Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 2, 2023



Disclaimer: This story concerns homosexual men and includes their sexual activities.

This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental.

If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now.

Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004,2005,2006 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at AuthorPaul@mail.com When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on answering you. Thanks, Paul.

The original story of Dukes of Windsor ended at 38 chapters. These twelve new chapters follow chapter 37, one year later. Chapter 38 would still be the last chapter of the whole story.

I gratefully thank David, Jesse and Tim for their editing help of these chapters. I am forever thankful for their assistance and support.

Paul Daventon, authorpaul@mail.com


With great sadness, I dedicate this portion of Dukes of Windsor to the memory of my best friend and life long love who passed away on December 19, 2005. He was the inspiration and guiding hand for my story and for a major part of my life.

Rest In Peace, Jack.

Chapter 1, Book II

In Bryan, Ohio, a section of the small city in the northwest of the state boasted a few blocks of Victorian houses, well over 100 years old with most of them beautifully restored. In one of the biggest and nicest, two young men lay on the living room sofa, one spooned behind the other, each had fallen asleep while watching the video running on the TV. Greg was behind Ted, one arm over his chest which was pulling them together from shoulders to crotch. Neither was aroused because they slept deeply. Their position was one which they assumed frequently though usually in the apartment of one of the young men instead of the one's father's house.

They made no noise except for the one who was lightly snoring. Neither would ever admit to snoring. Neither, of course, heard a car pull in the driveway and stop by the front porch, nor heard the door slam as the driver exited. The door was shut with force because another car was in the driveway blocking the driver's way to the garage. He was irate for that reason, and for another reason which he hadn't actually seen yet, but suspected since he recognized the car.

The man climbed onto the porch and stomped to the door. The two somnolent men in the living room still didn't hear any of it. Only when the man stood in the living room, watching the two men sleep, did his blood pressure practically explode. It managed to color his face bright red, turn his breath into steam shooting from his nostrils and make his eyes bulge like those of a cartoon character on Nickelodeon. That was the first time Mr. Pierce had seen Greg and Ted in a compromising position, one that could be interpreted as sexual. And that's how it seemed to him. The explosion did come!

"What in the hell do you two think you are doing?"

At the first word Greg and Ted woke up. By the last word they sat up on the couch, separately, panicked.

"Ted, I've told you not to have this pervert over in my house. Ever!"

"Dad, we just were watching a movie and fell asleep. We weren't doing anything."

"No matter. I want this fucking, fag fairy out of my house. Now!" He was livid, afire.

Greg stood quickly. "Mr. Pierce, if I'm a fucking, fag fairy, your son is a fuckin' fag, fairy, too. I'm leaving."

Mr. Pierce wasn't about to take that. His hands curled into fists, looking as if he would attack Greg.

"Mr. Pierce, you old fart, you hit me and I'll take you to court. Don't worry, I'm leaving. I won't enter this house again - ever." He turned toward Ted, "You better get home to your apartment before he has you completely brainwashed. Call me." Greg tried to hold his temper before he attacked the old man.

Greg walked out the front door to get his car. Ted ran after him, "Greg, Greg, wait up!"

Greg stopped, but didn't turn.

"Greg, please don't hate me, I'm going to try to convince him. We'll be okay. "

Greg smiled, then turned and hugged Ted, "Teddy, he won't let up. If you need me, just call me or come over. You know I still love you, man." He kissed Ted and soon backed his car out of their driveway.

Greg was so afraid that he would lose Ted. Ted wasn't very strong, and didn't have much will to deny his father anything. His father actually made Ted's CPA business pay.

Ted turned from watching Greg drive away, waving at the last moment. He climbed the steps to the wooden porch and went in. His Dad had heard him close the door.

"Ted, come into my office. Now."

At the door of his father's office, Ted stood, hardly breathing in fear of what the old man might do.

"Come in," he said calmly. "We need to talk, Ted."

Ted was still shaking, but sat in the visitor's chair in front of the big, cluttered desk. The room was honestly Victorian in decoration, dark wood, drapes and carpet with intricate Victorian gew-gaws. The effect was one of staid, stern accouterments in richly designed furnishings.

"Ted, I hope we've seen the last of Mr. Gooding." He looked sternly into Ted's dark eyes, waiting for agreement.

Ted nodded solemnly, afraid to speak to his father for fear of upsetting him.

"Ted, I want you to look at this paper, a copy of my last will and testament." Ted got up to stand beside him. "Right here, where I direct the inheritors of my estate. You will inherit the whole of my money and property, if, I say if, you do not practice your homosexuality. My lawyer is well aware of my condition there, and on the event of my death, will use investigators to learn about your activities." He sat back in his executive chair, "Do you understand what I've done?" Ted nodded 'yes'. "If you don't, my estate will go to the Society for Battered Cats or something."

"I understand." Ted wanted to stand up to his father, but he needed money. His accounting business was productive, but he would like lots of money. After his father died, he would get all the money and then he and Greg could live together.

"And, Ted, if you are awarded my estate after which homosexual activity can be proved against you, you will have to give the money to the cats."

After that ultimatum, Ted left to go home, his apartment needed to be cleaned and straightened. He wanted Greg to come over so they could make love. He wanted to change the sheets on his large bed. He did and they did.

One week after the explosion, Ted called him, very upset.

"Greg, Greg, it's horrible. Dad had a heart attack, not too bad, I guess, but I'm going to have to stay with him, no one else would do it. And no wonder because of the way he treats all the relatives. I'm sure they know they won't get any of his money. And I'm sure he's told them that if I'm involved with a homosexual, they will inherit. They won't, but they don't know that. They'll be watching me like hawks, trying to find evidence of gay activity.

"He'll be in the hospital for two weeks at least. So, hon, you go ahead and do the vacation thing in Maine and I'll go with you another time."

"Oh, shit, Ted, that's too bad. I can't be sympathetic toward your father, but I'm very sorry for you, love. I'll go and try to enjoy myself, but I really can't see that happening."

"You go, Greg, I want that. Maybe you'll meet a hunky lifeguard. Hey man, I'll miss you but I'll talk to you later, bye."

Greg hung up and sat down, trying to decide if he wanted to go without Ted. He decided he wasn't going to let Ted's asshole of a father ruin the vacation totally.

The first day of August of that year opened the month with warm breezes and sunny skies on the southern coast of Maine. He arrived at the hotel around noon having spend a day and a half driving from Ohio. Greg Gooding looked around the hotel suite and was pleased with its warmth and comfort. He had just driven from Bryan, Ohio, where he lived and worked. His lover, Ted Pierce, and he had planned to vacation together at this resort area of coastal Maine.

One week before they were to travel, Ted's father had a heart attack which would keep him in the hospital for at least two weeks. Ted decided he must stay with his father. No other relatives nearby would help. Ted's mother had passed away years before so Ted was it. He sent Greg on to have a good, relaxing vacation and he wasn't to pay Ted back for his part of the costs. That generous gift from Ted was most unlike him, not Scrooge Ted. Greg smiled at the thought.

