Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 23, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

============== Chapter Twenty-one ==============

Karl Nordstrom said good-bye to Sunshine on Saturday morning, driving away in his Dodge Durango, heading for Bryan, Ohio, just 15 miles away where he had a storage unit on the outskirts of the city, among five long rows of storage unit buildings. Karl had hated to leave his Sunny, though they had made love earlier in the morning, but he always worried about his young lover, hoping he wouldn't get into trouble. He hadn't since they had been together, but Karl couldn't forget how they met and what happened that night.

Karl waited for all the people and cars within fifty yards of his storage unit to leave, then drove in close and unlocked the door. He turned on the light, but it was still dim in the cinder block cell, all of his equipment raised on wooden tables, away from any possible damaging water.

He picked up a four foot long, foot square case, somewhat like a trombone case, set it up on another table, opened the lid and checked each piece of gear he found inside. He opened another case which held all sorts of cleaning tackle, picked out what he wanted and went back to the first case where he spent about an hour cleaning that equipment. When he felt ready, he turned out the light, carried out the original case, locked the door and headed off in the Durango.

Karl got on the Ohio Turnpike as soon as he could, following the same route that the Dukes had taken in their RV the previous day. They would have arrived in River City last night and should still be in their motel, having breakfast and preparing to visit the Palace Theatre where they would practice that morning, and part of the afternoon if necessary.

This trip would take Karl over three hours, if he could make good time, that is, exceed the speed limit without getting caught. Once in River City, his plans were all made and would come together as he had intended. He knew where the motel was in which the Dukes were staying and he knew just where he could observe their activities and the location of their RV. He had not spent much time investigating the police department of River City since he expected to be in and our within a few hours.

So Karl settled in to make the drive as easily as possible, stopping only to fill up the SUV's huge tank, and to empty his own personal tank. While pissing in the urinal, Karl was not averse to searching for an unusually large cock, even one already at attention. This was not the time, two smaller boys on either side of him, maybe 13 or 14. But neither were showing wood. He wasn't a man for boys, he wanted men. Oh well, he thought, maybe coming back.

. Karl had brought plenty of CDs which he could play on the trip, soothing his mind and nerves with some excellent classical music, even some of his own recordings from piano recitals he had given. When he had first graduated from The Juilliard School in New York City, he'd had hopes of a concert career, playing with orchestras or recital tours. None of that had happened so he did what he could; first, teach, second, be thankful that his father had taught him how to shoot.

He settled in the SUV again and sped on toward River City.

The Dukes and Duchess had spent a fun evening at the River City Downtown Motel, located within a block of the Palace Theatre where they were to perform. Since they had eaten their evening meal on the way to River City, Matt had reserved a private room at Joey and Ben's restaurant, Montoni's Palatine Restaurant - an Italian Festa. They weren't having a meal, a sort of antipasto bar where the nine musicians could help themselves as they wished. Wine would be served to those old enough, that would be all except poor Todd. He enjoyed iced tea better than wine anyway.

Having found their rooms, unpacked their necessaries and freshened up, the Dukes all gathered in the private room. There they found Joey Montoni and Ben Heskett, the handsome proprietors waiting to greet them warmly, asking about their trip. Those two had been lovers for almost a year, living together in their own house, building their restaurant business together.

"Where's the boss?" Joey asked. Some shrugged their shoulders, some said he would be along soon and some grinned and waggled their eyebrows, saying, "Still in their room."

Joey smiled, but thought, 'Still in their room, eh, he and his boyfriend having a good time already.' Joey looked at Ben and whispered, "Matt's still in his ... ah ... their room. I remember that guy, man, what a hunk. I'd like a hunk of that."

"No, you don't Mr. Montoni, I'm the only hunk you get to play with," Ben countered.

Matt and Hardy walked in just as Ben was limiting Joey's choice of hunks.

"Hi everybody, hope you are getting enough to eat." The answers were muffled by full mouths and busy tongues. No one was eager to leave the banquet bar, not while any shrimp remained.

"Ben and Joey, this is a wonderful spread, just what I wanted. Thanks so much, guys." He hugged both of them, "Looks like the restaurant is going well, which sounds like a lot of work by you two." He shook the hand of each of them, strongly, sincerely. "I told the guys they would have to be in bed by ten o'clock, so they have another half hour. They have a lot to do tomorrow so need their sleep."

"Whoa, Matt, there's a dessert cart coming in soon." As he spoke the door opened and a dessert cart appeared filled with all sorts of desserts from decadent to diabetic suicide. And the rush was on.

Matt cornered Joey, "Brian said he would take care of this, but if he should forget, Joey, be sure to let me know and I will. Okay?" He gave Joey a fierce frown, "Do it!" Then smiled.

Saturday morning The Dukes and Duchess were all up, dressed, breakfasted and on stage in the Palace Theatre just a block from the motel. They all had their instruments and were carrying their costumes to practice changing in the wings, usually a quick change was necessary.

Two hours later Matt asked, "Anyone want to go over any part of the program again? If so, tell me now or forever hold your breath." He smiled, "Okay, put everything in the large dressing room which will be locked until tonight. Go back to the motel, get what you want for lunch in the coffee shop and charge it to me, then relax for the afternoon. Please rest as much as you can. We will have a very light supper at Joey and Ben's restaurant. You don't want much in your stomach."

"Okay, begone!"

Lee Washington was awake, lying on his hospital bed in his room. He'd been there almost a week. He was so pleased that the nurse had removed the catheter from his penis. After the nurse had taken out the catheter, he had to use a strangely shaped hospital men's urinal most of the week, but the last two days he could get up and go to the bathroom in his room. Then he felt weird wearing the hospital gown, open in the back exposing his buttocks. He'd noticed a number of people, hospital employees or not, looking in his room at him. 'Haven't they ever seen a light black man before? Maybe not one who had more white features than black.

Lee hadn't defecated since the doctor had removed the broom handle from his rectum, but the nurse said he would probably return to normal soon. He hadn't felt any urge to do it because he hadn't had much to eat, but hadn't really tried either. He didn't feel like he wanted to push in that area, afraid of causing more problems. He'd had enough trouble from his experience with Butch.

Sgt. Reardon had been in to see him, but Lee refused to say who had attacked him, he didn't want to set the cops on Butch, even though Butch had hurt him a lot. He for sure wouldn't press charges against him and he honestly didn't understand why not.

Almost a week before, Butch had called Lee in his dorm room, announcing his presence downstairs and said he wanted to see Lee.

"Geez, Butch, where the hell you been? You disappear and I don't hear a word from you for over three years."

"Lee, let's not get into that, okay? Come on down and we'll go for a ride. I want to see you, believe it or not, I've missed you."

Lee made a quick decision, "Okay, Butch, I'll come down, are you out front?"


