Dude What the Fuck

By Ryan White

Published on Jul 15, 2023



"You sleep tight, Kiddo..." Jeremy whispered to young Samantha as he made sure she was tucked in warm and proper, and finally stood up, and placed both hands over his entire face, making sure every inch of his handsome features was more than covered. He closed his eyes as tight as he could, and before he knew what had hit him, he OPENED them with a fast reaction, at the same time removing said hands from his face.

Nope, didn't work.

Not even a little bit.

The face of his deceased former best friend and his grin as wide as the Kalahari Desert was still looking at him, smack bang every move he made.

This cannot be happening. Jesus Christ, not again!

Davey's grin got even worse as the minutes and second ticked endlessly by. Both boys stared at each other as if they wanted to out maneuvere the other. With both boys seemingly not giving in, even a mere inch, it was Jeremy who shook his head...slapped the side of his face with his hand before he stormed out of Samantha's bedroom as quick as he could.

"You can run Jez, but you can't hide!" he heard Davey's taunting voice behind him, following him all the way down the corridor, until he rounded the corner, and saw his boyfriend, completely and utterly stretched out all over the disheveled couch of theirs, limbs everywhere you looked...fast asleep. Jeremy's angry exterior softened somewhat as he heard the cute little snoring noises that Chad was busy making, until he noticed a presence behind him.

"Told you he was a sexy little motherfucker..." Davey said, his smile as wide as it could possibly be, before he plonked himself onto the very same couch that Chad was asleep on, missing both his feet by mere inches.

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing?" Jeremy hissed as angrily as he could, before he remembered somewhere in his clearly fucked up mind...that Davey wasn't real. Only he could see him...only he could hear him. Jesus. Was this really happening again? Was he really back here? he honestly thought that between Chad's help and the psychiatrist that he had been seeing for weeks now, that ALL of this was over...well and truly over.

Fucking hell.

David looked up at Jeremy and winked at him, before he reached out with his bony arms, stretching out his own fingers as if to cop a feel of Chad's genitals...

"DAVEY! FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Jeremy hissed, before he attempted to LAUNCH himself right back at his former best friend, once more remembering that was his mind playing tricks on him. He couldn't touch the little shit...even if he tried. That meant, that he couldn't stop him from causing havoc either.

Davey giggled before he stood up, and placed both of his arms around his skinny ass upper body.

"We ARE totally gonna talk, Jez. Sooner or later, we ARE gonna have a fucking talk, we can do it either here, or outside...your choice. I'm totally fine with being in here, if you don't mind me ogling your hot as fuck boyfriend..."

Jeremy sighed, and once more he tried the "close your eyes and opening them up real fast" trick to at least TRY and get this...whatever this was...out of his mind and his head, but was it was like stuck record...Davey was there and he clearly wasn't going anywhere.

Jeremy signaled to have them go outside, full well knowing that even if Davey only existed in his mind and not able to be seen nor heard, he didn't wanna think what the fuck would happen when and if Chad would wake up and saw him talking to himself. The poor dude would fucking dump him right there on the spot!

Jeremy slowly unlocked the front door and carefully opened it, agitated as hell not to wake Chad up, before he searched behind him, for where the hell Davey was.

"Gotcha!" a whisper in the back of his ear confirmed, Jeremy himself nearly ripping the front door out of their sockets with pure, sheer fright.

"Can you...can you just STOP doing that?" he hissed to Davey...knowing full well that in reality there wasn't...there couldn't be a Davey that he was really speaking to. This was all happening inside his mind, he knew that. And that scared him to fucking death. WHY...WHY was this happening ALL over again? FUCK!

Davey rolled around on his back on the modest front lawn of the Tucker household, and Jeremy sunk to his knees in pure misery. He watched as Davey...with all the looks and quirks that the real David had all portrayed on the boy's face, exactly as he remembered him. His best friend, before all of this happened. Before a year ago, when himself and David had gotten into a car accident which had killed the latter. Before his mind refused to accept that he was at fault for his best friend's death, that it had somehow created a David alter, that only he could see and talk to, for more than a year...

...until it was Chad...Chad Tucker who had made him see sense, who had showed him the memorial back at school dedicated to David himself. That made all the bad and horror memories of that night return at once, all those nasty, vile memories that his brain did it's best to protect its owner from.

With Chad Tucker's love and acceptance, he had learned to shake the David alter off...until now.

Until fucking now.

He was back with a vengeance, it seemed.


"Didn't expect to ever see you here, all of places...not exactly the richest house you've ever seen..."

`Davey...what the hell are you even doing here? For real, man! I know you're not really here! I know you're dead! Sorry...shit, that sounded..."

Davey pulled a weird face as he kept his eyes firmly on Jeremy, before he rolled his eyes and came closer to Jeremy. Jeremy looked upwards and sighed once more...this was wrong...this was so unbelievably insane. He knew David was dead...he KNEW it! And yet...his mind refused to allow him to forget the boy ever existed.

