Dude What the Fuck

By Ryan White

Published on May 29, 2023



Gray walls.

Blank expressions on these people's faces.

Jeremy made sure to pinch himself several times, if that was at all any help...maybe he was seeing things again, who knows... maybe he was having another psychotic breakdown episode. He would take THAT any day over what he was forced to endure now.

He had managed to contact the family lawyer, in the absence of his parents being overseas, and he promised to be here soon as possible, as they always were, always away, never there when he really, really needed them. All the money and all the presents and fancy shit in the world, couldn't make up for the fact that he was now sitting all alone inside of a police interrogation room, with two cops, two strangers staring back at him as if he was cat shit under their feet and making notes every two seconds.

Finally, after what felt like ages, the two who had arrested him at his house in the first place, sat down, and looked up questioningly at him. Jeremy swallowed slowly, his mouth honestly felt like the Kalahari Desert, it was dry, his voice felt flaky as hell...he had never, ever been in trouble with the police before. Any teenager would have been frightened out of their ever-loving mind.

"Interview doing with Jeremy Alan Greenwood in Tuesday 26 May 2023, fourteen-fifty-three pm, present in the room is the accused, as well as Sergeant Troy and myself, DS Wood. Now, Mr Greenwood, do you know why you are in fact, here?"

Jeremy morbidly closed his eyes and held it for a couple of seconds, before he opened them and nodded.

"For the tape, the accused is nodding. Mr Greenwood, please answer the questions as given to you, verbally, if you don't mind," the female cop who had introduced herself as DS Wood told him sternly as anything, with her eyes flashing dangerously towards him with every single syllable used.

Jeremy could only again nod...he felt literally too scared to even speak.

"Now, Mr Greenwood, you are being charged with the murder of one Jonathan Tucker, which had occurred somewhere between nine and ten of this morning. A specific time of death still needs to be established, but as per the coroner, we can safely say that THAT, is the timeline we are working with. We have several teenage kids, all of which go to your school, who can verify that only a few days ago, you had openly threatened to KILL Jonathan Tucker when he had arrived at your school, Freedom High, in a drunk and disorderly fashion. Is this true?"

Jeremy blinked once more, reliving the scene in his mind's eye. Yes, Chad's father had indeed turned up at the soccer training practise drunk as a skunk and he was about to make his way to Chad himself, after mercilessly humiliating him on the pitch with his nasty and wicked words...but that was when Jeremy stopped him. He knew he had gone too far, even the soccer coach told him so.

However,...Jesus Christ, he never expected THIS to happen!

"Mr Greenwood, as stated before, please answer the question verbally..." DS Wood continued, her voice raised by several octaves in the process.

Jeremy finally managed to clear his throat and opened his mouth to actually TRY and defend himself...

"Yes. I did. Okay? I did all of that, and yes, I did tell him that I would kill him if he ever came close to Chad Tucker again! You wanna know why? Because that man had been BEATING his son and his wife to the point where they couldn't go on any longer! He would treat them like dirt! I know, his son Chad Tucker, told me! Get him in here, and take a good look at his arm...his fucking father actually burnt a hole in his skin one night, because that family didn't have money for bloody cigarettes!"

Jeremy abruptly stopped, before taking a huge breath, before he looked the two cops straight in the eye.

"So yeah...I can't take back that I told Mr Tucker that I would kill him if he ever did that again, but it was just...TALK! It was like I'm saying losing the Rugby World Cup final would KILL me...I didn't bloody mean it literally! Jesus, I'm no fucking killer!"

DS Wood showed her colleague something on one of the official looking documents before them, before she turned back and faced Jeremy.

"Well, you can understand from where I am sitting how suspicious this looks, young man. You threaten to kill another human being and then three measly days later, said human being ends up...dead. Doesn't look good for you, now does it?"

Jeremy sighed and leaned back in the chair. He didn't even wanna think about all of this, or even Jonathan fucking Tucker being dead right now...okay, that was some weird shit going on, but the way the dude was treating his family, he fucking had it coming. All that he could think of...was Chad.

He knew that Chad hated his father, and that he wanted a better life for himself, his mother and his little kid sister Samantha, but that was all talk...this was real life, and now his father was dead. Murdered. It's one thing to think you hate someone...but a whole other factor when that same person is no longer here. In the land of the living.

A warm feeling overtook majority of the scared feelings that as running through him like clockwork...he always smiled as he saw Chad in his mind. How much did he want to just...run to him right now and hold him against his own body? To tell him that although it might not feel like it now, that eventually everything would be okay? That he was there for him, in more ways than one. That he missed him. That he wanted to be with him more than ANYTHING at this moment and time.

Fucking hell.

His thoughts scared even him, himself.

Were his feelings for Chad Tucker this strong? This evolved?

He was severely brought out of his thoughts as DS Wood viciously slammed her fist onto the table before him.

"Mr Greenwood, I'd appreciate it if you actually paid attention, instead of daydreaming, we are dealing with a man's murder here. Where were you, between nine and ten this morning? And you better answer me, because so help me God..."

