Dude What the Fuck

By Ryan White

Published on Jun 25, 2023



"I'm sixteen, Dad! You cannot tell me who the hell I can, and cannot see!"

"Yes, I damn well will! As long as you live and breathe underneath MY roof, you will do as I damn well tell you! For God's sake, Jeremy! You are literally the only suspect in the murder of that boy's father and you have the nerve to DARE to cross me? Look where the hell hanging out with SCUM has gotten you! I'm your father, not one of your Rugby buddies! I demand respect and treatment as such!"

Jeremy turned to the wall of the living room, counted to ten, and desperately wanted to finish the longevity of both of his fists on the outside of the hard bricked layers, but seeing Chad inside his mind's eye helped him to calm the fuck down. Believe me, it was more difficult than he had first anticipated. His dad was being a total dick!

"Mom!? Are you just going to sit there and do nothing? As per usual?"

Veronica Greenwood stood up from where she had been busy all this time, on her tablet for work, before she joined her husband Mitchell at the mini bar from where he had just poured both of them a glass of expensive Bourbon. He wondered what the hell THEY had to be nervous about...he was the one up for fucking murder charges, not them!

Veronica took a sip of the warm liquid, turning to her son in the process.

"Jeremy, your dad is right. I mean...the moment when you told us where this...Chad Tucker person and his family lived...that is not a part of town where I ever...EVER want to see you scrounging around in! Those people are...riffraff! And you would do well enough to stay away from them! l Just look what they have gotten you into!"

Jeremy rolled his eyes and balled his fists once more, but yet again, somehow managed to keep control over the situation.

"What do you guys even know? Both of you! No, I'm sorry but I'm saying all of this, because it wasn't like either of you were even here when it happened! You are never fucking here!"

"JEREMY ALAN GREENWOOD!" Mitchell snapped at his son, before his eyes reflected the danger of the mood that the latter had currently placed him into. He turned around in the big space that he was standing in, and raised both his arms upwards as if to make a more than solid point.

"Look at all this! Just look at it! Do you think all these riches, this house, that big Ultra HD television that you insisted we get you, do you think that it all just fell from the damn sky! It takes hard work and determination! You have never, ever spoken to me like this, not to me or your mother!"

Mitchell took another sip of his own drink before he walked over to where Jeremy was still staring up at him, and he placed both his hands on his hips, as if to completely and utterly assert his authority he had over his son.

"You stay away from that Chad Tucker boy. I'm warning you. I already had to pay our lawyer a shithouse amount of money just to keep you out of prison and to keep this thing from leaking out to the press! Can you think...just THINK of the scandals that you could do to both our careers? If I ever...EVER catch you with that little fucker again, you can just as well as go and live with them, there in the slumps...You're nothing but an embarrassment!"

Jeremy took deep breaths as his father signaled to his mother to join him in their bedroom upstairs, before he stood up and ran outside into the night as quick as he could. He stood looking at their huge swimming pool for a good while, as he digested his father's harsh words, over and over, and over.

The idea of never seeing Chad ever again...if you had told him this a couple of months ago, he wouldn't even have worried...he would have said, yeah, big deal, he hated the guy at the time. They literally couldn't stand the sight nor the smell of each other. Now...the possibility that his dad might...no, he definitely WILL throw his ass out of the house if he disobeyed his orders...

...but there was no way that he would never see Chad Tucker again.

He sighed. He cared about the dude so much. He never ever, felt about another living person the way that he did about Chad. His heart bounced in his teenage chest every time that he thought about him, times that he wondered what Chad was up to, that he saw his face in his mind. His smiling, handsome face that he had come to miss so much when it wasn't near him.

Is this...was this what love was? Jesus Christ.

Jeremy sat down on the front porch and he leaned back, looking upwards at the stars in the night sky above him. Thank God that Chad had managed to convince the police, and especially that bitch of a DS Wood that it was him, not Jeremy, who had sent the photos of the Estrada twins fucking the shit out of each other to them, in a sworn attempt to get the twins to leave them the hell alone.

Only it turned out them twins had better ideas, and went and told the cops that they had SEEN Jeremy enter the Tucker house on the day, and the same time as well, that Jonathan Tucker had been killed, and LIED to DS Wood claiming Jeremy had threatened to expose the twins for incest if they didn't stay quiet.

God, he suddenly missed Davey.

Jesus...don't fucking go there...he thought to himself.

He had only just gotten over the fact that David had died over a year ago, before his brain, in order to protect its owner, allowed itself to create a David alter, so that until recently, Jeremy still believed that David was alive, as he literally would SEE him and talk to him.

Chad...beautiful, sexy ass Chad Tucker helped him realize and recover his lost memories that his brain had been hiding from him all this time, and for that, he would be forever grateful. Without Chad...he had no idea where he would have even been.

And now both of his parents had gone and ordered him to never see Chad again.

Fuck this shit.

Jeremy stood up and took out his cellphone. He immediately made his way into his WhatsApp Messenger and saw that Chad had been online literally only three minutes ago. He smiled as he started typing a message to the boy, he...the boy that he cared about so very much.

"Hey, you there?"

It took a couple of moments for Chad to actually read said message and Jeremy's smile got even wider as he saw that Chad was eventually typing back. Not so patiently he waited until the message finally came through.