The young man at 27 looked out of the room to see the beach reaching up practically to his door. His room was on the ground floor with a beautiful view of the ocean, just 50 yards away. The room was in the Ocean Hotel at Pine Woods Beach just north of the New Hampshire border and resorts of Kittery, York, Ogunquit and Wells. The Pine Woods Beach was three miles of smooth sand, so his room was not too far from the ocean at high tide, though quite a bit farther at low tide. Greg's room's sliding glass doors opened right onto the clean, fine sand. Greg wondered how the hotel kept the ocean out of the room when they had a storm. He looked around and finally saw the ten foot high sliding shutters which would seal off the room.

Greg took time then to empty his bags into the dresser, closet and bathroom drawers, looking with approval of his decisions on what to bring on his vacation. The room had a small kitchen and sitting/eating area separate from his bed space. He checked the refrigerator for any possibilities for lunch. Actually, the inside was completely empty except for a box of baking soda, and was obviously recently cleaned. At that moment his stomach growled loudly, really complaining. He had brought some food, but nothing perishable.

He thought, 'Well, that tells me what I have to do next. Get groceries, and some pop and maybe a little wine, or even beer.' Greg didn't drink much, but on a rare occasion would drink more than he should. He regretted those times so much that the next time became a far distant occurrence. He and Ted rarely went out to drink, they had their separate apartments, not wishing to advertising that they were a couple. Both kept clothing at each other's place, enough for a change when needed, and overnight toiletries.

Greg was an Emergency Medical Technician and worked for the Bryan City Emergency Service, part of the Fire Department. His partner was a CPA who worked out of his apartment and made a fair living from that. They had met in college, but hadn't clicked together for another three years. Greg loved Ted with all his heart in spite of Ted's problems and knew that Ted felt the same for him.

The desk clerk told him that a grocery store was two blocks down Shore Road. Greg could have walked, but couldn't have carried all the bags back to his room. He took his car and traveled those two blocks. By the time he was finished and at the checkout, the number of bags made him very happy that he had decided to drive.

Coming out of the grocery with his cart, Greg noticed a young man, maybe 17 or so, leaning against the storefront, seeming in pain and upset. Greg thought he had seen the boy just outside the hotel when he had registered. He seemed to have difficulty standing and Greg's first thought was that he was wearing a prosthesis which wasn't fitting right or had separated from his leg. He was slender and short, no more than 5' 6" probably. However, he was cute. That got Greg's attention.

"Hi, can I help you? I'm an EMT and it looks like you need my business." He smiled at the young man. The boy looked at Greg, hope in his eyes.

The boy seemed about to cry, but was trying not to. "I could sure use some help. My leg is falling off and I need to get back to the hotel to fix it."

"Are you at the Ocean Hotel?"

"Yeah, and I don't know how I'm going to get there." His face was frowning, desperate in his situation.

"Tell you what," Greg said, "if you will wait right there, I'll get my car. I'm staying at the Ocean Hotel, too. Okay?"

"I'll do my best." His face was worried whether he could really achieve that goal.

Greg took off for the parking lot, found his car and emptied his groceries into it. He tore out of the lot and stopped quickly in front of the young boy.

After helping him into the car, Greg headed for the hotel. He thought, 'Poor kid, he's in a bad way. Hope I can help.' He glanced at the boy beside him and smiled, 'And he's a good looker, good body, too.' His tight jeans`and T-shirt showed a lot.

"My name is Greg."

The boy turned toward Greg and smiled, looking ten times as handsome as before.

"I'm Will, really William. I really appreciate this."

Greg patted the thigh under the jeans, "Don't you worry. I do this for my living, emergencies, I mean" He added, "I guess I'm wondering why you walked so far without crutches."

Will blushed a little, "I've been trying to walk more each day without them. Must get used to it."

Greg knew that 'it' was the prosthesis. He guessed it was just the lower leg.

They soon reached the hotel and Greg helped Will in to his room, #114, also on the ground floor. Greg had taken Will's keys and picked up his forearm crutches so he could help himself. He explained on the way that he knew quite a bit about prostheses. That was part of his work, too.

"I'm sure lucky that you came along," Will remarked thankfully, his worries eased.

He smiled again at Greg who felt tingles all along his spine. His gaydar seemed to be working overtime, but the kid was so young, so he wasn't sure. Greg knew he could live without food for weeks absorbing the beauty of that smile into his soul.

"Will, could you just rest there for a few minutes so I can put my groceries away in my room. Don't want the ice cream to melt so we can't have it." He grinned, "It's Moose Tracks!"

He had placed Will on his bed, stretched out full length. "I love Moose Tracks." Will sounded eager.

It took just five minutes and Greg was back in Will's room. Will seemed less anxious.

"Ah, Will, if I'm going to examine your leg, I'll need to slide your jeans down. Okay?"

The young man blushed a little, but agreed. He lifted his butt as Greg opened his jeans and pulled them off. Will's boxers seemed to be bulging in his crotch, but the legs amazed him. Will had legs, well, one and a half, whose muscles were very well developed, almost like he'd seen on some gymnasts. Poor kid, if he had been a gymnast, he would never do those routines again. That saddened Greg deeply, sorry for Will.

Greg felt around on Will's shortened leg, loving the soft, hairless skin, the tough muscles. He wanted to slip his hands under Will's boxer leg to delve farther toward Will's crotch. Oh well, maybe later.

Greg check the leg, noticing the remnant was bruised and looked very sore. He handled the stump with ease and experience.

"Will, do you have any more socks for your leg? And some cream?"

"Yes, I do, but .... maybe I should ...."

Greg broke in, "Do you want to have it checked?"

"I really think so." Again Will's face looked anxious. He gave Greg the number of an orthotics place where he could have the prosthesis checked. Greg made the call and was describing what had happened to Will.

"Greg, he already has my name, from my doctor in Toledo."

Greg looked at Will, shyly, abashed. He didn't know the boy's name. "What is your name?"

"William Gooding."

Greg was stunned. He turned to look at Will, totally amazed that they had the same name.

"His name is Will Gooding."

"Okay, bye."

"Will, he said he could take us right away. Let's get you dressed and ready to go."

Greg didn't say anything about their names, wanting to wait until later.

He got Will off the bed, handed him his forearm crutches and Will could get around much more easily. Grabbing the prosthesis, they took Greg's car to the Orthotic-Prosthetic office.

Greg talked to the technician, explaining more fully what position Will had been in. The technician said he understood and felt he could help Will quickly.

"Will, how long ago was the accident?"

"A little under three months."

He smiled, "Will, you have done very well in a short time." He tried to encourage Will. "You will have a good chance to progress to a better pros soon, and I know you will be able to use it almost as well as you did your real leg." He checked Will's thighs, looking at them, impressed. "Will, were you a gymnast in school?"

"Yes, State Champion last year.' He smiled brightly.

"I am so impressed. That took a lot of determination and work. That's how you will conquer the prosthesis, make it work for you."

The appointment went well for Will, the fitting helped, and he felt better with the limb.

When they left, Greg said thanks to the technician.

He replied, "I know you will do well, Will, and both of you, have a great life." He smiled warmly at them.

Getting in the car, Greg said hopefully, "Did you notice that he thought we were a couple." He smiled at his cousin, maybe? Will had given him a strange, questioning look.

By the time they got back to the hotel, Greg was really hungry, not having had any breakfast. Greg had an idea. He'd gotten plenty of groceries. "Will, I don't know about you, but I am famished. Are you?"