"I was at home! Okay? It's the bloody school holidays and my parents are overseas, where the hell was I supposed to be? And no, I was with no one else, so I don't even have a fucking alibi or anything! There! Now, you happy?"

Jeremy once more sighed as he realised that he was just making everything a whole lot worse, before he shook his head and turned his attention to DS Wood once more.

"Look...I didn't do this. I'm not a killer. I'm loads of things, but not that. So, every damn moment that you two are busy asking me all sorts of questions, the real dude who did this, is probably laughing his ass off for getting away with it! I didn't mean it when I said I would kill Mr Tucker, and you know that, if you ever have been angry as hell with someone, you probably have said it too! So...are you gonna keep me here, or let me go? Because as far as I can see, neither of you two have proof that I actually killed Chad Tucker's father!"

Jeremy raised his eyebrows...his dad might have not been around a lot, but he was his son, after all, and he did pick up a few pointers from the man's business savvy over the years. He knew that these idiots had no case against him, because he honest to God, didn't murder Jonathan Tucker. And no matter how had they tried, they couldn't change that fact either.

DS Wood gave her colleague a meaningful look, before she shot daggers over at Jeremy.

"Don't leave the area...don't even think about even going to the God damn school. You're the only suspect we have, and don't forget we have an entire boys' soccer team as well as their coach who can testify to what you said to the deceased. So, if I were you, I'd leave this cocky rich boy attitude of yours at home, the next time we hawl you in here. For now...you're free to go, Mr Greenwood."


Outside, Jeremy was relieved as anything to have been reunited with his phone, which had been taken from him upon his arrival at the station, as well as his wallet and house keys. He thanked the guard for looking after his belongings and walked out of the station with his head in the clouds. Outside, breathing actual fresh air and allowing himself a mere five minutes to just, sit down on a park bench and absorb all what had happened this afternoon.

He knew, he had been at home all day. He hadn't seen Chad in three days, ever since the incident happened with Jonathan Tucker at the school...they hadn't even remotely spoken over so much as WhatsApp either. But the thing that he was afraid of most of all...

...was that maybe...perhaps...

...he did kill Jonathan Tucker in some way...and that just like with David's death, his mind had managed to block it out once more.

Let's be honest...whatever was happening between himself and Chad Tucker wasn't just messing around anymore. Chad had admitted to him before that he was starting to fall for him...and because he was a stupid, dumb, idiotic fuck, he couldn't scrape the courage together to admit to Chad in return, that he was starting to feel the same.

Just the intense way that he missed him, when they were not together...just the insane need to be normal...to cling onto that last, faint, flickering hope that perhaps, he was not gay, or even bisexual.

But he knew it was too late. His heart chirped every single time that he thought about Chad. It was like the guy had been sewn right into his brain and stem cells.

If he, Jeremy didn't kill Jonathan Tucker...then who did?

Jesus Christ, did Chad finally snap?

The man had threatened not only Chad, but also his mother and little Samantha numerous times in the past...he had even gone as far as to get Chad a job behind his back, and therefore had ordered him to quit playing soccer...Chad lived and breathed for the game, he knew the boy someday wanted to play it professionally.


Could THAT have been the turning point?

Did Chad kill his own father?

Jeremy stood up and placed his phone inside the pockets of his jeans.

He needed to see Chad...he had to.

He needed to FORCE him to see that he wasn't lying, that he didn't do this.

He only hoped to God, that Chad would believe him.

Believe, in them.


As he approached the Tucker's home, as he neared the path in which he needed to turn in order to get into their lane, he saw that Chad was sitting in the park, opposite his home. The boy was sitting on one of the swings, with both legs dangling underneath him...he was facing the sandy surface...it was like he had no plans in ever looking upwards at anything around him ever again.

Jeremy swallowed...and at once, that warm, special feeling returned to his heart and his chest as looked at Chad Tucker.

His chest swelled; his breathing suddenly increased...his eyes were vulnerable as they had ever been.

Is this...was this what love felt like? Dare he say it? Even think it?

Because he was struggling to find another word which would accurately describe what he was feeling for this guy.

When he was a few feet away, as to not to surprise or scare him, he stopped, licked his lips...


The boy looked upwards, finally, and it was like a dim glimmer of light had been switched on inside his head. Chad stood up, and to be fair, his legs looked shaky as hell underneath him, but he managed to smile faintly as his eyes flickered over Jeremy.

"Greenwood..." he whispered...so softly, that Jeremy almost couldn't hear him, before both boys, as if on sheer morbid instinct, charged towards each other. The distance that they were apart wasn't all that massive, they reached each other within seconds...

Jeremy's arms hugged Chad Tucker towards him, like he had never embraced anyone ever before. The kid was shaking like a leaf in Winter, he was sobbing against him...Jeremy would swear he felt the wetness of the boy's desperate tears completely soak the t-shirt that he was wearing, but he couldn't give a shit about that. He had Chad in his arms, and that was all that counted.

"Chad, I didn't do this...please believe me, Tucker, I didn't do this..." he whispered softly against the boy's ear and a sheer flash of relief RIPPED through him as he felt Chad hold him even tighter against his own skin.

