Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 4, 2023



Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on answering you. Thanks, Paul.


With great sadness, I dedicate this portion of Dukes of Windsor to the memory of my best friend and life long love who passed away on December 19, 2005. He was the inspiration and guiding hand for my story and for a major part of my life.

Requiescat in Pace, Jack.

Breakfast over, the cart loaded with dirty dishes put out in the hall, Greg got them both on the bed with a light blanket pulled over their naked bodies. It was cool there in the air conditioning. Greg thought they should somehow go outside, somewhere, to enjoy the sun and Maine weather, so pleasant at the time. He'd have to think about where and when. Lying together in their bed, Greg needs some information from Will.

"Will, I don't mean to be nosy, but can you give me an idea how you are fixed for money. Do you have any? I mean right here and now, in your pocket. Also, has your hotel been previously paid?"

Will started to reach for his wallet, then remembered he had no clothes on. "Oops, I forgot I was naked. In cash I have about $2000 in my wallet and $5000 in traveler's checks." He smiled proudly. "The hotel bill has been paid, except for incidentals. Is that okay?"

Greg smiled, "Why Willie that's great. You are a marvel. Let's go spend it."

Will stared at Greg, "I just told you how much I have, not to spend it. Why are we going to spend it?"

Greg deftly sneaked his hand between their bodies and grabbed his lover's dick suddenly to hold it tight. "We are going to have fun. Willie, we have another whole week before we have to go back. My vacation will be over then. I still have to go to work."

"Okay," Will agreed, "but we won't spent it all, will we?"

Greg tickled Will's sides, teasing him, "No, babe, we won't spent any of it. I have money too, haven't spent much of my pay, saved mostly for a rainy day. It must be raining somewhere, isn't it?"

He hugged Will, pushed his lips against Will's neck, then sucked at the skin hard, naturally making a hickey.

"Damn, Greg, you're making a hickey - on my neck. Stop it, stop it, how'm I going to hide it?"

"Ok, Will, if you are being so picky, I'll make it on your dick, no one else should see it."

"I should make one on your neck, how would your crew take that, the boss with a hickey on his neck and no girl friend."

"Ah, my little friend, that would not be bad, they know I'm the boss and wouldn't pry into my private life."

"And what if they see a hickey on my neck?" Will felt abused, but still laughed.

Greg grinned evilly, "I'll just tell them you have a little eighth grade sweetie, the cutest boy in your school."

Will roared and jumped on top of Greg, pinching his nipples really hard, "You wouldn't dare, would you?"

Greg grabbed Will's hands, pulling the behind his back, with a serious tone, "Babe, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, I love you too much."

The two men cuddled against each other, naked flesh against naked flesh. Their activity ceased except to caress each other, delving into their special sensitive areas, sending love messages to the other.

Greg whispered to Will, "Tomorrow we are going up the Maine coast to Rockland. "Wait until you see it, you'll love it."

Greg threw the wheelchair into the trunk of his car, carried Will to the front seat. He hadn't told Will, but he'd put their clothes and toiletries in a small bag. He'd decided they might spent a night in another motel. Sandwiches and pop were also fixed and in the car for later. Will had brought his prosthesis along, but much walking would be too hard for him. He also had brought two sets of crutches just in case.

Greg decided to take I-95 from Pine Point beach past Portland, branching off toward Bath.

Continuing on, they were back on Route 1 heading for Rockland, about 50 miles away. They were going near the coast all the way, over inlets, bays and rivers heading for the sea. The road took them through many small towns, complete with many antique stores, fish markets and some tourist traps.

Every few miles, Greg stopped, got out the wheel chair and took Will into many of the shops. They took a little side trip to Booth Bay Harbor, looking at sailboats, small and yacht size. Will hadn't see this side of Maine and the Atlantic Ocean. He lived near Lake Erie but that just wasn't the same. Greg wished they could take a schooner cruise, but that may be too dangerous for Will.

As they neared Rockland, the views of the ocean were more often and grander. Driving through Rockland to the docks, Greg drove slowly around looking at the big schooners tied up.

Greg got out the wheelchair, put Will in it and pushed him along looking at the huge sails and rigging.

One schooner they noticed seemed to be ready to sail. To Greg it looked like the captain was waiting at the gangway for more.

"Wait a minute, Will, I want to talk to the Captain."

Greg walked up the gangplank to the Captain.

"Hi, welcome aboard. What can I do for you?"

"Captain, I'm wondering how long a sail you are doing today?"

"Sir, we are going out for about 3 hours, depending on the wind. Are you interested?" "Yes, we would like to sail, but I'm worried about my cousin in the wheelchair. Would there be any way he could go along? Safely, that is."

"Sure. First he'd have to be out of his chair and we'd stow that. Then he would be in a small push chair which you could handle, and he'd be in our best set of life jackets, and you too, since you will be looking out for him. I don't mean we won't be checking on him, but we can't be responsible in the end. You would have to sign a disclaimer for him to sail."

"Well, captain, I know he would dearly love to sail, and I guess I'll sign anything if we can take a sail with you."

"Okay, you're both on." He whispered the cost to Greg, who nodded.

Greg pushed Will to the gangplank after telling him they were going to sail on that big schooner. The captain walked down the plank and just picked Will out of the chair.

"Mr. Gooding, if you just drag the wheelchair on board, we'll go."

"Right." Greg had thought of just putting the chair in their car, but he imagined what could happen on the cruise so they might need it.

The most glorious moment of the cruise was the first time the sails caught the wind. The ship heeled a bit, scaring Will and Greg, too, but straightened and the sails pulled them along at a steadily increasing knots per hour. There were huge swells, deep and rolling, which kept the ship rising and lowering as they moved through them.

Greg watched Will's face light up, the excitement and joy affecting his whole body. Greg pushed Will in a small chair on wheels, two extra-special life jackets on each of them. They exulted in feeling of the waves on the boat, the wind in the rigging and snapping of flags and sails. The ship sailing past Rockport and Camden on the coast, also schooner home ports. Then they were sailing in Penobscot Bay, well protected by peninsulas and islands from the full force of the Atlantic Ocean.

There weren't many passengers, but they all said 'Hi' and shook hands, some inquiring about Will, just friendly like. Greg enjoyed talking to them, but Will was pretty reserved and mostly quiet. He smiled a lot and his eyes sparkled, sometimes even misting up with Will's emotions coming close to the surface.

