, he would know what he was doing.

He sat on Greg's lap and was wrapped in Greg's arms. Greg surprised Will again, he kissed him in the lips in front of Eddie.

"Oh, geez, guys, that I didn't need to see," Eddie complained. Actually he thought it was cute, two terrifically good looking young men, kissing.

"Will, Eddie knew I was gay, he knew about Ted as I guess my crew did, but it didn't matter to them. I admitted all that was true. Then he surmised that we were more than cousins. And I admitted that too, also that you are not a minor. He will not tell anyone. And he has promised to still be my best friend .... unless .... I try to kiss him." Greg leaned back and roared, clutching Will to him in relief.

Will looked at Eddie and then back to Greg. "What if I kissed him just a little bit?" He gave a sneaky smile, "You know, when no one else is around?"

Greg pulled Will closer, gave him a peck on the lips, "I think you have to ask him. Why don't you go sit on his lap for a while?"

Will moved as quickly as he could and sat on Eddie's lap, feeling like a child in the big man's arms, wiggling into his lap. He worked his arms around Eddie's neck to put his head against Eddie's. Will lifted his head to stare into Eddie's face, wondering just what he was thinking. 'I guess I just have to try, I want Eddie to be my buddy.'

Eddie's eyes were on Will's, gazing into the deep blue orbs, kindly and warmly inviting Will to kiss him if he wanted.

Greg was amazed as he watched Will move ahead to press his lips on Eddie's, not quickly but not long either. Eddie didn't draw away from Will, he just patted Will on his back down to his waist. Both men, Eddie and Will, hardly moved after their lips parted, sat, wondering just what had happened. For Will it revealed something about Eddie. He had gotten an erection, actually a very large one which Will could feel with his bottom. His eyes widened as they stared at Eddie's. Very gradually, an enigmatic smile appeared on one side of Eddie's face.

Will smiled on one side too, creating the cutest dimple just like Eddie. They both knew, but neither would tell Greg. He didn't need to know more about Eddie than he did already.

"Another new experience, huh, Eddie?" Greg smiled at his friend, wondering if he had enjoyed it or hated it. When Will moved his head, Greg had seen the fading image of a smile on Eddie's lips. 'Wonder what that was for.'

Greg gave a suggestion. "Okay, everybody, I've decided to take us out to dinner. We've had enough 'home cooked' meals for now. Let's get going, now. And it is all on me." When Greg and Will faced away from Eddie, he adjusted his boner more comfortably in his underwear.

At the best restaurant in Bryan, the three men ate and talked. Greg and Will talked mostly about their meeting in front of a grocery where Greg rescued Will from his crisis. They also told Eddie about their afternoon cruise on the sailing schooner where they had a lot of fun. Will's accident to his good foot and the following visit to the First Care department. Will wanted to take off his shoe then and there, but Greg cautioned, "If you must show it, we'll do it after dinner at home."

Greg didn't have to tell Will to keep quiet about their times in bed, or the visit from Will's parents, necessitating a new home for Will. Eddie seemed to enjoy their story telling, but he wondered how much they left out. From the way they acted, he knew they were sexually close, too, not just like friends, like lovers.

"Hey, Greg when are you going to bring Will to the 'office'? He'll drive them crazy." He turned serious, "I have to warn you two about something. Unless you want to tell everything, you must not look at each other the way you do. Those looks and little touches and feelies are so transparent that anyone would know you guys are in love and also in lust."

"We've talked about that, Eddie, and we will also have to work at it. I know we do it without thinking. We will do our best. If we mess up, it will reflect on you, Ed, and I don't want to do that, ever."

Eddie leaned closer to his company, he whispered, "Today, Will, I told Greg that I love him, and I do. Well, I actually love both of you and want the best for you. That doesn't mean I lust for you though, I just love you." He considered, 'Well, thinking about it, it might mean lust.'

Greg and Will smiled to each other and to Eddie.

Greg asked for the check, paid it and they left, Greg helped Will negotiate the steps and ramp. Just touching Will on the back really charged his own excitement. They needed to get home and in bed, quick.

Eddie observed a lot they wouldn't have realized he'd noticed. He decided to take them home and leave immediately so he doesn't get trapped having to watch two men make love.

Tired from the busy day, Will and Greg undressed, washed and teeth cleaned and headed for the big bed. Will had stared at Greg when he disrobed, especially when he slid the boxers down his legs. He was so excited with the erotic feelings when he saw Greg's cock and balls, soft and hanging and his narrow butt and hips.

Greg finished first and lay on the bed while Will was finishing in the bathroom, moving around there, his silken muscles sliding under the skin. Before Will got in the bed Greg had a monstrous hard on, rising tall from his crotch, pulsing erotically with his heart.

Will had noticed his wonderful cock lift itself to stand over his pubes, dark and curly, exciting him too, stretching his cock straight out, parallel to the floor. As he watch Greg, he pumped it and rubbed the precum over the swollen head. By the time he removed his pros and got into bed, his dick led him by a good distance.

"Greg," Will whispered, "When will you make love to me? We never got around to that in Maine, and I really wanted to badly." Will wrinkled his forehead, urging his need on Greg.

Greg grabbed his cousin, his lover, pulling his body on top of his own. "Will, hon, that takes time the first few times. Tell you what! Wednesday is my off day and that would be a good time if you are sure."

"Oh, man, am I ever sure. Please, Greg, love me, sweetie." Will slid down Greg's body until he could get his mouth over the older man's nipples. He sucked, laved, tongued, nipped and pinched them., one then the other. Greg was being furiously shaken apart by the sensations sending shock wave after shock wave through his body. He'd had no idea his nipples would be so sensitive and sexy, sending electric shocks from them to his crotch, heart and brain.

Monday morning early Greg got himself and Will out of bed, did their business and dressed to visit the Fire Department section for the EMT squad. Greg told Will not to eat because there would be plenty of food available in the galley at their building. "And it is very good food, too." He smiled, "We have some great cooks."

"I'm looking forward to it." He had crossed his fingers behind his back. He didn't want to disappoint Greg, so he smiled. He fervently praying he wouldn't screw up.

