Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 24, 2004



Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

=========== Chapter Twelve ===========

In the cold early morning Matt was clothed only in his sleep shorts and heavy, wool socks, getting some breakfast. Hardy had left for an early meeting with some of his seminar mates, working on a project for Dr. Ridgway, a few minutes before and Matt got up with him to make sure he ate some breakfast, too. He remembered fondly, the "Yes, Mom" remark from his lover when told his breakfast was on the table. It was hot oatmeal (not Hardy's favorite), orange juice and coffee, but it was food. And he ate it.

Hardy hugged him before he left, kissing him gently, casually sliding his hands behind Matt inside his sleep shorts, feeling the sensual contours of Matt's bare buttocks. Then he left, after heating up Matt's hyper-blood pressure level.

Matt finished two pieces of toast with butter and jam and was just drinking his coffee when the phone rang. He glanced at the clock, wondering who would be calling at 8:00 A.M.


"Hi, Matt, this is Dean McAllister."

"Good morning, sir," he answered.

"Good morning, Matt, I need you here at the music building, actually in your office, as soon as you can make it."

"Well, that depends how you want me, sir. I'd be quicker if I stayed as undressed as I am, but would probably freeze." He laughed, "Sorry, sir, I'll be there in about a half hour. OK?"

"That would be fine, Matt. We are making some progress in our RV mystery and you need to be here to witness this session. See you then. Bye"


Matt set his dishes in the sink and headed for his bedroom where he showered, cleaned up and put on his usual casual clothes, actually dressing warmer than usual. At the front door he wondered if he'd have to walk. He put on the heavy parka and stepped out on the porch. "Ah, Hardy, you good lad. You left the van for me to drive. One of these days, when we get some spare money, we need to get you a vehicle of your own."

A few weeks before, Matt had looked around the office section of the music building for a better office for himself. When he arrived, he'd been given the dinky, cruddy office which he used until he saw other offices which were much nicer.

He finally decided that the room which housed his graduate music seminar, would do for his office. Much larger and nicely decorated, this room could hold his office furniture along with an easy chair he found in a used furniture store. That was besides the round seminar table with eight desk chairs that also helped to fill the room. But, he was much more satisfied. He wondered who it might have been who had assigned him the worst office in the building. Hmmm, he thought. 'Bet I know.'

Walking into his office Matt found Dean McAllister sitting in his desk chair, four young men sitting at the seminar table and an older man looking at his bookshelves.

"Hi Matt, I better introduce you to these people." He turned to the older man, "This is Dr. Ben Sheldon, our esteemed physics professor, who will be helping us to solve part of our mystery. And these," he turned to the young men, "are four students in the professors advanced physics class. I'll let him introduce them. Doctor."

Dr. Sheldon extended his arm and hand to shake Matt's hand with a fine smile, "Matt, I'm Ben and these gentlemen are, on my right, Ian and James Campbell while those on my left are Perry and Eamon O'Brien. You probably noticed that Perry and Eamon must be twins," Matt nodded, "but Ian and James are twins also, but of the fraternal variety."

Ian and James, Matt noted, were a husky pair, fine-looking men of Scottish inheritance, well built and appearing intelligent and interesting. Perry and Eamon were quite similar, smaller than the Campbells, but no less intelligent and bright looking.

"Matt, each term I have the advanced students create a situation where they are using the physics examples we studied in a real world condition. When these men told me that they had moved the RV from your warehouse to another warehouse to illustrate one of those principals, I suggested strongly that they immediately get in touch with you to let you know where the RV was. I remained in their presence until they did that."

"Subsequently, someone else removed the RV from the place where they had put it. Now, no one knows where it is. I have been talking to these men to see if they could suggest anyone who might have done that."

Ian Campbell spoke up, "Dr. Ridgway, we know we did a very stupid thing, and we admit that we did not think of the repercussions of our act. However, we apologize to you and are very sorry that we did it." All four men were looking directly at Matt, "And, we hope you can forgive us and not come down too hard on us."

Dr. Sheldon broke in, "Matt, I'm sure they see what could be ahead for them, and do regret very sincerely their action. I, for one, would hope we could solve this without taking them to the police and courts."

The sincerity in the eyes of these young men fairly leaped toward Matt and he had to resist smiling at them. "Gentlemen, if, and that is a big if, we find the RV in perfect shape, I think we can solve this situation among the seven of us here." The boys immediately and visibly relaxed, showing their relief that they might get off. "Do you have any ideas of someone who would have done the stealing?"

All four shook their heads in a way that Matt was reasonably certain they were telling the truth.

"Well, Campbell's and O'Brien's," he stopped, "by the way, could Jeff O'Brien be a relative of yours?"

Perry and Eamon smiled, "Yes, he's our younger brother, hardly as big as the tuba he plays." Everyone laughed. "But, Dr. Ridgway, we do know how great he is on the instrument."

"So, that was how you heard of the RV, right?"

"Yes. We heard him talking to someone about it. Then we followed you and Hardy to the warehouse where you stashed it."

"Okay, men, keep in touch if you think of anything to get yourselves out of this mess." He turned to Ben Sheldon, "Ben, could I talk to you for a few minutes after we let the others go."


The Campbells and O'Brien's and the Dean left the office, the young men considerably perkier than when they came in.

"Ben," Matt started, "what I'd like to know is if you have any of my band members in your advanced physics classes. Would you make a list of your students and their addresses as soon as you could, and have someone bring it to me?"

"Sure, Matt. By the way I thought your Dukes and Duchess of Windsor were excellent. I had no idea we had such fine talent here at Windsor College."

"Thanks, Ben. And we hope to make it better all the time. And you must have some physics class there, real geniuses." He smiled.

That morning Little Jeff and Big Jeff were in their room in the dorm, lazing around, reading a couple of People magazines, trying to find their favorite male stars in less clothing than usual.

Both Jeff's had been home for Christmas, but elected to return to the college to study and do research. And, of course, they wanted to be together. Windsor College kept most of the campus libraries open during the holidays, except for Dec. 25 and Jan. 1, and the Jeffs took advantage of that. Of course, that meant they were in the dorm practically by themselves, where they could do pretty much what they wanted. Late the previous night they had taken showers in the communal bathroom on their floor, and also managed to shag each other with wild abandon.