Will pulled Greg's head down so he could speak right into his ear. "GG, I knew I loved you before, but doing this for me makes you my champion and idol forever. I love you so madly." He carefully gave Greg a quick little kiss on his ear.

Greg stood straight, smiled down at his charge who smiled coltishly.

The cruise was so thrilling to them both, though Greg thought Will was tiring rapidly. He thought he could use some rest. Greg wheeled him near the captain. He asked if there were any place Will could lay down for a while, he needed a little rest.

"Of course, Mr. Gooding, there is a small cabin on deck you can use. We'll be heading back soon, so why not use it for an hour or so to rest, then come back and watch us coming into the harbor and dock. Okay?"

"That would be super, Captain, thank you, see you later."

Greg carried his patient into the small cabin and pulled the chair in, too. He laid Will on the small bunk. He decided to lie down too, he was a bit tired, carrying and pushing Will.

They lay on their right sides, Will spooning with Greg, pressing his back and butt against Greg. Will fell asleep quickly, but Greg stayed awake, keeping an eye on his watch. His body was flushed with delight to have Will's handsome body against himself. Will's butt pressed tightly against Greg's crotch, actually giving him a boner. Greg enjoyed beyond belief having Will's body so close, keeping each other warm and comforted.

After 45 minutes Greg started to wake Will, gradually and tenderly.

"Oh, Greg, I loved that sleep, I'm really refreshed and want to watch some more."

"I'm so glad, Willy, I wanted you to enjoy this trip. Guess I made a good decision."

"Yes, and I also liked your boner against my butt, so cool and so hot." He laughed, and blushed.

Greg got them out on deck for the last half hour of their trip. They watched other schooners, other types of boats, and saw dolphins jumping in their bow wave. They were also interested as the crew began to shorten sail, lowering some for the final leg into the dock.

The schooner didn't have a motor on the ship, but they had a dory-like work boat on the stern which was lowered into the water and would push the schooner for the final mile into the dock where the lines were tied onto the shore.

Before they left the ship, Greg bought them each a sweatshirt with a drawing and name of the ship on the back. Will was thrilled and wanted to hug and kiss Greg, but decided to hold that for later.

"Captain, I can't thank you enough for allowing us on the cruise. We are both thrilled to have been able to."

"Mr. Gooding, it was our pleasure to have you. If you two are back in this area next summer, I'd suggest a week's cruise. That's a lot more fun. Your cousin would have trouble getting below decks, but we do have a few cabins on the main deck. Call early to reserve one. We'd love to have you."

"That would be great. I'm sure we will make a reservation. Thanks again."

"Thanks, Captain. First time I've been on a boat on the ocean. I'm grateful." Will said.

The captain bend over and gave Will a pat on his back.

"I wish you the best, Will, hope everything heals up okay. Bye."

Will waved as Greg pushed him in the wheelchair toward their car.

"Oh, GG, I've got to piss so bad. Can you find me a bush, or something?"

Greg chided, "I told you we should go to the head, but no, you didn't want to. Oh, well, I'll see what I can do."

Greg's car was parked against a building on one side and bushes on the other. He considered just letting Will piss by the car.

Greg carried Will from the chair to the car, setting him on the front seat with his legs out of the car. He got the chair into the trunk and went back to Will.

"Will, put your hands on the roof of the car and lift yourself so I can get your pants and boxers down. I did have some smarts when we left so I brought a large bottle with a screw top. You will piss into that. Okay."

Will was blushing, but nodded okay. He lifted his body while Greg took down his clothes. Greg got the bottle and said he'd hold it for him. He felt so naked, so exposed, but knew he just had to pee.

Will was even more embarrassed then, but gamely spread his legs and dropped his little prick drop over the rim of the bottle. He had a hard time starting his gusher, but once he got going, he darn near filled the bottle. Greg pulled it away and twisted the top on tightly. Will was still peeing on the ground for a bit. Then he stopped.

Greg couldn't resist. "Good lad, that was good." That would have been fine, but Greg gave Will's prick some pats before pulling up Will's pants.

Will went red from head to tail, Greg could actually see it hit his buttocks.

"Okay, young man, get yourself decent, would you please?"

Greg leaned over to give Will a light kiss on his cheek. "You've been so great. I don't know how I'd ever let you go."

Will's head bowed, his face saddened, his eyes misted and he looked up at Greg. "GG, I don't know how I can ever let you let me go. Please keep me." His eyes filled with hope as he looked up at Greg.

"The way it looks now, my love, I'm sure I will be doing just that."

Soon they were driving along U.S. 1 again, heading for Camden, Maine. From Rockland, the distance to Camden was only ten miles or so but they didn't hurry. Greg wanted to just take it easy, calmly. His mind was spinning, he didn't know what to do about Will. He loved Will, but he wasn't sure if it was real or was he trying to replace Ted.

"Will, we're going to stay in Camden, it is too late to drive back to our hotel. I've heard of a neat Inn there, called the Lord Camden Inn right in downtown Camden. Old fashioned, but really classy " He smiled at Will, "And I hear the beds are real comfortable."

"Sounds good to me, Greg. " Will imagined getting in an old fashioned bed with Greg. Will had expected to have sex with Greg on the trip, by this time, but nothing had happened as yet. He thought 'I've tried to show him what I've got. I know it isn't near as big as Greg's, but it still works pretty good.

Soon they were driving on the main street where all the stores were. In the middle of the block, he saw the Lord Camden Inn, looking in very good shape. Greg parked in back and entered the lobby where he inquired about a room for he and his brother. He informed them that his brother was in a wheelchair and could not walk.

The desk clerk, a cute twink who smiled as if he knew a secret, said they had just what he would want, a single room with double four-poster bed. Greg knew just what he was thinking, that his brother was no brother to him. Actually Greg and Will didn't look alike at all. 'Well, tough,' Greg thought.

He took the room and went to get Will. They piled their overnight bags on top of Will in the chair along with Greg's medical case.

The trip up three floors was fine, good elevator, certainly not quite as old as the Inn. Greg wheeled Will into the room where they were pleased to see fine antiques, or very good reproductions. The bed was a four-poster high off the floor. Neither would want to fall off. Greg got their bags unpacked, and he was ready for a shower. There was a shower but no tub, what was Will to do. Greg looked around and spotted a plastic stool in the corner of the bathroom. That would do fine, he thought.

