Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 9, 2004



Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: 2The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

=========== Chapter Sixteen ===========


"Is this Matt Ridgway?"


"Hi, this is Roy MacLean, I work for Brian Whitlow and he gave me your number if I needed any other information than what you sent him. I'm running up against some blind alleys and maybe you could help."

"Hi, Roy. I'd be glad to give you whatever help I can. What do you need?"

"I have your parents' names, but nothing seems to come up financially. Should they have accounts somewhere?"

"Roy, my Dad, Gerald Ridgway, took a lump sum when he retired, plus he and my mother had savings accounts and probably CDs, too. Obviously, they have moved all their accounts to other institutions or under other names, most likely under other names. Isn't there any way to trace movements of fairly large amounts of money? All we need is one of those accounts with considerable money in it."

Roy came back. "The trace may be difficult, if not impossible. We probably need other names in which the accounts might appear."

"If they are not under Ridgway, they might be under Bunker, which is my middle name, and my great-grandmother's name."

"Okay, that might help. How about your mother's maiden name? Or whom would they know that might do their banking for them? Any other relatives or close friends whom they might trust?"

Matt laughed, "Roy, how good are you at getting into IRS records? My parents have been paying taxes on all that money for at least five years and their previous IRS records would show that. By the way Mother's maiden name was Roseway."

Roy laughed along with Matt, "That is very difficult. Can you tell me if they did their own taxes or did they have a accountant or tax advisor do them?"

"Hey, Roy, you may have something there. I can't remember right off, but my brother will remember, he's like an elephant, never forgets. Could you give me your number and I'll call you right back if I can get to him?"

Roy gave his number and they disconnected their call.

"Hardy, did you get all that?"

"Yeah, I did. You think it might work?"

"I hope so. I'll see if Steve can remember the tax service they used."

Dean MacAllister spoke first, "So, Matt, you have an invitation to the State Music Educators Conference?"

"Yes," Matt smacked his fist into his palm, "and old Powers can keep his invitations. We'll play for more music teachers at that conference than we ever could in years of separate concerts around the state."

"Have you told the Dukes yet?" Dean MacAllister asked.

Matt stood up and prowled his office. "No, Hamish, I haven't yet. I don't want to get them on edge too soon. We'll do the same show as in Otterbein with some minor changes. I don't want to play the trumpet this time. Too much to do. I'll have to think of something else."

"You've heard nothing from Dr. Powers?"

"No, I don't know him well enough to even guess where they might have gone."

Matt stopped pacing, looked at the Dean, "Doesn't he have any friends in Windsor?"

"Hey, what about Dr. Shepherd in Department of Visual Arts?"

"Possibility," Matt agreed.

"Well," the Dean said, standing up, "I'll get to my office and try some calling. My blood pressure is just as high as I want it, no higher. See you."

Matt Ridgway, Director of Bands at Windsor College, was walking down the hall to his rehearsal room when he ran into Jamal Woods and Rick Balsaam. Literally. Or they ran into him. The two band members had been running down a crossing hallway and ran into their director, not a politic thing to do anytime. Matt knew that they were thinking about each other, nothing else.

"Hi, Dr. Ridgway, sorry, we didn't see you. Are you okay?"

He smiled at his students, "Well, I'm still standing so I must be all right."

Jamal put his light brown arm around Matt's shoulders, "Man, we are sorry."

"That's good, just walk slowly, you aren't late for band, yet."

"No, but we wanted to find out the date of our trip to the SMEC in Columbus."

Matt slapped his forehead with his palm, hard. "How did that get out so soon?"

"Todd O'Brien read it in the Columbus paper and called Roger Adams who talked to Christine. He knew she would want to know if anyone would."

"You mean the fact that the Dukes of Windsor will be playing at the SMEC has already been announced in the Columbus Dispatch?"

Jamal was puzzled, and quietly said, "That's what it looks like."

"But ... but..." Matt started, "I haven't even mailed in our acceptance yet. That means someone knew something about this before I did. And accepted for me." He led the two young men, whom he knew were a couple, to the rehearsal room where the quiet told him that the usual lookout had spotted him coming down the hall.

"Go ahead and get ready to play, guys, I'll be there in a minute."

Matt walked into the small office he had near the band room, used the phone to call Dean MacAllister.


"Hi, Dean MacAllister, this is Matt Ridgway. I have a question, have you found Dr Powers?"

"Yes, Matt, he waltzed into my office a few minutes ago, full of apologies and all that bull."

"It's my opinion that he has been in Columbus and engineered the appearance for the Dukes at the SMEC in January. He has a lot of power in state music circles. It was announced in the Columbus Dispatch yesterday morning that we would be playing. I didn't get the invitation until this morning and haven't even mailed my answer yet." He scowled, "Now what do we say?" Matt fumed, "Dean, I have to start rehearsal. Later I'll call a friend of mine in Columbus who would know what is going on. Thanks, bye."

After the band rehearsal, Matt asked the Dukes to stay for a few minutes. Hardy was there anyway because he usually monitored the band rehearsals, each time he did he picked up a tip or two about conducting a rehearsal or the music itself. He fervently loved Matt and also had learned so much from him.

When the Dukes were the only students in the room, Matt paced a bit, then spoke, "Something weird is happening around here, and it's not you or me." He laughed when they did. "This morning I received by snail mail an invitation for the Dukes to play at the State Music Educator's Conference in January. I haven't sent in the acceptance letter, but the Columbus Dispatch came out yesterday with the report that the Dukes would play for the Conference. Honestly, I didn't talk to them nor did I ask anyone else to talk to the wheels in the organization."

Matt sat down wearily, confused and perplexed about the whole situation. "I do have an idea who it might have been, but he never talked to me beforehand." He rubbed his forehead, "My first impulse would be to cancel the appearance," the students groaned, "but that would be hurting you guys, so I won't. However, I am going to be very bitchy for a while and I apologize to all of you in advance."

There were mutters of "that's okay", or "we're with you", or "we'll knock 'em dead."

"We will do the same show that we did at Otterbein, except for the exchange between LJ and me. I don't want to have to play for that gathering." He smiled slyly, "You do realize that we will be playing for most of the band directors in Ohio and definitely all the great ones. I don't mean to scare you, but if I have, good! You need to be a bit on the edge. We have three weeks to get ready; I hope we can get it done in that time.

"If any one of you has an idea of what we can do with LJ.... " Quite a few unpleasant suggestions were made about LJ. He continued, "... about the exchange between LJ and me, please talk to me. I've not come up with anything as yet."

"Could Roger play LJ's horn?" Hardy posed the question.

Roger was vigorously shaking his head 'no', much to the amusement of the others.

