Dukes of Windsor

By Paul Daventon (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 19, 2004



Disclaimer: This story concerns mainly homosexual men and their lives, relationships and sexual activities. It was inspired only by my visions and invention. This tale is entirely fictional. If there are any similarities to actual people, places or events, it is purely coincidental. If you are under 18 or if reading this story would be illegal for you in your area or if you don't like the subject matter, please leave now. Always be SAFE. Otherwise read on and I hope you enjoy.

The Dukes of Windsor Copyright 2004 by Paul H. Daventon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author. If you are enjoying this story, write to me at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

When you write, please put "Dukes" or "Dukes of Windsor" in the Subject line so I concentrate on story email. Thanks, Paul.

THANK YOU I'd be remiss if I didn't thank David and Allen for editing the chapters of this story. They have made the writing smoother, more correct and easier to read.. Thank you guys so much for your help and your encouragement, keeping me on the path. Love you forever. Paul Daventon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor has 38 chapters and the story is finished. I will put a chapter on each week if all goes well. P.D.

========= Chapter Ten =========

On that dark day in December around the warmth from the glowing fireplace in Steve's living room, the three, Steven Ridgway, Gary Stuart and Anne Wolfe, were waiting to interview this young man who had been recommended to Steve as a male caretaker for the boys, someone who could care for the kids when Anne, their surrogate Nana, was to be elsewhere.

The front door chimes rang their silly Star Wars tune, announcing their visitor.

Steve walked to the foyer, opening the door after checking out the spy hole.

"Hi, you must be Todd, right?"

"Yes, sir, that's me," he answered with a wide grin. "Todd O'Brien."

Steve shook his hand and led him inside, "Come in and meet the family. The children are in their upstairs playroom for the time being." To himself he thought, 'This man is catching, I'm in love with him already.'

Gary and Anne gaped at the young man who appeared in their presence. He was tall, slender, and very handsome with chiseled features, dark hair and a poised posture. He looked so much like that actor, Tom Welling, (a.k.a. Superman in high school) but much more personable. They knew he was eighteen years old, and he didn't look older, but appeared to be so experienced with people, having a calm, but confident demeanor.

They stood to shake hands with Todd, Steve leading him to a seat between them. He sat, looked around at each of them, not staring but silently introducing himself to them.

Steve went through the basics with Todd, reviewing his education and background.

"I'm told that you left home to live with the Rittenberry family at 16. Was there a particular reason for leaving home so young?"

Todd was relaxed and seemed to be enjoying himself, "I had been child sitting for a few years by then and felt that was what I wanted to do, for myself and possibly for my career. I had skipped a couple grades in my lower grade schooling, so could graduate early."

"What about your family, Todd?"

Todd looked around to include all three in his answer, "I'm an only child of divorced parents and have not seen my father for years. My mother lives in Columbus."

Gary Stuart already had a good idea who this young man was, where he came from and just who was looking for him. He couldn't decide whether to bring him up short with personal questions, or just let him hang himself, though he doubted Todd would do that. Gary had just received an email from Matt with Todd O'Brien Fowler's picture attached to it, there was no doubt they were one and the same.

Todd spoke of the Ritterberry family, the parents, the children and staff in the mansion, which wasn't far from Steve's house. He spoke of evening courses he took at the University while the parents were home and he was free. His speech was well modulated with an intriguing twist to some pronunciations and very little slang. And absolutely never was heard a 'like'. Obviously his mother had indoctrinated him in the way of good speech.

Gary made a guess, "Todd, from the way you speak, I'd have to say the either you lived in Virginia or your mother originated there. Am I close?" He smiled at Todd, enjoying the young man.

Todd laughed, "I suppose you are going to tell me where she was born." He laughed, " Okay, you have the state right for her, but I've never lived outside of Ohio."

"If I'm going to guess, I will say Fredricksburg. How did I do?"

"Technically, you are wrong, Mr. Stuart, Mother was born in Richmond. However, when she was one year old, her family moved to Fredricksburg where she spent her life until she went to college." He rubbed his face with his left hand, slightly smirking behind the palm.

Gary grinned, "Don't you smirk at me, Todd O'Brien, I was right in all but the letter of the question." He had almost called him Todd Fowler. What should he do?

"Sorry, you were right, so I bow to the expert." He smiled broadly and actually nodded deeply toward Gary.

Steve and Anne were also smiling with this attractive and charming man.

Steve stood, suggested a tour of the property, so they wandered the first and second floors, skipping the boys' playroom for the moment, then a quick view of the swimming pool and bathhouse. Steve decided not to show Todd his studio as yet, and then led the way back to the living room. Anne and Gary looked at Steve and gave a slight nod, beaming with their eyes.

"Well, Todd, I believe we are in agreement. We would like to offer you the job to tend and teach our kids, Jacob and Joshua. Jacob still has another year before he goes to school, and Joshua has three years. The salary would be $2000 a month plus room and board, use of a car and a clothes allowance. If you can really cook, there would be a bonus in there somewhere. So, as of right now, we would like to give you a contract for three years with options for more years after that on which you and the three of us would have to agree. What is your first thought?"

Todd laughed, "When can I move in?"

Steve looked at Gary who nodded back, answering Steve's question.

"There are some other aspects to this situation which I feel you should understand. Gary's house is the house next door to the south. But he lives here also." He hesitated, but went on, "Todd, Gary and I are gay, and we are partners for life." When he mentioned 'gay', Steve watched a light go on in Todd's eyes, gleaming brightly for just a moment. "My wife died suddenly a while ago, and though we certainly didn't want or expect that, we have decided to join our lives."

Todd sat quietly, not speaking but showing feelings of interest in the subject.

"Mr. Ridgway, Mr. Stuart and Mrs. Wolfe, I have to be square with you. I'm not entirely proud of my life so far, primarily for one reason. I feel I need to tell you so that there are no problems later."

Todd stood and started pacing the large room on the oriental carpet, looking somber and serious. "While most of what I've told you is true, however, I didn't leave home on good terms. When I turned sixteen, I knew that I was gay and, from the knowledge I had then, I assumed that my mother would hate me and disown me. I'd have had to leave home anyway. Since I had the prospects of a wonderful job with the Ritterberry family, I decide to leave to live with them and take charge of their children."

The three inquisitors looked on to see tears running down Todd's face.

Todd turned quickly, "I better leave, I'm sure you don't want me, not to handle your kids."

"Todd," Steve spoke. He said it again because he hadn't heard the first time. "Todd, you are mistaken. We've told you Gary and I are gay, so your being gay is no problem to us. Unless you happen to be a pedophile, there is no reason you can't be our children caretaker."

"Oh, no," Todd yelled, "No, I'm not." Todd's tears again started dripping, "I'm not, I only would like to have someone to love of my age or older," he spoke more quietly. "I need to tell you that I have never had sex with another person of any age. I'm a complete virgin!" He closed his eyes for a moment, "Maybe some day I might meet someone."

The three older people rose to gather around Todd, throwing their arms around each other and around Todd.

Anne spoke up, "Todd, my own son is gay, but I have never stopped loving him. I have no qualms about him being my son; I would never want him to leave me. And, because of him, I have gained a son-in-law and the two grandchildren here, Jacob and Joshua. Please, stay with us, care for these boys," she smiled, "and for these misguided adults, too."