"First, Will, I want to take your bandages off and check the wound. Don't want any infections or worse."

Greg got Will out of the chair, laying him on the bed. "How's that feel, Will?"

"So soft and cushy. That will be good sleeping."

Getting his bag, he used scissors from it to cut the bandage.

"Looks pretty good, Greg. I think we could leave it off while you get a shower. Won't hurt it."

Actually, the wound was mostly healed, a little red and puffy, but not bad at all. Will had been saying it still hurt a lot, but now Greg was wondering if he just likes all the pampering he'd been getting and didn't want it to stop. Greg smiled to himself. Well, I don't mind pampering him a while longer. I'll remove the stitches in a day or so. He'll be fine.

Greg stripped and stripped Will on the bed. He carried him to the stool in the shower. After he set him down, he twiddled his little cock back and forth with one finger. Will complained, but Will Jr, started to puff up a little. Greg turned on the water, got a good temperature and pulled the shower knob. Greg was soaked anyway so he helped Will with the washing and rinsing. By the time he was done, Will had a full-fledged hardon. Greg knew he'd want to jerk off.

"I'm going to finish putting our stuff away. You can finish." He pulled the door most of the way closed and left Will on his own.

Greg took about ten minutes, then heard Will, "Hey, Greg, I'm ready to come out. I look like a prune."

When Greg went in to get Will, he noticed that his cock was flaccid again, but quite a bit redder.

He dried what he could on the stool, then carried Will to the bed where he stretched him out and finished drying. Greg loved to touch Will's skin, so soft and smooth over the tough muscles, so drying took a good while.

Greg took his own shower and dressed. He also sat Will up to get him dressed. He loved pulling Will's boxers over his hot, hot butt. He guessed that Will's gymnastic routines had built those buttocks as it did his other rugged muscles.

He had also bandaged his foot well again so it had a covering. Getting Will in the wheel chair, Greg rolled him to the elevator and down to the lobby. He had noticed a small coffee shop when they came in. "How's this look, Willy, okay with you."


After the evening meal, which wasn't very good, Greg took them back to the room. He was tired and imagined that Will was too.

"Are you tired enough to head for bed, Willy?" He was wheeling him into the room.

"I guess so, GG, I seem to have had quite a workout today, but I loved every minute of it. He smiled broadly. "Lean down here, please."

Greg leaned down and Will grabbed his head, pressing his lips against Greg's, hard.

"Thank you again, Greg."

Greg kissed him back, "It is a pleasure being with you, Will, you are a pleasure too." Soon he had them both ready for bed. The bed was high and puffy-seeming, covered with a beautiful duvet and many pillows. Making room for them on the bed, he picked up Will and set him on one side with some nice pillows, then slid in on his side of the bed. Will lay on his stomach, still in his boxers. He reached over to Greg, urging him to come closer.

Actually they met in the middle of the bed, Greg on his back and Will half way over his body. They were tired and they slept without waking until 6 am or so. Greg knew he was still on his back and Will was still lying half on him. This time, though, he realized that Will had removed his boxers because Greg's hand was feeling bare naked buttocks. He move his hand slightly, feeling the tender, smooth skin, the solid flesh which had relaxed but maintain its superb form.

Greg's bladder wasn't giving him urgent messages so he turned toward Will and pulled him against his own body. Will didn't wake but did moan a bit. He felt Will's cock, hard as a rock and probably over six inches long but not too thick.

Greg used his right hand to caress those succulent buttocks, the hairless smooth flesh so exotic and arousing. Greg's cock was rock hard too, and pushing between Will's legs just under his scrotum.

Greg was startled to feel Will's hand on his own butt, caressing it, his small fingers following the split slightly in between. That really roused his excitement and passion. He had decided that he wasn't going to have any more sex with Will, but didn't think he could hold to that promise.

The next morning after a good breakfast at the Inn, the two men, one large and older, one small and younger, in love with each other, drove lazily back south on Interstate 95 to their hotel at Pine Point Beach.

At their original hotel Greg and Will were on the bed again, though not for sex. Greg wanted to take things slower until they got home. Will was still concerned about his parents and what they would do with his belongings at home. He did tell Greg that they probably wouldn't head back to Ohio for a while. Maybe two or three weeks.

"Will, we probably better head back home ourselves, before they do. Don't you think?"

"Oh, yes, GG, good idea. We can leave on Thursday to get back by Friday night. That will still give up a couple days to play around, remember, I want you to teach me more about making love, so I can love you better."

"Sure, little one," he brushed Will's hair off forehead, "but we can take it slowly. Believe me, it will be better."

They nestled in each other's arms, their legs entwined, their hard cocks pressed together hard.

"Will, I have a good idea for tonight. Is your leg fitting well now, no problems?"

"Oh, yes GG, I'm walking better and easier every day. Why?"

Greg touched his favorite part of Willie's body, his so attractive and so erotic buttocks, a rear end to die for. "Well, I've been told of a gay dance hall in Ogunquit, just a little south of here, very quick on I-95, maybe fifteen miles. What do you think?"

Will seemed apprehensive, "But, G-G, I've hardly ever danced, especially with a man. Actually, never."

Greg smiled warmly, trying to allay his fears. "Sweetie, you can just act natural and the movements will come. With your experience at gymnastics, many of the motions are similar, you use your body to express your love for me. And I'll do the same."

Will pushed himself on top of Greg, "My man, you are my man. I've dreamed for at least four years that my man will be the handsomest, hunkiest, sexiest man anywhere and he would love me as much as I loved him. What ever you want me to do, I will follow your lead." He lowered his head to kiss Greg's lips, biting them with his own lips. "I love you, GG, with all my mind and body, I hope you can do the same."

"Little man, I already do that, and more, I love your brain, your humor and your beautiful character which draws me to you with eager passion. I've really learned what real love is and I didn't have it with Ted I'm afraid. So much was missing in our relationship. He was devoted to my cock, but not me."

Greg made sure that Will's prosthesis was on his leg as secure as possible. As he helped Will into his car, he couldn't help kissing his lovely lips even though they were out in the parking lot. He didn't care if anyone saw them, they were of age and were all ready joined at the hip. Within a half hour they were parked in the Promenade e Deux in Ogunquit. The lot wasn't full, it was still early but they didn't want to stay out too late.