"I'm here. Missing you tho. Are you okay? You said your folks are back from overseas? How did that go down?"

Jeremy's heart warmed up a mere thousand degrees as his eyes flickered over the words, especially the part where Chad said he missed him. He clutched his phone in the palm of his hand, enjoying the teenage emotions that those few little words were inflicting on his sixteen-year-old body.

Whatever this was, this was as real as it could possibly get. He had never been this happy, and over a simple WhatsApp text message...

He energetically started to reply back to Chad.

"Can you come over? Like right now? Maybe...maybe spend the night?"

He waited with more than bated breath to Chad's reply...it showed that the boy had read the message, but that he wasn't busy replying just yet.

Jeremy hissed as he looked upwards at the big mansion that he called home, to where he knew the windows of his parents' room was. He couldn't see any sort of light being switched on inside there, and hoped to God that he was right in assuming that they had already gone to bed and was fast asleep by now.

He needed Chad. He loved his parents dearly, but what they were asking was too much. Way too much. Right now, he was at a point in his life, where he couldn't imagine not having Chad Tucker in it. There was no way, he could even contemplate such a horrible scenario.

Flickering on his phone's screen alerted him to the fact that Chad had finally replied.

"You must be crazy, or fucking drunk or both...how the hell am I supposed to do that with your parents there?"

Jeremy giggled as he quickly typed his own reply.

"Come on Doofus, I'm right outside my place. The folks are already asleep, so I'm gonna sneak you the hell in here. Hurry up! I really wanna see you!"

Jeremy's heart was now bouncing around in his chest, the beating of the powerful organ now rivalling that of a garden mouse. His teenage dick hardened inside his jeans, as he closed his eyes and wondered what would it be like to sleep next to Chad.

To wake up next to him, to have his beautiful caramel, light brown eyes looking into his, being the first thing that he saw in the morning when he woke up. His stared at his phone as if it was the last God damn thing on this earth, desperate for Chad to agree and to say yes.


...Chad responded.

"Are you sure about this?"

Jeremy took one more look upwards at the windows of his parents' bedroom, his smile getting wider by the second as this was now really actually happening, this wasn't some romantic fuck story, this was his sheer reality. And he wanted nothing more than Chad Tucker with him, right fucking now.

"I'm sure, get your ass over here!" he texted back, and locked his phone as he did so.


"Are you here?"

"Yeah, open the fuck up, its cold as hell out here!"


Jeremy placed his phone in the pocket of his jeans, before he quickly dashed towards the main gate. For once, he was glad that his parents had all this money...the front gate didn't even as much as make a noise when he pressed the remote-control button to open it, and allowed Chad to come inside the grounds.

The moment that he saw him, Jeremy's sexy teen features seemed like it just would LIGHT up, even though he couldn't witness it himself, he fucking FELT it...he felt all of it. He ran to Chad as if his life depended on it, grabbing the boy on his arm and dragging him a little bit further along the grounds, where he knew the security cameras wouldn't be able to see them.

Finally, he allowed his sheer kung-fu grip to loosen on Chad's arm, before he swung around and finally saw the boy that he had so been longing to see.

"You're here...I can't believe you actually came..." Jeremy whispered to Chad, taking his hand inside his very own, realizing that the warmth that Chad was bringing to him, more than made up for the cold weather they were now forced to endure.

Chad smirked and squeezed Jeremy's hand in complete return.

"Told you I'd be here, Numb Nuts! Were you serious, about...you know...me sleeping over in this huge ass house?"

Jeremy pulled Chad closer to him. The boy's smile lessened somewhat, as there was suddenly nothing to joke about. This was suddenly as serious as a heart attack...both boys felt it, stronger than ever. They knew what was going on in each other's hearts and souls.

Jeremy, as if in a trance, reached upwards and placed his icy cold right hand onto Chad's cheek, and he allowed it to travel down to the boy's beautiful neck, and he realized that Chad was literally pushing his face right into his palm.

"Dude...do you...you fucking realize how much I missed you?" Chad whispered back, getting closer, ever closer to the boy that he knew he loved.

He had personally tried his level best to deny, deny, deny, but it came to the point where Chad Tucker couldn't deny it any longer. He was so in love, incredibly in love with Jeremy Greenwood, that he could actually go ahead and scream out the sheer intense feelings that he had for the boy.

Their lips were feeling like steel hard magnets at every passing second. They could feel each other's warm breath cascading from their open mouths...they could see their mutual wanting and lust for each other, reflecting in the opposing boy's eyes.

Jeremy was the one who decided once and for all to break the ice and leaned in...kissing Chad softly. The latter boy closed his eyes as he felt Jeremy's own lips descend on his own, the warmth and the love that emanated from the kiss was clear for anyone to feel and see.

Chad pushed forward and reached upwards with both his arms and placed them around Jeremy's neck, bringing the teenager even closer towards him. The boys made out for as long as they could stand the rancid coldness on the outside, after all, this being the middle of the South African winter, before Jeremy smiled as he pulled away, and once more took hold of Chad's hand.

"Come on," he whispered before he led the way towards the inside of his house. Inside, everything was as quiet as he expected and hoped it to be, his parents quite clearly asleep. Touch wood.