Todd beamed toward those adults, putting his arms around them, tears still in his eyes but not dripping any longer.

"Don't you think, Todd, that maybe your Mother might want you back, very much? I assume you never told her you were gay, right?"

"No," slipped from Todd's lips, ruefully. "I have been thinking about maybe calling her."

Steve asked, "Todd, how did you get here tonight?"

"I walked. I don't have a car."

Steve grumbled, "Well, Todd, you will have a car. We will get you one. Another thing, we will pay for you to get your university degree, as much as you can at night, and, when necessary, we'll work out times for you to be free during the day. Anne will take care of that."

"You people are wonderful. I'm going to owe you so much." He smiled gratefully.

"Wait a minute," Anne broke in, "Todd, you have one more challenge to pass. If you will wait just a moment, I will bring that challenge to you." She smiled, then left the room on light, lively feet heading for the boys' playroom. The others sat down near the warm fireplace.

Thundering on the steps quickly followed her leaving; announcing the rapid approach of Jacob and Joshua who ran and stumbled into the room in their hurry.

"Whoa, boys, I want you to meet someone." Steve directed their attention toward Todd, leading them near him. "This is Todd, he's going to come live with us.

The first thing Todd did was to fall to the floor on his knees, getting close to them.

"You must be Jacob," Todd said as he tickled Joshua, "and you must be Joshua," as he poked and prodded Jacob.

The boys immediately disagreed with Todd, giggling as he again tickled, then hugged them. No more than two minutes passed before Todd and Joshua and Jacob were inseparable. Any idiot could see that they were made for each other.

Jacob spoke out, "Dad, and Daddy, don't you know who this is?" When they didn't answer, he continued, "He is Superman, he's on TV every week." He looked at Todd, "Aren't you?"

Todd smiled at the boys, "Sorry, I just look like him, but I'll try to be a 'Man of Steel' as hard as I can!"

Jacob and Joshua climbed on Todd, forcing him to lie back on the floor, squeezing him.

"Uh, Todd, if you could get free and if I drive you to Ritterberry house, could you get your possessions and come live with us tonight?" Gary was talking to Todd, who agreed immediately.

Todd struggled to remove the leeches, but lovingly, kissing each of them on their foreheads. "I'll be right back, very soon, my new friends." He and Gary left for the Ritterberry house.

After Todd had loaded Gary's car with his 'stuff', they started toward his new home, but took a side trip to stop in the nearest park.

"Todd, listen to me closely, please. No matter what I say, this will have no effect on your living with Steve and the boys, nor will it affect your relationship with any of us. Is that understood?"

Todd hesitated, "I guess, Mr. Stuart, I'll try."

Gary tousled Todd's hair and they both laughed. "And, Todd, wait until I finish, please, don't get excited." He raised his hand for a high 'five', and got one.

"Okay, Todd, first, I know who you really are. You are Todd O'Brien Fowler." Todd's face blanched. " I know where your mother is right now and I don't think you do. I know she has asked Steve's brother to find you for her. You haven't met Matt, but you will love him, ah.... uh.... well, fraternally." He laughed.

Todd managed a thin smile.

"My question to you is, should I tell Matt where you are and how you are doing, or should I keep your secret? If you don't want me to tell him, eventually Matt will be here and he will recognize you as I did."

"I guess you are saying that I'll have to do something about my life, or have it done for me."

"I didn't mean to be that blunt, Todd, but I believe that will happen." He hesitated, "Don't you think you ought to relieve the worry from your Mother's life. I know she loves you very, very much and doesn't care that you are gay. Not one bit."

Gary could hear Todd sobbing and handed him his handkerchief. He could do no less than move close to Todd and embrace him, wrapping his arms around the young man.

"Todd, listen, I feel you've been living with this guilt for too long now. Believe me, your mother will never disown you nor not love you."

He felt Todd's arms gradually encircle his body. Todd whispered, "Gary, where is my mother?"

"She retired from teaching last June and was recently hired at Windsor College to teach vocal music and direct the choirs. She works with Matt Ridgway, Steve's brother, in Windsor. She had talked about you to Matt who asked some friends to try to find you. And they will, probably before you could expect it."

"Could you call them off and leave me time to contact my mother myself? I'd much rather do that." He still sobbed between words, sniffling, coughing.

"Yes, Todd, I'll call him tonight, hoping he can contact his friends right away." He smiled in the dark, "I think you are doing the right thing. You can still live with us, if you want." Gary couldn't resist and kissed Todd on the forehead.

Todd moaned, "That's the first kiss from a man since my father left us. Thank you, Gary."

Gary knew Todd was crying again, so he pressed his cheek against Todd's, and whispered, "You will be loved here, Todd, I can tell that already, just like Jacob and Joshua love you. They still miss their mother, but I know you will help them adjust."

Gary sat back in the driver's seat, "Wipe your face now, Todd, we better get back before they think I've been molesting you." He laughed, "That would be something I would love to do, but, I love only Steve."

Todd mused, "I hope I can control myself. You and Steve are gorgeous."

"Wait until you see Steve's brother, Matt." He then thought, 'we could take you to Steve's studio to give you a young view of Matt'.

Karl Nordstrom, teacher of harmony, composition and music appreciation at Windsor, was not a happy man. He hadn't liked Victor Whinery very much, but he had been someone to have a few drinks with, and completely disagree with about everything. Vic had an aura of amorality about him; the end justifies the means. Karl had to overlook most of Vic's personality, but he did enjoy the give and take.

Karl enjoyed teaching at Windsor; he knew he was a born teacher and a good one, however he did have personal problems. He was about to ditch his third wife, Bambi, just as he had the other two. All three had signed pre-nuptial agreements before Karl would marry them; he didn't want any problems getting rid of them. He would settle a small amount of cash on Bambi as he had with his first two wives. He didn't understand why the marriages didn't take. Why?

There was a good reason for his careful legal maneuvers; Karl was leading two separate lives under two different identities. One of them, as Karl Nordstrom, earned a fair salary for teaching in the college, while another, Harmon E. Toonz, earned twice as much, as the author of a series of method books for student string players, plus a separate series of concert books for young orchestras. His income from that has been increasing every year, usually doubling the amount from the previous year to a considerable sum as of the past year.

Karl's identity was known as Harmon E. Toonz's to his publishers through a series of breakouts, distancing Karl from his other self. In the city of Bryan, 12 miles south of Windsor, Karl kept an apartment in the name of Harmon Toonz where he could live in some peace. Even his third wife didn't know about the apartment. He had checked the Internet sources and never found the name Harmon E. Toonz anywhere in the world. He also kept Harmon's income in the First National Bank of Bryan, Ohio, where he had presented full identification documents, having read on the Internet how to set that up.

Karl knew that, financially, he could quit teaching, but he loved teaching and loved to work with the college students. He thought they kept him young.

Still, he missed his discussions with Victor Whinery, missed the give and take and missed their sometimes antagonistic, sometimes bitter, disagreements. Nothing was ever resolved because neither would admit that the other might be right.

Going back to the beginning of the previous summer vacation, Karl recalled that he was alone then because Victor had left for the whole summer to stay at his great aunt's cottage in Ogunquit, Maine. That in itself was weird because Victor hated sun, sand and particularly the ocean, which was never warm, ever. Somehow, he tolerated his aunt's badgering about getting him a girl by telling her he had a physical problem that would prevent him ever marrying. She never inquired diligently enough to require his having to think of a physical problem.