That brilliant smile glowed on Greg, "I sure am."

"Okay, I have lots of stuff in my room, so let's head for there and we can eat."

Will hesitated, embarrassed to say why. Finally, "Greg, I need to visit a bathroom soon."

Greg felt he'd been very insensitive. "Come on, anyway, I've got one of those, too. Unless you'd particularly want to use your own."

Since being with Greg a while, Will had wanted to jerk off in his own bathroom, but he agreed. 'Later, junior, later', he sent a thought to his dick. Getting to know Greg, whom he liked already, Will had been hot and ready ever since Greg had pulled down his jeans in his room.

"Okay, Greg, that sounds great, I could eat a whale I think." 'But I'd rather eat your cock,' he thought.

"Well, Will, there are loads of whales off the coast here, I suppose we couldn't catch one by surf casting."

"Not likely, feed me anything." He grinned brightly while thinking 'your cock, your cock!'

In Greg's room, Will headed for the bathroom, considered a quick cum, but decided against it. He took care of his business and got his crutches under his arms.

Greg whomped up some sandwiches and chips to be washed down with pop. Once finished, they sat in the easy chairs by the sliding glass doors leading to the beach. The water was so blue, so many shades of blue, but not a lot of surf that day. Maybe the next day.

"We need to talk, Will, about a lot of things. Tell me about you, please?"

"I graduated from high school last June in Sylvania, Ohio, near Toledo. I was on the gymnastics team and we came in first in the State competition. I got a TEN in floor exercise. That was before ...." He indicated his leg. His face turned dour, looking gloomily at the floor. Then he brought himself out of the funk and spoke to Greg again. "I did well academically and won some honors. I had received scholarship grants to three college based on my gymnastics record. Unfortunately, those are gone now. I might get something scholastically, maybe musically."

"Will, do you know where Windsor College is?"

"Oh, yes. They have this great instrumental quintet who played at my high school last spring. They were fantastic. Four guys and one girl. Man, she was the greatest and was so beautiful, too. We all loved them at our school. Their director was some great hunk - and played fantastic trombone. Maybe I could apply for a music scholarship, I got lots of awards for my trumpet playing in contest."

"Will, I know some people in charge in the music department there and might be able to get something for you. I do know that 'hunk' of a director you noticed. His name is Hardy Wolfe."

Will was excited, "Oh, man, yes, that name was in the program. He sure is hot!" Suddenly Will was extremely embarrassed because he'd said that. Greg would think he was weird.

Greg smiled at Will, trying to calm his worry. "Frankly, Will, I think so too. But he has a partner already, the head of the Music Department." 'That should give him something to think about,' he thought.

"I have some questions, Will, for you to answer."


"First, is your father's name Nolan?"

Will was startled and just stared and nodded his head.

"Is your mother's name Hester?"

Again Will was mystified, how did he know this stuff?

"Will, my last name is Gooding, too." He grinned at the younger man. "Yes, my father's name is Greg, also, and my mother's name was Julia. She passed away four years ago. My father hoped that your father would come to the funeral, but he didn't."

"What does that make us, Will?"

He smiled broadly, "That makes us cousins," he got a squirrely look on his face, "Does that make us kissin' cousins, cousin Greg?" Will was worried he'd gone to far with the kissin'.

Greg's smile lit up the room, "We'll have to see how everything goes, cousin Will. "I didn't know about you at all, did you know about me from your parents?"

Will sat back down, feeling more secure in the chair. "No, Greg, I never did. I wonder why our fathers won't talk or see each other."

Greg sat on the arm of Will's chair, caught Will's right hand, holding it between both his own hands. He opened it and examined the palm. There was no question that Will had been a gymnast for quite a while.

"Wow, Will, I can immediately see what you've been doing, those are some calluses on your hands. How long were you a gymnast?"

Will grabbed hold of Greg's hand, "I started as a freshman and by the time I was a junior I was winning events in my class. I was very proud of my record and achievements as a gymnast. But it was all for nothing." He bowed his head, feeling so down and out.

Greg knelt in front of Will, holding his hands. "Tell me, how did it happen."

"I don't feel that I can .... Greg ... I'm too hurt to face it again." He tried to pull his hand away from Greg.

"Oh, no you don't, cuz. I don't know how it was, and I want you to tell me." Greg put his hands on Will's knees, trying to urge him on to reveal his secrets to him. "Will, how can I help you if I don't know what you've been through. Please help me now."

Tears started running down Will's face, though he made no noise. Greg moved closer to Will, holding his shoulders and caressing his back. "Come on, Will, I will hold you, and I'll try to bear your sorrow with you. Please include me in your life. We're cousins, remember?"

Will clutched Greg's back, holding on tightly. "Okay, Greg, just for you and once only, never ever again." One side of this mouth gave the slightest of smiles, trying to ease the last edict. "That's all you get." He leaned into Greg's body, resting his head against Greg's. "Greg, that is the first time I've cried about losing my leg. I tried to be 'up' and positive with my friends, trying not to blame Doug." He paused, "I told myself that I wouldn't miss it so much if I didn't make a big thing out of the loss.

"Now, with you, my new cousin, who hasn't known me before, I feel it so much more deeply and couldn't contain myself any more. Please forgive me, I don't cry often.

"My friend, Doug Baker, was driving the night after graduation with four of us friends in the car. He was weaving on the road a bit and speeding. When the car was traveling 75 miles an hour on a back road, he misjudged a curve, lost control and slammed into a tree. The tree hit the back passenger section on the left, right where I was sitting with no time to react. My left leg took the brunt of the crash, breaking in a number of places, practically crushed." He started crying again, "None of the others were hurt hardly at all. Just me." He quietly sobbed again with incredible mental pain. "We didn't know that Doug was drinking vodka all the time. He was loaded."

He swallowed. "After three operations trying to save my leg, they chopped it off about six inches below the knee, and thus I'm a cripple." He buried his face in Greg's shoulder, holding on tightly. Soon he sat up on his own.

"I will tell you, Greg, that I took their insurance company for a lot of money. I was able to override my parents wishes and got a very good lawyer. I had inherited a little money when I was 12, and was able to keep my parents from getting their hands on any of my money. I was sorry for Doug in a way, but he was the cause and everyone knew it. His insurance company bled red for a while, and an accident policy on my life and limbs also paid off big."

Greg whispered to Will, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that terrible time. All I can do is help you the best I can and maybe give you a fresh approach to your life." He kissed Will's cheek, "I beg of you to help me help you. That's my new goal in life now."

Will was crying again, feeling so secure in Greg's arms, holding each other.

"I can tell you now that I've had a blow, too, Will. I have ... uh ... had a partner named Ted Pierce. We'd been partners for three years and were in love. We both worked in Bryan, but had our own places. Neither of us wanted to 'out' ourselves, though we didn't really hide in the 'closet', just didn't boast about it.

"Just before we were to leave Bryan, Ted's father told me to get out of his house and never come back. I guess he believed that Ted was straight, and I had seduced him, I made him gay. I'm sure he told Ted that if he didn't give me up, he wouldn't get his inheritance, ever. He'd give it to a cat house or something as silly. He had always hated me, and was hateful to me all the time. His son couldn't be gay, and if he was, it was my fault. Ted called me just before I left for the grocery store."