Greg and Will left the parking lot behind the fire department station where Greg and Eddie worked. Will looked up at the facade, "Hey, Greg, this building is really old, how old is it?"

Greg pointed to a part of the foundation under the brick of the walls. "Go read the year on that stone."

As they walked by toward the front doors, Will read, "1899, man, that's a long time ago!" He was amazed it was still standing. Will had been working on his walking using just his pros. And he was learning to walk well with it, mostly with just a small limp. He knew Greg was pleased.

"Will, in England they have buildings still in use which are over three hundred and four hundred years old. How about that!"

He put his arm around Will's shoulders as he led him inside the building, "Stay calm, love, just stay natural as you can be and we'll be fine." He spoke very quietly.

Greg had explained to Will the previous night whom he would meet at the station, including the boss, Captain Richard Whisler, and the crew, Eddie Bates, Ross Horton, Ben Barnheiser, Nick Viera and Randy Bobbitt. He pointed out there might be men around from other crews, though not usually. He explained the fire department had no women firefighters as yet, but female EMTs were starting to join at a rapid rate.

"Hi Greg," a shout came from the office where two men sat on the chairs, their legs resting on small tables, "did you have a good vacation? Happen to meet a hot one?"

"Hi, Nick, hi Ross. You guys keep your noses clean? No bad ones?"

"Nah, Greg, just a few minor calls. Welcome back," Nick greeted Greg.

"Say, Greg, looks like you got Greg junior with you. Some friend of yours?"

"Yes, Ross, actually Will is a relative, he's my cousin who will be staying with me for a while. Difficulties at home. Will, this is Nick Viera." Will said 'hi' and shook hands with a very handsome smallish man, with a definite Italian look and a physique to be admired. "And, Will, this is Ross Horton, our stand up comedian. Tell Will a joke, Ross." Ross and Will shook hands and said 'hi'.

Ross grinned, "Will, here's today's joke. How are John the Baptist and Winnie the Pooh related?"

Will smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"By their middle name."

One second pause and Will had it. He gave Ross a good laugh. "Took me a few seconds. That's good, Ross."

He and Greg walked into the vehicle garage to see three shiny red trucks, all spotless and ready.

"Will, these two men are Randy Bobbitt and Ben Barnheiser." He turned to the men polishing the closest EMT truck. "This is my cousin, Will Gooding, my latest dependant." He smiled at Will, "Not actually, but he'll be staying with me a while."

"Hi Will, good to see you." Randy shook hands with Will. Will admired the big man. Not as big as Eddie, but close.

"Welcome Will," Ben also shook his hand. Ben was tall and quite slender, but the arms hanging out of his sleeves were well muscled.

"Hi Ben and Randy. Boy, you've sure done a good job on that truck. Looks great."

Will couldn't have said anything more fitting. The two men actually preened with swollen chests.

"Will, these two men are great. In fact all of my crew are great." He looked toward the rear of the garage. "And, here comes the biggest of them all."

Eddie was rushing to the group of four men. "Hey, Will, Will I'm glad to see you." Eddie held his arms spread wide.

He grabbed Will around his chest, lifted him high and twirled him so his legs flared out. "Hey, Ross and Nick, get in here. I want to show you something." He spoke to Will, still in his arms, "Will, have you been introduced to everybody yet?"

Greg spoke up, "He hasn't met the Captain. Oh, Captain," Greg bellowed.

A large grey-haired head poked out from the next office along the wall.

"Did someone call for me?" He grinned, "Well, Eddie, who's this. Looks like Greg. Is he yours, Eddie" He walked to where Eddie and Will stood.

Eddie looked at Greg who nodded that he could introduce Will.

"Cap, this is Will Gooding, cousin of Greg's, he had a little difficulty with his parents, so Greg said he'd take him for a while. This young man," Eddie set Will down and put his arm around his shoulders, "just graduated from high school in Sylvania near Toledo. He was on the gymnastics team and pulled the all around state title in gymnastics . That's something, isn't it, guys?"

The men followed Eddie's lead and applauded and yelled praises to Will.

"By the way," Eddie interjected, "His name is Will, not Willie, Ok?" He gave the men the fiercest of looks. They were suitably cowed.

Captain Whisler got close, "Will, you are a real wonder, maybe you could get me in trim, huh?" He patted his stomach which did protrude quite a bit.

Will gave him an honest smile, "I'd sure like to try." He looked at Greg, "But I think Greg comes first." He walked over to his cousin and gave him a little pat on the stomach.

Everyone watched him and noted his walking was uneven, realizing one leg wasn't all real. Their thoughts were, 'poor kid, lost his leg'. But Will didn't think about that, he just was enjoying being with Greg's crew and boss.

Greg spoke up, "Hey, Cap, I was wondering if I could take Will in our truck for just a little ride. Radio on, of course."

Captain Whisler nodded to Greg and indicated just a little ride. They had to be ready for an emergency.

The whole group watched as Greg lifted Will up into the cab, a big step for anyone. He knew Will couldn't make it without help. They could see part of Will's prosthesis as his jeans pulled up a bit.

Eddie got in to drive while Greg showed Will all the gadgets inside the cab, explaining their purpose.

Will, of course, was excited to be in a real EMT vehicle for a while.

As they pulled out of the garage, Nick said, "Oh, that poor kid, lost a leg, must have been since graduation." He looked around and everyone else looked so concerned for Greg's cousin.

"You know, guys, he walks pretty well with that prosthesis, especially for just about three months. He sure looks like Greg." The Captain suggested.

"Yeah," Ross agreed, "He is about as handsome. That kid is no joke, though, I can tell you. He has to be plenty brave."

Ben looked at Will and said nothing. His mind was looking at Will in a different way.

Everyone concurred and split up to get some breakfast which Cookie had all ready in the kitchen/dining room.

Eddie, Greg and Will returned quickly, mainly because they weren't really allowed to give civilians a ride. They joined the other men for a breakfast of eggs, French toast and orange juice with a lot of ribaldry and joking, led by Ross. Coffee was served by the gallon.

(Author's note: The language in the department was frequently bawdy, filthy, lewd and grossly sexual. The author will not try to replicate that spoken language in conversations between EMTs. The reader may insert plenty of four-letter words wherever and whenever they want.)

