Dryer Tumble

By Rodney Hartfield

Published on Nov 14, 2020


Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction and contains explicit sexual acts between men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, if you are under age, or if such topics offend you, please leave this site.

As with all fiction, there are elements of truth. However, any resemblance to actual people or places are unintentional. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

Copyright 2020, J Rodney Hartfield, all rights reserved. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading it. Maybe ever wank off while reading it. Just, please do not copy without permission of the author. And thank you to Nifty for making our stories available. Please consider supporting them with a donation.

Dryer Tumble. Chapter 2

I spent the next week someplace between worried and excited. Every time I would come through the laundry room from the garage; every time I did a load of laundry; every time I reached over the dryer to set the dial for the next load, my cock would swell in my shorts thinking of him.

The smell of his sweaty cock.

The slaps to my ass cheeks.

The pounding my ass received from his fat cock with me hugging that dryer.

Did I really want round two? My brain said an emphatic, "No!" My rising cock replied the opposite.

If nothing else, the experience had given me fodder for a short story for Nifty. And, somehow, I was able to make the deadlines on my travel articles.

If it weren't for the used condom in the laundry trash, I would wonder if it was all a dream. Especially since I had not gotten a call or text or e-mail from either John or A-1 Appliance Service.

I awoke on Friday to a cool, damp April morning, that promised to be muggy by afternoon. My morning wood begged for relief, but I held off. Kind of stupid to keep my balls in check all week. For whatever reason, I wanted plenty of cum built up in my balls, just in case he really did come back.

Over my morning coffee, I talked to myself. "You stupid fuck. He's not going to come back. That was just talk. And, hell, what if he does? You just gonna do another dryer tumble? Let him spank your ass and then fuck you?"

I rubbed my ass. That would be OK with me. And hell. If he doesn't show, I'll get on Grindr and see what pops up. My dick pulsed with the thought of either scenario.

I slipped on an old worn jockstrap and headed down the basement stairs to my little home "gym". I posed and flexed in the mirrors I had glued to the concrete walls. What I saw wasn't all that bad.

I stretched to my full 5' 9". OK. So maybe 5/9 with my boots on. Wavy blond-brown hair, blue eyes, trimmed beard. Hell, I could almost pass for 20. Not bad for a guy who's just crossed over that dreaded thirty-year mark.

I did a series of squats and admired my bubble-butt in the mirror. I ran my fingers over my cock and balls and squeezed them through the rough material of the jock. Not a bad six and a half. Then I remembered John's cock. Mine might be a little longer, but he was at least double me in girth. My sphincter clenched at the thought.

I was in the middle of my third set of reps on the bench when my phone chirped. "Fuck!"

I managed to cradle the 120 pounds without killing myself.

"A-1 Service," the text read. "Your service man should arrive between 3:30 and 4:00."

"Shit. Fuck. Damn." My mind was a whirlwind. Now that this was for real, I wasn't sure what to think. I was excited and scared and horny...and my dick was standing at fucking attention. Why did this guy have me so worked up?

Hell, I'd been with aggressive, dominant Tops before. I'd always prided myself on being just as strong an Alpha bottom. But John was different. Somehow. Not sure how, but different. Did I really like the dominance? Did I really get turned on by the abuse?

I finished my workout, then forced myself to complete my writing assignments for the week. The last article was pure shit, but I was surprised I was able to finish it at all. Relieved, I hit send and made myself a high-powered protein/energy smoothy.

I shaved my cock and balls and ass. I cleaned myself out. Hell, I don't usually prep this much for a normal date or hookup. And this was neither.

I started to take a hot shower but stopped as I reached for the handle. Instead, I pulled the sweaty jock back on. I checked the supply of condoms in the living room end table, kitchen drawer and laundry room. Always be prepared.

I grabbed the last six for the basement. I knew I was running low after last week's poker game. I threw the extra packets in the middle of the game table with the pile of chips.

Then, I worked the weights like my life depended on it. I wanted to be hot and sweaty and pumped when he got here.

Even so, I almost dropped the forty-pounder on my foot when my phone chirped.

"Just turned into your subdivision." This text was from John. "We'll be there in a couple."

"We'll be there." I muttered. "What the fuck? Wait a minute. What's this `we'll' business?"

Another text. "BE READY".


Before I could get the weights back on the rack and take the basement stairs two at a time, the doorbell was ringing.

I swung the door open and backed up, hoping no one passing by would see me in nothing but a jock.

