Dublin Delights

Published on Feb 21, 2023


Dublin Delights Chapter 13 Disclaimer:
NOTE:  If sex among teens, homosexual topics, or male﷓male sex,
offends you, or if you disapprove of it, or if you are not of
legal age to read such things, please stop, read no further and
go elsewhere, to protect your rights and the rights of others.

This story is for adults, OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE ONLY, and in some
locations, over 21 years of age. Check your State, County, and
Local laws before proceeding if you are 18, 19, or 20 years old.

This is a gay sex story.  Or will be.  This story is fiction, and represents
no actual persons, living or dead.  The names of all the people,
and things in this story are made up. The town and cities are real
but establishments are made up.

This story contains sexual thoughts and actions among consenting
male high school students under 18.  All of the sex in this story
is between consenting males.  One or more of the scenes may
involve sex on school property, which in real life, is illegal in
most states, and the author specifically urges all readers NOT TO
acts should be in complete privacy on your own private property.

Dublin Delights
Chapter 13

   "Well," Ms. Kensington said shocked.  I awaited sentencing. What could it be, public humiliation, sent home, separation.  I have no clue.  "I...am proud of you Aaron, for sticking to your case aggressively, although you aimed at the wrong target.  I am also proud of you Sean, for not backing down.  Now, I know that--that ... I can't stop you.  So I ask that you exercise caution.  It is a dangerous world out, and I am just looking out for you."

   I breathed a sigh of relief.  "So your not mad at us?"

   "No, well, yes.  I wish that you had told me.  I will treat this like any other relationship, which means that you have to follow all of the rules.  No sex is the big one.  Other than that, just be careful.  Because this is a gay relationship, things are a little more delicate.  So, just be careful."

   "We will," I stepped forward.  We then made our quick exit.

   "Oh, and boys," She called to us.  "Remember, rules are made to be broken.  Have a good night."  She then gave us a wink.  `Gee, can we say hidden meaning?'

   We closed the door and giggled all the way to our room, where as, we fell apart on my bed.  We laughed uncontrollably.  The laughter died down, and I just stared at him, content in...just...life.  I fell apart in his eyes.  Like I always do.  I pressed my lips into his and like always it felt like the first time.  My hands roamed around his back as he rolled on top of me.  His weight felt good upon me.  His hands ran through my hair.  I love that feeling.  Our kisses became more passionate.  My hands roamed underneath his shirt touching his smooth skin.  He started to gently nibble on my ear, bringing a whole new sense of pleasure.  "I love you," he whispered. 

   "I love you too," I said as I brought my hand up to his neck.  It was true I couldn't love him more.  It was nothing about sex, it really wasn't, but now things just plunged deeper.  I fell for him really fell.  It is difficult to explain, so powerful that words just can't say it. 

   He sat up and straddled my hips.  "I really love you."  I reached up under his shirt and he leaned down.  My hands pulled his shirt up in the process.  "I want you in me," he whispered into my ear.  I smiled at that thought, the memories of New years rushed back. 

"It's my turn, I want you."  A smile drew upon his lips. 

   "Ok," he said, "but not here.  They are bound to come back any time now."

   "To late," I heard Megan laugh out.  "Am, I interrupting anything?"

   Now, I have no clue as to where Aaron got his courage from recently, but I like it.  He got up shirtless, with an obvious erection in his pants and stated, "Yea, ya are."  I just burst out laughing, which they soon joined in.  

   The time was getting late, and I soon found myself getting tired. The rest my roommates made there way to the room, and in some silent ritual prepared for bed.  With out concern Aaron crawled into my bed and put his head on my chest.  I swung my arm around him and we just cuddled as sleep took us over.  As I lie there, my ears still acute to the conversation, I could here them talking about us in obvious whispers.

   "Man, that is fucked up," I heard John say.

   "Why?" Megan said.

   "Its just sick, I had a talk with Sean today on the bus."

   "Yea, I saw," I heard Tim's voice.

