Dude What the Fuck

By Ryan White

Published on May 22, 2023



It took a while for the two boys to reach the safety and security of The Greenwood home, with at the back of his mind, Chad still couldn't believe that one single person could totally rent-free live inside of this huge estate all by himself. He knew that Greenwood's parents were always working, always travelling and always busy, which meant that ninety percent of the time, he was here on his very own.

Sometimes those who had the most money, also had the least of all. Or something to that effect.

Jeremy was still in a somewhat catatonic state, the same manner that he had been for the past hour or so, ever since Chad had shown him the memorial dedicated to David Gallagher on the school's grounds. Ever since Jeremy had to relive the accident in his mind, that had claimed David's life...the very moment that his brain couldn't protect him from the trauma and sheer morbid heartache any longer...that the David alter vanished like mist from the sun before his very eyes. The moment that he had to acknowledge, that David had died...his best friend since bloody Kindergarten...and that he was partially, if not sorely responsible for his demise.

Jeremy managed to open the security gate at the front of the estate, but Chad had to help him when it actually came to unlocking the front door, the key slipping out of the boy's cold, freezing hands every time he had tried to turn it into the slot. With some patience and persistence, both boys managed to enter the house, and Chad frowned as soon as he did, with everything dark as hell around him.

"Dude, where the hell are the lights in this place?" he asked, all the while still keeping his left arm firmly around the boy, with no plans whatsoever to actually let him go. Not yet. Not...not yet.

Jeremy lead them both the entire way to the expensive leather couch that was his favourite in the entire living room, before he reached over to the TV remote, and tried to switch their 4K big screen the heck on, but nothing was happening.


Jeremy sighed.

"Are you stupid, Tucker? We have loadshedding, Doofus! Didn't you check the schedule? Power is out."

Chad looked around the living room, before he nonchalantly walked to the window still with some of his pride intact, and saw that Jeremy was in fact correct...how they managed to get home in the pitch dark with only the moon giving off any sort of light, was a sheer fucking miracle. He himself had been so worried about Jeremy Fucking Greenwood, that he failed to notice the power was out.

Giggling to himself and smirking in the dark, he walked back to where he could see Jeremy now was, who had his phone out and had switched on the torch function on his expensive iPhone.

Things were quiet for a while, before Chad sat down next to his new found friend and buddy.

"Okay, so I know this might be a stupid ass question, but are you okay? No seriously...you just found out that your best friend is dead and...well, I dunno how these things work...the brain and stuff but...did you really...SEE David in your mind?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes and leaned back onto the couch, and straightened out his legs before him.

"No Tucker, I just fucking imagined that he was even here...of course I fucking saw him! And you can relax...he's gone now. I can't see or even hear the guy anymore. I suppose I don't need to...you know...SEE him anymore. Now that I can finally remember what the fuck happened. Jesus, Chad, I can't believe all of this...how does this even happen? How did I...forget...or just not remember that David...I saw it, dude! I fucking LIVED it! How...it doesn't even make sense!"

Chad leaned in a bit closer to Jeremy...if someone had told him a few months ago that he would have developed serene and true feelings for Jeremy Fucking Greenwood...the one guy in the entire school who he thought he was always surely was born to LOATHE...he would have snapped their necks. Looking at the boy...Jeremy was bigger than him, his physique more built and more ripped, as rugby players tended to be. The soccer boys always called his ass fat, overweight, fudge packer, you name it.

The guy was sexy, he was hot...and since Chad had gotten to actually know him, there had been a warm, fuzzy feeling inside his chest, but especially, inside the pit of his stomach, every single damn time he laid his eyes on him. He took a deep breath, before he reached down...as slowly as he thought was humanly possible, and placed and palm of his hand right onto that of Jeremy.

Jeremy looked down at the gesture, but unlike earlier in the school's grounds, he wasn't shock at all. He smiled, and leaned closer towards Chad. Their eyes met instantly. They couldn't...they wouldn't look away from the other, even if you had held both boys at gunpoint. Nothing and no one, they felt, could separate them.

Chad's hand lost its grip on Jeremy's before he slowly reached upwards, and cupped the side of the boy's face, as gently as he could. If Jeremy was gonna be weirded out AF at having a dude touch him...so intimately, now would be the time to actually say so. Nothing came. No hesitation, not repulsion. Just the sad eyes of his once, great nemesis looking him directly in the eye.

"You're...you're so beautiful..." Chad whispered in the sheer darkness, and he shuddered as he felt Jeremy shiver at the honesty of his words.

"I've been called loads of things over the years...beautiful, sure ain't one of them..." Jeremy said back, the glimmer and humour evidently back inside his blue, blue eyes.

Chad caressed the side of Jeremy's face with the touch of his thumb, before leaning in even more, and by now both boy's faces were so closely connected that they could literally FEEL each other's breath on their skin. Chad's heart was bouncing inside his teenage chest, his flesh felt like it was on fucking fire...he had NEVER, EVER, felt about a boy...a girl, take your pick...like he felt about the dude sitting right here in front of him.