Matt turned to Roger, "Have you ever played trumpet, Rog?"

"Well, I started on trumpet and switched to trombone in the eighth grade. But I haven't played one in years."

Matt tried reasoning with him, "You only have to play eight measures of the piece. Maybe we could find you a big, fat, Greek trumpet mouthpiece?" Trombone mouthpieces were much larger and fatter than trumpet ones.

Matt just yelled jokingly to everyone, "Get out of here, see you at rehearsal tonight." He walked over to Roger, "Seriously, Roger, what do you think?"

"Dr. Ridgway, I don't want to screw up the whole performance." He was definitely very worried about that possibility.

"Would you do this much for me, Roger, would you try it? Take one of the school trumpets and give it a real try. If it just won't work for you, we'll think of something else. Okay?"

He smiled at the man for whom he'd do anything, "Okay, Matt, just for you."

Matt hugged him around the shoulders, "Thanks, Rog."

Roger headed to his room where he had a phone of his own. He had conned his parents into getting him a cell phone with free everything. The offer they got was two phones for the price of one. So Roger talked them into letting him have both, one for home and one for dorm.

Of course Roger gave one to Todd O'Brien in Columbus, his lover ever since the previous weekend when Matt and Hardy let them use their house in Windsor. Their 'honeymoon' was the thrill of their lives, wonderful being together, showing their love and their introduction to male sex for Todd, and just the second time for Roger.

"Hi, Babe," Roger said, "I hope you aren't busy with the kids."

"No, actually Anne has taken them to another museum today, I don't know which one, but you can be sure that they have an ice cream bar." He hesitated, "Oh, man, have I got to tell you what Steve did for me."

Todd told Roger about Steve's ointment treatment, what all he did.

"Damn, Toddy, you're giving me a boner, I got to let it out." Roger opened his pants, pulled down his boxer briefs and released his cramped thunderbolt to the air. He grabbed it and pumped just a little, rubbing the head.

"Oh, hey, man, he stuck his finger inside you?"

"Yes, that where it was hurting. The stuff was only on for a couple minutes when it all began to feel much better. Rog, he was so nice to me, and he said he hoped that I enjoyed it when you were screwing me. I told him I was in ecstasy and loved you so much and you were wonderful."

"I love you too, Toddy, I wish we could be together."

"Didn't you hear? Matt bought the house for all of us. Don't know quite when we'll move in, but it won't be too long. I didn't ask yet if you could live with me, but I'd bet you can."

Todd and Roger talked back and forth, trying to excite each other. Their hands were up and down on their cocks, making them so hard and hot, red and pulsing. They talked each other to a thundering climax, pulling their semen out, spurting streams in the cloths they held.

'Oh, Rog, we've got to get together, soon,' Todd thought as he collapsed on his bed, asleep.

Matt and Hardy were getting their supper. Each of them had been working on their cooking, learning to prepare meals that they would enjoy.

"Hardy, that spaghetti smells very good, what kind is it?"

"I don't remember, the jar is in the waste basket if you want to search for it. How are the noodles coming?"

"They'll be done in a few minutes."

While waiting for their food to heat, Matt moved behind Hardy, pressing his chest and crotch against his back. He wrapped his arms around his lover, then moved his hands under Harry's light t-shirt, massaging his pecs, tweaking his nipples.

"I do love your nipples, Hardy, and your whole hairy chest along with them." He bent his head and kissed his neck, then his ear. Of course, by then Matt's cock was up full, rock-hard and stretched up so his cockhead was peeping over his shorts waistband, his only piece of clothing.

Hardy reached behind himself with one hand, found Matt's prick head, pinching it gently, rubbing the precum between his finger and thumb.

"Hon, you better stop now or we'll never get this meal on the table, let alone eat it."

Immediately, the phone chirped, so Matt pushed his cock back down and answered.


"Matt, it's Steve, you wanted me to call?"

"Yes, Brian's accountant and computer guru called and wondered who had been doing Mom and Dad's income tax. He's running into problems wherever he tries to get a line on their finances."

Steve thought for a minute. "Oh, I know. It was Associated Tax Service, on East Main Street in Bexley, across from Capital University. Wait a minute." Steve checked the phone book, "The number is 555-2680. I sure hope he has good luck with them. Got to go, love, can't find Todd, must be in his bedroom. The kids are with Anne. Bye for now."

Steve climbed the stairs to Todd's room and lightly tapped on the closed door. When he heard nothing, Steve carefully pushed the door ajar, and he couldn't help smiling broadly. On Todd's bed Todd lay, asleep, his pants around his ankles. Steve also saw that Todd was holding a small cloth in one hand, his limp penis in the other. He also saw a cell phone beside Todd's other hand. He thought, 'Todd must have been talking to Roger. He is so beautiful and handsome, and so damned attractive'. He thought, 'Roger is the luckiest guy I know, besides me. Well, me and my brother.'

Vanishing again into his little office, Matt placed a call to Dr. David Drumm, his friend from graduate school and band director at Otterbein College.

"Hello, Dr. Drumm."

"Hi, this is Dr. Ridgway." They both laughed at each other.

"Hey, Matt, good to hear from you. I'm still hearing great things about your Dukes' performance here."

"Thanks, Dave, I need to talk about something else connected with the Dukes."


"Dave, that's exactly what I'd like to do." He paused, "When did you hear anything about us playing for the SMEC?"

"I think it was last Friday when someone brought up your Dukes to the group. Quite a few others said good things. I realize it is practically 'last minute' request, but personally, I thought you could be ready quickly."

"I wish you could remember just who brought it up. Can you remember who was at the meeting?"

Dave mentioned eight men, including Dr. Powers.

"Was it Powers, Dave?"

"Yes, I believe it was. Why?"

"That son-of-a-bitch. Dave, he never asked me one-way or the other. He has fought me tooth and nail against forming the group in the beginning. He has never helped or mentioned any approval to me or any of the students."

"I thought he was slated for retirement, Matt."

"He is, in June. I had the Dean ready to fire him when we next saw him. He never came to work this week, and he gave his secretary two weeks off. No one knew where he was. I had at least eight invitations from other schools which he took and hid somewhere."

Matt told Dave how this all came about. "I got the invitation today, and a friend said he saw the announcement in yesterday's Dispatch. I hadn't talked to a soul about this."

Dave asked, "Why do you think he put you guys up to perform."

"I'd say he's found out he can't lick us so he's going to join us. I'm sure everyone thinks it was his idea, he organized it and even though he's not the director, he's behind the whole thing."

"Do you think so, Matt? That's pretty shitty."

"Now you just described Dr. Powers. Buddy, would you please do some investigating for me? I'd really appreciate it."

"Be glad to, friend, we always made a good team."