"You see Jez...wow...does anyone ever still call you that, except me? Anyway...I was just curious...when I was alive, and you're right about that...I sure as hell know that my gay ass is dead as a doormat...but when did you start to be GAY...and not only that...GAY for Chad Tucker, of all people?"

Jeremy swallowed silently as he saw Davey's eyes flare up to a dangerously brown colour as he came ever closer...ever closer.

"...because the last time me and you spoke face to face, you told me that you were straight, and that you didn't have feelings for me..."

Jeremy finally managed to TEAR his eye contact the hell away from Davey, and ran straight out into the park which was situated across the Tucker home. He launched himself onto the grassy area, as he tripped in his haste to just get the fuck away from the sickening Davey illusion...in real life his best friend was never this...this vicious. This hateful. He was the sweetest, more kindest boy that he had ever own...loyal to Jeremy aka Jez until the day that he died.

"You said no to me...the dude that you had known ever since we were fucking SIX years old! You REJECTED me! And for what? For Chad fucking Tucker? That loser? And yesterday you even had your tongue down Miguel Estrada's throat!? What the hell was that? You just snogging anyone off the streets now?"


Davey's eyes glimmered angrily as somehow...he seemed to just APPEAR in front of Jeremy as if he was a mere spirit incarnate...

"You're forgetting something, aren't you?" he said as smug as he could, before he came face to face with Jeremy himself. Jeremy gasped as he saw the anger, the hate, the level of agitation written all over Davey's cute little face. This wasn't his best friend...this was a fuckin illusion...this wasn't Davey!

Davey snorted as he spat onto the grass in front of where Jeremy was sitting down, and even though that saliva couldn't possibly have hit him, it had missed him be mere centimeters.

"You TOLD me that you LOVED me...minutes before the fucking accident...and then you took it back, you bastard..."

"I DIDN'T! I meant I love you AS A FRIEND! It's not MY fault that you didn't understand what I was saying!"

"You KNEW how I fucking felt about you! You HAD to know!"

Jeremy shook his head, he didn't even care anymore how it would look should anyone look out of there windows in the middle of the night, and saw him talking to himself...he wasn't gonna lose this fight for any money in this world.

"Davey, all I knew was that you were GAY! I didn't know you had feelings for me, I'm not a fucking mind reader!"

"You know what...screw you. Fucking screw you, you asshole. Look, if I can't have you, then sure as hell I'm not gonna allow Chad Tucker of all people to have you! You fucking hated him! And look now! You're kissing each other, sucking each other, only a matter of time before you are fucking each other! The hell I'm gonna allow that!"

Jeremy swallowed...illusion or not, he wasn't used to be threatened be anyone, and anyone who did, usually ended up with much more than a black eye on the Rugby pitch. He stood up, dwarfing over Davey as he always did, before he looked the boy directly in his cold, lifeless eyes.

"I don't fucking care if you do your worst! You're not the real David! You're a fucking part of my mind, and I'm warning you now...you can't do SHIT to me! I love Chad! I fucking LOVE Chad! You hear me? I ain't gonna allow ANYONE...not even YOU...to mess things up for me!"

Davey smiled evilly, before he winked at Jeremy.

"Oh, we'll just see about that..." he whispered, before Jeremy felt a sickening pain at the back of his skull, forcing himself to reach upwards and hold his head in between both of his hands. His eyes felt like they were on literal fire, his migraine getting worse and worse by the second...

...until he was finally able to open his eyes and noticed immediately that Davey was gone.


He sure as hell knew Davey wouldn't stay gone. He actually felt sick to his stomach, nauseous in fact...before he knew what was happening, instinct told him to run to the nearest tree in the park where he proceeded to puke out what ever was in his stomach. His head was THROBBING. His eyes felt blurry and he realized his breath was hollow.

It took a whole while for Jeremy to calm down, and to breathe somewhat normally, before he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and stared back at the Tucker home, where he knew Chad was waiting for him.

He loved him. Gosh, he loved the dude so much.

Now that his illness...or whatever you wanna call it, was back in full force...he didn't know what to do, or where to turn. God knows, his parents was never here. Mrs Tucker had been more of a mother to him than his very own, but he didn't even know WHERE to begin with telling her what was happening.

Jeremy wiped the sweat of his forehead and slowly as he could, his head still a little fuzzy, walked back to the house. The last thing he wanted to do, was wake Chad up.

Everything around him could go to complete and utter shit, and at this moment, it really felt that THAT was his reality...but knowing Chad Tucker loved him, cared about him as a person and as somewhere he loved in return...

...at that moment it seemed Chad Tucker was his sole and only reason not to go completely crazy and mental.

Chad was keeping him going, as he smiled, his eyes softening as he saw the love of his life, still sprawled out on the coach where he had left him an hour ago.

He walked towards the boy, and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on Chad's forehead.