Lee had only been wearing his undershorts, so took a few minutes to get the rest of his clothes on. He left the room, walked down three flights of stairs, found an old Ford Econoline van right in front of the dorm. He could see someone in the driver's seat, but couldn't have sworn that it was Butch.

"Hey, get your ass the fuck in this truck, now!"

After that outburst, Lee knew it was Butch in the driver's seat, any way you look at it. He opened the passenger door and climbed in. He pulled the door shut and looked at Butch. Lee was shocked, Butch looked so hard and almost savage, not the Butch who had left him over three years before. He looked dirty, his skin was dark with dirt and scrapes, mainly well used.

Lee tried to speak nicely, not accusative, "Where all you been, Butch? Three years is a long, long time." Butch look harshly at Lee.

"Hell, let's not get into that now, Lee. I got enough to say to you anyway." He rubbed his chin whiskers, scratching at his neck. "You spent a lot of time on me, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to do it, Butch, didn't want anything for it."

"Sure you did, you little son of a bitch. You wanted to present me in front of your friends like I was the chimp you trained to behave and have manners, and you learned me to be like you were."

Lee was almost crying, "No, Butch, I was trying to help you, get you a better life. That's all." He was determined that Butch wasn't going to make him cry.

"No, damn it, you wanted to make another you out of me. I took it a long time, as long as I could stand it, and when Uncle Zeke grabbed me, fucked the hell out of me, which I liked I can tell you, I wanted to leave with him. You always wanted to fuck me, I just knew it, but I wouldn't stand for that. I wasn't going to let you get your cock up my ass."

"I stayed with Uncle Zeke for about two months, then he left me in Columbus, no car, no money, nothin'." Butch was looking very depressed, "Then when I tried to hold up a convenience story, I got caught, sentenced to two years and I just got out."

"I'm sorry, Butch, you didn't deserve that." Lee looked very sad, tears in his eyes.

"Don't you start cryin' for me, Lee baby, I did what I wanted to do."

"What, end up in jail?" Lee couldn't resist nagging at him.

Suddenly, Butch started the truck and took off fast toward his old house. Butch's parents were both gone, his father shot in a holdup and his mother dead of a drug overdose. Butch was back in Windsor because he had heard about their deaths and knew the house was his.

"We're going to my house, it's my house now, Lee, both my parents are dead. I'm going to fix it up and sell it, then take off again. I wouldn't want to stay in this stupid city for long."

"Gosh, Butch, I'd be glad to help you with that, really." Lee was pleading with Butch.

"Shit, Lee, you don't understand what I'm saying. I ... don't ... want ... your ... help! Get it? I don't need you, I don't want you," he yelled, "I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP! I don't want to be another Lee Washington. Never! Don't want help from a NIGGER!"

Lee was stunned. Butch had never called him a nigger before. He was practically breathless. He also thought that Butch regretting using that word, he knew how Lee hated it.

Lee sat up and stared at Butch, who was so intense, so violent inside. "Okay, Butch, what the hell do you want to be, what do you want to do?" He flung the gauntlet at his old friend.

"Nothing! I want to live easy, do what I want and no one fucks with me. If I'm a slob, I couldn't give a shit. I always thought you were an idol, my idol, but I realized at last that you are no idol, you are no god. You are a leech, living off me, off me being your patsy."

'Damn it, Butch, that's bullshit. You had a chance. You aren't stupid, you have plenty of intelligence. That's what I was trying to show you. You had come so far, and you threw it all away, all for a greasy fuck, how many times did he fuck you, Butch? Did he ever let you fuck him?"

Wham! Butch's fist hit Lee's jaw, banging his head against the passenger window, knocking him out. By that time Butch had driven behind his folks house, in the shadow where no one could see them. He pulled the curtains around the van windows, then turned on the lights inside.

Butch got out of the driver's seat, slid between the two front seats and grabbed Lee under his shoulders, pulling him into the back. He was still out but breathing steadily. Butch stretched Lee out on one of two bunk beds and proceeded to strip him naked. He got shoes and socks off, then his shirt. Opening the belt, snap and pulling down the zipper Butch slid Lee's pants off along with his boxers, leaving him completely naked.

Neil drove into the hospital parking lot for visitors, parked and inside took the elevator to the third floor. Quietly, he walked down the corridor, past the nurses station where the cute blonde winked and waved at him. He'd been in to see Lee every day since he and Matt and Sgt. Reardon had brought him in, a sick and injured young man, practically unconscious and in lots of pain. Neil was early because it was Saturday and he was hoping to take Lee home.

He knew the nice black nurse who took care of Lee most of the day, and the doctor who had operated on Lee. Lee's internal injuries had been repaired and he just needed to heal. Neil wondered where Lee would go when he got out, they hadn't talked about it.

Neil entered Lee's room quietly, not knowing whether Lee was awake or asleep. He assumed Lee had breakfast a while before and the doctors should have made their rounds by then. But he found Lee sitting up in his bed, reading a paperback book, with a lurid and practically lewd painting of a sexy female in torn garments barely recognizable as clothing.

Neil laughed, "Hey, Lee, what in hell are you reading, a romance where the hero gets the girl, is that it?"

"Shush, Neil," he grinned, "this is my camouflage, a hetero book to hide my homo side."

Neil leaned over the bed, gave Lee a kiss on his cheek, smoothing his hair in place on his head. "Lee, your secret is no secret. One nurse and one doctor caught me kissing you while you were still out after your operation." He giggled, "I'm sure they have told everyone in the hospital. It may also have come out in the hospital newsletter."

Lee made a fist and whacked it into Neil's right shoulder, trying to show him he wasn't a jerk. He found out it hurt his fingers and Neil acted as if he didn't even feel it.

Neal took the fist, pulled it to his mouth and kissed that. "That should feel all better now. When you are out of here, you and I should take some body building exercises." He noticed the large bulge in Lee's sheet right above his crotch, 'Hmm, he thought, maybe I'm getting to him.'

Smiling, Neil asked, "I hear you are getting out today, man, that's great. Will you be going home?"

Lee's face dropped, his mouth bent down in sadness. "I don't know."

"Well, what did your parents say?"

Lee looked up at Neil, he stuttered, "Th ... they haven't been here."

Neil's eyes widened, his jaw dropped. He hesitated, but asked "Why not, Lee?"

"I called home the first day when I could talk well. I told them what had happened and that I was in the hospital. I waited, then my mother said, 'well, we hope you get better.' I haven't heard from them again. No visit, no card or flowers or anything." Lee's eyes filled with tears, his face exhibited his feelings of despair.

Neil tried to brighten up, "We'll see about that, Lee. I want to go get a cup of coffee, would you like one?"

Lee curled his lips into a bit of a smile, "Yeah, Neil, I sure would."

"Be right back." Neil raced out of the room to the nurses station.

He read the name tag, "Miss Barone, has Mr. Washington had any visitors beside me?"