Will ended up sitting by Eddie, his new buddy. As he looked around, he saw a sour countenance on his cousin, Greg. He thought, 'I better cool it with Eddie some, I don't want Greg to think I didn't still love him and that we are still united.'

He got up to get some more French toast. On the way back to his seat, he made sure to say something to each guy, depending on his chatting skills which he learned at his mother's knee. She did teach him how to speak to people he really didn't know intelligently and personally. Enough men had left so that he could sit beside Greg to finish his meal. Since no one was around them, Will dared to rest his thigh against Greg's thigh, pushing fairly hard.

"What do you think about the men," Greg asked Will.

"Greg, they all are terrific, I hope I can get to know them a little before I have to leave." He looked closely into Greg's eyes, and whispered, "You love them, don't you." That was not a question, but a statement waiting for agreement.

Greg gave Will sort of a smart ass look, "Will, you are too damn smart, but you are right. Not at all like I love you, you know."

"I know. I feel the same way. I love Eddie a lot, but still not at all like loving you."

They gave each other such loving glances that when Eddie walked in to announce the crew all ready, he knew he had to chastize them. "My friends, you must quit that or your secret will be broadcast to the world. You don't want that."

Both Greg and Will blushed and nodded. "Sorry, Eddie, and thank you for the warning. Somehow we got on the subject of loving and were carried away." Greg was abashed and knew Eddie was so right. "We will be more careful, dear friend." Greg stood up, "Would you please take Will home, I'll set the rotation so you have about a half hour for sure." He smiled at Eddie, "And, I don't want you two to get stuck on a discussion of wild antelopes or something equally erotic, Will."

Eddie took umbrage, "Well! We wouldn't want to do that, boss, we'll be good, won't we, Will."

Both Will and Eddie started laughing, soon roaring.

"Get out of here, you two. Your free time, Eddie, is fleeting."

Will found himself alone at Greg's house, well, his house, too, now. But he was as horny as ever in his house. Every one of Greg's crew were the hottest he'd seen in a long time, and all in one bunch. Greg wouldn't be home for about 10 hours since they generally worked 12 hour shifts. Will realized that he was going to spend a lot of time by himself. He was going to have to find some interests to occupy his time.

First, he decided to get a catalog to Windsor College, not sure how to go about it. Looking around the living room he found some bookcases along one wall and started to search for a catalog. Looking around quickly, he reached the bottom shelves by getting down low. He had crutches with him which should help him get up. He pulled some books from that low shelf, then noticed what looked like books behind those books. By pulling one of those out he found the secret part of Greg's supply of books. That one was a video with the title of `Lucas' Story'. Immediately, though Will had never seen a gay pornographic video before, he was sure this was one.

As fast as he could, Will got onto his feet, utilizing his crutches and the bookcase frame. He took the video out of its case to slide it into the VCR and turned on the TV. Before he started, Will thought he'd better check locks on the doors, and views of the TV from outside. He decided that the living room TV was not visible to any windows. After locking the doors, he took the VCR remote with him to sit on the couch.

From the opening footage, he learned the video was made by Bel Ami and that these men young were mostly Czech and as hot as he had ever seen. Their naked bodies were as muscled and sculpted as he could imagine. And they were good looking too, with big, hard cocks.

Will had seen one porn video in high school with was straight man-woman action. His first word after seeing that one was sleazy, gross and of no interest at all except for what he could see of the man's equipment. After he had seen about a half hour of Lucas' Story, put it on pause, he had to get a good breath, straighten out his dick, it was cramped.

The young men were invariably great looking with excellent physiques, almost no hair on their bodies except for armpits and bushes, some of which had been shaved. A rare one might had just a little between his pecs. Will was still reeling from all the sucking, the fucking which he'd never seen before, kissing and ass licking. He hadn't even heard of that before he met Greg.

Will checked the time and figured he had plenty of time to jack off with the video, especially to cum with the lead star. Watching the video again, Will couldn't help pumping his hard, long cock with the actors. He kept saying, Oh my god', Oh my god' as the video went from one couple and another, back and forth, watching all the uncut cocks slide in and out of red, slippery ass holes between gorgeous asses, full and beautifully curved with deep dark crevices. Will wanted to try anal sex just as soon as Greg would do it.

Now, he was sitting, practically laying, on the couch, all his clothes off and his cock inside of two fists which were priming the pump. He drooled his spit on his cockhead, slicking up the whole prick as his hands worked harder and harder. The lead star was fucking a hot guy, smaller and not as handsome as him.

"Oh god I'm cumming, I'm cumming! Oh, man, oh man." His limbs and body stretched as tight as it would go, jumping and shaking with bolts of shocking sensations running through him. He was sweating as he never had before, gasping for breath, until, as he felt the pressure inside, his cock spasmed, time after time. Will caught some, well, most of it and sucked it into his mouth. Unfortunately, some reached the couch cover, rather noticeable. He stopped the video and his pumping. Will hopped to the bathroom to get a cloth to wipe up the excess and to clean his crotch and balls. After his work at the sofa, the wet spots still showed up. He search the bedroom to see if he could find a light weight blanket to put over the cover. He could say he'd been cold. He soon found one.

With all his sensations and excitement of the last half hour, Will almost forgot to take the video out, put it in the cover and back on the shelf behind the books. Now that he knew where Greg put his porn, he was sure he could use them to get him off when he was so horny.

When Greg got home from work that day, he found Will asleep on their bed. He was on his stomach, his hunky butt rising from his hips, not big but still sticking out. When Greg had come in the living room, he was sure he smelled cum in the air and wondered if it came from Will.

Back in the living room Greg had an idea. He checked the shelf where his porn was placed behind other videos. He pushed a row of his videos to see the row behing. "Aha," mumbled. One video was turned upside down from all the others, and he hadn't used it. He looked at the title, 'Mr. Gooding sure picks the best video in the stack, I'd imagine that he lay on the sofa to watch and jack off.' Greg then noticed a different light blanket on the sofa. Another "Aha". Will had done a pretty good job, but the sofa cover was still a little wet and reeking of cum stains.