"I love you, Tucker..." he whispered, before he slowly made his way towards the boy's bedroom. He didn't wanna wake him up...he could do that himself.

He needed to be alone, at least for a few minutes.

God knows, he had a shitload to fucking process.


In the days that followed, Samantha had tearfully opened up to what had happened that fateful afternoon when she had accidently stabbed her father to death. The long and short of the story was, that Benjamin Tucker had threatened to hurt Jeremy, something which Samantha couldn't stand. The two of them always had this...special bond between them ever since Jeremy and Chad had become friends...and when she had overheard her father saying he was going to make sure Jeremy "never see the light of day ever again" she knew she had to stop him.

Infront of two police officers and the notoriously difficult DS Wood, nine-year-old Samantha Tucker, the trooper that she was, told everyone what they needed to know, and Jeremy had promised on his life, even if that meant he needed to steal money from his parents, that he would pay for the best defense lawyer that money could possibly buy. This little girl, this little fighter, would not pay the highest price, if HE had anything to do with it.

There were days where Chad would simply launch his body onto the bigger of Jeremy, and the two boys would just stand in unison, in plain sight of everyone, and he would feel Chad shiver and shudder with pent-up fear for his sister. It was one thing figuring out that it was her, and a whole other thing knowing that she's actually going to have to pay some kind of penance for it. They were hoping to get her off on self-defense...there were numerous people who could be a witness on what a cruel, and nasty man he was to his family.

As it became clear to the rest of the town and to the school, that Jeremy Greenwood was in fact NOT GUILTY of the murder of Benjamin Tucker, things gradually got back to normal. Loads of kids came out of their own right and apologized to both himself and to Chad, for treating them like leapers ever since the murder, and even those fucking Estrada twins made sure they kept out of their way.

Sometimes...Jeremy would feel a guilt pain as big as the Nile River when he caught the eye of Miguel Estrada...the other boy didn't give away even a single ounce of what they had done several weeks before in their living room. The more that Jeremy thought about it, the less he could understand it. He was totally in love with Chad. He wanted ONLY Chad. So why, would he willingly kiss Miguel Estrada! It made no sense!

Even the Rugby coach's attitude towards him had relaxed over the weeks, and now that Jeremy was rightfully gotten his position back as one of the most popular boys in school, he had his LUST for life right back. He was playing rugby again like the good old days, under his leadership they were once again destroying teams left, right and fucking center. They chanted his name after every match, just like they had always used to. It was like...these past few months of mental anguish had never even happened.

David, had not appeared to Jeremy as well ever since that night in the park, so there was hope that it was finally over, now that Jeremy didn't have murder charges hanging over his head, completely fucking with his mental health. There was also real hope that Samantha would receive softening circumstances for the murder of her father, so at least for now...things were on the up and up.

It was after one of these heroic Rugby matches in which their high school had trailed by an almighty 15 points, only for Jeremy to score a hat trick of tries in the second half of said match, and winning the game almost single handedly for his team. As he was applauded off the field, he quickly signaled to Chad that he would meet him in the parking lot after he had gotten dressed, and to please wait for him, to which Chad nodded yes, and happily so.

He was so immensely proud of his boyfriend. Against all odds, the school had seemed to accept that himself and Greenwood were now close friends, although they did not know of course that they were a couple. Heaven fucking forbid. He knew how he felt about Jeremy Greenwood...he had been walking with an idea around in his head for weeks now...and he totally planned on telling his boyfriend what that was...later on that evening.

His cock thickened at the thought of what he was hoping would he happening.

Jeremy was held up so much from everyone that wanted to congratulate him on a superbly played game, that he shook with shock as he checked his mobile phone and realised that Chad was probably getting impatient by now. He swore underneath his breath, taking off his dirty, sweaty Rugby shirt and was starting on his shorts, when in walked...you guessed it...Miguel Estrada.

Or what he hoped was Miguel...he didn't have much time for Michael and he knew the feeling was more than mutual.

"Miguel?" he asked tentatively, watching the boy lift his eyebrows in total and sheer disgust when he saw who was in the locker room with him.

"Who else, the fucking tooth fairy?" he sneered as he walked towards one of the stalls, not even bothering to close it up, and started peeing.

Jeremy blinked once, totally caught off guard over this total and utter change within the boy...as he was taking off his shorts and finished up getting dressed in fresh clothes, he couldn't help to wonder where the meek and mild Miguel from all those weeks ago was. The one who went out of his way to tell him that his brother had been nearby raping him for weeks now.

Miguel smirked at him as he pulled his zipper upwards and joined Jeremy at the basin to wash his hands.

"I bet your happy about the way things had turned out, are you? Having Tucker's kid sister go down for something that you fucking did, and guess what, everyone believes you! You're the big hero once again!" he said viciously, his eyes wide and yellow with emotion.