Karl had come home from the firing range to the north of Windsor where he had practiced for a couple of hours. He tried to practice twice a week to keep his expert rating on the rifle, a rating he'd earned while still in high school. His father had started teaching him at home but decided to get him professional lessons at a nearby shooting range. The instructor had been a marine sniper during the Vietnam war, now selling firearms and ammunition, managing the shooting range. He took Karl on, finding him an excellent student who reached the top of his hobby. So Karl kept up his practicing, rarely going more that a couple of weeks without firing.

Karl and his Dad went hunting frequently in season until Karl headed for New York City and The Juilliard School of Music where he got two degrees. Since then Karl didn't hunt in the woods, but he did practice.

This night, June 12th, the time was about 10 P.M. in his Bryan apartment and Karl was not tired, not feeling ready to sleep. He stood and paced the dismal place, gloomy of his own choosing. Finally, he made a decision to head for the neighborhood bar, Scottish Bar and Grill, just two blocks away where he could easily walk. Absolutely nothing in the place made any reference to the Scottish name, references to anything Scottish started and ended on the large sign outside.

The quiet night felt good to Karl, a warm embrace of a gentle breeze and dark surroundings, pleasant but hardly upscale. He pulled open one of the double glass doors and entered the bar. The bartender was a familiar one, so when Karl raised one finger, he was soon served a gin and tonic at his table. Karl had sat at one end of a long banquette on the far wall with small tables spaced along the twenty foot upholstered seat.

The usual patrons there were generally quiet, respectful and dull. Karl knew that, and actually decided he was one of the dull ones. He had made no friends there. The two men he had occasionally talked with were absent that night.

Karl sat on the soft bench, sipping his drink and listening to the background music, fortunately never hard rock. His contentment was broken when he saw a young man, probably middle 20's, come in, pick up a drink at the bar and leaned on his elbow while he surveyed the room. One glance at Karl and the young man slowly headed for him.

"Do you mind if I share your table?" he said.

Most of the little tables along the banquette were unused, but Karl wasn't going to say 'no'.

"Sure, if you want," Karl replied.

The young man sat next to Karl, rather close, Karl thought, but he wasn't bothered. He did introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Harmon."

"I know, I'm Sunshine."

Karl gave him a quizzical look, wondering about the name.

Sunshine misunderstood, "I asked the bartender what your name was." He smiled. His smile showed a wide mouthful of brilliant, white teeth, including a real smile from his eyes.

"Oh, I was wondering about the Sunshine."

"I know, I was being intentionally dim." Again he smiled at Karl. This time Karl took the time to investigate his neighbor. The young man had a dark blond brush cut, his hair no longer than half an inch, but thick and well trained to his head. His head itself was beautifully shaped, a bit squarish but nicely regular, his nose narrow but a little short, his green-gray eyes were widespread. He was slender but looked fit, probably 6' 1" or 6' 2" in height with unusually long legs. Even this early in the season, Sunshine's face was well tanned, fitting his name. Karl decided he must have been visiting the tanning salons for a while.

Sunshine responded to Karl's question, "When I was a little boy, my parents named me 'Sunshine' because they wanted a smiling kid, happy and carefree. Before long, everyone was calling me 'Sunshine' and it has stuck."

Karl and Sunshine kept up a steady conversation, primarily about the weather. They quickly drained what little knowledge of sports Karl had, what either knew of predictions of the stock market and their difficulties with the activities of the federal government.

At one point in their discussions Karl felt Sunshine's right hand rest on his thigh. He was startled and jumped a bit, but quickly decided he wanted to know what his new friend's intentions were. His mind was distracted, but still able to continue the conversation.

When Sunshine found out that Karl was a music teacher, he became excited. He thought he had a good singing voice, had done some solo work, but wanted Karl to help him. Karl explained that he was on vacation for the summer and Sunshine took off on that.

With that knowledge, Sunshine seemed much more excited and his hand slipped further between Karl's thighs, almost at his crotch. This hand didn't keep still; Sunshine slowly and gradually moved his hand toward the apex of Karl's legs. Now, Karl was well aware of what Sunshine was doing. He didn't sense a threat to himself; in fact he enjoyed the feeling. By the time Sunshine's hand reached Karl's crotch, he could easily feel the hard cock there, stretching up along his abdomen.

Karl was remembering the few times when in college he had some experiences with other guys which he enjoyed. These times were occasional, often when both men were drunk, or had pretended to be drunk.

"Couldn't you give me some time? I'd pay you for your time. I've never met a vocal music teacher and could really use your help. Listen ... "

"Stop, Sunshine, don't sing here, please!" he loudly whispered. "I'll try you out. But not here." He thought a moment, wondering if he should do this. Oh, well, what the hell.

"First, Sunshine, my real name is Karl, not Harmon. I have an apartment two blocks from here." Be clever, he told himself. "I'm going to leave, please wait for five minutes and follow me up Chestnut Street. Okay?"

Karl finished his drink, stood and left the bar. He started walking very slowly when Sunshine came out and immediately ran into him.

"I thought you were going to wait? What happened to waiting?" Karl grinned at him.

Sunshine smiled back, "I just couldn't wait, I wanted to be with you, Karl, sorry." He looked abashed, seemingly embarrassed that he showed his feelings.

Karl gave a quirky look at Sunshine, confused by this handsome young man, yet drawn to him beyond his own understanding. Karl hadn't thought about male-to-male sex since college, and yet, and yet, he realized that wasn't quite true. He could recall watching hunky college students in his classes, admiring their asses and crotches, desiring many of them but never touching.

He knew of quite a few professors who had sexual relations with students. Admittedly, those were all male/female relationships, either way. There may have been some homosexual couplings, but he hadn't heard of them. Now, here was Sunshine, very definitely coming on to Karl with hardly any restraint, and Karl felt no real desire to stop him. His cock was still hard as a rock, bulging his crotch and rubbing itself as he walked.

To Karl's surprise, Sunshine put his arm around his shoulders, not holding tightly, just maintaining a physical connection with the man he seemed to have chosen.

Karl opened his apartment door, allowing Sunshine to enter as he flipped on the light. He could tell that the young man was disappointed with the looks of his place, but soon recovered as Karl brought out a beer for both of then.

As Karl got back, Sunshine had found the piano and twiddled the keys, bottom, middle and top end, smiling at Karl as he handed him the beer.

Sitting down on the bench, Karl looked at Sunshine beside him, "Give me a song you can sing. We'll see what you can do." Sunshine ran off a list of a few pop songs starting with "My Way".

Karl needed sheet music for none of them; they were part of his repertoire. He played the introduction and Sunshine started singing. Karl was surprised; his young friend actually had a good tenor voice, which could be great with some training. Of course he didn't tell him that.

Sunshine stood behind Karl while singing, leaning into him at times, holding one hand on each shoulder, flexing his fingers against Karl's muscles. Karl wondered why but soon realized that Sunshine's hard cock was pressing into his shoulder. 'Now, that the hell is going on with this guy?' he wondered. 'He's making a big play for me. Maybe I'll just let him get me.' He smiled to himself. 'If I have to sacrifice myself, what a fine way to go. This kid is hot, great looking and engaging.