Greg smiled. He remembered cumming three times in a row as he'd watched the video Will had just seen.

As far as Greg remembered, noone was coming to the house that evening. So, it should be a good night to reintroduce Greg junior to cousin Will, maybe even start a new direction for their love. Quietly, Greg stripped to the skin in the living room, as quietly as possible. None of his wooden floors squeaked, so he slipped into their bedroom, interpreting Will's position to be one of almost exhaustion and satisfaction, too.

He wished he could strip Will naked without waking him, but that would be impossible. He couldn't be that tired. So, Greg slid onto the bed carefully, to settle himself behind Will, spooning his back and butt. With his arms around the young man, his lover, he pulled their bodies together, body tight to body. Will didn't wake yet, but seemed to be a little disturbed. Will just had a t-shirt and short shorts on, nothing heavy. Greg wondered if he even put underwear on. He lightly touched Will's cock and balls, finding them pretty loose in the shorts. Greg let his hand roam Will's front, from upper chest to lower abdomen and between his legs. That did everything needed to bring Greg's cock to full strength, full length and width.

Finally Greg kissed Will's ear, running his tongue in the grooves and curves toward the center. At first Will just moved his hand to brush away the teaser and tormentor, he did push Greg's hand but quit. Next Greg gently pulled down Will's zipper and found out that he was wearing no underwear. Then it came to Greg, maybe he got cum on his boxers and washed them out. Could be.

Working his fingers between the open zipper, Greg finally drew out Will's hard cock, almost fully taut and stretched. One hand was given the job of closing on the fresh cock to stimulate it to top notch. Will was moaning, softly and low, even groaning with an extended hum reverberating in his chest, deep rumblings.

Greg finally used his other hand to turn Will's face toward him and used his tongue to separate the luscious lips, then swiping the gleaming, white teeth behind those lips. Finally Will's tongue reacted, trying to hold Greg's tongue still, to wrestle with his lover's tongue.

W hen Will realized that someone was playing with Will junior, he turned over so his body was facing his Greg.

"Oh, Greg, what a wonderful way to wake up. You haven't done that before. I love it, boss." Will smiled greedily at Greg, "I also love your cock pushing into my ass."

Their two bodies coupled themselves from head to crotch, hands all over backs and buttocks.

"I noticed that you weren't wearing any underwear, Will, any particular reason?"

It took a few seconds, but Will came back with this. "I had to use the bathroom earlier and noticed my boxers had brown skid marks on them. I didn't like that so washed them."

"I see. Was this before or after you found the video?"

Greg pulled his head back, looked into Will's deep blue eyes, wondering what thoughts were there. He wondered if he was reviewing the video he saw this afternoon.

"I love you, dear one, I love you more than anyone I've loved before and that includes my father." He hugged Will again, "And how did you like the Czech boys? Good aren't they?"

For a few moments Will didn't realize what Greg had said, but suddenly he did, he stretched tight, lengthening his stature, stiffening in Greg's arms. His eyes looked wildly into Greg's and blushed the deepest red that Greg had seen.

Greg held Will even tighter, "Will, Will, don't worry. You didn't do anything wrong ... well .... maybe .... maybe cumming on the living room sofa." He smiled at his love.

Will lowered his head to Greg's neck, trying to crawl inside of Greg, it seemed.

"I'm sorry, Greg, I should have asked, but I got home from the squad station and was so horny. I was originally looking for a Windsor College catalog, but happened on your videos. I just picked the first one I pulled out." Will sat up beside Greg, "Oh Greg, they are so, so hot. I couldn't believe how good the men were, beautiful and so well-endowed. I didn't watch too long before I had to cum." He was embarrassed that Greg found out, "I'm sorry I got some on the couch, I thought my hand could hold it all, but all of a sudden there was too much."

Greg kissed Will, "Don't worry, you didn't do bad. In fact I sure wish I had been with you." Greg stood up, pulling Will up with him. They embraced each other. "Will, I am so hungry I may faint if I don't get food soon. How about you?"

Will agreed that he felt the same. As a joke he grabbed Greg's cock, and bent over to suck it into his mouth.

"Hey, Greg, this is delicious, why don't you try mine."

Greg started laughing, "If I eat your cock, then it will be gone. Can't have that. I think we better get dressed and get something right away. We'll have time for some loving, Willie, after we eat. "

Around Greg's house, Will had found materials to interest himself, other than the gay videos, specifically the Windsor College catalog of courses. He was looking mainly into a degree in medical assistant in pediatrics, or assistant in some sort of pediatric psychology. He didn't want to be a nurse, too much stereotyping, true or not, and the percentage of male nurses with female is at best ten percent.

Will had been thinking about children or young men and women who have been seriously injured and have had amputations. Since he was going though the same problem, he felt he could help young people by knowing what they were going through. He felt he should talk to someone in the field such as a professor at Windsor, or other college which would educate him. Greg had talked about Hardy Wolfe, music educator and professor at Windsor College. He directed the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor College, a brass quintet which was gaining fine repute around the state of Ohio and in farther regions.

Will took it into his hands to call Hardy at the college not far from Bryan. Checking the time, he noted that Hardy would be in the music department. Greg had his phone number in his address book which Will punched in. The music department receptionist answered to tell him Mr. Wolfe was in rehearsal at the moment, but if Will would give her his phone number, Mr. Wolfe would be happy to return the call.

Will was searching the college catalog for a course of study which would coincide with his interests. The phone beside his chirped and he answered.

"Hi, Greg, this is Hardy, how you doin'?"

"Uh, Mr. Wolfe, I am Will Gooding, Greg's cousin."

"I see, have we ever met, Will?"

"No, in fact Greg and I had no idea that a cousin existed. Our parents for a reason we haven't learned, never talked or socialized at all. Greg and I were both at a beach on the coast of Maine and just happened to meet, learning our names were the same." He paused, "Are you busy, Hardy, if I could call you that? Greg has told me a lot about you."

"As a matter of fact, I'm on my lunch hour and I'm trying to diet so it wouldn't hurt me to lose a meal. Please go right ahead." Hardy's voice was warm and friendly, encouraging to Will.