Actually Greg thought it better for Will to learn with few people around. The music was generally slow at that time of the evening. Later music will be hot and wild.

Will's thoughts when Greg took his left hand and secured his back with his other arm were so exciting and erotic, Will felt the spasms in his crotch, the delight of his first dance with a man. Will often forgot that he himself was a man, a real man. He was no longer a boy, he actually was in his sexual prime. Over the next few months, Greg would give him a belief in himself and of his sexual propensities and appetites with which he could discover the grand pleasures of man to man sexuality and sharing of love and eroticism.

Will managed to follow Greg's movements, both legs accomplishing his mental directions to them without too many slips and hesitations. Greg smiled down on Will, holding him tightly, once in a while catching his stumbles without making a big deal of them. At the end of one dance, Greg still held Will to him and kissed him on the lips, a kiss that was returned with interest.

They walked slowly to their table, and ordered another pitcher of beer. Greg poured their steins, making plenty of foam. They drank slowly, enjoying being together and especially being able to kiss and hold hands without trouble. They were surprised when a tall, slender man sat at their table, good looking and about 30 years of age.

"Please, pardon me, I would like to talk to you two. I was watching you two dancing. I've never seen so dear and loving a couple. Could I ask something very personal?" The stranger had an indefinable accent, possibly French or Italian.

Greg and Will looked at each other. The man was very polite, courteous and engaging. They shrugged their shoulders and nodded to him.

He nodded to Will, "Would you tell me if you have a prosthesis, if you don't mind?"

Will looked at Greg, then told him, "Yes, I do, my left leg ends a little beyond the knee." He paused, "And you?"

The man looked down at his legs, "No, but I happen to be a devotee. Do you know what that means?"

Greg looked knowledgeable and said, "I do, but I don't believe he does. We haven't talked about it."

Will was upset, feeling he was being made fun of. "What don't I know, huh?"

Greg made a decision. "I was going to leave this subject for much later, but I guess this will do." He started, "A devotee, Will, is a person, male or female, who is sexually attracted to those who have lost a limb." He turned to the stranger, "that is, arousal and orgasm are responsive to, and dependent upon a partner who is an amputee. An acrotomophile is erotically excited by the stump of the amputee partner." Greg asked, "Was that a correct description?"

Their unknown guest was amazed, "I would bet that only one person in one hundred million could come up with that expert of a definition." He stared at Greg, "How did you know all that?"

"My best friend in high school, lost part of his left leg, just like Will here. I was the only friend of his who would have anything to do with him, or even help. I took over the job of getting my friend to understand his life wasn't over. Plus that, I took physical care of him since his parents wouldn't. I watched his stump for infection and dangerous wear and tear. I am not a devotee, I am aroused only by the whole person. "

The young man looked from Will to Greg and back. "Could I buy you guys another pitcher? Or are you leaving?"

Greg answered him. "Thanks for the offer, but we are partners. We aren't leaving right away, and if you two want to talk shop with Will, that would be fine. " He turned to Will, "whatever you'd like."

Greg spoke up, "My name is Greg and this is Will. We haven't been together long, but plan to go for the long run."

"How do you do, guys, my name is Harrison, or Harry, and I would be pleased to talk, mainly about prostheses, if you would."

"Harry," Will spoke, "I've haven't talked about my handicap with anyone except Greg. And, I'm sorry but I don't want to talk about it with you. Also, I'm sure I wouldn't want to be the object of desire for my stump." His face was sympathetic, "You seem like a good person, yet I'm still feeling very private about my problem. It is quite new to me, only since May of this year." He smiled at Harry, "And frankly, Harry, I want to dance some more with my partner. I think I can speak for Greg, too, that we are glad you stopped to talk. I can see that you have given me information I should have had. We are in this area for a two week summer vacation and will be leaving in a couple days." He stuck out his hand to shake with Harry.

Harry took the hint, shook hands with Will and Greg and left the table.

Will and Greg danced until the music was getting too wild for their type of dancing. On the way back to the hotel, Will told his lover that he enjoyed the dancing more than anything in the last months. "Greg, you holding me and our bodies dancing was so sexy." He blushed, "I almost came in my pants when you held me close."

Greg responded in a similar confession, "Honestly, Will, I almost came in mine. I only want one more thing tonight. I want to get in bed with you and love you as long and as hard as I can."

Will looked up, kissed Greg loosely on his lips while holding his hard cock against Greg's bulging crotch. No one paid any attention to them and their devotion to each other. "Let's go!"

An hour later, they spread their bodies apart and lay on their back side by side. Greg still held Will in the curve of his arm while he pressed kisses, one after the other, on Will's bruised, shiny lips.

"Greg, I love you so much, I think we were fated to be together, I know my dick is thrilled." He smiled and turned his head to Greg, slightly embarrassed, "When are we going to take our love another step?"

"I suppose you are hinting at anal sex. What do you know about that, my baby lover?"

"Geez, G-G, I've told you I had read a lot of stories on Nifty, and accepting your lover's cock into your body sounds like the most wondrous, most erotic, most loving path you could take with your partner. Isn't that right?" Will had reached over to close his hand around Greg's limp dick, still wet and slippery, and not about to recover for a few hours.

Greg leaned over to suck Will's nipple into his mouth, laving the tiny areola, about the size of a shirt button with a minuscule tip level with the surrounding flesh. That is, until Greg aroused it to a respectable size. He put heart and soul into his efforts with this piece of his lover's body.

"Oh, Greg, don't, please, that makes me shiver all over, even behind my balls."

"Okay, hon, but I love to do it. Makes me so hot and horny. How about you?"

"Need you ask?" Will pointed to his now risen cock, standing tall and thicker than usual. The two men grinned at each other, staring knowingly into their lover's eyes. Both nodded and rolled into a clinch.

Quickly they positioned themselves into a 69 posture, their thighs placed where their lover could lay their head. Both cocks were thick and hard, bulging heads atop straight, solid shafts, oozing pre-cum from their slit.

Not having words to describe their feelings, they accepted the heads onto their tongues which slathered them with juices. Will reached back to Greg's rear, delicately running his fingers along the trench between his buttocks. He could feel some hair, soft and curly in that moist slot. Will's breathing became labored, his heart sped. His fingers nervously plowed between Greg's cheeks, the first time he had visited Greg's most private part.