"I know you didn't...it's those fucking two Estrada twins! No, they didn't kill my dad, I mean they told the cops about all of this, I fucking swear! They told us that day, that I made the biggest mistake of my life in stopping them from attacking you...I guess this was their revenge."

Jeremy didn't even care who saw them...houses everywhere around the crescent in which they were...he didn't care for shit. He finally let Chad go, the boy's eyes full of tears, both shed, and unshed, before he solemnly took Chad's hand and lead him towards his home.

Neither boy said anything as they entered the modest home, and Jeremy's eyes widened as he saw Mrs Tucker...the woman who had been more of a mother to him than his own these past few months...sitting at the kitchen table, looking like she had the world carried on her slender shoulders.

"How's your mom taking all of this? And where's Samantha? Is she okay? Did she see...I mean...see the body?" he asked Chad softly.

Chad shrugged and sniffed his nose. His eyes were still bloodshot red, and he shook his head.

"Mom is a mess, dude. I know she loved him, even though he was such a fucking dick to her. And no...before you ask...neither of us were home when it happened. Mom asked me to go to the market with her, to get some materials...only two days ago, she got a huge contract from a firm who wanted her to help create a giant flag of the entire Africa...Greenwood, you should have seen her, she was so happy, so upbeat...like I had never seen her before. Finally, there was hope...she said the contract would pay more than she usually received for like three months of work..."

Jeremy looked down at their hands...still held tightly entwined in the palm of the other...Jesus Christ, this felt good. It felt like being...being HOME. He had everything...a big mansion...a pool...his parents had more money than they knew what to actually do with...and still, regardless from all of that, he would much rather be here...with Chad, and his mother. If he told this to another living soul, especially the guys on the Rugby team, they would probably send him to a mental institution...he might end up there anyway if he had...GOD FORBID...killed Jonathan Tucker and his brain once more simply ordered his body not to fucking remember it.


"Hang on...where is Samantha?" Jeremy then asked, his eyes all over the kitchen and small modest living room area for the little nine-year-old girl who was always so full of fun, so full of life, who always had a smile on her face, and who Chad always joked, had a massive girl crush on Jeremy himself.

Chad shook his head and sadly stared at his mother.

"Whoever did this, locked Sam in the kitchen closet...that's where the police had found her after the neighbours called them. Like I said, me and Mom weren't home, but Sam and Dad were. She obviously saw who did it, but the thing is, Greenwood...she ain't talking. She hasn't talked since we got home and the police took her out from the closet where she was locked up. I just...fuck...I just hope that she didn't see my dad die or shit like that...that would screw me up for life..."

Dawn Tucker smiled as she saw both boys come closer to her, and she instinctively reached out and hugged her son, before she kissed his forehead, and motioned to Jeremy to come closer to her. Jeremy did just that, before he gasped out of sheer emotion...Chad's mother hugged him to her body just like she did her son...as if he too...without even being blood-related, was one of them...was one of her own.

Tears streamed down his face before he could even help or stop them...when last did Laura Greenwood even showed a third of the fucking compassion that Dawn Tucker did? When was the last time that Jack Greenwood had even asked his son how his fucking day was?

Jeremy literally couldn't remember.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs Tucker..." he softly said the moment that the woman released him, before she wiped her own tears away with the bottom of her apron.

"It is what it is, dear boy. I just don't know who...why anyone would do this..."

"OH, COME ON, MOM! Dad had loads of enemies, you know how he always talked about coloured people, about gays, about politics...how he treated us for years..."

"CHAD TUCKER! ENOUGH!" Dawn shouted, before looking apologetically back at Jeremy.

"I'm sorry Jeremy...forgive my son, he isn't normally like this...it's the grief talking..."

It was like something deep inside, deep and raw, untraceable even, just SNAPPED inside of Chad...

"Jesus, Mom!? Are you seriously not happy that he is dead? For real? He treated you worse than a dog! I can't believe this..." he shouted on top of his voice, before he gave Jeremy one last look, and turned around, marching angrily around the corner of the corridor, where both of them could hear a door slam shut so hard, they were surprised said door didn't fly off its hinges.

"Give him a few minutes, dear. He and his father didn't have the best relationship, as you probably know. Sit down...I wanna talk to you about something. Tea?"

Jeremy nodded. He swallowed and made himself comfortable on one of the kitchen chairs, before Mrs Tucker placed a steaming cup of Rooibos in front of him. He would have preferred coffee, to be honest, but this wasn't the time to be picky.

"Freshly made...the sugar is right there, and here's the milk," Dawn Tucker said with a warm smile, before Jeremy politely declined.

"Thanks, Mam, but I don't drink or eat anything with sugar in it," he said, his entire face blushing immediate scarlet red as he realised that he was being picky again, but instead of getting irritated at him, Dawn simply laughed softly and shook her head.

"You sporty teenagers nowadays. Chad is the same with his relentless soccer, and more soccer. He thinks he will someday make it big...you know...play in front of crowds and scores of people, the masses of people chanting his name after he scores the winning goal in a final of some sort...I've heard that all before from him, you know...growing up."