The pretty blonde thought a bit, "Not that I know of, let me look at his charts."

While she was looking through the files with her back toward Neil, he could appreciate her figure, sexy as hell to a heterosexual man, it did nothing for him. Of course, remembering Lee's body on his porch could easily strengthen his cock into a iron bar.

"I don't find any record, Mr. Jordan, I wonder why not?"

"I think I'll try to find out."

Neil walked to the nearest waiting area, finding it deserted.

He punched the button for Lee's home which he had entered quite a while before.


"Hi, is this Mrs. Washington? This is Mr. Jordan, one of Lee's teachers at the college. I've been visiting him today and find out he will be released from the hospital today. Will you be here to pick him up?"

Silence ... then. "No I don't think that would be possible."

"Mrs. Washington, this is your son I'm talking about. He's your responsibility."

"No, you are wrong there. He's over 21 and is responsible for himself."

"Ma'am, he's had a serious operation and is still recovering. He IS still your son."

"Mr. Jordan, you misunderstand. He is no longer our son. He has been removed from our family by his own actions. That's all I'm saying. Good-bye."


"Oh shit, now what an I going to tell Lee."

A soft voice was beside him and Neil knew right away it was Lee. "It's okay, Neil."

He swung around, realizing that Lee had heard everything he had said.

"Oh, Lee," Neil's words were colored with his sympathy for his friend.

"I figured they had disinherited me completely. I'll find something." He looked weak and pale, not very steady.

Neil wrapped his arm around Lee's sides, holding him up, then walking him back to his room, helping him into his bed. From that angle Neil had a beautiful view of Lee's tight ass. With Lee settled, he spoke to him.

"Lee, there is no question what we are going to do. You will come home with me. You are not going to a bare dorm room and suffer. You understand me?"

Lee struggled to raise himself up from the bed, then wrapped his arms around Neil, "Oh, Neil, I won't argue, I don't have the strength."

Neil sat beside Lee on the bed, "My friend, you are staying with me. Can we get your things from your parents?"

"All I have, Neil, is in my dorm room. There is no more." Lee held tightly to Neil, his arms and hands were firmly secured to his body, his head resting on Neil's shoulder. "Neil, you are a good friend, man, and I will be eternally grateful."

Neil stood up suddenly, slapped Lee lightly on the back, "Come on, buddy, we'll get you home and in bed." He took a big chance and kissed Lee on the cheek, "Your chariot awaits without, sire." He laughed, hugging Lee while he pulled him up off his bed. And, Neil sneaked one hand underneath Lee's gown in the rear, taking a good grip on his buttocks. He didn't see Lee quickly swivel his head and show shocked surprise, then a knowing smile.

He giggled, "Hope you don't mind, Lee, I felt you needed a steadying hand," and roared.

Lee blushed, but still wiggled his butt in Neil's grip, Neil found the bag he'd brought that day, hoping Lee would be released. He looked into Lee's eyes, "We aren't the same size, but I brought the smallest size I had."

Quickly, Neil stripped the hospital gown from Lee's body, grabbed some boxers which he knelt down and held for Lee to step into. As he was helping him into them, the black nurse breezed into the room.

"Well, Mr. Jordan, I'm glad you are helping our patient get ready to leave."

Neil stood up to help Lee with his shirt. The nurse started to laugh, to roar, to have hysterics, "Mr. Jordan, pardon me," she guffawed again, "but you better fix your pants or the guards will think you are trying to smuggle some hospital equipment from the building."

Neil automatically looked down to his crotch, knowing what he would find. He blushed, then saw that Lee had noticed and reddened even more. "Sorry, folks, I have control over some things, but not that." He worked to push his hard cock into a less obviously noticeable position.

The nurse walked to Lee, held him in her arms. "Now, my little pumpkin, you better be careful out there, I love you but don't want you to come back." She kissed him on the cheek, "And, you stick with this man," she pointed to Neil, "he's a good one, believe me. There aren't that many of them around."

Lee hugged the big woman tight, a bit teary eyed, "Mama, I think I will follow your advice. Thanks for being so good to me, you are an angel." He smiled and kissed her cheek.

Mama laughed, "I'm no angel," she said, "ain't no wings that could lift this body." And she chuckled as did Lee and Neil.

Neil kidded her, "Mama, you don't need wings, you need a Space Shuttle."

"And you, Mr. Jordan, you take good care of my boy, here. He's had a hard time, and I know you'll make life easier for him." Neil nodded, choked up, unable to speak. "The wheel chair is outside the door, and I get to push him myself," she said proudly.

Somehow, Brian Whitlow had filled the Palace Theatre with an excited audience in the middle of which were maybe a dozen government officials from Washington and Columbus. The mostly young gathering talked, all worked up since many of them had seen the Dukes and Duchess at their earlier appearance in River City.

This theatre was much more luxurious than their previous auditorium, fancy decorations of a Moorish castle or Arabian Nights caravan, including the stars, clouds and moon racing across the high ceiling to bring visions of exotic entertainment of the East. The whole main floor was filled and some of the balcony, but Brian and his friends had worked miracles. Matt would be very pleased.

Coming across the apron under a brilliant spotlight, Matt introduced his group and explained the production, music, dancing and instruments with the name of each player. As he left stage right, the tall, red velvet curtain gradually parted to reveal the five Dukes and Duchess, frozen in place, ready to begin.

From the first note to the last, their routines were loudly applauded and cheered. The final number where the five changed instruments to finish up their program was especially awarded the most praise. While bowing and nodding, the Dukes first left the stage and came back with Roger and Jamal who also took a bow. Chris and Hardy left the stage, returned with Matt, made a single line across and they all bowed deeply. After one more bow by the Dukes, the curtains were closed and the show was over.

Brian and Mike would be entertaining the officials for a bit, but the visitors all were flying back to Washington and Columbus that night, back to duties in their seats of government. Mike had made arrangements to fly back on Sunday afternoon to their home in Arlington since he needed a booster shot of Brian's unlimited supply of cream up his ass before he could spend any more time in Washington.

Matt, Hardy and the Dukes adjourned after changing their clothes and returning their instruments and costumes to the baggage bays on their motor home. Most of them spoke to their driver, wishing him a good night and 'see you in the morning'. Their celebration was not wild, yet it was great because Matt said their program was the best ever. He thanked each of them for their help and energy, their dedication and willingness to work hard. He also thanked Jamal and Roger for their backstage work, very necessary to the smooth running of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Hardy notified everyone that breakfast would be served at Ben and Joey's restaurant. They usually didn't open until eleven, but just for the Dukes' nine members they would set up a buffet of a breakfast menu where they could choose their own meal. He explained it would help if all the Dukes could be at the restaurant by nine.

