Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 9, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

============== Chapter Twenty-six ==============

The band party at the Student Center of Windsor College had been a roaring success. These students knew how to enjoy themselves without alcohol, drugs or other stimulants other than each other. The committee chairmen had arranged a number of games for after the dinner. Since the dinner was finished by 7:30 pm, there was still an hour to hour and a half of daylight left.

Equipment had been brought so that a number of mixed gender softball teams could play on the lawns outside the Student Center, no all male or all female teams. Some also played Battle Ball on the other side. Again. men and women played against each other. These games seemed to be enjoyed, even by the spectators who'd rather watch than play. None of the injuries incurred were serious enough to call 9-1-1, mostly needing ice packs or Band aid strips or just some TLC from a friendly man or woman as the case may be.

While the games were on, the dining hall had been cleared to allow dancing to music from a local group named Licorice Styx. Why? Nobody knew. Who cared? The members of that band were white high school students but played like much more experienced musicians. When their first break came, Jeff O'Brien took Matt to them since he knew them from high school.

"Hi guys," Jeff introduced Matt, "This is the Head of the Music Department here at Windsor College, Dr. Matthew Ridgway." He snickered, "We aren't that formal though, we just call him Dr. Matt."

"Dr. Matt, this is Aaron Schroeder, guitar; Andrew Pasco, guitar; Mitchell MacPherson, percussion; Chet Hawkins, keyboard and Peter Perollini bass guitar."

"Thanks, Jeff, I'm happy to meet you guys, a great sounding band you have here."

Two of the young men who had signed up at Windsor already were Aaron Schroeder and Andrew Pasco, both guitarists, but also brass men, trumpet and trombone. Some of Matt's plans for the future included Jazz studies and a laboratory Jazz show band. He also hoped to influence outstanding Jazz artists to visit the school to give master classes and concerts. It was his feeling that there were plenty of outlets and venues for rock musicians to perform, but jazz music gave the performers greater variety of styles and opportunities for improvisation and exploration into the depths of music study. Aaron and Andrew seemed interested in those plans as Matt related them to the boys. During the band's break, Matt watched Andrew and Aaron in one corner talking very closely, reacting to each other just like lovers. You can see it if you know what to look for. Matt smiled to himself, 'Well, life goes on in its usual way.' The two men were hot!

A third member of the Licorice Styx whom Matt talked to was the percussionist. He noted that Mitchell MacPherson also played the keyboard at times so was not just a 'drummer'. Mitch looked older than the others in the band. He had a bit of a dark mustache which he probably started after school was out and now would let it grow during the summer. All five of the boys wore low neck shirts so Mitch's fairly thick chest hair was easily seen. Also, his shirt was much tighter than the others so his chest muscular development was evident and full. The other boys, as far as he could tell, were much younger physically though still well past puberty.

Matt collected their names, addresses and phone numbers into his note book. He must remember to invite them to the ranch this summer. He knew he'd like to get to know them. Of the last two members of the band, Peter Perollini was not going to college and Chet Hawkins had been accepted by another school out of state.

Though he stayed to the party's end at midnight when they were pushed out of the Student Center, he didn't get to talk to everyone. So, he made an announcement that the ones he missed should call and come out to the Ranch when they had time. Please call ahead so I will be sure to be home, he told them. Maybe I could have a swimming party for a limited number. He giggled, 'Maybe just the men.'

Matt did make sure to talk to each of the officers and committee persons to thank them for the party. He had given them a practically unlimited budget but when talking to the treasurer, learned that they hadn't overspent.

As Matt was leaving, he noted the progress of the new music building. The contracts had all been signed a week ago and the contractors started immediately, laying out the dimensions of the building. A few days later the big machines were digging the trenches for the foundations of the large building. At the present time two eight hour shifts were working, but when the college classes were finished for the summer, the contractors will shift to three eight hour shifts. The construction schedule has to be very complicated and intricate to keep three shifts working for their whole eight hours. Each shift will have a number of specialists for different trades who can lead the others on different jobs.

After the steelwork is set, most of the building will be created from premade and precast panels for interior and exterior walls. Because of the extensive need for sound control, these panels have to be specially designed. Only the small auditorium would be built on site because of it's size and complexity, and it would not be finished until year's end, probably.

Two large and very tall cranes sat on the construction site and will for the rest of the year to handle the precast pieces safely and carefully, and they would set up the steel framework.

The next day, Thursday, Matt and Steve were waiting nervously for the time to call Agent Angio Liscenza at his office. Matt had a Dukes rehearsal at noon that day, so he had Hardy begin the session while he waited with Steve in his office.

The Dukes began to work on a lot of new music for their White House appearance. Some of it was more difficult than their regular pieces. But they were eager and hard working so a lot of progress was made.

Hardy's employment at the college would not begin until late in August. But since he would be taking over the direction of the Dukes, he wanted to be in on everything that summer. And, of course, Matt wanted Hardy right beside him all the time. The last week or so Matt had become a sexual fiend with his lover. The younger man had no problem with Matt's insistence on more and more sex, in fact he found it most exciting. He thought Matt's hot, hot desire came after they were married and said their vows, and especially after they exchanged rings. He felt this because he, himself, also had the same cravings which appeared more intensive after their life dedication.

As the clock in his office reached the noon hour, Matt picked up his phone and pressed the numbers Agent Liscenza had given him.

"Treasury Department, Toledo. How can I help you?"

"Agent Liscenza."

"Can I tell him who is calling."

"Dr. Matthew Ridgway."

"Just a moment, please."

"Hello, Matt. Angio Luscenza here, I guess you are wondering what we found out. Right?"

"That's right, and my brother is also on the line."

"Okay, good. Well, as I told you, your grandmother is the daughter of General Ridgway. And your father is the grandson of the General. However, neither you nor your brother are related to your father or your grandmother. You and your brother, however, are related to each other. In other words, you and you brother are actual, real brothers, just not related to your parents or your grandmother. Other than that, I haven't any other information to give you. I'm sorry that this probably isn't what you wanted to hear."

"Wow! We don't know what to say. We both love our grandmother, but my mother has been trying to have me killed. Maybe the fact that I'm not her son might have something to do with that."

"You are saying your mother is trying to have you killed? That's rather bizarre, and very dangerous, I would say."

"So far we have kept ahead of her.

"Say, Agent Liscenza, you said we couldn't be sons of our father, how did you get his DNA if I may ask?"

"We asked him for the same test we did you two."

"But, where did you find him? We've been looking for him for months. Would you please tell me."

"Matt, I'll have to check that with my boss, Agent Dennison. I'll let you know."