Matt smiled into the phone, "Yes, we did, didn't we. Take care. Bye."

"Dean MacAllister, I'd heard that college politics were vicious, but this goes way beyond mean. I told the Dukes that my first impulse was to cancel our performance, but that would not be fair for them. I couldn't do it."

"No, Matt, I'm glad you thought it over. You will give our school infinitely greater publicity and respect than anything else we could do." He laughed, "Especially since we don't have a football team, though I personally don't miss them."

"I'm sorry, Dean, I'm not sure just what I'll do, and when I do, I'll let you know, but he's not getting away with this."

Matt walked out. In his office he had another idea. After he found out from Dave Drumm just who was responsible for the Conference printed program, he called Fred Faust at his office in the U of Ohio music building.


"Hi, Fred, this is Matt Ridgway, you and I worked on a graduate project once, don't even remember what course."

"Oh, sure, Matt, that was a pedagogical seminar. We had a good time together. What can I do for you?"

"Maybe you saw that my group, The Dukes of Windsor, have been invited to play."

"Yes, I did, Matt. I didn't get to hear you at Otterbein, but heard great things."

"I understood from Dave Drumm that you are in charge of the Conference program printing."

"That's correct."

"Well, Fred, I've very serious about this. I learned that our Music Department head, Dr. Powers, put us up to perform." He took a big breath. "Fred, I had no idea he was going to do that. No one knew that. He's impeded the group's organization every step of the way and we had to perform for the Trustees so he couldn't shut us down. He has never helped or given any sign of approval since they've been playing.

"Here's the problem, Fred. If that man's name is anywhere in that program in connection with the Dukes, we will not play. By the way who is the general chairman of the conference?"

"That would be William Foster, he's here at the U of O. His extension is 2708."

"Thanks, Fred, yes, I'm going to talk to him and explain the situation. Can you do the other for me? Watch what goes in the program?"

"Sure, Matt, take it easy, if you can. I'll take care of it. Bye."

Matt spent half an hour talking to William Foster, whom he had known during his undergraduate years at U of O. Foster had suffered from knowing Powers from way back and Powers had tried to pull some stuff on the University, cheating was what Foster called it. "Okay, Matt, I'll watch out for him. You just do your usual super job and we'll be happy."

Moving Day. Matt and Hardy had enlisted all of the Dukes to help them move into their new home. All the property paperwork had been finished; all the monies had been accounted for since the guys had decided to pay the house off immediately. Matt, Steve and Gary contributed $100,000 each toward the purchase of the farmhouse, with the rest being financed by Matt. Anne who was contributing for her son, Hardy, would reimburse him. Since there was no real estate agent involved in the purchase of Mark Anthony's property, the process cost much less than expected.

Both Matt and his lover had spent a few hours shoving their "stuff" in boxes from the grocery store. Since none of the furniture belonged to Matt or Hardy, only their personal items had to be moved. Because both of them were students and teachers, many boxes were weighty, loaded with books, reports, professional magazines and tons of music. All of the students they asked to help seemed pleased to do it, yet neither man could understand that. With their so charming personalities and their highly attractive appearances, it was no wonder at all to an outside observer. That outside observer at the moment was named Brian Whitlow, their friend from River City.

Brian had driven to Windsor from River City for a number of reasons: one, he had important information for Matt; two, he enjoyed being around Matt and Hardy; and three; he wanted to see their new home. The trip from River City was fairly long, almost 300 miles, but on the Ohio Turnpike all the way and in Brian's hot, red Mustang it didn't take too long. He managed to evade the Ohio Highway Patrol, usually a highly efficient group.

The trip had taken over three hours, so Brian reached Matt's house before 11 A.M. He had brought a small bag in case Matt and Hardy asked him to stay overnight. His car caught Hardy's eye, so the young man had to walk over to see who was in it.

"Hey, Brian, good to see you."

"Hop in, Hardy, let's just go around the block." He smiled at the young blond, darker than Brian's light blond hair, and very attractive. "Damn, Hardy, you sure are a hunk." He laughed, "I guess I better watch where I say that, huh?"

"Hell, no, Brian," he grinned, "I like to hear it and Matt wouldn't be bothered since it was you."

Brian had his foot pressing hard on the pedal, heading south out of town. "This is the way to your new house, isn't it, Hardy?"

Hardy was holding on tightly to the armrest, a little paler than he had been. "Oh, you're on the right track, Brian, just about seven miles south as we are going." He looked around but didn't see the usual city patrol car anywhere. "Now, if only the deputy sheriff is away getting coffee, Brian, we'll be okay."

Brian glanced at Hardy and just laughed. He patted Hardy's thigh quickly with his right hand. 'My god, he's solid,' thought Brian.

Looking at Brian's profile, Hardy was amazed at his youthful appearance, yet he had a very mature and dependable attitude. 'Maybe having a few hundred million dollars would help me develop more quickly.' he mused. 'Hah, I'd like to try it out.'

Hardy had checked his watch when they left the city limits. Five minutes later they were turning in the farm lane to the house.

"Love those beautiful oaks. I'll bet that is gorgeous in the spring and summer."

Brian stopped his car by the house and just looked around.

"Hardy, I just wanted to see it first, before you've moved in. It is a perfect place; I love these old farmhouse designs. Do the two barns go with it?"

"Yes, and thirty acres of land, plus all the furniture and furnishings. You should see, Brian," he sputtered excitedly, " there's a Jacuzzi in the master bedroom."

"No, don't tell me. I'll bet you and Matt have already tried it out."

Hardy blushed deeply, "Ah ... yes ... as a matter of fact we did, yesterday."

Brian smiled fondly, "Don't worry, Hardy, I'll never tell." He looked around again, then, "Let's get back to help finish loading up."

This time Hardy had white knuckles the whole way. They reached the city limits in four minutes, fortunately there was practically no traffic. Brian had surprised him with his aggressive driving, forcing his way as fast as possible. Maybe that's another side of him revealed by those multiple hundreds of millions.

Back at Matt's house, he and the students had worked hard to load all the boxes into Matt's van and a pickup truck that Jamal had borrowed. It was cold, but not bitter so no one suffered with the temperature. Brian helped carry stuff as readily as any of the students. The Dukes', including the Duchess, worked feverishly to help Matt and Hardy. If the Dukes had known a certain secret about Christine, they would have made her sit down and not work. To the Dukes Matt and Hardy were a couple, together for good, and nobody better make any remarks, or else!

Box after box left the house to either vehicle, depending how they were marked. Matt had made sure all of them were identifiable on the outside. Suitcases filled with clothes plus four clothes bag went into the van, squeezed between miscellaneous items like umbrellas, bags of shoes and kitchen utensils.