Will couldn't see Greg's face, but if he could, he'd see him smiling lovingly for his young, impressionable partner, his babe. A major concern had come over him, an emotional response to the love he felt for Will which caused him to choke up and tears drip from his eyes. He sniffed, then returned to his making love to Will's rigid, pulsing cock, trying to bring him off, to pull his cum down the little red lane. He snickered quietly as he thought of that.

Will continued until one finger touched Greg's anus, the slit and areola, the center of his body's love sheath. He only tickled it, not wanting to do anything further until Greg had agreed to go there.

Their bodies spasmed, limbs jerking, as the sensations on their poles rose through their spines to the brains, continually increasing the shocks until their orgasms shot stream after stream into their lover's mouth and throat. They both cleaned up the prods until they finished pushing more juices into their mouths.

This time Greg knew he was finished and no nipple playing would bring his dick back soon. Will, being ten years younger, felt he still had one more way to go. He did understand that Greg would not recover like Will would. By common agreement, they adjusted their positions to hold while they slept soundly. The next day they would pack, try the ocean once more and be ready to head for Ohio in the morning.

Will's right foot had responded well to treatment, the slice was almost all healed, the scar had practically disappeared. He was feeling better about the whole incident. It would make him watch more carefully what happens to his foot.

The drive was long and boring, I-95 to I-90 and across New York State then I-80/90 past Toledo to Bryan south on Ohio 15, seventeen miles to Bryan. Will couldn't help Greg with the driving. Since he can't use his left leg to help drive, they both decided it would be too dangerous for him to try. Maybe he could soon after practicing on his driving.

For a few hours Will talked about his growing up, friends and school activities. He blushed, but did tell Greg that his friend Bryan and he learned to 'jerk off' together when staying together at Bryan's house. He looked at his lover's profile, so concerned with his driving, "Greg, we just jacked ourselves off, never did anything else together. Bryan moved away during our sophomore year, I never had another friend that close." He looked down to his hands in his lap, "I didn't love him and I don't think he loved me, Greg. You don't think he did, do you?"

Keeping his eyes on the road, Greg smiled, "If he had any sense, he would love you as much as I do." He patted Will's left thigh, "You are infinitely loveable, Willie." He cautioned, "For that reason, hon, we'll have to watch ourselves when we are together in Bryan especially. We can't give each other 'loving' looks or slight touches or leaning against each other." He looked at Will then back at the road, quickly. "I'm not 'out' completely, but some of my friends know. I don't think the people I work with know, but then again, I might be surprised".

Will piped up, "What about your family? Do they know?"

"There is only my father, and yes, he knows. He isn't terribly happy about it, I think he wanted grandchildren. But he still loves me, Will, as much as ever. He is pleased with what I've accomplished in my life. And I love him just as much." He squeezed Will's thigh, "And he will love you, just as I love you. You'll see, he's a great man, a great human."

Will put his head down and sighed, "I'm sorry that my father isn't like that, Greg, I wish he could love you, too." Will dropped his head, "I wish he loved me."

Greg drove steadily except for 'pit' stops to pee and get something to eat. He had been driving for 12 hours when he decided he couldn't go all the way to Bryan. Just too far. When they reached a spot on the New York Thruway between Buffalo and Erie, Pa, he drove off and found their way a short distance to the Lake Erie State Park. He knew they could stop for the night and get showers in the morning.

"Willie, this is it. I've stayed here a few times, it's a good one. We'll have to sleep in the Pathfinder. The back seats fold down to a flat area where we can put the blown up mattress." He grinned, "See, we can be together."

Will jumped to Greg, hugging him practically blocking his vision.

"Willie, I can't see where I'm going."

Within the hour their SUV was parked in a camping space where they spent a while blowing up the air mattress. Both needed to visit the toilet to spend a necessary while on the pot. They walked to the Shower Building with painted cement block, looking well kept. Inside were a row of enclosures, walled off from the rest. Greg had brought his shower things and enough for Will. The first part was for undressing while the inner part was the tiny shower room. Greg helped Will to undress and to remove his prosthesis. There were a number of hand holds for handicapped folks which made it much easier for Will.

Of course, by the time Will was naked, he was also at full hard state. But then, so was Greg. "We shouldn't do anything, Will, we'll be on our air mattress soon." Even so, Will embraced Greg who returned the hug. Neither one could help going farther. They both were horny, too horny to stop. The small enclosure and rush of water on their bodies escalated their libido to passionate desire. Kissing and rubbing the two naked bodies together concluded their loving with bursts of cum sprayed on both crotches. After hugging the other, they finished their shower quickly.

Greg knew there was a small restaurant right outside the park, where they got a decent supper. What followed was comforting to both men, relaxing and easing their tensions.

They were on the road again, very early, headed for Bryan. This was almost all on Interstate Highways and by noon Greg had pulled into his driveway. Will was impressed with Greg's house, a small ranch with nice landscaping, Greg's hobby, almost.

"Come on, youngun', lets get our stuff inside and you can see your new home." Greg pulled Will to his body, "I hope you will come to like the dump." He pressed his face against Will's, "I love you so much, my baby."

"Me, too, Greg," Will whispered.

They got out of their seats belts and started emptying the back of the Pathfinder. After unlocking the side door, Greg led Will to their bedroom. "I'm sorry, Will, there is only one bedroom, but I've got a huge bed. I guess I bought it with the idea of having a loved one, but never got one." Greg reddened, "I'm now so pleased to welcome you to our bed."

Will pushed Greg down on the bed and lay on top of him. "Greg, hon, you are all that I could ever want. And, you'll see, you won't be able to get rid of me, either." He giggled.

Greg got both hands on Will's buttocks, squeezing while pressing their crotches together, hot and hard.

"Love, we've got to get moved in. My crew knows when I would be getting back, so they might show at any time. I will introduce you as my cousin, Will, from Sylvania near Toledo. I will eventually explain that your parents kicked you out and I said I'd take care of you. After your accident, you sort of went off the edge and they couldn't control you. Okay?"

"Yea, that's good, Greg, at least I'm not a delinquent or druggie. I don't suppose you could tell them we're in love and no one can get between us?"

