Dual Identity

By Greg Stevens

Published on Feb 20, 2020


Dual Identity

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Dual Identity -- Chapter 2

The next day after my wife left the house for work, I went to the closet to get my jacket. I had a way of taking it out to wear then carefully place it back exactly as I had taken it out ensuring that it always looked like it was never touched.

I had tossed and turned all night thinking about what I had done with Charley. I slipped on my jacket and closed my eyes and pushed my hand into the top of my briefs to feel my hardening cock. I imagined I was with Charley and we were sitting on the couch together on top of his leather jackets. Charley was running his hand inside the leather and rubbing my chest.

My eyes flew open. "Fuck" I said out loud horny and frustrated. I wanted to do it again. I wanted to feel Charley in his leather jacket. I went to the computer still wearing my leather jacket "Hey Charley, I was wondering if you would be interested in meeting again. I cannot stop thinking about yesterday and I want to try again. If you are up for it?" I sent the email and waited. My heart was racing thinking about how he looked and felt in his leather. How I felt in my leather.

An hour passed and finally Charley responded. "Yeah I am definitely interested. How about you come over at 1 today. Wear your leather jacket without the shirt on and I will be ready" he responded. The idea of having my jacket on over my naked body while I drove to his house was driving me crazy. I loved the feel of the leather against my skin and Charley understood that.

At 1pm I arrived at Charley's place wearing my leather jacket with no shirt under it like Charley asked. The feeling of the fur lining against my nipples was adding to my horniness. I knocked and let out a gasp. Charley opened the door standing in his leather jacket and jeans, his chest bare under the jacket.

"Hi Dave" Charley said with a grin stepping out of the way allowing me to step in. Charley closed the door and without another word led me upstairs. Once in his bedroom he turned to me. "I am really glad you came back. It's hard finding a guy into the same things with leather that I am. Everyone I ever met that liked leather wanted to be tied up and beaten or something like that."

I nodded knowing exactly what he meant. "When did you first realize?" I asked softly. "I think I always had a thing for leather, but I didn't connect it sexually. I remember I loved walking into a men's store and the first thing that hit me was the smell. I picked out a jacket and went into the dressing room. I pulled out my dick and jerked off in front of the mirror. I loved the jacket but at that time I couldn't afford it, so I put it back. The thought that some guy would wear it not knowing I jerked off in it was hot." Charley said proudly.

I thought about what Charley was saying and I could feel myself relaxing talking him. He really seemed to get what I was about. When did you first fool around with a guy in leather?" I asked excitedly. I could feel my dick straining in my pants. "I did it a few times, but each time it was disappointing. Like I said everyone seems to have a different idea of what it means to like leather. I found a few that I could convince to try it. It wasn't bad." He responded. "Yeah I get that. A few guys responded to my ad, but they didn't seem to understand what I wanted." I replied thinking back on the responses.

"I really liked what we did yesterday, and I am glad you came back." Charley said and I could see the outline of his cock running down the leg of his jeans. I nodded and took a deep breath. This was still so new to me. Charley moved forward and instinctively I moved back bumping into the wall. "It's ok Dave. I will go as slowly as you want me to." He said reaching up for the zipper of my jacket.

The smell of the leather from both our jackets filled my nose and I could feel my dick leaking precum. Charley took the zipper and slowly pulled it down revealing my naked body. I was so excited I could hardly breath. Charley took the jacket and pealed it back. At first, I thought he wanted to take it off me but instead he exposed my nipples, then without asking just buried his face inside my coat and start to lick one of my nipples.

The sensation was incredible, and I brought my hand up behind his head and the fur collar pushing it up on his neck and gently holding him in place. Charley continued licking and sucking on my nipple with his head buried in the leather jacket. I closed my eyes as my hand caressed the soft leather of his coat.

Charley stopped and pulled his face out of the jacket. His hair was tousled, and he had a lustful look. "Suck my nipple" He said more as a command then a question. I looked at his hairy chest his leather jacket and I wanted to smell his body with the leather. I slowly pulled the jacket back as he did and brought my mouth close to his nipple.

The smell of the leather got stronger the closer I went heated up from his warm body. My lips touched his hairy nipple, a new and strange sensation for me. I opened my mouth and breathed in deep through my nose getting the smell of the leather. Then I sucked his nipple into my mouth. At first it felt strange but when I heard him moan, I started to suck the nipple harder.

After a while I pulled my face away from the nipple. I was going to move to the other one when Charley put his hand under my chin and pulled me back up. I wanted to feel him suck my nipple again but instead he just looked at me.

"Man, you are so hot, and I love that leather jacket on you" he said smiling. Hearing Charley tell me he thought I looked good in leather felt incredible. I had wanted someone to see it for so long. Charley bent forward staring directly into my eyes. Slowly he started coming closer, closer. The collar of his leather jacket was propped up surrounding his head and framing his face.

Charley got even closer. I could not move, I could not breath, then Charley touched his lips to mine. I turned my head away from him, but Charley did not let me. He put his hand on my cheek and brought me back to facing him. Again, his lips touched mine. The feeling was strange and yet something hot and exciting about it.

My mind was telling me to push Charley away, but my body wanted him to continue. Charley pressed his body against mine. I could feel his leather against my skin as his kiss became firmer. Charley moved his hand behind the fur collar bringing it up onto the back of my head.

All the sensations, all the fantasies were hitting me at the same time and my body was on fire. Charley's lips parted and I could feel his tongue against my lips. I parted my lips and allowed Charley to enter my mouth. Charley pulled me closer, holding me tighter as his tongue probed my mouth freely. I wrapped my arms around Charley feeling every part of his body next to mine.

