Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 20, 2004


Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at authorpaul@mail.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon


The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all is well. P.D.

=========== Chapter Twenty ===========

After Matt phoned Hardy, explaining he had been helping Neil with Lee, he and Neil settled with some coffee on the couch. They enjoyed each other, talking and comparing notes on students.

"Neil, I assume you have become well acquainted with Lee, what, over a couple of months? Right?"

"Yeah, you won't remember, but Lee was the student who gave me a tour of the campus and music department on my first day at Windsor. We got to talking and just sort of clicked, wanting to know each other better.

Matt turned toward Neil, "Do you have any idea who might have hurt Lee?"

"Yes, but Lee wouldn't tell me when I asked him. Let me tell you about this guy."

Neil related what Lee had told him about Butch in high school, actually Windsor High School, and how he took off with a biker, suddenly, with no warning.

"I would bet a lot of money, if I had it, that Butch beat him up, then rammed that stick up his ass. I warned him about Butch, I felt he was a basket case, especially when he took off. I'm sure that Lee welcomed him back like a lost child, expecting a lot of gratitude. And all he got was a lot of grief." Neil wiped his face, "If we are going to find out who it was, we'll need to learn Butch's name. Lee would never tell me."

Matt was thinking, "We have no idea where Butch has been the last three years. Let's check with the high school first. Try to find the annual for three years ago. Hopefully Butch had his nickname put under his name."

"Good idea. Let me do that, Matt, I have more free time than you have."

"Okay." Matt was looking around his old house. "Neil, I am so pleased we bought that farm house. It makes living so much easier, even though there are nine people living there." He patted Neil on the shoulder, "You know, buddy, I was satisfied with this place, as I suppose you are now, not dreaming of anything else."

Neil answered, "I do like it, Matt, it's fine, no more than I need. Just right." He paused, "In fact I'd like to lease it when your lease runs out. Okay?"

"Sure, Neil, anything to help." He looked at his watch, "Geez, it's almost 5 am and I am very tired. How about letting me sleep here on the couch? Wake me when we're called, or at least by 7 am. Okay."

"That's fine, Matt. I'll go up to my bedroom and answer the phone there. See ya."

Matt Ridgway was asleep on the sofa in his old duplex. He and Neil, sleeping upstairs, were still waiting for news from the hospital about Lee Washington on this early Sunday morning in late April.

Matt was alert enough to hear the two creaky treads on the stairs by which he knew that Neil was coming down very quietly. Keeping his eyes almost closed, Matt saw when Neil looked into the living room, dressed only in his boxers and white socks. Neil was smiling as he viewed Matt's body, no cover on, wearing just boxers, too, but his long hard cock was coming out of the fly.

Neil did stand there for a while, gazing at his boss's huge hot rod, the longest Neil had seen, he thought. Thick, too. 'Oh man, Hardy sure is a lucky guy', he thought, 'maybe I'll be lucky enough some day to find me a cock like that, especially on as good looking a man as Matt.'

Matt had put his cell phone beside his pillow and suddenly heard its chirping. He sat up fast and retrieved it. He looked up to see Neil still in the doorway.

"Come on in, Neil." He patted the sofa pillow next to him.

Neil did walk over and sit by Matt, all the while staring at Matt's red hot poker sticking straight up from his groin. His mouth was actually salivating, so much that he was constantly swallowing.

"Hello," Matt answered.

"Hi, Matt, this is Dr. Burke."

"Yes, Doctor, what's the news, he's okay?"

"Lee is out of surgery in the ICU for a while. We found a tiny break in his colon which was leaking fecal material into his intestinal cavity. So we had to operate. The incision is very small, Matt, but the main problem will be possible infection. We tried to drain as much infectious matter as we could find. We are feeding him tons of antibiotics in the hope of controlling any infection quickly. He's going to be very uncomfortable for a while although he is on pain-killers."

"What about visitors? I know Neil Jordan will want to see him as soon as possible."

"I'm going off duty soon, but I will try to set something up. Visiting will be limited for some time, but I'll arrange it for him. I guess he couldn't be his brother, could he?"

"Probably not, but Lee's mother is white, so he could be his half-brother or cousin."

"I'll work something out, just have him give his name and that should do it." He took a breath, "Lee is going to be fine, Matt, tell Neil that, and he should be out of the hospital within 3 or 4 days, mostly because we are being cautious about the infection."

"Thanks so much, Doctor, I'll try not to bring you any more casualties soon. Thanks."

Matt put his arm around Neil, pulling him close. "Lee is going to be fine. He get out of the hospital within 3 or 4 days, probably. He did have an internal injury so they had to operate, no question of waiting." Matt looked down at himself, seeing his hard cock still rising out of his boxers. "Geez, Neil, I'm sorry." He started to push it back where it belonged.

Neil grinned, "That's okay, Matt, don't put it away on my account." He giggled, "I've never seen one that big."

"My brother has one exactly like it," Matt said proudly. Neil grinned back.

Neil slid an arm around Matt's back, holding on tight. "I'm sorry, Matt, but I'm still worried about Lee and what he'll do when he's out of the hospital. I'm afraid he'll go back looking for Butch again, and Butch will probably kill Lee the next time."

Matt leaned back on the sofa, pulling Neil with him. "Then, Neil, we will have to find this 'Butch' and deal with him. He's got to pay for that assault on Lee, I don't care what Lee says."

"Yes, but what can we do?"

"You and I can do a lot, but I'll first try to get his name if I can. Look, I'd better get home to let everyone know where I've been. Thanks for your hospitality, Neil," he gave the younger man a good squeeze, "and if you need time off to take care of Lee, just let me know, okay?"

"Sure, Matt, you've been great. I'll give you a call after I see him. Hope I can keep a happy face on, I sometimes have a tendency to shed tears much too easily.'

"If you did, I think it would be very normal, Neil. Give him my best wishes."

Neil looked at Matt's face, grinning like an idiot, "Could I ...? Could I touch it?"

Matt rolled his eyes up in his head, "Oh, I suppose," he sighed, "but just a touch." Then he smirked, just a little.

