Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 26, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

============= Chapter Thirty-five =============

In the early afternoon on that Monday, Jacob was dropped off at the farm by the school bus, safe and sound at home. He waved good-bye at the kids still on the bus, Jacob made friends easily. He raced down the lane and into the house.

"Nana, Nana, I'm home." He shouted so anyone in the whole house could hear him. Nana didn't answer, so he ran into Nana's room to find her. 'No Nana', he thought. 'Maybe Todd is around.'

He went back to the mail hallway, "Todd, where are you, I'm home."

"Jacob," Todd called back, "I'm here in the pool room, taking a swim, come on in."

After he said it, Todd knew he should have let Jacob change out of his school clothes first. He watched Jacob run into the pool room, quickly strip off all his clothes and jumped into the pool naked.

"Hi, Toddy, I'm so glad I'm home and you are here." He swam quickly to Todd and wrapped his arms and legs around his beloved Todd. He planted his lips on Todd's, and received a very warm kiss. After they hugged a little, Jacob slid down Todd's naked body, finding on the way down that Todd's cock had risen to point at his navel.

As soon as he realized what had happened, Todd pulled Jacob up off his cock. "I'm sorry Jacob, that should not have happened. Please forgive me for not stopping you sooner."

"It's okay, Toddy, I didn't mind, I know you have a boner." He smiled, "I've seen what you guys do sometimes. I was afraid you were hurting each other from the sounds you were making, but I know you weren't. It looks like fun to me, but I know I'm too young."

Todd hugged Jacob to him, tightly, suddenly afraid for his charge. "Oh, Jacob, you shouldn't have seen whatever you saw."

Silently, Jacob shook his head 'no' with a sad appearance on his face.

"What you saw happens when two men love each other and express their love in ways which are not for boys, they are for grown ups." He considered the possibilities, "Did you see Roger and me together?"

"No, Toddy. It was Daddy and Gary."

"Oh, honey, that's how they love each other. And it's okay for them, not for you or Joshua. I'll help you to try not to think about those things until you are much, much older. Okay, my friend?"

Jacob tightened his hold around Todd's neck and waist, "Yes, Toddy, I will. I love you."

Soon other members of the household returned home and found Jacob and Todd in the pool. No one was concerned that Jacob and Todd were naked.

"Hey, Jacob, how was school?" Roger and Hardy had appeared by the pool.

"Oh, it was great, Roger, I made more friends and learned a lot of stuff. My teacher, Mrs. Grant, is super, I love her. And, you know what, the boys had to wait in line to use the boys' lavatory while the girls used their own lavatory. And, we all used the urnals together, and I saw a lot of the boys' pee-pees. One of the boys wanted to go in the girls' restroom, but the teacher stopped him in time. That was interesting," he giggled.

Jacob talked for a half hour about his day in school, gaining a larger audience as more residents came home. Finally, Nana Anne entered the pool room, and invited Jacob to her room where she wanted to hear all about his day. She figured that even though the others were being entertained, they probably wanted to get to other things.

Moose and his brother Mike climbed the stairs in Rick's and Jamal's dorm to their room. Moose knocked on the door, gently so he wouldn't startle them.

When no one came to the door, Moose asked, "We aren't early, are we, Mike?"

"Nope, Moose, right on time."

"Well, I give another knock, a little harder this time." Rap - rap - rap.

Then they heard noises in the room, and sounds of someone or someones scrambling, trying to be ready for guests. One of them yelled, "We'll be right with you."

Moose and Mike waited another 30 seconds and the door was opened by Rick, "Come in guys, glad to see you. We were taking a nap after our grueling rehearsal this morning." He was dressed but only in a pair of shorts and a tee. His hair had been run over by a egg beater, or maybe that was the newest style. He looked like he'd been 'rode hard and put away wet'. He smiled, "We only have one chair, why don't you take that Mike, and Moose can sit on the bed.." He was afraid the chair would never hold Moose. The bed was king-sized, actually two twins placed side by side and covered with a huge king mattress. That was their playground, they said to those who asked.

Moose looked around, "I've never lived in a dorm, I've always lived at home." Inhaling, Moose knew that the odor he smelled was cum! Lots of cum! Recent cum! He looked at Mike, slightly rolling his eyes and smiled. Mike nodded slightly, understanding. "Maybe by the time you go to college, Mike, in a year, I'll have a job in Windsor and we could have an apartment together. How about that?"

Mike's face broke into a broad grin, "Super, Moose, great idea."

The other door inside the room opened and Jamal stepped out. They could see that the door led to a closet, a not-very-big closet but he was dressed. "Hi, guys," Jamal walked over and shook Mike's hand and Moose's too. He was a tad worried about putting his hand in Moose's paw. He worried for naught.

"Glad you could come over."

Moose felt appreciative, "We are very happy that you would have us."

After a few moments of quiet, Moose spoke up. "Rick, and Jamal, I'll try to explain how this had come about, needing to talk to someone who could help us with our situation." He moved his hand to point at Mike, "Mike here told me a year ago that he was gay. I have to admit I really didn't know what he meant. He cleared up the problem by saying, homosexual. That helped.

"I'm not quite sure what I said then, but probably something like 'that's nice'. I wasn't a very understanding brother, but I didn't want to over react. Actually, I've been a father and mother to Mike, besides brother. Both of our parents work long hours out of the house, and their roles descended on me by default." He grinned and said, "He's going to be pissed at me now, but when he was about six months old, I pretty much took over. I fed him, fortunately he was on a bottle by then, I wasn't exactly able to take over Mom's breast feeding." He laughed, "Tits, yes, but all dry." He pointed at his own nipples.

The others smiled at his silly statement.

"I also cleaned up his bottom of the messes he made. That was really tough at first." He smiled lovingly at Mike, "I promised not to say that any more, but couldn't help myself.

"I helped him with his school work, got his clothes and kept them clean. He does them himself now. You may have noticed that we don't look much alike. In fact, maybe from a different planet, you think?"

He told about Mike being teased at school, then was beaten up, and how he took care of the beaters.

"Last week, Mike and I really talked about our thoughts and feelings, and he shot cum all over me when I just held him. I didn't understand how my actions would affect him. He told me how he felt as a gay man and that helped. The final result is I've wondered if I might be gay, too."

Rick and Jamal looked at each other, unsure of just what they should say, how they could help them, especially Moose.

Rick spoke up, "Moose, we aren't sure how we can help you. I'm sure you have thought of the fact that Moose, you are over twenty-one, and Mike is only seventeen. That's one danger. Also, you are talking incest. Unfortunately, in this backward state, the laws are still on the books, though rarely used."

Jamal broke in, "Have you thought how you can keep your parents from knowing about you. Rick and I are lucky because our parents know and though they aren't pleased, they trust us and will support us. Of course, we aren't brothers so that doesn't bother us. And we are both 21 or over."