"Can I...can I kiss you?" he dared to even ask.

Jeremy's eyes closed.

All his life...he thought he was as straight as an arrow. Everything pointed himself in that certain way...he had been attracted to girls since he could remember...but this felt right. This didn't feel like he was doing something wrong, or that it was something to which he should feel any sort of guilt. No...this was something totally different. Chad Tucker...Jesus Christ, who would have thought.

Davey's voice...or rather the alter Davey's voice ringed loud and clear in the back of his mind...

"No one would think less of you if you liked boys instead of girls, Jez..."

Jeremy's eyes returned to Chad's who was still anxiously waiting for an answer to his question.

Instead of actually answering him...it was Jeremy who smiled, and took the initiative.

Chad's eyes bulged as he saw Jeremy's face and even more importantly, his lips coming ever closer, ever closer.

Until there was no way the kiss would be stopped, any more.

Chad sighed as he felt Jeremy Greenwood's lips descend onto his own, the sheer strength and the courage that it must have taken from this seemingly straight boy to actually take the plunge and do what his heart was telling him to do...the kiss deepened as Chad reached out with both his arms and placed them around Jeremy's neck, before giving the boy as good back, as he was getting.

Jeremy, regardless from who and what he was kissing, was a teenage boy after all, and teenage boys could seldomly control their emotions as well as their hormones...he reached out with his own two hands before taking the sides of Chad's face completely within his own, kissing the boy with such passion and such fierce determination, that even himself couldn't believe that he was capable of.

Perhaps it was the fact that he was doing the seemingly forbidden...the seemingly unholy thing that he had always thought was wrong, that made this all the more exceptional and HOT...Chad was in his arms, he was in his mind...and without even much as a warning, his tongue was in his mouth.

Jeremy launched himself at Chad Tucker, with every fibre of his being, his dick rock fucking hard by now, and held the boy in his arms, whilst the two of them continued to make out like only two horny teenagers ever could. It felt like they didn't ever wanna stop...Jeremy hissed as he felt Chad running his fingers through his jet-black hair, and in return, he leaned down and buried his head inside the crook of the boy's neck...kissing every nook and cranny, every inch of skin that he could lay his wet, red lips onto.

Finally, after what felt like hours and hours on end, when in reality it had only been about two minutes or so, it was Chad who finally broke the earth-shattering kiss and rested his forehead onto that of Jeremy, who was so out of breath himself, it felt like he could collapse at any given minute.

"Holy...holy shit..." Chad whispered, over and over, whilst he continued to caress every bit of Jeremy that he could reached...he looked back into the boy's eyes, and grimaced...

...because Jeremy Greenwood was crying.

Chad hesitated, not sure what to make of THIS...before he took both Jeremy's hand inside his own.

"Dude...did I...oh shit, I shouldn't have done that...you're straight, Jesus..."

Jeremy pulled Chad back before he could even finish his sentence...and laid another kiss on the boy, this time with no tongue, just nothing less than simple reassurance and passion...he released Chad's lips and lingered for a while, their noses touching as they lived and breathed in each other's smell...their scent...their shared oxygen and the WILL to be alive.

"You...you did nothing wrong. Nothing at all. Dude...you make me...I dunno how to fucking explain it...you make me so happy...out of all of this, I honestly thought I would have been in pieces finding out that my fucking mind had been playing tricks on me for over a God damn year...but you're here...you are, you are. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't in my life, Tucker," he whispered emphatically, leaning in for another kiss as he did so.

The two boys continued their so-called forbidden love affair for a couple of moments, before Jeremy once more stiffened...in more ways than one.

He broke the kiss, and his eyes trembled with unshed tears and mixed emotions...Chad's hand was now firmly lodged onto his seven-inch steel hard teenage dick, and there were no words needed at what the latter desperately wanted more than anything at that moment.

"Come on Greenwood...let me make you feel good...yeah? Let me take some of that pain away...you don't have to do anything back to me, fucking swear...I know you're still...freaked out about doing all of this with a guy, but...lemme do this for you."

Jeremy hissed, combined with a raw sound that somehow managed to escape the depths of his throat, before he felt Chad's warm hand solidly caress and massage his stiff boner, and at least for that moment and time, he wanted it as badly as Chad did.

"You sure about this? Tucker, I don't know shit about sucking dick..."

Chad reached upwards and once more caressed the side of Jeremy's cheek, before he leaned in and gave him another kiss, in total and utter reassurance.

"Hey...it's not like you're forcing me or anything...besides..."

Chad leaned down and kissed Jeremy's chin...following upwards towards his cheek, travelling all the way up to his nose, laying another short smooch on the skin that he found there...before once more capturing Jeremy's lips in total unison with his very own...

"...I can't stop thinking about you..." he finally managed to finish his thought.