"Oh, man, oh what a hunk of meat. And so hot." He pulled his hand away, "Thanks," and got up. He giggled, holding his right wrist with his left hand, waving his hand up in the air, "I'll never wash this hand, ever." He sounded serious, it seemed to Matt.

The lights in the ICU where Lee lay were on low, but Lee's dark head shone on the pure white sheets. To Neil, Lee looked so small and so in need of protection and love. Neil moved quietly toward the bed, noting all the monitors above Lee, screens flashing numbers and graphics, tubes and wires. Actually Neil knew what most of the signs meant because he worked in a hospital while in high school for his community credits. He soon located the tube which he knew should lead to Lee's cock and bladder.

At the bedside Neil leaned over Lee's head and whispered, "Lee." No response, so he tried louder. That time Lee's eyes flickered, and finally opened. It seemed to take a few seconds for Lee's eyes to focus, but soon a tentative smile came to Lee's lips.

"Hi, Neil," Lee spoke hoarsely, weakly.

"Hi, buddy, how are you feeling?"

Lee lifted one hand in the air, the one without the intravenous needle and wires. Neil grabbed Lee's hand with his own, squeezed his thumb lightly and got a return clasp.

"Pretty well, Neil." He paused to swallow, "I want to thank you for getting me to the hospital. I must have been some sight." He smiled again, "And, I guess I still am."

"You are pretty well covered up, man, so I can't see all I saw last night."

Neil again learned that Lee could blush and it would show. "You might do that again when I'm all better, Neil. I wouldn't mind." He bashfully bent the corners of his mouth up.

"Let's take things a step at a time, Lee. I was told you will be out of here into a regular room soon, so I'll bring you flowers, candy and fruit, but I'll only bring the kinds I like." He grinned.

Lee also smiled, but quickly a frown came to his face. "Oh, geez, Neil, I gotta pee bad."

"What do you think you've been doing with it so far, Lee?"

Neil bent way over Lee's head and gave him a kiss on the forehead, "Lee, you can just let go, they have a catheter up your penis and it will go into a bag that's hanging beside your bed." He kissed again, "Didn't they tell you that?"

"Sir, I just came in to see if Mr. Washington was awake and I planned to tell him all about that stuff .... and more." The round, smiling face of a black nurse was directed at Lee and her hand rested on Neil's back in a friendly way. That time Neil blushed, caught kissing his friend.

"Well, I told him there was a catheter in his penis so he wouldn't go on the bed." He snickered, looking at the nurse, "I sure hope that was correct. Or you have a bed to change."

"Hah! I'll make you change it, buddy, he's your friend, and you told him to."

"Oh, no," Neil cringed, faked being afraid, "I've never ......!"

The nurse started laughing loudly since Lee was the only patient in ICU. She pounded Neil on the back rather strongly, "That's a good one." She looked at them suspiciously, nodding at Lee, "He's in good shape, gettin' along okay, I suppose you could get in bed with him if you wanted." She laughed more as she slid out of the room, watching Neil stand by Lee's bed, his face bright red with embarrassment. She had thought they were a couple, partners. 'Well,' Neil thought, 'I could do a lot worse, a whole lot worse.'

"Won't you tell me, Lee, wasn't it Butch? Please, he could have easily killed you. If that broom handle had gone up much further, it would have."

A dark cloud passed over Lee's face, furrowing his brow and turning his handsome face into something looking grim and foreboding. But Lee said nothing.

"Okay, Lee, but you must tell sometime. Sergeant Reardon of the police will probably be in to see you this afternoon. They know you didn't fall down stairs and land right on a broom handle." He softened his expression.

"I'll come back this afternoon to see you, Lee, after I teach my students to squeak on every reed instrument known to mankind. Take care, Lee." He leaned over to plant another kiss.

"Ahem," came from the doorway, where a doctor stood, who looked fierce, then smiled, "I hope you bring good cheer to my patient. From the looks of him, I'd say you did."

Lee was smiling at Neil's second red face in a couple minutes.

"I hope so, doctor, sorry if I'm in your way."

"No bother, come back later, you are obviously good medicine for this man."

A thought had come to Matt while he'd been going to sleep the previous night. He wondered if it was too early to call Mike or Brian. Since the time was 6:26 in the morning, he assumed they wouldn't be awake. Well, he'd call from the school.

Matt rolled over toward Hardy, merging their bodies, blending their spirits. He wrapped his arms around his lover and pushed against him, feeling his hard cock slide between his cheeks, enjoying the sensations of touch and impression of warmth and dampness on his shaft and head.

Hardy finally moaned softly, "Matty, I was just having a wonderful dream. You and I were in our Jacuzzi and your cock was up my butt and it felt so good." Hardy held Matt's arms with his hands, rubbing the dark hair on his forearms, awash in his affections for his mate.

Matt nuzzled his nose into Hardy's neck, placing light kisses all around. "Hardy, we could make that cum true right now if you want. What do you say?"

Hardy nodded, so Matt picked him up with a little difficulty and carried his dearest friend to the bathroom where he slid him slowly into the warm water. The two had decided to keep the Jacuzzi warm, they could afford the electric bill and then it would be available any time.

Matt glided in beside Hardy's strong, defined naked flesh, his aroused, rock hard cock preceding him, accidentally finding its way to his butt.

"Are you ready, Hardy? Can I cum in?"

Hardy turned his back to Matt, kneeling on the seat and leaning over the edge, his butt hanging in the water.

"Go to it, big man, I need you in me. I need you to fill my butt with your hot rod and soon with your life force. Do it!"

Placing his cock head against Hardy's anus, Matt gave notice that he was there and Hardy somehow opened his chute to his partner. Matt's cock slid in, aided by his precum, until the head was beyond the sphincter. Hardy didn't wince or cringe any more when Matt's cock entered his hole, not like he did at first. He'd become accustomed to the size, though he'd been hitting bottom more often recently. Matt leaned his chest on Hardy's back, his nipples instantly sensitized by the erotic feeling of his muscles and he reached into his lover's crotch with both hands grabbing Hardy's throbbing poker, moving forward and backward on the shaft.