"Have you actually had sex with each other?" Rick wondered.

Moose smiled, "You could say I made Rick cum last week and we were going to go further but decided to avoid the problem and just take a nap in each other's arms. Our mother came home early, so that was that. Mike has had a little experience with a friend his age, but not much." Both Mike and Moose blushed, still not at ease with Rick and Jamal.

"Mike, do you and your friend just masturbate together, or do a little cock sucking? I'm not trying to be nosy, just so we can understand what you've experienced."

With a very red face, Mike softly answered, "I tried to suck him once, but that's it."

"When do you finish school, Moose?"

Moose looked at Rick, "I graduate in January, then I'd like to teach locally and coach wrestling."

Rick continued, "Then I think your idea of getting an apartment in town is a good one, so Mike could go to college the next year, live with you so you would be around to help him." He continued, "I think the sooner you can move out of the house, the better."

"Mike will graduate high school at 17, he's taken all advance placement classes, some of which will count for college credit."

Jamal suggested, "So, Mike is a real brain besides being gorgeous and a hot hunk, huh? What a combination!"

"What more do you want to talk about, what can we tell you to help your situation?"

Moose and Mike looked at each other, wondering if they dared to ask some of their questions.

Moose whispered to Mike, who nodded and seemingly agreed.

"We have never done anything together, guys, Mike has just jacked off with a friend. As he said, he did try to suck him off once, but didn't get anywhere. I've only indirectly caused Mike to orgasm all over me, unknowingly. I never had come close to any woman, man or boy in a sexual way." He colored a bit, unused to discussing the subject as they were doing. "I guess, guys, we would like instruction how to do what you do all the time, make love to each other without hurting each other."

Rick and Jamal looked at each other, questioning as to what they should do. Jamal was usually the leader of their twosome, and would be the one to answer.

Jamal asked, "You mean that you want the instruction as a lab experiment, we physically perform the sex while you watch or while you actually follow our lead?"

Both Moose and Mike turned red, embarrassed to say the least. Mike piped up, "Yeah, Jamal, do it with you, that's the idea if you don't mind us barging in." Mike grabbed Moose's hand, gripping it, trying to get Moose to agree.

Jamal smiled, excitedly, "Ok, guys, we'll take you on. You follow our lead and we'll give you just what you want."

Rick and Jamal were naked in less than a minute, throwing their few clothes on the desks. Mike looked at Jamal's long, slender uncut cock, then not believing Rick's shorter one, but thick. "Come on guys, get with the program. You want a good grade don't you?" Rick and Jamal break up, laughing, each jacking the other's cock until they were hard as rocks. They had sex not half an hour ago, but the situation was arousing them quickly.

Moose looked at Mike and shrugged, "We wanted to do this, love, don't we?"

Mike was looking a little reluctant to go ahead and strip. He wanted to, yet he was afraid of making a fool or an ass of himself.

Jamal urged, "Hey, guys, stand up. Okay?" He move quickly to Moose and pulled his t- shirt off his head and threw it on one desk. He looked at Rick, nodded to Mike, urging Rick to take Mike's clothes off.

In just a minute both Moose and Mike were stark naked, looking at each other, not quite sure that was just what they wanted. Mike moved beside Moose and scooted under one arm, holding on to his waist. Moose cuddled Mike, looked down on him, smiling gently into his eyes, softly patting his naked buttocks..

Rick and Jamal noticed that look, and Mike's response, realizing there was real love between the two boys. They also noted that when Mike touched Moose, his huge cock started rising, gaining in length and thickness. Their mouths gaped when it reached total erection, hard as a rock. Mike didn't even look at it, but his hand held it and started jacking it. Moose was a huge man, but not fat. And his butt was quite narrow, from his wide shoulders to his slim hips, nice vee shape.

"My god, Moose, I think we better work toward having Mike fuck you instead of the other way around." He looked around, "And I don't see anyone around here who might care to take your cock in their ass." He chuckled, "I hope I haven't hurt your feelings, you have a really great cock there, just not one for my ass."

Rick added, "Come on Jamal, let's bring them to the bed."

Rick and Jamal each grabbed one of their arms and hauled them onto the bed.

"Okay, guys. Let's take this step by step. Oh wait, Moose, you have jacked off?"

"You crazy, Jamal? Probably an average of twice a day since I was 13." He smiled, "I'm a pro."

Jamal continued, "And you, Mike?"

"About the same, of course only three years. I'm a semi-pro." He chuckled.

"Then we'll skip jerking off. I guess ... ah .... sucking cock is next. Mike, you will want to watch carefully. I know you will want to make love to Moose's cock and probably drink his cum. If you love him, you will. Both of you lie down on your sides in a sixty-nine position. You know?"

"Yeah, I do," Mike boasted.

The arrangement on the bed ended up having Moose and Jamal on the outside with Rick and Mike lying inside of them. Rick's butt was against the back of Mike's head, when Mike tried to swallow Moose's huge cock, probably 8 inches long and thick. Moose had never measured.. The head was like a mushroom, larger than the shaft by quite a bit. Mike loved feeling Moose's body, his lightly haired pecs and the trail to his crotch where he had a fertile mound of dense, black hair.

Mike licked Moose's cockhead, swirling his tongue around, gradually stretching his mouth enough to admit the spongy, sensitive flesh. Mike also wrapped his hands around Moose's hips, gripping his buttocks with his searching fingers, working around and into the crevice between his cheeks. He was so aroused by his brother's cock and balls, naked and hot.

Gradually, Mike was able to take the head and maybe three inches of Moose's cock, slathering the length inside with his tongue, feeling Moose react, tensing his muscles, tightening his buttocks and trapping Mike's fingers between the cheeks. One finger had found Moose's rose bud, teasing it.

Mike almost pulled off Moose's cock when he felt Moose's lips and tongue suck his own cock into the moist, hot cavern of his brother's mouth.

"Oh, Moose, that feels so good, take it all in."

The two brothers felt such loving, desirous feelings, their cocks inside each other's mouths, clutching their hips toward them.

When Mike realized that Rick's butt was behind his head, he kept on hand on Moose's butt, but moved the other to feel Rick's smooth, slick ass. He loved the feeling of the bubble butt, hard yet supple, too, so smooth. Feeling down in the trench, he noted that Rick didn't have any hair around his wrinkled bud, so warm and moist.

Moose was so thrilled that the first cock in his mouth was his brother's, now his lover. About six inches long and not thick, it just fit Moose's mouth, moving just slightly down his throat. He didn't even think of having to gag, he took the stiff tool led by the soft head.

Rick and Jamal were sucking, too, but still paying attention to Mike and Moose. Rick loved having Mike's long fingers testing the feelings of his ass and his tiny bud of an anus.