The morning in River City awoke chilly but with the promise of warmer temperatures by afternoon. As their first duty of the day, Matt sent Hardy to check on the motor home, assuming that the driver would have been warming it up for a while. Matt told him to tell the driver that he could come to the restaurant to have breakfast. As he neared the motor home, Hardy did notice the exhaust was puffing from the pipes, so the engine must be running.

When Hardy tried to enter the front door on the passenger side, he couldn't. It was locked. He looked inside and saw the driver behind the steering wheel on the left side. But the man didn't respond to his knocks and raps on the window. Hardy didn't have a key and be wasn't sure whether Matt had one either.

Back at their room Hardy explained what he had found at the RV. "What the hell is going on around here. I know this city is notorious for many criminals in the olden days, but now ....?" Matt said he didn't have a key, but he'd go out with Hardy to investigate. They both tried the door, but had no luck. By going to the other side of the RV, they tried to see inside where the driver was, but couldn't get high enough to tell what might be going on.

Matt made a step up with his hands together and Hardy was raised to the level of the driver.

Hardy slid higher on the side of the bus, "Matt, there's a hole in the window, a bullet hole I would guess."

"Oh, Matt, oh god, it looks like the driver has been shot. Oh, geez, his head is all mush and pulp, no shape left." He started choking, "Let me down, Matt, gotta get down."

Hardy, once on his feet, moved away, held on to a telephone pole, bent over and vomited. Since he hadn't had breakfast yet, there wasn't much, but that really didn't make Hardy feel better.

By that time Matt had his cell phone in his hand, calling Brian.


"Brian, this is Matt. Sorry to wake you, but we have a big problem. I can't believe this but it looks like our driver has been murdered, shot in the head and probably not long ago. I forget who your friend in the police is, but you better call him."

"Matt, don't worry, we'll get Nils on it right away. He'll probably bring Adam with him, they live together, you know." He hesitated, "I'm not going to wake Mike if I can help it. Be sure to keep everyone away from the bus. Okay?"

"Sure, Brian, everyone is in the restaurant and we'll keep them there somehow. Bye."

He turned to Hardy, "Are you okay, babe, should you go lie down maybe?"

Hardy shook his head, "No, Matt, but I will go there to brush my teeth, maybe take a couple Tums or aspirin or both. I'll see you in the restaurant. I really would like some breakfast, if I can stop remembering .... " Hardy made a dash to their room and the bathroom.

Nils Berger and Adam MacLeod lived together in River City, raising two young boys whom they were planning to adopt. That Sunday the boys, GB Gunn and Pete Withington, were on a Scout overnight in the park near the river, meaning the Nils and Adam were alone, a situation which happened rarely in their lives since becoming almost fathers. The boys did understand since they appeared gay also, but were a little more demanding than the men had hoped. All four loved each other as much as anyone could love another and were devoted

The two men had been exercising, one on weights and one on a machine, but had just about had enough. Both were sweating heavily, breathing fast and getting tired. In one corner of the room a shower stall was built, entirely of heavy glass and multiple heads.

Nils looked at the shower, "Hey, Adam, I'm ready for a shower. How about you?"

"Mmmm, maybe, but if you take your shorts and t-shirt off real fast, I'll beat you into the shower."

Nils believed Adam and stripped as fast as he could, then noticed that Adam hadn't moved. "What is this, Adam? I'm stripped."

Adam grinned widely, "I'm a little tired, don't think I can make it to the shower."

"Why, you ..... " Nils ran to the mat where Adam lay and leaped on top of him. He cushioned the blow by landing on his elbows and knees, but still knocked some breath out of Adam.

Now Adam was some bigger than Nils, and a fair amount stronger, but he never used it to overpower Nils. He believed in a relationship based on equality and worked at it. Nils sort of understood, but not quite. He did quickly work Adam's shorts off of him, and he was naked. The two were a vivid contrast in looks, but in this case they attracted the other extremely lustily.

Nils' background was completely Scandinavian, he was almost a platinum blond with a very pale complexion, over his whole body. The hair on his head was plentiful but except for a little under his arms and above his cock, he was bare. Even between his buttocks, he was hairless, Adam had looked often so he could be sure none had grown since the last time..

Adam was another story. There was Indian blood in his background which showed through his shiny black hair, his dark complexion and minor facial features. He was more muscular than Nils, but Nils still had nearly as hot a physique. Adam was not extremely hairy, light on his legs, arms and chest yet none on his back, butt or shoulders.

Nils was trying to suck Adam's tongue from his mouth, his own lips and tongue were searching among Adam's teeth and gums, cheeks and palate for his lover's softness among the hard bone and fangs. Their cocks were at full strength between their abdomens, pulsing and leaking precum all over their pubes and each other's cocks. Nils' precum was always delayed because of his foreskin holding it until Adam got his tongue under it.

Adam had cupped his hands around Nils' buttocks, flexing them with his fingers and working his thumbs between the cheeks into the valley of the dark.

"Why don't you turn around, Nils? We could deal with each other better."

In seconds they were in a sixty-nine position, Adam's long dark cock ensconced in Nils greedy mouth while Nils cock was being laved lavishly by Adam's tongue, licking and stroking. Adam's lips pinched Nils foreskin while his tongue dove slickly under the shroud to taste his lover's flowing cock juices. Adam's head slid up and down Nils' shaft, smoothing the velvet skin out and away from the head. Adam loved to stick his tongue under Nils' foreskin, especially before his cock was so hard the skin was fully stretched.

Both men were working hard, pulling on the boners until each man felt the stinging and tingling below their scrotums, gathering strength to travel the spinal column to their necks. As the potency increased, each knew the time was now, they were cumming. And they did, being consumed by their lover as the cum was pumped down their throats. Neither thought the taste could possibly be improved. Both held the cock in their mouth as they shrank to their midget size, and, wrapped their lover in their arms., in a closure daze of erotic passion. It took quite a few rings of their phone before they surfaced enough to answer the phone.

"H'lo" Nils moaned into the phone.

"Oh, no, I bet I called at a very bad time, didn't I, Nils." Brian snickered, "I'm sooooo sorry," he emoted.

Nils woke a little, "Oh, hell no, Brian, we just sucked each other off and swallowed every drop, we're ready for anything."

"How about a murder?"

"Oh shit, please tell me you didn't say murder, Brian, please. "

"Nope, can't. It's murder connected to our friend Matt Ridgway at the Downtown motel. So, shake a couple dicks and get there, please. And please do take a shower first," he snickered. "See you, bye."

Captain Nils Berger, head of homicide for River City arrived quickly with Adam MacLeod, his partner and life mate. Adam wasn't part of the police, he worked for Mike and Brian and was Brian's step-brother. Nils wasn't going to admit to anyone the he and Adam were sucking each other with a vengeance when Brian had called, Nils having missed their nightly romp in their Jacuzzi or the mats in their exercise room in the basement. But he was pissed inside and wouldn't recover until they got home after this investigation.