By that time Matt's whole lance was ensconced inside Hardy's rectum, hot and moist. Hardy was moaning softly, "Fuck me, Matty, give it to me good, all the way in .... oh ... that's so hot." Hardy was waving his ass side to side, forcing Matt's cock to hit different parts of his rectum, including his prostate at times. He knew it was near, when those driving sensations started building in his groin to spread up his spine to his neck.

"Matty, I'm cuming .. love .. cum with me, please. It's cuming ... now ... NOW!" he yelled. The gyrations of Hardy's asshole and sphincter told Matt he was cuming so Matt gave one last huge plunge into Hardy's body and his cum swashed violently in Hardy's innards, from one side to the other. His whole body spasmed with Hardy's, clutched together in their throes of passion.

Soon the two hunks relaxed in the water, Hardy's cum floating lightly, spreading quickly throughout the tub. Matt watched the sperm strings, "Well, we don't have any women using this, no problem." He laughed. Sitting side by side, the men caressed each other, feeling their muscles loosen up and slacken. Suddenly, Matt turned to lie on top of Hardy, picked up his loins to bring his cock above the water where he could suck it without drowning. And he did. He worked his magical efforts at cock-sucking with Hardy and within three minutes had pulled another load from his lover's balls. He was glad his lover was younger, practically a teenager, full of piss and jizz.

Hardy practically collapsed. He moaned, "What's come over you this morning? I wanted to sleep. And here I've been mauled, toted, manhandled, stuck in the ass with that huge rampant spear of yours." He giggled, "Not that I'm complaining, mind, just wondering."

Suddenly they heard sounds of childhood laughter coming closer, and they had no chance to get out before Jacob and Joshua jumped into the Jacuzzi with them, splashing water all over the room which fortunately had been completely tiled around the Jacuzzi. The boys were not allowed in the Jacuzzi unless an adult was with them, meaning they could go in with Todd and Roger. Since Steve and Gary were still in Columbus, the boys didn't have anyone else to pester. Well, except for Anne, but Anne didn't have a Jacuzzi, so they left her alone for the time. They had been told never to bother Todd and Roger early in the morning. They needed their privacy.

Matt and Hardy could do nothing but grab a kid and hug them Since their pyjamas were completely soaked, the little boys took them off.

Now the two older men were comparatively decent, no clothes but no erections either and because of their activities, most likely would not reach that noble state for a good while, especially Hardy. So, they helped the boys splash in the water, trying to swim. Matt was thinking that they's better get an outside pool built before too long, get on the waiting list of a local pool company.

With water getting on the bedroom carpet along the route, Matt and Hardy each carried a naked boy to their room, dried them and after they were dressed, sent them to the kitchen, hoping that Anne was up and would keep them from making a horrible mess.

The devoted men also dried, dressed and ate quickly. They had wasted a lot of time in the Jacuzzi, but certainly didn't care, they loved every minute. Driving to the college, Hardy kept one hand on Matt's nearest leg, even sliding over a bit until he could cup Matt's crotch. Fortunately both had books and briefcases they could carry in front of their groins to hide the evidence.

About nine that morning Matt called River City to talk to Brian or Mike. Brian finally answered the phone.


"Oh, Brian, I'm so sorry," said with phony sympathy, "that I woke you."

"Matt! I wasn't asleep, I was in the shower and am now dripping all over the carpet."

Matt wished he could have seen Brian at that moment, he was such a hunk.

"Sorry," but he didn't sound as if he were, "I need to have a question answered, please."

"Go ahead Matt."

"As I was going to sleep last night, I wondered about how large the audience would be for Saturday night."

Now Brian was worried, Matt didn't know. "Matt, there won't be an audience as such, just the officials who will be visiting here."

"Oh, Lord, I was afraid of that. Brian, the Dukes can't play well in that situation. Their performances have depended so much on playing for their audience, reacting to the responses they get. I'm afraid the performance will be very dull and not sparkling at all."

"Oh geez, I guess we never thought of that. I don't know what we can do about that now."

"Brian, I'm sorry, but I'm really serious about this. A room with a dozen or so older men with no real reason to be affected by us would be practically a death trap."

"I guess I could call Mike, but his committee is so busy, I don't know when I could get an answer from him."

Matt was quiet. "Well, we're going to fall on our faces, I'm afraid." He mused, "Hey, Brian, how about a fast campaign at the branch of U. of O. in the next four days. Have some posters printed quick and put around; hey, wouldn't Ben and Joey help with that? Maybe some radio-TV announcements would be good. Hire some kids to put posters all over. What about Nils and Adam, maybe they'd have some ideas?"

Brian had brightened, "Matt, those are good ideas, the more I think about it, I'm sure we can pull it off. Yes, we'll do it, don't worry, Matt. I'll take care of it."

"Oh, thanks, Brian, I'd kiss you if you were only closer." He laughed, "Well, maybe not. Hardy's always pretty close. Well, we'll see you Friday. Take care, bye."

Brian laughed at Matt's wariness of Hardy. "Bye, Matt."

Another problem on Matt's mind was how to find Butch, what ever his name was. Maybe he could locate a high school annual from 1999, hoping that they put nicknames with each person's picture. Most did, he thought.

After talking to Dean McAllister, Matt had a contact person at the high school. Hamish had talked to his wife who was a high school counselor, explained some of the situation and told Matt to visit her in about a half hour. Since Matt had the time free, he drove over to see her.

"Mrs. McAllister, I am Matt Ridgway at the college. Your husband said you might be able to help me with a problem." She was a lovely woman, about 50 something, and very friendly toward Matt.

He sat down where she indicated and asked how long she'd been at the school.

"Matt, it seems like forever, but actually about ten years. How can I help?"

"Well, first, do you remember a student named Lee Washington?"

"Lee Washington," she repeated the name, "I'm not sure, Matt. What year would he have graduated."

Matt thought, "I think about 1999, give or take a year. He is a senior at the college now."