"Oh, Moose, I'm getting close to coming, oh, help me." Mike was shaking, his sexual response had taken over his body.

Rick sat up, "Hey, Moose, let him go, he doesn't need to cum right away. We think you guys have that lesson under your belts." He giggled, "Under your belts. Get it?" The others gave Rick groans and frowns.

Moose let Mike's cock loose, giving it a last kiss on the reddened shaft and deep red head.

Rick continued, "I think you guys ought to try anal sex, and since Mike can't take you, Moose, you should take him in your ass, right away."

Moose looked lovingly at Mike, "I'd love to take your cock in my ass, Mikey."

"Moose, someday I will be able to take you in mine, my brother, and I'll work at that until I can."

"Okay, Moose, get on your stomach, and we'll put a pillow under your hips. Mike you move around Moose and get between his legs. We'll help the rest of the way."

Jamal helped move Moose into the center of the bed, then shoved two pillows under him. That raised Moose's ass a bit but not too much. Jamal had seen that if Moose were on his hands and knees, his ass would be too high for Mike's cock.

Mike crawled between Moose's spread legs, between his heavy, muscular thighs with lots of dark hair, and put his hands of Moose's buttocks. He bent over and kissed around both of his cheeks, slowly going deeper into the butt trench with his tongue until he almost tongued the wrinkled bud with the tiny slit. Even Moose, as big as he was, had a barely visible hole. Mike was a little worried that it wouldn't let his cock inside.

Determined, Mike stuck his face further between Moose's buttocks, finally able to swipe his tongue on the hot, soaking wet aureole around the pinpoint opening. Moose was going wild with the exotic sensations radiating from his reddish-brown asshole, under attack by Mike's tongue, finally submitting to the pressure to allow the stiff tongue to enter Moose's body.

Rick yelled, "God, Mike, how did you know to do that? That's the greatest! Moose will love you forever for that."

Jamal thought that Moose was ready, plenty wet and Mike's dick wasn't that big to give him any trouble, even if he hadn't been fucked before.

Rick and Jamal held Moose's buttocks apart, gave Mike a direct target for his rock hard, throbbing cock. The two friends helped Mike by holding his buttocks and his poker to push him straight into Moose's trench until the soft, spongy head pressed against the tiny slit.

"Oh, god, Mikey, do it, push it all the way in, love, I want it and need it. Hurry, please."

Mike's cockhead felt the throbbing heat, the smoldering flames of his brother's anus, the sphincter gradually softening its grip and Mike's cockhead was through! He felt the burning fires and boiling juices in the ultra soft tissues of Moose's rectal walls.

Mike screamed, "Moose, you are so hot, you feel so sexy on me going in your body. I can't hold it, Moose, I've got to let go, it's pushing and pouring out. Oh god, man, it's cumming, I'm going to drown your guts with a flood of my juice, my babymakers."

Jamal and Rick could see Mike's buttocks tighten, squeezing together while his legs straightened as hard as rocks. Mike was pumping his cock into Moose, faster and faster until he screamed again, "Moosey, it's here. Agh, inside your body with my own body."

Rick and Jamal lay on either side of Moose and Mike, lying against their bodies, supporting them in their throes of sexual release. They saw the two Monahan's kissing and hugging tightly, Mike's loins thrusting again and again against Moose's ass, his balls bouncing against that ass.

"Oh, heaven help me," Moose roared as his body reached it's climax and his cock released a torrent of cum onto Jamal's pillow. "Oh, lover, that was so wonderful, I love you and will love you forever." Mike pulled out and Moose turned over. His arms wrapped around Mike's small body, caressing him from shoulders to buttocks. "Mikey, I didn't know anything could possibly be so incredibly exciting. And we have all our lives to enjoy our bodies and love with each other."

Suddenly, Jamal raised his head to look at Rick. He smiled, "Ricky, today's your lucky day. I'm so hot I have to have your thick one up my ass. I've never been hotter. Please, baby?"

Rick smiled and they moved into position. Rick lay on his back, under Jamal. Rick's thick cock rose straight into the air from his crotch.

Jamal told the Monahan's, "We do it this way because I can let myself down on his cock at my own speed, so I don't tear anything back there." He patted his butt, grinning all the while, and positioned his legs, kneeling around Rick's sides which put his asshole right over the cock.

Moose and Mike got low where they could easily see the cockhead and Jamal's asshole meeting gently.

Jamal lowered his ass, pulling his butt cheeks apart as far as he could letting Rick's cock tip just touch his anus. Slowly and very gradually Jamal let himself drop onto the cock. He felt himself begin to stretch open, his sphincter fighting all the way. With a strong urge, Jamal sat until the head was inside. His face was screwed up, pain etched in his features until he could get more cock inside.

Moose and Mike couldn't believe how wide Jamal's opening could stretch, all the wrinkles smooth out. And both used their hands to caress Jamal's back and sides, trying to ease his load, until finally, Rick's pubes met Jamal's buttocks. He was all the way inside.

Then, Jamal's pained face eased the discomfort and he smiled. "Oh, god lover, I wish I could do this more often." He turned to the Monahans, groaning, "It will be a week before I can easily sit down again." He smiled greedily, "But it is worth it once in a while."

Moose and Mike could see Jamal's ass lips pulling in when Rick pushed and rolling out when he pulled out, the elastic rim following Rick's cock, not able to stretch any more.

Rick started to hump Jamal's bottom, wrenching his hips to force his cock in and out, farther and deeper. Jamal was riding a tough bronc with a mighty, potent cock up his ass. He held on until Rick took Jamal's cock in his hand, pumping it in rhythm with his thrusts.

Jamal leaned forward, leaned on his arms and kissed Rick profoundly while still bouncing up and down with the force of Rick's urges.

"Jamal, I'm cumming, hold on." His thrusts were more violent and powerful and he worked on Jamal's cock to bring him off at the same time.

Both men yelled as they produced their cum, Rick deep into Jamal's guts and Jamal spreading over Rick's chest and stomach. Soon, Jamal lay down on Rick, Rick's huge cock still in his hole and they kissed desperately. Finally, they both collapsed.

Mike and Moose watched as Rick's cock was forced through the lips slowly from Jamal's hole, juices and cum following along with the softened organ. Rick and Jamal were groaning together, hugging tightly and still kissing. Soon, though, Moose realized they had fallen asleep. He pulled Mike on top of him and they slept, too, happy with their experience with the boys and hoping to stay close to them. Maybe even some sex with them once in a while. He was sure there were more lessons to come that they would not have dreamed of.

On November 21st, just before Thanksgiving week, the farmhouse was totally decorated with British flags and bunting sent by Charles. He also sent baseball caps with the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor on them, and with all the players names around the edge. Stacks of drink coasters appeared too with British designs on plus the Dukes names. Stocks of beer and snacks had been brought in for the Bon Voyage party which Matt and Hardy were throwing for the Dukes.