Dawn took a sip of her own tea, after adding a total of three sugars, before she visibly relaxed and gave Jeremy a warm, genuine smile.

"I heard from the detective...cops...whatever they are called, that YOU were taken in for..."

She sighed, taking another sip of her tea.

"...for my husband's murder."

Jeremy turned from red, to white as a fucking sheet, and because he didn't have the guts to look this woman in the eye, and admit that he didn't KNOW if he in fact, had done it or not, he simply took another sip of his tea. Dawn pursed her lips before she carried on.

"Chad had been so miserable these past couple of days...I pushed him to tell me about what was going on before all this happened, and I'm glad I did. He told me what had happened at the school, that day, and what you had said to Jonathan."

Jeremy's head hung down...the tears once more on the verge of messing up his entire handsome boyish face. He swore that with all the guts and will in this world, that he couldn't muscle up the courage to look this sweet woman in the eye.


No response.

"Jeremy, please look at me."

Slowly, as if it was a sheer film of noir, Jeremy's face was raised inch by inch, until finally, Dawn was able to see the tear-streaked face of the boy that she had come to care so deeply about.

"You and Chad...even long before today...I'm not blind, you know...even though you teenagers think all parents are utterly clueless. I can see the way you two look at each other. And the fact that you came in here this afternoon holding hands...it doesn't take a genius to figure out exactly what is happening between you two."

Dawn giggled softly as she saw Jeremy doing a completely one-eighty inside his already muffled brain...honest to God, this was the last thing he had EVER expected to hear her say.

"How...how did you know?" he whispered, his voice nothing but a hoarse croak in its totality.

Dawn reached over and took both of the shocked sixteen-year-old boy's hands inside her own. She wasn't at all surprised to realise that both of them were shaking. Shivering...and by now, after the day that he had, they were ice cold to the touch.

"A mother knows these things. Oh Jeremy...I know that your parents are busy and they don't always have time for you...but if you ever need anything...any advice, any questions you need answering...or just someone to talk to...I want you to have the courage and the freedom to know...I'm here. Okay?"

More tears dripped down Jeremy's face...openly crying his heart out now. How many times has he wished that this woman would simply take his mother's place, and then she goes and tells him things like THIS...things that his own mother was supposed to have done! Here he was, in the middle of the biggest shitstorm of his entire life, and they were off galivanting somewhere overseas.

"So...so you don't believe I...I...did what the cops are saying, I did?" he whispered softly, almost unable to speak.

Dawn smiled, and shook her head.

"I don't think for one moment that you had anything to do with it, no. My dear boy, we have all said stuff in the heat of the moment, that we don't mean...we say it, but we will never actually ACT on it. If you say, you are innocent, then I believe you. But...I'm afraid someone out there did do the unthinkable...and until they are found unfortunately, I don't think the police will leave you alone...you are literally their only suspect."



Chad rolled over on his bed, and stood up, slowly, rubbing his face, before he walked over to his bedroom door and opened it. Before Jeremy could enter said bedroom properly, he was already back sitting cross-legged on his bed, with his arms dangling weakly in front of him.

"I'm heading home...and I didn't wanna go before I said good bye," Jeremy said, as he sat down next Chad, and reached for his hand as he did so. Chad darted his eyes away from Jeremy, and sighed, before running his free hand through his hair.

"Why are you still here?"

Jeremy frowned, and Chad wasn't finished there.

"No Greenwood...seriously. You have this wonderful fucking life..."

"...I'm sorry, say what now?"

"...I mean, you have all that money, you live in a fucking huge mansion a couple of blocks from here...meanwhile I have literally fuck all to give you. You can have...anyone you fucking want...boy or girl. No seriously, man...what the hell are you even still doing here?"

Chad's eyes. They were caramel coloured. Light brown...take your pick. Jeremy struggled to find any...ANY similarities between the Chad Tucker that he used to LOATHE and DESPISE only a few months ago, and the Chad Tucker who was now sitting so pathetically before him. He knew, and under the circumstances, respected the fact that Chad had played up his home life at school, and to be honest with a father like Jonathan Tucker, who wouldn't?

Everyone now knew the earth-shattering truth after that display by his dad at the school...he didn't even wanna think about what was being said between students and what sort of messages or responds Chad must have been getting these last few days.

Squeezing the boy's hand, he sat closer to him. Much closer. Until they were literally almost face to face, nose to nose.

Eye to eye.

Lips to lips.

Jeremy stared into the eyes of the guy he used to dislike with all his might. How...how did he even, ever...EVER not notice how...beautiful Chad Tucker really was? His blond hair...his passion for life...his whole demeanour...the way he had helped him to see and realise that David had died...he even made the David Alter go away.

He was there for him, every step of the fucking way, when everyone else turned their backs on him...when his own parents couldn't even bother to realise what was going on with their only child for the better part of a year.


Chad blinked.

No way.

There was no way.