Jeremy laid back onto the couch as Chad's hands reached forward and pushed him back, helping the boy that he cared for so much to relax...at least for now. Chad reached forward and as gently as he could, removed the leather jacket that Jeremy was wearing, before folding it neatly and placing it to one side. He then looked Jeremy straight in the eyes, before silently, asking permission, flickering his blue peepers towards the shirt that the boy was wearing.

Jeremy felt like he was choking...he fully understood what was about to happen...and yet it still felt like a dream. Realising just what Chad Tucker was asking...all that he could do, as if he was back in that death-like trance earlier at the school, was to nod and give thanks...what the hell was Chad doing to him...for a seemingly straight boy, he sure was looking hella forward to being with this boy way, way too much.

Chad smiled as he reached forward one more time, and grabbed the bottom sides of the shirt that Jeremy was wearing, before the boy decided to help him out, sitting in the upright position for the time it took to take it off...before messily being tossed onto the carpet below them. Chad's eyes watered with pure, darn lust as he saw what he wanted to, up close and person for so long.

His eyes glided over Jeremy's shirtless upper body, packed with muscle and strength...how the hell could anyone, say that this kid was FAT? He was a rugby player, he was always going to be bigger boned than the rest of his peers. His hands found themselves, without even thinking, touching the boy's chest, reaping his fingers over the hard muscle, fascinated as hell of what he could feel underneath his touch.

For a sixteen year old, Jeremy Greenwood was strong, he was bulky...he was just fucking perfect.

"Jesus, Greenwood..." he whispered, before he in sheer morbid instinct, moved his own body downwards on the coach, and roamed his hands over Jeremy's chest and stomach as he did so.

By this time, Jeremy was in a whole little world of his own...a good own world this time, at least. He honestly thought that he would have been getting sick by now...the fact that a boy was touching him...feeling him up, he didn't need Chad to tell him how attracted he was to him...he could see it for himself, lit up inside the boy's own eyes.

The world did not stop. The world did not end.

It was okay...it was going to be fine.

"Fuck...Chad..." he whispered hoarsely as he felt Chad's fingers back on his dick, every inch of his rock hard seven-inch fuck machine at the ready and as hard as it ever had been. He swore...he fucking swore that his organ hadn't even been THIS hard when he had been fucking Leyla back when they were dating.

Unclasping the Billabong belt that Greenwood was wearing, and seeing the boy's boxer shorts in front of him, made things all too real for Chad. He took deep breaths as the object of his desire was now only separated from him by a mere layer of cloth. Without even thinking his fingers once more found their way to the steel hard teenage cock hidden in the depts beneath and cackled silently as he saw Jeremy's stomach being pulled in from the good feelings that Chad was giving him.

"Take it off...please Greenwood for God's sake, take it off..." he whispered in the warm darkness of the moment, only the moonlight streaming in from the windows the only way how he could see what he was doing.

Jeremy was like a man possessed right then...with a quick raise from his bottom half, he launched his body upwards, reaching downward removing his black skinny jeans as best he could, from his position on the couch, Chad also did his part in removing the irritating pieces of clothing that was getting in his way of what he craved, wanted and yearned for.

Only the boxers to go...and there it was.

Chad positively salivated and if he was a woman, he would have surely started to ovulate.

He had seen it before...of course, with the soccer and rugby players having to share a locker room at school, but never up close, and certainly never in the state that it was now. Holy shitballs.

Just as Jeremy had never had sex with a boy before, neither have Chad Tucker...he was gay alright, but literally no one except Jeremy now knew...this would be his very first time in doing something with a boy too...so all in all, they weren't much different as far as that was concerned.

Taking the stone hard phallus into his hand, feeling the warmth and the girth of the hard penis inside his palm...a knot formed inside the pit of his stomach. He had dreamed of this for so long...he had wanted Jeremy Greenwood with every ounce of his existence no matter how hard he tried to fight it, and finally, FINALLY regardless of what society said and demanded...this was who he was.

Truly and utterly...looking at Jeremy, with his beautiful eyes closed and his cock on fucking red alert...he knew.

My God, he knew.

There was a word for what he was feeling towards Greenwood...to be honest, it scared the shit out of him. But he knew what it was, there simply was no other explanation.

But actually saying it...that was a whole other ball game entirely.

Leaning down and getting as comfortable as he could, Chad took a deep breath, before he gave Jeremy's cock another few gentle jerks, as if that was necessary...this thing was so damn hard, it would be able to fucking crack a watermelon. It was the droplets that had to be Jeremy's pre cum, that had his own dick ready and willing to fire...he wanted this, more than he wanted to breathe.

"HOLY...HOLY FFFFFUCCCKK!" Jeremy hissed in complete sexual content as he felt his dick being slowly enveloped by the hungry, as well as thirsty mouth of his former enemy.

The feelings were more than overwhelming...Chad's mouth felt unbelievably good on his bare fuck stick. He closed his eyes and sunk his entire body against where he laid, as he reached down and rather lovingly at that, ran his fingers through Chad Tucker's dirty blond hair.