"Hang on, let me get a couple annuals for that time." She walked to a bookshelf filled with annuals from many years back. She brought one to her desk and opened it.

"I have him graduating in 1999, and I'm looking at his picture, but I don't remember him, Matt. This is a large high school and the ones I get to know are the problem students, mostly. Or else, I'll know the most outstanding ones. He must have been somewhere in between."

Matt stood up, moved around the desk to see the picture. "Yup, that's him, looking a lot younger there." He sat back down. "Now is there a graduate in that book with a nickname of 'Butch'?"

She laughed a little, "Well, there are about 600 graduates in this book. We may need some help to find that, but it might be easier to do that by computer." She sat in front of her computer, started the school's database program. "Do you know anything besides the name 'Butch' and 1999."

Matt shook his head, "And I'm not positive about the 1999, though it should be correct."

Half and hour later, she gave up. "I can't find anything, Matt."

"Julia," they had become informal, "I have an idea. Can you look for any last name which would begin with Butch, such as, Butchko, or Butchart or Butchock, or Butcher?"

"Thanks, Matt, I never thought of that. Let's see here ...."

Five minutes later, "Ah Hah," Julia exploded, looking at Matt with a grin on her face. "I have here one 'Jerry Butcher'. Do you think he might be the one?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Remembering something that Neil had told him, he said, "I do know that his step father was named Goddard." He looked in the annual again, under Jerry Butcher, but could tell nothing by the picture. He was good looking, husky but with an arrogant, cavalier attitude in his eyes and mouth. 'I'm surprised he didn't kill Lee at his first approach.' He asked, "Would you make me a copy of his picture?"

Matt stood up, thanking Julia graciously, "You have helped so much. Is there an alumni society or association, Julia? I don't suppose, but maybe they might have some information about Mr. Butcher."

Julia gave Matt a directory of the Alumni Association with director's names and phones.

Back at the Music Department he led the band through some new numbers. Even though the main concert for the year had been performed, the group had to be ready for the college graduation at the end of May plus two pops concerts on campus. These are usually, with luck, on warm nights in the late spring where the band played mostly pop music, not rock, Broadway musical songs and light works such as those written by Leroy Anderson. These are played outside in the grove of trees behind the music building. Playing outside is much more difficult than inside because the students had a hard time hearing each other's parts and the musical sound is spread so wide that precision is not easy.

In the middle of rehearsal Matt asked for attention.

"I want to commend this whole band for a great concert last week. Thank you so much."

Applause, cheering, clapping and whistles filled the room. As it died down, he spoke.

"And, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the truly wonderful performance by our bassoon soloist, Jamal Woods." Again a celebration echoed around their chairs. "Maybe he can't play golf, but he sure can play that bassoon. Right?" Echoes rang again.

"Now, the music in your folders is for graduation and the spring pops concerts. It is no where as difficult as the previous works, but some places can be very tricky. We don't have much time, so practice hard. There will be no band rehearsal on Friday because I have to chaperone some of our young kids going on a field trip." Everyone knew that the Dukes and Duchess were playing in River City that weekend.

The band members, even the most serious of music students, appreciated having some lighter music to play for a while. And Matt tried to include solos, trios, ensemble playing by the band members to provide more variety in the programming. Some of those became a source of fun for the performers as well as the audience, as the players try to put some humor into their productions.

Even though the Dukes were performing on Saturday night in River City for the big government men, Matt let them have the evening off, no rehearsals that day. They would be practicing every other night of the week, and would take off Friday afternoon in the Dukes motor home for the trip to River City.

Roger was waiting for Matt after the rehearsal, "Dr. Ridgway," with this tender pleading tone in his voice,"Do you think we could take Todd with us? He'd be no bother, I'm sure. Please?" His face was like the grimace of Oliver Twist pleading for 'More'. He started again, "Dr. Ridgway, he'll be no trouble and I'll have someone to sleep with .... ah .. stay with at night."

Matt couldn't help breaking into a grin, ruffling Roger's dark curls, "Do you think the others would mind him coming along."

"Oh, Matt, no, they wouldn't, they told me so." He curled his thumb and little finger together in his palm, raising the other three fingers in the Boy Scout salute, "I swear."

"Well, okay, Roger, but keep quiet about it. Everyone else will want to go."

"Oh, sir, I don't think so, I'm the only one in the Dukes without a Duke as a partner. See. He could be a special 'roadie' for this trip." He grinned, feeling proud of himself for his bravery.

"Thank you sir, very much." By that time they were standing in Matt's office, so he raised on his toes and kissed Matt on the cheek. They weren't seen yet Matt still blushed.

Still feverishly working on papers in his office, Matt was harried but looked up as he heard Hardy come smiling in the office. As he got close, he whispered, "Hi, lover, missed you."

"Me, too."

"Finished all my classes for today. Are you busy now?"

"Yes, some reports I do have to get to Dean McAllister this afternoon. Why?"

"I wondered if you would go over that one trombone solo I have on the last number?"

Matt seemed preoccupied, "Oh," still looking at his papers,"I do have to finish this. You will have that perfect by the time Saturday night rolls by. I'm sure of it."

Hardy seemed down, a bit depressed, but Matt didn't notice.

Hardy pulled some envelopes from his briefcase. He threw all but one back in, this one a long business envelope with the return address of Baker, Reynolds and Baker of Columbus. 'I wonder what this is about,' Hardy thought. He read the letter which proved to be from his father's lawyers.

Quietly he spoke while he read, "Matt, the lawyers say that my trust fund is just over two million dollars."

Matt mumbled, "That's nice."

"MATT," Hardy yelled, "did you hear me?"

Then Matt looked up and grinned, "You said your trust fund is worth over two million dollars." He looked down, "That's nice."

Hardy jumped up, ran behind Matt and embraced him from the rear, "Hey, lover, don't you hear that? Over ... two ... million ... dollars! Just like that."

"Hardy, I'm pleased for you. When do you get the money?" Matt had turned around to put some books on the shelf behind the worktable.