Jeremy bit his lip...why was Miguel acting this way? Wasn't he perhaps...Michael after all and the boy was just fucking with him? Dude, what the fuck?

He glanced down towards the marks that he saw on Miguel's arm that day, the marks that he told Jeremy was made by Michael during one of their rough nights with the twins having sex with each other...but this boy was worlds apart from the poor dude that had kissed Jeremy so romantically only weeks before.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Miguel sneered once more, moving closer to Jeremy and looked him deep in his eyes.

Fuck this. He was so over both the Estrada twins and their shit; it wasn't even funny. To think he had fucking sympathy for Miguel after that crap that he had told him. The dude was sick...clearly it was all an act, and he fucking fell for it faster than you could say CHEATING.

"Jesus...you still don't believe I didn't have anything to do with Chad's father getting killed...you sick son of a bitch..." he murmured, not taking his eyes off of Miguel for even one second.

Miguel's eyes flashed dangerously as he checked his watch and then back at Jeremy himself.

"I'd rather be a sick son of a bitch than someone who talks to himself and tries to kiss his biggest enemy..." he spat back; his smile as evil as Jeremy had ever seen it.


Wait, WHAT?

Jeremy shook his head, his by now frequent migraines starting to come back in full fucking flow. His eyes were on fire once more, it felt, the tension above his eyes were reaching fever pitch, the back of his neck felt like it would CRACK at any minute.

"Okay, Miguel...I don't know what the hell drugs you're on, but if you fucking remember...you were the one who KISSED ME the other week! I didn't fucking start any of this! Yeah, I kissed you back but I didn't START anything!" he screamed, loud enough for anyone around to hear, which thank God, the school was abandoned at that time of the late afternoon.

A vicious shove from the Estrada twin caught him totally off-guard, as Jeremy fell hard against the tiles of the basin, but he quickly recovered and launched himself at Miguel.

"What the fuck was that for? Am I fucking LYING? You kissed me! Admit it!" he shouted, pushing Miguel with all the might that he had, earning a muffled noise from the boy as his back made solid contact with the bathroom wall. Miguel spat downwards, before he balled his fists and attempted to hit Jeremy, but the latter was way too quick. He moved out of the way within mere seconds of Miguel's fist making contact with his face.

Miguel, red in his face from anger, or even embarrassment, turned around and gave Jeremy one heck of a death stare.

"I never kissed you! Fuck that, I ain't gay!" he snorted out in complete disregard for anything around him.

"Dude! You forget that me and Chad have evidence of Michael sticking his dick so far up your ass you didn't know where he ended and you began?" Jeremy shouted back ever louder.

At that point in the game, Miguel's face resembled somewhat of an overripe tomato.

"That was ONCE! Okay! And now one believes you're murdering ass anyway!" he hissed through gritted teeth.

"Oh no, buddy...I wanna know where the talking to myself comes into! Don't fucking stop talking now!" Jeremy refused the buckle, the pressure inside his brain getting more and more with each passing second.

Miguel placed his fists down for a minute before he looked at Jeremy if he was something from another planet.

"You wanna tell me you don't remember?"

"REMEMBER WHAT?" Jeremy managed to croak out underneath all his pain together with his eyes feeling like they might explode any millisecond.

Miguel scoffed and smiled nastily as he shook his head.

"Dude...man, oh man...you came to me the other week...gave me papers to sign from the coach..."

"...I fucking know that, I was there! Then I came into your house and you told me that Michael has been hurting you when you guys are having sex and before I knew what hit me...YOU KISSED ME!"

Miguel laughed out loud, the sound of the dog howling came to mind as the echoes and echo's' of smug laughter seemed to bounce around inside Jeremy's brain with each syllable.

"You...you need to see a doctor...for real man, what the fuck? You never came in my house; I'd never allow that! You're Jeremy Greenwood...why would I even do that? Both me and Michael HATE you! You went in some sort of a trance, after you gave me the papers...I closed the door and left you OUTSIDE! I fucking watched you...both me and Michael when he came home through the back door minutes later...you stood there...eyes dead as a doorknob...and you were speaking and talking to God knows who! Michael even made a video..."

"HE DID WHAT? WHERE IS IT?" Jeremy hollered, on the verge of total insanity.

His head was hurting like it had never before, it felt gradually like he was losing grip of his body, like it and his soul were two different people. He grabbed Miguel violently, before shoving him against the wall, placing his face close to that of the frightened Estrada twin. He didn't know what the hell to believe...he was seeing David again, this idiot now telling him that he fucking DREAMT the kiss between them...DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK?

Before he could get a straight answer from Miguel, the latter used his lanky, more thin frame to give Jeremy two quick jabs on the outside of his stomach, before he manically shoved him out of the way, with Jeremy bending over and coughing due to the sudden pain in his abdomen.

"What the hell are you playing at? You're a fucking psycho, Greenwood!" Miguel shouted, his voice nothing but a mere croak, before he made sure he got the hell out of there.