Lord Ballard has sent so many flags that Matt and Hardy had hung them all along the porch and along the driveway from the main road to the house, tied to the fence posts. There were even enough to decorate the new Music Building which had been finished just in time for the new school year. Matt felt better with his new office, nothing like what Dr. Powers had.

On Monday the 24th they would be flying to England for their performance at Ballard Hall. None of them had been overseas except Chris and all were excited, almost silly Even though they knew that Charles never said the British cliches, such as, Pip-Pip, Cheerio, I Say, What Ho, etc., the Dukes delighted themselves by using them at every possible instance. Roger even found a monocle at home which he learned to hold on his eye, though he looked as if he were spastic on that side of his face. 'I say, What?' was his favorite expressions for the whole week. Matt and Hardy despaired of getting them to stop, but hoped they were smart enough not to do it when in England. The Dukes' friends thought they had gone wacky, overload.

Matt had decided that they would use the pool room, but the pool cover would be rolled over the water, no swimming at this party. So, that was in place even though that would mean no swimming for the whole weekend. He felt they could have a great time together without the pool.

Friday evening, on the 21st, Matt and Hardy decided to make it an open house for their friends to come, have a couple beers and give the Dukes a good send-off to England. The whole open house wasn't announced to the general public, but more by word of mouth to most of those in the music department, including the bands and teachers.

Steve and his partner, Gary, were delegated to watch the drinking, putting a halt to their guests who were over imbibing. Plus, they would watch those leaving to make sure the person who would be driving was sober and no beer bottles went with the others in the car..

All the Dukes were on hand by 7 pm, ready for the guests to arrive. Besides the flags and stuff, they had framed pictures of Charles's Ballard Hall and interior shots, very impressive shots of the hall and auditorium. Though only a small part of the hall was almost 1000 years old, that figure struck many as being unbelievable. "Boy, the British don't throw anything away", was one comment. Another had researched to learn that the Danes ruled in London under Canute (Cnut) when the hall had begun back then.

Since the outdoor temperature was close to freezing, the pool room was well heated with the drapes over the window walls to help control the chills. That room was festooned with both the British and American flags and red, white and blue streamers. Only a few of the usual chaises lounges were scattered around the covered pool itself. Matt and Hardy didn't want the guests to deposit themselves in a seat where they would vegetate for the evening. The whole purpose of the open house was to get people together who could respond and challenge each other.

Soon, many of the Windsor Bands members were in the house, quietly enjoying the refreshments and the chance to get to know other students. Some especially wanted to become better known by Matt and Hardy. They were already looking forward to the next school year when most of the Dukes would have graduated and there would be openings for other music students. And the teaching staff of the Music Department were there in full strength. Kurt and his lover Sunshine were enjoying themselves along with Marty and her brother Gary. Gary had been trying to fix up his sister without success.

All of the rooms on the first floor were being used by the Dukes and their guests. The living room, the den and kitchen were crowded, but the population steadily flowed from one room to the others. Matt, Hardy, Steve and Gary kept circulating among them, aided by Todd and Jamal who were the bartenders who kept tabs on who was drinking how much. The rest of the Dukes kept watching for those who might overindulge with the beer, checking them out if they head for their cars.

Matt had called Les Reardon about the party and suggested that a patrol car could be stationed on the main road in front of the farmhouse as a warning of sorts. He didn't want the kids to be arrested, but to be helped. Les agreed if Matt carefully monitored the drinking inside the house. He promised.

Lee Washington and Neil Jordan made a point to find Matt and thank him. Lee had gone to classes for two months now and hadn't had any trouble from the bullies.

"Matt, could we talk to you?" Neil caught Matt on the prowl.

"Hi Neil, Lee. Glad you could come. How's everything going?"

Lee exploded, "Matt, it's been great. I don't understand how you did it. No one has mentioned me being raped once since before school started in September. How did you do it?"

Matt smiled, he hadn't told anyone what Moose had done to help Lee. Matt didn't actually know just what Moose did, but it sounded like he was very effective.

"Lee, I want you to meet the young man who helped you. He should be here, but I haven't seen him yet." He put his arm around Lee, a short, slender 19 year old, light brown skin and handsome face. Then he saw Moose just coming in the front door. "Oh, Moose, could you come here and bring Mike." Moose smiled at Matt and he and Mike headed across the room, easily making a way through the crowd for them.

Matt shook Moose's hand and hugged Moose to him. Moose, as always, appeared threatening, but wore a very friendly smile. Mike, Moose's brother and lover, hugged Matt too.

Matt nodded to Neil and Lee to come meet these young men.

"Lee, I want you to meet Matthew Monahan, better known as Moose, and his brother Mike. I don't know how he did it, but Moose was the one who helped you out in September."

Moose stuck out his hand to Lee, wanting to shake. Lee wouldn't have that and got close enough to give Moose a big hug, pressing his body to Moose's fiercely, most ardently.

He looked up into Moose's eyes and mimed a 'thank you', hugging harder even if his arms didn't get all the way around Moose.

Moose was embarrassed, not because Lee was hugging him, but because he didn't think he deserved a thank you for what he did. Lee was about Mike's size, so Moose was familiar with the feel of a young man like Lee.

"You are welcome, Lee. And remember, if anyone gives you any trouble, you call me. Understand?"

Lee smiled, actually unable to speak, nodded and retreated to Neil who also hugged him. They glowed with joy and delight, thankful for Moose and Matt. "Moose, let's get a beer and talk a bit," Neil grabbed Moose's huge hand to pull him toward the pool room. Lee put his arm around Mike's shoulders and they followed Neil and Moose.

Two young men from the concert band, actually a French hornist and a trumpet player were sort of cruising for Matt's attention. They were sophomores who were hoping to be in the Dukes when the next school starts the following September. Realizing that they had to play more professionally than they did at that time, they hope to ask Matt to recommend teachers for them.

These two, Mark Wellington and Jack Holden, had known each other for quite a few years since they grew up in Windsor and were good friends. They looked so much alike that they were often taken for twins. Brown hair, about 5'9" and slender with a good muscular tone from swimming on the high school team, they were competitive with each other, but as friends, not enemies. Even though Mark was slightly cuter than Jack, they were so close in looks as to be twins.

Both lived in Windsor with their parents in houses near each other, often staying at each other's house on weekends, sleeping together in the same bed. They played so much in their neighborhood, hiking, camping and picnicking at the lake not far from their houses. Both boys had other friends with whom they often played, but normally, when you saw Mark, you also saw Jack and vice versa. They also belong to the same big Methodist church in town where they sang in the youth choir and liked the youth group.