Hardy wondered at Matt's seemingly disinterest in his inheritance.

"I will get it just a year from today."

Matt kept his back turned, working at his task.

"Well, then I know you'll stay with me for another year." He threw out as a joke.

Matt didn't see the hard, harsh look of fear and sickened heart on Hardy's face as he slowly stood up. Hardy left all he'd brought in the office and took off out the door in a rush. He ran into Chris down the hall by the stairs.

"Chris, let me have your car keys? I need it."

"Sure, Hardy, it's yours. Here."

He grabbed the keys and ran down the stairs, two at a time. He knew where Chris parked her Sebring convertible and found it quickly. Five seconds and he was on the road. He had no idea where he was going but he had to get out of there.

He could hardly see with the tears in his eyes, 'How could Matt say that? I would never leave him no matter how much money I had.'

In ten minutes he was out of town heading north toward the Michigan line.

Matt was still working when Chris walked in his office.

"Hey, Matt."

"Hi, Chris. What's up?"

"I was just wondering why Hardy came running down the hall, grabbed my car keys from me and just took off in my car? You got any idea?"

"How did he look, Chris?" Matt was looking worried, the gnawing of fear in his belly.

"Not happy, very down, I'd say. What happened?"

Matt had his head down, shaking it. "I don't know, Chris." He rubbed his forehead as he tried to think what he had said. "Oh my god, Chris, I told him ... I said ... oh shit, damn it, you stupid idiot." He turned to Chris who seemed shocked, "I'm talking about myself.

"Oh, Chris, can you get hold of the Dukes and tell them I've been an ass. I've said something to Hardy - something I think he misunderstood." He gripped his head with both hands, "Please ask them for help in finding Hardy. Give them all the details about your car." He got a paper and pen, "Tell me, Chris."

She gave Matt all the details; make, license number, color, model, year.

"Chris, I doubt if he would go south toward the farm, most probably north. I'm praying he won't go very far, maybe just somewhere to think." Matt was frantic, losing his sense of himself, pacing around the office around Chris. "Oh, please, Chris, go find him. Here's my cell phone number, I'll have it with me."

"Don't worry, Matt, I'll have everyone on the job in half an hour. We'll find him." She grabbed Matt, held him and kissed him on the cheek. "We all love you two very much, we care," she whispered to him. "And, Matt, I'll call Anne at the farm and tell her not to expect either of you."

At that moment Todd O'Brien stuck his head into Matt's office, "Hey, what's going on?"

Matt spotted Todd and made a quick decision. "Todd, will you come with me? I could use another pair of eyes for a search."

"Sure. What's up?"

"I'll tell you on the way. Chris, please find or call Roger to tell him where Todd will be."

Matt had driven mile after mile within twenty miles of Windsor with no sight of Chris's car, or Hardy. He had told Todd what had happened so he was looking seriously, too. Once in a while he had to stop so he could stop the tears which kept drenching his shirt with his contrite tears. 'How could I have said that? No wonder Hardy ran away!'

Todd sympathized with him, "Matt, you couldn't know. And Hardy did react strangely."

He hadn't had lunch and finally decided he'd get sick if he didn't have something to eat. They stopped at a hamburger stand for fifteen minutes to devour a sandwich and soda, and to take a pee. He kept berating himself for saying what he did, and he was almost consumed with discontent in himself. In his mind he prayed, "Oh, Lord, please help me. I love Hardy, I need him, I know I won't be able to live without him. Please help us."

Todd took calls from all the Dukes at one time or another. No one had found the car or Hardy. The sun was sinking low in the west by that time. But he put the car's lights on and kept going. He didn't know what else to do.

As Matt drove around northwestern Ohio, east and west, north and south, Todd watched parking places carefully while Matt was constantly thinking about Hardy, his first and only love, not counting his love for his brother. "Todd, I can feel Hardy's eyes on me when I'm not looking at him."

Todd spoke up, "You know, Matt, I've felt that too when I'm not looking right at Roger, but I know he's staring at me," he blushed, "especially at my butt."

Matt smiled, "So you know what I'm talking about."

Matt had missed a couple of entrances he shouldn't have omitted, but he was watching Hardy walking out of the room, his butt muscles competing with each other in their clutching and easing as opposing legs flexed back and forth when he walked, a real athlete's rear end.

On the road in Williams County, Matt still drove fairly slowly, Todd searching both sides of the road, looking for Christine's car and Hardy. They hadn't even had a 'bite' on their hooks, probably not even in the right pond. He would keep going, all night if necessary.

While telling Todd about his affair with Hardy, Matt broke down while relating the whole story, actually the first time he had broken down since renewing his relationship with his brother. Hardy held him and Matt knew that this was the man for him. He remembered hanging on to this man's hard muscles, and he could never forget their trip to his bed and their "first time."

Still searching for Chris's car and Hardy, Matt was following a map in his head, determined to locate Hardy before anything worse happened. Meanwhile his mind was flashing back about 4 months, early in the days of their relationship.

Matt slammed on the brakes and turned into a mini mall at Bridgewater Center, a small community around Lake Seneca, a little lake in Bridgewater Township, about five miles west of Windsor. Todd was sure he saw Chris's car parked near a little caf , but knew when he got close enough that it was not hers. Not the right license number.

Matt checked his watch, noticing how late it had gotten, past midnight, so he drove back to the Dukes Ranch where he dropped off Todd so he could be with Roger.

"Tell them that I'll get back when I can, maybe not until morning."

"Matt, I could stay with you, I don't mind. I'd like to help."

Matt hugged Todd's shoulder, "I know, Todd, but I've got to do this. I'll see you later."

That night in the darkness, except for Route 20, there was not much traffic on the roads. Matt's headlights created tunnels of vision along the roads he followed, past many farms and under forests of trees sometimes. Matt was trying to crisscross Williams County and into Fulton County, too, in a regular pattern. If he were to think about what he was doing, he would realize that his driving in this way would be futile, but he couldn't help it.