He smiled as he realized that Chad was cold, him only being dressed in a black t-shirt and a hoodie, complete with some ripped jeans that was way too small for him in the first place. Once more, the severity of the gulf in wealth between them dawned onto Jeremy, and in the heat of the moment, he hugged Chad from behind, as if to give him some extra warmth in return.

"Hey..." Chad said softly, as he turned his head in order to actually face Jeremy.

"Hey yourself..." Jeremy murmured back happily, and kissed Chad once more, before a thrill of chill once more flashed through them as if they were stranded in an actual blizzard.

"You wanna...go upstairs?" Jeremy asked and Chad playfully nudged his cold ass nose against his own.

"Thought you'd never ask..." he whispered back, before yet again taking Jeremy's hand, signaling to the boy to lead the way.

Carefully, trying their level best as to not make any noise, they crept up the long ass stair case, and both were breathing utter sighs of relief when they were finally inside Jeremy's bedroom. Despite everything the two boys had gone through these past few months, this was the first ever time that Chad had been inside here, and the disbelief was clear on his face for all to see.

"Fucking hell, Greenwood...our entire living room is smaller than this..." he whispered in awe, twirling himself around and around several times, as if he was scared that he would miss something if he didn't. Jeremy simply shrugged and hugged Chad to him, giving the boy a little bit more of his body heat.

"It's just a room to me...nothing else. Wanna get into bed? I'm kind freezing in case you didn't notice."

"Aww really? Because I'm sure feeling hella warm enough..." Chad whispered back with a wry smile, burying his face in the crook of Jeremy's neck.

The boys stood in complete and utter unison for a little while more, before once again, Jeremy took the lead and lead them towards his bed, where in typical boyish fashion, they jumped in the very moment that they were close. They immediately hissed at the coldness of the unused sheets as they scrambled for the blankets and duvet in order to get it noshed around them and to get warm. Eventually, they looked at each other with their teenage mentality and gigged softly as the severity of what was going on was finally seeming to hit them smack bang in the face.

"How are you gonna explain this to your folks tomorrow morning?" Chad whispered as they finally laid down next to each other, warmly and snug as a bug in a rug, before he immediately took Jeremy's hand in his own once more.

Jeremy sighed and squeezed Chad's hand for extra warmth.

"If you didn't notice, they fucking never come in here. They think because they buy me expensive crap and load me with money that they don't need to me worried about me."

Chad rolled his eyes and giggled.

"No offence dude, but if I had half the shit that you have in here alone, I wouldn't be worrying about that either."

Jeremy playfully punched Chad on his shoulder, before he excitedly leaned in to, and once more kissed the boy that he was so fucking crazy about.

"It's fucking insane that you're actually here, dude. I've fucking dreamt of this so many times, just us, you and me, just like this," he murmured before kissing Chad's lips for what already felt like the millionth time this year.

Chad reached up and ran his fingers through the back of Jeremy's jet-black hair before he sighed happily and looked up at the latter.

"Dude...we like...hated each other only months ago. How the hell did this all happen? Like, for real, I now think about you all the time, I wanna BE with you like all the time! I can't...I can't imagine my life without you."

Jeremy got as close to Chad as was humanly possible, before he kissed the boy's forehead, his cheeks, down to his nose and finally he pounced on Chad's lips like a fucking child did an ice lolly on a scorching hot afternoon. Both boys continued to make out and swap saliva, tasted each other's tongues and essence, before Chad broke things off for some much-needed breath.

"I...I can't stop thinking how fucking dumb I was with threatening Michael and Miguel. Then again, I can't believe they actually came forward with that video of them fucking...I never thought they would swing things around so much, that WE look like the guilty ones and they come out the other side fucking smelling like roses..."

Jeremy nestled his head next to Chad's and kissed his cheek for good measure.

"You didn't know how fucked up the twins really are, Tucker. Even I...I'm like, you know these fuckers for so long, but you never know what they are really like. So now they say we blackmailed them to keep quiet about seeing me go into your house on the day your dad was murdered. Dude, who does that?"

"Michael and Miguel do, clearly."

It was quiet between the two for a while, before Jeremy turned his bigger posture entirely towards Chad.

"You believe me, don't you? That I didn't do it?"

Chad blinked and it took a few seconds, but he shook his head, leaning in once more and kissing Jeremy's lips with every fibre of his being.

"I believe you...I believe you; you hear me? Hey...you mean...you mean a lot to me. I don't wanna lose you, ever. I just fucking found you...you big sexy piece of shit, you..."

Jeremy kissed Chad, smiling all the while he did so.

"Dude, we gotta get some sleep, tomorrow is the weekend, so we'll have more time for things then...I just wanna hold you all damn night..."

Chad giggled and turned his skinny, lanky body around, so that he was facing away from Jeremy, before he snuggled up to his boyfriend as close as he possibly could. More than taking the hint, Jeremy blushed severely, as he realized what Chad wanted him to do, before he maneuvered his body as close as the bed would allow it, and placed his arms around the cold, shivering boy.

"Is this okay?" he whispered in Chad's ear, his emotions and feelings still all over the place, still not used to this new phase in his life, whereas Chad had been up and front from who and what he was all his life, Jeremy himself was still getting to terms with himself having feelings such as these, for another boy.

He didn't always know what to do, or how to react...if Chad was a girl, of course it would have been different as hell. But the mere fact that Chad was a dude...a boy...

...it didn't seem to matter that much anymore.