After three songs, Karl stopped playing, turned to Sunshine and nodded to the sofa along the front wall. "How about sitting down a minute, Sunshine, I want to talk a bit."

Sunshine did as he asked, smiling all the while, content with himself and his performance. Rather than being waylaid by this charmer, Karl wanted to keep his distance.

First, Karl asked if he could know Sunshine's real name.

"Karl, you will know soon, but I'd like to wait a bit, until I feel a relationship between us."

"Ok, Sunshine, for now; but are you in school, working or just lazing around?"

Sunshine looked down at his hands, twisting in his lap, "I am a junior at the university, but I don't really know what I'm doing there. I love music, but can't read it, or count it or make much sense out of it."

Karl walked over to the sofa and sat next to Sunshine. Just a look from that young man could send Karl's heart triple-timing, upsetting his breathing and blowing some fuses in his system.

He looked at Sunshine, slowly shaking his head. "Sunshine, you have a nice voice, could be better, but a nice voice, you won't tell me your name and you are coming on to me like gangbusters." He put his hand on Sunshine's shoulder, "Just what am I supposed to think?"

"Karl, when I first dropped my eyes on you tonight, I immediately decided that I wanted you, I wanted to hold you, I wanted to suck you off and I wanted to fuck you. All the rest has been a lot of noise. Does that help?"

Karl started laughing, having difficulty stopping. "Sunshine, you sure are a wonder, an amazing man to me, open, candid, frank and honest. I'm not used to that." He thought a moment, "How about we follow your desires, this time? I'm game if you are." Karl stood up in front of Sunshine, holding his hand out to the younger man. He continued, "There is a condition, though, I don't want to be fucked. It's been too long, and I didn't like it much way back when."

Sunshine nodded okay, then rose, took Karl's hand and followed him to the bedroom.

Karl stopped, "Wait, I have another request. I want to undress you. Okay?"

That smile again, bright and even broader, "Sure, man, that's cool."

The next morning Karl slept late, almost to 10 A.M., very late for him. He opened his eyes. Nothing. 'Did I open my eyes, or not?' he thought. Trying again, Karl finally began to see shadows, then light and dark outlines. Blinking his lids rapidly, his eyes cleared enough so he could see the ceiling light and around the room.

Karl's brain didn't seem to be working very well either, though he could tell that he was alone in the bed. He raised his head a bit, trying to look at his bedroom, but everything seemed fuzzy, unclear, even the large pieces of furniture were vague and shaky.

'Whoa', Karl thought, 'something isn't right here. I didn't have much to drink, just a few beers.' Then, another thought appeared on the horizon, 'Hey, I gotta piss, bad.'

Karl had been lying on his back and turned to put his legs over the side so he could stand. "Ohhh, my god, ohhh, that hurts." He stopped, then turned further and soon realized he wasn't going to stand up without a bunch of pain. "Oh, shit, fuckin' damn, that hurts... it's my.... my fuckin'.... Oh god, my ass hurts ... no ... it's killing me." Having gotten on his left side, Karl reached behind his ass, poking around. Not finding a pain spot, he stuck his middle finger between his butt cheeks, farther and farther until he screamed. "Ohhh, damn fuck, god damn it, it's my asshole, that motha-fuckin' bastard. Wait 'til I catch him. I'll kill him."

Somehow, Karl sat up on the edge of his mattress, gave a mighty lift and got onto his feet. Barely. The room swung around him, his equilibrium was totally out of whack. 'What the hell happened,' he mused, trying to keep himself upright.

Instead of answering his own question, Karl slowly walked into the bathroom, aimed his cock and released the thick stream of yellow piss to splash into the water. He put one hand on the wall behind the tank to steady himself, his head still wasn't very clear.

Karl took hold of his cock with his other hand, gently, tenderly feeling the limp flesh. He was surprised because he normally woke to a big woodie between his legs, no matter what he'd done the night before. That day he knew he'd been had. He'd been fucked when he had especially asked not to be fucked. And, he didn't remember being fucked. He would have fought like hell to keep from being fucked.

Ergo, he wasn't conscious at the time he had been screwed.

He had been drugged! Drugged and then fucked. And he didn't even get to enjoy it.

Out loud he spoke, "Wait 'til I see Mr. Sunshine. I'll light his fire, for sure."

It was dark that evening in December in Windsor where Matt and Hardy had just finished putting up Matt's Christmas decorations; dark green wreaths in the windows, greenery swags festooned with tiny lights adorning the wide railing on the porch and finally trimming the pole light with strings of little lights leading to the ground, outlining a tree shape.

The temperature was near fifty degrees, so the two men were not really cold, but Matt had made cocoa anyway. They sat on the porch swing sampling their drink. They hadn't sat too close together since they were out in the open, but Hardy managed to rest one hand on Matt's thigh, not moving but feeling Matt's warmth. Matt figured that the railing, covered in greenery, between them and the street would protect them enough.

Both men looked toward the street to see a shiny, new car quietly come to a stop at the curb right in front of their house. They looked at each other, giving shrugs indicating that neither recognized the car right off.

When a tall, young man exited the driver's seat and headed for the house, Matt whispered, "My god, Hardy, that's Carol's son, Todd Fowler, I recognize him from the picture she gave us."

He picked up Hardy's hand, "Let's get up to welcome him."

"Hi, Todd, welcome to Windsor. Have you just come from Columbus?"

"Hi Dr. Ridgway, Mr. Wolfe. Yes, and your brother and Gary said to say hello, and would you please call them once in a while." He laughed, "He said you'd probably belt me one when I told you that."

The men both shook hands with Todd, impressed with his good looks and friendly demeanor. "Come on up, Todd, and we'll talk a bit. Have you been to see your mother yet?"

Matt and Hardy returned to their swing, while they sat Todd in a comfortable porch chair. He sat, then lowered his head and raised it looking scared, "I'm really afraid, Matt, I was going to call her first, but didn't do it." He pleaded, "Would you call her, see if she would come to your house for a bit, maybe to look at your decorations?" He swung one arm to indicate the whole porch while he waited for Matt's decision. "Looks very nice," he commented with a smile.

"Alright, Todd, I'll do it. You don't have to lay on the flattery." He smiled and thought for a moment, "However, Hardy and I will go to the store. You need to meet her alone, I think. Okay?"

Again Todd looked completely panicked, but soon recovered, girding himself with the needed nerve. "That would be fine, Matt, I appreciate this so much." He looked around nervously, "Could we get this over with quickly, please?"

"Okay, Todd, I'll call your mother. She does know you should be coming sometime. We did tell her that we were on your trail, but not that we had found you. You better not back out! We'll hunt you down again." He laughed, keeping his tone light and friendly.

Within five minutes Matt had called Carol who said she'd be right over, and he and Hardy had driven away to do some shopping. Before he left, Matt had given Todd his cell phone number and told him to call when he and his mother were ready for them.

Carol drove up to Matt's house, wondered if maybe Hardy had gotten a new car, and wondered where Matt and Hardy were, since she expected them to be finishing their decorations. 'Oh, well,' she thought, 'I guess I better ring the bell.'

Inside the house, Todd had seen his mother arrive and get out of the car. She looked so wonderful to him; tears came to his eyes as he remembered it was almost three years since he had seen her. In his mind he had reasons for leaving, and he knew now that he hadn't needed to do it.