The two boys started puberty at the age of 12. Since they had no secrets, well almost, they shared the changes in their bodies with the other, occasionally jacking off together, not often and not trading hands and cocks. Each one, though, jerked off two or three times a day, but that was one thing they didn't tell the other. They were so close that each belonged to the other's family, since both sets of parents awarded that privilege.

Often the boys learned whose Mom was cooking what kind of meal that evening, then decided where they would eat. And, since both mothers knew what they were doing, they got together on their menus. The boys didn't actually realize this, or realize that they were eating the good food which they like at either house.

Mark was the brain when it came to English and History, while Jack was the whiz on Math and Science. For this reason they studied together practically every day, helping each other with their specialties. Mark and Jack both played in the school band because that came more easily than singing. In the sixth grade the boys decided to stick together and play the same instrument, trumpet. By the eighth grade, Jack had passed Mark on playing the trumpet, so Mark was asked to play French Horn, a more difficult instrument in some ways, but easier for a boy with the better ear and lips. Mark and Jack were both section leaders by the end of the eighth grade, waiting impatiently for high school and the big band, football games, pep and jazz band. Throughout high school no one could beat them on their chosen instrument, they stayed as first chair of their section and they came home from contest with all Superior marks.

That brings us to Mark and Jack at Windsor College where they decided to enrol. They still lived at home, but were together practically as much as in high school. They had admired their band director so much they decided on majoring in instrumental music to be band directors when they graduated. Neither boy told the other but each hoped they could teach together.

Jack was the more aggressive personality while Mark was more laid back, not quite as out-going. But, their characters fit together so well, they adapted like a jigsaw puzzle, conforming piece by piece, forming a superior whole with their personal individualities.

Two weeks before the Dukes' Bon Voyage Party at the Ridgway's farmhouse, Mark and Jack's were laying on Jack's double bed in his room. They were discussing the upcoming party, excited that they were invited to go. Even though they were sophomores, they weren't old enough to drink beer.

"Hey, Mark, maybe if we are careful we could get a beer or two. Do'ya think?"

His reserved best friend thought they shouldn't do that. "Jack, what if we are caught? Remember, we want to try out for the Dukes next summer. Most of the present Dukes will have graduated and there should be a vacancy for trumpet and French horn. Get what I'm saying?" He paused, "Hey, Jack, if I'm playing French horn, does that mean I have to wear dresses and be the Duchess?"

Jack broke out in gales of laughter, "I can just see that, Markie, you'd be great. But, I think that there would be no duchess if you were the French horn. Maybe another instrument would be a girl.

"Yeah, I know, Mark, and I suppose you are right, I guess I just wish."

Both boys had tried a beer a few times and couldn't stand it.

"You know I don't like it, Jack, and I don't think you like it either."

Jack pretended to get angry and pounced on top of Mark.

"I love beer and you know it."

"Do not, do not. C'mon Jack, fess up."

Jack got Mark's arms against the pillows over his head. The rest of his body matched Mark's, chest to crotch to feet. Jack was getting hot. They'd never gotten close physically, even though they both had wished it were so.

"Get off me, Jack, damn it, get off."

"Why should I, Markie, feels comfortable to me. And you are going to admit that I love beer."

Mark tried to move his body, but ended up just rubbing their hard cocks together. When he realized what he had done, he brushed a deep red and looked into Jack's eyes. At that point they both acknowledged to themselfs that their cocks were hard and pushed together where they've never been before.

Jack looked into Mark's eyes, blushing but hot too, wanting his friend to be even more. He began to lower his face, still holding Mark's arms, smelling Mark's personal aroma, his body and his sweet breath. There was no way he could stop himself. He lowered his head far enough to press his lips on Mark's red, juicy ones.

Mark tensed up suddenly, trying to say something, when Jack thrust his tongue between his friend's lips. Neither boy was able to breathe properly, their bodies were on fire, electric sparks flaming throughout their nervous systems, near to overload.

Jack wasn't to be thwarted, he was where he wanted to be for years and he was sure that Mark wanted it too. His legs were stretched outside of Mark's which he squeezed as he pushed his crotch against Mark's.

Finally, Mark was able to push Jack off of him to lay beside him, both breathing hard and fast, their nerves in complete disorder. Neither moved or spoke for a while. Mark was practically crying as was Jack, but Jack didn't regret his move. He'd wanted to do that for ages.

Mark got his breath calmed, quietly and smoothly, "Jack, why did you do that?" Mark had twisted slightly toward Jack so he could look into Jack's face.

Jack didn't speak for a while. Then, "Mark, don't hate me, please don't hate me." He put his hands up to his face, "I love you, Mark, I've always loved you. I guess I needed to tell you."

Mark turned farther toward Jack, a quirky smile on his face, "Well, Jack, I've loved you forever and I may not have ever been able to express myself if you hadn't wanted to tell me."

Mark slid over to lay next to Jack, then rested his head on Jack's chest, his arm across his stomach and one leg pulled up to lay on Jack's crotch.

"Perhaps, Jack, you can feel my hard on pressed against your leg," he snickered, "I can feel yours."

"Yep, my friend, I guess we are a pair of cock hounds, aren't we? Yes, I can feel you very well. I've always wanted Jack, Jr. to meet Mark, Jr. How de do, Mark Jr." He chuckled.

Mark retorted, "Jack, Jr. I've been dying to meet you, but Mark, Sr. is such a wuss."

They both howled and roared, grabbing the other with searching arms, connecting the two bodies with love and affection and lust, too. Their laughter slowly died out and this time Mark was on top.

"Jack, could I please have a repeat of that wonderful kiss? I didn't even respond which I would love to do."

They kissed seriously and deliberately, tasting tongues, but went no farther.

"Jackie, does this mean we are gay?" He wished it so, but not so sure it was good.

"Markie, I know I am and I'm hoping you are too. I need you and hope you need me."

"I'm trying to tell you that I do, I love you, need you forever. Can we do that?"

Mark thought about it and he knew this was what he'd been wanting, too. "That's all I've ever wanted, though I'd only realized it the last three years." They calmly lay against the other until Mark's right hand and Jack's left meshed their fingers and held on strongly.

"Know sompin Mark.?"

"What, Jackie."

"Do you realize that all the members of the Dukes are gay, except for Christine?"

Mark squeezed Jackie's hand. "I knew some were, but not all. Is that right?"

"Yeah, do you think if we were known to be gay, we'd be more sure to get on the Dukes next year?"

Jack sat up, holding on to both Mark's hands, "I love you, will you marry me?" He looked into Mark's face seriously, then broke up, giggling.

Mark sat up, too, putting his arms around his new lover, "Why not, we're in love and I want to be betrothed." He said that with determination and firmness, then kissed Jack's hot, sexy lips, so luscious and juicy. "Just as soon as we are legally allowed to marry, that's when I want you tied to me with the wonders of matrimony, never to let go."