Chad didn't know what to expect from having a dick inside his mouth for the first time ever, but it was glorious beyond belief. The way that the organ was so soft on the outside but HARD and stiff as a board on the inside...the taste of Jeremy's pre cummy juices, the way the teenage dick would quiver and literally shake with pent up desire the very moment that his tongue touched the stone hard dick, gave him fucking goosebumps.

He tried his best to cover every bit...every inch of the beautiful sixteen year old cock that he possibly could, it felt like his tongue had developed whiplash...for just a moment, he took his gullet from the organ and admired the hard flesh, before he solemnly and also just because he could...held it lovingly against his cheek, feeling the warmth and the blood PULSING through that hard exterior. Chad laughingly smothered his lips all over that flaring cock head, as well as the piss slit as he urged more of the pre juices to come out and be slurped up...the corners of his mouth were literally dripping with ball juice.

Finally, he took the hard cock inside his mouth for a second time, and by now poor Jeremy was going ballistic above him, both his hands had been balled up into solid fists, his legs were started to shake and quiver just like his cock was, his eyes were slowly rolling back inside his skull...my God, this was the best fucking blowjob he ever had!

Up, down, up, down, Chad's desperate lips continued to service Jeremy's cock like it was a lollipop, his hands doing magic where his lips couldn't reach. Safe to say, there wasn't a single bare inch of that entire, beautiful and healthy teenage organ that hadn't been serviced in some shape, or form.

The feeling of something that warm...that ROCK HARD...his slurping continued...his tongue LASHING over said piss slit like it was wetting the hair on a baby's head. There it was again! That delicious pre cummy ball juices that he wanted so much...it was gobbled up like a male slut in heat. He wanted every bit of this...everything that Jeremy Greenwood was able to produce and launch into his mouth.

"Gonna cummmm...I'm really close, dude..." Jeremy whispered, once more raking his fingers through Chad Tucker's blond hair, feeling the sweaty strands stick to his fingers as he did so, but he didn't fucking care. He was way too far gone in sheer sexual ecstasy and of course, the only thing that mattered right now was his dick inside a warm mouth.

Chad didn't care either...he fucking wanted that teenage potent protein! Doubling his initial efforts, his lips were a mere blur on that hard seven incher, his head felt like it was going around at the speed of a F1 racing car, back and forth...back and forth...tasting the delicious organ for what seemed like the millionth time. Up, down. Up, down.

Jeremy hissed his pleasure. His entire groin area felt like it was on fucking fire. Internal flames, what have you. His balls were slapping the underside of Chad's chin so damn hard, he was afraid that he might actually hurt his buddy in the process. His cock felt like it had somehow transformed in a jackhammer...it wouldn't stop, no matter how hard he tried.

"Didn't...didn't you hear me...I'm gonna cummm..." he whispered once more, actually going as far as pulling the sides of Chad's hair, but then he realised...Chad can hear him good and proper...

...he just chose not to listen to him.

Which could only mean one thing.

Fuck...he was he gonna swallow his jizz?

Holy mother duck.

Chad gripped Jeremy's ready-to-blow cock with every ounce of strength his lips still had left, he was determined to give the boy the best fucking orgasm he ever had. Up, down...up, down...licking along the veins of the dick, making it impossible for poor Jeremy Greenwood to actually hold on for even one more second...


Jeremy's back sunk into the couch area as he was powerless to stop the blasts of his potent, virile, teenage baby batter that it seemed to flow right into Chad Tucker's open mouth. Chad only had gay porn to take his experienced upon, but all that flew out of the proverbial window as the thick globules of white sperm from that open, flaring dick head was simply way too much to handle...when the last time was that Jeremy had emptied his balls, he didn't know...but fucking hell, he was nearly drowned in the delicious ball juice.

Jeremy's stuff was literally everywhere he looked, smeared across his face, across his hands, on his tongue, some stuck in his hair...there was a vicious lash of sperm hanging from his cheek...it was so warm...the smell...HOLY FUCK...it was the smell that was intoxicating enough and the knowledge that all of this had come straight from Jeremy Greenwood's balls, make it all the more worth whole.

He turned his face, and licked up some of the boy's jizz from his fingers as he did so...he only had eaten his own sperm before, but this was fucking delicious. Warm...salty...metallic as anything...it was Jeremy. And like him...it was perfect.

Jeremy was so out of it...never before in his life, had he been given a blowjob such as this...it had been quite a while now...with everything going on...

...in fact, the last time he even blew his own load was when...

"Oh fuck...Jesus Davey...Davey...you did good, man..."


For a few seconds, everything was quiet. Deathly quiet.

Until only Jeremy's gulps to get some much-needed oxygen back into his lungs, was the only thing that could he heard. Jeremy opened his eyes as he finally felt back to being somewhat normal...man, that orgasm had totally taken it out from him...as he opened his eyes, and saw that Chad was getting dressed and wiping the sides of his face with his hands, he sat up and leaned on his arms.