They were lying on LJ's bed, facing opposite ends, relaxed except for their sore assholes but at ease with each other. LJ's right leg was against BJ whose right arm was lying along it. His fingers idly felt his lover's leg, teasing the hair he found on LJ's thigh. Little Jeff always complained about how much Big Jeff's cock hurt him, however because of its small size, Big Jeff accommodated LJ's pole well. Little Jeff's story was quite different since it was only recently that he was able to take Big Jeff's cock up his ass, and that day he was really sore.

Almost unconsciously, BJ's hand worked it way farther up LJ's thigh until it disappeared under his shorts. BJ's progress only stopped when he felt his fingers touch LJ's ball sack, then his penis, soft and limber.

LJ looked down the bed to BJ's eyes, "What are you doing, love? If you mess around too much, you will have to clean it up."

BJ smiled, "What if I catch it on my tongue, babe, then I won't have to tidy you up."

"In that case, Jeffie, carry on, just don't get near my ass." To hurry things along, LJ slid his only garment, his shorts, off his butt to his knees. BJ took them the rest of the way off his feet.

LJ's dick wasn't really hard, but by the time BJ had licked his way up the inside of LJ's legs, it was standing tall, well, as tall as it gets, maybe 6 inches long, about 3 inches in circumference. It was not one of the big ones, but BJ certainly enjoyed having his full hard cock inside him whenever he felt like it.

LJ lay quietly all the while when BJ was laving his balls, his perineum and a good swipe gently around his asshole. But when BJ started to lick his cock, LJ started to move, twisting and turning on his bed of love. Sinking his mouth to LJ's pubes, then back out to suck on his head, BJ was exciting LJ's passion, his eroticism to a peak.

LJ hollered, "Oh, god, Jeffie, that is so good, you got me goin', babe, keep it up and I'll give you a big load... oh... man... IT'S CUMMING, man, take it, it's here." His cock started shooting squirt after squirt onto Jeff's tongue and some down his throat. LJ may not have a big cock, but he shot pints of cum and many pulses. BJ could easily swallow a bunch and still have a mess to drop into LJ's mouth when they were done.

After LJ had recovered a bit, he reached to BJ's armpits and pulled BJ's body up and his head level with his own head, opened his mouth to receive BJ's gift of LJ's own cum. He loved it and savored it. BJ lay on top of LJ who easily tolerated the extra weight, about half his own weight.

Both young men relaxed and slept a bit. But when BJ woke, noted the time on the clock, he woke LJ, too, with some loving kisses on his mouth and face. "Jeff, it's almost noon, I need to call Perry and Eamon to see what happened at their meeting. Hang on."


"Hi, there, brother, it's Jeff." BJ couldn't tell which twin was which on the phone, and often not even with them in person. He knew Perry had a small birthmark on his left butt cheek, but that clue was not readily available for his inspection. Even when they explained who was who, he was never really sure if they were giving him a hard time or not. When Jeff had come along, Perry and Eamon realized the opportunities of their twinship to fool around other people

"Hi, Jeff, what's up?"

"Uh, BJ and I were just lying ... ah ... sitting here wondering how your meeting went with Dr. Ridgway and the Dean."

Sarcastically, "Yeah, I'll bet you were just sitting there, bro. We'll talk about that later." He continued, "Eamon and I and the Campbell twins may come out of this okay, if they find the RV in good shape."

BJ could be talking to Perry, or Eamon since they pulled that trick often.

Perry continued, "They might be able call it a student prank' if they get it back."

"Well, Perry, I was worried about you two. You know I do love you very much, whether it means anything to you or not."

"BJ, don't get snitty on me, bro, we love you just as much. Remember, it doesn't matter if you are gay, we still love you. If you hear anything about where the RV might be now, be sure to let us know and we can get the credit."

BJ laughed, "Okay, my brother bubble, double trouble, I'm with you. Take care, bye."


BJ explained to LJ just what had happened at the meeting.

"Hope they'll be ok."


In his office Matt was working on his teacher's paperwork, wishing it would go away. He'd had the graphics arts department, Christine's uncle, design and print a brochure for the Dukes of Windsor, their type of programs, instrumentation, and availability for performances. Then he had sent them out to many colleges and universities around the state, sticking to Ohio for the time being.

Just as his phone rang, Hardy walked into his office, shutting the door behind him. He leaned over Matt with a kiss on each cheek.


"Hi, is this Dr. Matthew Bunker Ridgway?"

Matt answered, wondering, "Yes, that's me." He paused, "Aha, I know who this is. It must be David Delmont Drumm. Right?"

"Yes, you get the cigar. How you doing, Matt?"

"Everything is going along very well, Dave, on the whole. But you know how that goes."

David Drumm was a friend of Matt's from the University of Ohio in Columbus, both striving to get their doctor's degree. They had been good friends, but not really close.

"Well, Matt, I got your brochure for the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor. Clever. I'm director of bands at Otterbein College in Westerville. You remember where that is, right?"

"Of course, Dave, we used to play gigs at the American Legion Hall there. What's up?"

"If you have room in your schedule, we'd like to sponsor the Dukes and Duchess on Friday, January 17, at 7:30 P.M. in our Cowan Auditorium. Actually, from the picture you sent, you could just send the Duchess, she'd do fine."

"Aha, sex discrimination! Shame!"

"Hush, Matt. The Dean at the University of Ohio campus in River City is an old teacher of mine and he told me about your performance there. Sounds wonderful. Do you know about that date?"

Hardy had been listening, looked at their calendar and was nodding his head.

"Well, Dave, my assistant indicates that we are available."

"That's great, Matt, ah... ah... would that assistant be another of your friends?"

"Hush, Dave, but .. yes... but this one is for keeps."

David Drumm knew about Matt and his orientation. Dave was not gay, but he liked Matt very much and felt that whatever turned Matt on, was fine with him.

"Oh, Matt, I'm so pleased for you. I'm anxious to meet him."