After midnight, Matt hadn't heard from any Dukes for a couple hours and figured that they had given up. He couldn't blame them. He would learn later that none of them had given up, in fact Steve and Gary had returned from Columbus and when told of what had happened, they each took a car and hunted until the early hours of the morning.

Matt was driving east on Route 20 not far from Windsor when he decided to take a look at Harrison Lake State Park about two miles south of 20. The lanes around the lake were narrow and dark, no lights anywhere. One road he took led him to a ramp for putting boats in the water. Fortunately he was going slowly and recognized where he was just before he dipped the front wheels in the water.

"Whoops, there, almost took a bath," he told himself. He backed up, still facing toward the lake. He knew he couldn't go any farther, he had to get some rest. By releasing his seat to a reclining position, he made himself as comfortable as he could and shut his eyes, praying for his Hardy's safety and that his own stupidity wouldn't separate them.

Matt let one window down just a bit for some air, found a blanket in the back seat and threw it over him. He was so tired that none of horrible visions in his mind of accidents or injuries which might have happened to Hardy bothered him. His eyes closed, he felt comforted by the blanket and warmth in the car, slowly drifting off with feeling of Hardy's arms around him. He started dreaming of the last time he and Hardy had sex, and what a joyous time it was.


Matt jumped awake, hitting his head on the visor, unable to take in what had happened.

"I said you really look like death warmed over, like shit actually." He heard that and squinched his eyes toward his side window, blinking over the brightness of the rising sun.

Again he heard the voice. "I slept in that cabin over there. Nice bed, nice mattress, too. If you wanted to sleep, you should just have come in. I'd have let you."

"What the fu.... , Hardy. Where have you been?"

"Unlock the door, please."

Matt did.

Hardy opened the door, reached in knelt on the door jamb and gathered Matt in his arms, holding him tight. He was crying and soon Matt was also. They held each other and sobbed into the other's shoulder.

Matt started, "Hardy, I'm so sorry, I was trying to be funny and said a stupid thing. Please forgive, love." His voice was muffled in Hardy's jacket. "I missed you like I've never missed anyone else, ever." He couldn't help sobbing more desperately, clasping Hardy more tightly.

"Matty, I'm the one who should be sorry. I know I should have come home, but I was so embarrassed at what I had done, I couldn't face you. I didn't have my cell phone, either. So please forgive me, Matt." He breathed, "By the way, I didn't sleep in that cabin, I slept in Chris's car all night. I missed you so."

"I'll forgive you if you will forgive my stupid words."

Hardy used his thumbs to wipe away Matt's tears, kissing his eyelids when he was finished. "Of course, I forgive you." He looked askance at Matt, "Just how many people know about this little escapade of mine."

Matt smiled, kissed Hardy on the mouth, "I think just our family and the Dukes and Duchess. That's all." He looked around, noticing people beginning to walk around the parking lot. "I think we better carry on our forgiving when we get home." He looked at his watch, "Holy smoke, it's almost eight o'clock. We've got to get home."

Hardy gave Matt one more kiss on the lips, startling a few small girls walking by the car. Hardy looked at them, and said, "I love him, you see." They giggled and ran off.

"Yeah, you are right, we'd better go home. I'll follow you because I don't know how to get home from here." He giggled. "Take me home, lover."


"Mrs. Ridgway?"

"Yes, this is Blanche Ridgway."

" This is Attorney Garrard Albert."

"Oh, yes, I guess I talked to you last week."

"Yes, you sent me materials on the suit you want to continue in respect to your sons. I have gone through every paper, every deposition which was included, all exhibits acquired by all four of your lawyers."

She spoke dryly, "All right, what is your opinion, Mr. Albert."

"I find no plausible reason for continuing the suit. The suit has no bearing in fact or in any legal circumstance. Any reasonable judge would toss this case out of the court immediately. And, I'm sure no reputable attorney would agree to take your case."

"I suppose that means you won't help me either, Mr. Albert, you're like all the others."

"Well, Mrs. Ridgway, if you mean will I take your case, absolutely not. I certainly hope you won't find another attorney," he wanted to tell her what he thought, "because I think you are a vindictive, wicked and spiteful woman whom your sons should have put away years ago. Now don't call me ever again." He ended the call, belatedly resisting throwing his phone across his office. The cell phone smashed into the wall and splintered, "Damn the fuckin' woman," he looked at the splinters and smiled, "it was worth it. Not professional, but sure felt good."

Immediately he sent an email to the Columbus Bar Association, notifying them and in turn, every lawyer in the city and beyond, not to handle anything for Mr. or Mrs. Gerald Ridgway and why. It probably wouldn't do any good, someone would take her case.

Back in Westerville, putting down her phone, she looked at Gerald, "Did you hear what he said?" He heard because she had the conversation on the speaker phone. "He's not going to get away with that. I'll get even with him, somehow. I know where he lives."

Matt and Steve's mother had turned into a stringy, skinny elderly woman, almost sixty, with a bitter, scathing, vituperative tongue, and a face to match. Her husband hadn't been near her for years, a situation she must have liked since she didn't castigate him for it. Gerald Ridgway had been watching his wife's paranoia grow until it had taken over her personality. Often, he had tried to get her to see a psychiatrist, but she would never agree. "They would only pick our pockets, steal from us until we are broke."

When she first wanted to kick Matt out of the family, he went along with it, he didn't like fags either. . He even agreed that they would stay away from Steve, Becky and their boys. He could only hope that since she can't get a lawyer, she will let her conflict with her sons die on the vine. For a while he was convinced about it until one day she commented, "Gerald, I wonder where we could get a hit man." she grimaced hideously, "that would just do it." She turned to her husband, "Find me one, Gerald, I want one and you will find one."

He mulled that over in his mind. "Where the hell am I going to find a hit man?" He then wondered, "Could I set her up? Get her to talk to a hit man who's really a cop and have her arrested?" He now knew that she was going too far and had crossed the line into insanity.

Gerald Ridgway often wondered if he could have her put away in an asylum or other treatment center for mental patients. He wouldn't expect her to be cured, Lord no, just keep her there. Otherwise he was at a loss as to handling her without actually killing her. That idea was sounding more and more favorable all the time, if he could keep from getting caught.