A few seconds after Will said that, a male voice hollered from the side door.

"Hey, shithead, where the hell are you. Or are you a burglar? Well, no, I guess not since your piece of junk is in the driveway."

Greg smiled, "That's Eddie, the Ready, our super fireman, eager and always ahead of the crew. He's great, even though he disparages everything I own, including my priceless 1990 Nissen Pathfinder. He grows on you, like a fungus."

One large man barged through the door of the bedroom, filling it. He was just big all over, but very handsome. He did a double take when he saw Will standing beside Greg, "And who do we have here, Greg, you're latest pickup."

Will blushed, but Greg just grinned and said, "Hell, Eddie, I could never get one this pretty." He patted Will on the back, "Eddie, this is my young cousin, Will Gooding, who will be staying with me for a while. Now shake hands nicely, and don't break his hand, or I'll have to break your butt."

Will was scared even though Greg was beside him, but he held out his hand toward Eddie. Eddie's paw enveloped Will's slight hand. He surprised Will by pulling his hand until Will was completely wrapped in Eddie's body. Eddie felt Will all over, including his left leg.

"Well, Will, I am surprised a small man like yourself is so well set up. What have you been doing, gymnastics?" He looked at the palm of the hand he still held. "Ah, yes, that's exactly what you have done."

Eddie knelt and moved one hand to Will's left knee and down, feeling the prosthesis. "And I'd guess you had an accident? Right?"

Surprisingly to himself, Will nodded and just suddenly relaxed into Eddie's grasp, clutching that big man, twice his own size, and started to cry. He felt this man would be a good friend, someone he would appreciate more every day.

Eddie held Will tightly, one hand behind his head pulling Will's face into his shoulder. Eddie looked at Greg, questioning his boss's reaction. Greg smiled and nodded to Eddie, inferring 'you are doing great'.

The other big paw was busy soothing Will's back, trying to comfort the young cousin of his boss's.

"Will, I'm very glad to meet you, and I'll tell you that you couldn't have picked a better man to help than Greg Gooding. But now you also have me, too, I'll be there for you any time you need extra help. Okay?"

Will pulled back a little, "That's great," he sniffed. Greg handed him a Kleenex. "My god, you are big, Eddie. Tell me, are you big all over?"

That question stunned Eddie, but he took it in stride. "Why, yes sir, little man, but you'll never know."

Will's question also dismayed Greg, not understanding why Will had asked it.

"Will, would you go out to the car and bring in the mattress after you deflate it. Okay?"

"Sure, Greg."

After he left, Greg spoke to Eddie after they sat on the bed. "My friend, I'm going to need your help. Will was kicked out of his family this past week, when I was in Maine. His father is my uncle, my father's brother. For some reason they hate each other. Anyway, his parents caught him in a homosexual circumstance."

Eddie broke in, "Oh, geez, Greg, that's too bad. I suppose they hate him now."

"Well, they told him not to come home because he didn't have a home any more. I was with him when his father said that. No matter what, I couldn't just leave him there on his own. Especially after he lost the lower half of his left leg only 3 months ago." Greg didn't want to lie to Eddie, but he thought he didn't need to explain everything about their meeting.

"That's terrible, Greg. What do you think, is he really gay?"

"I don't think so, Eddie. But what do I know. At his age he could be or not. So I'm taking care of him to find out what would be best. He has some money, a good amount actually, which came from the accident where his leg was hurt." He looked at Eddie closely, "Please keep that part to yourself. I wouldn't want everyone to know about that. I'll just say he got into trouble at home and was kicked out. Okay?"

Eddie was very serious, "Greg, I won't breathe a word. And you can count on me to help any way I can." He pounded on Greg's back, "That's the way it is going to be."

When Greg got his breath back, he nodded, "I thank you, Eddie, and I'll probably call on you sometimes. You might see ways to do what I need to do. Thanks for being so good with Will. I'll see you at the station later, okay?"

"Yup." Eddie took off saying goodbye to Will outside by the Pathfinder.

Greg suddenly remembered he hadn't called his father. He punched the `fast connect' button for his Dad.

"Hi, Dad, it's Greg."


"Greg Gooding, your son."


"Yes, that one." He gave Will a puzzled look and shrugged his shoulders.

"Right, Dad, I just got back from Maine." He grinned at Will, "And I brought a neat surprise for you. Wait until you see it, you'll love it.

"Oh, I can't do that yet, tell you what, I'll bring the surprise this afternoon. Could I scrounge a meal off of you." He waited, "Sure, Dad, I'm okay, just great. By the way, my surprise would like something to eat, too."

He moved his hand toward Will, wiggling his fingers, mimicking talking, suggesting that his father talked a lot. "Sure, Dad, I'll be there in an hour. See you then. I love you, Dad." He looked around to see Will. "Bye."

Greg clicked off, turned to Will and yelled, "Got 'im this time. He'll never get over this one." Will spoke up, "Why didn't you tell him that we came home together, huh?"

"He'll see you soon enough, my Will, and I can't wait until he sees what a handsome, intelligent young man I was lucky enough to find there on the beach."

"Will you tell him about us, all of it?" Will looked scared, worried about himself and about Greg also.

Greg smiled tenderly, "Will, there's nothing to worry about. Dad won't be mad or upset at all. He will wonder what I've done, but he will love you within minutes just as I did. He's a great man.

"GG, would you please tell me about him? I'd like to be a little informed before we show up at the house."

"Will, could you please wait. Honestly, we will have a wonderful time, don't worry. He's my Dad and he knows all about me and never stopped loving me."

Will was still concerned but he'd go along with Greg. This was all so new to him, he had so many questions to ask.

Greg's father lived in a newer development, mostly nice two story homes, a few ranch types in a park-like setting, lots of trees and special landscaping. Will saw no one out on the lawns or street, but decided everyone would be having dinner. When Greg turned in a driveway, an older man stood up from a porch chair. Will had to blink and look again, and check to make sure Greg was sitting beside him in the car. Greg and his dad looked like brothers, one just a little older. Both wore short hair the same way, parted on the left, shining dark silky hair. Actually Greg's hair was some longer than his Dad's.

The car stopped by the garage and Greg jumped out to help Will get out of the car. They decided he should wear his forearm crutches so he would be more sure on the ground. Greg didn't help Will to the porch, but did on the few steps.