   "Well, he seems so sure.  So devoted.  It's just sick to me.  But he said something that really turned my head.  He said that it wasn't about the sex.  All about the love.  Something like that.  `Just because it is two guys makes..."

   And I was asleep.


   "Sean, Sean.  Wake up," I heard Aaron say.  My eyes opened slowly to see Aaron's dark form a few inches away.  I smiled and reached my hand to his cheek, his hand clasped mine and he said, "Come on,"

   "Where are we going?"

   "Shhhhh, I'll show you."  We slipped out of the room clad only in our underwear and tee shirts.  I, groggily, followed him silently down the darkened hallway.  But he was as vigilant as a hawk, and I knew that we were going to do something bad.  He slipped into one of the many rooms and I followed.  As soon as the door closed behind me, he gently attacked me. 

   "Where are we?" I asked.

   "A vacant room," he said between kissed, "That happened to be not locked."  He pulled his head away.  "It's locked now."  He pulled me to one of the beds and laid me down.  "Ok, here."


   "You said you wanted me."


   "Just relax, Sean, I love you."  He kissed me on the lips and at the same time started to pull off my shirt, I started to pull off his.  We broke the lasting kiss just long enough, to shed ourselves of the clothing.  Erotically, I pulled my feet up and with my toes, pulled off his underwear.  He ground his unhindered cock into my clothed one, bringing him and me to instant erection.   He slid down my body starting with the crook of my neck.  He bit lightly, kissed gently all the way down.  He sucked each nipple into his mouth until they were hard.  This brought waves of pleasure streaming though my body.  Further, a trail was left as he moved across my abdomen. 

   His hands began to reach under the elastic strap, and he slowly pulled down my last bit of clothing.  My, now released, cock, jumped into action as it swayed back and forth in the cool air.  Aaron did a quick swing around my shaft, and then moved down to my legs.  He nibbled a little below my balls, and then moved lower, into my anus region.  He brought his head up and gave me a smile, then erotically sucked on his finger.  Wetting it down, he placed it at my opening and applied pressure.  His finger slid in with a wince of pain, but I didn't let it show.  He brought his tongue down to join his probing finger, which was soon joined by another. 

   The pleasure he was sending me, was amazing.  My body was racked with waves of it.  I groaned, and moaned, softly.  He then came up to again, and planted his lips firmly on mine.  Welcoming this, I pushed hard against his.

   "Are you sure?" He asked as he broke the kiss.

   "More than anything in my life."

   He needed no more encouragement.  He pulled my jar of Vaseline out of thin air.  He dabbed some with his fingers and reinserted them.  The cold cream sent shivers up my spine.  I closed my eyes, caught up in this moment.  I felt his hand remove again, only to be replaced with a slicked up cock.  I could feel the head, perched, at my hole, waiting for my go-ahead.  I looked at him and nodded my head. 

   He gently pushed.  The head of his penis slipped inside.  My eyes shot open not with pain but with pleasure, yea there was a little pain.  "Are you OK?" he asked me.

   "Of course," I said as I wrapped my lags around him a pulled him in.  At last I could feel his balls slap against my ass.  He was in, all the way.  "Holy, Shit.  This is intense."  He pulled out almost to the brink of popping out, and then pushed back in. 

   It was then that he hit my prostrate.  I was in heaven.  I saw stars, bright colors, and all the other bullshit I thought was bullshit.  Boy was I wrong.  Aaron started up a rhythm and pumped my ass.  He reached with his hand a grappled with my dick, then started pumping that too.  I couldn't handle this; I am being pleasured from both ends. I thrashed my head, grabbed the sheets, anything to hold on.  I let out a loud moan. 

   I could feel the heat start down by my feet then work it's way up.  I could feel the liquid sex boil, my cum was churning and about to come out.   My balls drew up close to my body.  My eyes shot opened and I groaned through clenched teeth as I started to cum all over him and myself.  My ass must have done something then, because he started to explode into me. 