By noon, the van and pickup were loaded and Matt and Hardy thoroughly searched the house for anything of theirs, which had been left. The music system had gone into the pickup; all CDs and LPs were boxed and loaded in the van. Matt reminded Hardy that they were keeping the house until the end of his lease, three more months, if they wanted to wash up or take a nap without going all the way to the Farm. As they got into the van to drive to the farm, Matt asked something of Hardy.

"We are going to have to come up with a name for the Farm, aren't we, Hardy?"

Hardy turned to face Matt, sensing his hot aura, and smiled, "That's right, you and me and Gary and Steve. Let's get busy on that. I wonder what it was called before ... just farm?"

They followed Jamal's pickup down Highway 15 toward Bryan, but would stop well before they got to the city. Ted, the young previous owner of the farm, had promised Matt that he would be at the house to help them unload.

In his truck, Jamal remembered he didn't know where he was going. 'I better let Matt go ahead so he can find it,' Jamal thought.

He slowed to 25 miles per hour, knowing that Matt would understand. He was right. As soon as Matt had passed, he slid over in front of Jamal with the rest of the cars staying behind Jamal.

Putting on his right turn blinkers, Matt slowed to make the turn into the farm lane and up to the house. Everyone followed Matt and Jamal. The van and truck parked at the house while the others left their cars near the barn. Matt, Brian and Hardy jumped from the van and found Ted on the porch. Brian and Hardy opened the back of the van, starting to unload the boxes.

"Hi Ted, good to see you. Glad you could help." Matt shook hands with Ted, formally but with some muscling going on between them. "If you would stay here, Ted, and direct everyone bringing boxes into the house toward the room marked on the box."

"Sure, Matt, I can do that." He leaned close to Matt, "I know who was in the Jacuzzi after Granddad and I left." He giggled, grinning at Matt's reddening face, enjoying his teacher's blush.

"Okay, Ted, just what do you want?" Matt put his hands around the young man's neck.

"Oh, nuttin', massah, nuttin'." He snickered and twisted out of Matt's grasp when the Dukes came tromping up on the porch.

Well after lunchtime, all the boxes and other baggage were distributed around the house. Matt and Hardy knew some of their belongings would not be discovered for months. They looked around their new house in some dismay, but soon perked up as they watched the Dukes motor home come up the farm lane.

"Hardy, Brian, the food is here. Let's get everyone down in the living room."

Matt had hired the Elite Caterers in Windsor to fix their lunch and bring it in the RV to the farm. Since there was plenty of room in the RV, he decided to have everyone eat from the RV.

With a modicum of screaming and yelling everyone was soon in the living room.

"Listen up, the Dukes' RV is here and that means lunch." He waited for the cheering and yelling to quiet down. "The menu consists for barbequed ribs, slaw and fries with all kinds of pop for you. I decided it might be easier to eat from the RV without getting our new house all messy." He smiled, "Not that any of you Dukes would, but there are our two youngest, Brian and Ted to consider."

Matt apologized with a rueful look to Brian and Ted.

"Also, when you have your food, you may go anywhere on the farm that you want, the main barn and old dairy barn are available. You also may use the finished part of the basement of the house. To take care of emergencies, there is a three hole outhouse behind the barn." He raised his hand after all the groans, "Sorry, I couldn't help it, there are two bathrooms on the first floor and one in the basement which may be used."

"Okay, everybody, chow down!!" Matt yelled.

The cool, afternoon sun waned, frost settled on the ground and a quiet nature filled the air. Matt hadn't realized how isolated the house was from the highway. He hardly noticed when cars or trucks flew by and figured it wouldn't be long before they would be ignored completely.

Brian, Hardy and Matt were sitting in the living room, comfortable in the soft, cushy furniture. They had been talking about the farm, what they would do with all the rooms and where they would put the swimming pool.

Hardy was firm, "The pool should go behind the house, between there and the dairy barn."

"What if we have some animals on the farm, we'd have to protect the pool from them ... and them from the pool." Matt moved next to Hardy, "I was thinking maybe later we could enclose the pool and heat the atrium. We could even swim in the winter. Maybe it would be better on the north side of the house. It would be cooler in the summer. We could arrange for tanning spots, special protected tanning areas. By the way, Hardy, just where did you get your allover tan, huh?"

Hardy looked at Brian then Matt in the eye, blushing, but resolute, "The roof of our dorm is reachable, even though we're not allowed to go there. Someone got hold of the key to the door leading to the roof. Mostly it was girls sunning, but lots of guys wanted allover tans, too." He blushed again, "We sort of made separate areas for the different groups. Once in a while I heard they would fraternize back and forth." He grinned, but said no more.

"I think a pool sounds wonderful. Mike and I have that lake beside the cabin that we use a great deal. Of course that's for sailing, too." He was thinking back to the previous year, "The sailboat was where Mike and I first had real sex, it was so wonderful. I'd give anything to experience that wonderful time, we found out that we loved each other so much. It was the first time I ever took Mike in the rear." He laughed softly, "We were so exhausted when we finished."

Matt took Hardy's hand in his, "Brian, our first was in the old house in Windsor and, like you said, it was the most exciting and mind-blowing experience of our lives." He kissed Hardy's hand, "That was my first time, and almost Hardy's first. We felt so joined. From then on we've wished we sometime might be able to get married."

Brian laughed sympathetically, "So did Mike and I. We've talked about going to Holland to actually do the deed at last, but just haven't had time to think about it." Brian looked down at his feet, a sober countenance on his face, "Mike is so busy, guys, we hardly ever get to make love anymore, and I miss it terribly."

Matt spoke first, "Brian, come over to the couch and sit right here." Matt patted the place between he and Hardy, "Come on."

Brian thought first that he shouldn't, but they were so appealing he knew he would.

The two men opened the space between them, watching Brian slowly arise, walk to them and sat quickly as they pulled him down. "I do appreciate this, guys, you know, I can't just go out into the city. In my situation financially, I have to be so careful not to be in a precarious situation. And I have to stick to a few very good friends, just like you two." Brian looked at one, then the other, smiling while planted a chaste kiss on each cheek.

All three men were feeling tired and decided to head for bed. Hardy and Brian followed Matt around the house to lock doors and make sure all French doors were tight. Turning off lights as they went, they soon climbed the tall staircase to the second floor.

"Our friend, Ted, says that he had put in all sorts of electronic gizmos to simplify the checking we've done. He promised to come over to show me how it works."

Matt and Hardy showed Brian all the bedrooms on the second floor and then the master bedroom.

"Brian, we would both be honored if you would spend the night in this room with us. The room is huge and the bed is an 'emperor' sized model, loads of room." He looked questioningly at Brian, "Please, Brian, we'll just maybe do some cuddling and then sleep."