The ring of the doorbell sounded and he opened the door. "Hi, come on in, Mom."

Carol didn't really look at Todd as she came in. She started into the living room, gave a shake and swung back toward Todd, saying "Mom?"

"It's me, Mom."

"TODD," Carol screamed, "TODD, my son! Oh, my god, Todd." She was in his arms in seconds, crying and sobbing, "Oh, Todd, I've missed you so, so much." For at least five minutes they just held each other. Todd was crying, too, so happy to be back in his mother's arms, yet so sad he'd decided to leave her in his despair.

Soon Carol broke away, leading Todd to the sofa where she sat. As if on cue, Todd knelt in front of her and laid his head in her lap where she gently caressed his hair, smoothing it over his head.

"Mom, I'm so sorry I left without talking to you. I was so afraid you would kick me out of the house and disown me. I know it was wrong, but I admit I was, in some ways, immature at 16. I never considered your feelings at all, and I knew you loved me and always had. How could I know that you would love me as a gay man in your family? Forgive me, Mom?"

Carol knew he was crying again and tried to figure how to handle the situation. She reached under his arms and pulled him up until he was lying against her, his head level with hers, his ear beside her mouth.

"My dear beloved son, I loved you then, and since, and especially now that I have you back. I'm sorry that I wasn't aware of your problems then. I never even thought of you being gay, never considered it. A few months after you left, I broke my promise and opened your little safe." Her voice smiled, "It really wasn't difficult."

Todd also smiled through his tears, "I know. But I wasn't worried that you might look in it."

"And I wouldn't have, son, until I was desperate to know why you left, and maybe where you were. Were you really at the Ritterberrys ever since? I occasionally saw them at meetings or something, but they never said a word."

Todd nodded, "I asked them not to tell you, gave them some bullshit about our problems."

"Bullshit? Mister, that means a washing out of your mouth, right?"

Todd squeezed against his mother more tightly, "I'd even take that now, Mom!" He spoke with deep feelings, so enjoying his contact with Carol, small sobs from his chest and throat.

"We'll negotiate about that later, my son. For now tell me what you are doing, and where and why."

Todd described his job with the Ridgways; talking about Hardy's mother and the new car they gave him.

"You mean Matt Ridgway's brother, Steve? How the hell did you pull that off/"?

"Now, now, Mother, talk about soapy mouths." He laughed. "My job with Ritterberrys was winding down since the kids had grown to where they didn't need me. Ridgway's job came just in time. I moved in that night. Oh, Mom, I love those kids, they are so adorable and we get along so well. Steve Ridgway and his partner, Gary Stuart, are so neat, fascinating and attractive."

"You mean that Steve is gay, too, and with Marty's brother, Gary? I've never met him, but she is so great, he must be, too."

"Yes, he's a lawyer with a great practice and has the house next door to Steven." He kissed her cheek, "And you are going to have to come down to visit. Oh," he straightened up, "they told me to invite you down anytime. They would love to meet you."

Carol reached out to pat Todd's cheek, "My son, are we back together for good?" Her eyes stared into his, wanting confirmation of their relationship.

"Oh, yes, Mom, it's going to be you and me. Together." He thought for a moment, "But, Mom, there may come a time that I might find a son-in-law for you to love, too." He smiled broadly, encouraging her to accept this thought.

Carol looked fiercely at him, "What do you mean, a son-in-law?" Then she smiled, "What I'd rather have is another son, would that be okay, my dear? Just remember, he has to be as wonderful as you are."

"I can guarantee it." He paused, "Oh, I have to call Matt."

He picked up the phone and dialed Matt's cell phone number.

"Hi, we're ready." "Yes, everything is fine, you can come home now." "Okay."

Todd turned to his mother, "Matt and Hardy will be here is a few moments, and they asked that you stay for supper which they are bringing." Todd was pleased with that because his mother was not the best cook.

"I guess so, love, I'll need to thank them. Now come here and hold me some more."

The day after he had been raped by 'Sunshine', whoever he was, Karl stayed in his apartment, pacing around, barely eating or drinking, but becoming angrier and more depressed. His thoughts toward his sunshine boy were not happy ones, nor even pleasant ones.

"Wait 'til I get my hands on that son-of-a-bitch," he muttered, "I'll fix it so he knows what it feels like to be butt raped. And I'm not saying fucked, I'm saying raped."

Karl sat at the piano, staring at the keys, but then started through his repertoire of difficult classical music. He was quite good, he knew, but not quite concert quality. The room trembled and echoed with the thunder of the flowing notes, glissandos and arpeggios, booming chords in both hands of the Beethoven Sonata he most loved.

During a soft, emotional section, Karl thought he heard a knock on the door. So he stopped playing and waited. The knock came again. 'Well, that's that for playing,' Karl thought. He opened the door, to his great surprise Sunshine was standing there. He was speechless.

"Karl, I came to apologize, I'm sorry I did what I did. I'll try to make it up to you any way you say. I'll do whatever...."

Karl broke, "Get your ass in here, Mr. Sunshine. I'll settle your crackers for you."

Cautiously, Sunshine slowly, step by step, entered Karl's living room. He was obviously sweating and nervous, his head bowed a bit, his eyes guardedly searching Karl's. 'Would he kill me first or after', he thought.

"You know, I am terribly angry with you, Sunshine, like I have never been so angry with anyone before in my life." Karl tried not to lose his temper, "But you and I are going to go round and round, right now!" He practically shouted that last.

Sunshine winced at the voice, but just nodded his head. He was ready for anything.

"Ok, Sunshine, get in the bedroom and get your clothes off. Fast!"

As if he were going to the gallows, Sunshine slunk through the living room and into Karl's bedroom. Along the way he stripped off his t-shirt, opened his shorts and dropped them, then sat on the bed to remove his shoes. When Karl got to him, he was naked except for his bikini briefs. Karl stood still to appraise this young man, tall and slender, but with plenty of muscles without real bulk or definition. He had fine pecs and abs, not huge but sweet, and well proportioned arms and legs, lightly haired. Karl was still the more physical, developed man.

"Okay, man, pull off those bikinis." Karl was somewhat quieter, but still gruff.

Sunshine stood, pulled off his bikinis with both thumbs, sliding them down his full thighs to drop to his feet. He was amazed to see that his cock was almost totally hard, almost a full six inch solid prick. As he stood watching Karl, the older man stripped himself completely, revealing in full view his own hard cock, perpendicular to his body, slowly pulsing with Karl's heartbeat. His cock was more like seven inches and quite a bit larger around than Sunshine's.

Karl noticed Sunshine watching his cock closely, maybe being a bit skittish to think about that hot rod being shoved up his ass. And, that was just what Karl was planning, he was going to rape that young man as he had raped Karl's asshole.

"Get on the bed, Sunshine, we're both going to shine. Get on your hands and knees with your beautiful butt way up in the air where I can get at it. NOW!" He shouted, making Sunshine jerk and shudder, then quickly leap on the middle of the bed, his head laying on the pillow but his ass up high.

Karl slowly crawled behind Sunshine, placed his hands on the student's buttocks, rubbing them gently, carnally, actually massaging them almost lovingly. Suddenly he seemed to remember his purpose there. Gripping Sunshine by the crease between his thighs and his abdomen, lifting his ass further in the air. He moved closer, testing whether his cock and Sunshine's hole would meet.