"I hope you can. I'm not kidding about her trying to kill me. I've been shot at twice already. Wherever our father is, she would be there also."

"I'll do what I can, Matt. Bye."

Matt and Steve looked at each other. "Will wonders never cease? So, we're real honest brothers without a mother or grandmother. I assume we were adopted. Wonder why that fact hadn't come to life by now."

Steve leaned over Matt, "Love, I really don't care, if you want to know. So that's why I always felt estranged around our so-called parents." He put his arm around his brother, "Now we are alone but together, never separated, right?"

"You got it, bro, we have each other, and our partners, what more do we need."

"Matty, the next time you and I are alone here, I would very much like to have sex with you."

"That's fine with me. Way back I told Hardy that we might do it occasionally."

They held each other for a few minutes, kissed and stood.

"I'm going to see Marty, Steve, she ought to be told. She'll know from Gary anyway." He giggled, "I wonder how much she knows about our sex lives? Probably everything!" He laughed.

"Good idea, see you later. I really should go home to work, keep the money rolling in. I'll tell Gary when I see him."

"Bye, bro!" Matt gave a big emphasis on the word 'bro'. 'What news.'

Marty yelled, "You're telling me what????"

"Once again, Steve and I are not related to our so-called parents or our grandmother or the General. How about that?"

"But you are real brothers, right?"

"Amen to that!! I thought I'd tell you, but we don't have to spread it too far. Who knows where we came from, who birthed us and gave us up?"

"And your parents never told you you were adopted?"

"Not a word."

"Well, screw 'em!" Marty's final word.

Matt smiled, "I would if we could find them."

Returning to his office, Matt could hear the Dukes in full voices. He smiled when he remembered that in one of the new pieces all the kids had to sing. 'Taking a chance, that's tough music, there.'

Hardy did as Matt asked, he got in touch with Craig at the Clothing Store, asking him to come to their house on Friday evening if he wasn't busy.

"Craig, we have someone you might like to meet. He's 20 but just graduated from high school. He is very hot, but has some physical problems. If you will come about 7 pm, that will give us time to tell you about him. His name is Mitchell MacPherson. Okay?"

"That is very okay, Hardy, I know who he is, but not personally. His father comes in the store and Mitch has come in with him. Talk about hot!!! I'll be there."

"That's great. Bring a bathing suit of some sort, our swimming pool was finished a couple weeks ago and this will be a pool party. The Dukes will be there."

"Will you be there in your speedos, Hardy? That I want to see."

"Hell, Craig, you've seen more of me than I'll show at the party."

Craig laughed, "Any time you want to come in for a suit, you will get the same personal service as before."

"Sure, Craig, but do remember that I'm married now." He laughed, "If I weren't, I'd be hot after your body in a second. See you Friday night, 7."

"Great Hardy, bye."

Both men had played with their cocks a little while they talked, excited by each other.

Matt noticed steel already going up on the new music building. The first phase should be ready by September including the offices, practice rooms, classrooms and utilities. The auditorium, small recital hall and special rooms in that wing will take longer, probably to Christmas vacation.

He had been leaving the building when he saw Dean MacAllister in the hall.

"Hamish, could I have a word or two?"

Hamish smiled and waited for Matt.

Matt proceeded to relate the morning's information about he and his brother and their parents who aren't.

"You're kidding, and they never told you?"

"No, but that clears up some feelings we both had at home. At least we are proven to be brothers, no question. But where we came from, nobody seems to know. I'm sure we'll do some searching.

"I have another question, Hamish. What are the chances of changing the department to a School of Music or Conservatory of Music? I don't really know the requirements for either."

The Dean thought a moment, "Actually, Matt, I don't know either. But I think it is a good idea, more prestigious title for the school, too. I will check up on that.

"By the way, I enjoyed the band at graduation very much. Couldn't believe that a third of their members were in the graduating group. How about the Dukes?"

"The two Jeffs and Christine are all accepted into graduate school and the Dukes will be exactly the same as last year. Except that Hardy will be directing."

"Is he ..... "

"Hamish, don't say it. He'll be as good or better than me. I promise."

Hamish smiled affectionately at Matt, "I noticed quite a bit of emotion from both you and the band when Hardy got his diploma. Lots of love there, I realize. I am so proud of you and Hardy, too, so pleased I hired you and you found Hardy. I don't understand a lot about your relationship, but it sure works so keep it up." He put an arm around Matt and hugged him.

Matt choked up, tried to clear his throat but couldn't.

"I'll regret until my dying day that we kept putting off having children until we found it was impossible. She really didn't want children so I didn't have much chance." He looked so sad, "So please allow us to have some pride in you." He perked up a bit, "Matt, if you ever want to adopt some parents, we'll be first in line."

Now Matt couldn't talk at all. He hugged Hamish too and finally said, "Of course, I would very much appreciate your sentiment and we will return it full fold. We better separate, Hamish, or people will think you might be changing sides." He laughed and dared a quick pat on the shorter man's head.

"If anyone could ever induce me to change sides, Matt, it would be you. Must run along, see you later."

Matt watched Hamish walk away to the parking lot. He thought, 'If only we could have had a father like that. If only .... '

"Oh, Matt," Hamish had turned back, "I don't think you have seen my wife recently. And a big surprise, my wife's sister is here too. C'mon." Matt liked Rhoda, Hamish's wife, a pretty woman with auburn hair, well kept. However, her smile wasn't very warm to Matt's thinking.

Matt followed Hamish to the top down BMW convertible parked beside the walk.

"Rhoda, remember Dr. Matt Ridgway, the new Head of the Music Department. Matt, you know my wife, Rhoda, and beside her is her sister, Duella. Duella, this is Matt Ridgway, and yes, he is still single."

Matt smiled at the beautiful woman, long dark hair to her shoulders, straight and shining. Her white complexion contrasted vividly with her bright red lips and nails. "How do, Duella, and Rhoda I'm pleased to see you too. Hamish has been remiss by avoiding me, though I admit I've been very busy with my work and my family."

Duella caught that with interest. "Dr. Ridgway, you are not married but you have a family? Isn't that difficult?"

"No, Duella, my brother and I plus my best friend are raising my nephews who are 3 and 5. A very lively bunch."

Duella smiled seductively, "But aren't you going to eventually get married?"

Matt moved uncomfortably, "I doubt it, I'm so busy and must admit I'm work driven." He said "Good-bye, ladies, hope you have a fine day. See you, Hamish, take care."

Matt was somewhat worried for Hamish, 'his' women didn't seem to appreciate him.