"Ted wouldn't relent, he said he just couldn't be with me. Ever. At least Ted didn't want his money back, the half of the cost he paid of our vacation in Maine. That really was a magnanimous gesture for him, he was always tight as a tick." Greg smiled broadly to Will, sitting back up even with Will's torso. "I guess it seems that I've 'come out' to you, cousin." He laughed lightly, "I guess that's what I get for being close to someone. Before now, Ted has been my only real confidante, the only person I've opened myself up to. I hope you don't hate me now. I like you, Will, could you tell?"

Will took Greg's hand in his, "I'm sure you guessed, Greg, that I'm gay too. I've had very little experience. I like you, Greg, you are the only man I've been near enough to confide to, especially not my father. He'd kill me." He smiled and shook his head, "None of my high school friends attracted me, except to look at. But I knew I didn't just want sex, I wanted a whole man. Most of them seemed like such children." He giggled, "Yeah, right, I'm the mature one." Greg reached around Will, picked him up, prosthesis and all. "How about I take us out for dinner? Would that be okay, old man Willie?"

'Old man' Will giggled when Greg said Willie. "I like that, Greg," he admitted," that makes me feel like we're friends all ready. Okay? Do you feel that too?"

Greg had gotten recommendations for restaurants, party places and beach 'hot' spots from friends in Bryan. He helped Will dress but suggested he used crutches, not his pros.

"I would appreciate it if you would pin up my pants leg, otherwise is just drags."

"You know, Willie, when you get a permanent leg, they look much more real than the one you have now." He smiled, "Do you like seafood, you know like lobster, clams and crabs?"

"Sure do, Greg. Lead me to them."

"And, yes, Will, I do like you very much and we are friends besides cousins."

They were shown to a booth next to a large window with a view of the salt water marsh behind the Crab Shack restaurant they both wanted to try. After practically memorizing the menu, both decided on a bowl of clam chowder and a lobster roll with fries and a beer.

They looked around, noticing particularly the tall, slender servers, all male. Will looked at Greg, nodding toward their waiter. Greg returned the nod with a lecherous smile.

The place was crowded though not too noisy

"How old are you, Will," Greg asked.

"To you I'm 18 this coming Saturday. To the waiter I was 18 four months ago."

"Okay with me, I guess we can swing it." He took Will's right hand, holding it in his own, "Well, I guess I can wait for five days." He didn't say any more, but assumed that Will would realize what he meant. He knew Will was looking at him, but refused to meet his eyes right then. He would be trying to charm Will soon enough.

Their waiter brought glasses of water and place mats. Greg saw him look at their clasped hands, he smiled at Greg. Greg felt a major twitch south of his waist in response to the handsome hunk. Even though he was holding a young hunk's hand.

Their server took their orders saying he would be back quickly with their clam chowder.

"Will, I graduated from college with a Medical Technician major. I was 21 at the time and got a job with Bryan City Medical Emergency Services. I was big enough to handle most anything that might come along, After 6 years on the job, I am now a crew chief. And, mostly, I love the work, helping people in trouble. Always interesting and satisfying work, it is good."

By then Will was smiling into Greg's eyes, his own eyes were aglow with interest and squinting in lust. The man who was his cousin looked like a hunk, about 6 feet tall, broad shoulders and slender waist and hips. Greg had a smooth, tanned complexion, chiseled features with dark lashes and brows. His hair was a dark brown, almost auburn, but he would never call it that. It lay in gentle waves fairly long on his shapely head, falling over his collar a bit. Will had stared at Greg's butt when he could, the shape and curves made him hot.

Determined to start something with Greg, Will moved his good leg to touch Greg's leg. When he first touched it, Greg flicked a look at him, then just smiled. Greg didn't move his leg.

"Greg, I'm enjoying this dinner very much. This is a great place. I love it. And I love having dinner with you. You help perk me up." Will picked up another French Fry. "By the way, how did you know the way to take care of my leg?"

Greg put down his utensils, "My best friend from high school, Rick Adams, also a lost a leg in a car accident. In fact he lost the same amount that you have. Most of our friends wouldn't come near him, practically deserted him when he needed them most. I helped him through his troubles and I gradually learned to how to take care of the leg, ease the pain and watched particularly the health of his stump. I loved him, Will, really loved him. We were really close."

"Was he gay, Greg?"

"I don't think so, Will, though I can't be positive. We don't see each other often any more, we run in different circles most of the time. I do check on him as frequently as I can. He called once to our Emergency Services when his crutch was caught in a street level sidewalk grillwork and he fell. He wasn't badly hurt, but was shaken. He and I talked for quite a while that evening, renewing our friendship. Yet I didn't feel the love I'd had for him. Maybe I will spend more time with him, making sure that he is well and happy."

Will wondered, "Could you have mistaken his attention, not seeing his real interest?"

Greg rubbed his forehead, frowning, his eyes closed, "I don't know, Will, I just don't know."

Will held Greg's right hand, "Don't worry, Greg, you will have to check him out later, right?"

Greg nodded slowly, still upset with himself, but slowly reacting to Will's hand on his own, Will's knee against his.

"I'm okay, Will, later I'll check into him. For now, let's get out of here and go back to our rooms." He turned all exited, "Lets go swimming in the ocean tomorrow in the morning. I'll fix breakfast and we can make our arrangements for swimming."

Their waiter wished them a 'happy' day with a big smile as they left. There was a good tip left on the table.

Greg knew how they were connecting, but Will was too new to everything about their relationship. Greg'd help him learn.

Back at the hotel, Greg saw Will to his room, checked his leg again, pleased with the 'fix' they got from the technician.

"You are walking better, aren't you, Will?"

"Much better now, thanks to you, and him." He turned to hug Greg, "And especially to you, cousin. I can't tell you how pleased I am to have met you."

"Me, too, Will, and we are going to stay close." He gave Will a quick look, "Can you get up and come to my room by eight tomorrow morning?"

"Sure, Greg, I'll be there." As Greg was turning to leave, Will gave him a light pat on his butt. Greg didn't turn, but he knew what he felt.

"See you in the morning."

Throughout the night they each slept and also woke at times. Each was thinking about the other, wondering where their meeting would lead. Actually, while sleeping toward morning, both had hot dreams about their 'new' cousin and soaked their shorts in cum while having very wet dreams. However, neither remembered the dream, regretfully, but they washed out their shorts in their bathroom sink when cleaning up.

The following morning Will was at Greg's door at 8 am. Greg, used to getting up early for his work, was ready for him. Pancakes he had bought with syrup, eggs over easy, strawberries and bacon. A sumptuous feast in Will's eyes. Greg's room was exactly like Will's, so not much to see there. Both rooms had small kitchens with an alcove for the king sized bed.

Greg had fixed the small table in the room with utensils and even napkins, supplied by the hotel. He had even gone out in the dark the previous night to pick some flowers from the hotel beds to sneak back to his room. He found a pitcher in the cabinets which would hold the big mums he'd brought back. He'd seen big bushes with little red flowers and large red berries of some sort, but they weren't pretty. He wanted to have a romantic breakfast with Will.