"Well, Dave, his picture is on the brochure, last on the left."

"Oh, my god, Matt, he's gorgeous. Man, are you ever lucky." Hardy nodded his head.

"Don't I know it?" he thought, "I do have a few questions, Dave, mainly about where we will play."

Dave described the auditorium, which would hold a thousand or so, large stage with full lighting and all the amenities including sound system. We do have another venue, Riley Auditorium in the Battelle Fine Arts Center which will hold up to 275 attendees. The stage area is probably not what you would want."

"Dave, the group needs to change quickly between numbers sometimes. Would there be a way to do that in the wings, or close by?"

"Sure, Matt, at Cowan Hall, that has plenty."

"Don't forget; one of them is a woman."

"Matt, I couldn't forget that, that is a woman," he exclaimed.

"We don't actually need a sound system except for when I'm speaking while they are changing their costumes. We will also need to park our bus next to the auditorium, save time getting ready and stuff."

"Can do, Matt. We'll ink that date for you now, and give a call if anything comes to mind. I'll be around most of the time until then. No trips or anything. Hey, Matt, let me talk to your assistant there."

"Dave, his name is Hardy Wolfe, here he is."

"Hi, Dr. Drumm, this is Hardy Wolfe."

"Hi Hardy, I just wanted to tell you that you have the best man in the world as your partner, and if he ever gives you a bit of trouble, let me know and I'll settle him down. Okay?"

"Sure, but I think I'm the one who might give him trouble."

"I don't think so, Hardy, you are also one of a kind, I can tell and I know Matt very well, too. Now, let me talk to Matt again, I'll see you in two weeks."

"Dave, I'm back on."

"Matt, can he hear me?"

"No, Dave, he left the room." Actually Hardy had run out of the room with tears in his eyes, overcome by Dave's praises.

"Is he a Wolfe of THE Wolfe's of Columbus?"

"Yes, Dave, though his mother divorced her particular Wolfe. Enough said."

"Man, I heard Hardy play when he was in high school, in fact, he was so good I offered him a scholarship to attend Otterbein, but he had other plans. I guess you were in them."

"No, Dave, we didn't meet until last September in my graduate music seminar."

"Boy, you are some lucky dog, I'd say." He thought a moment, "I can't think of anything else, Matt, give me a call next week, okay?"

"Sure, Dave, and thanks for the invite. We'll see you then, my friend."

"Okay, Matt, and hang on to that Wolfe in your heart. I know we aren't of the same nationality; I still envy you, bye."

That night after they were finished with dinner, Matt and Hardy were sitting on the living room sofa, fully dressed. Their favorite position was Matt sitting behind Hardy, his legs spread and his lover sitting between them, leaning back on Matt's chest. Matt's arms encircled Hardy's body, sometimes his chest, sometimes his abdomen and often cursorily cupping his genitals.

This was their rest time, a quiet time after work and supper when they could share their day, their thoughts and speak of their love for each other. In that position they never went very far, sexually, because that was not the time, nor the place where they made love. It was just a little idiosyncrasy of their partnership. Some might call them anally retentive, but it was what they liked.

Matt told Hardy all about the meeting that morning with Dr. Sheldon, Dean McAllister and the four boys from Sheldon's class of advanced physics.

"So, what are you thinking now, Matt? Why did you want the names and addresses of Dr. Sheldon's classes?

"My main thought is that someone must have had previous knowledge of the four twins project and followed them to watch while they followed us. I don't know who would be more likely to know than other students in their class. And, after they stole the RV, they moved it out of the general area of Windsor. I wanted to see who of them has a home outside of the city but still not too far, say, in the vicinity of Bryan, most likely."

"Hmmm, that's good thinking, Matt. They might live on a farm, working or not, which would have a large barn to store the RV. Have you had a chance to look them over yet?"

Matt lowered his head, pressing his lips to Hardy's right ear, giving him a mighty kiss. Hardy flinched as he made the loud noise. "Yes, and I might have found someone. But, I can't just go there to look in their barn. So I called Brian, suggesting a possible location and he would order the helicopter up this evening. He might call anytime."

At that moment the phone beckoned. Matt walked to the kitchen where they last left the phone.


"Hi, Matt, it's your brother-in-law, Gary, with some good news." Matt started to say something, but Gary interrupted, "Matt, now just listen. You have a court date tomorrow morning at 11:00 A.M. in Columbus. Your case against University Printers is due for a judgment then. Do you have any kind of an airport in Windsor?"

"I don't think so, but there probably is one in Bryan, that's 12 miles away."

"Okay, that's fine. I checked with the University of Ohio Airport and with previous warning, you will be able to land there. I will have a limo waiting for you. You will need to be at that airport by nine-thirty; we do need to talk before the session. Okay?"

"Gary," Matt's voice shook a bit, "I. I ... I don't think I can fly in a little plane. They scare me to death."

"Matt, you're a big man now, but you can bring Hardy with you if that will help."

Matt looked at Hardy, his eyes very moist, "Thanks, Gary, I'll do that. He can hold my hand all the way." He smiled at Hardy, and then held out his hand to him. Hardy walked to Matt, gently taking his hand in his own, the other hand around his waist.

"Gary, I'll do some calling, the airport should still be open, and make a flight plan. And I'll call you as soon as I can."

"Good man, do that. Love you, bye."

Half an hour later, Matt had completed all the arrangements. He told Hardy that they would have to be at the airport by 8:00 A.M. to takeoff by 8:15 and to arrive by 9:30. He also called Gary back and told him of the arrangements. Gary was satisfied.

The airport was very cold at 8:00 A.M. in Bryan, cold and windy, their suits and topcoats were not much protection. Naturally, Matt was worried about all that wind, gusting, maybe crashing the plane. Hardy pooh-poohed that thought. The plane and pilot were ready and they took off within fifteen minutes. As they soon passed over Bryan, Hardy was looking down at the ground so far below. Matt didn't look.

"You know, Matt, I just saw a couple RV dealers' lots, full of RV vehicles. That would be a good way to hide an RV for a short time, especially if they could cover up the Dukes of Windsor lettering on the sides. Might be a way."