   Spent, he fell on top of me, short of breath.  I too was panting.  His now flaccid dick slipped out.  Paying no heed to the mess, he looked into my eyes.  "Happy New Year's babe."

   "To late," I smiled, "But in your case, I'll make an exception."  His head fell upon my chest and we heaved for a few more minuets, recovering from those gigantic orgasms.  I felt like sleeping right there, but my intelligent side advised against it.  We cleaned up the mess and snuck back into our room, curling up in the same position, we were in when we left.



   "You asleep?"


   "Ohh, Ok...I love you."

   "I love you too."  And with that I feel into one of my most peaceful slumbers.


   I stepped into the Galway Youth Theater, with a `what-the-hell' expression.  The old theater was run down.  Operational, but run down.  The walls were a dirty black, and the seats were bleachers, based on a rickety wood monstrosity.  The tech booth was no better.  Cords to who know what were tossed all over the place, the lighting board was covered on cobwebs.  And the sound system...was none of my business, thank God.  I dusted off the board, presented it to Emily, held her by the shoulders, and said, "Good luck."

   "Thanks," She replied sarcastically.  I left her to figure out how to work it, and left Nicole to her business.  She enlisted a spare to help her with the mess.  I took a look at my puzzle.  We had two hours to show time, and I needed a plot.  I had, one...two...three lights to work with. 

   `funny,' I thought.  I walked up to the theater super and asked what the deal was.  He said that there were more lights in the back.  He had two of his helpers get them.  They brought, one...two...three.  `SIX, lights.  That's it!!  I can't do this with six lights.'  I gave them my best smile, and figured it out in my head.  Then they pulled out the real prize.  An extension ladder, about two times as old as I am, and about twice as thin as I am.  `Fun!!'

   I decided on a basic plot.  One on stage left, one on stage right, two on stage middle front, and two on stage middle back.  Getting them plugged in was a different matter.  Many of the plugs didn't reach, and circuits would have to be arranged.  All in all, a big headache.  But, it worked.  With ten minutes to spare. 

   For the extra minutes, I roamed around.  Apparently the only heat, was a heat lamp, in the auditorium.  The dressing rooms were tiny, and the toilet, wooden, all of it. 

   "Sean, Sean," I heard from behind me.  I turned around to see Mr. Shofield running up to meet me.


   "I need you to remain backstage, so that nobody...makes...shows up on stage," he stuttered, "Basically, keep them backstage."

   "Sure."  Just then a bright flash, and we were down to five lights.  I ran up to the booth,

   "I don't know," Emily started.  "It just went out."

   "FUCK!!"  Emily's eyes bugged out of her head, and she started to laugh.  "Nothing to laugh about," I said.  "Forget it, I don't care just do the best you can."


   "I have to run backstage, I'll see you guys after the show."

   "Kay."  With that, the heating lamp was shut off and people started to enter the auditorium.  I ran backstage and held my post.  The play started.

   The temperature of the building dropped rather quickly, and soon everyone was cold.  I kept the actors huddled together, until they were to come on stage, gently rubbing their shoulders, to warm them up.  Aaron looked at me, shivering in his suit.  I turned him around and rubbed his shoulders, a little more generous and a little more gently.  "Thanks." He whispered between shivers.


   Another standing ovation, the mayor and many Galway residents clapped and stood in appreciation of an American Classic.  The entire cast and crew went to a pizzeria and ate free pizza and soda.  We were congratulated by many of the audience who stopped by.  It was really cool.  Although we were having fun, we were ordered to head to bed.  I crawled into bed with Aaron by my side, and fell asleep.  Tomorrow we head off to Dublin for an entire week.

Thank you for reading, I would appreciate any feedback that you wish to give. I would love to hear it.  We are approaching the end  so I would like to thank all of those who have helped me do this, either emotionally, or grammatically.
Please send feedback to: omicron theta

Next: Chapter 14

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