He described them to Will, "Oh, those are beach plums, Greg, they are everywhere around here, more like a weed. My mother tried to make jelly from the 'plums', but had no particular flavor. After they finished the breakfast and cleaned up, Greg asked how they would best go to the water. The tide was high then, maybe thirty yards from his room. The waves weren't high, not crashing on the shore, more or less calmly advancing and ebbing.

They had consumed the meal rapidly, eager to do more with each other, to hit the sea. Will helped Greg with the dishes until they were ready to attempt the expedition to the ocean.

"Could you put your arm around my shoulder, Will, leaving your prosthesis here. Crutches wouldn't help, would they?"

"No, not very well in the sand."

The two stripped to their boxers. Will had brought a pair of surfers long shorts to wear which would hide his stump. Greg tried not to look when Will stripped off his boxers, but did manage to see a three inch soft cock and balls hidden behind it. The light brown patch of pubic hair above his dick was fairly sparse. There he looked young, but not too brand-new.

Greg wasn't alone. Will got a glimpse of Greg's hanging cock, at least an inch longer than his own, circumcised just like his, beautiful and smooth. His scrotum hung lower than his cock head, soft and velvety looking. Greg's pubes were dark and abundant looking soft and curly up his abs to his navel. He had some light hair on his pecs, not thick though. In Will's mind he had already tasted Greg's cock, though he'd never one in his mouth before. He still knew it would be delicious.

When they stripped off their tees, Greg gasped at the sight of Will's chest and abs. The boy had the most beautiful pecs and abs he'd ever seen on a young man of 17, almost 18. His arms were fantastically developed, but not large.

"My god, Will, you are gorgeous, the best I've ever seen on anyone your age." He looked again to see the tiny pink nipples perched on his full pecs as if to hold them in position.

Will smiled, loving the praise, and reddened, "I'm glad you like me, Greg. I think you are the greatest."

Greg was ten years older than Will, more filled out. All the real muscles were there, but not as defined as Will's. They appeared softer and rounded, but still were hard as stone.

Both men were salivating internally with their thoughts of playing with their 'cuz'.

"Okay, Will, let's get by the sliding door. We'll get outside without your prosthesis and you hang on while I lock the door. Good."

Will put his left arm over Greg's shoulders, while Greg wrapped his right arm around Will's back, holding him up. It only took a few steps before they were coordinated enough to make good time over the soft, fine sand. Will hopped very well beside Greg. Greg was quite a bit taller than Will with strong shoulders and arms. He easily kept Will up and moving ahead.

To Greg it felt great to have Will's bare body against his, the warmth and sensuousness. Greg was very excited having Will holding on, and feeling Will's body as his arm held his back.

He was glad that he'd worn big surfer shorts to hide his expected hardon, then realized that Will had worn them too. Wonder if it was for the same reason.

Will was maybe 5'7", no more, small but Greg was thrilled to see his upper body, fine muscles all over from his gymnastics, broad shoulders but very slim hips, and the cutest, perkiest bubble butt he'd ever seen.

Greg was day dreaming about those muscles in his hands, so hot and succulent on Will's tight body. He quickly realized that he would have to hold Will most of the time in the water. When they got where the waves were waist high or higher. Greg got them moved farther out from shore where they could swim if they wanted.

"Can you swim, Will?"

"Used to. Haven't done much since the leg." He indicate his left leg, lacking the lower half.

"Well, Willie," he grinned, liking the nickname, bringing up the vision of something else. "I'll stay right with you and when you want to hang on, just yell."

They agreed and rode the waves a ways. Will's swimming style was really hampered with having only one foot. Greg was having fun when he heard a yell from his cousin. He had gotten away from Greg and seemed to be having trouble staying on the surface.

Greg hurried to him, grabbed his body and pulled him above the water, their chests together. Will was choking, coughing up seawater, not a fun experience. Greg held him between his leg over his buttocks while he patted Will on the back to help expel the water.

"I'm sorry, Will. I didn't realize we'd gotten so far apart."

When Will could finally talk, he agreed, "That's okay, Greg, I wasn't watching myself. My right foot caught on a large shell and I think it might be cut. If you could get me on the sand we could see."

Greg held Will out of the water, carrying him to the shore. Once they were close enough to sit down, he sat with Will on his lap. 'Damn that feels good,' Greg thought. He pulled Will's right leg back where he could look at the foot. He had been right, a nasty gash crossed the sole of his foot, still bleeding.

"We better get you to my room so I can fix it. I'm really sorry, Will, I should have been more aware and observant."

"Greg, it's no problem," Will showed concern, not wanting Greg to feel at fault. Yet Will was really panicked that he'd really hurt his only foot.

Inside Greg's room, he lay Will on his bed, stretched out on his stomach so he could look at his foot easily. Greg cradled Will's right leg, holding the foot carefully.

"Yeah, Will, that's not a nice cut at all. It looks clean but I'll wash it out and bandage it. I could do the stitches if you want. "Let me get my bag, Willie, I always carry my EMT bag wherever I go, you never know when you might need it, like today."

"Oh, Greg," Will called out, concerned and slightly afraid. "Please no stitches, I'm scared."

Greg wasn't sure, "I do think it needs stitches, pal, it hasn't stopped bleeding. We don't to mess it up. It's the only one you have."

Will hesitated, very anxious, "Maybe we better, Greg, please, go to a First Care place."

In the emergency room, Greg and Will were talking to a nice young emergency specialist, Randy George.

"Greg, you did just fine with Will's foot. I think to take the side of caution we should do some stitches." He looked at Will, "Don't worry, Will, I will be especially careful with your foot. We have to keep it in good health." He asked the nurse for supplies. "Don't pay any attention to the nurse. She's a lot of humbug, you guys did nothing wrong to enjoy the ocean." The nurse had chastised Greg for taking Will into the ocean.

The doctor numbed Will's foot while he put in ten stitches. "I sort of overdid it, Will, but I don't want anything to go wrong." He bandaged the foot, told Greg to watch it for infection carefully, come back immediately if you are worried. I'll give Will a shot before you leave."

"Thanks doctor," both Greg and Will said.

"Sure, and Greg, you take good care of him," nodding toward Will, "as I'm sure you will. Come back in a week to have the stitches out."

Will was taken out in a wheel chair by the nurse.

The doctor spoke once more, "Greg, I envy the hell out of you, you are so lucky. He's a wonderful partner to have."

Greg blushed, "Thanks, doc."

On the way back to the hotel, Greg told Will what the doctor had said. "He thought we are partners." Greg grinned slyly, "That gives me ideas."

Will blushed, "Me too"

They both smiled all the way back.

Greg and Will spent three days in the hotel while his foot healed. Greg noticed no redness or infection at all, everything looked good. Cousin Greg took care of meals since they were staying in his room. He had brought everything of Will's into their room, and Will was able to cancel his second week in the hotel. He'd just stay with Greg.

Greg got videos and DVDs for them to watch. He wished some of the ones he had at home were now with them. Really hot stuff, the hunkiest men anywhere. Well, Will wasn't eighteen until Friday, two days away.

Greg found beach chairs and lounges in a closet which they could use on the beach. Both wanted to get a better tan while they could. Will was fairly tan, but with a pure white butt. He wanted to do something about that before they left. Greg was in the same position, he'd had no way to bask naked at his place.