Greg immediately hugged his father, a good strong hug by both of them and quick kisses on their cheeks. Will hung back, still somewhat shy and feeling lonesome. Greg moved back beside him, put an arm around his shoulder and announced, "Dad, this is Will Gooding who seems to be a relative of mine and who I brought back from Maine." He grinned at his dad,

"Pretty good catch, don't you think?"

Bill Gooding held out his hand to Will, "Hi, Will, I'm very pleased to meet you. I have to assume your father is Nolan Gooding, my brother. It is unfortunate that we haven't met before, but I think Greg will put things to right. My real first name is Greg, but to simplify things I use my middle name, William. I'm glad you use Will or we'd have more confusion. "

"Hi, Mr. Gooding." He smiled, "Greg has told me nothing so I wouldn't be confused. I'm happy to meet you, sir, and to be in Bryan."

"Remember, Will, I'm Bill and I'm not a sir. You've had some good training, but we are family now. And for that reason, I need a hug, that's our way." They joined in a close hug.

"I like it, ... Bill, I'm sure."

"Greg, let's sit on the porch for a while. And I want Will on the swing with me. I was a little afraid, Greg, you were bringing me a puppy or something that you wanted me to feed." They all laughed.

He ushered Will to the porch swing which he held until Will was settled.

"Dad, we have a lot to tell you so relax for a while. We think it is very interesting." Greg was looking mysterious, but contented.

Greg proceeded to relate how he and Will had met, about his leg and cut right foot. He continued with their schooner cruise out of Rockland for three hours, going to the dance palace and staying in the Inn in Camden. In the middle of that Bill put his arm around Will's shoulder, holding Will tightly and warmly in his arm. Will seemed to appreciate his gesture and, possibly unknowing, laid his hand on top of Bill's left thigh, just resting there. Bill twisted his mouth up in a slight smile, beginning to understand the relationship between Will and Greg.

"And, Dad, we just get home and who bursts into the side door?"

"That had to be Eddie, must have been." He turned to look at Will, "What did you think of Eddie, Will? He's quite a man, isn't he."

"Oh, yes, ah ... Bill, he's great, he and I bonded immediately, and I mean bonded." He was excited, a blazing smile on his face.

"Aha, Will, you got one of those special Eddie hugs, can't be beat." He laughed, "It takes me a week to get over one of those." He gave Will an extra squeeze. "As we go along, we'll get to know each other very well. First, I would like to know about your leg." Bill put his hand on Will's left knee, then grasped Will's left hand, feeling the calluses and hard spots. What he had originally thought seemed to be true.

"Dad, right after Will graduated from high school he was in a car with friends. The driver, another friend, who was drunk, managed to crash the car into a huge tree at a fast rate of speed. Will was the only one hurt. The surgeons, doctors and nurses worked hard to keep Will's leg, but after three operations, they had to amputate six inches below the knee. And, thus, his gymnastics career was over."

"Oh, Will, how awful. I'm so sorry, has Greg had any suggestions?"

"Sure, Dad, I'm full of suggestions. Will is a good musician and that might be a way for him to go. He's interested in Windsor College up in Windsor. A brass group from there played a program at Will's high school last year. We was very impressed. I'm thinking of taking him up there to see what they can offer."

"Bill," Will broke in, "I'm also thinking about studying to do work with people like me, you know, other amputees, especially young kids. Not to be a doctor or nurse, but maybe as a med tech or physical therapist or counselor. I have enough money myself, I sued the socks off the insurance company who insured the driver of the car. Unfortunately, he was a good friend of mine. Yes, unfortunately 'was' is the word now."

Bill spoke quietly, "Will, some day you will have to forgive him. I know it will be hard, but you might be better friends than you think." He hoped he had influenced Will. "You know, if you have some money, you might start a clinic where you could help those kids in your condition. It's going to take you a while, lots of psychology and general medical courses." He squeezed Will again, "And, Will, if you need any help, of any kind, you know where I live. I'll do anything I can, Willie. I mean it, including money."

Will turned toward Bill, put his arms around Bill's body, "Bill, you and my father are brothers, how did he get to be such a mean, spiteful shit. Any ideas?"

Bill's face greyed, his eyes became dull, "I might know something, Will, but not now. Some day I might be able to tell you, but not today. Okay?"

"Sure, da.... ah Bill." Will stood up in front of his uncle. "Could I have one of those hugs now, I'm not feeling so hot?"

Bill stood and took Will into his arms, "My son ... that's how I'm going to think about you, Will. I always wanted another son, but Greg's mother .... well, a long story. If it is alright with you, you would be part of my side of the family?"

Ecstatically, Will grinned from ear to ear, "Do, I? You've got it," and he smacked his lips against Bill's and held on tight.

"Hey, what's going here, huh, Dad. Will is my partner ... uh oh ... I didn't mean to say that, Dad, oh hell, yes I did, Will and I are partners for life. Can you live with that?"

Bill retorted, "Greg, the question is whether you two can live with it." He nodded for Greg to join their family hug, "You know what I mean, you have to be very quiet about it, not showing any of the usual loving looks at each other, no patting, pawing or caressing that will give it away immediately."

Greg wrapped his arms around Will and his Dad, "We are aware of it, Dad, and are doing the best we can do. We'll watch it, believe me."

All three men were quiet, holding on to each other, cheeks and chins and noses touching with warm, loving feelings. Greg and Bill had Will trapped between them, holding this young, smaller and shorter Gooding to themselves, adoring his handsome looks and slender muscular body.

Bill finally broke it up, saying, "Someday, Will, I'd love to see this miraculous body of yours. I've already felt your hands and can just begin to understand the hours and hours of work you have expended. I'm so sorry I will never see your gymnastics, Will, but I'm also sure you will be a smashing success with whatever you decide to do."

Bill and Greg heard funny noises, quickly realizing that Will was sobbing.

"Will, I'm so sorry, I don't want you to cry. If you do, then we'll have to also." Greg say softly, kissing Will's face all over.

"Okay, okay, so I'll quit." Will had noticed tears in their eyes. "Bill, I'd like to call you Dad if I may ... since I don't have one any more."

