Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 12, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at authorpaul@mail.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

================ Chapter Twenty-Seven ================

Mitch MacPherson climbed the outside closed-in stairs to Craig's apartment, as quietly as possible. The key he had fit easily, turned and opened the door without noise.

Mitch crept inside, heading first for Craig's bedroom. He stopped just outside the room and stripped himself naked, laying his clothing on the couch. He gently touched his chest scars with uncertain fingers. To himself Mitch thought, 'Craig said he didn't mind, I hope he meant it.'

The apartment was so quiet, so silent, the young brown-haired man was able to slide himself through it's rooms without disturbing the feeling, the tone and the aura of the place. He eased through Craig's open bedroom door, finding the tall, slender man softly breathing under the sheet. He rested on his back, the white sheet laying in the hills and valleys of his body, especially the small alpine area where his genitals lay hidden.

Mitch circled the bed, wondering just what he was going to attempt to wake his lover with. Very gently he lifted the sheet and pulled it down to Craig's feet, revealing the young man's cock and balls, lying soft and relaxed over his thighs, lightly shaded, pink and cream.

By steadying himself on the edge of the bed, Mitch leaned over Craig until his lips could reach Craig's glans. He slowly and gently started to suck his love's cock into his mouth. That cock went from soft and small to completely hard and full length in just a few minutes. Craig still seemed asleep while Mitch was wrapping his tongue around his hot, hard weapon, pulsing and pounding inside itself.

Mitch began to take Craig's cock all the way into his mouth until it hit his throat. This was his first trial at cocksucking, after 6 or 7 years of studying pictures of fellatio as a student. His collection of research filled his hidden drawer. Mitch's own cock had swollen to its greatest size and length, and he was so excited to have Craig's own sex in his mouth. He wanted to touch and grab his cock to jerk himself off while sucking Craig.

Mitch didn't know it, but Craig had been awake for a while. He had remained still and unmoving as his cock was starting to feel the tingles, the sparks in his system to reach a climax. When he was almost ready, he lightly lower his palms on Mitch's soft hair, smoothing it over his head. He tried to put pressure on Mitch but the younger man kept to his task.

The explosion came in a minute or so and Craig's cock pumped shot after shot into Mitch's mouth and throat. Mitch realized what had happened, he had sucked Craig dry, had drunk his cum and lay his head on Craig's abdomen while the man's cock slowly shrank and almost disappeared. Mitch tasted with his tongue and hard and soft palates, thrilled that he found Craig's cum delicious, almost no detectable taste, just the taste of Craig himself.

"Mitch, that was wonderful, thank you so much." He brought Mitch's head over his own and they kissed softly and tenderly. Craig smiled at Mitch, adoring his friend, "However, we both need lessons, I believe. You mainly have to watch your teeth or the suckee's cock can get lacerated." He laughed, "But you did very well for the first time. I'm impressed, lover." He pushed his lips against Mitch's and forced his tongue into his mouth to search out Mitch's tongue.

Mitch lay on top of Craig's naked body, cuddling him and being cuddled in return. He tried to tell himself how he felt, but couldn't. To remember the same feeling in the past, he had to go back to being 6 or 7 and laying in his mother's lap, surrounded by her arms and her projection of loving care, transmitted to his body through her arms, her warmth and her breathing.

About 15 minutes later, he jumped up, yelling, "Get up, get up, we got to get up, Craigie, get dressed now so I can take us to breakfast."

Craig looked at Mitch with a broad smile on his face and a question in his eyes. "Mitch, you called me Craigie. Didn't you?"

Mitch was concerned, he frowned and said, "Isn't that okay, Craig? If you don't like it I'll stop right away."

"Mitch, I love it. Just hadn't thought of it. If I can be your Craigie, hon, I could also call you Mitchie." Then he giggled. "Doesn't that sound fair?"

Mitch was confused, Craig was pulling something over on him. "Craig, it sounds like bugs in the crotch." Mitch laughed as did Craig.

"Okay, Mitch, Mitch it is!"

Craig and Mitch walked hand in hand from the restaurant where they had eaten breakfast.

"Now, Craig, I will come to get you at 9 pm tonight, and you will come with me to my house where we'll have a late night lunch." He chuckled, "And I must warn you that my mother will be awake and up, dressed to the nines, if not pearls and basic black, waiting expectantly to meet you. She will probably ask all sorts of embarrassing questions, mostly embarrassing to me. Please answer her truthfully and openly, no holding back. She can see through that right away."

"Mitch, that's fine, I'd like to meet your mother. She could open my eyes about you and your likes and dislikes." He wondered about Mitch's father, "Ah, Mitch, will your Dad be home?"

"Craig, my Dad took off with his secretary, I think it was after my second heart. I have to admit I don't miss him. He certainly wouldn't be pleased with me, a 'Man's Man', you know."

"Sorry to hear that, Mitch. Now about your likes and dislikes."

"You know that already. I like you and dislike leaving you, like this." He gave Craig a tiny peck on the cheek. "Now, go to work." Craig then realized that they were standing in front of Gentlemens' Clothiers, Ltd., and more importantly, they had walked up to the big windows holding hands and he got a kiss from Mitch.

"Oh, god, Mitch, my boss will have seen everything."

"You mean he doesn't know?"

"No, I haven't told him."

"Well, he should," so this time Mitch gave him a kiss on his lips, then turned to leave, and waved.

Craig was blushing furiously and sweating copiously. 'What can I do?' He looked at his watch. 'I have a few minutes yet. I'll pop in next door and try to repair the damage.' He turned to go in the Chinese restaurant where he usually ate supper.

"Good morning, Craig, you are a little early, are you not?"

"Hi, Lon Gay , I need a cup of green tea, please." He looked hopeful, praying she couldn't ask any questions.

Sitting on a counter stool, Craig waited until she served the tea, sipped it and said 'excuse me'. In the rest room he washed his face, combed his hair and gave himself a little dash of cologne.

In five minutes he was again at the door of his workplace, ready to enter.

"Good morning, Craig, how are you this morning?"


"Was that your boy friend who brought you to the door?"

Craig had a massive heart attack, crumpled to the floor and died on the spot. Or wished he had.

"Ah ... oh .... no, no it ... was just a friend."

"Craig, do you always hold hands and get kisses from your friends?" Mr. Lautzenheiser was smiling, his eyes friendly and not accusative.

"Uh .... I uh .... " Craig hung his head, totally red over his whole body.

Mr. Lautzenheiser put his hands on Craig's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Craig, I shouldn't be teasing you, son, your life is your own and it isn't my place to judge. If you are gay, that's fine, that's no skin off my dick." He started to laugh. "I made a funny, Craig."