Matt was waiting for them out by the motor home. He'd already asked the Dukes to stay in the restaurant, no hurry to get home, telling Hardy to do his best to keep them inside. Nils and Matt shook hands, Adam, too, since they had met before but didn't really know each other. However, they certainly did admire the other men in every way, often dreaming about being with them, one or both. Nils and Adam knew that Brian and Mike had gotten it on with Matt and Hardy in Columbus and were pissed as hell. They'd love a chance at those two.

"Matt, first, what's the driver's name." That question from Nils was not anything Matt knew. They just called him Louie, that was all.

Matt offered, "We called him Louie, no last name. Actually I think he is from River City, when we needed him, we'd call Brian to relay the message and he would appear ready to drive."

"Any problems with him, drinking or not showing up, problems with the kids.?"

"I don't remember anything, Nils. He did his job, quietly, no fuss, drove well and was very careful with the motor home."

Nils pulled out his cell phone, called Brian's number, explained what had happened and wondered if Brian knew the man's name.

"Nils, I think Mike and I better come right down there. Don't do anything until we get there. Wait, is Adam there?"


"Okay, Nils, would you have Adam come here to get us. I'll let the guard know he is coming to let him in."

Nils was disturbed, "Is it that way, Brian? Do you think it would have something to do with your security?"

"I'm not sure, Nils, but I think caution would be the best."

"Okay, but I'll have to get the medical examiner here with the meat wagon, we'll move him out of the motor home, but Brian, the Dukes will have to have other transportation to get back to Windsor."

"While I'm coming to you, I'll get another motor home to get them home. Tell Matt that, please."

"Sure, Brian, talk to you later. I'll have more men here by that time. Stay safe, love, bye."

Nils was talking to the police chief of River City on the phone when Brian arrived with Adam and Mike, he was explaining the murder and what he'd done so far. "The body is headed for the morgue, Chief, and the investigators are working on the RV, trying to determine the time of death. We are concerned that maybe this could be a threat to Brian and Mike.

"I'm going to have to talk to the Dukes to see if any of them talked to 'Louie' this morning. I'll talk to you later."

"Could I have your attention, please? I am Captain Nils Berger, head of homicide for the River City police." The Dukes and guests had know something was happening but not what. "We've had either an accident, but probably a murder, though we're not sure as yet. And I'd like to ask you some questions, just for our information."

He smiled, looking each one in the eye, trying to make a connection of some sort. They were still in the private room at the restaurant where the breakfast buffet had been served.

"The driver of your motor home was found dead in the RV this morning." The gasps from the entertainers were sincere, the people shocked and stunned. "I know some of you spoke to Louie last night, but did anyone see him this morning. Anyone at all?"

The students looked at each other but no one could remember seeing Louie this morning. Actually none of them had been awake until ten minutes before breakfast had been served, that is, until the urge for food had knocked them out of the bunks.

"Well, I would appreciate your help. If any of you think of anything please contact me or any of the officers by the motel. We'll be taking your motor home for a closer inspection and investigation today, but I understand that your sponsors will have another motor home ready to go in an hour or so."

As Nils turned to leave, small groups of the Dukes erupted in quiet conversations, asking questions which couldn't be answered at the moment. Some of them wondered if this all would be kept quiet, or at least without a huge media expose. That would be a plus. Since none of them had known Louie, the shock wasn't great, just a little closer that reading about it in the papers.

Brian and Matt stopped Nils at the door and asked for a conference in private quarters.

Nils suggested the cab of Adam's big truck, bright red and gleaming in the sun. His truck had a crew cab with plenty of room.

Brian started talking as soon as the doors were closed. "Nils, I know who the driver is ... or rather was. He was one of my security company, not full time, but on call 24/7 and was used frequently. His name was Louis Nicodemo, a native of River City, graduated from the high school here and had been a policeman, a patrolman, with River City until about 5 years ago. I had asked that he be assigned more or less permanently with the Dukes motor home for the rest of the school year."

Nils questioned, "Was he a part of your actual security force, that is, on your houses and your cars, patrolling the lake surroundings?"

Brian responded, "He was more a floater, a substitute like when someone was sick or on leave. He had been performing very well, no problems at all." Brian was shaken, sad. But, I suppose we better look at the situation as a shot aimed at me to a certain extent."

They watched as a brand new motor home, exactly like the old one pulled into the motel.

"Let's let Matt go so that his group can get on the road." Brian turned to Matt. "And you, my friend, have pulled another extravaganza with the Dukes." He smiled, "I don't have any word from the big guys, but it should be a go. I can tell you that the governor wants the Dukes in Columbus before the end of your school year. Maybe at his next open house at the governor's mansion. I'll let you know."

Matt started squeezing out of the cab back door, "Thanks so much, Brian, again, for everything." He reached over to shake Brian's hand. They held their grips tightly, conveying a relationship between them above and beyond mere friendship.

"Remember, Brian, you have a room at The Dukes Ranch anytime. We'd love to have you with us. And remember we are mostly away from crooks and worse." Brian smiled fondly in Matt's face, "Keep a light in the window, Matt." He gave Matt's hand one more squeeze which was returned as they let go.

The bright sunshine outside the hospital Saturday morning in Windsor made Lee squint as the nurse pushed him into the brilliance. Neil soon pulled up beside them in his car and parked by the curb.

"Now, honey, you take care of this young man, don't make me come and beat you," then she roared with laughter and took Neil's hand, "don't worry, Neil, I know you will do good."

Neil grabbed her and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks, Mom, I'll take care of him."

He then helped Lee stand up and turn to face his nurse. "Thanks so much, Mom, I'll never forget you and I'll be in to see you, that's a promise," Lee said.

The nurse grabbed Lee, crushed him in her huge arms but tenderly. "I know you'll be fine. Just who do you think fixed you, huh?' And of course she laughed as loudly as ever.

Lee kissed her, too, as she helped him sit very carefully in Neil's front passenger seat. He smiled at her through the window when the door closed, but she could see the tears in his eyes.

'That poor boy,' she thought, 'kicked out by his parents, beat up by his old boy friend.' She did smile then, 'Now he's got a good man helping him, if only he will stay with him and forget about that bum to did that dirt to him.' She waved as they pulled away, a tear in her eye.

Neil was happy. He had Lee in his car, they were going to Neil's house which he hoped would be THEIR house before long and they seemed to have a good relationship. But Neil was worried that Lee was still hung up on Butch. That he could possibly be still in love with the man who damned near killed him, was inconceivable to Neil.

When they stopped at the next traffic light, Neil turned to Lee, smiled and said, "How you doin', Lee?"

Lee turned toward hin window and Neil knew he was crying. He reached and grabbed Lee's left hand, holding it tightly in his own.