At that all three men had tears running down their cheeks, Bill sobbed, "Will, damn it, now I can't stop, you can call me Dad if you'd like, just like Greg, but I ain't payin' for no braces or nuthin', well maybe that but don't ask me for a car." Bill started laughing, roaring and forcing the other two to dance around in a circle. They obliged by following his lead, jumping and shouting, until Will stumbled, but Greg and Bill caught him immediately.

"I think we better get to our dinner, I can smell that it must be ready. Come on inside, sons. Yes, damn it, that's two sons, thank you God."

Later that evening Greg and Will decided to head for bed, they were tired from the trip and putting their things away in the bedroom. The bedroom had two windows, double hung, and on the ground floor. Fortunately, they had mini-blinds on them so keeping their privacy was relatively easy.

"Will, we much be careful to keep our privacy, especially here in the bedroom. In general I think the bedroom blinds should be closed. These do not black out the room, but they do keep anyone from seeing in."

Will was in the midst of removing his clothing, down to his boxers which he considered exchanging for a clean pair. In the drawer that Greg had given him he found a fresh pair, slipped off the old ones and while naked, walked into the kitchen where Greg was fixing some dessert for them, Moose Tracks ice cream. Will never thought of the window and door in the kitchen. "Uh, Greg, where do I put dirty clothes?"

Greg saw Will and stopped dishing out. "Willie, I love more than anything to see you naked and your willie looking so hot. But, baby, you shouldn't do that. I'm sorry, I know you aren't used t o this house, but try to learn by tomorrow morning. You can be naked with me just in the bedroom until I get blinds on the other windows. Wait a minute."

Greg wrapped his arms around Will, pulling him tight against his taller body, trying to shield his lover." His hands covered his buttocks, but in just a second Will had a reaction.

"Geez, Greg, hon, you may be covering me, but you are making me hot and horny. Or is that your purpose?"

Greg thought, "Will, over in my bedroom closet there is a white, terrycloth robe, please put that on."

As Will walked out of the kitchen, Greg gave him a slap on his beautiful buttocks, and again wondered how he was going to live with his hunky cousin without going crazy. Looking at the handsome young man on his return, he thought, 'I'll do it somehow or ask to be put away'. He noticed how well Will was walking, steady, balanced and smooth. He smiled lovingly to his love, it was returned.

The young lovers stretched out in the wide bed, trying to settle in a comfortable position. Will had placed his prosthesis on the dresser, Soon, Will slid onto Greg's side to hold him and receive Greg's comfort and bodily embrace. Greg turned to kiss his soft, adorable lips and moaned, "Willie, I love you more than anything, but I'm too tired out. Remember I'm a lot older than you, and older men don't recover as easily as younger ones."

"Maybe if you sucked my nipples again you'd recover faster." Will gave a sneaky smile, urging Greg on.

Greg positioned his mouth against one of Will's ears, "Baby, remember, I have to go back to work in two days, and I can't go back exhausted. Except, maybe I could call in sick, sick of working."

He reminded Will that they had two important things to do soon. One was to get in Will's former home to pick up his property, the other to make arrangements for Will to get to school.

"By the way, Will, where are all the official documents for your money. I hope not at your former home."

"Hell, no, hon, they are in a safety deposit box at the bank. I wouldn't trust my parents any where near them."

"Tomorrow is Saturday, then Sunday, and neither one will get us into a bank.. Hey, we better get busy."

The two men squeezed each other in their enthusiasm.

"Greg, I have something to tell you. He lowered his head, bashful again, "I do have videos of my gymnastics, even the championship meet. I've never been able to watch them since I lost my leg. If you think your Dad ... ah .. our Dad would like to see them, I'd locate them."

"Will, I think he'd like to see them. You wouldn't have to watch, but maybe you should to remember what you accomplished and your honors."

"Okay, when we get to my parent's house, I'll dig them out."

"And you ought to have copies made for safety."

By five Saturday afternoon Greg and Will had been to Sylvania at Will's home in their borrowed truck, contacted Will's lawyer who went through the house with them for a fee, of course. All of Will's clothes, computers, games, videos and CDs plus miscellaneous other property of the young man were stacked under the pickup truck cover carefully. Will also found the videos of his gymnastics performances, especially the state title one.

Will had scattered enough of his old clothes and books around his room to make it seem like always. His parents might not notice that he had removed the important stuff for a while. In case Will's parents went to the police, Will's lawyer was willing to give evidence, for another fee. Will had entered his own home of 18 years and only removed those items which belonged to him. They would try to give Will trouble, but at that time he had good friends who would help. Eddie couldn't make the trip because of his work, but he did help them unload.

After the three men transferred the boxes and other material into Greg's house, they returned the truck for a rebate. None of the day had been wasted and Will was now a resident of Bryan, living with Greg for the foreseeable future.

Greg and Will would have just Sunday to recuperate from their efforts on Saturday. Before Eddie left, they made sure he was well fed. It took most of the contents of the refrigerator to do it.

Sunday morning Greg called Eddie. "Hey, buddy, if you're not too lazy, you could come here at noon and we'll have dinner together. How's that sound?"

"Greg, that's great. What can I bring?"

"Oh, just bring yourself."

"No, Greg, I want to bring .... I know, I'll bring some beer. Okay?"

Greg laughed, "All right, Eddie, bring some beer."

"See, ya, Greg"


Greg had fried chicken, French fried potatoes and tossed salad along with ice cream for dessert. They all enjoyed the feast, especially since Greg had done it all himself.

"Thanks, Greg." Eddie promised to do the dishes, a job which Greg was happy to give up.

Will helped Eddie by drying and putting them away since he knew pretty well where everything went. Eddie would touch Will frequently, just a friendly touch on his back or arm. And Will responded easily, leaning against Eddie gently, absorbing good feelings from him. Greg watched those two, his best friend and his lover, relating to each other and cooperating to finish the job. He could see that the two men would become close, like Eddie was with Greg, just to be good friends, regardless of the difference in ages. Eddie was close to 40, but young at heart.

"Hey, Will, Eddie and I want to check with the crew at the station, just a few minutes, we'll be right back. Could you watch TV for a while. And I've got lots of DVDs you could watch." Will smiled at Greg, "That's fine, Greg, take your time." He waggled his eyebrows. "Bye, Eddie."

THANK YOU. I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David, Tim and Jesse for editing chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

Next: Chapter 41: Dukes of Windsor II 3

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