"Okay, Hardy, I appreciate it. This is hard to tell, but Greg brought me home with him because my parents threw me out of my home. I was stuck with no home. Greg said he would help so I'm living with him now, and I hope to go to college this fall. I graduated in May, then had an accident which laid me up."

"Will, was that in Sylvania?"


"I remember reading about that, the name Gooding got my attention. I think you were seriously injured, weren't you?"

Will choked, "I ... I ... yeah, I lost the lower half of my left leg."

"That's terrible, Will, I'm so sorry. How is it working out?"

"The way Greg and I met was so opportune. We were staying in the same hotel and I walked to the grocery a couple blocks away. I hadn't taken any crutches like I should have, and the prosthesis almost came off. I couldn't get it back on. He saw me, took me to the hotel and cared for my leg. Once we found we were cousins, who hadn't met before even though our fathers were brothers, we spent a lot of time together, mostly with him taking care of me. I accidentally cut my good foot, well, my only foot, and he fixed that. I owe him a lot."

"Will, that sounds like your cousin. He's always helping someone, especially in his work. He'd been visiting us once when we had an accident, and he just took care of everything. My partner and I owe him a lot too."

"Is your partner Matt?"

"Yup, Will. You are going to have to come up to meet us."

"I'd like that, Hardy." He hesitated, "That's why my parents threw me out of the house. They found out I was gay."

"I'm sorry to hear that too, Will, we've helped a number of young men with trouble because of being gay."

"I'm taking too much of your time, Hardy, but I have one more question."


"Well, I'm trying to decide what course to take up in college. What I mainly want to do is help people like me, people with prostheses, amputations, primarily pediatric. Do you happen to know what Windsor has in that area?"

"I'm sorry, I don't, Will, but I will find out as fast as I can. Will you need scholarships?"

Will laughed, "I would never turn one down, but I'm not desperate for one. By the way I played first chair trumpet in high school concert and marching."

Hardy whooped, "Hey, Will, that sounds great. I'd like to hear you soon."

"Hardy, the Dukes of Windsor came to Sylvania High School to play, and I thought they were great. I'd sure love to play with them someday."

Hardy felt revitalized since the Dukes hadn't played all summer. "Will, I will sure be waiting for you. Probably wouldn't be until you were an upper classman. We're looking for another Duchess, ours graduated and got married. I don't suppose you could fit into a slinky evening gown." He laughed, "How long is your hair?"

"Now you are teasing me, Hardy. I've heard about your teasing. Anyway, I can't wait to meet you and Matt."

"Will, tell your wise ass cousin that as soon as you can, come up to Windsor and we'll party. We have a swimming pool and plenty of room, it's a farm here."

Will was laughing, "Hardy, that's where my foot was hurt. Greg took me into the ocean and I cut it on a shell. I don't know about swimming. I didn't do very well with only one foot. Thanks for invitation. He will call you, I'll make him, I have ways." He snickered. "Thanks for giving me so much time. "

"Bye, Will, see you soon, I hope. Tell your partner that I have missed him and to get his ass and you up here."

As Greg pushed through the front door, a rushing figure from the kitchen hopped into him to embrace and kiss him.

"Oh, Greg, I've been waiting so long. Give me a good kiss." Will stretched his neck a bit to reach Greg's mouth.

"Okay," Greg said, muffled by lips. He reached behind Will to clutch his buttocks and pull him into a huge hug, sliding his tongue around Will's lips, into his mouth to seek out his tongue. When they finished the first round, Will took Greg's big hand, towing him to the sofa where they sat close to each other.

"Greg," Will started, slightly afraid of what Greg would say. "Ah, I have to confess something."

"Oh, Will," Greg had a comforting smile on, "There's not much you can do that would upset me, love."

Will picked up Greg's hand and pressed it to his lips. His eyes searched for his lover's deep ones, "I called Hardy Wolfe at Windsor College, explained who I was and said what I wanted to do and did the college have a useful course."

Greg smiled at his cousin with loving eyes, "Little one, I hope he was good to you, even nice? What did he say?"

"He was very nice, Greg, I liked him right away. He said for you to call him and come up to Windsor as soon as you could. I told him what I wanted to study and he said he'd look into what Windsor can offer. He also said to get your ass to Windsor, and bring me."

Greg didn't say anything for a moment. "By the way, I've never told Hardy Wolfe that I am gay. Did you tell him you were?"

Will hid his face. "Yes, I guess I did, Greg, just saying why I was kicked out of my home."

"That's okay, Will, don't worry. I don't have to work on Thursday. I didn't explain my work schedule, Will, did I?" He put his arm around Will, holding him close. "I work 12 hours a day for three and a half days, then I have three and a half days off. Usually I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and four hours on Thursday. Then I have Thursday afternoon, Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. So, how about Thursday?"

Will threw his arms around Greg's neck, "You are the greatest, Greg, I love you so much." He opened Greg's shirt to play with his nipples. He began to lick and suck on them until they were hard and pointed. "I wish you had milk I could suck from your tits, that would be ambrosia of the gods."

Greg laughed, "Where did you ever hear of that, little man?"

"I don't know, G-G, Tv or movie or something."

Greg pulled Will's face from his nipples and pushed it down hard on his crotch. "Now there's a place you can get all the milk you want, lover," he encouraged, "just like I get your baby's milk from that hot cock between your legs. Right?"

Two loud raps on their front door startled them. "Who the hell could that be?" Greg swore. After buttoning up his shirt, Greg answered the knocks and opened the door. Will got himself to his feet, looking beyond Greg. It was Eddie.

Will limped toward Eddie, "What's in all those packages, Eddie?"

Eddie looked at Greg, "I figured you hadn't gotten anything to eat yet, so I hope you like Chinese, Will, cause that's what we are having. "

Will assured Eddie that he did like Chinese and that his partner hadn't fed him yet. "I'm starving." He grabbed Eddie's arm, trying to pull him in to the kitchen.

"Ok, Will, okay, Eddie will feed us. He's good about rescuing lost lambs." He looked at Will, "That's us!"