Actually, Craig heard him, but couldn't believe what he had said. He started to answer, then broke out with giggles and finally roared. "Yes, Mr L., you did make a funny. Thank you."

Mr. L. put his arm around Craig's shoulders. "Craig, now tell me, you are, right/"

Craig gave up, so what if he didn't like it. "Yes, Mr. L., yes I am gay and that was my first boy friend and we are in love and only met for real yesterday. Didn't you recognize him?"

"No, I don't think so. Should I know him?"

"Maybe not, but maybe so, Mr. L., he used to come in with his father, Mr. MacPherson, and his name is Mitch"

"Oh, sure, Craig, now I remember. He was such a cute kid, and now he's very handsome, you are a lucky man, my boy, and I would like to meet him if you would bring him in. I promise not to embarrass you .... ..... too much!" Again he laughed loudly, surprising Craig who hadn't know he could laugh.

"Thank you, Mr. L., for being so liberal."

"I'm not liberal, Craig, but I like you a whole lot and always wish the best for you."

Craig's eyes misted over, he couldn't speak.

Mr. L. pulled Craig into a hug. "You are what you are, my son, and if you feel that, other people will support you. Not everybody, but most. Do you have other friends who know you are gay?"

"Yes, I do. And my mother knows and is supportive." He smiled broadly, "So how can I fail?"

"You cannot fail. So, let's get to work and make a lot of money. And some of that might even dribble into your pockets, too, Craig."

Matt, Steve, Hardy and Gary sat by the swimming pool at their farm house. With them was Matt and Steve's Dad, Gerald Ridgway and Anne Wolfe sat in while watching the boys in the pool. Roger wanted to practice at the music building before the Dukes rehearsal that day, so Todd was given permission to go and Anne would watch the boys. The rest of the adults were also on duty because the boys were a lot to handle for one person. Todd could do it, he knew them so well that they couldn't pull their usual tricks on him.

As usual Jacob and Joshua were naked in the pool and no one complained. However, Dad Ridgway wondered, then said, "Steve, do your sons always go around naked. Are you making nudists out of them?"

This was the first negative statement from their father, though he said it calmly, not at all harsh about it.

Steve answered, "Dad, this is what the boys want and we don't see anything wrong with it. They are always dressed otherwise and have been taught not to take their clothes off, except for swimming. It also depends who is in the pool with them. It is usually us and some of the students from the college, no lechers or panderers."

Gerald Ridgway still didn't seem to agree, but said no more.

"Dad," Matt turned to his father, "Did you have a good sleep last night? Any aches or pains we should investigate?"

"I'm okay, son, a few scrapes and bruises here and there. Nothing bad."

"I called our favorite police detective and told him what had happened. He said the department would pick up the remains of the car and try to determine the cause. He's a good friend, Dad, and has helped us a lot. He promised to get here sometime this morning."

The large table around which they were sitting was loaded with Anne's morning baking. She loved to do it and begged to be allowed. The men didn't want to overload her with cooking. Each of them had a cup of coffee in front and these was a large potful still warm.

The group talked about inconsequential matters, nothing really important. Hardy left soon to direct the rehearsal of the Dukes at noon, and Gary left to clean up some of his latest cases. And Anne finally corralled the kids to get dressed and play inside. They were getting blue lips and wrinkled fingers so a change of activity was necessary.

When Matt and Steve were alone with their Dad, the questions started.

"What is your next step, Dad? Do you know where Blanche is?"

"With your help I want to rent a car and get back to Columbus. She usually comes back there after one of her forays into the world of crime."

Steve answered, "We can get you to Bryan in half an hour, there is a car rental agency in that city. That's how long it would take me. Now Matt would do it in half the time. Old Lead Foot." They laughed at his teasing. "Do you have enough money?"

Gerald smiled, "I have more that your mother knows about. I think she wanted to keep me barefoot and pregnant, but missed by a mile. I can get along okay, but my savings are primarily somewhere she put them and I don't know where. That's all I can say about the money. My retirement was in a lump sum which we invested well, we thought. Of course now the interest is a mere pittance."

Steve asked pointedly, "If you find her, can you handle her? I mean, damn it, Dad, she tried to kill you!"

"I'll get around to that soon, son. I hope I can get her in jail or mental hospital before she gets me."

Matt started, look down at his hands, "Dad, where did we come from? When you adopted us, that is. Do you know our birth parents?"

"By a large coincidence, boys, your original name was Ridgway. We changed your first names on order from your grandmother, but it was okay with us. I don't actually remember what your first names were. I don't know about your parents, but you were given to a relative who didn't want you two after all."

At the sound of knocking at the front door, Matt headed to the front of the house, opening the door to welcome Sgt. Reardon. "Damn, Sergeant, you don't have to knock, our house is your house. You should know that by now."

"Well, Matt, I have to be careful, you guys might be having an orgy in here." He grinned.

When they reached the pool, Matt introduced Gerald to the Sergeant.

Steve asked Reardon, "Have you learned anything, Sergeant, anything at all."

"Well, first we've asked some bomb experts to come in from the State Police, should be here this afternoon. And second, I stopped to see how you are, Mr. Ridgway."

Gerald Ridgway smiled as he shook the Sergeant's hand, "You better call me Gerald or we'll get very confused." He looked at Steve and Matt, "We were going over some family business."

The sergeant looked at Gerald, then back at Steve and Matt. "Why don't the boys look more like you, Gerald? Is it just the way genetics works sometimes?"

"Sarge, that's right, you haven't heard. Steve and I just found out the other day after some DNA tests, that we aren't related by blood to our Dad, here." He patted his dad's hand on the table. "We were adopted when I was one and Steve was three, almost four. And our Dad has confirmed that situation." He preened, "However, Steve and I are brothers, no question."

"Matt and Steve, I would like to get along, rent a car and drive back to Columbus."

Sergeant Reardon said, "Okay, that's fine. One thing our technician said, "That bomb was put together by an expert in armament and also electronics. Was your mother that, boys?"

They shook their heads.

"Okay, I'm leaving. See you later. Glad to have met your father. I guess I'm a little surprised that you are still alive, Gerald. Well, good luck!"

After the sergeant left, Matt decided that Hardy could take care of the rehearsal so he and Steve got their father down to Bryan and into a rental car.

On the way back Steve asked, "Well, Matt, what do you think?"

"I agree with the Sergeant, how could our father still be alive?"

Steve again, "Maybe he's not telling us everything, huh?"

Craig left the store to find Mitch waiting in his car in front.

"Hi," Mitch welcomed Craig, "are you ready to face the fire-breathing dragon?"