That night Mark stayed with Jack, naked in his bed and lusting for his body. Their first love making that night was to the complete satisfaction and delight of both young men.

Back at the Bon Voyage party Mark and Jack found themselves close together, holding hands and enjoying the party. They couldn't drink beer, but the ice chests held plenty of soft drinks, too. They saw and talked to a lot of their friends, especially Dirk Winters, a good friend of both boys and trombone in the Concert Band..

"Hi, Jack, Mark, great party, huh?" He noticed that they were holding hands and smiled. "Com'ere with me, guys, just a minute." He led them to the kitchen which was empty for the moment. He closed them into a close tight huddle..

"I'm glad you two finally realized that you should be a couple. It's about time, isn't it?"

Jack and Mark blushed and pulled their hands apart. Neither could think what to say.

"Hey, guys, it's me, Dirk, you know me and I know you. I've known forever that you two were in love and hoped you would figure it out sometime. What happened?"

Jack spoke up first, still blushing, "Dirk ... ah .... well .... it happened two weeks ago. Didn't you notice the glow in the sky over our neighborhood?" He grinned to Dirk, happy to have their secret finally out. They might get a bunch of flak from the jerks, but it would be worth it.

Dirk came back, "Well, don't I get to kiss the bride ... or husband .. or whatever?"

Mark exerted himself and kissed Dirk on his lips. "That was from the groom, and now you can have a kiss from the other groom!" Jack kissed him, too.

"Guys, you make me very happy, I'm not gay but ...."

"Whose not gay around here?" Matt had just walked into the kitchen, catching the last bit of what Dirk said. He looked around, recognizing Jack and Mark, then Dirk.

Dirk answered, "I'm not, Matt."

"So, if that's true, who is gay, could that be you two, Mark and Jack?"

Both nodded, blushing again and grinning broadly, looking so damn cute, Matt thought.

Matt brought his arms around the trio, whispering to them, "Mark and Jack, I've known you two were in love for two years now, wondering when you were going to be a couple in love besides being friends. And Dirk, you may not be gay, but you have to love these two. Right?"

"Yes, sir. And I sure do love them."

"I do too, Dirk, especially as they are my finest sophomore trumpet and French hornist."

He whispered to the lovers, "Gosh, guys, you didn't have to go gay to get in the Dukes. You two have a good possibility of a sure position there." He hugged them, "My best to you guys, and keep working hard. If you have any troubles, come to me, anytime."

The three watched Matt as he left the kitchen.

Quietly again, Dirk asked, "How did your parents take this news, guys?"

Mark shook his head, "We haven't told them."

"Well, I'll bet they have had this figured out a long time ago, don't you?"

The party wound down about 9 and every guest was gone by 9:30. The Dukes and friends helped clean up the house and pool room.

Chris went to Matt, "Can't we take the tarp off the pool, we'd love to swim."

Matt thought, then called everyone together. "You people have been wonderful tonight, helping to clean up and everything. What I would like to do is have you all back tomorrow night and the pool with be available for swimming. I think we have a bunch of talking about the trip to do. Would that be okay? This would be just for the Dukes and residents."

The Duke's agreed. They would have loved to have gone swimming that night, but they figure that Matt must have a good reason.

Matt did have a good reason. He was tired and he still wanted a romp with Hardy in their bed. His cock started rising as he though about Hardy's body and his cock, too. 'I'll just let them wonder about it.' he thought. He looked across the room and found Hardy's blue eyes on him, and those eyes were filling with moisture since he was also thinking of being in bed with his lover and husband.

"Okay then, see you all tomorrow night about 7 pm. We'll chat a bunch, drink a little and enjoy ourselves."

Those leaving said good night, heading home through the late night darkness, watching the flags along the drive as they did. Roger and Todd were the only two left at the house. They would have love a quiet swim in the darkness.

"Roger," Todd spoke in Roger's ear as they hugged in the pool room. "Roger, you know there is the Jacuzzi all warmed up and we could use that for a while."

Roger grinned widely, "Lover, you sure have a filthy mind. You want to play around with me, with my body and all its cowboy parts and attachments. I know you. You are insatiable, and I love it." Roger pulled Todd farther into the darkness by the hot tub. "And I love you, babe."

"Wait a minute, Rog, I need to check on the boys, won't take a minute even."

Todd raced up the stairs and into the boys room. Much as he tried, he wasn't able to keep pyjamas on the boys. As soon as he left the room, they are naked in bed, hugging each other. That night they were lying on their stomachs, close and touching, their favorite position. The four beautiful buttocks just calling to a light pat and caress. That Todd did, then returned.

Roger quickly stripped Todd who was stripping Roger in turn. When both sets of undies were at their feet, they grabbed each other and slipped into the warm water.

"Oh, Roger, I love you so much, I can't get enough of you." He had grabbed Roger's lush buttocks, squeezing and playing with them.

"That's fine, lover, I'm all yours, whenever you want."

Roger had sat down on the side while Todd faced Roger and sat on his knees, his own knees spread and against Roger's butt against the side of the tub. Todd pressed his full chest against Roger's. Roger was more muscular and strong, but Todd had been working in the basement of the farmhouse with the weights and was improving greatly. Roger was proud of the change is Todd's body, looking more and more beautiful all the time.

Roger turned Todd to put him on his lap and cuddled him. They kissed for long times, not hurried, but with fierce emotion. Roger's cock was hard and up and was squeezed between Todd's thigh and his own abdomen. Todd played with the head, using his fingers to lightly pinch it, producing precum which Todd brought to his mouth to sip.

Todd stood and turned around with his ass over Roger's crotch. That meant that Todd wanted to be fucked and loved. That worked for Roger, too. He decided that the water would be enough lubrication, they often do this in the Jacuzzi without difficult.

Roger jacked himself a bit to get more precum on his cockhead, then nodded to Todd who was looking back at Rog, past his narrow butt waiting for the 'entrance of the gods.' When Roger nodded, he moved his butt until it touched Rog's chest then lowered it.

Roger held his cock and when the beautiful, pink asshole of his lover hovered just over it, he held Todd's ass to aim it at his cockhead, juicy and fully swollen. When Rog's cockhead lips touched Todd's ass lips, he pulled slowly to shove it into his ass.

Todd was excited and so hot to have his love chute filled, he needed Rog's cock entirely inside his body, squeezed through his sphincter ring, he felt every millimeter of Rog's huge cock as it slid inside. Rog's cock slid along Todd's prostate, giving him the shocks and stimulants of his sexual being, tingling and pricking Todd's nerve bundles in his ass.