Little Jeff and Big Jeff sat around their room in the dorm wearing just their underwear. They had company with them, Christine and Roger, from the Dukes. They had dropped in unannounced and thought nothing of the Jeffs in their boxers only. Christine knew Roger from the inside out, and had been swimming with the Jeffs at Dr. Matt's house.

Chris spoke up, "Do you guys know when Dr. Matt is going to tell us about the scholarships or grants or whatever we are supposed to be getting this summer?"

LJ answered, "He said tomorrow night at the swim party. He didn't want that information to be spread too widely, all over campus."

"You are all going to Dr. Matt's house tomorrow night? Right?"

"Sure, Chris, wouldn't miss it," Big Jeff said,"we love that place. Those guys are more like friends than teachers. And, excuse me, Chris, but they are so hot!!" He laughed when Chris blushed, but also laughed. "I guess you agree with me." He leered at Chris, waggling his eyebrows like Groucho Marx always did.

"I sure do agree, I sure wish one of them were available .... either one."

Little Jeff broke in, "Then you do know exactly how we feel too, Chris." He got up and hopped over to Big Jeff's bed where he proceeded to jump on BJ, hugging and kissing.

"Oh, Jeez, guys, go get a room." Roger giggled, "Oh, yes, this is your room, isn't it?"

"Well," Little Jeff said, "We did have some plans for this room this afternoon. Why don't you guys go play post office in Christine's basement? I hear it's a great playroom."

This time Roger was the one who blushed, all over. "Boy, I'll never tell you guys anything ever again." He took Chris's hand, "Come on, Chris, lets go play some tennis. I'm feeling like I can break your serve all afternoon."

"Good idea, I'd like to get you away from these sex fiends. Let's go." She walked over to kiss each Jeff on the lips, enjoying that little intimacy.

After they left and shut the door she punched Roger on the arm, "I wanted to get you away from them since you've been trying to look up their boxers' legs to see their equipment all the time we were there." She laughed, "If you'd just asked, they would have most likely shown you whatever you wanted to see." She giggled, "I've always wanted to see BJ's big one and LJ's little one. Have you?"

"Not really. I'm taken, remember? And we don't go in for circle jerks or gang bangs."

"Alright, you tell me!" She spoke loudly and abruptly. " How the hell did they find us? Our "sons" haven't been able to, so who did." Blanche Ridgway was yelling at her husband.

"They said they were Treasury Department agents. I believe them, I guess." He moved away from his wife, she had a horrible temper which has been getting worse all the time. He wondered just where she went on Tuesday, she just took off with their car and was gone all day and most of the night. He'd bet it had something to do with Matt and Steve. "I expect they have a lot of resources that our 'sons' don't have." He sat by the fireplace. He hadn't told Blanche that he'd given them a DNA sample from his cheek.

"I'm tired of running all the time, Blanche, if you would quit trying to hurt them in some way, we wouldn't have to move every couple months."

Blanche turned at glared at her husband. "And another thing, you hid my car keys. I had to take my emergency ones."

"I did not hide them, you drop them somewhere and can't remember where. That's not my fault." He looked around where they were staying, a decrepit, crumbling rental house. "I want our money back. We've lost thousands of dollars in interest because of your stupid scheme to get the boys' money. I sure hope you can get it back from the investment company you started."

"Of course I can, I studied a long time just how to do it under our false identities. It's gone through three different companys' records and the paper trail should have disappeared in thin air."

Gerald Ridgway was thinking serious, unloving thoughts. He wanted his funds back, the funds which were all he had for his retirement. Why he'd ever gone along with her crazy ideas to get money from the boys, he didn't know. Hell, that possibility faded fast in the courts. Steve's lawyer partner is a really smart attorney, even though his specialty is literary rights and properties.

He still couldn't believe the Matt and Steve were gay, living with their partners and Steve with two little boys. He'll probably corrupt them like he did Matt. He must have because when Gerald and Blanche adopted them, they were sweet, innocent handsome boys of four and one.

Blanche was still yelling at him but he tuned her out. This time he'd made up his mind. He wanted to see his boys. No matter if they were gay, he loved them. He should have told them that they had been adopted. When he closed his eyes, tears dripped down his cheeks.

Now he wondered if they loved him, or if they ever had. Well, he'd find out.

Matt and Hardy had just made love for the third time that day, Thursday, a beautiful 3rd day of June. Hardy was panting, almost gasping for breath after Matt fucked him twice in a row. Sweat was cooling on his body which was weakened from his exertions keeping up with his lover. He could still feel Matt's huge cock, stretching wide his anus, forcing its way into his rectum, sliding along the slick, warm linings. He felt full then, but now felt hollow and empty since the cock was gone. They lay beside each other, barely touching but hooking little fingers.

"Matty, could we go in the Jacuzzi? I need help," and he giggled. "You must be coming into your prime sexual season. We should have married long ago." He groaned, "Of course I might be dead by now from over exercising in the prone position."

"Well, we could do it again if you like." He snickered at Hardy, "You can even fuck me this time. Okay?"

Hardy laughed, "Matty, I'd have to fuck you with a finger, I couldn't get it up at all."

"Poor baby, have I worn you out? Geez, I'll have to find me a second-stringer to step in." And he laughed, kissing Hardy all over his chest and treasure trail. He kissed Hardy's lovely cock, now soft and most probably asleep. "I'll have to resuscitate my baby here, soon." He smiled at his lover, adoringly and so fondly.

The phone chirped on their night table.


Silence. Matt could hear breathing but no one talking. Maybe a dirty caller from one of his admirers.?


"Yes, who is this?"

"Matt, please don't hang up. This is your father."

"My god, Hardy, it's my father. Well, my adopted father. Okay, Dad, what can I do for you?"

"Matt, I'm sorry. We should have told you about the adoption. I assume you were visited by the Treasury agents. Right?"

'Why am I talking to him now', Matt thought. "Yes, Dad, you are right. We found out that we are related to noone we know but each other. Thank God for that."

"I would like to meet with you and Steve, to talk to you. I miss you terribly." He gasped, choked and continued. "I can imagine you hate me, son, I'm very sorry."

"Wait a minute, Dad, I'll get Steve on the phone, too." He turned, "Hardy, would you go get Stevie, please, even if he doesn't want to leave Gary." He chuckled, "Hope we catch him right in the middle of ..... well, just go?" Hardy left.

"I don't mean to pry, son, but would that be Gary Stuart from next door to Steve?"

"Yes, Dad, we're all living together up north here."