It was like he was WILLING Greenwood to go on...to fucking SAY anything...say the words that he was so damn hoping to hear with all his heart.

Jeremy sighed.

He couldn't.

He...just didn't have the guts to actually tell another boy that he...FUCK!


Jeremy leaned in, and kissed Chad, hoping to God, that the boy felt every ounce, every droplet of passion and feelings that he had for him. Hoped to God, that the boy realised just what he meant to him, even if he just could not put those feelings into solid words, as yet. The two boys swapped tongues and saliva for a couple of more minutes, before Chad broke the kiss, breathed in some much-needed air, and leaned his head against that of Jeremy.

"Don't stay away so long this time. I can't handle you not being in my life..." he swore, hugging Jeremy to him, and at once, he felt the boy's arms go around him, as well, holding him to tight against himself, that Chad was sure he would be choking for breath at any moment.

"I'll see you tomorrow...okay?" he said softly, kissing Chad's temple for good measure.

Chad happily nodded, burying his head in the crook of Jeremy's neck.

"You better," he replied, flames dancing around in his belly, as he did so.


The school holidays were sadly coming to an end, but not the ever-growing bond between Jeremy and Chad.

In these past few days, they had gotten to know each other more and more, they hung out virtually all the time, and when they were at their own homes, they were in constant contact via WhatsApp. It literally felt like they were never apart.

When something good, or drastic would happen in Jeremy's life, Chad was the first person he told, and the feeling was more than mutual for Chad in return. The two boys knew and realised...they were old enough to understand what was happening between them. There were times that Jeremy didn't even remember what he ever saw in Leyla, his ex-girlfriend, now that she was officially dating his Rugby teammate Eddie Johnson, and truth be told, that before all of this, he would have fucked up Eddie right into another dimension...

...but not now.

Not now, that he had Chad in his life.

The police were getting nowhere near in solving the case of the murder of Jonathan Tucker either. Whoever did it, had to have been a mortal enemy of the man...there was twelve...TWELVE fucking slices into his flesh of which the knife that had killed him had mercilessly struck...whoever it was, sure was angry as hell at him. And with only the word of an angry teenager to go on, without solid evidence that Jeremy actually did it, DS Wood and her partner simply had nothing to go on, and they fucking knew it.

DS Wood figured that the killer MUST have been known to Jonathan...there was no sign whatsoever of any forced entry. It was looking more and more like he had to have opened the door for whoever did this...or at least have known them. Nothing was stolen...few things were thrown around to the floor, sure but not only that...it didn't even seem like a break in gone wrong. Stumped...wasn't quite the word.

There were times that Jeremy would casually look out of the living room window, and he would see a white Honda parked across the street. Chad had told him one afternoon, that DS Wood had been watching his house for what seemed like hours, just in case she could find something to place the blame on...they weren't getting anywhere in this murder case, after all.

The first day back at school after everything that had happened, was always going to be daunting as hell, for both boys, after the murder charges that had been laid against Jeremy, as well as the fact that people now knew who Chad Tucker truly was...the total opposite of what he used to tell the rest of his peers, about his home life. They now know that his father was anything but this GRAND doctor that he always made him out to be. That he beat up Chad and his mother...and that he was a drunk. A total and utter mess.

Nobody seemed to think anything of the fact that Chad and Jeremy now hung out together...it kinda seemed inevitable that they would, considering the fact that nothing and no one wanted anything to do with either of them. Jeremy being accused of being a murderer, after all, and Chad who had purposely deceived his buddies for years.

"I can't take the looks anymore...that's what eating me up...the fucking gossip never stops!" Chad hissed towards Jeremy as the two sat in the cafeteria after having eaten their lunch at lightening speed. The world around them was carrying on as if nothing was happening, meanwhile theirs was totally falling apart.

"Forget them. Seriously, they are all a bunch of two-faced fuckers...!" Jeremy said as loudly as he could, making more than a few heads turn their way, and just snicker and gossip further.

"You have soccer this afternoon?" Jeremy then asked, his eyes watching the Estrada twins, who was shooting the shit a little further, at a table where they were surrounded by the soccer geeks...before he remembered that not so long ago, he included Chad as one of those. Oops.

Chad nodded.

"So not in the mood...first ever fucking time I'm actually considering just not pitching. You see what's happening, you know what it's going to be like!" he said, his eyes burning with pent-up emotion.

Jeremy slowly reached out and quickly touched Chad's shoulder, just enough pressure so have Chad feel it, before he smiled and stood up.

"You have me, pal. You don't need any of them. Yeah?" he said softly, his eyes sparkling and full of open affection for the boy who was sitting before him.

Chad giggled secretly, before he too stood up, and looked Jeremy in the eye.

"It's my birthday in two weeks...I hope I can have you then too...literally..." he said, tongue in cheek.

Jeremy felt himself get hard...his penis growing at a rapid pace, before he smiled and grinned evilly at Chad.

"It's a deal. And maybe...if my fucking guts allow me...maybe..."

Chad frowned. He stood a little closer to Jeremy, without trying to make things looks hella suspicious.