When Greg suggested sunning naked, Will looked embarrassed. So Greg tried to calm him. "Will, the only thing we will expose is our butt, we'll stay on our stomachs. I definitely don't want to get any of my male equipment burned, or even singed." He grinned salaciously, trying to get a rise out of Will.

He laughed at Greg's making fun of himself. "Oh, oh, in that case I guess it would be okay, cousin. Let's do it." Will seemed excited about mooning the public.

"We'll go outside to the lounges with towels around our hips, then when we are on our stomachs, we'll slip the towels down, keeping them handy. Okay?"

The two men slid carefully outside the sliding door after Greg had set up the lounges, Greg carrying Will outside. They lay down quickly on them, on their stomachs, to get settled. It was fairly early in the morning, but still enough sun to tan. There wouldn't be many people on the beaches. Greg and Will slid their towels off their buttocks.

They were parallel, their heads lying on their arms, facing each other. Their eyes were connecting, the depths were communicating back and forth. At times one would smile at the other, and vice versa, speaking without speech.

Greg had been ogling Will's body, especially his buttocks, rising so brazenly behind his hips. He couldn't resist.

"Will, you have the most beautiful buttocks I've ever seen. I hope I'm not being too audacious, or brash," his eyes twinkled and glittered in the sun.

Will grinned broadly, "Not at all, cousin, and I could mention a body at which I could spend an eternity looking."

Will was so pleased to be able to see Greg naked, his body was so beautiful, potent muscles though not obviously defined. His thick, wide shoulders were heavy as were his arms. Greg's biceps bulged large as did the rest of his arm muscles, thick forearms, too. Will loved to see Greg's chest which had full square pecs and led to the abs which were defined. He also loved his chest hair, dark but not thick, just a light spread over the chest and around his nipples. Before Greg had laid on his stomach, Will had watched the trail of dark hair merging with his pubes.

Will was tempted and did put a hand on Greg's back, serious muscles there, and on to his buttocks, lightly haired. He hoped that soon he would be able to see how hairy his crotch was.

They were close enough to reach out and hold hands and when Will held out his hand toward Greg, he threaded his fingers between Greg's and held on. He also let his thumb softly rub Greg's palm, sending waves of erotic sensations to his cousin. Greg was getting very hot, very aroused, and it wasn't because of the sun.

Greg's face drew Will's glances, mostly square, sharp nose and chin, sleepy-looking eyes set in deep sockets under dark eyebrows, thin and attractively curved, a little arc upward at the end. His older cousin's mouth was so inviting, thin lips but with charming curves to them. He wore no beard, though he usually looked as if he needed a little closer shave.

Greg raised his head to look around their area, but noted no one anywhere near them. The hotel had build rattan screens between each suite, extending about 10 feet onto the beach. He thought they were in good shape, hardly visible except for directly from the water. If anyone wanted to see them, let them try, he thought.

While Greg was leaning up on one elbow, he stretched his left hand to softly caress the gorgeous mounds of jaunty buttocks belonging to Will.

He again looked into Will's face. "Am I being too forward or fast, Willie, I don't want to rush you."

Again Will face smiled all over, his eyes sparkling with moisture and his breathing almost stopped. "Not at all, Greg, I just wish my birthday was today and not tomorrow." After that his whole body reflected his joy and exhilaration. "Greg, I know I want you and have been hoping you want me. I don't know where we'll end up, but I sure hope it is together. I can't stand this much longer. I don't understand why one day makes any different." His eyes glistened, "Gregie, I'm so aroused that I'm drooling steadily through the plastic." He glanced up, "Do you see it?"

Greg actually saw a pool of moisture on the sand beneath Will's lounge.

He beamed, nodded and pointed to his lounge, "There is a puddle under me too."

Will sat up quickly, pulled the towel around him, "Well, we've been out here too damn long, cousin, let's go inside before we bake or I explode." He waggled his eyebrows, then pulled up his towel to reveal his rock hard cock, still dripping.

Will looked closely at Greg, wondering. "Down deep, Greg, I don't understand why you would want me." He frowned, "Look at me, I'm missing a good part of my leg, I'm handicapped, I'm a cripple." He looked at his new friend, "I can't see why you would like me, even though we found out we are cousins." His eyes and mouth took on an attitude of despair.

Greg thought for a moment, "Will, as days and weeks and years pass I'm sure we will be together at least that time. Then you will understand why I find you so desirable and why I already love you." Greg looked down, wishing he could explain. He prayed Will could understand.

"Help me up, GG, I have to go pee." He giggled like a silly kid, half adult and maybe more that half kid.

Greg smiled, "Well, you could have just peed on the sand under your lounge."

Will just pointed a finger to his mouth and pretended to gag.

Greg did get up to pick up Will who had whipped off his towel to display his naked hard cock to the world. He was really flying high. So Greg got them inside quickly.

By the huge bed Greg cuddled his new found cousin to his chest, reveling in the feeling of his hard muscled, soft skinned body.

Will raised his head as far as he could to reach Greg's lips and hang a smack on them with

his own. Greg then leaned over the bed, carefully setting both of them on the softness, on the silky sheets, the two young men hugging each other with passionate abandon and excitement. Since they were both naked, their hands roamed the other's flesh, caressing and fondling the ultimate beauty of the persons they were.

Will whispered, "GG, what I want most right now is to be able to suck your .... dick." He giggled, "That is after you carry me to the bathroom."

Greg spanked Will's bottom lightly, "Young man, you are still 17. You are a tease. I should let you pee where you are, but ..... but that would wet my side too."

Greg carried Will to the bathroom, setting the tantalizing buttocks carefully on the toilet seat. When Will spread his legs, he saw that he was still very hard, sticking straight out from his crotch. He looked up at Greg, "What am I going to do now, Greg?" He gave a sneaky smile.


Greg said nothing, but knelt on the carpet directly in front of Will still on the toilet, and between his knees. One hand smoothed the light hairs on Will's thighs until the other hand grabbed his hard pole, raising its head until his mouth could absorb that piece of flesh into it, his tongue swiping around the fleshy helmet, dripping saliva down the sides.

Will was moaning loudly, his hands gripping Greg's head, his body shaking and trembling.

Cousin Greg continued to suck on Will's love stick, his hot rod, his jazzy baton until the young man would shoot his cum into Greg's mouth and down his throat. His tongue twirled around the head and shaft too, but he didn't go far down on that shaft.

Will didn't hesitate, the pressure in his crotch and his balls and prostate forced his cum through his cock and on to the tongue and in the throat. Will tried to shove his fully erect cock down Greg's throat too, but Greg blocked that. Will's cock wasn't as long as Greg's, but Greg had never learn to swallow cocks into his throat.

He pulled off Will and stood up, lowering his head as Will's bent backward. He opened Will's mouth and drained the cum onto his tongue, holding his cousin as tightly as he could. Will smiled.

"Now do you think you can pee, Cousin Will?"

Will blushed, "If you go away, I can."

"Uh oh, Willie, you really are bashful. Well, I'll go, but I will also cure you of that."

He left Will alone and shut the bathroom door for him.