Boy or girl, Chad Tucker was the person that he could see himself being with for a long ass time. He cared for the guy so fucking much...he could actually slow down and wonder how it would be to...to...JESUS...

Chad happily smiled as he took one of Jeremy's hands and held it directly onto his own, above the very spot where he knew his heart was by now beating a million times per minute. He too, didn't know what had happened to him these past few months, but what he DID know, for fucking certain, was that he didn't wanna be without Jeremy. Greenwood, as he always affectionately called him...

...he couldn't quite believe how good it felt to actually be in his arms.

The boys were asleep in a matter of minutes, each possessing their own feelings, dreams and hopes for what laid ahead for the both of them.

For Jeremy, it was the up-and-coming court case, the charges of Chad's father's murder laying before him like a torrid brick road.

For Chad, it was the fact that both of them had been completely shunned out by their peers at school, treated like fucking leapers...and the rejection by the guys that he had been calling FRIENDS year after fucking year.

But no matter WHAT the chosen circumstances, they knew now, more than ever, that they weren't alone.

They always, always, would have each other. No matter what the cost.


Chad opened his eyes.


He can't remember the last time that he had slept this well.

As realization dawned onto him, as his memories of the previous night came flooding back, it kinda now made sense why he was in a bedroom, as well as inside of a bed that he couldn't at first recognize. He yawned slightly, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, before they suddenly widened.

Holy shit.

Was that...is THAT what he was feeling pressing so solidly against his backside?

Chad closed his eyes, before he nudged his ass even closer to Jeremy's hard dick. That thing felt hard as steel, as it was, when teenage boys awaken from a night's slumber. Chad's own seven incher stood erect in no fucking time, turning on his back in order to avoid it becoming severely uncomfortable.

His entire young boyish body yearned and craved that of the hunk that was still holding him so tightly in his arms. He felt so...so alive, so at fucking home, that Chad nearly fucking teared up at the thought of this becoming a permanent fixture in their lives.


Wait just a fucking second.

That cock was hard as anything he had ever felt.

Chad licked his lips.

A wry smiled spread slowly across his entire face.

I'll fucking wake him up my own damn way...he thought, his eyes sparkling as he did so.

Carefully as to not to wake Jeremy, he maneuvered his body so that he was now directly facing him, and then with a wicked grin streaked across his handsome face, he slowly lifted the duvet as well as the extra blankets, and quickly disappeared underneath all of the material.

Jeremy was having the dream of his life at that moment and time...for some or other reason he was seeing himself and Chad in his mind's eye in the middle of one of his Rugby matches at school. He had just scored the winning try in said match and at once, he saw Chad running towards him. The boy jumped into his arms and together, they both started making out in front of the entire school. This was all a dream, of course, so naturally there was no homophobia cast towards them, no insults, no insipid looks...no nastiness. Just pure pride and joy to show off the boy that had come to mean so much to him in such a short time.

He smiled in his sleep. His crotch felt like it was on sudden fire. He knew in his subconscious that he was dreaming about Chad so it didn't really surprise him that his cock was hard, but still...there was something rather weird...rather good feeling-ich about this whole situation. His teenage dick was wet with solid saliva at this point, buried inside the deepest, warmest cavern of wetness that you could possibly imagine.

Jeremy opened his eyes slowly...light and shapes came to him suddenly and solemnly...before he realized that what he was dreaming, was quickly becoming very much a reality. Jesus.

His dick was on fire, and for a reason. That fucking little shit! Fucking hell. He saw what had to be Chad's head bobbing back and forth on his bare teenage cock over and over, a slobbering of feelings and emotions WREAKING throughout his entire boy body.

"Tucker, you don't play fair..." he moaned loudly, knowing that his parents had long early taken the road to their subsequent jobs, and knowing that at this point, they should be the only two people left in this huge fucking house. The mouth stroking and caressing his sixteen-year-old organ suddenly and abruptly stopped, as if in freight, before he heard that by now recognizable giggle that he had come to adore so much.

"You want me to stop?" asked the figure underneath the duvet and blankets.

"Not on your fucking life!" Jeremy laughed back, as he threw off the covers with his powerful arms, the same that had been hiding the face of the boy who he...sigh...who he cared for.

With in a flash, Chad leapt upwards and pushed Jeremy backwards and attacked his mouth with everything he had inside of him, snogging his boyfriend to the very point which both of their lips felt reddish and crushed beyond belief. Chad broke things off, before he looked deeply into his boyfriend's blue eyes.

"Hey...morning..." he whispered, licking his lips in the process.

Jeremy thought he would honestly be freaked out, grossed out even at the taste of his own cock flavours on Chad's breath, but funnily enough he wasn't...he literally only had eyes and thoughts for Tucker himself.

"Hey you..." he whispered back, reaching upwards and cupping Chad's cheek inside the palm of his hand, as to ask...as if to DARE ask...are you really here? Could this possibly be real?

Chad answered that question with an emphatic kiss to his lips, before he ducked down somewhat immediately, and went back to sucking the stiff hard seven incher before him.

Jesus, the dude was as hard, as hard could be. He positively salivated as he reached out and held the hard phallus as tight as he could. The colour was bright red, almost purple, as such was the amount of blood that was now streaming to the tip of that flaring teenage cockhead with all the natural juices that it was leaking.