Jeremy coughed a few more times, before he reached out a feeble hand to try and keep him upright. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, and my GOD, he looked a mess. His eyes were bloodshot red, his hair was all sweaty, his face was a white as fucking snow...he shook his head once more to try and get rid of the vicious migraine that was still haunting him when he saw him...


In the mirror, staring back at him.

"Told you I wouldn't let you go..."

Jeremy swung around, and looked backwards, ready to attack the illusion of his life-long best friend, but of course he wasn't there. He swung his head back towards the mirror, but he only saw his own reflection.


Pull yourself together, Greenwood...Chad is waiting for you...he told himself as he pulled him upwards, grabbed his gym bag, took a deep breath...before he gingerly, and finally left the locker room.


"I don't think I will ever feel comfortable here..." Chad said, as he looked around Jeremy's room...the complete and utter space being bigger than their entire living room alone. He had only ever slept over here once, but Jeremy was adamant that Chad needed to sleep at his place once in a while, where he could pamper the dude good and proper.

No need to wait for water to get warm around here, and plenty of food...but of course Jeremy would never actually SAY that to his boyfriend. He loved the dude way too much for that. Also...the mere possibility that...Jesus Christ, the remote possibility that Miguel Estrada might, just MIGHT be telling the truth about him imagining the kiss between them...FUCK his head was starting to hurt again.\

"Mi Casa, es su Casa, and all of that, my dude," he said, running into the ensuite bathroom and quickly taking two Panado tablets from prescription, and downing it with a glass of water, before he took one more look at his reflection in the mirror, and walked out to where his boyfriend was.

"It's cold, geez..." Chad said, rubbing his hands together, before Jeremy motioned for him to get on the bed with him. A text from his parents earlier confirmed that they would be home tomorrow, so he wanted to spend what little time he had alone here, with the boy he so desperately loved.

Together the two boys laid down on the soft, wobbly, water mattress, all the while looking into each other's eyes, never breaking contact. Chad smiled slightly, reaching out and held the left side of Jeremy's face inside the palm of his hand.

"Anyone ever told you how..." he whispered, not finishing his sentence.

"How...what?" Jeremy whispered back, totally mesmerized by the serene blush on his boyfriend's cheeks.

Chad smiled and he leaned forward, as the two boys simultaneously shared a passionate kiss, with both boys moaning as the emotion and sexual passion seemed to sweep them up into a complete frenzy. Chad reluctantly broke the kiss as they finally figured out, they needed air to breathe, before he nudged his nose playfully against that of his boyfriend.

"How...how beautiful you are..." he whispered back and turned around so that Jeremy was spooning him in the positions that they were. Jeremy sighed contently as he placed his lips in the crook of Chad's neck and softly kissed him.

"I love you, Tucker..." he whispered back and he giggled as he saw another smile breaking across the peaceful features of his boy.

There was a couple of minutes full of silence that seemed to comfortably envelop both of the teenagers, before Chad turned around in the bed, to the point where he actually saved Jeremy.

"Greenwood...you gonna mind if I ask you something personal?" he asked, his voice cracking just a tad, as he did so.

Jeremy smirked.

"Dude, you have literally swallowed my cum twice...I think you can ask me anything..." he giggled once more leaning in to kiss Chad, which was more than reciprocated.

"Nah dude, I just...look, I know that you're a popular dude at school and everything...I guess I was kinda wanting to know for me...Jeremy, you're not still a virgin, are you?"

Jeremy closed his eyes and groaned, basically giving Chad his answer.

"Ahhh dude, I wish I could fucking say no...now that me and you are together but I can't...I can't like to you. Yeah, I have had sex. Yes, it was awesome and fantastic. I can't hide that."


"Yeah, Leyla...and about three or four more..."


"OH MY GOD...as if YOU are a fucking virgin!"

Chad's attempts to be angry at his lover crumbled almost immediately, as Jeremy cornered him on the one part of his life where he didn't have to lie.

"Girls love me...I guess my personal record is like...maybe six? It depends, because last year during one of Michael and Miguel's parties they ordered hookers with their dad's credit card and when I woke up the following morning, I was hung over and drunk...and naked. So, it might be more, just putting it out there."

Jeremy kissed Chad again, this time lingering longer than what he had done before...breathing in the smells, scents and essence that was Chad Tucker. How they only realised how they felt about the other NOW...after years of going to school together and HATING each other before...was beyond him. He couldn't picture his life without Chad in it, and he knew the boy felt the same towards him.

"Why all of a sudden you wanna know about my sex life?" he asked, making himself comfortable on the bed, whilst still smiling down at Chad.

Chad blinked a few times, trying to form the words that he so desperately wanted to say...he at last, at fucking last, he felt he had gathered enough strength to look at his boyfriend, openly and honestly.

"Well, since we're both kinda sluts here..."

"Watch it!"

