Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 28, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

====== Epilogue ======

In the First Presbyterian Church of Windsor the pews were filled with mourners from far and wide. The sanctuary was warm in the late Spring afternoon with multi-colored sunbeams streaming through the stained glass windows, dust motes hovering in those rays. The interior of the church was generally bare except for the plain gold cross on the altar over colorful paraments there and on the communion table and pulpits The sanctuary reflected the style of the church liturgically, generally plain, unadorned, quiet and deep thinking, the spoken word and the music the message. The atmosphere was not a joyful one that day, but yet not a dismal one, somewhat sad but more a time of praise and thanksgiving.

The church bells had been tolling for fifteen minutes, played on a side room keyboard by the church organist. The music was mostly hymns favored by the deceased. Soon he moved from that keyboard to the four manuals in the console of the pipe organ in the loft. The organist continued with two hymns, first, "Lift High the Cross", then a prelude based on "For All the Saints".

Matt was sitting in the Liturgist's chair beside the pulpit. He didn't look much different than he had ten years before. His hair was still dark blond, no grey as yet. To the very discerning observer his face might have shown a little thickening, but not much. He kept up his exercises faithfully, especially swimming with Hardy. Since most of their boarders had move on and out, except for times when they would visit, Matt and Hardy had taken to swimming at night in their pool naked. Hardy's mother, Anne, had become used to them in the pool that way. They did draw the curtains across all the windows around the pool room. Everyone considered that Matt and Hardy would stay youthful, aided by their deep and abiding love. And because they challenged each other with 'one more push-up' or 'one more lap'.

Hardy was sitting in the first pew on the right, Mike and Matt Monahan sitting on either side of him, and he was holding their hands, trying to give them comfort and support.

Hardy and Matt's nephews, Jacob and Joshua, then 14 and 16 years old, didn't need a Nanny any more, and Todd, their much loved substitute mother, had also moved on to his career. Jacob was just old enough to have a part of the trust set up by a good friend for him and his brother when Jacob was sixteen. To unending pleading by Jacob and Joshua, Steve and Matt relented and allowed them to have a car, much to their worry It was a good used car, previously owned by Les Reardon, but not used in his police work.

Roger and Todd were still living together in Toledo and were sitting behind Hardy and the Monahans, in the second row. They lived nearby because Todd was teaching child growth and development at Toledo University where Roger also taught instrumental music. They both had received their doctorates at that school. Matt and Hardy missed those dear friends so much, though he and Hardy had still been helping gay couples over the years. At the time two couples occupied the farm house's spare bedrooms, one couple had been kicked out by their parents and the other hadn't had a home to live in since their parents died. Those were two brothers, twins, who were in love and devoted to each other. They reminded him of Mike and Matt Monahan. .

While the service continued, Matt looked over the congregation, noticing so many old friends came back for this service. Also in the second row on the right sat the rest of the players in the original Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

The church pastor was reading selections from the Bible in keeping with the passing. Matt wasn't paying too much attention to him, more on the friends in the pews.

The pastor was reading from 1st Corinthians, 13, and 2nd Corinthians, 5, followed by the Psalms. He gave a short sermon to those listening containing hope, solace and a vision of the eternal church.

Matt continued to account for those in attendance.

BJ and LJ sitting in the same row, holding hands, Matt could see. He knew that BJ and LJ had to separate after their masters program finished. LJ received a scholarship to Berkelee School of Music in Boston for trumpet performance. He had already had chances to play with big names in pop music world. BJ also received a scholarship to Juilliard School of Music in New York. They saw each other irregularly, but after graduation from Juilliard , BJ tried out for the Seattle orchestra and won a spot on tuba. After being a continent's width apart for a couple of years, they agreed a long distance love affair was not working out. Each one needed to have someone with them. Two years before this funeral they were surprised to found themselves both living in Los Angeles, BJ with the Symphony Orchestra and LJ working out of LA in jazz groups and doing very well. Neither one had found a permanent partner so decided to get together again, the same love and devotion in effect as five years before. LJ still had trouble taking BJ's cock, but would do it occasionally, he had told him. Matt noted that they glanced at each other often, the same old love gazes from their school days.