"Okay, I would like that myself. I get lonesome at night a lot by myself." Brian answered sadly.

All three men stripped to their shorts, crawled under the covers and experimented with their positions until they found a comfortable one. Brian was in the middle on his back. Matt and Hardy were laying half on Brian on their stomachs and he embraced them with his arms around their shoulders.

Would they dream? You betchum!

The Hyatt Regency Hotel and Convention Center on North High Street, just outside of downtown, was filled with the State Music Educators Conference attendees and performers. Student members of performing bands and choirs invaded every sector of the hotel and monopolized the Food Court constantly. Most of them would only be at the conference for one day. They come in, they play, they leave.

All sorts of classes, workshops and performances were going on all the time for the benefit of music teachers and directors. The program book was a necessity to know what was going on. Matt had checked the Dukes entry in the performance section, noting that Powers name did not appear anywhere. I must call Fred Faust and thank him.

Matt Ridgway had driven to the Convention Center earlier in the month to check out the available rooms for their performance. He wanted a room with a good-sized unencumbered stage area and seating for four to five hundred guests. Matt knew that good acoustics were almost impossible to find since hotels normally have full carpeting on the floors plus thick drapes on the walls.

The assistant manager of the center was not impressed with Matt's credentials and after telling him he could look around himself, left for some sort of meeting with someone important. Now that really pissed off Matt and he wasn't going to be sloughed off like an old discarded snakeskin. After Matt spent fifteen minutes on his cell phone, the assistant manager was back with him to lead him around the assorted venues for performance. No apology of course but he did what he was supposed to have done, admittedly with a slight embarrassed sense about him.

While they walked, Matt was drawn to the young man and wondered why. When he looked closely at the manager, he realized with a start that he looked amazingly like Hardy.

"This is our biggest room," the manager offered, "which will seat 500 in a pinch."

"Could I look at the stage area?"


The young band director was not pleased, but finally decided that he would have to take it, warts and all.

"Thank you, I appreciate your help."

"You're welcome," the manager smiled. "Sorry I was curt earlier. My lover called to tell me that our basement sewer had backed up." He looked directly into Matt's eyes, "I certainly don't know what he thought I could do about it."

Matt smiled, back, "Doesn't your partner have any skills that would help?"

The manager laughed, "His expertise is more in the line of making himself gorgeous when on his feet, and he's exceptionally qualified when lying down in bed."

Then Matt laughed. "I'm Matt Ridgway and teach at Windsor College." When he stuck out his hand the manager said, "Yes, I know. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. My partner is a band director at Westerville High School and we saw your wonderful performance at Otterbein. Your people are super." He paused, "My name is Neil Jordan. I just finished my masters degree, but haven't found a job yet."

"What is your specialty, Neil?"

Neil laughed, "Instrumental Music. Small world isn't it?"

"Who was your graduate advisor? Were you at U of O? I know I will need more instructors at Windsor in the fall."

"Yes, yes and that sounds good, Matt. I will keep in touch. If I could have your address, I'll send my credentials as soon as I can get Dr. Thomas on the ball." He grinned, "Oh, Matt, that sounds so great."

"What about your partner if you move?"

"Matt, we are not in love. Our affiliation is for convenience only. Admittedly, we do have great times in bed, but we aren't committed." Neil paused, gave Matt a look, "Aren't you?"

"How did you know?"

"My partner and I talked to you briefly after the Otterbein concert." He grinned evilly, "I saw you and your blond partner looking at each other. Matt, that is a perfect giveaway. He is a real hunk. Please excuse me, I do have to go, can't afford to lose this job, tough as it in. I'll get in touch with you, count on it."

The two young men, close in age, shook hands and felt an acute aura affected between them.

Matt grinned, "Hope you get that sewer line fixed, Neil, don't forget, stay in touch."

"Sure will, bye."

Matt watched the handsome, blond curly-haired man walk away. His hips gave that little extra twitch that many athletes effect with each step, and was so inviting, as was the whole proportion of his physique. Matt thought, 'I'll see him in a few weeks.'

Three weeks later it was Performance Time. The Dukes of Windsor were ready, standing behind the curtain waiting to go on. Matt was a bit nervous, jittery and breathing heavily. Hardy came close to him and leaned over to kiss him. "Take it easy, Matt, it will be fine." The other Dukes saw the kiss but just smiled warmly, knowing their director and assistant director were solidly in love with each other, devoted as any couple could be. So they were gay? So what!

The host of this performance arrived behind the curtain, "Okay, guys, all set?"

Everybody smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Ok, I'll introduce you and then it is your show. Break a leg."

He slipped between the curtain and introduced, "The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor from Windsor College, Windsor, Ohio."

Immediately as the applause started, they could hear him say, "I'm sorry, the performance is starting, you'll have to sit down in the audience." Matt peeked between the curtains to see the host pushing Dr. Powers down the small stairs to the auditorium floor. 'That son-of-a bitch,' Matt thought. He quickly nodded to the stage hand and the show was on.

The Dukes and Duchess were welcomed with warm applause before playing a note. Their rising fame had preceded them. The five took their initial places in a semi-circle, handsomely dressed in their white ties and tails, taking their cue from Hardy to start a Gabrieli madrigal from the sixteenth century. Christine, in one of her gorgeous gowns, was the first to move, slowly circling the next player who followed her around the others. Gradually, the form of their movements was taking shape. By the time the five were in a straight line from front to back on the stage the music started to change, working bit by bit into Bruce Springsteen's semi- patriotic piece, "Born in the USA". Three players sidled to the left, two to the right to form a pentagon.

The audience had been attentive to the Gabrieli and somewhat settled, but they began moving around, muttering and becoming more excited with the Springsteen number.

At the finish of that selection the applause was solid and sure, no hesitations, no indecision or irresolution. The Dukes held hands, again in a semicircle with Christine in the center. Hardy whispered to Rick, "What's with Christine tonight, she looks especially gorgeous, brighter than ever." Rick smiled back with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

Hardy had noticed while playing that all the Ridgways were ensconced in the front row of seating; Steve, Gary, Anne and Todd along with Brian Whitlow and Mike Keith. He wondered who was sitting with the boys. Actually, at that moment, the boys were in the capable hands of the twins, Tony and Ricco Montoni in the suite Brian had reserved for all of them after the program was over. Brian had also arranged that the Dukes appearance would be broadcast on an in-house TV channel so that those in the suite could see and hear the production.

Since the program was scheduled to be only a half hour, the Dukes progressed through their songs without hesitation. The next two pieces scheduled were primarily dance numbers, swinging each other around to 18th century waltzes which let into Cole Porter and George Gershwin's elegant dance music.