By Friday all the Dukes and the Duchess were ready to head for River City for their concert the next night. As on their last visit, they would be staying at the same motel which they liked very much. Instruments, music, instrument repair kit and various and sundry supplies carried on by the members were all deposited in the baggage holds.

The whole group had agreed to allow Todd O'Brien on the bus to be with his partner, Roger Adams, one of the roadies who aided and assisted wherever required. Roger could also take Hardy's part in the show in case something happened to him. So, Todd and Roger were in heaven, staying close together, slyly touching the other's body, just quick, hardly seen taps to let each other know they are there.

However, the Dukes had noticed ever since Tuesday morning when Matt and Hardy had appeared on campus, they stayed within the same space as the other, also touching, tapping and patting their partner. The Dukes all knew what had occurred and were so thankful they were a team again, no one had spread any talk among the other music students, keeping it within the Dukes family.

Steve had hit his brother upside the head when he heard what Matt had said. "You dummy, I never knew I had a stupid brother." He also got together with Hardy, "The next time this idiot does anything so stupid again, brother in law, you are to come and tell me. I'll deal with him. I may love him, but not exactly the way you do. I can see his faults, which are many, and of course, also, his good points, which also are many. Only I can differentiate between the two."

He grabbed Hardy in a hug of love, not lust. "Any problem with that?"

Unable to speak, Hardy shook his head from side to side. "Mmmmff."


As on the first trip to River City in the motor home, many of the music students, band members or not, and faculty were out in front, waiting to give them a good send off, applauding their talent and courage. Again, Matt was sort of surprised to see Karl and 'Sunshine' in attendance, this was only the second time he had seen Sunshine on campus. From their looks and attitude toward each other, Matt felt their relationship had been well founded and fully established. As they stood side by side, they weren't actually seen touching, but each would know their partner's body's movements. Matt hadn't seen them since the open house he and Hardy had just before Christmas. He was a fine looking young man, just a tad weird.

When Matt and Hardy were sure they had everything, Matt gave the nod to the driver and they zoomed out of the parking lot, taking the road for approximately 250 miles of turnpike and highway.

Karl and Sunshine watched the motor home as it passed through the campus until it turned onto Route 15, both a bit envious that the Dukes have had such success, but still proud. Karl knew those students, had some in class and was always amazed how talented they were, what outstanding people they were. The destination that day had been announced, but Karl didn't know why they would be visiting River City again. Karl didn't know the purpose, nor did anyone else at Windsor.

Sunshine piped up,"Hey, Karl," he looked around, saw noone, "baby," he said with the loving expression, "are you finished with classes?" When Sunshine said that, it conveyed the idea of going home for some sex. Sun was a real horn dog, not easily satisfied. Once Karl finally let him fuck his butt after his first disastrous reaming under drugs, he couldn't get enough of Karl's ass, inside and out.

The slightly shorter, heavier man turned toward Sunshine, smiled broadly, "Sunshine, I was thinking of heading for the rifle range, get some practice in."

"Could I come with you, Karl? You get me all hot and bothered thinking of you shooting off your gun, either kind. Remember, you promised last time that I could come with you the next time."

Karl had immediately regretted that statement, but he also knew that Sun would never let it go until he agreed. "Okay, Sunny Boy, you're on, but just this once. You are so damn sexy I wouldn't get much practice with you there." Karl interrupted whatever Sun started to say, "Now don't start, please."

They had been walking to the faculty parking lot where Karl's Durango sat in the warm spring sun. They drove to Karl and Sunshine's home, the house from which Karl had ousted his third wife a few months before. That house was not far from Chris Griffith's parent's home, not nearly as big, but a fine, almost mansion size, about 10 years old and well landscaped. The style was New England coastal, seen all along the coast from Maine to Connecticut, close to the water. The large Cape Cod was basically grey with white trim, looking so sedate and staid in its setting, and small in spite of the large actual size.

Sunshine was not sure how Karl had enough money to own a house that size, much more room than the two of them needed. Of course they shared the master bedroom and huge bath with sunken tub having all sorts of gadgets on the first floor. There were four large bedrooms on the second floor along with an entertainment room full of very expensive electronic equipment, some of which baffled Sunshine as to its use.

Of course, Sunshine didn't complain. He didn't have any income at all and Karl wanted it that way. Karl knew Sun's parents were very wealthy, though not by how much. Sun had had nothing to do with them since they had thrown him out when he announced he was gay. Now his younger brother, Rodin Moore, would inherit all their millions. Sunshine and Rodin loved each other and kept in constant touch by phone or computer. Rodin always said that Sunshine would get half of whatever Rodin got from the parents. And he had lived up to it. He kept half of all he got in a trust fund for Sun. But Sunshine wouldn't touch any of it, he had his own sugar Daddy who loved him and whom he loved.

As they were growing up, the two boys, just 3 years apart, were close brothers, best friends and sexual partners. Sun was sure that Rodin was gay also, but he hadn't told their parents and he dated girls regularly. None of them lasted very long.

Since Sun had joined with Karl whom Rodin liked also, he had hoped maybe Rodin could meet a good man and settle down. Rodin had graduated with an MBA, set up a brokerage in Columbus and was doing well. Of course his father was his best customer. Rodin would lose that account fast if his Dad ever thought Rodin might be gay. Enough said.

Karl quickly loaded a long case containing his rifle and other equipment.

"Sun, you will have to just watch, today. Okay?"

"Sure, Karl, I'm happy just to be with you. I missed you a lot last weekend. Where did you go? I forgot."

"Sunny boy mine, you have a short memory. I was in Cincinnati, demonstrating my method for teaching string players, that's what I do." He continued, "And, I'll be gone this weekend in Fort Wayne, too, but I'll be back Sunday noon, hon, then we can play in the tub all night if we want." He smiled wickedly at Sunshine, "Will that be okay, lover?"