When he pressed his cockhead against Sunshine's light red-brown anus, against those tender lips around the edge of his hole, Sunshine actually quivered, shrinking away from Karl, yet not moving his body.

"Sunshine, man, you done me wrong, you know? You shoved your cock up my rear end, didn't you?"


"You also gave me a drug. What was it - GHB, or maybe roofies, maybe?"

"It was GHB, a guy told me it would relax someone so it wouldn't hurt. I didn't want to hurt you, Karl, honest." Sunshine sounded thoroughly repentant, contrite and apologetic.

"Well there, Mr. Sunshine, I'm afraid I don't have any GHB to give you. But I can tell you IT DOES NOT WORK. I, of course, didn't notice while I was being raped because I was in a coma, but I can swear that my asshole hurts worse that any time in my life. How about that?"

Now Sunshine was weeping, mostly silent with occasional shallow sobs. "I'm so very sorry, Karl, I'm pleading with you to forgive me. I got carried away, I would never do anything like that again."

"Sunshine, I will give you a serious reason to never to that again, you will feel it within your body and from your asshole to your medulla oblongata. So, get ready, Sunny, here comes your fate!"

Karl's cock was still at full tilt, hard and throbbing, oozing precum onto Sunshine's ass lips, getting it ready. He started pressing the head harder and more forceful against his anus, working himself up to ram that hot rod directly through that anus and on in to occupy Sunshine's total rectum.

Just as his hips were poised and ready to thrust his cock, Karl knew he couldn't do it. He could not rape this young man, he just wanted to hold him, caress him and care for him.

Karl pushed Sunshine over on his side, and then rolled him onto his back, extending his legs and arms toward the bottom of the bed. . He looked down into Sun's face, that youthful, handsome face, and bent down to press his lips against those of his guest. They started kissing, their lips immobile at first, but then went in motion, their tongues attacking each other. Soon, Karl had let himself go full out on top of Sun, total body contact.

Karl broke the kiss. "Sunny, I don't want to rape you, or fuck you, I just want to hold you and care for you. I could say I love you, but that is probably premature. I do know I want to be with you to learn about you, where you've been, what you've learned and who you are. Is that bad?"

Sunny's arms had embraced Karl's body around his shoulders then lower to knead his buttocks. Sunny caressed them, very gently since he knew Karl was very sore back there. He suddenly stopped rubbing them and put his hands on either side of Karl's face, feeling the smooth cheeks.

"Karl," he said softly, "I would like the same thing. I was originally hoping that we could be together enough to see whether we fit, whether we might stay longer. Already I'm sure that we can be close longer, for sure, and maybe, a long, long time." He pressed Karl's face against his own, "And, Karl, I must apologize again for my actions last night. I would do anything you ask in order to atone myself." He quietly kissed Karl on his thin, wide lips, hoping to expiate his sins against this man. "You can fuck me if you want."

"Young man, have you ever been fucked?" He continued, "Honest, now."


"I didn't think so." He looked deep into Sun's eyes, "I won't initiate you now, but I will show you what you should have done last night."

Karl got between Sunshine's widespread legs, kneeling, and then sitting on his feet. Reaching under Sun's knees, he pulled the legs up until his thighs were resting on his chest. Telling Sun to hold his legs there with his arms, Karl held his buttocks, which were almost perpendicular to the rest of his body.

Karl spied the tiny opening in Sun's bottom, the anus that was surrounded by pleated red-brown flesh and lightly covered with dark hairs that traveled along the cleft between the cheeks. Moving his face closer, Karl could even see the pursed muscle wrinkles formed by the sphincter. He sniffed deeply, absorbing the male aromas while still separating those from the young man hormones, drawing him to this fantastic body and delightful young person, even if he did drug him and fuck him. 'Everyone makes mistakes', he thought, 'and can be forgiven.'

Karl placed his tongue on Sun's coccyx, the end of his spinal column, then spread it wide to go up until his tongue scattered his juices all the way to his scrotum. On the way Karl had let his tongue slowly lave the twitching anus, letting his juices seep into the waves and folds of that aperture.

Sunshine, meantime, was almost overcome with brilliant new sensations from his ass and he could only hold himself still with the greatest of effort. His body shivered and jerked slightly, responding to Karl's touching his tongue to Sun's most private place, his inner slot where his friend would ultimately dock his ramrod, he was sure.

But there was more to come for innocent Sunshine. Karl's tongue began to concentrate on Sun's rear opening, began to push and point strongly into the miniature opening. Fortunately for men, that opening could expand multitudinous times to permit the entrance of much larger objects, such as Karl's full strength cock.

"Oh, Karl, that is so incredible, so astounding to feel, like you are kissing my inner soul, my intimate essence. Don't stop, man, do it, do it."

Karl continued while also massaging Sun's buttocks, nudging his scrotum with his nose as he lubed Sun's perineum. He ignored Sun's cock, tall and slender, but full grown with a large head, deep red, almost purple, glistening from his precum coating it's surface.

The older man licked one of his middle fingers, placing the tip against Sun's anus as he sucked on one or the other of his testicles. He spit a glob of saliva under the finger and then pushed gently, waiting for Sun's asshole to relax enough so that his finger would slip inside, into the heat and moisture of his rectum. With a little urging from Karl, Sunshine was able to relax his anus to receive Karl's finger easily.

With the use of much saliva Karl was soon able to insert three fingers into Sunshine's asshole and to pump them in and out, exciting his younger friend's hot blood to higher levels. Sunshine was thrilled, watching Karl's face as he toyed with him, licking his testicles and bouncing Sun's cock with his nose. Karl's other hand found those two tiny nipples on Sunshine's smooth chest, almost falling off of his pecs. Alternating twisting and pinching those nubs was turning Sunshine into a hotbed of erotic sensations, from his brain to his crotch. Sunshine's cock was obviously ready to spout off, and Karl realized this. He slowly pulled his fingers from Sun's asshole, wiping them on the towel, then lying on his side along Sun's quaking body.

"That, my wonder boy, is what you should have done to my ass before you fucked me. I would not have such a sore anus right now if you had. What did you think of it?"

Sunshine rolled toward Karl and pulled him against himself.

"Oh, man, Karl, you are a real wonder. That was spectacular, man; it was so exciting that I'm still coming down. I wanted to shoot so bad, but knew you wouldn't want me to, so I didn't."

Karl ran one hand down Sunshine's back to his buttocks, "This beautiful butt, Sunshine, that doesn't hurt, does it?"

Sunshine looked chagrined, nodding slowly, "Yes, it feels wonderful, Karl. I thank you so much. Ah, could I do that to you now?"

"Absolutely not, lover, not for quite a while. But, you could do something for me."

"What is that, Karl, anything you want, anything?"

"Have you ever sucked anyone off, Sunshine?"

Now Sunshine was honestly embarrassed, "No, Karl, I haven't sucked of anybody.... except ... ah ... myself." He almost mumbled that last word, again abashed at having said that.

Karl sat up, amazed, "Can you really suck yourself off, Sunshine?"

He reddened all over, "Yes, Karl, but it isn't much fun by yourself."

"OK, my good friend, you can suck me off, okay?"

Karl had stunned Sunshine who actually hadn't sucked anyone off but himself. But he thought he had a good enough idea how to do it.

"Sure, Karl, just lay down."