It wasn't more than a few minutes he heard a call. "Greg, I'm ready, come get me."

Greg was still naked, still sporting a rock hard cock, swinging back and forth as he walked to the door.

"Here I come, look out."

Greg opened the bathroom door only to see Will still on the pot, but with a resurrected hard cock rising vertically between his legs.

"What have we here, Willie, another one?"

Will spoke proudly, "You see, I was sitting holding my little boy here while he peed, which he did, but in the meantime, he had decided to play some more. What should I do?"

Greg grinned at Will's silliness, "Let me carry you to the bed first and then we'll see what we can do to help 'junior' there."

Greg again cradled Will's naked body in his arms out of the bathroom and onto the bed. He couldn't help pulling the naked Will against his chest, patting his bottom with the hand holding him up. He lay his precious Willie on his back, then lay beside him. Cautiously their hands and arms went around each other, caressing and firmly massaging those muscles, flesh and bone. Their lips were securely attached to the other's lips, tongues sliding between, juices traded equally from mouth to mouth.

Will pulled away a bit, "Greg, I know I haven't sucked anyone before, but I gotta suck you off. Will you let me? Please? You gave me such a nice suck on the toilet! Ha ha ha."

Greg gave Will a quick kiss, "Of course you may, Willie, just watch your teeth, they can hurt and my cock is very precious to me." He grinned at Will, loving him with his devoted look.

With the older cousin was sitting at the head of the bed, his back against the headboard, he watched young Will twist around to get between Greg's legs, spreading them wide. Greg was smiling gently and lovingly to see Will arrange his body just right. Will finally lay perpendicular to Greg on his left side, his head on Greg's abdomen, his face toward the tall, thick cock waving in front. Will pushed Greg's body further down on the bed, still reclining at the head.

Cautiously, Will held the rigid pole rising out of Greg's pubes with one hand, and gently slid the skin up and down, the soft, velvet skin so fragile yet tough. He stuck out his tongue to touch the tip to the deep red-purple head, swollen far beyond the width of the shaft.

Gradually, he worked his lips and tongue, sliding up and down until his nose was found buried in Greg's forest of pubes, dark and curly. Greg was amazing when Will had taken almost all of his cock, not terribly thick, but long. Greg was more aroused and excited, his cousin's mouth drawing pre-cum along his tongue, delighted in the lusty taste of Greg's juices.

Will's hands were quick to massage and caress all of Greg's body he could reach. He held his cousin's testicles, gently allowing his fingers to lightly toss the orbs in their tight sack. Greg didn't object because no one had ever done that to him, and he liked it. The rapid shocks and static stormed up his body to stimulate his libido with desire and lust. The pressures in his crotch were rising exponentially with the level of his sexual energy.

"Oh, Will, I'm cumming, you can let go now."

Will swallowed Greg to the base of his cock, caressing the shaft between his tongue and his hard palate, trying to suck his cum to the surface. Greg was moaning, loudly, strongly. He knew he was cumming, aroused as high as he'd ever been.

"Willie, I'm gonna cum, babe, you can let it go, if you want."

Greg heard a noise from the other side of the room, but didn't recognize the sound.

"Willie, it's here - hold me!"

Through all that, Greg knew someone had come into their room. As soon as he realized that, his explosion pushed through his cock into Will's mouth.

A very loud male voice yelled! "What the hell is going on here? William, what are you doing here? Get off of that man!!"

A screaming woman finally found words. "You filthy pervert, what are you doing to my son. Get off him!!!"

Greg reacted, "I don't know who you are and why you have broken into our room. Get how of here, right now!" He matched her vehemence and volume.

Finally Will looked up, his mouth dripping Greg's cum, his lips shining with saliva. He looked at them, "These are my dear parents, breaking into where they are not wanted and crashing in on us."

His father replied, "You filthy kid, get off that man. I suppose he seduced you, and you, still a minor. He'll go to jail. I'll see to it."

Greg stood up and helped Will sit up on the bed. Neither were concerned enough to find clothing they could wear. Greg's cock was slowly fading, dripping and drooping, but Will's prick was still well endowed with the rigidity of steel. He wasn't embarrassed, they had no business in that room.

"I hate to admit it, these are my parents. That's Nolan with the big mouth and over there is Hester with her big boobs falling to her waist."

"Listen, you filth, you are a minor, you aren't 18 until tomorrow." Will's father shouted.

By that time Will had put on his prosthesis and stood up, hanging on to Greg's shoulder, "I got news for you. You have lied to me all through my life. You told me that my birthday was August 7th , tomorrow. I have found out that my real birthday is April 7th so I was 18 four months ago. I'd say that I was conceived the previous July and since you weren't married at that time, you've gotten a fake birth certificate putting my birth four months later. Therefore, I've been eighteen for months." He proudly boasted, "I've got the original birth certificate in a safe deposit box."

At that his mother screamed again, "Can't you put some clothes on? I don't want have to see you like this."

"No, mother, you broke in here, invading our home, rented though it is. I want you out of here, now!!"

Will's father spoke again angrily, "The man on the desk told us you were in this man's room. We come along the beach to see. And what do we see? You are sucking his penis. We came in because the door was unlocked and you were being molested."

"Mom, Dad, I'll give you one more piece of information and I expect you to leave immediately after that. I'll introduce this man whose cock I was sucking, and yes it was good." He calmed himself. "This man, I happened to find out, is my cousin, Greg Gooding from Bryan, Ohio, not that far from me in Sylvania. This is your nephew. But did I ever know he existed? No. And you didn't even go to his mother's funeral. His dad was very disappointed with you."

That shut up Mr. and Mrs. Gooding of Sylvania, Ohio, quickly, egg on their faces. But Will's father had one more statement to make, "Will Gooding, whoever you are, don't try to come home because you don't have one.!"

Greg walked toward Nolan and Hester, helping Will with him. The closer the two men got to Will's parents, the older pair finally broke and ran out of the suite. Greg slammed the sliding door and locked it, forcing a steel wedge into the track.

Greg hugged Will to him, "I'm sorry about that, Will. Did you know when they were getting back?"

"No, they originally weren't coming back until the end of next week. I really don't know where they were." He worried, "I'm so sorry they did that."

"It's not your fault, Will, it's not the fault of either of us. However, what you told them about your birth date, was that the truth?"

Will smiled meanly, "They didn't deny it, did they? Yes, that was the truth. You see, after the accident, I knew I didn't want them getting their hands on my insurance or court awards, so I had my lawyer check the hospital records and found out I was a few months older than they always had said. Just enough so I could be sure I wasn't a minor any more."

"Why didn't you tell me, Willie," Greg wondered, "I was waiting for your birthday to give you a super birthday present." Greg smiled erotically down at Will.

"I really don't know, Greg, I wanted to be sure that we would be compatible." He grinned, "I knew we both wanted sex, that was a given, but I hoped you were the man I wanted to be with the rest of my life." He kissed Greg's chest, "And I was right." Both men smiled as they kissed.

In their car, racing away from the hotel, Nolan Gooding's foot was pressing hard on the accelerator, spinning his wheels to hurry away. "That little creep, I knew something was wrong with him, he's turned weird. I read something about a high percentage of gymnasts being queer." He fumed and ranted,"It must have been you who did it, I wasn't around him much."