The three good friends sat around the table facing many empty cartons and papers, the food was gone. Eddie noticed that Will's hand was on Greg's thigh, very close to his package., his fingers lightly scratching Greg's leg.

Eddie leaned forward to Greg and Will. "Greg, you two are going to have to watch out for Ben, Ben Barnheiser on the crew, because I overheard him saying things about you two to Nick and Ross, just suggestive stuff like 'wonder if they're closer that just cousins'. Ross told Ben, "Just shut up, Ben, you don't know what you are talking about."

"I will watch him too, Greg, but he must have some burr up his butt."

Greg thought, "I called him down for poor work at the last emergency, he didn't go by the book, sort of screwed the regular procedure."

Eddie slammed his right hand against his forehead, "And I criticized the way he monitored that old man's BP and signs. That would have sent him off, too, I bet."

"We'll both have to watch him." He turned to Will, "Do you remember which one was Ben?"

"I sure do, Greg, when I spoke to him he gave me a smart answer like I was a dumb kid."

"He is still on probation for another six months. He better shape up."

"Thanks for the warning. The big problem is getting Will's hands off of me." He smiled at Will sweetly, tenderly.

Eddie agreed, "Yeah, I saw his hand wandering close to your baby-maker." Eddie then roared, tossing his head back.

Will blushed bright red, "So?" He smirked, "He's mine, isn't he?"

Greg and Eddie laughed at that, Eddie shrugged, "Well, what can you do? Maybe suck him dry, soon."

After thanking Eddie so much as he was leaving, Greg and Will both showered, together. Greg had to fight Will off from raping him before they could wash, dry and get into bed.

Greg lay back on the bed, then pulled Will on top of him. Fortunately, the air conditioner kept Greg's house cool on these hot summer days. Will lay with his head against Greg's, his arms and a leg and a half around Greg, loving his 'man'.

The two big hands at the end of Greg's arms had 'captured' Will's cheeks, massaging those beautiful mounds of hot rear end, his fingers slyly intruding into the 'secret' spot of the puckered 'bud', his anus. Will's rigid, hot cock was lying on Greg's stomach, oozing precum between their abdomens. He loved to hump his cock between their slippery skins, the silken and velvet outside of Will's shaft, so soft and sensitive.

Will's excitement and eroticism charged his body with tingles from butt to brain, shocks of exotic sensations running up and down his spine and from asshole to cock tip. Greg continued to tickle Will's hole, wetting his fingers which then circled Will's anus, round and round, until one finger darted inside the tight lips of the orifice.

Greg was strong enough to lift Will, turn him around and lower his ass down on Greg's face. As soon as Greg stuck his tongue directly on his anus, Will began to moan loudly, and more loudly when he pushed it through the lips to his rectum. Greg curled his tongue and poked in and around Will's rectum.

"Oh, Greg, will you do it, please, I need your cock inside me, love, I want you to take me, make me yours and you mine."

Greg had Will get on his hands and knees on the bed with his ass toward Greg. Will looked around his butt to see Greg get lube from his bedside table. He then pulled Will's buttocks apart, revealing his asshole deep in the cleft between. Greg squeezed lube into and around Will's hole, the threaded nozzle pushed inside and KY flowed in. Greasing his fingers, Greg started with one finger, easing gently between those tender lips into his rectum. He continued with two fingers, then three, and worked them around the entrance, trying to dilate the opening for Greg's wide cock.

"Oh, Greg, I'm ready, I swear, I can take it. Put your cockhead inside now, please, man, need it."

"Okay, baby, I will, but I will take it easy, son, not all at once. Once we get the head in, I will wait until I'm sure you are all right, ready for it. I'm making love to you, my heart, my lover for good. Here goes."

Greg held his cockhead against the hole then started shoving his pelvis toward Will's butt.

Will shouted, "Greg, wait, please wait, stop!"

"What is it, Will, am I hurting you, babe?"

"No, no, that isn't it. I want to see you when you love me. I want to be on my back. Please, Greg, let me do this." Will was seriously pleading with Greg, he didn't want to give up his virginity and not be able to watch. "Greg, I need this, I want to see you and kiss you when your coc k is inside me. Please."

"Okay, babe, we can do that. Wait until I get myself out."

Will lay on his back. Greg took a pillow and raised Will's bottom so he could place the pillow under him.

Greg picked up Will's legs, pushing them over Will's head until his asshole was almost vertical, Will could almost see it..

Again Greg pressed the head to the hole, gradually piercing the opening and entering Will's rectum, a deep, hot and moist cavern which would hold all of Greg's cock, he had no doubt. When it was all in, Greg's body shivered and shuddered, shocks and electric jolts filled it, jerking his limbs and torso.

"Oh, god, Greg, that's wonderful, you are all in me. Now, fuck me, fuck me hard, tear me apart."

"Aren't you hurting, Will, are you sure?"

"No, it's wonderful, I've never felt so loved, so thoroughly invaded by love. Bend down, Greg, kiss me, please."

Will watched as he felt that large cock fill his body, the thick shaft slid through the lips, there was no pain, just fullness and complete satisfaction, "Greg I do love you so." He couldn't say any more, his lips were covered by Greg's lips and his mouth filled with Greg's tongue, playing with his mouth.

Greg's hips smashed against Will's bottom, his pubes crushed against Will's perineum and Greg's balls and scrotum banging into Will's backside. Greg's cock hammered in and out of Will's bruised asshole, the head punching again and again in Will's rectum where it felt the softest tissue in his body, surrounded by a sheath of intestine walls, so hot and juicy. Will grabbed Greg with his arms, pulling his body against his marauded body, loving him so much he automatically shot his streams of cum, one after the other, without actually touching and stimulating his own cock.

"Babe, I'm cumming too, here they come," he called to his cousin, his lover and his life. "I'm going to fill you with my cum." The cum was being drained into Will's vitals, joining internal juices which sustained Will in living delight.

Both men were wiped out, exhausted from their exertions on the bed. Yet Greg forced them to shower again and put on clean sheets, then came into their usual sleep position of Greg on his back, and Will forcing one leg between Greg's, his soft cock squeezed between them, laying his head on Greg's chest, the soft air from his nose lightly blowing the hairs around Greg's nipple. The nipple happened to be half inside Will's mouth, being suckled by his boy, his babe, his lover and his ravishee.