Craig leaned over to kiss Mitch's cheek, "Don't do that to me, I'm nervous enough as it is. You will have to hold my hand, my friend, don't know if I'm up to this."

Mitch shook his head, "Too late, Craig, she's waiting for us, a light supper on the table." He turned his extraordinary smile onto his first lover, "I'll be right with you, you have nothing to fear."

Betty MacPherson was waiting inside the door as they walked in. She leaned in to kiss Mitch, then drew back to look Craig over. "My, Mitch, you certainly have pulled it off. He's most wonderfully handsome and just gorgeous." She stuck out her hand,"Hi, Craig, I'm Bette MacPherson, Mitch's mother." She blushed, "Oh, yes, you know that, don't you." She noticed they were holding hands, very firmly, "And you can let go of Mitch's hand, I don't breathe fire until after supper. Come on, we'll sit in the dining room."

The dining table was round, about four feet in diameter and the three of them were spaced equally around the circumference. They started on chicken salad on lettuce and a fruit bowl mostly of melons and grapes.

"So, Craig, when did you first have male to male sex?"

Craig's eyes bugged, his blood pressure shot sky high and he began to stutter. He did finally recover from the shock and answered.

"Mrs. MacPherson, I think that is my business, not yours. If you are questioning my experience, I have had very little. If your are worried about STDs or AIDs, neither of us have had sex where we would contract those diseases. But," he spoke forcefully, "Mitch and I love each other and it is our intention to live our lives together."

Mitch was so proud of Craig for standing up to his mother. He passed her test.

"Craig," Bette said, "You are so right. It is none of my business. If I think I need to know, I'll ask Mitch," she smiled sweetly, like a cat with a bowl of milk.

"And I won't answer you, either, Mom, and you know it."

"Well, I didn't think it would hurt to try." Bette was just slightly abashed at her asking.

Craig spoke up, "Mrs. MacPherson, our sexual experiences are entirely our own. I will answer you in a way, if you are afraid of either of us hurting the other, please ask the one you think is being hurt."

"Mom, will you stop with the questions? I know we've only known each other a very short time, but each of us is completely certain about our relationship."

Bette MacPherson brought the dessert in, strawberry shortcake which she had baked fresh that day.

"Okay, I'll try not to get too personal. Have you seen Mitch's scars?"

"Yes. They are part of Mitch, and I love Mitch and everything about him."

Craig continued to describe his life so far, his family, his brother, his high school career to graduation, his college graduation with a degree in computers.

"During college, I worked at Gentlemen's Clothier, Ltd part time. Since I couldn't find a job right away, Mr. Lautzenhiser hired me full time last Fall. I will be sending out resumes this summer, hoping to find a job in my field. I go to church almost every Sunday, I give to charity and I help injured animals. Hell, I'm almost a saint!"

Mitch started laughing, knowing he was kidding his mother, who caught on soon.

"You are a devil, Mr Craig Lawrence, not a saint. Just what my son needs." That squirrely look in her eyes, "Now, would you and Mitch like to go to bed now and make love, I guess it's called."

"MOTHER," both men yelled at her, "have you no shame? Try to get some."

Mitch's mother was laughing hard, hardly breathing but taken in merriment by her outrageous suggestion. "I'm sorry guys, you've been serious too long. Craig, if you would like to stay the night, we have a couple spare bedrooms you could choose from, or, you and Mitch could sleep in the same room. You guys decide." She stood up and they rose with her. She held Mitch in her arms, "My son, I'm so proud of you and I am thrilled with your 'man'." She kissed him. Then she took Craig in her arms the same way, kissed him lightly on the cheek, "And, Mr. Craig Lawrence, welcome to our house and to our family. That is if I haven't scared you away already."

Craig held her to him, letting her feel his body, muscles and other stuff. "Mrs. MacPherson, you are formidable, but also loving and I know we'll get along well. Now, we'll go to bed," he kissed her again and looked into her hazel eyes, "and do whatever we damn well please."

Mitch and Craig laughed all the way up to Mitch's bedroom where they showered, dried and got into his bed naked. They cuddled, nestled their sensual flesh into each other and fell asleep! Mitch fell asleep with the vision of his mother's astonished face after Craig's last statement.

Sunday afternoon, following a casual smorgasbord when they got home from church, all of the family were out in back playing games around the barn and Steve's studio, sort of a rural hide and seek. Matt and Steve, Gary and Hardy and Todd and Roger were having fun with the two little boys, Joshua and Jacob. Those boys' birthdays were only a week apart and they came about next week. So they were having a 'Get Ready for Birthday' party with the whole family.

The main treat was a Treasure Hunt in the Woods. The men had been building this up to the boys all week. After the boys went to sleep last night, the six men were in the woods, planting gaudily wrapped presents for Jacob and Joshua all around the woods, maybe an half acre of forest, fairly thick.

Matt and Steve started the boys out at the edge of the woods, helping them spot the first two treasures. The gifts were mostly inexpensive toys and games, however the six men had 'planted' quite a few of them.

Matt and Steve stood by the edge where Jacob and Joshua brought the treasures they found, box after box. Then the boys ran back into the woods for more. The men kept count because they knew just how many were hidden and would stop the boys when they had picked them all up.

The pile of boxes beside Matt and Steve was growing quickly. The two men had been talking to each other, making plans for the next week. Together, they turned toward the woods. Neither of the boys had brought a toy in a while. They looked at each other, searched each other's eyes, then as one went into the woods, looking for their sons.

Then Steve looked around, saw Todd and asked, "Hey, Todd, have you seen the boys come out?"

Todd also looked around, "No, Steve, I thought they were with you guys? Where would they be?"

Steve gave a loud holler, "Has anyone seen the boys?"

No answers.

"Anne, have you seen them? Did they go in the house?"

"No, Steve, I haven't seen them. Don't you know where they are? What's going on?"

Steve yelled again, "EVERYBODY, LISTEN UP! We think the boys might have gotten lost. Will you all spread out and head toward the woods? And keep calling for Joshua and Jacob. Take about fifteen minutes out and back, don't move too fast, and we'll meet back here then. Any questions?" He heard none. "Okay, search carefully and thoroughly."

In the next hour the names of Jacob and Joshua were in the air constantly over the few acres near their property. When the searchers were heading back to the house, their calls were becoming more serious and actually frantic. Everyone looked very worried, frowning and showing fear and apprehension. What were they going to do?

Matt was talking them. "We must call Sergeant Reardon and we need a helicopter. I'll call the sergeant to get people out to search and Hardy would you call Brian to see how quickly his helicopter can be here." He rubbed his forehead, "I can't see how or why they would have gone so far away.