John pushed his way in, followed by the other part of `We'll". "Hey. Good to see ya again."

I swallowed. "Good to see you as well...I think."

He chuckled and winked. He nodded toward his companion. "This here's my assistant for the day. Nick. I hope you don't mind him, uh, joining us."

Hell, I didn't mind at all. I mean, Nick was no Greek god or anything, but certainly not hard on the eyes. He stood about the same as John's six feet, slender but certainly not skinny. Hard to tell what the baggy sweatshirt and work pants might be hiding.

Curly dark hair, rather unkempt. A healthy five o'clock shadow. Full lips that begged to be kissed. I couldn't help but wonder what those lips would feel like around my growing cock...or if they had already been put to use on John's bulge.

But it was the gray-green eyes that were the killer.

"No," I answered. "I don't mind. Come on in."

Nick nodded and followed John into the kitchen.

I closed the door and flipped the lock. Heading into the kitchen, I suddenly felt very under- dressed. "Can I get you a beer...or...uh...something?"

John smiled what seemed like a sadistic smile. "Not right now. We're on a bit of a tight schedule. Let's see. It's 4:00." He looked at Nick. "We've got to have the truck back by 6:00. That only leaves us a couple of hours for the... `inspection'."

My dick jumped and my ass clenched. Two hours? I wasn't sure my ass could take two hours of pounding from John's thick cock. Oh, wait. Fuck. What else does he have planned? And what about Nick. Where does he fit into his plans?

John smiled again and winked. "Why don't we...start with the dryer. Let's see how it's working."

As I slipped past Nick, I couldn't help but notice the tent in his work pants. That didn't do a thing to ease the strain my own cock was putting to my jock's pouch.

I pulled a load of towels out of the washer. Bending down to transfer them to the dryer, I purposely opened my butt in full view. I figured what the hell. I'd been prancing around in nothing but a jock since they got here.

I heard Nick gasp. When I glanced his way, he was adjusting his now firm cock in his pants.

I reached over the top of the dryer and hit the start button. Immediately, I was slammed into the front of the dryer. John grabbed each of my arms, spreading me out over the top of the dryer. His hard cock ground into my ass through the rough material of his jeans.

"Grab the back of the machine and don't let go," he hissed.

I did as I was told. Fuck. What had I gotten myself into? Shit.

He backed up, leaving me to hug the dryer like it was some kind of lover. "What did I tell you to have on when I got here today?" he asked.


"What did I tell you to have on when I got here today?"

I hesitated. Fuck. "You asked me to wear my black boxers...sir."

"Yes, I TOLD you to have on your black boxer briefs. And, what do you have on?"

I bit my lip. Shit. "A jock strap, sir."

"And, what happens when a sub disobeys his Dom?"

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit, shit, shit. My mind was in overdrive. Dom? Sub? What had I gotten myself into? As usual, my sensible mind was screaming, "let go of the fucking dryer and show them the door. NOW!"

But my aching, throbbing dick was just as loudly yelling, "Shut up and let's see what's going to happen."

Hell, it wasn't like I expected a pleasant, vanilla fuck, a `Thank you, man', and a kiss good night.

Timidly I answered, "Punishment...sir?"

He turned to his partner. "What do you think? What's a good punishment?"

Nick spoke for the first time. "Well, sir. He does have a fine ass. And that jockstrap really does enhance the package."

I took a deep breath. Nick not only had a nice face but also a nice, sexy baritone voice. Plus, maybe he'll get me out of whatever punishment John had in mind.

"So, maybe ten or twelve slaps to those bare cheeks would do," he said.

I gulped. Shit. Not another spanking. Shit!

Without warning, John's big, rough hand met my right cheek...hard. Slap!

"Fuck," I screamed out of shock as well as pain.

Eleven more slaps came in quick succession to alternating cheeks, each accompanied by a grunt from John and a yelp from me. By the time he finished, we were both panting, and my ass was burning.

He held me down as I tried to stand. "Not quite finished," he said. He turned to Nick. "I've had my turn. Now it's your turn. Give him another twelve."

"What?!" we said in unison.

"You heard me. Another twelve."

John ran the fingers of both his hands up my crack and pulled my fevered cheeks apart. "And you. Reach back here and hold those cheeks apart."

Oh, shit. Visions of the previous week flashed through my memory. Please, god, not the belt to my taint and hole. Reluctantly, I reached behind me and spread my cheeks, exposing myself to the coming onslaught.