"...maybe...what?" he asked, his voice little more than a hoarse utter.

Jeremy swallowed. He had been thinking about this...for a long time.

He wanted to do this. He wanted to.

It was probably going to hurt like hell...but if he was ever going to do it with someone...if he would EVER take that painful plunge...it was going to be with Chad.

"...maybe I'll let you HAVE me too..." he whispered, turning around, smiling at the still STUNNED Chad, before he left the cafeteria.

Chad's shock slowly turned to a rigid smile, as the calamity of Jeremy's words finally sunk in, to which he grabbed his backpack and wanted to get back to the boy that he in that moment, felt he would follow to the moon and back, before he bumped straight into Michael and Miguel, the fucking Estrada twins.

The same Estrada twins, who had fucked up Jeremy Greenwood's wrist and ankle up so badly, that he had been forced to miss the final Rugby game of the season, which ended up in a loss, as their best player was forced to watch from home. The same Estrada twins, who was on the soccer team with him...the same Michael and Miguel who had threatened him that he would regret helping Jeremy that horrid afternoon, instead of siding with them.

"Watch where you're going, you fucking traitor..." Michael hissed towards his teammate, and Miguel stood closer to his brother for good fucking measure.

Chad looked from one twin to the next...how...HOW did he EVER think these idiots were his friends? They were nothing but a bunch of cowards?! Jesus...how did he never see it?

"Can I get past you guys? Please...I really don't wany any trouble..."

Michael smirked and nudged his brother into doing the same, which the fucker immediately did.

"You think you're still the big man around here? Demanding shit as you go along? Making everyone stand still and stare in awe at the mighty Chad Tucker...most popular, most handsome dude in school...?"

Michael came closer, so close that Chad could actually smell the alcohol and cigarette smoke on his breath...how the fuck he managed to smuggle both of those items onto the school grounds, he would never know.

"You know what, Tucker? You're finished around here. That's right...finished. I told you...you remember? I told you that day, you would be sorry for choosing that faggot fat ass Jeremy Greenwood over the people that had your back for yonks! Too late now...and such a shame you're new BFF is going to prison...remind him not to drop the soap, will ya?"

Michael cackled his laughter, and Miguel wasn't that far behind, before both twins made their way out of the cafeteria, leaving Chad to face the looks and the judgement of nearly every kid inside.

With a smirk of his own, Chad lifted both his hands upwards, and pointed both his middle fingers to the rest of the peeps watching him.

"Fucking bite me!" he shouted defiantly, before he grabbed his bag and stormed out in search of Jeremy.


"I'm sure the coach can't do that! Why would he? You're his fucking best player? I know next to nothing about soccer, and even I know that," Jeremy argued as he and Chad were walking to the locker room about two days later.

They were late as hell...Chad had to meet with the coach in his office before the start of the practise, which meant Chad literally had minutes to get dressed and get his ass onto the pitch, the coach really had no mercy.

Rugby season was done for the year, and with his ankle still giving him twinges every so often, playing the game wasn't an option anyway, but he was still here, and ready to support Tucker in whatever he needed. If only he stayed and hung around to watch, that would be okay too. At least Chad wouldn't be alone in between all these vipers who all and their knives sharpening for his back.

Chad rolled his eyes.

"Dude, his words were like..." maybe you should have some time away from the team..." What the fuck, I'm the God damn captain! No man...he wants me off the team, and he doesn't know how to actually say it...I'm done, Greenwood. So done. Over this. So over it."

"You done?"

"Fuck you."

Jeremy giggled as he playfully pushed Chad, who smirked and pushed his ass right back, before they both stood still. Both of their ears were now listening at supersonic speed and waves...as if they could hear what was happening, but their brains weren't able to register or digest it.

"Dude...what the fuck..." Chad whispered to Jeremy, who shook his head, his eyes bulged out of his skull.

As far as they knew...they were the only two gay guys in the entire school...and even then, Jeremy wasn't actually sure if he was GAY on the full sense of the word.

But from what they could hear...it clearly wasn't the case.

"Dude! Get back here!" Jeremy hissed towards Chad as the latter turned around and softly gripped the door handle of the locker room. Chad swung around, with his face as determined as Jeremy had ever seen him.

"Greenwood...we have been called fucking names, we are fucking outcasts, man! You hearing what I'm hearing? There are people fucking in there...and I sure as hell don't hear a girl! Do you?"

Jeremy swallowed. He didn't want any more ructions...he had honestly thought of asking his parents if he could be home schooled these last few days...anything to get away from this incessant judging and comments being thrown out about himself and Chad...but that would mean leaving Chad here on his own...to deal with all this crap...and he wasn't about to do that.

Chad was adamant...there was something going on inside there and he wasn't going to give up before he knew what it was.

"You stay here...I go in..." he mouthed, before he turned around and slowly opened the door of the locker room.

Jeremy sighed...there were times where he really missed HATING Chad Tucker...before he quickly sneaked in to follow him, before the door could close.