It was the middle of the afternoon so there was time to search before dark. Roger started calling the Dukes to come and bring their friends to help. Worry filled the hearts of those in the yard, wondering what could they do to help.

Two hours later Brian showed up in his chopper and landed near the barn. "Matt, Steve, I'm so sorry. No one has found anything?"

"No, Brian, thank you so much for coming. I'll go up with you." He smiled sweetly, "My partner here still doesn't like heights." Steve sobered almost immediately, "Brian, let's get going, our boys could be hurt or ... anything." His eyes started to tear up, "Bri, please help us."

Brian grabbed Steve and hurried him to the chopper. "Steve, we'll spend all the time we necessary to find them. I'm at your disposal. Wait a minute." He hollered back to Matt, "Matt, go get Ted, he knows this area perfectly. He'll be a big help." Matt nodded and raised his phone to his ear."

From the chopper Brian and Steve realized that their part of the farm wasn't very big. The pilot was directed toward the perimeters of the whole farm belonging to Ted.

Suddenly, "Brian, we have to go back and pick up Ted. He would know this ground better than anyone."

"Okay. Right away."

Within fifteen minutes the chopper took off with Brian, Steve and Ted. Ted was thrilled first to be with Brian again, and also to be up in a helicopter. Brian suggested that Ted should sit in the co-pilot's seat, next to Brian to see better.

"Thanks, Steve and Brian, I hope I can help." He looked around as they climbed to a minimum altitude for the area and the search, trying to identify their position. The trees in the woods were out in full leaf so they couldn't see into the dark forest. Anyway, fifty people had gone through that area, going from tree to tree looking for the little ones, and found nothing except a few missed treasures. Most of the searchers came out of the woods with tears in their eyes and desperation in their hearts.

Todd looked so desolate when he reached the house. Anne grabbed him and pulled his arm so he followed her into the house and into her room. She sat him on her living room couch and sat beside him.

"Toddy, don't worry, we will find our boys, they are as much ours as they are Steve's and Matt." She held him in her arms. Todd was beside himself, so frightened and he broke into sobs, deep and wrenching, moaning with each breathe.

"Todd, come here," Anne pulled him to her, into her arms and across her chest. Since he was so much taller than Anne, his legs were stretched into the room. "We will find them, Todd, and they will be just fine." Anne was weeping very hard, not able to control it.

Todd was drenching her top and holding her so tightly, she couldn't move. He tried to get more comfortable, and put his arm down between the pillows and end of the couch. He pulled out Joshua's favorite bear, a brown bear with only one eye and a mangled ear, and Todd clutched it to his chest. He cried even harder.

Anne held him and rocked him, trying to quiet his sobbing, which she finally did. And she put her hands on Todd's head, "Todd, dear, we have to get out where we can be some help. We can't just hide in here and ignore what we need to do."

Todd sat up, found some tissues and wiped his eyes and face. Then he smiled at Anne. "You are so right, Anne, thank you. I think I can handle it now. But what can we do?"

"Let's go see Matt and ask him." Anne put her arm around Todd's waist. "Be brave."

Brian, Steve and Ted with the pilot spent another hour above the farm, trying to pick up any clue to where the boys might have gone. They were becoming more and more discouraged, so disheartened that they could hardly think of what to do.

"Hey, look there," Ted shouted, "there on the far side of the woods." He pointed at the place he meant. "Look, in that corn field, there is a path in the corn, see, going across the field and on to the other field."

"Oh, yes," Steve also pointed, "I see what Ted means. Can we get closer and lower, Brian?"

The pilot dropped very low but then still couldn't see what they felt they needed to see.

"Brian, what time is it, I don't have a watch." Ted laid his hand on Brian's arm.

Brian looked at Ted's hand on his arm, "Teddy, it is 6 pm."

"Well, there is time to get us out there on the ground. Wait! Could you set us down here? Right now?"

Brian looked at the pilot, who nodded. "Okay, Ted, you and Steve can check it out more closely."

Ted and Steve started into the corn field as Brian and the pilot took the chopper back to the farm. Ted started into the rows but didn't hear Steve behind him. Steve just stood there, his hands on his face.

"Teddy, I just can't do this. I've got to go back, now." He broke down and sobbed his heart out, dropping to the ground where he knelt, his shoulders hunched and head down.

Teddy ran to Steve, sat on the ground and wrapped his arms around Steve.

"Teddy," he said through his blubbering, "I'm in such pain, I feel it so bad, tearing at the center of my being, my boy, as if my heart has been ripped from me." He leaned into Ted, knocking them both to the ground on their sides. Ted just held on to him, crying as hard as Steve was. They clung to each other for a long time.

Finally, Ted spoke, "Steve, my dear friend, if we are going to find your sons, we much get up and start searching" He carefully stood up and grabbed Steve's hand in his strong grip. He brushed as much dirt from their clothing, giving Steve a chance to recover from his grief struggle.

Steve hugged Ted to him and bent over to kiss him on the lips, "You know, Teddy, I'm in love with my brother and Gary, but what you have just done for me deserves another kiss." Again Steve pressed his lips on Ted's, then whispered, "I love you too. Now, let's find our boys."

"Look over here, Steve, the way some of the corn stalks are bent, as far as we can see." He walked further into the corn. "Even better here, Steve, see these marks?"

"They look like horseshoes, don't they?"

Ted patted Steve on the back, "That's it. Now, horses don't come in these fields. Not even farm horses, but these horse shoes are those of a riding horse, oh," he pointed,"yes, I think there were two horses here.

"It's my guess, Steve, that two people, each on a riding horse, came through here, saw the boys gathering their treasures and for some reason or other, took them."

Steve frowned deeply, "But how could they get the boys to come to them?"

"My guess would be that they's say, 'Would you like to see the horses," or "Would like to take a ride on our horses."

Steve nodded, "Yes, they would go to that. They love the horses on TV."

"We have to get back and tell Matt what we've found. It might help."

Ted and Steve made it through the woods quickly to the farm yard and were amazed to see 4 police cars, 2 state trooper cars and a large black sedan with federal plates. Matt was talking to two tall men in dark suits, well trimmed and of a very serious presence.

Ted whispered to Steve, "I know the local cops, and the troopers from Bryan, but are those two men from the Eff-Bee-Eye maybe?"

Matt had seen them coming and waved to them to hurry.

He spoke, "Gentlemen, this is my brother, Steve Ridgway, Jacob and Joshua are his children. His wife passed away just over a year ago."

Steve shook hand with the two men who weren't exactly identified.

"I assume that you two are agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation?"

"That's right, Mr. Ridgway. We are here to help if we can."

"I thought the F.B.I. didn't get into a kidnapping case unless there is an interstate aspect."