"Lee, man, I'm here for you, you are with me and we are going HOME!"

Lee shifted toward Neil and sniffed, "I know, Neil, and you'll never know how grateful I am for all you've done." He looked down at their clasped hands lying on his thigh, "But I have to be straight with you. I love you, Neil, but I'm not in love with you." He faced Neil's eyes, "I hope you can understand that."

Neil pulled Lee's hand to his mouth and kissed the light brown skin on the back.

"Yes, I guess I understand that, my friend, but I have to be frank with you, too," he smiled with a wry twist on his mouth, "you have to understand that I will work constantly to correct that, I want you in love with me since I'm in love you." He accelerated through the green light, "Now, I guess we understand each other, right?"

Lee couldn't help smiling, "Well, at least you are honest with me."

"Yup, man, and I'll promise even more. I will not try to pressure you, nor will I force myself on you. I will depend on my winning ways and loving personality to win you over very quickly." They both laughed long and sincerely.

Five minutes after they drew up in front of Matt's old duplex, now leased by Neil Jordan, the two men had brought Lee's bag of rags into the living room. "Lee, tomorrow we'll go to your dorm and transfer your stuff from there."

Lee was told to stay on the first floor. "I'm going to fix up this day bed in the living room for you, you shouldn't climb the stairs yet, that's what your doctor said." He grinned, "And I'm going to give you a bell you can tinkle to get my attention. That takes a lot of guts for me to do." Neil laughed, "However, if you overuse it, I'll bury it in the back yard." He embraced Lee, holding him in his arms for a while. "By the way, Lee, you need to know that hugs are not pressure or force, they are me respecting and enjoying being with you, that's all."

"I'll accept that, Neil, with thanks. I will probably initiate some hugs, too."

In River City later in the morning, the Dukes had given their testimony to the police. The police would be keeping the original Dukes' motor home until tests were completed. Brian had decided to have the second RV painted with the Dukes name like the first one. He would sell the first RV as soon as it could be cleaned up, hoping the buyers wouldn't discover the crime perpetrated in it.

The Dukes were a solemn bunch getting on the RV, almost as in the ark since they were boarding in pairs, except in this case the pairs were the same gender, not opposite. Matt had made arrangements for Ben and Tony to fix a lunch for them to have along the way. They complied with that request in a splendid manner, fixing plenty of food and drink that should satisfy them. Matt congratulated the chef and business manager for the fine restaurant they had created, the excellent service and delicious food.

All of the Dukes equipment, instruments and costumes had been transferred to the new RV, packed away good so nothing would be damaged.

"Guys, this trip hasn't exactly gone smoothly for us, but your attention to us and our needs has been exemplary. Wish we lived closer so we could be your customers more often." He hugged both the young men, enjoying the youthful bodies against his. "Must say good-bye, but we'll remember your kindnesses."

The three men shook hands and smiled warmly with each other.

By the time Matt boarded the RV, the Dukes had settled in their seats, very quietly, hardly speaking. Matt wondered what he could do to liven them up. Then he thought, 'Maybe it might be better if they talked things over with their partner.'

Matt sat next to Hardy in the back and explained his thoughts to his lover. He spoke very quietly, "I thought the guys would feel better if they could talk separately in the bedroom. What do you think."

Hardy mulled over the suggestion for a while, finally seeing the purpose, realizing also that the couples could have sex if that was their choice. Otherwise they could just talk. "Matt, I think that is a great idea. We'll stress each couple will have a half hour and no one would enter until they had good warning."

Matt spoke to the group, "My friends, I know we've had a shock, a disturbing emotional incident happened and it is hard to come to some resolution of our thoughts. So, I had an idea. I'm sorry if this leave Chris in the lurch, but Hardy and I will be here to care for her. What I'm suggesting is that each of you three couples would have a half hour in the back bedroom to talk, sleep or whatever would help you two. The end of your time will be announced twice; first, the three raps on the door, and second, a couple minutes later, two raps. We expect you to respond to the knocking so we know you heard it. No one will invade your privacy., be assured of that."

He looked around and thought Todd and Roger seemed the most upset."Roger, would you and Todd be first? Use the time as you think best."

Roger stood, swaying slightly with the movement of the RV, and held out his hand to Todd. As soon as Todd took the proffered hand, the two were as one in another world walking back to the bedroom and quietly closed the door. Naturally, the remaining Dukes were wondering just what Todd and Roger would get up to. A few smirking grins appeared on the faces of some, but soon disappeared. Most disappeared into their own thoughts, working their way through the horrible scene which had involved them. The other two couples held hands, touching shoulders, or thighs or legs, not speaking.

BJ and LJ were the second couple and Rick and Jamal were the third. Their time in the bedroom was their own and no one else knew what happened between them. That will remain in their minds and bodies as a private, personal experience.

While the others were in the bedroom, Hardy and Matt talked with Chris about what had happened at River City, quickly deciding that she had a good attitude about it, being honestly aware of the circumstance, but not frightened or at all disturbed. When the last couple appeared from the bedroom, Matt suggested that he was hungry and hoped everyone else was because Ben and Tony had prepared a fine lunch. So they eagerly ate every crumb so neatly packed.

While the Dukes were stuffing their faces, seeming much more relieved, relaxed and cheerful, Matt and Hardy went into the bedroom, making sure everyone knew where they were headed. Once in the bedroom with the door closed, Matt asked Hardy to take his pants off and give him his boxers.

"You want my boxers. What for?"

Matt laughed, "I'll show you. Hurry up."

He couldn't remember what boxers Hardy had put that morning.

Hardy, mystified to say the least, giggled and took his pants off, then slid his boxers down from his hips. "Matty, pull off my pants."

He sat on the bed and stretched out his legs straight.

Matt grabbed the bottoms and pulled until the pants came off. Hardy also slid his boxers off and picked them off the floor.

"Oh, perfect, Hardy, you're wearing your "hearts" boxers. That's great. Now, put your pants back on. Hurry."

"I'm confused, Matt," he whined, "first you want my pants and underpants off, now I'm supposed to put the pants back on. Wasn't there a action we skipped there? My boner is still there."

"No, Hardy, I'll get to you after we get home. Now, follow me out and try to push your boner so it is less noticeable, okay?" Hardy blushed, but did what Matt wanted.

Matt opened the door just a couple minutes after they had gone in the bedroom and went back to there seat. "Ah, could I have your attention, please?"

When the Dukes were quiet, Matt stood and pulled Hardy's boxers out of his pocket. "Ah, guys, I found these in the bedroom and the owner can get them from me privately when we arrive." He sat down and he and Hardy started to eat was little was left for them.

Now, none of the Dukes knew to whom the boxers belonged, though each man knew that they weren't his own. But they could belong to one of the other couples. Matt noticed that all the guys were blushing red in sympathy with the other couples. He was hoping that none of the men had been actually wearing "hearts" boxers. He also wondered if the guys would start asking questions among themselves, but that would be all right, in fact he hoped they solved it.