While we kissed, I had a desire to feel Charley's cock, to run my hand over it. I moved my hands between us, and I loosened his jeans then pushed them down. Charley's dick came flopping out, rock hard. I wrapped my hand around it and started to slide it up and down. Charley moaned deeply.

It felt strange touching another man's dick, but I liked it. I liked feeling the hard flesh. Charley stopped me and took my hand off of his cock then backed away. "Take your shoes and pants off" Charley said, and I watched as he quickly stripped down to just the leather jacket. I loved the way it fit him, the way the waistband sat just above his hips and hairy ass.

Once we were in just our leather jackets Charley walked to the closet. He pulled a box from the top shelf and came back over to me carrying some leather gloves. "Here slip these on" he said handing me some black leather gloves. While I put them on, Charley pulled on some brown leather gloves onto his hands.

Then he came towards me. Charley reached his leather glove and out and slide 2 fingers between my legs and under my balls. The soft leather slowly caressed my balls sending a charge through my body. "Do you like that?" He asked softly. I looked down at his leather gloved hand sliding between my legs and I nodded.

Charley brought his free hand up and placed the leather gloved hand in my face. The smell was incredible. Then he ran a finger over my lips. Without thinking, I opened my mouth and allowed him to slip his finger in. I could taste the leather on my lips and tongue as he gently slid the leather around in my mouth.

While I sucked on the leather glove, I moved my leather covered hand to Charley's cock. "Oh yeah man" Charley moaned as I ran the leather up and down his cock shaft. His dick was rock hard in my hand and I liked the idea of touching him with the leather on.

While I stroked Charley's cock, he brought his face close to mine. I could feel the heat coming off of him as he got closer. Charley pulled the glove from my mouth then stuck it into his mouth as I watched. I wanted to taste him, his lips and his tongue. I moved closer and placed my lips on his. Charley moved the leather gloved hand and allowed me to kiss him.

As he had done earlier, I started to snake my tongue into his mouth. I placed my free hand behind his head and pulled him to me. The kiss was raw and passionate, and I had never kissed anyone like this. As we kissed, I continued to stroke Charley's dick. I loved the way he moaned while I jerked him off. Charley began to pant deep into my mouth, his body tensed, and he started to spasm.

"I'm close man" Charley said pulling his lips from mine. I pulled him back into the kiss and intensified my stroking of his dick. I could feel him straining and tensing. "FUCK" he said, and his body arched. I looked down and saw his cockhead swell then a blast of creamy white cum shot out hitting my cock. The next blast slid down his cock head and onto the leather glove.

Charley took my hand and brought it up between us, then while looking into my eyes he bent forward and licked up some of the white creamy cum from the leather glove. Then with the cum still on his tongue he bent forward. I did not even think about it, I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue inside. My cum was warm and had a slight salty taste.

While we kissed, Charley placed his hand under my balls again. I took a deep breath remembering how quickly I shot my load the last time we were together. This time I was a bit more relaxed and in control. I closed my eyes expecting him to start to jerk me off. Instead Charley sunk to his knees.

I looked down at him in his leather jacket. The fur collar up around his neck, his hairy chest exposed inside the leather. My dick was rock hard and Charley's cum coated part of the base. This did not stop him. Charley moved in and took my hard cum coated dick in his mouth. The warmth of his mouth was incredible. I had never felt anything on my dick like this. I removed the gloves from my hands I wanted to feel his leather clad shoulders as he started to suck.

I fantasized about this moment; being in my leather and getting a blowjob and now it was actually happening. I closed my eyes and let Charley go to work. My whole body was tingling as he sucked my dick. My knees started to buckle as Charley sucked my dick. I propped myself up and buried my face into the leather jacket sniffing it deeply.

Everything worked together, the smell of the leather, the feel of Charley's jacket on my hands, his warm wet mouth on my dick. I could feel the orgasm start to build as it ran through my body. I wanted to cum, but I didn't want Charley to stop. "I'm close" I panted trying to pull away and make it last. Charley stopped moving his mouth and tilted his eyes up at me waiting for me to allow him to continue.

Part of me wanted to pull him up and kiss him and another part wanted him to continue. I had never felt such pure lust, such complete sexual excitement. Charley did not wait long, he started to suck my dick again. My body was on fire. I pulled the leather jacket up against my body feeling it on my skin as he sucked my dick. "I'm close" I said again panting. Charley did not stop this time, instead he intensified the pressure and my dick started to unload.

Cum shot hard from my dick into his mouth. My body contorted as the orgasm ran through every fiber of my body causing me to convulse. Charley held on continuing to suck while my dick unloaded. As my orgasm started to subside, Charley just held my dick in his mouth. My breath was ragged as my body started to relax. Charley allowed my dick to slip from his mouth, holding it with the leather gloved hand and cleaning it of all the cum.

I watched then helped Charley to his feet. I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him. Our lips met and I could taste my cum on his lips. "Fuck that was incredible" I said as we untangled. "It was incredible. I never did that before" Charley said finding a towel and handing it to me to clean up.

I found my pants and shoes but realized I hadn't worn a shirt. Charley looked me up and down and smiled. "Fuck you are hot looking" He said, and I could feel myself blush. "Thanks, you are too" I said awkwardly. Charley came over and zipped up the jacket then gave me one last kiss before leading me to the door. "If you are interested, I have other things to try" Charley said before I went to my car. I did not answer him, but I was intrigued thinking about what he had in mind.

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Next: Chapter 3

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