Sunshine grabbed Karl's rock hard cock, tall and wide, oozing precum like a flood. He moved his head over it, looking at the red flesh vibrating with his heart. Suddenly, he lowered his head all the way, trying to get to Karl's pubes. Immediately, he rose up again quickly, gagging and coughing, trying to get his breath.

"Here's lesson one, Sunshine, just take the head in your mouth, just the head, and use your tongue to lick it, swipe it, spread saliva, find the piss slit and make tiny moves toward your throat. That's it, until I say stop." He smiled at his eager student.

So, that's what Sunshine did, worrying that cockhead like mad, sucking and teasing and licking. Once he let it touch his uvula, which almost set off more gagging. But he recovered quickly and continued, working faster and harder. Karl's body was twitching and shaking, almost overcome with the erotic sensations from his hot rod, building Karl's excitement to a climax.

Very soon Sunshine sensed a different shape to Karl's cock, then a different taste in his mouth and finally he realized that Karl was shooting his semen onto his tongue. He didn't panic nor was alarmed, just kept sucking and swallowing the delicious 35 year-old male cum.

"Ok, you can quit now, Sunshine." He was breathing rapidly, his chest raising and lowering in short bursts, his heart felt like it had run a long, long race. He loved every minute of it.

"Was that okay? Was it?"

Karl sat up, raised Sunshine up with him, and kissed him ferociously.

"Lover, you are the greatest. You did just what I said and I haven't had a better sucking."

Sunshine looked into Karl's dark eyes, grinning shyly, "Karl, how soon could you fuck me?" Then he giggled and jumped Karl's body, holding him tightly.

Karl also laughed with his lover, "Ha ha, you are optimistic, aren't you?" He couldn't help clutching the boy's body to him, rubbing his hands over all his naked flesh, then kissed one ear. He whispered into it, "My wonderful cock-sucker, as soon as I can, I will. Let's have something to eat first. Okay?"

"Fine by me," Sunshine agreed, and he used his sensitive hands to feel Karl's body.

"Sun," Karl said, "can I call you Sun, whether with an 'o' or with a 'u'?"

Sunshine stared into Karl's dark eyes with his own gray-green orbs, smiling with his fairly wide lips, deep red and glistening, and gave Karl's lips a peck.

"Karl, my name is Peter Sunshine Moore and the Sunshine actually is my middle name. My parents gave it to me before I even knew what a smile was, I guess to predict my outlook."

Karl jumped in, aghast, "Peter, are you related to Peter Remington Moore?" He grinned, "Just wondering."

The aroma of pine trees, the chimes of Christmas carols and the swinging bells of the seekers of donations from shoppers all reminded everyone constantly of the fast approaching day called Christmas. Windsor, Ohio, was as caught up in the Holiday Season with busy malls, traffic jams and tired hunters of bargains as in any other small city. Matt and Hardy, having finished their outside decorations, decided that the indoor Christmas tree was next. Hardy took the van when he had a day off, drove to Columbus to steal half of his mother's store of Christmas tree trimmings. She was easily convinced to offer them since she had kept tons of them in the third floor storeroom.

So, after a quick trip down and back, Hardy hauled in box after box of strings of lights, colored balls and miscellaneous trinkets to hang from the branches. Matt, the practical one, had decided to buy an artificial tree, but the romantic one, Hardy, who pleaded for a real, changed his mind live tree. Afterward, Matt was so pleased with Hardy's request and with the scent of pine wafting through the house.

"Say, Matt, when is the party for the Dukes and all?"

To say Matt was surprised by the question was a no brainer. "Huh?" he answered.

Hardy laughed, "Matt, sometimes I believe you have absolutely no social graces at all."

Matt looked abused and sad; he was being mistreated, so naturally, he pouted.

This sent Hardy into hysterics, unable to believe that this man, a man with a Doctor of Philosophy degree who also was blessed with the greatest romantic lover of all time, resorted to a childish pout to show he was suffering.

"Okay, Lord Olivier, cool it and let's discuss our party. I suggest this Saturday night before the students finish finals and have to leave. Also, I would suggest you contact Marty Stuart for help with food and drink, maybe a catered affair and she would know how and where."

"Yes, MiLord Byron, I'm with you, I agree, we'll do it. Who will we invite?"

Hardy had been thinking about this, "I would say the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, all of the Music Department faculty and their spouses, the Dean and his wife, finally the President of the University who must be invited but fortunately never comes."

"And have you figured just how many people that would be?"

"Well," Hardy hesitated, "about forty, give or take five or ten." He turned quickly, "Remember, Matty, they won't all be there all the time. This party will really be an open house, say from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. or thereabouts. What do you think?"

Matt smiled at his irrepressible lover, "I think the you are the greatest." He grabbed Hardy to hold and kiss, embracing with all his love and adoration in full force. "And, if I haven't reminded you, I love you to the farthest reaches of the poles and all around the equator."

After they had wrestled and kissed for five minutes, a knock came at the door. Regretfully, they broke apart to answer it.

At the door was what looked like a student, in usual student garb. The waist of his pants hung just above the split of his buttocks and the pant legs gathered around his feet, which were bare, but in sandals. He was only wearing a t-shirt that advertised Montoni's Restaurant in River City. He wore a mustache, a goatee that stretched in a very thin line to his ears. Matt looked beyond the student to the curb in front of their house.

"My god, Hardy, look at that. I can't believe it."

"Holy shit, is that really who I think it is, and what?"

The student spoke, "Yeah, guys, that's it. That's the official traveling motor home of the Dukes and Duchess of Windsor, just as it says on the sides."

Matt got closer to the student, looking him directly in the eyes, "My god, Hardy, it's Brian Whitlow." They gathered around the young man, "Hi Brian, good to see you," Matt looked around, "Especially because you brought such a nice little gift. It's been less that a week, Brian, where did you find it already."

"We have friends all over the place, Matt, and one of them had this brand new motor home, and could you believe it, it was already painted royal purple, one of your school colors, so we added the silver accents. Didn't take long."

They grabbed Brian's arms to lead him into the house.

"But why the strange garb, Brian, I know Mike told you not to travel alone, so you are disguised as a student. Honestly, you'd fit in perfectly here at Windsor." An idea came to him, "Oh, Brian, we're having an open house tomorrow evening, and we'd love to have you here. Then you can look over the campus, music department and such and go home on Sunday. We'd sure love that if you could." Quickly he continued, "And we'd introduce you as a student looking over the school for next fall."

"Well, I'd have to...."

"I know, Brian, you DID bring someone with you. Where is he? Bring him in."

"I'm afraid he is asleep. He's gets scared when I drive and has to sleep it off." He laughed but was interrupted.

"I am not asleep, I can't sleep when you drive, and you know that." A large, husky man appeared in the doorway, black hair, well-tanned skin, good looking with sharp features including a brilliant smile full of regular, white teeth.

"Matt and Hardy, this is Adam MacLeod, my former nanny, caretaker and more recently my brother. He always was, but just recently told me."

The three men shook hands.

"And, guys," Brian continued, "he's been asleep since we left Sandusky. He's mad at me since I wouldn't stop so he could do some rides at Cedar Point. I told him Cedar Point wasn't open, but he bitched anyway." He laughed at Adam's expense, then rushed to hug him and give him a kiss. "Someday, Matt, if you and I get close enough, I'll tell you the whole story of Adam and me. Very exciting and romantic." Adam picked Brian up by the waist and carried him under one arm to the motor home.