"Well, if the possibility I have going doesn't turn out for us, that should be the next step."

After landing, Hardy agreed that it was a bit of a bumpy ride, but he was more worried about ever using that hand again. His lover had been holding it very tightly all the way.

"I'm sorry, Hardy, but I don't think I could have made it without you."

Matt brought only a briefcase and Hardy just brought himself. The limo was where Gary had said it would be. Within half an hour they had traveled Route 315 to downtown Columbus and pulled up at the courthouse, near the State House. A young man from Gary's office met them, leading them to a conference room Gary had reserved.

Matt, Gary and Hardy shook hands. "How was the trip, Matt?"

Hardy held out his hand, making it look gnarled and totally useless. "Look what he did to my hand." He gave Matt a look of such love it would be immediately evident to anyone watching, especially the judges.

Gary whispered, "Hardy, don't give Matt a look like that in the court, please. We might have the decision I'm hoping for reversed. These judges are not noted for their liberal views. Okay?"

Hardy was embarrassed, he reddened, "Okay, Gary," he said quietly, "I'll try, but it is very difficult," he blushed again, "you know what I mean." Gary nodded.

Gary had opted for a decision by judges only, three of the best in literary cases. They had only been in the courtroom for ten minutes when their case was brought up for judgment.

"Dr. Ridgway, are you in the courtroom?" Gary goosed Matt to stand up, straighten his coat, and told him to look intelligent. Matt gave Gary a dirty look. Gary stood beside Matt. That pleased Matt, his necessary crutch.

The judge in the center of the three began with comments about the case, caustically condemning the University Printers for their actions, especially sending thugs to steal Dr Ridgway's original copies of his work. That had been proven.

"Dr. Ridgway, the decision of this court is to the effect of awarding you $500,000 owed to you from previous sales of your book, plus $250,000 more for damages to your professional reputation and further damages of $250,000 because you did not receive your fair share of the sales in good time. You now have a choice, do you want to stay with University Printers to continue to sell your book, or do you want to go to another publisher?" Matt could hardly breathe, that much money, to him? Almost a million bucks.

Gary whispered to Matt, "I've already talked to Education Publishers and they want you, they'll pay a $250,000 bonus if you join their firm."

Matt turned to stare at Gary, he whispered, "You're kidding?"


"Do I speak?"


"Your honor, if it please the court, I would like to go with a different publisher."

"Thank you, Dr. Ridgway, I will have the computer files of your book confiscated immediately, and University Printers will be dealt with harshly if they try to sell another one of your books. Their unsold published books at book stores and other companies will be returned to them."

"Thank you, your honor."

A rap of the gavel followed by "Case Closed" came next. The defendants were stomping out of the courtroom, staring arrows at Gary and Matt, "I don't think they look very friendly, Gary, should we immediately fall dead?"

"Listen, Matt, they are very lucky that none of them was tried on criminal charges. That would have occurred if I had pushed it.

"'Nough said. Now we go to lunch on me, well, on University Printers, then you two will have to get on the plane again."

"Oh, no," Hardy and Matt howled as one.

Gary broke out in gales of laughter, "I'm sorry, guys, I was kidding, you'll just have to ride back in the Cadillac limo. The driver is a faithful old friend of mine who will be unable to see into the back seat, and wouldn't care what you did anyway."

"By the way, Gary, my dear brother-in-law, how much of that award am I going to get to keep?"

"Well, Matt, counting my fees, taxes and expenses, you'll probably end up with two thirds of the judgment and two thirds of the bonus from Educational Printers. So, I'd guess about $650,000 all told. Maybe more, it depends how high the further damages go. Possibly it could be as much as $750,000."

The limousine had passed through Findlay before their bubbling enthusiasm and excitement had worn off and their mouths stopped talking. Hardy finally forced a kiss on Matt's lips in order to stop him from talking.

"Hardy, I am so pleased at the outcome of those awards. And I am especially happy that you are with me to share everything."

"Oh, Matt, I couldn't, that's your money, you earned it."

"Damn tootin' it is yours, too. I earned that for you, too."

"But you didn't know me then."

"One more word about that, Hardy, and I'll cut off your allowance."

"Oh, no, what will I do?"

They rode quietly for a while.



"What shall we buy first?"

Hardy responded, "I don't know, it's your.... "

"No more of that, Hardy. It's not my money. IT IS OUR MONEY! Got it?"

"Okay," Hardy seemed a little sad, a little down.

Matt got on his knees on the floor in front of Hardy. He put his hands on Hardy's thighs, "Is my big-dicked lover feeling a little hurt, not appreciated? Does he need a little pick-me-up? Well, we'll see what we can do."

Hardy was trying not to laugh at Matt, and kept his face down while he felt Matt's hands at his belt, button and zipper, each of which he opened. When Matt gripped Hardy's pants and shorts in the rear, he cooperated by lifting his butt so they could be removed.

Matt's face immediately sank into Hardy's crotch, smelling his lover's aromas, his sex and his male scent. His hands ended up under Hardy's butt, squeezing those ripe melons and letting his fingers walk lightly between the cheeks.

"Oh, Matty, I don't deserve you, I can't bring much to our partnership, not much of any worth."

Matt grabbed Hardy's scrotum and balls, pulling them high above his crotch. "Damn it, Hardy, I'll pull your balls off. I don't give a damn about you bringing valuables to our home. You bring me your total love, I know it and you do, too, for that I would give all that I just won." Tears appeared in Matt's eyes, "Don't you understand that," he complained, "I don't want your stuff, I WANT YOU."

Hardy gave in and started tearing himself, he hesitated, "My beloved Matt, I know what you mean," he coughed deep in his chest, "and that's all I want from you. I'm sorry, I'll try to do better." He wiped his eyes and giggled, "Now, you could continue with your little 'pick-me-up', maybe?"

Gently releasing Hardy's balls, he headed back for the hardon next to them. He sank Hardy's hot rod into his mouth to his throat, licking up and down and around the cockhead. Hardy was so excited and passionate that he only lasted a couple minutes before he was shooting his hot juices into Matt's throat, juices that Matt drank with joy and love.