"Normally that is true, however in cases of missing children "of tender years", we can and will initiate a kidnaping investigation. That is true in this case. We would like to talk to you if you can give some of your time."

Steve nodded to Ted, "This is Ted Anthony, he owns the farm surrounding our property and sold us the part we are on now. He know the property backwards and forwards. Actually, he and I were in a chopper over the surrounding area and saw something unusual.

"That section of trees over there is where the boys were hunting for their ..... " Steve had to control his emotions which were running over, " .... uh .... for their birthday presents." He got out a handkerchief to wipe his eyes and face, "When we got on the ground, Ted found horseshoe traces going through the corn field. He says that no one ever brings riding horses over the corn fields. But in fact there were two horses tracks at the edge of the woods heading for the far fence line."

"We would like you to take us there, please."

"Could Mr. Anthony take you, he could explain much more that I could? I need to see the boys caretaker and make sure he is alright?"

The FBI agents understood his concern and said that would be fine.

Steve went quietly up the front staircase to the boys room, just to look in, a desperate idea in his head that they might have snuck back. His eyes were slightly blinded by tears, but he finally saw Todd laying on their bed, curled into a fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably, his body trembling and quivering.

Steve tried to hold back his own tears, gently crawled onto the bed to place his body so he was spooning Todd's body. As Todd felt Steve's body against him, he turned his to see who was with him.

"Oh, God, oh, Steve." He blubbered out, "I'm so sorry, Steve, it's all my fault, I wasn't where I should have been." He clung onto Steve and nestled his face in his shoulder, sobbing even harder, gripping Steve tightly. "I'm ... so ... sorry ... you should ... hate... me."

"Todd, ... Todd, listen to me." Steve rubbed Todd's back, tenderly and gently, "Toddy, it is all right, you are not to blame." He waited, "Todd, do you hear me?"

Todd nodded his head with an 'ummm' as an answer.

"Well, I'm saying the truth. It is nobody's fault. Who could have ever thought that someone would take the boys .... no one, Todd. We were all there, we all should have been watching them closer. It is no one's fault. And, we are going to find them, of that I'm sure."

As Steve spoke, he felt someone else crawl onto the bed.

"That's right, Todd. I agree with Steve, you are not to blame." Matt had found them and spooned Todd from his back side. "We will find them, I know that too." He hugged the other two, his arms around Todd and Steve. "I'm going to suggest that we pray together and ask God to bring back ... our ... boys."

The only sound was shaky breathing and shuddering chests, all three sniffing to control their tears.

Walking toward the wooded area, the FBI agents noticed the helicopter hiding behind Steve's studio.

"Mr. Anthony, whose chopper is that?"

"Please call me Ted, Mr. Anthony is my grandfather." He smiled. "There is Hardy Wolfe, another of their family. He would know." He waved at Hardy, "Hardy, could you come here for a minute."

Hardy explained to the agents that the chopper was owned by a friend of the family from River City who flew it over to help with the search. When they pointedly asked, "I'm not sure just who actually owns it, but our friend, Brian brought it here." The agents looked at him, frowning with their question. "Brian is a friend of Congressman Michael Keith of River City."

Then the agents nodded with understanding. "Okay, now do you think he would take us up for a few minutes, we would like to get an overview of the situation."

Within 10 minutes, the chopper was flying with the men and Brian and Ted over the wooded area and the full surrounding farms along with the feds.

That same Sunday morning about 9 in the home of Mitch MacPherson, Craig woke, a bit startled at first, wondering where he was. Almost immediately he realized that Mitch had moved against him, his head on Craig's chest and one leg over Craig's crotch. He thought, 'No wonder I've got a morning hardon.' At once he also knew that a morning pee was urgent!

With great care and slow movements Craig slid from under Mitch to head for his bathroom. He sat on the toilet so as not to make noises in the water and wake Mitch. He finished and stood over the basin, checking himself in the mirror. All he saw was happiness and a unusual glow in his eyes. He decided it must be love!

Craig looked into Mitch's cabinet behind the mirror to find a razor and shaving cream. With that he drew hot water into the bowl and wet his face and neck. Spraying a glob of cream on his hand, Craig covered his beard with it. Taking the safety razor in his hand, the tall young man began to scrape at his light facial hair.

Halfway through his shave, Craig noticed Mitch standing behind him in the doorway, leaning against the jamb, eyeing the tall slender naked body in front of him. Craig gave no indication that he had seen Mitch. Mitch was enjoying the view, the wide shoulders, narrow waist and the full, round buttocks over his long, lean legs. Mitch was filled with desire, yearning to take that body in his arms, caressing the naked flesh, smooth and clear, so luscious and just waiting to be loved.

He wanted to kiss those beautiful golden globes, spread them and kiss between. Mitch of course had heard of males fucking, but having never done it or seen it done, was unaware of the marvel and pleasures of the act. He wondered as he stood there if he could take having a cock up his ass.

He could resist no longer and moved slowly and silently to his only lover ever. Craig did not react when he felt Mitch's morning boner push between his legs, just below his buttocks. Since Mitch was the shorter man, Mitch's equipment was slightly lower than Craig, who spread his legs just a bit. Mitch pushed his cock through to nudge Craig's scrotum, toying with his egg- sized testicles, and pressed his whole body against Craig's bare, smooth back and butt, fondly placing light kisses around his shoulders.

"Oh, Mitch, I do like that, feels so good." He moaned and hummed as accompaniment to Mitch's soft movements. And when Mitch's hands and arms surrounded his chest, toying with his nipples and scarce tendrils of his light chest hair which could barely be seen.

"Craig, I love you," and he hugged Craig securely to himself, "you are my life saver."

Mitch slid down Craig's back until his lips could kiss and lick his lover's buttocks. Craig turned quickly and pulled Mitch to stand up.

"Babe, if you are going to play back there," he smirked at Mitch, "I'd love it but we got to take a shower first." He looked at Mitch's shower, "And that thing is big enough for a whole family so we should fit."

"Sure, Craig, I'll get it warmed up and see you there." He got on his toes and kissed Craig's lips quickly, just a wisp of a peck, and laughed, "See you 'Singing in the Rain.' he sang."

The young men relaxed under the shower head, holding on and gently caressing each other. Before long they were both hot and aroused, and holding the others cock which had grown hard and broiling.

"Mitch, we better wash and get out before your mother comes up to serve breakfast in bed."

Mitch turned to face Craig suddenly. "Oh, geez, she might do anything. I've never heard her ask those kinds of questions. I'm sorry, Craig, for her being so nosy. Let's hurry."