Brian yelled, "Come here, Matt, Hardy, we want you to see this."

The two follow the others as they disappeared into the motor home.

Two weeks later, on the day before Christmas, Matt and Hardy were heading to Columbus in their van, not running any speed races, just relaxing after the last of their obligations at Windsor. They had enjoyed their own Christmas that morning, a day early, and were still basking in the warmth and love they showed each other.

Neither of them bought expensive gifts for the other, an electric blanket went to Hardy because he had been complaining of being cold at night. Hardy had listened to Matt, but didn't believe him, so got him a new TV, not huge but reasonable. Matt maintained that he wouldn't watch a TV, that's why he didn't have one, but Hardy thought he was blowing smoke.

There were some personal gifts; pair of gloves for Matt, new scarf for Hardy. Some mushy gifts appeared ostensibly from Santa; a small volume of gay poetry, including The Wound-dresser by Walt Whitman for Hardy and a CD of romantic music for Matt.

As he drove, Matt reflected on their open house the previous Saturday night. Both men thought it was a smashing success, many of their student and faculty friends came and spent an hour or so, they all seemed to enjoy the catered refreshments. They did have to watch who got alcohol and who didn't. Usually, the students were not old enough to be served liquor or even beer, so the bartender had to be very careful. Marty Stuart stood beside him most of the time to judge ages. Once the kids saw her there, they knew they had no chance so they ate and had some pop, wishing Matt and Hardy a 'Merry Christmas' as they left.

Dr. Powers, head of the music department did not show up and Matt was concerned that he was thinking up something diabolical, or worse. Karl Nordstrom and a handsome young man arrived together. Karl introduced his friend as Sunshine, though he said his name was Peter, but Karl called him Sunshine. Matt's gaydar almost erupted with positive signals and he assumed it was because of Sunshine. He thought, 'It couldn't be Karl, could it?'

The department's three young instructors, Scott Weber, Bob Henderson and Sonja Bratten, appeared at the door and were welcomed as friends. Matt hadn't much chance to become acquainted with them, but had always tried to be friendly when meeting them.

"I'm sure glad we did the open house," Hardy spoke later, "because I think we did a lot to solidify the faculty of the department." He looked at Matt, who was driving, with a cast to his eye, "We may need their friendship before this year is over, if our plans are to be finalized."

Matt said, "Hmmm," prepared only to be noncommittal.

Having arrived at Steve's house early in the evening, Matt and Hardy pitched in to help finish the decorations, wrap the remaining presents and participate in some of the cooking. Todd had stayed with his mother in Windsor for the week. Steven, Matt, Hardy, Gary, Anne, Joshua and Jacob along with Marty Stuart who finally got know her idol, Steven Ridgway. This was a very compatible group, friendly to each other, attracted to the others and sincerely interested in what they do and what they think. If they weren't all one family, they soon would be.

Everyone headed for bed about 11 p.m., remembering that the kids would be up early in the morning and would want to immediately open presents. Matt and Hardy had a comfortable king-sized bed to stretch out and enjoy each other. Fortunately, the kids were up somewhat late, so slept longer than expected. Steve had time to shower and dress and set up breakfast. Since Marty was visiting, Gary slept at his own house to keep her company. Steve had called Gary when he got up, giving them notice of the incipient throngs of hungry people.

Very soon breakfast was out of the way and the gang migrated to the family room where all the presents had slept under the Christmas tree. The large fireplace in that room was lit and spreading warmth throughout the collected friends and relatives.

It took approximately one half hour to finish opening all the presents, so many presents that they had trouble remembering whose was whose. Everyone had gotten presents for Todd, but they would have to wait until he got back from visiting his mother. There were signals being sent between Steven, Anne and Gary after the gifts were almost all opened.

Steve left the room for a few minutes, then returned to join the circle of friends, relatives and relatives to be. He had surreptitiously brought back two small boxes, beautifully wrapped and ready for presentation. He handed the boxes to Anne.

Anne stood up with her back toward the fireplace, facing all the others.

Looking at Matt and Hardy, sitting on the floor together, holding hands quietly, she smiled.

"Matt, Hardy, we all decided that you two deserved something special just for you two as a new couple. Even Joshua and Jacob approved of our decision. So, I took care of procurement and special wrapping, preparing these gifts, one for each of you."

"Open them if you will," she said, handing the boxes, one to Matt and one to Hardy.

Matt and Hardy took the box Anne presented to each. They stood to open the boxes, tearing the paper off rapidly, anxious to see what the others had gotten them.

Matt got the paper off, opened the box and parted the white pads of soft cotton to see a beautiful, heavy gold chain with a gold disk hanging from the links. On one side was a small carving of two male right hands clasped tight. When he flipped the disk, inscribed there was the name, Hardy.

He looked at Anne, "You've given me the wrong one, this is Hardy's."

Anne smiled, "No, that is yours." She said no more.

Hardy finally was looking at his chain and disk about one inch wide like Matt's, then noticed the hands on one side and Matt's name engraved on the other. He looked up at Matt, his eyes filling with tears when he realized what they had done. Matt and Hardy turned toward each other, arms around their backs, hugging tightly. Quickly, they put their partner's chain around his neck, then kissed each other earnestly and thankfully.

Matt turned to Steve, "Did you do the hands, Steve?"

"No, Matty, I can sculpt but I can't draw at all."

Steve continued, "Matt and Hardy, our first thought was to get you each rings, but we didn't for two reasons. You are still trying to stay in the closet for now, and rings would give the game away immediately." He stopped to clear his throat, "And second, the important of the rings seemed to mean to us that you should give them to each other. Right?"

Matt and Hardy were both streaming tears down their cheeks, unable to say anything.

Anne handed each one a couple tissues so they could clean up.

Jacob spoke up, "Dad and Daddy, why is Uncle Matt and Hardy crying. It's Christmas, they should be happy."

Matt walked over to his brother, Steve, and hugged him, "You are so right, brother, and we can never thank you all for these beautiful gifts. You know they will always mean so much to us."

Hardy had hugged and kissed his mother, Anne, both of them crying at the same time. He spoke, "Well, Mom, I've brought you another son and I hope you like him." He laughed at his nerve to offer Matt like that.

Anne laughed, too, "That's real sweet of you, son, and I accept. At least I got him already grown up; I don't have to raise him. And that's a big relief." She laughed louder and longer than ever.

Matt moved to her side, hugged and kissed her too. "You are a certified wonder, Anne.... ah.... uh ... Mom, I love saying that to you."

Matt hollered, "Hey, kids, come here. One to me and one to Hardy." When the kids were safely settled in Matt's and Hardy's laps, he said, "Hardy and I were crying because we were so happy. These gold chains you helped decide on will be very precious to us as long as we live. So we thank you very much." The kids were hugged and kissed with love and devotion.

"Merry Christmas to all," Anne started the line and everyone finished, "and to all a good night,"

Write to Paul at dukesofwindsor@juno.com

Turning The Page

Some characters in this story have been drawn from my first book, Turning The Page, Nifty/Adult Friends/August 13, 2002. It is not necessary to read that book first, but it would give you a background for The Dukes and Duchess of Windsor.

Next: Chapter 11

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