"What the hell are you doing, Matty, getting me out of bed. We were just getting ...." Steve was really irritated, not a good sign. He entered their bedroom with his hard cock waving, wet and shiny, still dripping pre-cum

Matt had told him to shut up by pulling the edge of his hand across his own throat.

"Take the extension on the dresser, Steve, it's our Dad." Steve's jaw dropped, his face colored deeply, warmly. He started to cover his cock, but saw only Hardy was there. No need. Once Steve was on the phone, Matt told him what his father wanted and said he would agree if Steve would also.

"Only one thing, Dad, that bitch you married must not be within 100 miles of us. You do know that she has tried to kill Matt, twice, shot at him. He would be dead if it weren't for some good friends of ours. Can you guarantee it?"

"Certainly, son, if I have to tie her up in chains. I promise."

Matt spoke up then, "Okay, Steve?" Steve nodded.

"If you want, Dad, we can meet here at our house."

"I would like that. Where are you.?"

"You mean that your wife hasn't told you? She's been by here a few times in the last few months." He took a deep breath and told him where and how to get to them. "Dad, we really mean it that she can't be here. We'll either shoot her or set the dogs on her. Got that?"

"Okay, boys, I'm very sorry about her, I will make sure that she won't be there. Would this Saturday night be okay? About 10 pm?"

Matt looked at Steve with raised eyebrows. He just said, "Okay."

"Thank you, boys, believe it or not, I do love you two very much. Bye."

Friday night, about seven, Craig showed up at the ranch driving a small two door, making more noise than it really should. He somehow got his tall frame out of the tiny interior, walked on the porch and rapped with the brass knocker.

Matt was expecting Craig and let him in the house, leading him back to the den.

"Hi, Craig, glad to see you. I think Hardy told you who we'd like you to meet. I don't even know if Mitch is gay, but he needs someone and I know you need someone. Am I being too forward for you?"

"No, Matt, I don't feel pressured. I feel your concern about me, and your respect."

Matt led Craig by a light hand on his arm. "Have a seat, Craig, would you like something to drink. Highball or pop?"

"No thanks, Matt, maybe later. You have a beautiful house here. When I passed in the car, I never realized that it was so large and, well, posh." He smiled, embarrassed, "I mean, it really is a showplace."

"Craig, four of us own the place, not just me. My brother, his partner and my partner, too." Matt sat down next to Craig. "Let's get started."

"You've seen Mitch with his father in the store I think you said." Craig nodded. "So he's never been a customer of yours." He shook his head.

"Well, Mitch has had a hard life so far. His parents are fairly well-to-do, but all that money couldn't help his problem. He had a heart attack at the age of 12, believe it, it's true. So he needed a heart transplant. And he got one.

"That heart lasted about 4 years and then began to have difficulties. As soon as they could, the doctors found him another heart, and did the operation. That heart lasted only six months and Mitch was crushed. You can understand that." Craig nodded.

"His third heart was found quickly, but at a cost to Mitchell. One of his friends, Jack Yocum, was killed while driving drunk, too much speed and too many people in the car, a deadly situation. Jack was admitted to the hospital, but had no brain function. The doctors kept him on a respirator and drugs to keep his body alive until his heart could be checked with Mitchell's blood type. Fortunately, Jack's heart would match and Mitch underwent another heart transplant. The latest heart seems to be working very well.

"Mitch wasn't allowed athletics at all, he wasn't supposed to exercise his body to any great extent." Matt smiled, "And wait until you see it, Craig, he's got a gorgeous body that he developed in his spare time in his bedroom. He never let his parents see him unclothed so they never knew.

"Mitch missed two years of school because of the heart problems. So he is just graduating and is now 20. Almost all of his friends passed him by and he has become a bit of a loner. If it weren't for the Licorice Styx, he would have no one. Now he is graduating, too, and can't see what his world will be like in the future." Matt continued, smiling, "And, Craig, Mitch is very cautious about meeting people, embarrassed by his medical history and he is afraid to let anyone see his scars. He figures that it will disgust other people.

"Now, Craig, there you have it. Do you want one of us to introduce you, or will you handle that yourself." He smiled, "Probably best if we stay out of it, right?"

"I would say that would be best, Matt, we'll just take it easy and see what happens."

"Right. The Dukes and Duchess plus some others will be here for the swimming party, so that will be the background, plus the Licorice Styx. I hope you have a good time and success," he smiled at Craig.

"Oh, one more thing, Craig, it seems to me you saw all of Hardy the other day. Right?"

"Oh, yeah, man, that was the greatest."

"Well, would you mind terribly changing into your bathing suit right here, with me watching?"

Craig frowned and looked doubtful, but soon gave Matt a broad smile. "Sure, Matt, I think that can be arranged." He agreed, "Right now?"


Craig had on a dress shirt, open with a t-shirt underneath, contrasting colors. They came off quickly. His torso was slender but with fine muscles, not bulk. He had wide shoulders and narrow waist. His khaki trousers dropped to the floor to reveal another of his bikini briefs, this time lime green.

Matt smiled at Craig and he returned the affection.

Pulling his briefs down slowly, over his pert buttocks and thick thighs to his feet, Craig uncovered a low hanging scrotum with a long, soft cock, cut and well defined. With a proud grin, Craig turned in place, allowing Matt to view his body from every angle.

Matt stood up, held out his hand to be shook. Craig shook his hand as Matt passed by and gave Craig's cock a little flip as he went.

"If you would put your speedos on, Craig, we could go to the pool." He chuckled, "Or you could go naked like my nephews do and probably will tonight. They love an audience." He walked back to Craig, lay his hands of the young man's shoulders and gave him a very light kiss. "However you better not, you might scare someone away," Matt nodded to Craig's bare crotch. "That would scare me, I think." Matt walked out of the room toward the pool, chortling to himself. Craig got his speedos on and followed, grinning widely in pride.

All the guests had arrived and were well on the way to enjoying another fantastic Ridgway party. Matt was particularly glad to see that Aaron, Andrew, Pete and Chet had decided to come. He decided to talk to Aaron and Andrew later, they were wound up with each other, swimming together, sitting on a lounge rapt up in their conversation.

Matt picked out Peter Perollini from the crowd and invited him into the kitchen while he prepared munchies to take to the pool.

"Pete, I was very much impressed with your group. Have you been together long?"

"Ah ... Dr. Matt, just about two years. Mitch was the last chosen. We'd had a different drummer, but he wasn't very good and Mitch can play keyboard and other stuff. He was very quiet at first but is coming out a bit more now." He looked at his hands, twisting together, "We know a good bit about what he has gone through the past and have worked to get him closer into the group. We have made progress."