Craig just laughed, "I guess if my son brought his lover home to meet me, I might ask some questions even more nosy, like 'Are you fucking my poor, innocent son?' She's okay, Mitch, she loves you, ya know."

After drying each other, they lay on Mitch's bed, stretched out and cuddling each other. "Craig, would you lie on your stomach, please, lover. I'm not sure what I want, but this might be my chance." He kissed Craig's mouth with lips and tongue, then pulled back.

Craig rolled over resting his head on his arms. Mitch raised up and sat on his lover's thighs, caressing his shoulders and upper back, gently massaging the clearly defined, but not large, muscles. With his thumbs riding along the spine, Mitch pulled them to just where the buttocks split, then kept going.

When his palms lay one on each cheek, he began massaging them, cupping the masses of flesh and muscle, soft, soft skin and smooth with only a little fuzz. Mitch leaned over to kiss Craig's back down to the split, where he spread out his kisses on the cheeks and upper thighs.

Mitch put both hands, one on each cheek squeezing with strong fingers and palms, finally pulling the two globes of naked flesh apart until he could see the tiny pink bud in the middle of the cleft.

He stopped, "Craig, have you ever .....?"

"No, dear Mitch, I haven't."

"I don't see how a huge cock could go in there. It's so tiny."

Craig smiled knowingly, "Hon, I shouldn't mention this right now, but you do know that some rather large solid things come 'out' of there?"

Mitch yelled, "Oh, ugh, ugh, gaak." Then, "Oh well, we are very well washed, aren't we?"

He looked back down into the trench, sprinkled with light hair, just soft fuzzy lint-like strands. He put his head very close to the trench, quietly sniffing, hoping Craig didn't hear.

But he did. "How does it smell down there? I've never been near that end." And he laughed raucously, "Babe, we are hitting flat bottom. I'm sorry, go ahead, dear one."

Mitch took his right forefinger, licked it on his tongue and ran it down the trench and over Craig's twitching anus. He started to lick it some more, but quickly decided just to dribble his spit over the wrinkled hole. Then he ran his finger up and down the furrow, adding saliva to the mix when it dried.

Finally, Mitch couldn't wait. Craig's ass smelled great, an exotic, totally man smell, the aroma of his lover, his dear friend. Lowering his face, he pushed his tongue tip into it, sliding the tip over Craig's tender skin, receiving a real thrill every time it went over the anus. After a few times doing that, Mitch dropped more saliva into the ditch right on the asshole and rubbed it around with his finger tip.

Now Craig was loudly groaning, trying to muffle the sound in his pillow, jerking his body with each touch. Suddenly he jolted and raised his ass quickly, shoving his asshole over and onto Mitch's finger, "Ahh, oh, god, Mitch, don't move, that's fantastic, oh man, push it in, lover, push it in carefully."

Mitch couldn't believe the tightness and heat of Craig's asshole and sphincter, grabbing his finger and holding tight.

"Oh, Craig, oh lover, I can't hold it, man I'm cumming, cumming, I'mmmmm .... here it is." Mitch's rock hard cock has pulsed and shot four or five times, sending Mitch's life force onto the bed. In the back of Mitch's mind, 'Hell, how'm I gonna clean that up before Mom ....."

He lay flat on Craig's back, spent, exhausted, exhilarated and so high on love and lust he could hardly think."

"It's okay, Mitch, it's okay, I came right with you. So we have two spots to clean up on your bed." He giggled, and chuckled until he and Mitch were holding each other face to face, kissing, licking and sucking face.

Mitch began to laugh with Craig, finally seeing through his sexual haze that it was funny.

"Now we have to shower again." Craig muttered, then smiled sexily at his Mitch, "I mean, now we get to do it again." He grabbed Mitch tightly, "I love you, more than I could ever explain or tell you."

It took a half hour of playing in the shower again which included each of them cumming again all over the shower walls. "Oh," Craig said, "Now we'll have to clean the walls, too."

"No, Craig, that ain't the first time they've had cum on them by far." He giggled.

They had more fun dressing each other, which is not nearly as easy as dressing yourself. But they persevered until each was cool and dapper, hair set just right and nails clean. After the shower they had checked each other everywhere from hair to feet. And they looked everywhere.

They felt so close, so together and complete in each other. And they felt as one!

"We can't get any better, Mitch, let's go downstairs."

"Yes, love, we'll have a fantastic breakfast."

"Good morning, gentlemen." Mitch's mother said. " You are looking very grand. I sort of wondered about two showers, but then I decided that what you do is none of my business. Right?"

Both young men nodded to agree with her.

"So, have you fucked yet?" She started laughing and roaring, choking and gulping between guffaws. Craig decided that she really loved her joke, her complete denial of her first question. When she could talk again, she got up, got serious and apologized, "Please sit down, my sons, I am so pleased I could cry." And that's just what she did.

She sank into her chair at the table and the tears flowed and her body shook, trembled. Mitch went to her to hold her to him.

"Hey, that's my Mom too, let me in." Craig crowded onto the other side and held her too.

"Oooohh," she moaned with another burst of tears and moans, and shuddering. By this time both Mitch and Craig had tears down their cheeks.

It took a while for her to settle down and more to be able to talk.

"Boys, and you will always be boys to me, you know, I can't get anywhere close to telling how wonderful I feel this morning." She giggled, "Even listening to you enjoying yourselves upstairs, I'm completely okay with your being together, and loving each other." She chuckled, "I think we might get some better sound proofing of your room, Mitch."

"Okay, BOYS, let's try you sitting again, and I will serve breakfast right now." She leaned over to give Mitch a kiss smack on the lips. "And, you," she pointed to Craig, " I want you to give me some lip, now." She leaned over and gave Craig the same treatment she gave Mitch. "I love you, my two sons, dearly, and always will."

"We love you, Mom," Craig told her, "and if you want to know something, just ask, OK?"

Mitch laughed at Craig's teasing his mother. "Mother, when we do 'IT', you will never know."

Later that afternoon at Craig's apartment, they heard on TV that Dr. Matt's nephews, ages 3 and 6, sons of well-known sculptor, Steven Ridgway, had disappeared and were considered to have been kidnaped. The F.B.I. has been consulted and was working on the case.

"How terrible, Mitch, that is so horrible! Who could hate them so much to make them suffer so terribly? We have to figure out a way we could help them."

Mitch turned and lay his naked body on top of Craig's, shuddering as he did. After having sex for the third time that day, they were ready to rest and probably nap a bit.

By five in the afternoon both Matt and Steve had given an interview with a few of the local media. They stopped when the questions became insufferable, nasty and idiotic. For instance, "How do you feel about your sons being kidnaped". Never again would they open themselves to that torture, not understanding those men and women who went for the jugular from the start. They both decided that Gary would handle the media from then on. He had volunteered for the job, not particularly wanting it, but wanting to help his lover and his lover's brother.