"That's right, Nolan, blame me, you're right, you were never around. Maybe if you'd paid some attention to him like a father should, he might not be gay." Hester was fuming, disgusted with her husband, wishing she could get rid of him. "Still, I don't think you should have disowned him, remember, he has all those millions." She turned her head to stare at Nolan, "You should have been able to think of some way to get that money for us."

"I've tried, damn it, but he must be paying one or two of the tellers to call his lawyer if we even show up. He must be giving that man lots of money. That lawyer we paid royally said we can't get the money. We'd go to jail if we tried." He was furious. "And how did Will learn the birth certificate we had for him was a fake? Just so we wouldn't show you were pregnant before the wedding. Look what that brought us." He pounded on the steering wheel, swerving the car and almost causing an accident.

Nolan was furious, hot with a blazing red face. "Damn it, I'm gonna get him. Where did he say his cousin lived? Don't you remember?"

"I don't think he said, don't you know where your own brother lives?" Hester felt her husband conspired to cheat their son. "Nolan, Will was a good boy, always. We never had any trouble with him." She whimpered slightly, "And he's the same boy, he hasn't changed. I wouldn't care if he turned purple or wore dresses, he's still our son, and a good one." She felt her self-control dissipating, if it wouldn't kill them she'd love to bash his face.

"Hester, I won't have a queer for a son. He can go wherever he wants, he's not our son anymore." Nolan's mind had so corrupted his thinking he could no longer be reasonable. "When we get home, everything of his will go into the garbage. I don't want it around." He didn't know his wife very well.

Hester had already hidden some of Will's championship cups and plaques in the attic. Her husband could blow a fuse, but she'd shoot him before she's let him disinherit Will.

They headed back to the coast to their restaurant. They still had a couple more weeks of work there before they could go back to Sylvania. Quiet tears rolled down her cheeks, she just wanted to hold her son once more. `I wonder if that will ever happen.' Her mind doubted it.

Greg and Will slept together quietly, no sex, just holding their bodies close and gaining comfort from each other.

Greg awoke slowly, realizing that Will was holding on tightly. He also felt Will breathing spasmodically, almost panting. He didn't move until he was sure that Will was sobbing into his shoulder.

"Will, babe, are you all right?"

Will raised his tear streaked face, his eyes drenched and red rimmed.

"I'm sorry I woke you, Greg, I was trying to be quiet, but I lost control."

"Is that about me or your parents?"

Will exploded, "Certainly not you, Greg." He groaned, "What am I going to do, they have all my stuff, computer, everything." He gasped, "Where will I live, Greg, I've nowhere to go."

Greg grabbed Will more tightly and held him as he would his child, if he ever had one. "Will, for one thing, we will get back your 'stuff', and you will live with me, at least until you go to college. My house is your house." He kissed Will lovingly on the top of his head, smelling the sweetness of his shampoo, loving the softness there.

Will worked his way closer to Greg's body, enjoy the feeling of his solid muscles and smooth skin. He caressed Greg's chest, feeling the nipples which were hard and pointed. His fingers tingled as they felt the fine hair between his pecs, not thick but soft and also circled Greg's large, light red nipples.

"Greg?" Will asked very softly.

"What, babe?" Greg answered, kissing the top of Will's head again.

"If I tell you I love you, would that be okay?"

"Yes, that's okay."

Much louder, "I ... love ... you, ... Greg." Then he quickly buried his face in Greg's shoulder, worming his way in.

Greg put his hand behind Will's head, pulling it toward his lips, then, "Babe, I love you, too. I've loved you since the day I brought you home from the grocery. You have an aura that attracted me right away .... and .... you're no slouch in the cock department." He kissed Will and laughed at his sexual remark.

Will jumped, got on his knees over Greg just under his shoulders, flopping his cock on Greg's lips.

"For that insensitive remark, you may suck on my slouchy cock until I cum." His hips pushed forward, his cock fell into Greg's mouth when he tried to say something.

Greg was laughing so hard he couldn't talk.

"Baby, when I said you are no slouch in the cock department, that meant you have a great cock. That's all." He laughed again.

"Well," Will considered, "you can still suck me off on general principles. Okay?" He giggled, but shoved his cock farther into Greg's mouth.

"Sure." That word of Greg's was muffled by the cock stuffed deep into his mouth.

Before long, Will was punching his hips at Greg's face, shoving his cock down his cousin's throat. "Suck me, my lover, Greg, suck all my cum down into your stomach, you'll never have any better." After that Will grabbed one ear with each hand and tried to pull Greg's head up as he thrust again and again.

Will couldn't believe how exciting and erotic it felt to have his hard dick inside Greg's hungry mouth, especially to have Greg's lips around the base of it and into his bush. He held on to the headboard of the bed with both hands then, whacking his groin against Greg's mouth.

"Hey, Greg, here's breakfast comin' at you ..... eeeaaaghh ... I love you, Greg, we are each other's for good now, right?"

Greg was drinking cum at that moment and couldn't answer but he tried to nod his head.

A surprise to Greg came as he finally realized that he had cum with Will, the first time ever without touching his cock. He sprayed shots far enough to climb Will's back and slid back down his butt crack to end up on his balls.

Will had stopped pumping into Greg, leaving his cock in the warm, moist mouth that enticed his cum out.

"Oh, god, Greg, that was to be in heaven, so great that I must have shot all the juices in my body - now I can't come again, ever." He chuckled while caressing Greg's head.

Greg gurgled in his throat, gargling with Will's fluids in his mouth, "Babe, I've never enjoyed sucking someone EVER like that. I'm keeping you around for sure."

Suddenly Greg jumped up beside the bed and picked Will in his arms to the

bathroom. He sat Will on the toilet seat until he filled the bathtub with water and bath salts he

found on the basin.

"I'm going to set you in the tub so you can keep your right foot outside the rim. Try not to let the foot get in the water. After a day or two you'll be able to put it in the water." He put his hands on Will's thighs, "Babe, I want to be extra careful with your foot so there are no problems."

Will was set on his bottom opposite the faucet end, his right leg over the side. Greg carefully stepped in and sat between Will's legs. The two cousins proceeded to wash each other, sliding their soapy hands over their bodies, everywhere. Greg reached behind Will to rub soap into his butt trench, searching for his butt hole, then washing it well.

After rinsing while Greg drained the tub, he turned on the shower so they would rinse more. He got out and lifted Will from the bathtub to set him on the toilet seat again.

"Hon, I'm going to call room service for breakfast to be delivered as soon as possible. can you stay there and not fall off 'til I get back?"

"Geez, I don't know, cuz, maybe you should stay with me." Will did look a little worried.

"Wait, just let me get my cell phone." He zipped out and back, five seconds.

While they waited for the food, Greg got each of them outfitted with a hotel terry robe and set Will on a chair at the dining table. "Babe, I don't want us to get dressed yet 'cause we have a lot of talking to do. I thought that might be better done in bed." He checked with Will. "Would that be okay?"

"Sure, GG. I like it a lot when you call me babe, and Willie and hon. It makes me feel so secure and protected."

The author, Paul Daventon, loves email. Write when you can. Authorpaul@mail.com

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 40: Dukes of Windsor II 2

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