"Okay, okay. Since we each have had our share of girls in the past...I was kinda wondering...if you would be my first...guy?"

Jeremy sat upwards, he wasn't sure of his ears was deceiving him, or whether this was another cruel trick his mind was playing on him, because if he understood Chad correctly, that fucking meant...


"You...want me to...to..." he stammered, his eyes now only on those of Chad.

Chad in return but his lip, suddenly shy as hell, before he looked back at Jeremy, and slowly nodded his answer.

"Jeremy...I trust you. I love you...I do, I love you so fucking much, and if I can't do this with you, then I don't wanna do it with anyone else."

Chad suddenly reached out and ran his fingers through the back of Jeremy's jet-black hair. The look in his eyes, that deepness, that immense intensity even frightened Jeremy himself...Gosh, no one has ever looked at him like Chad was doing now.

"Greenwood, before I go fucking nuts here...please...please just...just fuck me...fuck me Jeremy, I want you so much...don't fucking make me beg here before I lose all my courage here...

Jeremy was at a total loss for words. He...this...God in heaven, this was insane.

A flood of love and desire poured out of his entire body and seemed to land on Chad Tucker. It was then that he knew...no matter where the paths in the coming years would take them or where they might end up in the future...this was it. He would never, ever love anyone as much as he loved Chad. No matter WHAT might happen.

"You got protection?" he whispered so intimately hoarsely, that he nearly didn't recognize his own voice.

"Yeah...I kinda...I kinda already got everything ready right here..." Chad said, his voice too merely a whisper.

Jeremy saw as if inside a dream, how Chad quickly got his lanky body out of the bed, before he knelt at down at the sports bag that he had brought with him. He gasped as he saw how with shaking hands, Chad removed two items from the bag...a bottle of lube, followed by a condom.

"Fucking hell, bro..." was al that he could get out.

Chad giggled nervously and rejoined his boyfriend on the bed.

"I know I wouldn't wanna stick your tongue up my ass yet, so I got the lube. And don't worry...I won't make a fucking mess on these damn satin sheets..." Chad started to say, but before he even got the chance to, his lips were gobbled up by Jeremy Greenwood.

The fierce embrace that the boy held Chad in, was one to savour, the amount of love pouring out from both ends, hard to ignore, impossible to miss. The kiss deepened on a level unbeknownst to both teenagers, their hard cocks as stiff as steel. It was Chad, who reached out and near damn RIPPED Jeremy's shirt from his body, his eyes fluttering all over the bigger boy's upper chest and abs.

In return, Chad took off his own shirt, leaving both boys semi naked. Chad wasn't going to wait any longer. He stood up, his hard cock flopping in his shorts, which was quickly discarded, alongside his boxer shorts. Jeremy's mouth dropped...this was one area where he was always worried for...if he and Tucker would have ever gotten to this point...would he...who he always assumed was straight...would be have been disgusted at the sight of another boys dick...hard and dripping pre cum before him?

The answer was no. It belonged to Chad. The boy he loved. If it belonged to him, how could it be horrible, even nasty?

He reached out in awe...slowly taking hold of Chad's dick for the first time in his life. Jesus...how fucking hard was this dude? How warm was that cock? How hard...and yet so soft on the outside? Curious as hell, he leaned forward, his eyes firmly on Chad's genitals before him. He licked his lips. This was it.

"Greenwood...dude, you really don't have to, I know you're not ready for that yet..." Chad started to say, but Jeremy had other ideas. He winked at Chad, before he took a deep breath, and placed his lips over Chad's cock.

"SWEET...JESUS!" Chad managed to get out before he nearly lost control over his limbs, including struggling to stay standing. Jeremy gave a few awkward bobs on Chad's cock, tasting the combination of flesh and cock snot that was leaking out of the super hard cockhead. Months ago, doing this, would have REVOLTED him. He would have fucked up anyone accusing him of being a cocksucker.

It wasn't bad. It tasted...sweet, with a combination of spicy in between. It tasted...like Chad.

Coming up for some much-needed air, Jeremy giggled out loud as he saw the disbelief written all over Chad's face at the mere fact, with what he had just done.

"Just a blowjob, dude...not the end of the world..." he laughed, before giving the organ one final lick, leaving Chad harder than he had ever been in his life.

"You...you asshole...you fucking sexy asshole..." Chad breathed, before he fell into Jeremy's arms, both boys kissing each other like it was their last day on this earth. Tongues mixed and mingled, saliva was swapped around, limbs, hands and legs were everywhere you God damn looked, until Chad turned on his side.

"Gimme that cock..." he said, the fire evident in his eyes.

Jeremy stood up, his big seven incher already reaching towards the skies. He took off his shorts and underwear at the same time, leaving his phallus to slap hard against his rock-hard abs. Chad reached out and gripped that hard teenage cock with everything he had in him, before he leaned down and gave that steel stone organ a few sucks, allowing Jeremy to hiss in sexual desire.