The half hour moved swiftly. Since they weren't changing costumes, Matt didn't have to make any stalling talk during the breaks. The final number was the switching of instruments between five of the Dukes, including Roger who had relearned the trumpet. Matt had also rearranged that music so that here in Columbus, the home of the University of Ohio, the final 16 bars was his orchestration of their famous football fight song of the University, "Down the Field". By the time those 16 bars were finished, the whole assembly was on their feet singing and applauding for the Dukes and Duchess. In that city scheduling that music at the end was tantamount to playing the Stars and Stripes at regular band concerts. Matt had no scruples when promoting his Dukes and Duchess.

The brass quintet took their bows, three times, then disappeared behind the curtain only to return dragging Matt Ridgway along with them, to even louder applause. One more time they returned with Jamal and Roger also dressing in white ties and tails, receiving the ovations from the attendees.

The Dukes and others from Windsor, who had been with them, were told to go to a Suite on the penthouse floor where refreshments awaited them, provided by Brian and Mike Keith, their sponsors. Dean MacAllister and some other Windsor music instructors had also been told about the suite.

In the reserved suite at the Hyatt Regency the initial excitement was over and the Dukes were sitting around with their close friends. Only the Dukes and Matt, Mike and Brian, Roger and Jamal still remained. Anne had taken the little boys home when she left with Steve.

Matt spoke up, "Everybody, I can't tell you how proud I am of you and I'm sure Mike and Brian agree with me. We were all thrilled with your performance. Each one of you was brightly lit, exuberant and spirited, but most of all was our dear Christine. What has got you flying high, Chris? Can you tell us?"

At first Christine looked embarrassed, then smiled radiantly, looking more beautiful than the others had ever seen her. She decided to tell them since it would become more evident all the time.

"My dear friends, and I hope you all like being in that group. I've come to love every one of you, including the boss, Dr. Matthew Ridgway." She started to clap her hands and was quickly joined by all the others in the room. Matt of course blushed deep red, but gamely smiled and nodded.

Chris held up her hands, asking for quiet.

"I don't know how you are going to take what I'm telling you, but I hope you will accept it with love and caring." She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. "The thing is.... I'm.... going ... to ... have a baby!"

Following a brief pause of shock, Chris's six young men quickly gathered around her, trying to get close enough to give her a kiss and a hug. Roger was the last one and she hugged him to herself tightly, giving him a super smooch on his lips. They released themselves, but still held their arms around the other, leaning back to smile. Slowly, Christine turned to face the group and Roger kept his arms around her.

"I think I better tell you right now that Roger is NOT the father."

Roger grinned and looked relieved, although he knew it would have been impossible.

"I'm not about to tell anyone who the father is, so don't bug me," she smiled to ease the tenor of her words. "Matt, I won't be delivering until August, so I'll be ready for next year in the Dukes if I pass the audition. And, I don't believe I'll be showing until early May, so if you could schedule the rest of our concerts by then, I'll still be able to wear the slinky gowns." She paused, "And I've done sort of a survey, Matt. I learned that all the seniors in our little group will be in graduate school next year, and the juniors will be trying out again. We all certainly hope to be members again."

Matt had risen while she spoke and went up to her to give her a hug. While holding her, he said, "Everyone, you will all be in the Dukes next year except for Hardy." The whole group replied 'Awww, not fair,' before Matt could stop them. All eyes were on Hardy at that moment who was a bit shocked. "Hardy will be the director of the Dukes and Duchess!" Matt said loudly.

Hardy had been sitting on a long cushy sofa. He was stunned. Matt had hinted that he might be the director, but hadn't said anything since. Within one minute he was at the bottom of a pile of young males, his friends trying to congratulate him in a typical masculine fashion. A muffled 'help' was soon heard from the pile and the listeners assumed it was Hardy, suffocating.

At that moment Brian stood up and asked for everyone's attention. Hardy's tormenters good-naturedly gave him a few extra pokes, then released him from their tender care. When they had settled down and sat, Brian continued.

"Mike and I have reserved enough rooms for you all. Matt and Hardy will be taking the second bedroom in this suite. Now if I have the right information, I have a room for Little Jeff and Big Jeff," he handed them their key."

"Rick and Jamal, here is your key, and I have one key for Chris and this other one for Roger."

"Uh, Roger," Brian continued, " I could have our driver take you to Steve's house so you and Todd could be together. I understand you are just recently together."

Roger smiled, "Yes, Brian, we are," he blushed, "Matt lent his house to us for a weekend a few weeks back and since then we haven't been together except on the phone." Roger looked down at the floor, "I can survive without seeing him, for a bit, and Chris has asked me to say with her. She says she'll be lonely being by herself. So I'll do that, if that's okay with you."

Brian was impressed with this young man, "You can do whatever you want, but take both keys because your bags are in the other room."

Matt and Hardy started to get ready for bed and were undressing when Brian came into their bedroom to suggest they have a drink together. "Just stay in your shorts," Brian said.

The suite was very impressive and luxurious. A large living room with bar and grand piano led to a bedroom on either side, both having their own baths. A luxurious dining room was off the living room near a wall of glass looking over the city.

The four men gathered by the bar until they had their desired drink, all naked except for their shorts, boxer in three cases and boxer-briefs covering Hardy's butt and essentials.

"Let's sit together on the couches so we can talk," Brian began, "Mike and I have some things to discuss with you, if that is okay." The others nodded, sipping their drinks.

"Matt, you have the Bryan Howard Foundation at Windsor now, but we want to do more in his name. We would like to build the Bryan Howard Conservatory of Music at Windsor College."

Matt and Hardy gasped and looked at each other. Matt actually choked up, not knowing what to say to this courageous and determined young man, and not able to speak even if he thought of something to say. "Brian," Matt finally was able to speak, "I can't tell you how wonderful that would be." He wipes his eyes and blew his nose on a handkerchief. "I know the college has no money for a new building which is what we would need to institute a conservatory of music. Recently I had dreamed about a Conservatory, didn't I, Hardy?" He looked at his lover, "But never thought it possible for many years."

He walked over to Brian, sat down between him and Mike and hugged both of them around the shoulders. "You guys are going to make me believe in the 'tooth' fairy again." He stretched to give each one a kiss on the cheek. All three smiled broadly, warmly. Hardy walked over to shake hands with them. "And I thank you for helping all of us. What I want to know is, just who is Bryan Howard?"

Mike looked into Brian's eyes; "Bryan was a friend of mine from high school who lost his way in life, ending his life at his own hand. Brian and I tried to help him, but we were too late. The story is not a happy one, but I loved him at one time. We had been apart for some years, but were together and renewed our love just before he died. And we want to remember him well."