Beside them sat Rick and Jamal, very close together and Jamal had his arm around Rick's shoulder. A young brown boy sat on Jamal's lap. He was light brown with black hair and eyes with a twinkle in them and a smile on his lips when he looked at Jamal and Rick. Neither Rick or Jamal had wanted a life of one night gigs or traveling around the country to perform. They felt best when well settled somewhere with their partner and rewarding job. By the time they had received their masters degrees, the Bryan Howard School of Music at Windsor University had been organized and running for five years when Rick and Jamal were hired to teach their specialties (trumpet and bassoon) plus other music courses, Rick for composition and Jamal for pedagogy and student teaching. Both were working on doctorates at Bowling Green State University, not far to the south.

Their relationship was less outwardly romantic than the others, but down deep they were totally in love, with a large amount of desperate lust. Rick could never get enough of Jamal's foreskin to play with. But he didn't want one on his cock, no matter how much Jamal advocated it. Each summer they left Ohio to visit the state of Maine where they owned a cottage on the shore. There they taught at a summer camp for high school instrumentalists combined with organizing sports and exercise routines. They didn't want the kids to be too one sided. They thought about involving the other arts; dance, theater, sculpture, but didn't seem to have enough time to create the environment for then.

Rick and Jamal heard about Chris and Charles adopting two boys and wondered whether they could do that. Jamal read about two gay men in Cleveland who had adopted two small brothers whose parents had died in a house fire at a party in a friend's house.

Jamal decided to keep watching out for that kind of opportunity for at least one boy. Then, about 2 years ago, Jamal was told about a 4 year old black boy whose parents left him at the hospital emergency ward after they'd brought him in because of his bad leg. But when the doctors went to talk to the parents, they had left, vanishing completely..

Without telling Rick, Jamal visited the Social Services center in Windsor, asking for information about the child, questioning the counselor about the possibility of adopting the boy. Jamal explained that he and Ricky had been partners for over ten years. Since Jamal was black, the social worker was leaning toward fulfilling Jamal's request. When she learned that Rick was a man, and white, too, she backtracked and brought into the issue an office manager who would have to decide. Jamal should bring his partner back the next day.

After Jamal and Rick described their positions as university professors, having their own home in Windsor and a summer house in Maine plus working with young children at the music camp in that state, their case was looked upon with more seriousness. Although Rick hadn't had any siblings, Jamal had a younger brother whom he'd help raise from a very early age.

Asking if they were really serious, the manager said they would have to meet Luke Brown and judge if his crippled leg would be a problem.

Luke was a delightful boy, 4 years old and normal size for four years. His left leg had been seriously injured when struck by a car and had not recovered. When the three met, the attraction both ways was instant and total. The supervisor had watched the meeting and knew for sure that, to misuse a cliche, it would be a match made in heaven. Letters written by Jamal's and Rick's clergyman had clinched the adoption, he was the pastor of the church in which they sat.

So, here was Luke, now six years old, with his leg completely recovered, well enough to be playing soccer at his school Unbelievably, there was no uproar in the city of Windsor about two men adopting a young boy. The three were accepted as a family and a decent, decorous household, partly for their work at the school, plus their attendance and their help in the church. The previous year, Rick had been elected a Ruling Elder on the church's Session, governing their church. Though they were gay, the men and their son had been adopted thoroughly by the congregation, following the lead of their pastor. The fact the Matt and Hardy Ridgway were supportive of them and each sent letters concerning the quality of the two men.

At the end of that row sat Christine, Lady Ballard, next to her husband, Lord Ballard. Upon hearing the news of the death, they immediately called for plane tickets, cancelling appointments and business meetings so they could be in Windsor, Ohio for this service. Their two children, 5 and 7, also sat beside them. Two glorious boys with curly blond hair and, as the rest would hear later, the cutest upper class English accent.