With the might and the hunger of a naughty, disobedient child, Chad leaned in and gobbled up that cockhead as fast and as securely as he could. Jeremy's eyes rolled back in their fucking sockets as he felt his dick being caressed and taken care of every step of the way. Tucker's tongue was doing cartwheels on his hard phallus, his body was weakening, his legs felt like the water and rubbery jelly mixture combined. His knees were doing shakes, his chest felt like it was being RIPPED from his very being as Chad went to town on that steel hard fuck stick.

Up down...up...down...circling around the corona area, the tongue flickering across his piss slit, digging into the golden little hole where he knew the aromas and flavours laid in waiting...slurping up every single bit of pre cummy goodness that he could get inside his thirsty, warm gullet.

He couldn't believe how hard Jeremy Greenwood was...Jesus...that cock was the warmest thing he had ever held in his mouth for a period of time. Another lick to that flaring head, followed immediately by another hiss from Jeremy, made him feel ALIVE as hell.

He wanted to please Jeremy...God knows, he felt like he LIVED for him, he would do everything for him...


Chad took out the wet, hard, red teenage cock from his mouth, and looked Jeremy straight in his eyes.



Chad gave the cockhead another wholesome suck, with Jeremy carefully watching his every move...

"I love you."


Jeremy doubled over in sheer sexual ecstasy as Chad doubled his efforts on his dick. Over and over and over, that tongue made contact with every fibre of his sixteen-year-old virgin penis was like Krakatoa waiting to be imploded. Chad was like a man possessed at that moment and time, he wanted every droplet of cum that Greenwood had in his balls, and he wanted it NOW.

He could feel that his boyfriend was close...he recognized the signs immediately. Jeremy's breathing quickened, his legs started to shake violently, his chest was rocking with every beat of his teenage heart. His eyes were glassy and rolled over, his face was as red as he had ever seen it, his entire body was craving, willing himself to dump his sperm into the mouth of which was now so majestically sucking him off to a massive orgasm.

If it was up to Jeremy himself, he would have allowed this pleasure to continue to Kingdom come...but alas, there was only so much a sixteen-year-old boy's penis could possibly take before it eventually blew.

And blew, it did.

Poor Chad's mouth was flooded with Jeremy's potent baby makers, the likes it which would have surely gotten any girl out there pregnant if he would have pumped that fierce cock of his inside her. Over and over, the flows and ebbs of fluids were leaking into Chad's mouth, so much so, that he started to slightly choke at the obscene amount of salty goodness which was still streaming into his mouth on a heavy basis...Jesus, when was the last time this dude actually drained his balls?

Chad Tucker swallowed and slurped up what he could, before saw another clump of cum pooling on the surface of Greenwood's stomach, before he energetically leaned over and slurped the by now, cold liquid up into his hungry mouth as quick as he could.

He stayed down there, as Jeremy seemed to finally calm his ass down, as he gently started kissing Greenwood's big, bulky stomach...those four blocks of abs that he so proudly built himself up to, thanks to God knows how many hours on the Rugby pitch, was celebrated and appreciated until he finally worked his way upwards towards the dude's neck, which was solemnly kissed and caressed with his tired, red lips...until only one spot still remained.

With a look in his eyes that would have made it impossible to hide the insane amount of love that he had for Jeremy, had he not told him before, he leaned down and softly placed those same tired lips on that of Jeremy's.

The boys were teens, they were sixteen, they were tired as hell, contrary to popular belief. Chad withdrew from the kiss, and looked into Jeremy's beautiful blue eyes. He couldn't believe what he felt for him. For Greenwood. The very same dude who he had HATED with all his might, only a few months before all of this happened.

"I love you...I love you, Greenwood...I'm sorry, but I do..." he whispered, before he laid his head down on Jeremy's chest, and within seconds, poor Chad Tucker was as asleep as a newly born baby.

Jeremy reached down and gently, slowly as he could, ran his fingers through Chad's hair, as if to keep this moment going for a couple of minutes longer than what it had to be. Jesus. He was afraid of this. He knew what he felt in his own heart, but he wasn't sure if it was LOVE...in the full sense of the word. Not quite what Chad was clearly feeling for him.

Jeremy sighed, and laid his head back onto the cushions behind him. All his life, he thought, or knew, apparently, that he was straight. He used to get wet dreams when he was a couple of years younger, and all of them contained girls. Never boys. He was so confused...he really didn't know what to think or what to do.

And the LAST thing he ever wanted to do, was lie to Chad. He didn't wanna tell him that he loved him too, only to later on figure out that all of this...being into dudes all of a sudden, or only into one boy in particular, was only a phase of some sort. He didn't think he was gay, before all of this. Never, in his life.

He knew what he felt for Chad Tucker was way more than just friendship. He knew that. But...now that Chad had actually TOLD him that he was in love with him...God, that changed EVERYTHING!

He really didn't wanna hurt him.

But he didn't wanna lie to Chad either.

FUCK! Why was this so damn hard!?


A couple of days followed.

The sport season had started once more after the school holidays, and in earnest at that. Soon the practice on both the rugby and soccer sides began once more, and where before, it had been the thing that both boys had looked most forward to in the past, just getting on the pitch and scoring tries or a couple of goals in retrospect...

...it had become an actual nightmare.