As the motor home was pulling into the Music Building parking lot, Jamal stood up and said, "Before we get off this bus, I have a guess to make. It is my belief that those boxers belonged to ............... Hardy Wolfe." He looked at Hardy who was beet red, blushing from head to toes.

The motor home was filled with laughter and applause.

Roger spoke up, "But they weren't in there two minutes."

"That's the idea, Roger, it was a big joke. Get it?"

Matt was happy. He'd managed to liven up their ride home and he had a bus full of happy young people.

He stood, "My friends, you performed an excellent program last night but I don't know if we scored or not. We should know before too long, I hope. Brian said we shouldn't be too much in a hurry, bureaucracy, you know. You all are wonderful, I am always impressed with your performances. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

That night, Lee slept on the living room couch while Neil tossed and turned in his own bed, unable to take that final step into depths of sleep. He'd been up to pee twice though he really didn't need to, then downstairs once to have a warm cup of cocoa. He didn't even want to admit it to himself, but one trip to the john was to jerk off. And yes, Neil thought of Lee all the way through the climax, letting it drip over his hands, cock, scrotum and legs.

A warm wash cloth quickly cleaned him up, but still didn't bring sleep.

Lee had dropped into slumber as his head lay on the pillow, and he lay in his favorite position, on his stomach with one leg bent and pulled up even with his navel. When trying to sleep, he also had a tendency to rock his body a bit from side to side.

Once asleep he was fine until he started to dream, to remember that last time with Butch. He relived waking up in Butch's van, his head hurting from cracking against the window when Butch hit him and realizing that he'd been stripped naked.

Smack! Smack! Lee jumped when he was slapped by Butch, slapped twice on the butt, hard! "Ouch, damn Butch, that hurt. Why are you hitting me?" His arm had move so his hand might help protect his buttocks.

Butch immediately grabbed Lee's hand, twisting it until Lee screamed with pain.

"Shut up, you little fag, you fairy creep, I gotta teach you a lesson."

He hit Lee on his head with his fist, cracking his head just where it had hit the window.

"Ohhhh, ahhh, Butch, please, don't hit me. I'm not hurting you, man."

"And you ain't ever gonna, sucker, I'll teach you stuff about hurtin'." He sat on the bunk next to Lee, "See, you ain't gonna teach me any more, I don't want any more, you fuckin', fairy fag ..... hey, Lee, you taught me about that - that is ... ah ... ah ... alliteration, ain't it, you cock sucker, see, I did learn stuff from you. But what the hell can I do with it. Nothin'."

With that Butch hit Lee in the face with his fist, right on his eye, then kept on hitting Lee until he only moaned, couldn't even defend himself or move away. Then Lee did stop moving.

"Wha cha doin', Lee, you playin' possum on me, hiding ..... oh, maybe ... maybe I been hittin' you too hard. Huh?" He tried to pull Lee's eyelid open but it was too swollen.

"Well, you need to be awake for my last and most important lesson. Just you wait, you'll love it." Butch went up by the driver's seat, grabbed a thermos bottle, opened it and drained it on Lee's face. The cold liquid did manage to wake him, to make him feel all the aches and pains in his body from Butch's assault, all those hard punches he viciously rained on the young man who groaned and jerked with each one. Lee couldn't speak, couldn't answer Butch's questions since he could barely stay awake.

"Okay, my little assfuckin' fag, my queer teacher who tried to make me just like him. I've always known you would most like to get my cock up your asshole, poke it in your butt with my hard on boner. Well, my little faggie, you were never going to get that, not in your ass."

While Butch messed around in the back of the van, Lee just managed to ask Butch a question, "Hey, Butch, how many times did you let your Uncle Zeke fuck you. That sounds like you're a faggot to me, a flamin' queer asshole, a ....." Whack. Butch let Lee have another powerful fist in his stomach. Lee did throw up then, all over the van interior.

"Damn, son of a bitch, you shit eater, now you will get it."

Lee was worried when Butch turned him on his stomach and knelt between Lee's legs.

"Now, Dear Little Lee, here comes your lesson. I'm sure as hell not fucking you with my cock, so here's my substitute, right ... up ... your .... virgin asshole."

Lee's screams must have been heard blocks away, but no one heard or cared if they had.. When Butch shoved the sawed off broom stick through Lee's anus, into his rectum until it stalled, Lee knew he had never felt such pain inflicted on his body, his ass and his abdomen. He could only yell "Get it out, Butch, take it out", before he fainted and stayed out.

A mild thought that he might have really hurt Lee raised in Butch's mind, but was soon forgotten while he tried to decide what to do next. He made up his mind and drove to where that teacher Mr. Jordan lived, where Lee had been spending a lot of time sneaking in and probably getting some hot ass. The streets were pretty dark that time of night and the lights were off in Mr. Jordan's house.

He stopped the van and quietly opened the rear doors. Lee was still unconscious, wholly limp and actually a dead weight when Butch picked him up and over his shoulder. Butch would have laughed had he seen himself with a naked body on his shoulder that had a thick round stick coming out of his ass, waving like a flag in the night air.

Naturally Butch just dumped Lee on the wooden porch, letting just fall flat, his limbs making dull thuds on the wood. At least he didn't let him fall on his butt.

Lee was living through that horrible scene in his nightmare and actually screamed exactly as he had in the van. And screamed just as loudly from the phantom pain he remembered feeling. Neil heard him, fearing something had happened to Lee from his operation or his insides. He jumped out of his bed and raced to the living room.

Lee was sitting up in the couch, eyes wide, staring at the door. His hands were pressed to the sides of his head, over his ears to stop the screeching ringing in his head. Lee's forehead was dripping sweat and wrinkled by a frightful grimace on his countenance, his handsome features so grossly distorted.

Rushing to his side, Neil sat beside him, enfolding the young man into his embrace, all the while speaking soothing words, murmuring his sentiments as his hands rubbed Lee's back and shoulders, pulling Lee as closely as he could.

Lee was sobbing then, breathing in short gasps, heaving in shudders that were echoed in his whole body. His head soon lay on Neil's shoulder, tears soaking the older man's t-shirt and neck. He spoke very quietly but his mouth was practically inside Neil's ear, "Oh, Butch, why .... why did you do that to me ... I did nothing but love you and you treat me like dirt. I won't condemn you, Butch, but I still want to see you." His voice broke and he was crying again, just weeping, not sobs then.