"Now, Nick," he continued. "You get in there and warm up that hole good and proper." He leaned in. "And don't hold back," he growled. "You do, and you can expect twice this with the belt."

Nick settled his crotch against my left arm, his hard cock firmly pressed on my forearm. He steadied himself with his left hand on my right hip. He spit into his hand and slathered it over my hole.


"Fuck!" I screamed, as his long fingers grazed my balls and stung my taint and pucker. He leaned over me. "Sorry, man," he whispered.

Again, he spit into his hand and rubbed it in.


I gasped and gritted my teeth, determined not to cry. I almost wished for the belt. Nick's fingers felt like a whip over the tender skin.


"Why?" my brain screamed.

Why? I couldn't answer that. It hurt like hell. And it wasn't like I was being forced. I knew I could stop him at any time.

Then I realized my rock-hard cock had the answer, spewing precum like a faucet into my jock. Why? Because...in spite of the pain, it was fucking turning me on. John's words came back to me. Pain and pleasure really are linked closely together.


"Shit," I sobbed.

After the twelfth strike...silence. I grabbed the sides of the dryer to steady myself.

Nick hugged me, then kissed his way down my spine. He knelt behind me as he spread my cheeks. His lips grazed my red-hot pucker sending shockwaves through my entire body. I moaned as his tongue circled the rim. The beating had brought every nerve to the surface. I had never felt such intense sensations. I moaned as his serpentine tongue pierced through the portal.

John broke the scene with a chuckle. "Now ain't that a pretty sight...a burning-hot ass getting eaten by a hungry wolf. But I'm thinkin' you both have enjoyed the punishment way too much. Rod, get over here...on your knees."

Reluctantly, I complied. He slowly unfastened his belt and pulled his jeans down to his thighs. His hard cock tented his boxers. The smell of piss and sex and his strong musk filled my lungs.

"Shit, man. This is rank."

He laughed. "Yeah. I haven't changed underwear all week, saving this for you." He forced my face into his crotch. "Get in there and suck my dick through those nasty shorts."

I chewed and slobbered and sucked his thick manhood through the rancid material. The taste and smell were overwhelming. Yet, I realized, just like with the spanking, it was a total turn on. And my leaking cock continued to emphasize that fact. Then, when Nick dove back into my ass with his lips and tongue, I thought I was going to faint.

John pulled my face out of his crotch, forcing me to look up at him. "You got someplace else we can continue this...with a little more space?"

"I've got a little workout space in the basement."

He nodded and helped me to my feet. I grabbed each of us a beer and led the way down the steps.

John ran his fingers over the top of the game table and fondled the pile of condoms. "You're prepared, I see."

I nodded. "Always."

Nick whistled. "Jeez. A mirrored wall, carpeted floor, weight bench and full set of weights. Sweet."

John shoved me to the center of the carpeted area. "Get rid of that jockstrap and get on your knees." He jerked his head at Nick. "And you. Strip."

I watched in anticipation as Nick pulled the sweatshirt over his head. The tight t-shirt underneath stretched over bulging biceps, impressive pecs, and tight abs. He shed that to reveal his broad chest of dark hair narrowing to a V past his navel into the waist of his work pants.

He pulled off his work boots and socks and cast them to one side. Then, like a stripper on a stage, he loosened his belt and let his work pants slip to his ankles, leaving him in nothing but his white Calvin Kline briefs which were stretched to the limit by his engorged cock.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he worked those shorts over his butt and down his thighs. Finally, his hard cock slipped from the confines and literally slapped his lower abs.

He may not be a Greek god, but he was damn close.

He stepped over to me and slapped me on each cheek with his rod. I stroked it, fondling and measuring it with my fingers. Probably an inch longer than my six and a half but about the same girth.

I licked up the underside of his shaved cock from root to tip. I circled the corona with the tip of my tongue, then teased his piss slit before sucking the precum from his head. I let my tongue follow the veins of his cock back down to his balls. I sucked each shaved nut. He moaned as I devoured them together.

I worked his nuts with my left hand and pulled him to me with my right, letting my fingers graze and massage his taint and pucker. Slowly and methodically I sucked his cock deeper down my throat until my nose rested in his pubes.

Using my hold on his balls, I began to work his cock with my lips and mouth and tongue and throat. All the while, my finger worked its way past his sphincter. He fucked my throat when my finger reached his prostate.

