Dude at Work

By hard johnson

Published on May 27, 2006


I thought that I was gonna be in for a long as weekend of freaky ass shit. I was wrong. RaySean had spent the night, but left the next day. I spent the weekend doing usual stuff. I went out to a couple of clubs, cleaned house, laundry all that and chilled out wit my girl. Monday morning came too soon. I went in and sat at my desk and soon RaySean came by.

"Sup man" RaySean said as he nodded

"What's good" I replied not looking up from my work.

The day went on and we didn't even look at each other. I was nervous because I didn't know how to act. I had never done anything like this before. I got up and went to the cafeteria and got the largest water I could find to keep my mouth from being so dry. Before long, I had to piss and so I rushed to the bathroom at the end of our floor.

"Whew. This feels good" I thought as I released my never ending stream in to the toilet. I zipped up and was coming out of the stall when I was met by RaySean.

"I knew you was in here" he said smiling.

"Yeah, I had to piss. What the hell you doing" I asked.

"Don't zip them pants up" he said "Leave that dick out. I wanna suck that shit"

"Nicca, do you know we at work?" I replied

"Yeah bro. Just shut up and relax." He said as he started to grab at my dick.

At first I tried to push his hand away, then I gave in, especially because my dick was starting to rock up. I stood up on the toilet so if anyone came in, they'd only see one pair of legs.

"Let me get at that dick" he said, not caring what my reply was.

He stuck his tongue out and started licking my head. It felt so damn nice. I couldn't help myself, and plus, I didn't have any time to waste because I didn't want anyone to notice I was missing from my desk. So I grabbed his head and started fucking the shit out of it. I am surprised no one heard it out the door. I was touching the back of his throat with my dick. He was makin them damn nasty slobbery mouth sounds. My nuts were pounding his chin.

He got up right as I was about to bust and so my nutt went on the floor, or so I thought. I looked down and I saw that it had landing on his hard dick. We traded places and since it was my nutt, I just ate it right off his dick.

"You thought you was doing something nicca?" he asked me. "I am gonna show your ass how to fuck some face"

He pulled me up on the toilet and put his timberland boots on the side of the seat and pushed my head down and was pumping his big bubble butt like my mouth was some good pussy. That dick was going down my throat, in my jaw, under my tongue, hell I didn't care. Every couple of minutes, he'd pull it out and smack my face wit it.

"You like that shit nicca?" He asked me.

I wasn't able to get a response out. I just kept on working my toungue. I reached around and started to play wit his ass. His ass was so damn nice. He had a big bubble ass booty wit cakes that stuck out like a bitch. I tried to stick my finger in, but it got caught in all that nicca's booty hairs. It was so damn nice. I finally reached his hole, but it was too damn tight for me to do anything. I couldn't take it no more. I made him turn around and he sat on my face. I let him ride my face wit his ass like he was just doing with his dick. I opened up his ass and stuck my tongue right in the damn asscrack.

"Yeah nicca" He moaned. "I knew that freak was coming back soon. You like the taste of that ass?"

Damn, his ass was so damn nice. It tasted so damn natural. No soap, no smelly powders and shit. This nicca was a true dawg. His ass just had the taste of sweat and musky ass hairs. I was in heaven. I didn't even notice that my dick had started to nutt on its own. The only way I noticed it because he bent down and started to lick it all up.

"Yeah that nutt is good DeAndre" I heard him say. "You need to keep that shit coming"

I couldn't nutt no more. I was drained. He was cleaning up my dick when I saw his balls start to tighten up. That nicca has started to nutt. I hurried up and put his dick in my mouth so his nutt didn't get on my clothes, since we both had to go back to work.

I ate every last damn drop of that shit and tried to suck out the rest. He got down off of me and we stood up and started buckling up our pants. He went out first, so that no one would notice we were in the same stall.

"Oh shit" he said, loud as hell

I wanted to know what was going on, so I came out the stall and damn, there was my boss. I was about to say something, well, until I looked down at his khakis and saw that they were tented up with a wet spot at the tip..

It was going to be a LONG WEEK!

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