"Yes, I talked to Mitch a bit at the band party. Just guessing, I'd speculate that he needs a close friend, a real bud. What do you think?"

"That's what I would say. Unfortunately, none of us four seem to fit in with his style. We'd like to though." He laughed, "I think it was almost a year before we got a good laugh from him. We applauded him and celebrated his laugh, in the process we got a lot more fun for him."

Matt smiled, "Did I understand that you aren't going to college? What will you do?"

"Dr. Matt, I'm just an average student. I think I'll just hunt for a job soon." Pete was obviously not looking forward to that.

"Pete, if I got you a full ride scholarship to Windsor College, would you take a chance?"

"Oh, man ... I mean, Dr. Matt, I sure would."

"You'll have to work very hard but we have some fine keyboard teachers."

Pete's eyes sparkled, wide and enthusiastic, "You know, Dr. Matt, what I've always wanted? I've been taking piano lessons from the organist at the Methodist church, but I've also been intrigued with their pipe organ. I really think I'd like to study that."

Matt patted Pete on the back, "Sounds great. I'll need your records and credentials. Could you have your high school send them to the Registrar at the College, marked for my attention? And I will let you know as soon as I know about the scholarship."

Pete seemed to be having trouble breathing. "Ah .... ah ... that's so great, man."

"Why don't you make that Matt, okay? You and I have a special relationship." He smiled.

After everyone arrived at the party, Matt collected the Dukes into the den where he wanted to talk about their scholarships and grants for the summer and for the trip to Washington.

Most sat on the floor, but Christine was given a soft chair, as a diva should be treated. Little Jeff, Big Jeff and Rick sat in a semi-circle along with Roger and Jamal and Hardy. They were all on edge, wondering what they would get and how it would be distributed.

"Okay, guys," he smiled at Chris, "as you know I'm so pleased that you graduates have been accepted into graduate school. It will be wonderful to have the same Dukes together for another year. If you didn't know, Hardy will be directing the group after classes start in September. Roger will be understudying him, so that he can jump right in and any time before then he could take Hardy's trombone spot. In my opinion Jamal should be recognized as a full member of the group. Do you agree?"

Jamal blushed under his caf au lait skin color when everyone yelled and clapped for him. "Yeah, we need him as much as any of us," Rick spoke up for the group, and for his lover, Jamal.

"Then that's settled. Now, here are the particulars. Our sponsor has given us a budget for the summer and trip to Washington." Matt started to itemize the amounts on his fingers.

"First, there are seven of you who rate the full scholarship, and that includes Hardy. Once his employment with the College starts, he will be on salary."

"Second, each of you will receive a grant of $25,000." A prolonged gasp arose from the mouths of the seven. "That includes your expenses for the next three months, housing, board and miscellaneous expenses. How you handle this money and what you do with it is your business."

Seriously, "But, if you don't spend it wisely and run out before classes starts, it will be a debt that will have to be paid back. By wisely, means that you will be ready, practiced and on time for the rehearsals of the Dukes we feel are necessary." He continued, "Think about that and if you can meet the requirements. You will have plenty of time off during the summer."

The group was quiet, running in their minds what Matt had said.

"Third. If you decide to buy a car with part of your grant, that's fine. But you must have enough left to subsist on until classes start and participate in all our activities. That means eating well, dressing well and looking good." He chuckled, "You all look great now, and I mean that, in fact everybody's really hot, especially your trombonist," he grinned, "however, you will need to keep yourself that way so we can make a good impression. Ricky, you are going to have to watch so you don't get fat." Everyone broke up at that remark, since Rick was the thinnest of the whole lot. Getting fat would take a superhuman effort for Ricky.

"Finally, we will use the Dukes RV for our trip so no expense to you. We will take care of hotel and food in Washington, so you will only need enough for personal expenses and any souvenirs.

"One more thing. Any money you have left over when classes start, you may keep. Again, we must keep everyone in tip top shape, so it will be incumbent on each to help everyone be at their peak. Any questions?"

"Dr. Matt, could we invest the $25,000 if we want and live on the interest?"

Matt and a couple others laughed. "Ricky, I don't think, even with as little as you must eat, that you could possibly live on the interest. Sounds like some others here must have money invested. Your interest in a savings account would be between $20 and $40 a month! Could you live on that?"

Rick blushed, "Not even on my best days." He giggled, "Jamal and I have been saving for a truck. No wonder we aren't getting anywhere."

Hardy broke in, "What kind are you going to get, Ricky? A Ford, a GMC?"

"No," Jamal answered, "We'll probably end up with a '75 pickup." He frowned.

"But if you can save some money together from the $25,000 you are both going to get, you might at an '85." Hardy teased.

Jamal looked strangely at Hardy, "You mean I'm getting $25,000, too?"

Rick crawled over to Jamal, "Yes, baby, you get all that money, too." He kissed his lover sweetly on the cheek. "Remember, we voted to give you an equal share, we did."

Jamal covered his face with his hands while Ricky wrapped him up in his arms, rocking him slightly. The others smiled affectionately. Ricky looked up and mouthed, 'Bassoonists!' He smiled at them, then endearingly at Jamal.

"One more thing, gang, although I guess it wouldn't really hurt, I wish you wouldn't spread the amount around all over. You are getting a nice grant-in-aid and deserve it, but others probably wouldn't understand. Okay?"

Total agreement from 'the gang'.

The Dukes walk backed to the pool and resumed swimming. Matt noticed that Craig and Mitch were sitting at a table at the far end. They seemed to be having a busy conversation. He was pleased that they got together on their own. Since Craig knew who Mitch was and Mitch had seen Craig at the store, their meeting was practically destiny.

As Matt turned away, Mitch spoke to Craig, "You know, Craig, you are the easiest person to talk to I've ever met." He shyly gave Craig the cutest, quirkiest smile across his face with his bow shaped lips. It was delightful.

"Mitch, I could say the same thing, and I could say something else." He blushed, "I know I'm going to say something stupid, Mitch, but I know I'm going to love you, if I don't already." His red face even deepened, "You did know I was gay, didn't you?"

Mitch's smile became a wide grin, "I sure was hoping you were, Craig." He reached over and held Craig's hand in his own. "All I can say is I adore you, love being with you and want us to be together." All of a sudden Mitch realized what he was doing and pulled his hand back fast.

"Mitch, you also realize the almost everyone here is gay, don't you?"

Mitch blanched. "You are kidding, aren't you?"

"No, I'm sure about Chris and Mrs. Wolfe being straight, ...."