Roger had held Todd's long cock in one hand while helping Todd's ass up and down. Todd was oozing strings of precum from his cock lips and down the sides. Rog used that lube to slick his hand on the cock. Roger had then begun fucking Todd's ass with his body and cock. He could shove his loins against the gorgeous buttocks over his crotch, sinking his cock deep into Todd's rectum, the hot, wet smooth side of the organ. His cock was hitting Todd's prostate every time he shoved in again.

Keeping Todd bent over, Roger stood up, pushed Todd to the other side of the tub, where he held on to the side. Rog stepped between Todd's legs, pulling his cock out all the way, then thrusting it back through the ass lips, the sphincter and the rectum gates. Todd groaned every time he did that, but was loved each and every thrust.

"Wait, Rog. I want to see you when you cum. Please."

Roger smiled, then let his Toddie lay on his back with his legs over Roger's shoulders. He then replace his cock in Todd's asshole, sliding the hugely swollen rod back, shoving in quickly, then setting up his rhythm again, slamming his cock in and out and smashing his balls on Todd's buttocks.

Todd was yelling until Roger put his hand over his mouth, "Todd stop, you'll wake up everybody in the house." Todd finally realized what he'd been doing.

"Rog, please, fuck me, cum in me, now .... right now." Todd stretched to reach Roger's buttocks and pulled them in toward him as he rhythmically shoved his asshole over his cock.

They pushed and pulled, Todd still moaning, "Cum in me, Rog, please, cum in me."

Roger gave a final slam into Todd's ass, pushing his cock in to the farthest it would go, and his streams of cum filled Todd's rectum, while Todd's cock exploded without him touching it, pounding his own cum onto his chest and stomach, hot and steamy, white and slippery.

Saturday, Nov. 22nd, the Dukes and helpers and directors met in the den at the farmhouse. That meant that BJ and LJ, Roger and Todd, Rick and Jamal and Chris were seated around the conference table along with Matt and Hardy. They all had selected their drink of choice - pop, coffee, tea or milk. Nothing alcoholic, this time. Some were very grateful, considering their headaches and upset stomachs, especially those who lived in the farmhouse. None of the Dukes looked awake and aware, mainly wiped out. Well, except for Christine.

Hardy stood with his back to the fireplace. "I guess you all know that we leave for England tomorrow morning." He smiled, "That was a stupid statement with which I hoped to wake you up."

"We're up, we're up," said a very sleepy looking Roger. Hardy had a feeling that he and Todd were up very late last night, Neither particularly looked awake, and also seemed satiated with something, could be lust and love?

"Thank you for confirming your situation." Hardy continued with his agenda. "I don't mean to be a downer and won't be, except for the next topic I want to talk about.

"I know you are going to groan as soon as I say the next sentence, but, tough" He smiled to take the bite off his words. He looked around, "I'm sure you know how to act while in England, but I think it is necessary to outline the proprieties."

"Matt, would you help me give a demonstration? Please?"

He and Matt walked across the room from the doorway, arms around each other, caressing their partner, close together and occasionally kissing. Matt put one hand on Hardy's left buttock, squeezing, then slid his hand down the back of Matt's shorts to feel his bare bottom.

The whole room broke up, groans everywhere and boos, raspberries and so-called Bronx cheers. Loud, wet and nasty. The Dukes weren't taking it easy on their bosses.

Little Jeff stood up, yelling, "Thanks, Matt and Hardy, now we know just how to behave ourselves next week. Right, guys?" He looked around at his laughing comrades.

It took a while, but Hardy got them settled and decided to use a different approach.

"Ricky, what was I trying to point out to you?"

Ricky blinked his eyes and sat up. "Ah, .... I dunno ... I guess maybe 'don't act stupid'."

Hardy answered, "That's one answer, and a good one, but not on my sheet."

"Roger, how about you, what am I getting at?"

Roger shook himself and stood up, holding a stiff posture and a serious expression.

"You want us, gay or straight, not to advertise our orientation except in the privacy of our ... ah .... whatever." He then collapsed into his soft chair.

"You got it, Roger, I want all of us to act straight as hell, no matter what. Remember, we are representing our College and our Dukes and Duchess and our country too. That's a lot of weight, but you can do it. What we do there could be reported all over the country and maybe even our country. Look to Lord Ballard as our guide in deportment and conduct."

Matt spoke up then, "Everybody, what we do and how we do it will reflect on him, our host and friend. He's a pretty big cheese over there so we don't want to rain on his parade. OK?"

Chris stood up, "That's right, Matt, and I know you are college students with rights and privileges, but try to hold back on demanding them over there. Especially panty-raiding. I know Charles will be very pleased."

"Hip Hip, Hooray; Hip, Hip, Hooray; Hip Hip Hooray!" BJ let the cheer and all voices joined in, "Hooray, Charles."

Heathrow Airport, one of the world's busiest airports, was located west of London and consisted of four terminals. Flights from the United States generally landed at Terminal 3. At first Charles had thought they should use Heathrow, but later decided on Gatwick Airport, closer to Ballard Hall and easier to reach. They decided to use limousines, one for the 9 of them and one for the valuable instruments and baggage. While the Dukes were at Ballard Hall, Charles had planned to give them a special tour of London and a bit of what's left of the British empire.

At that time, Continental Airlines flew a route directly from Cleveland to Gatwick frequently so it was definite that they would take that route, including First Class seats. Matt didn't think they should use that much in expenditure. But that's only way to go when you have two half-billionaires fighting over who pays for those tickets. All the Dukes were very grateful to Brian and Charles for taking good care of them.

This time the "Dukes" were conveyed in their RV, set up for them including space for their equipment. Even though the guys and Chris had to be up at 5 am, they were all very excited, high on anticipation of their trip, performance and adventure. With everything loaded on the RV, they headed for Cleveland Hopkins airport at 7 am on the dot. Most were quiet at the beginning, alone with their thoughts while others, Roger and Todd specifically, were asleep in their chairs. Roger and Todd had been led astray by their hormones the previous two days.

The bedroom of the RV had been piled with luggage and some of the instruments. Matt and Hardy had provided drinks and donuts, sweet rolls or bagels for those who hadn't taken time to eat, or who had no appetite at six in the morning.

At 7 am the weather was cool but not cold under clear skies. A previous snowfall had dissipated overnight since it hadn't been more than a couple of inches. Interstate 80 wasn't very crowded at that time on a Sunday morning so their leg from Windsor to Hopkins Airport was quicker than usual. Near Elyria the driver took I-480 heading northeast to the airport, less than 10 miles away.

Then, the advantage of having sponsors like Brian and Charles was demonstrated when the group and instruments and luggage had their personal airport security agent and were transported directly to the plane where their seats were grouped in the front first class section.

After a small scramble for their seats, Matt quietly spoke up

"Would everyone stop the noise?" That worked immediately, once in a while they did listen to the voice of their leader.