They didn't have time to talk in the morning since Greg had to leave early for work. Will went back to sleep.

About noon that day, Will called the department to see if Eddie was available.

"Eddie, here."

"Eddie, it's me, Will, I purposely didn't say who I was. I wondered if you could get away from work long enough to take me to the library. I'll get my own way home. "

"Sure, this time, little man, I'll be just a few minutes."

"Thanks. By the way who answered the phone?"

"That was Janey, our receptionist. You didn't meet her yesterday. Thank goodness. See ya'."


Eddie noticed that Will was walking with a slight hitch in his walk, more than usual. He smiled and wondered if Greg had taken his virginity. Eddie figured that probably they hadn't managed to get that done earlier. He smiled warmly at Will when he tried to get in the truck. Eddie got out and helped Will up the high step to the front seat.

Eddie noticed that Will winced as he sat down, screwing up his face. When Eddie stopped at the library to let Will out, he thought they should talk.

"We are going to have to get you a car, buddy. Can you drive?"

"Of course, but I haven't driven since the accident. Since it's my left leg that doesn't work right, I'm sure I could."

Eddie patted Will's left thigh, "We'll have to do something about that. You need some way to get around. If you are going to Windsor, you will need a car. I'm sure you would want to stay with Greg since it is so close to Windsor."

Will smiled gratefully, "I sure do, but I don't know if Greg will let me drive."

"Hmmmm. I wonder if you could use the left leg in an emergency?" Eddie was concerned about Will's safety.

"We'll I've got to get back to work. Will, I just happened to be available for you today, but that won't happen often."

"Thanks." Will smiled agreeably. "Bye." Eddie returned an endearing, loving smile for Will.

Will walked slowly up the front steps of the library, checking out the date on the foundation.

Will asked questions of the librarian. He was signed up for a library card for himself.

"So, you are staying with Greg Gooding now?"

"Oh, just for a bit. I'm his cousin, Will Gooding, and I will be going to Windsor College in the fall."

Will didn't notice a tall young man turn from the stack where he'd been looking for a book to examine Will talking to the librarian. He thought, 'So that's Greg's cousin, I didn't know he had one. Maybe I can find out some stuff from him.

The librarian, Miss Louise Trenchant, had helped Will find the college catalogs and found the latest one for him. Will sat at a long table with maybe 8 or 10 chairs around and started reading the courses offered.

"So, you are Greg's cousin, huh. He never told me he had one."

Will started to answer the young man, but hesitated.

"Hi, I'm Will Gooding. Who are you?" He was questioning why this man was quizzing him.

"I'm Ted Pierce. I used to be a friend of Greg's." He didn't look very friendly to Will. Will remembered Greg telling him about Ted, how he broke off their affair.

"Well, I've only been with Greg for a few days, he hasn't told me about his friends yet."

"Haven't you been with him to the Fire Department?"

"No, sir, I haven't been there. Sorry, but I want to get my research done." He turned away from Ted, hoping the man would go away.

Ted had been staring at his leg. "I see you've had an accident. Can I be of help?" He was grossing Will out.

"No, I'm fine."

Again Will turned to his book. All of a sudden he felt a hand on his leg, just above the prosthesis.

"My, my, I'd say you have had a big accident. Shouldn't I call. ...."

Will broke in, loudly so the librarian could hear, "Will you please get your hand off my leg? What are you trying to do?"

He saw the librarian heading for them. "Can I help you, Mr. Gooding? Is he bothering you?" She looked fierce.

Will looked at her with pleading, "Yes, Miss Trenchant, I want him to go away." Will played the poor victim of a preying pervert.

She took on Ted, "Sir, you will leave this man alone and you will leave the library before I call the police."

She folded her arms across her chest, speaking forcefully and with outrage.

"Okay, okay, miss, I'll go. I didn't hurt him or nothin'." Ted left immediately, before she asked him his name.

"Did you know who that was, Mr. Gooding?"

"He told me his name was Ted Pierce, but I didn't know him."

"Do you want me to report him? I could." She looked very concerned, eager to do her duty.

Will dithered on what he should do. It might get back to Greg and not in a good way. "No, thank you, you made him leave and that's what I wanted." He smiled at her brightly, the nice boy who had been saved from a horrible fate. She should have seen him in bed with Greg last night. He almost laughed out loud at that.

She left him and he was able to search the catalog. It wasn't easy reading, maybe Hardy will have some ideas.

Finally he put the catalog back and limped to the door. He had brought crutches but had left them in Eddie's car.

"Damn, I didn't work that very well. Guess I'll have to walk home." He pushed open one of the front doors.

Between the front door and the street were eight stone steps down to the sidewalk level. It looked like the depth of the grand canyon to Will, a lot of steps to try to negotiate with his leg. And, there was no handrail. A stone wall bordered the right side of the steps which he might use to steady himself. He was scared, the sidewalk looked a long way down and away.

Suddenly he was aware of someone near his left side. He was too nervous to look.

"If you will hold onto my hand, I will help you down the steps." Without looking he knew it was Ted Pierce. 'Damn, he would come around when I need someone.' Will needed help so he put out his left hand and Ted held onto it. Each step was a challenge, either make it or get hurt.

At the bottom Ted said, "I'll be glad to take you home. I know where it is." He held Will's hand and began pulling him toward his car, maybe twenty feet to the left.

"No, thank you. You've been kind, but I can make it from here. Just let go!"

"Now, come on, Will Gooding, I'm going to take you home.' He was pulling at Will even harder. Will resisted even more and actually tussled with the man. Ted pulled even harder, finally forcing Will off his feet, landing him on the sidewalk hard.

"Damn it, let go of me. Let me go!"

Some sort of large vehicle pulled up beside them.

"Get your god damn hands off of him, right now, Ted Pierce." Will knew it was Greg, then he heard Eddie too. He couldn't see them, but could hear them.

"Greg, let go, your buddy, cousin or not, wanted me to help him."

Eddie had Ted by the throat, one hand squeezing it. Ted was pale now, except for his red neck and bulging eyes.