They turned toward the house when screams and laughter came over the pool to their ears. Suddenly, Jacob and Joshua ran from the house to the pool with absolutely no clothes on. Todd ran in after them as a slow third, "Hey boys, you got to have a bathing suit on." By the time he got that out, Jacob had jumped in and swam to Hardy, wrapped his legs around his middle and his arms around his neck. As usual, Hardy's hands went to Jacob's bottom, to hold him and enjoy. Joshua ran to his Daddy Steve who grabbed him in mid air as he jumped.

Craig continued, "And I'm pretty sure about those two little cuties, however I'm not sure about your band members, Chet and Pete. Otherwise, everyone." He giggled, "We probably could make love back here on a lounge if we were careful."

Mitch reddened, "Craig, I have an admission to make. I really know nothing about gay sex. You see, I've never ....

"Don't worry about that, Mitch, I can tell you have a beautiful body and I'm sure all the proper attachments. It all just comes from practice; trial and no errors. You can't make an error."

Hardy hollered for attention. He had set up some games to be played in and out of the water. "These games include moving from table to table and chair to chair. I've nominated some team captains who will pick the two teams. Totals for the teams will accrue from each member."

Little Jeff was to lead one team while Big Jeff led the other. They picked from the Dukes and the Styxes, mingling the two groups. LJ picked Craig and BJ picked Mitchell.

The whole series of games seemed to please the students as their laughing and hilarity reached new heights by the time they finished. Matt was interested in watching the party from a view apart. He, for instance, repeatedly noticed Craig and Mitch checking each other out as they moved around to different places at different times. Matt was pleased, hopeful for the two men, for their relationship and their affection.

He knew the Dukes were very pleased with their Grant in Aid for the summer. That made him feel exuberant and high-spirited looking forward to their summer projects.

"Hmmm," Mitch thought, "Craig told me to follow him to his home." He was worried, "I wish he had at least told him the address or general area." He shook his head, "No, I'm following very well, he is right ahead of me. Oh, I better call mother if I'm going to stay as he asked."

"Hello, is this you, Mitchell?"

"Yes, Mom. We had a great party, I really enjoyed myself. I met a new guy and we got along very well. I'm going to his home to have some coffee and cakes."

"That sounds fine, son. Is he a good man, Mitchell?"

"Oh, yes, Mum, you will really like him, I'm sure." He saw Craig's brake lights flash. "I'm at his house now, so I'll see you in the morning. I shouldn't be too late, depending how late we sit up talking." He laughed. "I'll say good night now, Mom"

"Good night, dear." After she disconnected, she thought, 'God protect you, Mitch, stay well with your first man."

Mitch pulled to the curb right behind Craig, got out and locked his car. Craig walked from his car to meet Mitch on the sidewalk. He took Mitch's hand and warned, "The walk here is slightly dangerous and the light is poor." Mitch felt comforted and warm being let by Craig. He didn't speak, but held on tight.

"We go up this outside stairway to the second floor, my apartment." Still holding Mitch's hand, Craig led them up inside the walled-in stairs. Using his key, Craig had the door opened and they went inside.

Mitch stayed by the door until Craig had lit up the whole apartment.

Craig was pleased to see Mitch smile, then grin broadly as he took in the furnishings in the rooms. "Craig," Mitch started, "this is gorgeous. Did you do the interiors?"

"Yes, come on in. I'm hoping very much that you like it."

"I love it." He put an arm around Craig's shoulder, "Honestly, I've never seen a more well coordinated apartment, not overdone, just perfect." He turned to give Craig a kiss on the cheek.

Before Mitch could respond, Craig pulled their bodies together and pressed his lips onto the younger man's. Mitch was surrounded by Craig's arms and finally decided he wanted to hold him in his own arms.

Craig reacted when he felt Mitch's arms, felt him relax to allow his body to fit against Craig's. Their kiss lasted while they adjusted their bodies to fit each other's contours. Mitch broke the kiss and put his cheek against Craig's.

"Oh, Craig," he whispered, "I feel so wonderful in your arms." He sniffed

Craig turned his head slightly to touch his lips to Mitch's cheek, "It's okay, Mitch, I'm feeling so great, so in tune with you. I want to hold you to me forever."

Both men were choked up, neither had had this physical connection to another man.

"Wait right here, Mitch." Craig went around the whole apartment, dousing lights and closing windows. He checked the thermostat, then put it on air conditioning. "Mitch, here is an extra key to the apartment, I want you to have it." He smiled, "For the future."

"Let me have your hand, Mitch, we'll go on a bit of a tour."

Their fingers woven together, Craig led Mitch to the kitchen where he opened the refrigerator and asked his new friend to pick out the pop he wanted. They each took one.

Two hands as one again, Mitch was led to Craig's bedroom where they sat on the large bed.

Craig slid an arm around Mitch's back, "Mitch, my friend, you must tell me if I'm going too fast for you, if I do something you don't like and if you want me to do something I haven't thought of. Okay? I am not very experienced at this either."

Mitch smiled broadly at Craig, "I don't think you could do anything I wouldn't like. There is just one thing." He bowed his head, "Craig, I assume you know I have had three heart transplants and the last one was not too long ago." He looked into Craig's eyes, "I'm afraid you might not want me because of the scars. I've never shown anyone my scars.."

Craig put a hand on each side of Mitch's face, turned his face toward his own. He placed numerous kisses on that adorable face. "Mitch, scars don't bother me at all, even recent ones. I used to volunteer at the hospital and saw plenty of scars, very recent ones, too." Craig could see the pleasure and happiness come over Mitch's face. "Why don't you get undressed and get in the bed? I'm going to get us another pop for later. I'll be in the kitchen."

Craig had seen the 'deer in the headlights' reaction on Mitch's face so decided he better leave the room while he undressed.

By the time Craig returned, Mitch was under the sheet on his right side, his right arm, elbow and hand holding up his head. He watched every movement that Craig made while undressing. Mitch's cock twitched and leaped at every new part of Craig he saw. Craig was facing away from Mitch when he pulled down his last garment, his briefs, and bent way over. Therefore Mitch could see his beautiful buttocks and as he stretched down, could pick out his pink lips back there.

"Craig, could you turn around for me, slowly, all the way around?"

The tall, slender body with good muscles in all the right places was spun for his viewing. Mitch, obviously from the noises he made, approved. Craig felt proud and pleased that a man enjoyed looking at his body, and such a handsome, attractive young man.

Mitch picked up the top edge of the sheet, holding that part up for Craig to crawl in. Craig knew this man wanted him and he did just as much. Their two bodies came together with an audible thump.

"Oh, Craig, I've dreamed of this for so long. It's hard to believe that I'm really with a man."