"In case you haven't looked at the tickets I gave you, we have in row 3, seat A is BJ, Seat B is LJ, Seat C is me." He turned to the opposite side of the plane. Here we have D which is Hardy, E is Roger and F is Todd." He smiled extravagantly at those three. "Finally, is row 2, A is Rick, B is Jamal and C is for Christina."

"Now would you please get your carry on bags in the racks and sit down?"

The babel started again which Matt ignored since no one else was on the plane at that time. Once they all settled, he spoke again.

"You may have noticed that your chaperones, one for each three seats, will be awake and alert all during the flight. Remember, you will be on public display sooooo, bring out your best public behavior you should have been taught from birth." He gave a sly grin and sat down himself.

The Boeing 737 jet banked to line up their final approach to Gatwick and our friends strained at their seat belts toward the windows to see the landscape they were flying over, mostly tiny buildings and occasional fields that appeared to be farms. Fortunately, it was not raining and everything was bathed in sunshine, glowing and brilliant in spots. The whole area under them looked to be suburban, little towns and some agricultural.

Charles, Lord Ballard, had arranged for the Dukes to be met at the airport by his agents and security people. They were standing by a Land Rover parked beside two sleek black stretch Mercedes along with some baggage handlers from Gatwick Airport. Within fifteen minutes the Dukes were ensconced in the first limousine while their instruments and baggage had been loaded in the second limousine, and the two vehicles were on their way to Charles' Ballard Hall, one of the stately homes in the area that was West Sussex. It had been rumored that Charles' father put a lot of pressure where it counted so that Garwick Airport had been built in West Sussex, near his home, but not too near.

Not much later, the Mercedes slowly drove into the Ballard Hall estate on a curving, gravel drive, passing through a forested area, finally emerging one hundred yards from the Hall. More than a few whispered 'oh my gods' were heard when the Dukes had their first glimpse of Charles ancestral home. They had seen pictures of it, but they gave no hint of the enormity.

From their view facing the building, it appeared to be about 5 stories high and at least 100 yards from end to end. It would be easy for the casual observer to pick out the original almost one thousand year old section, buttressed on each side by homogenous additions extending far to the sides.

Silently and smoothly the two limos neared the main entrance at the middle of the house. Charles and his staff stood on the forecourt awaiting their guests. The Mercedes in which the Dukes were riding slid to a stop exactly in front of the impressive facade and the Dukes and all got out, walking toward Charles. Charles walked swiftly to the group, ignoring all the rest as he picked up Christine, hugging and kissing her, swinging her around and around.

The Dukes could see Charles' staff of maids, young footmen, cooks and chauffeurs grinning and quietly talking to each other. They assumed rightly so that the staff was pleased with Charles' choice of the woman for him.

They were just standing around until Charles finally paid attention to them. He let go of Christine, blushed thoroughly while directing them to head for the door. When they reached the staff lined up on opposites of the courtyard, Charles probably set a new precedence by introducing all the Dukes to his staff. Most of the Dukes did manage to conclude that Charles had the best looking staff, especially males, bar none. Eight pairs of eyeballs gleamed and glommed onto the same number of handsome young men or boys who would be the footmen. Spirits brightened immediately, hoping for a wonderful stay at Ballard House.

The second Mercedes had kept going to the far east end of the house to the East wing, no doubt where the Dukes and their equipment would be staying. Charles indicated for his staff to reenter the hall to their stations and asked the Dukes inside.

One footman was assigned to each pair of male Dukes, taking them to their rooms at the East end of the Hall. Chris had a lovely young lady assisting her to her room where she found her baggage already delivered. That included her French Horn, too.

The Dukes were paired by couples with their partners, BJ and LJ, Rick and Jamal, Roger and Todd and Matt and Hardy. Rick and Jamal were especially pleased with their footman, Ian, a young man of 18 or 19 years, dark hair but rosy cheeks, about the same height as Jamal, and very well built, they thought, without seeing him sans clothing. All the footmen were dressed the same; black shoes, black tights with a short doublet of fine brocade and silky white shirt with long sleeves. Ian's hair was fairly short and neat, his face was a handsome one, searching blue eyes, wide forehead and brows, sharp, narrow nose and broad, thin rosy lips, too. His tights revealed a lovely narrow bubble butt, shapely and prominent.

Ian was showing the boys around their room, little refrigerator, closets and stores of blankets, towels and other necessaries. The bathroom for their room was large with a huge tub and glass enclosed shower for two or three, maybe. Rick and Jamal loved to hear Ian talk with his light, quirky Scottish accent.

Rick and Jamal couldn't keep their eyes off the young Ian, a gorgeous hunk of an athletic, fit guy, in spite of being dressed in a style of few centuries ago. Ian himself also had roving eyes for Rick and Jamal's bodies, he seemed to be captivated by them, enough to be tempted to maybe be able to work his way into their activities. Charles hadn't said so exactly, but the staff had a good idea that the all the Dukes' men were gay couples.

"Sirs, the bell pull by the door will bring me running," he smiled, "well, not that fast but I'll be here as soon as I can. Remember, anything I can do for you, I'll be pleased to carry out." His eyes were sparkling, his grin alluring and his crotch, well exposed, seemed to bulge a bit.

"Thank you, Ian, we'll ring. First though, we'd like you to lead us to the guests' snacking area. We're starved."

"Of course, sirs, just follow me." They loved following Ian, able to watch his tight buttocks flip and flop in the tights he wore.

After they ate, Ian brought them back to their room. "I'll be back later, gentlemen, to see if I can do anything else with you."

Rick and Jamal moved close to Ian to shake his hand. "Thanks for you help, Ian, we appreciate it so much. Jamal let go of Ian's hand and Rick took it.

"We also hope to have a lot of fun here, Ian." By that time Jamal's hand had slid down Ian's back to his butt where he caressed the solid flesh lustfully.

Ian's head turned to look at Jamal, a large, broad grin on his face. "Jamal, I certainly hope I can help you with that too." He suddenly yelled, "Whoops!" as Rick's hand left Ian's and dropped to fill his palm with Ian's package, using his fingers to gently find his balls and cock.

Ian turned to Rick, "Man, you got a hot hand there. Wow. Don't move it." Ian pulled Rick close and kissed him hungrily on the lips. He quickly switched to Jamal and swallowed his lips, then licked he own lips, "Mmm, Jamal, never tasted a black man before, and I must say you are hot and I'm glad I got you two."

Rick could feel Ian's cock burgeoning in his tight's crotch. "Well, man, come back later tonight, cause we are ready for you. Maybe in an hour?"

Ian suddenly put his hands on their growing bulges, "Aye, give me an hour and I'll be back on my back." He giggled and left quickly.

As Ian left the room, Rick and Jamal looked at each other and grabbed their own equipment to shake it.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 36

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