When Hardy was finished, Matt was embarrassed when he sat back on the seat to notice that he had cum when Hardy had, making a large wet spot in his lap.

Matt pointed it out to Hardy, "See what I go through for you?"

Hardy leaned over to give his lover a special kiss, tongue and all, "Yes, Matty, we both give for the other. I accept that what we have is ours, and belongs to both. Thank you for showing me the way, hon."

They kept quiet for a moment. Then, "So, Hardy, what shall we buy first?"

They both roared, then lay on the wide seat, cuddling together, finally sleeping until they stopped in front of their house in Windsor.

The driver nodded when they thanked him, but he was thinking that they were a lucky pair, handsome and so well endowed. Yes, he could see everything in the back seat, dicks and all. He damn near wrecked the limo once or twice while watching and another time when he was jerking off his own cock, all over his pants. Oh well, he'd clean them up before he went home.

The two travelers had gotten home in Windsor by 5:00 P.M., refreshed by their nap in the car. Both had noticed the look the driver had given them when they exited the vehicle, again wondering if he really couldn't see in the back seat. Both bet he could. They'd have to tell Gary.

Matt and Hardy only spent enough time in the house to change into casual clothes, saving a shower for later, after they had supper. Hopping into his Town and Country van, Matt drove them to the Hob Nob restaurant, almost empty since the students were on holiday. Walking to a booth, Matt noticed that BJ and LJ were sitting in a booth, but hadn't been served yet.

"Hey, guys, you got room for two more?" Matt smiled at the Big and Little Jeff's. "We've been to Columbus today and need to relax."

BJ jumped up, stood away from the bench seat, "Sure, Dr. Ridgway, you two sit over there." He smiled, "We'd rather be on the same side anyway."

Matt looked at BJ with a smile in his eyes, "Oh, is that right, BJ. And just why would that be?"

BJ blushed deeply, giving a quick glance at LJ, then back to Matt. "Let's just say we're buds, and enjoy being together." He also smiled.

As Matt and Hardy sat down, Matt realized that Hardy was giving him a deep frown. That must mean that he was teasing the Jeff's too much. 'Ooops,' he thought. 'I better make up for it.'

When the waiter came by, Matt told him that he would take care of all the charges for the four of them. Hardy and Matt ordered the special of beef tips on noodles and trimmings, and the Jeff's both had the young peoples' dinner, cheeseburger, fries and corn chips with salsa plus a pitcher of coke. The four of them talked about the Dukes since three of them were Dukes while the fourth was the director. Matt explained where their next performance would be and some of the new arrangements he and Hardy had finished. Their orders were delivered to the table and they dug in quickly.

"If you two, or any of the others, have suggestions for the group, please tell me or Hardy. We want to present an entertaining and educational production, yet still keep pace with the constant changes of new music, classical or popular or anywhere in between." He looked at them seriously, "I, we, do want your input for the success of the group. Okay?"

"Sure, Dr. Ridgway," they answered.

"And, when we're not in school you can call me Matt. Okay with that, too?"

Both Jeff's smiled broadly, "Sure."

They had almost finished when the door to the restaurant opened and Matt watched Brian come in, noticed them and walked to the booth. Matt stood up, ready to welcome his friend, and was able to introduce Jeff O'Brien and Jeff McGruder to him. Matt had expected Brian because he said he would be at the Hob Nob by 6:00 P.M. to go for a ride.

"Guys, this is a friend of mine, Brian, who is helping us to locate the RV." He turned to Brian, "How many can the helicopter carry, maybe all of us?"

"Sure," Brian answered, "we won't be long, following your directions." He looked at the Jeff's, "You want a night helicopter ride, the four of you?"

"Hey, man, we'd love it," BJ said, and LJ echoed.

Brian spoke, "The four of you? Matt, you are coming along, too?"

"Oh, no, I don't think so."

Brian made a silly threat. "Well, then, I won't go either. So there." He stuck out his tongue and gave Matt a pure and true raspberry.

Each of these two could act as childish as the other.

Hardy spoke up, "Come on, Matt, you can hold my hand like you did this morning."

Brian considered it done. "Okay, let's go. I have to get that helicopter back before long. Matt, I have Adam's big truck tonight, so I can take us all to the helicopter." He thought for a minute, "And, I may like to stay overnight with you, the pilot can find his way home without me." He grinned.

Matt paid the bill, leaving a good tip; he and Hardy would be eating there often in the next months.

Brian and Hardy left the restaurant while the Jeff's picked up their coats and backpacks. Matt followed them out, an arm around the shoulder of each Jeff. He whispered, "Guys, I want to apologize for teasing you earlier. I was out of line and hope you'll forgive me. Sometimes I get carried away. I wouldn't have said anything if any other people had been around."

He stopped them, having them face him, "You know, the four of us are in the same special group of men, and we have to stick together." He asked, "Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

"Yes, ah ... Matt, we do and we thank you."

"Okay, just remember that we have to stick together and keep our business to ourselves."

He hugged the two young men, enjoying their company and appreciating their talents."

True to his word, Hardy held Matt's hand all the time they were in the air. Sometimes, Brian even deigned to lend a hand. Matt said "Thank you", but didn't really smile. He was still petrified, terrified, mainly trying to not lose control of his body, in any way.

Brian had the pilot head south of Windsor along Ohio Route 15, straight as an arrow for Bryan, flying a mile or so to the east of the route. If they didn't pick up a signal by the time they reached Bryan, he was to head west, then north to fly back along Route 15 again.

Just past the little town of West Jefferson the transponder indicated a signal had been returned, just a nanosecond long, but enough to be picked up.

"Okay, Jim, make a wide circle and head back north a mile or so west of Route 15."

Again, the response signal came in.

"Jim, we need to locate that as closely as possible, by triangulation if we can. Try to stay at least two miles away from the highway. I'd bet the barn or whatever is fairly close to the road."

After fifteen minutes of circling, the pilot, Jim, said he had a very good position of the electronic response. Pointing to the electronic mechanism, "This machine here, Brian, will print out a map of the area and exactly where the signal came from."