"Dude...am I doing it again...am I seeing things? Just like with David?" Jeremy whispered, his left fist resting on Chad's shoulder, meanwhile his right was bundled up and held in front of his mouth...in sheer total disbelief at what was happening before them.

Chad shuddered a little, before Jeremy could actually FEEL him swallow...

"No...no dude...this is very real...very fucking real...holy fucking shit, where is my phone..."

Jeremy back up a little.

"Tucker! You can't do that! People can't fucking see this!"

Chad smiled, and reached out for his phone, before he placed it on the camera mode, and held it carefully before him, in order to take the picture.

"Fuck...even with zooming in, it doesn't take a clear picture, and this old piece of shit can't take videos! Where's that fancy ass iPhone of yours?"

Jeremy gritted his teeth and took out his own phone from his jacket pocket, but his heart sank in his shoes as he tried to unlock it.

"Damn...battery is dead. I wanted to charge it this morning, but I figured it would last until I get home..."

Chad sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair, and looked at Jeremy with daggers in his eyes.

"If we miss this chance, we'll never get it again! Jesus, Greenwood! It's the ESTRADA TWINS...FUCKING EACHOTHER, for God's sake!"

Jeremy took another peek, and immediately wished he hadn't...because he had heard of Incest before, but he had never seen it personally, before either and it made him sick to his stomach. Who the fuck even has?

The fuck that they looked EXACTLY alike made it even worse.

But here they were...Michael and Miguel...in the locker room of all places...they must surely be thinking that everyone else was outside in the middle of practise...and they knew the Rugby season was over, so there was really no one to suddenly barge in here...they clearly didn't know that Chad had been asked to speak to the coach beforehand, and was therefore late and had to come in here RIGHT now...

"I have nothing against people being gay, but that is just sick..." Jeremy whispered as he saw Michael's muscled ass banging his twin brother with all the might that he had in his sixteen-year-old body, the boy's heavy ball swinging dangerously underneath him, the slapping sounds of said balls making contact with his twin brother Miguel's ass every fucking few seconds, generating the memory of a vintage porno movie.

Chad was positively SEETHING.

"Talking trash about me and you when they are out here doing this! Bet it's so not the first time either, Jesus! I gotta get something...even if it's just a faraway picture..."

"You can't go nearer! What if they see us! Have you forgotten what they did to me?"

Chad scoffed.

"Me and you can take them easily, no fucking problem! I ain't leaving this Greenwood, so you can either come with me, or go back...your choice, Homie."

Jeremy sighed. Of course...of course he wasn't going to leave Chad. And Chad knew it.

His evil grin immediately gave it away.

Slowly, careful not to make any noise, Chad edged closer, his phone at the ready. My God...the Estrada twins were too busy in doing the unthinkable with each other, that they never would have heard him in a million years, it seemed. Chad smiled, as he aimed his phone's camera upright, and took the first picture. More was taken, and more...before he gritted his teeth and went as close as he could without being spotted by the fucking duo...

...and took the fourth and final picture.

It was the last one, that was the clearest, with the zoom function in full works...even if it was a bit gritty, you could clearly see it was Michael...or Miguel Estrada who was fucking another boy. THAT alone, was more than enough to get those to shut the fuck up about them.

"Let's go..." Chad whispered to Jeremy, and together, the two took one final look at the Estrada twins...by the sounds of things, Michael was getting ready to dump his virile teenage load into his twin brother's ass.

"Sick..." Jeremy once more said weakly, his throat swelling up as his nausea flared up, before himself and Chad finally, for the hell out of there.


"Your mom says dinner will be ready soon...what the hell did you just do? I know you, Tucker! That smile means only one thing!" Jeremy said as he re-entered Chad's room at his home, after going to the toilet a few minutes earlier.

He had taken the time to ask Mrs Tucker about how things were going now that Jonathan's funeral was out of the way, and the man had been buried. She sure seemed upbeat enough, and even young Samantha gave him a little smile and a wave as he walked past her before.

Jeremy pushed Chad backwards onto the bed, kissing his nose and then a quick peck on the side of his neck, before he smirked at the boy.

"Come on, spill. You look like a fucking virgin dude nailing the head cheerleader," he murmured, popping a few random potato crisps into his mouth.

Chad smiled wide and happily, before he took Jeremy's iPhone of the charger and gave it back to him.

"I did it. Check it out!" he laughed, before Jeremy looked down at his phone.


"Tucker! Jesus, man! Why did you send them from my fucking phone?" he demanded, as he stared in horror at the photo's that Chad had taken of the Estrada twins earlier that afternoon. OH MY...the little shit had actually had the nerve to send them to Michael Estrada from HIS fucking phone!

Chad looked at Jeremy as if he was retarded.

"Duh...you have the better phone...it would look better coming from your WhatsApp. There are editing functions and shit on that thing of yours, that mine can't even dream to have. I told him it was from both of us, though."

Jeremy nearly dropped said iPhone.

"You...did what?" he asked, in sheer disbelief.

Chad winked at him.

"I sent them, and I told Michael that if he didn't stop his shit and gossip about us...AND help us get back into people's good books, that I would send those pictures to every kid in school. Everyone would see that he and Miguel shared more than just DNA...so to speak."