Suddenly, my mouth was jerked off Nick's cock by a hand in my hair. A naked John had joined us. He guided my lips to his throbbing cock. I slurped over the length of it to give it some lubrication before sucking the head between my lips. Slowly, I worked his thick rod farther and farther down my throat. On the third try, I had devoured its full length.

With a nut sack in each hand, I began to alternate sucking each cock down my throat. Then I pulled them close. With determination, I stretch my jaw enough to accommodate both cocks at the same time. A DP of the mouth. Sweet.

Once that was accomplished, John helped me to my feet. "I must say, you are one hell of a cocksucker."

Nick squeezed both butt cheeks. "With one hell of an ass."

Nick lifted the bar off the bench stand and laid it to one side. John helped me lie down on the bench and draped my legs over the stanchions. My ass was open to the world.

"Ok, Nick. Get him ready for us."

Oh shit. What does `get him ready' mean. Ready for what. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. If it meant Nick's tongue to my ass, I really didn't care.

I was not disappointed. He kissed his way down each thigh to my groin. He deep throated my cock, sucked my balls, and nibbled my taint. Then he started in on my pucker, kissing and licking and biting my tender hole.

"Oh fuck, Oh shit," I moaned over and over as his tongue fucked my hole. John pulled my face to one side and offered his cock. I took it down my throat gladly. I moaned again around his fat cock as he worked my tits hard and Nick slipped one, then two and finally three greased fingers past my sphincter. John went down on my cock as Nick massaged my prostate.

John stepped back. I watched as Nick rolled on a condom. John slapped him on the butt. "Open him up good for me."

Nick looked down on me. I nodded and smiled. He returned the nod and winked.

Jeez. Those fucking gray/green eyes.

He kissed the center of my pucker with the head of his cock. He teased my hole. I spread my legs even further.

"Fuck me," I whispered. "Fuck me. Please fuck me."

I gasped as his head slipped past my outer muscles. There is no describing the pain/pleasure of the sensation of every initial penetration.

I moaned as his cock filled my channel. I whimpered as his rod grazed and massaged my prostate.

He hesitated. I knew that he knew he had gone as far as he could without my help and permission.

I looked into those mesmerizing gray/green eyes. "I want all of you," I said. "All of you."

He smiled and nodded.

I felt his cock knock at the inner door...that inner door, the inner sphincter. I relaxed as he thrust.

"Oh, fuck," I sighed. His thick, rigid cock had passed from my ass into my gut. That incredible feeling of being filled completely.

"Now fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me deep. Just Fuck Me!"

And he did. Long deep, hard thrusts. An abandoned fuck. Cock pounding hole. Flesh slapping flesh. Our grunts and gasps bounced off the basement walls.

Just when I thought I would explode...emptiness. Nothing.

My ass ached for more. My balls begged for release. I reached for my cock, but John slapped my hand away.

"Don't you dare touch your dick. And neither of you had better cum until I tell you you can. We ain't near done yet. Besides, I haven't had my shot at this hole yet today."

He undraped my legs from the stanchions and helped me sit up. He handed me a condom. I rolled it on to his ever-ready thick rod.

He turned me around so that I was facing the bench. "You've got a pretty face. But I don't want to be looking at that face when I pound your ass. I want to see that pretty butt."

I grasped the sides of the bench. John slapped each cheek...for good measure, I suppose. The fucker.

Nick straddled the bench, his cockhead kissing my lips. John grabbed my hips, his cock kissing my pucker.

Together they entered me. Together they buried their cocks to the base. Together they pulled out until just their heads remained.

Then, like a synchronized dance they fucked me. Long, deep thrusts. Short jabs. All the way out, then pounding all the way in. Filling my ass. Filling my throat. A fucking, incredible, mind- shattering spit roast.

Again, I was about to explode. My balls ached. I had to shoot. And, again, John seemed to know just how far he could push me to the edge and then stop.

John helped me to my feet. I stretched my aching legs and back. Was this it? Were we finished?

Nick raised the end of the bench to a 45 degree angle. He lay back and rolled a fresh condom on his still rigid cock.

John nodded to me. "Ride `em, cowboy."

I chuckled to myself. Not quite finished, I guess. Not that I was sorry.

I swung my leg over my "horse" and let him slide up into me. Jeez, his cock felt so damn good inside me.

Nick pulled me into our first kiss. Gently at first, then harder and deeper, our tongues dueling. He pulled away and whispered, "Hang in there," then kissed me again.