The phone company's emergency crews had been there installing two new lines to handle all the calls which would come in. In that regard, Anne and Todd had volunteered for the answering duty.

Matt had contacted the officials of KidnapedChildren.com who requested as recent a photo of the boys they could supply. By six p.m. all the TV regular channels and the news channels had the information they needed to competently distribute the correct information to the area. Showing pictures of Jacob and Joshua created a tremendous swell of sympathy and compassion for the boys and their parents. The evening TV news in the Midwest played the story as number one, having gotten more photos from Gary.

With the information given out was the fact that the boys' mother had died over a year before from a malignant brain tumor and were now being raised by their father and his brother. Particulars about the family were not discussed and others in the know did not reveal how the men related to each other. How long this could be kept quiet was a big question.

About nine o'clock that evening Craig was able to talk to Matt and offered to set up a Web site about the boys. Information about the boys and their pictures would be shown and users would be able to send email directly to the Web site. Mitch would be in charge of collating and answering email. Craig's boss, Mr. Lautzenheiser gave him two weeks off with pay to set the site up and to handle the day to day operation. More if needed. So, Mitch and Craig ended up living together in Craig's apartment, and, believe it or not, Mitch's mother spent a lot of time there, feeding them and in general taking care of them. She was even smart enough to go home after supper, leaving her boys to themselves, their work and their play.

That night Matt and Hardy went to bed late, unable to do anything more on the search. They knew that road blocks were out (probably too late), search parties covered the farm and beyond, TV news was broadcasting the latest events in the kidnaping, posters were being made up for tacking up all over the county and into Michigan, just a few miles away.

"Damn it to hell! How could anybody do this?" Matt was furious and hurtled himself out of the bed, pacing quickly around the room. "And I sit here not able to help and we don't know where the boys are and whether they are alive or dead! Hardy, what can I do. I feel so helpless."

Matt was pacing again, walking quickly, he paid no attention to his cock and balls swinging from thigh to thigh, suddenly he stopped. "Hardy, please help me," he face screwed up into a torturous expression, his eyes closed and he was biting his lips trying not to howl. He bent over, his head down on his chest while he held himself together with his arms tight.

Hardy got out of bed and approached Matt, "Babe, right now we can't do anything. We are helpless." He sighed, and spoke softly, "But, Matty, we can help each other. I know we have a lot of terrible visions in our mind, but I think I can help you if you want."

Hardy pulled Matt upright, spread Matt's arms and moved between them tight with Matt's body. Matt looked into Hardy's eyes, staring deep looking for the answer.

"Matt, the answer is love. We love each other and we love the boys. We can't help them right now, but we could help each other. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Matt was slow to answer, still gazing into Hardy's blue orbs.

"I do understand now." He kissed Hardy lightly, just brushing his lips. "I understand, you will bottom for me, right?"

"That's right lover. I think showing our loving might lessen the tension and fright."

The two naked young men held on and moved onto the bed.

Hardy lay on his back while Matt carefully lowered himself on top of his handsome partner and begin kissing his lips, tongue, teeth and cheeks, very wet time but his passions were rising as was his large cock.. Fortunately Hardy had gotten used to the size of it and their anal lovemaking became the sex of the gods.

Hardy hoped Matt would be working some of his fury and rage from his body, give his mind it's normal resonance and spirit.

Hardy pulled his legs back over his head so his butt was high where Matt would get at his asshole.

Matt read Hardy's mind and lowered his face to his lover's beautiful buttocks and between them where he licked his lover's pink bud, the soft wrinkled areola around the hole itself. He tried to slide his mouth fluid into the hole as much as he could, punching his pointed tongue into the hole to prepare the way for his cock. Lately, Hardy hadn't needed any lube to take Matt's eight inch poker with the large helmet on it.

"Matty, I'm ready, I'm ready now for you. Make love to me, man, you need it and I need it."

Matt dropped more saliva onto the winking anus and rubbed it in and around with his finger, jamming his finger inside the hot, moist chute. Raising on his knees, Matt positioned himself so his cockhead was aimed directly into Hardy's hole.

Suddenly, Hardy pushed his butt up and onto Matt's cock which easily slid into his body.

"Oh, Hardy, you feel so good, so hard and wet and scorching my cock."

"Yeah, man, now keep shoving it in me, more and more."

Within a few moments Matt's long, hard cock, pulsing and pounding against Hardy's innards, the warm, slick, soft sides of his rectum. Matt felt his whole cock burning and sizzling, touching the soft tissues all around it. He pulled out until only the glans was inside, then slammed the whole cock to the farthest possible depth. Matt kept up that routine, over and again, the excitement in his body coming to a point of no return. The tingling and stinging grew from his crotch, pushing and triggering it up his spine and throughout all of his body. He was going to cum, to cum inside his hot lover, his partner and best friend.

"Here it comes, Hardy, I'm coming. Can you cum with me?"

He noticed that Hardy was pounding his cock as fast as he could. "Al ..al .. most there, my love," he grunted and shook, "here it is, Matty, here we go, cum on."

Both men tensed their bodies, almost cramping when their cocks spouted streams of cum, their semen and life giving sperm. Bam, bam, bam. Matt pounded Hardy's ass, watching Hardy's white, creamy cum covering his abdomen, and finally lay on his lover's chest, kissing him desperately.

Matt whispered in Hardy's ear, "I can't thank you enough, Hardy, you couldn't have helped me in any better way. I'm feeling less frightened I think, and have more faith that ....... "

" ...... we will find the boys quickly, Steve. We will, babe." Gary spoke softly to Steve.

Steve lay beside Gary on their bed, just quiet, thinking, hoping, praying. Gary could hear Steven silently sobbing, sometimes sniffing. But he didn't answer Gary. He had lost his basic reason for living, his boys, feeling desperate, hopeless.

Gary could sense Steve's despair and was determined to help him. Gary had known Jacob and Joshua from their birth, having lived next door to Steve and Becky when they moved in. He wasn't sure just how he could help, but he loved that man so desperately and devotedly and his children besides..

As usual they slept naked, normally wound around each other, bodies and limbs, breathing into each other's nostrils. That was the only place that Gary felt he could go. He crept closer to Steve on the bed to spoon his lover, his man, who was being sorely tried by this act of a criminal.

Steve groaned lowly, humming a bit, so Gary didn't know really how he felt. But he decided to go ahead with his seduction of his lover, to do what he could to take Steve's mind off the terror his sons must be going through. He tried to get Steve to lay on his back, but he remained on his right side. Well, there are more ways to skin a cat, Gary thought.