Big Jeff spoke up, "Could I see that map, Brian, the location looks familiar?"

"Sure, Jeff, here." He laughed, "By the way, Jeff, are you big or little?"

Jeff snickered, "Well, that depends on how you look at it?"

Jeff took the sheet, turned on his seat light and almost said 'eureka'. "Matt, I know who lives there, or right nearby."

Matt stopped him. "Wait, Jeff, is it Ted Anthony?"

"How did you know, Matt?" Jeff said. "That's right, you know, his folks used to farm there, but haven't for a few years. I don't think anyone lives there now, but Ted would know that place like the back of his hand. Do you think that is where he took the RV?"

"Wait, Jeff, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'd like some information first." Matt even let go of Hardy's hand in his excitement. "What is he like?"

"Ted is a nice guy, Matt, reasonably intelligent and gets good grades because he works so hard. I've never known of him doing anything bad, but you never know what kind of pressure he's under, or he puts himself under."

"Jeff, can you take me to meet him tomorrow? I don't want to go in blind."

"Sure, Matt."

"Thank you so much, Brian, I think we've done it, thanks to you and your contraption here," indicating the copter.

"You're welcome, Matt, now if you have a bed at home, I think I will stay."

Matt, Hardy and Brian spent a fine evening at Matt's house that night. Matt scrounged up a nice bedtime snack while they relaxed in the living room. He also found a clean sleep top and shorts for Brian to wear to bed.

"Brian, you will spend the night in what was Hardy's room, for all of one night." He grinned at the young blond, "I must admit that he's slept with me ever since. If ever there was love at first sight, Brian, we can prove it."

Brian smiled broadly after Matt told about Hardy giving loving looks at him that first day in his class, and his return looks at the man he already loved. "You know, Matt and Hardy, Mike and I had a very similar experience. He looked at a photo of me, in a Speedo actually, and decided I was it. I didn't meet him for a few weeks after that; there was no question in my mind. We had to wait until I finished my term as House Page, but then I was eighteen. You'll have to read our story on Nifty to get the whole story, but I did pull some unfair tactics to capture him," he thought, "or was it just the reverse."

Matt and Hardy were sitting on the sofa with Brian in the easy chair. Brian finally noticed the looks passing between the two lovers and decided he should go to bed. He stood up and crossed to them.

"Matt and Hardy, I'm so happy to have met you, you are the greatest." He grabbed one of Hardy's hands and one of Matt's, leaned over them, "I'm wishing you two the most wonderful life that anyone can possibly have." He smiled and kissed each one on the cheek, "And, I'm going to bed so you guys can enjoy each other. When I see the love that flows between you, I can understand what Mike and I look like when we're together. Love you both."

He squeezed both hands and went upstairs to his room. He very much missed his own bed and his own partner, Mike, but knew he'd be home the next day. Brian had called Mike in Washington to explain what he was doing, and Mike gave him credit for taking the bull by the horns to help Matt and Hardy.

"Brian, I'm going to want to really get to know those men, I'm more impressed each time I hear about them. And, I want to meet Matt's brother, Steve, too."

"About that, Mike, Matt suggested we all meet at Steve's house in Columbus, soon. Steve's partner lives next door, and so does Steve. It sounds confusing, but isn't." He explained, "But when do I get to see you, Mike, I'm missing you very much."

"I'll be home on the weekend, have patience, lad."

"Okay, Mike, bye."


Brian crawled into his bed and quickly fell asleep so Matt and Hardy needn't have tried to be so quiet when making love. Matt thanked for Hardy helping him on the helicopter and also for not teasing him about his fright. Since both knew that if they made anal love, the noise would be terrific, both by the bottom and top. So, they had a wonderful sexual experience by sucking each other off, sealing their love so earnestly and with great passion. The juices flowed, the love abounded and the men fulfilled each other's devoted heart.

In the wee hours of the morning Brian woke up having to pee, desperately. He went to the bathroom, then, on going back, he peeked into Matt's bedroom but just saw their two naked bodies, wrapped in each other, entwined. They looked so hot, so beautiful, Brian thought. He was quite a bit envious. He thought about it, but fell asleep before he could jerk off.

Brian left in Adam's truck early in the morning, but only after eating a 'good' breakfast from 'Mom' Ridgway. He left also with many thanks from Matt and Hardy for helping them out. They all promised to meet again soon, maybe at Steve's house in Bexley.

In the morning of the following day Gerald Ridgway was sitting in his favorite chair, reading the Columbus Dispatch and drinking his second coffee of the day. Suddenly, he jumped out of the chair and ran to the kitchen

"Blanche, Blanche, wait 'til you hear what is in this morning's paper. It's about our son."

A tired, dull voice came from the kitchen. "I don't want to hear anything about our son, either one or the other."

Gerald backed against the counter, still reading. "Blanche, you will want to hear this. Our younger son, Matthew, just received an award from the University Printers of almost a million dollars. They had been cheating him on royalties of sales of his book and the courts got them good. Half a million first and then penalties and costs have been awarded.

"Blanche, our ship has come in. We'll just get hold of Matthew Bunker Ridgway III or IV or V, and explain the facts of life to him."

His wife spoke up, "What about that other son? I read he just sold a statue for $100,000. He really should share that with us too, after all we did for him. And all those lessons?"

Gerald settled back down in his armchair, rereading the story and trying to figure out just how they should approach their sons. "Blanche, I wish you hadn't told Matt we didn't ever want to see him again. That damn faggot is rich now and a lot of that money should be ours."

Blanche responded excitedly, "I'm glad we didn't move farther than Westerville. We wouldn't have learned about all this good fortune they've found."

Gerald wished they had gone to Steven's wife memorial service. "That was probably a big mistake on our part, Blanche, not going to Becky's service. I hope that doesn't come back to haunt us."

Matt was excited that next morning after Brian had left for River City. He liked the young man very much, hoping that they would meet again soon. The fact that Brian had a few hundred million dollars meant nothing, Matt told himself. Hardy had again gone to meet with his seminar mates for work on their projects. 'Hmmm,' Matt thought, 'maybe I have assigned them too much for this term's work.'