"Yes, Mitch, you are with me and we are making love. Okay?"

Mitch laughed, "Yes, to say the least."

Craig ran his hands up and down Mitch's back, then over his buttocks, trailing his fingers inside the cleft between them. Mitch let out some oooohs and growls, his body reacting strongly to the sensations he was receiving. Soon Mitch felt the tingles, surges in his groin, heading up his spine, the pressure of his excitement rising to a pitch never felt before. Very soon, he knew.

"Oh, god, Craig, I'm going to cum, hold me, I'm cummin!" Mitch's body was tensing, jumping around while his climax built.

Fortunately, Craig knew what to do. He immediately threw the sheet to the bottom of the bed, slid down and grabbed Mitch's cock with his fist and sank the remaining cock into his mouth.

"Oh, oh .... ah .... ngh ... oh Craig, it's coming .... NOW!"

Mitch kept trying to shove his cock farther into Craig's mouth. Luckily Craig's fist had hold of that cock's base, not too big, but the head might have gone too far into Craig's throat. Craig had only sucked a cock twice in his life, neither as big as Mitch's. That was because he and his partner were only 14.

Suddenly, Mitch forced his hands on Craig's head, pushing it down onto his cock. Craig's fist kept hold and the cock didn't go in much further. Craig could feel Mitch's cum spew into his mouth, on to his tongue and he could tell it tasted wonderful, so fresh and young, Craig knew he could drink that forever.

Mitch quickly came down to earth, his body relaxed and seemed to collapse completely.

"Mitch, Mitch, was that okay? Did you like that."

One groan, then another and finally an exhausted "oh, yeah, man. Wonderful."

Craig released his cock from his mouth, moving up to clutch Mitch's body to himself.

"I'm glad, babe, that you liked it. I love your juice, it was delicious."

An 'mmm' came from Mitch, they held each other and fell asleep.

Craig felt movement beside him. His glance at the clock told him it was about 1 am, and he realized that Mitch was getting out of bed.

"What's the matter, Mitch? Did you see where the bath is?"

"Craig, I've got to go home. Ah, my Mother, ah ... I need to get home, please."

Craig realized that Mitch was already dressed, "But I thought you were going to stay."

"I've realized I need to get home. My mother is all alone."

Craig could tell that Mitch was very tense, very uneasy and worried.

"Okay, Mitch, anything you want." He started to hug Mitch but the younger man sort of edged away and out the door.

Craig was dumbfounded, staggered really by Mitch's actions. What had he done to him, except suck off his dick, for the first time he guessed. He headed back to bed, wishing so hard that Mitch was still there.

Mitch got in his car, then broke into tears. He felt so bad. Craig had been so good to him, so kind and tender. But to Mitch nothing felt right, he knew at that moment that he was terribly homesick, and didn't know why.

Wiping his face, he headed home, parked in the drive and crept softly up the stairs. He removed his clothes and was sitting on his bed naked with nothing around him in a daze. Then a rap, rap came on his door.


"Mitch, it's Mom, could I come in"

A soft groan and big sigh. "Okay, Mom." He forgot completely that he was naked.

Bette MacPherson forced herself to remain silent when she saw her naked son. She hadn't seen his body for 3 or 4 years. He was gorgeous, a handsome adonis she thought. Then she noticed that he had an erection. 'Oh, my god. Just like his father.'

"How was your time with Craig?"

Mitch's eyes brightened, widened and blinked. "Oh, Mom he was wonderful. He was nice, gentle and tender to me. I know you don't know this stuff, but when he held me I felt I was transported to a peaceful cloud to lay in lavish opulence. We didn't do much, well, he did ......"

"That's okay, son. You are right. I don't need to know everything."

Bette MacPherson sat next to her son, her arm around his shoulder.

"I thought you would be staying all night?"

Mitch put his face in his hands. "Oh, Mom, I ran away. On the way home I decided that I was terribly homesick. It wasn't him. He couldn't have been better to me. And I .... oh, Mom, I didn't do .... repay ..... his kindnesses. I feel terrible."

"You can call him tomorrow, son. That would be the thing to do. Sound good to you?"

"I guess."

Mom speaking again, "And I think you should take a shower and get some sleep."

Mom had noticed the semen drops on Mitch's dark pubes which he hadn't taken care of.

"I'll go do that now." He started walking to his bathroom and realize with a shock that his cock was rigidly hard and swaying.

He looked at his mother, "Oh, Mom, I'm sorry." He covered his cock with his hands.

"Well, son, I have seen that one before." She grinned, "You are exactly the same as your father, balls and all."

Mitch blushed deeply, "Aw, Mom, you aren't supposed to .... "

"Of course, I am, you are my son, and when you hurt I hurt, and when you glow, I glow."

Mitch couldn't help rushing to his mother, naked and aroused as he was, and gave her the biggest hug and kiss. "I love you so much, Mom, you will always be my best girl."

Bette giggled at that, "Yes, Mitch, I imagine I will be, and now I want to meet my son in law just as soon as you can arrange it."

He howled at that. "You got it!!"

Mitch got his shower, dried and put a light powder on his body. That body of his which clearly glowed in thrills and excitement. He may have showered but he was still erect.

Laying in bed, pulling the sheet over him, Mitch made a decision, he would call Craig right then.

Grabbing his phone, he pressed the numbers he already had memorized, and waited.

A drowsy voice, the voice of his lover, "Hello?"

"Craig, babe?" Mitch played with his cock while he waited.

Silence, then. "Mitch, is it really you?

"Yes, Craig, I had a talk with my mother and she thought I should call tomorrow to thank you and apologize for deserting you. I decided I had to do it immediately. I'm sorry, , I apologize and hope you can forgive me. Will you? Please, I want to be with you. And I won't run away the next time."

Craig giggled on the phone, "Of course, lover, your spot in my bed is permanently reserved for you, no one else, ever."

"Whew, thank god for you, lover, I'll make it up to you. Promise." He giggled himself, "And while we are on the phone, when do you have to be at work?"

"Tomorrow, I work from noon to 9 pm."

"Okay, good, I will pick you up at 10 tomorrow morning and will take you to breakfast. And don't dress up for work. We'll go back to your apartment after breakfast. Would that be alright with you, Craig? I hope."

"Oh, Mitch, anything with you is fine. I'll be ready at 10."

'See you then. Bye."



"Well, Mom, that is going to have to stop. No more listening in on my calls. You get this one for free, though, cause I love you so much."

Bette MacPherson didn't hear Mitch say that, but she had come to the same realization.