"This might be cold...but it sure as hell gonna help my ass," Chad smiled as he reached for the bottle of lube, careful not to get any on the sheets, greasing up his hands as the oily substance was smeared across his palms. He gripped Jeremy's dick once more, caressing the hard flesh with the oily lube inch by inch. Jeremy held his breath and WILLED himself not to fucking CUM right there and then...Chad's hands were doing magic on his teen prick. Finally, Chad ripped the condom he had open with his teeth, anxiously throwing the packet away, as he mavouvered the plastic attachment onto the hard fuck stick.

"Dude...be careful...feels like I'm gonna blow any minute..." Jeremy squeaked as his cock was now fully covered by the condom.

"No glove, no love, brother..." Chad laughed and finally he took a huge breath. This was it. Jesus, this was it. There was no getting away from this now. His man was gloved and ready, like he had never been ready before.

"So...how are we gonna do this?" Jeremy asked, his hands all over Chad's shoulders...holding him as close as possible to his body.

Chad blew out some air, before he took Jeremy's hand inside his own, and lead him towards the bed. As they got there, he himself laid down, on his back and stared up at the eyes of the boy he had so fallen in love with. He then held his breath for a moment, before he opened his legs for his boyfriend.

Jeremy gasped as he saw what Chad wanted him to do. He was giving him...Jeremy Greenwood, the most deepest, most private, most wonderful gift one man could EVER give another. Jeremy nodded. It wasn't rocket science, he knew what to do.

Softly, slowly, he positioned himself above Chad. Chad gritted his teeth...he had dreamed of this for years...but now that it was here...now that there was actually something going up there...the moment was nearly too big to endure.

Jeremy quickly placed another thick layer of lube onto his dick, making it nice and stealthy, if it wasn't already. He gripped his cock, sinking his body lower to where the tip of his dick made contact with Chad's ass.

"Put it in...for God's sake, put it in, Greenwoooooodd..." Chad moaned and THAT's when Jeremy lost the final bout of his carefulness.

Feelings he had never known or experienced before RIPPED through his teenage body the moment where his dick sunk into the depths of Chad's hole. Chad's eyes rolled back in their sockets, the lube being a big help, because MY GOD, Chad Tucker was tight back there. Jeremy's soul felt like it was being forced, separated from his body...he never knew it would fee as glorious as this. He had fucked his share of girls...but he didn't love ANY of them. He loved Chad. He loved him.

Chad groaned as Jeremy's dick continued the downward spiral towards its ultimate target...both boys now on pins and needles as the feelings and desires continued to grow. Chad hissed in pain, all of a sudden, throwing his head backwards as the pain reached its crescendo, making Jeremy stop, leaning over and kissing Chad's face softly.

"I can stop...I don't wanna hurt you, okay? I don't know the fuck how, but I can stop..."

Chad gritted his teeth through the pain, and gripped both of Jeremy's hands within his own.

"I have fucking...dreamt about this since I was twelve...don't you DARE take it away from me!" he hissed towards his boyfriend, Jeremy holding the boy as tight as he could, kissing his forehead over and over.

"I'm nearly in...nearly there..." Jeremy once more whispered as his dick finally drove home...at last, he was balls deep inside Chad Tucker.

"Jesus, you okay?" he asked Chad, who was still hardly moving, what with having a seven inch teenage dick stuck in his ass.

"It's fine...move it in and out, you Doofus...it will start to feel better!" Chad managed to croak out, as Jeremy did as he was told.

Magic...was the word that came to mind.

Age old instinct followed, and before both boys knew what was happening, they were making love.

Pain gradually turned to pleasure as the rhythmic motion of shoving your cock into a sweet, warm hole began to surface. Chad's body didn't know what had hit it...he felt pain combined with the most sensual inferno rip through his backside and lower body. Jeremy's dick was hard, it was steel hard, and it was doing its job. Jeremy's eyes were red with emotion...he had never felt like this. He trusted his cock into Chad's ass over and over and over, slowing his movements to give his boyfriend space to breathe, before RAMMING it into him once more.

All too soon, as things tend to happen with two teenage boys, it was over. Chad's cock, hard as it had ever been felt his prostrate expand, it felt like the best cum he ever experienced. His body was like a rag doll, his cock on red alert as he moaned out loud as the cum was spurted from his hard phallus like fucking Krakatoa on a good day. There as so much white, virile protein going about, it was God damn all over the place. His entire lower abdomen was wreaked with the stuff, as his ass muscles continued non-stop to sting and spasm.

Above him, if Jeremy thought things felt good whilst he as pumping his sixteen-year-old fuck stick into Chad's ass, then he had another thing coming. As Chad was ejaculating, his ass retracted and drew together, making the pressure on his cock that much more. It suddenly felt like his dick was swarmed by lava...it was incredible. His chest heaved; his breath came out as doggedly as you got. He couldn't last any longer...he wouldn't last any longer.