While Matt was washing up in the sink, he remembered loving Hardy's cock last night, one of their most wonderful and loving experiences together, and felt so in love with Hardy, recognizing his need for his partner to love him. Hardy had given Matt's cock a real workout then, too, working in a 69 position.

The phone beeped at Matt from the living room. "Sometimes I wish I had gotten a phone on the wall that never moved."


"Hi, Dr. Ridgway, this is Jeff O'Brien. I was wondering if you wanted to go see Ted Anthony today, and if wanted me with you?"

"I sure do, Jeff. I've just been slow this morning, trying to get Hardy off to his meeting. How soon would you be ready?"

Jeff laughed, "Well, Doc, I'm sitting in my car in front of your house."

Walking to the front door, Matt opened it and waved for Jeff to come in the house. He was a cute little guy, though from the rumors he must be not so small in one specific area. Jeff McGruder was a lucky guy, he thought, sort of a Mutt and Jeff relationship. Just depends whether Big Jeff would be satisfied with his partner's equipment or not.

Matt shook Jeff's hand as he entered. "Let me take your coat, Jeff, how about a cup of coffee?" Matt noticed that Jeff was looking at his body and he realized that he was still naked except for his flimsy sleep shorts and wool socks. He thought, 'Oh, what the hell.'

"Sure, that would be fine." He sat at the kitchen table, "Have you decided how to go about confronting Ted?"

"Well, Jeff, I'm not quite sure. Does Ted seem under control all the time, or can he become upset quickly?"

"Most of the time I've been with him, he's been fine, though there was that time he almost decked a guy for giving him a hard time about his clothes." Jeff laughed, "Ted does sometimes come up with pretty wild outfits."

Matt poured a cup for himself and sat at the table beside Jeff. "Jeff, I must admit that I don't exactly have a plan. If Ted has done this on the spur of the moment and had no real spite or malice intended, I would just as soon not take him to the police. However, if he stole the RV with the purpose of selling it and making money, then he should go to jail." He took a sip, "I guess I'll just have to talk to him to determine what I'd want to do. So, we will have to do this on our own, if you are willing to go along with me."

"You can count on me, Matt, whatever you need me to do."

"That's great. Let me drive my van and we'll head south on Route 15 until we get near the target. Take your cell phone with us, will you, Hardy has ours at school."

Back in Westerville Blanche and Gerald were trying to make plans. They knew where Steve lived, but had no idea where Matt was. "He used to live near the U of Ohio campus, but he must be gone by now," Blanche said, "how are we going to find out?"

"Maybe we'll have to find out from Steve, he should know. Those fags stick together."

Blanche looked unhappy, "You know, I really miss seeing our grandsons, Gerald, maybe we could make up with Steve and see him and the boys, then casually ask about Matt. Steve doesn't know what we've said to Matt."

"That's the farm on the right, Matt. We'll have to take a chance that Ted would be at home, not here at his grandfather's old farm." Matt pulled over to the side of the road where he could get a good look at the farm.

About 200 yards back from the road, on a small rise, was a huge farmhouse, freshly painted white, spreading out over the lot. There was a wide porch around three sides of the first floor, continuing as far as he could see. The white gravel drive up to the house led between rows of huge oak trees lining both sides. In the summer that would be a beautiful tunnel of green, stretching to maybe 40 to 50 feet.

"Hey, Jeff, I've got an idea. Now, listen."

After Matt explained, they pulled into the farm drive all the way to the barn. "Jeff, would you look in the barn to see if the RV is there?"

He watched as Jeff left the van, ran to the small door of the barn and disappeared inside. In just five seconds he reappeared with a big smile on his face, saying 'yes' with a violent movement of his arm. They had traveled another 100 yards back from the farmhouse to reach the barn. He also noted a dairy barn behind the main barn. These buildings must have ancient histories, probably built back in the late 1800s, and still in great shape as far as he could see. Then Matt spotted on the roof of the main barn, in the shingle design was formed the date of 1884.

A wonderful thought passed through Matt's mind. He had noticed a real estate agency's sign on the land by the main road. He thought, 'Oh, man, what a beautiful place this would be to live on. The house looks huge, probably many rooms, and he also thought, that dairy barn most likely would have a concrete floor, just perfect for Steve's sculpture. No question that the house would be big enough to accommodate many guests. Wonder if the inside is kept up, too?' He also considered what the price would be. 'Hell,' he thought, 'I'll have enough money, no matter.'

When Jeff got back to the van, Matt got out. "Get in the van driver's seat, Jeff, like we said, and go to Ted's house." He smiled, "And don't hot rod it, okay?" Jeff grinned wickedly.

Matt entered the barn as Jeff left, pleased to see their Motor Home looking great. As he toured the exterior, he found no dings or anything, hardly any dust. Opening the RV door at the front, he walked through and again checked out the condition. All fine. "Ok," he spoke to himself, "so far, so good. Now if Jeff can complete his mission."

Jeff had driven Matt's van to Ted's present house. To set his character, he parked and started breathing heavily, panting and slapped his face a few times. 'Boy, this is the hard way to get my character going'.

Because Ted might be watching out for him, Jeff jumped out of the van and ran to the front door of the farmhouse. He pounded the door, then saw a bell and rang that, too. Suddenly the door opened and he breathed a sigh of relief because Ted Anthony stood there in the doorway.

"Hi, Jeff, what's up?"

"Hi, Ted. Has anyone been by before this? We have guys and cars out in the whole area from Windsor to Bryan to search for the Motor Home belonging to the Dukes. You haven't seen any?"

Ted looked startled and nervous, his eyes jumping from spot to spot. "No, Jeff, we haven't seen anybody. "Where are they looking?"

"I don't know, really, Ted, just anywhere I guess. Well, I better get going, Ted, let us know if you hear of anything. Thanks. See you."

Returning to the van, Jeff raced to the door, opening it wide and climbing in. He tore away with his tires spinning and showering the lawn with gravel. He spun around, heading back to Ted's grandfather's old farm where Matt was waiting for him, and, hopefully, for Ted.