A light series of chimes sounded in Mitch's bedroom, next to his ear. "Oh, man, it's seven a.m. already," Mitch complained, but then remembered. "Right, I'm going to have breakfast with Craig, that means it's a great morning."

Mitch decided on another shower before dressing. In his bathroom he stood in front of the big mirror, pulling in his abdomen, tightening his chest muscles and his butt. He smiled, knowing that he was almost as good as Craig. He hadn't seen Craig's cock very well, but what he saw made him think it would be huge when boned.

"Let's see, I pick Craig up at ten." On making that statement, Mitch smiled again. "Say, why shouldn't I go visit Craig earlier, even right now?" His excitement raced through his body. "Why not sneak in, I've got the key to his place." He was becoming even more excited and aroused, his cock was remembering the feeling in Craig's mouth. "Oh, god, Mitch, you are the luckiest guy anywhere."

Having dressed, Mitch went to the kitchen to have some orange and coffee, something to keep himself awake. His mother was sitting having her first cup.

"Good morning, Mitch, can I get you something."

He smiled, smirking, "Well, Mom, I'm supposed to pick up Craig at 10 a.m., but I think I'm going to get there earlier." He simpered just a little, "Craig gave me a key to his apartment last night when we got there. I think I'm going to surprise him. Maybe I can repay his hospitality of last night."

Bette MacPherson thought she understood what her son was going to do, how he would surprise his new friend. She prayed that their life together would be good, real, honest and always growing in love and respect.

On the night before, Steve and Matt pulled up two rocking chairs on their front porch of their farm house. The Saturday evening was warm and clear and they could see well by the starlight. They rocked. Their view showed Route 15 passing their property, an occasional car speeding along. The farm across the road had corn fields with straight rows that stretched far into the distance and some dairy herds spread out to the north and south.

Suddenly, Steve slapped his forehead. "Damn mosquito! They are starting to get bad, Matty." He rocked back and forth, "I'm glad we had the swimming pool built under roof and we can shut the glass doors in the winter, and the screens in the summer. Good thinking, my brother."

Steve reached out to hold his brother's hand and look at him intensely. They clutched each other hand tightly, revealing their deeply-felt feelings.

"Matty, what are we going to do? What do you think our Dad wants?"

"I don't know, Steve, I mainly wonder why he couldn't control wife. She is a real menace."

Steve raised his hand and Matt's to his mouth where he kissed his brother's palm softly, sublimely. "I am so happy that you found Hardy (well, he found you, actually)," he smiled, "and I found Gary. We're two very lucky men, we have our cake and can eat it too." He giggled, "I'm sorry about that, but you know what I mean."

"Yes, Stevie, I do. I am envious, though, of you and Gary."


Matt choked up, to tight to speak. Finally, "Because you have two wonderful boys to love and raise, boys who love you so much."

"Matt, those boys love you and Hardy just as much .....!"

BOOM! A thunderous noise interrupted them and a shock wave passed, rattling windows and trees, resounding around the area in a series of huge echoes. They looked to the south, past their barn to see a pyre of flame and smoke ascending into the sky.

"My god, what was that?'" Matt questioned. "Maybe we should go see, Steve?"

The two men got off their rockers and started to race to the fire. It was probably a quarter mile down the road, on the east berm, still billowing smoke and redness higher and higher. As they neared the spot, they found a man lying beside the road, immobile, outspread.

Matt knelt down beside him, looked at his face. "Steve, it's our Dad! What could have happened?" He felt for a pulse and found a strong one. "Well, he's alive, had the wind knocked out of him, I'd guess." A burning car was about 50 yards down the road, unrecognizable piece of wreckage.

"Matt, it looks like that car was blown to pieces. It is pure junk now. How could a car be blown up here, in the countryside?"

Matt put his fist to his chin, "I might just have a suggestion to that, Steve. Do you suppose our mother might be around here somewhere? Looks like her work, doesn't it?"

A groan from their Dad got the men's attention.

"Dad, it's Matt and Steve, what the hell happened." They gathered round him. Matt and Steve had been joined by Hardy and Gary, also Todd and Roger.

Gerald Ridgway sat up and stared at his car, burning fiercely and freely. They helped him up to stand on his feet. He staggered a little but then steadied himself.

He laughed, "That damn bitch almost got me that time." He looked at the gathering crowd. "Are we having a weenie roast?" He laughed again, "Sorry about the pun, guys."

"Dad, aren't you clever, and a homophobe to boot." Matt teased his father.

Steve spoke to his Dad, "Let's get you to the house. You can clean up and we'll talk. You have made a splendid entrance. We'll see if the show is worth the fee. Come on, Dad."

Matt walked to where his neighbors had stopped, to explain what had happened, blaming the explosion on his Dad's old car.

Except for some bruises and scratches, Gerald Ridgway had recovered from the explosion and the whole group sat in the living room.

"I'm very happy to meet all you guys, and Anne Wolfe too. Actually, I'm just happy to be still alive. The only reason I wasn't killed was because the car ran out of gas exactly where it blew up. I knew I was close to your house and decided to walk to your place to get help. I'd gone maybe 30 yards when it blew and threw me another twenty yards I guess."

Matt spoke up, "I knew that Blanche had made the acquaintance of some pretty shady characters. Somehow she tried to have me killed by hiring a hit man who almost succeeded. Luckily, a friend here in Windsor was able to deflect his attention and he missed. After our college graduation ceremony, she shoved a gun in my back and was stopped." At this point he hugged his lover sitting next to him. "Dad, Hardy is my partner and he's the one who saved me. I owe him a lot." He smiled at Hardy and wanted to kiss him, but refrained since his Dad was there. A little bit of shock at a time for ol' Dad, he thought.

"I don't understand how Blanche could figure out putting a bomb in your car and have it blow at just the right time." He added, "Or maybe he was supposed to park by our house before it exploded." Steve also asked, "Would she rig the device to explode when you ran out of gas, or stopped, or whatever. Maybe time?"

Matt thought, 'We are going to have to get Sergeant Reardon on the case. Maybe they have a technician who could figure it out. Of course, the evidence is probably totally burned.' He stood, "I'm going to call before someone else in the neighborhood does."

Steve decided, "Dad, it is getting late. We can't do much until tomorrow." He smiled, "I suppose everything you brought burned up in the car. Right?"

Gerald Ridgway nodded, "I'm afraid so."

"Dad, we have a spare bedroom right now which you can use until we can get you back home. We can give you clothes to get you by."

"Thanks, that's great, Steve. I appreciate it."

Matt put his hand on his father's shoulder, "I guess we are on your side, Dad, for now."

Write Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 27

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