Ever since Jeremy had become the sole suspect in a murder case, and ever since the truth of Chad's actual home life had come to truth, after years of trying to hide who and what his father actually was, they had been SHUNNED out by their peers. On the social side and the sporty side. No one wanted them on their respective teams any longer, even though Jeremy was the MVP on several games before.

For the umpteenth time, Jeremy sunk to his knees that same afternoon, as he was wide open, ready to run to the touchline and score a try if the ball had just been PASSED over towards him, but his teammates carried on as if he wasn't even there. At the numerous times where he looked in sheer horror at the coach, and what HE must have been thinking about all of this, he simply seemed to be looking the other way.


So that was their plan? They wanted to force him out of the team, now that he has become an embarrassment for them? Fuck this shit. Fuck it sideways.

Another misplayed pass because his teammates would rather give it to others who were not in a position to clear and make a run for the whitewash, and he was just about to fucking go MENTAL on them, before a scuffle across the pitch, over towards the soccer side, was creating a bit of chaos where even they were able to hear them.

"FIGHT...FIGHT...FIGHT..." could be heard getting louder, ever louder as the rugby boys quickly ran over towards their biggest enemies, Jeremy included, to see just what was going on.


Jeremy's heart got somewhat stuck in his throat when he realized that it was Estrada twins Michael and Miguel, who had seemingly attacked Chad in full fucking view of the soccer coach, who was doing absolutely nothing to stop any of this. Jeremy's fists balled at the sight of his secret boyfriend getting hurt by these severe idiots, but he didn't wanna draw attention to himself...not yet anyway.

Michael and Miguel were laughing manically at that moment and time, and still...the coach was standing RIGHT there with his phone in his hand, seemingly not even bothering to notice that his team was busy tearing shreds out of each other.

"Why should we? You tried to blackmail us over a fake video! Where in your right mind would you ever think ANYONE would believe that we would be doing faggot stuff with eachother? You deserve everything you get!" Michael shouted out loud enough for everyone around to hear.

Jeremy was shaking by now.

So, that's how you wanna play it, huh? You wanna make out as if Chad was a mental case?

You wanna tell everyone that video was a badly made fake!?

No way.

Not a chance in hell.

Chad's eyes widened out of sheer fright as he saw Jeremy stepping closer to where he was, until he was right before him. His boyfriend looked down strictly at his fallen ass, and reached out his hand towards him, in a gesture of wanting to help him up.

The rugby boys grunted as their saw what their captain was doing...Jeremy Greenwood might not be in their good graces at the moment, but the LAST thing they expected him to do, was to help one of the soccer boys...their biggest enemies at this school.

Chad smiled wryly as he reached up and took Jeremy's outstretched hand, as he was immediately pulled back to his feet. The Estrada twins were positively SEETHING at this point, their glares would have put both boys six feet under if they could.

"Getting help from your boyfriend now, are you?" Miguel sneered whilst his brother cackled evilly over towards both of them.

"Oh, like you can talk? You forget I know how much you like taking your twin brother up your ass!" Jeremy shouted as viciously as he could.

Michael gritted his teeth and stopped Miguel from actually charging at Jeremy, before he gathered up a huge ball of pent-up saliva and spat it down onto the grass, missing Jeremy's trainers by mere inches.

"This is between us and Tucker. He was the one who fucking blackmailed us into saving your ass. This doesn't concern you. So why don't you and all those rugby pansies go back to your manhole and leave us alone, yeah? I'm not done with Tucker, not by a fucking long shot..."

"Look, I'm warning you. Both of you. Stop this. Stop this fucking now, or I'll fucking teach you what it means to stop..." Jeremy threatened both of the boys, both of which seemed like they would wanna attack at any minute.

"Hold on there, Greenwood! Did I just hear you THREATNING the boys on my team?"

Stunned as hell, both Jeremy and Chad turned around and finally face the soccer team coach, who had finally had the sheer decency to put his phone away and actually pay attention to what was going on...

...only, it seems, he wasn't going to be on their side. At all.

"Coach, you wanna tell me, you didn't see what had just happened here before I got here? Those fuckers were busy throwing Chad Tucker to the ground and all the time you kept quiet, but the moment someone fights back, now you wanna wake the hell up?" Jeremy shouted, angrier than he ever had been in his entire life.

The soccer coach's eyes flickered over to where the rugby coach was, and it was impossible to miss the wink exchanged between the two. Jeremy's eyes darted from one coach to the next, before he instinctively knew what was going to be said, before it even was...

"No, Greenwood, I did not. I'm afraid the only crime that has been committed here was you threatening Michael and Miguel Estrada over here," the soccer coach said, with a face and with a voice tone that actually DARED Jeremy to disagree with him.

Flabbergasted at what was actually happening, Jeremy turned towards his own rugby coach, and shook his head...

"Coach, you aren't buying this crap, are you? You saw what they did, they attacked Tucker way before I even arrived here! You've known me since I was fourteen! Coach, say something!" he begged.

The rugby coach...just stood there, with his hands on his hips, and looked his star player straight in the eye.

"Why don't you just...calm down, Greenwood. And whilst you're at it, why don't you apologize to Michael and Miguel so we can all just move on?"

Jeremy didn't know where to look...the smugness of the soccer coach, to the laughing faces of the bastards on the soccer team, to the smirking features of the Estrada twins...or his own God damn rugby coach, the man who he respected and thought of as his mentor these past three years.