"Hey...where are you going? I thought...well, I dunno what I thought, but do you really need to go, like right now?"

Chad finished what he was doing, before he swallowed the last few remains of Jeremy's cum, and he gingerly smiled at the boy who was still looking questioningly up at him.

"I...I think it's best if I go..." he said, his voice hoarse, before he quickly cleared it.

Jeremy groaned as he stood up, his ankle still not where it needed to be, before he walked over to Chad, still naked as the day he was born, his flaccid, leaking dick swinging around like a grandfather's clock...and took hold of the boy's hand, and held it inside his own.

"Dude...I'm sorry...I know...I know that this was a mistake...because I'm not ready to give you a blowjob back and now you're probably pissed as hell..."

Chad's eyes flickered dangerously over to his friend, before he seemed like he was WILLING himself to actually calm down, taking a few gulps of air, and shaking his head.

"Greenwood...seriously now...you didn't hear what you JUST said, when you...well, you know...when you came?"

Jeremy tiredly scratched the side of his head, and frowning as he did so, caressing Chad's knuckles with his thumb.

"No...what...oh fuking hell, don't tell me I called you names like faggot or something...honestly dude, if I did, I'm so sorry, I just..."

Chad once more shook his head, and slowly withdrew his hand from Jeremy's embrace. He turned around and made sure that he was a fair few feet away from where he was.

"Look Greenwood...what we just did...what you allowed me to do...it was magic and I'll fucking never forget it as long as I live..."

"...but?" Jeremy finished his sentence for him, his eyes widening at every word.

Chad looked down dejectedly at the carpet...

"...but I can't compete with someone's ghost."

It took Jeremy a while to process what was being said...before his eyes lit up and he sighed. Now he understood....now he got it.

"I said...I said David's name...didn't I?" he whispered, his cheeks red with sheer embarrassment.


"I don't blame you...I totally don't...you guys were best friends for years, before he died, and maybe you...well you probably experimented, David was gay after all, we all know that..."

Jeremy shook his head, and held up his hand to silence Chad.

"No Tucker...God no. If there was really anything between me and Davey...he would still be alive today, because I wouldn't have upset him as much as I did, that day and he wouldn't have grabbed the steering wheel, and we would NOT have smashed straight into that damn car...and he would still...he would still be here."

Chad looked up at Jeremy and came a little closer.

"So...you guys never...ever..."

Jeremy shook his head in the negative connotation.

"We did not. But the last few weeks...before all of this, between you and me...the last couple of times I used to...well, SEE him in my mind, he used to give me a blowjob. Remember, he literally like...minutes before he died, told me that he was in love with me...and that kinda thing...you don't just forget it...even though my brain was still probably scrambled, I still had visions of me and him...doing stuff. Dude, he never really did it...and fuck me...I don't even wanna know what I was doing in real life, when I SAW him blowing me. Probably just jerked off without even realising it."

Jeremy retook hold of Chad's hand, and this time the latter didn't take back his hand. He knew that Jeremy was serious as a heart attack.

"This is all so...so new to me, Tucker. This, you, me...us. I really wanna see where this takes us...but stuff like what would my friends say...God, the guys on the team, and you lot on the soccer side are even worse! The Estrada twins would eat us both alive, if they knew."

Chad smiled, and squeezed Jeremy's hand.

"I'm not scared. Not anymore. But Greenwood...I can't compete with David. I just can't. You gotta remember I'm so far back in the closet that I really thought I'd never be able to come out...you're the first guy I've ever been with...this far in my life, it's been girls and faking all kinds of shit...you have no idea how hard that is to do."

Chad blinked, wiling himself not to get emotional, but it was extra difficult, when you were standing before the one person that you knew...you knew that he was special.

"It's weird as fuck for me too, Jeremy. You're the fucking last person in this whole entire world that I would have ever thought..."

Chad breathed, his upper body shuddering with trying to get the right words out...his eyes were blood shit red and his lips were quivering...

"I'm...I'm fucking falling for you, man..." he managed to croak out, unable to even look at Greenwood himself.

At the sound of Chad's heartfelt words, the sincerity of it...apart from his parents like once every two years, no one had ever told him they were in love with him...not even the holier than thou Leyla.

Jeremy thought...fuck it...

He leaned in and kissed Chad Tucker before the latter could even say anything in response...the two boys holding each other in total and utter unison...just a lingering kiss...nothing major...but Jeremy shivered as he felt every ounce of emotion RIPPING through Chad's lanky, skinny body. Jeremy held the boy in his arms, and it felt...once more...it FELT so RIGHT...how the FUCK could feeling like this, EVER be wrong?

Chad broke off the kiss, and smiled slightly at Jeremy, still half naked, before he appreciatively allowed his eyes to flicker over the boy's spent cock.

"I...I better get home..." he said, but Jeremy was way too quick.

"Stay with me...please?" he whispered back, desperate for Chad to be in his immediate life just a few minutes longer.