I felt John work a greased finger into my hole beside Nick's cock. Then a finger from his other hand. Stretching me. Suddenly I realized what was about to happen.

I jerked my head back. I looked down at Nick. "No fucking way. There's no fucking way I can take both of you."

Nick lifted my head and made me look at him. "Yes, you can. You can do it. Relax and let him in."

"Easy for you to say, fucker." I pulled him into a hard kiss, savagely driving my tongue down his throat.

I had been DPed once before, but they had been way smaller than these two. As always, the sensible side of my brain was screaming at me. "Get off him NOW. Stop this before he splits you in two. Wake up, Fucker. Get real!"

And my ass was yelling just as loudly, "I want this. You want this. You KNOW you do."

And I knew I at least wanted to try.

I tried to relax. John worked his cockhead, trying to breach the barrier. I pushed back. The muscles stretched. John pushed. I screamed into Nick's mouth as John thrust past those taunt muscles.

Once the pain subsided, I pushed back. John slipped in, completely joining Nick inside me. Then they fucked me, first as one huge cock, then in tandem, working my hole and driving my prostate crazy. The intense pain melted into the most intense sensation of fullness and pleasure I had ever experienced.

Once again, John pulled out just before I crossed over the edge. He helped me disengage my swollen ass from Nick's rod. "You did well, boy. You did well."

He turned to Nick. "Alright, Nick. It's time. Get on the ground and spread those legs."

He handed me a condom. "Here. You earned this. Give his ass a good, hard, revenge fuck."

I crawled between his legs. My cock screamed, "Let me at him." My ass shouted, "Show the fucker what it feels like to be pounded."

I lifted his legs up on my shoulders. He smiled and nodded. I dribble lube over his hole, worked it in with a finger and greased my own tool. He winked at me and mouthed, "Fuck me."

I teased his hole with my cock.

"Fuck me."

He gasped as I jabbed past his sphincter and pulled back out.

"Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me long. Just fuck me."

You asked for it, I thought. I lined up with his hole.

He screamed as I buried my cock to my balls, pulled all the way out and did it again. From there it was as if my mind went on auto-pilot and my cock went into overdrive. Over and over, I pulled out and drove back in like a pile driver, pounding the breath out of both our lungs with each thrust. A cock-stabbing, plunge-fucking, long dicking revenge fuck.

I stopped deep inside him long enough to catch my breath, when I felt John's cock at my own back door. Without warning, he slammed into me, driving me even deeper into Nick's cavity.

Together we fucked. I wasn't sure who was fucking who, but I really didn't care.

Nick was the first to shout, "I'm cumming." Ropes of spunk shot over his abs and chest.

John pulled out of me and slapped my ass. "Your turn. Cover him."

I pulled out. I barely got the condom off. With one jerk, I added my own huge load to Nick's, spunk pooling in his navel and up to his pecs.

John knelt beside Nicks head. Turning Nick's face toward him, he covered his face from ear to ear, in his hair and down his chin.

I crawled up Nick's torso, filling my mouth with cum as I went. I scooped cum from his cheeks with my fingers and let him suck my fingers dry. Then I kissed him, blending our cum with a kiss.

John was still kneeling beside us. I pulled him toward me.

"Fuck no. I don't..."

I pulled him into a kiss, forcing my tongue and the remainder of the cum into his mouth. At first he protested, then sucked the cum from my tongue and swallowed.

He pulled back. "...kiss, you fucker." But a smile spread across his face.

He looked at his watch. "Shit. We're late." He jumped to his feet. "Nick, get your sorry ass off the floor and let's go."

I grabbed a couple of rags for them to clean up with. I slipped on a pair of sweatpants as I walked them to the door.

John started down the walk, then turned. "By the way, Rod. Rest assured your dryer is tumbling just fine."

Nick pushed the door closed to block the view from the street. He pulled me into a deep, tongue dueling kiss. He didn't say anything as he swung the door open. He didn't have to. His gray/green eyes said it all.

I pushed the door shut and collapsed into my recliner, exhausted. I wasn't sure what had just happened, but it had been one hell of a tumble.

My phone chirped. The text read, "A-1 Appliance Service. As a valued repeat customer, we would like to offer you a free air conditioner inspection. If two weeks from Saturday would fit your schedule, please press 1 now.

I rubbed my sore ass and hardening cock. With a smile I pressed 1.

We authors always enjoy hearing from our readers. You can contact me at: RodneyHartfield69@yahoo.com

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