Chris had taken charge of Charles' philanthropies, recently receiving the title of Dame of the Empire. Dame Lady Chris. She couldn't believe it. Charles had his hand in many business opportunities in London and Europe as well. He also had his hands from time to time holding his two friends' cocks and their ass holes. He never had sex with anyone but his two friends from college, and neither did they. The pact between the three of them would never be broken. He was well regarded in business and society everywhere, much because of his money, but also because of his demeanor and honesty and intelligence. Since Chris allowed him his times with the two male friends, he was well satisfied with his life. Most unfortunately, Chris and Charles had no children because of some irregularity with Chris's female organs, possibly from her earlier miscarriage. However, two years before this funeral, they had adopted the two sons, 3 and 5, of close friends of Charles' when those friends had been killed in a plane crash and the boys were without relatives. Chris and Charles had been their God parents so had promised to take care of them. The boys looked so much like Charles they could easily have been taken for his own sons. Some whispers had gone around wondering if Charles had been the father. Nevertheless, Chris and Charles adopted them and loved them as much as they would have of their own children. A small germ of concern niggled in Chris's brain, but she was almost positive Charles' seed rested only in her or in the rears and stomachs of his two male lovers. Yes, she knew about them, but also knew that Charles needed them in his life. Besides, she loved them too, and after a few years, let them know, subtly but clearly, that she knew about their loving Charles, too, and approved. Of course, no question, they loved her dearly. When the wife of one of the friends died, he stayed with Chris and Charles more than he stayed at home. He had no idea what to do by himself, his wife had taken care of him so fully. Actually, this gave he and Charles more opportunities to assuage their lust and love for each other, but Chris had no difficulty with that. Only when the friend subtly suggested a 'menage a trois' did Chris put her foot down. She wanted Charles and no one else. Charles could have him, but not the same time as he had her.

The pastor seemed bent on eulogizing the deceased which wasn't really necessary because that was Matt's job. Meanwhile Matt kept surveying the congregation, spotting so many old friends of his and of his friend, Hardy.

Matt's brother, Steve and his partner, Gary, were sitting in the front row on the other side of the sanctuary along with Gary's sister, Marty, and her husband, Les Reardon, lieutenant of the Windsor Police Department. They met when Les became a steady concert goer to Matt's groups at Windsor, and Marty's groups too. He was a bit older than Marty, but they were a perfect match. Les's first wife had breast cancer and passed away five or six years before. Marty felt much sympathy for Les and he was totally grateful to Marty for helping him then.

Steve and Gary, still devoted lovers, so in love, Steve's sons, Jacob and Joshua, sitting with them. Jacob at 16 had grown into a handsome lad, looking very like his uncle, Matt, for which Matt was very proud. Joshua was then 14 and the spitting image of their mother, Becky, and he was probably going to be smaller that Jacob, though you never know. And the boys, finally, had stopped swimming in their pool, naked. Mostly, puberty brought that reticence on.

Steve and Gary, a bit older that Matt, had retired, Steve from his computer business and Gary as a lawyer in Columbus. Actually, Steve sold his business, so had plenty of millions to live the life of a sculptor and gentleman farmer.

Neil and Lee Jordan were on the west coast, unable to get away, still partners, Lee had changed his name to Neil's. Still in love and very close. Both taught at the U of C in Berkeley but Matt missed having Neil around in the music department. He kept trying to entice them back to Windsor, promising Neil an Associate Professor position. But, no luck yet. Matt decided he wouldn't give up on trying to entice them.

While his mind dwelt on those friends at the funeral, Matt also was remembering those who had helped him so much over the last twelve years. He well remembered the Montoni twins, Tony and Ricco, so gorgeous and so helpful to him during graduate school at U. of O. Their cousin, Joe Montoni, helped him too, connecting him with Brian Whitlow and Mike Keith, congressman from that district of Ohio.