Chad wanted to...my God, did he want to. But there was his father to consider...who knows in what state he was back home, and he didn't want his mother and his kid sister Samantha to be dealing with that alone...but honestly, the last thing he wanted to do, was to leave Greenwood's side.

A blind man in New Jersey would be able to see the two boys were crazy for each other. That's simply how deep it was.

"My dad...you know how he is...I have to go..." Chad said softly, before once more placing the palm of his hand on the side of Jeremy's face. It felt as if the latter boy was actually leaning in, to his touch, making his heart skip even more beats, than it already was.

"Will you be okay, Greenwood?" he asked, the honesty shining out of his eyes.

Jeremy smiled happily, before leaning down and kissing the boy of his dreams.

"I always am..." he said, hugging Chad one final time, as he did so.


Two days later, and Jeremy scowled as the coach told him to wait on the bench, whilst the rest of the Rugby team would getting their runs in, in preparation for the next season to start. This would be the final practise run before the school holidays and the coach wanted to DRILL it into their minds, why they had lost in the previous game, and what they needed to do, to avoid a repeat.

Since his sprained ankle and his broken arm had not yet completely healed, thanks to the Estrada twins attacking him with cricket bats several weeks before, Jeremy had to literally BEG the coach to even allow him back onto the pitch and attend the practise in the first place, and he sighed once more...his irritation flaming up again, at the unfairness of it all.

Everyone knew the fact that Jeremy, captain of said Rugby team was injured and couldn't play that final game, which was perhaps the main reason they lost, but one person did not make a team.

Jeremy looked over to where the soccer team was holding their own practise on the other side across the enormous school pitch...which the Rugby and Soccer teams shared. His blood boiled as he saw the Estrada twins casually getting their warm-ups done, just shooting the shit, kicking a ball around, laughing at anything they could think of. If looks could kill, both Michael and Miguel would have been six feet under by now.

His eyes flickered over towards Chad Tucker...and a warm feeling took hold of his heart and especially his lower half. Man...that blowie that Tucker had given him, had him having some surreal wet dreams...more vivid and more powerful that he could even TRY and recapture on his own...he giggled as he realised he was hard. His dick straining underneath his rugby shorts.

Chad looked so fucking hot...his lanky, tall frame really carrying his training gear well...every time he gathered the white-and-black soccer ball and went on a devastating run with it, he could see the momentum and the wind essence straining against the boy's shirt...showing off that terrific six pack that he knew Chad possessed.

For the first time...he started to wonder how it would feel to have his fingers...his tongue...the palms of his sweaty hands...all over that boy's body...to be WITH him...in bed, or where ever...he couldn't explain it, even if he tried...he found himself thinking about Chad Tucker nearly all the time...he WANTED TO BE with him, more than he had wanted to be with ANYONE...friend or romance.

Twenty minutes or so later, and the rest of the Rugby boys were trudging back slowly as they always did, tired as hell thanks to the Coach's incessant push of his troops. Jeremy's eyes once more found Chad, and he looked at his watch. The coach finished early...there had to be at least ten minutes or so remaining for the soccer boys to finish as well. He and Chad lived close enough...and a smile reached his eyes, before it did his lips.

The idea of walking home with Chad at his side...he rolled his eyes and giggled. Never...never in his life, would he have imagined to get excited about for. On the other hand, he and Chad both discussed it, and they decided to still fake being sworn enemies whilst at school. The entire holiday laid stretched out before them, where they would have more than enough time to properly get to know each other...and perhaps do more of the stuff that happened the other day...man, what a time for be alive!

"You coming, Jez? We've having pizza at Chris's place," Eddie Johnson asked as he gave him a sympathetic smile, overlooking his ankle and his arm, to which Jeremy simply shrugged and shook his head.

"Nah, you guys go. Not in the mood and my arm is still giving me shit. Enjoy it, okay?"

Eddie nodded, before and the rest of the team make their way back to the locker room. Another look on his watch and Jeremy stood up. Let people fucking say what they wanted, he needed to see Chad. It's been two whole days...he needed to see him. He WANTED to see him.


"Okay guys, that's enough for this semester...seriously, we played fifteen games all season and we've won THREE...you guys gotta come back after the holidays and tell me whether you are serious about continuing on the team, because some of you sure as hell ain't giving 100% on the pitch each and every time! GOT IT?"


Chad rolled his eyes and spotted Greenwood at the far side of the pitch as he did so. His heart bounced like a jack-in-the-box as he nervously glanced at his fellow teammates all picking up their training gear and sports bags, getting ready to go the hell home...another look towards Jeremy and he could see the boy was smiling at him.

Blushing furiously, Chad quickly looked away with sheer happiness flowing through him at every passing second...maybe they can walk home together...that would be fucking awesome. It's been two days...and he surely wouldn't admit to any fucking soul just how much he actually missed Jeremy.

Picking up his sports bag, he tried his best to get his hormones under control, before he froze right where he was.


...no...this wasn't happening...