With a yelp like an injured lion cub, he sped up, his balls swinging and banging against Chad's glutes, as if to WILL their masters to spurt their teenage boy goodness. Jeremy gave one final push, combined with a raw endeavor from his throat, until his entire upper body fell mercilessly onto Chad, his cum pumping into the boy's backside faster than you could say bukkake. His balls continued their powerful spray, creaming Chad Tucker so bad, that you would have sworn his entire DNA had changed and renamed his Greenwood. If only he wasn't wearing a condom.

Jeremy buried his head in the crook of Chad's neck...nearly CRYING with pent-up emotion as his balls finally stopped their spread of boy butter, he didn't wanna take his dick out, not yet...not when it felt as warm and as relaxing as it felt having his organ in there, but he knew that the condom would have to be removed some time.

Slowly, he withdrew his dick from Chad's well-fucked ass, and regrettably taking off the condom containing his semen, and tossing it aside to be dealt with later. All that he wanted to do now, and the only person that he wanted to BE with and SEE now...was Chad.

"Hey you..." Chad whispered tiredly as he finally opened his eyes, staring into those beautiful ones belonging to Jeremy.

"Hey..." Jeremy whispered back, bringing their lips together once more in total unison.

For some time, both boys had nothing to say...they just...seemed to STARE at each other...taking each other in for who and what they were. As if they couldn't quite believe what they had just done.

"Greenwood..." Chad whispered, finally breaking the silence.

"Tucker..." Jeremy giggled softly, before squeezing Chad's hand.

"I...I fucking love you...I wanna be with you forever, man..." Chad said, his eyes swimming in unshed tears and emotion.

Jeremy nudged his nose once more playfully onto that of Chad, before he softly kissed his boyfriend.

"You bet...I love you too..." he softly replied.


Chad opened his eyes.


Did...did that really happen last night?

Fucking hell...his ass immediately answered that question for him.

Smiling, he looked over at Jeremy.

His boyfriend was still sleeping, it seemed.

Boyfriend...my God, that sounded good.

Hungry...need food...was the next thought on his mind.

Chad giggled as he ran down towards the kitchen, and quickly whipped up a nice, greasy breakfast for the two of them, complete with eggs, bacon, hashbrowns...man, the Greenwood family sure has tons and tons of food stashed away in their cupboards! More than what the entire Tucker family had for two or three months!

They could do this...they totally could. He knew Jeremy was going to have an uphill battle convincing his folks that they belonged together, but after last night, he felt like he was the King of the world. Titanic style. He felt like he could do ANYTHING...EVERYTHING...even take on the bullies at school, even the incessant number of homophones in this God forsaken town and win...if that meant himself and Jeremy could finally, openly be together. Easier said than done...but not inside the mind of a horny, hungry teenager, that was for sure.

Entering Jeremy's bedroom once more, he saw that the fucker was still asleep. That was weird...it was already way past nine in the morning, and usually, he knew that Jeremy didn't sleep in late. He liked to go jogging before school, or even go to the gym in the holidays...

He placed the plates of food down safely, before he slowly moved to the side of the bed.

"Greenwood! Hey Jeremy...wake the fuck up now! Your folks will be home soon!"


"Greenwood? Come on, Jeremy, this isn't fucking funny, wake the hell up now!" Chad asked, with a little more urgency than what he would have liked, leaning over to Jeremy's side of the bed, and gripping his shoulder in trying to get him awake.

Holy fuck.

Jeremy was as cold as ice.

Swallowing, he carefully sat down on the bed, and placed his rapidly shaking hand on top of Jeremy's forehead, checking for a fever...yet again, he was cold as ice.

Fuck...this was not good.

He quickly reached down and lambasted himself for not doing this earlier...way earlier...he grabbed Jeremy's wrist, as icy cold as the rest of him, and checked for a pulse.

Thank God. He felt it, for sure, but it was faint. Very fucking faint. Like it could literally stop any moment.

The tears streaming down his face, Chad tried to keep calm, and he rushed to his sports bag, where he took out his cellphone and prayed to God that he had enough airtime on his phone to make the call.

"Mom! Mom, it's me, for the love or God, please call an ambulance! It's Jeremy...he's not waking up! Mom...please...hurry up, I think he's dying!" he shouted into the phone, before he looked at Jeremy one more time.

What the fuck, dude? What the hell is going on?




Thanks for sticking by me all these weeks, even those where I made you wait for chapters. I honestly, cannot thank you enough.

I was CREAMED and CRUSIFIED in the last chapter LOL for allowing Jeremy and Miguel Estrada to share a kiss, but at least you now KNOW why that was needed. It didn't really happen. It was all in his mind.

So...what do ya'll think is wrong with Jeremy? And WHY is Davey so vicious...so different a person than what Jeremy remember?

Any feedback is always welcome. Love you all.


Next: Chapter 10

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