Gary turned his head to the foot of the bed and his crotch against the back of Steve's head, pulling Steve's buttocks against his face, kissing them everywhere, massaging them with both hands, sliding his thumbs along the split between the cheeks.

Gary's fully erect, rigid cock was lying along Steve's neck, throbbing strongly, rubbing Steve's soft skin around his chin. Steve still gave no recognition of Gary's actions or of his being attached to his back and Gary's cock on his neck. He moaned and groaned, resisting all of Gary's efforts.

Pulling Steve's ass cheeks apart, Gary forced his tongue into his asshole, licking and driving into the softest of tissue, tasting Steve' manhood, his body and nether region. He loved his 'man' so desperately and need to help. Finally Gary pulled Steve's body onto his back. This time he didn't resist, but let himself go with his desires.

"Stevie, you know I love you intensely, so completely that we are one, remember that?"

"Mmmmm," Maybe a yes from Steve?

"And you need your rest, a calm mind and steady nerves. Accept what I'm going to give you, accept and follow the sensations which will fill your heart and body. Please, Stevie."

Gary raised his head above Steve's crotch, over his cock which stood gloriously erect, up and throbbing, drooling pre-cum down the sides and over the head. Gary decided his rimming Steve had done some good. He slid his tongue around the glans, licking up the seminal fluid, thrilled when Steve's cock jumped and jerked with excitement.

Soon Gary felt Steve's hands on his head, gently pushing his head down over the huge, red cock, just as huge as his brother. Gary let him do it, sinking the cock into his mouth until the head was pushing at his throat. Gary gathered his legs under him, pushed his hands behind Steve to grip his buttocks, teasing in between. He felt the heat and the moisture, the tiny hole.

Gary held Steve's balls in hie soothing left hand while the right held the base of Steve's searching cock, searching for Gary's throat muscles to bring him off. Gary started working on the glans in his throat, hard and soft, in and out. Gary could tell that Steve was ready to come.

"Gary, I'm cumming, start jacking yourself so we can cum together."

Gary working harder on Steve's cock and his left hand pumping his own cock, sliding over it because of the streams of pre-cum along the sides. Soon he was ready and worked harder on Steve's cock until he was yelling, "I'm there, I'm cumming, love. Drink me down, suck it out and swallow everything."

That Gary did while his cum spewed over Steve's cock and balls, scrotum and thighs dripping onto the sheets. He knew it was one of his largest cums ever. Now he prayed and Steve would be helped .

"How are you, Steve, are you angry?"

"With you, love, no way. With the kidnapers, I'm angry with everything ....."

"... I have in my body, Roger, I've never been so furious with anything or anyone."

Todd had settled down somewhat, he had mostly cried himself out. Roger had tried a lot of way to get Todd past this stage. Todd had finally agreed that the kidnaping was not his fault, he was doing what he was supposed to do, but there was that urgent feeling to be going somewhere to help.

"Toddy, you know I love you, right?"

"Sure, Roger, and me you."

"Okay, we have to get through this, right?"

Todd smiled, "You are right again, babe. And I am trying, I really am. I try to think of other stuff, but those poor boys sneak into my mind so easily."

Roger smiled back into Todd's tormented face, so white and ashen, worry lines everywhere. He reached to Todd's crotch to find a furiously hard cock. 'Aha,' he thought, 'I'm connecting to him.'

"Ok Toddy, I'm going to turn my back to you and I want you to spoon me. Okay?"


Roger rearranged himself, shoving his ass into Todd's crotch, feeling his boiling hot cock push against his buttocks, the head sliding over his pre-cum between the cheeks and directly towards Roger's asshole.

Thinking to himself, Roger said, 'Now cum on, Toddy, just push it in.'

They lay in that position for quite a while, enjoying their warmth, the sensations of their naked bodies together. Finally Roger felt a little nudge from Todd's cockhead, just a bit. Then, soon, another nudge, this one harder and farther. Roger also felt Todd's arms come around him, his hands caressing Roger's chest, light hair and fine muscles.

Suddenly, Todd thrust his pelvis against Roger's buttocks and his rigid, red hot cock slid in to the bottom and his pubes felt that delicious ass. His balls pumped his semen, squirting into Roger's rectum, squirt after squirt, plunging as far as he could into Roger's ass.

Todd cried, "Ah, Roger, you are so good, you are a wonder, a wonderful man, I'm so happy and I feel much relieved. Can I get you off, babe?"

Roger chuckled, "I'm afraid that will take a while, I came when you did and got it all over our bed." He giggled, "Now who has to sleep in the wet spot? Ha, ha!"

Todd had calmed, but his feelings came back, he heard Joshua crying ....."

"..... I want Daddy, Jacob, I want him now." Joshua was crying, tears down his face.

Jacob was holding Joshua in his arms, their naked bodies touching as much as possible.

"I know, Joshie, but we can't right now. He doesn't know where we are. And neither do we. Even if we could escape, we wouldn't know where to go ."

Joshua cuddled to his brother, his rock to cling to. "I know, but I want Daddy, Uncle Matt and Hardy and Uncle Gary." He gasped and started sobbing for real.

"Joshie, I'm sure they are looking for us right now and they will find us soon."

"Why did those ladies kidnap us, Jacob, why?"

"I don't know, Joshie, I really don't know, they couldn't hate us, they don't know us." He thought a bit, "Baby, they must hate our Daddy or Uncles so terribly to do this to make them suffer. "

Joshua started, "But .... bu. ... but we're the ones sufferin', Jake." He cried pitifully, so aching in such pain. A three year old boy thinks simply, but feels deeply about his joys and his miseries.

Jacob tried to hold him tighter, then remembered what he used to do with Joshua when he couldn't get to sleep. Jacob lay on his back and put Joshua face down beside him, his head on Jacob's chest. Jacob's arm went down Joshua's back to hold him against Jacob's side, and his hand and fingers fit just right over Joshua's buttocks.

Jacob rubbed Joshua's soft, round buttocks, a sweet baby's bottom, smooth and delicate. Joshua seemed to relax, so Jacob let his middle finger slide between those little baby cheeks, so tender and spongy. That seemed to loosen Joshua's being, body and soul, he could feel Joshua's tiny cock getting hard and pushing against his leg. Then Jacob knew he was asleep.

"Now I wish I had someone to put me to sleep." He wanted to cry, but had to be strong.

He closed his eyes and relaxed his face. "I'll just pray to God to bring Daddy real soon. Maybe that will get me asleep."

"I'm sure he will get us soon and take us ho........"

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 28

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