Brian continued, "We are talking about a brand new building on campus for the Music Department, plus a new endowment for the Department to help support the Conservatory. Do you think that would be a possibility for Windsor College?"

"Oh, man, Brian, they will all go ballistic to hear that. We could double our enrollment in music, add new majors and minors and sponsor more music groups in production techniques. Everything I've wanted to look into since I was hired. I feel as if it is Christmas."

As Matt said that, Mike stood up and paced a little around the living room. "Matt, there are some conditions that will go along with this gift." He quickly raised his palm toward Matt, "Now, Matt, don't jump the gun, take is easy. These aren't bad conditions."

Mike sat again on the couch after getting another drink, the other three men couldn't keep their eyes from watching him and primarily his body, even in boxers it was extraordinary.

"What I mean, Matt, is that we must keep everything quiet, and I mean quiet, until all our finances and plans are worked out. Early disinformation could cost us a lot of money. Even correct knowledge would make everything difficult."

Mike broke in, "We are going to have our 'family' architects, Twin Design Projects, Inc, get to work on a music building for you. I will be sending you a list of possibilities which could be included and we need you to designate the numbers of offices, rehearsal rooms, practice rooms, recital hall, auditorium. Do you think a large auditorium should be built with the music building, or should a new auditorium be built as a separate entity? I'm going to leave this folder with you filled with questions like those. The sooner you both can complete the survey, the sooner our Montoni Twins can get started with a preliminary design. Okay?"

While speaking, Mike had headed for the bar, followed by the other three men for another drink. . Matt was completely overwhelmed by Mike's more mature body, not a weight lifter, but a solid, defined physique with delectable pectorals topped by large deep red nipples sticking out.

Matt couldn't help himself as he grabbed Mike in a bear hug, "Mike, we'll do our best to finish quickly. We will have to do some serious thinking about it. How about a week?" He continued to hold Mike tightly, an action which Mike returned, rubbing each other bodies. Matt's head pressed against the side of Mike's, rubbing against the slight five o'clock shadow on his handsome face. The two men's faces were quite different in structure, but both so good looking and so attractive. Matt whispered to Mike, "You are a wonder, Mike, and a tempter of no mean ability.

Hardy looked at them, looked around toward Brian, then smiled and held up his arms as an invitation to Brian. Not one to be slow to accept an inducement, Brian moved quickly around the bar. Before he grabbed Hardy's exciting, almost naked body, he noticed that Hardy's boxer briefs had a very long, large bulge in his crotch heading north.

Hardy and Brian were much alike, slender, well muscled and tall. Just like Mike and Matt, their faces were quite different in fashioning. Brian was a light blond while Hardy had a less bright blond mane, not long but flowing in loose curls. Shorter and tighter, Brian's hair covered his head thickly, but the strands were thin and light.

As their bodies came together and arms enfolded the other, the two younger men did not hold back at all, they kissed feverishly, lustfully and with lots of tongue and lips and juices. Hardy moved his hands down to where they could slip under his boxers and cup Brian's buttock twins, full not fat, perky not flat and luscious in fingering. Brian was thinking back more than a year when he had sex with a male nurse, Sean Pratt, and even though he felt guilty, it was great sex. He of course told Mike and they worked it out between themselves, forgiven and forgotten.

Matt and Mike pulled their heads back a bit, turned to see Brian and Hardy in a sexy, tight clinch, practically raping each other standing up. They looked at each other with a questioning raising of the eyebrows, as if to say, 'are we going to stop this, or let it go and enjoy?'

As one man, the older couple decided to lead the way and with arms wrapped around shoulders, they headed for Mike and Brian's bedroom. Mike looked toward Brian and Hardy. "Hey," he said and jerked his head toward their bedroom. The younger couple understood, kissed again though more lightly, then followed Mike and Matt. They also understood that it was agreed to do this, to change partners in mid-affair, and not be disappointed or down in the morning.

Matt and Hardy pulled the covers to the bottom of the huge bed revealing soft, pure silk sheets, then stood on either side of the bed, fully erect genitally and in posture, their stance echoed by Mike and Brian. Their eyes on each other spoke magnitudes of randiness, their smiles enjoying the views. As the leader, Mike slid his fingers under the waist of his boxers, slowly pushed them down to his ankles, letting his long, thick cock pop up, slapping his abdomen. Matt and Hardy kept their eyes on Mike's crotch and the dark, thick forest of pubic hair, slightly trimmed. His stout cock seemed even more huge with that background. Their eyes strayed upward to focus on his husky chest, lightly tinted with black hair that was not enough to disguise his muscles and nipples.

The other three followed suit, revealing their total nakedness to the opposite couple, slightly embarrassed but also somewhat pleased with their own abundance of 'equipment'. The four pricks were close in length and width, plus in heft and bulk. The four glans, however, were different in shape, color and size. Two were helmet-like with curves, one was no larger than the shaft that held it and the fourth was Matt's, more round than curved and quite a bit larger than the shaft.

Matt and Mike looked to each other, nodded and each lay on their backs in the center of the large bed. Brian lay on his right side at Matt's edge of the bed. Hardy slid between Mike and the other outside edge. Mike brought the younger man to himself, eager to feel that solid, golden flesh, muscle and sinew.

Brian responded eagerly, touching Matt gently, but not tentatively. He pressed strongly on Matt's buttocks, up his back to shoulders and down and around to find his balls and cock. His fingers felt the firm flesh and smooth skin undulate under their pressure, the exciting sensations electrifying his nerves and driving his lust to new passion.

Hardy was not timid either when Mike lay on his right side facing the younger man who reached immediately to hold Mike, feel that clear, white skin, those strong muscles. He ran his hand over Mike's pecs, enjoying the feel of his sparse black hair, and giving his nipples a slight twist. That, more than just being with Mike, excited him, bringing his cock up to full potency. However, he wasn't about to give up this chance with Mike, an actual idol to him, though not more than Matt.

As if programmed by a script of their coming together, Hardy and Brian stood up and turned around with their feet at the head of the bed. Their faces were even with their lover's crotch while their own crotch was being investigated by their older lover's lips and tongues. Soon each of the four had a cock in his mouth, licking the head roughly, pushing their heads down to the base of the rock hard, pulsing cocks that heads were trying to force their way into the throat.

Hardy and Mike had their mouths and hands working fervently on buttocks and balls, using their noses to search intimately their partner's cock, balls and perineum. Tongues licked cocks and scrotums, and further toward the other's asshole as their partner raised his upper leg.