Sun nodded slowly, "I guess." He persisted, "How do you get away all the time? Doesn't the college wonder where you are?"

"Babe, that is all arranged. Because I honor the college with my presence, I have an adjustable schedule. I teach Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so I have a long weekend including Monday. It is good publicity for the college. See?" They had arrived at the firing range, maintained by a farmer who wasn't using the land. Warning signs were planted all around the area and the length of the firing range was fenced in with barbed wire.

Karl stopped in the parking area, leaned over to kiss Sunny hard on the lips. His right hand found its way to Sun's crotch where his fingers caressed and manipulated Sunny's organ. Sun eagerly returned the kiss, holding Karl's hand tighter against his cock and balls.

Karl had ear protectors for each of them. He was soon set and began firing at the targets far down the pastures. Some of the targets were on a moving wire which gave him practice in hitting a target being propelled perpendicular to the length. When he had finished firing all his ammunition, they tromped over half a mile to get the targets back to the stand from which he fired. He of course knew how many times he had fired, but was not happy with the result. He knew Sunshine was bothering him, intruding on a part of Karl's activities for which he needed so much concentration. Just having Sunny near him disturbed him mentally, rifles and sex didn't go along very well. That was why Karl hadn't taken Sunshine with him before.

Sunshine had been puzzled that day, wondering why Karl was aiming at targets half a mile away, quite an extreme range to be firing, he thought. When he asked Karl, he just said it was practice for hunting, never knew when he'd spot a target that far away in the woods.

Since no one else was at the firing range, when Karl had cleaned all his equipment and put it away, he pulled Sunshine to him and hugged him tightly, almost desperately. His life since meeting Sunshine had improved and he had recovered some of his old vitality and exuberance.

"I love you, Sun, you make me so happy." He looked around the area, "I wish I could ease my cock up your fuckin' sexy ass, Sunny, but we'd better wait until we get home." He grinned broadly, "We'll celebrate when we get there." He looked into Sunny's eyes, "Think of something good, babe."

On the trip to River City Matt daydreamed about Hardy, how he had lost him for a bit, and especially how great their sex had been ever since. He'd had the crap scared out of him and he wanted Hardy to know how much he needed his love. On the other hand Hardy regretted reacting so wildly when Matt, trying to make a joke, had spoken stupidly about Hardy's trust fund left to him by his father.

The two men sat at the booth where they had a table on which they could work on future plans for the Dukes. They were functioning normally to the casual onlooker, but Hardy, on Matt's left side, who was not left-handed, had to use his left hand to draw notes and stuff because his right hand was encased in Matt's left hand, both pressed against Matt's crotch under the table. Everyone on the motor home knew just where their clasped hands were and really thought nothing of it except happiness that they were a loving, affectionate couple. The other couples, Big Jeff and Little Jeff, Rick and Jamal and Roger and Todd traded places often enough throughout the journey to provide one or two keeping Chris company, getting her food or drink until she was stuffed.

"Hey, guys, what can I say, you're going to make me fat. And I can't be fat and be slinky, too, it doesn't work."

"Oh, Chrissy, you can make anything work. Even Roger! Right, guys?"

"Hubba hubba!" That was Roger yelling.

Matt looked up, "Where did you hear that, Roger? Nobody has said that in forty years."

"I was watching an old, old movie on cable." He looked evilly at Matt, "Did you say that back then when you were little?"

"Why, you scum, you," Matt jumped up grabbed Roger by the neck with both hands, pretending to shake him vigorously, "we'll hang this scrawny neck on the nearest yard arm."

Everyone on the motor home enjoyed the banter, especially from their leader. By traveling eastward, the darkness came somewhat sooner than at Windsor, creating a need for lighting inside the RV. Matt finally passed out the food for their evening meal, packed for them by the catering business which Matt patronized freely. Many a meal at the Dukes Ranch came from the same source, excellent food, well prepared. The vultures descended on the offering as if they were starving, eating all but the serving dishes.

Matt was eagerly looking forward to seeing the people in River City whom he had met and go to Ben and Joey's restaurant there. Maybe they could eat there for lunch on Saturday or Sunday before they left for Windsor.

Matt wasn't nervous about their upcoming performance, but he hoped all would go well. And he particularly hoped that Brian and the others had been able to get a fair sized audience for them.

He hadn't told the Dukes just why they were performing again in River City, but decided to rectify that omission before they arrived.

"Lend me your ears, Dukes all, I have an announcement." Since his tone sounded serious, they quieted quickly, tuned in to Matt with all their attention.

"I haven't told you exactly why we are going to River City this time. Our friends there asked me not to before this. Congressman Michael Keith is having some very important visitors from Washington, D.C. whom he wishes to impress, coincidentally letting them see a special musical group from Ohio. This group, if they play very, very well, might be on track to be presented and perform .... in ..... the ..... White ..... House this summer!"

After a few seconds of stunned silence and gasps of inhaled breath, the RV echoed with shouts and bellows of surprise, excitement and great pleasure.

"Dr. M, when do we find out about this?"

"I think Representative Keith will tell us whether it looks hopeful or not. If it is good, we would be on call most of the summer."

"All summer? What do we do all summer? I have to work to get money for school." Little Jeff had spoken for a few of them.

"Listen up! Please listen to this. Do not, I repeat, do not tell anyone about this, not your family nor friends, no enemies or any relatives at all. Tell NO one. Are you with me?"

Yeses, okays or nods were indicated by all the Dukes.

"We do not want something getting out until we know for sure, or we'll be standing there with egg on our faces." Matt continued, "There will also be officials from the Ohio governor's office which might lead to more official performances in Ohio. That too should be kept quiet. Please no slips of the tongues, stay with the program.

"Believe me, I'm as excited about this whole thing as you are, but we will have to contain any talk or celebrating." He slowly looked around at each and every Duke and the Duchess, "I love each and every one of you and am so proud of you that I can't keep from getting emotional, so forgive me." He pulled out a handkerchief, blew his nose and wiped his eyes, then shook hands with every body except Chris whom he kissed on the cheek and hugged.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 21

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