Greg knelt by Will, picked him up off the sidewalk, checking him over quickly. He talked very softly, "Will, honey, what has he done?"

"A lot, the last trying to get me in his car so he could take me home." Greg took Will to the back of the emergency vehicle, opened the rear doors and crawled in with Will still in his arms. Greg poked his head out, "Hey, Eddie, put him in his car, over there." He pointed to a Chevy pickup truck by the curb.

Eddie stuck Ted into the passenger seat, opened the driver's door, pulled out the keys from the ignition.

"Watch the keys, Ted, you'll need to find them." Eddie threw the bunch of keys at least a country mile into a field of tall grass. "Happy hunting, Ted."

Greg was thinking, 'How could I have loved that jerk. I was crazy.'

Greg and Eddie called in their present location and destination, told the dispatcher they would confirm soon.

While they were driving in the truck, Will explained how everything happened; the leg, the librarian, the steps, Ted's hand, Ted pulling him and knocking him down.

At first Greg and Eddie were laughing about the librarian jumping to Will's call, 'Get your hand off my leg.' They really wondered what she thought. Greg would see her tomorrow and thank her for watching out for his cousin. She had worked at the library for eons, but Greg had never run afoul of her. Now he saw her in a new light. She had always seemed so cold and serious.

"Greg, we're going to have to get Will a car, he has to be able to get around."

"I was thinking, Eddie, if he drove me to work, he could have the car the rest of the day until he came to get me."There's something else, though, Will, you have to have crutches with you all the time. At least for now. Right?"

"Yes, Greg, I know it. I forgot and left them in Eddie's car. I apologize to both of you." Will bowed his head in shame, but just a little bit.

Greg was in the back of the truck with Will lying on the gurney there. He put his arms around Will, holding him tightly. "Don't worry, son, you are safe now. I'll bet those stairs looked like jumping off a cliff."

"Yeah, Greg, they sure did. I didn't want to take Ted's hand, but I had no choice."

Greg pushed Will's hair off his forehead and then noticed a bump just at the hairline over his ear.

"Geez, Will, you did get a bump. Mr. Pierce won't be happy when I get hold of him."

Eddie stopped the truck in front of Greg's house.

"Greg, I better get the truck back."

"Okay, Eddie, I'll give a call when I get in the house. I'll try to explain." He turned to Eddie, "And you can fill out the forms for the first emergency that wasn't."

"Oh, all right, but you gotta do the next two we have to handle." He looked fierce, smiling, though.

Greg laughed and handed his keys to Will. Eddie drove away after they got out. Greg still carried his love into the house when Will unlocked the door. He lay Will on the bed in their bedroom, picked up his cell phone and called.

"Captain, please, this is Greg."

Greg explained what had happened and he sent Eddie back with the truck.

"Greg, you stay with Will as long as you need to. Do you think he should go to emergency?"

"I don't think so, Captain, but I'll check him over. The signs are good so far."

"Okay, see you when you get back." The Captain thought, "Oh, you don't have a car. Just stay home now, you duty is almost over. Okay?"

"Thanks, boss. See you."

Greg went to the kitchen to get Will a drink. When he returned to their bedroom, Will seemed asleep. He crawled on the bed, beside his lover, to hold him. "Will, are you all right?"

"Sure, Greg, I'm just tired, let's cuddle and sleep." He mouth curved into a dear smile, and he winked at his lover. "I remember last night very much, hon, and still can feel your cock in my ass, up my adoring ass. How about spooning me and we'll nap. Okay?"

Greg took off his uniform, curled up against Will and they did sleep. They were awakened by Eddie who had brought back Greg's car from the station. Greg took Eddie back to the station so he could get home.

The next morning Greg and Will got ready for their trip to Windsor to visit Greg's friends there. Greg noticed that Will was still not moving easily in the rear end. Maybe he had explored his rectum with too much vigor and too much cock. They still hadn't dressed, so Greg pulled Will onto his lap. "Will, dear, you seem to be hurting, could be your ass is aching?"

"No, Greg, it's all okay." He seemed to be denying his obvious pain.

Greg stood Will on his one foot, then pushed him onto the bed. He got a good flashlight, pulled Will's beautiful buttocks apart to see his anus. As he directed the light on it, he groaned, "Oh, god, Will, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that, you are all bruised, red and very sore looking. You should have stopped me."

"Damn it, Greg, I loved it. No matter what." Will vehemently defended his position, he really loved it.

Greg pushed his face into Will's buttocks, his tongue laving the swollen opening, so miserable, so fiery.

"Oh Greg, that's wonderful, keep licking." Will's voice seemed so relieved to feel less pain.

"As much as I'd like to, dear heart, I can't keep doing this while we go to Windsor. They would probably love to see your buttocks and asshole, but not at least on the first visit." He stood, "Will, I do have something that would make your asshole feel a lot better."

Greg went to the bathroom, reached into the medicine cabinet to bring out a tube of a topical anesthetic.

"Will, pull your butt apart, please." Greg squeezed an inch of white cream onto his finger. He carefully pressed his finger onto Will's anus, moving the white goo along and into the inflamed anus. He inserted his finger with more cream on it, rubbing around the lips and inner sphincter.

After putting the cap on the tube, he wiped his finger, then let Will's buttocks close, reforming their beautiful curves and surface

"Just lay there, Will, I'll be back in a minute." He went into the kitchen to clean up the breakfast dishes and such.

"Hey, G-G, it's great, all better." He came hopping into the kitchen, completely naked, to hug Greg. "Thanks so much, love, I'm in fucking love with you."

"I guess that's good. I would suggest taking the tube with you so you could pop into a bathroom and fix yourself up. Don't use this to sex yourself up." Greg grabbed Will's hot, hard cock, "Leaving this thing at home would be better. You are going to be so stimulated, son, and you have to keep your hands off the guys at Windsor. Got it!"

"Oh hell ... if I have to," Will said reluctantly, looking a bit grim.

"Will, just seeing them is worth the trip. You'll see, my little man."

THANK YOU. I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David, Tim and Jess for editing the

chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct

and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your

encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

Next: Chapter 42: Dukes of Windsor II 4

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