Brian and Matt had begun a similar route to a climax, but Brian raised himself over Matt, taking Matt's cock into his mouth as far as he could. It was just a bit to big to deep throat so he sucked and licked the head. Meanwhile, Brian's own cock dropped into Matt's mouth to begin fucking the velvet sheath of warmth and slippery moisture and gums and cheeks. Brian tried desperately to keep from fucking too deep into Matt's mouth, afraid of hurting him, yet his erotic shocks were pushing his pelvis forward more frenziedly. Both men were climbing the heights of passion, soon reaching their climax, shooting streams of semen into Brian's mouth and Matt's hungry throat that he sucked down eagerly into his stomach.

Brian crawled around to cuddle Matt face to face, kissing each other until they fell into a light sleep. Soon they were awakened to hear Mike and Hardy groaning and grunting in their passion, gripping each other's buttocks to pull their cocks harder and faster into their mouths. Within a few moments both were drinking hot semen from their partner's cock, pulses of their seed-carrying juices slipping down their throats to fertilize their own imagining thrills.

Soon Matt spoke up, "Hey, Hardy, lets go to bed in our own room and maybe we can figure out some other exercise we can work out with our big dicks." He laughed, stood up, and pulled on Hardy's limp dick, "Come on, lover, we've had our fun, let's get down to the nitty gritty."

Matt and Hardy, the Dukes and baggage were loaded on their RV for the trip back to Windsor that morning. Their RV was looked on with jealousy, envy and begrudging looks by other performance groups stuck with old school buses or dilapidated commercial buses. The Dukes proudly introduced the RV to some friends they'd made at the SMEC, demonstrating the opportunities for games like GameBoy on the RV television set, sitting, resting and nodding off plus the cooking and food options available. The nice friends just admitted how lucky they thought the Dukes were. The Dukes may have enticed the students to consider Windsor later on.

That Saturday afternoon the two men decided to spend the day at their farm a little south of Windsor, to become used to the house and all it held. Touring the barn and the old dairy barn was another project for them, partly looking for possible space to park cars under shelter. While they were walking around their property, Matt noticed a very subtle hitch in Hardy's walking. He smiled and reflected that his own dick must have been exuberant in ravaging Hardy's ass last night. That was after they had played around with Mike and Brian. Hardy wanted it, he said so.

Around 4 pm they returned to the house, searched for any kind of booze without success until they tried the den. This room was found between the living room and the kitchen toward the back of the house. Neither had really looked closely at the room, but found it attractive with the look of an English Men's Club, formal, lots of deep maroon leather and dark wood with a small bar hidden behind a beautiful set of linen-fold carved cabinet doors.

Hardy did the honors to fix each of them a decent gin and tonic having found limes in the refrigerator. He wondered who would have supplied them with limes, maybe Ted, or maybe Mark Anthony. Either might have. He would have to remember to thank them.

A wood-burning fireplace on an inner wall had been furnished with paper, kindling and three pieces of dry firewood. Matt and Hardy sat in the soft leather sofa in front of that fireplace after lighting the makings. Within a few minutes they were enjoying the warmth and light of brightly flaming set of logs, sipping their drink and holding hands. Matt again noticed that Hardy was having some trouble; he sat very carefully and gently in the sofa. He wondered if he should help him with some salve or other soft delight like his tongue on the tortured hole.

When Matt's cell phone in his pocket vibrated, he released Hardy's hand to answer it.


"Hi, Matt Ridgway?"


"This is Erik Landsdown, at the bank?"

"Oh, hi Erik, yes this is Matt. What's up?"

"Matt, I need to talk to you but not on the phone. Could I come to your house? And could Mr. Wolfe be there, too?"

"If you mean now, that would be fine. We'll be both here. You know where we are?"

"Matt, remember I had a hand in the financial dealings with Mark Anthony. Yes, I know where the farm is and where the house is. It will take me about 15 minutes. See you then."


Matt put his phone away, turned to Hardy, looking strangely. "That was Erik Landsdown, at the First National Bank. He wanted to talk to me and also be sure you would be here, too. He's got me really wondering. When your banker wants to talk to you privately, you do wonder."

Matt stood at the front door, watching as Erik Landsdown drove a silver Lexus SUV down their lane to the house. No more Caddies for bankers, he guessed. As he walked on the porch, Matt opened the door to admit him.

"Hi, Erik, good to see you," he paused, "I hope?"

The two men shook hands, and then turned to see Hardy walking weirdly toward them.

"Hi, Hardy, good to see you." Erik smiled affectionately while he took Hardy's hand.

"Same here, Erik, come on in the den with us. We are having gin and tonics, would that please your palate?"

"Yes, that might calm my nerves, too, Hardy."

Once the three men were ensconced in the cushy chairs of the den, Matt asked, "Well, Erik, what brings you to our door? Nothing bad, I hope."

Erik rubbed on hand over his lower face, "I don't know, Matt, but I am worried. You know I think a lot of you, and Hardy, too, and try to stay aware of murmurings around town. Did you know I'm on the Board of Trustees of Windsor College?" They shook their heads 'no'.

"Well, I am. And, I am always alert to anything I hear or overhear about either of you two.

At the last board meeting, I was having a drink in the College Academic union with friends, some on the board, some not. I overheard one man talking about the Dukes of Windsor, mentioning your name and Hardy's, but then he talked more quietly and I couldn't hear everything. Just something about 'getting rid of them'. I'm not sure that was meant to mean you two, but I'm not taking chances."

Matt and Hardy felt like they were struck in the face.

"And do you know who else is a trustee? Your friend, Mark Anthony"

"Oh, jeez, Matt, we told him we were gay and together and all that." Matt frowned when Hardy said that.

Erik smiled, "Don't worry, men, I already knew. Or rather guessed. You are fine with me, you are a wonderful couple, so many people have told me, too. Not that you are a couple, just good men."

"One more thing," Erik interjected, "another name was mentioned at almost the same time, that of Merritt Wolfe. Do you know him?'

"Oh, shit, my father. Is he getting into this mess, too?"

Erik shrugged, "I don't know, Hardy, we must be aware of the possibility," he warned, "but you must also be aware that you have some very good friends on the board. There is me, and Mark Anthony, Christine Griffith's father, Kenneth and a couple others I know for sure, so don't worry, men. We will be looking after your interests. Matt, you are the best thing to come along in Windsor College and there will be a battle royale if someone challenges that." He turned to Hardy, "There is a possibility that Merritt Wolfe has a man or two on the board whom he has bought." He looked at his watch, "Thanks for the drink, but I must get home, going out for dinner. I'll be talking to you. If you come up with anything, you tell me, okay?"

"Sure, Erik, and thanks for the warnings. We will look into it, too."

After Erik left, Matt and Hardy lay on the couch together, hugging and caressing each other, giving words of comfort and support to the other.

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 17

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