He knew that Jeremy had the knack for seeing people who weren't even there and right now, he hoped to God that he was under the same spell. THIS...this was not happening and PLEASE GOD...anywhere but here...

But it was too no avail.

His father, Jonathan Tucker, somehow, it seemed, managed to charm his way into the school and had made his way to the rugby/soccer pitch...looking back at him, he had no idea how, because the man was obviously drunk as a skunk...

The coach turned around as he saw what his star striker was so nervously looking at, before he frowned and narrowed his eyes.

"You lot stay here. You hear me?" he ordered his troops before he walked over with his size tens in toe, over to where Jonathan Tucker was busy hobbling speedily towards them.

"Sir, this is a private school and a private practise, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," the soccer coach ordered at once, his voice cool and calm, and more than ready for any backlash.

Jonathan looked up at the sheer man mountain before him, before he cackled manically and pointed straight at Chad.

"YOU! YOU SON OF A BITCH! I TOLD YOU...NO MORE SOCCER! YOU WILL WORK...YOU WILL WORK YOUR ASS OFF!" he screamed out loud, at the top of his voice, stumbling on one place as he struggled to keep his footing.

All of the colour inside Chad's face disappeared with every word that was spoken, and all he wanted to do was sink into the sandy and grassy pitch...even more as his teammates turned their faces towards him like one man, in sheer confusion.

Chad had never told anyone at school how his home life really was...to them, his father was a lawyer and his mother a doctor...never ever, did he think his father would come to the school...and drunk at that.

The coach walked up to Jonathan, and firmly placed his hand on the man's chest, to push him a bit further back.

"Sir, I don't care if Chad Tucker is in fact, your son, but at this moment, he is in my care as a coach and a teacher. And clearly you're not meant to be here in this current state, but please...would you kindly leave this area, before I call the security?"

Jonathan scoffed at the teacher, before he hobbled his way over towards where his son was standing, and stopped a few meters from where he was. Chad's embarrassment was compounded when he saw Greenwood coming ever closer, a worried ass look smeared across his face.

Jonathan laughed as he looked from one boy to the next...before he grinned evilly over to his son.

"I ain't kidding around with you, boy! You wanna come with me now, or should I take it out on that whore of a mother of yours?"

Chad spat fire inside his eyes, both his fists were balled and his chest was heaving with incessant anger.

"Dad, please just go!" he cried out, the emotion of what was happening evident in his voice, and suddenly he turned to his left, as Greenwood had joined him at his side.

Not one of his so-called friends on the soccer team had made the effort to even try and protect him...all of them were either smirking at him, taking the piss, seeing the funny side of what was happening whilst the rest were probably too scared to even move.

Jonathan's eyes locked onto Jeremy, before he snarled at his son.

"This your boyfriend? He the one protecting you? You fucking faggot!" he screamed, before both the coach as well as Jeremy decided they had enough.

The coach took hold of both of Jonathan's arms, holding it behind his back, just before Jeremy could even get there, the latter smelling the sheer amount of alcohol on the drunken man's breath as he literally got into his face, surprising himself too, as he ripped Chad's father a new one, fiercely grabbing him at the top of his shirt.

"YOU EVER...EVER TALK TO CHAD LIKE THAT AGAIN...I SWEAR I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Jeremy hollered at the piece of shit that was standing before him, and threw the man backwards when he was done, so much so, that he would have probably bashed his head in pain, had the coach not still been holding his hands tight behind his back.

The soccer boys stood around flabbergasted...this was Jeremy Greenwood. Himself and Tucker HATED each other, have always done...and here he fucking was...protected the boy to the very inch of his life against this drunken mess that Chad called his father. The sheer looks on their faces spoke volumes...why would Greenwood go into bat for Chad Tucker...?

"You lot go back to the locker room! Now!" the coach ordered, and told a more secure hold of Jonathan, before he locked eyes with Jeremy.

"You shouldn't have done that, Greenwood...bad move...the whole school is gonna be talking about this now," he said, grimacing as he did so, before he hauled Jonathan Tucker the hell off from the school premises himself, a whole range of screaming and shouting, as well swearing could he heard, the entire way.

Chad swallowed. It felt literally as if his entire world had just ended. Now everyone knew...now EVERY ONE knew what he had been trying to hide from them for years on end. Jesus. This was the end of him at Freedom High...his father was a drunk...he literally JUST called him a faggot in front of every one and then Greenwood had to go and make a scene and make everything TEN times worse...

...there was no way back from this.

"Chad..." Jeremy whispered and without worrying where they were, or who could see them, he reached out and wanted to place his hand on Chad's shoulder...

...but the latter recoiled away from him faster than you could say DISGUSTED.

"Don't...don't touch me...don't even look at me...you've fucking done enough damage..." he murmured towards him.

Jeremy was stunned...he bit his lips before he could say how he really felt...but suddenly Chad turned towards him, with sheer venom locked inside of his eyes.

"You realise your little fucking tantrum has just made everything that much worse, don't you? You heard him...do you have any idea what the fuck you've fucking done?"