Jeremy shook his head and closed his eyes, counting to ten as he did so.

"You do...actually remember.... that they literally, attacked me with cricket bats to stop me from playing in the final Rugby game...what the FUCK do you think they're gonna do to us when they see THIS?"

Chad shrugged, nonchalantly at that.

"Big deal, what can they do? We have the evidence! It's right there...in fucking crystal clear 4K! Let them try their worst, I'm fucking sick of them," Chad said defiantly, before he leaned over and kissed Jeremy on his shoulder, taking hold of his hand in the process.

"You fucking realise how happy you make me, Greenwood?" he then asked, his eyes twinkling in the late afternoon sunlight which was streaming through the windows.

Jeremy grinned and kissed Chad for a few seconds, sighing contently.

"Not as happy as you make me..." he replied.


"I'm getting worried...it's like the second day in a row that they aren't at school, dude!"

Jeremy urgently looked around in the school cafeteria, actually hoping to God that both Michael and Miguel had eventually turned up, but to no avail. Under normal circumstances...the Estrada twins skipping school wasn't such a big deal.

Suddenly going missing two days in a row, after sending them photos of the two of them fucking...yeah. Suspicious as hell. He had a nasty feeling about all of this...he KNEW Chad shouldn't have done this.

Chad lazily ate his peanut butter and jam sandwich, while taking a huge sip of his Vanilla Coke, before he rolled his eyes at Jeremy.

"Trust me...you don't know them like I do, bro. Me and them, we come a fucking long way back, and it's not like we're asking MUCH of them. Just to help us make all of this...stuff go away. You know...like you being arrested for murder and me telling little white lies..."

"Little white lies? Fucking hell Chad, you told everyone your dad was a brain surgeon!"

Chad blushed, before he took another bite of his sandwich.

"Yeah whatever. Come on, break is nearly over..." he said before he stuffed the last bit of his sandwich into his mouth, before downing the rest of his Vanilla Coke faster than you could say GAS.

"How the hell can you drink that stuff, man?" Jeremy choked out...as someone who tried his best to avoid sugar, he didn't wanna think how much of the stuff was in that liquid that Chad just so casually was pouring down his throat.

"Sweet as fuck man..." Chad was starting to say, before he suddenly got quiet.

Deathly quiet.

"Chad, what..." Jeremy uttered, before he saw what Chad was looking at so intently.

It was the cops.

DS Wood...and another male cop that Jeremy hadn't seen before.

Sweet baby Jesus.

"Chad...dude..." Jeremy whispered, before he grabbed Chad's hand out of sheer fright and instinct...Chad on the other hand, didn't even care that most kids had by now, stopped and started to stare at the police, as well as Chad and Jeremy, who was openly holding hands now...

Their secret was out.

Gasps and sounds of utter shock and disbelief would be heard all over the school grounds, as the news of what Jeremy and Chad was doing...quickly started to spread through the school like wildfire.

It was DS Wood...with a massive satisfactory smile on her smile, that slowly approached the two boys. She took one look at their joint hands, before her eyebrows lifted upwards, and she pursed her lips.

"I'm afraid you're gonna have to come with us again, young Mr Greenwood," she said, the sarcastic snarl of her words couldn't be missed even if you tried.

"Calm the fuck down..." Chad whispered to Jeremy, before the latter cleared his throat.

"Why? I've already told you everything I know...if you're talking about the murder of Chad's dad," he said, matter-of-factly.

DS Wood cunningly nodded, and smiled, however said smile never reached her eyes.

"Oh, but you see...new evidence has come to light now. Yes...seems like two boys...twins in fact, has been sitting on a secret about YOU, for a while now. Only it seems, they were too scared to talk."

All of the colour disappeared from Jeremy's face as she spoke her devastating words.

"You see here, Mr Greenwood, we had two local teenage boys, a certain Michael and Miguel Estrada, at the police office this morning. I assume you recognise this?" she said, the voice seething with glee, as she took out several white printed pages, and handed it to him.

Jeremy didn't have to take it from the woman...to know what it was.

Those printed A4 papers were photos of the Estrada twins...fucking. The same photo that Chad had sent to Michael not two days ago. In the hope that they would help them out...to make things better. To make all of this, go away.

DS Wood's smile widened even more.

"It would seem, that you threatened...to expose these two twin brothers over what was on those photos...if they reveal what they knew. That they had SEEN you...going into the Tucker's home at the same time that the murder of Jonathan Tucker had taken place."

"LIES! FUCKING LIES! THAT AIN'T TRUE!" Chad shouted at once.

The papers dropped from Jeremy's grip.

It felt like his world had seriously come to an end.

Jesus, Chad...

What have you done?

Instead of helping them...the Estrada twins went to the police and told them a pack of lies that has totally DESTROYED him!



I do love a good cliff-hanger, and if you know my stories by now...you also know there will ALWAYS be a good ending.

Boy...those twins are EVIL! LOL!

Any feedback, good or bad? My email is down below.



Next: Chapter 7

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