Neil addressed Lee, "So, Lee, it was Butch, wasn't it? You just told me and I don't know if I can keep quiet about it." He tried not to show his anger, "He beat you, hitting you all over, and then raped you with a stick, damn near killing you. You do understand that, don't you, Lee"

The younger man, dark and slim, practically in a fetal position, clung to Neil, "No, Neil, I do understand. It was all my fault, I was trying to make him to be like me. He didn't want me to do it but I kept at him all the time. I can understand why he hit me, and maybe I did want his cock up my ass, so he was showing me I wasn't going to get it." He bowed his head, "But I never, never would have tried to do it, to make him do it."

"Lee, I think you should just lie down, let me get some cream lotion. I'll be right back."

Lee was quiet, but his eyes were still wide open, staring blankly at the wall.

Neil pulled the sheet down to Lee's waist, then spread the lotion on Lee's back, rubbing it in his flesh while he tried to help the young man. Calmly Neil spoke, "Lee, this will be warm and soothing, just relax." Neil was smoothing the creamy thick liquid on Lee's back, shoulders, arms and waist, actually caressing Lee with it and his fingers.

"That feels good, Neil, thank you." He relaxed gradually, muscle by muscle, following where Neil's hands had been. His eyes were closed, settling under the calmness. The young dark man moaned, or rather hummed in a monotone, putting himself in synch with Neil's pressure on his body, loving the feeling. Very soon Neil could tell that the injured boy, really, was sleeping. He hoped that Lee didn't have another nightmare.

Neil was still worried because Lee hadn't seemed to recognize that Butch was his enemy, probably his fatal enemy, if he attacked Lee another time.

Neil and Lee slept late on Sunday, ending up having brunch around noon. Neil was a good cook, at least where breakfast was concerned. For them he made crepes filled with eggs, cream cheese and prosciuto, then served half cantaloupes and finally a warm brownie with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge on top.

Lee was soon full and contented, kicking back on the couch while Neil sat with him, watching over him. The older man was pleased when Lee fell asleep. He pulled a homemade afghan up over his guest, to keep him warm, tucking it under his shoulders. Neil assumed that Lee was sound asleep and kissed him on the forehead, then turned away and dimmed the lights. Lee's eyes parted just slightly, his mouth turned up in a smile and he sank all the way asleep.

Back in his bedroom, Neil decided it was time he could call Matt to tell him what had been happening.

Matt hadn't been busy, just resting in bed with his lover, Hardy. They needed rest because Matt had just paid Hardy back since they couldn't have sex on the motor home on the way back to Windsor. Neil told them just what had happened on Saturday, then bringing Lee home with him, and then the nightmare last night. And he repeated how he felt about Lee's feelings for Butch. "Good God, Matt, he was blaming himself for Butch practically killing him."

"You know, Neil, I think we need to know more about Butch, much more. I wonder if we could find someone who knew him well in high school. Maybe we have someone in band who was in the same high school class besides Lee. All we know about Butch is what Lee has told us and I'll bet there is a lot more information which would help us help Lee.

"Would you, Neil, have time tomorrow morning to check the records and maybe find somebody who was around Butch back then?"

"Sure, Matt, I'll be glad to. I'll see you before your seminar."

Matt had scheduled an appointment with Rick Balsaam, one of those students that Neil had recommended as someone who should know Jerry Butcher.

Rick knocked on Matt's office door and went in when asked to do so.

"Hi Rick, thanks for coming."

"No prob."

Matt smiled, "Rick, your playing Saturday was absolutely super. You have improved so much in the last year."

"Thanks, Dr. Matt, I appreciate your confidence in me."

"I want to ask you about someone I'm not sure you know, but here goes." He continued, "This is important but it is not a quiz. I want to ask you about a young man your age, his name is Jerry Butcher."

Rick thought just a second. "Oh, yes, Matt, I knew him. He was in my class at Windsor High School."

"Did you know him very well, were you buds?"

Rick looked down at his hands, "Well, yes, our last year we bummed around a lot, Matt, though I'm a little embarrassed about it."

"Rick, I need information about him, what you would consider very personal information. What was your relationship like?"

"Well, it doesn't matter much, you know that I'm gay, as gay as one can get. Butch and I had sex a lot our junior year and the first half of the senior year, then he disappeared."

Matt pushed ahead, "What kind of sex did you have?"

With this question from Matt, Rick felt even more embarrassed. He finally decided to tell everything. "Dr. Matt, all Jerry Butcher wanted was a dick up his ass. It was open season on his asshole for any guy with a hard dick who wanted to fuck. And he had guys waiting in line to ram their cocks up in his rectum. He liked it rough, too, as rough as you could make it."

"What else did he do, Rick, did he fuck or suck?"

"As far as I know he never did that himself. He just had a big ol' horny itch up his ass which he had to have scratched."

"Rick, something else, did you know any difference in Butch by the end of his junior and into the senior year?"

Rick had to ponder on that question. "Yeah, I'd forgotten. Not long after I started fucking him, it was easier to take because he started taking more baths, at least one a day. He smelled a lot better and particularly, his asshole was actually smelling clean." He scrunched up his nose, "Sometimes he was awfully gross between those buttocks." He groaned.

"Why do you think that happened?"

"I don't know, Dr. Matt, but I remember not being able to find him most evenings or most nights."

Matt was trying to think how to ask more questions without revealing what he knew about Lee Washington. "Your last two years, had you seen Butch in the company of anyone unfamiliar, or surprising because of who they were?"

Rick seemed to be thinking hard, not making much headway. "No, not that I can think of. I'm sorry." He appeared unhappy that he couldn't help.

"Okay, Rick, thanks a lot. If you think of anything, let me know."

Rick opened Matt's office door and left, shutting the door softly.

Almost immediately, Rick swung the door back open and said, "I thought of something, Dr. Matt," he smiled, "remember this was almost four years ago."

Matt smiled at Rick, enjoying his eagerness, "There was one guy who was around a lot those two years. Hey, and I think he's in our band. Lee Washington."

"Yeah, you're right, Rick, he is in the band. He was around Butch a lot back them?"

Matt knuckled his chin, thinking where to go from here.

"Rick, I'm going to trust you with some information that would be bad if it were spread around the band and school. Can I?"

"Sure," Rick adopted a more serious countenance.

"Well, Lee was beaten up last week and just got out of the hospital Saturday. He had to have an operation." Matt paused, "He was injured in a way that makes us sure it was Butch who did it. Would you expect something like that from Butch?"

"Well, Butch was tough, and rough, too, but I don't know. It must have had some special meaning between the two of them."

"Do you think they might have had sex together way back?" Matt was trying everything.

Rick looked embarrassed then, "Dr. Matt, I hate to say this, but Butch was always going on about 'niggers' and how he hated them, how bad they were and would have nothing to do with them." He considered his next words, "I think even if Lee had been the last man on earth, Butch would NOT have had sex with him."

"Well, that follows my thinking. Thanks a lot, and remember it could hurt Lee a lot if this all got around. It may get out, but I hope not." He smiled, and shook Rick's hand. "Thanks."

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 22

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