Speaking of Brian and Keith, they now spent most of their time in the log house in River City and part time in Brian's mansion in Alexandria, VA. After five terms in Congress, Mike decided that he could do more good outside of the House. He'd had some successes while a member, but the difficulties were greater that he liked to tangle with for minimal gains. So, he helped Brian's step brother, Adam MacLean, who was with Brian so much when he was growing up, to receive the party's nomination for congressman in the same district.

Matt relished the time spent with Hunter Huntington in Washington, where he was attached to the White House, and Bush. Of course he recalled that Hardy had been very happy to spend time with Hunter when in Washington. Best man he'd ever fucked, Hardy always said, except of course for his own lover, Matty.

Mitch and Craig were at the forefront of companies still hot as internet builders, constructors of web sites and pages. Located in Chicago, they came quickly to Windsor for the funeral. Part of their trip would be to see Mitch's mother, Betty MacPherson, who still lived in Windsor. They tried every way possible to have her come to Chicago to live with them. They were her son and son-in-law whom she loved equally, but she wanted to keep her home and stay in the vicinity of Windsor University.

Carol Fowler, whose son, Todd McNeil Fowler, had been saved by Matt and Hardy about twelve years before. Todd had run away when he was sixteen, made earned money by being a children's tutor, living with families while he was needed. Todd's mother, when she learned of his sexual orientation, wanted him programmed by a quack who supposedly could change gay young men into straight ones. That's why Todd left. About 10 years ago Todd tried to reconcile with his mother, but she was adamant, "change and come back, don't change and you're not my son". Todd and Roger, his partner, loved Roger's parents who loved them and supported them in every possible way of their lives.

All of a sudden, Matt realized that the minister was introducing him.

"Dr. Matthew B. Ridgway, President of Windsor University, will give the eulogy for Dean Hamish McAllister"

Matt had to be sure not to look at Mike and Moose Monahan or he would break down for sure. It was obvious that they were crying almost constantly, they loved Hamish so much. He needed to stay calm to say good-bye to his best friend at the University, the man who made it possible to upgrade Windsor College to Windsor University.

"My friends, I hope to recount a bit of our friend's time with us. Some of us knew Hamish longer than others, but that wouldn't matter because everyone saw his strengths and abilities in a short time after meeting him. I first came to Windsor College twelve years ago, and Hamish was so helpful to me, a young newbie in college ranks. He helped me so much to deal with the Powers that be, ... successfully. I couldn't have done that by myself. (Matt couldn't help mentioning the late Dr. Powers in that way)

"When difficulties arose because of my orientation, he stayed strong behind me. When Hardy and I decided to be together, Hamish was the first to say 'good' and 'it's about time' and put pressure on the Board of Trustees of the College to wake up, to realize it was the twenty-first century. I could never thank him enough.

"When my brother's two boys were kidnaped, Hamish was a staunch supporter of our efforts to find them. When I wanted to start the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, he was right behind me, smoothing the way to made that successful. And it still is successful under their new director, Dr. Rick Balsaam, a good friend of Hamish along with his partner, Jamal." Matt did look to smile at Rick, Jamal and their son, Luke.

"Hamish was an Elder in the church in which we now sit. He was instrumental in the ongoing campaign for the recent addition to the building. And he was also instrumental in the acquisition of a new console for the pipe organ, plus ten more ranks of pipes. He certainly deserves his reward in Heaven for a wonderful life, full of faith and straight on the path, now realizing his goal for eternal life.

"Hamish had some problems in his life which few know about and which I will not talk about. However, ten years ago, at my request, Hamish took two troubled boys into his home to raise them. These were not small boys," he smiled, "not by any stretch of the imagination, because they are sitting in the front row with Hardy, Mike and Matt (Moose) Monahan. They had been kicked out of their home irresponsible parents.

"Hamish had been lonely in his house for quite some time. I didn't know that I was doing something great, but it sure turned out that way. I'll tell you all this, Hamish's last ten years of his life were the happiest of his life because of these young men. The boys helped him find himself, understand what he had been missing. They, with only love in their hearts, stayed with him for six years. When they moved nearby to have their own home, they saw each other every single day. Since Mike and Matt were teaching at Windsor High School, their summers were free and they organized four or five trips, traveling to various places around the world, just the three of them, having the time of their life.