Jeremy saw stars...Chad can't be serious...he was trying to DEFEND him!? Help him?

"Dude, if he has a problem, he can sort it out with me..."

Chad barked out a sarcastic laugh and nearly attempted to grab Jeremy the same way as the latter had grabbed his father, but he took a breath, before he spoke through gritted teeth...

"In what fucked up mental world do you live in? You seriously think he's gonna take it out on you? Who's stronger and more powerful than him? NO! FUCK NO! He's gonna beat my mom like he always does, and when he's done with her, he's gonna take it out on Samantha! You can't threaten people like my dad, because they ain't gonna fucking listen! You...you have no idea what you've done!"

Chad swallowed once more, before for just a snippet of a moment, it looked like he had sheer remorse for what he had just said to Jeremy, but in the end, he closed his eyes, sighed and grabbed his sports bag, making sure he got the hell out of there, leaving a severely heartbroken Jeremy, all on his own.


In the days that followed, it was like a nightmare for both Chad and Jeremy.

Each one wanted to call the other...visit the other since they lived so close from each other, but like typical boys...they refused to make the first move in cases such as this.

Jonathan had been calm these last few days, in order to give the Tucker family some much-needed room to breathe, and it would have seemed that he had literally forgotten about the whole school incident, perhaps, the alcohol taking its toll on his mind...because he hadn't mentioned it once since it had happened. It was the beginning of the month, which meant there was money in their household...it always started off like that...things were going well until said money dried up...Jonathan Tucker just never understood why they never seemed to make ends meet.

Chad was literally dreading going back to school...his phone had already blown up from his "friends" who all had a go at laughing at the kid who's drunk father had turned up and cause crap at school...not even to mention that everyone now knew Chad Tucker had been immensely talking up who his parents really were. How he always bragged his way to making sure he wasn't found out...that he wasn't judged by his peers. The very thing that he had been afraid of for years...was now actually happening.

Over at the Greenwood estate, Jeremy rolled his eyes as he looked at the expensive stuff that his father had brought back for him all the way from South Korea, where he had been these last few weeks on business. New laptop, new iPad, new clothes...the list goes on and on. Did he once...just ONCE ask Jeremy anything about how HE was? Did he ONCE say that he had missed him while he was away? Did he ONCE ask how he was doing in school...if he was seeing anyone...if he was physically okay?

No...because as long as his parents kept showering their son with expensive girls, in their little world, everything had to be okay. If you had everything your heart desired, why wouldn't you be happy?

That wasn't true. He didn't have everything he really wanted.

Not even close.

He missed Chad. Fucking hell. He still didn't know what the hell was happening to him. If he had been gay all these years without ever realising it, or even bi...it was and still is the biggest mind fuck that he had to deal with.

Talking about mind fucks, he would even admit that he missed David. Or least, the David alter than his brain had created. He missed talking to him, getting his advice for stuff. Alas...the local psychiatrist that he had gone to in the days after he had remembered David's death, said it was a GOOD thing...that he hadn't SEEN Davey once since he realised and remembered that he wasn't alive anymore.

All part of the "healing process". Fuck me sideways. He really needed someone to talk to right now.

The front door rang.

Jeremy's heart beat quickened and his eyes lit up at once.


Please...please let it be Chad.

With his recent fucking luck, it would turn out to be Eddie or one of the guys from the Rugby team...he really didn't have the energy or will power to deal with them right now.

Running downstairs, he caught his reflection in the living room mirror, and just in case, you never knew...just in case it was Chad, he made sure that he looked the best that he could. Winking at himself in the mirror, he grinned and turned around, as the doorbell's ring once more blasted through the entire front of house, as he stormed to the door and opened it...

Needless to say it wasn't Chad.

It was the cops.


"Can...can I help you?" Jeremy asked, confusion etched across the entirety of his face...was he seeing people again? What was the police doing here? He ain't done anything wrong?!

There was two of them...a female cop and a male cop.

The female stood closer and reached out for a booklet that she had inside the pocket of her trousers...looked Jeremy up and down, before she spoke...

"Jeremy Alan Greenwood?"

The boy swallowed. His hands were shaking each passing second.

"Ye...yeah. I'm Jeremy Greenwood."

The female cop put the booklet away and nodded towards her partner. The male cop, before Jeremy quite knew what was happening, took both of his hands and placed it SOLIDLY behind his back.

"Hey, what..." Jeremy started to screech, the voice of the male cop completely dwarfed is own.

"Jeremy Greenwood, you're under arrest on suspicion of the murder of Jonathan Tucker. Anything you say can, and will be hold against you. You have the right to an attorney, if you can't afford one, the state will provide with legal advice."

Jeremy's ears couldn't believe what they were hearing?!

Are you taking the piss?

Are you having a laugh?






Boy...Jeremy is in for a real tough time now...will his mental health suffer again?

And who...WHO killed Jonathan Tucker??

Any feedback, good or bad? My email is down below.



Next: Chapter 6

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