The white van sped through the farm entrance, continuing to the barn and around it to the rear, where Ted wouldn't see it when he came, if he came. Through one of the barn windows Matt saw Jeff go by, his signal to be alert for Ted.

Fifteen minutes must have passed before Matt heard another car approaching the barn. He could tell when it swung in the drive to the barn and came to a stop by the barn door. The sunlight flashed inside the barn as Ted opened the small door and walked to the door of the Motor Home.

Matt was sitting back a way in the RV, watching Ted as he climbed inside, sitting in the driver's seat. Suddenly, "Son of a bitch, where are the keys? I know I left them here."

Ted heard Matt's voice, "I have the keys, Ted, so just sit down, we're not in any hurry." Ted went spastic, jerking around to see Matt a few feet behind him. His head spun one direction, then another, trying to find a way out. As he headed for the door where he entered, he saw Jeff blocking the way. Ted could only think, 'God, I'm trapped. What can I do?'

"D ... d ... d ... octor, Ridgway. What are you doing here?"

"Well, Jeff, I found this RV, and naturally wondered who had stolen it from Windsor. Now you are here, looking for the keys, but let me tell you what I think."

Matt and Jeff held on to Ted and led him to the sofa where they sat him between them. Ted was practically a basket case, panicked and twitching around, unable to stay still.

"Now, Ted, let me tell you what I think happened. Somebody figured out just where the twins put this RV after we hid it in the warehouse. Then, Ted, this somebody decided to steal it and hide it somewhere out of town, harder to find."

"But.. But ... Dr. Ridgway, ah it ..."

Matt broke in, "Ted you don't have to say anything yet, until you hear how I solved the case." He continued, "What I think is that this guy knew your grandfather's old farm would be a good place where no one went. That's why the RV is in the barn, a place you know well."

Matt put an arm around Ted's shoulders and held one hand in his own. He leaned over to Ted, looking him directly in the eyes, "Ted, I don't think you did this, I think someone hid this in this place to get you in trouble. Am I right?"

Tears had formed in Ted's eyes, threatening to burst over, but finally he understood what Dr. Ridgway was trying to tell him. Matt knew Ted was guilty, but was going to let him go free. He wasn't going to be sent to jail. 'Oh, thank god,' he thought. "Yes," he said staring at Matt's eyes, "yes, I think that is the way it must have happened. You are right." He was trying hard to keep from crying.

"Ok, Ted, that is great, you understand me. I'm grateful that you do."

Matt turned to Jeff, "Jeff, would you go get the van and pull it around. We'll be leaving in a minute." Back to Ted, "Ted, I want you to drive the RV back to Windsor, so that in case there are any of your fingerprints, by accident, they can be explained since you drove it back. Does that sound okay to you?" Matt and Ted stood up.

Ted nodded sincerely, "That's great. Thank you so much." Ted reached out awkwardly and, wrapping his arms around Matt, hugged him for a quick moment. He whispered, "Thank you, sir."

Jeff took off with the van and Matt rode back to Windsor in the RV with Ted driving. He turned to look at Ted's face, a young, but cute face, full of good character. He decided that he had to know.

"Ted, you know I'm sure you are the one who took the RV, don't you."

Ted's face dropped swiftly, somber and afraid. "Yes," he squeaked.

"But, also remember that I'm not going to turn you in, you won't be going to jail, for sure."

"Thank you again, Dr. Ridgway."

"Ted, I would like to know why you did it? Could you tell me?"

Ted drove for five minutes before he answered, trying to decide if he should trust his professor. "I'm sorry, sir, I was jealous of Hardy and Roger, playing in the Dukes. I tried out but didn't make it." Again he was looked depressed. "I thought I played very well."

"Yes, Ted, you did. However, Hardy is as good a trombonist as I've ever heard. And Roger is close behind him. You also were good, too. But, I'm afraid, not quite as good. You are playing first trombone just after Roger, right?"

"I'm happy there, sir, I just lost my head, in my mind I hated them. So, I tried to upset the Dukes by taking this RV. I'm sorry."

"Well, Ted, I'll be telling a tall story to the police so stick to what I say. You didn't act very wisely, but I wouldn't want you to lose your freedom for what I'm sure was a student prank."

Ted looked carefully at Matt, seeing a wide smile, broke into a delighted grin, then looked back at the road. "That's right, Matt, that's right," nodding all the time, delirious inside.

In Columbus Steve was working in his studio while Anne had taken the kids to some museum or other and Gary was at the courthouse. His phone called to him.


"Hi, I'm looking for Matthew Ridgway and I wondered if you could tell me where he is now."

'Son of a bitch,' Steve thought, 'that's my father. Why does he want Matt?'

"I'm sorry, sir, but I have no idea where he is or what he is doing. Haven't seen him in a long, long time."

"Oh, well, thank you." He hung up.

Steve put the receiver down and went back to his work. "Well," he spoke out loud to himself, "that old fart knows where I live and wants Matt. I wonder. Could he have seen the court award in the paper, the judgment that Matt got?"

Steve tried to call Matt, but there was no answer at his house. 'I'll try him later today, he may be out still searching for his motor home.' He went back to work on his latest project for which his assistant at the computer company had commissioned. This would be a statue of him from the waist up, no clothes on, for his parents who lived in California in the old family home. They didn't get to see their son very often and he hoped a statue of him would help. Steve didn't understand the reason for no clothes, but the customer gets what he wants. He admitted to himself that his assistant was really hot, very well built. But for your parents?

At the same time he was concerned as to what his parents were up to. No doubt they had seen Matt's court award in the paper and now wanted to get in on it. They might have also seen the report of his $100,000 sale of the sculpture he'd done for Matt. Well, he'd do another one for Matt. Steve didn't really need the money, but the sale would be good publicity, which he could use.

He needed to talk to Matt because they needed to prepare for an attack by their parents. These people were their parents, but they were also avaricious to a fault, and for sure wanted part of their sons' income. "I better talk to Gary as to what we can do to protect ourselves."

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 13

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