"Hamish called me just last week, telling me how wonderful his 'sons' were to him. He said, 'Literally speaking, Matt, my boys saved my life. I certainly would not have lived nearly this long without them. You can help me help them by giving them the support they deserve when necessary.

"I am here to give thanks to God for creating Hamish McAllister, to live with us and make our lives much better because of him.

"Since Hamish has been cremated, there will be no burial, however, if you possibly can, come to our farm house after we are finished here so we all can celebrate his life with each other and maybe have a drink or two in his honor. Just follow Route 15 five miles south."

"Thank you and God Bless you., Hamish."

Matt stepped off the platform to sit with Hardy. The two Monahans stood and hugged Matt, trying to thank him for what he had said. As soon as he could, he got Mike and Moose to sit down for the final prayers. The organist's last honor to his friend and patron, Hamish, was to wish him farewell by playing the exuberant and sparkling Toccata from Widor's 5th Symphony.

Matt and Hardy with Mike and Moose sequestered themselves in the farmhouse den to talk together before celebrating Hamish.

"Matt, your eulogy was wonderful, terrific. Thank you." Moose spoke and hugged Matt.

Hardy broke in, "Yeah, Matt, we'll all thank you so much. You told everyone just how great he was, though most of them knew it."

Mike interrupted, "Matt, we met with Hamish's lawyer yesterday." Tears started down his cheeks, but he continued, "He shouldn't have done it, Matt, that stupid, loving man left everything to Moose and me. We certainly don't deserve it." Mike brought out a huge handkerchief and honked and wiped his face.

Moose went on, "Matt, we never knew it, but he paid off the whole mortgage on our home, and besides that, he left us his house, just for us. We are stunned by the amount of money he had." He also blew his nose, "The lawyer didn't quite know exactly how much, but, Matt and Hardy, it will mean we'd never have to work again in our lives."

Mike jumped in, excited, "But, Matt, you know us, we'd never do that. We need work, need to accomplish our aims in life. And we are going to finish some of Hamish's projects. We never knew what all he did for this community, without any notice, usually anonymously." Suddenly he and Moose were hugging in the middle of the room with Matt and Hardy around them, all four letting their tears fall freely. .

"Hey, what's going on in here," Roger yelled, opening the doors, "is this some sort of pity party or sob story? If you think so, you are wrong. This is a Wake." Todd ran in and grabbed Matt and Hardy, pulling them out into the living room, intending to throw them in the pool. Roger was helping.

"No, no, this is my good suit," Hardy screamed, "don't get my only suit wet."

Mike and Moose were helping the others get their two favorite people into the pool.

Once in the pool, soaking wet, Matt and Hardy hugged each other, "The hell with my only suit, I'll get another one. One every ten years wouldn't be too much." He kissed his lover Matt and pulled him under water, still kissing.

The situation broke the ice to let everyone enjoy themselves while keeping Hamish in their thoughts. And they sent him on his way with laughter and good wishes and some serious prayers. The group moved outside and each of the mourners were given an inflated balloon to then, at the signal, let the balloons rise to the heavens in honor of Hamish.

When everyone had left, except for the residents, Matt and Hardy were wrapped up in their usual bodily union, loving and desperately needing each other.

"Matt, I love you so much, I can't do without you."

Matt held Hardy's head, hands on both sides, "Hardy, dear, twelve years ago, I thought I could never love anyone as much as I did Steve, my brother. But I was wrong. I still love him tremendously, but you are my heart, my life and soul, we are one."

"You are so right, hon, and if they ever make up their minds, maybe we'll get a real marriage." Slowly, caressing each other, the two men drifted off to sleep, still praying for Hamish, sure that he was in good hands now.


Next: Chapter 39: Dukes of Windsor II 1

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