How...he kinda understood why the soccer geeks would treat him this way...but his own coach?

He felt like he wanted to give in...to simply have the ground swallow him up and just...let be done with it. No, at this moment, he honestly felt...why go on? Why still endure any of this? Bunch of fucking cowards who was too fucking afraid to take him head on, man to man.

"Let's go...let's just fucking go..." he heard Chad whisper to his left, before he felt the boy tug on his arm, in an attempt to get the fuck out of there.

Jeremy looked each and every one of the sarcastic, smiling faces directly in the eye before him, making quite sure to give the rugby coach an extra few seconds, before he grabbed his togs and turned around to leave.

"Yeah, that's right, fuck off, you faggots!" he heard either one of the twins shouted after him, either Michael or Miguel, he couldn't really tell.

Jeremy stopped, and turned to the rugby coach, and raised his eyebrows in sheer sarcasm.

"Bet you didn't hear that either, right?" he sneered, before he signaled at Chad to follow him.

He was done.

He was SO done.

He never...ever...wanted to see any of these bunch of losers ever again for as long as he lived.


"You, okay?"

"Of course, I'm not fucking okay!"

"Sorry I asked, geez."

Jeremy closed in eyes, immediately regretting his words.

"Dude...come here, I'm sorry. I mean it, come here."

Chad sighed and walked over towards his boyfriend, and together the two boys hugged each other as tightly as they could.

"You wanna be the one who tells Samantha that you're actually dating her brother? Because she has a mountain of a crush on you and you KNOW it," Chad snickered whilst embracing being inside Jeremy's arms.

"I still don't fucking believe that and YOU know it! Your sister is nine years old, gimme a break!" Jeremy giggled back, immediately feeling better at the sound of his own laughter. He kissed Chad's neck, before the two boys made their way to his bed, just like they had woken up that very morning.

"When will your folks be back?" Chad asked, making himself comfortable. It wasn't like he had the sheer privilege to be on a fucking waterbed every day of his life, so he wanted to make sure he enjoyed it whilst it lasted.

Jeremy sat next to his boyfriend and was seemingly staring at nothing in particular.

"I really dunno, and you know what, bro, I really don't even care. You know they want me to stop seeing you? Like hell that is going to happen."

Chad grimaced.

He knew, of everything that Jeremy had told him about his parents, that they were the kind of people that came with a certain standard which they could afford to live in...which they lived closely by. He kinda knew they wouldn't want their golden boy to have anything to do with a poor fucker like him. He didn't even know why it fucking hurt as bad as it did, hearing it...when he had suspected it all along.

"You want me to go?" he whispered.

Jeremy's head swung towards his boyfriend so fast, that for a moment, he thought he had contracted whiplash.

"Dude! Shut the fuck up..." he ordered, before he dove onto the boy's mouth with his own.

Both boys continued the intense, wet kiss between them, before Jeremy was the one to released Chad...kissing his nose once more for good measure.

"You mean more to me than them...I know it sounds fucked as hell, but right now, I'm being serious. I really am, dude! Please...stay here with me. Come on, it's not gonna be THAT bad, is it?"

Chad giggled yet again and took Jeremy's hand in his own, and squeezed it.

"I still can't fucking believe what happened today, bro. Like seriously, how fucked up is that, everyone, even your own coach turning against you?"

Jeremy sighed.

"They think I killed your dad, dude. How else are they supposed to fucking treat me?" he softly murmured, his eyes turning more and more dark with every living syllable.

"Fuck them, all of them. I'm still here. For as long as you want me to..." Chad said, leaning forward and kissing Jeremy once more.

Jeremy felt chills. He had never, ever felt this way for any one...he knew that. He knew he was worried about not feeling the same towards Chad, as the latter felt for him.

Dude...what the fuck.

He suddenly looked at Chad...really looked at him...his handsome face, his beautiful wavy blond hair, his lust for life, his energy, his entire being, heart and soul...

...his eyes widened.

His heart pumped out streams of blood as it had NEVER done before.

Oh my God.


He...he loved him.

He fucking loved Chad Tucker.


Why...why the hell did it take you so long to realize it, you God damn idiot!?

"What? What's going on, bro? Your face looks hella weird..." Chad said, as he reached forward to place his hand on Jeremy's shoulder, but the latter stopped him RIGHT in his tracks.

"Dude, what the hell..."

"I love you! I fucking love you too!"


Total and utter silence.

Chad's lips were slightly quivering...this was the last thing that he expected...he knew...God, he KNEW that Jeremy was still struggling with these feelings towards other guys having seemingly been straight all his life, so when he told him he loved him that morning...he did not expect Jeremy to say it back...not at fucking all.

And now...

...and now this.

"Don't say it, don't you fucking say it, if you don't mean it, Greenwood...you bastard..." he whispered, almost so softly that Jeremy had to strain his ears to hear what he was saying.

But Jeremy wasn't confused any more. If this wasn't love what he felt towards Chad Tucker, he didn't know what the fuck it was. He loved him. He honestly, truly loved him.

"Chad...you fucking idiot...did you even hear what I fucking said?"

"I did, but YOU are the one who's always saying that you're fucking STRAIGHT..."

"IF...If I'm straight...I totally wanna be gay for you."


Tears were streaming across Chad's face before he could even TRY and stop it.

The notion that Jeremy felt the same way that he did, DWARFED anything that life could fucking throw at him, and he knew it. With a flash of movement, he launched himself at Jeremy, kissing the life out of the boy, as much as he could. It felt like he wanted to DROWN in Jeremy Greenwood's essence...Jesus, he was so in love.

"I can't believe...I can't believe you actually...you actually said it..." he whispered to Jeremy in between kisses.

Jeremy giggled and kissed Chad one more time.

"Neither can I...but Tucker...believe me. I...I can't fucking put it into words, but I am fucking crazy about you. You're here...you're fucking here and I never want you to go. If that is love, then fuck me, but then I'm in love with you."

Chad smiled, before he slowly pressed his forehead against that of Jeremy, and the two boys simply took the time to breathe in the other's scent, to be close...to be in love, as only two teenagers could be, regardless of their genders.

"I'm serious though, Greenwood...if you fuck with me...if you're lying to me..."

Jeremy opened his eyes and looked deep into those belonging to Chad.

"Lightening or whatever can fucking kill me right now...if I am. Tucker...Chad, whatever...you...I just wanna be with YOU...and no one else. Fuck the world, fuck the rest of them who say we can't be together, that we're not fucking allowed. Fuck all of that. I wanna be with you. YOU, you damn fucker!" Jeremy laughed as he held Chad close to him.

Chad couldn't believe how happy he was. Jesus. It felt like a mountain had been removed from his shoulders. He had a boyfriend...holy fuck, he had a BOYFRIEND! He was in love! Fucking hell, with Jeremy Greenwood of ALL people, who would have thought?

He seriously didn't know WHAT or WHO could fuck up the way that he was feeling right now.

He didn't think there was any way that his sheer happiness could ever be taken away, not now...not with Greenwood at his side.

Little did he know.


"Jeremy! Greenwood, wake the fuck up!"

Jeremy opened his eyes quickly, and at the urgency of his boyfriend's words, he launched himself immediately out of bed, ready and waiting to defend himself and Chad to whatever was happening...

...until he realized that it was only Chad, next to him in bed, still dressed in the same clothes that he had been wearing all day.

"Tucker? Something wrong, bud?" Jeremy asked, taking a few short breaths to calm down, before he got back into bed, and placed his arm around a shivering Chad.

Chad nervously bit his lips, and shook his head.

"Jeremy...I dunno what to think...but something has gotten in my head these past few minutes and now I can't get back to sleep."

"So, you fucking decided to wake me up...yay..." Jeremy joked, but he was silent as he saw how serious Chad was.

"Dude...look, I'm here, man! I'm fucking here, talk to me, what the hell is wrong?" he again asked, shocked to see that even with his added warmth, Chad was still cold as ice.

Chad swallowed a fair few times, before he took hold Jeremy's hand.

"I couldn't sleep, so my fucking mind started wondering."


Chad's eyes started to slowly water, and Jeremy held him closer as he saw how upset his boyfriend was. Chad cleared his throat and looked Jeremy in the eye.

"That day...you know...the day my dad got killed..."

"...do we really have to talk about this..."


Chad swallowed again and turned his body towards Jeremy.

"You know how the cops said that Samantha probably saw who attacked my dad and that's why she was locked inside the cupboard back home?"

"Yeah, I think I kinda do," Jeremy responded.

Chad shook his head.

"That's just the thing...I have been so fucking worried what people would think about me lying about my fucked-up life all these years and then when you of ALL people got arrested for killing him...it totally flipped my mind."

Chad sat upright, and he sighed deeply, before he looked at his boyfriend again.

"The thing is...you cannot lock that door...the cupboard where the cops found Samantha...you cannot lock that door from the outside...only from within the actual space...it has always been like that. You realize what that means?"

Jeremy frowned.

There had been no evidence of any break in...any evidence of forced entry.

Only Samantha...nine-year-old Samantha who had been so terrified since this whole ordeal had happened, seeing her own father get killed, that she hadn't spoken a word since.

Jeremy's eyes widened. His pulse quickened.



"Tucker...I mean, you can't seriously think..."

"Dude...she had blood on her. I thought she saw what happened and probably tried to help our dad before she was shoved into the cupboard...that thing can only he locked from the inside and the killers wouldn't have fucking known that, unless..."

Jeremy's mouth was open...it felt as if his entire collection of saliva and suddenly and solemnly dried the fuck up.

"He said he was going to hurt her...if I didn't stop playing soccer and get a job...you know he did, you heard him that day at school..." Chad said slowly, a tear streaming down his cheek as he did so.

Jeremy laid back in his bed...his mind totally boggled.

He was up on a murder charge.

For killing Jonathan Tucker.

Jesus Christ.

"Samantha...Jesus, dude, you think Samantha killed your dad?" he asked, his entire face as white as snow.



To those of you who correctly guessed that Samantha had killed Jonathan Tucker, you can pat yourselves on the back from me LOL!!

Only question is...Jeremy loves that little girl...will he turn her in, so save his own skin?

I'm planning to write about THREE more chapters, as to end the story on Chapter 10, so please feel free to give me some feedback!! Us wannabe writers LIVE for it!

Love you guys!


Next: Chapter 8

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